World Literature November 3, 2014

November 3, 2014. Answer the following questions about The Kite Runner. 1.Why do the kites bring back memories for Amir? 2. What phrase of Hassan’s

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World Literature

World LiteratureNovember 3, 2014Do Now Answer the following questions about The Kite Runner. 1.Why do the kites bring back memories for Amir? 2. What phrase of Hassans does Amir remember in his dream? 3. Who does Amir link up with in Pakistan? 4. What is Amirs overwhelming feeling when he hears Hassans name? Find a quote to support your answer. Review Chapters 14-15

Objectives:SWBAT Correctly use reflexive pronouns, the possessive pronouns and relative pronouns.

SWBAT explain the symbolism of Rahim Khans image to the new AfghanistanReflexive

Reflexive pronouns end in self (singular) or selves (plural). Reflexive pronouns show that the action in the sentence affects the person who performs the action. Complete the chart below with the appropriate reflexive pronouns.

PronounReflexive PronounIYouyourselfWeHeSheItTheyComplete the sentences in your notebooks.

1.- John hurtwhile he was fixing his car.2.- At 2:30, Paul and I went to the cafeteria to buy some lunch.3.- When I saw..in the mirror, I was horrified- there was red paint on my nose!4.- Ill have to help my friend to fill in her form, but I think she can do it by.. 5.- Judy and her husband own their own company, so they can give a holiday any time they want.6.- Everyone is welcomed to the party, just help..to sandwiches and snacks!They are used to show possession /ownership. Possessive Pronouns do not contain apostrophes.

Its= It isTheyre= They areYoure= You are

These are contractions!

Possessive PronounsExampleMyThis is my penYourThese are your bookHisThose are not his bagHerIt is her petOurThat is our brand new carTheirThat is their big houseItsIts tail is longReviewIn your notebooks create five sentence using the possessive pronouns mine, its, ours, your, and their. Relative Pronouns Relative pronouns introduce relative clauses, which are a type of dependent clause or non essential information (who, whom, that, which)

Who Before verbWhom Before NounThat Singular Which Plural Who vs. Whom and That vs. Which I met a woman who/whom can speak six languages.

The woman, who/whom I met can speak languages. My brother has two pets that/ which are very cute.

Jim was wearing a hat which/that was too big for him.

Exit Ticket Complete handoutChapter 15: Group ReadingRead and annotate for the changes in Rahim Khan and Afghanistan.

Question to answer: How does Rahim Khan symbolize the new Afghanistan?HomeworkRead and annotate chapter 16. Do NowSSR!

Review Chapter 16

The TalibanJot down in your notebook anything you know or have heard about the Taliban. The Taliban VideoWatch the video about the Taliban. Jot down 2 things that you find interesting.

Who are the Taliban?What is their purpose?


Taliban Reading

Read the article and answer the questions about the Taliban. Exit Ticket Explain the role of the Taliban in Afghanistan. List 3 explicit examples of how the Taliban has changed Afghanistan in The Kite Runner. HomeworkPronoun Worksheet

Wednesday November 5, 2014Listen to the song, what errors in grammar do you hear? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPXbvFavFHo

ObjectivesSWBAT Analyze the character traits of major characters from the novel. SWBAT Compose a concrete poem that analyzes character and symbolism

Chapter 17: Class ReadAs you read, annotate for characteristics of the key characters. Symbolism ReviewSymbol: A symbol is an real object or image that represent an idea beyond itself. Symbolism: The use of specific objects or images to represent figurative ideas. A symbol must be something tangible or visible, while the idea it symbolizes must be something abstract or universal..)Handout Choose a character, think of symbol that represents them. Write a poem using the symbol for the character of your choice. HomeworkRead and annotate chapter 18.

Study for Pronoun QuizThursday November 6, 2014SSR!Humans of New York

My happiest moments were way back in childhood. Everything was magical back then. All children are in a constant state of awe and everything is fantastic to them, but then the magical feeling dissipates and reality creeps in. I can strongly remember sitting in my living room in the 60s, as a kid, watching the television, and crying because I was seeing all those peaceful protesters getting sprayed with water hoses.When was the last time you felt that magical feeling?Ha! Not since Ive been an adult, thats for sure. I mean, Ive felt happy. Ive fallen in love. Ive loved my friends and family. Ive got a grandkid now. But I wouldnt describe any of that as a magical feeling. You feel happy for a bit. You see your grandkid be born, and youre like: Thats great! A grandkid! But pretty soon you start thinking about how messed up the world is, and what your grandkids life is going to be like, and that feeling dissipates pretty fast.Grammar QuizClear your desk.Take out a pencil. Chapter 19: Class ReadRead and annotate about Amirs return to Kabul.

Write a short response about Amirs return home. (What were some of the issues he encountered? Surprises? Differences?)

HomeworkRead and annotate chapter 20.Write a summary for chapters 15-20.

Be sure to use rubric!