Northbrook Notes February/March 2015 Northbrook Presbyterian Church Newsletter “Live the Love of Jesus Christ” Lent,” writes Henri Nouwen, “ is the most important time of the year to nurture our inner life. It is the time during which we not only prepare ourselves to celebrate the mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus, but also the death and resurrection that constantly takes place within each of us. Lent…is a gentle but also demanding time. It is a time of solitude but also community. It is a time of listening to the voice within, but also a time of paying attention to other people’s needs. It is a time to continuously make the passage to new inner life as well as to life with those around us.” Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and continues for the next forty days excluding Sundays. It is a season of soul-searching, repentance, prayer, preparation and reflection that brings us to Holy Week, to Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and then…Easter. What often comes to mind when we think of Lent is the act of giving something up. In the early church, people did penance in order to reenter the church after denying their faith. This is a practice that is not part of our Presbyterian Lenten observance unless, by fasting or giving something up, we feel it deepens our spiritual life. During these Lenten weeks, make time to read Scripture, join a small group, write down what you are thankful for each day or share the One Great Hour of Sharing calendar as a family. Come, begin the journey at worship on Ash Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. on February 18 with a time of reflection and prayer; discovering what it means to be followers of Jesus. With ashes, a sign that in Christ we are made new, and the sharing of the communion meal together, we are invited to turn towards God in order to receive a clean heart and a new spirit.

Northbrook Notes · spiritual growth and friendships with other people who want to do the same thing? Our hope is to form a number of small self-directed groups of up to 8 people

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Page 1: Northbrook Notes · spiritual growth and friendships with other people who want to do the same thing? Our hope is to form a number of small self-directed groups of up to 8 people

Northbrook Notes February/March 2015

Northbrook Presbyterian Church Newsletter


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“Lent,” writes Henri Nouwen, “ is the most important time of the year to nurture our inner life. It is the time during which we not only prepare ourselves to celebrate the mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus, but also the death and resurrection that constantly takes place within each of us.

Lent…is a gentle but also demanding time. It is a time of solitude but also community. It is a time of listening to the voice within, but also a time of paying attention to other people’s needs. It is a time to continuously make the passage to new inner life as well as to life with those around us.”

Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and continues for the next forty days excluding Sundays. It is a season of soul-searching, repentance, prayer, preparation and reflection that brings us to Holy Week, to Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and then…Easter.

What often comes to mind when we think of Lent is the act of giving something up. In the early church, people did penance in order to reenter the church after denying their faith. This is a practice that is not part of our Presbyterian Lenten observance unless, by fasting or giving something up, we feel it deepens our spiritual life.

During these Lenten weeks, make time to read Scripture, join a small group, write down what you are thankful for each day or share the One Great Hour of Sharing calendar as a family.

Come, begin the journey at worship on Ash Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. on February 18 with a time of reflection and prayer; discovering what it means to be followers of Jesus. With ashes, a sign that in Christ we are made new, and the sharing of the communion meal together, we are invited to turn towards God in order to receive a clean heart and a new spirit.

Page 2: Northbrook Notes · spiritual growth and friendships with other people who want to do the same thing? Our hope is to form a number of small self-directed groups of up to 8 people


One Great Hour of Sharing—A Special Offering Since 1949, Presbyterians have joined with millions of other Christians through One Great Hour of Sharing to share God’s love with our neighbors-in-need around the world. We will receive this offering on Palm Sunday as we remember that our generous gifts to this Special Offering help provide relief for those affected by natural disasters, provide food to the hungry and assist in helping to empower the poor and oppressed. God’s love is demonstrated through the generosity of our gifts to this special offering.

Please pick up your Lenten giving calendar and fish bank on the nametag table outside the Sanctuary. The daily information presented in the calendar offers ideas for conversation at your dinner table and then putting the coins in the fish bank gives you the opportunity to bring hope and healing to people around the world.

