SHANE-ROBINSON A wedding of much interest in Nogales took place Friday morn-' ing at the p&storate of the Sacred Heart church when Miss Natalie Robinson, daughter of Mexican Vice-Consul and Mrs. Guillermo Robinson, became the bride of William H. Shane of El Paso. The bride was attended by Mrs. j Concha I. Astiazaran, and the | bridegroom by Jose F. Astiaza-1 ran. Immediately following the cere- ¦ mony an informal luncheon was served after which the couple left for their future home in El Paso, I where the groom is connected; with the American Smelting & Refining Company. The bride is one of Nogales' most charming young women, and a member of one of the old- est families in Mexico. Mr. Shane is a prominent young busi- ness man. TO COLLEGE Several popular Nogales girls, most of them graduates of the Nogales high school, are enter- ing the Arizona University. Among these are Misses Helen Fowler, Lucy Chatham, Eliza- beth Abbott, Nancy Gillespie, I Pauline Darby, Margaret Fraizer, Nona White and Glenna Kams. Miss Polly Titoomb is returning to Marlborough school, Los An- geles while Miss Grace Mitchell will. enter St. Mary's Academy, Los Angeles. Miss Margie Wood will attend the Arizona Normal. A surprise birthday dinner was given by Mrs. Ray Carter Fri- day evening at her home on Grand, avenue in honor of her brother-in-law, Ted Carter. Mrs. Jessie Ferguson, who has been attending Berkley this sum- mer, has returned to Nogales to i resume her position in the city schools. 1 Sunday Morning, September 12,1926 PHONE 423 W FOR SOCIETY EDITOR ; MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER About 76 guests, including the ; employees of the Kress store and ! a few other friends gathered at I the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. ; Sage on Elm street where a mis- ! cellaneous shower was conferred upon Miss Margarita Badilla on I account of her approaching mar- i riage to Ignacio Gonzales, son [of Ignacio Gonzales and Carmen B. Gonzales of Terrace avenue. Little Kathleen Sage, represent- ing a bride and little Carmen Lown, the bridesmaid, received the guests and the bride’s table was decorated with a minature bridal party. Many useful and beautiful gifts were bestowed up- on Miss Badilla among them was a complete set of dishes. * B. & P. W. CLUB - The Business & Professional Womans Club met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Charles H. Field. The names of many new members were turned in by both sides in the member- ship contest and it was decided to extend the membership drive until the first Wednesday in No- vember. It was suggested by I Mrs. E. H. Stoltz that in an ef- fort to advertise Nogales the club send out circulars /calling attention to Nogales as a good place for healthseekers to locate. Major P. Lopez of the 25th Infantry was highly honored when he was selected to act as assistant to the chief umpire during the army maneuvers at Fort Huachuca. While the major is on this duty the Second Bat- talion will he under command of Captain L. A. Page. * « Complimentary to the teachers of the Nogales schools,* the [ Knights of Pythias lodge will : | give a dance Wednesday evening i at the Firemen's Club. i BEGINNING Sunday Sept 12th We Will Keep Open All Day Sundays DURING THE FALL AND WINTER SEASONS Special Chicken Dinner Every Sunday, - 7DC KING CAFE Shirts ALL KINDS AT MODERATE PRICES COME AND SEE OUR ASSORTMENT Escalada Brothers 107-109 Morley Avenue ; FEDERAL EMPLOYEES The regular meeting of Fed- eral Employees Union No. 85 was held at the Immigration office Thursday night with a very good attendance. Election of officers resulted in R. A. Rodgers being chosen president. H. R. Chatham vice-president, O. E. Towne sec- retary, and I. D. Owens treas- urer. There will be a special meeting sometime this month which will be open to all. Speak- j ers from the department located, at Phoenix will be here and tell the local members all about the deer in the Kaihah forest. Re- freshments were served to four- teen persons at Thursday night's meeting. | ... RETURN FROM HONEYMOON. