Non Research Article_fika Fajariyah Arifin_103194006

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  • 7/31/2019 Non Research Article_fika Fajariyah Arifin_103194006



    Integration of Environmental Chemistry Learning in The

    Secondary School

    Fika Fajariyah Arifin(103194006)*

    Department of Chemistry Education , Surabaya State University

    * Corresponding author, tel : 085732247774, email: [email protected]


    Integration of environmental chemistry learning is want to know about the

    Effectiveness of learning by using an integrated chemical study on the environmental

    chemistry of matter and motivate and foster student interest in materials

    environmental chemistry by using an integrated learning chemistry. Writing this

    scientific papers is compiled based on literature review of the literature appropriate to

    the topic of writing. Literature that used are primary (journal). From that literature

    then obtained data are primary. Integrated learning environment on the chemical

    materials that promote contextual learning, combined with the concept of

    environmental chemistry made his children to think critically in solving problems that

    exist around them and learning to be more effective because students solve their own

    problems by using concepts that they already have to motivation student and foster

    their interest in environmental chemistry materials that are beneficial to themselves

    especially well for people.

    Keywords : Environmental Chemistry, Integration learning, secondary school


    Pembelajaran kimia lingkungan terpadu adalah ingin mengetahui tentang

    efektivitas belajar dengan menggunakan pembelajaran terpadu pada materi kimia

    lingkungan dan memotivasi serta menumbuhkan minat siswa pada materi kimia

    lingkungan dengan menggunakan kimia terpadu. Menulis makalah ilmiah ini

    dikompilasi berdasarkan tinjauan sastra-sastra yang sesuai dengan topik yang

    dibahas. Sastra yang digunakan sebagai sumber utama (jurnal). Dari sumber yang

    ada kemudian diperoleh data utama. Pembelajaran kimia lingkungan terpadu

    pada materi kimia yang menggunakan pembelajaran kontekstual, dikombinasikan

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    Chemicals including lessons that discuss science-related chemical processes. In other

    words, chemistry is the science related to the way of finding out something about the

    systematic nature, thus learning chemistry not only by the mastery of knowledge in the form

    of a collection of facts, concepts, or principles but also a learning process that can discover

    new things in chemistry. In the chemical environment material is needed in an integrated

    learning, because these materials are in need of a real understanding of the students so that

    necessary experiment in learning.

    To explore the environmental chemistry materials for integrated learning needed

    because to do an inevstigation further about this material.. With the integrated learning will

    develop the way students learn and think scientifically. By doing the investigation they would

    be able to jump directly to understand environemtal problems in around and the solve

    problem.Learning chemistry is expected to be a discourse for students to learn about yourself

    and the environment, as well as prospects for further in applying the science of chemistry in

    daily life. The learning process emphasizes providing direct experience to develop

    competencies for students to explore and understand about scientific nature. In studying

    chemistry students are directed to apply the previous knowledge with environmental

    problems that they face .

    Through integrated learning teachers can bring students to the learning objectives

    have been set. Integrated learning is learning that guided that basically human beings have an

    infinite capacity to learn, which one is more visible than its capacity rather than from

    shortcomings. By applying the lessons integrated learning subject matter environmental

    chemistry will make a way of thinking students to solve problems and more critical material.


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    1.2Problem Formulation1. Whether integrated with learning chemistry in environmental chemistry material to

    improve the effectiveness of learning?

    2. Whether integrated with learning chemistry in environmental chemistry materials canincrease student motivation and interest in learning?

    1.3The Aim1. The effectiveness of learning by using integrated chemical study on environmental

    chemistry materials

    2. Motivation and build interest in learning chemistry students using the integrated onenvironmental chemistry materials.

    1.4The Advantage1. Increase knowledge of students in environmental chemistry material2. Increase studentsunderstanding in environmental chemistry material3. Motivate students in environmental chemistry material to solve environmental

    chemistry problems around them.

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    Integrated learning developed premise progressivism, constructivism,

    developmentally, Appropriate practice (DAP), a practical basis (Department of Education,

    1996:5). The flow of progressivism states that learning should take place in nature, not


    Integrated Learning also developed according to understand constructivism which

    states that knowledge is formed solely by the individual and the experience is the key of

    meaningful learning.

    The main principle is developed in an integrated learning is Developmentally

    Appopriate Practice (DAP). In this DAP states that learning should be tailored to age and

    individual development, including the development of cognition, emotion and the mina, and

    the talent of students.

