rs 11 ft.'-- , 'J &TFTUij h i la f' Alrt A.1 . ' ' ' - ' f: tol. xn. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 5, L896. HO. 15. ii I 111 It Pays To hurry sometimes. Haste doesn't always make waste. The man who hurries into one of our Ten Dollar Suits saves money, for no where else can he buy the same quality of goods the same fit for the same money. But, perhaps, he wants a swell suit, better fabric. If so, he can lay down Eighteen or Twenty Dollars and take away from our store a suit good enough to wear to any party or reception. Our line is so large, so complete, that we can satisfy anybody, everybody. In Furnishing Goods, Hats and Shoes, we also take the lead. THE STAR CLOTHING HOUSE, "WEBER & YOLLMER. 7 First National Bank, CAPITAL, $50,000. SURPLUS, $22,500. S. White;---- A. White, President. Yice-Pres'- t. Arthur McNamara, Cashier. A general banking business transacted. Davis' Seasonable Goods 1 Davis, the Bicycle Man, THE VIKING, is the "biking", -- Best of cycles. THE ELDREDGrB, strictly first-clas-s. II - - . - - - - - THE BELVIDERE, a high grade at a popular price. TTTE CRAWFORD, absolutely the best wheel on Choice of all kinds of handle bars, saddles and pedals. ALL KINDS OP BICYCLE ACCESSORIES. Davis, the Seed Man, Has a full line of BULK GARDEN AND FLOW ER SEED from the celebrated Rice's Cambridge Val ley Seed Gardens. Davis, the Hardware Man, -- Ricr stock of POULTRY NETTING, GARDEN r NORTH : PLATTE ; PHARMACY, Dr. N. McOABE, Prop., J. E. BUSH, Manager. jsTOP.TH PLATTE, 3STEBSK- - We to handle tlie.Best Grades G-ood- s, sell tliem at Reasonable Figures, and "Warrant ElverytMng - g Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific railway respectfully solicited. 7 Having refitted our rooms in the of style, the public is invited to call see us, insuring courteous treatment. OF A LOCAL NATTTBE. C. F. is visiting rela tives in. town to-da- y. Guy Laing returned week from a ten days' visit at his ranch in Cheyenne county. Miss Minta Martin, of Los Ansreles, Cal., arrived in the city this morning and will pass the sum- mer with her sister, Mrs. Fred Ginn. Dr. McCabe was summoned to Cottonwood Wednesday to render medical aid to Mrs. Baege, wife of the superintendent of the cemetery who is seriously ill. From a I?axton correspondent of the News we learn that "Will Jeffers of city, late night oper ator at Paxton, has been given the day trick, at Julesburg. A fen year old son of Wm. Edis had a hand badly lacerated yester day afternoon by a horse throwing him against a barb wire fence, Dr. McCabe was summoned to dress the wound. Phenix Oswell was up before Judjre Ray this morning on the charge of running a house of pros titution. She was fined five dollars and cost, in detault of which she was sent fo jail. It is said that many cattle died in the counties west of us from the effects of eating" the red root pig weed and lambsquarter. It seems that cattle love to browse on these weeds, which causes them to bloat and die. Col. Hooker died in Omaha last nin-ht- . and his remains will be 0 , taken to Des Moines for interment. M. C. Keith will, go down to-nig- ht to attend the iuneral. Colonel Hooker was well known by many North Platte people. -- News' this city this forenoon of the deafh at Gothen burg of Ben L. Familton, a former resident of this city. The report says tnat wr. i amnion was en- - joying uis usual neaitn at nine o'clock last evening, when he was suddenly taken with heart disease and died within an hour. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Walker went to North Platte last Thurs- day, and while there were initated info tile mysteries of the Order of the Eastern Star. They were royally entertained by friends, and were very much delighted with the ceremonies and speak with great praise of the grand lesson taught by lectures given. Oalalla News. The supreme court has reversed the decision and remanded for trial the case of George vs. McCullough, taken up from this county on error. sylabus in the case is as fol In an action of ejectment the provisions of the code of procedure, it must be alleged petition that the plaintiff is entitled to the possession ot the premises sought to be recovred. