TORRANCE HERALD HUDSON, WAC, IS CONVALESCENT T/Sgt. Jean Hudson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hudson, of Shearer ave., is convalescing from a recent severe attack of lobar pneumonia. She treated at Tilton General pltal. Camp Dix, N. J., where she is serving as a laboratory technician with the W.A.C. In a recent letter to her mother, Miss Hudson stated that due to her illness the doc- tors would not allow her to tra- vel here for the holidays and instead she joined a group of friends at their cottage in the Adirondacks. Biinty Thomas,'Other C.T. Officers Are i Elected At Meeting Election of officers was the principal business at tho recent mooting of the C. T. club held at the home of Connie Smith on Hickory ave. Elected to serve during the ensuin^term were: . Bunty Thomas, president; Er- lono Simonson, vice president; Bevcrly Wernett, secretary; Con- nie Smith, treasurer; Anna Mae Doherty, historian; Ginger Shew, flower and thought chairman; Beverly Mooro, reporter. Georgia Ran ?lub president group. 3f the teen-age Initiation Marks OES Meeting Thursday Evening Initiation of six candidates marked the regular meeting of Torrance Chapter, No. 380, Or- der of the Eastern Star, held In Masonic Temple Thursday evening. Minnie Smith, of San Pcdro, deputy grand matron of the 71st district, was guest of honor for the evening, Bctti'na Miller, in charge of arrangements, was assisted by Lillian Minard, of Manhattan Beach; Rolive Bever and Naoma Brown, who served delicious re- freshments in the banquet room at the conclusion of chapter meeting. TWO GAY SELLING DAYS! FRIDAY & SATURDAY nous DRASTIC PRICE CUTS FOR QUICK CLEARANCE OF ALL REMAINING WINTER STYLES! Regular $6.40 (O.P.A.) Regular »M.95 DRESSES ................... $14.98 Regular 117.96 PRESSES 'Regular $10.95 -DRESSES . $5.48 Four Last Chance to Dug " S169.50 Genuine Mouton Fur Coat $84.75 AT. ON1.Y All Fur Coats in Stock Priced for Sale at ....... 1/2 PRICE Regular $8.95 (O.P.A.) Sweaters Hand fashioned, in a n a Tdtnionca, ^ 100% Zephyr wool. $ A 48 Heavy knit. Long * \\ sleeves. Greatest - value in 10 years! Regular 39c (O.P.A.) Anklets Size* 8% to II. Most a II colors. Made of fine mer- cerized cotton. . . . These will all go quickly! 19 Pr. Reg. $5.40 (O.P.A.) llf-Uoof IN TORRANCE IT'S THE SAX -SHOP OPEN A 90 DAV BUDGET ACCOUNT 1319 Sartorf Ave. Torrunve CDA National Director Is Feted At Large Banquet On Saturday evening Jan 18 the Catholic Daughters of America of the Los Angeles and San Diego areas, honored Mrs. Emma J. Mclntosh, state regent and national director, >at A re- ception and testimonial banquet at Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. The California room was the setting for the beautifully ap- pointed affair. Representatives from all courts as well as their guests enjoyed a splendid pro- gram. Guest speaker, Judge of Su- perior Court Honorable Georgia Bullock, told of the Children's Court of Conciliation and said there can't be real happiness until the American home Is re- stored. She urged, women to take their rightful places leaders. An enlightening and inspiring message was presented by Miss Maryella Benzlger and her cou- sin Rita, who are known throughout this country and Europe as "The Benzigers." They are sincere volunteer workers for the Pope's Children War Re- lief. She stressed the fact that the war isn't over, over there. Fr. Maurice Sullivan of Lon- don, Canada, chaplain of the Royal Canadian Air Force, gave an interesting talk. Others who expressed greet- ings were Gerald J. Brusher, ^state deputy Knights of Colum- "bus; Rt. Rev. Msgr, James E. Dolan, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Francis 4,,Q}J, state chaplain C.D. of A.; Very Rev. Msgr. John J.