Notice of Writ of Everyone's Habeas Corpus

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This document exposes facts that have been covered up by many branches of government and many nations. Please not that there never was presented the characteristics of hinges on any ginglymus joint x-ray.The world you are being forced to lived with is a lie as it always but your governments have "programmed" everyone to its standard at the expense of the proper functioning of the Workers' Compensation Board which was meant to correct labour standards without the Administrations having any right to speak against Self Evident Truth!I have already posted the majority of my evidence on this profile and, even though I am in the Right, many accept the lie that the governments cannot be wrong and would mislead mankind for decades and centuries!

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  • NOTICE OF WRIT OF EVERYONES HABEAS CORPUS/ Everyones Right to Life and Security of Person

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    Ernst John Krass Founder of The Unified College of Medicine A person clearly DENIED his GOD GIVEN Right to Life, Security of Person and Liberty by The Canadian Governments of Canada Email correspondence is currently the proper option for reply: [email protected] January 6, 2016 Mr. President Barack Obama Administrative Leader of The United States and the falsely alleged Free World The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 RE: The Supremacy of God/IN GOD WE TRUST as determined by The Self Evident Truth Dear Mr. President Barack Obama: On Monday, December 28, 2015, I brought to your attention the reality that the primary joint at the highest levels of medicine including the US Surgeon Generals Office, is the radiocapitellar joint and NOT the ulno-humeral joint! Proof that the radiohumeral joint employs centripetal mechanics and torsion mechanics and is the primary joint of the elbow is the x-ray evidence that I have provided with this mail package. This objective evidence also dismisses the lie that was created in Ancient Greece and that has been dismissed where the ulno-humeral joint employs hinge mechanicsa fulcrum at the front of the union of the ulna and humerus bones with a large gap at the back of this union. Since the 1960s, the scientific community discovered centripetal mechanics there is no such thing as centripetal force or centrifugal force just centripetal mechanics as when I was taught this physics principles in the really early 1980s which complemented the discovery in the late 1920s torsion mechanics and how to overcome long lengths of a drive train unit from the generation of force to its application of this force at the wheels at the back of the vehicles (rear wheel drives with a front engine unified with a transmission and drive train with universal joints strategically placed to stop the drive train from being sheared apart). I was forced to discover from personal experience that the radiocapitellar joint is the primary joint of the elbow as my right elbows radial ligament and its soft tissue complement, the common extensor tendon, were destroyed in June 1989 from overuse syndrome/tennis elbow/lateral epicondylitis/etc.

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    against the advice of the majority of the medical community who are being ordered by the Administration and its licensing bodies to lie about the natural direct relationship so that I would have to contact you, Mr. President, with both this Notice of Writ of Everyones Habeas Corpus and its Notice of Application of Everyones Habeas Corpus. After a Gadolinium enhanced MRI was performed in 1998 on my right elbow (it was clearly diagnosed as having lateral epicondylitis brought on by over syndrome), there was no doubt that I destroyed the aforementioned lateral soft tissue structures in my right elbow from forced contraction of the mislabeled pronator teres muscle: the new proper name for this muscle, henceforth, is to be the Ernst John Krass muscle. The sole role of the Ernst John Krass muscle is to reverse the raising of the bicipital tuberosity of the radius bone from the face of the ulna during arm flexion from full extension as shown to be happening in my personal and comparative x-ray evidence. So, the contraction of the triceps to pull the ulna down through arm extension is complemented by muscle contraction of the Ernst John Krass muscle: all muscle contraction is performed by electrical stimulation arising from the brain mainly that is controlled with the sense of touch whose electrical response is noted by the brain. So, when one muscle is contracted, the opposing muscle group is no longer stimulated normally by the brain. In 2000, I rewrote the functioning of muscle contraction in the upper extremity and shoulder based upon the discovery that the elbows lateral pins the lateral soft tissue complex above the lateral epicondyle and the apex of the medial ligament do exist and because the only way that my lateral soft tissue structures could have occurred was through abnormal forced electrical stimulation (contraction) of the mislabeled pronator teres: now relabeled as the Ernst John Krass muscle so that the world will never forget the persecution that I have endured due to unilateral Administration imposition of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and s. 3 of The United Nations International Bill of Rights (14th Amendment of The US Constitution) IN MY NAME WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE by The Lt.-Governor in Council of Alberta for decades and even before I performed the overuse syndrome work duties in June 1989. From personal experience, I have learned the vast difference between a God Given Right and legal based civil liberties and discrimination of these amongst those comprising the civilization. Understanding Rights versus Civil Liberties Rights, as I now know them, are granted by The Almighty and are accepted by all Administration now as based internationally upon s. 3 of The United Nations Bill of Rights, the 14th Amendment of The United States Constitution and s. 7 of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms a document and universal standard dismissed by former Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper and his Ministers of Finance of Canada unbeknownst to all Canadians.

