Nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulations of the photofragmentation and geminate recombination dynamics in size-selected I 2 2 Ar n cluster ions V. S. Batista a) and D. F. Coker Department of Chemistry, Boston University, 590 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02215 ~Received 12 December 1996; accepted 29 January 1997! We investigate the photodissociation, geminate recombination and relaxation dynamics in size-selected I 2 2 Ar n cluster ions using a coupled quantum-classical molecular dynamics method and a model Hamiltonian gained from diatomics-in-ionic systems. We calculate photofragmentation yields of various charged product clusters of the dissociated I 2 Ar f or recombined I 2 2 Ar f 8 forms as a function of precursor cluster size and find almost quantitative agreement with experimental results. The trends in photofragmentation are explained in terms of various participating electronically nonadiabatic channels coupled with vibrational relaxation on these different surfaces. We also explore the role of long range electrostatic interactions and underlying precursor cluster geometry on the photofragmentation dynamics. © 1997 American Institute of Physics. @S0021-9606~97!03917-2# I. INTRODUCTION Studies of photofragmentation of simple solute chro- mophores in molecular clusters can in principle provide an understanding of the most elementary dynamical excited state chemical processes in the simplest model of condensed phase solvation conditions which can be probed in micro- scopic detail with experimental methods. These limited size systems are also ideally suited to detailed investigation using new advanced theoretical and computational methods for treating electronically excited state chemical reaction dy- namics. This paper thus reports the first application of these new simulation methods 1–6 to the study of photoexcited re- actions in cluster systems which have been probed in micro- scopic detail in recent experiments. In recent years, several groups have applied ultrafast spectroscopic techniques to investigate cluster fragmenta- tion, 7–10 the competition between fragmentation and ionization, 11,12 and photoinitiated chemical reactions in clusters. 7,11,13–19 The more recent experiments involve the use of both photofragmentation 20,21 and ultrafast pump-probe techniques 22,23 and have been applied to investigate the X 2 2 (X5I,Br) photodissociation and cage recombination dynam- ics in size selected X 2 2 S n (S5Ar,CO 2 ) ionic molecular clusters. 20,24,25 I 2 2 exhibits a strong absorption spectrum corresponding to an electronic excitation from the bound X , 2 S u ,1/2 1 ground state to the repulsive A 8 , 2 P g ,1/2 excited state 26 ~see Fig. 3!. In the gas phase, photoexcitation of this transition at 720– 790 nm produces recoiling I and I 2 photofragments with a kinetic energy release of ;0.5 eV. 27 Due to this large amount of excess energy and the repulsive nature of the ex- cited state potential one might think that a single, partially complete solvation shell expected with small molecular clus- ters of 10–20 atoms would be ineffective at caging the pho- tofragments and inducing recombination. However, photoex- citation experiments on I 2 2 in clusters of even fairly weakly interacting CO 2 molecules have detected coherent relaxation of I 2 2 to the ground electronic state within a few pico- seconds. 27 This relaxation time scale is strongly cluster size dependent and quite different from the vibrational relaxation timescales of the corresponding neutral species in liquids that are usually about two orders of magnitude longer. 28 The subject of this article is thus to explore how excited state electrostatic solute/solvent interactions cause the na- scent photofragments to be spatially trapped or ‘‘caged.’’ To this end we will develop an understanding of the electroni- cally nonadiabatic processes which cause these caged photo- fragments to geminately recombine producing vibrationally excited starting material. Subsequent vibrational relaxation of these recombined molecular clusters deposits excess vi- brational energy into the surroundings producing partial or total evaporation of solvent atoms from the cluster. This sequential process of photodissociation, geminate recombination and vibrational relaxation has also been ex- amined for I 2 2 in liquids 29–34 as well as in a wide range of other systems, including both diatomic molecules and more complicated polyatomic systems. The most widely investi- gated of all such systems is the photodissociation and gemi- nate recombination of I 2 in the condensed phase, for which solute/solvent interactions are dominated by the short range repulsive part of the potential. In recent work 6,35 we showed how semiempirical diatomics-in-molecules ~DIM! electronic structure techniques could be implemented for giving a reli- able description of the potential energy surfaces ~PESs! in- volved in the process of relaxation and how to combine them with nonadiabatic molecular dynamics ~MD! methods to pro- vide a detailed description of the dynamics of photodissocia- tion and geminate recombination of I 2 in liquids and solids. In our DIM Hamiltonian model the solvent interactions that caused caging and recombination of the neutral I 2 were a! Present address: Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. 7102 J. Chem. Phys. 106 (17), 1 May 1997 0021-9606/97/106(17)/7102/15/$10.00 © 1997 American Institute of Physics Downloaded¬08¬May¬2001¬to¬¬Redistribution¬subject¬to¬AIP¬license¬or¬copyright,¬see¬http://ojps.aip.org/jcpo/jcpcr.jsp

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Nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulations of the photofragmentationand geminate recombination dynamics in size-selected I 2

2–Arn cluster

ionsV. S. Batistaa) and D. F. CokerDepartment of Chemistry, Boston University, 590 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02215

~Received 12 December 1996; accepted 29 January 1997!

We investigate the photodissociation, geminate recombination and relaxation dynamics insize-selected I2

2•Arn cluster ions using a coupled quantum-classical molecular dynamics method

and a model Hamiltonian gained from diatomics-in-ionic systems. We calculate photofragmentationyields of various charged product clusters of the dissociated I2

•Ar f or recombined I22•Ar f 8 forms

as a function of precursor cluster size and find almost quantitative agreement with experimentalresults. The trends in photofragmentation are explained in terms of various participatingelectronically nonadiabatic channels coupled with vibrational relaxation on these different surfaces.We also explore the role of long range electrostatic interactions and underlying precursor clustergeometry on the photofragmentation dynamics. ©1997 American Institute of Physics.@S0021-9606~97!03917-2#
















Studies of photofragmentation of simple solute chmophores in molecular clusters can in principle provideunderstanding of the most elementary dynamical excstate chemical processes in the simplest model of condephase solvation conditions which can be probed in micscopic detail with experimental methods. These limited ssystems are also ideally suited to detailed investigation unew advanced theoretical and computational methodstreating electronically excited state chemical reactionnamics. This paper thus reports the first application of thnew simulation methods1–6 to the study of photoexcited reactions in cluster systems which have been probed in miscopic detail in recent experiments.

In recent years, several groups have applied ultraspectroscopic techniques to investigate cluster fragmetion,7–10 the competition between fragmentation aionization,11,12 and photoinitiated chemical reactionsclusters.7,11,13–19The more recent experiments involve thuse of both photofragmentation20,21and ultrafast pump-probetechniques22,23 and have been applied to investigate the X2


(X5I,Br) photodissociation and cage recombination dynaics in size selected X2

2•Sn (S5Ar,CO2) ionic molecular


I22 exhibits a strong absorption spectrum correspond

to an electronic excitation from the boundX, 2Su,1/21 ground

state to the repulsiveA8, 2Pg,1/2 excited state26 ~see Fig. 3!.In the gas phase, photoexcitation of this transition at 72790 nm produces recoiling I and I2 photofragments with akinetic energy release of;0.5 eV.27 Due to this largeamount of excess energy and the repulsive nature of thecited state potential one might think that a single, partiacomplete solvation shell expected with small molecular cl

a!Present address: Department of Chemistry, University of CaliforBerkeley, CA 94720.

