Nonprofit Capacity Building Roundtable May 11, 2012 Reno, Nevada Theme: Strategic Planning Session I – Creating Your Fundraising Plan with Linda Lysakowski Session 2 – Creating Your Marketing Plan: Cowboys Need Branding Too with Larry Devincenzi Continental Breakfast Sponsor Corporate Supporters

Nonprofit Capacity Building Roundtable Reno, Nevada …alliancefornevadanonprofits.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/... · ESPN, Grand Sierra Resort, NBC Sports, The Montage, Microsoft

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Nonprofit Capacity Building Roundtable May 11, 2012 Reno, Nevada

Theme: Strategic Planning

Session I – Creating Your Fundraising Plan with Linda Lysakowski Session 2 – Creating Your Marketing Plan: Cowboys Need Branding Too with Larry Devincenzi

Continental Breakfast Sponsor

Corporate Supporters

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Bios for Presenters ANN Nonprofit Capacity Building Roundtable

May 11, 2012 - Reno

Session 1

Creating Your Fundraising Plan Linda Lysakowski, ACFRE, President/CEO, CAPITAL VENTURE (ANN Sponsor)

Linda Lysakowski is one of fewer than one hundred professionals worldwide to hold the Advanced Certified Fund Raising Executive designation. In her nineteen years as a philanthropic consultant, she has managed capital campaigns; helped dozens of nonprofit organizations achieve their development goals, and has trained more than 22,000 professionals in Mexico, Canada, Egypt and most of the fifty United States, in all aspects of development. Linda is a graduate of Alvernia College in Reading, PA with majors in Banking and

Finance; Communications; and Theology/Philosophy. She is a graduate of AFP’s Faculty Training Academy and has received two AFP research grants. She is also a prolific writer and is currently working on several more books. Linda has received the Outstanding Fundraising Executive award from both the Eastern PA and the Las Vegas chapters of AFP (Association of Fundraising Professionals) and in 2006 was recognized internationally with the Barbara Marion Award for Outstanding Service to AFP. Linda is also a graduate of the Lay Ecclesial Ministry Program, Diocese of Las Vegas. She is an author. Her full length books include Recruiting and Training Fundraising Volunteers; The Development Plan; Fundraising as a Career: What, Are You Crazy?; Capital Campaigns: Everything You NEED to Know; Raise More Money from Your Business Community; The Fundraising Feasibility Study ( contributing author); The Essential Nonprofit Fundraising Handbook (co-author); YOU and Your Nonprofit (co-editor) and one novel, The Matriarch. Contact Info P: 866-539-9990

[email protected]


Continental Breakfast Sponsor (See Page 3 for Contact Info)

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Session 2

Creating Your Marketing Plan: Cowboys Need Branding Too Larry DeVincenzi, Creative Brand Marketing Strategist, Smart Brand

Larry DeVincenzi is a creative brand marketing strategist with more than 25 years of progressive leadership experience in both mature and high growth companies. He is recognized for his expertise at building business and rejuvenating brands by identifying the market opportunity, crafting a vision, developing core strategies, hiring and training talent, and leading high-performing teams. He excels at strategic marketing planning, brand repositioning, creative advertising, Internet and direct marketing, marketing communications, public relations, social media marketing, business development and account management. Larry has created successful brand platforms and projects for Fortune 500 and internationally recognized companies such as Caesars Palace, CommRow, Cox Communications, Discovery Channel, ESPN, Grand Sierra Resort, NBC Sports, The Montage, Microsoft Licensing, MGM Grand Hotel, Porsche Cars North America, Southwest Airlines and the Universities of Nevada in both Reno and Las Vegas. He has also provided consulting services for regional development organizations such as the Reno-Sparks Convention & Visitors Authority and the Northern Nevada Development Authority. His passion for giving back to his community is demonstrated through his continued work with the United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra, hosting Reno Green Drinks, and donating his time to promoting the arts through Burning Man’s Black Rock Arts Foundation. Larry has been recognized with over 75 national, regional and local awards for professional excellence including numerous Addy's, Telly's and Communication Arts design awards. He is a native of Reno, Nevada where he resides with his wife, Laurel and their three children. Contact Info

