November, 2012 Metropolitan State University of Denver 2012 Brand Assessment

November, 2012 Metropolitan State University of Denver 2012 Brand Assessment

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Page 1: November, 2012 Metropolitan State University of Denver 2012 Brand Assessment

November, 2012

Metropolitan State University of Denver

2012 Brand Assessment

Page 2: November, 2012 Metropolitan State University of Denver 2012 Brand Assessment

Assignment• Conduct Brand Assessment Research

Image/Perceptions/Reputation Brand Identity Elements/Messages Current Programs/Brand Delivery Mechanisms

Audiences • Internal

Students Faculty/Staff Alumni Board of Trustees/Foundation Board/Community Cabinet

• External Latino Community Employers

Assignment, Audiences, MethodologyAssignment, Audiences, Methodology

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Methodology•Focus groups (4)

Students, Faculty/Staff, Alumni, Latino Community

•One-on-one interviews (21) Board of Trustees/Foundation Board/Community Cabinet Employers

•Electronic survey (2000+) Students, Faculty/Staff, Alumni BOT/Foundation Board/ Comm. Cabinet Employers

Assignment, Audiences, MethodologyAssignment, Audiences, Methodology

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Overall The reputation of MSU Denver continues to grow stronger

but there are still lingering stigmas associated with open enrollment and education quality

• Among all audiences (internal and external) more than 70% rank reputation as good to excellent

• Close to 60% of all internal audiences and close to 50% of external audiences believe reputation has risen over last three years due to:

— Dr. Jordan’s leadership — Graduate programs

— Name change — New buildings

— Outreach to Latino community — Increased visibility and marketing

Brand Image/ReputationBrand Image/Reputation

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Image Perception: Latino Community

• Most believe that MSU Denver is welcoming and nurturing to the Latino community

Prospective students and their families treated with respect

• Most agree that MSU Denver wants Latinos in the community to pursue a higher education degree, regardless of legal status

MSU Denver sends the message: “We are for this community”

• Some believe that MSU Denver is respected but not seen as a first tier choice for students

Many Latino students view as a place they can get into, a fall-back school

Brand Image/ReputationBrand Image/Reputation

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Image Perception: Employers

• Most believe that MSU Denver is moving in right direction“In the last three years, there has been an upping of the game, so to speak”

• Some believe University has more of a presence in community conversations of late

“I have been seeing it, hearing more about it. Mentioned more.”

• Some view it as a “generic” institution (nothing special) that principally serves students who could not (due to cost) or would not (due to grades) be able to go to college elsewhere

“Never heard anything that really stands out”

“Good but most say they go there because it is cheaper than other universities”

Brand Image/ReputationBrand Image/Reputation

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A strong majority of internal stakeholders are aware of the goal to become one of the preeminent public urban universities in the country

The majority of the those who are aware of the goal believe the University is making progress towards it but still has a ways to go

Externally among employers, 41% stated they were aware of goal, and 33% believe there has been progress toward the goal

Brand Image/ReputationBrand Image/Reputation

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New words and concepts are beginning to emerge:

• Bold, Courageous • Vibrant, Dynamic• Forward, Progressive, Innovative, Early-Adopter, Emergent • Entrepreneurial, Resourceful• Critical• Collaborative, Connected, Partner • Relevant (as opposed to Real-World)

The word “University” has quickly been

embraced as a key descriptor

Unaided Words/DescriptorsUnaided Words/Descriptors

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New Name Close to 70% of internal audiences feel the new

name has strengthened the University’s brand identity, especially adding the word ‘university’ to the name • Begins to remove community college misperception• Adds degree of credibility and quality to the brand• More accurately reflects the breadth and depth of offerings

Slightly less than half (47%) of external community agree the new name enhances the University’s brand“University sounds a little more professional”

“Most will still think it's just Metro, doesn't matter if it's university or college”

Brand Identity Elements Brand Identity Elements

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New Name Strengthens Brand IdentityNew Name Strengthens Brand Identity



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Shortened Name Most feel that the ‘jury is still out’ on whether or not

the shortened name MSU Denver will be embraced over the current name Metro or Metro State

• Majority of students, but minority of other stakeholders believe it strengthens the University’s brand identity

• Some feel it moves the University too far away from its ‘Metro State’ legacy

• Some feel the acronym MSU could be confused with a number of schools, i.e., Michigan State

• Others feel if embraced, new shortened name could help shift away from any existing stigmas associated with ‘Metro’ or ‘Metro State’

Brand Identity Elements Brand Identity Elements

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Shortened Name Strengthens Brand Shortened Name Strengthens Brand IdentityIdentity

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Tagline— “We Educate Colorado”

Majority of internal survey respondents felt current tagline was an effective message

Among employers, 46% stated it wasn’t effective, 36% stated it was

In focus groups and phone interviews, reaction to the tagline was decidedly mixed

Reflects that University serves CO and underserved students Reinforces high number of graduates who stay and work in CO Any Colorado university could claim this Erodes the focus on quality, negatively reinforcing the message ‘we

accept anyone’ Not locally-focused enough, not aspirational enough

Brand Identity Elements—Tagline Brand Identity Elements—Tagline

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‘By providing Colorado’s students with a relevant, high-quality academic experience rich with diversity, degree choices and community impact, we are a vital resource to Colorado’s economy.’

