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November 2009

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This Month

Pastor‘s Perspective 1-2

First Church in Ministry 2-4

First Church in Mission 5-7

Profession of Faith 7

RCA News 8

First Church News 9

Appreciation 10

Ministry Opportunity 10-11

In Memory 12-13

First Church in Fellowship 14-15

Opportunities to Serve 16-17

Birthdays & Anniversaries 18

Calendar of Events 19

Pastor’s Perspective

Pastor Perry


In this Focus article, let me continue to share with you some very important truths about the

church (ekklesia-the called out ones). First of all, in the history of the church October 31 or

on the eve of all saints day, November 1st 1517, Martin Luther nailed the 95 Thesis to the

door of a church in Wittenberg, Germany. One of his concerns about the church in his day

was the need to trust in the Bible as the ultimate source of God‘s revelation. Thus, he chal-

lenged the church leaders of that time to get back to the Bible. His translation of the Bible

into the German language and its influence on the eventually English translation of the Bi-

ble was powerful. Thank the Lord for this tenacious reformer, one of our forefathers along

with John Calvin, who called people back to the Word of God. Therefore, in our denomi-

nation and other Reformed groups we are committed to the Bible as the only source for

faith and life.

This month Christians are also encouraged to remember and give thanks for the Scriptures

with the National Bible Association during the week of November 15. During this month

let us also rejoice together at FRC in the completion of the Old Testament phase of the Es-

sential 100 in our commitment to be diligent and devoted followers of the Lord Jesus Christ

in the reading of the Scriptures.

In light of all that, let me ask some very pertinent questions about the church in relationship

to the Holy Scriptures. Is the church a building? Is it a place? Is it an organization? Is it a

body? Is it a unique group of people?

The church is all that and more. Let's briefly review what we have explored in the last sev-

eral bulletin articles about the church. Primarily however, according to the New Testament

scriptures the church (ekklesia) is a group of people who have responded to the call of God

through repentance and the commitment of their lives to Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

One of the most important facts that the church should never forget is its purpose. As faith-

ful followers and believers of Jesus Christ, who is the Head of the body, we need to re-

member the power and purpose of the church. Every confessing believer of the church

must keep in clear focus that they have been called by God, the Holy Spirit through repen-

tance and then faith in Jesus Christ to be lovingly and obediently responsive to His will and

His ways.

God has revealed His Will and His Ways to us through His special book called the Bible.

As faithful followers of Jesus Christ we need to be people of the Book, the Bible. The fol-

lowing story illustrates what the church, the believers and followers of Jesus Christ need to

be striving for:

An African prince, after interpreting a missionary's message, said, "I can't read this

Book myself," referring to the Bible, "but I have come to believe the words of it because I

have watched the missionaries for two years. They have not told me lies about anything

else; so when they tell me this Book is God's Word, I believe it. I believe that Jesus died

for me, and I am going to follow this Jesus."

…Taken from Illustrations of Bible Truths complied by Spiros Zodhiates.




420 Central Avenue NW

Orange City, Iowa 51041



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Pastor’s Perspective—continued/ First Church in Ministry

One of the very concise statements about the purpose and practices of the church is found in Acts 2:42. ―They devoted them-

selves to the apostles' teaching (which was what Jesus had taught them in addition to the Old Testament scriptures) and to the

fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.‖ Later the apostle Paul picked up this truth in his exhortation to Timothy that

involved all of the scriptures for the early church and for today‘s believers in the 21st century. Secoond Timothy 3:14-17 “But

you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and

that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is

in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for in-

struction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

The humble reading, the devoted study and loving, obedience to the Word of the Lord in our faith walk with Him is absolutely

vital to health and well being of a congregation‘s life and longevity.

Next time we will begin to explore what fellowship in the church means. We will discover that it is more than just a cup of cof-

fee, but find that it can begin with a cup of coffee.

Striving to Serve in the Name of the Good Shepherd!

Our Interim Pastor beginning November 1 is Rev. Stan Vandersall. He and his wife, Marietta, have lived in

Orange City since 1981. For twenty years he served the RCA with the Synod of the Heartland in Pastoral Care and as Synod

Executive. Prior to that he served churches in Amsterdam, NY; Brooklyn, OH; and Des Moines, IA.

Marietta was employed at the OC Elementary School and later at Northwestern College as an Administrative Assistant.

Since retirement in 2001 Stan has served five different churches as interim or as staff person. Both enjoy traveling and

spending time with grandchildren.

They have three children-Kirk who lives in Asheville, NC with his wife Michelle, and children Dexter and Bella; Scott

who lives in Martelle, IA with his wife Johanna and daughters Jenah, Josi, and Wynne; and Marcia(Bannink)who lives in Port-

land, OR, with her husband Jeff, and children Janneke, Zane, and Johan.

Stan Vandersall

The interim pastoral services provided by the Rev. Dr. Stanley J. Vandersall here at First Reformed Church is effective on No-

vember 1, 2009 and extends through April 30, 2010. The responsibilities are as follows:

1. Will provide assistance with normal pastoral and administrative leadership.

2. Will preach 2 or 3 times a month and assist with normal worship as needed.

3. Will provide special leadership, as needed, for helping the congregation deal with any possible

conflict and assisting the staff, leadership and church in development of a direction for the future.

