1 What Feeds You? by Rupina Meer Meeting Your Guardian Angels by Marybeth Murphy VOLUME 1 ISSUE 5 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2011 9/11: A Universal Perspective by Aros Crystos Return Home from Separation. Reunite with Your Soul by Susann Taylor Shier VOLUME 1 ISSUE 6 NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2011 BOWLING BALLS FROM HEAVEN by Robin Duncan GRATITUDE by Gloria Lindsay, M.S. WE ARE ALL SOUND HEALERS by Andi & Jonathan Goldman GIVING THANKS: A SEASON OF GIVING by Nancy Kimes SHARING LOVE WITH THE WORLD by Julie Klutinoty

November/December 2011

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A bi-monthly publishing from the Temple of Light

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What Feeds You?by Rupina Meer

Meeting Your Guardian Angelsby Marybeth Murphy


9/11: A Universal Perspectiveby Aros Crystos

Return Home from Separation. Reunite with Your Soulby Susann Taylor Shier



GRATITUDEby Gloria Lindsay, M.S.

WE ARE ALL SOUND HEALERSby Andi & Jonathan Goldman







6 I Thank The UniverseA message from Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt, Founder, Temple of Light Spiritual Wellness Center

Bowling Balls from Heavenby Robin D. Duncan

We Are All Sound Healersby Andi Goldman & Jonathan Goldman

Hydrogen-Rich Water for Optimal Hydrationby MJ Pangman

Gratitude by Gloria Lindsay, M.S.

Giving Thanks: A Season of Givingby Nancy Kimes

Sharing Love With The World by Julie Klutinoty






Radiance Now magazine is published by Temple of Light Spiritual Community located at 23832 Rockfield Blvd. Suite 195, Lake Forest, CA 92630

Publishers Liability: Radiance Now magazine does not warranty any of the services or products advertised in this magazine. Opinions and factual statements expressed herein are the responsibility of the authors and are not necessarily endorsed or verified by the magazine, nor do any advertisements necessarily constitute endoresement by the magazine, publishers or editors.

Radiance Now is a free publication and is available at various metaphysical stores, health food locations, vegetarian restaurants, yoga studios, spiritual centers, coffee stands and libraries throughout Orange County. If you would like copies of the magazine available in your location, or know of one, please contact us. Annual Subscriptions are available for $25.

For more information, please contact our office at (949) 340 7408. If you would like to submit an article to Radiance Now, please e-mail it as a word document to: [email protected]

Temple of Light Spiritual CommunityRondi BrownJessie ChiangRev. DanielleJessie Chiang

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“Red Lotus” Cover art by Laguna Beach Artist Paul Heussentamn.

Please visit his website to view more of his inspiring work at www.mandalas.com



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I am so grateful for all of the teachers that came along the way. Some of them appeared as friends and some as the most painful foes. It was the foes that turned out to be the greatest teachers of all because they mirrored the parts of me I disliked the most and gave me the catalyst for change and for them I am most thankful of all for I know the universe provided them to me for this purpose. I thank the universe for the lessons I learned that enabled me to see the light that shines in every being of creation. I am grateful to know that everyone has an individual path to walk and that no two of us have the same one. I am so peaceful now to look at each ones’ path and see it for what it is, an experience unique to each person in every way and it is not for me or anyone to judge the path of learning that another has taken. I thank the universe for the courage and ambition it took to open the Temple of Light and create a place where I and so many others have found friendship, family, asylum and growth. I am so grateful for all of the new friends I have made and for all of those who have come to make it their community too. I am particularly grateful for how boldly I and those at the Temple speak our truths of who we are and what we believe with the utmost consideration and respect for those with different beliefs. Most of all I thank the universe for allowing me to develop the vision of only seeing full cups in my life! (The lovely lady who gave me the session is Rev. Kristin Bradfield) Love, light and blessings to you all, Rev. Danielle Marie

I had a lovely session the other day with an intuitive tarot card reader. She did

a full tarot spread for me and was right on the money with everything. One of the cards was the five of cups. In the picture there is a figure of a man with three cups turned sideways laying down, empty right in front of him and two of the cups stand upright and full behind him. There are various meanings to be derived from this card. For me, it was that I sometimes see only the empty cups in front of me and if I would just turn around and look, I would see full cups. Sometimes we are so focused on what is not right about our lives that we forget to notice what is wonderful and right. It is not a matter of bucking up our attitudes and “taking the good with the bad“, but rather understanding that it is our attitude alone that makes something good or bad. What if there were no empty cups? What if there were only cups yet to be filled with our dreams and passions? What if empty cups were a blank canvas of creation and the full cups were our ability to know it can be done? I love the expression “For every door that closes another one opens.“ This is more than deciding that every cloud has a silver lining, it is forging a believe that clouds are completely silver all the way through!

Rev. Danielle Marie is a Master ThetaHealer® who practices a healing art based primarily on ThetaHealing®, but with several personal additions and modifications. Rev. Danielle Marie’s sessions are life changing, creating shifts in her clients’ perceptions resulting in the most positive changes imaginable. Rev. Danielle Marie has been a student of metaphysics since 2000 and studied under several mentors, including Vianna Stibal and Dr. Doreen Virtue. As a metaphysical minister, Rev. Danielle Marie believes in the innate intuitive ability that is gifted to each and every one of us. Teaching this and witnessing healings has now become her life’s work and passion. Rev. Danielle Marie believes we can all live a life free of pain and suffering and be in a constant state of peace and joy.

I know sometimes things can look bleak and hopeless. Know that when something looks this way it is only because we are seeing it from a particular point of view. This is the time to reflect, ask for guidance from whomever or whatever inspires you to see things in a new light. There is always another way of looking at things that brings hope, inspiration, wisdom and a renewed outlook. One way to accomplish this is of course to begin counting blessings and feeling appreciation. And so I began. I thank the universe for my life. This amazing journey of a human experience has taught me things I could never have imagined. I began this life much like others, innocent at first, then becoming saddened, angry, and even bitter at some of the experiences along the way. I thank the universe for that voice inside that said it could be better, it could be peaceful, and it could be joyous. And so I traveled a road of learning how to become this every day. Some days were easier than others. There were periods of five steps forward and four backwards. There were times of complacency and indifference. And then there were times of triumph and achievement. I thank the universe for supporting me in every way even when I did not support myself.

written by Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

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therefore powerless and again the heavy ball is returned to your bag. But there is another choice. The third choice is the one that sets you free and allows peace to fl ood back into your mind. The third choice is to look at the ball containing your negative belief and be willing to choose again. In the moment that you face this negative belief, allow yourself to remember wholeness instead. You are enough. In fact, you are an infi nite, wholly loving being, entitled to all the treasures of heaven and earth. Even with your greatest mistakes and failures, you have never altered yourself, nor has anyone else ever truly altered you. Your eternal essence was created perfectly and is preserved

forever, being invulnerable for all time. What if, in that moment of judgment, you stopped long enough to question the assessment? What if you allowed the highest and wisest part of your mind to respond for you? This is the choice that lightens your load and sets you free. This is our portal to freedom and, with each encounter; we choose whether it should be widened or narrowed. Each of these challenging people in our lives offers us a great opportunity for healing. They are the ones that are willing to reach in and grab the biggest, ugliest, heaviest balls and present them to us for healing. If we take that moment to remember Truth, instead of validating the illusion, then our bag is lightened and our journey becomes easier. These are the people that offer us heaven. They mirror our thoughts to us, so we may look at them one at a time, and