Through your generous gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing, Presbyterians have faithfully heeded God’s call to serve people seeking to reclaim and restore their lives. Your gift is a gift of hope. Your gift allows Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to restore communities around the world affected by natural and human-caused disasters. It helps the Presbyterian Hunger Program alleviate hunger and eliminate its causes in this country and internationally. Your sharing makes it possible for the Self-Development of People to affirm the dignity of all by assisting in the empowerment of economically poor and disadvantaged people.

Hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts. Romans 5:5

A Book Discussion & Signing with

The Reverend Faith Fowler of Cass Community Social Services and author of

This Far by Faith: Twenty Years at Cass Community Sunday, February 22 2:00-4:00 p.m.

Light Refreshments Will Be Served.

Even if you haven’t read Faith’s book prior to this event, come join us for a time of learning, fellowship and conversation when we meet with Faith as she discusses her collection of stories and experiences from her work at Cass Community Social Services in Detroit. Faith’s book opens a Cass window for us, allowing us to view the organization's impact on the community and on individuals, telling stories in ways that are both poignant and humorous. Copies of the book will also be available for sale ($20 each). If you already have a copy, bring it with you if you would like Faith to sign it. Contact Winnie Davies-Hancock at (248)593-8035 or at [email protected] for more information.

Knit Wits Our Northbrook knitters, a.k.a. Knit Wits will be gathering on the 11th and 25th of February and also the 11th and 25th of March. We welcome anyone who likes to knit, share stories, laugh and perhaps learn to knit! We gather at 7 pm in Pastor Marjorie’s outer office and we encourage you to avail yourself of our help and our stock of yarn and materials. Please join us if you have an interest in learning or sharing your knowledge of this fun craft.

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Lenten Small Group Gatherings There is Still Time for you to Join

Want to be engaged in thoughtful, honest, open discussions about the Bible and the Christian faith in this 21st century? Interested in learning with others about what our faith means and why it matters? Willing to take some time each week to invest in your spiritual growth and friendships with other people who want to do the same thing? Our hope is to form a number of small self-directed groups of up to 8 people each to meet in living rooms, restaurants, coffee shops or any other welcoming space, using We Make the Road by Walking: A Quest for Spiritual Formation, Reorientation, and Activation.

This book, by critically acclaimed author Brian McLaren, offers an opportunity to cultivate an intelligent understanding of the Bible and of Christian faith today in conversation with others. Each chapter is self-contained and provides scripture readings, insightful reflections and discussion questions designed to challenge, stimulate and encourage faith.

Groups will meet for the six weeks of Lent which begins on February 18. The book costs $17.95 hardcover or you can buy a Kindle edition for $11.04. If you are interested in being part of this experience, please contact Rev. Marjorie at [email protected] or look for sign-up sheets in Fellowship Hall.

Below, you will find part of the introduction to the book, We Make the Road by Walking. It will give you a sense of how Brian McLaren writes. If this sounds like a book you would like to read, join one of the small groups or order the book yourself and read it on your own as your Lenten discipline. Sherrill Heinrichs will be happy to order one for you.

What we all want is pretty simple, really. We want to be alive. To feel alive. Not just to exist but to thrive, to live out loud, walk tall, breathe free. We want to be less lonely, less exhausted, less conflicted or afraid . . . more awake, more grateful, more energized and purposeful. We capture this kind of mindful, overbrimming life in terms like well- being , shalom, blessedness, wholeness, harmony, life to the full, and aliveness .

The quest for aliveness explains so much of what we do. It’s why readers read and travelers travel. It’s why lovers love and thinkers think, why dancers dance and moviegoers watch. In the quest for aliveness, chefs cook, foodies eat, farmers till, drummers riff, fly fishers cast, runners run, and photographers shoot. The quest for aliveness is the best thing about religion, I think. It’s what we’re hoping for when we pray. It’s why we gather, celebrate, eat, abstain, attend, practice, sing, and contemplate. When people say, “I’m spiritual,” what they mean, I think, is simple: “I’m seeking aliveness.”

