Notes and Comments on the Land of India

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In the place of a formal introductionEllen;The putting together of these “Notes and Comments on The Land of India”, is intended to help us as parents to better prepare our sons and daughters, to live in this world which at times can be brutally unkind and cruel. These notes and comments perhaps would be best suited for those of our children who will be serving or are serving in foreign lands and for those who will be entrusted with the affairs of their households and families in the societies and or cities in which they currently live.

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In the place of a formal introduction


An instruction Aid For The Fletchers, Manakers and Morgans FamiliesBy:- Basil Fletcher,

7 East,

Greater Portmore,

St. Catherine,

Jamaica W.I.

In the place of a formal introductionEllen;

The putting together of these Notes and Comments on The Land of India, is intended to help us as parents to better prepare our sons and daughters, to live in this world which at times can be brutally unkind and cruel. These notes and comments perhaps would be best suited for those of our children who will be serving or are serving in foreign lands and for those who will be entrusted with the affairs of their households and families in the societies and or cities in which they currently live.

The Notes and Comments on The Land of India places a lot of emphasis on the family and seeks to remind us of the Book of Numbers, Chapter 1, verses one to four, when God commanded Moses to bring forward the Children of Israel of the age twenty and above:-The Fourth Book of Moses, CalledNumbers


The Numbering of Israel at Sinai1. And the LORD spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Si'nai, in the tabernacle of the congregation, on the first day of the second month, in the second year after they were come out of the land of Egypt, saying,2. Take ye the sum Num. 26.1-51 of all the congregation of the children of Israel, after their families, by the house of their fathers, with the number of their names, every male by their polls;3. from twenty years old and upward, all that are able to go forth to war in Israel: thou and Aaron shall number them by their armies.4. And with you there shall be a man of every tribe; every one head of the house of his fathers.While we are in no position today, to number all our relatives who are of the ages twenty and over, we are in a position to based upon our own experience, prepare them to the best of our abilities to go through life in a manner which is good for them and pleasing in our eyes as their parents and elders and pleasing in the eyes of the community as a whole.

The Notes and Comments on The Land of India also seek to remind us of the words of the Great King Solomon, in particular the Book of Proverbs. Here I would like to draw our attention to Proverbs, Chapter 22 and 25, which I have found to be of great value. These Notes and Comments are based in the main on my own experiences and observations. While my experiences and observations are nowhere near to the dept and clarity of the great King, they if drawn on could be of value to many. The lives of individuals even though different and unique, share a lot in common, and even more so the lives of those who live in cities. Here I would like to draw your attention to Ecclesiastes, Chapter 9 , verses one to twelve, it speaks of the equality of man before death, the importance of the individual seeing and enjoying that which is good of this life of his or hers, the importance of living.To often Ellen, we take onto our shoulders the burdens of society, the hurt and pain which we have seen in society and forget how to live. Too often, Ellen, we allow the cruelty we witness in society, the evil which we encounter, the great sadness which we have seen and forget why we are here. Ellen, if we cannot find joy in our own lives, we cannot give joy to anyone else. If we cannot find anything good in life, we can offer no man that which is good. If we cannot find love in our heart, we offer no one love. We can only give that which we have. Thus Ellen these Notes and Comments are also aimed at helping our children to protect that which is good and of value in them, to avoid the hate, bitterness and pain which living can bring to the individual- yes Ellen, we owe it to our children to teach them how to protect the very joy of living, if not society left to itself can rob the individual of even that joy.Ellen, I have used and drawn on a lot that I have read and have heard about India, for the simple reason, that at times we find it very difficult to critically examine our own societies and see the bits of India in these societies, many a times we find it easier and more comfortable to look at far away places rather than looking at where we live. If we find it hard to look at our societies, the cities and communities which we have helped to build, even more difficult and boring will that exercise be for our children. If we found it nearly if not impossible to accept the guidance given to us by our own parents when e were in our teens and early twenties, even more so will our children find it difficult to accept our guidance. However, just maybe if we asked them to look at a society which is a bit further away, they may come to understand and accept what we are trying to tell them and even more important , they would be better tooled to deal the realities of life as they encounter them and recall that which we told them.Finally these Notes and Comments, place a very heavy emphasis on the need to master the sciences, to master technology and master the arts. Too often we tend to imagine God as a one hand man preaching only Holiness and giving Commandments and forget that among the very first task God gave to man was of a scientific nature, that is the naming of all living things, equally we forget that it was God who taught Adam and Eve how to make clothing, and it was he who gave Noah, Moses, David and Solomon instructions on how to build. Thus we owe it to ourselves as parents to flush out from our childrens minds all concepts of a one hand type of God, if such a God does exist he is not the God of Israel, who taught man what to plant, when to plant, what to eat and what not to eat, how to build and how not to build, how to make war and how not to make war. I will revisit some points touched on here in a more detailed manner.