- He- gttrty; committee chairman Mrs. Christine Cassady, Mrs. Spurck. representative of the National Council of Catholic Women, arid Vice Stale Regent Mary Whelen of Fresno. V o c a 1 selections were pre- sented by ' Miss June Bombar- 'dier and Mr. Norman J. Llnd. Concluding the program, a beautiful silver tea service was presented to MrV Mclntosh as a gift from all the -tfOtnts in Southern California. Grand Regent of Court St. Catherine No. 1378 Mrs. Clare Farrell expressed greetings arid ebrtgratulatipns in the name of the Torrarice group to the honor guest. * * * To-La-Ha Club Elects Officers; Plans Card Party To-lo-ha club, formerly known as Little Hills Navy Mothers club,. met last week at the home of Mrs. Mary Towler, 1828 An dreo ave.,, for a business ses- sion and election of officers. Elected to serve during the ensuing term were Mrs. Ann Hight, president and her staff of officers including: Mmes. Sarah Jenkins, vice president; Loella Elder, finance officer; Mary Towler, secretary; Ruth Buth? hospital and welfare chair- man; Margaret Pullman, ways and means chairman; Merle Os- borne, publicity chairman for Lo- mita and Mabel Slovor, in charge of publicity for Torrance. New members Introduced at the meeting were Mmes. Inez Amblll and Katherine Flynn. The ladies, who for the past six months have met regularly at the home of Mrs. Towle will continue with their fin program of general welfare worl In addition to their service t Navy families they also assis others in need, it is reported. Evening Card Forty The first ways and means project planned for the year I .a public card party; to be hetc in V.F.W hall, Lomita, on Fr day evening Feb. 7, when th ladies will greet old friends and new ones. An 8:00 o'clock doo prize will be awarded and games CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY ... Mr. and Ht plorteer Torrance residents, who celebrated their golden wedefing anniversary with a reception at their home. Other affairs, ar- ranged by relatives and friend), also complimented the couple. Mothers Club Of G.S. Troop 610 Scout Troop 610 were ent« talned by Mrs. Ernest MAndi in her home on Maricopa plac Among the Important subjec discussed was the First A class which, starts Feb. 4 und- ine direction of J. Graham, Los Angeles. Mothers'and Scou are Invited to participate. The Representative Coum luncheon and meeting on Ja 28 in Civic Auditorium also wa announced,, and six mothers si nifieci their intention to atten Plans were formulated for tl forthcoming Spring Camp Griffith Park as well as for week's camping trip next sui mer, which will be a project f the entire troop of 24 girls. Troop 610 has the dlstinctic of being the first Girl Scou Troop to organize a Mothe: club and the entire credll fi the project is due Mrs. Charli N. Dodd, leader. The success of this organlza tion has been instrumental ! other troops forming simili clubs. * * * . Louis Zamperini And Bride Leaving For Florida Visit Capt. Louis Zamperini and h bride, the former Cynthia Appl white, will leave Sunday on Miami, Florida, where the coup will visit Mrs. Zamperini's . fam ' . in Florida, Captai will * investigate th municipal juvenile delinquent While Zamperini of 500, pinochle and bridge wll be played Prizes will be awarded and refreshments served Everybody is welcome. * * * At the regular meeting ol Betsy Ross Star club held Tues day in Masonic temple plane were completed for the benefit card party on Saturday evening, January 25 in the temple. Mrs.Gladys Mothersell presided at the business meeting and Mrs. Louis Lougee and her com mittee were in charge of lunch eon arrangements. Torrance Herald Established, Jan. 1, 1914. Published Every Thursday Graver C. Whyte Editor-Publisher E. B. Brawn, BuiinHI Mor. F. 8. Sclov.r, Man«alnB Editor 1836 El Prado. Phone 444 Torrance, Calif. Adjudicated a Legal Newspaper By Superior Court, LOB Angeles County. Entered as second class mat- ter, January' 80, 1914. at poet- office, Torrance, Calif., under Act of March 3, 1879. Official Newspaper of < City of Torrance Subscription Rates Anywhere in Los Angeles County *2.00 per year setup in the two cities an others along the route to com plete a report for the Unite Slates Attorney's office in Lo Angeles and for Our Last Mis sion club, of which the cap tain has just been elected na tlonal president. The club i composed of former prisoner* of war. Captain Zamperini long ha been interested in juvenile dc llnquency and was asked t make the report by James M Carter, United States distric attorney In Los Angeles. * * * Women Of The Moose Report Many Activities Torrance Chapter No. 44, Wo- men ok Ihe Moose honored Mrs Bessie Lovitt, graduate grand regent at a recenl business lectlng. A large group of members were present to greet Mrs. Lov tt and to hear the monthly re >orts which were read and ac- cepted. A report of those who worked on the "iron lung" committee also