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    Some of everyones inalienable and God Given Rights are most definitely by our singular and combined Right to Life, Security of Person and Liberty from the administratively and democratically imposed program (US)/scheme (Canada). The Principles of Fundamental Justice grant everyone the Right to be Right where Self Evident Objective evidence repudiates the enacted laws and national and international perceptions like the primary joint of the elbow is the ulno-humeral joint which employs hinge mechanics and standards when none of this is shown to exist or EVER existed in radiographic (x-ray) imagery of elbow when taken from the side and the elbow is bent. Clearly, then, the perceptions and laws, based upon these false perceptions, must be dismissed summarily once a Notice of Writ of Everyones Habeas Corpus is produced and submitted to all and especially The Office of The President of The United States, i.e. redress of grievance (1st Amendment of The US Constitution), just as was supposed to happen in Canada under former Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper back years ago and in relation to this matter. Under the functioning of The Principles of Fundamental Justice, nobody can argue against The Self Evident Truth new evidence that was always unknown to mankind or DENIED by those in authority for far too long and hidden behind official/artificial stories. In such incidences of new evidence being brought forward, civil liberties, which are only established through enacted laws and create a civilization, are also summarily dismissed. The Case In Point is the lie that God imposed the program of everyone having the obligation to work and get with the program that arose since 1996 and was imposed through the suspension of the proper functioning of The Workers Compensation Board program initiated in Canada in 1913 after a judicial inquest by Sir William Meredith which established The Sir William Meredith Covenant (Principle) for The WCB (Canada) and The WCB as a wholly national entity administered by a neutral agency having exclusive jurisdiction over the enabling legislation (i.e. labour standards as based upon the correlation of injuries to duties across all work environments). In his judicial inquest of the work resulting evidence on human beings prior to 1913, Sir William Meredith discovered without question that all work injured, maimed and killed the workers relentlessly which The WCB (Canada) was meant to resolve with simple acknowledgment of the correlation of injuries to job site activities. However, WWI broke out and it was soon discovered that economic activity and fighting a war could not be done with the WCB (Canada) in place and functioning as demanded by The Sir William Meredith Covenant. So, the WCB as a national agency was placed, wrongly, under provincial jurisdiction and, ultimately (in 1985), the responsibility for the God Given Inalienable Right to Life and Security of Person from work related duties was transferred from the WCB and the medical communities across Canada and, over to Charter Remedy, with a slight of hand maneuver by the Administrations of Canada: see page 6 of The Administrative Procedures and JURISDICTION Act, Royal Service Alberta (RSA), c. A-3; and also reference Revelations 17 where the 10 kings are properly defined as the 9