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coleman en tertained the members of the ladies wheel club and their husbands last evening, the party being in favor of Mrs. Clauson, who is the auest at the Coleman residence. High-fiv- e was tne tue entertaining ieature, and verjT pleasant did the prove. Seasonable refreshments were served, and at midnight the good-night- s" were said, each guest having enjoyed the pleasures the fullest extent, accept governor Roth and E. F. Seeberger. THE LINCOLN COUNTY SCHOOLS. The Tribune is indebted Major Burke when in messao-e- . Comnlpc finest Corbett. According to the statistics county tricts 120 building's; the latter being" frame, one one log-an- three sod. total number children the ages of and twenty-on- e is 3,948, of which 1,855 males and 1,793 females total enrollment pupils is 3,393, and average daily atten dance is During the past year new school houses built in the tne districts ueia six montns more school, held four months six montns more districts no number of teachers is 141 whom are fe males forty-si- x males. for males and $37.94 for females. value of school in tbe county is and PiMAQf and the Bar. on July 8, 1895, w t w I 01 rni. WU.iJ.Ol. lUldl CApCllUILULU Our billiard hall with make ot tables for sch0ol ourooses in the countv will supply all your for the ending July KEITH'S BLOCK, x'HJii UfllU-- rt,m.v Jennings reached employed ninety-fiv- e total property $84,062.46, Wines. supplied wa's the TYlillinery. iuu HIRT -- AT- RENNIE'S. This month is the last. Millinery positively at ONE- - HALF FKiCb. Come to unparalleled MILLINERY SALE. '$7.00 Hats at $4. 00. S6.00 Hats at $3.50. . $5.00 Hats at $2.50. $4.00 Hats at $2.00. $3.00 Hats at $1.50, We will positively do 1 .1 Ml' say, to close tne season.. mm w sale. FREE METHODIST CAMP MEETING. A Free Methodist camp meeting and district conference will be in Mr. Wellborn's grove", two and one-ha- lf miles east of Wellfleet, Neb., commencing . June and ting until the 28.th, over Sabbaths. A larsre tent 40x60 feet will be used tor services. Good spring water and fine shade for ten A ministerial association will be held forenoon, 23d to 26th. Services each day at 10 a. m., 2:30 p. m., and 8 p. Children's meetings every day at 4.30 p. "Bible Sal vation" is our motto. All interested are invited to attend. For any further call on ad- dress Dodge, district elder, Or- leans, Neb., J. W. Thomas, pas tor, Wellfleet Neb. PROCEEDINGS. June 2 Board met; present Hill Thomson. Hardin and county clerk. June 3 Board met; present entire board. claims were allowed-o- u the fund: V.-- E. Meyer, nails, bolts, etc., $26.74: Geo. W. Swift bridsre work, S40. The order was issued to the county treasurer: "You are hereby authorized to tdxes on the following" real estate without interest charge for the years 1883, 1884 and 1885, by reason of error in treasurer's office for the years named: Lot 1 block 3 in Penniston's addition; lots 3 and 4 in block 6, Penniston's addition; lots 2, 4, block 6, Penniston's addition: 1 and 2, block 80, in North Platte; lot 8. block 111; lots 7 8, block lots 5 and 6, block lot5, block 126; lot 4, block 148; lot 3 and 4, block 150; lot 5, block 159, all in North Platte. COLONEL CODY SURPRISED . message was received by Col onel William F. Cody in timating that he will probably be to the nomination the republican ticket for gover nor of Nebraska telegram was from a friend of the Colonel's at Lincoln, It read: "You will be. asked to of evening to the the nomination for The nrizes were won bv Mrs. H. J. of this state. An effort was made to see Mr. Cody after the performance at the Coliseum last niffht. A for Inter Ocean called uoon TOOLS, RUBBER HOSE and the celebrated Acorn Deputy Secretary of State Evans at the conclusion of Stoves and Ranees. for a copy of the Nebraska School r1if nnfi -- .upA to CPP Poi gSTDon't forget Davis, "that no one owes" need of anything Report for 1895-9- 6, issued by Supt. Cod in d to the nf "hitpn nnw in J - - aim of and this this The Lincoln 105 was fatlffued, having- - school ninety-fou- r of thirty The of between are ot the l,99o. county. Eighty-fou- r or or eight or tnree or and seven school. The of and The if it the was . , c-- rr-- rr ij--i JL.11C is and wants. year FAULbiu Lusrur as held or m. m. or J. L. or jreneral receive 1, and IS accept on reoorfcer The Mr. Burke said Colonel Codv has school djs- - mucll very put and brick, five Tlie nine were more, held The at the best we! 18th two ters. each The and lots 114; 120; Neb. that in a day of hard work in for the opening night, and that he was too tired to about the mat ter. After a few words in private, as Mr. Cody was leaving the building", Mr. Burke called the reporter and said: "This is Colonel Codv. He wishes to say that he is very tired this evening" and does not want to dis cuss politics." The Colonel then said good even ing", stepped into his carriage, and was gone. It is probable, from the way Major Burke and Nate look at the matter, that Colonel Codv will not accent the tinmina- - HNEST SAMPLE IN NORTH PLATTE average monthly wages are $40.44 L. Js offered to him Tbe competent attendants last Sacrifice Rennie's informatio'n COMMISSIONERS' following, following yesterday preparation talk Salisbury E00M LiaUOrS Ci&farS indebtedness OPPOSITE millinery calledjupon contents of the telegram, although unexpected, were not a surprise, as he has many friends throughout the state of Nebraska who are desirous of bringing him into the politics of the state to which he belongs, but the idea of his accepting the nonv ination for any office whatever is not regarded