Robert F. Kennedy Jr. addressed a full auditorium at The University of Texas-Pan American Wednesday, emphasizing the need for community members to stay abreast of environmen- tal issues such as global warming. “We (must) recognize that nature is the infrastructure of our community,” he said. Kennedy, an environmentalist and lawyer and keynote guest for the cam- pus’ International Week celebration, described ecological problems through- out the world and spoke about media distractions keeping people from learn- ing about ecological issues. The conservationist said media focus too much on celebrity instead of issues such as global warming, pollution and environmental sustainability. “(Media) focus too much on entertainment,” said Kennedy, one of Time magazine’s “Heroes for the Planet” in 1999. “We hear more about ‘Brangelina’ than we do about global warming.” Kennedy, 53, said that 90 percent of the news that reaches Americans comes from conservative corporations such as Fox. He explained that most conserva- tives don’t understand the immediacy of environmental problems. “Eighty percent of Republicans are Democrats that don’t know what’s going on,” he said. “We are leaders of the free world but we have no idea what is going on in the world.” SPREADING AWARENESS Kennedy said that in order to help expand awareness about environmental issues, the U.S. government and its cit- Between quiz clickers, Web CT and smart classrooms, The University of Texas-Pan American is well within the technology swing of things. But with an increasing number of teachers using new technology in their classrooms, is tradi- tional education history? A majority of recent college gradu- ates say that universities and colleges should place more emphasis on the “concepts and new developments in technology,” according to a study by The Association of American Colleges and Universities in 2006. 59 percent of recent graduates agreed that future grad- uating classes should be required to learn more about technology than they did in the past. In an attempt to keep up with the By BOBBY CERVANTES The Pan American See Page 15 Bronc basketball men win season opener SPORTS Tuition increase possible for fall 2008 Art aids war veterans in recovery, experts say See Page 7 See Page 3 A&E NEWS 58th Year No. 12 Thursday Nov. 15, 2007 THIS WEEK CAMPUS SERIES Class time changes possible See TECH page 11 An informal committee was recent- ly appointed to discuss and make recom- mendations for a possible schedule change in the fall of 2008. The committee was formed at a Department Chair Leadership Development meeting Oct. 3, and has discussed changes in the schedule that would affect Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon classes. “What we’re trying to do here is provide opportunities for students to build their schedules in ways that would be helpful to them, that’s the bottom line,” said Ana Maria Rodriguez, senior vice provost for undergraduate studies. See SCHEDULE page 11 Profs ponder use of innovations in classroom setting By ABIGAIL MUNIZ The Pan American DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER SERIES Technology changing education By J.R. ORTEGA The Pan American See KENNEDY page 11 Environmental activist says U.S. is distracted Kennedy speaks on nature, society Campus PD responds to phone threat DEVELOPING The University of Texas-Pan American Police Department is “in the process of investigating” death threats made against a campus employee Wednesday, Assistant Chief James Loya said. Several anonymous sources suggest the threats, delivered by phone Wednesday, were against Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs Paul Sale, who had “no comment” about the incident. In the wake of the shooting deaths at Virginia Tech last year, concern about a possible situation at UTPA spread quickly Wednesday, but most officials were mum as to any details. Despite early breaking rumors of bomb threats and an Executive Building lockdown, Loya said there was never an immediate threat on campus. Visit www.utpa.edu/dept/panamer- ican for updates as they become avail- able. By SANDRA GONZALEZ The Pan American Photos by Nick Dodd/The Pan American ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS - Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whose speech marked the end of this semesterʼs Distinguished Speaker Series, addresses an auditorium full of students, staff and faculty at The University of Texas-Pan American.

November 15, 2007

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Page 1: November 15, 2007

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. addressed a

full auditorium at The University of

Texas-Pan American Wednesday,

emphasizing the need for community

members to stay abreast of environmen-

tal issues such as global warming.

“We (must) recognize that nature is

the infrastructure of our community,” he


Kennedy, an environmentalist and

lawyer and keynote guest for the cam-

pus’ International Week celebration,

described ecological problems through-

out the world and spoke about media

distractions keeping people from learn-

ing about ecological issues.

The conservationist said media

focus too much on celebrity instead of

issues such as global warming, pollution

and environmental sustainability.

“(Media) focus too much on

entertainment,” said Kennedy, one of

Time magazine’s “Heroes for the

Planet” in 1999. “We hear more about

‘Brangelina’ than we do about global


Kennedy, 53, said that 90 percent

of the news that reaches Americans

comes from conservative corporations

such as Fox.

He explained that most conserva-

tives don’t understand the immediacy of

environmental problems.

“Eighty percent of Republicans are

Democrats that don’t know what’s going

on,” he said. “We are leaders of the free

world but we have no idea what is going

on in the world.”

SPREADING AWARENESSKennedy said that in order to help

expand awareness about environmental

issues, the U.S. government and its cit-

Between quiz clickers, Web CT

and smart classrooms, The University of

Texas-Pan American is well within the

technology swing of things. But with an

increasing number of teachers using new

technology in their classrooms, is tradi-

tional education history?

A majority of recent college gradu-

ates say that universities and colleges

should place more emphasis on the

“concepts and new developments in

technology,” according to a study by The

Association of American Colleges and

Universities in 2006. 59 percent of

recent graduates agreed that future grad-

uating classes should be required to

learn more about technology than they

did in the past.

In an attempt to keep up with the


See Page 15

Bronc basketball menwin season opener


Tuition increase possiblefor fall 2008

Art aids war veterans inrecovery, experts say

See Page 7

See Page 3



58th YearNo. 12

ThursdayNov. 15, 2007







Class timechangespossible

See TECH page 11

An informal committee was recent-

ly appointed to discuss and make recom-

mendations for a possible schedule

change in the fall of 2008. The committee

was formed at a Department Chair

Leadership Development meeting Oct. 3,

and has discussed changes in the schedule

that would affect Monday, Wednesday

and Friday afternoon classes.

“What we’re trying to do here is

provide opportunities for students to

build their schedules in ways that would

be helpful to them, that’s the bottom

line,” said Ana Maria Rodriguez, senior

vice provost for undergraduate studies.

See SCHEDULE page 11

Profs ponder useof innovations inclassroom setting


The Pan American


Technology changing education

By J.R. ORTEGAThe Pan American

See KENNEDY page 11

Environmentalactivist says U.S. is distracted

Kennedy speaks on nature, society

Campus PDresponds tophone threat


The University of Texas-Pan

American Police Department is “in the

process of investigating” death threats

made against a campus employee

Wednesday, Assistant Chief James

Loya said.

Several anonymous sources suggest

the threats, delivered by phone

Wednesday, were against Provost/Vice

President of Academic Affairs Paul Sale,

who had “no comment” about the incident.

In the wake of the shooting deaths

at Virginia Tech last year, concern about

a possible situation at UTPA spread

quickly Wednesday, but most officials

were mum as to any details. Despite

early breaking rumors of bomb threats

and an Executive Building lockdown,

Loya said there was never an immediate

threat on campus.

Visit www.utpa.edu/dept/panamer-

ican for updates as they become avail-



The Pan American

Photos by Nick Dodd/The Pan AmericanENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS - Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whose speech marked the end of this semesterʼs DistinguishedSpeaker Series, addresses an auditorium full of students, staff and faculty at The University of Texas-Pan American.

Page 2: November 15, 2007


1201 West University, CAS 170 Edinburg, Texas 78539Phone: (956) 381-2541

Fax: (956) 316-7122www.utpa.edu/dept/panamerican



NOVEMBER 15, 2007

The Pan American is the official student newspaperof The University of Texas-Pan American. Viewspresented are those of the writers and do notnecessarily reflect those of the paper or university.

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The Pan American accepts letters of 300words or less from students, staff and facultyregarding recent newspaper content, campusconcerns or current events. The Pan Americanreserves the right to edit submissions for grammarand length. The Pan American cannot publishanonymous letters or submissions containing hatespeech or gratuitous personal attacks. Please send allstory ideas to [email protected].

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SecretaryAnita [email protected]

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Assitant Advertising ManagerJacqueline Iglesias...................................

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Thursday at noon





he entertainment world in all its

glory keeps churning out juicy,

embarrassing revelations. Whether you

like him or not, recently Duane

Chapman, popularly known from A&E’s

“Dog, the Bounty Hunter” has been in

the news for racial slurs.

After a leaked recorded phone con-

versation (private, may I add), Dog has

been targeted as a racist for repeatedly

using the so-called n-word toward his

son Tucker’s girlfriend. I mean, the man

does sport that long, blond trailer-trash

mullet and carries around that wide-load

of a wife, so why does it come as a sur-


What surprises me is that the enter-

tainment world is so quick to turn their

back on celebrities when a situation such

as this arises.

Racist or not, the man had a popu-

lar show that suddenly was removed

from the air after the network heard of

this fiasco. It’s the same story.

Every news station, gossip column

and program struck gold with Don

Imus’s insensitive remarks. The comedi-

an/writer/radio talk show host was put

under serious heat for his comment on

the Rutgers women’s basketball team.