4. Will work with church leaders to:

A. Learn from church‘s history

B. Assist in the clarification of the congregation‘s identity and mission as they focus on their next


C. Facilitate leadership development.

D. Strengthen denominational ties

E. Assist in the preparation of a position description for a new pastor 5. Act as a consultant to the executive pastor, leadership council and the search committee.

6. Submit a report every two months on the ―Health and Well-being‖ of First Reformed Church as a result of interact-

tion, interviews and visits with the congregation and its leadership.

7. Serve as classis liaison for any other needs of its staff, the consistory and congregation during this transition.

8. Meet weekly with the staff to provide help and assistance in their role and responsibilities.

Rev. Stan Vandersall will average 80-85 hours a month at First Reformed Church including selected preaching assignments

2 or 3 times a month and approximately two days a week of office presence, pastoral care and help with other needs.

Introducing Stan Vandersall

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First Church in Ministry







In an attempt to acquaint the congregation with our church leaders, we will give a brief profile of one elder and one dea-

con each month. This month we feature….

Elder Jim Bonnecroy —Jim is in his second year as a elder. Jim and his wife, Leanne (Van Leeuwen), have two sons—

Jack (19) and Sam (18). Jim has been employed at Vet Pharm in Sioux Center for 25 years. He enjoys gardening, farm-

ing, raising farm animals, music and family time.

Deacon Nick Baker—Nick is in his first year as deacon. Nick works as an agent with New York Life. His wife is

Mikkell (Korver), is a 3rd grade teacher at Hospers Elementary. Mikkell is currently 21 weeks

pregnant with twins.

Consistory News & Notes—November

The elders met with Sarah Jaime to profess her faith in Christ and accepted her as a communicate member

of First Reformed Church.

Maggie De Koster requested her membership be transferred to First Reformed Church from Central Reformed Church in Sioux Center,

Iowa. Eric Van Ravenhorst and Maggie De Koster were welcomed by the Elders and Deacons.

Peacemaking Ministry Team represented by Barry Brandt, Lora Brandt, Merilee Pennings and Randy Stange reported to full consistory

their vision for this effort at First Reformed Church. MMSC to give full endorsement and commitment to its implementation.

Stan Vandersall joined the consistory and shared his comments and perspective on his work as an interim pastor.

The deacons agreed to pay for the repairs to the lift in Todd Mouw‘s van.

Children’s Worship

November 8-David The Shepherd

November 22-Exile and Return

When children turn 3 years old during the year, they are

welcome to participate in Children‘s Worship. These op-

portunities most often fall on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of

each month, January-May. Questions? - contact Tom

Hydeen, 737-4909.


Sunday School Christmas Program

December 20th

6:30 PM

The children in Pre-school classes through 6th grade for their Christmas program will take us on a short trip around the

world and share how different people observe the good news of Jesus‘ birth. There will be flags, costumes, songs,

scripture reading and some other surprises.

AFTER-PROGRAM COOKIE SOCIAL: Last year more than two score and ten (that‘s 50!) bakers (moms, singles,

grandmas, daughters, couples, etc) donated 1 or more dozen homemade cookies for a time of refreshment following the

Christmas program. People stayed and talked and munched and talked and sampled the wonderful variety of sweet treats.

We need 50+ bakers again this year to donate one of the following to share with those who attend the Christmas program:

1. A batch of your favorite Christmas cookies or. . .

2. A batch of cookies made from one of the international recipes, which is on the next page. If you make an international

cookie, be sure to identify what it is and from what country the recipe hails.

Thanks you for your willingness to share and dare something new...

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1. Marzipan (Austria)

a. Ingredients

i. 4 oz. almond paste (in tube or block)

ii. ½ c. powdered sugar

iii. 1 T. light corn syrup

iv. 1-2 drops food coloring (or cocoa for


b. Preparation

i. Break up the paste with your hands in

a small bowl.

ii. Knead in the sugar and corn syrup,

squeezing out all lumps until the paste is


iii. Decide what shapes you wish to create,

and add the appropriate food coloring to

small quantities of the kneaded

paste. Work the color in until the paste is

evenly colored.

iv. Make small shapes with your hands,

spoons or other utensils. If desired, press

whole cloves into orange and apple shapes

to look like stems.

v. Let dry.

2. Colombes (France) a. Ingredients

i. ¾ c. butter (slightly softened)

ii. 1 egg

iii. 1 ½ t. baking powder

iv. Chocolate chips or raisins

v. 6 T. sugar

vi. 1 ½ c. flour

vii. 2-3 T. milk

b. Preparation

i. Combine butter, sugar and egg. Mix


ii. Mix baking powder into flour and add

dry ingredients to the creamed mixture.

iii. Knead thoroughly, adding milk 1 T. at

a time until you get a smooth, stiff dough.

iv. Chill for several hours.

v. Heat the oven to 375 deg.

vi. Roll the dough out to ¼‖ thickness with

a floured rolling pin on a floured work sur-

face. Cut the dough with a bird-shaped

cookie cutter. Place on an ungreased

cookie sheet.

vii. Add a raisin or chocolate chip to each

cookie for an eye.

viii. Bake for about 10 minutes until golden.

ix. Cool slightly and remove from pan.

