Notes for Parents/Carers/Teachers Stertin Oot Lesson Plan 1 Theme: Scots Sangs Lairnin Experiences: Lairners wull enjoy a wheen o Scots sangs an rhymes. Lairnin Ootcomes: A can perform a rhyme or sang in Scots. Suggestit Sequence Big on the bairnsearly experience o rhymes an sangs frae hame or frae nursery. Listen tae the sangs in the Stertin Oot section o the Scuilwab. Ask if the bairns ken the sang. Dae they like it? Discuss some o the Scots wirds. Wale the rhymin pairs an read thaim oot. Say yin o the rhymes an see if the bairns can spot the pairtner rhymin wird. Ye can repeat the sang an the bairns clap alang tae get the rhythm. Dae they ken ony ither rhymes for thae wirds? Sing the sang again an split the bairns intae groups. Ask the bairns tae sing pairt o the sang tae ithers.

Notes for Parents/Carers/Teachers - Scuilwab · Notes for Parents/Carers/Teachers Stertin Oot Lesson Plan 1 Theme: Scots Sangs Lairnin Experiences: Lairners wull enjoy a wheen o Scots

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Page 1: Notes for Parents/Carers/Teachers - Scuilwab · Notes for Parents/Carers/Teachers Stertin Oot Lesson Plan 1 Theme: Scots Sangs Lairnin Experiences: Lairners wull enjoy a wheen o Scots

Notes for Parents/Carers/Teachers

Stertin Oot

Lesson Plan 1

Theme: Scots Sangs

Lairnin Experiences:

Lairners wull enjoy a wheen o Scots sangs an rhymes.

Lairnin Ootcomes:

A can perform a rhyme or sang in Scots.

Suggestit Sequence

Big on the bairns’ early experience o rhymes an sangs frae hame or frae nursery.

Listen tae the sangs in the Stertin Oot section o the Scuilwab.

Ask if the bairns ken the sang. Dae they like it?

Discuss some o the Scots wirds.

Wale the rhymin pairs an read thaim oot.

Say yin o the rhymes an see if the bairns can spot the pairtner rhymin wird.

Ye can repeat the sang an the bairns clap alang tae get the rhythm.

Dae they ken ony ither rhymes for thae wirds?

Sing the sang again an split the bairns intae groups.

Ask the bairns tae sing pairt o the sang tae ithers.

Page 2: Notes for Parents/Carers/Teachers - Scuilwab · Notes for Parents/Carers/Teachers Stertin Oot Lesson Plan 1 Theme: Scots Sangs Lairnin Experiences: Lairners wull enjoy a wheen o Scots

Lesson Plan 2

Theme: Haun-Gemms.

Lairnin experiences:

Lairners wull enjoy a wheen o Scots Haun-Gemms.

Lairnin Ootcomes:

A can jine in wi the Haun-Gemm an show it tae ithers.

Suggestit sequence:

Discuss ony Haun-Gemms that the bairns ken.

Ask parents, carers an ither scuil staff aboot Haun-Gemms they played whan they war wee.

The teacher, carer or parent can play Nievie Nievie Nick Nack (on the Scuilwab in the Stertin Oot /Action

Rhymes section) wi a pairtner whiles the bairns watch.

Get the bairns tae haud a sma object an play Nievie Nievie Nick Nack wi a pairtner an wi the teachers.

Let the bairns dae the gemm wi a pairtner.

Let the bairns teach the gemm tae anither cless.

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Lesson Plan 3

Theme: Biggin vocabulary, pairts o the bodie.

Lairnin Experiences:

Lairners wull experience mair activities in Scots.

Lairnin Ootcomes:

A can follae instructions tae play activities in Scots.

A can match Scots wirds tae pairts o the bodie.

Suggestit sequence:

Ask the bairns if they ken Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in English.

Show the bairns Heid, Shooders, Knees an Taes in Scots. Ye can tell thaim they can speak twa leids.

Repeat the pairt wi een an lugs an moo an neb tae prepare for wark on the Mak a Face gemm (on the

Scuilwab in the Stertin Oot /Picter section).

