Created: November 29, 2012 November & December 2012 Table of Contents Coastal Management Volume 40, Issue 6............................................................................... 1 International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, Volume 27, Issue 4................................. 1 Marine Policy, Volume 37 ........................................................................................................ 3 Marine Policy, Volume 38 ........................................................................................................ 4 Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 70 ............................................................................ 9 Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 71 ...........................................................................10

November & December 20124. Governance for Sustainability: Insights from Marine Resource Use in a Tropical Setting in the Western Indian Ocean Author(s): Maricela de la Torre-Castro

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Page 1: November & December 20124. Governance for Sustainability: Insights from Marine Resource Use in a Tropical Setting in the Western Indian Ocean Author(s): Maricela de la Torre-Castro

Created: November 29, 2012

November & December 2012

Table of Contents

Coastal Management Volume 40, Issue 6 ............................................................................... 1

International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, Volume 27, Issue 4 ................................. 1

Marine Policy, Volume 37 ........................................................................................................ 3

Marine Policy, Volume 38 ........................................................................................................ 4

Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 70 ............................................................................ 9

Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 71 ...........................................................................10

Page 2: November & December 20124. Governance for Sustainability: Insights from Marine Resource Use in a Tropical Setting in the Western Indian Ocean Author(s): Maricela de la Torre-Castro


Coastal Management Volume 40, Issue 6 1. Coastal and Ocean Science-Based Decision-Making in the Gulf of California: Lessons

and Opportunities for Improvement

Author(s): Lowell, S.M., Hoffmann, T.C., McGrath, M., Brazil, G., & Thomas, S.L.

2. Local Expectations for Future Marine Protected Area Performance: A Case Study of the

Proposed National Marine Conservation Area in the Southern Strait of Georgia, Canada

Author(s): Heck, N., & Dearden, P.

3. Comparing Fisher Interviews, Logbooks, and Catch Landings Estimates of Extraction

Rates in a Small-Scale Fishery

Author(s): O’Donnell, K. P., Molloy, P. P., & Vincent, A.C.J

4. Governance for Sustainability: Insights from Marine Resource Use in a Tropical Setting

in the Western Indian Ocean

Author(s): Maricela de la Torre-Castro

5. Response of Commercial Ships to a Voluntary Speed Reduction Measure: Are Voluntary

Strategies Adequate for Mitigating Ship-Strike Risk?

Author(s): McKenna, M.F., Katz, S.L., Condit, C., & Walbridge, S.

6. Integrating Climate and Ocean Change Vulnerability into Conservation Planning

Author(s): McLeod, E., Green, A., Game, E., Anthony, K., Cinner, J., Heron, S.F.,

Kleypas, J., … & Woodroffe, C.

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International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, Volume 27, Issue 4 1. The Law of the Sea Convention at 30: Successes, Challenges and New Agendas

Author(s): Freestone, D.

2. The Functions and Role of the United Nations Secretariat in Ocean Affairs and the Law

of the Sea

Author(s): Tarassenko, S., & Tani, I.

3. The LOSC Framework for Maritime Jurisdiction and Enforcement 30 Years On

Author(s): Stephens, T., & Rothwell, D.R.

4. The European Union and Law of the Sea Convention at the Age of 30

Author(s): Long, R.

5. Departures from the Coast: Trends in the Application of Territorial Sea Baselines under

the Law of the Sea Convention

Author(s): Schofield, C.

6. The Common Heritage of Mankind

Author(s): Lodge, M.W.

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7. The Continental Shelf Regime in the Law of the Sea Convention: A Reflection on the

First Thirty Years

Author(s): McDorman, T. L.

8. The Law of the Sea Convention and Underwater Cultural Heritage

Author(s): Scovazzi, T.

9. The Persistence of a Concept: Maximum Sustainable Yield

Author(s): Hey, E.

10. Precaution and the Protection of Marine Biodiversity in Areas beyond National


Author(s): Rayfuse, R.

11. Fisheries Jurisdiction under the Law of the Sea Convention: Rights and Obligations in

Maritime Zones under the Sovereignty of Coastal States

Author(s): Tsamenyi, M., & Hanich, Q.

