Quality Assurance Project Plan Nooksack Basin Prediction of Gaged Flows by Modeling August 2009 Publication No. 09-03-117

Nooksack Basin Prediction of Gaged Flows by Modeling · Quality Assurance Project Plan . Nooksack Basin . Prediction of Gaged Flows by Modeling . August 2009 . Publication No. 09-03-117

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  • Quality Assurance Project Plan

    Nooksack Basin Prediction of Gaged Flows by Modeling August 2009 Publication No. 09-03-117

  • Publication Information This plan is available on the Department of Ecology’s website at www.ecy.wa.gov/biblio/0903117.html. Ecology’s Project Tracker Code for this study is 09-527. Waterbody Numbers: WA-01-1002, -1010, -1012, -1015, -1030, -1060, -1070, -1110,

    -1115, -1120, -1150, -1230, -1250, -1450, -2010, -3200 Author and Contact Information Paul J. Pickett P.O. Box 47600 Environmental Assessment Program Washington State Department of Ecology Olympia, WA 98504-7710 For more information contact: Carol Norsen, Communications Consultant

    Phone: 360-407-7486

    Washington State Department of Ecology - www.ecy.wa.gov/ o Headquarters, Olympia 360-407-6000 o Northwest Regional Office, Bellevue 425-649-7000 o Southwest Regional Office, Olympia 360-407-6300 o Central Regional Office, Yakima 509-575-2490 o Eastern Regional Office, Spokane 509-329-3400

    Any use of product or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the author or the Department of Ecology.

    To ask about the availability of this document in a format for the visually impaired,

    call Carol Norsen at 360-407-7486. Persons with hearing loss can call 711 for Washington Relay Service.

    Persons with a speech disability can call 877- 833-6341.


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    Quality Assurance Project Plan

    Nooksack Basin Prediction of Gaged Flows by Modeling

    August 2009

    Approved by:

    Signature: Date: Doug Allen, Client, Bellingham Field Office

    Signature: Date: Richard Grout, Client’s Manager, Bellingham Field Office

    Signature: Date: Bill Zachmann, Client, SEA Program

    Signature: Date: Brad Hopkins, Client, Freshwater Monitoring Unit, EAP

    Signature: Date: Robert F. Cusimano, Client’s and Study Area Section Manager, EAP

    Signature: Date: Paul J. Pickett, Author/Project Manager/Principal Investigator, EAP

    Signature: Date: Karol Erickson, Author’s Unit Supervisor, EAP

    Signature: Date: Will Kendra, Author’s Section Manager, EAP

    Signature: Date: Bill Kammin, Ecology Quality Assurance Officer Signatures are not available on the Internet version. SEA – Shorelands and Environmental Assistance Program EAP – Environmental Assessment Program

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    Table of Contents


    List of Figures and Tables....................................................................................................3

    Abstract ................................................................................................................................4

    Background ..........................................................................................................................5 Overview of the Watershed ...........................................................................................5 Watershed Planning .......................................................................................................6 Flow Gages ....................................................................................................................7 Instream Flow Rule ........................................................................................................9

    Project Description.............................................................................................................12 Goals and Objectives ...................................................................................................12 Model Development.....................................................................................................13 Model Quality Assessment ..........................................................................................15 Flow Gaging Assessment .............................................................................................17 Project Report and Public Involvement .......................................................................18 Training and Technology Transfer ..............................................................................18

    Organization and Schedule ................................................................................................19

    References ..........................................................................................................................21


    Appendix. Glossary, Acronyms and Abbreviations .........................................................28

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    List of Figures and Tables


    Figures Figure 1. WRIA 1 basin boundaries. ........................................................................................... 24

    Figure 2. WRIA 1 flow monitoring stations. ............................................................................... 25

    Figure 3. Comparison of Water Year 2006 mean streamflows for WRIA 1 flow monitoring stations .......................................................................................................................... 26

    Figure 4. WRIA 1 regulatory flow control stations ..................................................................... 27

    Tables Table 1. Ecology WRIA 1 flow monitoring stations. .................................................................... 8

    Table 2. USGS active flow monitoring stations. ........................................................................... 9

    Table 3. Ecology flow control stations from WAC 173-501-030. .............................................. 10

    Table 4. Summary of simple correlation r values ........................................................................ 14

    Table 5. Organization of project staff and responsibilities. ......................................................... 19

    Table 6. Author lead and proposed schedule for completing reports. ......................................... 20

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    The Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) is proposing a study to evaluate Ecology streamflow monitoring gages in the Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 1 watershed. This watershed is also referred to as the Nooksack watershed planning area. It is located in the northwest corner of Washington State. To predict flows at those stations, simple regression-based models will be developed and applied. In addition, regulatory flow control stations will be evaluated to determine the feasibility of applying simple models to estimate flow at the control stations where current or historic flow data are available. The existing TOPNET hydrologic model will also be evaluated for possible use to predict flows at Ecology flow monitoring and control stations. The quality of all models applied will be evaluated, and recommendations will be made for use of the models for water management by Ecology and the WRIA 1 Planning Unit. The Planning Unit is comprised of representatives of local tribes, governments, and citizens. Each study conducted by Ecology must have an approved Quality Assurance Project Plan. The plan describes the objectives of the study and the procedures to be followed to achieve those objectives. After completion of the study, a final report describing the study results will be posted to the Internet.