Hae a set o laminatit wirds for pairts o the face ready. Ye cud yaise post-its wi wirds on them if ye prefer.

Draw a muckle face on caird or on the white board.

Ye can practise this, teacher an lairner thegither.

Than the lairners can hae a shot at attachin labels thirsels.

Ask for volunteers tae pynt tae a pairt they ken in Scots.

Let a group o bairns hae a leuk at the Mak a Face gemm on the Scuilwab (in Stertin Oot/Picter).

Ae group micht like tae try a hairder yin an dae the Help the Doc skeleton gemm (in Gettin Guid/Ploys).

They can mak their ain version o thae gemms. They cud mak animal faces or monster faces wi fower een

an twa nebs. The groups can swap ower an wale the gemm they like best.

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Lesson Plan 4

Theme: Biggin vocabulary, pairts o the hoose.

Lairnin Experiences:

Lairners wull experience mair activities yaisin Scots.

Lairnin Ootcomes:

A can follae instructions in Scots.

A can match Scots wirds tae a picter o a hoose.

Mak a Hoose gemm

Suggestit sequence:

Draw a muckle hoose on the white board.

Ask the bairns tae label the pairts they ken.

Photocopy the ‘hoose’ wird leet. Ye can laminate it.

Photocopy the ‘colours’ wird leet. Ye can pit the correct colour as a check for some lairners.

Let the bairns hae the ‘hoose’ wird leets.

See if they can wark oot which pairt o the hoose ilka wird matches. They can wark in pairs or groups.

Show the lairners the Mak a Hoose gemm on the Scuilwab (in Stertin Oot/Picter) an try it oot.

They can than draw their ain hoose an test their freens.

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Lesson Plan 5

Theme: Matchin sentences tae picters.

Lairnin Experiences:

Lairners wull experience mair activities yaisin Scots.

Lairners wull enjoy pittin sentences tae picters or photos.

Lairnin Ootcomes:

A can follae instructions for ploys in Scots.

A can read sentences in Scots.

A can match Scots sentences tae picters.

A can mak ma ain sentences for the picters.

A can jine Scots wirds tae mak sentences.

A can mak similar sentences for ma ain picters.

Suggestit sequence:

Talk tae the bairns aboot pairts o a face or a hoose tae recap the vocabulary.

Gie them cairds wi hauf sentences.

Mary haes a lang roon face

an haes broon hair.

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A bide in a muckle hoose

wi a reid door.

John haes sma lugs

an he disna like them.

Ye can cut oot the sentences an mix an match thaim. The bairns can read thaim oot.

Ye cud yaise the first pairt o the sentence an get the bairns tae add a different endin o their ain wi an

and or but.

Noo let thaim see the PooerPynt presentation wi picters an sentences (in the Activities section o the

Scuilwab, under Stertin Oot/Wirds an picters tae enjoy).

Get the lairners tae read the sentences oot lood.

The lairners cud mak their ain PooerPynt wi sentences. They micht lik tae wark wi an aulder cless.

Hae a leuk at the slide show o Foggiebummer in the Scuilwab (in the News section). Some bairns fae

Alford hae makkit a buik wi picters an sentences. Ye micht like tae try makkin a buik like it.

Some questions ye micht ask:

Hae ye a favourite photo? Why dae ye like it?

Hoo mony different verbs can ye yaise for the picter?

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Lesson Plan 6

Theme : Wark wi verbs.

Lairnin Experiences:

Lairners wull experience activities yaisin Scots an big on previous knowledge.

Lairners wull enjoy matchin wirds or sentences tae picters or photos.

Lairners wull yaise verbs as weel as nouns an adjectives.

Lairnin Ootcomes:

A can follae instructions for ploys in Scots.

A can yaise a wheen o verbs in Scots.

A can mak simple sentences in Scots yaisin verbs.

A can read sentences in Scots.

Suggested sequence:

Play Simon Says an birl, loup an rin on the spot wi the teacher or parent in chairge.