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fraizer returned Thursday from an 1800 mile honeymoon tour to the Grand Canyon and other north- ern Arizona points. Mrs. Fraizer before her marriage was Miss Emma Mae Barney. The young couple have gone to housekeep- ing on Loma street. Misses Marjorie Wood, Dolly Mounier, Mildred Sorrells, and Dorothy Farrell, left Friday to attend the Normal at Tempe. Miss Emily Parker has gone to Flagstaff to attend the Normal in that city. To make plans for a big Armistice Day celebration here November 11, a special meeting of the American Legion will be held Monday night at the Fire- men's Club. ... The Eastern Star ladies will hold card party Tuesday night at the Masonic Hall for the Masons and their families. ... Colonel A. J. Dougherty, com- manding officer of the 26th In- fantry, has received orders as- signing him to Fort Benning, Georgia, at the completion of the maneuvers at Fort Huachuca. The Colonel will take a special course at the army school there and will return to his command here late in December. During his absence Lieutenant Colonel William S. Faulker will be in command at Camp Little. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Noon and children spent Labor Day at Douglas. * * Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Thurman j of San Francisco are here to spend a couple weeks visiting' their son, Attorney E. R. Thur-I man. They were met at Tucson ! 1 by Mr. Thurman. ; Joe Ramie of Pboenix was : here Monday and was accom- panied home by his wife and two children who spent the summer , in Nogales with 'Mrs. Ramie’s 1 mother, Mrs. Minnie Rodgers. I •• j Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lohn have returned from an extended stay in California, where Mrs. Lohn ! has been recuperating from an illness. Mr. Lohn is the well \ known photographer. » ••• Mrs. Hugh Graham will re- . turn the first of the week from a trip to Alaska. @®®s CHURCHES EPISCOPAL CHURCH Craford and Seaoßa streets. Rev. Walter Hugh MeNeely lA.M. Holy so—atom, 10 A. M. Choreh scheeL 11 A. M. Morning prayer and i address. All seats fres and nissslgiHd REVIVAL SERVICES , Revival Services will begin at the Methodist Church Sunday, September 12. All the people of the community are invited to at- tend regardless of whether you are a member of any church or not. The services will be conducted in the interest of the town. Let all those who have spiritual needs come. We especially invite the co- operation of all the other churches in town. Services every evening at 8 o’clock. C. W. GRIFFIN, Pastor. SACRED HEART CHURCH Masses every Sunday: 6 a. m., 7 a. m., 8 a. ou, 9 a. m. 10 a m* 11 a. m. Rosary and Benediction: 740 p. m. TRINITY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 222 Terrace Avenue Church school 10 o’clock. Mrs. J. D. Bristol, uperlntendent. You and your children will find help- ful relations in the contacts of this school. Morning worship, 11 o’clock. Theme, “The Constitution of the United States of America.” The Hon. Elbert R. Thurman will make the address. This is also Rally Day and we hope our friends who have returned from their vacations will also return to their place in the worship hour. A cordial invitation extended to nil. ' O. A. SMITH, D. D. FMor. ftbgales International—The People's Favorn^^ygwapßper SOCIETY ] BRIDAL SHOWER An outstanding social affair of the season was the bridal shower and dance given Monday after- noon and evening by Miss Emes- tina Robles and her sister, Mrs. A. Munozcano at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Juan Robles at 220 Walnut street. Miss Natalia Robinson, N who became the bride of William H. Shane, Friday, was the guest of honor. iWhen Miss Robinson arrived at ’the Robles residence she found 1 her friends standing in two long ’rows facing each other and while ' the wedding march was being played she marched underneath the arch of uplifted arms, to the 1 place in the room where a huge box contained the wedding pre- sents. Little Miss Mimi Davidson, | dressed to represent a bride, pre- sented the gifts. I Those attending the bridal shower and dance were Mr. and j Mrs. Guillermo Robinson, father and mother of the honor guest; ’Mrs. Anita Pena, Mrs. Roberta Elias, Mrs. Anita Villasenor, Mrs. Palacio Roji, Mrs. Louisa Fleisch- er, Mrs. Robert Fleischer, Mrs. Elsa Schrader, Mrs. Concha As- tiazaran, Mrs. Sara Aguirre, Mrs- Maria Tidwell, Mrs. Elisa Donna- dieu, Mrs. A. Munozcano, Mrs. Alicia Camou, Mrs. Francisca Bustamente, Mrs. J. Balderrain, Mrs. Lupe Gonzales, Mrs. Agustin Von Borstel, Mrs. Consuela Avi- lez, Mrs. Rubio Lonzano, Misses Natalia Robinson, Emilia Von Borstel, Ernestina Robles, Car- mela Marcor, Aglae Camou, Clara and Angela Terrazas, Anita Don- na dieu, Annie Hanlan, Clara Don- nadieu, Amalia Mimiaga, Aurelia Joffroy, Dora and Eva Ochoa, Anita and Matilde Davila, Ma- tilde Maytorena, Margarita Ra- mirez, Panchita Pujol, Estella, Lupe and Luz Gomez, Maria An- toinieta Ricaud, Alicia