Finally, it must be noted that, Moses had faith and confidence in the Heads of the Houses who were selected, knowing that they would grow, mature and develop; even so should we have faith and confidence in our own children and those who will replace us on the road of life. Just as we did, they will make their errors, encounter challenges and suffer their set backs, but in the end just as it was with us, they too will have their own victories and cause to celebrate.

With love,

Basil Fletcher

Notes And Comments On The Land Of India

1. With all the lies and cruelty of the Indians, they are a great people. So it is with many who are forced to overcome great odds and disappointments. Let the holy hold them in judgment, we celebrate their victories.

2. If you see a coolie struggling under a great burden, do not take it from him, unless you have no burdens of your own.

3. In India there are great cities, countless prostitutes and a great number of locksmiths; only a fool thinks to himself that he has the only key to any of the cities. Enjoy the beauty of the city without making claims least you become enslaved.

4. In India there are very large bogs of pity and grief waiting to trap those who do not mind their own business.

5. The stench and filth of the Gandhi offend even the gods. If you do not drink of its waters or bath in it, leave it alone.

6. A kind but stupid young man saw a beautiful young Indian girl, drenched in the rain and bent under her load, was moved to great pity and anger, and ended up serving decades as her slave.

7. If one finds a person along a lonely roadside, dying from wounds, continue your journey and notify the police, least you stop and fall prey to the wicked among men or be charged with murder. Fish is used to catch fish.8. The poor and suffering, should serve to remind one to give thanks for his or her many blessings, good health and a purposeful life.

9. One helps the poor and suffering, not out of pity or compulsion but as acts of duty.

10. Pity and compassion have enslaved many, with the performance of ones duty comes freedom. This Moses in the wilderness proved.

11. In India, there is a lot of work to be done, centuries of garbage and filth to be cleared away, yet the most productive, worthwhile and rewarding work, with the most lasting value is done in ones own household and among ones own family members.

12. The great castles and palaces of India, tell all those who care, that with learning, effort and dedication, wonders can be built, great personal and family hurdles can be overcome.

13. In the minds of the rich and idle and in the minds of the young, reckless and idle, great evil is conceived.

14. India is perhaps the most honest of countries; her doors are open to all who wants to learn.15. Those ho are concerned about homosexuals and prostitution in India have turned a blind eye to the much greater dirt and grime in their own households and in their own families.

16. The vast quantities of treasures to be found in India stuns and amaze humanity. They were created by strong and determined individuals, united families, strong and focused communities.17. In India, there was a caste of robbers, but even they knew and kept the Law.

18. The greatest of liars and the most vile of Indians have identical twins among our own. Be careful of the fingers we point.

19. It took highly trained men, skilled in engineering and masters of the sciences to build the great castles and forts in India. How well trained are our own sons and daughters? What can they build?

20. An Indian love and pride in his family is known throughout the world. How do we feel about our own families?

21. Some Indians most brutally raped and killed a girl, we shoot and kill from the infant on the breast to the flies in the air.. Who are we to point fingers? At whom are we pointing?

22. To idealize the Indian is to idealize man. It is better to learn things of value and worth from him.23. With great dedication the Indians worship hundreds of gods, with great reluctance and hesitance do we worship our God.

24. One day I was walking on a street in Greater Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica, when I saw two small boys in conflict with a third. After I separated them, I learnt that the third boy stole money belonging to one of the other two boys and had hidden it in his brief (under clothing). Had I tried to search that boy to retrieve the money, in the sight of all I would be guilty of fondling the boy and could be charged with sexual assault in addition to a possible beating. Evil waits for the stupid and the innocent. Watch your steps and know your limits. I walked away.

25. When the Jamaica Labour Party assumed leadership of the country, they decided to import processed human waste in order to alleviate the then critical shortage of fertilizer. I most vigorously defended this action taken by the government and stood firmly and resolutely against the position taken by my party, the Peoples National Party which was against the importation. When I became unemployed, I approached the Minister of Agriculture and gave him a copy of my resume. That was years ago and I am yet to hear a single word from him. Stand with your own whether they are right or wrong, correct them in a private place among your own; at the end of the day, loyalty is what counts, not reasoned positions or bridge building. As it is with political parties, so it is with families and communities. Stand with your own that is what counts.26. The rabbi without sins leads a congregation of the entranced and the bewildered.

27. Entice not your neighbours children or befriend his wife. Evil rarely ever gives warnings and the urges of man are not always pure..28. Who is God? He no living man has seen. He no living man knows. Avoid idle arguments and senseless discourses.

29. When in India, watch where you step, when at home watch the steps of your children and family. In India, you may step in shit; at home, yours without due care could end up in neck high shit. Take care of your children. Take care of your family.30. The Fletcher, Manaker or Morgan, who searches for sin in others, sits on his own sins. Be careful of at whom you point.