12. Military Activities in the Exclusive Economic Zones of Foreign Coastal States

Author(s): Hayashi, M.

13. Marine Scientific Research: Its Potential Contribution to Achieving Responsible High

Seas Governance

Author(s): Verlaan, P.

14. The Persisting Problem of Non-compliance with the Law of the Sea Convention:

Disorder in the Oceans

Author(s): Churchill, R.

15. Fisheries Data and the Law of the Sea Convention

Author(s): Edeson, W.R.

16. Law of the Sea Perspectives on Climate Change

Author(s): Boyle, A.

17. Challenges to Protecting the Marine Environment beyond National Jurisdiction

Author(s): Gjerde, K. M.

18. Conservation on the High Seas: Developing the Concept of the High Seas Marine

Protected Areas

Author(s): Scott, K. N.

19. The Law of the Sea Convention and the Integrated Regulation of the Oceans

Author(s): Barnes, R.

20. The Law of the Sea Convention: No Place for Persons?

Author(s): Papanicolopulu, I.

21. Was it Worth the Effort?

Author(s): Lowe, V.

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Marine Policy, Volume 37 1. Management objectives of Queensland fisheries: Putting the horse before the cart

Author(s): Pascoe, S., Dichmont, C. M., Brooks, K., Pears, R., & Jebreen, E.

2. Choosing a fishery’s governance structure using data poor methods

Author(s): Dichmont, C. M., Pascoe, S., Jebreen, E., Pears, R., Brooks, K., & Perez, P.

3. Conservation incentives and collective choices in cooperative fisheries

Author(s): Ovando, D. A., Deacon, R. T., Lester, S. E., Costello, C., Van Leuvan, T.,

McIlwain, K., Strauss, C. K., Arbuckle, M., Fujita, R., Gelcich, S., & Uchida, H.

4. Fishers’ compliance motivations: A case study of the Sultanate of Oman

Author(s): Al-Subhi, K. K. N., Bose, S., & Al-Masroori, H. S.

5. Monitoring and evaluation of spatially managed areas: A generic framework for

implementation of ecosystem based marine management and its application

Author(s): Stelzenmüller, V., Breen, P., Stamford, T., Thomsen, F., Badalamenti, F.,

Borja, Á., Buhl-Mortensen, L., Carlstöm, J., D’Anna, G., Dankers, N., Degraer, S., Dujin,

M., Fiorentino, F., Galparsoro, I., Giakoumi, S., Gristina, M., Johnson, K., Jones, P. J. S.,

Katsanevakis, S., Knittweis, L., et al.

6. Enhancing the agency of fishers: A conceptual model of self-management in Australian

abalone fisheries

Author(s): Gilmour, P. W., Dwyer, P. D., & Day, R. W.

7. Management implications of fishing up, down, or through the marine food web

Author(s): Foley, C. M. R.

8. The role of subsistence fishing in the hybrid economy of an indigenous community

Author(s): Busilacchi, S., Russ, G. R., Williams, A. J., Sutton, S. G., & Begg, G. A.

9. The justification, design and implementation of Ecological Risk Assessments of the

effects of fishing on seabirds

Author(s): Small, C., Waugh, S. M., & Phillips, R. A.

10. Lessons for fisheries management from the EU cod recovery plan

Author(s): Kraak, S. B. M., Bailey, N., Cardinale, M., Darby, C., De Oliveira, J. A. A.,

Eero, M., Graham, N., Holmes, S., Jakobsen, T., Kempf, A., Kirkegaard, E., Powell, J.,

Scott, R. D., Simmonds, E. J., Ulrich, C., Vanhee, W., & Vinther, M.

11. Evaluation of marine spatial planning

Author(s): Carneiro, G.

12. The role of the marine sector in the Irish national economy: An input–output analysis

Author(s): Morrissey, K., & O’Donoghue, C.

13. Attitudes of Scottish fishers towards marine renewable energy

Author(s): Alexander, K. A., Wilding, T. A., & Heymans, J. J.

14. Dominant discourses, among fishers and middlemen, of the factors affecting coral reef

fish distributions in Solomon Islands

Author(s): Brewer, T. D.