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Building and Grounds Needs Your Help The Building and Grounds Committee is asking for your help. We no longer have a Sunday morning custodian so the B&G Committee has taken on the task of Sunday Morning Opening duties.

Members of the committee are signed up for the next few months as the CREW CAPTAIN(S), and we ask that you check the signup sheet in Fellowship Hall. If you can get to the church early to assist in the tasks, we would certainly appreciate it.

The tasks are simple and do not take a lot of time. The doors need to be opened, the lights turned on and the north gate unlocked. If there is snow, we need to assure we have the walks cleared and salted, specifically in front of the doors to the parking lot at the north end and the center doors.

Service for, and to, the church is an integral part of being a member. This is a great opportunity to join a group and be a part of the necessary service. With the captain and a couple volunteers, this shouldn’t take very long. A sign-up sheet can be found in Fellowship Hall.


Giving statements for 2014 were mailed on January 30. Special thanks to Financial Secretary Kathy Brooks for carefully tracking donations throughout the year and for preparing the statements for mailing.

2014 Audit: We are seeking one or two volunteers not currently serving on the Finance Committee to help with the annual audit of our financial records. If you have an accounting, finance or general business background, this is a short-term but important way to offer your service to the church. Committee member Dorothea Clarke will work with you, and Bill Travis has provided a set of guidelines for use in conducting the review. If you’re interested, please contact Becky in the office.

2014 Annual Report: If you have not yet done so, please read the 2014 Annual Report available at www.northbrookpc.org, in hard copy at the church or by mail upon request. This report contains important information about last year’s results and the difficult but necessary changes to budgets and personnel that were made to help keep Northbrook financially strong. Your attention to Northbrook’s finances and your questions or concerns are always welcome.

THANK YOU: Finally, but most importantly, thank you for your gifts to Northbrook in 2014 and for the gifts and pledges to come in 2015. Your support is vital to the life and work of this church.

With gratitude,

Your Finance Committee Don Hemberg, Chair; Amy Annett, Dorothea Clarke, Jo Colville, Bill Travis and Rev. Marjorie Wilhelmi

In Memoriam

Florence V. Smith May 17, 1923—January 22, 2015

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Northbrook Newsletter Publication Changes In this new year, we have made some changes to the Northbrook newsletter and how often it will be published. Moving forward, the newsletter will be published 6 times a year with the scheduled listed below. In addition to the newsletters, we will be sharing more information in our weekly email updates.

Deadline Date of Publication Period of Time Covered

February 3 February 11 February & March

March 15 April 1 April & May

May 15 June 1 June & July

July 15 August 1 August & September

September 15 October 1 October & November

November 15 December 1 December & January

Northbrook Book Club Please join in the discussion of the non-fiction book, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks on February 23 at 7:00pm in the Library. Her name was Henrietta Lacks, but scientists know her as HeLa. She was a poor black tobacco farmer whose cells—taken without her knowledge in 1951—became one of the most important tools in medicine, vital for developing the polio vaccine, cloning, gene mapping, in vitro fertilization, and more. Henrietta’s cells have been bought and sold by the billions, yet she remains virtually unknown, and her family can’t afford health insurance. This phenomenal New York Times bestseller tells a riveting story of the collision between ethics, race, and medicine; of scientific discovery and faith healing; and of a daughter consumed with questions about the mother she never knew. It’s a story inextricably connected to the dark history of experimentation on African Americans, the birth of bioethics, and the legal battles over whether we control the stuff we’re made of.

Our next book club meets on April 6 to discuss The Language of Flowers.

SPRING MISSION TRIP PLANNING UNDERWAY Northbrook’s tradition of mission outreach is alive and well. Last June at General Assemby, several of us visited the Appalachia Service Project booth and were impressed by the scope and organization of its activities. We have tentatively identified ASP’s site in Chavies, Perry County, Kentucky as a promising destination for our 2015 trip. Chavies is about 20 minutes from Hazard, Kentucky, where we could stay at any of several motels. While our dates are not firm, we are looking at the week that begins on Sunday, May 3. We would leave from church and likely return Friday or Saturday of that week.