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    Overview of the Watershed The focus of this study is Water Resource Inventory Area No. 1 (WRIA 1), which is also referred to as the Nooksack watershed planning area. This area is bordered on the north by the international border with Canada, on the east by the Cascade crest (the divide between the Puget Sound and Columbia basins), on the south by the Skagit River basin, and on the west by Puget Sound (Figure 1). Detailed information on the WRIA can be found at the website for the WRIA 1 Watershed Management Project (http://wria1project.whatcomcounty.org/About-The-Watershed/10.aspx). Hydrologically, WRIA 1 is a complex region. The range of landscape elevations extend from Mount Baker at 10,778 feet (3,285 m) to the Puget Sound shoreline. Upper elevation watershed areas are dominated by glacier and snow melt, while lower elevations are more likely rainfall-dominated. Total land area is about 1,628 square miles (4,217 square kilometers). WRIA 1 can be divided into three basin categories:

    • The Nooksack River basin. The watershed for the Nooksack River and all its tributaries lies in WRIA 1.

    • Coastal basins. Several small watersheds in WRIA 1 drain directly into Drayton Harbor, Birch Bay, Lummi Bay, Bellingham Bay (including Lake Whatcom), and the northeastern side of Samish Bay.

    • Fraser River tributaries. The upstream portion of the Sumas River and Saar Creek drains north into Canada from WRIA 1. Several headwater tributaries of the Fraser River lie in the northeast corner of WRIA 1, including the Chilliwack River and Silesia Creek.

    Mean annual rainfall in WRIA 1 varies from 40 inches around Bellingham to over 100 inches in the highest elevations. Evapotranspiration rates in low-lying areas are approximately 30 inches per year, mostly occurring in May through August at rates of 4 and 5 inches per month. Groundwater levels are relatively shallow in the river valleys and other low-lying areas of northwestern Whatcom County, suggesting that connectivity between surface water and groundwater in these areas is high. Snowpack is a significant source of seasonally stored water, with April 1 (seasonal maximum) snow depths on Mount Baker averaging about 170 inches and ranging from 70 to 310 inches over the last 80 years. Seasonal maximum Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) data over the last 13 years at Natural Resource Conservation Service Snowpack Telemetry (SNOTEL) stations in the basin ranged from 9 to 74 inches. Flows can vary widely in WRIA 1 streams. Those draining the higher elevations are dominated by snow and glacier melt, while those at low elevations are rain-dominated. Intermediate elevations are characterized by a mixed snow-rain regime.


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    Water use in Whatcom County in 1995 was estimated by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) at 87 million gallons per day (mgd) of groundwater, and 74 mgd of surface water. About 49% of groundwater use was for public supply and about 43% for irrigation. Surface water use was about 67% for public supply, 21% for irrigation, and 9% for industrial use. Political jurisdictions in WRIA 1 include Whatcom County, Lummi Nation, Nooksack Tribe, City of Bellingham, and smaller cities and towns: Ferndale, Blaine, Lynden, Everson, Nooksack, and Sumas. Whatcom Public Utility District also plays a key role in water management. Whatcom County has experienced rapid population growth, doubling from 82,606 to 166,814 persons between 1970 and 2000. This has resulted in growth in urban and rural residential uses, especially around Bellingham and in the Drayton Harbor watershed. The economy has traditionally been dependent on timber, farming, and fishing, and many industries related to those sectors were established in Whatcom County, such as food processors and lumber and paper mills. Whatcom County is also home to large oil refining and aluminum smelting plants. About 20% of WRIA 1 is zoned for forestry, 11% for rural development, 8% for agriculture, and 7% for urban and commercial/industrial development. The eastern one-third of WRIA 1 is mostly forested lands managed by the U.S. Forest Service and the National Park Service. Of the western two-thirds, about 60% is either undeveloped, timber lands, or managed as open space. Agriculture dominates the low-lying areas around Lynden, the Sumas River, the Lower Nooksack River, Barrett Lake, and Drayton Harbor. Agricultural water use includes irrigation, stock watering, and facility washdown.

    Watershed Planning Over the past 11 years, the WRIA 1 Planning Unit has been developing and implementing the WRIA 1 Watershed Management Project (WMP). The following, borrowed from the WRIA 1 WMP website (http://wria1project.whatcomcounty.org/About-The-Project/History/15.aspx), describes the history of this project:

    In 1998, the Washington State Watershed Management Act (Act) legislation was passed and codified as Chapter 90.82 RCW. This law allows citizens and local governments to develop a plan specifically related to local water-related circumstances and needs. The state designated the Nooksack watershed as Water Resource Inventory Area No. 1 (WRIA 1). The Watershed Management Act requires all participating local governments to address water quantity, and also gives them the option of addressing water quality, instream flows, and fish habitat. The WRIA 1 Watershed Management Plan addresses all three.

    In October of 1998, a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) initiated the planning process. This MOA was signed by four of the five Initiating Governments. Later, the Nooksack Tribe submitted a Letter of Agreement. In the case of WRIA 1, the Initiating Governments are:

    • City of Bellingham • Lummi Nation • Nooksack Tribe


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    • Public Utility District No. 1 • Whatcom County

    The Initiating Governments established the Planning Unit to ensure representation of a broad range of water resource interests. In 1999, an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) created the Joint Board, which is comprised of representatives of the Lummi Nation, Nooksack Indian Tribe, City of Bellingham, Whatcom County, and the Public Utility District No. 1. In March 2000, a general Scope of Work (SOW) for the WRIA 1 Watershed Management Project was developed by project participants and approved by the Planning Unit and the Joint Board. The March 2000 SOW identifies project goals, the technical elements to be addressed (water quantity, water quality, instream flow, and fish habitat), the approach for defining solutions, and elements to be considered for Watershed Management Plan (WMP) implementation including governance structure, funding, long-term monitoring, and adaptive management. The Watershed Plan was approved by the Planning Unit in March 2005 and by the Whatcom County Council in June 2005. In June 2007, the WRIA 1 Planning Unit approved the WRIA 1 Detailed Implementation Plan (DIP). The DIP was prepared for WRIA 1 Watershed Management Project participants and is a tool intended to facilitate implementation of actions and strategies in the June 2005 WRIA 1 WMP.