7102 J. Chem. Phys. 106 (17), 1 May 1997 0021-9606/97/1








ters of 10–20 atoms would be ineffective at caging the ptofragments and inducing recombination. However, photocitation experiments on I2

2 in clusters of even fairly weaklyinteracting CO2 molecules have detected coherent relaxatof I2

2 to the ground electronic state within a few picseconds.27 This relaxation time scale is strongly cluster sidependent and quite different from the vibrational relaxattimescales of the corresponding neutral species in liquthat are usually about two orders of magnitude longer.28

The subject of this article is thus to explore how excitstate electrostatic solute/solvent interactions cause thescent photofragments to be spatially trapped or ‘‘caged.’’this end we will develop an understanding of the electrocally nonadiabatic processes which cause these caged pfragments to geminately recombine producing vibrationaexcited starting material. Subsequent vibrational relaxatof these recombined molecular clusters deposits excessbrational energy into the surroundings producing partialtotal evaporation of solvent atoms from the cluster.

This sequential process of photodissociation, geminrecombination and vibrational relaxation has also beenamined for I2

2 in liquids29–34 as well as in a wide range oother systems, including both diatomic molecules and mcomplicated polyatomic systems. The most widely invesgated of all such systems is the photodissociation and genate recombination of I2 in the condensed phase, for whicsolute/solvent interactions are dominated by the short rarepulsive part of the potential. In recent work6,35 we showedhow semiempirical diatomics-in-molecules~DIM ! electronicstructure techniques could be implemented for giving a rable description of the potential energy surfaces~PESs! in-volved in the process of relaxation and how to combine thwith nonadiabatic molecular dynamics~MD! methods to pro-vide a detailed description of the dynamics of photodissoction and geminate recombination of I2 in liquids and solids.

In our DIM Hamiltonian model the solvent interactionthat caused caging and recombination of the neutral I2 were,

06(17)/7102/15/$10.00 © 1997 American Institute of Physics





















7103V. S. Batista and D. F. Coker: Nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulations


primarily short-range, collisional and repulsive in nature.high solvent densities recombination was thus achieved wonly a few collisions between the recoiling photofragmeand the solvent. Thus, electrostatic solute/solvent intetions were not important in the relaxation processes. Tsystem, however, provided an excellent test of our nonabatic molecular dynamics techniques since there are detaexperimental studies of the real time dynamics for bothgas and condensed phase systems.28,36–40

In this paper, we extend our semiempirical electrostructure calculations of PESs and the couplings among tto address the role of electrostatic interactions on condenphase reaction dynamics. We report nonadiabatic MD simlations of the photofragmentation dynamics and geminatecombination in size selected I2

2•Arn ionic molecular clusters

and compare our results with recent photofragmentationperiments by Vorsaet al.25 In these experimental studies thindividual parent clusters were excited at specific laserquencies and the caging fraction and the average loss ofvent molecules as function of cluster size and excitationergy were determined. We explore the effectiveness ofAr solvent to cage photodissociated I2

2 and induce recombi-nation of the chromophore through different reaction paways, and explore the details of energy flow betweensolvent and the solute as a function of cluster size. Theof many-body long range interactions in nonadiabaticnamics that might be of primary importance for many othreactions in solution where strong electrostatic interactibetween the solvent and an ionic solute might dominatedynamics of the reaction are also studied.

Comparison between previous theoretical studies andperiments is uncertain since simulations were restrictedvibrational relaxation on the ground state,41,42 whereas theexperimental results depend on both electronic and vibtional relaxation. Furthermore, the only study to have treathe distortion effects in an entirely self-consistent manapproximated the solvent by a continum model.42 Other MDcalculations have modeled the recombination dynamicsBr2

2 in clusters of argon and CO2 using pairwise additivepotentials and a variable charge method for modeling loization of the excess charge on one of the bromine atomlarge internuclear separations.43–45 A one-hole model hasbeen devised to treat the interaction of the six lowest etronic states of I2

2 with an arbitrary charge distribution anhas been used to investigate mechanisms for nonadiarelaxation of electronically excited I2

2 in a CO2 cluster, withthe effects of the CO2 molecules approximated by a uniformelectric field parallel to the molecular axis of I2

2 .42

Reliable calculations face the difficulty of modeling thsystem of open-shell species undergoing excited state ndiabatic dynamics with highly anisotropic many-body lorange interaction potentials that have significant spin-ocoupling contributions. In this paper we simulate the nodiabatic dynamics of electronically excited I2

2 open-shellspecies using surface hopping nonadiabatic MD method1–6

with a model Hamiltonian gained from diatomics in ionsystems~DIIS! where we explicitly model the anisotropiand self consistent many-body nature of the interactions

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 106
















include spin-orbit couplings using the proper PES for tI22 diatomic fragment.

The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II A we firoutline our approach to modelling the photoexcitation of tI22•Ar i cluster systems. Next, in Sec. II B, we summarize

method we employ for obtaining initial minimim energstructures and the equilibrium properties of size selectedcursor clusters. Section II C outlines our calculation of tmodel Hamiltonian for these ionic molecular clusters, aSec. II D describes our approximate computation of quaties necessary for the propagation of the nonadiabaticequations of motion. A summary of experimental obsertions is given in Sec. III A and a detailed comparison btween the results of our calculations and the experimefindings is presented in Sec. III B. The paper is concludedSec. IV.


A. Simulation of photofragmentation experiments

The approach we employ for simulating photofragmetation experiments involves first generating equilibrium cofigurations of the ground state I2

2•Ar i ionic molecular clus-

ters for which the experimental pump frequenciesresonant with the energy difference between the grounXstate and theA8 state. Ensembles of 18 trajectories are fiequilibrated for about 10 ps at 40 K and each individutrajectory is started from the undistorted minimum enerstructure obtained according to the method described in SII B. Each of these ground state equilibrated trajectoriesthen evolved adiabatically in theX state until the pump resonance condition at 790 nm is achieved. These pump resoconfigurations are used as independent initial conditionsvertical photoexcitation to theA8 state leaving all coordi-nates and velocities unchanged. The electronic expansionefficient vectors are set to the appropriate initial unit vectfor the relevant photoexcitation in each ensemble memand nonadiabatic MD methods coupled with the semiemical DIIS excited state electronic structure techniques psented later in Sec. II C are used to evolve the photoexcensemble of surface hopping trajectories in a manner content with the coherent propagated dynamical mixed selectronic wave function for each trajectory. We follow thenonadiabatic trajectories for 45 ps after photoexcitation. Eperimental studies on cluster systems have revealed thattronic relaxation takes place in a few picoseconds and asshall see this electronic relaxation is strongly coupledcluster evaporation so trajectories of 45 ps duration shobe long enough to see much of the expected cluster reation dynamics. We shall discuss longer time relaxation pnomena which these short trajectories cannot addresswhen we compare our results with experiment.

B. Minimum energy structures and equilibriumproperties

Minimum energy structures are obtained with a classiMD simulation scheme analogous to other methods inve

, No. 17, 1 May 1997






umert i







7104 V. S. Batista and D. F. Coker: Nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulations


gated in previous studies of equilibrium properties of simicluster systems.20,43–45Initial configurations are chosen aftethe system is equlibrated at 150 K for more than 20 ps.this initial temperature the system can not be trapped inunfavorable structure because the rms bond fluctuationsceed ;0.1 Å, which is the usual criterion for clustemelting.46

Complete annealing of this randomly chosen configution requires the use of several ‘‘thermalization/equilibtion/quenching’’ cycles, where the thermalization and equbration phases are performed at 50 K. The equations oftion for advancing the positions and velocities in the quening phase of the dynamics are taken to be

mr5F2g r , ~2.1!

whereF are the forces in the ground state calculated accoing to Eq. ~2.25! from the DIIS eigenvectors. These equtions of motion~Eq. ~2.1!! are integrated using the followinresults:

rn115rn1 rnh1@Fn2g rn#h2

2m, ~2.2!

rn115 rn1@Fn2g rn#h

m, ~2.3!

where we use a value for the friction constantg59 a.u., andthe integration time step ish52.5 fs. We use an ensemblerandomly sampled initial geometries to start these optimtion runs and typically about 30% of these initial trajectorfind the global minimum after just a few iterations of thabove proceedure.