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    provinces and the federal government of Canada as the Administrations who have not yet received a kingdom, but they receive authority as kings (ruling through the letters of the laws and perceptions) with the beast (the pursuit of wealth/usury) for one hour and they receive one God Given purpose which is to give power and authority to the beast (the pursuit of wealth/usury) the program of the US (since the fall of communism and the end of the Cold War) and the scheme of Canada since 1993 as well. So, a civil liberty is merely an enacted standard that may also be repudiated by the Godly standards, known or unknown, as the case may be, and which may make the enactment, perceptions and standards MOOT from the moment of the enactment of the law: e.g. when there is only 1 next of kin, an orphan, upon the death of the penultimate spouse, the ultimate persons natural inheritance does NOT fall under estate administration as this standard only applies when there are more than 1 inheritor and the penultimate spouse dies especially without having left no testamentary document acknowledging the God Given and Self Evident Truth thereby immediately, upon the death of the final spouse, the name of the next of kin immediately stands in the place of the deceased (see Isaiah 10:1-2). A Right, though, is clearly established by objective and Self Evident facts which come from beyond the system and its historical limitations and notably relates to Everyones Right to Life, Security of Person and Liberty from the man imposed order derived from obviously corrupt laws law and order: Luke 16:16-17 New American Standard Bible (NASB) 16 The Law (ruling through the letters of the law) and the Prophets were proclaimed until John; since that time the gospel of the kingdom of God [a]has been preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it. 17 But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one [b]stroke of a letter of the Law to fail. My knowledge concerning God Given Inalienable Rights versus legal entitlements/administratively granted privileges that was taught to me by personal experience was specifically made known to Queen Elizabeth II in 2008 who promptly and NEUTRALLY can only say YES at that moment and forevermore abdicated her traditional title Defender of The Faith in Canada when she was made aware of my Self Evident Truth that dictated that I would find out about the Exclusion of Habeas Corpus, based upon s. 3 of The United Nations Bill of Rights, The 14th Amendment of The US Constitution and s. 7 and 24 (Enforcement) of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms so that One Person with The Self Evident Truth beyond the system would be given not just authority over everything but also be RIGHTLY declared Canadas Charter Monarch thereby replacing the Queen in Council and Lt.-Governors in Council summarily as God, Jesus Christ and The Blessed Fellowship of The Holy Spirit are without question behind this person or, in other words, the authority has been put upon this Person by The Almighty Himself.

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    The Person with Self Evident Truth that cannot EVER be overcome as The Almighty is the originator of all this Truth therefore has His Authority imposed by God: the world was ruled through laws and the perception that the administration was right concerning whether or not the world was flat. In 1968, the illusion of all administration was dismissed through the pictures of the earth from NASA and the astronauts that walked upon the moon: I Corinthians 13:10, When the perfect comes, the partial will be done away (be dismissed.... John 14:6: Jesus says to Thomas, I am the Way, and The Truth, and The Life; no one comes to The Father except through me. In this universe, there is Right with all else being wrong Righteousness! In the Garden of Eden, there were 2 trees with one being The Tree of Life and the other tree, that of Good and Evil, which is completely wrong. In I Corinthians 13:10, it is presented that: When the perfect comes, the partial will be done away (be dismissed... Scientific Logic demands that, when your theories and working model are repudiated by objective facts, you must accept the obvious without question or hesitation (neutrally), i.e. accept The Self Evident Truth, or say YES as was put to the world in Matthew 5:37. John 16:14-15 reads as follows: 14 He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. 15 All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you. When neutral citations s. 7 and s. 24 (Enforcement) of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the 14th and 1st Amendments of The United States Constitution and s. 3 of The United Nations International Bill of International Rights were established, a role for The Comforter/Helper with The Self Evident Truth in their possession was created for a very specific person. To understand this, all must realize that The Right of Life, Security of Person and Liberty (established by Self Evident Truth independent and beyond current human thought and dogma which is also SUPREME) is not only God Given but also establishes that the world, that everyone is living in and with, is naturally corrupt as it was created with The Absence of Truth historically where human foibles continue to trump objective medical findings against the functioning of The Principles of Fundamental Justice. In the HIDDEN from Everyone Writ of Habeas Corpus evidence provided by me, it is established across our past that mankind NEVER knew the proper functioning of the mature, healthy and kinetic