    Several efforts related to the WRIA 1 WMP are relevant to this study: • The USGS conducted a hydrologic assessment for WRIA 1, which compiled and assessed

    hydrologic data (USGS, 2001).

    • Utah State University (USU), as part of its technical support for the WRIA 1 WMP: o Reviewed existing models. o Made recommendations for hydrologic modeling. o Conducted surveys of the basin in support of modeling. o Developed a hydrologic model of streams in WRIA 1 (called TOPNET). o Developed a Decision Support System for watershed planning in WRIA 1.

    Flow Gages The Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) has 14 current and historical flow monitoring stations (www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/eap/flow/shu_main.html, Table 1 and Figure 2):

    • Seven stations are telemetry stations that provide real-time gage height and flow measurement. One station was discontinued in 2008. Also, Bar Creek was discontinued due to damage from a landslide, while Maple Creek was discontinued due to excessive beaver activity near the gage.

    • Two stations are stand-alone stations that collect continuous gage height for periodic download and conversion to discharge measurements. These stations were manual stage


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    stations until 2007, but were upgraded for the Drayton Harbor Total Maximum Daily Load study (Mathieu and Sargeant, 2008).

    • Five are stations where manual stage readings are collected infrequently (at least once per month). The Middle Fork Nooksack River station was stand-alone, but vandalism forced a downgrade.

    Table 1. Ecology WRIA 1 flow monitoring stations.

    Station ID Station Name Type

    01N060 Bertrand Creek near mouth Real-time 01C070 Hutchinson Creek near Acme Real-time 01A140 Nooksack River above the Middle Fork Real-time 01F070 South Fork Nooksack River at Potter Road Real-time 01P080 Tenmile Creek above Barrett Lake Real-time 01J060 Bar Creek at mouth Historical continuous 01K050 Maple Creek at mouth Historical continuous

    01R090 California Creek at Valley View Road Stand-alone (previously Manual Stage)

    01Q070 Dakota Creek at Giles Road Stand-alone (previously Manual Stage)

    01G100 Middle Fork Nooksack River above Clearwater Creek Manual Stage (previously Stand-alone)

    01L050 Anderson Creek at mouth Manual Stage 01M090 Kamm Slough at Northwood Road Manual Stage 01S070 Squalicum Creek at West Street Manual Stage

    Streamflow discharge is measured directly at all stations on a regular basis, and rating curves are developed and updated for determining flow from gage height data. The USGS has gaged flow throughout WRIA 1 at a variety of sites historically and currently (USGS, 2001):

    • Continuous streamflow data have been collected at 56 stations, of which 14 are currently active. The active stations are listed in Table 2 and shown in Figure 2. Of the active stations, 6 are real-time telemetry stations, while 8 are non-real-time, stand-alone stations. Of the 8 stand-alone stations, 6 are operated through funding from the Lummi Tribe with 90.82 watershed planning grant funds and other funds.

    • A total of 2,537 miscellaneous flow measurements have been collected at 134 sites over the last 100 years (Figure 3).


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    Table 2. USGS active flow monitoring stations.

    Site Number Site Name Start date Type

    12205000 North Fork Nooksack River below Cascade Creek near Glacier 1-Oct-1937 Real-time

    12206900 Racehorse Creek at North Fork Road near Kendall 1-Oct-1998 Stand-alone1 12207750 Warm Creek near Welcome 1-Oct-1998 Stand-alone1 12207850 Clearwater Creek near Welcome 1-Oct-1998 Stand-alone1 12208000 Middle Fork Nooksack River near Deming 28-Aug-1920 Real-time 12209000 South Fork Nooksack River near Wickersham 1-May-1935 Stand-alone 12209490 Skookum Creek above diversion near Wickersham 1-Oct-1998 Stand-alone1 12210000 South Fork Nooksack River at Saxon Bridge 1-Oct-2008 Real-time 12210700 Nooksack River at North Cedarville 15-Oct-2004 Real-time 12210900 Anderson Creek at Smith Road Near Goshen 1-Oct-1998 Stand-alone1 12212050 Fishtrap Creek at Front Street at Lynden 1-Oct-1998 Stand-alone1 12212390 Bertrand Creek at International Boundary 5-May-2007 Stand-alone

    12212430 Unnamed tributary to Bertrand Creek near H Street near Lynden (Jackman Ditch) 6-Jan-2007 Real-time

    12213100 Nooksack River at Ferndale 1-Oct-1966 Real-time 1Funded by Lummi Tribe To provide a comparison of the flows at the Ecology and USGS gages, the annual mean flows for Water Year 2006 (October 2005-September 2006) are shown in Figure 4. The coastal streams and most of the Nooksack River tributaries averaged less than 100 cfs. The larger Nooksack tributaries and forks averaged from 100 to just over 1000 cfs, while the mainstem Nooksack River averaged from 1,700 up to almost 4,000 cfs in 2006. Flows can vary widely between years as well. Between Water Years 1967 and 2008, annual mean flows in the Nooksack River at Ferndale ranged from 2,536 cfs (2001) to 5,152 cfs (1991). The maximum flow on record was 57,000 cfs (November 10, 1990), while the minimum flow on record is 463 cfs (October 26, November 9, 10, 1987).