(775) 771-7004 [email protected] www.poweryourbrand.com Links to Web Portals for Larry DeVincenzi: SmartBrand: PowerYourBrand.com SmartBrand Blog SmartBrand YouTube Channel SmartBrand on Twitter Personal: Larry DeVincenzi on Twitter | Larry DeVincenzi on LinkedIn Larry DeVincenzi on Naymz | Larry DeVincenzi on Plaxo

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Continental Breakfast Sponsor

Melissa Davies is a Benefit Solutions Consultant and joined the Clark & Associates team in 2007. She handles over 75 accounts serving them with comprehensive insurance benefit solutions and specializes in medical, dental, vision, life, & disability insurance as well as long term care and voluntary benefits. The development of creative benefit solutions for employer groups of all sizes is Melissa’s specialty. Education & Qualifications Melissa holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Sciences from the University of Nevada,

Reno & is a licensed Health & Life insurance agent. She is a graduate of the Reno Sparks Chamber Leadership Program as well as the Washoe County Medical Society’s Mini-Internship Program. Boards & Committees

Northern NV Association of Health Underwriters Board of Directors

Bristlecone Family Resources Board of Directors

Reno Sparks Chamber Healthcare Forum Committee

Reno Sparks Chamber Leadership Alumni Committee

Nevada Mining Association Human Resources Committee

NNDA Healthcare Committee

Contact Info

Melissa Davies Benefit Solutions Consultant Clark & Associates of Nevada, Inc. 730 Sandhill Road, Suite 310 Reno, NV 89521 Office 775-828-7420 Ext. 202 Fax 775-828-7426 [email protected] Toll Free 888 505-1261 www.clarkandassoc.com

Session 1: Linda Lysakowski Roundtable – May 11, 2012


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Creating Your Fundraising Plan

Linda Lysakowski, ACFRE

May 11, 2012

Do You Have a Fundraising Plan?

• We have a written fundraising plan

• We do not have a written fundraising plan

• We have a plan but it needs work or is not being implemented

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Why Plan

• Set Realistic Goals

• Keep from Getting Sidetracked

• Measure Success

Where is Your Organization Now?

• Birth

• Youth

• Midlife

• Maturity

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Key Elements of the Plan

• Level of board commitment

• Technology available or budgeted

• Commitment to professional development

• Community awareness/relationships

• Diversity of funding streams

Fundraising Program

• The integrated development program—don’t put all your eggs in one basket

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Basic Elements

• Goals

• Objectives

• Strategies

• Action Steps

– Who is going to do it?

– How much will it cost/raise?

– When is it going to be done?

Who Should Be Involved in the Planning Process

• Development Staff

• Non Development Staff

• Board

• Development Committee

• Consultants

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Staff Role

• Development Staff

– Leadership

– Support Staff

• Non Development Staff



– Program Staff

The Board’s Role in the Development Plan

• The Development Officer and the Board

• Board Recruitment

• The Development Committee

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Assessing Current Fundraising Programs

• SWOT Analysis

• Budget

• Development Audit

• Philanthropic Profile Assessment

SWOT Analysis of Your Development Office

• Strengths

• Weaknesses

• Opportunities

• Threats

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The Process and the Product

Policies & Procedures

• Gift Acceptance


• Investment


• Recognition


• Office


Session 1: Linda Lysakowski Roundtable – May 11, 2012


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Moving Donors up the Donor Pyramid

Where the Money Is!

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The 95/5 Rule

• How much time are you spending (or wasting?) on the wrong things?

• How can you re-allocate your time to be more productive?

• How will spending time on the right things bring you better results?

Implementing and Evaluating the Plan

• Taking Ownership

• What Happens When It Falls Apart

• Measuring Success

• Reporting Success

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Why is it Important to Evaluate your Development Program?

• Funding sources expect more bang for their buck!

• Boards have greater expectations!

• Organizations often feel development is “dispensable.”

Do Your Program Outcomes Fall Within

Acceptable Standards?

• Acquisition Mailings $1.25-$1.50 per $1 raised

• Direct Mail Renewal $.20-.25 per $1 raised

• Special Events $.50 per $1 raised

• Foundation Proposals $.20 per $1 raised

• Personal Solicitations $.10-.20 per $1 raised

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Tools to Help

• Evaluation tool available at www.cvfundraising.com


• The plan isn’t written in stone, but neither should it be written in disappearing ink!