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    human body because we did not have the engineering knowledge or internal imagery to produce the correct functioning of ginglymus joints: the Ancient Greeks never had these items and knowledge. In Truth, mankind never knew of the mature, healthy and kinetic bodys existence nor conceived that it came in to existence in mankinds mid- to late 20s. I discovered this persons existence from reverse engineering my job injuries and deducing that, due to muscle contraction being solely a result of electro-neuro stimulation, that the pronator teres muscle was comply mislabeled and misunderstood because its abnormal stimulation in overuse syndrome causes an abnormal fulcrum to be established at the bottom of the bicipital tuberosity and laterally dislocating the radial head that naturally tears or stretches (causes an insufficiency of) the elbows normally load bearing and outside soft tissue structures. Furthermore, I applied this knowledge to the most basic of laws and changed them to establish the foundation of the pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals that was abolished several decades ago when the pursuit of wealth was imposed by the Administrations through their enacted laws and subsequent program (US)/scheme (Canada) and in to which everyone has been trying to plug themselves, unsuccessfully, for many decades while the elders, knowing that this is wrong, die off: the lesson derived from the 40 year period of The Bible when the Jews were sent by God through the desert after refusing to cross the River Jordan at the insistence of The Almighty going before them. To prove that Canada, at its highest levels, KNEW that its civilization was created through the historical lack of knowledge of Everyones God Given Rights, that were legally recognized in Canadas Charter of Rights and Freedoms but not before then by all administration across time, please review the provided page 6 of The Administrative Procedures and JURISDICTION Act, RSA 2000, c. A-3, where by producing official/artificial stories through its administrative bodies, the Lt.-Governor in Council of Alberta enforced s. 7 and s. 24 (Enforcement) of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms unbeknownst to all (due to the Exclusionary Principle) and where the naturally disenfranchised person ends up standing up for The Gods Honest Truth against the outrageous fortune of slings and arrows and MUST discover the hidden/purposely excluded Writ of Habeas Corpus that is tied wholly to the neutral citations 14th and 1st Amendments of The US Constitution, s. 7 and s. 24 (Enforcement) of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and s. 3 of The United Nations Bill of Rights! This whole process is utterly corrupt because the administrations purposely chose to exclude the hidden aspect of The Writ of Habeas Corpus from the general populace for Gods Specific Purpose which is to allow The Comforter/Helper to come forth and overcome the cruel and unusual treatment/punishment for this persons unwavering support of his Self Evidently Truthful position, he is in, and which was established by the corrupt administrations across Canada that by happenstance predated the establishment of God Given Rights but only beyond the historical standards of civilization: ruling the thoughts of the people through the enacted laws. The Self Evidently True evident provided with this document proves that I did NOT take on the administrations but merely stood up for the Self Evident Truth against the full force of the provincial

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    and federal governments across Canada to my personal detriment: this disabled orphan was made destitute with the application of the subornation of perjury and dishonesty! From this evidence, it is clear that the governments not only attacked me but also dismissed the originator of The Self Evident Truth by its cruel and unusual treatment that is still ongoing in Canada against me even though the federal government has changed as supported by The Almighty. The recorded and submitted evidence supports that I have been and am being persecuted by the administrations in Canada and this standard is the only means of forcing me to take my Final Judge status beyond Canada to find support and help for Everyones Right to Life, Security of Person and Liberty and in accordance with: Matthew 13:57 New King James Version (NKJV) 57 So they were offended at Him. But Jesus said to them, A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house. The Queen in Council, years ago, discovered that I truly am The Comforter but, under Der Fuehrer Stephen Harper and his henchmen former Ministers of Finance of Canada Jim Flaherty (deceased) and Joe Oliver, a due process was put in place where I had to OUTLAST Jim Flaherty (killed by The Almighty and sent to hell in 2015 for refusing to deliver to me my Charter Remedies, based upon Self Evident Truth and s. 24 (Enforcement) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, so that I would suffer greatly) and the Canadian Government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper. God saw fit to terminate former Prime Minister Stephen Harpers years of tyranny and oppression through hidden dismissal of Canadas Charter of Rights and Freedoms and instill Justin Trudeau and the Liberals who must now re-instate Canadas Charter of Rights and Freedoms which will result in my Charter Remedies being paid to me forthwith (neutrally) in accordance with my historical Notices of Application of Charter Remedy. I did nothing to deserve this persecution which constitutes cruel and unusual treatment and cruel and unusual punishment for no crime! I am therefore asking you, Mr. President Barack Obama, to review personally this Notice of Writ of Everyones Habeas Corpus quickly as well as review the Self Evident Truth evidence enclosed herein and save your daughters from the sins of the generations past who altered their childrens DNA by working and having their children repeat this lie while dying extremely prematurely and passing the altered DNA down to the younger generations along with the corrupt standard of forcing everyone to work to earn a livelihood that The Almighty did not want for anyone!