wax read. Initiation marked the meeting held in Moose hall last night. Plans are being compleled for he monlhly card parly sched- tied for February 5. Mrs. Gavln will open her home t 1805 Arlington ave., for an 11-day card party and luncheon n February 7. Everybody Is welcome. Vera Stokoe, publicity chair- man. Woman's Club Sets Carnival Date; Plans Rummage, Food Sale At their Informal meeting h' yesterday afternoon, members Torrance Woman's club c cussed plans for many f6r - oming activities. On Friday and Saturday, 24 and 25, beginning at 10 a.n Mrs. George Sutton and committee will conduct a ru. mage and food sale at 1316 Si tori ave. (opposite Safew store). Members are asked supply home cooked foods I both days. Those who wl transportation for their si cbntrlbutlons may call M Jones, 1123-W, Mrs. Sutton, 3 M or Mrs. Smith, 2385-W. "Magical Mysteries" Tickets have been dlstrlbut to club women for "magical my terlcs," a cullural entortainrm by Amerlcas foremost lady n glclan, Gcraldlnc Conrad L sen. The public is invited to tend this program, to be hi in the clubhouse, 1422 Eng cia ave., at 8:00 o'clock Frida Feb. 7. Tickets for adults a children may be secured fr members or at the door. Carnival Data Set One of the most enjoyable recent club programs was th which featured Hugh Welli: ton Marlyn, inlernallonally mous singer of ballads, sto teller and monologist. Highlighting the business sion which preceded the p gram, was the announcement of Mr. and Mrs. William John. Ihe club's annual Spring car Dymond, of 1748 GrameYcy ave.,1 val which has been schedul was ;a jielujhtful occasion for [for Saturday, March 15, tne^celeijmrc?,. illSii MerHs a'riff family members. Married Jan. 10, 1867 In De- vonshire, England, Mr. Dymond came to Torrance In 1912 and was employed by the Union Tool Company (now National Supply Company) as foreman of Ihe millwright department. He remained with tho firm un- til 1940, when he left to take a position with Regan Forge Co.m- pany, San Pedro. At the close of hostilities of World War I, Mrs. Dymond and the couple's son, William, arrived here from England to join him. Through the years the family has been active in community and church circles identifying themselves with St. Andrew's Episcopal church. At the reception at the fam ily home on the' anniversary date, Mrs. Dymond was the reel pient of gifts and flowers pre- sented by neighbors and friends. A beautifully decorated tiered bride's cake, gift of Mrs. Frank Davidge, of Lomita, and other refreshments were served at an attractively appointed table. Ar- rangements of carnations, used throughout the rooms, created a pretty setting for the occasion. Attending the celebration were Mr. Dymond's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Davis, Torrance residents since 1921, who had served as attend ants at the Dymond's wedding 50 years .ago. Mr. and Mrs. Davis later were hosts at a dinner party In their home for Ihe Dymonds; and 14 Torrance and out-of-town friends and family members. Another affair given to com- pliment the celebrants was a party arranged on Sunday by Mcsdames John Elder and W. G. Ambill, when places were set Mr. and Mrs. Dymond, Messrs, and Mmes. Wcsley G. Ambill, John Elder and Turbey. * * * Representative .S. Council 3 lans.Meet Here Tuesday Jan. 28 has been sei as the date for the Rcpresenta ive.Council meeting for Los An gelcs Girl Scout Council to be leld In Torrance Civic audlto ium. Adult Girl Scouts fron he entire Los Angeles area wil ttend. Luncheon will be served by la ies of the Lutheran church and urscry care for young children '111 be provided at Scout House y Mrs. L. Phair, Torrance play- round director. Arrangements for the meeting ave been completed by Mi's, rank Church, sectional chair- nan and Mrs. Mark A. Wright, ilghborhood chairman, Girl couts. * * * ONTBACT PABTIKS X)NTINWE AT CLUB Another delightful evening is store for contract bridge play- s when they meet at Torrance 'Oman's clubhouse Monday eve ng, for the club - sponsored eekly party. Game prizes be awarded and refreshments 111 be served. man, will announce furfl tails as the date approaches. The afternoon was conclud with an attractively appoint silver tea with Mrs. John Kee" and her committee in charge arrangements. K * * VFVV Auxiliary Plans Valentine Fete, Evening Card