seriously by his as sociates of the Wild West show. Inter Ocean. POLITICAL CLIPPINGS. The Weyler cable has not re ported Maceo or Gomez dead for over three weeks. The bosses at Havana must have lost their nerve. Administration partisans assert that Mr. Cleveland is handling" the Cuban affair to please himself, and we are compelled to believe it. He is certainly not handling" it to please anybody else. New York Mail and Express. The end of the session is in sight and the Pacific railroad debt fundi- ng" job has not yet been railroaded through either house. Mr. Hunt ington's confidence in his grip upon congress must have been rudely shaken during" the past few mon ths. Republicans have no desire to see the democratic party split in the middle at the Chicago convention. They wish the concern would hold together and try to make the cam- paign interesting. Whether split or united the party is for the pres ent a back number. Ex. It is the stamp of the government which gives value to silver and gold, say the free silverites. If this is true why is it that coins short in weight, through abrasion or mutil ation, will not be received at the value placed on them by the govern ment stamp? Even the government itself will not receive such coins at their stamped value. Will our free silver "stompers" rise and explain? Louisville Journal. A potato famine has lately ma- - teralized in the northwest, but it will begin to let up in a week or two When the new crop from Arkan- sas commences to take the cars tor a trip northward. The Minnesota farmers who were so disgusted by their immense crop last fall which rendered it unsalable on the spot for what it cost to dig them that they left them in the ground, will be sorry they wasted any now that the price has shot up all around them. Potatoes are a good thing to store in the cellar to await a better market. An old soldier subscriber has written the Bee to call attention to the result which depreciated 16 to 1 free silver coinage would have on the men who are drawing pensions for disabilities incurred in the mili- tary service of their country. A 50-ce- nt dollar, of course, would be equivalent to cutting every vet- eran's pension down to one-ha- lf its present purchasing power. Owing to the cheapening of production the pension of $12 a month buys now two and three times the necessaries and comforts that it did when the pension laws were first put into operation. l'ree silver coinage would, if it accomplished what its advocates claim for it, restore prices to the scale of 1873 and reduce the old soldiers' resources in a corres ponding" ratio. All this has been brought out time and time again, and it is difficult fo believe that many rational old soldiers can be in lavor or tne tree silver program. Bee. Buoklea'B Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, teter, chapped hands, chilblains, eorns,and all skin eruptions,and positive- ly cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. F. Streitz. Palo, thlu, bloodless people should use Dr. Saw yer's Ukatlne. It is the greatest remedy In the world for making the weak strong. Por sale by J? H. JxHigley. The B. & M. railroad comany has received a contract for hauling 300 trains of cattle from Concordia.Kas., to Billings, Mont., for feeding pur- poses. This means about 6,000 cars, and as the cattle are yearlings, and about thirty can be packed in a car, it means the shipment of about 180,000 head. In another year these cattle will be reshipped to Omaha or Kansas City. The Elkhorn road also has a contract for hauling 100 trains from Super- ior to Belle Fourche, and these will be returned to the stock yards and slaughter houses next vear. Hast- - ings Republican, It has been said that there could be no euro for internal piles witnout a surgi cal operations, but over 100 cases cured in Council Bluffs, la., by the use of Heraorrhoildine proves the statement false. Thoro is a cure and quick perraa ncnt relief for all who suffer with blind, bleedins and protruding piles. Its use causes no pain, even in the most aggra vated cases. It is also a cure for consti pation. Price 91.50. For sale by A. F. StreitH. Pale, thin, bloodless people should uso Dr. Saw yer'a TJkatine. . It is the greatest remedy in tho wcxld for ranking the weak strong. For saleby F. H, Lringtey. EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR THE THE FAIR, ; RICHARDS BROS. WALL-PAPE- R, PAINT AND OIL DEPOT, WINDOW GLSS, VAKNJSHES, GOLD LEAF, GOLD PAINTS, BRONZES, ARTISTS' COLORS AND BRUSHES, PIANO AND FURNITURE POLISHES, PREPARED HOUSE AND BUGGY PAINTS, KALSOMINE MATERIAL, WINDOW SHADES. ESTABLISHED JULY 1868. ... 