Nonlinear Elliptic Systems and Mean Field Games * Martino Bardi and Ermal Feleqi Dipartimento di Matematica Universit` a di Padova via Trieste, 63 I-35121 Padova, Italy e-mail: [email protected] and [email protected] March 19, 2015 Abstract We consider a class of quasilinear elliptic systems of PDEs consisting of N Hamilton- Jacobi-Bellman equations coupled with N divergence form equations, generalising to N> 1 populations the PDEs for stationary Mean-Field Games first proposed by Lasry and Lions. We provide a wide range of sufficient conditions for the existence of solu- tions to these systems: either the Hamiltonians are required to be at most quadratic in the gradients, or they must grow faster than linearly and not oscillate too much in the space variables, in a suitable sense. We show the connection of these systems with the classical strongly coupled systems of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations of the theory of N -person stochastic differential games studied by Bensoussan and Frehse. We also prove the existence of Nash equilibria in feedback form for some N -person games. Keywords: Nonlinear elliptic systems, stochastic differential games, N-person games, Nash equilibria, Mean Field Games. 1 Introduction This paper deals with systems of partial differential equations of the following type L i v i + H i (x, Dv i )+ λ i = V i [m] in Q, L i * m i - div ( g i (x, Dv i )m i ) =0 in Q := T d , R Q m i (x)dx =1, m i > 0, R Q v i (x)dx =0, i =1,...,N, (1) * Partially supported by the Fondazione CaRiPaRo Project ”Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations: mod- els, analysis, and control-theoretic problems” and the European Project Marie Curie ITN ”SADCO - Sensitivity Analysis for Deterministic Controller Design”. The authors are members of the Gruppo Nazionale per l’Analisi Matematica, la Probabilit` a e le loro Applicazioni (GNAMPA) of the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica (INdAM). 1

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Nonlinear Elliptic Systems

and Mean Field Games∗

Martino Bardi and Ermal FeleqiDipartimento di Matematica

Universita di Padovavia Trieste, 63

I-35121 Padova, Italye-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]

March 19, 2015


We consider a class of quasilinear elliptic systems of PDEs consisting of N Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations coupled with N divergence form equations, generalising toN > 1 populations the PDEs for stationary Mean-Field Games first proposed by Lasryand Lions. We provide a wide range of sufficient conditions for the existence of solu-tions to these systems: either the Hamiltonians are required to be at most quadratic inthe gradients, or they must grow faster than linearly and not oscillate too much in thespace variables, in a suitable sense. We show the connection of these systems with theclassical strongly coupled systems of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations of the theory ofN -person stochastic differential games studied by Bensoussan and Frehse. We also provethe existence of Nash equilibria in feedback form for some N -person games.

Keywords: Nonlinear elliptic systems, stochastic differential games, N-person games, Nashequilibria, Mean Field Games.

1 Introduction

This paper deals with systems of partial differential equations of the following typeLivi +H i(x,Dvi) + λi = V i[m] in Q,

Li∗mi − div(gi(x,Dvi)mi

)= 0 in Q := Td,∫

Qmi(x)dx = 1, mi > 0,∫Q vi(x)dx = 0, i = 1, . . . , N,


∗Partially supported by the Fondazione CaRiPaRo Project ”Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations: mod-els, analysis, and control-theoretic problems” and the European Project Marie Curie ITN ”SADCO - SensitivityAnalysis for Deterministic Controller Design”. The authors are members of the Gruppo Nazionale per l’AnalisiMatematica, la Probabilita e le loro Applicazioni (GNAMPA) of the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica(INdAM).


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where the unknowns are the constants λ = (λ1, . . . , λN ), the functions v = (v1, . . . , vN )and the densities of probability measures m = (m1, . . . ,mN ), at least continuous on thed-dimensional torus Q := Td. The operators

Li := −tr(ai(x)D2), i = 1, . . . , N,

are second-order uniformly elliptic with Zd-periodic and Lipschitz coefficients ai(·), i.e., forsome ν, C > 0,

ai(x) ≥ νId, ai(x) = ai(x+ k) ∀k ∈ Zd, |ai(x)− ai(x+ y)| ≤ C|y| ∀x, y ∈ Rd, (2)

where Id is the identity d× d matrix, and

Li∗v := −∑h,k



are their formal adjoints. The Hamiltonians H i : Rd × Rd → R are Zd-periodic in x andsatisfy either one of the following sets of conditions.

C1. For all i = 1, . . . , N, H i = H i(x, p) is locally Lipschitz, superlinear in p uniformly in x,i.e.,

infx∈Q|H i(x, p)|/|p| → +∞ as |p| → ∞, (3)

and ∃θi ∈ (0, 1), C > 0, such that

tr(ai)DxHi · p+ θi(H i)2 ≥ −C|p|2 for |p| large, and for a.e. x ∈ Q. (4)

C2. For all i = 1, . . . , N , for some α ∈ (0, 1), H i is locally α-Holder continuous and growsat most quadratically

|H i(x, p)| ≤ C1|p|2 + C2 ∀x ∈ Q, p ∈ Rd, (5)

for some C1, C2 > 0, the so-called natural growth condition.

We denote by C(Q) the set of Zd-periodic continuous functions on Rd, by P (Q) the set ofprobability measures on Q endowed with the weak∗-topology of the dual C(Q)∗ of C(Q), andassume that the given operators V i : P (Q)N → C(Q) satisfy

V i[mn]→ V i[m] uniformly in Q for all mn → m, mn,m ∈ C(Q)N ∩ P (Q)N , (6)

and‖V i[m]‖C0,β(Q) ≤ C ∀m ∈ C(Q)N ∩ P (Q)N , (7)

where β = 1 if H i verifies condition C1 above, and β = α if condition C2 holds. Finally, weassume that

gi : Q× Rd → Rd are measurable, locally bounded, and continuous in p. (8)

Under the above conditions we show the existence of a solution λi ∈ R, vi ∈ C2,α(Q),mi ∈W 1,p(Q), for all 1 ≤ p <∞, i = 1, . . . , N , to the system (1), where α is the Holder exponentappearing in condition C2 on H i if such condition holds, and it is any number in (0, 1) if


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condition C1 is assumed instead. We do not address the uniqueness of the solution here. It isknown to hold if N = 1 under some additional conditions (in particular, some monotonicityof V i) introduced by Lasry and Lions [34, 36]. If N > 1 one may expect uniqueness onlyin some very special cases, see Cirant [21, 22] where Neumann boundary conditions are alsotreated.

There are two main motivations for studying systems of the form (1). The first is thetheory of stationary Mean Field Games (briefly, MFG) as formulated by J-M. Lasry, P-L.Lions [34, 36]. In fact, for N = 1, Li = −∆, H i = H smooth and gi = DpH, (1) reducesto the stationary MFG PDEs introduced and studied in [34, 36]. This is a model of theequilibrium distribution of a large population of identical agents whose dynamics is subject towhite noise and seeking to minimise a given individual cost functional. For N > 1 the system(1) with gi = DpH

i can be associated to Mean Field Games with N different populationsof players, see Section 3.6 and [21] for further motivations. Our assumptions allow a rathergeneral controlled dynamics for the generic agent of each population; in particular, conditionC2 on the Hamiltonians does not require any coercivity and allows the control set to bebounded, which in several applications can be more realistic than the model problem treatedin [34, 36], see Sections 3.3 and 3.4 for some examples. Mean-Field Games were also introducedindependently by Huang, Caines, and Malhame and studied by different methods [31, 32], seeSection 3.6.