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15. The perceptions of Scottish inshore fishers about marine protected areas

Author(s): Pita, C., Theodossiou, I., & Pierce, G. J.

16. Norway's experience with ITQs

Author(s): Hannesson, R.

17. What makes them follow the rules? Empirical evidence from turtle egg harvesters in

Costa Rica

Author(s): Madrigal-Ballestero, R., Schlüter, A., & Lopez, M. C.

18. Sustaining small-scale fisheries with periodically harvested marine reserves

Author(s): Cohen, P. J., & Foale, S. J.

19. The ‘devils triangle’ of MSC certification: Balancing credibility, accessibility and

continuous improvement

Author(s): Bush, S. R., Toonen, H., Oosterveer, P., & Mol, A. P. J.

20. Putting sustainable fisheries on the map? Establishing no-take zones for North Sea plaice

fisheries through MSC certification

Author(s): Toonen, H. M., & Mol, A. P. J.

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Marine Policy, Volume 38 1. Status of Kuwait's fishery resources: Assessment and perspective

Author(s): Al-Zaidan, A.S.Y., Al-Mohanna, S.Y., & George, P.

2. Eco-labeling seafood: Addressing impacts to vulnerable seafloor species, communities,

habitats and ecosystems in data-poor regions

Author(s): Heupel, H., & Auster, P. J

3. A method for incorporating climate change modelling into marine conservation planning:

An Indo-west Pacific example

Author(s): Levy, J. S., & Ban, N. C.

4. On the environmental effectiveness of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive

Author(s): Bertram, C., & Rehdanz, K.

5. The value of line-caught and other attributes: An exploration of price premiums for

chilled fish in UK supermarkets

Author(s): Sogn-Grundvåg, G., Larsen, T. A., & Young, J. A.

6. Enforcement and compliance trends under IFQ management in the Gulf of Mexico

commercial reef fish fishery

Author(s): Porter, R. D., Jylkka, Z., & Swanson, G.

7. Institutional stability and change in the Baltic Sea: 30 years of issues, crises and solutions

Author(s): Valman, M.

8. Investing in nature: Restoring coastal habitat blue infrastructure and green job creation

Author(s): Edwards, P.E.T., Sutton-Grier, A.E., & Coyle, G.E.

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9. How supportive are existing national legal regimes for multi-use marine spatial

planning?—The South African case

Author(s): Taljaard, S., & van Niekerk, L.

10. Evaluating tradeoffs among ecosystem services to inform marine spatial planning

Author(s): Lester,S. E., Costello, C., Halpern, B. S., Gaines, S. D., White, C., & Barth,


11. Spatially explicit economic assessment of cultural ecosystem services: Non-extractive

recreational uses of the coastal environment related to marine biodiversity

Author(s): Ruiz-Frau, A., Hinz, H. Edwards-Jones, G., & Kaiser, M.J.

12. China's distant water fishing industry: Evolving policies and implications

Author(s): Mallory, T.G.

13. Strictly for the birds?: On ecosystem services of forage fish

Author(s): Hannesson, R.

14. Reflections on the position of the major maritime powers with respect to the UNESCO

Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage 2001

Author(s): Dromgoole, S.

15. Fishing in muddy waters: Exploring the conditions for effective governance of fisheries

and aquaculture

Author(s): Kalfagianni, A., & Pattberg, P.

16. The integration of nature conservation into the marine spatial planning process

Author(s): Kyriazi, Z., Maes, F., Rabaut, M., Vincx, M., & Degraer, S.

17. International, regional and national commitments meet local implementation: A case

study of marine conservation in Northern Ireland

Author(s): Yates, K.L., Payo Payo, A., & Schoeman, D.S.

18. Spatiotemporal modelling for policy analysis: Application to sustainable management of

whale-watching activities

Author(s): Chion, C., Cantin,G., Dionne, S., Dubeau, B., Lamontagne, P., Landry, J.,

Marceau, D., … & Turgeon, S.

19. An evaluation of self-governance in the New Zealand Bluff oyster fishery—A modelling


Author(s): Yang, Y.W., Fu, D., & Cullen, R.