    Instream Flow Rule In December 1985, Ecology set minimum instream flows under the Nooksack Instream Resources Protection Program (IRPP) for WRIA 1 (Ecology, 1985). Flows must be met at specified control stations in each designated stream. Those flows are senior in right to any water rights established after the date of the rule implementing the IRPP (Chapter 173-501 WAC). Regulatory flow control stations established by the IRPP and rule are shown in Table 3. The Ecology gages identified for some of the control stations were apparently never physically established, but their approximate locations are shown in Figure 4. The periods of record for the USGS gages are shown in Table 3.


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    Table 3. Ecology flow control stations from WAC 173-501-030.

    Stream Management Unit Name Agency ID

    River Mile

    Town-ship Range Section Stream Management Reach

    Anderson Creek WDOE 2109-00 1.4 39 N. 4 E. 19 From confluence with Nooksack River to headwaters, including all tributaries.

    Bells Creek WDOE 2073-00 0.5 39 N. 5 E. 21 From confluence with Nooksack River to headwaters, including all tributaries.

    Bertrand Creek WDOE 2124-00 1 40 N. 2 E. 26 From U.S./Canada border to confluence with Nooksack River, including all tributaries.

    California Creek WDOE 2134-00 3 40 N. 1 E. 21 From influence of mean annual high tide at low instream flow levels to headwaters, including all tributaries.

    Canyon Creek WDOE 2045-00 0.2 40 N. 6 E. 35 From confluence with North Fork Nooksack River to headwaters, including all tributaries.

    Cornell Creek WDOE 2057-00 0.6 39 N. 6 E. 1 From confluence with North Fork Nooksack River to headwaters, including all tributaries.

    Deer Creek WDOE 2130-50 0.2 39 N. 2 E. 28 From the confluence with Tenmile Creek to headwaters, including all tributaries.

    Gallop Creek WDOE 2056-00 0.3 39 N. 7 E. 6 From confluence with North Fork Nooksack River to headwaters, including all tributaries.

    Hutchinson Creek WDOE 2101-00 1.8 38 N. 5 E. 36 From confluence with South Fork Nooksack River to headwaters, including all tributaries. Johnson Creek WDOE 2149-00 0.5 41 N. 4 E. 35 From U.S./Canada border to headwaters, including all tributaries.

    Maple Creek WDOE 2059-00 0.8 40 N. 6 E. 30 From confluence with North Fork Nooksack River to headwaters, including all tributaries.

    Porter Creek WDOE 2084-00 0.7 38 N. 5 E. 11 From confluence with Middle Fork Nooksack River to headwaters, including all tributaries.

    Racehorse Creek WDOE 2071-00 1.5 39 N. 5 E. 11 From confluence with North Fork Nooksack River to headwaters, including all tributaries.

    Silver Creek WDOE 2132-00 2 38 N. 2 E. 4 From confluence with Nooksack River to headwaters, including all tributaries.

    Smith Creek WDOE 2111-00 0.8 39 N. 4 E. 22 From confluence with Nooksack River to headwaters, including all tributaries.

    Terrell Creek WDOE 2133-00 2.2 40 N. 1 E. 31 From influence of mean annual high tide at low instream flow levels to headwaters, including all tributaries.

    Wiser Lake Creek WDOE 2126-00 0.7 39 N. 2 E. 3 From confluence with Nooksack River to headwaters, including all tributaries.

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    Table 3, continued. Ecology flow control stations from WAC 173-501-030.

    Stream Management Unit Name Agency ID

    Period of Record

    River Mile

    Town- ship Range Section Stream Management Reach

    Canyon Creek at Kulshan USGS 12-2085-00

    7-1948 to 9-1954 0.2 39 N. 5 E. 27

    From confluence with North Fork Nooksack River to headwaters, including all tributaries.

    Dakota Creek near Blaine USGS 12-2140-00

    7-1948 to 10-1954 3.5 40 N. 1 E. 9

    From influence of mean annual high tide at low instream flow levels to headwaters, including all tributaries.

    Fishtrap Creek at Lynden USGS 12-2120-00

    7-1948 to 10-1971 6.9 40 N. 3 E. 16

    From U.S./Canada border to confluence with Nooksack River, including all tributaries.

    Kendall Creek USGS 12-2065-00 8-1955 to

    8-1981 (n=15)

    0.1 39 N. 5 E. 3 From confluence with North Fork Nooksack River to headwaters, including all tributaries.

    Nooksack River (at Deming) USGS 12-2105-00

    7-1935 to 9-2005 36.6 39 N. 5 E. 31

    From confluence with Smith Creek to confluence of North Fork and Middle Fork Nooksack Rivers.

    Nooksack River (at Ferndale) USGS 12-2131-00

    10-1966 to present 5.8 39 N. 2 E. 29

    From influence of mean annual high tide at low instream flow levels to confluence with, and including, Smith Creek.

    Nooksack River (Middle Fork) USGS 12-2080-00

    8-1920 to present 5 38 N. 5 E. 13 From confluence with North Fork to headwaters.

    Nooksack River (North Fork) USGS 12-2072-00

    9-1964 to 12-1975 44.1 39 N. 5 E. 15 From confluence with Middle Fork to headwaters.

    Nooksack River (South Fork) USGS 12-2090-00

    5-1934 to 9/2008 5 38 N. 5 E. 19

    From confluence with Nooksack River (mainstem) to headwaters.

    Saar Creek USGS 12-2155-00 11-1954 to

    8-1959 (n=8)

    0.2 41 N. 5 E. 31 From U.S./Canada border to headwaters, including all tributaries.