Bernard, Mariana Spence, Maria Ramirez, Emma Pesqueira, and Messrs. Ma- nuel Hanlan, Andronico Serrano, Luis and Rudy Fleischer, Raol Lopez, Carlos Reyes Gonzales. Effrain Urquidez, Julio Pena, Jose Duplatt, Ramiro Ortiz, Ma- nuel Abascal, Manuel Matiella, Oscar Salvatierra, G. R. G. R. Robinson, Pepe Astiazaran, Al- fonso Munozcano and Humberto Ochoa. State Auditor Francis Duffy was here from Phoenix to vote at Tuesday’s primary. m Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rice were here from Tucson, Tuesday, to vote at the primary. Mr. Ric 9 is temporarily in charge of the Tucson office of Parker-Grim- shaw Company. •• > Mr. and Mrs. Monte Coole and three children left last week on an automobile vacation trip to California. e Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Moorefield, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Cummings have gone to their home in Shreveport, La. » Local young men who are leaving the city to attend school elsewhere are Tommy White, Robert Fain, Billy Mitchell, Andy Davis, Constantine Maoris, Tom- my Hall who will enter the Uni- versity of Arizona. Fred Waters, Mills Gillespie and Lawrence Marsh will attend Roswell Mili- tary Academy. 0 9 Mr. and Mrs. F. A. French have gone to Los Angeles and San Diego to spend several -weeks. Arturo Cubillas, state treas- urer of Sonora, visited relatives in Nogales last week. * Mrs. H. R. Renshaw and fam- ily have returned from San Diego, California, where they spent the summer. Mrs. Charles Levih, wife of the S. P. de M- agent in Nogales, Sonora, has returned from a de- lightful vacation spent in and around Los Angeles. * t « Mias Grace Mitchell has left to attend St. Mary’s Academy in Los Angeles. 0 0 0 Cards have been received an- nouncing the marriage in Eugene, Ore., on September 8 of Miss Mary Helen Getty and J. Paul Young, both formerly of No- gales. They will reside in the state of Washington. W. J. Phillips, owner of the Owl drug stores, has returned from a lew days outing at Mount Lemon. 1 9 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tovrea are leaving Sunday to spend two weeks at Agua Caliente Hot Springs near Yuma. 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Ford, Jr., will spend Sunday at their cabin in White House Canyon. i j When in need of printing, let ' j The International give you a fig- -1 ure. No job too big, none too | small. Our shop is the most com- [ pletely equipped on the border. We satisfy all our customers. Nogales International, 225 Grand I'Ave., Phone 49. PHONE 423 W FOR SOCIETY EDITOR FINAL SEPTEMBER 30 s3siio Los Astgeles and return Visit the coast note. Reduced roundtrip tickets on sale daily until September 30. Proportionately low fares to other Pacific Coast cities and famous playgrounds. Enjoy balmy ocean breezes; your favorite sport better than you’ve ever known it tobe. Ask about the low roundtrip fares to Pacific Northwest point s. Southern Pacific P. E. BAFFERT, Agent Phone 34 To The People Os Santa Croz Connty I TAKE this opportunity of thank- ing my friends for their loyal / and generous political sufport at the polls on last Tuesday. I cannot see you all personally but I certainly appreciate the love and confidence of my friends in Nogales, where I was born, and Santa Cruz County, where I have lived all of my life. (Signed) GLADYS WALKER. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR SATIS- FACTION Bvery Purchase Made At PIGGLY WIGGLY Must Give You Entire Satisfaction or Your Money Will Be Returned Without Question. SWAN DOWN CAKE FLOUR LARGE PACKAGE, each -41 c Instant cake flour, each --23 c FREE! One aluminum cake pan free with each Package of Down Regular or Instant Cake Flour. This pan alone is worth 30c SUNSET GOLD BUTTER Per Pound - —49 c We guarantee Sunset Gold to be as high a grade of butter as any in the world. BORAX SOAP CHIPS Regular 40c Package, our price —-29 c The best soap chip on the market at the most reasonable price. Wonderful for washing ma- chines. PEARSON’S HOUSEHOLD AMONIA Large Bottle, each -—-25 c DOMINO SYRUP—REAL SUGAR CANE SYRUP Pints, each v 17c Half Gallons, each 65c Gallon, each -99 c FANCY BOSTON BEAUTY MACKREL Each 22c Large, Fat and Juicy. Not the Ordinary Kind. HILLS BROS. COFFEE One Pound Can, each -4>7c Two Pound Can, each $1.12 NEW CROP GRITS AND CORN MEAL ! Large Packages, each 14c CLEANSERS Old Dutch, each 7Vic Lighthouse, each ••• 5c i Gold Dust, each - 8c HOME OF QUALITY, PRICE, CLEANLI- NESS AND SATISFACTION Locally Owned and Locally Operated Page Three