The second motivation is the synthesis of Nash equilibria in feedback form for N -personstochastic differential games with cost functionals of ergodic type. This is usually based on thesolution of a strongly coupled system of N Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (briefly, HJB) equations,the system (42) in Section 3.1, following a classical observation of Friedman [25]. A systematicstudy of such nonlinear elliptic systems was pursued by Bensoussan and Frehse starting with[10], see [12] for problems with ergodic cost and their book [13] for more references. In[34, 36] Lasry and Lions propose instead a system of N HJB and N Kolmogorov-Fokker-Planck equations of the form (1) for games where the players are coupled only via the costfunctionals. An advantage of this system is the weaker coupling among the HJB equations.They give an existence result in the case Li = −νi∆, νi > 0, H i smooth, satisfying (3) and(4) with C = 0, and gi = DpH

i, and show how to synthesize a feedback Nash equilibriumfor the N -person game from the solution of such system. In Section 3.1 we show a moreprecise connection among the classical systems of [10, 12] and systems of the form (1), whichis related to the adjoint methods for Hamilton-Jacobi equation explored by Evans [23]. InSection 3 we also generalise the result in [34, 36] on the synthesis of the equilibrium and giveseveral examples of classes of differential games to which our abstract results apply.

We recall that the pioneering papers [34, 36] prove also the convergence, in a suitablesense, of N -person games to a Mean-Field Game with a single population as the number ofplayers tends to infinity. Some estimates of the present paper were used by Feleqi [24] toprove the same result in the case of several interacting populations and under more generalconditions.

The proof of the existence of solutions to (1) under condition C1 follows the suggestionin [34, 36] about getting a priori estimates for Dvi by the Bernstein method (see also [1],[37] and [38]). On the other hand, rather than relying on estimates for Bellman equations,we mostly use more classical local a priori estimates for linear equations. We also includedsome of their proofs for the reader’s convenience when we were not able to find an explicitreference in the literature, in the attempt to make the paper reasonably self-contained andreadable by a wide audience. The proof in this case allows some variants to conditions C1


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and C2 and can be adapted, for instance, to Hamiltonian behaving like |p1|+ |p2|γ , γ > 1, asp = (p1, p2) ∈ Rd1 × Rd2 tends to infinity, see Remark 2.4 and Example 3.9.

Under condition C2 the proof is different: we approximate the additive eigenvalue problem(1) with systems with zero-th order terms, as in Bensoussan and Frehse [11, 13], and for suchsystems we employ some deep estimates by Ladyzhenskaya and Uraltseva [33] and other toolsof the elliptic theory [27]. In this generality our results are new even in the scalar case N = 1.

We conclude with some bibliographical remarks. In [14] Bensoussan and Frehse alsoweaken the standard quadratic growth condition on the Hamiltonians but their results do notapply to our system. The difficulties arising from constraints on the controls were treated byMannucci [39] for parabolic equations. The existence of Nash equilibria for some stochastic N -person differential games was also proved by probabilistic methods, see, e.g., [18, 26] and thereferences therein. For a general presentations of Mean-Field Games and their applicationswe refer to the lecture notes by Gueant, Lasry, and Lions [30] and Cardaliaguet [19] and thesurvey paper by Gomes and Saude [29]. Evolutive MFG were first studied in [35, 36] and[31, 32]. The justification of stationary MFG via long-time asymptotics is in [20], extendedstationary MFG were studied in [28] and numerical methods in [2], see also the referencestherein. For other recent contributions on MFG see also the courses of P.-L. Lions at Collegede France, the monograph [15] and the two special issues of Dynamic Games and Applications[6, 7].

The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 contains the statements and proofs of theexistence results for (1) and for related systems with zero-th order terms arising from dis-counted infinite horizon problems. In Section 3 we describe the connections of the system(1) with N-person and Mean-Field games. We also apply the results of Section 2 to showthe existence of Nash equilibria for such games in the cases of long-time-average costs anddiscounted infinite horizon costs. Finally, the Appendix contains the proofs of some technicallemmas.

2 Existence of solutions to elliptic systems

We will use the notations tr b for the trace of a square matrix b, and a·b = tr abt, |b| := (b·b)1/2.The adjoint operator Li∗ will be interpreted in the sense of distributions:

< Li∗v, φ >=

∫QvLφdx ∀φ ∈ C∞(Q).

2.1 The additive eigenvalue problem

Theorem 2.1. Assume (2) and (8), H i satisfy condition C1, and V i verify (6) and (7) withβ = 1. Then there exist λ1, . . . , λN ∈ R, v1, . . . , vN ∈ C2,α(Q), m1, . . . ,mN ∈ W 1,p(Q), forall 0 < α < 1, 1 ≤ p <∞, which solve the system (1).

We need the following two lemmas for linear equations. We believe they are well-known,but for lack of a precise reference we give their proofs in the Appendix.

Lemma 2.2. LetL = −ahk(x)Dhk + bh(x)Dh


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be a second-order uniformly elliptic linear differential operator in Q = Td with coefficientsahk, bh, ∈ Cα(Q), h, k = 1, . . . , d, 0 < α < 1. Then, for any f ∈ Cα(Q), the problem

Lv + λ = f∫Q v(x)dx = 0


has a unique solution (v, λ) ∈ C2,α(Q)× R. Moreover,

|λ| ≤ ‖f‖∞, (10)

‖v‖C1,α(Q) ≤ C‖f‖∞, (11)

‖v‖C2,α(Q) ≤ C‖f‖Cα(Q) (12)

for some constant C > 0 which depends only on (the coefficients of) L.

Lemma 2.3. LetL = −ahk(x)Dhk, g : Q→ Rd

be a (symmetric) second-order uniformly elliptic linear differential operator in Q = Td withcoefficients ahk ∈ C0,1(Q), h, k = 1, . . . , d, and a bounded measurable vector field, respectively.Then the problem

L∗m− div(g(x)m) = 0∫Qm(x)dx = 1


has a unique solution m ∈W 1,p(Q) for all 1 ≤ p <∞. Moreover, m is positive and

‖m‖W 1,p(Q) ≤ C(‖g‖∞), (14)

for some constant C(‖g‖∞) which depends (continuously) on g only through ‖g‖∞ (and alsoon p and the coefficients ahk).

Proof of Theorem 2.1. The proof is based on Schauder’s fixed point theorem (see forinstance [41, Theorem 4.1.1, p. 25] or [27, Corollary 11.2, p. 280]) and on a priori estimatesfor the gradients of vi that are obtained by Bernstein’s method, as suggested in [34, 36].

We first assume, instead of (3) and (4), that the Hamiltonians are bounded, that is,

∃M > 0 such that |H i(x, p)| ≤M ∀i, x, p.


B =

u = (u1, . . . , uN ) ∈ (C1,α(Q))N :

∫Qudx = 0


which is a Banach space as a closed subspace of C1,α(Q)N . We define an operator

T : B → B,

according to the schemeu 7→ m 7→ (v, λ) 7→ v,

as follows. Given u = (u1, . . . , uN ) ∈ B, we plug it in place of v in the second N scalar linearequations of the system (1) and solve those equations for the unknowns m = (m1, . . . ,mN ),requiring that these unknowns satisfy conditions in the third line of (1). That these miNi=1


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exist, are uniquely defined and have the required properties, is a consequence of Lemma 2.3.Then, with these mi, we solve theN scalar linear equations obtained from the first equationsin (1) after plugging ui into H i in place of vi, i.e., by solving the N uncoupled linear equations

Livi +H i(x,Dui) + λi = V i[m]

for the unknowns v = (v1, . . . , vN ), λ = (λ1, . . . , λN ) ∈ RN . Since we require in additionthat the vi have zero mean, then v = (v1, . . . , vN ) ∈ C2,α(Q) and λ = (λ1, . . . , λN ) ∈ RN areuniquely defined, as a consequence of Lemma 2.2. We set Tu = v. By (10), (12), (14), anda standard embedding theorem, T is continuous and compact. Moreover, the C1,α-estimate(11) and the boundedness of H i and V i gives

‖v‖C1,α(Q) ≤ C

for some C > 0 independent of v; thus TB is bounded. Therefore, by Schauder’s fixed pointtheorem, T has a fixed point (in the convex hull of the closure of TB).