    Skookum Creek near Wickersham USGS 12-2095-00

    7-1948 to 9-1969 0.1 37 N. 5 E. 27

    From confluence with South Fork Nooksack River to headwaters, including all tributaries.

    Sumas River near Sumas USGS 12-2145-00

    7-1948 to 9-1955 2.1 41 N. 4 E. 2

    From U.S./Canada border to headwaters including all tributaries.

    Tenmile Creek at Laurel USGS 12-2129-00

    5-1968 to 9-1972 4.4 39 N. 2 E. 13

    From confluence with Nooksack River to headwaters, including all tributaries.

    WDOE – Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology).

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    Project Description

    Goals and Objectives The goals of this project are to:

    • Develop computer modeling tools that can determine streamflows in WRIA 1 for Ecology flow monitoring sites and regulatory control stations.

    • Determine the quality of the modeling tools.

    • Assess their ability to support Ecology and the WRIA 1 Planning Unit in their water management activities in the basin.

    • Identify data gaps in flow measurement or modeling.

    • Support Ecology in making decisions about use of its flow gaging resources statewide. To meet this goal, this project has the following objectives:

    1. Develop statistical and simple hydrologic models that can predict streamflows at Ecology flow monitoring stations in WRIA 1 based on relationships with long-term USGS flow stations or other Ecology flow stations.

    2. Evaluate whether sufficient flow information is available to develop simple modeling tools that predict flows at regulatory control stations, and develop models for those stations.

    3. Evaluate the USU hydrologic model for WRIA 1, and determine whether it can be applied to predict flows at Ecology flow monitoring stations and regulatory control stations at a level of effort within the schedule designated for this project, and if so, develop those applications.

    4. Assess the quality of the results of the modeling tools developed for Objectives 1 through 3.

    5. Provide support in determining a long-term approach to flow discharge assessment that combines direct monitoring of gage height with modeling approaches, thus reducing the total number of flow monitoring stations using continuous stream gage measurements.

    6. Identify any data gaps found in the modeling analysis, and if warranted, recommend more complex modeling approaches that might reasonably improve the use of models for flow discharge assessment.

    7. Recommend any flow measurement needs to allow flows to be estimated or measured for regulatory control stations.

    8. Provide training and technology transfer of project products to Ecology staff and local partners.

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    Model Development The first study objective will be met by an analysis of (1) the streamflow records for the gages in the WRIA 1 basin and (2) other relevant information such as geographical, geological, or meteoro-logical data. The planned approach is to select index stations, such as the long-term USGS flow stations, and then predict Ecology flow data from one or more of those stations. Based on this analysis, one or more Ecology flow stations may also be selected as index stations. A number of methods will be explored for this analysis, including: • Simple linear regression or correlation with data transformations such as log-transformation. • Areal flows (discharge per watershed area) and drainage area ratios. • Time lagging of data. • Hydrograph separation. • Simple hydrologic routing models. • Inclusion of meteorological and other non-hydrologic data to adjust predictive equations. • Other tools identified by USGS (Curran and Olsen, 2009), such as Maintenance of Variance Extension (Hirsch, 1982). This list is provided roughly from simplest to most complex. The analysis will begin with the simplest approach and will only progress to more complex approaches depending on: • The adequacy of the quality of the results from the simpler approach. • Whether the available data supports a more complex approach. • The time available in the project schedule to pursue a more complex approach. • The potential use of the modeling approach. • The priority of the station to the WRIA 1 Planning Unit and Ecology. An example of the simplest kind of correlation is provided in Table 4. Real-time flow data from the Ecology and USGS stations were correlated using Hydstra, the data management software used by Ecology for analyzing its flow monitoring network. This initial analysis shows how some gages will correlate well, while others will have much poorer relationships. To evaluate regulatory control stations (the second study objective), the sites identified in state regulations will be evaluated in the field and compared to active and historic flow records. The modeling approaches described above will then be applied to control points with historic flow records that are adequate for model development. The age and representativeness of the gaging data will be taken into account in deciding the validity and quality of a modeling approach. Potential alternate flow measurement sites may also be suggested for control stations. To meet the third study objective, the USU hydrologic model will be evaluated to determine whether it can be extended or modified to predict flows at Ecology gages and at control stations. Development of an application of the model to meet study objectives will be pursued if the application can be developed within the schedule and level of effort planned.

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    Table 4. Summary of simple correlation r values (Hopkins, 2009).

    Name Type* Type: RT RT RT SA CH RT RT SA SA MS MS MS MS

    Station ID 01A140 01C070 01F070 01G100 01K050 01N060 01P080 01Q070 01R090 01D100 01L050 01M090 01S070

    Nooksack R above M.F. RT 01A140 NA

    Hutchinson Cr RT 01C070 0.428 NA

    S.F. Nooksack R RT 01F070 0.655 0.761 NA

    M.F. Nooksack R SA 01G100 0.761 0.851 0.607 NA

    Maple Cr CH 01K050 0.402 0.459 0.747 0.240 NA

    Bertrand Cr RT 01N060 0.260 0.890 0.773 0.175 0.792 NA

    Tenmile Cr RT 01P080 0.240 0.841 0.707 0.142 0.842 0.899 NA

    Dakota Cr SA 01Q070 -0.257 0.756 0.509 NA 0.617 0.903 0.819 NA

    California Cr SA 01R090 -0.446 0.762 0.351 NA 0.776 0.928 0.869 0.950 NA

    Sumas R MS 01D100 0.38 0.958 0.900 NA NA 0.941 0.956 NA NA NA

    Anderson Cr MS 01L050 0.286 0.938 0.872 NA NA 0.938 0.911 NA NA NA NA

    Kamm Slough MS 01M090 0.241 0.892 0.739 NA NA 0.898 0.882 NA NA NA NA NA

    Squalicum Cr MS 01S070 0.291 0.921 0.833 NA NA 0.931 0.923 NA NA NA NA NA NA

    Nooksack R at N Cedarville USGS 12210700 0.822 0.654 0.892 0.777 0.613 0.53 0.479 0.687 0.036 0.761 0.610 0.578 0.618