310 SPRUCE STREET. CALL TOE COUNTY CONVENTION. The republican electors of the several precincts of Lincoln county are requested to select delegates to meet in convention in North Platte on June 20lh, 1806, at 10 o'clock a. ra., for the purpose of se- lecting eleven delegates to attend the state convention to be held in Lincoln J uly 1st, eleven delegates to attend the congressional convention to be held in North Platte on July 3d, eleven dele gates to attend the state senatorial con- vention, eleven delegates to attend the state representative convention the last two to be held at times and places to be selected and to select a candidate for county attorney and transact such other business as msy properly come before the convention. It is recommended that the primaries be held June 13tb, between the hours of 6 and 8 p. m., provided any precinct com- mitteemen may by a week's notice select any other day or hour for holding the same in their respective precincts. The basis of representation is one dele- gate for each precinct and an additional one for each 20 votes and major fraction thereof cast for T. L. Norval in 1892. The several precincts are entitled to representation as follows, to-wi- t: North Platto No. 1 5 North Platte No. 2 9 North Platte No. 8 5 Antelope 2 Ash Grove '2 Baker 1 BIrdwood 2 Blaine 1 Brady Island 2 Buchanan 2 Circle Hill 1 Cottonwood 2 Cox 1 Crockett 1 Depr Creek 2 Dickens 2 Fairview ,.1 Fox Creek 2 Garfield 1 Gaslin 2 Hall 2 Harrison 1 Hinmau 2 Hooker 1 Kcm 1 Kilmer 1 Lemon 2 Maxwell 3 Medicine a Miller 2 Mylnnder 1 Myrtle 1 Nichols 3 Nowell 2 O'Fallon 3 Osgood 2 Peckbam 1 Plant 2 Potter 1 Ritner 1 Sellers 1 Somerset ..: 1 Sunshine 1 Vroman 1 Walker 1 Wallace 3 Well 1 WhitUer 1 Willow 2 Total 93 Immediately after the adjournment of the county convention the delegates from the Third commissioner district will meet in convention for tho purpose of select ing a candidate for commissioner for said district. G. C. McAllister. Chmn. John Sorenson, Secy., pro. tem. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Eus- tachian Tube. When this tube is in- flamed you have a rumbling sqund or imperfect hearing, and when it is entire- ly closed, Deafness is the result, and un- less the inflamation can bo taken out and this tube restored to its normal con- dition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by ca tarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition nf the mucous surfaces. "Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for auy case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free Eepublioffl&Oongressional Convention. Tho republican electors oE tho. Sixth Congressional district of the stato of Ne- braska are requested to send delegates from their saveral counties to meet in convention in the city of North Platte, Friday, July 3d, 180C, at 10 o'clock a. m. , for tho purposo of placing in nomination a candidate for Congress from said dis- trict, and to transact such other business as may properly come before the conven- tion. The several counties aro entitled to representation as follows, tho apportion- ment being based upon the vote cast for the Hon. Joseph S. Bartloy for state treasurer in 1.SIM, giving each county ono delegate at large and one for each 100 votfs and major fractional thoreof: Counties. Del. Counties. Del. Banner 3 Keith 3 Blaine 2 KeyaPaha 3 Box Butte G Kimball 2 Boyd G Lincoln 11 Brown 5 Logan 2 Buffalo 19 Loup 2 Cherry G McPherson 1 Cheyenne 5 Kock i Custer 1G Sherman '..5 Dawes 9 Scott's Bluff 3 Dawson 21 Sheridan 5 Deuel 1 Souix 2 Garfield 3 Thomas 2 Grant 2 Valley Tv Greely Wheeler 2 Holt 11 Hooker 1 Total 177 Howard 8 It is recommended that no proxies be admitted to the convention and that tho delegates present be authorized to cast the entire vote of the delegation of tho county which they represent. E. A. Cook, Vice Chairman. P. T. Lambert, Secretary. State of Ohio. City of Toledo, ? Lucas County, C Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he tho senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney Co., doing business in tho City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay tho sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrn that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subcribed in my presence this 6th day of December, A. XJ- - 1830. ss is & ( A. W. GLEASON, j seal S Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo O. gf""Sold by Druggists, 75 c. Dr. Sawyer Dear Sir: I can say with pleasure that I have been using your medicine, and will reo ommend it to all suffering ladies. Mrs. W. Augusta, Ga. Sold by F HLongley Dr. A. P. Sawyer Sir: After suffering foot years with female weakness I was persuaded by a friend to try your Pastilles, and after using them for one year, I can say I am enUroly well. I can- not recommend them too highly. Mrs. M. S. Brook Bronson, Bethel Branch Co., Mich. For salo by F. H. Longley. Wanted-- An Idea Vvho can think of some simple thinr to natent? i protect Idea: thev may brine you wealth. P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. WrUeTJ6fl? wedderburn co.. Patent Attor-- W Sold by all Druggists, 75c. ' S&Vt oi !tuafif?VS ouer