Figure 1 presents the energies of the lowest minimenergy structures expressed as energy divided by numbsolvent particles. The most significant feature in this plo

FIG. 1. Contributions to potential energy of minimum energy structuresI22•Arn (5<n<18) clusters. Energy per Ar expressed in units ofeAr ~83.26

cm21): total energy ~diamonds!, electrostatic polarization energy~1!,Ar2Ar interaction energy~squares!, and Ar2I interaction energy~3!.

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 106








that the total potential energy is dominated by the negaelectrostatic contribution which is the sum of the charginduced dipole, and induced dipole-induced dipole intertions. This electrostatic term gets smaller per particle ascluster size is increased due to the competition betweennegative charge-induced dipole interactions and the posinduced dipole-induced dipole interactions. Also these terseparately get smaller per particle with increasing clustersince the dipoles induced in atoms added to the cluster ware further from the solvated charge are smaller.

Generally the short range interactions are not as imptant as the above long range electrostatic terms andfollow completely different trends. The short range Ar– I iteractions in these equilibrium ground state configuratiogive an almost constant contribution per particle while tAr–Ar Lennard-Jones interactions become slightly monegative with increasing cluster size as a result of increascoordination numbers of the solvent atoms as these sclusters grow toward bulk coordination conditions. The retive magnitudes of the electrostatic and short range intetions we find here show the similar trends with cluster sizethose reported by Amar and Perera who use a very diffemodel to explore related molecular anion cluster stems.43,44

Minimum energy structures of the various size argclusters solvating the I2

2 anion obtained using the optimization methods described above for the ground state potesurfaces calculated using the DIIS methods outlined infollowing subsection are presented in Fig. 2. The underlyequilibrium structure of the I2

2 solvation shell in these smato intermediate size argon clusters is best understoodterms of forming a cylindrical stack of staggered hexagorings of argon atoms around the I2

2 anion. The first ringpacks around the center of the I2

2 bond and subsequent ring


FIG. 2. Minimum energy structures of I22•Arn , 6<n<17, the two larger

diameter atoms embedded in the cluster are the I22 molecule.

, No. 17, 1 May 1997


7105V. S. Batista and D. F. Coker: Nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulations


TABLE I. Molecular orbitals of I22 .

Case c type Case c type wave functionCase a or borV 2 s type kA kR kB


X,12u 1/A2$u 322

12&uS&1uS&u 322


2Su,1/21 1.32 2.52 0.63 3.06

1/A2$u 3212&uS&1uS&u 32


A,32g 1/A2$u 322

32&uS&2uS&u 322


2Pg,3/2 0.30 1.30 0.73 3.06

1/A2$u 3232&uS&2uS&u 32


A8,12g 1/A2$u 322

12&uS&2uS&u 322


2Pg,1/2 0.10 1.82 0.73 3.06

1/A2$u 3212&uS&2uS&u 32


a,32u 1/A2$u 322

32&uS&1uS&u 322


2Pu,3/2 (1.031025) 2.80 0.69 3.06

1/A2$u 3232&uS&1uS&u 32


a8,12u 1/A2$u 12

12&uS&1uS&u 12


2Pu,1/2 (1.031025) 3.30 0.9 2.12

1/A2$u 12212&uS&1uS&u 122


B,12g 1/A2$u 12

12&uS&2uS&u 12


2Sg,1/21 (1.031025) 4.45 0.9 2.12

1/A2$u 12212&uS&2uS&u 122









pack around the ends of the I22 molecule. Finally individual

argon atoms pack onto the ends of the molecule, cappingend rings. Thei513 atom cluster shows a completed centring and a single completed capped end structure. From1 we see that thisi513 cluster is slightly more stable than ineighboring clusters since the completed rings optimizeAr–Ar van der Waals interactions. As we move to largclusters we see the second capping structure around theend of the molecule being established. For smaller cluswe see competition between the formation of an incompcentral ring and a partial terminal cap structure.

C. Model Hamiltonian for I 22–Arn

In this subsection we present the calculation of all poatomic electronic states participating in the dynamics oflaxation and the couplings among the different surfacesdetermine the rate of nonradiative electronic transitions.implement the DIIS method where the polyatomic Hamtonian is written as a sum of a DIM Hamiltonian and a pturbation term that introduces the induction energy whaccounts for the self-consistent many-body nature ofelectric field responsible for polarization. This method hbeen successfully investigated in studies of halogen atembedded in rare gas clusters47,48 and in our recent calculations of ion-pair states of I2 in rare gas matrices.35

We expand the time dependent electronic wave funcof the polyatomic system,C(t), in terms of a canonical seof valence bond ~VB! adiabatic state wave functionsfk(t),

C~ t !5(kak~ t !fk~ t !, ~2.4!

and we write the VB wave functions,fk(t), in terms ofdiabatic polyatomic basis functions~pbf’s!, F j ,

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 106







fk~ t !5(j

Gk jF j , ~2.5!

where the expansion coefficients,Gk j , are the DIM eigen-vectors. The pbf’s, written as linear combinations of simpproducts of atomic functions~spaf’s!, are products of atomicand diatomic functions and are assumed to be eigenfunctof their respective atomic and diatomic Hamiltonians weigenvalues equal to experimental energies. The argon aand I2 ions are restricted to be in their ground states andrepresent them by single1S0 functions since they haveSsymmetry closed shells. The I atoms haveP-symmetry openshells and are represented with2P functions.

The diabatic polyatomic basis functions,F j , are writtenas antisymmetrized products ofS-symmetrical functions ofthe N argon atoms andz ( j ) group functions of the iodidemolecule,

F j5Az~ j !)i51


us~ i !&, ~2.6!

where the indexj indicates the electronic state of I22 . The

zero overlap of atomic orbitals approximation~ZOAO!, al-lows us to omit the antisymmetrization operator,A, render-ing the polyatomic wave function as a simple productatomic and diatomic group functions. The error arising frothis approximation is proportional to the square of the ovlap integrals and has been shown to be small in DIM callations on halogen atoms in nobel gases.48

Our basis set for the isolated I22 iodide molecule includes

the six low-lying Hund’s case~c! molecular states,

z~ j !5~X1/2,u ,A3/2,g ,A1/2,g8 ,a3/2,u ,a1/2,u8 ,B1/2,g!,

arising from the I2(1S0)1I( 2P3/2,1/2) configurations. Thesestates are presented in Table I distributed in two blockscording to their different dissociation limits, and these g

, No. 17, 1 May 1997









d to-











7106 V. S. Batista and D. F. Coker: Nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulations


phase curves are displayed in Fig. 3. They are classamong different symmetry species not only according to c~c! type classification but also according to case~a!, ~b! orV2s type. The latter has a well defined meaning onlyfairly small internuclear separations,R, while the case~c!classification is applicable for largeR values and is impor-tant for dissociation product correlations. In the first columof Table I we identify electronic states according to the vaof the projection of the total angular momentum in the diretion of the bond,V5uM (a)1M (b)u. In the second column othe table we summarize expressions for the diatomic wfunctions,z ( j ). Any of these functions may be expressedthe linear combination

z~ j !5c1uJj~a!M j

~a!&uS~b!&1c2uS~a!&uJj~b!M j

~b!&, ~2.7!

which is written in the basis set of spaf’s,xm,n , defined as

xm,n5uS&uJ~n!M ~n!&,

J~n!53/2,1/2, ~2.8!