    Nooksack R at Deming USGS 12210500 0.853 0.763 0.875 0.712 0.601 0.562 0.539 0.857 0.689 0.866 0.741 0.960 0.835

    Nooksack R at Ferndale USGS 12213100 0.754 0.752 0.900 0.657 0.706 0.642 0.610 0.706 0.272 0.818 0.682 0.607 0.687

    NF Nooksack R below Cascade Cr USGS 12205000 0.487 -0.053 0.205 0.435 -0.048 -0.148 -0.184 0.119 -0.599 0.068 -0.109 -0.020 0.000

    MF Nooksack R near Deming USGS 12208000 0.822 0.404 0.700 0.898 0.300 0.258 0.192 0.535 -0.394 0.562 0.441 0.307 0.488

    SF Nooksack R near Wickersham USGS 12209000 0.676 0.788 0.974 0.633 0.682 0.687 0.604 0.740 -0.394 0.869 0.819 0.615 0.785

    * RT = Real-time; SA = Stand Alone; MS = Manual Staff. Correlations greater than 0.8 are shaded.

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    Model Quality Assessment Best practices of computer modeling should be applied to help determine when a model, despite its uncertainty, can be appropriately used to inform a decision (Pascual et al., 2003). Specifically, model developers and users should:

    1. Subject their model to credible, objective peer review. 2. Assess the quality of the data they use. 3. Corroborate their model by evaluating how well it corresponds to the natural system. 4. Perform sensitivity and uncertainty analyses. The study will follow this approach to meet the fourth study objective of assessing the quality of model results. Study results will undergo a technical peer review by a designated Ecology employee with appropriate qualifications. Review of the study by Ecology staff, local stakeholders, and the public will also ensure quality. Items 2 through 4 above are addressed through Model Evaluation. This is the process for generating information over the life cycle of the project that helps to determine whether a model and its analytical results are of a quality sufficient to serve as the basis for a decision. Model quality is an attribute that is meaningful only within the context of a specific model application. Evaluating the uncertainty of data from models is conducted by considering the models’ accuracy and reliability. Accuracy Analysis Accuracy refers to the closeness of a measured or computed value to its true value, where the true value is obtained with perfect information. Due to the natural heterogeneity and random variability of many environmental systems, this true value exists as a distribution rather than a discrete value. In this project, accuracy is determined from measures of the bias and precision of the predicted value from model results, as compared to the observed value from flow measurements on the assumption that measured flows are closer to the true value. The known precision and bias of flow measurement values will also be taken into account in interpreting results. Bias describes any systematic deviation between a measured (i.e., observed) or computed value and its true value. Bias in this context could result from uncertainty in modeling or from the choice of parameters used in calibration. Bias will be inferred by the precision statistic of relative percent difference (RPD). This statistic provides a relative estimate of whether a protocol produces values consistently higher or lower than a different protocol. Bias will be evaluated using RPD values for predicted and observed pairs individually and using the mean of RPD values for all pairs of results.

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    RPD = (| Pi – Oi | *2) / (Oi + Pi), where Pi = ith prediction Oi = ith observation

    Precision of modeled results will be expressed with percent relative standard deviation (%RSD). Precision will be evaluated using this statistic for predicted and observed pairs individually and using the mean of values for all pairs of results. The %RSD presents variation in terms of the standard deviation divided by the mean of predicted and observed values.

    %RSD = (SDi * 200) / (Pi + Oi) , where SDi = standard deviation of the ith predicted and observed pair Percent error measures have been selected for assessment of accuracy because of the wide range of values expected in the flow record. Uncertainty in flow measurements is usually reported as a percentage; the same approach is being adopted for flow modeling. Reliability Analysis Reliability is the confidence that potential users have in a model and its outputs such that the users are willing to use the model and accept its results (Sargent, 2000). Specifically, reliability is a function of the performance record of a model and its conformance to best available, practicable science. Reliability can be assessed by determining the robustness and sensitivity. Robustness is the capacity of a model to perform equally well across the full range of environmental conditions for which it was designed and which are of interest. Model calibration is achieved by adjusting model input parameters until model accuracy measures are minimized. Robustness will then be evaluated by examining the quality of calibration for different seasons and flow regimes. The variation between accuracy measures for model results from different seasons and flow regimes provides a measure of robustness of model performance. Sensitivity analysis is the study of how the response of a model can be apportioned to changes in a model’s inputs (Saltelli et al., 2000). A model's sensitivity describes the degree to which the model result is affected by changes in a selected input parameter. Sensitivity analysis is recommended as the principal evaluation tool for characterizing the most- and least-important sources of uncertainty in environmental models. Uncertainty analysis investigates the lack of knowledge about a certain population or the real value of model parameters. Sensitivity analysis can be conducted using Morris’s one-at-a-time (OAT) approach (Saltelli et al., 2000). With this approach, each input value is perturbed by a given percentage away from the base value while holding all other input variables constant. Morris’s OAT sensitivity analysis methods yield local measures of sensitivity that depend on the choice of base case values. Morris’s OAT provides a measure of the importance of an input factor in generating output variation. While it does not quantify interaction effects, it does provide an indication of the presence of interaction. This test will be applied if the complexity of the model, importance