North Platte Semi-Weekly Tribune. (North Platte, NE) 1896 ...€¦ · Haste doesn't always make waste. The man who hurries into one of our Ten Dollar Suits saves money, for no where

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Page 1: North Platte Semi-Weekly Tribune. (North Platte, NE) 1896 ...€¦ · Haste doesn't always make waste. The man who hurries into one of our Ten Dollar Suits saves money, for no where



ft.'-- , 'J &TFTUij h i la f' AlrtA.1

.' ' '- ' f:





It PaysTo hurry sometimes. Haste doesn't

always make waste. The man who

hurries into one of our

Ten Dollar Suitssaves money, for no where else can

he buy the same quality of goods

the same fit for the same money.

But, perhaps,he wants a swell suit, better fabric.

If so, he can lay down Eighteen or

Twenty Dollars and take away from

our store a suit good enough to wear

to any party or reception. Our line

is so large, so complete, that we can

satisfy anybody, everybody.

In Furnishing Goods, Hats and Shoes,

we also take the lead.



First National Bank,

CAPITAL, $50,000.

SURPLUS, $22,500.

S. White;---- A.



Yice-Pres'- t.

Arthur McNamara, Cashier.

A general banking businesstransacted.

Davis' Seasonable Goods 1

Davis, the Bicycle Man,THE VIKING, is the "biking", -- Best of cycles.

THE ELDREDGrB, strictly first-clas-s.


- -.

- -

- -


THE BELVIDERE, a high grade at a popular price.

TTTE CRAWFORD, absolutely the best wheel onChoice of all kinds of handle

bars, saddles and pedals.


Davis, the Seed Man,Has a full line of BULK GARDEN AND FLOWER SEED from the celebrated Rice's Cambridge Valley Seed Gardens.

Davis, the Hardware Man,--Ricr stock of POULTRY NETTING, GARDEN


NORTH : PLATTE ; PHARMACY,Dr. N. McOABE, Prop., J. E. BUSH, Manager.


We to handle tlie.Best GradesG-ood- s, sell tliem at ReasonableFigures, and "Warrant ElverytMng


Orders from the country and along the line of the Union

Pacific railway respectfully solicited.


Having refitted our rooms in the of style, the publicis invited to call see us, insuring courteous treatment.


C. F. is visiting relatives in. town to-da- y.

Guy Laing returned weekfrom a ten days' visit at his ranchin Cheyenne county.

Miss Minta Martin, of LosAnsreles, Cal., arrived in the citythis morning and will pass the sum-

mer with her sister, Mrs. Fred Ginn.

Dr. McCabe was summoned toCottonwood Wednesday to rendermedical aid to Mrs. Baege, wife ofthe superintendent of the cemeterywho is seriously ill.

From a I?axton correspondentof the News we learn that "Will

Jeffers of city, late night operator at Paxton, has been given theday trick, at Julesburg.

A fen year old son of Wm. Edishad a hand badly lacerated yesterday afternoon by a horse throwinghim against a barb wire fence, Dr.McCabe was summoned to dressthe wound.

Phenix Oswell was up beforeJudjre Ray this morning on thecharge of running a house of prostitution. She was fined five dollarsand cost, in detault of which shewas sent fo jail.

It is said that many cattle diedin the counties west of us from theeffects of eating" the red root pigweed and lambsquarter. It seemsthat cattle love to browse on theseweeds, which causes them to bloatand die.

Col. Hooker died in Omaha lastnin-ht-. and his remains will be

0 ,

taken to Des Moines for interment.M. C. Keith will, go down to-nig- ht

to attend the iuneral. ColonelHooker was well known by manyNorth Platte people.

--News' this city thisforenoon of the deafh at Gothenburg of Ben L. Familton, a formerresident of this city. The reportsays tnat wr. i amnion was en--

joying uis usual neaitn at nineo'clock last evening, when he wassuddenly taken with heart diseaseand died within an hour.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Walkerwent to North Platte last Thurs-day, and while there were initatedinfo tile mysteries of the Order ofthe Eastern Star. They wereroyally entertained by friends, andwere very much delighted with theceremonies and speak with greatpraise of the grand lesson taughtby lectures given. Oalalla News.

The supreme court has reversedthe decision and remanded for trialthe case of George vs. McCullough,taken up from this county on error.

sylabus in the case is as folIn an action of ejectment

the provisions of the code ofprocedure, it must be alleged

petition that the plaintiff isentitled to the possession ot thepremises sought to be recovred.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coleman entertained the members of the ladieswheel club and their husbands lastevening, the party being in favor ofMrs. Clauson, who is the auest atthe Coleman residence. High-fiv- e

was tne tue entertaining ieature,and verjT pleasant did theprove. Seasonable refreshmentswere served, and at midnight the

good-night- s" were said, eachguest having enjoyed the pleasures

the fullest extent, accept governor

Roth and E. F. Seeberger.