So far, Marjorie and Jeff Wilhelmi, Lee Anne and Don Hemberg, Michael Bauhof, James Francis and Carl von Ende have committed to the trip. We hope to identify a specific project for our group so that we can plan and pray for success. As the old adage goes, “Many hands make light work.” Please join us in this great opportunity for service and fellowship. If you would like more information, please contact me at [email protected]. I also encourage you to visit the ASP website at www.asphome.org and take a look at the wealth of projects and programs they undertake.

Carl von Ende

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Upcoming Presbytery of Detroit Hands-on Mission Opportunity Join the fun and fellowship as you work to make a difference in the lives of others.

Friday, March 6—2015 Festivals of Health Annual Planning Workshop 9:00 a.m.—Noon at First Prebyterian Church in Royal Oak

This summer, the Presbytery of Detroit and the Synod of the Covenant will continue their summer partnership as they offer free clinic screenings and educational resources in about 10 locations around Metro Detroit. Many volunteers are needed including those with some medical background and those without. This meeting is open to those who would like to be involved with the planning of these wonderful mission events. Many additional volunteers are needed to help at the events during July.

Sunday, April 12 (travel day) – Saturday, April 18 (return travel day) PDA Hurricane Sandy Relief Trip Point Pleasant Beach, NJ Cost is $200/person Volunteer form is on the web site given below.

Saturday, April 25—Rebuilding Together Workday (more details to follow in the spring)

If you are interested in any of these events or any mission opportunities of the Presbytery, please go to the Presbytery of Detroit Hands-on Mission web site at www.hands-on-mission.org or contact Winnie Davies-Hancock at [email protected] or (248)593-8035. More information is posted on the Mission Bulletin Board in Fellowship Hall and will appear in Sunday bulletins. If you would be interested in serving as a leader for a Northbrook team of volunteers for one of these events, please let Winnie know.

Please consider ways in which you can Live the Love of Jesus Christ.

Empty Bowls Collection

to benefit

The Hunger Ministries Program

of The Presbytery of Detroit

During February and March, please

contribute your loose change to the

bowl on the nametag table in the

main hallway.

Thank you!

If there are ALTERNATIVE GIFT MARKET ITEMS you would like to see or purchase in between scheduled market Sundays, please touch base with Winnie Davies-Hancock following worship

services, by phone at (248)593-8035 or at [email protected].

Would you like to DOUBLE THE BENEFIT of your purchase? Consider purchasing an item to donate to another organization’s auction fundraiser.

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I would like to thank all who helped with SOS....food and money donators, drivers, meal preparers, security and activity helpers plus a special thank you to the committee chairs: Bill Travis, who drove the SOS guests EVERY morning and evening, even taking some special trips, Peggy Schiller and Judy Owen, who coordinated all the meals and went to the grocery store daily when I kept asking for more pop and fruit!!!, Winnie Davis Hancock, who planned all the events and brought in books, magazines, puzzles and games for our guests, and finally, to Sherrill and Marjorie, who were there daily to help out where needed. I am truly blessed to have such a giving Northbrook family. Faithfully, Barbara Stetson

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It is Time for Fish Banks Fish Banks are a fun way for children, youth and families to live out their faith during Lent as they participate in the One Great Hour of Sharing offering. It’s wonderful to know that our coins and dollars will bring relief to people when they are experiencing a crisis, whether they are hungry, their home has been destroyed or they need to be trained so they can get a job to support their family. We can all be like the boy who gave his loaves and fish (John 6:9-13). God will multiply our gifts! Fish banks will be received on Palm Sunday during worship.