3. Macaroons ( Italy) a. Ingredients

i. 4 egg whites

ii. ½ t. salt

iii. 2 c. sugar

iv. ½ c. blanched almonds, finely ground in


v. 1 t. almond extract

b. Preparation

i. Preheat oven to 350 deg. Line cookie

sheets with unglazed brown paper.

ii. Beat egg whites and salt until creamy.

iii. Add the sugar about ¼ c. at a time. Beat

until peaks are stiff.

iv. Fold in the almonds and extract.

v. Drop by tablespoons onto the lined cookie


vi. Bake about 10-15 minutes until light

brown and dry in appearance.

vii. Let cool slightly, then remove from the


4. Rolled and Frosted Sugar Cookies (USA and Canada)

a. Ingredients (This recipe makes 4-5 doz.)

i. 1 ¼ c. sugar

ii. ½ c. shortening

iii. 2 t. vanilla extract

iv. ½ t. salt

v. 3 T. sour cream (optional)

vi. ½ c. butter or margarine

vii. 2 eggs

viii. 3 c. flour (plus extra for rolling)

ix. 2 t. baking powder

b. Preparation

i. Lightly flour a clean pastry cloth and roll-

ing pin cover. Preheat oven to 375 deg.

ii. Cream sugar, butter, and shortening until


iii. Beat in vanilla. Add sour cream if de-


iv. Add flour, salt and baking powder. Mix


v. Roll about 1/3 of the dough at a time to

about 1/8 – ¼‖ thickness. Cut with any de-

sired cookie cutters.

vi. Bake for 7-10 minutes or until lightly

golden on the bottoms.

vii. Remove from the cookie sheet. Frost

when cool.


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First Church in Mission

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First Church in Mission

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First Church in Mission/Profession of Faith

The Missionary Assistance Committee has changed its focus from sending care packages to a monetary gift that

is given to each missionary this church supports. The gift of money will come from money that you have desig-

nated to go to missionaries. This may be done by placing an envelope in the offering plate with ―missionary‖

written on it or the envelope can be placed in the offering boxes located in the fellowship hall. The committee

will continue asking church members for donations each month. Thank you.

Harlan & Janice Van Roekel

Rick & Deb Van Roekel

Rod & Eleanor Van Roekel

ReNae Van Voorst

Willard & Mary Van Vugt

Todd & Jaci Van Wechel

John & Dianne Van Wyk

Jean Van Zanten

Bob & Nancy Van Zee

Tim & Sara Van Zee

Duane & Harriet Vande Brake

Eugene & Jennie Vande Brake

Gerald Vande Brake

Ken & Rose Vande Brake

Marion & Betty Vande Brake

Merle & Edna Vande Brake

Steve & Mary Vande Brake

Wilbur Vande Brake

Randy & Bev Vande Griend

Wanda Vande Kieft

Kevin & Karen Vanden Brink

Stan & Darlene Vander Aarde

Donna Vander Brink

Dennis & Lynne Vander Broek

Clarence & Lena Vander Laan

Harold & Muriel Vander Laan

Marion & Dorthena Vander Laan

Randy & Karen VanDer Maaten

Ruth VanDer Maaten

Hilda Vander Meide




Riley Rowenhorst, daughter of Randy and Lisa

Rowenhorst made Profession of Faith on Sunday,

October 11, 2009.

Riley has 3 sisters, Raquel, Ranell and Regan.

She is a 7th grader at MOC/FV Middle School

in Alton and is active in piano and percussion.

Her other interests include sports, drama and going to


She enjoys listening to music and going to Christian

concerts with her mom and sisters.

Sam Bonnecroy, son of James and Leanne

Bonnecroy made Profession of Faith on Sunday,

October 18, 2009.

Sam has one older brother Jack.

He is a senior at MOC/FV and is involved in football

and soccer. He also enjoys anything that includes


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A Note to Readers of the Church Herald By Wes Granberg-Michaelson

Wes hoped that this reflection would appear in the final issue of the Church Herald, which was released last week. Since it

did not, he wants to share the message through other communication tools.

During a family birthday party near Lake Michigan, I walked to the beach and ran into a woman in the RCA who lives in the

same retirement complex as my in-laws. ―I always read the Church Herald from cover to cover,‖ she told me. ―What am I

going to do now?‖

I‘m sure that‘s a question many of you are asking.

Change is difficult, and few places are witnessing the dynamics of technological change more dramatically than the

publishing world. Magazines and even leading newspapers struggle to stay viable, and many have closed. Meanwhile, a

whole new world of electronic communication and social networking has exploded, changing everything from buying books

to electing presidents.

The Reformed Church in America is navigating these rapid currents of change as we explore effective and open means of

communication for our future. It‘s a challenge. We are beginning to work on new, web-based systems that will allow anyone

who uses the Internet to receive customized news and information about any area of interest in the life of the RCA. More

importantly, this will be two-way communication facilitating interaction, exchanges, and sharing around common challenges

in the life and ministry of our congregations.

Right now, if you are on Facebook, you can become a ―fan‖ of the RCA and receive regular information about our

denomination (www.facebook.com/reformedchurch). Should you want to know my whereabouts and thoughts, I‘d welcome

you as a ―friend‖ on Facebook. You can also follow the RCA on Twitter and get regular tweets about what‘s happening in

the denomination (www.twitter.com/rcaonline).

But what about those of you who are never going to click on a mouse to stay connected to news and events in the RCA?