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    of model results, and the need for additional model quality information are sufficient to justify the level of effort needed. Quality Characterization The uncertainty and applicability of model results will be assessed by evaluating model quality results on an annual basis and for summer baseflow conditions. The median %RSD value will be used for comparison for each model at each station within the season or range of flow measurements being considered. The following terminology will be used to describe model results:

    Median %RSD for annual streamflow and summer baseflow Characterization

    Both less than 5% Very Good Summer less than 5% and annual greater than 5%; or both less than 15% Good

    Does not meet criteria above Poor

    Flow Gaging Assessment Objectives 5 through 7 will be accomplished by evaluating the results of the model assessments described above for each gaging station. Each Ecology flow monitoring station will have a preferred modeling approach identified and an evaluation of the quality of the model. This information will be provided to Ecology staff and local stakeholders to support decisions about allocation of resources for flow gaging. Possible recommendations for use of the Ecology flow monitoring stations resulting from this project could include:

    • Continuing operation of the gage as a telemetry gage.

    • Reallocating the station to a manual-stage-height station using modeling combined with spot-flow measurements for confirmation of modeled flows.

    • Abandoning the station, possibly with continued spot-flow measurements at the site.

    • Transferring the station to another party. Control stations will be categorized by the:

    • Presence of an active flow monitoring station.

    • Availability and quality of modeling tools to estimate flows at the station.

    • Need for additional flow monitoring.

    • Potential for moving the flow station to a location better suited for flow monitoring.

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    As a result of the analysis, data gaps may be identified that limit the ability to use modeling tools to estimate streamflows. Recommendations for potential changes in data acquisition to fill these gaps will be made where warranted. In addition, if the analysis in this study points towards other, more complex, models that could improve the quality of flow estimation, recommendations will be made for those models as possible future work.

    Project Report and Public Involvement During the course of the project, internal review, input, and guidance will be provided by the Gaging Strategy Workgroup (GSW) and other Ecology staff identified in the Organization and Schedule section below. Public input during the project will be through the WRIA 1 Planning Unit. The form and timing of public input will be determined by the project, regional, and client leads in consultation with the GSW and the Bellingham Field Office and Regional Water Resource Management Team. A project report will present the results of the study. Review of the draft report will be the primary mechanism for providing input to the final conclusions and recommendations.

    Training and Technology Transfer The final objective will be achieved by providing (1) modeling tools to interested parties through the internet or other means and (2) presentations and training to Ecology staff and local partners. The timing and content of presentations and training will be determined through consultation with project clients and responsible staff and groups.

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    Organization and Schedule

    Table 5 lists the people involved in this project with their contact information, roles, and responsibilities. All are employees of the Washington State Department of Ecology. Table 5. Organization of project staff and responsibilities.

    Staff (all EAP unless noted otherwise) Role Responsibilities

    Paul J. Pickett MISU Statewide Coordination Section Phone: (360) 407-6882

    Project Manager/ Principal Investigator

    Writes the QAPP. Organizes, analyzes, and interprets data. Develops model and analyzes quality of data and model. Writes the draft report and final report.

    Karol Erickson MISU Statewide Coordination Section Phone: (360) 407-6694

    Unit Supervisor for the Project Manager

    Provides internal review of the QAPP. Approves the budget and approves the final QAPP.

    Will Kendra Statewide Coordination Section Phone: (360) 407-6698

    Section Manager for the Project Manager

    Reviews the project scope and budget. Tracks progress. Reviews the draft QAPP and approves the final QAPP.

    Bob Cusimano Western Operations Section Phone: (360) 407-6596

    Section Manager for the Study Area

    Reviews the project scope and budget. Tracks progress. Reviews the draft QAPP and approves the final QAPP.

    Doug Allen Bellingham Field Office (360) 715-5217

    Client, Ecology WRIA 1 Watershed Lead

    Clarifies scopes of the project. Provides internal review of the QAPP and approves the final QAPP. Serves as Ecology liaison between the Project Manager and the WRIA 1 Planning Unit.

    Bill Zachmann SEA Program Phone: (360) 407-6548

    Client, Statewide Watershed Coordinator

    Clarifies scopes of the project. Provides internal review of the QAPP and approves the final QAPP. Serves as liaison with Ecology WAG and SEA Program.

    Brad Hopkins Freshwater Monitoring Unit Western Operations Section Phone: (360) 407-6686

    Client, Manager of Ecology’s Statewide Flow Monitoring Network

    Clarifies scopes of the project. Provides internal review of the QAPP and approves the final QAPP.

    William R. Kammin Phone: (360) 407-6964

    Ecology Quality Assurance Officer

    Reviews the draft QAPP and approves the final QAPP.

    EAP - Environmental Assessment Program. MISU - Modeling and Information Support Unit. QAPP - Quality Assurance Project Plan. SEA - Shorelands and Environmental Assistance Program. WAG - Watershed Advancement Group.

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    As described above, updates to the WRIA 1 Planning Unit and any internal decision-making will be determined on an as-needed basis by the project manager and clients. Table 6 shows the schedule proposed for completing the reports for this study.

    Table 6. Author lead and proposed schedule for completing reports.

    Final report Author lead Paul Pickett Schedule

    Draft due to supervisor November 2009 Draft due to client/peer reviewer November 2009 Draft due to external reviewer(s) January 2010 Final report due on web April 2010

    Training and technology transfer will begin with the review of draft reports and will continue after the publication of the final report on an as-needed basis.