The LOGOS kids have been having a great time as you can see by these pictures. The kids are creating a

special gift for a Palm Sunday surprise. You can see how intent they are as they work.

We would love to have some more help preparing our dinner meal. It’s lots of fun and you get to enjoy a delicious meal with everyone at LOGOS. See the sign up sheets outside Sherrill Heinrichs’ office and choose the best date for you!

Northbrook Youth Group February Calendar

Event Date/Time

Mid Highs Sunday, February 1, 4:00-6:00pm

1Friday Friday, February 6, 7-9:00 pm

Mid Highs Sunday, February 22, 4:00—6:00 pm

Senior Highs/Super Bowl Sunday, February 1, 6:00-8:00pm

Friday Flix on a Saturday Saturday, February 7, 7:30 pm

Senior Highs Sunday, February 22. 6:00—8:00 pm










Other Upcoming Events Wednesday Worship—Wednesday, March 11 at 6:45 pm

Camp Lock-In—Friday, March 27th—28th Mission Trip Talent Show/Dinner—Sunday, April 19

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Celebrate February

Misspelled and pronounced more often than not and the shortest month of days in our calendar, February has many celebration days: Groundhog Day, Presidents' Day, Ash Wednesday and St. Valentine's Day.

—A Valentine Story—

When she was a third grader, she had to decorate a shoe box and make a slit on the box top. The box would hold Valentines sent to her by her classmates. Her box was most beautiful. Beside her on each side were two boys who wore hearing aides.

Many of her mates made fun of the two boys and were not nice to them. She bought fifty extra cards. She and her family changed their writing on all fifty cards and signed the cards "your secret pal". The little girl slipped twenty-five cards in each boy's box. After punch and cookies were served by the PTA mothers, the boxes were opened! The cards were counted. The two boys each received over thirty cards. There were twenty six kids in the class. Both boys had smiles. They got more cards than anyone else. The little girl had a happy heart.

Make sure you send Valentines to keep your heart happy.

Blessings from my house to your house,


Northbrook Preschool—Registration is Open for 2015-2016 Northbrook Preschoolers are having a great time learning and playing. We are getting ready for our Mother’s Party in honor of Valentine’s Day. Our mothers come to school with their children. They play with them, make a special project, listen to a story, and, then, the children sing songs to their mothers. It is a really fun time that we all look forward to.

We are registering for the 2015-2016 school year so please tell everyone you know with young children about our wonderful school. We will have three programs. Our introduction to Preschool, our three year old program and our four year old program.

Greetings to my beloved Northbrook family from Jersey:

December Weather: surprisingly mild no lasting snow or hard frost – proximity to the ocean is the modifier.

We attend an interdenominational Methodist church that uses Presbyterian liturgy and has a female pastor.

Transplanting a Michigan native to New Jersey in elderly midwinter is hard work.

I thank you for your love and support over our years together. May “God bless you, everyone” and continue the rich ministry of Northbrook Presbyterian Church. I will always regard Northbrook as my spiritual home.

Kathie Doctor

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Feb. 1 9:15 am 10:15 am 1:00 pm 4:00 pm 6:00 pm

SOS—last day Adult Bible Class Worship & Communion F. Smith Memorial Service Mid Highs Senior Highs

Feb. 2 8:00 pm AA Meeting - Men’s Group

Feb. 3 7:30 pm Mission Connection Comm. Mtg.

Feb. 4 5:00 pm 6:15 pm

No Pastor’s Bible Study this week LOGOS (K - 8th grade) LOGOS (9th - 12th grade)

Feb. 5 8:00 am 7:30 pm

Men’s Connection Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Feb. 6 7:00 pm 1Friday

Feb 7 7:30 pm Friday Flix on Saturday

Feb. 8 9:15 am 10:15 am 10:15 am 11:15 am 11:15 am 11:15 am

Adult Bible Class Worship KIDS’ Connection Mini Alternative Gift Market PYCT Meeting Deacons’ Meeting

Feb. 9 8:00 pm AA Meeting - Men’s Group

Feb. 10 6:30 pm 7:00 pm

Congregational Life Comm. Mtg. Building & Grounds Comm. Mtg.