We are remaking RCA Today as a printed magazine that will incorporate many of those things you‘ve appreciated the most

in the Church Herald. At a retreat of RCA executive staff last week, each of us identified what we valued most in the Church

Herald; synod delegates had done the same in June.

Finances will allow us to publish this magazine only two to three times a year. That‘s part of the changing reality. But we

hope this will be a way to serve those of you, like the person I met at the beach, who love the RCA and want to stay

connected through the printed page rather than a computer screen.

Every month that I‘ve written a column for the Church Herald (165, to be exact), I have been very grateful for the privilege.

I trust that a few of these words over the years may have been like seeds falling on good soil.

The Church Herald has been published each month by a highly gifted and committed staff. The ending of this magazine‘s

life, by a decision that had not been expected from General Synod, is deeply painful for them, and this grief is widely shared.

As we look to the horizon of new, creative communication avenues, their faithful service merits the gratitude of the whole


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First Church News

Matthew Henry’s Commentary

DVD Series

Love & Respect Marriage—Dr. Emerson & Sarah Eggerichs


The Reluctant Cowgirl # 2 - Christine Lynxwiler

Montana Rose # 1 - Mary Connealy

A Widow’s Hope # 1 - Mary Ellis

The Mending String - Cliff Coon

A Gift of Grace # 1 - Amy Clipston

The Note II - Angela Hunt

Rachel’s Secret # 1 - B. J. Hoff

Third Graders Get Bibles!

Five excited third graders received their very own Bibles on

Sunday, October 18.

L-R: Jordyn Jeltema, Emma De Groot, Joshua Beltman,

Carter Pennings and Kayla Vlietstra.

All women are invited to the Women‘s

Ministries Christmas Program, Monday,

December 7 at 7:00 PM.

Sylvia Hulstein and Betty Vermeer will give a

chalk artist presentation. We will also sing

Christmas carols.

The offering will go to the Organ Fund. There

will not be a calling tree.

Pastor Ned Suffern

% Redeemer Reformed Presbyterian Church

548 Luzerne Road

Queensbury, NY 12804

Daniel & Mary Schram

312 4th St. NE

Orange City, IA 51041

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Appreciation / Ministry Opportunities

I want to thank you for all the cards, visits & well wishes.

Thanks to Pastor Ned & Pastor Perry for their visits and

concerns while I was in the hospital. Above all thanks to our

heavenly Father for healing and comfort.

Wilmina Cleveringa

With deep gratitude I thank each of you for your prayers,

visits and cards during my recent hospitalization. The meals

brought in were awesome! I know your prayers were heard as

I continue to gain strength. The Almighty Healer is at work

through you. Thanks in abundance.

Linda Schulte

We would like to thank our church family for the many

expressions of love and concern during Coba‘s hospital stays

and her passing. For the cards, food, visits and memorials

given at this time. Special thanks to Pastor Perry, Pastor Ned

and Tom for their fellowship and guidance. We thank God for

Coba‘s life and for allowing us to be a part of it.

Martin Raak & Family

Thanks to all who shared their garden produce, we

Certainly did enjoy it !!

Norm & Velma Boonstra

I would like to thank all those who remembered me with

cards on my 80th birthday and when I had surgery on my arm.

Also for the visits of Pastor Perry, Tom and the volunteers

making the knot blanket. Above all we thank God for

healing. God bless each one of you.

Harriet Harmelink

Thanks to Pastor Perry for his visits and to everyone else for

their cards, visits and prayers after my hospitalization due to

my fall. God bless you all.

Glenn De Haan

Sincere thanks to all who remembered

me during my recent hospitalization

and since returning home. I really ap-

preciated the hospital prayers, visits,

cards, flowers, phone calls and the food

brought in while recovering at home.

Also thanks to the pastoral staff for

their faithful visits and prayers.

God‗s blessing to all.

Marlys Pennings

The Women‘s Auxiliary of Inspiration Hills extends an invitation to you to attend the ―Harvest Supper‖. This is planned for

Tuesday, November 10, 2009 at 7:00PM at Inspiration Hills Camp. A delicious meal is being planned.

The entertainment for the evening will be the KOOI FAMILY from Inwood, Iowa. There will be an envelope offering dur-

ing the evening for anyone wishing to contribute toward the projects of the Auxiliary. The auxiliary has been able to purchase

many of the improvements on the grounds and to the building at the camp.

The cost for the evening is $10.00 per person. You can make your reservations by calling the Office Manager at Inspiration

Hills, 1-866-858-3265 by November 3, 2009.

Try to attend and bring a friend. You will receive a spiritual blessing and be able to visit with old and make new friends.

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In Memory

Mrs. Phyllis Zeutenhorst, age 81, of Orange City, passed away on Wednesday, October 14, 2009, at the Mercy Medical

Center in Sioux City.

There was a memorial service on Saturday, October 17, at the First Reformed Church in Orange City. The Rev. Edward Suffern

officiated. Interment was prior to the service at the West Lawn Cemetery in Orange City. There was a prayer service on Satur-

day, at 9:30am, at the Oolman Funeral Home in Orange City, with the Rev. Laura Borman officiating.P

Phyllis was born on April 2, 1928, at Sioux Center, the daughter of John T. and Mary Bonnema Oliver. Except for a few years at

Lester, she was raised at Sioux Center, where she graduated from high school. She also attended Westmar College in Le Mars,

earning a teaching certificate.