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    My Notice of Application of Habeas Corpus will arrive shortly and that too can only be accepted as the evidence cannot be legitimately dismissed as doing so is merely further DENIAL of The Self Evident Truth and Everyones Right to Life, Security of Person and Liberty from the imposed civilization with the administration STRICTLY ruling through the letter of the law (legalism) in violation of Luke 16:16-17. It is patently obvious that The Right to Life, Security of Person and Liberty from this civilization lay beyond all that mankind has created and imposed which shockingly includes the medical communitys standards and doctors in whom we were taught to place our trust because Everyones Right to Life and Security of Person were originally placed within the jurisdiction of The Hippocratic Oath when it was universal rather than falling under provincial and state control where all doctors in Canada must uphold provincial standards rather than Everyones Right to Life and Security of Person. Of course, this corruption of all that mankind created was offset with Everyones Right to Life, Security of Person and Liberty, that came much later, and Charter Remedy also is found in the hidden (excluded) aspect of The Application of Habeas Corpus that is directly tied to the neutral citations the 1st and 14th Amendments of The United States Constitution, s. 7 and 24 (Enforcement) of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and s. 3 of The United Nations International Bill of Rights. Abolition of The Fundamental Right of Expression in Canada and elsewhere In 2000, I produced the thesis paper entitled The Krass Realities of Upper Extremity Rotation and Rotatory Instability and submitted it to The University of British Columbia, Canada several departments including the engineering department. But, the Self Evident Truth could not be readily accepted and I could not figure out why? On Sunday, January 3, 3016, The Almighty imparted the reason for The Self Evident Truth not being accepted even as late as November 2015 by the Mayo Clinic even though the x-ray evidence and the follow-up medical reporting by the attending clinician stated the patently obvious, i.e. my ongoing right arm problems are a direct consequence of my June 1989 overuse syndrome job activities, and the FULL DISCLOSURE evidence from the Alberta Government disclosed that it, UNILATERALLY, had imposed Charter Remedy IN MY CASE unbeknownst to me in January 2000 when it repeated its lie (official story) that my right elbow injuries had to have occurred some place and time else in violation of all the beyond Alberta medical reporting and the findings of the radiologist in August-September 1998 within Alberta The Foothills Hospital in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The Self Evident Truth therefore could not officially win or be recognized IN MY CASE due to universality of being extending The Truth to the entire world and, most horribly, since Dr. Bernard Morrey at the Mayo Clinic had produced papers in 1991 that also established that the radiocapitellar joint is the primary joint of the elbow and that its lateral ligaments the radial ligament and apex of the medial ligament were load bearing due to their being so significantly stronger than the other

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    ligaments that function like elastic bands which transfer the joint fluid around the joints through their ranges of motion. So, exactly how did Administration take over and abolish The Fundamental Right of Expression? The answer lay in the functioning of degrees and peoples reliance on not just those possessing them but receiving licensing provincially or by the jurisdiction in which these professionals operate. All doctors, specialists within medicine, lawyers, clerks, bureaucrats, etc. operate under THE FULL AUTHORITY of the jurisdictional governments and the jurisdictional bodies that provide oversight which includes medical associations: these professionals MUST write the qualifying exams in a new province to be allowed to work there properly just as do lawyers and others. This is the divide-and-conquer principle that is being used to create differing jurisdictions in violation of the universal principle surrounding the mature, healthy and kinetic human body that comes in to existence in our mid- to late 20s. Obviously, no professional can do anything without the express approval of the government which is reported to at all times and all lawyers across Canada are not just members of the bar in their local jurisdiction ONLY but are members of a branch of administration unbeknownst to the vast majority, The Ministry of Justice, and all lawyers MUST kowtow to the hidden directives of this unknown agency right or wrong. Returning to my Self Evidently established 2000 thesis paper, when it was received by the professionals at the University of British Columbia, Canada, it was immediately covered up and dismissed even though doing so violated thoroughly Everyones Fundamental Right of Expression enshrined in s. 2 of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the 1st Amendment of The United States Constitution. The reason for the actions of the professionals relative to my Self Evidently established thesis paper was because the Administrations across Canada had ordered, historically, that such a paper and my findings were no longer the jurisdiction of any professional across Canada and was covered solely by s. 7 and s. 24 of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms where full authority was therefore bestowed upon the disenfranchised individual, me Ernst John Krass, who produced the thesis paper relating to Everyones Right to Life and Security of Person and where Charter Remedy was to be produced by the person have made this entire discovery. Queen Elizabeth II and The Queen in Council have absolutely NO JURISDICTION as well because I am being guided by The Almighty and I am only stating The Self Evident Truth whereas the Administration existence is based solely upon the false faith in the system rather than acceptance of the objectively evident. As such, Queen Elizabeth II abdicated quietly her title, Defender of The Faith, when she was informed of my evidence and my existence: see the new Oath of Allegiance in Canada and that of the Supreme Court Judges of Canada which no longer imposes the line Queen Elizabeth II, Defender of The Faith at the start of anybodys Oath; before 2008, the Supreme Court of Canadas