Nogales International (Nogales, Ariz.) 1926-09-12 [p Page ...€¦ · vacations will also return to their place in the worship hour. A cordial invitation extended to nil. ... Joffroy,

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Page 1: Nogales International (Nogales, Ariz.) 1926-09-12 [p Page ...€¦ · vacations will also return to their place in the worship hour. A cordial invitation extended to nil. ... Joffroy,


A wedding of much interest inNogales took place Friday morn-'

ing at the p&storate of the SacredHeart church when Miss NatalieRobinson, daughter of MexicanVice-Consul and Mrs. GuillermoRobinson, became the bride ofWilliam H. Shane of El Paso.

The bride was attended by Mrs. jConcha I. Astiazaran, and the |bridegroom by Jose F. Astiaza-1ran.

Immediately following the cere- ¦mony an informal luncheon wasserved after which the couple leftfor their future home in El Paso, Iwhere the groom is connected;with the American Smelting &

Refining Company.The bride is one of Nogales'

most charming young women,and a member of one of the old-est families in Mexico. Mr.Shane is a prominent young busi-ness man.

• • •


Several popular Nogales girls,most of them graduates of theNogales high school, are enter-ing the Arizona University.Among these are Misses HelenFowler, Lucy Chatham, Eliza-beth Abbott, Nancy Gillespie, IPauline Darby, Margaret Fraizer,Nona White and Glenna Kams.Miss Polly Titoomb is returningto Marlborough school, Los An-geles while Miss Grace Mitchellwill.enter St. Mary's Academy,Los Angeles. Miss Margie Woodwill attend the Arizona Normal.

• • •

A surprise birthday dinner wasgiven by Mrs. Ray Carter Fri-day evening at her home onGrand, avenue in honor of herbrother-in-law, Ted Carter.

• • •

Mrs. Jessie Ferguson, who hasbeen attending Berkley this sum-mer, has returned to Nogales to iresume her position in the cityschools. 1

Sunday Morning, September 12,1926



About 76 guests, including the; employees of the Kress store and

! a few other friends gathered at

I the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A.; Sage on Elm street where a mis-

! cellaneous shower was conferredupon Miss Margarita Badilla on

I account of her approaching mar-i riage to Ignacio Gonzales, son[of Ignacio Gonzales and CarmenB. Gonzales of Terrace avenue.Little Kathleen Sage, represent-ing a bride and little CarmenLown, the bridesmaid, receivedthe guests and the bride’s tablewas decorated with a minaturebridal party. Many useful andbeautiful gifts were bestowed up-on Miss Badilla among them wasa complete set of dishes.

• • *

B. & P. W. CLUB

- The Business & ProfessionalWomans Club met Wednesdayevening at the home of Mrs.Charles H. Field. The names ofmany new members were turnedin by both sides in the member-ship contest and it was decidedto extend the membership driveuntil the first Wednesday in No-vember. It was suggested by

I Mrs. E. H. Stoltz that in an ef-fort to advertise Nogales theclub send out circulars /callingattention to Nogales as a goodplace for healthseekers to locate.

• • •

Major P. Lopez of the 25thInfantry was highly honoredwhen he was selected to act asassistant to the chief umpireduring the army maneuvers atFort Huachuca. While the majoris on this duty the Second Bat-talion will he under command ofCaptain L. A. Page.