The Tribune is indebtedMajor Burke

when inmessao-e-.Comnlpc


Corbett. According to the statisticscounty

tricts 120 building's;the latter being"

frame, one one log-an-

three sod. total numberchildren the ages ofand twenty-on- e is 3,948, of which1,855 males and 1,793 females

total enrollment pupils is3,393, and average daily attendance is During the pastyear new school housesbuilt in the

tne districts ueia six montnsmore school, held four months

six montns moredistricts no

number of teachersis 141 whom are females forty-si- x males.

for males and $37.94 for females.value of school

in tbe county is andPiMAQf and the Bar. on July 8, 1895,

w t w I 01 rni.WU.iJ.Ol. lUldl CApCllUILULUOur billiard hall with make ot tables for sch0ol ourooses in the countv

will supply all your for the ending JulyKEITH'S BLOCK, x'HJii UfllU-- rt,m.v



employedninety-fiv- e

total property$84,062.46,



the TYlillinery.

iuu HIRT--AT-

RENNIE'S.This month is the last.

Millinery positively at ONE- -

HALF FKiCb. Come tounparalleled

MILLINERY SALE.'$7.00 Hats at $4. 00.

S6.00 Hats at $3.50. .

$5.00 Hats at $2.50.$4.00 Hats at $2.00.$3.00 Hats at $1.50,

We will positively do1 .1 Ml'say, to close tne


mm w sale.

FREE METHODIST CAMP MEETING.A Free Methodist camp meeting

and district conference will bein Mr. Wellborn's grove", two andone-ha- lf miles east of Wellfleet,Neb., commencing . June and

ting until the 28.th, overSabbaths. A larsre tent 40x60 feetwill be used tor services. Goodspring water and fine shade for ten

A ministerial association willbe held forenoon, 23d to 26th.Services each day at 10 a. m., 2:30 p.m., and 8 p. Children's meetingsevery day at 4.30 p. "Bible Salvation" is our motto. All interestedare invited to attend. For anyfurther call on ad-

dress Dodge, district elder, Or-

leans, Neb., J. W. Thomas, pastor, Wellfleet Neb.

PROCEEDINGS.June 2 Board met; present Hill

Thomson. Hardin and county clerk.June 3 Board met; present entire

board.claims were

allowed-o- u the fund: V.-- E.

Meyer, nails, bolts, etc., $26.74: Geo.W. Swift bridsre work, S40.

The order was issuedto the county treasurer: "You arehereby authorized to tdxeson the following" real estate withoutinterest charge for the years 1883,1884 and 1885, by reason of error intreasurer's office for the yearsnamed: Lot 1 block 3 in Penniston'saddition; lots 3 and 4 in block 6,

Penniston's addition; lots 2,4, block 6, Penniston's addition:1 and 2, block 80, in North

Platte; lot 8. block 111; lots 7 8,block lots 5 and 6, blocklot5, block 126; lot 4, block 148;

lot 3 and 4, block 150; lot 5, block159, all in North Platte.

COLONEL CODY SURPRISED. message was received by Col

onel William F. Cody intimating that he will probably be

to the nominationthe republican ticket for gover

nor of Nebraskatelegram was from a friend

of the Colonel's at Lincoln,It read: "You will be. asked to

of evening to the the nomination forThe nrizes were won bv Mrs. H. J. of this state.

An effort was made to see Mr.Cody after the performance at theColiseum last niffht. Afor Inter Ocean called uoon

TOOLS, RUBBER HOSE and the celebrated Acorn Deputy Secretary of State Evans at the conclusion ofStoves and Ranees. for a copy of the Nebraska School r1if nnfi --.upA to CPP Poi

gSTDon't forget Davis, "that no one owes" need of anything Report for 1895-9- 6, issued by Supt. Cod in d to thenf "hitpn nnw in J

- -

aim of





Lincoln 105 was fatlffued, having- -

schoolninety-fou-r of

thirtyThe of




county. Eighty-fou- r

or oreight

or tnree orand seven school.The

ofand The

if it

thewas. ,

c-- rr-- rr ij--iJL.11C

isand wants. year

FAULbiu Lusrur





orJ. L.









Mr. Burke said Colonel Codvhas school djs-- mucllvery put





nine were



atthe best






114; 120;



in a day of hard work infor the opening night, and that hewas too tired to about the matter.

After a few words in private, asMr. Cody was leaving the building",Mr. Burke called the reporter andsaid:

"This is Colonel Codv. He wishesto say that he is very tired thisevening" and does not want to discuss politics."

The Colonel then said good evening", stepped into his carriage, andwas gone.

It is probable, from the wayMajor Burke and Natelook at the matter, that ColonelCodv will not accent the tinmina- -

HNEST SAMPLE IN NORTH PLATTE average monthly wages are $40.44 L. Js offered to him Tbe

competent attendants last












LiaUOrS Ci&farS indebtedness




contents of the telegram, althoughunexpected, were not a surprise, ashe has many friends throughout thestate of Nebraska who are desirousof bringing him into the politics ofthe state to which he belongs, butthe idea of his accepting the nonv

ination for any office whatever isnot regarded seriously by his associates of the Wild West show.Inter Ocean.