Now we turn to consider Hamiltonians H i that satisfy the assumptions of the theorem.We introduce the truncated Hamiltonians H i

R defined as follows

H iR(x, p) =

H i(x, p), if |p| ≤ R,

H i(x,R p


), if |p| > R,

x ∈ Q, p ∈ Rd, (15)

where the parameter R > 0 is to be fixed in the sequel sufficiently large. Let R1 > 0 be suchthat (4) is verified for all x ∈ Q, |p| ≥ R1. Then


((tr ai)DxH

iR · p+ θi(H i

R)2)≥ −C|p|2 for all R ≥ |p| ≥ R1 , (16)

with the same θi (i = 1, . . . , N) and C as in (4). Clearly the H iR are bounded and Lipschitz

continuous. So let λR1 , . . . , λRN ∈ R, vR1 , . . . , v

RN ∈ C2,α(Q), mR

1 , . . . ,mRN ∈ W 1,p(Q) (0 < α <

1, 1 ≤ p <∞) be a solution of (1) with H iR in the place of H i.

The crucial step of the proof is an a priori estimate for ‖DvRi ‖∞ uniform in R, obtainedby Bernstein’s method. We drop the indices i and R in the following estimates. Let w = Dvand ψ = (1/2)|w|2. We have these identities

Dψ = wD2v (17)

D2ψ =∑h

whD2wh + (D2v)2 (18)

Lψ = −a ·D2ψ = −∑h

wh(a ·D2wh)− a · (D2v)2. (19)

Let us assume temporarily that u is of class C3 and ahk, H, F are of class C1 (clearly thetruncation of H above could have been done smoothly). We apply to the first equations in (1)the operator w ·D and use (19), (17) to obtain

Lψ + a · (D2v)2 − δa ·D2v +DxH · w +DpH ·Dψ = G · w, (20)

whereδa := (δahk)h,k=1,...,d with δahk :=


Dlahkwl (21)


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and G is a function whose L∞-norm does not exceed a universal constant which does notdepend on v (recall the assumptions on operators V i). We use the following inequalities whichare simple consequences of Cauchy-Schwarz inequality: for any a, b symmetric matrices witha ≥ 0 and c, e ∈Md×mi

(a · b)2 ≤ (a · b2)tr a and (tr cetb)2 ≤ |e|2cct · b2. (22)

Assume that

a =1

2σσt, (23)

where the matrix σ(x) is Lipschitz; such a decomposition is always possible for a(x) is Lipschitzand its smallest eigenvalue (which is positive) is bounded away from zero uniformly for x ∈ Q.By (23) and (21) we have

δa = (δσ)σt.

Using this identity, the second of inequalities (22) and (23), we obtain

δa ·D2v ≤ |δσ|(σσt · (D2v)2


2|δσ|(a · (D2v)2

)1/2≤ εa · (D2v)2 +


2ε|δσ|2, (24)

for any 0 < ε < 1. On the other hand, using the first of inequalities (22) and the firstequations in (1), we have

(a · (D2v)2)tr a ≥ (a ·D2v)2 = (Lv)2

≥ (λ+H − V [m])2

≥ ωH2 − cω (25)

for any 0 < ω < 1 and a constant cω independent of R, The last inequality is obtained by theboundedness of operators V and constants λ. In fact, looking at the minima and maxima ofv in the first equations of (1) we obtain

|λ| ≤ supx∈Q

(|H(x, 0)|+ |V [m](x)|).

Multiplying (20) by tr a, and using (24), (25), we get

(tr a)(Lψ +DpHDψ +DxH · w) + (1− ε)ωH2 ≤ (tr a)

(G · w +



)+ cω

If we choose ε and ω such that (1 − ε)ω > θ, where θ is the constant appearing in (16),using (16) we get

(tr a)(Lψ +DpHDψ) + ((1− ε)ω − θ)H2 ≤ (tr a)

(G · w +



)+ C|w|2 + cω (26)

for R ≥ |w| > R1. At a maximum point of ψRi , (now we reintroduce i and R in order to avoidany possible confusion), say xiR, taking into account that |δσi| is at most linear in wRi , wehave

((1− εi)ωi − θi)(H iR)2(xiR, w

Ri (xiR)) ≤ C(|wRi (xiR)|2 + 1) (27)


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for some C > 0 (independent of R) and R ≥ |wRi (xiR)| ≥ R1. But by (3), the left-handside above is superlinear in |wRi (xiR)| and thus |wRi (xiR)| must be bounded by some constantindependent of R.

Thus, we have shown that‖DuRi ‖∞ ≤ R2 (28)

for some R2 > 0 independent of R > R1. So if take any R > maxR1, R2 in (15), we discoverthat λR1 , . . . , λ

RN ∈ R, vR1 , . . . , v

RN ∈ C2,α(Q), mR

1 , . . . ,mRN ∈W 1,p(Q) (0 < α < 1, 1 ≤ p <∞)

is also a solution of the original system of PDEs (1).To complete the proof under our general assumptions we observe that equation (20) still

holds a.e. in Rd. In fact u ∈ W 3,p, p > n (by classical elliptic regularity theory for linearequations), hence u is three times differentiable in the usual sense a.e. and also the coefficients,being Lipschitz continuous, are differentiable a.e. A sort of chain rule usable for our purposesholds by a result in [4], and the maximum principle to be used is that of [17]. Alternatively,and more simply, one can proceed by regularizing the data (aihk)1≤h,k≤d : i = 1, . . . , N,V i[m], for m ∈ P (Q)N , and H i, for i = 1, . . . , N , via smooth approximations to the identityρεε>0, ρεε>0 given by ρε(x) = ε−dρ1(x/ε) and ρε(x, p) = ρε(x)ρε(p) for all x ∈ Rd, p ∈ Rd,ε > 0, where ρ1 is some mollification kernel in Rd (that is, a nonnegative function of class C∞

with support in the unit ball B of Rd and∫B ρ1(z) dz = 1). Noting that ‖ρε ? aihk‖C1(Q) →

‖aihk‖C0,1(Q), ‖ρε ? V i[m]‖C1(Q) → ‖V i[m]‖C0,1(Q) and inf Dx(ρε ? Hi) → ess inf DxH

i as

ε→ 0 for all h, k, i, m ∈ P (Q)N , one deduces estimates of type (28) with R2 independent ofε for ε small enough.

Remark 2.4. (i) In dimension d = 1 condition (4) is not needed. Note that d2vidx2

is boundedfrom below if H i is bounded from below; since it has zero mean in (0, 1), it is bounded in L1

norm. Therefore dvidx is bounded.

(ii) Theorem 2.1 still holds if (3) is weakened to

∃νi > 0 such that lim inf|p|→∞

infx∈Q |H i(x, p)||p|

= νi > 0, (29)

provided that we substitute (4) with the stronger condition: ∃θi, ηi ∈ (0, 1) such that

lim inf|p|→∞



(θi(tr a)DxH

i · p+ (1− θi)θiηi(H i)2 − |p|2 (tr ai)|Dσi|2


)≥ 0, (30)

where ai = (1/2)σσt, Dσi = (Dσihk) is a matrix (whose entries are vectors) and |Dσi|2 =∑h,k |Dσihk|2. To see this take εi = θi in (24), multiply (26) by θi and choose ωi in (25)

so that ωi > ηi. Let s > 0, Rs > 0 be such that the quantity under the lim inf sign in theleft-hand side of (30) is > −s for all |p| ≥ Rs. Noting that |δσi| ≤ |Dσi||wRi |, we deduce

(ωi − ηi)(1− θi)θi(H iR)2(xiR, w

Ri (xiR))− s|wRi (xiR)|2 ≤ C(|wRi (xiR)|+ 1)

for some C > 0 (independent of R and s) and for R ≥ |wRi (xiR)| ≥ Rs. Now if we choose s > 0so small that s < νi(ωi − ηi)(1 − θi)θi, by (29) we find that |wRi (xiR)| is bounded uniformlyin R.