Party Mrs. Sarah Jcnklns will op her home at 917 Beech aven today for a meeting of Uie V W. Auxiliary Sewing club. The regular business sessi will be held at 8:00 p.m. M day, Feb. 3. On Friday afternoon, Feb. the auxiliary will entertain t young mothers and their bab at a Valentine party at t home of Mrs. Hilma Malin, 18 Plaza del Amo. Tho following evening, Sat day Feb. 15, the ladles will . tertaln at a card party In T ranee Woman's clubhouse. E eryone Is invited. Games bridge, 500 and pinochle will played. There will be gam prizes and door prizes, and freshmcnts will be served. * * * Cornelia Club Meets Tuesday ^embers of the Cornelia cl were delightfully entertain Tuesday afternoon at the- hoi of Mrs. A. H. Sllllgo on Engrac avenue. At the luncheon table rated with daisies and bachel buttons places were arrang for Mesdames J. S. LancasK M. N." Felkcr, L. C. Burger, V L. Laughon, L. Ahrens and R. Smith. Mrs. Miles was" presented wi prize for high score ; contract. Dr. Dale H. Wright CHIROPRACTOR PHONE TORRANCE I86I,W 1746 MARTINA TORRANCE ONE BLOCK WEST OF ARLINGTON .FIRST BLOCK SOUTH OF CARSON 5PECIIL! Duart Cream OIL PERMANENT S Open Evenings by Appointment Phone Torrance 1762 CARSON BEAUTY SHOP 1919 CARSON Torrance (Rear of Barber Shop) Trio RebekaKs Report Meeting; Plan Party Feb. 12 Officers and members of Trio Reboknhs Lodge No. 240 were entertained at thnlr meeting last night by Tlrzah Taber, P.N.G., assisted by Maude Swopc, Etta Woods and Mary Jorgcnsen. Tables were attractively dec- orated In red and white, and nut cups and place cards were white and silver. Individual gifts were provided for the of- ficers. Special guests at the meeting were Elisabeth Tappin, pas' president of Arizona and Mamie Jones, past district deputy presi- dent, San Pedro. Plans are progressing for a Valentine party on Feb. 12 with Helen Kupps as chairman. On this occasion instructions will be Issued to officers. HelK-kah Officers Officers who were Installed recently to .serve Trio Rebckah Lodge 240 for the ensuing six months arc: Mrs. Nettie Taylor, noble grand and her supporting officers, Mrs. Belva Brase, vice noble grand; Josephine Schwartz, receiving secretary; Ethel Waite, financial secretary; Marshall Tnppin. treasurer and staff members. District Deputy President, of District 84 Mrs. Margaret Mit- chell served as installing officer at the recent impreslvc rites. A diversified program' of in- strumentaj and vocal selections added to the enjoyment of the guests. * * * Tp~rresent Program Thursday Afternoon Members of the.- sixth grade of Fern ave. school will present a program of poetry and music for their purent.s Thursday af- ternoon, Jan. 30, In honor of the A-6s. who enter Junior High at the beginning of the new term. .The graduates are Charlotte Andenson, Richard Avalos, Dori- ald Babbitt, Mikel Bolls, Joanne Boss, Carol Campbell, Patricia Dunmyer, Faul Gilbert, Bill Gray, Fred Gutrra, Tommy Long, Frank Navarro, . Erma Peck, Charles Sieger, Emily Van Vliet, and Lowell Wendell. - ' The program will be given in the auditorium, starting at 1:45 p.m. * * * SISTKB VISITS Mr, and Mrs. T. A. Bray are entertaining as their house guest his sister, Miss Ruth Bray, who arrived Thursday from Halifax, N. S, for several months vlwit at the Bray home, 2011 Andreo avenue. The METHODIST MEN'S CLUB MR. KIRBY PAGE The Methodist Men's Club at the First Methodist Church in Torrance takes pride in bring- | ing Mr. Page to Torrance. This " internationally known Author and Social Evangelist hat writ- len nineteen volumes and six- teen pamphlets on International, economic, locial and religious questions. His works have been :ran«lated and published in many foreign countries and nore than a million copies have been sold. Mr. Page has spoken at over 00 colleges and universities. He was a special lecturer at /ale University Divinity School, nd has spoken at hundreds of hurches in ,ill parts of the na- ion. Mr. Page will speak to the Men's Club ,it the First Metho- ut Church, Torrance, Wednes- ay, January 29. Sunday, Feb. , he will hold open conference n the auditorium of the First Methodist Church at 3 P.M. nd again ajl 7:30 P.M. Every- ne in Torr«nce is invited to 'tend these Sunday lectures, ^f* There will be no charge for Hf admittance, however, a freewill ^^ offering will be taken.