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Thank You


[email protected]

– www.cvfundraising.com

– Check out The Fundraiser’s Private Vault ™ and the Fundraiser’s Personal Muse™

Assessing Your Organization’s Philanthropic Profile

1. Does the organization have a Development Office?

2. Do experienced professionals staff the Development Office?

3. Does the development budget include money for professional development (membership

in professional organizations, conferences and workshops, books and periodicals, etc. for

the development staff?

4. Has the organization allocated a budget for a donor software system to manage

fundraising activities?

5. Do the organization’s staff members understand the importance of the development

function? Do staff members support the development office’s efforts?

6. Does the organization seek to hire development professionals that are certified (CFRE or

ACFRE, FAHP, etc.) or assist current staff in obtaining credentials?

7. Does the Chief Development Officer attend board meetings?

8. Is the board committed to development (do they give and get money for the


9. Is there a Development Committee on the Board?

10. Does a development officer staff this committee?

11. Is there clerical support for the Chief Development Officer?

12. Does the development staff act and look professional?

13. Is the Development Office in a prominent location and does it have a professional


14. Does the organization support the Donor Bill of Rights?

15. Is the organization aware of and supportive of the AFP Code of Ethical Standards?

16. Does the organization understand the importance of donor centered fundraising?

17. Does the organization understand that it takes time to establish a development program,

and that building relationships with donors is the key role of the development office?

18. Is the organization committed to work with consultants when it is appropriate to do so,

and not expect staff to manage major efforts such as a capital campaign?

19. Is the CEO involved in fundraising?

20. Are there volunteers involved in fundraising?

Give your organization 5 points for each “Yes” answer!

Session 2: Larry DeVincenzi Roundtable – May 11, 2012


Copyright © 2012 Alliance for Nevada Nonprofits 1

Cowboys Need Branding Too

Larry DeVincenzi Managing Partner & Brand Strategist

What is branding?

Branding is the strategic foundation of all your communications.


1. Analysis 2. Strategy 3. Standards 4. Marketing

Clearly define your brand BEFORE you begin outreach: Ready/Aim/Fire

Session 2: Larry DeVincenzi Roundtable – May 11, 2012


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Step 1: Analysis

How are you currently perceived?:

• Primary & Secondary Markets

• Key Influencers

• Market Trends

• Surveys (online/personal)

Start by clearly defining the current environment.

Step 1: Analysis

Next, Clearly Define (In Writing) Your Current:

• Target Market

• Existing Customers

• Brand Values

• Brand Personality

• SWOT: strengths | weaknesses |opportunities | threats

Session 2: Larry DeVincenzi Roundtable – May 11, 2012


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Step 1: Analysis

Current Brand Audit:

• Existing Touch Points

• Brand Consistency

• Brand History/Positioning

• Portfolio Analysis (for multiple brands)

Step 2: Strategy

Focusing Your Brand:

• Updated Brand Image

• Refreshed Personality

• Brand Promise/History

• Repositioned Values

Define your intended positioning and personality.

Session 2: Larry DeVincenzi Roundtable – May 11, 2012


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Step 2: Strategy

• Brand Identity / Personality • Brand Position • Market Position • Value Proposition

– Benefits – Psychographics / emotional drivers – Featured values

• Brand Architecture (if required for multiple brands)

Step 3: Standards

Brand Vocabulary

• Name

• Descriptor

• Tag line

• Domain Name(s)

• Copy style

• Keywords/Phrases

Session 2: Larry DeVincenzi Roundtable – May 11, 2012


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Step 3: Standards

Brand Visuals

• Logo

• Typeface(s)

• Layout styles

• Imagery (related graphics and photography)

Step 3: Standards

Digital Standards

• Website (inter/intranet)

• Blog (25 keywords/phrases)

• Newsletter (electronic and/or print)

• Social Media: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.!

• Audio signature(s)

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Step 3: Standards

Business Package

• Business cards

• Letterhead & envelope

• Note card

• Presentation folder

• Proposal/report cover

• Digital media labels (CD, DVD, etc.)

Step 3: Standards

• Event Strategies & Guidelines

• Advertising Strategies & Guidelines

• Signage Guidelines

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Step 4: Marketing

• Brand Transition (if required)

• Brand Education (internal)

• Media Campaigns (PR, Social,

Advertising, Online)

• Prospect/Lead Generation


With your brand’s personality clearly defined, integrate these key components:

Just The Start!

No “one size fits all” to the brand development process.

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Thank You

Larry DeVincenzi [email protected]