• * «

Complimentary to the teachersof the Nogales schools,* the

[ Knights of Pythias lodge will :| give a dance Wednesday eveningi at the Firemen's Club. i

BEGINNINGSunday Sept 12th

We Will Keep OpenAll Day Sundays


Special Chicken DinnerEvery Sunday, - 7DC




Escalada Brothers107-109 Morley Avenue ;


The regular meeting of Fed-eral Employees Union No. 85 washeld at the Immigration officeThursday night with a very goodattendance. Election of officersresulted in R. A. Rodgers beingchosen president. H. R. Chathamvice-president, O. E. Towne sec-retary, and I. D. Owens treas-urer. There will be a specialmeeting sometime this monthwhich will be open to all. Speak- jers from the department located,at Phoenix will be here and tellthe local members all about thedeer in the Kaihah forest. Re-freshments were served to four-teen persons at Thursday night'smeeting. |



Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fraizerreturned Thursday from an 1800mile honeymoon tour to theGrand Canyon and other north-ern Arizona points. Mrs. Fraizerbefore her marriage was MissEmma Mae Barney. The youngcouple have gone to housekeep-ing on Loma street.

• • •

Misses Marjorie Wood, DollyMounier, Mildred Sorrells, andDorothy Farrell, left Friday toattend the Normal at Tempe.Miss Emily Parker has gone toFlagstaff to attend the Normalin that city.

• • •

To make plans for a bigArmistice Day celebration hereNovember 11, a special meetingof the American Legion will beheld Monday night at the Fire-men's Club.


The Eastern Star ladies willhold card party Tuesday nightat the Masonic Hall for theMasons and their families.


Colonel A. J. Dougherty, com-manding officer of the 26th In-fantry, has received orders as-signing him to Fort Benning,Georgia, at the completion ofthe maneuvers at Fort Huachuca.The Colonel will take a specialcourse at the army school thereand will return to his commandhere late in December. Duringhis absence Lieutenant ColonelWilliam S. Faulker will be incommand at Camp Little.

• • •

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Noon andchildren spent Labor Day atDouglas.

* • *

Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Thurman jof San Francisco are here tospend a couple weeks visiting'their son, Attorney E. R. Thur-Iman. They were met at Tucson ! 1by Mr. Thurman. ;

• • •

Joe Ramie of Pboenix was :here Monday and was accom-panied home by his wife and twochildren who spent the summer ,in Nogales with 'Mrs. Ramie’s 1mother, Mrs. Minnie Rodgers. I

•• • jMr. and Mrs. A. W. Lohn have

returned from an extended stayin California, where Mrs. Lohn !has been recuperating from anillness. Mr. Lohn is the well \known photographer. »

• • •

Mrs. Hugh Graham will re- .turn the first of the week froma trip to Alaska.@®®s


Craford and Seaoßa streets.Rev. Walter Hugh MeNeely

lA.M. Holy so—atom,10 A. M. Choreh scheeL11 A. M. Morning prayer and

i address.All seats fres and nissslgiHd


Revival Services will begin atthe Methodist Church Sunday,September 12. All the people ofthe community are invited to at-

tend regardless of whether youare a member of any church ornot.

The services will be conductedin the interest of the town. Letall those who have spiritualneeds come.

We especially invite the co-operation of all the otherchurches in town. Services everyevening at 8 o’clock.

C. W. GRIFFIN, Pastor.


Masses every Sunday: 6 a. m.,7 a. m., 8 a. ou, 9 a. m. 10 a m*11 a. m.

Rosary and Benediction: 740p. m.TRINITY CONGREGATIONAL


222 Terrace AvenueChurch school 10 o’clock. Mrs.

J. D. Bristol, uperlntendent. Youand your children will find help-ful relations in the contacts ofthis school.

Morning worship, 11 o’clock.Theme, “The Constitution of theUnited States of America.” TheHon. Elbert R. Thurman willmake the address. This is alsoRally Day and we hope our friendswho have returned from theirvacations will also return to theirplace in the worship hour. Acordial invitation extended to nil.'

O. A. SMITH, D. D. FMor.

ftbgales International—The People's Favorn^^ygwapßper


An outstanding social affair ofthe season was the bridal showerand dance given Monday after-noon and evening by Miss Emes-tina Robles and her sister, Mrs.A. Munozcano at the home oftheir parents, Mr. and Mrs. JuanRobles at 220 Walnut street. MissNatalia Robinson, N who becamethe bride of William H. Shane,Friday, was the guest of honor.

iWhen Miss Robinson arrived at’the Robles residence she found1 her friends standing in two long’rows facing each other and while' the wedding march was beingplayed she marched underneaththe arch of uplifted arms, to the

1 place in the room where a hugebox contained the wedding pre-sents.