(iii) The arguments of the proof of Theorem 2.1, with some obvious modifications, provealso the solvability of the problem

Lv + λ+H(x,Dv) = 0


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for the unknowns v ∈ C2(Q), λ ∈ R, where L satisfies (2) and the Hamiltonian H is locallyLipschitz continuous and satisfies (3) and (4) or, alternatively, any condition mentioned inthe remarks above. This result is known for Dirichlet and Neumann boundary value problemswith H satisfying similar conditions, see [37]. If L is degenerate elliptic the existence of aviscosity solution v ∈ C0,1(Q) can be found in [38].

These existence results for (1), under condition C1, may be interpreted as follows. TheHamiltonians H i can grow arbitrarily provided that they “do not oscillate too much in x”which rigorously means that they should satisfy the technical condition (4). On the otherhand, if the Hamiltonians have at most quadratic growth as in condition C2 of the Introduc-tion, the so called natural growth condition, we do not need any additional assumption of theaforementioned type in order to ensure existence. Indeed, we have the following result.

Theorem 2.5. Assume (2) and (8), H i satisfy condition C2, and V i verify (6) and (7) withβ = α. Then there exist λ1, . . . , λN ∈ R, v1, . . . , vN ∈ C2,α(Q), m1, . . . ,mN ∈ W 1,p(Q), forall 1 ≤ p <∞, which solve the system (1).

The proof is obtained as a limit in a system of equations with zero-th order terms, basedon Theorem 2.6, and it is therefore postponed to the next section.

2.2 Equations with zero-th order terms

Theorem 2.6. Assume (2) and (8), H i satisfy condition C2, and V i verify (6) and (7)with β = α. Let ρ1, . . . , ρN be positive constants. Then there exist v1, . . . , vN ∈ C2,α(Q),m1, . . . ,mN ∈W 1,p(Q), for all 1 ≤ p <∞, i = 1, . . . , N , which solve

Livi +H i(x,Dvi) + ρivi = V i[m] in Q,

Li∗mi − div(gi(x,Dvi)mi

)= 0 in Q,∫

Qdmi(x)dx = 1, mi > 0, i = 1, . . . , N,


For the proof we need the following lemma which is proved in the Appendix.

Lemma 2.7. LetL = −ahk(x)Dhk + bh(x)Dh + c(x)

be a second-order uniformly elliptic linear differential operator in Q = Td with coefficientsahk, bh, c ∈ Cα(Q), h, k = 1, . . . , d, 0 < α < 1. Assume also that c > 0. Then, for anyf ∈ Cα(Q), the equation

Lv = f (32)

has one and only one solution v ∈ C2,α(Q). Moreover, for some constant C > 0 whichdepends only on (the coefficients of) L,

‖v‖C2,α(Q) ≤ C‖f‖Cα(Q). (33)

Proof of Theorem 2.6. We define an operator

T : C1,α(Q)N → C1,α(Q)N ,


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u 7→ m 7→ v,

in the following way. Given u = (u1, . . . , uN ), we solve the second N equations in (31) with uiplugged into gi in place of vi and with the corresponding normalisation conditions, and findm = (m1, . . . ,mN ). With these mi and the ui plugged into the Hamiltonians H i, i = 1, . . . , N,in place of vi we solve the first N linear equations of (31), that is,

Livi + ρivi +H i(x,Dui) = V i[m], i = 1, . . . , N (34)

and find v = (v1, . . . , vN ) ∈ C2,α(Q)N . This is possible in virtue of Lemma 2.7. We setTu = v.

It is standard to verify that T : C1,α(Q) → C1,α(Q), u → Tu is continuous and com-pact. By Schaefer’s version of Leray-Schauder theorem (see [41, Theorem 4.3.2, p 29] or [27,Theorem 11.3, p. 280]), we need only look at the set of the fixed points of the operators sT ,0 ≤ s ≤ 1, that is,

u ∈ C1,α(Q)N : sTu = u for some 0 ≤ s ≤ 1, (35)

and prove that it is bounded in C1,α(Q)N .To prove such an estimate first note that if u = sTu for some 0 ≤ s ≤ 1, then

‖ui‖C(Q) =s


(|H i(x, 0)|+ |F i(x)|) ≤ C

for some C > 0 independent of u and s, as can be seen by looking at the extrema of uiwhich satisfies equation (34) with ui = vi and H i, F i multiplied by s. We combine thiswith a classical a priori interior estimate for the gradients of solutions of elliptic quasilinearequations [33, Theorem 3.1, p. 266] to get

‖ui‖C1(Q) ≤ C

for some C > 0 independent of u and s. Here we are using the growth assumption (5)and assuming temporarily that the leading coefficients of the quasilinear equation are ofclass C1. This additional condition can be removed by approximation because the estimatesdepend only on the L∞-norm of the derivatives of the coefficients and not on their modulusof continuity. The last estimate combined with [27, Theorem 8.32, p. 210] yields

‖ui‖C1,α(Q) ≤ C

for some C > 0 again independent of u and s. Thus T has at least one fixed point.

Proof of Theorem 2.5. Let vρ1 , . . . , vρN ∈ C2,α(Q), mρ

1, . . . ,mρN ∈ W 1,p(Q) (1 ≤ p < ∞,

i = 1, . . . , N) be a solution of (31) with ρi = ρ > 0. Let < vρi >=∫Q v

ρi dx be the mean of

vρi . The crucial observation is that

‖vρi− < vρi > ‖∞ ≤ C

for some C > 0 independent of ρ, which can be shown by using the techniques of [11]. Thenit is not difficult to complete the proof by showing that there exists a sequence ρn → 0 suchthat

(vρni − < vρni >, ρnvρni , mρn

i )→ (vi, λi, mi) in C2(Q)× C(Q)× C(Q),

where (vi, λi, mi), i = 1, . . . , N, is a solution of (1).

Remark 2.8. An alternative existence result for the system (31) can be stated under condi-tion C1 instead of C2 if (7) holds with β = 1. This requires only a slight modification of theproof of Theorem 2.1.


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3 Stochastic differential games

As an application of the previous results, in this section we show the existence of Nashequilibria for a class of N -person stochastic differential games with infinite horizon, such thatthe state of each player evolves independently from the states of the other players and theonly coupling comes through the costs. Games of this type arise in many engineering andeconomic problems [31, 32, 36].

Consider a control system driven by the stochastic differential equations

dXit = f i(Xi

t , αit)dt+ σi(Xi

t)dWit , Xi

0 = xi ∈ Rd, i = 1, . . . , N (36)

where W it Ni=1 are N independent Brownian motions in Rd, d ≥ 1, Ai ⊆ Rm are closed,

f i : Rd ×Ai → Rd σi : Rd → Rd×d

are continuous, Zd-periodic and Lipschitz continuous in x uniformly in α, the matrix σi(x)is nonsingular for any value of x, αit is an admissible control of the i-th player, that is, astochastic process taking values in Ai and adapted to W i

t . In view of the assumed periodicityin xi of all data we will often consider functions as defined on Q = Td.

3.1 N-person games with long-time-average cost

Consider a game where the i-th player seeks to minimize the long-time-average or ergodiccost

J i(X,α1, . . . , αN ) := lim infT→+∞



[∫ T


t , αit) + F i(X1

t , . . . , XNt )dt

], (37)

where X = (x1, . . . , xN ) is the initial position of the system (36). On the cost of the i-thplayer (37) we assume

Li : Q×Ai → R continuous, (38)

F i : QN → R β-Holder continuous (39)

for some β ∈ (0, 1). Define

Hi(xi, p, α) := −p · f i(xi, α)− Li(xi, α), H i(xi, p) := supα∈Ai

Hi(xi, p, α), p ∈ Rd, (40)

and suppose the sup is attained in the definition of H i for all xi, p. Moreover, set

ai := σi(σi)t/2, Li := −ai ·D2. (41)

Following the classical theory initiated by Friedman [25] and continued by Bensoussan andFrehse [10, 12, 13], we look at the Nash equilibria for the maximization of the pre-Hamiltonianswith parameters xj , pj ∈ Rd, j = 1, . . . , N , namely,

P i(α1, . . . , αN ) := −N∑j=1

f j(xj , αj) · pj − Li(xi, αi).