The Weyler cable has not reported Maceo or Gomez dead forover three weeks. The bosses atHavana must have lost their nerve.

Administration partisans assertthat Mr. Cleveland is handling" theCuban affair to please himself, andwe are compelled to believe it. Heis certainly not handling" it to pleaseanybody else. New York Mail andExpress.

The end of the session is in sightand the Pacific railroad debt fundi-

ng" job has not yet been railroadedthrough either house. Mr. Huntington's confidence in his grip uponcongress must have been rudelyshaken during" the past few mon ths.

Republicans have no desire to seethe democratic party split in themiddle at the Chicago convention.They wish the concern would holdtogether and try to make the cam-

paign interesting. Whether splitor united the party is for the present a back number. Ex.

It is the stamp of the governmentwhich gives value to silver and gold,say the free silverites. If this istrue why is it that coins short inweight, through abrasion or mutilation, will not be received at thevalue placed on them by the government stamp? Even the governmentitself will not receive such coins attheir stamped value. Will our freesilver "stompers" rise and explain?Louisville Journal.

A potato famine has lately ma- -

teralized in the northwest, but itwill begin to let up in a week ortwo When the new crop from Arkan-sas commences to take the cars tora trip northward. The Minnesotafarmers who were so disgusted bytheir immense crop last fall whichrendered it unsalable on the spotfor what it cost to dig them thatthey left them in the ground, willbe sorry they wasted any now thatthe price has shot up all aroundthem. Potatoes are a good thing tostore in the cellar to await a bettermarket.

An old soldier subscriber haswritten the Bee to call attention tothe result which depreciated 16 to 1

free silver coinage would have onthe men who are drawing pensionsfor disabilities incurred in the mili-

tary service of their country. A50-ce- nt dollar, of course, would beequivalent to cutting every vet-

eran's pension down to one-ha- lf itspresent purchasing power. Owingto the cheapening of production thepension of $12 a month buys nowtwo and three times the necessariesand comforts that it did when thepension laws were first put intooperation. l'ree silver coinagewould, if it accomplished what itsadvocates claim for it, restore pricesto the scale of 1873 and reduce theold soldiers' resources in a corresponding" ratio. All this has beenbrought out time and time again,and it is difficult fo believe thatmany rational old soldiers can be inlavor or tne tree silver program.Bee.

Buoklea'B Arnica Salve.The best salve in the world for cuts,

bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feversores, teter, chapped hands, chilblains,eorns,and all skin eruptions,and positive-ly cures piles, or no pay required. It isguaranteed to give perfect satisfaction ormoney refunded. Price 25 cents perbox.

For sale by A. F. Streitz.

Palo, thlu, bloodless people should use Dr. Sawyer's Ukatlne. It is the greatest remedy In theworld for making the weak strong. Por sale by J?

H. JxHigley.

The B. & M. railroad comany hasreceived a contract for hauling 300

trains of cattle from Concordia.Kas.,to Billings, Mont., for feeding pur-

poses. This means about 6,000cars, and as the cattle are yearlings,and about thirty can be packed ina car, it means the shipment ofabout 180,000 head. In anotheryear these cattle will be reshippedto Omaha or Kansas City. TheElkhorn road also has a contractfor hauling 100 trains from Super-ior to Belle Fourche, and these willbe returned to the stock yards andslaughter houses next vear. Hast--ings Republican,

It has been said that there could be noeuro for internal piles witnout a surgical operations, but over 100 cases curedin Council Bluffs, la., by the use ofHeraorrhoildine proves the statementfalse. Thoro is a cure and quick perraancnt relief for all who suffer with blind,bleedins and protruding piles. Its usecauses no pain, even in the most aggravated cases. It is also a cure for constipation. Price 91.50. For sale by A. F.StreitH.

Pale, thin, bloodless people should uso Dr. Sawyer'a TJkatine. . It is the greatest remedy in thowcxld for ranking the weak strong. For saleby F.H, Lringtey.








CALL TOE COUNTY CONVENTION.The republican electors of the several

precincts of Lincoln county are requestedto select delegates to meet in conventionin North Platte on June 20lh, 1806, at10 o'clock a. ra., for the purpose of se-

lecting eleven delegates to attend thestate convention to be held in LincolnJuly 1st, eleven delegates to attend thecongressional convention to be held inNorth Platte on July 3d, eleven delegates to attend the state senatorial con-

vention, eleven delegates to attend thestate representative convention the lasttwo to be held at times and places to beselected and to select a candidate forcounty attorney and transact such otherbusiness as msy properly come beforethe convention.

It is recommended that the primariesbe held June 13tb, between the hours of6 and 8 p. m., provided any precinct com-

mitteemen may by a week's notice selectany other day or hour for holding thesame in their respective precincts.