nous - Torrance...Maryella Benzlger and her cou sin Rita, who are known throughout this country and Europe as "The Benzigers." They are sincere volunteer workers for the Pope's Children

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    T/Sgt. Jean Hudson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hudson, of Shearer ave., is convalescing from a recent severe attack of lobar pneumonia. She treated at Tilton General pltal. Camp Dix, N. J., where she is serving as a laboratory technician with the W.A.C.

    In a recent letter to her mother, Miss Hudson stated that due to her illness the doc- tors would not allow her to tra- vel here for the holidays and instead she joined a group of friends at their cottage in the Adirondacks.

    Biinty Thomas,'Other C.T. Officers Are i Elected At Meeting

    Election of officers was the principal business at tho recent mooting of the C. T. club held at the home of Connie Smith on Hickory ave.

    Elected to serve during the ensuin^term were: .

    Bunty Thomas, president; Er- lono Simonson, vice president; Bevcrly Wernett, secretary; Con- nie Smith, treasurer; Anna Mae Doherty, historian; Ginger Shew, flower and thought chairman; Beverly Mooro, reporter.

    Georgia Ran ?lub president group.

    3f the teen-age

    Initiation Marks OES Meeting Thursday Evening

    Initiation of six candidates marked the regular meeting of Torrance Chapter, No. 380, Or- der of the Eastern Star, held In Masonic Temple Thursday evening.

    Minnie Smith, of San Pcdro, deputy grand matron of the 71st district, was guest of honor for the evening,

    Bctti'na Miller, in charge of arrangements, was assisted by Lillian Minard, of Manhattan Beach; Rolive Bever and Naoma Brown, who served delicious re- freshments in the banquet room at the conclusion of chapter meeting.




    Regular $6.40 (O.P.A.)

    Regular »M.95

    DRESSES ................... $14.98

    Regular 117.96

    PRESSES'Regular $10.95

    -DRESSES . $5.48

    Four Last Chance to Dug "

    S169.50 Genuine Mouton

    Fur Coat $84.75AT. ON1.Y

    All Fur Coats in Stock

    Priced for Sale at ....... 1/2 PRICE

    Regular $8.95 (O.P.A.)

    SweatersHand fashioned,in a n a Tdtnionca, ^100% Zephyr wool. $ A 48Heavy knit. Long * \\sleeves. Greatest -value in 10 years!

    Regular 39c (O.P.A.)

    AnkletsSize* 8% to II. Most a II colors. Made of fine mer- cerized cotton. . . . These will all go quickly!


    Reg. $5.40 (O.P.A.)llf-Uoof



    1319 Sartorf Ave. Torrunve

    CDA National Director Is Feted At Large Banquet

    On Saturday evening Jan 18 the Catholic Daughters of America of the Los Angeles and San Diego areas, honored Mrs. Emma J. Mclntosh, state regent and national director, >at A re- ception and testimonial banquet at Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel.

    The California room was the setting for the beautifully ap- pointed affair. Representatives from all courts as well as their guests enjoyed a splendid pro- gram.

    Guest speaker, Judge of Su- perior Court Honorable Georgia Bullock, told of the Children's Court of Conciliation and said there can't be real happiness until the American home Is re- stored. She urged, women to take their rightful places leaders.

    An enlightening and inspiring message was presented by Miss Maryella Benzlger and her cou- sin Rita, who are known throughout this country and Europe as "The Benzigers." They are sincere volunteer workers for the Pope's Children War Re- lief. She stressed the fact that the war isn't over, over there.

    Fr. Maurice Sullivan of Lon- don, Canada, chaplain of the Royal Canadian Air Force, gave an interesting talk.

    Others who expressed greet- ings were Gerald J. Brusher,

    ^state deputy Knights of Colum- "bus; Rt. Rev. Msgr, James E. Dolan, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Francis 4,,Q}J, state chaplain C.D. of A.; Very Rev. Msgr. John J.- He- gttrty; committee chairman Mrs. Christine Cassady, Mrs. Spurck. representative of the National Council of Catholic Women, arid Vice Stale Regent Mary Whelen of Fresno.

    V o c a 1 selections were pre-sented by ' Miss June Bombar- 'dier and Mr. Norman J. Llnd.

    Concluding the program, a beautiful silver tea service was presented to MrV Mclntosh as a gift from all the -tfOtnts in Southern California.

    Grand Regent of Court St. Catherine No. 1378 Mrs. Clare Farrell expressed greetings arid ebrtgratulatipns in the name of the Torrarice group to the honor guest.