Clearly (α1, . . . , αN ) is a Nash equilibrium for the static game with payoffs P 1, . . . , PN if andonly if αi ∈ argmaxαiHi(xi, pi, αi) and the value of P i at the equilibrium is

P i(α1, . . . , αN ) = H i(xi, pi)−∑j 6=i

f j(xj , αj) · pj .


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Therefore the system of Bellman equations of ergodic type [12, 13] associated to the gameconsidered here is

∑Nj=1 Ljvi +H i(xi, Dxivi) + λi = F i(X) +

∑j 6=i f

j(xj , αj) ·Dxjvi in RdN ,

αi ∈ argmaxαiHi(xi, Dxivi, αi), i = 1, . . . , N,


where the unknowns are the constants λi and the functions vi(X), i = 1, . . . , N . Note thatthis system is strongly coupled via the terms f j(xj , αj) on the right hand side of the equationfor vi, because αj depends on Dxjvj .

Assume there exist functions αi : Rd × Rd → Ai such that

αi(x, p) is a maximum point for α→ Hi(x, p, α) ∀x, p, (43)

αi is locally Lipschitz and Zd − periodic in x, (44)

and definegi(x, p) = −f i(x, αi(x, p)), i = 1, . . . N. (45)

Making this choice in (42) we get


Ljvi +H i(xi, Dxivi) +∑j 6=i

gj(xj , Dxjvj) ·Dxjvi + λi = F i(X) in RdN , (46)

i = 1, . . . , N . By a classical verification argument [12], if (vi, λi) ∈ C2(TdN )×R, i = 1, . . . , N ,is a solution, then αi(·, Dxivi(·)), i = 1, . . . , N , is a Nash equilibrium feedback. More precisely,if one solves the stochastic differential equation

dXit = f i(Xi

t , αi(Xi

t , Dxivi(Xt)))dt+ σi(Xit)dW

it , Xi

0 = xi ∈ Rd, i = 1, . . . , N. (47)

then αit := αi(Xit , Dxivi(Xt)), i = 1, . . . , N , is a Nash equilibrium for the cost functionals

(37), and λi, i = 1, . . . , N , are the values of the game corresponding to such equilibrium.We want to derive from (46) a different system of elliptic equations of the form (1) from

which we can still synthesize a Nash equilibrium feedback. We follow an idea introduced byLasry and Lions in the seminal paper [34]. Given a solution of (46) consider the equilibriumprocess defined by (47). Let us assume that

Dxivi depends only on xi for all i. (48)

Then the equations in (47) are decoupled and each of them defines a non-degenerate diffusionXit on the torus Td, which has a unique ergodic invariant measure with density mi. It is

known that each mi ∈ C2(Td) solves the Kolmogorov-Fokker-Planck equation

Li∗mi − divxi(gi(xi, Dxivi)mi

)= 0,

∫Qmi(x)dx = 1, i = 1, . . . , N, (49)

where Li∗ is the formal adjoint of Li.The next result exploits the adjoint structure of (46) and (49) to prove that multiplying

the i-th equation in (46) by∏j 6=imj(x

j) and integrating over QN−1 with respect to dxj , j 6= i,we arrive at

Livi +H i(x,Dvi) + λi = V i[m] in Rd, (50)


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V i[m](x) =


F i(x1, . . . , xi−1, x, xi+1, . . . , xN )∏j 6=i

mj(xj)dxj . (51)

Note that (39) implies (7) for such V i and then it is easy to see that also (6) holds.

Proposition 3.1. Assume (vi, λi) ∈ C2(TdN )× R, i = 1, . . . , N , is a solution of (46) satis-fying (48) and m1, . . . ,mN solve (49). Then, for all i, x 7→ vi(x

1, . . . , xi−1, x, xi+1, . . . , xN )solves (50) for all x1, . . . , xN .

Proof. Multiply the i-th equation in (46) by∏j 6=imj(x

j) and integrate over QN−1 with

respect to dxj , j 6= i. Observe that, for k 6= i, integrating by parts with respect to xk we get∫QN−1

(Lkvi + gk(xk, Dxkvk) ·Dxkvi

)∏j 6=i

mj(xj)dxj =∫



(Lk∗mk − divxk

(gk(xk, Dxkvk)mk


∏j 6=i,k

mj(xj)dxj .

Then (49) gives ∫QN−1

∑j 6=i

(Ljvi + gj(xj , Dxjvj) ·Dxjvi

)∏j 6=i

mj(xj)dxj = 0.

On the other hand, using the assumption (48) and∫Qmj(x)dx = 1, we also have∫


(Livi +H i(xi, Dvi) + λi

)∏j 6=i

mj(xj)dxj = Livi +H i(xi, Dvi) + λi.

Now considering again the i-th equation in (46) multiplied by∏j 6=imj(x

j) and integrated

over QN−1 with respect to dxj , j 6= i, and plugging into it the last two identities, we get thatvi restricted to the variable xi solves (50) with V i given by (51).

Remark 3.2. If the maximum point αi(x, p) of Hi(x, p, ·) is unique, then H i is differentiablewith respect to p and DpH

i(x, p) = −f i(x, αi(x, p)) = gi(x, p). Then the resulting system ofHJB-KFP equations can be written in the same form as in the Lasry-Lions papers [34, 36],namely,

Livi +H i(x,Dvi) + λi = V i[m] in Q,

Li∗mi − div(DpH


)= 0 in Q,∫

Qdmi(x)dx = 1, mi > 0,∫Qd vi(x)dx = 0, i = 1, . . . , N.


These notations also show that the KFP equations are the linearizations of the HJB equationsaround their solution v1, . . . , vN .

From the theory of the previous section we get the following existence result.

Corollary 3.3. In addition to (2) and the assumptions of this section suppose that H i satisfyeither condition C1 or condition C2. Then there exist λ1, . . . , λN ∈ R, v1, . . . , vN ∈ C2(Q),m1, . . . ,mN ∈ W 1,p(Q), 1 ≤ p < ∞, which solve (1) with V i and gi given by (51) and (45),respectively.


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3.2 Synthesis of Nash equilibria

Next we prove a verification result that produces Nash feedback equilibria for the N -persondifferential game from any solution of the HJB-KFP system of PDEs. We recall that afeedback for the i-th player is a Lipschitz map αi : Rd → Ai that generates a process Xi


solving dXit = f i(Xi

t , αi(Xi


t)dWit , X

i0 = xi, and an admissible control αit = αi(Xi

t).As usual, when we plug a feedback in the functional J i we mean its associated admissiblecontrol. A Nash equilibrium of the N -person game of Section 3.1 for the initial positionX = (x1, . . . , xN ) is a vector of admissible controls (α1, . . . , αN ) such that

J i(X,α1, . . . , αi−1, αi, αi+1, . . . , αN ) ≥ J i(X,α1, . . . , αN ) for all αi admissible control.

Theorem 3.4. Let λi, vi,mi, i = 1, . . . , N be a solution of the system (1) as in the precedingCorollary 3.3. Then

αi(x) := αi(x,Dvi(x)), x ∈ Rd, i = 1, . . . , N, (53)

define a feedback which is a Nash equilibrium for all initial positions X ∈ QN of the controlsystem (36). In addition, for each X = (x1, . . . , xN ),

λi = J i(X,α1, . . . , αN ) = lim infT→+∞



[∫ T


it, α

i(Xit)) + F i(X

1t , . . . , X

Nt )dt

], (54)

where Xit is the process associated to the feedback αi with X

i0 = xi.