Take a moment to think of that one person that has brought you many challenges. You know the

one. They’re the one that reminds you that you’re not being enough or doing enough. Maybe they’ve been subtle in their judgments or maybe they haven’t. You might have spent a large part of your life trying to avoid them or perhaps win them over. No matter how hard you try, they are never convinced. Every encounter has the same result; a lingering feeling of inadequacy. This may not apply to everyone, but there are enough people in this situation that it warrants discussion. Maybe the judgmental person towards you… is you. Whatever the case may be, there is a wonderful reason why this “challenging person or antagonist” is in your life. As crazy as it sounds, they are your portal to healing and happiness. In the relationship game, there are some unwritten rules of engagement. Imagine for a moment that you have a satchel of bowling balls over your shoulder. The bowling balls are heavy and burdensome. Each one of the bowling balls represents a negative belief you have about yourself. You carry the heavy balls (beliefs) with you wherever you go. They add extra weight and stress, but you’re used to it so you don’t really notice. The satchel is designed so that you cannot reach the balls yourself. The only way to lighten your load is to have “other people” reach in and pull the balls out for you. They show you the balls one at a time. Each one represents one of your negative beliefs about yourself. If you agree with the belief, then the ball is promptly returned to your bag; to be pulled out by the next person. If you question the negative belief, even once, the ball is laid down on the ground and your load is lightened forever. For example, imagine that a family member tells you that you’re not doing enough for them. You immediately feel the weight of their concern, yet what has really happened is that they have pulled a bowling ball out of your satchel. This particular ball represents the thought, “I am not enough.” Your beloved family member is showing your belief to you; a mirrored refl ection, so you can make a new choice and lighten your load. At the moment they present the ball to you, you have three options. One option is to agree with their assessment and the heavy ball is quickly dropped back into your bag. The second option is to argue with them. Defending yourself is a clear indication that you feel threatened and

Robin Duncan is an International Lecturer for Advancement in Spirituality based on the principles of A Course in Miracles and NGH National Instructor for Hypnotherapy, EFT, Life Coaching and

Sound Therapy. As Founder of the Miracle Center of California, Robin has helped thousands of people to release fear-based thinking, reclaim spiritual power and learn how to expect miracles as part of daily living. Through her heart-centered mentoring and practical “how-to” examples, Robin is known for helping people to let go of what is hurting or holding them back. Robin’s Miracles in Prayer Book and EEK! for Money Handbook have been seen in purses, backpacks and briefcases by those who need quick and powerful prayers to focus their thoughts and reclaim their peace of mind.

For more information, contact Robin at Info MiracleCenterofCa.com – Blogs: MiraclesinPrayer.wordpress com – Get your FREE eBook “Miracles in Prayer” and Free Audio Lectures at: www.FreePrayerBook.com

B wling Balls from Heaven by Robin D. Duncan

then set ourselves free. Take a moment once again to see that “challenging person” in your mind. See them for the blessing that they really are. Know that the light is within them, just as it is within you. Be willing to let the facade come down and their true essence be revealed. There is much to be gained from tumultuous relationships. The next time they offer you a bowling ball, pause before you accept or argue and remember the Truth about yourself instead. Before you know it, the weight will be lifted, a smile is returned to your face and a glimpse of heaven is restored to your mind.

“Maybe the judgmental person towards you… is you.”

10.00AM to 11.30AM at 23832 ROCKFIELD BLVD. STE 195 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630

Access the light; celebrate your life. Every Sunday morning, we are pleased to offer you a loving domain of grace and stillness in our weekly worship service. Let yourself go with a morning of music, channeling, and gentility as Rev. Danielle Marie assists us in moving into gratitude for the divine that we experience in all that Is. We bless ourselves and the world


11/6 Speaker: TOM LEDDER “Selenite Swords” Musician: Seth Pincus - Didgeridoo

11/13 Speaker: MARY BETH MURPHY “Energy of Angels, Understanding the Connection” Musician: Trav Williams - Flautist

11/20 Speaker: NEIL GAUR “ET Channeling” Musician: Jason Day - Pianist

11/27 Speaker: KRISHNAM RAJU DALTA “Tune Your Mind, Shape Your Body” Musician: Aum Now - Crystal Singing Bowls


12/4 Speaker: FABIENNE MARNEAU “Past Life Regression” Musician: Seth Pincus - Didgeridoo

12/11 Speaker: SUSANN TAYLOR SHIER “Accessing the Akashic Records” Musician: Trav Williams - Flautist

12/18 Speaker: MICHELLE ANDERSON “Dolphin Connection” Musician: Jason Day - Pianist

*No Sunday Services on Christmas or New Year’s Day


TEMPLE of LIGHTaround us as we remember how easily the heart is filled with the light in our lives. If you would like to shift your consciousness to a higher vibration, breathe within a community of kindred spirits or just invest in your own personal grace, then we look forward to seeing you and welcoming you to our gathering every Sunday!



Spiritual Counselor, Master ThetaHealer, Angel

Therapy Practitioner, Akadua & Ancient

Egyptian Alchemy Healing

RITA TURNERAstrologer, Astro

Numerologist, Natural Empath, EFT, Hypnosis, NLP, Brainwaves, Mind

Control, Author of “Cosmic Abundance”

DEBBIE DEL RIOIntuitive Reiki Master

Teacher, Licensed Massage Therapist, Healer, 6th Degree

Black Belt in Ninjutsu

ERICA STELCIKCertifi ed Nutrition

Response Testing Practitioner, MS - Holistic Nutrition, Holistic

Body Imbalance Scan

DR. LISA GUISIANAAccess Consciousness Facilitator & Instructor, Doctor of Chiropractic & Naturapathic Medicine

SETH PINCUSSound Healing

through Harmonic Toning using the

Didgeridoo, Energy Healer


NLP, Spiritual Counseling, Hypnosis, Reiki, Shamanic

Healing, Bilingual (Spanish)


Illuminations, Soul Retrivals & Death Rites

DEBORAH SHEASpiritual Touch, Crystal Therapy, Sound Therapy & Emotional Release

REV. NATALIE ORAMASAccess Consciousness,

Advanced Energy Processes Facilitator/Instructor, Spiritual

& Intuitive Counselor, Reiki Master/Teacher, Clinical


DR. DOLORES FAZZINOSurgical Medium, Psychic Surgery, Remote Healing, Mind Body Medicine & Energy Healing

PractitionersPractitionersPractitionersPractitionersPractitionersPractitionersPractitionersPractitionersPractitionersChoose from our team of Master Practitioners

available to support you in enhancing your spiritual wellness. If you would like guidance on which one to select, we are available to provide assistance to ensure you get the most out of your experience. To learn more about our practitioners, please visit our

website at www.LiveYourRadiance.org








“I go here everyday and I feel amazing!”– Rev. Danielle





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We’ve been working together for over 16 years now and feel so blessed and grateful. Jonathan’s main

focus has been on the use of sound in both the scientific and spiritual modalities. As a holistic psychotherapist, Andi’s main focus has been on how sound may be used to heal our body/mind/spirit from a psychological and emotional perspective. Many times, of course, these areas overlap. Many times they actually turn out to be one and the same. Our book, Chakra Frequencies, is the result of this, combining the physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of sound for healing. A majority of our work deals with the use of our own self-created sounds to create healing for ourselves, for others, and also for our planet. It’s wonderful work simply because we’ve combined our knowledge, expertise and abilities to create a very user friendly method that can assist anyone open to experiencing the power of their own voice to heal and transform. Now, as you’re reading this, there’s no doubt that a lot of you are thinking: “Nonsense—I can’t carry a tune in a bucket. My family and friends can’t stand it when I open my mouth to sing. I even hum out of tune. How can I possibly learn to use my own voice for healing?” Suppose we were to tell you that if you have a voice, you can, indeed, make sounds for healing? Does that seem ridiculous? Well, it’s true. Now, there’s nothing wrong with learning to sing—it’s a wonderful activity—one of our favorites in fact—but it’s not the purpose or the focus of our book or work. We want to empower EVERYONE with the ability to use their own self-created sounds for healing. And this means making a distinction between sound and music. But aren’t the hills alive with the sound