On May 31, 1947, she married John R. Zeutenhorst in Sergeant Bluff. They made their home in Orange City, where in earlier

years, she was a homemaker. Later she worked as a nurses' aid at the Heritage House Nursing Home in Orange City. More re-

cently, she was the comptroller at Northwestern College in Orange City.

Mr. & Mrs. Zeutenhorst wintered in Ocala, Florida, for thirteen years.

She was a member of the First Reformed Church, where she participated in the women's activities. She was a faithful prayer

warrior, whose prayers were especially felt by her family. She was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother,

whose most important parts of life were faith, family, and friends.

Survivors include her husband of more than 62 years; a daughter and her husband, Jan and Dan Berg of Watertown, South Da-

kota; a son and his wife, Tim and Lori Zeutenhorst, of Orange City; four grandchildren, Nicole, and her husband, Scott Carver,

of Sheldon; Lindsey Berg, of Pierre, South Dakota; and Tyler Zeutenhorst and Anna Zeutenhorst, both of Orange City; two great

-grandsons, Nicholas and Matthew Carver; two sisters, Ruth Van Den Brink, of East Lansing, Michigan; and Shirley Mouw, of

Orange City; a brother and his wife, Roger and Carol Oliver, of Rock Rapids; and a brother-in-law and his wife, Henrich and

Marilyn Kraayenbrink, of Sioux Center.

In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by a son, David Zeutenhorst; an infant grandson, Timothy John Zeuten-

horst; a brother and his wife, Jack and Louise Oliver; three sisters, Virginia Kraayenbrink; Kathleen, and her husband, Duane

Gage; and Vivian, and her husband, Harold Ageson; and two brothers-in-law, Ceel Van Den Brink and Lorenz Mouw.

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On June 18, 1958, he married Lavina F. Snuttjer in Little Rock. They took a summer charge at Shawangunk Reformed Church in

Walkill, New York, and went to the University of Michigan that fall, for Vi to complete her Bachelor of Arts degree and Bob to

begin the Master of Arts program in Near Eastern Languages and Literature. In the fall of 1959, they went to Kuwait, where they

began Arabic language study, and in 1960, they entered Iraq. There he taught English and Christianity in the school in Basrah

and in Baghdad. He also worked with the Arab Protestant Church, working with the young people's and men's groups, making

many dear friends.

In 1968, the Iraqi government expelled all Americans, prompted by America's support of Israel in the Six Day War of 1967. Bob

then accepted pastorates at the Plainview Reformed Church in Long Island, New York, Community Reformed Church in New-

ton, Iowa, and Lakeview Heights Reformed Church in Clifton, New Jersey. They served Community Reformed for thirteen

years, with the congregation growing spiritually and in numbers and also building a new sanctuary. He then began the work of

Christian-Muslinm dialogue, working with a board of six pastors in central New Jersey. He served as interim pastor in two

churches, taught Biblical studies in the Nile Theological College in Khartoum, Sudan, and served as administrator of the Al

Amana Centre in Muscat, Oman, for two years.

The Blocks then retired to Orange City, where he remained active at the First Reformed Church, serving as co-pastor of calling,

arranging senior citizens programs, and teaching some courses during the education hours. He also was hospice chaplain and

used his musical talents to sing in men's groups and to form a harmonica band, both of which volunteered in the local area. He

used his woodworking abilities to make cars for the Hope Haven Wheelchair Ministry, as well as making a tree house to delight

children, including his grandchildren. He was a devoted father and grandfather, appreciating times when family could be to-

gether. His concern was that Christ was the center of everyone's life, especially his family.

Survivors include his wife of 51 years, Vi; two sons and their wives, Joel and Badria Block, and their children, Maiya and Han-

nan, of Rio Rico, Arizona; James and Sandi Block, and their children, Zachary and Joshua, of Clear Lake, South Dakota; a

daughter and her husband, Susan and Patrick Giannantonio, and their children, Jessica and Jake, of Orange City; a sister, Mary

Grace Block, of Milford, Iowa; his mother-in-law, Grace Snuttjer, of Orange City; two brothers-in-law and their wives, Jack and

Darlene Peters and David and Kathi Snuttjer; four sisters-in-law, Sharon Reynen, Lois, and her husband, Bruce Lombard, Karen,

and her husband, Peter Schakel, and Mary, and her husband, Fred Schaa; and nephews and nieces.

In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by two brothers, George Henry and Peter Ray Block; and four sisters, Ethyl

Peters, Ruth Ackerman, Clarice, and her husband Marvin Rosenboom, and Patricia, and her husband, Robert Reynen.

Rev. Robert Block, age 79, of Orange City, Iowa, passed away on Friday, Octo-

ber 23, 2009, at the Orange City Area Health System Hospital.

There was a memorial service on Monday, October 26, at 10:30am, at the First

Reformed Church in Orange City. The Rev. Dr. Perry De Groot will officiate.

Interment will be prior to the service at the West Lawn Cemetery in Orange City.

There will be a prayer service on Monday, at 9:30am, at the Oolman Funeral

Home in Orange City.

Robert James was born on July 5, 1930, in Little Rock, Iowa, the son of George and Mary (Veenker) Block. He was raised in Little Rock, where he graduated from high school.

