190 MR. D. OLIVER, JUN. ON GLANDULAR APPENDAGES ORCHIDACEX, NEOTTIELE, Physurida. A. Labellurn calcaratum. Columna labello sub apico bilamellato aduat,a .................... .HERPY~MA. libera. Petala columnre dorso adnata ................................ - libera. Columna antic& tuberculis aucta ....................... inappeucliculata ................................ B. Labellma bas sti ventrieosum. Columna torta .......................... ......................... .HIEXARIA. - rect,a, elongata, col. adn. t pet. reflexa ........ .MYODA. - - -- , libera. Sep. et pet. conniventia. ..... .NOTIOPERYS. Labellum nudum. Stigma planum .............. 2-lamehtum. Stigma 2-labiaturn .. Columna nana. Labellurn posticum, galeatum. Columna sub stigmate 2-tuberculata. Stigma rostratum petaloideum ..MACODES. - truncatum ........... . .RHOMBODA. Columua uuda.. ........................... .............. .RHAMPHIDIA. Sep. dorsale basi galeatum ............... Labellum anticum. ........................... HYLOPICILB. rectum. -- Columns anti& inappendiculata. Labellum intus pilosum. Stigma planum ... ~-- - ~- callosum ................................ .XTHEX.IA. mate aucta ..... .................. .DOSSINIA. -- naua, sepal0 dorsali basi galeato v. saccato ........... .ZEUXINE. ----- recto. Labellum acumiuatum, intus villosum ~ apioe expansum. Columna simplex.. ...................... .I%ONOCHILUS. - antics bifalcis .......................................... CEEIROSTYLIS. Note respecting certain Glandular Appendages of the Leaves in By DANIEL the Autumn Rosettes of Epilobizcm montanum. OLIVER, Jun., Esq. F.L.S. &c. mead December 2nd, 1856.1 [Abstract.] MR. OLIVER notices the younger leaves of the autumnal radical rosettes of Epilobium molztanacm as exhibiting glandular append-

Note respecting certain Glandular Appendages of the Leaves in the Autumn Rosettes of Epilobium montanum

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ORCHIDACEX, NEOTTIELE, Physurida. A. Labellurn calcaratum.

Columna labello sub apico bilamellato aduat,a .................... .HERPY~MA. libera.

Petala columnre dorso adnata ................................ - libera.

Columna antic& tuberculis aucta ....................... inappeucliculata ................................ B. Labellma bas s t i ventrieosum.

Columna torta .......................... ......................... .HIEXARIA. - rect,a, elongata, col. adn. t pet. reflexa ........ .MYODA. - - -- , libera. Sep. et pet. conniventia.

..... .NOTIOPERYS. Labellum nudum. Stigma planum .............. 2-lamehtum. Stigma 2-labiaturn . .

Columna nana. Labellurn posticum, galeatum.

Columna sub stigmate 2-tuberculata. Stigma rostratum petaloideum ..MACODES. - truncatum ........... . .RHOMBODA.

Columua uuda.. ........................... .............. .RHAMPHIDIA.

Sep. dorsale basi galeatum


Labellum anticum. ........................... HYLOPICILB.

rectum. -- Columns anti& inappendiculata.

Labellum intus pilosum. Stigma planum ... ~ - - - ~- callosum ................................ .XTHEX.IA.

mate aucta ..... .................. .DOSSINIA.

-- naua, sepal0 dorsali basi galeato v. saccato ........... .ZEUXINE. ----- recto.

Labellum acumiuatum, intus villosum ~ apioe expansum.

Columna simplex.. ...................... .I%ONOCHILUS. - antics bifalcis .......................................... CEEIROSTYLIS.

Note respecting certain Glandular Appendages of the Leaves in By DANIEL the Autumn Rosettes of Epilobizcm montanum.

OLIVER, Jun., Esq. F.L.S. &c. mead December 2nd, 1856.1


MR. OLIVER notices the younger leaves of the autumnal radical rosettes of Epilobium molztanacm as exhibiting glandular append-


ages, which, so far as he has been able to ascertain, are unde- scribed. They occur on the apices of the younger and nascent leaves, and may be readily observed, assisted by a simple lens, by removing the outer fleshy, alternately opposite pairs, until but from two to four or five pairs remain around the pulzctzcm weye- tationis.

The outer leaves provided with the ‘gland’ present it as a yellow-brown, or brown-black apical process, evidently evanescing and about to fall away. These glands, which are somewhat ovate- conical or oblong in form, are erecto-patent, or deflexed towards the back of the leaves ; thus, when seen in profile or from above, they radiate from the axis of the sprout. The external leaf-scales, which, doubtless, in their early condition had been in like manner furnished with these organs, do not exhibit any very perceptible scar at the point of their former attachment. The ‘glands’ appear to be in their matured and perfect condition on but the very young leaves, the contents of the large cells composing them assuming, more especially towards the base and middle portion, a yellowish-brown colour, and at the same time becoming more opake, and probably granular, as they remove from the termination of the axis. The perfect ‘ gland’ consists of nume- rous, comparatively large cells, filled with a clear watery cell-sap, becoming yellowish on the application of tincture of iodine. In some cases perhaps they are almost pedicellate, though generally they may be termed sessile, and resting upon the apex of the leaf. They appear in almost the earliest stage of the nascent leaf, form- ing, when the succeeding pair becomes visible, aq appendage of considerable relative size.

The minute buds in the axils of the cataphyllary leaves of these rosettes are dso furnished with these organs.

Mr. Oliver considers the function and purpose of these glands, as in many and parallel cases in structural botany, to be enveloped in obscurity. He auggests that it would be desirable that some observer having at hand fresh specimens of allied Epiloobia and other Olzagracem producing ‘rosettes’ towards the cold season, should take the pains to institute it more compsrative exami- nation of these structures, which possess, he thinks, considerable interest.

Mr. Oliver’s Note was accompanied by illustrative microscopical drawings of the structures indicated.