of music? Yes, they are. Notice, however, that it’s the sound of music—not the music of sound. Because in truth, not every sound is considered music—and that includes our voice. Now, there are some people who can find music in every sort of sound there is—we’ve even had friends who hear symphonies in the sounds of garbage trucks doing their early morning pick up, or buzz saws cutting down old trees, but the majority of us are not like that. Most of us are very particular about what we consider to be musical-- music to our own hears. Some of us may be young enough to remember the reaction many of our parents had to the Beatles when they first appeared on Ed Sullivan. And it wasn’t very positive. Now with all those shows trying to pick the best voice in town, or in the country or in the world, we’ve become particularly judgmental about what we consider good or bad singing. Sometimes this can all be in good fun, but much of the time, what judging our voice does, is literally clamp an etheric set of hands on our vocal chords, stopping us, not only from singing, but from making sound in any fashion and literally affecting our ability to express ourselves. We have a term for people who have experienced this. We call them “Wounded Singers”. So many of us have had well intentioned friends and family—sometimes even teachers in elementary or junior high school—who have helped create an “us and them” mentality. There are the singers. And then there are the non-singers. And many of us belonged to this second category. Does anyone remember some choir teacher pointing at us and saying: “You—go out for

track”, or maybe “Sing softer” or perhaps: “Mouth the words!” or some disenchanting phrase that caused use to close down and become wounded singers? That’s why we focus on how the healing sounds that we make—most often elongated vowel sounds or single syllable mantras, are really effective for vibrating our physical body and our chakras. These are sounds that we intone with the intention of causing a resonance within our body/mind/spirit. A frequency is created with our own voice that brings about a vibrational shift within ourselves. These healing self-created sounds are not made for the purpose of entertainment. We’re not suggesting that you go to some nightclub and sing “Strangers in the Night” or the “Star Spangled Banner”. That’s great to do, but it’s performance art. Now, there’s no question that many times listening to someone sing can be very soothing and he aling, but this is not what we are talking about.That is music! That is entertainment. Making sounds with the express purpose of creating shift and change in our frequencies is a phenomenon known scientifically as “entrainment”. It’s a very powerful occurrence that is useful to be aware of as we pursue our understanding of how self-created sounds can heal and transform. The idea of entrainment or frequency shifting stems from an understanding of how sound can heal. The basic premise of sound healing is this: As our ancient mystics and our modern quantum physicists agree—everything in the universe is in a state of vibration—from the electrons moving around the nucleus of an atom to planets in distant

by ©2010 Andi and Jonathan GoldmanallweARE sound


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galaxies moving around their suns. This includes our body. Every organ, bone, tissue and system has its own healthy resonant frequency. In fact, when we’re in a state of health, we say we’re in “sound health”. We’re like this incredible orchestra that is playing this incredible symphony—the suite of the self. But what happens if the 2nd violin player loses his sheet music? He begins to play out of tune. Soon the entire string section is off. Pretty soon the entire orchestra is playing out of tune. This is akin to a part of our body losing its natural, healthy vibration. When this happens, that part of the body begins to vibrate out of tune and out of harmony with the rest of our self. When this out of easeness sets in, we say that it is dis-eased. Going back to our metaphor of the body being like an orchestra, what would happen if we could somehow give the 2nd violin player back his sheet music? What would happen if we could somehow restore the correct resonance to that part of our body that was vibrating out of ease and harmony? This is the basic principle of how sound can be used to heal. Thus, through the phenomenon of entrainment, we can actually shift and change the vibrations of a portion of our body or our etheric fields using our own self-created sounds. . For some, the idea of being able to create positive shifts and change within ourselves using our voice seems preposterous—especially if we’re talking about one of those voices that can’t carry a tune in a bucket or can’t sing. Science, however, is now showing that even just a simple sound such as humming can have very positive and therapeutic effects. Some of the scientific data on the beneficial physiological effect of self-created sound include:• Increased oxygen in the cells• Lowered blood pressure and heart rate• Increased lymphatic circulation• Increased levels of melatonin, a hormone that’s been useful for sleep induction, stress reduction and investigated for its ability to shrink tumors • Reduced levels of stress related hormones• Release of endorphins—self-created opaites that work as “natural pain relievers”• Boosted production of interleukin-l, a protein associated with blood and planet production• Increased levels of nitric oxide, (NO), a molecule associated with vascular dilation and the promotion of healing• Release of oxytocin, the “trust” hormone

Please understand this is only some of the medical benefits that science has found occurs with our making self created sounds

or “toning” as it’s called. When we begin to explore the possible

We Are All Sound Healers by Andi & Jonathan Goldman

therapeutic and transformation effects of sound as we resonate and entrain our chakras, bringing harmony and balance to ourselves, the potential healing results can be extraordinary. With regard to using sound healing, we’ve certainly found that often times when there is an imbalance in the energy centers of the body, there are physical repercussions that are experienced. Therefore, many times, simply by resonating our chakras with their sounds, health and harmony can be restored. Yet, the use of

these self-created sounds can go even deeper than that. They can be used to help open our minds to higher levels of consciousness. They can be used to create balance and harmony, not only within ourselves, but with others as well. The information and techniques in our book “Chakra Frequencies” can be used as a wonderful tool for enhancing relationships. We give some simple yet very helpful exercises that have proven to be extremely effective when working with others—whether it’s with a partner or in a group. After all, if sound can help trigger >> continued on page 14

"Science, however, is now showing that even just a simple sound such as humming can have very positive and therapeutic effects."


>> continued from page 13 “the trust hormone”, it’s use with others is very powerful.

The uses of sound for personal healing are practically limitless. Yet, the ultimate goal is not only to assist

you personally, but also in helping to co-create planetary healing. Through reaching deeper states of consciousness and self-awareness, we realize our inter-connectiveness with each other. We realize that we are indeed one and learn to develop love and compassion towards each other and this planet itself. Through this, we can ascend to our next level of evolution as a species. Currently, we are in tumultuous times that offer great hope as well as the opposite. We need to learn to develop love and compassion towards each other. From our perspective, at this point in our current development such a consciousness is mandatory, realizing the unity of all things and the oneness inherent in this. In order to do this, we need to be able to reach aspects of the Divine. This can be accomplished through using sound, which we have found to be the ultimate evolutionary activator! Once again, science is now validating what our modern mystics have told us—not only that everything is sound, but also that through use of intentionalized sound; we can literally co-create the very fiber of our reality. Through opening to the power of sound to heal and transform, you’ll be changing not only your own world, but also the planet.

Jonathan Goldman, M.A., is an internationally renowned writer, musician and teacher. He is an authority on sound healing and a pioneer in the field of harmonics. Jonathan is the author of several books including his recent release, The Divine Name (Hay House); Visionary Award for “Best Alternative Book” of the Year, The 7 Secrets of Sound Healing (Hay House); Healing Sounds (Inner Traditions); and Shifting Frequencies (Light Technology). A Grammy nominee, his award

winning recordings include: “Chakra Chants”, “The Divine Name,” and “Reiki Chants”. He is the Founder and Director of the Sound Healers Association and CEO of Spirit Music. In spring 2011, Jonathan Goldman was named as one of Watkin’s Reviews “100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People on the Planet.”