He then attended Central College in Pella, Iowa, majoring in history. After graduation, he went to Basrah, Iraq, as the sports and

English teacher in the School of High Hope, a Reformed Church in America mission school, where he taught for three years.

He continued his studies at the New Brunswick Theological Seminary in New Jersery, and on June 13, 1958, he was ordained to

ministry in the R. C. A. by Classis Germania.

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First Church in Fellowship

Heartland Strategy Mixer

November 2009

To all Snowbirds - Please let me know when you plan on being gone so I can make the schedule

accordingly. Thanks - and have a good winter.

Call Ken/Mary Oldenkamp (756-4233) or John/Lisa Lambert (737-3426) if you‘re interested in joining this

group. You can join any time. If you don‘t know how to play, you can learn. All ages welcome.


Top name in each group is the host and should arrange with the others in the group a date and time to play during the month.

We are suggesting each group try to play 3 games. Watch the FOCUS for next month‘s pairing.

Group hosts should call Ken Oldenkamp, (712) 756-4233 / [email protected] to report win/loss record.

If you need a substitute, you can call Jamey/Rachel Valentine, 707-9268, Randy Van Peursem, 707-4054, or Betty Verdoorn,

737-4471, Evelyn Jones—707-7500 (Marlys Rowenhorst‘s sister) or Pete & Dorothy Karssen 737-2430

Or any other Heartland player—or even call someone from the congregation to see if they want to play.


Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Pete & Sylvia Humme 737-2903 Nelva Rowenhorst 737-3029

& Lori Rowenhorst 737-8377

Gene & Thelma Haverdink 737-8179

Bill & Kathy Van Marel 707-4212 Orville & Marge Beltman 737-4232 Betty Verdoorn/Elma Hiemstra 737-4471

Wilbur & Joann De Jong 707-4540 Jay & Ruth Lyftogt 737-3369 Rick Hop 737-4434 & Dennis Vande Brake

Group 4 Group 5 Group 6

Arlin & Glenda Brenneman 737-4069 Harlan & Janice Van Roekel 722-2530 Dale & Mary Wurpts 737-4401

John & Gert Kamies 737-4761 Paul & Elaine De Jong 737-2116 John & Lisa Lambert 737-3426

Tony & Ann Verdoorn 737-4545 Rog & Dianne De Haan 737-3331 Renee Wynia/Sharon Reynen 737-3697

Group 7 Group 8 Group 9

Julie Junck/Kristi Hiemstra 737-8129 Idelle Vogel 737-4339 & Helene Van

Grootheest 707-9308

Ken & Mary Oldenkamp 756-4233

Gerald & Marilyn Bruxvoort 707-4458 Whiz & Jackie Punt 737-4790 Art & Lorna Ter Horst 737-4604

Ken & Mary Oldenkamp 756-4233 Linda De Smit/June Van Oort 737-3776 Harlan & Twila Oolman 737-3326

Group 10 Group 11 Group 12

Harlan & Linda Ver Steeg 737-8946 Herm & Grace Oldenkamp 707-8657 Tom & Carla Hydeen 737-2544

Amy Eben & Partner 707-9105 Galen & Becky Kleinwolterink 737-8378 Jim & Mavis Aberson 737-2496

Marv & Helen Huisman 737-2302 Al & Linda Donaldson 737-3104 Cliff & Geneva Korver 737-4666

Group 13

Harlan & Phyllis De Haan 737-2418

Randy & Bev Vande Griend 707-4358

Dale & Cheryl Hiemstra 737-3877

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First Church in Fellowship POINTS STANDINGS Wins/Losses POINTS STANDINGS Wins/Losses