M ~n!52J~n!,2J~n!11, . . . ,J~n!,

wherem enumerates the differentuJ(n)M (n)& states of I atomn in the total angular momentum representation~coupledrepresentation!, J5L1S andM is the projection ofJ in thedirection of the bond. States withV different from zero aredouble degenerate. Each degenerate state correspondsof the two possible orientations for the projection of the toangular momentum in the direction of the bond. Conquently the 6 Hund’s case~c! molecular states form a basset of 12 states including degeneracies.

The energy levels of the system are obtained now inusual way by forming the Hamiltonian matrix of order 1312.

Due to the lack of interatomic~atomic-diatomic! elec-tron permutations in the polyatomic functions~ZOAO ver-

FIG. 3. Gas phase I22 potential energy surfaces calculated as described.

ground state for the neutral I2 species is also shown.

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 106








sion of Eq. ~2.6!!, the Hamiltonian of the system can bpartitioned into interatomic and atomic terms according t49



H ~KL !2n(K

H ~K !, ~2.9!

whereH (K) is the Hamiltonian operator of atomK and con-tains all kinetic energy operators and intraatomic potenenergy terms that depend solely on the position of atomKand on the coordinates of those electrons initially assignethis atom. Similarly,H (KL) is the Hamiltonian operator appropriate for the diatomic fragmentKL.

The diatomic fragment Hamiltonian for I22 is constructed

from potential energy curves for states listed in Tablewhich are presented in Fig 3 and approximated by gas phMorse functions50

VI225D I

22@22e~2b I2


1e~22b I22~R2Re,I2

2!!#2~EAI1EI* !, ~2.10!

where parameterskA , kB , kR andEAI1EI* are presented incolumns 4–7 of Table I.EI* is the energy of the particulaexcited state of I relative to the ground state,EAI is theelectron affinity of I and the relationships between the netive ion properties and the neutral properties arefollows:51,50

D I225D I2S kAkBD , ~2.11!

whereD I251.58 eV is the spectroscopic bond dissociati

energy of the neutral I2 molecule,


ln~kB /kA!

kBb I2

1Re,I2, ~2.12!

where Morse parameters for the neutral I2 molecule areb I2

51.84 Å21 andRe,I252.67 Å, and

b I225kBb I2

. ~2.13!

These DIM basis states are taken as a diabatic basiswe assume that intramolecular coupling of states withsame symmetry is small compared to intermolecular cpling introduced by the solvent.

The H I( j )Ar( i ) Hamiltonian is written in the referencframe of the diatomic fragment I( j )Ar( i ) in terms of Ar–Ipotentials of the usualS, P andP orientations as describein Ref. 52. These potentials are constructed using the MM~Morse–Morse-switching function–van der Waals! potentialforms from Ref. 53 for the X 1/2, I 3/2 and II 1/2 potentialThe X 1/2 and I 3/2 states correlate with the2P3/21

1S0 as-ymptote, while the II 1/2 correlates with2P1/21

1S0. 1/2 and3/2 following X, I, and II are theV quantum numbers wherV is the projection of the total electronic angular momentualong the molecular axis. In this paper we follow the covention presented in our previous papers6,35 where vectorSis in the reference frame of the diatomic fragment orienalong theRi j vector,P is perpendicular toS and located inthe plane formed byRi j and thex axis while P is perpen-e

, No. 17, 1 May 1997

















ials atayngle


7107V. S. Batista and D. F. Coker: Nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulations


dicular to this plane~see Fig. 2 of Ref. 6!. The Hamiltonian

H I( j )Ar( i ) is then expressed in the coupled representatuJM&, according to a sequence of transformations analogto those presented in Eqs.~2.6!–~2.12! of Ref. 6.

The Ar–I2 pair interactions are modeled by potentiaconstructed with the same short range interaction Hamtonian presented above for the Ar–I fragment, supplemenwith a long range attraction dominated by a21/r 4 polariza-tion term as detailed later in this subsection.

Thes-ground state rare gas atoms interact accordingLennard-Jones potential withe583.26 cm21 and s53.405 Å.

The total Hamiltonian is written as the direct sum ovall diatomic-fragment Hamiltonians as follows:

H5H ~ I22

!112^ S (k51


H I~a!Ar~k!116^ (



VI2Ar~k!D1S (



H I~b!Ar~k!116^ (



VI2Ar~k!D ^ 12

1112^ (i51


(j. i


VAr~ i !Ar~ j !, ~2.14!

where 1n is the n3n unit matrix, and the constant monoatomic contribution appearing in Eq.~2.9! is omitted. Theenergy of the system is calculated relative to the energyinfinitely separated species in the ground state:

E`5EI[ 2P3/2]1EI2[ 1S0]



EAr . ~2.15!

As presented above, the diatomic termsH (ArI2) andH (II2) include the energy of polarization of neutral Ar andatoms by the charged I2 anion. However, in order to takaccount of the self- consistent many-body nature of the etric field responsible for polarization we determine the eergy of polarization in the electrostatic approximation serating it as a special perturbation termhn ,




(j. i

VAr~ i !Ar~ j !


@VI2Ar j1VIJ~n!M ~n!I2#1hn , ~2.16!

where the diagonal Hamiltonian matrix elementsHmn,mn inEq. ~2.16! are written in the basis set of spaf’scm,n definedaccording to the following expression:



us~ i !&, ~2.17!

in which iodine atomn is the neutral open-shell species.We approximatehn by the classical expression for th

energy of polarization as follows56–58

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 106









m j

Rj I2

Rj I23 1(

j(i. j

m j•T i j •m i1(j

m j•m j

2a j.


In Eq. ~2.16! V is defined as


R4 , ~2.19!

whereC4 is expressed in terms of the atomic polarizabilof the neutral atom,a, and the charge of the ion,q, as


2q2a. ~2.20!

For the calculation ofhn we consider atoms as nonovelapping polarizable spheres and compute the induced dimomentsm j self-consistently according to the followinequation:


RkI23 2(

jÞkT jk•m j G ~2.21!

whereT jk are the components of the dipole-dipole interation tensor given by


r 5F x22r 2/3 xy xz

xy y22r 2/3 yz

xz yz z22r 2/3G , ~2.22!

where r is the interatomic distance with Cartesian compnentsx, y, andz. The repulsive part of the Ar–I interactiois sufficiently steep so that geometries where this attracpolarization interaction diverges are never reached.

For each nuclear configuration we solve the systemequations defined by Eq.~2.21!, compute the energy of polarization according to Eq.~2.18! and calculate the poly-atomic energies by a simple diagonalization procedurequiring no electronic integral evaluations. The DIIS eigevectors Gk j found by this diagonalization procedure definthe VB wave functions of the system according to the flowing equation:

fk~ t !5(j51


Gk jc j , ~2.23!

where indexj abreviates the pair of indicesmn presented inEq. ~2.16!.