Proof. We follow the outline of proof in [34, 36]. Let us first check (54). The processes

Xit are independent diffusions on the torus, so each of them has a unique ergodic invariant

measure, which must be mi, see Chapter 3, Section 3 of [16] or [3]. Then the joint process

(X1t , . . . , X

Nt ) is ergodic with invariant measure


i), and therefore the right handside of (54) is

J i(X,α1, . . . , αN ) =

∫QLi(x, αi(x))dmi(x) +


F i(x1, . . . , xN )N∏j=1


On the other hand, the Ito-Dynkin formula gives


iT )− vi(xi)

]= E

[∫ T



t, Dvi(Xit)) ·Dvi(X

it)− Livi(X


]By (43) and (45)

gi(x, p) · p = H i(x, p) + Li(x, α(x, p)),

so the HJB equation (50) implies


iT )− vi(xi)


λiT − E

∫ T


it, α

i(Xit)) +


F i(x1, . . . , xi−1, Xit, x

i+1, . . . , xN )∏j 6=i



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We divide by T and let T → ∞. The left-hand side vanishes, whereas the right hand sidetends to λi − J i(X,α1, . . . , αN ) , which proves (54).

Next we check that the feedback law (53) defines a Nash equilibrium. We change thecontrol of the i-th player into an arbitrary admissible control αit and get



iT )− vi(xi)




[∫ T


(f i(Xi

t , αit) ·Dvi(Xi

t)− Livi(Xit))dt


≥ λi −1


∫ T


t , αit) +


F i(x1, . . . , xi−1, Xit , x

i+1, . . . , xN )∏j 6=i


.By the ergodicity of the joint process (X

1t , . . . , X

i−1t , Xi

t , Xi+1t , . . . , X

Nt ) the last term on the

right-hand side tends to J i(X,α1, . . . , αi−1, αi, αi+1, . . . , αN ) as T →∞, and then

J i(X,α1, . . . , αi−1, αi, αi+1, . . . , αN ) ≥ λi = J i(X,α1, . . . , αN )

for all X ∈ QN .

3.3 Examples with unconstrained controls

In this section we consider Ai = Rd for all i and the system affine in the control, i.e.,

f i(x, α) = ϕi(x) +d∑


αkfik(x) = ϕi(x) + Φi(x)α, (55)

where Φi is a square matrix whose columns are the vector fields f ik, k = 1, . . . , d, and allvector fields are Lipschitz in Q. Then

H i(x, p) := −p · ϕi(x) + supα∈Rd−p · Φi(x)α− Li(x, α).

Assume Li is β-Holder in x, uniformly as α varies in any bounded subset, and



Li(x, α)/|α| = +∞. (56)

Then the sup in the definition of H i is attained and

H i(x, p) = Li∗ (x,−Φi(x)tp

)− p · ϕi(x), Li

∗(x, q) := max

α∈Rdq · α− Li(x, α), (57)

i.e., Li∗(x, ·) is the convex conjugate of Li(x, ·). Moreover H i is locally Lipschitz in p and

β-Holder in x. Now the other conditions of the existence theorems for the elliptic system andof the verification Theorem 3.4 can be checked on the last expression of H i.

Example 3.5. If for a γ > 0Li(x, α) ≥ γ(|α|2 − 1),

then Li∗(x, q) ≤ |q|2/γ + γ and

|H i(x, p)| ≤ C(1 + |p|2), ∀x ∈ Q, p ∈ Rd.

Therefore H i satisfy condition C2 and Theorems 2.5 and 2.6 can be used. If (43) and (44)hold, then all the assumptions of Corollary 3.3 and Theorem 3.4 are verified.


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It remains to check the conditions (43) and (44) on the existence of a Lipschitz argmaxfor the Hamiltonians. A sufficient condition for them is that Li be differentiable with respectto α and DαL

i(x, ·) be invertible (a fact related to the strict convexity of Li in α) and locallyLipschitz. Then the sup in the definition of H i is attained at a unique value

αi(x, p) = (DαLi)−1



which is a locally Lipschitz function of x and p. Next we give two examples where we caneasily check all the conditions for the existence of a feedback Nash equilibrium and give aformula for it.

Example 3.6. ConsiderLi(x, α) = αtBi(x)α,

with positive definite matrices Bi(x) Lipschitz in Q, and the affine system (55). Then

Li∗(x, q) = qtBi(x)−1q/4,

so H i grows at most quadratically in p and satisfies condition C2. Moreover

αi(x, p) = −1


verifies (43) and (44), so Remark 3.2 and Theorem 3.4 apply and the Nash equilibriumfeedback is linear in p = Dvi.

If H i do not satisfy the natural growth condition (5) we must check condition C1. Byassumption (56) Li

∗is superlinear in q, so if the matrix Φi(x) is nonsingular also H i is

superlinear in p, i.e., it satisfies (3). The technical condition (4) is harder to check in generalbut can be easily seen in the next model problem.

Example 3.7. Consider

Li(x, α) = ci(x)|α|γ


for some Lipschitz ci > 0 and γ > 1, and the affine system (55) with Φi(x) nonsingular forall x. Then

Li∗(x, q) = ci(x)1/(1−γ)|q|γ/(γ−1)γ − 1


so we can compute DxHi by (57) and see that (4) is satisfied for any choice of θi > 0. If,

moreover, F i are Lipschitz, V i defined by (51) verify (7) with β = 1, Then Theorem 2.1applies to this case with gi given by (45). Moreover

αi(x, p) = ci(x)1/(1−γ)|q|(2−γ)/(γ−1)q, q = −Φi(x)tp,

satisfies (43) and (44), so also Remark 3.2 and Theorem 3.4 apply.


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3.4 Examples with constrained controls

Assume first that the vector fields f i have the general form described at the beginning ofSection 3 with all control sets Ai bounded, and (38), (39) hold. Then the Hamiltoniansdefined by (40) satisfy

|H i(x, p)| ≤ C(1 + |p|), ∀x ∈ Q, p ∈ Rd,

so the sub-quadratic growth condition (5) holds. If Li is β-Holder in x, condition C2 isverified. Then, assuming (43) and (44), all the assumptions of Corollary 3.3 and Theorem 3.4are verified.

The next is a simple example where the argmax of the Hamiltonians is a singleton andverifies (44).

Example 3.8. Consider the system

f i(x, α) = ϕi(x)− α, Ai = α ∈ Rd : |α| ≤ Ri, ∀ i,

with ϕi Lipschitz, Ri > 0, and the costs

Li(x, α) = ci(x)|α|2


for some Lipschitz ci > 0. Then

H i(x, p) = max|α|≤Ri

p · α− ci(x)



− p · ϕi(x)


|p|2/(2ci(x))− p · ϕi(x), if |p| ≤ Rici(x),

Ri|p| − ci(x)R2i /2− p · ϕi(x), if |p| > Ric



αi(x, p) =

p/ci(x), if |p| ≤ Rici(x),

Rip/|p|, if |p| > Rici(x)

satisfies (43) and (44). Also Remark 3.2 applies and we have again an explicit formula forthe Nash equilibrium feedback. Note that H i is unbounded from below if ‖ϕi‖∞ > Ri, inparticular it does not satisfy the coercivity condition (29).

Note also that we can restrict further Ai to controls such that some components are null,say αk = 0 for k = 1, . . . , d1, d1 ≤ d. Then the Hamiltonian is linear with respect to pk,k = 1, . . . , d1, but it still satisfies the assumptions of Corollary 3.3 and Theorem 3.4.

In the last example some controls are bounded and the others are unconstrained; theHamiltonians satisfy neither condition C1 nor C2, but a solution of the system (1) exists byRemark 2.4 (ii).