As a result, MSNBC canceled his

morning radio show and his once-good

name has been tainted ever since. And of

course, who could forget Michael

Richards (Cosmo Kramer of “Seinfeld”)

and his unfortunate comedy act break-

down? A heckling incident turned into

headline news and what do you know,

Richards is labeled a no-good, African-

American-hating white man.

What I don’t understand is why

people like Chapman, Imus and

Richards get in trouble for an outburst

during a vulnerable moment yet people

like Strom Thurmond remain public

figures (and racists). The man left the

Senate office at 100 years old, as the

longest-serving senator, and oldest at

the time.

So why do people make such a

huge deal when a celebrity is associated

with discrimination, but when a govern-

ment official does it, it’s OK? People

may have still resented him, but nobody

made him resign.

It’s a sad thing to know that the

public is more informed and concerned

with what goes on in the entertainment

industry than what happens within

their government.

Entertainment personas have

more influence on the general public

than the government ever will. It’s the

cold truth.


OPINIONNovember 15, 2007

Celebrity gaffes are overhyped

he first couple of knocks I didn’t

mind too much, but when the short

little guy went for my legs for a second

time, I’d had enough.

I was taken back through time, to

my younger days when I used to bartend

and kick out rowdy winos and loud-

mouth boozers, and felt like reverting to

the old ways. Hey, what can I say? That

was actually the coolest thing next to a

nice tip in that line of work.

I kept my cool, slowly got back up

after hitting my second three-pointer,

and walked away. For the last few years

I’ve had to do a lot of that because I am

and always will be the bigger man.

It was crystal clear: the dude sim-

ply knocked me down, but no whistle.

The best I could do was give the referee

my best evil-eye, from there things pro-

gressively worsened. Fouls galore, a

tackle here and there, it was all fair


Maybe it was my face. I’ve been

told on many occasions I should smile

more; I’d rather not, I hate wrinkles, but

it was the only thing I could think of.

‘Maybe I come off as a douche?’ I

thought. Maybe the refs didn’t like me,

although I highly doubt a personal

vendetta was on their to-do list.

I pleaded with one of them for the

sake of everyone’s safety on that court.

His response:

“You all are playing dirty too.” My

jaw nearly dropped. Oh and by the way I

was complaining even when we had a

12-point lead.

Look, I enjoy a good physical bas-

ketball game and I love the Intramural 5-

on-5 league the Wellness and

Recreational Sports Complex put togeth-

er, please don’t misunderstand me.

But when the safety of participants

is compromised - especially my own - I

tend to worry.

The games run for about an hour

and I imagine the expediency factor that

goes into refereeing several back-to-

back games is the reason fouls aren’t

called every time.

That’s cool too, but diving at some-

one’s legs constitutes a foul in anyone’s


Normally I’m not one to complain,

I think that type of attitude is reserved

for…well I rather not say.

The two refs clearly overlooked the

safety of the players for the entirety of

the game. I know they’re students and

are probably doing it for a little extra

cash, but if you’re going to do some-

thing, do it right. Take a little pride in

your job, go to the video store and pick

up “Refereeing 101,” it might help.

Don’t like that suggestion? Then

just do the right thing.

If they can’t control the game and

everything that goes with it, including

players’ tempers which tend to flare

when fouls aren’t called, fights will

break out.

Well surprise, surprise.

As I later found out from the stu-

dent manning the front desk, a fight did

break on the other court, the campus

police came and whisked the perpetra-

tors away. Case in point.

I could go on and on about refer-

eeing or the lack of it, but I have a

game in a few minutes. Yeah I’m going

back. I feel ready: after all last night I

stayed up late watching “Fight Club,”

just in case.


� Have you had a bad expe-rience with a lousy referee,too? Tell me about it at: [email protected].


When friendly matches turn violent

� Are you tired of hearingabout celebrities and theirpolitically incorrect [email protected]

2929The next edition of The PanAmerican hits stands




The Social Work Student

Association will host a toy drive from

Nov. 8 to Nov. 28.

The toy drive is sponsored by

Court Appointed Special Advocates, a

non-profit volunteer organization that

utilizes trained citizens to provide

abused or neglected children a voice in


SWSA is asking the campus com-

munity to assist CASA reach its goal of

gathering 500 toys for the children that

they currently serve.

SWSA will be placing donation

boxes in the following buildings: SBSC,



The toys should be in their original

packaging and their value should be $10

to $20 dollars.

For more information, please call


On Nov. 8 at Unity Hall, the

Global Awarness Project held a discus-

sion forum about the Jena Six trials.

The trials involved six Aftican-

American teens accused of beating

Justin Barker, a white teenager, at Jena

High School on Dec. 4, 2006.

The committee invited Dr. Jessica

Lavariega-Monforti, political science

professor; Philip Etheridge, criminal

justice professor; and Aje-Ori Agbese,

communication professor to share their


Page 3: November 15, 2007

The Cost of Education Committee at

the University of Texas- Pan American

held an open forum Tuesday to discuss

proposals for a boost in fees and designat-

ed tuition costs for UTPA students through

the next two academic years.

A UTPA student taking 15 semester

credit hours currently pays $2,413 for

tuition and mandatory fees. In the pro-

posal, the student would be paying

$2,938 by 2009 and $3,200 by 2010.

The 22-member committee, com-

prised of nine students and 13 faculty

and staff, reviews tuition and fee propos-

als and later makes recommendations to

the president of the university. This

week, The University of Texas-Austin

announced an 8-percent hike in tuition,

as colleges across the nation are being

forced to raise rates for various reasons.

THE PAN AMERICANNovember 15, 2007 Page 3


Oil costs are rebounding after a

steep drop on Tuesday, and those plan-

ning car trips next Thanksgiving week-

end will have to plan for fluctuating

prices as they gas up.

Americans have had to adjust to

fluctuating gas prices since the 1970s,

and in recent years have seen the price at

the pump rise consistently.

Wednesday, crude for December

delivery rose $2.55 to $93.72 a barrel on

the New York Mercantile Exchange after

a $3.45 drop Tuesday, according to The

Associated Press.

The statewide average gas price for

this week is $2.66 per gallon, according

to the San Antonio-Express News.

Houston enjoyed the cheapest gas this

week at $2.60 per gallon.

Gasoline prices remain above $3 in

39 states.

“Historically gasoline prices fall in


Faculty reflects

Over one week after the Faculty

Senate voted against proposed changes

to The University of Texas-Pan

American’s core curriculum, reflection

on the process and discussions leading

up to the vote has begun.

Paul Sale, vice president/provost

for academic affairs, said the monthlong

dialogue and forums on the matter were

a positive.

“I hope that I can take at least part

responsibility for opening discussions

about matters of importance to the cam-

pus community. Following Dr.

(Blandina) Cardenas’ lead, we’re trying

to be very transparent and have open dis-

cussions,” he said. “What we find is that

we get a lot of perspectives — neither

side is right or wrong, but it’s important

to get them all on the table to make the

best decision we can.”

The debate over the core curricu-

lum proposal was abundant in perspec-

tives, with many arguing the validity of

various courses to overall student educa-

tion, Sale said. The proposed curriculum

omitted requirements for kinesiology, a

foreign language and a computer course,

among others.

LOADED ISSUELewis Weger, assistant professor of

physician assistant studies, said while he

had objections to the proposal because


Gas pricesfluctuate,drivers toadjust


See GAS page 12

Core curriculumgroup to revisitpossible changes

See COURSES page 12



Schools fighting staph

Health officials at the University of

Texas-Pan American are reevaluating

their cleaning methods to ensure a safer

and cleaner campus, following recent

local and national news reports of a

staph infection borne from bacteria

recurring in various schools and commu-

nities throughout the country.

In October schools throughout the

United States were closed and events

were canceled in Connecticut,

Maryland, North Carolina and Ohio.

School officials in Mississippi,

New Hampshire and Virginia reported

student deaths from the bacteria, while

officials in at least four other states

reported cases of student infections.

There have been reports of students

with staph infections in the past at

UTPA’s Student Health Services Center,

with the most recent diagnosis being

about one month ago, said Rick Gray,

director of health services. The person

diagnosed was treated, and the infection

was cleared after proper and

immediate care, he said.

Director of Environmental Health

and Safety Richard Costello said it is

important that the university has policies

in place that “do not result in or facilitate

a (Staphylococcus Aureus) infection in

the UTPA community.”

Staph infections were the primary

cause of skin and soft tissue infections in

American communities until the 1990s,

when a different strain known as

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus

Aureus, associated mostly with healthcare

facility infections since the 1970s, became

another leading cause of severe infections.

Dr. Rachel Gorwitz, a medical epi-

demiologist at the Center for Disease

Control and Prevention, said that when

the staph bacteria is exposed to uncov-

ered, damaged skin and skin tissue, it

starts becoming infectious and begins

eating away the host’s tissue and skin as

the bacteria multiplies.

The recent staph infection increase

has some people worried, but medical

health professionals say that the commu-

nity-associated MRSA, a strain immune

to penicillin and other antibiotics, has

been around for decades, so students and

the general public alike should take a

deep breath and simply reevaluate their

own personal hygiene methods.