Potential energy curves calculated using the DIISproach detailed above for a typical I2

2•Ar17 cluster sampled

from our ensemble of resonant initial configurations are psented in Fig. 4. These surfaces are computed by pullingtwo iodine atoms apart symmetrically keeping the I2

2 centerof mass position and bond orientation fixed at their initvalues. For the solid curves the two capping argon atomthe ends of the I2

2 molecule are moved apart in the same wthus as the two iodine fragments are pulled apart each sicapping argon atom at either end of the I2

2 follows its iodineatom out as the bond is extended. All the other argon atowhich form the completed and partially completed rings srounding the I2

2 bond are held fixed. For the dashed curv

, No. 17, 1 May 1997







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7108 V. S. Batista and D. F. Coker: Nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulations


on the other hand, all the argon atoms including the twcapping atoms are held fixed as the I2

2 bond is extended.These two different bond extension schemes approximatecaging environment expected in the cluster~solid curve! inwhich the capping atoms are blasted off the cluster asI22 bond is extended and in the frozen matrix~fixed cappingatoms!. Also overlayed on this figure is theA8 state pumpexcitation energy, and the point where this excitation enerintersects the cluster like curves at around 7–7.5 Å indicathe expected turning point for the classical motion of thexcited bond extension over these cluster surfaces.

FIG. 4. Potential energy surfaces of I22•Ar17 as functions of I2

2 bond lengthcomputed using the DIIS Hamiltonian with I2

2 center of mass position andbond orientation fixed at their initial values. For the solid curves the ecapping atoms are moved out with the iodine fragments modelling clusboundary conditions. Dashed curves show results computed with the cping atoms held fixed modelling rigid condensed phase boundary contions.

FIG. 5. Ground state potential energy surface obtained for I22•Ar6 ionic

molecular cluster system with the six Ar atoms in a ring configuratioaround the molecular axis. Surface is displayed as a function of ring codinate along the molecular axis and I2

2 bond length.

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 106






Figure 5 shows the ground state potential surface calated using the DIIS model for an artificial I2

2•Ar6 cluster ion

in which six argon atoms are located in a ring configuratof radius 4 Å around the molecular axis of the I2

2 molecule.The surface is plotted as a function of shifting the solvering along the I2

2 bond axis relative to its center of mass, fdifferent I2

2 bond lengths. From this figure we see that fshort I2

2 bond lengths the minimum energy configuratiohave the ring of argon atoms located in between the twatoms, while for longer I2

2 bond lengths minimum energconfigurations have the ring located near one or the othatom. These features of the ground state PES can be unstood in terms of the excess charge distribution of the mecule that goes from one equally shared between the twnear the equilibrium bond length to a charge stabilized bysurrounding solvent on one or the other I atom at larinternuclear separations.

D. Computation of approximate nonadiabaticcoupling vectors, adiabatic forces and the adiabaticbasis set propagator with DIIS

The nonadiabatic MD methods which we use to evothe excited state dynamics of these cluster systems havepresented in detail elsewhere.1–6 The adiabatic forces andnonadiabatic coupling vectorsDmn needed to implementhese methods are computed in terms of the DIIS eigenvtors and diabatic Hamiltonian matrix elements using the flowing approximate results:6,35

Dmn'2( i( j Gmi* Gn j¹R^F i uHuF j&

~em2en!, ~2.24!



Gki* Gk j¹R^F i uHuF j&, ~2.25!

where we have ignored terms like^¹RF i uHuF j& since thepbf’s F i are intended to reflect only gradual distortionsthey vary slowly with nuclear configuration. These samideas have proved very valuable for describing low-enemolecular collision processes49 ~and Refs. 20, 24, 29, and 3therein!.

As an independent test of the approximations underlythe above result~the slow variation of the pbf’s with nucleacoordinates! we have computed the forces by finite diffeence estimation using variation of the DIIS eigenvalues afind that the force obtained from Eq.~2.25! is very accuratefor typical fluid configurations.

The gradients of the DIIS Hamiltonian matrix elemenin the pbf basis set in Eq.~2.25! or Eq. ~2.24! are mostconveniently computed using finite difference, although thcan be computed exactly as indicated above by differening the necessary transformation matrices and the empipotential energy matrices. For every interacting pair a nset of matrices and the necessary derivatives need to beputed and multiplied. We find that a three point finite diffeence approach is accurate and comparable in computatexpense, and much easier to code for general applicati



, No. 17, 1 May 1997






















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7109V. S. Batista and D. F. Coker: Nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulations


However, the gradient of the polarization term,¹Rhn , iscalculated analytically according the following expression


]Rp52mpF ]Enp



]T jp

]Rpm j G , ~2.26!



jm j

]Ec j

]Rc, ~2.27!

whereRp andRc represent the coordinates of the dipoles athe charge, respectively.

The final quantity we need to implement the surfahopping nonadiabatic algorithm is the electronic subsyspropagator which we compute in terms of the DIIS eigenvtors and eigenvaluesen as described in Ref. 6 according t

Tno~ t1d,t !'expF2 id

2\~en~ t1d!1eo~ t !!G(

iGni* ~ t

1d!Goi~ t !. ~2.28!


A. General overview of experimental observations

In the experiments of Vorsaet al.,25 photoexcitation ofI22 in argon clusters, I2

2•Ar i ~where there arei argon atoms

solvating the I22 in the initially prepared unexcited cluste

0< i<27), leads to various charged fragmentation produwhich are detected using mass spectrometry:

~1! The I22 molecular anion can dissociate in the clust

loosing an I radical, and evaporating argon solvent atoyielding detectable I2•Ar f photofragments;

~2! Alternatively, for large enough clusters, the dissociatfragments of the I2

2 ion can be effectively caged by thsurrounding cluster atoms, lose some of their excitatenergy and recombine to form a stable, possibly excmolecular anion.

In the latter case the caging interactions that give riseenergy loss from the excited I2

2 result in evaporation of argon solvent atoms giving detectable I2

2•Ar f 8 fragments.

Vorsaet al.analyze their experimental results in terms of texcess excitation energy being deposited into the surrouing solvent and resulting in evaporation of atoms fromcluster. Their analysis gives a mean binding energyevaporated solvent atom and correlates well with the prodphotofragment size distributions they observe.

Depending on the excitation energy, and the prepainitial cluster size,i , different charged product photofragment distributionsP( f ) are observed. For example, with790 nm excitation which takes the I2

2 from its groundX, 2Su,1/2

1 state to the excitedA8, 2Pg,1/2 state in theFranck–Condon region, the experiments reveal that for pcursor clusters with less thani;10 argon atoms solvatingthe I2

2 ion, solvent caging is ineffective and we see ondissociated photofragments of the form I2

•Ar f where thedistribution of final cluster sizes,P( f ), covers the range fromf;0 to f; i /2, i.e., as many as half the argon atoms in

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 106













precursor cluster can be evporated during dissociation. Hever, the average charged product photofragment under tdissociative conditions is I2

•Ar ~i.e., f;1).As the precursor cluster size is increased beyondi;10

argon atoms, the I2•Ar f product channel closes down rap

idly and by abouti;16 the only photofragments observeinvolve the recombined molecular anion and are of the foI22•Ar f 8. In the transitional precursor cluster size range b

tweeni510 and 16 argon atoms we see a mixture of disciated (I2•Ar f) and recombined (I2

2•Ar f 8) photofragments.

In this precursor size range, the dissociated photofragmproduct distribution splits into two subdistributions: A smacluster band in which the I2 is solvated byf50, 1, 2 or 3argon atoms, the dominant average cluster being I2

•Ar in-dependent of precursor cluster size, and a larger cluster b( f55, 6 or 7! whose major component is the I2

•Ar6 clusterbut the average cluster size in this band scales linearly wprecursor size.

The recombined product (I22•Ar f 8) photofragment size

distributions for precursor cluster sizesi.10 show charac-teristic bimodal shapes with a persistent peak atf 850, and aband of peaks whose mean size shifts linearly to largerminal recombined clusters as the precursor cluster sizei isincreased. Vorsaet al. interpret these two distinct classesrecombined photofragments as arising from two differentcombination pathways, as follows.