    * * *

    To-La-Ha Club Elects Officers; Plans Card Party

    To-lo-ha club, formerly known as Little Hills Navy Mothers club,. met last week at the home of Mrs. Mary Towler, 1828 An dreo ave.,, for a business ses- sion and election of officers.

    Elected to serve during the ensuing term were Mrs. Ann Hight, president and her staff of officers including: Mmes. Sarah Jenkins, vice president; Loella Elder, finance officer; Mary Towler, secretary; Ruth Buth? hospital and welfare chair- man; Margaret Pullman, ways and means chairman; Merle Os- borne, publicity chairman for Lo- mita and Mabel Slovor, in charge of publicity for Torrance.

    New members Introduced at the meeting were Mmes. Inez Amblll and Katherine Flynn.

    The ladies, who for the past six months have met regularly at the home of Mrs. Towle will continue with their fin program of general welfare worl In addition to their service t Navy families they also assis others in need, it is reported.

    Evening Card FortyThe first ways and means

    project planned for the year I .a public card party; to be hetc in V.F.W hall, Lomita, on Fr day evening Feb. 7, when th ladies will greet old friends and new ones. An 8:00 o'clock doo prize will be awarded and games

    CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY ... Mr. and Ht plorteer Torrance residents, who celebrated their golden wedefing anniversary with a reception at their home. Other affairs, ar- ranged by relatives and friend), also complimented the couple.

    Mothers Club Of G.S. Troop 610

    Scout Troop 610 were ent« talned by Mrs. Ernest MAndi in her home on Maricopa plac

    Among the Important subjec discussed was the First A class which, starts Feb. 4 und- ine direction of J. Graham, Los Angeles. Mothers'and Scou are Invited to participate.

    The Representative Coum luncheon and meeting on Ja 28 in Civic Auditorium also wa announced,, and six mothers si nifieci their intention to atten

    Plans were formulated for tl forthcoming Spring Camp Griffith Park as well as for week's camping trip next sui mer, which will be a project f the entire troop of 24 girls.

    Troop 610 has the dlstinctic of being the first Girl Scou Troop to organize a Mothe: club and the entire credll fi the project is due Mrs. Charli N. Dodd, leader.

    The success of this organlza tion has been instrumental ! other troops forming simili clubs.

    * * * .Louis Zamperini And Bride Leaving For Florida Visit

    Capt. Louis Zamperini and h bride, the former Cynthia Appl white, will leave Sunday on

    Miami, Florida, where the coup will visit Mrs. Zamperini's . fam '

    .in Florida, Captai will * investigate th

    municipal juvenile delinquent

    While Zamperini

    of 500, pinochle and bridge wll be played Prizes will be awarded and refreshments served Everybody is welcome.

    * * *

    At the regular meeting ol Betsy Ross Star club held Tues day in Masonic temple plane were completed for the benefit card party on Saturday evening, January 25 in the temple.

    Mrs.Gladys Mothersell presided at the business meeting and Mrs. Louis Lougee and her com mittee were in charge of lunch eon arrangements.

    Torrance HeraldEstablished, Jan. 1, 1914.

    Published Every ThursdayGraver C. WhyteEditor-Publisher

    E. B. Brawn, BuiinHI Mor.F. 8. Sclov.r, Man«alnB Editor

    1836 El Prado. Phone 444Torrance, Calif.

    Adjudicated a Legal Newspaper By Superior Court, LOB

    Angeles County. Entered as second class mat-

    ter, January' 80, 1914. at poet- office, Torrance, Calif., under Act of March 3, 1879.

    Official Newspaper of < City of Torrance

    Subscription RatesAnywhere in Los Angeles County

    *2.00 per year

    setup in the two cities an others along the route to com plete a report for the Unite Slates Attorney's office in Lo Angeles and for Our Last Mis sion club, of which the cap tain has just been elected na tlonal president. The club i composed of former prisoner* of war.

    Captain Zamperini long ha been interested in juvenile dc llnquency and was asked t make the report by James M Carter, United States distric attorney In Los Angeles.

    * * *Women Of The Moose Report Many Activities

    Torrance Chapter No. 44, Wo- men ok Ihe Moose honored Mrs Bessie Lovitt, graduate grand regent at a recenl business

    lectlng.A large group of members

    were present to greet Mrs. Lov tt and to hear the monthly re >orts which were read and ac-

    cepted.A report of those who worked

    on the "iron lung" committee also wax read.

    Initiation marked the meeting held in Moose hall last night.