For that reason, Costello said the

school is ensuring

that buildings are

equipped with

hand-wash ing

facilities, and

that common

equipment in

facilities like

weight rooms are

properly disinfec-

ted on a daily basis

as recommended by

the Centers for

Disease Control.

“This is not a new

problem,” Patti Koo,

a physician’s assis-

tant for Student

Health Services

said. “(MRSA) is

just getting more

media hype these

days, which is a

good and bad

thing. Good

because people

can understand it

and prevent it; bad

because it gets blown

way out of proportion.”

Rosalinda Rossaw, a

nurse practitioner at UTPA’s

By LUPE A. FLORESThe Pan American

Hygiene isemphasized asinfections sprout


Staph infection?

How to prevent it:

Veronica Gonzalez/The Pan AmericanINCREASE - Tony Matamoros, president of the Student Government Association,presents a proposed tuition and fee increase for the next two years.

By ABIGAIL MUNIZThe Pan American


Tuition cost proposals may hike prices

Staph is the shortened name forStaphylococcus, a type of bacteriathat can live harmlessly on manyskin surfaces, especially aroundthe nose, mouth and genitals. Butwhen the skin is punctured or bro-ken for any reason, staph bacteriacan enter the wound and cause aninfection.

What is

Wash hands frequently and bathe or showerdaily.

Areas of skin that have been injured — such ascuts, scrapes, eczema, and rashes caused byallergic reactions or poison ivy — should becleaned and covered, and use any antibioticointments or other treatments that your doctorsuggests.

- Cleanliness and good hygiene

- Keep injuries clean

See PROPOSALS page 12

See STAPH page 12

Committee givesplans enhancingstudent services

Page 4: November 15, 2007

NEWSPage 4 November 15, 2007

Page 5: November 15, 2007

NEWSNovember 15, 2007 Page 5

Page 6: November 15, 2007



EEVENTS ....... .......

For more info or to request special accommodations, please contact us at 381-2660 or log on http://dos.utpa.edu








Thurs. Nov. 15 Great American SmokeoutFrom 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Chapel Lawn

SU: Air Hockey TournamentFrom 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the SU Game Room

Career Services: Tips on Federal EmploymentSU Sage Room 12 - 1 pm

Play: Frida, Un Retablo Starting at 7:00 p.m. at the SU Theater

Disabilities Awareness FairFrom 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the SU Commons/E. Patio

Fri. Nov. 16 UPB Movie: Ladrón Que Roba a LadrónStarting at 7:00 p.m. at the SU Theater

Tues. Nov. 20 Ultimate Money Skills: Scholarships, Dollars, Budgets, & BillsStarting at 5:30 pm at the SU Theater

SU: Turkey BowlingFrom 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Student Union

UPB Coffeehouse: Guitar Hero TournamentStarting at 7:00 p.m. at the SU Café

Wed. Nov. 21 SU: Fan Frenzy ContestFrom 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the SU Commons

NEWSPage 6 November 15, 2007

Page 7: November 15, 2007

The Rio Grande Valley is home to

roughly 45,000 veterans, many of whom

have turned musicians, poets, artists, and

writers to enjoy the helpful power of cre-

ative therapy.

One might not expect a tough sol-

dier to focus so delicately on a craft, but

with the help of the McAllen Vet Center

and Dr. Marsha Nelson of the Creative

Journaling Expressive Arts program,

many have discovered a healing tool.

“Through the right side of the brain

and the use of your non-dominant hand,

the arts, music, intuition, creativity and

higher power are accessed,” said Nelson.

“While many people think vets are bitter

old men telling stories, and never letting

go of their battle wounds, we see a differ-

ent side to them when they express them-

selves through the arts.”

After months, sometimes years, of

hellish, combat scenes, soldiers return to

a “normal” environment again, but soon

after they may develop a condition

known as Post Traumatic Stress

Disorder. Although anyone having expe-

rienced a severely traumatic situation

may suffer from PTSD, official traces of

it were first noted in study of veterans of

Vietnam combat.

According to Nelson, PTSD is

caused by the left side of the brain trying

to make reason of the traumatic event.

Many resort to medications or succumb

to the evil triad of drugs, sex and alcohol

in order to forget the painful scenarios.

That’s where CJEA comes in.

“The art therapy tools allow the

individual to unhook from the reoccur-

ring thought patterns and creative alter-

native neropathways which are free of

trauma,” said Nelson.

The healing program is used at the

McAllen Vet Center under the direction

of Sylvia De Leon, during counseling

sessions to help the men and women find

a hobby and get closer to their families.

“We use creative arts clinically, it is

a way to help soothe the mind,” said De

Leon, a counselor at the MVC.

Local veterans are no exception. In

fact, Nov. 4, the Pharr Convention Center

hosted the third annual Veterans Creative

Arts Expo, an event featuring the work of

ex soldiers from paintings to woodworks

to computer skills.

Each year the men and women who

have served the country look forward to

the event, and as for the change the coun-

selors strive to make, it’s a positive one.

“More guys come out and you can

tell they become less reserved, kind of

like saying ‘I have issues but I can still

express myself in this way,’” said John

Najera, also a counselor for the Vet


PROGRESS MADEBob Wright, a Vietnam Veteran,

was recently diagnosed with prostate

cancer caused by exposure to Agent

Orange (a toxic herbicide used to defoli-

ate in Vietnam). He had both prostate

surgery and hernia surgery in the past

year resulting in what the Veteran’s

Administration calls "adjustment disor-

der and depression.”

One technique that has proved help-

ful for him is “Dancing on Paper.” A CD

with nine samples of emotions each 2 to

3 minutes in length is played, and partic-

ipants use paper and markers. The partic-

ipant is given 10 sheets of paper, dancing

on it using the colored markers that they

feel best matches the music.

“I ask the participants to ‘skate’

along on the paper just making lines, no

artistic pictures. The participant is just

allowing the emotions to be expressed on

the paper by either using both hands (a

marker in each hand) or the non-domi-

nant hand only,” said Nelson.

Wright says the techniques help

him get the physical pain associated with

the emotional pain onto paper, giving

him an outside-in perspective rather than

having his emotions trapped inside.

“The significant change I have

experienced has been positive,” Wright

said. “Along with counseling sessions

with a Vet Center social worker and anx-

iety/depression medication prescribed by

my primary care physician, this has made

most of the ‘cloud’ hanging over me,

some of it from 38 years ago as a combat

medic in Vietnam, seem to disappear.”

Nelson is also the executive direc-

tor of Project Insight, a non-profit group

designed to help get the CJEA program

into the military so that soldiers can

begin the coping process before it’s too


“For a soldier, that is the greatest

fear of being labeled crazy. Thirty years

after the war, they go into the Veteran’s

Affairs to see if they can get a diagnosis

of mentally impaired because they hon-

estly feel crazy,” she said. “This is when

I get them in my programs at the Vet

Center. They feel hopeful and have fun.”

Soldiers recently deployed to Iraq

and Afghanistan were equipped with the

proper tools. Included in their care pack-

ets were: journaling prompts, a CD, a

journal, a pen and a box of Kleenex, all

in a zip-lock bag.

According to De Leon, a counselor

at the Vet Center, when many vets go for

intensive therapy they are better prepared

due to their involvement with the CJEA

tools. Veterans are able to identify with

their hidden talents and at the same time

take their mind off certain disturbing

aspects of their time in the service.

For more information about

services, please contact the McAllen

Vet Center at 956-631-2147 or

Marsha Nelson at 956-383-6045.


November 15, 2007 Page 7

Last spring, students in Michael

Minor’s class spent a semester listening

to ZZ Top violating copyright on a John

Lee Hooker blues song. Copyright viola-

tions are only part of what the music

business is comprised of.

Minor, a Nashville native and pro-

fessor at The University of Texas-Pan

American, has taught “Music Business,”

which employs students with knowledge

about the popular business, since spring

of 2007 and will do so in the spring.

What makes this class different from

many other business courses, said

Minor, is that it’s very open-minded.

“This is the only class of its type at

UTPA, and I believe the only one south

of San Antonio, it is also one of the

classes which welcomes majors from all

disciplines,” said Minor, who has been

teaching business courses at UTPA since


The course is not only a class for

business majors, but for everyone. Last

spring, Minor had music, business, and

communication people in the class.

“I don’t require any business pre-

requisites, so anyone who is a junior or

senior can take the class,” said Minor.

The class, he added, is very hands-

on and provides an in-depth experience

for students. In fact, last semester, Minor

adopted a structure similar to that por-

trayed in the movie “School of Rock,”

(starring Jack Black) in which students

created a band.

“One of the students suggested that

we have a ‘School of Rock’ experience.

Eventually I agreed,” he said.

The band, which was named

“Hello, Deidra,” consisted of students

Cynthia Escaname and Fernie Hinojosa

who played keyboards, Olivia McCord

and Natalie Haime as singers, Armando

Veliz as the drummer, and chair of the

band-naming committee, Deidra A.


Johnson, a senior marketing major,


Studentslearn first-hand thebusinessof musicBy RUSSEN VELAThe Pan American

See MUSIC page 10

Nick Dodd/The Pan American

CREATIVE HEALING - Luis Garcia, vet and UTPA graduate of 1975, expresseshimself through painting, one of the various art forms used in the healing process.


