The prospecTs of non- convenTional energy resources by Debjoy Bhattacharya

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The prospecTs of non-convenTional energy


by Debjoy Bhattacharya

Classification of Energy Resources

Based on long term availability:

• a)Non renewable • b)Renewable

Based on traditional use:

• a) Conventional

• b) Non-conventional

Advantages and disadvantages of conventional energy sources

• Advantages• i. Security• ii. Convenience

• Disadvantages• i. Increasing cost• ii. Fossil fuel

generates pollutants • iii. Safety of nuclear • iv. Hydroelectric


Advantages and disadvantages of non-conventional energy


• Advantages• i. Available in nature • ii. Free of cost• iii. Inexhaustible • iv. Little pollution • v. Low gestation


• Disadvantages• i. High cost of

harnessing energy • ii. Uncertainty of

availability • iii. Difficulty in


Table: Power densities in various energy sources

Energy sourcesPower density in kw/m2

Non Conventional:

1.Wave <100

2.Wind <3

3.Solar <0.2

4.Tidal <.002

5.Biomass production <.0002

6.Geothermal heat <.00006


1.Hot plate 2.Coal(1 cm thickness)3.Power cable(1sq m of surface area of



Electrical Power Generation:

ResourcePercentage share

Thermal (coal & gas) 68.8%

Hydro 24%

Nuclear 2.7%

Non-Conventional 4.5%

Present situation and future trend

• a) Conventional resources

• i) Fossil fuels • ii) Hydro resources • iii) Nuclear resources

b) Non-conventional resources

• i) Solar energy • ii) Wind energy • iii) Biomass energy

• iv) Hydro eneregy • v) Tidal & Ocean energy

i) Solar energy

ii) Wind energy

iii) Biomass energy

iv) Hydro Energy

v) Tidal & Ocean energy

Energy source estimated potential Solar Energy 20 MW / sq. km Wind Energy 20,000 MW Small Hydro 10,000 MW Ocean Thermal Power 50,000 MW Sea Wave Power 20,000 MW Tidal Power 10,000 MW Bio energy 17,000 MW Draught Animal Power 30,000 MW Energy from MSW 1,000 MW Biogas Plants 12 Million Plants Improved Wood Burning Stoves 120 Million Stoves Bagasse-based cogeneration 3500 MW

Current status of various non conventional sources in India:- S.No.

Resource Potential Developed

A. Grid connected systems

1. Wind 45000 MW 2483 MW

2. Small/mini/micro hydro 15000 MW 1603 MW

3. Biomass electric power 19500 MW 613 MW

4. Biomass waste 1700 MW 41.5 MW

5. Solar PV systems 20 MW/sq km 2.54 MW grid connected

B. Decentralized systems

1. Biogas plants 120 lakh 36.5 lakh plants

2. Biomass gasifier 58MW

3. Community/Institutional/Night soil based biogas plants

3,902 Plants

4. Improved Chulha 1,200 lakh 339 lakhs

5. Solar home lighting system 3,07,763 Number

6. Solar street lighting system 52,102 Number

7. Solar lanterns 4.42 lakhs

8. SPV pumps 6,414 Number

9. SPV stand alone systems 1,791 kw

10. Solar water heating systems 1,400 lakh sq m collector area

8 lakhs sq m collector area

Importance of Non-Conventional Energy sources