~a! The photofragments of the dissociated I22 molecule

are effectively caged by the solvating cluster so that threcombine into the groundX, 2Su,1/2

1 electronic state with alarge amount of residual vibrational excitation. As this rcombined ground state molecular anion vibrationally relaits excess energy is dumped efficiently into the surroundcluster resulting in all the argon atoms of the intermedisize precursor clusters being evaporated and giving risthe strong peak atf 850 in the recombined photofragmensize distribution.

~b! Alternatively, Vorsaet al. argue that the recombination can either occur with significant rearrangement ofcluster producing a metastable solvent separated groundconfiguration, or the I2

2 can recombine into an excited eletronic state. Both these recombination pathways resulevaporation of argon atoms. However, because some ofexcess energy is still tied up in either electronic excitationin the metastable solvent separated ground state configtion, not all the argon atoms are evaporated. This resultthe distribution of larger recombined photofragmentsthese intermediate precursor clusters.

B. Detailed comparison of calculations andexperimental results

As outlined in Sec. II A, for reasons of economy whave used only 18 trajectories in our nonadiabatic MDsembles for these cluster systems. These trajectories habe followed for relatively long times to reach their equilibrium sizes after photoexcitation, and a broad range of pcursor cluster sizes had to be surveyed. In our previous sies of photodissociation of I2 in liquid and solid rare gases


, No. 17, 1 May 1997







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7110 V. S. Batista and D. F. Coker: Nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulations


we averaged our results over four different ensembles, eof 18 trajectories giving a total ensemble size of 72 trajecries. In these studies we found that the number of trajectobranching into the different possible nonadiabatic channand the general qualitative features of the results compfor the full ensemble were reliably represented by each sensemble of only 18 trajectories. We thus believe thatcluster results presented here for these relatively smallsembles give a reliable qualitative overview of cluster phtodissocitation processes. Calculation of precise detailsthe size distributions etc., would require larger ensemsizes and are beyond the scope of these survey studies

In Sec. II B we described the underlying equilibriustructure of the I2

2 solvation shell for the small to intermedate size argon clusters predicted by our DIIS ground spotential surface. In an attempt to develop an understanof how these underlying precursor cluster structures inence the photofragmentation dynamics and ultimatelyproduct photofragment size distributions observed expmentally, in Fig. 6 we display the I—I bond length historiesfor various ensembles of 18 nonadiabatic MD trajectoriesthe i511, 12 and 13 atom precursor cluster systems.initial configurations were sampled from equilibrium grou

FIG. 6. I—I bond length histories for various ensembles of 18 nonadiabMD trajectories for thei5 11, 12 and 13 precursor cluster systems.

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state distributions atT540 K. The initial energy gap between theX andA8 states of the different ensemble membefor each cluster size is resonant with the 790 nm pump puAt t50 all members of a given ensemble are excited toA8 electronic state and the ensuing many-body nonadiabdynamics is followed using surface hopping methods.

The most striking feature evident from the trajectoridisplayed in Fig. 6 is that as the precursor cluster sizeincreased fromi511 to i513 argon atoms, trajectories iwhich the two iodine fragments simply separate ballisticaon the repulsive excited electronic state are prominent fori511 atom precursor cluster, while they are not observeall for the i513 atom cluster or for any precursor clustelarger than this~see Fig. 9!. On the other hand, precursoclusters smaller thani511 all exhibit the ballistic dissociation channel in which the I atoms simply fly apart largeunperturbed by the surrounding cluster. The dissociationnamics of these smaller clusters is dominated by this behior.

The reason for this extreme sensitivity of the trajectorto precursor cluster size in this range is apparently due torelative stability of clusters with a hexagonal ring of argatoms around the I—I bond compared to clusters which dnot exhibit this structural motif. From Fig. 2 we see that tequilibrium geometry of thei511 atom cluster has an incomplete ring of only 5 argon atoms about the I—I bondwhile the cap of this cluster also has an incomplete 5 mebered ring topped by a single atom. When we increasecluster size toi512 and 13 argon atoms~or larger than this!we complete the 6 membered ring around the I—I bond giv-ing a very stable solvating structure. As the two iodine framents fly apart after electronic excitation in thei513 atomprecursor cluster, for example, this symmetrical ring strture remains intact. The charges on the departing iodine fments polarize this stable ring leading to symmetrical lorange attractive forces which cause all the I—I bond trajec-tories for this precursor cluster size to show a broad disbution of turning points at between;8.5 Å and;14 Å ~seeFig. 6!. The stable central ring thus acts as an attractor whinitiates the recombination of the molecular anion. For ti511 atom precursor cluster, on the other hand, whenexcited iodine fragments leave the cluster on the first boextension the 5 membered bond ring is more often destlized and the remaining cluster of solvent breaks apart leing no center for attraction of the separating iodine fragmewhich simply dissociate.

Since even partially completed ring structures showunderlying hexagonal shape in the minimum energy clusgeometries shown in Fig. 2, unfinished rings with onlyatoms have very open, half completed hexagonal structuWhen the I2

2 flies apart after photoexcitation and the iodinfragments leave the smaller clusters which show these ostructural features, the unstable half completed rings wbreak apart, fragmenting the solvent cluster so there willno attractor site to nucleate I2

2 recombination. As soon as whave a ring structure in the cluster which is beyond hcomplete, with say 5 atoms, the additional atom seems toable to partially stabilize the ring so that it can remain inta


, No. 17, 1 May 1997













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7111V. S. Batista and D. F. Coker: Nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulations


after initial photofragmentation of the I22 and can thus be

partially effective in nucleating recombination of the I22 frag-

ments. From Fig. 2 we see that the first cluster which shoa 5 member or more, over half complete hexagonal rstructure is thei510 atom precursor cluster and we beliethat this is the reason that this is the first cluster which shodetectable I2

2 recombination fragments in both the expements and in our calculations.

From the bond length trajectories of thei512 and 13atom precursor clusters in Fig. 6 we see that the return ofiodine fragments can result in I2

2 recombination characterized by the highly oscillatory bond length trajectories,alternatively as the iodine fragments return to the clustesome of the solvent atoms have been dislodged, the recoiodine fragments may collide with these displaced solvatoms which destroys the solvent cluster resulting in thedine fragments dissociating permanently.

For our trajectories which show effective recombinatiand persistant oscillation of the I2

2 bond length at long timeswe see two distinctively different types of possible vibrtional motion characterized by different frequencies, amtudes and equilibrium bond lengths. These different vibtional motions result from recombination either into tgroundX electronic state of the cluster which, as we seeFig. 6, is characterized by a higher frequency and shoequilibrium bond length (RX

eq;3.25 Å!, or recombinationinto the excitedA state and from Fig. 4 this surface is bounin the cluster, and it is characterized by a lower vibratiofrequency and its equilibrium I—I separation is nearly 0.5 Ålonger than in the cluster ground state withRA

eq;3.75 Å. Thetrajectories for thei513 atom cluster displayed in Fig.show examples of recombination which yields vibrationahot recombined I2

2 molecules in which the electronic excitation is converted into large amplitude vibrational motionthe electronic ground state as well as smaller amplitudebrations whose equilibrium bond length is characteristicrecombination into the excitedA state of the cluster. In addition we see a trajectory which recombines into the groustate and loses a large amount of vibrational excitation psumably through efficient coupling to translational motionthe argon atoms which could be kicked off the cluster at hspeeds.