    Integrated learning model include: 1.Model fragmented the traditional learning that

    divide disciplines on several subjects 2. Connected model : based on the assumption that

    learning points can basic the holding of certain subjects 3. Nested models: integrating

    different forms of concept mastery of skills through a learning activity.

    Integrated Learning also based on the foundation of Normative and practical

    foundation. Normative foundation requires that, integrated learning should be implemented

    based on the ideal to be achieved by learning goals. While the Platform for Practical expect

    that integrated learning carried out with due regard to practical situations and conditions that

    affect the possibility of their implementation achieve optimal results.

    Integrated Teaching materials need to choose some subjects that may be related to

    each other. Thus, the selected material to reveal a significant theme. It may happen, no matter

    enrichment in the form of examples of applications that do not temuat in the

    curriculum. Integrated Teaching should not be contrary to the purposes brlaku curriculum,

    but instead should support the achievement of integrated learning tujuanpembelajaran

    contained in the curriculum. The materials are combined in one theme will need to consider

    student characteristics, such as interests, abilities, themes, needs and prior

    knowledge. Combined subject matter need not be too forced. That is, material that can not be

    combined do not have to be integrated.

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    a. Theory of Development Jean Pieget

    Pieget believe that experiences of physical and environmental manipulation is

    important for the occurrence of changes in development. In addition, social interaction with

    peers, especially argue, discuss, help to clarify thinking, which in turn, makes it a more

    logical thinking.

    Teachers can create a situation auat adequate learning environment for students to

    find real experiences and engage langsungdengan tools and media, the role of teachers is very

    important to create learning situations in accordance with the theory of Piaget.

    b. Learning Theory Konstuktivisme

    Constructivist learning theory is a new theory of cognitive learning in educational

    psychology which states bahwac students should find themselves and transform complex

    information, check out the new information with old rules that revise the rules if it does not

    fit anymore. For students in order to really understand and can apply their knowledge to work

    solving problems, find something to himself, trying to suck up with ideas (Slavin, 1994)

    c. Vygotsky Theory

    Vygotsky theory is one of the important theory in developmental

    psychology. Vygotsky theory emphasizes the social nature of cultural learning. According to

    Vygotsky that learning occurs when children work or learn to handle the tasks that have not

    been studied but the duties were still in the range of skills or tasks in the zone of proximal


    d. Bandura's Theory

    Someone learning according to this theory was conducted to observe the behavior of

    others, the observation was later strengthened by connecting new experiences with previous

    experience or repeat-ngulang back. In this way gives an opportunity for the person to express

    a learned behavior.

    e. Bruner Theory

    According to Bruner, learning is more meaningful for students if they focus attention

    on understanding the structure of matter being studied. To obtain structural information,

    students should be active where they should identify themselves the key principles of the just

    received an explanation from the teacher.

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    Environmental Chemistry

    Environmental issues are prevalent in the news these daysfrom warnings of

    impending global catastrophes to local concerns about pollution in previously purewaterways. Although many aspects of these discussions deal more with economics and

    politics than science, an educated citizen who knows basic chemistry is often appalled by the

    way the scientific facts and theories are misstated and how the roles of science and

    technology in both causing and curing these problems are misunderstood. One of the most

    valuable contributions that chemistry can make is to prepare students to deal rationally with

    these issues as chemistry-literate citizens in a world in which they are able to confront new

    problems intelligently. Chemists can help citizens better understand environmental issues by

    providing the data and theories that define the problem, assess its seriousness, and explain its

    causes. They can then use this information to develop new processes and materials and help

    to solve or reduce the environmental problems responsible citizens in their adult future.

    Green chemistry refers to the use ofchemistry that prevents pollution. To prevent

    pollution, green chemistry employs materials, processes, or practices that reduce or eliminate

    the creation of pollutants or wastes. The term also refers to practices that reduce the use of

    hazardous and nonhazardous materials, energy, water, or other resources as well as protect

    natural resources through efficient use (EPA, 1996). The implementation of the green

    chemistry into practice is guided by 12 principles that underlie a green approach to chemistry