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    Judicial Oath started with this line and it was quickly dismissed in 2009 upon the knowledge of my existence and understanding of Self Evident Truth. With it now known that the Administration of all provinces is running everything with the absence of Truth in their agents decisions and actions, which includes all judges of the law courts and their rulings, it should now be patently obvious that the 9 Provinces and the Federal Government of Canada are the 10 kings of Revelations 17 and that explains how the scheme of the pursuit of wealth is all that came to exist under former Prime Minister Stephen Harper while I was forced to watch as billions of dollars were removed from the consolidated revenue fund IN MY NAME but never obtained by me in accordance with the words of s. 24 (Enforcement) of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and which determines that I have been subjected to both cruel and unusual treatment for years and cruel and unusual punishment for no crime at all but for me merely stating and standing up for The Self Evident Truth and those behind It: The Almighty, Jesus Christ and The Blessed Holy Spirit. Mr. Bill Morneau, current Minister of Finance of Canada, has been made aware of my case and the 3 Charter Remedies made known to former Ministers of Finance of Canada, Jim Flaherty and Joe Oliver since 2012. However, since this notification, The Minister of Finance of Canada Bill Morneau and the Government of Canada, have made no effort TO DELIVER to me any portion of my June 4-5 Charter Remedy which means that it is uncertain whether The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms will ever be re-instated. I have already suffered cruel and unusual treatment and punishment for decades that may just continue once again until I die or The Minister of Finance of Canada and/or the federal government changes rather than comply with s. 7 and 24 (Enforcement) of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. As is also patently obvious, there is much at stake and it is because the government of Canada, instead of accepting and abiding by The Supremacy of God/In God We Trust and Self Evident Truth, decided to dismiss Canadas Charter of Rights and Freedoms because its HIDDEN primary purpose was to catch The Comforter/Helper based upon Everyones Right to Life, Security of Person and Liberty BUT NOT to place that person on a kill list as happened to me Canada has a kill list believe it or not then the wolves were sicced upon me to try and drive me to suicide the governments attempted to put me through the ringer on now really old washing machines. BUT, I turned to Jesus Christ and The Blessed Holy Spirit to obtain peace in the face of incredible hatred and evil. Without the Love of Jesus Christ and The Blessed Holy Spirit, I would not be here to write this Notice of Writ of Everyones Habeas Corpus. What evil did I do to deserve to receive the hatred of The Administrations that still exists and are ruling through the letter of the law just like the Aristocracy from the 19th Century through 1910 simply because Canadas Administrations did not want to acknowledge that their existence is happenstance where The Almighty would then have to send His Comforter/Helper with The Self Evident Truth

