NotifiedBody No. 0843 CPR Notified Body, UL International (UK)Ltd., Wonersh House, The Guildway, Old Portsmouth Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU3 1LR, United Kingdom Certificateof constancy of performance 0843-CPR-0245 fn compliance with the Regulation 305/20111EU of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council of 9 Marcfr2011 (the Construction Products Regulation or CPR),this cedlficate applies to the construction produet Wrap Around Seal (WAS)/Wrap Around Seal Strip (WASS) PenetrationSeal Classified for use in ftexible & solid walls and solid ffoors A prpeclosure-device usedto form penetration seals where combustible pipes,cabtesand metal pipeswith insulation penetrate walls and floors.The Wrap AroundSeal (WAS)is supplied at the conect length to wrap aroundthe diarneter of the pipe.The Wrap AroundSeal Strip (WASS)is supplied on a continuous roll, to be cut to the corect length during installation. The products are othenruise identical. produced by ESSVE Produkter AB Box 7091 SE-164 07 Kista Sweden and produced in the manufacturingplant(s) Ar005 This certificate attests that all provisions concerning the assessment and verification of constancy of performance described in theETA. ETA 15/0086 under system AVCP 1 for the performance set out in this certificate are applied and that Wrap Around Seal (WAS)lWrap Around Seal Strip (WASS)fulfils all the prescribed nequiremenb for these perfiorrnanoes. This certificate was first issued on 24th February 2015 and willremain valid as long as theETA remains valid and the manufacturing eonditions in the plantor the factory production control itselfare not modified siginificantly, unless suspended or withdrawn by the product certification body. Dateof issue: 24h February 2O15 Karl Harland Quality Engineering Manager UL International (UK) Ltd. ULInternational (UK) Limited Wonersh House,The Cuildway, OldPortsmouth Road, Cuildford, Surrey, CU3 rLR, United Kingdom mtSO:124 EC Cslificat. mr.d@r

Notified Body No. 0843 Certificate of constancy of performance...Notified Body No. 0843 CPR Notified Body, UL International (UK) Ltd., Wonersh House, The Guildway, Old Portsmouth Road,

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  • Notified Body No. 0843CPR Notified Body, UL International (UK) Ltd., Wonersh House, The Guildway, Old

    Portsmouth Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU3 1LR, United Kingdom

    Certificate of constancy of performance0843-CPR-0245

    fn compliance with the Regulation 305/20111EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 Marcfr 2011 (theConstruction Products Regulation or CPR), this cedlficate applies to the construction produet

    Wrap Around Seal (WAS)/Wrap Around Seal Strip (WASS)Penetration Seal Classified for use in ftexible & solid walls and solid ffoors

    A prpe closure-device usedto form penetration seals where combustible pipes, cabtes and metal pipeswith insulationpenetrate walls and floors. The Wrap Around Seal (WAS) is supplied at the conect length to wrap around the diarneterof the pipe. The Wrap Around Seal Strip (WASS) is supplied on a continuous roll, to be cut to the corect length duringinstallation. The products are othenruise identical.

    produced by

    ESSVE Produkter ABBox 7091

    SE-164 07 KistaSweden

    and produced in the manufacturing plant(s)

    Ar005This certificate attests that all provisions concerning the assessment and verification of constancy ofperformance described in theETA.

    ETA 15/0086under system AVCP 1 for the performance set out in this certificate are applied and that

    Wrap Around Seal (WAS)lWrap Around Seal Strip (WASS) fulfils all the prescribednequiremenb for these perfiorrnanoes.

    This certificate was first issued on 24th February 2015 and will remain valid as long as the ETA remains valid and themanufacturing eonditions in the plant or the factory production control itself are not modified siginificantly, unlesssuspended or withdrawn by the product certification body.

    Date of issue: 24h February 2O15Karl HarlandQuality Engineering ManagerUL International (UK) Ltd.

    UL Internat ional (UK) LimitedWonersh House,The Cui ldway, Old Portsmouth Road,

    Cui ldford, Surrey, CU3 rLR, Uni ted Kingdom

    mtSO:124 EC Cslificat. mr.d@r

  • Notified Body No. 0843CPR Notified Body, UL International (UK) Ltd., Wonersh House, The Guildway, Old

    Portsmouth Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU3 1LR, United Kingdom

    Annex: Detailed information sheet

    Certifi cate Number: 0843-CP R-024 5

    ProducUDevice description :

    Wrap Around Seal (WAS)M/rap Around Seal Strip WASS)

    Applicant designation :

    ESSVE Produkter ABBox 7091SE-164 07 KistaSweden

    Product lnformation:

    Wrap Aroun*Sea+ WASlMlrap Around Seat Strip WASS)

    The referenced product complies with.

    A - All the relevant requirements as per ETA 15/0086

    ETA lssue date:

    ETA 15/0086 issued 24h February 2O15

    Karl HarlandQuality Engineering ManagerUL International (UK) Ltd.

    UL Internat ional (UK) LimitedWonersh House,The Cui ldway, Old Portsmouth Road,

    Cui ldford, Surrey, CU3 tLR, Uni ted Kingdom

    20150224 EC Cdtificd€ ms.docx