War veterans turn to art for therapyBy LAURA GARCIAThe Pan American

Nick Dodd/The Pan American

HONOR - (from left) Tony Cordova, Elliot Moore, Ray Molano and Tony Anenas were among the veterans at the 3rd annualVets Creative Arts Expo held Nov. 4 at the Pharr International Convention Center.

Page 8: November 15, 2007

t was an array of dancing, ethnic foods

and flavors, cultural diversity and earth-

ly topics as The University of Texas-Pan

American hosted the seventh annual

International Week.

With its “Earth Matters” theme,

International Week went ‘green,’ address-

ing issues of global warming,. It offered

environmentally friendly alternatives to

create awareness among students and the

community of other languages, cultures,

politics, economies and issues throughout

the world.

Aside from the educators, panel discus-

sions and guest speakers, the university

hosted various environmentally friendly

activities throughout the campus.

Students and the community indulged

in the free food tasting and sampling during

Monday’s “International Night,” the first

event to kick off the weeklong activities.

Assorted sushi rolls, sliced fruit, seafood

were among the various other international

delectables which lined the tables set along-

side the university library media courtyard.

The night was not without its entertain-

ment. Dancing troupes of flashy belly

dancers, spicy flamenco and salsa move-

ment and traditional Mexican folklorico

performed for the crowd. Acoustic music

from a live band and the delicate sounds of

Japanese instruments filled the air.

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENTPage 8 November 15, 2007

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENTNovember 15, 2007 Page 9


Zareen Alam

Noriko Urade

Zambian Vocal Group

Solenne Ayala with the McAllen Dance Company

Suteki’s Andro Lopez, Fernanda Sturgell

Priscilla Arstin, Orlando Perez of the

McAllen Dance Company

Solenne Ayala

Earth poetry and coffee hour

(from left) Norma Silva, Cassandra Mendoza,

Yolanda Sanchez, Mayda Villafranca

Page 9: November 15, 2007

t was an array of dancing, ethnic foods

and flavors, cultural diversity and earth-

ly topics as The University of Texas-Pan

American hosted the seventh annual

International Week.

With its “Earth Matters” theme,

International Week went ‘green,’ address-

ing issues of global warming,. It offered

environmentally friendly alternatives to

create awareness among students and the

community of other languages, cultures,

politics, economies and issues throughout

the world.

Aside from the educators, panel discus-

sions and guest speakers, the university

hosted various environmentally friendly

activities throughout the campus.

Students and the community indulged

in the free food tasting and sampling during

Monday’s “International Night,” the first

event to kick off the weeklong activities.

Assorted sushi rolls, sliced fruit, seafood

were among the various other international

delectables which lined the tables set along-

side the university library media courtyard.

The night was not without its entertain-

ment. Dancing troupes of flashy belly

dancers, spicy flamenco and salsa move-

ment and traditional Mexican folklorico

performed for the crowd. Acoustic music

from a live band and the delicate sounds of

Japanese instruments filled the air.

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENTPage 8 November 15, 2007

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENTNovember 15, 2007 Page 9


Zareen Alam

Noriko Urade

Zambian Vocal Group

Solenne Ayala with the McAllen Dance Company

Suteki’s Andro Lopez, Fernanda Sturgell

Priscilla Arstin, Orlando Perez of the

McAllen Dance Company

Solenne Ayala

Earth poetry and coffee hour

(from left) Norma Silva, Cassandra Mendoza,

Yolanda Sanchez, Mayda Villafranca

Page 10: November 15, 2007

ay-Z’s “American Gangster” is

not a soundtrack to the Denzel

Washington movie of the same name. It

is, however, a parallel to the film, as it

samples the movie liberally and is also

based on the life of Harlem drug-lord

Frank Lucas.

In this regard, Jay-Z attempts to

develop “American Gangster” as a con-

cept album and a tribute to the ex-heroin

dealer Lucas. But his brag-rap tradition

gets in the way of this goal, as Jay trips

over his own ego en route to the feat.

But despite the missed mark

“American Gangster” has several

redeeming qualities. The album is rich

and unique. Horns drive many of the

hooks and artists Al Green and Marvin

Gaye are both sampled. The result is a

musical atmosphere that hints at Lucas’s

time period.

“Blue Magic,” a track named after the

Lucas-branded heroin for which the crimi-

nal became legendary, floats like chocolate

and blends steady drums with cool synthe-

sizers and sparse lyrical brag antics.

“I’m getting / I ain’t talking about

it / I’m straight living it.”

“American Gangster” is the perfect

follow up for “Kingdom Come” which

seemed a paltry reason for an elite artist

such as Jay-Z to step out of retirement.

And while “Kingdom” did gener-

ate commercial success, garnering Jay-Z

endorsements with Budweiser, it seemed

a low point in his catalogue.

“American Gangster” should be

regarded as Jay-Z’s return to form, howev-

er the odd parallel message of the album

might leave fans scratching their heads.

Jay-Z’s latest album debuted at

no. 1 and sold more than 425,000

copies to date. This is Jay-Z’s 10th

chart-topping debut, making him tied

in second place alongside Elvis for

most No. 1 albums.


ARTS & ENTERTAINMENTPage 10 November 15, 2007

MUSIC continued from page 7

he recently packaged Led

Zeppelin “Mothership” is essen-

tially a Cliff’s Notes version of the leg-

endary arena rockers’ portfolio.

Comprised of two CD’s and one

DVD, “Mothership” consists of 24 audio

tracks and 19 videos.

The set includes all of Zeppelin’s

most memorable songs, from “Dazed

and Confused” to “Stairway to Heaven.”

Old and new fans alike will appreci-

ate the catalogue of hits, and lesser known,

yet extremely well crafted, standouts.

But the greatest achievement of

this “Greatest Hits” album, is the pro-

ducer’s ability to string the playlist

together seamlessly while packaging

Led Zeppelin with an eye toward a

younger market.

Led Zeppelin’s staying power is a

result of the band’s legendary antics, pow-

erful songwriting and genius marketing.

“Mothership” looks like a White

Stripes album cover. It’s a black and

red screen print of a zeppelin hovering

over a stereo shaped building.

Inside the album are stamped

images of each of the members; John

Paul Jones, John Bonham, Robert Plant

and Jimmy Page.

For those unfamiliar with the lega-

cy of Led Zeppelin, their career spanned

from 1969 to 1979, during which time

they were widely regarded as the best

arena rock band.

They had a thick driving edge,

probably the best guitarist of the era in

Page, and a penchant for otherwordly,

Tolkienesque lyrics.

“Mothership” is an extremely cost

effective introduction to their breadth of

work, or a great addition to a true fan’s


By BRIAN CARRThe Pan American

Amazon.com Amazon.com



Zeppelin delivers classics, while Jay-Z reforms


Led Zeppelin

was responsible for coming up with

the name. She decided to use

MySpace as a way to get suggestions

from her friends.

“I presented all the names to the

class and then Minor threw in the ‘Hello,

Deidra.’ He said it had a nice ring to it,”

said Johnson. “The whole class with-

drew their votes for the other band

names and unanimously voted for

‘Hello, Deidra.’”

The band covered many songs

including Gloria Gaynor’s 1970s hit “I

Will Survive,” and performed at the

MMIB (Management, Marketing, and

International Business) department for

the College of Business last spring in the

media theater.

The band is no longer together,

because as Johnson explained, “Hello

Deidra” was created mainly for the

course. But its members still remain

friends on campus.

Teaching students the business

aspect of an industry surrounded by

glamour was one of his main hopes

when the idea to bring the course to

UTPA first came to Minor in 2004.

“There are two different points for

two separate groups of people. First, to

prepare the aspiring artists to have a

successful career in music and second,

to provide a career path for those want-

ing to be in the entertainment business

but whose career may not include per-

formance,” said Minor. “I think any

artist or group would have a better

chance of success as a result of taking

a course like this.”

Minor knows from experience;

he’s in a band.

“Playing in a band taught me

about finding gigs and developing

industry contacts, contracts, equip-

ment, and a little about recording,” said

Minor enthusiastically.

Olinda Almanza, a junior education

major, is excited about taking the class

in spring 2008.

“When I heard I could take this

class even though I am not a business

major, I rushed for it,” she said. “It’s

exciting to know all the stuff that famous

musicians or record producers need to

know to survive in the business.”

Melissa Garcia, a senior business

major, finds the class beneficial to those

seeking knowledge of the music world.

“[My cousin] went all the way to

Corpus Christi because supposedly they

have a music business class there, but

now he can be here and take the class,”

she said excitedly.

The class offers an opportunity that

many aspiring musicians wouldn’t oth-

erwise look into.

“Many students would like to have

a career in music, but may not be lucky

enough to have careers as an artist,”

Minor said. “This course shows other

non-artist careers within the industry,

such as being an A&R (“Artist and

Repertoire”) executive who is in charge

of finding artists for a record label, get-

ting them recorded, and deciding how to

promote them.”