Feb. 11 10:00 am 5:00 pm 6:15 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm

Pastor’s Bible Study Class LOGOS (K-8th grade) LOGOS (9th-12th grade) Pastor’s Bible Study Class Knit Wits

Feb. 12 8:00 am 5:30 pm 7:30 pm

Men’s Connection Senior Souper Supper Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Feb. 15 9:15 am 10:15 am 10:15 am 11:15 am

Adult Bible Class Worship KIDS’ Connection Blood Pressure Screening

Feb. 16 1:00 pm 8:00 pm

Preschool Closed 2/16-2/20 Finance Committee Meeting AA Meeting - Men’s Group

Feb. 17 No Session Mtg.

Feb. 18 7:00 pm ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE No LOGOS this week

Feb. 19 8:00 am 7:30 pm

Men’s Connection Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Feb. 22 9:15 am 10:15 am 10:15 am 2:00 pm 4:00 pm 6:00 pm

Adult Bible Class Worship KIDS’ Connection Faith Fowler Book Discussion/Library Mid Highs Senior Highs

Feb. 23 7:00 pm 8:00 pm

Northbrook Book Club/Library AA Meeting - Men’s Group

Feb. 24 7:30 pm Personnel Comm. Mtg.

Feb. 25 5:00 pm 6:15 pm 7:00 pm

LOGOS (K-8th grade) LOGOS (9th-12th grade) Knit Wits

Feb. 26 8:00 am 5:30 pm 7:00 pm

Men’s Connection Senior Souper Supper Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Feb. 28 9:00 am Session Retreat

February Calendar

February Birthdays 02/02 Janet Evans 02/02 Alexander Singer 02/03 Tom Brown 02/03 Cindy Sowle 02/03 Justin Wicker 02/04 Tim Boese 02/05 Kim Annett 02/06 Jimmy Mack 02/08 Jeffrey Keoleian 02/08 Maxwell Parsons 02/09 Roger McGuineas 02/11 Lincoln Hemberg 02/11 Logan Sylvia 02/14 Tom Sandercock 02/15 Jim Hothem 02/16 Jim Grady 02/16 Martha Mack 02/18 Maggie Gorman 02/19 Griffin Taylor 02/21 Dan Gross 02/22 Nathan Willey 02/23 Natalia McIntyre

February Anniversaries Dick and Petie Forbush 63 years on February 9 Nick and Joan Gonzales 38 years on February 12 Tom and Vera McBride 58 years on February 23 Roger and Connie McGuineas 60 years on February 12 Carl and Suzanne von Ende 50 years on February 20

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For the most up-to-date calendar information, visit our website at www.northbrookpc.org

March Calendar March. 1 9:15 am

10:15 am Adult Bible Class Worship & Communion

March 2 10:00 am 8:00 pm

Adult Education Meeting AA Meeting - Men’s Group

March 3 7:30 pm Mission Connection Comm. Mtg.

March 4 5:00 pm 6:15 pm

LOGOS (K - 8th grade) LOGOS (9th - 12th grade)

March 5 8:00 am 7:30 pm

Men’s Connection Chancel Choir Rehearsal

March 8 9:15 am 10:15 am 10:15 am 11:15 am 11:30 am

Adult Bible Class Worship KIDS’ Connection PYCT Meeting Deacons’ Meeting

March 9 1:00 pm 8:00 pm

Finance Committee Mtg. AA Meeting - Men’s Group

March 10 6:30 pm 7:00 pm

Congregational Life Comm. Mtg. Building & Grounds Comm. Mtg.