Example 3.9. Take d1, d2 ≥ 0 and such that d1 + d2 = d. Consider the system

f i(x, α) = ϕi(x)− α, Ai = (α1, α2) ∈ Rd1 × Rd2 : |α1| ≤ Ri,∀ i,

with ϕi Lipschitz, Ri > 0, and the costs

Li(x, α) = ci|α1|2




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for ci > 0 and γ > 1. We write p = (p1, p2) ∈ Rd1 × Rd2 and find that for |p1| > Rici the

Hamiltonian is

H i(x, p) = Ri|p1|+ (γ − 1)|p2|γ/(γ−1)

γ− p · ϕi(x)− ciR



so neither the superlinearity condition (3) nor the quadratic growth (5) are satisfied if γ > 2.Denote ϕi = (ϕi1, ϕ

i2) ∈ Rd1 × Rd2 and x = (x1, x2) ∈ Rd1 × Rd2 . Then H i verifies the

coercivity condition (29) if ‖ϕi1‖∞ < Ri. Moreover, H i satisfies also (30) if Ri is large enoughwith respect to ‖Dx1ϕ

i1‖∞ and ‖Dσi‖∞, as it is easy to check (for instance, (30) holds for

any Ri > 0 if σi is constant and Dx1ϕi1 = 0). By the calculations in the examples 3.7 and 3.8

also (43) and (44) hold true. Therefore, by Remark 2.4 (ii), the conclusions of Corollary 3.3and Theorem 3.4 hold in this case as well.

3.5 A class of N-person games with discounted costs

Consider again the controlled stochastic dynamics (36) with the same assumptions on theregularity and periodicity of the drifts f i and diffusions σi, i = 1, . . . , N . For any set ofcontrols (αi)Ni=1, the corresponding solution processes Xi

t , i = 1, . . . , N , are ergodic withinvariant measures mi(x) = mi(x;αi), x ∈ Q, see, e.g., [16, Theorem 3.2., p. 373]. The sameis true for the joint process Xt = (Xi

t , . . . , XNt ) with invariant measure


i).Each player i seeks to minimize the discounted cost functional

J iρi(X,α1, . . . , αN ) = E

[∫ ∞0


t , αit) + V i[m](Xi


]. (58)

Here Li, V i, i = 1, . . . , N , are the same as in (38), (51), respectively, and ρi > 0 is thediscount rate of the i-th player. Note that only the state of the i-th player appears explicitlyin the cost, whereas the states of the other players influence it only through their invariantmeasure.

In order to find Nash points we are led to the following Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman systemof PDEs.

Livi + ρivi +H i(x,Dvi) = V i[m]

Li∗mi − div(gi(xi, Dvi)mi

)= 0 in Q,∫

Qmi(x)dx = 1, mi > 0, i = 1, . . . N,


where Li, H i are given by (41), (40), respectively, we assume (43), (44), and define as beforegi by (45).

Under the assumptons of Theorem 2.6 there exists a solution v1, . . . , vN ∈ C2(Q), m1, . . . ,mN ∈W 1,p(Q), 1 ≤ p < ∞ to (59). Then a verification theorem similar to Therorem 3.4 gives theexistence of feedback Nash equilibria for this game.

Proposition 3.10. Let ρ1, . . . , ρN > 0 be given discount rates. For any solution vρ1

1 , . . . , vρN

N ∈C2(Q), m1, . . . ,mN ∈ W 1,p(Q), 1 ≤ p < ∞, of the system (59), the feedback law αi(x) :=


i (x), i = 1, . . . , N , provides a Nash equilibrium for all initial positions X ∈ QN .Moreover, for each X = (xi)Ni=1 ∈ QN ,


i (xi) = J iρi(X,α1, . . . , αN ) = E

[∫ ∞0


it, α

i(Xit)) + V i[m](X


], (60)


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where Xit is the solution of (36) associated to the feedback αi.

The theorem applies to all the examples of systems and running costs Li presented in thepreceding sections 3.3 and 3.4.

3.6 Stationary Mean-Field Games

For N = 1 the system of PDEs (1) is associated to a stationary Mean-Field Game if theHamiltonian has the form (40) related to the vector field g by (45). For N > 1 it is related toMean-Field Games involving N distinct homogeneous populations of agents. Each populationhas a large number of identical players, and each of the players has a controlled nonlineardynamics affected by white noise and seeks to minimise his individual cost functional (thewithe noises of different agents are independent). The function mi in system (1) describesthe density of the distribution of the i-th population.

For MFG models V i typically has the form Gi(x,Ki1∗m1, . . . ,K

iN ∗mN ) with Ki

j Lipschitz

kernels on Q and Gi : Q × RN → R locally Lipschitz, so that the general conditions of theIntroduction are satisfied. If the Hamiltonians H i and the vector fields gi are, respectively, ofthe form (40) and (45) of Section 3.1, we have existence of a solution λi, vi,mi, i = 1, . . . , N ,to (1) under the same assumptions of Corollary 3.3, but with V i verifying (7) with β = 1under condition C1 and β = α under condition C2.

Such solution can be used for the following verification theorem. Given a vector of prob-ability densities m consider a generic agent of the i-th population with dynamics (36) andcost functional

J i(Xi0, α

i,m) := lim infT→+∞



[∫ T


t , αit) + V i[m](Xi


], (61)

with V i as above.

Proposition 3.11. Let λi, vi,mi, i = 1, . . . , N be a solution of the system (1) with H i, gi, V i

as above. Thenαi(x) := αi(x,Dvi(x)), x ∈ Rd, i = 1, . . . , N, (62)

is an optimal feedback for any agent of the i-th population for all initial positions Xi0 ∈ Q,

i.e.,J i(Xi

0, αi,m) ≤ J i(Xi

0, αi,m) for all admissible controls αi.

Moreover, the probability density of the position of the i-th agent using such feedback is mi.

Proof. It is enough to use a standard verification theorem in ergodic control (whose proof isvery similar to that of Theorem 3.4). In fact, the i-th HJB equation of the system (1) is theBellman equation of such a control problem with cost functional J i. The second statementfollows from the i-th KFP equation of the system (1) and the choice of gi (45).

The meaning of the result is that a solution of (1) provides an equilibrium for the MFGin the sense that for the generic agent of the i-th population the optimal control αi producesa probability distribution of the agent that coincides with the distribution mi of the wholei-th population.

Let us recall the connections between Mean-Field Games and games with large populationsof identical players.


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• Suppose we have only one population made of N identical players with dynamics f i(x, α) =

α, σi(x) = ν > 0, Li = L for all i = 1, . . . , N , coupled only via the running costs F i(x1, . . . , xN ) =V [ 1


∑j 6=i δxj ](x

i) where V is an operator on measures with the properties described in the

Introduction and δxj are Dirac measures, so the argument of V is the empirical distribution

of the players different from i. Let λNi , vNi ,m

Ni , i = 1, . . . , N be the solution of (1) given

by Corollary 3.3. Then Lasry and Lions [34] showed that this sequence of solutions has aconvergent subsequence as N →∞ and that the limit of each convergent subsequence solvesthe MFG PDEs with N = 1

−∆v +H(x,Dv) + λ = V [m] in Q,−∆m− div (DpH(x,Dv)m) = 0 in Q,∫Qdm(x)dx = 1, m > 0,

∫Qd v(x)dx = 0.

For linear-quadratic models a stronger convergence was proved by completely different meth-ods in [5, 8].

• The same kind of limit result for general dynamics and N populations of identical players,as the number of players of each population goes to infinity, was proved by Feleqi [24] usingthe methods of [34] and the estimates of Section 2 of the present paper.

• A basic result of the approach to MFG by Huang, Caines and Malhame [31, 32] statesthat the optimal feedback synthesised from the MFG PDEs is an ε-Nash equilibrium for theN -person game for N large enough, see also [19].

4 Appendix: proofs of some technical results

Proof of Lemma 2.2. For any solution (v, λ) ∈ C2,α(Q) × R of (9), we immediatelydeduce (10) by looking at the extrema of v.

Uniqueness. Thus f ≡ 0 implies λ = 0. On the other hand v ≡ 0 otherwise the strongmaximum principle (e.g., [27, Theorem 3.5, p. 35]) would be contradicted.