31. The need to know the world is the burden of youth, the obligation to guide and protect them is the responsibilities of parents.

32. It is far easier to make false accusations than to unearth the truth.

33. The Fletcher, Manaker or Morgan who laughs at the down trodden, the oppressed or the disabled, has a desire to carry his burdens. He or she mocks the living image of God.

34. Religious faith without scientific knowledge creates a person with one eye, one hand and one foot. The greatness of India could not be created by such individuals. With great care and balance should we educate our children.

35. The intricately designed jewelry and delicately cut diamonds of India, were they created by the hands of God? Where are the master craftsmen and women among the Fletchers, Manakers and Morgans? 36. An Indian family knows what it is to struggle together, to mourn together, to celebrate and rejoice together. What has kept us stuck at a stage of fighting each other? Can it be equally satisfying and rewarding being in the company of your own as it is with strangers?

37. See your friends wife as an elder sister and keep the Devil at bay.

38. A good friend knows when to keep his distance and which lines not to cross.

39. See in your rabbi a man in great struggles with himself, tempt him not, nor provoke him to wrath.

40. A good rabbi lifts his congregation and a good congregation lifts its rabbi.

41. Beware of the man who seeks to befriend your wife or the woman who seeks to befriend your husband. Envy recognizes no fences and evil respects no doors.

42. Think twice before accepting a stranger least you also accept his burdens.

43. Love is a verb and a noun, by your deeds you decide what it is.

44. It makes no sense trying to save your neighbours flock while yours runs wild. Start saving at home.

45. There are children grown by the media and by friends, then there are children grown by parents. Which are yours?

46. When we seek perfection in our children, remember that we too were once children. Give not to a child a burden which he cannot bear. Give not to a child responsibility which you could not carry.

47. It is better to say nothing about a person than to say bad.

48. For the synagogue there is no time, for the church there is no time, for prayer there is no time. The Indians travel hundreds of miles for pilgrimage at the temple of an elephant god. Who is the heathen? Who is ungodly?

49. The Aksumite Kingdom of old lost vast areas of its kingdom as a direct result of interfering in other peoples business.

50. The Manaker, Fletcher or Morgan who does not mind his or her own business will be led around in circles like a sheep in a skating rink.51. The person blessed with time and resources; who does not mind his or her own business, will surely be enslaved should he or she visit India.52. All friendship with the Fulani people is based on the availability of grass and water for their cattle.

53. All effective work and care are functions of interest, time, resources and money. Any other view is wishful thinking. Not a single block in the vast Indian sub continent was created by unresourced or under resourced dreams.

54. The Fletcher, Manaker or Morgan who accepts life without questions, will be led like sheep and fed a rich diet of lies. Indian mastery of the sciences, technology and government starts with the assumption that everything is a lie and that all men are liars, unless proven otherwise.

55. The student who does not question his or her teacher does not want to learn.

56. The quest for an ideal life starts from the firm foundation of real life.

57. To argue with a teacher is normal, to master his methods is better.

58. There are many who pretend that they are who they are not, there are a few who are who they are. Accept yourself and there will be no need to pretend.59. A good teacher leaves behind many potential replacements.60. A truck got out of control and ended up going through the roof of a rural Church. None of your relatives or friends attend that Church, so why are you crying? Your family and community needs you, mind your own business.

61. Only a fool love others more than he or she loves self and family.

62. The person who is afraid to climb mental mountains, swim across deep, wide mental rivers and face the freezing howling winds and trek across the ice covered miles, separating him or her from his or her dreams and life goals is not yet a true Fletcher, Manaker or Morgan.

63. The sexual abuse of children is reportedly increasing. Guide and protect your children, nieces and nephews. Child safety starts with Fletchers, Manakers and Morgans taking care and responsibility for the safety, protection and guidance of their own children.64. In India, the quest for the mastery of the arts, the crafts and sciences is held in high regard. Among us it is the love for ignorance , laziness, and a desire and search for patronage, which are held in high regard.

65. Peace with the Akan people is based firstly on the respect of their right to be and secondly on the recognition of their freedom to determine their own future in their own land.

66. It is said that frogs do better at singing than the Jamaican Free Masons. Whose problem is it? A Jamaican Free Masons Problem. Does the reported croaking of the Jamaican Free masons affect the price of bread? Mind your own business!

67. The household, the family, ruled by love will never be swallowed by darkness.

68. Great wealth without healthy values and attitudes is a mountain without life.

69. To the world, we all stand without exception, as emissaries of our families and households, ambassadors of their beliefs, values, outlook and attitudes.70. There may never be a great Fletcher, Manaker or Morgan, however there can be many good Fletchers, Manakers and Morgans, individuals admired nearly by all.