Minor is anxiously awaiting the

upcoming semester, when he will be

adding some new features to the


magine waking up from a coma with

no memory of your past life. For

Samantha Newly, played by Christina

Applegate (“Married with Children”)

that is reality. Every day is a new adven-

ture as she battles amnesia in ABC’s lat-

est fall hit, “Samantha Who?”

In the comedy, Applegate’s charac-

ter is a 30-year-old psychiatrist who,

after becoming the victim of a hit-and-

run accident, wakes up from an 80-day

coma with amnesia. Attempting to

reconstruct who she was before the acci-

dent, Newly discovers that the life she

led before was not very promising. She

was an awful person who partied too

much. Horrified at her previous life, she

decides it’s time to better herself and

repair the damage that’s been done.

Follow Newly on her everyday dis-

coveries as she attempts to put the pieces

in her life back together, Mondays at

8:30 p.m. on ABC.

“Samantha Who?”





Page 11: November 15, 2007

izens must first “restore democracy by

(reforming) America’s media and cor-


“This is the most entertained and

least informed (generation) in the histo-

ry of America,” he said.

Amy Silva, a 21-year old junior

nutrition and pre-med major from

Harlingen, said she enjoyed the speech

and has considered becoming more

involved in the pro-environment move-

ment. Kennedy’s speech only help

increase that aspiration.

“I feel motivated to help change the

environment,” she said, adding that

Kennedy’s talk boosted that motivation.

“Sometimes it feels like it’s you against

the world.”

Among other criticisms,

Kennedy said “this is the worst White

House” when it comes to dealing with

the environment.

He said the Bush administration

ignores major problems in the world’s

ecologic system.

Kennedy is a nephew to former

U.S. President John F. Kennedy’s.

His father, Robert F. Kennedy,

served as U.S. attorney general in the

early 60s. He was one of President

Kennedy’s most trusted advisers and

worked closely with the president during

the Cuban Missile Crisis. He is also co-

host of the Air America radio program

“Ring of Fire.”

Kennedy’s speech was hosted in

part by UTPA’s 7th annual

International Week, whose theme was

“Earth Matters,” because its events and

presentations centered on environmen-

tal issues. It was the second and final

installment of the Distinguished

Speaker’s Series this semester.

In October, former president of the

Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev, the

first presenter of the semester, spoke

about peace in the 21st Century.

While the Distinguished Speaker

Series Committee is still deciding on a

second speaker, it currently has one

planned presenter.

NEWSNovember 15, 2007 Page 11

SCHEDULE continued from page 1

The proposal has recommended

that morning Monday-Wednesday-

Friday classes stay as they are, while

classes starting after 11:45-12:35 be

offered only on Mondays and

Wednesdays, extended in length from

the current duration of 50 minutes to 1

hour and 15 minutes, or equivalent to

Tuesday/Thursday classes.

There would also be a given time-

frame for Friday afternoon classes if a

department were willing to hold classes

that day.

According to Rodriguez, head of

the scheduling committee, a similar

effort took shape three years ago with a

task force made up of deans and faculty.

The group had proposed a similar sched-

ule but at the time, the school “wasn’t

ready for a number of reasons,” she said.

One main reason was a change in admin-

istration when Paul Sale replaced

Roland Arriola as vice president of aca-

demic affairs.

“There are some questions coming

up about it about how many students

would be positively or negatively effect-

ed by this and what our classroom uti-

lization would be if we changed it,” said

Sale. “One of the things we realized was

that the Monday-Wednesday-Friday

schedule...doesn’t utilize Friday after-


Sale said most students are proba-

bly worried about having to get used to a

new schedule, though he assured they

would get comfortable with it eventual-

ly. He added that the school would try to

accommodate significant concerns.

“I was actually an undergraduate at

a college that had a schedule similar (to

the proposed one) and you get use to it

after a while,” he said. “We’re going to

make sure to talk to the Student

Government Association to make sure

we’re not disadvantaging anybody.”

Rodriguez said a president’s execu-

tive committee would meet Monday to

discuss the matter with all of the vice

presidents at the university. She added

that the proposal was sent to the Council

of Deans so that the committee could get

feedback before presenting it as an offi-

cial proposal.

“There is a lot of support for it, but

there are also some concerns that we

have. It’s not perfect,” Rodriguez said,

adding that “nothing is official yet.”

Kelly Alvarado, a freshman music

major, said that the change sounds like

an overall good idea, but the students

should have options.

“I think that there should still be

that option for MWF classes for students

who need the time between classes to be

spread out,” said the Harlingen native,

adding that it might be an adequate

schedule for upper-level students, giving

them more options.

Rodriguez admits that while the

university once considered changing

class schedules during the 2005-2006

school year, they have yet to take the

proposal to student for their input on the

matter. Administrators hope to collect

student feedback at a forum next

Tuesday during activity period in the

SBS auditorium.

Maria Roberts, assistant professor

in the education department, said that

the most important thing to consider is

how it meets the students’ needs. She

also pointed out that longer afternoon

periods would give professors the oppor-

tunity to actually finish a lesson, some-

thing she, along with other professors,

has a hard time doing in a 50-minute ses-


“As far as it goes, you can’t get

much done [in MWF sessions]. It doesn’t

leave [a professor] time to offer individual

help,” Roberts said. “Ultimately though,

the undergrads are the ones that are going

to decide if this is what they need.”

Rodriguez agreed, saying that their

primary goal is to help students, and that

it’s important to recognize if the pro-

posed changes would be beneficial to


TECH continued from page 1times, most universities offer online

classes whereby students learn from

the comfort of their homes; they are

usually required to be on campus for

tests only, sometimes not even then.

UTPA is no exception, offering

nearly 60 online courses for the spring

2008 term, according to university

course listings.

Stephen Crown, a mechanical

engineering professor, said that it is a

mistake to replace the more traditional

approach to education with technology

completely, but admits it may “revolu-

tionize the teaching environment.”

He uses technology quite often in

laboratory classes, recording himself

doing a lab and allowing the students to

view the video when they are having dif-


“I used to run the lab where I

would demonstrate lab up front and put

that on my Web site,” he said. “So

when (the students) are receiving

instructions, they can simply pause the

video. That way, I’m addressing them


At one time, Microsoft’s Power

Point – a program that allows instructors

to present information on visually appeal-

ing slides – was the most technologically

advanced media at a teacher’s disposal.

But in the past 10 years, it has come to

seem almost obsolete to some students

with the advent of other options.

A more commonly used technolo-

gy at UTPA is distance learning with

Blackboard, an online classroom alter-

native where teachers can post anything

from lecture notes to quizzes.

Maria Flores, a Spanish lecturer

and instructional technology coordina-

tor at UTPA, thinks technology helps

students connect more directly with the

lesson and provides broader access to

class information.

“I believe that the visual impact is

very important in teaching students about

culture and language,” she said. “Power

Points help the student by having a chap-

ter from a text available online for easy

access by the student. Resources online

are easy to use and it gives the students

easy access from any computer.”

However, many professors take a

middle-ground approach to technology

use. Though they recognize technolo-

gy’s great benefits in enhancing the

experience, they are also aware that it

should not substitute for traditional face-

to-face teaching.

Shelia Pozorski, an anthropology

professor, said she uses innovation only

when she “truly [believes] it enhances

the class.”

“I don't really believe that

PowerPoint lectures enhance or

improve a class,” she said. “I like to

see my students, read their faces and

encourage them to interact. This is

much more difficult if we are all in the

dark staring at a screen.”

KENNEDY continued from page 1

� A forum on the proposedclass time changes will beheld next Tuesday at noon inthe SBS Room 101.

Veronica Gonzalez/The Pan American

GREEN GREETING - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (right) speaks with Brazilian SenatorCristovam Buarque (left) meets up with before his speech Wednesday.

The next Distinguished Speaker will be PaulRusesabagina, a Rwandan hotel managerwho saved 1,000 civilians during theRwandan Genocide of 1995.

� Coming Jan. 30, 2008

� “(Media) focus too muchon entertainment. We hearmore about ‘Brangelina’ thanwe do about global warm-ing..”

-Robert F. KennedyEnvironmentalist

Distinguished Speaker guest

� “I don't really believe thatPowerPoint lectures enhanceor improve a class.”

-Shelia Pozorskianthropology professsor

Page 12: November 15, 2007

PROPOSALS continued from page 3

STAPH continued from page 3

NEWSPage 12 November 15, 2007

of its educational philosophy, which

replaced some courses with others and

omitted some altogether, the issue was

twofold for him.

“We weren’t under mandate to

change the core curriculum,” he said. “It

put a wedge between a lot of depart-


Weger said that while many institu-

tions within the UT System and the Texas

Higher Education Coordinating Board are

moving toward reducing the core curricu-

lum, “a movement is not a mandate.

If we don’t have to do it, why cause

unnecessary friction, heartburn and dis-

cord?” he said. “The last thing you need is

animosity among the ranks.”

Among the “hotly contested” areas,

Weger said, was the placement of a logic

course, which focuses in teaching math

theory, as a substitute for algebra.

“A couple of those courses were

picked because they were theoretical,”

he said. “But I tend to think that func-

tionality is a little more important.”