Andi Goldman, M.A., L.P.C., is a licensed psychotherapist, specializing in holistic counseling and sound therapy. She is the Director of the Healing Sounds® Seminars and Co- Director of the Sound Healers Association. She is a musician, teacher, sound healer, award-winning author, and the wife and partner of Jonathan Goldman.

Jonathan and Andi co-authored Chakra Frequencies (Inner Traditions), winner of the 2006 Visionary Award for “Best Alternative Health Book” of the Year. Together Jonathan and Andi have dedicated their lives to the path of service, helping awaken and empower others with the ability of sound to heal and transform. They live in Boulder, Colorado. Website: www.healingsounds.com.


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Somewhere in time, very soon, the earth is going to transition

into the era of Brotherly Love. This is the Age of Aquarius. It is here and it is now. What most of mankind is not aware of is the fact that this transition is a complete transformation of the past into the future. What is happening now on planet earth is what is going to be happening on planet earth in the future to come. And this is… Love. Random acts of kindness are occurring on the planet in droves. These random acts are in our lives and in our hearts. They are in our schools and in our neighborhoods. We just have to open up to them. These acts of love and kindnesses are signs that good things are to come and great things are to follow. They are a symptom that the Age of Aquarius is upon us. As the Year 2012 approaches and becomes ever present, so too are the messages brought in by the Age of Aquarius. These messages are messages of Love. Heart Centered messages telling everyone, all those open, who are willing and wanting to move forward - this era is not like any other era in the history of our planet. Why? Because the earth is transitioning into her Lunar Life Cycle. This is her Lunar pattern of being. So too, is mankind

shifting into a Lunar Life Cycle. The shift is gradual and it will take place over time, but the symptoms are here — now. This is the time for love, for brotherly love. It is the time we have all been waiting for. And as such, we are knowing, on some level, that what we are moving into and what we are heading towards is all about each one of our hearts opening and receiving Love. Loving our brothers and sisters, and

opening up to the Love for our neighbors and our friends. Yes, everyone on our planet is connected. Our truth is, we are One. We are all brothers and sisters. When we are opening up to The Divine, our own Divine, we are opening up to our Source. The Source that we are, that we all are. The Source which is an ever present lightness and reflection of Love. This is who we are as human beings. We are all in the process of moving into the most open hearted and love centered experience on planet earth known to man. And though many confuse the map with the road and find themselves on a virtual tour of the Heart as opposed to the actual experience of the Heart, there is no mistake. Each one of us is here right now moving into the Age of Aquarius with great purpose. There are those who are being challenged and perhaps not wanting to rise up and grow into their truth. There are those who are not ready to grow forward in love. Each human being’s truth, the aligned path, is in the design of each one of us. Trust that our Creator has created a path back to alignment, the center of our being. Whether or not we continue to grow forward with planet earth or not, as

she grows into her Lunar Life Cycle, the movement of mankind shifting into a Lunar way of life is inherent. It is why we have incarnated into our bodies this lifetime. As the earth shifts and moves forward in time and space, so too will the evolution of mankind. The question is, “Who is coming?” It is about love, sensitivity and trust. All three of these which have been left in the far distant past of mankind’s civilization as we know it. But what is essential to know at this time is that we, as human beings, have the opportunity to grow beyond our wildest dreams. We are at the threshold of love... every single moment of our lives. Love as a way of life. Love as way of living. Love as the

written by Julie Klutinoty



L VE with

Julie Klutinoty is a Psychic Channel who delivers messages of love, moving mankind forward into the Age of Aquarius. Her spiritual

name is ‘Anahata, Seed of Love’. Her daily

messages can be read at: www.alafamilia.us

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drive, the power that moves us forward. We are all in the same place, the same event. And that event is the human condition. We can either let love grow us forward or we can begin to transition. And, in that transition there are choices to be made. Choice regarding one’s future and moving forward into that future. If it is not what any one being wants, then their transition is about taking the road that continues to feed the circumstances and events of the past. A life of living in the past. And as such, those who are wanting to stay in that place, in the past, are the ones who by design - by their own choice̶ will be leaving. Even if they choose to remain in their physical condition, it is the choice they have made. They have made the choice to not participate as the earth moves forward into the Age of Aquarius, the era of brotherly love. And this is what they want in their human experience. It is not about right or wrong, but choice. They are the ones who have chosen a path of separation and all the attendant suffering that comes with it. They will be the ones who will be sacrificing themselves in order for those who want to grow forward, to do so. How so? Through cause an effect.

The planet earth was created through the Laws of Cause and Effect; and actions have consequences. This is

what drives forward or backward movement. Whether you are knowing or not, the ability for mankind to grow forward as a race is driven by Cause and Effect. There is no catalyst outside of what is happening through each one of us on planet earth. Each individual is responsible for the thread they bring to this tapestry of life. We are here on earth connected multidimensionally in many ways.

What one brother or sister chooses to do, will greatly affect the lives of others. This has been demonstrated by the proof of quantum entanglement in physics labs around the planet. As the cycle continues, the process of evolution will continue. And as this process of evolution continues, there will be many who are not up to the task of transformation. They will serve as a reminder to us of the pitfalls of the closed Heart. A side effect of being

‘asleep’ in the human condition. This is why this time is also referred to as the time of the Great Awakening. As mankind begins to ‘wake up’ to his or her Truth; Hearts Open; Love flows from one heart to another. And

over time, our communities, our country and our world - planet earth, are entrenched in brotherly love. This is Agape. The Love each one of us has for the other. The love we have and share with each brother and sister on the planet. Agape love knows no boundaries and it cannot be denied. Once the hearts of mankind open Love will conquer all. It is all perfect the way it is happening. And it

is all happening the way God has intended. God, Source, your Truth; we are all One. We are all One in Love. Moving forward into the Age of Aquarius will mean that there will be those who are not ready or wanting to make this transformation. For them it will prove to be a challenging time. You need not be one of them. And that is why it is essential for each one of us to be steadfast in knowing who we are and what >> continued on page 20

Sharing Love With The World

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3RD WEDNESDAY, NOV 16:Guest Speaker - Hollister Rand

Internationally Renowned Medium and Author of “I’m Not Dead, I’m Different: Kids in Spirit Teach Us

About Living Better Lives on Earth”.


RSVP required. Contact 949-515-8727 or [email protected]

Join us on Facebook & Meetup.com!For people who have chosen to be a light in our world & desire to meet & network with others who are doing the same

“Moving forward into the Age of Aquarius will

mean that there will be those who are not

ready or wanting to make this transformation.

For them it will prove to be a challenging time.

You need not be one of them.”


I have noticed that in the midst of chaos, the light filters through brighter than ever! That hushed whispering of the Soul beckons us to commune within, and to call to our Higher Self in times of crises. As I rush

around, my consciousness gives signals to slow down, and feel the sensations of life blossoming forth everywhere, even in the changes in my physical body! So, I pause, give thanks for everyone and every action, for all life, and for my biological family and friends, my world family, my Divine family, and for all the opportunities that come to visit, whether I take advantage of them or not. I give thanks for the sacred synchronicity ( in many forms) that comes to me through readings I am guided to do, through the books I write, through the unexpected finances I receive, or people who need help. Recently, a dear friend was very ill, and Guidance said “Go visit him and help him.” I thought it was unusual since I lived a distance away and had not heard from him, but I told my husband that we should at least check up on him. When we arrived at his home, he was very ill--barely able to walk. We put him in our car and drove him to the emergency room in a hospital in Los Angeles, a distance away from us, but one he chose. We got him there just in time, for he needed several transfusions of blood and was in the Progressive Care Unit for over eight days! Had I not heeded that still voice, I do not know what would have happened to him, for he lived alone, and was gravely ill. I canceled all activities, and listened to my inner voice to help my friend, even though he had not called me. I feel our intuition is getting stronger, and that voice from Guidance is coming through clearer as we continue to acknowledge it and remain open to receiving the sacred wisdom that pours through us. Acknowledging our inner reservoirs of Spirit Counseling is gaining in importance now, as we see turmoil in the world, and as we see the beauty of the human spirit inducing us to come together to help one another in times of unrest at the same time!