    Plans are being compleled for he monlhly card parly sched- tied for February 5.

    Mrs. Gavln will open her home t 1805 Arlington ave., for an 11-day card party and luncheon n February 7. Everybody Is

    welcome.Vera Stokoe, publicity chair-


    Woman's Club Sets Carnival Date; Plans Rummage, Food Sale

    At their Informal meeting h' yesterday afternoon, members Torrance Woman's club c cussed plans for many f6r - oming activities.

    On Friday and Saturday, J» 24 and 25, beginning at 10 a.n Mrs. George Sutton and committee will conduct a ru. mage and food sale at 1316 Si tori ave. (opposite Safew store). Members are asked supply home cooked foods I both days. Those who wl transportation for their si cbntrlbutlons may call M Jones, 1123-W, Mrs. Sutton, 3 M or Mrs. Smith, 2385-W.

    "Magical Mysteries" Tickets have been dlstrlbut

    to club women for "magical my terlcs," a cullural entortainrm by Amerlcas foremost lady n glclan, Gcraldlnc Conrad L sen. The public is invited to tend this program, to be hi in the clubhouse, 1422 Eng cia ave., at 8:00 o'clock Frida Feb. 7. Tickets for adults a children may be secured fr members or at the door.

    Carnival Data Set One of the most enjoyable

    recent club programs was th which featured Hugh Welli: ton Marlyn, inlernallonally mous singer of ballads, sto teller and monologist.

    Highlighting the business sion which preceded the p gram, was the announcement

    of Mr. and Mrs. William John. Ihe club's annual Spring car Dymond, of 1748 GrameYcy ave.,1 val which has been schedul was ;a jielujhtful occasion for [for Saturday, March 15, tne^celeijmrc?,. illSii MerHs a'riff family members.

    Married Jan. 10, 1867 In De- vonshire, England, Mr. Dymond came to Torrance In 1912 and was employed by the Union Tool Company (now National Supply Company) as foreman of Ihe millwright department.

    He remained with tho firm un- til 1940, when he left to take a position with Regan Forge Co.m- pany, San Pedro.

    At the close of hostilities of World War I, Mrs. Dymond and the couple's son, William, arrived here from England to join him. Through the years the family has been active in community and church circles identifying themselves with St. Andrew's Episcopal church.

    At the reception at the fam ily home on the' anniversary date, Mrs. Dymond was the reel pient of gifts and flowers pre- sented by neighbors and friends. A beautifully decorated tiered bride's cake, gift of Mrs. Frank Davidge, of Lomita, and other refreshments were served at an attractively appointed table. Ar- rangements of carnations, used throughout the rooms, created a pretty setting for the occasion.

    Attending the celebration were Mr. Dymond's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Davis, Torrance residents since 1921, who had served as attend ants at the Dymond's wedding 50 years .ago.

    Mr. and Mrs. Davis later were hosts at a dinner party In their home for Ihe Dymonds; and 14 Torrance and out-of-town friends and family members.

    Another affair given to com- pliment the celebrants was a party arranged on Sunday by Mcsdames John Elder and W. G. Ambill, when places were set

    Mr. and Mrs. Dymond, Messrs, and Mmes. Wcsley G. Ambill, John Elder and Turbey.

    * * *

    Representative.S. Council

    3 lans.Meet HereTuesday Jan. 28 has been sei

    as the date for the Rcpresenta ive.Council meeting for Los An

    gelcs Girl Scout Council to be leld In Torrance Civic audlto ium. Adult Girl Scouts fron he entire Los Angeles area wil ttend.Luncheon will be served by la

    ies of the Lutheran church and urscry care for young children '111 be provided at Scout House y Mrs. L. Phair, Torrance play- round director.Arrangements for the meeting

    ave been completed by Mi's, rank Church, sectional chair-

    nan and Mrs. Mark A. Wright, ilghborhood chairman, Girl

    couts.* * *

    ONTBACT PABTIKS X)NTINWE AT CLUBAnother delightful evening isstore for contract bridge play-

    s when they meet at Torrance'Oman's clubhouse Monday eveng, for the club - sponsoredeekly party. Game prizes

    be awarded and refreshments111 be served.

    man, will announce furfltails as the date approaches.

    The afternoon was conclud with an attractively appoint silver tea with Mrs. John Kee" and her committee in charge arrangements.

    K * *

    VFVV Auxiliary Plans Valentine Fete, Evening Card Party

    Mrs. Sarah Jcnklns will op her home at 917 Beech aven today for a meeting of Uie V W. Auxiliary Sewing club.