Overall insights:

Focus group participants could easily describe how MSU Denver demonstrates High Quality, Diversity and Degree Choices

Community Impact and Vital Resource were less clear

Core MessagesCore Messages

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Awareness of FactsAwareness of Facts

External Audiences

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Agreement on StatementsAgreement on Statements

External Audiences

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HIGH QUALITY EDUCATIONInternally, vast majority (70%) agreeExternally, less than half (44%) agree, but 45% said maybe

Latino community has concerns about retention and graduation rate Employers are not familiar enough with University to judge its quality

DIVERSITY Expands beyond ethnic and socioeconomic diversity to include:

• More access to learning opportunities for individuals with disabilities• An inclusive and supportive environment for members of the GLBT community• Instructors who come from diverse ethnic and international backgrounds

Core MessagesCore Messages

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COMMUNITY IMPACT Understanding was diverse and not well defined—diffusing impact

of ‘impact’ message Some spoke to large scale initiatives like HSI; others used smaller, lesser

known programs; some quoted numbers of alums who stay/work in CO• Some focused on fundamental impact--graduating students and

fueling Colorado’s workforce• Others felt the impact was personally transformational for students

who attend

A VITAL RESOURCE TO COLORADO’S ECONOMY Most internal stakeholders brought the focus back to overall workforce

development and the ability for MSU Denver to provide relevant courses and degrees

Externally, close to half of respondents (48%) believe it is vital resource, while 35% answered maybe

Core MessagesCore Messages

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Known Academic ProgramsKnown Academic Programs

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%



Social Work


Criminal justice

Teacher education



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Awareness of InitiativesAwareness of Initiatives

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Most common responses:Giving opportunity to many students who otherwise could not attend college.

• Opportunity for non-traditional students, especially first-generation college students and minorities

Accessible and affordable high quality education

Other responses (mostly at board and foundation level)Educating the workforce of tomorrowEducating more Coloradans than other collegesHigh percentage of graduates stay and live in Colorado

Most Important Impact on ColoradoMost Important Impact on Colorado

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Topline Recommendations

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Amplify high quality in brand message and strategic plan

Emphasize quality of instructors, quality of small class instruction and award-winning programs

Strengthen Focus on High QualityStrengthen Focus on High Quality

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Go beyond ethnic and socioeconomic diversity to demonstrate ‘inclusive excellence’ throughout the University

Showcase a broader range of individuals, including: People with disabilities Members of GLBT communities Instructors who come from diverse ethnic and international


Unique courses and programs

Expand Definition of DiversityExpand Definition of Diversity

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Impact on Student’s Lives: • Giving opportunity to many students who otherwise could

not attend college• Focus less on facts and stats and highlight stories of

personal transformation and outcomes

Impact on Colorado’s Economy:• Creating an educated workforce that fuels a vibrant Colorado

economy is seen as greatest impact• Be more overt and clear in how you do this by demonstrating:

Industry impact–i.e., aerospace, hotel/hospitality, etc. Employer impact– i.e., interns, alumni, partnerships Broader Colorado impact– workforce impact, training,

economic development

Clarify ‘Impact’ in Three Key WaysClarify ‘Impact’ in Three Key Ways

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Impact On Urban Community Issues• As an Urban Land Grant University committed to addressing real

world urban community problems, demonstrate ‘real world’ problems, solutions and impact in specific areas: Cultural problems, solutions, impact Educational problems, solutions, impact Community health problems, solutions, impact Environmental problems, solutions, impact

Be more clear and overt about the connections MSU Denver is leveraging to address ‘real world issues’

Educate the community about issues being addressed

Clarify ‘Impact’ in Three Key WaysClarify ‘Impact’ in Three Key Ways

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Leverage the emerging ‘brand traits’ of bold, courageous, dynamic, forward, innovative, progressive and entrepreneurial in your brand image, tone and messaging

• You’ve always been an ‘early adopter’ and pioneer. Demonstrate this more as part of your brand

• From large-scale to small scale, student-run and departmental -- demonstrate innovation at all levels

Demonstrate Innovation, Boldness and Demonstrate Innovation, Boldness and Entrepreneurialism in your BrandEntrepreneurialism in your Brand

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MSU Denver’s ‘real world’ descriptor is now complemented by words like ‘relevant’ and ‘critical’

To support Urban Land Grant Mission, demonstrate how ‘real-world’ degree programs:

Make students career-ready in relevant industries Have tangible impact on relevant urban issues and

problems Address critical economic, political, socio-economic,

educational, environmental issues

Move from Real World to RelevanceMove from Real World to Relevance

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To support Strategic Plan and to reinforce MSU Denver’s position as a preeminent urban university, be bold in declaring your position as an ‘Center for Urban Excellence’• Reinforce MSU Denver’s commitment to addressing and

adjusting to urban influences and issues both historically and moving forward

• Be a state-wide agent for urban impact. Promote your commitment to addressing these issues locally, nationally and internationally

• Educate the community about these issues using a problem/solution/impact message formula

Own Urban In A Bold, New WayOwn Urban In A Bold, New Way

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Evaluate We Educate Colorado

Current tagline is not inspirational enough and does not capture the deep connections, commitment and impact MSU Denver is having on both the community and the lives of those it serves

Explore taglines that are more inspirational, emotional and that appeal more to the motivations of your target audiences

Consider Changing TaglineConsider Changing Tagline

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Continue to leverage community connections Continue featuring local Latino community leaders as role

models Demonstrate our HSI commitment by presenting personal

stories of transformation, aspirations and achievement among Latino students

Leverage HSI as a demonstration of ‘inclusive excellence’ and expand the demonstration into other cultures

Enhance Latino and Cultural MarketingEnhance Latino and Cultural Marketing

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Continue reinforcing MSU Denver story among leadership teams

Provide leadership team with updated talk points Tell more MSU Denver stories of impact/transformation

at meetings Get more MSU Denver leaders out in the community

telling the MSU Denver story

Shore Up Internal AudiencesShore Up Internal Audiences

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