20. Food security and the Coral Triangle Initiative

Author(s): Foale, S., Adhuri, D., Aliño, P., Allison, E.H., Andrew, N., Cohen, P., Evans,

L., … & Weeratunge, N.

21. A comparison of zoning analyses to inform the planning of a marine protected area

network in Raja Ampat, Indonesia

Author(s): Grantham, H.S., Agostini, V.N., Wilson, J., Mangubhai, S., Hidayat, N.,

Muljadi, A., Muhajir, … & Possingham, H.P.

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22. Institutional entrepreneurs, global networks, and the emergence of international

institutions for ecosystem-based management: The Coral Triangle Initiative

Author(s): Rosen, F., & Olsson, P.

23. Interactions between aquaculture and fisheries

Author(s): Natale, F., Hofherr, J., Fiore, G., & Virtanen, J.

24. Practical tools to support marine spatial planning: A review and some prototype tools

Author(s): Stelzenmüller, V., Lee, J., South, A., Foden, J., & Rogers, S.I.

25. Fisheries quota allocation: Laboratory experiments on simultaneous and combinatorial


Author(s): Tisdell, J.G., & Iftekhar, S.

26. Improving fisheries co-management through ecosystem-based spatial management: The

Galapagos Marine Reserve

Author(s): Castrejón, M., & Charles, A.

27. Tracing value chains to understand effects of trade on coral reef fish in Zanzibar,


Author(s): Thyresson, M., Crona, B., Nyström, M., de la Torre-Castro, M., & Jiddawi, N.

28. Who gets what? Developing a more equitable framework for EU fishing agreements

Author(s): Le Manach, F., Andriamahefazafy, M., Harper, S., Harris, A., Hosch, G.,

Lange, G., Zeller, D., & Sumaila, U.R.

29. Institutional quality and catch performance of fishing nations

Author(s): Flaaten, O.

30. Knowing in context: An exploration of the interface of marine harvesters' local ecological

knowledge with ecosystem approaches to management

Author(s): Bundy, A., & Davis, A.

31. A comparative case study of fish stocking between Sweden and Finland: Explaining

differences in decision making at the street level

Author(s): Sevä, M.

32. Fishing gear substitution to reduce bycatch and habitat impacts: An example of social–

ecological research to inform policy

Author(s): Jenkins, L.D., & Garrison, K.

33. How terrestrial management concepts have led to unrealistic expectations of marine

protected areas

Author(s): Kearney, R., Farebrother, G., Buxton, C.D., & Goodsell, P.

34. The International Plan of Action for Sharks: How does national implementation measure


Author(s): Davis, B., & Worm, B.

35. Swedish coastal herring fisheries in the wake of an ITQ system

Author(s): Waldo, S., Berndt, K., Hammarlund, C., Lindegren, M., Nilsson, A., &

Persson, A.

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36. Marine bioregional plans and implementation issues: Australia's oceans policy process

Author(s): Vince, J.

37. “See you in court!”: Whaling as a two level game in Australian politics and foreign


Author(s): Heazle, M.

38. A communicative turnaround: Shifting the burden of proof in European fisheries


Author(s): Linke, S., & Jentoft, S.

39. The effectiveness of community-based governance of small-scale fisheries, Ngazidja

island, Comoros

Author(s): Hauzer, M., Dearden, P., & Murray, G.

40. Lessons learned from investing in marine and coastal management initiatives in the East

Asian Seas

Author(s): Tengberg, A., & Cabanban, A.S.

41. Polar bears and CITES: A rejoinder to Parsons and Cornick

Author(s): Clark, D.A., Meek, C., Cheechoo, J., Clark, S., Foote, A.L., Lee, D., & York,


42. Moving beyond the fished or farmed dichotomy

Author(s): Klinger, D.H., Turnipseed, M., Anderson, J.L., Asche, F., Crowder, L.B.,

Guttormsen, A.G., Halpern, B.S., … & Tyedmers, P.

43. A critical review of fishing agreements with tropical developing countries

Author(s): Gagern, A., & van den Bergh, J.