Clearly the precise amount of branching into these dferent types of photoproduct channels as a function of pcursor cluster size will be very sensitive to the accurate trment of the dissociation dynamics of these clusters. Tprediction of terminal product distributions for these phofragmentation reactions in clusters provides a very stringtest for our nonadiabatic dynamics methodologies andinteraction potentials obtained from our DIIS calculations.Figs. 7 and 8 we thus present a detailed comparison ofphotofragment product distributions for thei513 precursorcluster. Due to the partial capping, discussed earlier,cluster is in the transitional precursor size range and thuphotofragment distribution shows a particularly rich arrayvaried product channels. Even with our ensembles of onlytrajectories the product distributions for the I2

2•Ar f 8 frag-

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 106














mentation channel~see Fig. 8! obtained from our calcula-tions are in remarkably good qualitative agreement withexperimental results. We do not have the statistics to resthe I2•Ar f channel~see Fig. 7! into the various possiblephotofragments as only 5 of our trajectories actually dissoated this way but the relative proportion of this channel copared to the recombination pathway is well reproducedwe do see evidence of the split distribution observed expmentally for these channels.

In Fig. 9 we present similar bond length trajectory plofor larger precursor cluster sizes,i515, 17 and 19 argonatoms. There are two related features to note when coming these larger cluster results with those presented in Fifor the smaller clustersi511, 12 and 13: First, we see thathe trajectories which dissociate after being attracted bacthe cluster and colliding with displaced solvent atoms rapidrop out of our ensemble over this larger cluster size raand only represent about 10% of trajectories ati517 andthey are completely absent by thei519 argon atom clusterThis indicates that the argon atoms around the body of

FIG. 7. Histogram of them/e5127-based ionic photofragments~uncaged!I2•Ar f from I2

2•Ar13 precursor cluster after photoexcitation atl5790 nm.

The upper graph displays experimental values while the lower graph shnonadiabatic MD simulation results.

, No. 17, 1 May 1997








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7112 V. S. Batista and D. F. Coker: Nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulations


cluster are held in place more rigidly for these larger precsor clusters and are thus less able to be dislodged as a rof the first I2

2 bond extension.The second intriguing feature evident when compar

these trajectory plots for the various clusters is the drameffect precursor cluster size has on the attractive interactresponsible for turning the trajectories around and bringthe iodine fragments back toward the solvent cluster and psible recombination. We see the mean turning points vfrom about 14 Å for thei511 atom cluster to only about 7 Åfor the i519 precursor cluster. It is evident from the trajetories that these smaller bond excursions in the larger, mstable and more strongly attractive clusters decrease thescale for recombination by about a factor of 3 being roug10 ps before the first characteristic bound vibrations fori513 atom cluster and considerably less than 5 ps fori519 precursor cluster. As the number of tightly localizcharge induced dipoles in the more rigidly held atoms oflarger clusters increases, the attractions responsiblethe recombination also increase significantly. Pump-prexperiments24 for I2

2 in CO2 clusters indicate longer absorp

FIG. 8. Same as Fig. 7 but form/e5254-based recombined ionic photofragments I2

2•Ar f 8.

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 106







tion recovery times (;10230 ps! than those we see abovfor our calculations in argon clusters. It would be interestito see if this prediction is verified in dynamical experimenon argon clusters. The CO2 experiments do show the samsigmoidal decreasing trend in recovery time with increascluster size apparent from our results in argon clusters.

In Fig. 10 we present our calculated recombined frament distributions which exhibit the characteristic bimodevolution with precursor cluster size similar to that observin the experiments. This bimodal distribution, with its stropeak atf 850 and group of fragmentation peaks whose aerage size increases linearly with precursor cluster sizeclose agreement with the experimental results presenteVorsaet al.,25 results due to the two different nonadiabarecombination channels evident in the bond length trajectplots discussed earlier. When the I2

2 recombines rapidly intoits groundX electronic state and exhibits high frequenclarge amplitude vibrational motion, the excess excitationergy in this vibrational motion can be efficiently coupled inevaporation of solvent atoms as the highly vibrationally e

FIG. 9. I–I bond length histories for various ensembles of 18 nonadiabMD trajectories of thei515, 17 and 19 precursor cluster systems.

, No. 17, 1 May 1997


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7113V. S. Batista and D. F. Coker: Nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulations


cited molecular anion attempts to undergo vibrational relation. For these intermediate size clusters this vibrationalaxation can lead to evaporation of all the solvent atogiving the strong peak atf 850. Recombination into the excitedA electronic state, on the other hand, leaves a substial part of the photon energy locked up in electronic excition thus these recombined electronically excited trajectoexhibit smaller amplitude, lower frequency vibrations whiare ineffective at coupling energy into evaporation of solvatoms from the cluster. This recombination channel thgives rise to the group of larger product cluster bands whshift with increasing precursor cluster size due to the factthere are simply more atoms to start with and the sarelatively small, amount of excited state vibrational energyunload into evaporation.

We follow the experimental workers25 and summarizethe results of our calculations by plotting the percentage ptofragment yields of I2•Ar f ~‘‘uncaged’’!, bare I2


~‘‘caged’’, and recombined into the groundX electronicstate! and I2

2•Ar f 8 ~so-called ‘‘solvent separated,’’ which w

interpret as recombination into the excitedA electronicstate!. A comparison of our calculated component yielwith those obtained from experiments is presented in Fig.

FIG. 10. Histograms of the recombined ionic photofragments I22•Ar f 8 for

precursor clusters I22•Ar i ( i5 11, 13 and 15! after photoexcitation at

l5790 nm. This plot exhibits the two classes ofm/e5254-based photo-products also observed in experiments. The average separation betwetwo distributions increases with the cluster size.

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 106







Considering the approximations underlying our nonadiabMD methods and our semiempirical DIIS calculations of texcited electronic state surfaces, combined with the smensemble sizes used in these studies, the agreement bethe calculated and experimental photofragment yields ismarkable.

The sudden closing of the I2•Ar f uncaged channel is

well represented in our calculations, and except for the fthat this photoproduct persists in small yields out to abi517, our calculated trends are in almost quantitative agrment with experiment. The growing in of the caged I2

2 pho-toproduct yield abovei510 is also in nearly quantitativeagreement with the experimental curve up to the precucluster size ofi515. Even the peak ati512 and the smalldrop at i513 are well described in our calculations. Thcalculations predict too much caged photoproduct fori.15but our calculated results never deviate from the experimtal curves by more than 10%. The establishment ofI22•Ar f 8, solvent separated~excited state recombined! photo-

product is also extremely will represented in our calculatiowhich correctly predict even the oscillatory trend with icreasing precursor cluster size. The yield of excited srecombined product is slightly underestimated in our callations, but again it never deviates from the experimenresults by more than 10%.

The branching of trajectories into theX or A states, andthus the photofragment yields of the different product cluters in these experiments, is directly controlled by the eltronic nonadiabatic dynamics of these excited state systeThis branching is sensitive to the details of the electrocoupling between the states, and the speed with whichclassical nuclear coordinates move through the coupling


FIG. 11. Comparison of calculated and experimental normalized brancratios for the three distinct photoproduct channels: I2

•Ar f ~uncaged!, 1

symbols~expt.! and triangles~calc.!, bare I22 ~caged, and recombined into

the ground X electronic state!, squares~expt.! and stars~calc.!, andI22•Ar f 8 ~caged, and recombined into the excitedA electronic state!, dia-

monds~expt.! and crosses~calc.!.

, No. 17, 1 May 1997















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7114 V. S. Batista and D. F. Coker: Nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulations


gions. The fact that our calculated yields of the differephotofragments are so close to the experimental results githis sensitivity gives us confidence in our methodology.