Cliff Korver 28-14 Jim Aberson 15-16

Galen Kleinwolterink 28-8 Cornie Keunen 15-12

Renee Wynia 27-18 Harvey Vander Pol 15-12

Helene Van Grootheest 25-14 Geneva Korver 14-25

John Lambert 25-14 Idelle Vogel 14-25

Julie Junck 25-14 Lisa Lambert 14-25

Bill Van Marel 25-11 Sharon Reynen 14-25

Rick Hop 24-12 Ruth Lyftogt 14-22

John Kamies 24-9 Amy Eben 14-13

Betty Verdoorn 23-13 Dale Wurpts 14-10

Paul De Jong 23-10 Dennis Vande Brake 13-23

Al Donaldson 22-17 Carla Hydeen 13-20

Dale Hiemstra 22-17 Marilyn Bruxvoort 13-19

Jay Lyftogt 22-14 Carol Vande Pol 13-14

Whiz Punt 22-8 Harv Huisman 13-11

June Van Oort 21-21 Kathy Van Marel 12-27

Linda De Smit 21-21 Dianne De Haan 12-18

Nelva Rowenhorst 21-21 Lorna Ter Horst 12-18

Linda Ver Steeg 21-18 Elma Hiemstra 11-22

Randy Vande Griend 21-15 Marge Beltman 11-19

Arlin Brenneman 20-19 Gene Haverdink 11-15

JoAnn De Jong 20-19 Alvina Keunen 11-14

Ken Oldenkamp 20-16 Helen Huisman 11-13

Glenda Brenneman 19-20 Gerry Noordhoek 11-7

Wilbur De Jong 19-20 Elaine De Jong 10-23

Harlan Van Roekel 19-14 Harlan Oolman 10-17

Gerald Bruxvoort 19-13 Mary Wurpts 10-14

Orville Beltman 19-11 Herm Oldenkamp 10-5

Harlan De Haan 19-8 Gert Kamies 9-24

Harlan Ver Steeg 18-21 Phyllis De Haan 9-21

Mavis Aberson 18-18 Pete Karssen 9-6

Tony Verdoorn 18-15 Jackie Punt 8-22

Art Ter Horst 18-12 Kristi Hiemstra 8-19

Roger De Haan 18-12 Sylvia Humme 8-16

Twila Oolman 18-12 Grace Oldenkamp 8-13

Thelma Haverdink 18-11 Becky Kleinwolterink 7-26

Cheryl Hiemstra 17-22 Wanda Noordhoek 7-11

Janice Van Roekel 16-20 Dorothy Karssen 6-9

Linda Donaldson 16-20 Randy Van Peursem 5-1

Mary Oldenkamp 16-20 Henrietta Vande Weerd 4-2

Tom Hydeen 16-10 Chad Oolman 2-1

Pete Humme 16-8 Jamey Valentine 2-1

Bev Vande Griend 15-21 Rachel Valentine 1-2

Lori Rowenhorst Ann Verdoorn

15-21 15-18

Rachel Van Ravenhorst Ross Enger

1-2 0-3

Reasons for playing

Heartland Strategy

1. Meet people at

FRC that you

do not know.

2. Become aware

of any needs or

concerns of

those you play


3. Build unity as a

group at FRC.

4. Be considerate

and help those

who are learn-

ing how to play.

5. To praise God

and have a fun


6. Please invite &

encourage oth-

ers to join the


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Opportunities to Serve

November 8 Paul & Sheila Janssen

Allen & Pam Jeltema

November 15 Gerald & Judy Jongerius

Henry & Evonne Jonker

November 22 Roger & Marilyn Jordan

Mark & Kay Jonker

November 29

Harlan & Stacie Jorgensen

Brian & Julie Junck

December 6 Reese & Cristi Kelch

Cliff & Geneva Korver



November 8 Lynne Vander Broek/Betty Smit N Jay & Roz Wielenga

Claude & Betty Vander Zwaag NW

Sara Van Zee /Alyce Vander Stoep S Dale & Mary Wurpts

Harlan & Janice Van Roekel SW

November 15 Dale & Mary Wurpts N Casey & Gladys Korver

Jay & Roz Wielenga NW

Sharon Reynen / Renee Wynia S Bob & Deb Vander Schaaf

Bob & Deb Vander Schaaf SW

November 22 Mark & Amy Rassel N Claude & Betty Vander Zwaag

John & Dianne Van Wyk NW

Mark & MiriamVellings S Lynne Vander Broek / Betty Smit

Harlan & Linda Ver Steeg SW

November 29 Nick & Mikkell Baker N Mark & Miriam Vellinga

Craig & Leah Pennings NW

Dale & Cheryl Hiemstra S Harlan & Linda Ver Steeg

Steve & Laurie Roesner SW

December 6 Bob & Sue Conaway N John & Dianne Van Wyk

Lois De Haan / Amy Eben NW

Cliff & Geneva Korver S Mark & Amy Rassel

Daryl & Shirley Beltman SW


* Even if you feel you do not have the gift of hospitality, but would like to be a greeter, please contact J.R.

Siebersma, 737-4684 or Amy Eben, 707-9105.

*Evening greeters should travel throughout the Fellowship Hall to greet members and intentionally welcome


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Opportunities to Serve



November 8 Paul Beltman Michelle Van Wyk

November 15 Claire Roesner Sara Van Peursem

November 22 Paul Beltman Johanna Suffern

November 26 Thanksgiving Sam Bonnecroy

November 29 Paul Beltman Meredith Pennings

December 6 Meredith Pennings Michelle Van Wyk


North door Jacob Solsma, Trevor Starkweather,

Johanna Suffern, Michelle Van Wyk

Center door Jacob Vande Griend, Josie Visser,

Leah Wielenga, Anna Zeutenhorst

South door Shelby Baker, Malea Beeson,

Davis Bloemendaal, Sarah Bomgaars,

Sam Bonnnecroy


Day 8:50 AM - Baby/


10:35 AM – Sunday


November 8 Lori Zeutenhorst

Karen Huizenga

Miranda King

Sara Van Peursem

Joel/Angela Bomgaars

November 15

Thelma Haverdink

Julie Junck

Gena Schmidt

Laura Korver

Rob & Brenda


November 22 Sheila Janssen

Cheryl Hiemstra

ReNae Van Voorst

Jessica Locker

Gary & Judy Cleveringa

November 26


Patty De Kock

Merilee Pennings

Helen Huitink

Karli Lang

November 29 Judy Cleveringa

Pam Jeltema

Jacki Brenneman

Jade De Kock

Kevin & Kara


December 6 Geneva Korver

Dawn Kroese

Rachel Leusink

KariVanden Brink

Norwin & Myra


November 8 LeeAnn Smit

November 15 Gary & Linda Te Grotenhuis

November 22 Rachel Valentine

November 29 Bob & Mary Van Gelder

December 6 Bill & KathyVan Marel


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Nvovember Birthdays & Anniversaries