Gratitudewritten by

Gloria Lindsay

continued from page 17 >> we want. By doing so, we are able to connect to that part of us, that place within, our Source. Our Source is the place, the connection inherent to us as human beings that will guide us forward. As human beings, when we connect to our Source, it will light the way forward through the fear, the paradigms and dogmas of the past. Then, when it is time, there will be a New Order. The New Order will be a civilization built upon what is known to mankind now to be Love and Trust. And what is known to many, those who are Awake, to be Love. Communities and Villages, and tribes will be built and founded upon Love. These communities will be motivated by love and by trust, by compassion and forgiveness toward all. They will serve as a living representation of life through our Hearts; Living and being guided by our Hearts, each one of us. A life of being Heart centered is a life of service. This life of service entails many things. It will differ for each one of us. The truth is, we are all here to support one another and to network as a cooperative effort, as a team. There will be efforts as a community and tribe to care for children and the elderly. There will be those who are gifted in obtaining food and resources. Each one of us will be accessing our inherent gifts. The gifts we brought here to use in service and support for one another, are given with a loving heart. It will be a time to care for others as we would our own. And mostly, it will be a time for Brotherly Love. The Brotherly Love which is coming forward through every one of us will be channeled through another. ... and another. We will all be connecting through Source until we are all connected through love, as One.

Sharing Love With The World


a few moments to just say “thank you” to your animate and inanimate treasures. Thank the grass and flowers and trees and shrubbery for their beauty and comfort, and the rain and sunshine for their loving gifts to enhance your life. Thank your family and friends, and neighbors and strangers who are with you on this earth journey. “Thank You” can be two of the most important words in your life; for being in constant gratitude creates miracles in your life, which are abundantly present on Mother Earth, and in our Universe. These two words are sacred gifts from Source; and as you go about your day, acknowledging Source, remain ever open and ready for all the love and light and insights that the Universe sends you. In every action, ask for Guidance and practice to listen to the holy responses that come as an avalanche of love envelopes your body with the wisdom you receive! God bless all of you!

The Holy Ones are here and more pronounced in our realities than ever before! We have constant reminders that we are spiritual beings fulfilling our missions in a three dimensional earthly environment that seems to coalesce with multiple environments which are all around us too. Have you felt that sometimes you also seem to be wavering between dimensions or realities? Have you not suddenly witnessed a blur or a shadow out of the corner of your eye, or greeted yourself in the mirror and while staring at yourself, see light around your body, or other images standing with you too? And as much as the external world voices the negative, isn’t it a marvelous time to be alive? Look around at the beauties of Nature blossoming forth to greet you constantly, and the transformational bliss of the sacred sounds of music and voices that beckon you to come play and experience Heaven in all things. So, now may be the time to continually give thanks for that physical body that is ever expanding to receive the

light, and that blissful inner connection that patiently waits for you to acknowledge it—that authentic part of yourself that is always there for you—always! Throughout your day, find things to appreciate, and take

Gloria Lindsay, M.S., Essence Award Winner, is a poet, author of transformational literature, a motivational speaker, and meditation workshop leader. Her published books include: Connections with Spirit and Guided by Spirit, Sacred Prayers, Volume One, which offer spiritual insights, prayers, and meditations. Her third book:

Triumph over Trauma, is a memoir of how her younger daughter successfully overcame birth challenges. She is certified in ‘The Reconnection Healing, Levels I-II, “The Awakenings Healing Techniques, and has training in “Kundalini Yoga,” “Soul Memory Techniques,” and has 3 meditation CD’s. She conducts spiritual workshops with Crystal Noldon in Los Angeles and Orange County, and has conducted “Sacred Merkabah Workshops” with Paula McIntyre and Crystal Noldon in San Diego for the past 4 years. With her younger daughter, Jennifer, she has been featured on ABC’s “The View,” CBS’s “Day & Date,” NBC’s “The Other Side,” Rev. Schuller’s “The Hour of Power,” CBS2 and KCAL9, and Fox TV’s “The Essence Awards Show.”

“Have you not suddenly witnessed a blur or a shadow

out of the corner of your eye, or greeted yourself in

the mirror and while staring at yourself, see light around your body, or other images

standing with you too?”


Hillary Pike Mondays 7.00pm to 8.30pm

$15 or Pre-pay packages available

Angel Communication(through Dec 6th, 2011)

Marybeth Murphy Tuesdays(1st and 3rd)

7.30pm to 9.00pm


Crystal for the New Consciousness

Deborah Shea Tuesdays (2nd and 4th)

7.00pm to 9.00pm


A Channeled Experience Steve Lesko, Ph.D Tuesdays(1st and 3rd)

7.30pm to 9.00pm


Kundalini Yoga Laura Streed Tuesdays 4.30pm to 5.30pm


Wednesday by appointment only

Accessing the Light Within Us

Rev. Danielle Marie

Wednesdays 6.00pm to 7.00pm

Love Donation

Ananda Meditation Group Rose Gradel Thursdays 7.30pm to 9.00pm


The Blend, Spiritual & E.T. Connection

Jerry Yusko Thursdays(1st and 3rd)

7.00pm to 9.00pm


Lemurian Seed Crystal Deborah Shea Thursdays(4th)

7.00pm to9.00pm


Holistic Healing Fair Saturday(1st)

11.00am to 4.00pm

Free Admission

Honor the Elders Day Saturday(2nd)

10.00am to 2.00pm

Free for Seniors

Ecstatic Dance John Salat Nov 6 12.00am to 2.00am


Virtue Based Abundance Trav Williams Nov 13 11.30am to 12.30pm

Love Donation

Consciousness Mastery, Level 1 Certification Course

Rev. Danielle Marie

Nov 21, 22, 23Dec 5, 6, 7

9.00am to 6.00pm


Ongoing Events


Tora Moon Nov 2 and 30 7.30pm to9.30pm

$30, includes study materials

Day of the Dead Ritual/ Dia de los Muertos

Chelle Goodfriend

Nov 2 7.30pm to 9.00pm


The Selenite Swords of Light Presentation

Tom Ledder & Deborah Shea

Nov 6 2.00pm to 6.00pm

$65 ($56 pre-registration)

DoTerra Essential Oils Suzanne Gordon Nov 7 7.00pm to 9.00pm


Light Body Activation with the Lemurians

Deborah Shea Nov 11 7.00pm to 9.00pm

$29 ($21 pre-registration)

Reiki Level 1 Kim Flood Nov 13 12:30pm to 5.30pm


Conscious Eating for Weight Loss

Erica Stelcik Nov 16 7.00pm to 9.00pm


Miracles in Divine Creation Robin Duncan Nov 19 9.30am to 5.30pm


ET Channeling Event Neil Gaur Nov 20 1.30pm to 4.30pm


Discover the Missing Piece Within

Camille Michaels and Cindy Skidmore

Dec 2 7.00pm to 9.00pm

$55 ($45 pre-registration)

Larisa Stow & Shakti Tribe Concert

Dec 9 7.30pm to 9.30pm

$25 ($20 pre-registration)

The Blending: Understanding Spiritual Connections

Dec 10 11.00am to 4.00pm

$30 ($20 pre-registration)

Access the Akashic Record Susann Taylor Shier

Dec 11 12.30pm to 3.30pm


Bringing in 2012 Together! PARTY PARTY PARTY!!!