44. Identifying the importance of the “skipper effect” within sources of measured

inefficiency in fisheries through data envelopment analysis (DEA)

Author(s): Vázquez-Rowe, I., & Tyedmers, P.

45. The Precautionary approach to fisheries management: How this is taken into account by

Tuna regional fisheries management organisations (RFMOs)

Author(s): de Bruyn, P., Murua, H., & Aranda, M.

46. Multilevel governance and management of shared stocks with integrated markets: The

European anchovy case

Author(s): Mulazzani, L., Curtin, R., Andrés, M., & Malorgio, G.

47. Fishery livelihoods and (non-)compliance with fishery regulations—A case study in Ca

Mau Province, Mekong Delta, Viet Nam

Author(s): Ha,T.T.P., & van Dijk, H.

48. The conflict between the southern right whale and coastal fisheries on the southern coast

of Brazil

Author(s): Zappes, C.A., da Silva, C.V., Pontalti, M., Danielski, M.L., Di Beneditto,


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49. Climate change, scenarios and marine biodiversity conservation

Author(s): Haward, M., Davidson, J., Lockwood, M., Hockings, M., Kriwoken, L.,

Allchin, R.

50. Socio-economic impacts of ocean acidification in the Mediterranean Sea

Author(s): Rodrigues, L.C., van den Bergh, J.C.J.M., & Ghermandi, A.

51. A review of animal welfare implications of the Canadian commercial seal hunt

Author(s): Butterworth, A., & Richardson, M.

52. Estimating the economic impacts of bycatch in U.S. commercial fisheries

Author(s): Patrick, W.S., & Benaka, L.R.

53. Adaptation of fisheries and mariculture management to extreme oceanic environmental

changes and climate variability in Taiwan

Author(s): Chang, Y., Lee, M., Lee, K., & Shao, K.

54. Leatherback turtle conservation in the Caribbean UK overseas territories: Act local, think


Author(s): Richardson, P. B., Broderick, A.C., Coyne, M.S., Gore, S., Gumbs, J.C.,

Pickering, A., Ranger, S., Witt, M.J., & Godley, B.J.

55. Marine renewables and coastal communities—Experiences from the offshore oil industry

in the 1970s and their relevance to marine renewables in the 2010s

Author(s): Johnson, K., Kerr, S., & Side, J.

56. How robust is the environmental impact assessment process in South Australia? Behind

the scenes of the Adelaide seawater desalination project

Author(s): Kämpf, J., & Clarke, B.

57. Individual consistency in the foraging behaviour of Northern Gannets: Implications for

interactions with offshore renewable energy developments

Author(s): Soanes, L.M., Atkinson, P.W., Gauvain, R.D., & Green, J.A.

58. A survey of US halibut IFQ holders: Market participation, attitudes, and impacts

Author(s): Carothers, C.

59. Conservation values in marine ecosystem-based management

Author(s): Sanchirico, J.N., Lew, D.K., Haynie, A.C., Kling, D.M., & Layton, D.F.

60. Priority questions to shape the marine and coastal policy research agenda in the United


Author(s): Rees, S., Fletcher, S., Glegg, G., Marshall, C., Rodwell, L., Jefferson, R.,

Campbell, M., … & Peckett, F.

61. Managing for a resilient ocean

Author(s): Fujita, R., Moxley, J.H., DeBey, H., Van Leuvan, T.,. Leumer, A., Honey, K.,

Aguilera, S., & Foley, M.

62. Shark bites and public attitudes: Policy implications from the first before and after shark

bite survey

Author(s): Neff, C.L., & Yang, J.Y.H.

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63. Is a stock overfished if it is depleted by overfishing? A response to the rebuttal of Agnew

et al. to Froese and Proelss “Evaluation and legal assessment of certified seafood”

Author(s): Froese, R., & Proelss, A.

64. Rebuttal to Froese and Proelss “Evaluation and legal assessment of certified seafood”

Author(s): Agnew, D.J., Gutiérrez, N.L., Stern-Pirlot, A., Smith, A.D.M., Zimmermann,

C., & Sainsbury, K.