As a final comparison with experiment, in Fig. 12 wplot an even more demanding quantity, the average numof argon atoms evaporated from the cluster as a functionprecursor size for the different product channels. The cufor the I2•Ar f photoproduct thus represents the numberatoms that do not bind to the iodide ion after the I2

2 molecu-lar anion dissociates and breaks apart the cluster. Thisparticularly challenging quantity to calculate and our resuare in extraordinary agreement with experiment.

For intermediate size clusters out toi520 the groundstate recombination channel leads to evaporation of allcluster atoms as a result of vibrational relaxation and ecient energy transfer to the solvent. Abovei520 the experi-ments indicate that the vibrational relaxation is completedunevaporated solvent atoms begin to remain attached tovibrationally relaxed I2

2 , and the number of evaporated aoms begins to level off at about 22. We begin to see evidenof this effective vibrational relaxation in our calculations bi519 as some of our ensemble members still have an aratom attached to the I2

2 ion after 45 ps.For the final excitedA state recombination channel we

see that our calculations predict that there are too few argatoms being evaporated from the cluster~only ;7) com-pared with experimental results (;9). This difference couldbe due to the fact that because the excited state surfacparticularly shallow the relaxation on this surface is veslow and our 45 ps trajectories are not long enough to seethe evaporation that takes place at longer times in the expments. We also ignore the possibility of fluorescence frothese recombined electronically excited clusters in our callations. If clusters do indeed equilibrate on theA state sur-face as a result of early evaporation of cluster atoms th

FIG. 12. Average number of Ar atoms evaporated for the uncaged in dmonds ~expt.! and crosses~calc.!; caged recombined into theX state insquares~expt.! and stars~calc.!; and recombined into the excitedA state inplus signs~expt.! and triangles~calc.!.

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 106














because of the longer bond length shift in the minimumthe excited state relative to the ground state apparent incluster potential curves of Fig. 4, radiative relaxation of tI22•Ar f 8 cluster will leave the I2

2 slightly vibrationally hot onthe ground electronic state, thus more atoms may be evrated after radiative relaxation, giving evaporation resultscloser agreement with experiment. Indeed assumingFranck–Condon photodeexcitation from the minimum of texcited clusterA state shown in Fig. 4 indicates that thewould be roughly;0.15 eV excess vibrational excitatioafter dropping to the ground state due to the displacementhe equilibrium positions of these surfaces. The subsequevaporation of two more cluster atoms after fluorescencthus consistent with the roughly;70 meV binding energyper atom estimated from the experimental studies.25


In order to address the role of electrostatic interactioon the dynamics of chemical reactions in cluster systeDIIS methods were combined with a nonadiabatic surfahopping algorithm in simulations of ultrafast pump photoecitation experiments on the photodissociation, geminatecombination and vibrational relaxation of I2

2 in size selectedI22•Arn ionic molecular clusters. For reasons of economy,

ensemble sizes used in these calculations are fairly smallwe could realistically only run the calculations out to reltively short times compared to flight times of the expements. Despite these limitations we believe our resultsmeaningful and our calculated photofragment yields of dferent ionic products are found to compare remarkably wwith recent experiments by Vorsaet al. on this system.

Our nonadiabatic MD simulations showed that the dnamics of relaxation of both the chromophore and the svent are intimately coupled. The various potential surfacethe chromophore that participate in the dynamics of relation are coupled by the presence of the surroundingticles. These couplings generate electronic relaxation ofchromophore into excited nuclear vibrational states of lowlying electronic surfaces and the excess kinetic energy ofchromophore thus generated is absorbed by the solwhich undergoes partial or total evaporation from the clusThe dynamics of photodissociation and geminate recombtion in I2

2•Arn ionic molecular clusters exhibited strong clu

ter size dependence in the range 10<n<15 and recombina-tion times decrease with increasing cluster size, in agreemwith general experimental findings.20,24 Comparing our cal-culations in argon with the experiments in CO2 we predictthat recombination dynamics is roughly a factor of 2–3 timfaster in argon than in CO2 and more experimental and theoretical work is necessary to verify and understand thdifferences.

The branching ratios and the photofragment yields ofdifferent product clusters obtained from our nonadiabaMD simulation methods coupled to DIIS electronic structucalculations are in almost quantitative agreement withperimental results and provide important documentationthe ability of these computational techniques to simulate


, No. 17, 1 May 1997
















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7115V. S. Batista and D. F. Coker: Nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulations


detailed the influence of the solvent on the dynamicschemical reactions in condensed phase like environmen

The electronically nonadiabatic recombination dynamwhich is ultimately responsible for branching into differephotofragment products and controls the amount of cluevaporation is driven by long range charge-induced dipinteractions in these clusters. In the traditional solution phinterpretation of these recombination phenomenon the tcaging is usually understood to describe the very shranged repulsive interactions that the dissociating fragmare subject to as they collide with the unrelenting masssurrounding solvent atoms and recoil off the walls of thsolvent cage to again find one another and possibly recbine as a result of energy loss during these early solvcollisions.

The picture of the caging phenomenon we find in thecharged chromophore cluster systems is dramatically difent: The short range interactions are only active for a fleemoment as the two capping argon atoms at the ends ofcluster recoil with high velocities after suffering almost impulsive collisions with the ballistic iodine fragments. Duethe large mass difference between the iodine and argonoms, the iodine fragments still have momentum and contito move outward from the cluster but their speeds are grereduced and are now less than the escape velocity needethe strong attractive charge-induced dipole forces whicherate at larger distances in these systems. Provided thmaining cluster has not broken up too much as a result ofinitial departure of the iodine fragments, the largest piecethe remaining cluster, with the biggest induced dipole, mthen act as a long range attractor for the iodine fragmewhich may subsequently find one another in the regionthis cluster and recombine through various nonadiabchannels. In these clusters the short range interactionsthus only active to slow the escaping photofragments solong range forces can drag them back together.

As the cluster size is increased toward the bulk phascontrast, we expect that deep within a large cluster the lrange forces provide little more than an over all backgrouoff set to the total energy which changes slowly as we mthrough the bulk. The more traditional view of photoframent caging dictated by the rapidly changing short rangeof the potential again emerges. Long range interactions mbe important for recombination processes in intermedsize clusters if the chromophore finds itself near the surfof the cluster. In a future publication59 we will explore thesedifferent roles of long and short range interactions and theffects on ultrafast pump-probe signals from photodissocing I2

2 in both the liquid and solid phases.The final point to reiterate here is that our simulatio

reveal that when the precursor cluster is large and stenough to promote recombination of the iodine fragmentsobserve reformation of the I2

2 bond via two different chan-nels: The I2

2 molecule can either recombine into the grouelectronic state in which case it can be highly vibrationaexcited and the subsequent vibrational relaxation can rein evaporation of many cluster atoms. Alternatively the2


may initially recombine into the excitedA state in which low

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frequency motions are ineffective at coupling energy insolvent atom evaporation giving rise to larger recombinclusters which may also survive radiative deexcitationlonger times. In this excited electronic state of the entcluster, analysis of recombined configurations revealsthere is a tendency for argon atoms to group about the reof the bond but we do not see excited state configuratithat could realistically be described as solvent separate25

Similarly we do not see evidence of metastable recombiconfigurations in the ground electronic state which invosolvent separation in these small to intermediate size cters.


We gratefully acknowledge financial support for thwork from the National Science Foundation~Grants No.CHE-9058348 and No. CHE-9521793!, the Petroleum Re-search Fund administered by the American Chemical Soc~Grant No. 27995-AC6! and a generous allocation of supecomputer time from Boston University’s center for ScientiComputing and Visualization.

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