Dec 31 8.00pm to 1.00am


Workshops & Classes

For more information, visit us at www.LiveYourRadiance.org or call (949) 340-7408

24 25

Thanksgiving is a special time for being thankful and giving in a loving, generous way. It reminds us to honor our friends and family and to reach

out to others who are alone or less fortunate. Thanksgiving is a time of sharing and gathering together around a table of nourishing and wholesome food. It is a time to eat and celebrate, and support a local shelter as well as a day of remembrance and offering. If someone shows up at your door and is in need, offer what you can give or provide. It may be an angel in disguise. Thanksgiving reminds us of the many blessings bestowed upon us, and the opportunity we have to share our abundance and bless others. Giving thanks for all things in our lives opens our heart in gratitude and makes room for a continuous flow. Bowing our heads in prayer gives honor and recognition to the Great Giver of all. When we acknowledge Spirit through any aspect of our lives we are truly rewarded by Spirit’s care, love and guidance. When you are aware of your greater good you are successful, happy and satisfied. When you find the common good for all concerned there is a sense of peace and spiritual awakening. Giving is a natural desire as it automatically creates the opportunity to receive, not necessarily in the same fashion but returns to you what is needed in your life. Also, you do not necessarily receive from the one you gave to as you are open to all sources of receiving. One of the definitions of thanksgiving is: “a public celebration

Written by Nancy Kimes

in acknowledgment of divine favor.” (Random House Webster’s Dictionary, 4th Edition) If you are one of those people who feels alone and anxious during the holiday season because you feel less blessed consider reaching out to the many resources in your community. Find places to go where others are willing to share their abundance with you. In the meantime, you can open your heart to receive by just smiling to others. Smiles are infectious. They move energy into your heart and the hearts of others. A smile shows sincerity and imprints the impression of love. A smile secretes substance that lingers on. It might be just what a person needs to move past their strongholds and create a positive and much needed change, which enables them

to find meaning in their life. If you are in need, contemplate your sorrow, and how you can turn things around. Take small steps. Pretty soon you will be able to see over the landfill that you once found yourself in. Soon there will be just one more step before you are on solid ground. Visualize this daily until you have reached a place of knowing that you are on your way and that you are okay. You will begin to see things differently and maybe for the first time, see your glass half full instead of half empty. In your aloneness there is a greater presence around you gently nudging you to not look back but keep moving forward. It may be a dark time in your life but it can also become the turning point needed to make a significant opportunity to excel and succeed! Wherever you are in mind, body or

GIVING THANKS:A Season of Giving

Nancy Kimes is an Author, Feng Shui Specialist, Teacher

of Feng Shui and Kwan Yin Reiki. Visit her website at

www.fengshuijourneys.com and www.kwanyinreiki.com

24 25

spirit know that you always have the opportunity to change and grow from where you are to where you want to be. Timing is evident. It is also a teacher that brings awareness to your soul. It is never too late to recognize this. Let “time” be your teacher and start with any resources that appear... becoming a defining moment to hold you up and move you forward. If indeed the holiday season is a challenging time for you, consider doing any of the following:• Volunteer at a shelter or homeless center• Give food and/or clothing to those in need• Provide a dinner for a family in need in your

neighborhood• Go to a local community center to give comfort and

healing• Visit a nursing home or home for battered women and

give words of encouragement. Lead them to own their power and ability to make sound choices that will support and enhance their lives.

• Make a truce and create an atmosphere that is generous and loving amoung co-workers, friends and family members.

No matter what the circumstances one may be facing or going through it is important to your wellbeing to show gratitude and appreciation by embracing your

will for your highest and best good to surface. The key is to act as if it is already present in your life. Be willing to learn to overcome the circumstances that have been holding you back. Your circumstances will make you stronger as your life unfolds in front of you. What you may be going through may be a help and an answer one day, for someone else.

Once again, be thankful for all of your experiences. It may be the one thing that gets you back on track. There is so much help out there if you choose to to look. Get in touch with a community center, search online, ask someone for help. Always remember the “Great Giver.” Ask for Spirit’s guidance. The angels flock around you now. You are not alone. You are never alone although sometimes it may feel that way. No matter how hard things seem to be in your life realize that life is a gift and we can allow it to hinder or embrace us. We all come from different backgrounds to learn, grow and find our way to show and receive love. Thanksgiving is an opportunity to show and share love. Thanksgiving shows us how to serve and be a demonstration of love. Jesus, Mother Mary, Moses, Buddha, Kwan Yin and all of the Ascended Masters are examples of love. Jesus showed us another way to live through grace and harmony. Jesus gave us a Spirit of hope and also taught about life beyond our physical existence. Mother Mary is a Holy mother and we are sons and daughters of Spirit. Kwan Yin is also a Holy Mother, one of Compassion and Mercy who embraces all souls, especially children and those who are about to enter this world. She is watchful over mother and child. Moses, Jesus and Mary are more understood and accepted in the western >> continued on page 28

“Decline the energies that lead you astray in a direction that is made

in haste, especially when you have received

clear guidance to do otherwise.”

Giving Thanks: A Season of Giving


Del Rio Healing

Debbie Del RioLicensed Massage erapist, Reiki Master Teacher

& Metaphysical Practitioner

As a Metaphysical practitioner I offer my skills to help those to develop personal fulfillment and growth in life

with body, mind and soul healing.

Now available for sessions at the Temple of Light

[email protected]•293•9158


28 29

Albert Szent-Györgyi, the Nobel Prize-winning biochemist, said that hydrogen, rather than oxygen, was the fuel of life. Everyone knows we need oxygen to live, but oxygen’s counterpart

(hydrogen) is the real fuel. Oxygen burns hydrogen releasing the energy (in the form of ATP) that runs our bodies. The word hydrogen comes from the Greek, meaning “water-former.” Water is formed when hydrogen is burned by oxygen. It is created every day in our bodies as we burn hydrogen to create ATP. Hydrogen and oxygen participate in a continuous cycle that generates both water and energy. Dr. Szent-Györgyi was the first to show that the human body stores hydrogen in many of its organs. He referred to this as hydrogen pooling. In 2001, a group of researchers at the Université de la Méditerranée reported that animals maintained in a hydrogen-rich environment were significantly protected from chronic liver injury. Later research reported in Nature Medicine, demonstrated that inhaled hydrogen gas (~4%) had antioxidant properties that can protect the brain against stroke. Many other studies have established the significance of a hydrogen enriched environment. Stress, poor diet, and pollution, deplete the pools of hydrogen in our bodies. In our modern society, most people are