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    behind him to comfort all those suddenly disenfranchised from their standards: all civilizations fail once they have run their course? I did nothing to deserve any of the tyranny and oppression put upon me at any time but NOBODY simply wants to accept that they are just as powerless as I or all in the face of Self Evident Truth when it interrelates to Everyones Right to Life, Security of Person and wholesale Liberty from this civilization. When Galileo spoke the Self Evident Truth discovered from the voyages of the Chinese prior to then, a ship came in to port from China decades before the round earth theory was produced which, in 1968, was proven objectively to be true and beyond repute thereby ending ALL ADMINISTRATION, Galileo was sentence to house arrest but he still had security of person. On October 20, 2014, the Administration of The Province of British Columbia used the RCMP and their corrupt courts as the Gestapo - to throw me in to the streets where I have been forced to live with the blessing of Jesus Christ and The Blessed Holy Spirit found in the Living Words of Jesus Christ. I therefore have no Right to Life and Security of Person currently to go along with my lack of The Fundamental Right of Expression shown to exist in Canada now. Currently, the federal government of Canada and especially Mr. Bill Morneau, Minister of Finance of Canada, is in total possession of my life and security of person through the previous governments actions and, even though this is mind boggling especially for Canada, it is true in spite of the reality that our lives and security of person were always supposed to be under our individual control! Did others not suffer such abuse by the Administrations across time even though the Self Evident Truth was undeniably in their favour and without question? My case is being made known to you, Mr. President Obama, for righteous action because a prophet is not without honour except in his own country (I am a disabled orphan without family and that fact is known to the Canadian government who tried to convince me otherwise for almost 4 years. Also, this orphan through corrupt actions by the administration of Canada made me destitute (in violation of Isaiah 10:1-2) especially since my CERTIFIED Charter Remedy of April 10, 2012 was NOT obtained by me as per s. 24(1) of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, i.e. former Minister of Finance of Canada Jim Flaherty OUTRIGHT REFUSED to comply with The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and pay the CERTIFIED AMOUNT, taken from the consolidated revenue fund on April 17, 2012 IN MY NAME and which has been removed continually from then through todays date, to the person making the claim.) Plus, Revelation 17:12-14 New American Standard Bible (NASB) 12 The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they receive authority as kings with the beast for one

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    hour.13 These have one [a]purpose, and they give their power and authority to the beast. Victory for the Lamb 14 These will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are the called and chosen and faithful. It should be patently obvious that you, Mr. President Obama, have a role in this matter because the systems in Canada have shut down Self Evident Truth through the abolition of The Fundamental Right of Expression and the dismissal of The Supremacy of God (In God We Trust in the US) that was meant to cover Self Evident Truth and those welding it Righteously and universally. What more can I do Mr. President Barack Obama? Of course, you, Mr. President, could leave me to die on Skid Row where I am certain that sooner or later one of the mentally challenged from drug addiction will flip out and kill me, thereby dismissing my case and all its cruel and unusual treatment and The Self Evident Truth that is meant to take mankind back to The Truths path. Without the immediate re-instatement of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Charter Remedy, i.e. redress of grievance to the government without the need for parallel proceedings before the courts (see s. 29 of Exhibit AA), ALL life in Canada is WORTHLESS (not PRICELESS) and everyone is owned, from birth, by the province in which we live or are born and continue to live. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms REMEDIED this while all courts have ZERO OR NO authority over financial (Charter) relief which leaves that matter under the EXCLUSIVE authority of the disenfranchised personally just as under the hidden aspect of Habeas Corpus. It is important to note that I dont smoke, do drugs, drink nor am I a recovering alcoholic or drug user with no criminal record: I had a normal life until my dad, Rudi Heinz Krass, was murdered on orders from the Administration of The Province of British Columbia on September 26, 2011! It is also important to note that the only means to refute my words in this document is to provide x-rays of a healthy elbow from its side where there is a fulcrum at the top of the ulno-humeral joint and a large gap at the back of the elbow. This evidence NEVER existed contrary to the contentions of the Greeks millennia ago but the lie still exists today for no other reason except change of this magnitude can only be given to one person from The Almighty!

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    Praise be unto The Almighty, in The Name of Jesus Christ and The Blessed Fellowship of The Holy Spirit, Amen, (signed copy received by M. Naldo on behalf of Mr. President Barack Obama USPS tracking no. 23151670000041950664) Ernst John Krass Canadas Charter Monarch Founder of The Unified College of Medicine Person deprived of His Right to Life, Security of Person and Liberty (Charter Remedies) for far too long Enclosed: The Writ of Everyones Habeas Corpus based upon the 14th and 1st Amendment of The US Constitution, s. 7 and 24 of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and s. 3 of The United Nations Bill of Rights; the Self Evident evidence imposing the medical Truth; Exhibit AA (excerpts of the neutral citation 2003 SCC 54 exposing the Exclusionary Principle or the Lie of Omission in ethics for Canadas official stories) What do you want Notice of Application of Everyones Habeas Corpus to follow shortly.