    (Anastas and Warner, 1998). Through application and extension of these 12 principles, green

    chemistry can contribute to sustainable development (Wardencki et al., 2005). The principles

    of green chemistry comprise the following: it is better to prevent waste than treating it; atom

    economy; using less hazardous material synthesis method; designing safer chemicals; design

    for energy efficiency; use of renewable feedstock; reduce derivatives; catalysis; design for

    degradation; real-time analysis for population prevention; and inherently safer chemistry for

    accident prevention (Anastas and Warner, 1998). In this, green chemistry is not a new branch

    of science. Rather, it is a new way of thinking about science in a responsible manner so that

    the lives of future generations are not compromised by todays actions. Implementing green

    chemistry into curriculum comes with the hope of building a foundation that leads to a

    sustainable chemical industry in support of a sustainable society (Braun et al., 2006). In

    schools, green chemistry allows students to make connections between the discipline of

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    chemistry, other disciplinary subject matters, and aspects of their lives. For example, green

    chemistry has the potential to overcome a major barrier of current environmental education

    (Lianne, 2005), which separates pristine environments (nature) and the home, where the

    practices occur that impact the nature. Green chemistry provides students with the

    opportunity to act in an environmentally appropriate manner, because students understand

    how their chemistry directly affects the settings in which chemicals are used and where

    pollutants and wastes are dispersed. It has been shown that students who engage in

    environmental action tend to develop deep understandings of the sciences that they directly

    apply as part of their actions (Roth and Barton, 2004). Studies have suggested that

    implementation of green chemistry education can overcome the limitations of the current

    environmental education because it enhances critical thinking and problem solving skills as

    well as encourages students to look into sustainable development both locally and globally

    (Parrish, 2007). This study also lights that green chemistry enhances the communicative skills

    of the students. Students learn to address the environmental problems, as they felt empowered

    towards solving the problems (Haack et al., 2005).

    Motivating the students, while providing a good understanding of chemical concepts,

    was ranked among the most important concerns in chemistry education (Zoller and Pushkin,

    2007; Marks and Eilks, 2010; Parchmann et al., 2006). In order to study whether inclusion of

    an environmental context influences high-school students attitudes, perception and thus

    motivates them toward learning chemistry, a curricular unit was developed, namely, I Have

    Chemistry with the Environment unit. The unit concentrates on two context-based topics

    or modules. In each of these contexts students were given opportunities to make connections

    between chemistry concepts and real-life applications such as the water quality of their

    surroundings (in the Water and us module), and the relationship between everyday actions

    and the greenhouse effect. Since chemistry concepts from the traditional program were taught

    in previous chemistry lessons, it could be argued that learning the unit was an application of

    the previously learned concepts, for example, the topic of oxidation-reductiondan and

    chemical equilibrium. However, there were concepts that emerged through the context that

    were different from the students previous experience. This included, in particular, topics

    such as spectroscopy with regard to the greenhouse effect. In addition, solubility and

    precipitation reactions required new conceptual links with water treatment and the

    greenhouse effect. In the Water and us module, students learned how the concentration of

    calcium ions affects the hardness of water. The concept of hard water was introduced,

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    enabling students to explore how the hardness of water could be removed.

    These real-life connections were not merely applications of previously learned

    concepts; rather, they were concepts that emerged through real-life contexts that were

    different from students previous experience. For example, With all the concentration

    measurements in the lab, now I know it should concern me. It makes it more interesting.

    Learning concepts such as solubility, through this context, now enabled the students to

    make real-life connections to water treatment. Many studies have shown that if students are

    able to see how learning activities relate to their real life and have a greater sense of

    ownership of the investigation, they are likely to be more motivated and successful in the area

    of science that they are investigating (Hofstein and Kesner, 2006; Hofstein and Lunetta,

    2004). Making real-life connections between chemistry concepts and the contexts in which

    they were realized has been shown to have positive affective outcomes for many students

    who have studied science

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    3.1 Conclusion

    . Integrated learning environment on the chemical materials that promote contextual

    learning, combined with the concept of environmental chemistry made his children to think

    critically in solving problems that exist around them and learning to be more effective

    because students solve their own problems by using concepts that they already have to

    motivation student and foster their interest in environmental chemistry materials that are

    beneficial to themselves especially well for people.

    3.2 Suggestion

    1. Expected the teacher put forward the relationship between the chemistry in real life ,and the application of so that the science which received the students are not wasted

    and students could think more critical in the solution of environmental problems with

    the chemistry that they ve got .

    2. Expected more teachers could motivate students in learning environment by means ofchemical inflicting curiosity on the kids these problems around them so as to be

    attracted to investigate further.

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    An example of learning about plastics and their evaluation as a contribution to Education for

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    Ensuring sustainability of tomorrow through green chemistry integrated with sustainable

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    High-school chemistry teaching through environmentally orientedcurricula at 5 March 2012 at 07.45 p.m