written by MJ Pangman

Hydrogen-Rich WaterOptimal HydrationHydrogen-Rich WaterOptimal Hydration

continued from page 25 >> world. Kwan Yin and Buddha are noted and highly revered in Eastern culture. Did you know that Mother Mary and Kwan Yin share the same divine essence? They were chosen, born, to serve others to lead souls to the light, even lost souls. The holiday season is a sacred time where the Ascended Masters, Angels and the Enlightened Ones are closest to the Earth. Why? Because, it is a time of great joy and for some it is very challenging. Many miracles happen during this time. Know that Spirit wants you to heal your life. Spirit knows your heart and your suffering. Take time to contemplate this and give Spirit a chance to work in your life. Allow Spirit to send a message, a friend, a loved one to you. Allow Spirit to guide you and show you signs of inspiration and recovery. Allow Spirit to bless you in your time of need. Let the sun shine on you. For as the sun provides warmth so will you feel the warmth of Spirit’s love. Choose now to be thankful, giving and forgiving. Choose to receive the help you need so that one day you can be the provider of help for someone else. See how Spirit takes care of the lilies in the field and birds in the sky. Observe nature and see how the Divine works perfectly. There is a Divine Order in the Earth and the Universe. There is a Divine Timing as you can witness through the seasons... a time for planting, a time to blossom, a time for harvest, and a time to sleep. And so is life and its regeneration. Are you in the planting, blossoming, harvesting or regeneration time of your life? Give yourself permission to be in that space and understand that your life is cyclical. There are influences around you and patterns to take notice of. Learn to flow with the currents in life. They are only temporary. When you notice certain energies be aware of the information they impart. Be aware of what supports you and gives you a sense of peace and love. Decline the energies that lead you astray in a direction that is made in haste, especially when you have received clear guidance to do otherwise. Know that your higher self is your Divine given ability to direct you to make wise choices. We are privileged to live in this great world. Do not be ashamed or embarrassed that we have freedom and abundance. Through abundance we have the freedom to operate the principle of giving.

Giving Thanks: A Season of Giving

28 29

hydrogen depleted. When we think of hydration, we think of water. But when the body calls for water, it is hydrogen it wants. That’s why it is called hydration. The absence of hydrogen is the underlying cause of dehydration which has been linked to many maladies. All the symptoms of disease and aging are, in one way or another, accompanied by slow dehydration. By increasing the amount of hydrogen we get every day and by replenishing our hydrogen pools, we can relieve many symptoms and improve our level of energy. Food, air, and water are all sources of hydrogen. Some sources have greater amounts of hydrogen than others. There are a number of ways to maximize the hydrogen in food, air, and water: Food is a primary source of hydrogen. Carbohydrates contain equal parts of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen. Yet, although food is a primary source of hydrogen, it requires work for the body to release it. Cooking also burns off a large portion of the hydrogen in food. To maximize the available hydrogen from your diet, eat an abundance of raw food.

The air you breathe also contains hydrogen—but in tiny amounts. The amount found in the atmosphere

is significantly less than 1%. The hydrogen from the air is immediately available for use by the body. It is absorbed into cells and tissues the moment it enters the respiratory tract. One way to enhance the air with hydrogen is to use an air ionizer or to place salt lamps in your living environment. Both methods produce an abundance of negative ions, many of which are hydrogen. No wonder people feel so good when they breathe ionized air. Ionized air is also plentiful in the presence of moving

water—especially waterfalls, and at the ocean where saltwater continually releases ions into the air. The last way to increase the amount of hydrogen you get on a regular

basis is to enrich your water with hydrogen. This can be a powerful and plentiful source. In water, hydrogen is held within the tiny cages of water’s structure. There, it contributes to water’s energetic potential. When water is structured, it has the capacity to

hold a significant amount of hydrogen which becomes immediately available to the human body upon consumption. Several methods for making hydrogen-rich water are outlined in the book, Dancing with Water: The New Science of Water. The most natural method is to use an egg-shaped, clay container. Although hydrogen tends to escape under normal circumstances, the cool, dark environment within an, egg-shaped, clay vessel draws hydrogen and holds it within water’s refined structure. The benefits of hydrogen-rich water are just beginning to be understood. Research reported in Nutrition Research indicates it has antioxidant properties and that it can play a role in the reduction of diabetic symptoms. Structured water has been reported for many years to ameliorate the symptoms of blood sugar imbalance. Perhaps this is because of the additional hydrogen in the water.

Hydrogen-Rich WaterOptimal HydrationHydrogen-Rich WaterOptimal Hydration

MJ Pangman is co-author of the recent book Dancing with Water: The New Science of Water—a guide to naturally

treating, structuring, enhancing, and revitalizing your water. www.dancingwithwater.com by phone at: (323) 304-5454

“When we think of hydration, we think of water. But when the body calls for water, it is hydrogen it wants.”

Do You Love Your Health?

If you are struggling with your weight or a health condition, please consider Nutrition

Response Testing TM, a holistic, non-invasive body reflex test to see what

underlying nutritional, environmental, scar, and immune factors may be preventing you

from reaching your vibrant wellness.

Erica Stelcik, MS Real Food Nutrition/Detox Coach

Certified NRT Practitioner [email protected]



date DECEMBER 31st

time 8PM – 1AM




phone 949.340.7408

web www.LiveYourRadiance.org

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with. . .Music!


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Whole Health & Metaphysical Business Resource Directory


Center for Spiritual Living, Costa Mesa2850 Mesa Verde Dr. East Ste 111Costa Mesa, CA 92626www.cslnm.org(714) 754 7399

Center for Spiritual Living, Capistrano Valley32261 Camino Capistrano Ste. D105 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675www.cslcv.org(949) 240 6463

Center for Spiritual Living, South County23141 Verdugo Drive Ste 103Laguna Hills, CA 92653www.SpiritOfLifeChurchOC.org(949) 365 0050

Center for Transformation242 W. Main St. Ste 106 Tustin, CA 92780www.Center-For-Transformation.com(714) 658 3669

Christ Unity Church1648 W. BroadwayAnaheim, CA 92802www.UnityOfAnaheim.org(714) 774 7660

Common Ground, Tustin14051 Newport Ave. Ste HTustin, 92780www.EmbraceHumanity.com(714) 573 2546

Goddess Temple of OC17905 Sky Park Circle Ste. AIrvine, CA 92614www.GoddessTempleOfOrangeCounty.com(949) 651 0564

InSpirit Center for Spiritual Living, Orange County25782 Obrero Dr. Unit DMission Viejo, CA 92691www.inspiritoc.com(949) 481 4040

ISC Inspiritional Center2301 East 28th St. #301Signal Hill, CA 90775www.ISCcenter.net(562) 997 3800

Sangha Center for Spiritual Living7641 Talbert Ave.Huntington Beach, CA 92648www.SanghaCenter.org(714) 596 0900

Temple of Light23832 Rockfield Blvd. Ste 195Lake Forest, CA 92630www.LiveYourRadiance.org(949) 340 7408

Universal Mind Science Church3212 East 8th StreetLong Beach, CA 90804www.UMSchurch.org(562) 434 3453


Alexandria II Bookstore170 South Lake Ave. Pasadena, CA 91101www.alexandria2.com(626) 792 7885

Artistic In2ition Studio & Boutiq’3485 University Ave. #38 Riverside, CA 92501www.artistic-in2ition.com(909) 983 2725

Awakenings Center For Conscious Living25260 La Paz Rd. Ste. D Laguna Hills, CA 92653www.AwakeningsMetaphysicalBookstore.com(949) 457 0797

Chakra Shack397 N. Coast Hwy.Laguna Beach, CA 92651www.ChakraShack.com(949) 715 6930

Crystal Cave891 W. Baker St. Ste. A-16Costa Mesa, CA 92626www.Crystal-Cave.com(714) 754 1151

Crystal Image, The2171 Laguna Canyon RdLaguna Beach, CA 92651www.TheCrystalImage.com(949) 497 3399

Crystal Insight812 S. Coast HighwayLaguna Beach, CA 92651www.Crystal-Insight.com(949) 715 3353

Crystal Lotus3100 E Coast HwyCorona Del Mar, CA 92625www.Crystal-Lotus.com(949) 760 9477