In the end, a group of 227 voting-

eligible faculty won the majority, strik-

ing down the proposal, as 174 were in

favor. An estimated 57 percent of eligi-

ble faculty voted.

WHAT IS NEXT?While voting on the issue is com-

plete, the development of a new core

curriculum is hardly over, Sale said.

“What’s important to remember is

that curriculum is a living, breathing

entity at every university. Any university

that stops talking about curriculum is a

university that is behind the times.” he

said. “If we don’t continuously ask our-

selves ‘what is the best education for our

students?’ and ‘how do we keep the cost

of education manageable while still pro-

viding a quality education year after

year?’ then we’re not doing our jobs.”

Sale said he is very appreciative of

the administrators and faculty for

embracing wider discussions, but that

“we all must keep in mind that there is a

time for discussion and a time for action,

with a fine line in between.

“Universities are traditionally slow

to change. Some would view that as a

good, but I would say that the change

cycle in America is becoming shorter

and shorter and you can see that in a

variety of indicators,” he continued.

“But I think institutions that are able to

be nimble but thoughtful in their change

processes will be the ones with a com-

petitive edge in the future.”

Sale said that issues aside, it is

important to “make sure we’re doing what

we need to be doing, which is helping stu-

dents graduate in a timely manner.”

Weger said that the discussions,

while over for now, were beneficial.

“If down the road we are mandat-

ed, then we have the groundwork laid,”

he said.

with the price of oil,” said Jorge Vidal,

an economics professor at UTPA. “And

right now, oil, the main ingredient in

gasoline is…(fluctuating) up and down.”

But the winter season could also

provide relief Vidal said, due to the

annual decrease in driving during this


A major factor in the cost of gaso-

line is the price of crude oil production.

When gasoline prices increase, it is due

to the rise in the cost of crude oil, costs

of which have ranged from $70 to $100

a barrel for the past 10 years depending

on several factors in the Middle East, a

region Americans have grown dependent

on through the years.

Damian Damianov, associate pro-

fessor of economics, said unpredictable

gasoline prices have been a topic of

more intense debate for about 10 years

because of the large impact they have

had on peoples’ lives.

Though prices have gone down

dramatically from time to time, people

rarely notice, he added.

“At least two or three times a year

we have these discussions about what the

factors are that cause this certain surge in

price,” he said. “Actually, when we take a

look at it, the price is going down. But at

the time they’re going down nobody

notices because it’s good for consumers.”

But with oil approaching $100 a

barrel, the price of crude oil is still high

compared to 10 years ago.

Vidal believes an overall high gas

cost may have negative effects on stu-

dent spending.

“If students commute, it’s obvi-

ously going to be a negative effect

because you’re going to have to pay

more for gasoline,” said Vidal. “It’s

going to affect their consumption in

other goods and services because they

have to spend, more on gasoline so they

have less income for other things like

entertainment and vacations during

Christmas break.”

But Damianov thinks other

expenditures take a bigger toll on stu-

dent wallets.

“If you look at the price of books, I

think that’s much more of a concern

because a book costs about $100, so all

the changes in price in gasoline will cost

about half a book or more per month,”

said Damianov. “So for the entire semes-

ter, it will probably add up to one book

that they can buy.”

Victoria Martinez, who lives 20

miles away from the university in San

Juan, said she has taken various meas-

ures to cut back on gas consumption in

recent years.

“I have big breaks in between my

classes, so I don‘t go home during

them anymore,” said Martinez. “I try to

stay (at UTPA), so I won’t be going

back and forth.”

Martinez, who drives a

Volkswagen Beetle, also accommodates

high gas prices by carpooling and only

making necessary trips.

“Gas prices have gotten to be so

ridiculous. It takes me about $40 dollars

to fill up my Beetle every week if I just

go and come to school,” she said. “If I

didn’t have extra financial aid money I

wouldn’t make it.”

GAS continued from page 3COURSES continued from page 3

Student Health Services center, said car-

rying a bar of soap is a good way of pre-

venting a staph infection — probably

more effective than methods to create

sterile facilities.

“We all carry this bacteria (under our

fingernails, inside our nose), and it’s been

a part of us since birth,” Rossway said.

“It’s only a matter of practicing good

hygiene and caring for open wounds.”

Since students and athletes who

live in the dormitories on campus seem

to have more physical contact with oth-

ers, it may seem they are more suscepti-

ble to catching the infection, especially

since they sweat and shower together in

common facilities every day.

But ironically, Gray said that the

probability of them contracting an

infection is the same as for people in a

regular community, where people also

have constant skin-on-skin contact

with one another.

Jose Lopez, a sophomore English

major and dorm resident, said he feels no

threat of a staph infection because he

says his hygiene practices are good.

Since he began college at UTPA, he

hasn’t seen anyone with a wound who

developed an infection because of person-

to-person contact at the dormitories.

“I hadn’t even heard of that form of

infection and that it can progress from a

simple wound or curable boil,” he said.

To inform students about the threat

of staph infections and teach ways of

treating and avoiding them, UTPA offi-

cials have placed posters around campus

illustrating the practice of good hygiene

and proper care of wounds.

“I think it’s good that the universi-

ty is publicizing the bacteria,” said

Gracie Montanez, a freshman account-

ing major, about the school announce-

ments. “I always carry hand sanitizer

and practice good hygiene, and I don’t

see why other students should find harm

in doing the same.”

According to Tony Matamoros, co-

chair of the committee and president of

the Student Government Association,

UTPA is “far behind the average of what

other universities are charging [in

tuition].” UTPA’s tuition and fees cur-

rently cost $627, or 20.6 percent, less

than the average of what other universi-

ties in the UT System charge.

“Revenue (from higher tuition)

will be used to enhance the quality of

education at UTPA,” Matamoros said.

Committee members added that there

are many benefits in upping tuition

costs. Student services would be

enhanced, classrooms would be

equipped with better technology and the

school would have more money to

recruit faculty.

COEC said one main reason the

school is having to dip into tuition and

fee money is because of a decrease in

appropriations funding and an increase

in salaries, utility and technology costs.

University budgets receive just over 30

percent of their monies from the state, as

compared to nearly 75 percent in 1975.

Juan Gonzalez, assistant vice pres-

ident for business affairs, said that the

proposed changes would take effect in

the fall of ’08 if passed.

“We go through this process every

year, but the current one is looking at

two fiscal years,” Gonzalez said, adding

that fee costs could vary dramatically

from year to year.

Although the final decision rests

on the UT Board of Regents, John

Edwards assured students that their

input is valuable.

“We want your responses, we want

to know what you’re thinking and we

want to be the university you would

want us to be,” said Edwards, co-chair of

the committee and vice president for

enrollment and student services at

UTPA. “For us to get there, we’re simply

going to have to ask for more money in

the process.”

If the measure passes, students will

also see an increase in available finan-

cial aid award money. A portion of the

money are required to be set aside for

this purpose; the estimated amount set

aside for 2008 is $2.7 million. By 2010,

that figure would rise to approximately

$6.6 million.

For those wishing to provide feed-

back to COEC, the committee has creat-

ed a Web site with the presentation and

an online form to submit feedback. The

site will be available until Nov. 16, 2007.

It can be accessed at



Roxy Solis /The Pan AmericanLETʼS GET PHYSICAL - Faculty and staff had a chance to test their levels of fit-ness Nov. 14 at the Wellness and Recreational Center during the Faculty and StaffFitness Challenge.

Page 13: November 15, 2007

The Texas-Pan American women’s

volleyball team has put a cap on their

2007 regular season and their first under

new Head Coach Angela Hubbard after

sweeping two consecutive road matches

versus Prairie View A&M and Texas

Southern University. They will now get

ready for the post season as they will

participate in the National Independent

Tournament November 16th and 17th in

Orem, Utah.

The Lady Broncs won their match

on Friday Night by a tally of 3-1. The

PVAM Panthers captured the first set by

a score of 30-20, but the Lady Broncs

came on strong in the second set to take

a 30-24 victory. The Valley’s program

took advantage by winning the third

game over the Panthers with a 30-27 tri-

umph before taking the fourth and deci-

sive frame 30-25 en route to capturing

the road victory.

Deanna Schneyer led the Lady

Broncs with a team-high 16 kills to go

along with a .273 hitting percentage.

Chelsea Blakely quarterbacked the

Lady Broncs’ offense as the UTPA jun-

ior setter dished out a match-high 56

assists to go along with 13 digs en route

to recording her 10th double-double of

the season.

“As a staff we were very lucky to

have someone like Chelsea here,” UTPA

Head Coach Angela Hubbard said. “I’ve

said it before she is probably the best

setter I have ever coached. She is a great

leader; she bought into our system and

brought the girls along with her.”

In their final contest of 2007 the

Lady Broncs swept past Texas Southern

with a three games to none victory.

In the first game, the Lady Broncs

were able to pull away at the end of the

match to record the 30-22 victory fol-

lowed by a hard-fought 36-34 triumph in

the second set to give UTPA the 2-0

advantage heading into the third and

final set.

“I was really pleased with our per-

formances as we finished out the sea-

son,” Hubbard said. “I was excited to see

us grab a couple of road wins it will help

us build confidence going into the NIT

(National Independent Tournament).”