    The regular business sessi will be held at 8:00 p.m. M day, Feb. 3.

    On Friday afternoon, Feb. the auxiliary will entertain t young mothers and their bab at a Valentine party at t home of Mrs. Hilma Malin, 18 Plaza del Amo.

    Tho following evening, Sat day Feb. 15, the ladles will . tertaln at a card party In T ranee Woman's clubhouse. E eryone Is invited. Games bridge, 500 and pinochle will played. There will be gam prizes and door prizes, and freshmcnts will be served.

    * * *Cornelia Club Meets Tuesday

    ^embers of the Cornelia cl were delightfully entertain Tuesday afternoon at the- hoi of Mrs. A. H. Sllllgo on Engrac avenue.

    At the luncheon table rated with daisies and bachel buttons places were arrang for Mesdames J. S. LancasK M. N." Felkcr, L. C. Burger, V L. Laughon, L. Ahrens and R. Smith.

    Mrs. Miles was" presented wi prize for high score ;


    Dr. Dale H. WrightCHIROPRACTOR




    5PECIIL!Duart Cream


    SOpen Evenings

    by AppointmentPhone Torrance 1762


    1919 CARSON Torrance (Rear of Barber Shop)

    Trio RebekaKs Report Meeting; Plan Party Feb. 12

    Officers and members of Trio Reboknhs Lodge No. 240 were entertained at thnlr meeting last night by Tlrzah Taber, P.N.G., assisted by Maude Swopc, Etta Woods and Mary Jorgcnsen.

    Tables were attractively dec- orated In red and white, and nut cups and place cards were white and silver. Individual gifts were provided for the of- ficers.

    Special guests at the meeting were Elisabeth Tappin, pas' president of Arizona and Mamie Jones, past district deputy presi- dent, San Pedro.

    Plans are progressing for a Valentine party on Feb. 12 with Helen Kupps as chairman. On this occasion instructions will be Issued to officers.

    HelK-kah OfficersOfficers who were Installed

    recently to .serve Trio Rebckah Lodge 240 for the ensuing six months arc: Mrs. Nettie Taylor, noble grand and her supporting officers, Mrs. Belva Brase, vice noble grand; Josephine Schwartz, receiving secretary; Ethel Waite, financial secretary; Marshall Tnppin. treasurer and staff members.

    District Deputy President, of District 84 Mrs. Margaret Mit- chell served as installing officer at the recent impreslvc rites.

    A diversified program' of in- strumentaj and vocal selections added to the enjoyment of the guests.

    * * *

    Tp~rresent Program Thursday Afternoon

    Members of the.- sixth grade of Fern ave. school will present a program of poetry and music for their purent.s Thursday af- ternoon, Jan. 30, In honor of the A-6s. who enter Junior High at the beginning of the new term.

    .The graduates are Charlotte Andenson, Richard Avalos, Dori- ald Babbitt, Mikel Bolls, Joanne Boss, Carol Campbell, Patricia Dunmyer, Faul Gilbert, Bill Gray, Fred Gutrra, Tommy Long, Frank Navarro, . Erma Peck, Charles Sieger, Emily Van Vliet, and Lowell Wendell. - '

    The program will be given in the auditorium, starting at 1:45 p.m.


    Mr, and Mrs. T. A. Bray are entertaining as their house guest his sister, Miss Ruth Bray, who arrived Thursday from Halifax, N. S, for several months vlwit at the Bray home, 2011 Andreo avenue.



    The Methodist Men's Club at the First Methodist Church in Torrance takes pride in bring- |

    ing Mr. Page to Torrance. This " internationally known Author and Social Evangelist hat writ- len nineteen volumes and six- teen pamphlets on International, economic, locial and religious questions. His works have been :ran«lated and published in

    many foreign countries and nore than a million copies have

    been sold.

    Mr. Page has spoken at over 00 colleges and universities. He was a special lecturer at /ale University Divinity School, nd has spoken at hundreds of hurches in ,ill parts of the na- ion.

    Mr. Page will speak to theMen's Club ,it the First Metho-ut Church, Torrance, Wednes-ay, January 29. Sunday, Feb., he will hold open conference

    n the auditorium of the FirstMethodist Church at 3 P.M.nd again ajl 7:30 P.M. Every-ne in Torr«nce is invited to'tend these Sunday lectures, ^f*

    There will be no charge for Hfadmittance, however, a freewill ^^offering will be taken.