Designs by Nature400 S. El Camino RealSan Clemente, CA 92672www.DesignsByNature.com(949) 498 8358

Dharma Center Bookstore7007 Greenleaf Ave.Whittier, CA 90602(562) 907 5873

Dragon & The Rose1636 E Edinger Ave. Ste USanta Ana, CA 92705www.TheDragonAndTheRose.com(714) 569 0100

continue next page>>

Earth Stones International1276 S. Coast Hwy.Laguna Beach, CA 92651www.EarthStonesInternational.com(949) 494 2337

Eye of the Cat3314 E. BroadwayLong Beach, CA 90803www.EyeOfTheCat.net(562) 438 3569

Four Crows420 El Camino RealOld Town Tustin, CA 92780www.FourCrowsCenter.com(714) 505 4414

Geode Shop, The8039 Beach Blvd.Buena Park, CA 90620www.GeodeShopAtKnotts.com(714) 761 5727

Gift Goddess31761 Camino Capistrano Ste 4San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675(949) 496 3195

Goddess Cat2740 4th St.Long Beach, CA 90814www.GoddessCat.com(562) 646 1227

Gypsy Den125 N BroadwaySanta Ana, CA 92701www.GypsyDen.com(714) 835 8840

Kindred Journeys Metaphysical Bookstore510 N. Coast Hwy Ste AOceanside, CA 92054www.KindredJourneysOnline.com(760) 721 2110

Kristalle Mineral & Gem Dealer875 North Coast HighwayLaguna Beach, CA 92651 www.kristalle.com(949) 494 7695

Lapidary International1228 South Beach Blvd.Anaheim, CA 92804 (714) 827 5680

Living Temple7310 Center Ave.Huntington Beach, CA 92647www.TheLivingTemple.com(714) 891 5117

Mandalas.comP.O. Box 836Laguna Beach, CA 92652www.mandalas.com(949) 497 2708

Messenger of the Sun332 Forest Ave. Ste. 1Laguna Beach, CA 92651www.MessengerOfTheSun.com(949) 715 4814

Visions & Dreams2482 Newport BoulevardCosta Mesa, CA 92627www.VisionsAndDreamsOnline.com (949) 650 6929


Belly Sprout at the Birth Connection 426 W Commonwealth Ave. Fullerton, CA 92832www.BellySprout.com(714) 879 1303

Ginger’s Wellness Garden and Spa2488 Newport Blvd. Ste A1Costa Mesa, CA 92627www.GingersWellnessGarden.com(949) 791 8048

Kali Mandir20371 Sun Valley Dr.Laguna Beach, CA 92651www.KaliMandir.org(949) 494 1906

La Paz Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine25260 La Paz Rd.Laguna Hills, CA 92653www.LaPazAcupuncture.com(949) 768 5044

Maum Meditation14171 Chagall Ave.Irvine, CA 92606www.maum.org(949) 502 5337

Mind, Body, Spirit Business NetworkMeets every 3rd Wednesday at 6:30pm at theHoliday Inn, 2726 S. Grand Ave. Santa Ana, CAwww.MindBodySpiritBusinessNetwork.net(949) 515 8727

O2 Wellness Center3551 Camino Mira Costa Suite CSan Clemente, CA 92672www.o2-wellness.com(949) 240 6713

Phoenix Healing Arts, Eastern-Style Holistic Recovery22762 Aspan St. Ste 207Lake Forest, CA 92630www.PhoenixHealingArts.org(949) 351 8493

Sanctuary, The505 W. First StTustin, CA 92780www.AwakenSanctuary.com(714) 617 4593


Au Lac Vegetarian Restaurant16563 Brookhurst St. Fountain Valley, CA 92708-2344www.aulac.com(714) 418 0658

Beach Health Tree305 Redondo Ave. Long Beach, CA 90814(562) 434 1155

Whole Health & Metaphysical Business Resource Directory

Bodhi Tree Vegetarian Café501 Main St.Huntington Beach, CA 92648www.BodhiTreeHB.com(714) 969 9500

California Health Foods115 E. Commonwealth Ave.Fullerton, CA 92832(714) 525 4260

Jan’s Health Bar501 Main St. #DHuntington Beach, CA 92648www.JansHealthBar.com(714) 536 4856

Native Foods2937 Bristol St.Costa Mesa, CA 92626www.NativeFoods.com(714) 751 2151

Naturway Natural Foods1010 N. EuclidAnaheim, CA 92801www.NaturwayNaturalFoods.com(714) 956 0260

Stand Natural Foods, The238 Thalia StreetLaguna Beach, CA 92651(949) 494 8101

Wheel Of Life Restaurant, Vegan14370 Culver Dr #2GIrvine, CA 92604www.WheelOfLifeFestaurant.com(949) 551 8222

Zephyr Vegetarian Café340 East 4th StreetLong Beach, CA 90802www.myspace.com/zephyrcafe(562) 435 7113


Calcopa Massage School18582 Beach Blvd. Ste. 11Huntington Beach, CA 92648www.CalcopaMassageSchool.com(714) 964 7744

California Academy for Healing Arts125 E. Baker #180Costa Mesa, CA 92626www.ahaschool.com(714) 708 2282

Healing Hands School of Holistic Health, Laguna Hills23022 La Cadena Suite 204Laguna Hills, CA 92653www.HealingHandsSchool.com(949) 305 2722

Healing Hands School of Holistic Health, San Diego125 W. Mission Suite 212Escondido, CA 92025www.HealingHandsSchool.com(760) 746 9364

Learning Light Foundation1212 E. LincolnAnaheim, CA 92805www.LearningLight.org(714) 533 2311

School of Multidimensional Healing Arts & Sciences18271 McDurmott West Ste HIrvine, CA 92614www.smhas.com(949) 752 5272


Asana FIT Yoga 204 Avenida GranadaSan Clemente, CA 92672www.AsanaFit.com(949) 859 2287

Bikram Yoga Laguna Beach 610 North Pacific Coast Highway Ste. 208 Laguna Beach, CA 92651www.BikramYogaLaguna.com(949) 376 7077

Lotus 7 Yoga & Pilates29941 Aventura, Ste. FRancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688www.Lotus7Yoga.com(949) 888 4503

Seventh Chakra Yoga19171 Magnolia St Ste 14Huntington Beach, CA 92646www.SeventhChakraYoga.com(714) 965 7770

Sun Salute Yoga24655 La PlazaDana Point, CA 92629www.SunSaluteYoga.com(949) 371 6097

Triad Yoga2626 Dupont Drive Suite A20Irvine, CA 92612www.TriadYogaCA.com(949) 724 1479

Yoga Bungalow32382 Del Obispo #B5San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675www.Yoga-Bungalow.com(949) 489 1998

Yoga Center of California445 E. 17th Street Ste. 1Costa Mesa, CA 92627www.YogaCenter.org(949) 646 8281

Yoga Shakti - Huntington Beach19142 Beach Boulevard Huntington Beach, CA 92648www.YogaShaktiStudio.com(714) 968 9093

Yoga Shakti - Irvine4249 Campus Drive Ste. B140Irvine, CA 92612www.YogaShaktiStudio.com(949) 856 9642

Yoga Tree129 North Euclid St.Fullerton, CA 92832www.YogaTreeStudio.com(714) 388 4328

Whole Health & Metaphysical Business Resource Directory


23832 ROCKFIELD BLVD., SUITE 195 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 Phone: 949.340.7408 / Fax: 949.468.3455Office Hours: TUESDAY - SATURDAY, 11am - 6pm www.LiveYourRadiance.org