Existence. Consider (9) with L0 = −∆ instead of L. It is clearly solvable for any f ∈ C∞with λ =

∫Q fdx and v that can be determined by Fourier series. Moreover, by Bessel’s

identity one deduces ‖Dβv‖p ≤ ‖f‖p for all 2 ≤ p < ∞ and all multiindex β with length|β| ≤ 2. By letting p → ∞, this estimate holds also for p = ∞. Thus (9) with L0 instead ofL is solvable for any f ∈ C(Q) and the solution v ∈ C2(Q). Actually, by Schauder interiorestimates (see [27, Theorem 4.8, p. 62]) f ∈ Cα(Q) implies v ∈ C2,α(Q). In order to applya continuity method, see [27, Theorem 5.2, p. 75], and deduce the solvability of (9), weintroduce the operators

Ti :C2,α(Q)/R× R→ Cα(Q), i = 0, 1,

(u, λ)→ Ti(u, λ) = Liu+ λ L1,≡ L.

Note that

[v]2, α,Q = supx, y∈Q, |β|=2

|Dβv(x)−Dβv(y)||x− y|α

is a norm in C2,α(Q)/R equivalent to the natural one. Define also Ts = (1 − s)T0 + sT1,0 ≤ s ≤ 1. These operators are clearly linear and bounded. T0 is also an isomorphism of


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Banach spaces. We need only prove that they are bounded from below in order to finish. Thisrequires a careful look at Schauder interior estimates, see [27, Theorem 6.2, p. 90]. Let Ω ⊃ Qbe a ball of diameter D containing Q and having same center as Q. We need some notationfrom [27]. For any function g differentiable as many times as needed, if dx := dist (x, ∂Ω),dx, y := mindx, dy, we set

[g]∗2, α,Ω = supx,y∈Ω, |β|=2

d2+αx, y

|Dβg(x)−Dβg(y)||x− y|α


[g](j)l, α,Ω = sup

x,y∈Ω, |β|=2dj+l+αx, y

|Dβg(x)−Dβg(y)||x− y|α

[g](j)l,Ω = sup

x∈Ω, |β|=ldl+jx |Dβg(x)|, |g|(j)i, α,Ω =


[g](j)l,Ω + [g]

(j)i, α,Ω

for any nonnegative integers i, j, l. Let Ts(v, λ) = f . Then, by [27, Theorem 6.2, p. 90],

[v]∗2, α,Ω ≤ C(‖v‖C(Ω) + |f − λ|(2)0, α,Ω), (63)

where C depends only on a constant of ellipticity of Ls = (1− s)L0 + sL1 which clearly canbe taken to be independent of s, and at most linearly on

maxh, k|1− s+ sahk|

(0)0, α,Ω, |sbh|

(1)0, α,Ω ≤ D

1+α maxh, k‖ahk‖C(Q), ‖bh‖Cα(Q) ,

where D is the diameter of Ω. Therefore, taking also into account (10), by (63) we obtain

[v]2, α,Q ≤ CD1+α

(D −√d)2+α

(‖v‖C(Q) +D2+α‖f‖Cα(Q)

)for some C independent of D. Now it is sufficient to take an Ω with a suitably large diameterD in order to obtain (12). Finally, the C1,α-estimate (11) follows from [27, Theorem 8.32,p. 210]. This concludes the proof of this lemma.

Remark 4.1. An alternative proof of the existence relies on the approximation by equationswith zero-th order terms Lv + ρv = f , , for ρ > 0. If vρ is the solution (see Lemma 2.7), weprove that (vρ−

∫Q v

ρdx, ρvρ)→ (v, λ) in C2(Q)×C(Q) as ρ→ 0, where (v, λ) is a solution

of (9), see, e.g., [11], where more general nonlinear equations are treated.

Proof of Lemma 2.3. That m ∈ W 1,2(Q) exists, is unique and positive is proved, e.g.,in [16, Theorem 3.4, 378] or [9, Theorem 4.2, p. 133, Theorem 4.3, p. 136]. (In [9] only thecase L = −∆ is treated but the techniques adapt easily to our operator.) The fact thatm ∈W 1,p(Q) is also known, but for lack of a reference we sketch a proof here based on ideasof [40]. Split the operator L = L0 +R into a (formally) selfadjoint part L0 = −Dk(ahk(x)Dh)and a reminder R = DkaakDh. We use the deep fact that

L0 : W 2,p(Q)/R→ Lp(Q)/R, 1 < p <∞

is an isomorphism of Banach spaces. Then, by duality and interpolation,

L0 : W 1,p(Q)/R→W−1,p(Q)/R, 1 < p <∞


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is also an isomorphism of Banach spaces. So we need only show that L0m ∈ W−1,p(Q) inorder to conclude.

Note that, by Sobolev’s embedding lemma, m ∈ Lp(Q), where p > 2 is given by 1/p =1/2 − 1/d if d ≥ 3, or, otherwise, for any 1 ≤ p < ∞. By the equation (13), we haveL0m = −R∗m+ div(gm). Hence, for any ϕ ∈ C∞(Q),

| < L0m,ϕ > | =∣∣∣∣∫QmDkahkDhϕdx−

∫Qmg ·Dϕdx

∣∣∣∣≤ (‖g‖∞ + C)‖m‖p‖Dϕ‖p′

for some C > 0 (independent of g), p′ = p/(p − 1). Therefore, L0m ∈ W−1,p(Q) andm ∈ W 1,p(Q). We are done if d ≤ 2. Otherwise, again Sobolev’s lemma implies thatm ∈ Lp(Q), where p now is given by 1/p = 1/2 − 2/d if d ≥ 5, or, otherwise, for any1 ≤ p < ∞. In the same manner we conclude that m ∈ W 1,p(Q). Thus, by a bootstrapargument, we deduce that m ∈W 1,p(Q) for all 1 ≤ p <∞.

Moreover, by the estimates above and the fact that L0 : W 1,p(Q)/R→W−1,p(Q)/R is anisomorphism, we deduce that

‖m‖W 1,p(Q) ≤ C1(‖g‖∞ + C2)‖m‖p.

for some C1, C2 > 0 independent of g. Taking also into account [9, Theorem 4.3, p. 136]which states that δ1 < m < δ2 for some constants δ1, δ2 > 0 that depend only on ‖g‖∞ (andin our case also on the coefficients ahk, in a way which we do not specify because we will notneed it in the sequel) we obtain (14).

Proof of Lemma 2.7. Uniqueness is standard. For the existence, we use a continuitymethod, e.g., [27, Theorem 5.2, p. 75], and Schauder a priori estimates to reduce to theequation corresponding to a simpler operator, say

L0 = −∆ + 1.

That L0v = f has a solution v ∈ C∞(Q) for each f ∈ C∞(Q) can be shown, e.g., by Fourierseries. Moreover, L0v = f implies ‖v‖C(Q) ≤ ‖f‖C(Q). Then, by a Schauder estimate, see [27,Theorem 4.8, p. 62], ‖v‖C2,α(Q) ≤ C‖f‖Cα(Q). Now for an arbitrary f ∈ Cα(Q) consider asequence fn ⊂ C∞(Q) such that fn → f in Cα(Q). The sequence of the correspondingsolutions vn is Cauchy in C2,α(Q) and its limit v verifies L0v = f .

Next, introduce the family of operators

Ls : C2,α(Q)→ Cα(Q), 0 ≤ s ≤ 1,

u→ Lsu = (1− s)L0u+ sLu.

For all u ∈ C2,α(Q), by looking at its extrema, we have

‖u‖C(Q) ≤ max1, ‖1/c‖C(Q)‖Lsu‖C(Q).

Combining this with the interior Schauder estimates, see [27, Theorem 6.2, p. 90], we obtain

‖u‖C2,α(Q) ≤ C‖Lsu‖Cα(Q)

for all u ∈ C2,α(Q), 0 ≤ s ≤ 1 and some C > 0 independent of u and s. Since L0 is onto, bythe method of continuity [27, Theorem 5.2, p. 75], L1 is also onto, which is what we wantedto prove. With these considerations we also proved (33).


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