The basis of representation is one dele-gate for each precinct and an additionalone for each 20 votes and major fractionthereof cast for T. L. Norval in 1892.The several precincts are entitled torepresentation as follows, to-wi- t:

North Platto No. 1 5North Platte No. 2 9North Platte No. 8 5Antelope 2Ash Grove '2

Baker 1BIrdwood 2Blaine 1Brady Island 2Buchanan 2Circle Hill 1

Cottonwood 2Cox 1Crockett 1Depr Creek 2Dickens 2Fairview ,.1Fox Creek 2Garfield 1Gaslin 2Hall 2Harrison 1Hinmau 2Hooker 1Kcm 1Kilmer 1

Lemon 2Maxwell 3Medicine aMiller 2Mylnnder 1

Myrtle 1Nichols 3Nowell 2O'Fallon 3Osgood 2Peckbam 1Plant 2Potter 1Ritner 1Sellers 1Somerset ..: 1Sunshine 1Vroman 1Walker 1Wallace 3Well 1WhitUer 1Willow 2

Total 93

Immediately after the adjournment ofthe county convention the delegates fromthe Third commissioner district will meetin convention for tho purpose of selecting a candidate for commissioner for saiddistrict. G. C. McAllister. Chmn.

John Sorenson, Secy., pro. tem.

DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CUREDby local applications as they cannot reachthe diseased portion of the ear. Thereis only one way to cure deafness, andthat is by constitutional remedies.Deafness is caused by an inflamed con-dition of the mucous lining of the Eus-tachian Tube. When this tube is in-

flamed you have a rumbling sqund orimperfect hearing, and when it is entire-ly closed, Deafness is the result, and un-less the inflamation can bo taken outand this tube restored to its normal con-

dition, hearing will be destroyed forever;nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh which is nothing but an inflamedcondition nf the mucous surfaces.

"Wo will give One Hundred Dollarsfor auy case of Deafness (caused bycatarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall'sCatarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free

Eepublioffl&Oongressional Convention.Tho republican electors oE tho. Sixth

Congressional district of the stato of Ne-

braska are requested to send delegatesfrom their saveral counties to meet inconvention in the city of North Platte,Friday, July 3d, 180C, at 10 o'clock a. m. ,for tho purposo of placing in nominationa candidate for Congress from said dis-trict, and to transact such other businessas may properly come before the conven-tion.

The several counties aro entitled torepresentation as follows, tho apportion-ment being based upon the vote cast forthe Hon. Joseph S. Bartloy for statetreasurer in 1.SIM, giving each county onodelegate at large and one for each 100votfs and major fractional thoreof:Counties. Del. Counties. Del.Banner 3 Keith 3Blaine 2 KeyaPaha 3Box Butte G Kimball 2Boyd G Lincoln 11Brown 5 Logan 2Buffalo 19 Loup 2Cherry G McPherson 1Cheyenne 5 Kock iCuster 1G Sherman '..5Dawes 9 Scott's Bluff 3Dawson 21 Sheridan 5Deuel 1 Souix 2Garfield 3 Thomas 2Grant 2 Valley Tv

Greely Wheeler 2Holt 11Hooker 1 Total 177Howard 8

It is recommended that no proxies beadmitted to the convention and that thodelegates present be authorized to castthe entire vote of the delegation of thocounty which they represent.

E. A. Cook, Vice Chairman.P. T. Lambert, Secretary.

State of Ohio. City of Toledo, ?

Lucas County, C

Frank J. Cheney makes oath that hetho senior partner of the firm of F. J.Cheney Co., doing business in tho Cityof Toledo, County and State aforesaidand that said firm will pay tho sum ofOne Hundred Dollars for each and everycase of Catarrn that cannot be cured bythe use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.

Frank J. Cheney.Sworn to before me and subcribed in

my presence this 6th day of December,A. XJ- - 1830.




( A. W. GLEASON,j seal S Notary Public.

Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internallyand acts directly on the blood andmucous surfaces of the system. Sendfor testimonials free.

F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo O.gf""Sold by Druggists, 75 c.

Dr. Sawyer Dear Sir: I can say with pleasurethat I have been using your medicine, and will reoommend it to all suffering ladies. Mrs. W.

Augusta, Ga. Sold by F HLongley

Dr. A. P. Sawyer Sir: After suffering footyears with female weakness I was persuaded by afriend to try your Pastilles, and after using themfor one year, I can say I am enUroly well. I can-not recommend them too highly. Mrs. M. S. BrookBronson, Bethel Branch Co., Mich. For salo by F.H. Longley.

Wanted--An Idea Vvho can thinkof some simplethinr to natent?

i protect Idea: thev may brine you wealth.P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. WrUeTJ6fl? wedderburn co.. Patent Attor--

W Sold by all Druggists, 75c. ' S&Vt oi!tuafif?VS ouer