71. If we are able to make a better people and better individuals of ourselves, then maybe, the world will become a better place.

72. To learn to hate and to commit acts of evil is easy, to overcome hate, bigotry and prejudice is by far much more difficult and soul searching, because in all of us are the seeds of these very same weeds, waiting for the moment to spring and bloom. This Ellen Manaker herself would have told us.

73. If Ellen Manaker were to speak to us, she would have told us that in all countries, communities and among all races and in all religions , there are those whose primary job and function to create swamps of neck high hate to trap the young and the foolish. She would have pointed out that, this is their way of reproducing clones of themselves and controlling the minds of others.

74. The child of a whoring woman, gives rise either to jealousy or vexation among many, but patience and admiration among the wise.

75. A lazy mother passes even to an unborn child the curse of laziness.

76. A lazy child, left to itself, kills it mother during delivery and may never see the light of day.

77. The Maroons of old did not consider to be a man, any male who failed or shied away from the tests of bravery and endurance required to be a warrior. The tests of Indian adulthood demands focus, education and determination in the carrying out of ones duties and responsibilities. The two differ only in form and duration of tests.78. The Akan people pulls the body of he or she who commits suicide through the streets of the village as they would a dead dog. He or she who lusts for pity and finds joy in being ill , perhaps would be chained by his or her neck to a post or tree in the village square.

79. The person who thirsts for pity and the person who finds joy in being ill, should be avoided at all costs. His or her lust is for the enslaving of your soul.80. To defend the rights of Gays to exist and to enjoy full rights of all free persons, does not mean that one is Gay, but rather that a person values his or her own freedoms and rights.

81. The right of non-Jews to be non Jews and to believe in whatever they want to believe and to be whoever they want to be are foundation principles of Judaism and the teachings of Moses. It is the key principle to walking through India.

82. When we understand the gifts given to us by Africa, India and China; the great sacrifices they made so that we can have so much, then we understand the meaning of Holiness. Yet a greater set of sinners do not exist. The key lesson they teach is to accept and love man as he is.

83. Even as we walk on the graves of our fathers, so will our children walk on our graves. Solomon called it all vanity all our efforts, sacrifices, work and wars, are all summarized in one single word:-Vanity!84. We seek not to rob the young of their quest for life, their dreams or their love of fun, but rather to gently guide them away from those paths which lead to certain self destruction.

85. It is wiser to claim that one does not know how to use the opportunities given to him or her than to make a claim that he or she had no opportunities. Little or much, God gave talents to us all.

86. They who become a burden on the state are despised by princes and hated and feared by men.

87. Never is seen a pauper in a welcoming poster, never are prisoners and jail houses used to invite guests.

88. There are some raised to teach wisdom and there are others who are raised to lead fools. In which class will you sit?

89. The man who takes onto himself the burdens and the concerns of the king, is an enemy of the king. A friend of the king speaks of and complains about those matters affecting him, his family members and community.

90. The greatest gift a family can give to the world are children who from the limited opportunities given, create gold.91. A family which is able to use the opportunities provided to advance the welfare of its members and contribute positively to the development of the community, is the pride and joy of the state. Of that family and of its achievements the state and all its princes boast.

92. Family members who cannot sit and eat around the same table cannot manage even a hot dog cart.

93. Envy not the owner of big business and vast estates, his life is that of a captain of a vessel manned by a mutinous back biting crew in stormy seas, trying to elude enemy patrols. Many are the paupers who lead happier lives.

94. The man or woman, who dedicates his or her life to wealth creation, kneels at the same altar as he or she who dedicates his or her life to service. Beware of them both least they put you to work.

95. There are many in all societies and among all races who demand a lot at little or no cost to themselves, neither in terms of labour nor in terms of resources.96. Love is the only force against which there are no weapons, the only force against which there are no fortress or defenses, the only force capable of bridging great distances and divides, the only force holding us together regardless of time or space.

97. Only the dead feels not and sees not the pain and suffering which exists, but only a child takes them unto himself. Very few are the doctors who will infect themselves to share the pain and suffering of a patient.


Conclusion Ellen, there are many who would like to discourage and or create obstacles in the path to the training of our children, many do so in the name of religion, and many do so in the name of God, without going into great details because the sections are very long, I would like to point to the following words from the Scriptures:-

1. Genesis, Chapter 6, verses 14 to16.

2. Exodus , Chapter 36 to end Chapter 39.

3. 2 Chronicles , Chapter 2 to Chapter end Chapter 5.The above in my humble view are enough to indicate the views of God when it comes to skill and training. We however need also to look at how the kings of old viewed the skilled and works of art:-

The Book of Ester, Chapter 1, verses 4 to 6.

We also saw in the Book of 2 Chronicles not only built the Temple but also built a home for himself which was worthy of mention. Images of The Land Of India As Downloaded From The Internet