65. Comments on ‘Prospects for the use of macroalgae for fuel in Ireland and UK: An

overview of marine management issues’

Author(s): Hughes, A.D., Black, K.D., Campbell, I., Heymans, J., Orr, K.K., Stanley,

M.S., & Kelly, M.S.

66. Accounting for heterogeneity in small-scale fisheries management: The Amazon case

Author(s): Castello, L., McGrath, D.G., Arantes, C.C., & Almeida, O.T.

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Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 70 1. Rebuilding fish stocks and changing fisheries management, a major challenge for the

Common Fisheries Policy reform in Europe

Author(s): Villasante, S., Gascuel, D., & Froese, R.

2. Global warming: New challenges for the common fisheries policy?

Author(s): Arnason, R.

3. Shifting baselines in European fisheries: The case of the Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay

Author(s): Guénette, S., & Gascuel, D.

4. The EU Common Fisheries Policy in light of the precautionary principle

Author(s): Proelss, A., & Houghton, K.

5. Sustainability of deep-sea fish species under the European Union Common Fisheries


Author(s): Villasante, S., Morato, T., Rodriguez-Gonzalez, D., Antelo, M., Österblom,

H., Watling, L., Nouvian, C., Gianni, M., & Macho, G.

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6. Challenges and opportunities for fleet- and métier-based approaches for fisheries

management under the European Common Fishery Policy

Author(s): Ulrich, C., Wilson, D.C.K., Nielsen, J.R., Bastardie, F., Reeves, S.A.,

Andersen,B. S., & Eigaard, O.

7. “logMSY” and optimal harvesting control rules: New tools for the implementation of the

European Common Fisheries Policy

Author(s): Da Rocha, J., Gutiérrez, M., Cerviño, S., Antelo, L.T.

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8. Mismanagement of the North Sea cod by the European Council

Author(s): Froese, R., & Quaas, M.

9. The Spanish fishing fleet and the economic value of Southern stock of European hake

fishery (Merluccius merluccius)

Author(s): Antelo, M., Rodrίguez, D., & Villasante, S.

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Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 71 1. Organic shrimp aquaculture for sustainable household livelihoods in Bangladesh

Author(s): Paul, B.G., & Vogl, C. R.

2. 80 million-twenty-foot-equivalent-unit container port? Sustainability issues in port and

coastal development

Author(s): Yap, W.Y., & Lam, J.L.

3. Does the management of sandbar openings influence the macroinvertebrate communities

in southern Brazil wetlands? A case study at Lagoa do Peixe National Park – Ramsar site

Author(s): Crippa, L.B., Stenert, C., & Maltchik, L.

4. Impacts of driving on the beach: Case studies from Assateague Island and Padre Island

National Seashores

Author(s): Houser, C., Labude, B., Haider, L., & Weymer, B.

5. Ecological quality loss and damage compensation in estuaries: Clues from a lawsuit in

the Basque Country, Spain

Author(s): Puig, J., & Villarroya, A.

6. Estimating a new suitable catch size for two clam species: Implications for shellfishery


Author(s): Bidegain, G., Sestelo, M., Roca-Pardiñas, J., & Juanes, J.

7. Factors affecting management uncertainty in U.S. fisheries and methodological solutions

Author(s): Patrick, W. S., Morrison, W., Nelson, M., & Marrero, R.L.G.

8. Environmental hazards and community responses in Sagar Island, India

Author(s): Mondal, T.K.

9. Incorporating simplified decision rules into tourist decision making processes: A case of

fishing trips

Author(s): Oh, C.

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10. Learning about TURFs and natural variability: Failure of surf clam management in Chile

Author(s): Aburto, J., & Stotz, W.

11. Recreational boaters' perceptions of scenic value in Rhode Island coastal waters

Author(s): Dalton, T., & Thompson, R.

12. Characterizing landuse changes in 1990–2010 in the coastal zone of Nantong, Jiangsu

province, China

Author(s): Yao, H.

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13. Management of crown-of-thorns sea star (Acanthaster planci L.) outbreaks: Removal

success depends on reef topography and timing within the reproduction cycle

Author(s): Bos, A.R., Gumanao, G.S., Mueller, B., & Saceda-Cardoza, M.M.E.