(Ye’ll find this gemm cawed ‘Sandy Says’ in the Scuilwab under For Teachers an Parents/Stertin


Ye can play it in Scots an English an enjoy yaisin baith leids.

Play Simon Says again an let ane o the bairns lead it.

Gie the lairners some picters o photos o fowk rinnin or divin or eatin.

Label action picters or photos wi verbs. Some lairners micht like tae scrieve some sentences in Scots.

Leuk at the PooerPynt presentation o picters an sentences. (in the Scuilwab under Activities/ Stertin

Oot/Wirds an picters tae enjoy).

Scrieve a sentence tae match yer ain picters sic as:

The lassie is birlin an loupin.

Print aff the word leet o verbs if they need some help.

The lairners can add mair examples tae the word leet o verbs.

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Lesson Plan 7

Theme: Describin claes in sentences.

Lairnin Experiences:

Lairners wull experience mair activities tae encourage the yaise o Scots.

Lairners wull enjoy addin mair Scots vocabulary.

Lairners wull collect different Scots wirds for the same object.

Lairnin Ootcomes:

A can match Scots wirds tae claes.

A can add mair wirds tae the word leet.

A can mak interestin sentences wi wirds for claes an for the bodie.

Suggestit sequence:

Wale a bundle o claes an get the ying eens tae nem as mony o thaim as they can in Scots.

Get the lairners tae draw an label picters like they did for the bodie or the hoose.

Remind thaim o adjectives they ken an get a variety o suggestions sic as Ma bunnet is reid an A wier it

aw the time or A like weirin ma auld scaffie fitba bitts as they are a richt guid fit.

Get thaim tae mak a sentence aboot the colour or the state o aw the claes.

Let thaim pit the claes on as they mak a sentence wi thaim. (They can help each ither oot if they get

stuck wi sentences).

Mak a team race o it.

Show the gemm tae ither clesses.

Fin oot fae their faimlies ony wirds they yaise for claes.

Scrieve doon ither wirds for types o breeks or types o sheen.

Questions ye micht lik tae ask:

Whit wud ye dae in these claes? Whan wud ye weir them ?

Whit pairt o yer bodie wud they cover?

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Lesson plan 7

Theme: Stories in Scots

Lairnin Experiences:

Lairners wull read an respond tae a story in Scots.

Lairners read an act oot the story in Scots.

Lairners can enjoy dialogue in Scots.

Lairnin Ootcomes:

A can enjoy listenin tae a story in Scots.

A can act oot a pairt o the story.

A can show the performance tae ithers.

A can respond tae questions aboot the story.

A can yaise dialogue in Scots.

Suggested sequence:

Read the story A veesit tae the shows tae the lairners. It’s in the Scuilwab under Stertin Oot/Stories.

Act oot pairts o the story.

Volunteers tak the pairts o Kirsty, Sam or Sandy or their parents.

Some fowk are the entertainers an stall holders at the shows.

Lairners wark in sma groups an act oot thir ain version o the story.

They can mak different endins tae the story. They share their wark wi ithers.

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Farder wark:

Ye can focus on the pairts wi dialogue. They can wark in pairs tae act oot a conversation atween

Kirsty an her Ma or yin o her brithers or wi her Da. Some lairners micht lik haein a caird wi wirds on tae

get thaim stertit. Ithers wull want tae yaise thir ain ideas an wirds.

Cairds for stertin group wark: (Mind ye can chynge thaim an mak thaim yer ain.)

Kirsty: Ma, kin A hae hair braids theday?

Ma: Na Kirsty, nae hair braids the day.

Kirsty: Please, please mither can a hae hair braids?

Ma: Na Kirsty A’m no that keen on hair braids.

Kirsty: Ye sayed A cud get hair braids sometime this year.

Ma: Weel, A’ll think on it. Bit there’s loads o ither things tae dae at the shows. Whit wud ye like tae see

at the shows?

Kirsty: A wint tae leuk at aw the stalls an buy some sweeties.

Ma: Weel mind ye dinna wander aff!