In the final match, the Lady Broncs

slid past the Lady Tigers by a final score

of 30-24.

Kellie Phillips recorded her

eighth double-double of the season

with an 11-kill, 15-dig performance

while Chelsea Blakely dished out a

match-high 26 assists.

Sophomore Rebecca Toddy added a

match-high 22 digs for the Lady Broncs.

“Rebecca Toddy has been great

for us this year,” Hubbard added. “She

has really stepped into the role that we

gave to her and she has improved

every single game. We are very proud

of her progression.”

The Lady Broncs will open the

National Independent Tournament on

Friday in Orem, Utah as they take on the

Friars of Providence College at 1 p.m.

mountain time. They will later face Utah

Valley State in the Round Robin style

tournament in a 4 p.m. match.

“We’re excited for the NIT. We’ve

practiced hard and watched tape on

everyone,” Hubbard added.

The Lady Broncs enter the tourna-

ment having won four out of their last

five games going into the tournament.

NOTES - Turn to Page16 for an in

depth look into the National

Independent Tournament and a team by

team breakdown.


UTPA sweeps Texas Southern, improves to 13-17Lady Broncsprimed for NITin Orem, Utah

SPORTSNovember 15, 2007 Page 13

Onydia Garza/The Pan AmericanTOURNAMENT TIME - UTPAʼs outside hitter Kellie Phillips attacks the net whilefreshman Charity Cucancic defends during practice Wednesday. The womenplay Providence College Friday in the National Independent Tournament.

By ALEX DEL BARRIOThe Pan American

RPI - Rating Percentage IndexUtah Valley: 187

CSU Bakersfield: 233NJIT: 261

UTPA: 269Providence: 277

Chicago State: 306

National Independent Tournament SchedulePool 1 - Providence, Utah Valley, UTPA

Pool 2 - CSU Bakersfield, Chicago State, NJIT

Friday9 a.m. Pool 1: UTPA vs. Providence11 a.m. Pool 2: NJIT vs. Chicago State1 p.m. Pool 1: Utah Valley vs. Providence4 p.m. Pool 2: CSU Bakersfield vs. Chicago State6 p.m. Pool 1: Utah Valley vs. UTPA8 p.m. Pool 2: CSU Bakersfield vs. NJIT

Saturday1 p.m. 5th place match: Pool 1ʼs No3 vs. Pool 2ʼs No33:30 p.m. 3rd place match: Pool 1ʼs No2 vs. Pool 2ʼs No26 p.m. Championship match: Pool 1ʼs No1 vs. Pool 2ʼs No1

Page 14: November 15, 2007

Continental Basketball Association

action is now in full swing for the Rio

Grande Valley as the Silverados hosted the

first exhibition game against the Houston

Blaze, defeating them 117-108 Saturday

night at the P-SJ-A Memorial Gymnasium.

The game kicked off pro hoops in

the Valley, but also was played to raise

money for the Mexican state of Tabasco,

where rainstorms caused the worst flood-

ing there in more than 50 years.

“We’ve been doing community

work since day one,” said Silverados co-

owner Art Gonzalez. “We’re very happy

that the community has accepted us and

we’re just giving a little back in these

charity fundraisers.”

Charity aside, the basketball team

took care of business and did so with au-

thority as the Silverados played physical

all night, wearing down the Houston

team. RGV head coach Steve Tucker said

his team played hard but still need a lot

of improvement before the regular season

begins Nov. 17. The Silverados will play

their first regular season game against

Oklahoma, at the McAllen Convention

Center. Tip-off is at 7:05 p.m.

“We won the game and I know

that’s all that matters. But were we

sloppy? Yes. Did we find a way to win?

Yes,” he said. “We’re not always going to

play great but we’ll play hard and playing

hard leads to winning games but we still

need a lot of work though.”

This was the first game ever for

the Silverados, who have been joined by

the NBA Developmental League’s

Vipers as the area welcomes not one,

but two new squads.

Considering its newness, the team

didn’t seem all that rusty, shooting 65.9

percent from the field in the first half.

However, RGV did commit 16 turnovers

in the half as Houston took advantage of

the mistakes to put up points on 12 of the

16 turnovers. The Blaze shot a staggering

79.2 percent from the field to take a 60-

58 lead at the half.

Trailing at the start of the half, RGV

was sparked into the lead by shooting

guard Toby Smith, who had a game-high

26 points. The University of Tulsa prod-

uct scored eight points in an 11-point run

early in the third as the home team took


From there the Silverados played

hard defense with fullcourt pressure in the

fourth quarter to wear down the Blaze.

The outstanding shooting continued

for both sides, however, as Houston shot

54 percent and RGV 67 percent. RGV

took another 9-0 run against the Blaze

late in the fourth en route to a well de-

served first-game win.

“We just came out of training camp

so we started off a little rusty,” Smith

said. “But I think we played team basket-

ball and did our thing and took care of

business. Now we just have to get ready

for the next one.”

Smith shot 12 for 14 from the floor

and raked in three steals. Teammate Tim

Pledger, a 5-foot-9 point guard who played

college ball at Delta Sate, had 14 points.

Houston’s Colin Lien, a two-year

starter for The University of Texas-Pan

American who finished his eligibility last

season, had 24 points for the Blaze while

teammate Terry Connerway had a team-

high 25.

Lien suited up for a shorthanded

Blaze squad and logged heavy minutes

on his way to earning valuable experi-

ence for the upcoming season, which tips

off Saturday at 7:35 against the Okla-

homa Calvary.

The Silverados logged in another

exhibition victory on Monday night when

they defeated the San Antonio All Stars,

117-108 at Harlingen South high school.

Lien scored seven points off the bench

while Bahamas national team member

Ray Rose scored 19.

Competition was stiff after the

Bronc men’s and women’s programs took

the course at Agri Park when the Univer-

sity of Arkansas hosted the NCAA Divi-

sion I South Central Regional

competition Saturday.

The University of Texas-Pan Amer-

ican men’s squad clinched a 12th place

overall standing in 10K action with a

team tally of 2:43:54.11, and completed a

pair of personal bests in the season-end-

ing meet. The women took home 13th

place in the 6K run, at 2:00:17.40

Leading the men’s division with a

time of 30:15.3 was junior standout and

La Joya native Luis Nava, notching 13th

place out of 105 competitors with a per-

sonal best time at the regional meet.

Nava was projected to be a strong

contender for nationals after clinching

first at the National Independent Cham-

pionships Oct. 27 but missed qualifica-

tion at the regional. The top four

finishers advanced.

“There was a lot of competition,”

said Nava. “Even though I didn’t qualify,

I knew I’d left everything I had out there

at the race. I didn’t accomplish the goal I

wanted but I did accomplish other goals

like improving my time [by] 1 minute. I

did OK and the rest of the team knows

whether they did well”

Crossing the end line behind Nava

in the 39th position was PSJA North grad

J.J. Hernandez with a 10K personal best

of 31:37.4.

Freshman McAllen native Angel

Ramirez and Edinburg North HS alum

Rolando Vela came in with the 66th and

87th positions and times of 32:41.2 and

33:47, respectively

“Nava and Hernandez both hit per-

sonal records,” Coach Dennis Darling

said. “I was pleased with those per-

formances. The rest of the [men’s] team

gave it their all and I felt that they did

pretty well.”

The University of Arkansas took

first place in the men’s competition with

the University of Texas–Austin, Texas

A&M, Lamar and LSU rounding out the

top five of 14 schools.

Brownsville Hanna HS ex Carolina

Izaguirre led the women with a 53rd-place

showing in the 6k run recording a time of

22:46.7 while junior Pharr’s Sara Ro-

driguez claimed the 74th spot marking

23:27.9. Diana Galloso closed out the top

100 for the Green and Orange group in

89th place with a time of 24:07.8 to wrap

up the 2007 campaign.

Rice University claimed victory on

the women’s side by posting a total team

tally of 1:46:04.40. The University of

Arkansas, Baylor, Texas A&M and UT-

Austin recorded second through fifth.

“The women were sub par and I felt

like they really didn’t go out and com-

pete as well as they should have,” Dar-

ling said. “But they can go back, train

and come back stronger than ever. I felt

that they learned something this week-

end and [they] know what to expect for

next year.”

A new cross country season begins

fall 2008 but both teams look to the en-

suing track and field schedule in the


Nick Dodd/The Pan American

SPORTSPage 14 November 15, 2007



Luis Nava placed13th, two spotsshy of Nationals

UTPA runners struggle in South Central Regional

Former UTPA center Lien debuts with RGV Silverados

By DANNY GARZAThe Pan American

WELCOME TO THE PROS - Colin Lien warms up before his first professional basketball game with the RGV SilveradosSaturday at P-SJ-A Gymnasium. Lien suited up for a short-handed Houston Blaze team instead, finishing with 24 points.

Silverados’ gamebenefits floodvictims in Mexico


Page 15: November 15, 2007

It might be early in the 2007-2008

basketball season, but the University of

Texas-Pan American men’s basketball

team are certainly proving to many that

their seven game improvement from a

year ago should be considered legit.