14. Determination of shoreline sensitivity to oil spills by use of GIS and fuzzy model. Case

study – The coastal areas of Caspian Sea in north of Iran

Author(s): Vafai, F., Hadipour, V., & Hadipour, A.

15. A rapid impact and vulnerability assessment approach for commercial fisheries


Author(s): Tuler, S.P., Webler, T. & Polsky, C.

16. Assessment of groundwater vulnerability to nonpoint source pollution in a Mediterranean

coastal zone (Mersin, Turkey) under conflicting land use practices

Author(s): Güler, C., Kurt, M.A., & Korkut, R. N.

17. Coral bleaching a nemesis for the Andaman reefs: Building an improved conservation


Author(s): Sarkar, S., & Ghosh, A. K.

18. Joint versus single management of large transport infrastructures

Author(s): Albalate, D., Bel, G., & Fageda, X.

19. Estimating outdoor recreation demand with aggregate data: A revealed preference


Author(s): Marvasti, A.

20. Coastal resources, livelihoods and the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in Aceh, Indonesia

Author(s): Griffin, C., Ellis, D., Beavis, S., & Zoleta-Nantes, D.

21. Sea-level rise adaptation measures in local communities of Zhejiang Province, China

Author(s): Jianjun, J., & Francisco, H.

22. The social cost of dredging: The Bahia Blanca Estuary case

Author(s): Zilio, M.I., London, S., Perillo, G.M.E., & Piccolo, M. C.

23. Framing the environment – Disputes and developments in the management of Norwegian

salmon fjords

Author(s): Aasetre, J., & Vik, J.

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24. Consequences of a cumulative perspective on marine environmental impacts: Offshore

wind farming and seabirds at North Sea scale in context of the EU Marine Strategy

Framework Directive

Author(s): Busch, M., Kannen, A., Garthe, S., & Jessopp, M.

25. Are the mangroves in the Galle-Unawatuna area (Sri Lanka) at risk? A social-ecological

approach involving local stakeholders for a better conservation policy

Author(s): Behara, S., Mulder, S., Pulukkuttige, J. L., & Dahdouh-Guebas, F.

26. A rapid watershed assessment approach for assessing the condition of small, coastal

watersheds: Protocol and case study

Page 13: November & December 20124. Governance for Sustainability: Insights from Marine Resource Use in a Tropical Setting in the Western Indian Ocean Author(s): Maricela de la Torre-Castro


Author(s): Brinson, M., Rheinhardt, R., Ferrell, R., Duncan, B., Hobbs, L., McNaught,

D., Phelan, J., & Rader, D.

27. Sandy beach conservation and recreation: Guidelines for optimising management

strategies for multi-purpose use

Author(s): McLachlan, A., Defeo, O., Jaramillo, E., & Short, A.D.

28. A combined approach of benthic mapping of Caraguatatuba Bay, Brazil, with

recommendations for management practices

Author(s): Bers, A.V., Duque Estrada, T.E.M., Wölfl, A.C., Mahiques, M.M., & Turra,


29. Sustainable shrimp farming in Bangladesh: A quest for an Integrated Coastal Zone


Author(s): Afroz, T., & Alam S.

30. Territorial user rights for artisanal fisheries in Chile – intended and unintended outcomes

Author(s): Aburto, J., Gallardo, G., Stotz, W., Cerda, C., Mondaca-Schachermayer, C., &

Vera, K.

31. How to turn the tide: Developing legitimate marine governance arrangements at the level

of the regional seas

Author(s): van Tatenhove, Jan P.M.

32. The potential for an Irish maritime transportation cluster: An input–output analysis

Author(s): Morrissey K. & O'Donoghue, C.

33. Watershed-scale evaluation for land-based nonpoint source nutrients management in the

Bohai Sea Bay, China

Author(s): Huang, J., Li, Q., Huang, L., Zhang, Z., Mu, J., & Huang, Y.

34. Resource perception, livelihood choices and fishery exit in a Coastal Resource

Management area

Author(s): Slater, M.J., Napigkit, F.A., & Stead, S.M.

35. The ocean economy of the United States: Measurement, distribution, & trends

Author(s): Colgan, C.S.

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