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    Curran, C.A. and T.D. Olsen, 2009. Estimating Low-Flow Statistics at Ungaged Sites and Evaluation of Streamflow Gaging Stations in Six Subbasins of the Nooksack River Basin, Washington (Draft). U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA. Ecology, 1985. Nooksack Instream Resources Protection Program (Water Resource Inventory Area 1). State Water Program, W.W.I.R.P.P. Series – No. 11. Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia, WA. (W.W.I.R.P.P stands for Western Washington Instream Resources Protection Program.) Ecology, 2007. Quality Assurance Monitoring Plan, Streamflow Gaging Network. Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia, WA. Publication No. 05-03-204. www.ecy.wa.gov/biblio/0503204.html. Helsel, D.R. and R.M. Hirsch, 1992. Statistical Methods in Water Resources. Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations of the United States Geological Survey, Book 4, Hydrologic Analysis and Interpretation, Chapter A3. http://pubs.usgs.gov/twri/twri4a3/. Hirsch, R.M., 1982. A Comparison of Four Streamflow Record Extension Techniques. Water Resources Research, Vol. 18, No. 4, Pages 1081-1088. August 1982. Hopkins, B., 2009. Personal communication. Supervisor, Freshwater Monitoring Unit, Western Operations Section, Environmental Assessment Program, Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia, WA. Lombard, S. and C. Kirchmer, 2004. Guidelines for Preparing Quality Assurance Project Plans for Environmental Studies. Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia, WA. Publication No. 04-03-030. www.ecy.wa.gov/biblio/0403030.html. Mathieu, N. and D. Sargeant, 2008. Quality Assurance Project Plan: Drayton Harbor Watershed Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load: Phase 1 Water Quality Study Design. Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia, WA. Publication No. 08-03-105. www.ecy.wa.gov/biblio/0803105.html. Pascual, P., N. Stiber, and E. Sunderland, 2003. Draft Guidance on the Development, Evaluation, and Application of Regulatory Environmental Models. Council for Regulatory Environmental Modeling. Office of Science Policy. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington D.C. Saltelli, A., S. Tarantola, and F. Campolongo, 2000. Sensitivity Analysis as an Ingredient of Modeling. Statistical Science, 2000. 15: 377-395. Sargent, R.G. 2000. Verification, Validation, and Accreditation of Simulation Models, Proceedings of the 2000 Winter Simulation Conference. J.A. Joines et al. (Eds).


  • Page 22

    USEPA, 2002. Quality Assurance Project Plans for Modeling. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington DC. Publication No. EPA QA/G-5M. USGS, 2001. Water-Quantity Analysis of Water Resources Inventory Area 1, Washington - Part 1, Data Assessment. U.S. Geological Survey, Tacoma, WA. http://wa.water.usgs.gov/projects/wria01/.


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    Figure 1. WRIA 1 basin boundaries (from: http://wria1project.whatcomcounty.org/ResourceLibrary/Maps/38.aspx).


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    Figure 2. WRIA 1 flow monitoring stations (Ecology active and historical, USGS active, 24 total).

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    Figure 3. Comparison of Water Year 2006 mean streamflows for WRIA 1 flow monitoring stations (Ecology active and historical, USGS active, 24 total).







    m S




    a Cr






    n Cr


    m C



    le C



    ile C




    n Cr






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    e Cr


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    er C








    k R …




    k R …

    SF N



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    k R

    SF N



    R @



    k R

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    k R

    @ N



    k R

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  • Page 27

    Figure 4. WRIA 1 regulatory flow control stations (30 total).

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    Appendix. Glossary, Acronyms and Abbreviations Glossary Areal flow: Surface water discharge per unit of watershed area, in units of length per time,

    for example inches per day. Baseflow: The component of total streamflow that originates from direct groundwater discharges

    to a stream. Parameter: A physical chemical or biological property whose values determine

    environmental characteristics or behavior. Streamflow: Discharge of water in a surface stream (river or creek). Acronyms and Abbreviations

    Acronyms and abbreviations used frequently in this report:

    EAP Environmental Assessment Program. Ecology Washington State Department of Ecology GIS Geographic Information System software RM River mile RPD Relative percent difference RSD Relative standard deviation SOP Standard operating procedures USGS U.S. Geological Survey USU Utah State University WAC Washington Administrative Code WMP Watershed Management Project WRIA Water Resources Inventory Area Units of measurement:

    cfs cubic feet per second, a unit of flow discharge cms cubic meters per second, a unit of flow discharge ft feet g gram, a unit of mass kcfs 1000 cubic feet per second kg kilograms, a unit of mass equal to 1,000 grams kg/d kilograms per day km kilometer, a unit of length equal to 1,000 meters l/s liters per second (0.03531 cubic foot per second) m meter mg million gallons mgd million gallons per day mg/d milligrams per day mg/Kg milligrams per kilogram (parts per million) mL milliliters

    Quality Assurance Project PlanList of Figures and TablesFiguresTables

    AbstractBackgroundOverview of the WatershedWatershed PlanningFlow GagesInstream Flow Rule

    Project DescriptionGoals and ObjectivesModel DevelopmentModel Quality AssessmentAccuracy AnalysisReliability AnalysisQuality Characterization

    Flow Gaging AssessmentProject Report and Public InvolvementTraining and Technology Transfer

    Organization and ScheduleReferencesFiguresAppendix. Glossary, Acronyms and AbbreviationsAcronyms and AbbreviationsUnits of measurement: