EXPERIMENT NO. : 05 DATE : 27.02.2012 TITLE : Study and working operation of NOR GATE AIM/OBJECTIVE : To study the working operation of NOR GATE Name of the Simulation Software : Tanner Spice Circuit Diagram :


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EXPERIMENT NO. : 05 DATE : 27.02.2012 TITLE : Study and working operation of NOR GATE AIM/OBJECTIVE : To study the working operation of NOR GATE Name of the Simulation Software : Tanner Spice Circuit Diagram :

MOSFET SYNTAX : M + + [L=] [W=] + [AD=] [AS=] + [PD=] [PS=] NETLIST :.INCLUDE "C:\Documents and Settings\STUDENT\Desktop\DUAL.MD"MN_1 Out N_2 Gnd Gnd NH W=0.45u L=0.15u AS=0.3375p PS=2.4u AD=0.3375p PD=2.4u MN_2 Out N_5 Gnd Gnd NH W=0.45u L=0.15u AS=0.3375p PS=2.4u AD=0.3375p PD=2.4u MP_1 N_1 N_2 Vdd Vdd PH W=0.45u L=0.15u AS=0.3375p PS=2.4u AD=0.3375p PD=2.4u MP_2 Out N_5 N_1 Vdd PH W=0.45u L=0.15u AS=0.3375p PS=2.4u AD=0.3375p PD=2.4u V_1 N_2 Gnd BIT({0011} PW=50n ON=3 OFF=0 RT=.1n FT=.1n DELAY=0s HT=50n LT=50n) V_2 N_5 Gnd BIT({0101} PW=50n ON=3 OFF=0 RT=.1n FT=.1n DELAY=0s HT=50n LT=50n) Vdd Vdd Gnd 3v.TRAN .1n 200n.print V(N_5) V(N_2) V(out))


CONCLUSION: The nature of the output waveforms match with the NOR circuit, and, this means that the implementation of the NOR circuit in Tanner Spice software is successful. But, in spite of this success, several precautions must be taken such as the MOSFET Syntax and the NETLIST should be carefully written so that no mistakes occur and the circuit connections should be checked with care. Otherwise, the nature of the waveform will not be correct and the perfect waveforms will not be generated.