Sandy: Leuk at thae swing boats, A want tae loup richt on tae thaim.

Sam: We haed better check hoo much they cost. Dae ye wint tae ask the mannie?

Sandy: Yur a richt feartie cat, the mannie leuks ugsome bit wulna bite.

Swingboat man: A heard that, ye cheeky wee tyke! Ye can clim aboard if ye hae siller.

Sam: Braw, A wint tae clim in first. Dinna shove Sandy, gie me time tae sit doon!

Sandy: This is barrie, A can see Da an the hail fair.

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(At the tent wi fringes an bells):

Kirsty: Can a hae yin o the reid glesses?

Stall−holder: Dae ye want yin wi a draigon on?

Kirsty: Ay, they are richt bonnie.

Stall−holder: Ye keep leukin at ma hair braids, wud ye like some?

Kirsty: A loo hair braids, A’ll need tae ask ma mither. She’s no awfie keen for me to hae thaim theday.

Stall−holder: Awa an check wi her, A’ve got a wheen o colours includin pink an purpie.

(Walkin tae the car):

Sandy: A want tae puke.

Da: It’s yer ain fault for eatin awthin in sicht.

Ma: A wull drive back. Get aff the flair o the car Sam, the cairpet is mingin. Ye can sleep sittin up! A’ll gie

ye a blanket.

Kirsty: A want tae come back soon, it’s richt guid fun tae be at the shows. Wull we be back next year?

Ma: Ay, A like it tae wi aw the fantoosh stalls. We wull come back nixt year.

Da: Kirsty dinna flech aboot, it’s time tae gae hame.

Questions ye micht like tae ask:

Ye can ask questions aboot the story, some questions follae the story on the Scuilwab.

Ye can ask if the lairners like the story. Whit did they like best aboot it? Wis their ony pairt they didna


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Gettin Guid

Lesson Plan 1

Theme: Place−names

Lairnin Experiences:

Lairners wull experience Scots wirds in their environment.

Lairners wull enjoy findin oot aboot an collect interestin Place−names.

Lairnin Ootcomes:

A realise Scots words are yaised in Place-names.

A can collect a puckle examples o Scots wirds yaised in Place-names.

Suggestit sequence:

Leuk at the Scuilwab section on Place-names as a sterter.

Ye micht lik tae collect some Place−names frae roon aboot an ask the lairners for ither examples.

Ye micht ask fowk in the scuil or freens for ither examples.

Leuk at maps an yaise the buiks listit tae fin oot mair.

Ye can leuk at the Scottish Language Dictionaries website at www.scotsdictionaries.org.uk. Therr are

scholarly articles on Place-names.

Mak a leet o interestin yins ye fin an display thaim on a map.

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Lesson Plan 2

Theme: Scrievin in Scots. Different audiences.

Lairnin Experiences:

Lairners wull enjoy readin an scrievin in Scots.

Lairners wull scrieve in Scots for different purposes.

Lairnin Ootcomes:

A can scrieve for different audiences.

A can scrieve formally an informally in Scots.

Creatin a context for lairnin.

Read the postcairds activities on the Scuilwab (under Activities/Gettin Guid)

Ye can yaise thaim as a template for yer ain postcaird.

The lairners can pretend that they are on holiday an discuss whit they micht see.

Scrieve yin postcaird thegither on the white board.

The cless can yaise the computer tae mak their ain postcairds fae different pairts.

They can design a picter for the front o the postcaird an design their ain stamp.


Theme: Letter o Protest

Ye can yaise the Letters o Protest on the Scuilwab as examples o letters in Scots (go to For Teachers an

Parents/Cross-curricular links/Social Sciences)

Ye can yaise the wird-leet tae help ye wi endins.

Ye can scrieve yer ain Letter o Protest thegither on the white board.

Ye can wale an environmental issue an scrieve a letter o protest. Some lairners can scrieve a protest

letter an ithers can scrieve a reply.

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A third group can observe an decides whase pynts are maist pooerfae.