In Tom Schuberth’s first year as

head coach a season ago, he led the

Broncs to a 4-0 start and now has them

right back on that track as they are 2-0

after posting wins in their home openers.

They defeated the University of Texas-

Permian Basin on Saturday, 77-65, and

Texas A&M International University on

Tuesday, 101-75, both of which were

held at the UTPA Fieldhouse.

Much of the success that the Green

and Orange are encountering this season

is due in large part to three seniors:

guards Briand Burrell, Paul Stoll, and

up-and-coming forward Zach Trader.

Since dramatically turning

around his average of 3.1 points per

game during his freshman campaign to

7.9 ppg last season, Trader already is

averaging 23.5 ppg in the first two con-

tests this year.

“Everything that I’ve done has just

come through the offense,” said Trader.

“We’re being patient on offense, moving

the ball, being real unselfish. I’ve just

got shots through the offense, got

rebounds and put them back; just the lit-

tle things, that’s my role.”

GAME 2After the 12-point win in their sea-

son opener, the Broncs picked up right

where they left off as they completely

dominated the Dustdevils in all facets.

Eleven out of the 12 players for the

green and orange helped contribute in

the walloping win over A&M

International, with Trader recording a

double-double at 25 points and 10

rebounds. Burrell recorded 17 points, 5

assists and 4 rebounds, while newcomer

Emmanuel Jones added 14 points.

Unlike in the exhibition, UTPA was

red-hot in the second half, shooting 56.7

percent from the field compared to 47.1

percent in the first. They also connected

on 7-of-11 from beyond the arc in the

second half.

“That’s what you got to like about

this year’s team compared to last year’s

team, they like to be on the end of an

assist rather than score and they’re

always looking to get their teammate

involved,” Schuberth said. “I think that’s

contagious now and you bring guys in

and they recognize that.”

Indeed the 101 points scored looked

probable as the game started in a quick

pace with the Broncs holding a one point

lead just five minutes in. From there on

out, it was all UTPA. They held a 14-point

lead at halftime, despite going without a

field goal in the last 6:55, but connected

on nine out of 12 free throw attempts.

In the second half, it was more of

the same story as UTPA never let the

Dustdevils get into rhythm and put a sig-

nature on the win with two slam dunks

by guard Damon Franklin in the last

minute that ignited the crowd.

“It was a great team win,” said

Trader. “Mostly everybody got on the

board. Obviously, we scored 101

points, played good defense and we got

back better on transition. That was one

thing we were really focusing on and

we were patient on offense and defense

and that is what we need to do to win all

of our games.”

SEASON OPENERThe season opener for the Broncs

was almost a mirror image of their sec-

ond game. They built a 12-point lead at

halftime and proved to be enough to

stave off the pesky Falcons as they made

two second half runs to reduce the green

and orange’s lead to single digits.

Jones scored nine of his 12 points

in the second half and, like in the second

game, ended it with a slam dunk.

Burrell recorded 18 points, seven

rebounds and four assists, while Trader

led all scorers with 22 points along with

five rebounds.

The Broncs will take their 2-0 record

to Springfield, Mo. for their first road

matchup tomorrow in the Missouri State

University Tournament. The two-day

event pits UTPA against UNC-Greensboro

Friday at 5:30 pm and Saturday against the

winner of the Missouri State and Harding

University game.

Much was made over the summer

arrival of 6-foot-2 Icelandic National

Team standout Maria Ben Erlingsdottir

to the University of Texas-Pan American

women’s basketball team.

And with good reason.

On Monday night the three-year

Icelandic National team member

reminded everyone why she was worth

every mile of the trip to Edinburg, deliv-

ering the goods Monday night during a

UTPA 77-55 victory over Texas A&M-

International, the Lady Broncs sole exhi-

bition game of the year.

Rarely do freshmen come in and

provide instant offense in college hoops,

as most need a year or so to get acclimat-

ed to the pace and faster game play not

seen in the high school ranks. Not

Erlingsdottir. When the dust settled

against the Division II Lady Dustdevils

her stat line read: 21 points, five

rebounds and one block.

She led all scorers in that game, not

bad for a first collegiate ball game.

“She just had a fabulous game, hit

some important baskets. The thing she

didn’t get to show tonight is what a spe-

cial passer she is,” said fifth-year coach

DeAnn Craft. “If you don’t get to double

team her, I think it’s going to spell trou-

ble for opposing teams. “She’s just a

very court-savvy player with a great

shooting touch.”

UTPA senior tri-captain and ultra-

quick point guard LeKeisha Gray, as

expected, had a monster game too, with

19 points, nine assists, six rebounds and

two steals. Simply put, Gray was every-

where but it was Erlingsdottir who

remained the talk of the night.

“That’s how she got people. People

think that she came in to be an inside

player, but she had the outside game too

as well so they’re going to have to learn

how to defend her,” Gray said about


The Lady Broncs took a 36-30

halftime lead after Teshay Winfrey con-

nected from three-point land with seven

seconds left to play. Winfrey finished

with seven points, five rebounds, three

assists and two steals and Tamara

Vaughn chipped in with seven points,

four boards, two dimes and one steal.

TAMIU opened the second half on

an 11-5 run to tie the game at 41-41, but

UTPA answered with an 11-1 run after

Erlingsdottir connected on a couple of

freebies from the charity stripe to pull

the Lady Broncs ahead, 53-42 with

11:23 left in regulation

“When they made their little run,

we were just going and not getting

back on defense, but then again they

weren’t getting back either,” Gray said.

“So what we did was we just had to

calm down and get our defense. That’s

what we’re known for, we’re a good

defensive team.”

Erlingsdottir scored five of the

last 10 Lady Bronc points, her last

three-pointer, a corner beauty, gave the

Green and Orange women a decisive

68-55 lead.

“I think we played good, we played

good defense and we were making some

good shots and that’s what it takes,”

Erlingsdottir said. “I think we’re ready

for Baylor.”

Today the Lady Broncs are in Waco

for a date with Big 12 opponent Baylor

University (3-0) with tip-off scheduled

for 7 p.m.


The Pan American

Onydia Garza/The Pan American


November 15, 2007 Page 15

By RAMIRO PAEZThe Pan American

Give it to Trader: Broncs add two more to win columnTrader tabbed asgo-to guy after23.5 ppg outing


Erlingsdottir and Gray lead UTPA past Dustdevils, 77-55

SWEET STROKE - LeKeisha Gray gets perfect lift on a three-pointer over twoTexas A&M-International defenders Monday during the UTPAʼs 70-55 exhibitionvictory at the Field House. Gray scored 19 points and handed out nine assists.

Onydia Garza/The Pan AmericanGO-TO GUY - Forward Zach Trader looks for an open man during Tuesdayʼs

101-77 exhibition victory over Texas A&M-International at the Field House.Trader led all scorers with 25 points and posted his first double-double.

Page 16: November 15, 2007

23.523.5Zach Trader’s scoring aver-

age through the first twoseason games


Number of points freshmanMaria Ben Erlingsdottir

scored in her first game as aLady Bronc in a 70-55 win

over Texas A&M-International


Number of regular seasonwins UTPA’s volleyball

team, a seven-gameimprovement from last

year’s 6-25 record



Page 16 November 15, 2007





The first pitch of the University of

Texas-Pan American annual Green-

White Baseball Series was thrown yes-

terday at 3:30 p.m. at Edinburg Coyote

Stadium. The three-game series con-

cludes fall semester workouts and the

team’s season and gives head baseball

coach Willie Gawlik a chance to look at

the team’s myriad of new faces.

Game two is today at 3:30 p.m.

and game three Friday at 6:30 p.m.

“It’s a fun time for our squad. We

have been working hard since August

and,” Gawlik said. “It gives the team a

jump start to get ready for the season.”


fter posting an incredible turnaround under the direction of first-

year head coach Angela Hubbard the women’s volleyball team

enters the National Independent Tournament hosted by Utah Valley

State with a 13-17 record. But they’ll have to finish the season without

their leader.

The Lady Broncs are winners of four out of their last five games,

including a 3-0 sweep of Texas Southern in their regular-season finale

Friday at Houston. UTPA has played four games on their home court,

winning three; the rest of the games have been played on the road or at

neutral sites. With everything clicking, the women travel to Orem, Utah,

to play in a two-pool tournament that will determine the Independent

National Champion.

It’s simple, win two games and they’re in the championship game.

Only thing is they’ll be doing it without Hubbard, who is to give birth

to her first child Sunday. First-year assistant coaches Talia Ogle and

Leah Johnson will take over the coaching duties for the Lady Broncs.

“The good thing is Leah, Talia and I work together as a team to

coach this team so they’re used to them being in charge and having feed-

back from them,” Hubbard said. “I think that obviously records don’t

necessarily mean that much, Utah Valley is a great team, and we know

that. Providence, we don’t know too much about them but we’ve got tape

on them, we’re preparing for them and I think the girls will do fine.”

See Page 13 for complete schedule.

� “For us to go up and

win would be a huge monu-ment. We’re excited about itthough; challenges are

what this program is about.”

- Tom SchuberthUTPA menʼs basketball head

coach on the upcomingMissouri State Tournament