March 11 5:00 pm 6:15 pm 6:45 pm 7:00 pm

LOGOS (K-8th grade) LOGOS (9th-12th grade) Wednesday Worship Knit Wits

March 12 8:00 am 5:30 pm 7:30 pm

Men’s Connection Senior Souper Supper Chancel Choir Rehearsal

March 15 9:15 am 10:15 am 10:15 am

Adult Bible Class Worship KIDS’ Connection

March 16 8:00 pm AA Meeting - Men’s Group

March 17 7:00 pm Session Meeting

March 18 5:00 pm 6:15 pm

LOGOS (K-8th grade) LOGOS (9th-12th grade)

March 19 8:00 am 7:30 pm

Men’s Connection Chancel Choir Rehearsal

March 22 9:15 am 10:15 am 10:15 am 11:15 am

Adult Bible Class Worship KIDS’ Connection Blood Pressure Screening

March 23 8:00 pm AA Meeting - Men’s Group

March 25 5:00 pm 6:15 pm 7:00 pm

LOGOS (K-8th grade) LOGOS (9th-12th grade) Knits Wits

March 26 8:00 am 5:30 pm 7:30 pm

Men’s Connection Senior Souper Supper Chancel Choir Rehearsal

March 27 Camp Lock-In

March 29 9:15 am 10:15 am 10:15 am

Adult Bible Class Worship—PALM SUNDAY KIDS’ Connection

March 30 8:00 pm AA Meeting - Men’s Group

March 31 7:00 pm Personnel Committee Mtg.

March Birthdays 03/01 Marty Sauer 03/02 Don Hemberg 03/02 Maggie Parks 03/03 Phyllis Klinger 03/03 Jean North 03/04 Al Shrosbree 03/05 Jerry Lein 03/06 Mona Guindi 03/08 Jan Carroll 03/11 Grace Daniels 03/11 Gloria Tyslan 03/15 Brad Back 03/15 Barbara Davidson 03/16 Owen Hurbis 03/17 Grant Burnham 03/17 Derek Stottlemyer 03/19 Judy Owen 03/19 Judy Stucky 03/19 Erin Swenson 03/23 Bev Singer 03/24 Matt Bauhof 03/25 Shawn Van de Vyver 03/26 Paul DeLong 03/26 Peter DeLong 03/28 Ray Kafarski 03/29 Sherrill Heinrichs 03/30 Carolyn Hemmye 03/31 Madelyn Willey

March Anniversaries Doug and Diane Joppie 45 years on March 7 Bob and Gitta Filter 46 years on March 22 Maxwell and Mary Parsons 66 years on March 22 Jerry and Paulette Lein 52 years on March 23

Daylight Saving Begins

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“Live the Love of Jesus Christ” Northbrook Presbyterian Church 22055 West Fourteen Mile Road Beverly Hills, Michigan 48025 Phone (248) 642-0200 Fax (248) 642-7495 www.northbrookpc.org

Northbrook Notes is a monthly publication of Northbrook Presbyterian Church

22055 W. 14 Mile Rd. Beverly Hills, MI 48025 Periodical postage paid at the Southfield Post Office,

Southfield, MI (USPS 395-340)

Staff Contact Information

The Rev. Marjorie Wilhelmi, Pastor……...………… ext 12 [email protected] Angel Gippert, Interim Director of Music…….…. ext 18 [email protected] Dan Gross, Contemporary Music Director Sherrill Heinrichs, Church Education Ministries.. ext 15 [email protected] Ken Stetson, Youth Director………...……………….... ext 21 [email protected] Becky Bachand, Administrative Secretary………... ext 10 [email protected] Kathy Brooks, Financial Secretary………………....… ext 13 [email protected] Kerry Callaghan, Preschool Director……..….…...... ext 16 [email protected] Lynn Stephenson, Church Custodian…………..….... ext 17

Office Hours Mon-Thurs: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Fri: 9:00 am—12:00 pm

Worship Sundays at 10:15 am

Deadline for Northbrook Notes (newsletter) is

the 15th of the month E-mail newsletter articles to:

[email protected]