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Lesson Plan 3

Theme: Invitations in Scots an receipts (recipes) in Scots.

Lairnin Experiences:

Lairners wull enjoy readin an scrievin in Scots.

Lairners wull scrieve in Scots for different purposes an different audiences.

Lairnin Ootcomes:

A can scrieve for different audiences an purposes.

A can scrieve receipts (recipes) an invitations in Scots.

Suggested sequence:

Leuk at this section on the Scuilwab for Invitations an Receipts (recipes): go to Activities/Gettin Guid.

The lairners can mak their ain invitations tae famous fowk, deid or alive or tae characters in films.

They can decorate the invitations.

Active lairnin:

They can mak cakes an pancakes follaein the receipts on the Scuilwab.

The lairners cud mak their ain recipe buik.

Ye micht include yer ain version o the Haggis Samosas receipt.

Ask parents an freens for their favourite Scottish receipts.


Ye micht lik tae explore ither wirds like receipts that are whiles cried ‘false freens’, a wird yaised in

English wi a hail different meaning.

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Lesson Plan 4

Theme: Enjoyin poems in Scots. Respondin tae the poems, answerin questions.

Lairnin Experiences:

Lairners wull experience a variety o poems in Scots.

Lairners can share the poem wi ithers.

Lairnin Ootcomes:

A can read an enjoy poems in Scots.

A can answer questions on the poems.

A can read the poems tae ithers.

Suggested sequence:

Read the poem Thief by Angela Blacklock-Brown an discuss some o the wirds. It’s in the Scuilwab under

Gettin Guid at Scots/Poems.

Ask the lairners tae scrieve some wirds thirselves tae describe a moose.

Read ither poems an the lairners can wale thir favourite.

Leuk at the questions aboot the poems on the wabsteid an answer thaim.

Some lairners wud lik tae scrieve aboot a photo or landscape they like.

Ye can tak a photo or draw a picter tae illustrate yer wark.

Ye cud mak a group poem, addin a sentence each tae mak the poem.

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Lesson Plan 5

Theme: Scrievin in Scots

Learnin Experiences:

Lairners wull read an reflect on a science fiction story in Scots.

Lairners wull discuss the characters in the piece.

Lairnin Ootcomes:

A wull read an answer questions on a piece o Scots scrievin.

A wull discuss the motives an relationships atween the characters.

A wull add an endin tae a science fiction story.

Suggestit sequence:

Read the story sterter thegither on the Scuilwab. (Go to Gettin Guid at Scots/Scrievin.)

Check yer understandin o the vocabulary. Yaise a dictionary if ye need tae.

Answer the questions on the story.

Compare yer answers wi ithers.

Try tae scrieve in the same style an produce an endin tae the story.

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Lesson Plan 6

Theme: Scots traditions an customs.

Lairnin Experiences:

Lairners wull research traditions an customs o Scotland.

Lairners wull enjoy tellin ithers aboot Scottish customs.

Lairnin Ootcomes:

A can mak a summary o customs an traditions for fowk.

A can illustrate or act oot a Scottish custom.

Suggestit sequence:

Research a Scots tradition. Ye micht want tae leuk at traditions for Halloween or Hogmanay on the


Therr’s information on the Scuilwab tae get ye stertit. Ye micht leuk at hoo fowk celebrate weddins an


The lairners can ask freens an faimlie for aulder customs.

The lairners shud leuk it up in buiks an on the web.

The lairners can wark in a group an mak a poster.

The poster shud be clear an mak fowk interestit in findin oot mair aboot the custom.


Compare an contrast the posters.

Gie a time limit tae the task. Hae ane person tae leuk efter resoorces, ane tae keep time, ane tae

present the wark an ane tae scrieve.

The lairners can act oot a scene wi fowk follaein ane o the traditions.

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Lesson Plan 7

Theme: History o Scots

Lairnin Experiences:

Lairners wull discuss what they ken awreddie aboot the History o Scots.

Lairners wull fin oot mair aboot the History o Scots.

Lairners wull share what they fin oot aboot the origins o Scots language wi ithers.