November ~ 2009 S M T W T F S

1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31

☺ - 80 or older

☺☺ - 90 or older


—missionary birthday

2. Donna Van Peursem

Mark Jonker

Madisyn Mulder

Katelyn Brenneman

3. Russell Te Grotenhuis ☺☺

Nick Hulst ☺

Diane Raak

Eric Eyer

4. Hendrina Van Gelder

Laurie Roesner

Chris Korver

Roger & Sheryl Koster Wilbur & JoAnn De Jong

5. Jane Haverdink

Arlyn & Verdell Kleinwolteink

6. Jack Van Es ☺

Joan Zeutenhorst

7. Aletha Beeson

Leah Pennings

Julie Gober

Eric Schwebach

Brandon Williams

Casey & Gladys Korver Gerald & Judy Jongerius

8. Evelyn Kraai ☺☺

Henrietta Koele ☺

Mark Bloemendaal

9. Lynne Vander Broek

Mark Dykstra

Eric Hiemstra

10. Sarah Te Grotenhuis

11. Norma Stander

Paul De Jong

Krystle Vander Schaaf

Morgan Baker

12. Harold De Jager

John Lambert

Carey De Boer

Dustin Vander Schaaf

13. Martin Raak ☺☺

Tom Hydeen

14. Russell Van Gorp ☺

Mark Van Klompenburg

Andrew Bloemendaal

Ava De Jong

Ernest & JoAnn Fedders

15. Doris De Hoogh

Jolene Hop

Donald Vaas

Jasey Van Kekerix

Matthew Stanislav

16. Shelly Ritsema

Debra Broek

17. Katie Van Berkum ☺☺

Darlene Vander Aarde

Willard Van Vugt

Sarah Raak

19. Rick Van Roekel

20. Ned Suffern

Michael De Koster

Cole Pottebaum

21. Daniel Locker

22. James Kleis

Galen Kleinwolterink

23. Karen VanDer Maaten

Twila Oolman

24. Florence Plender

Stanley Ver Steeg

Mark & Lori Bloemendaal 25. John Zeutenhorst

Kyle De Jong

Arlen & Dee Van Dyke

26. John Van Wyk

Terril De Haan

Bill & Kathy Van Marel Eric & Stephenie Schwebach

27. Herbert Ritsema ☺

28. Kenneth Vlietstra

29. Adrian Jacobs ☺

Dale Wurpts

Heath Baker

Claire Roesner

30. Connie Menning

Carla Hydeen

Beverly Vande Griend

Alden & Connie Menning

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9:15 AM-Worship—Pastor Perry

Prayer Blanket/Karalee Oldenkamp

10:45 AM-Sunday School/Disciples


6:30 PM-Worship—Arnold Punt



8:00 AM-Staff Devotions

2:00 PM-Mary Martha

7:00 PM-Care Cluster Gathering


6:30 PM– JAM

6:40 PM-Catechism/Prayer


7:20 PM—Children/Cherub


8:00 PM—Sanctuary Choir



11:30 AM-Miriam

5:00 PM-Family Circles

6:15 PM-Genevan Ringers

7:00 PM-MAJESTY worship



9:15 AM-Worship-Pastor Harlan

Van Oort

MAJESTY worship team

Cherub choir

Children‘s worship

10:45 AM-Operation Christmas

Box Packing

Sunday School/Disciples Journey

6:30 PM-Worship—Pastor Stan


Children‘s choir


4:15 PM-Full Staff Devotions

7:00 PM-Library Board


6:30 AM-Leadership Council

1:00 PM-Blocks & Knots

6:30 PM-JAM

6:40PM-Catechism/Prayer Warriors

7:20 PM-Children‘s/Cherub Choir

8:00 PM-Sanctuary Choir



6:30 PM-Alleluia Praise Team


9:15 AM-Worship-Pastor Perry

Celebration of the Lord‘s Supper

Alleluia Worship Team

10:45 AM-Sunday School/Disciples


3:00 PM– Lord‘s Supper/Pioneer Home

6:30 PM– Pastor Joel Bensema


7:15 PM-Ruth

7:15 PM-Naomi


8:00 AM-Staff Devotions

9:30 AM –Priscilla

7:00 PM-Consistory


5:00 PM-50‘s Diner/JAM

6:40 PM-Catechism/Prayer Warriors

7:20 PM-Children‘s/Cherub Choir

8:00 PM-Sanctuary Choir



11:30 AM-Miriam

5:00 PM-Family Circles

6:15 PM-Genevan Ringers

7:00 PM-GLORY! Worship Team


9:15 AM-Worship-Pastor Jon Nelson

30th Anniversary of FRC Sanctuary

GLORY! Worship Team

Children‘s Worship

10:45 AM-Sunday School/Disciples


6:30 PM-Pastor Jon Nelson


5:15 PM-Worship/Prayer Ministry



4:15 PM-Full Staff Devotions



6:30 PM Open House - 1st Impact


9:15 AM-Thanksgiving Worship-

Pastor Perry


9:15 AM-Worship– Pastor Perry

1st Sunday of Advent

10:45 AM-Sunday School/Disciples


2:00 PM-Christmas Festival Orchestra


6:30 PM-Worship


6:00 PM-Preaching/Teaching Ministry