Lairnin Ootcomes:

A can tell ithers some facts aboot the History o Scots Language.

A can fin oot mair aboot the History o Scots Language an check ma knowledge wi ithers.

Suggestit sequence

Ask the lairners whither Scots is a leid or no.

Explore reasons for chynges in popularity in talkin an scrievin in Scots.

Ask whither they ken ony Scots makars an their wark?

Leuk at the CPD PooerPynt in Scots an print if aff. It’s in the Scuilwab under For Teachers an

Parents/CPD Materials.

Yaise the Scottish Language Dictionaries main wabsteid for information on the History o the Scots

Language at www.scotsdictionaries.org.uk

Print aff the information an ye can gie each group o lairners a different page tae wark on.


Organise the lairners intae groups an hae a scriever, a time keeper an a person in chairge o resources.

A spicker shud be selectit tae tell ither groups whit they lairnt.

Yaise flip chart paper tae pit the key pynts on.

Each group can highlicht key pynts to tell ithers.

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Gie the groups a time limit tae mak a leet o key pynts.

Yaise thae key pynts tae mak a summary.

Efter awbodie haes summarised their piece, the notes cud be the stert o thir ain PooerPynt.

Ask the lairners again whether Scots is a leid or no.

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Lesson Plan 8

Theme: Awareness o the Scots Language(accents).

Lairnin experiences:

Lairners wull listen tae different accents.

Lairners wull discuss hoo they react tae different accents.

Lairners will discuss attitudes tae Scots accents.

Lairnin Ootcomes:

Lairners wull hae a better understauin o accent.

Lairners wull be mair aware o attitudes tae Scots accents.

Suggestit sequence:

Discuss accents they can recognise fae different countries.

Discuss different accents they hear on the radio or on the TV.

Hoo dae they react tae different accents? Dae they mak assumptions aboot the person yaisin the


Whit accent dae they think is lik their ain?

Listen tae the accents on the Scuilwab (click on Explore Scots dialect on the Hame page.) Focus on the

different Scottish accents.

Whit dae ye notice aboot thaim?

Dae ye notice similarities atween any of thaim?

Dae ye notice ony that seem quite different tae the ithers?

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Lesson Plan 9

Theme: The Scots language, explorin dialects

Learnin experiences:

Lairners wull listen tae different dialects.

Lairners wull leuk at different wirds yaised for the same thing.

Lairners wull consider examples o Scots grammar an weys they are different fae English.

Lairnin Ootcomes:

Lairners increase their understandin o different dialects.

Lairners wull collect samples o wirds yaised by different fowk in different places for the same


They wull compare samples o Scots an English weys o sayin the same thing.

Suggestit sequence:

Discuss the fact that different fowk in different places say things in different weys.

Ask if their freens or relatives yaise different wirds an pit wirds in a different order fae thaimsels.

Listen tae the extracts on the Scuilwab (go to Explore Scots dialects from the Hame page) an ask whit

they noticed aboot the wirds they yaised an the order o wirds.

Extension activities:

Leuk at examples o sentences in Scots an the English version o thaim. Discuss the differences.


Durin thae lessons on Language an the History o Scots ye wull probably get a question aboot Scots bein


It wull be worth recappin wi the lairners aboot the History o Scots an hoo mony wirds are in the Scots

dictionar an it haes its ain grammar tae.

Page 23: Notes for Parents/Carers/Teachers - Scuilwab · Notes for Parents/Carers/Teachers Stertin Oot Lesson Plan 1 Theme: Scots Sangs Lairnin Experiences: Lairners wull enjoy a wheen o Scots

Scots like English haes slang an ye can discuss the examples on the CPD PooerPynt in the For Teachers

an Parents section o the Scuilwab.

Ye can discuss rhymin slang in baith leids.

Aw languages hae different registers an yaise different wirds in different situations.

Ye micht lik tae leuk at Grammar Broonie which is on the resource leet for examples o yaisin Scots.

Ye micht lik tae dae some translations fae Scots intae English an English intae Scots.