Little Miss Mimi Davidson,| dressed to represent a bride, pre-sented the gifts.I Those attending the bridalshower and dance were Mr. andjMrs. Guillermo Robinson, fatherand mother of the honor guest;

’Mrs. Anita Pena, Mrs. RobertaElias, Mrs. Anita Villasenor, Mrs.Palacio Roji, Mrs. Louisa Fleisch-er, Mrs. Robert Fleischer, Mrs.Elsa Schrader, Mrs. Concha As-tiazaran, Mrs. Sara Aguirre, Mrs-Maria Tidwell, Mrs. Elisa Donna-dieu, Mrs. A. Munozcano, Mrs.Alicia Camou, Mrs. FranciscaBustamente, Mrs. J. Balderrain,Mrs. Lupe Gonzales, Mrs. AgustinVon Borstel, Mrs. Consuela Avi-lez, Mrs. Rubio Lonzano, MissesNatalia Robinson, Emilia VonBorstel, Ernestina Robles, Car-mela Marcor, Aglae Camou, Claraand Angela Terrazas, Anita Don-na dieu, Annie Hanlan, Clara Don-nadieu, Amalia Mimiaga, AureliaJoffroy, Dora and Eva Ochoa,Anita and Matilde Davila, Ma-tilde Maytorena, Margarita Ra-mirez, Panchita Pujol, Estella,Lupe and Luz Gomez, Maria An-toinieta Ricaud, Alicia Bernard,Mariana Spence, Maria Ramirez,Emma Pesqueira, and Messrs. Ma-nuel Hanlan, Andronico Serrano,Luis and Rudy Fleischer, RaolLopez, Carlos Reyes Gonzales.Effrain Urquidez, Julio Pena,Jose Duplatt, Ramiro Ortiz, Ma-nuel Abascal, Manuel Matiella,Oscar Salvatierra, G. R. G. R.Robinson, Pepe Astiazaran, Al-fonso Munozcano and HumbertoOchoa.

• • •

State Auditor Francis Duffywas here from Phoenix to voteat Tuesday’s primary.

• m •

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ricewere here from Tucson, Tuesday,to vote at the primary. Mr. Ric 9is temporarily in charge of theTucson office of Parker-Grim-shaw Company.

•• • >

Mr. and Mrs. Monte Coole andthree children left last week onan automobile vacation trip toCalifornia.

• e •

Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Moorefield,who have been visiting Mr. andMrs. Joseph A. Cummings havegone to their home in Shreveport,La.

• • »

Local young men who areleaving the city to attend schoolelsewhere are Tommy White,Robert Fain, Billy Mitchell, AndyDavis, Constantine Maoris, Tom-my Hall who will enter the Uni-versity of Arizona. Fred Waters,Mills Gillespie and LawrenceMarsh will attend Roswell Mili-tary Academy.

• 0 9

Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Frenchhave gone to Los Angeles andSan Diego to spend several-weeks.

• • •

Arturo Cubillas, state treas-urer of Sonora, visited relativesin Nogales last week.

• • *

Mrs. H. R. Renshaw and fam-ily have returned from SanDiego, California, where theyspent the summer.

• • •

Mrs. Charles Levih, wife ofthe S. P. de M- agent in Nogales,Sonora, has returned from a de-lightful vacation spent in andaround Los Angeles.

* t «

Mias Grace Mitchell has left toattend St. Mary’s Academy in LosAngeles.

0 0 0

Cards have been received an-nouncing the marriage in Eugene,Ore., on September 8 of MissMary Helen Getty and J. PaulYoung, both formerly of No-gales. They will reside in thestate of Washington.

• • •

W. J. Phillips, owner of theOwl drug stores, has returnedfrom a lew days outing at MountLemon. 1

9 9 9

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tovrea areleaving Sunday to spend twoweeks at Agua Caliente HotSprings near Yuma.

0 0 0

Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Ford, Jr.,will spend Sunday at their cabinin White House Canyon.

i j When in need of printing, let' jThe International give you a fig-

-1 ure. No job too big, none too| small. Our shop is the most com-

[ pletely equipped on the border.We satisfy all our customers.

“ Nogales International, 225 GrandI'Ave., Phone 49.



s3siioLos Astgeles

and return

Visit the coast note. Reduced roundtriptickets on sale dailyuntil September 30.Proportionately lowfares to other PacificCoast cities and famous playgrounds.Enjoy balmy ocean breezes; your favoritesport better than you’ve ever known it tobe.

Ask about the low roundtrip fares to Pacific Northwest point s.

Southern PacificP. E. BAFFERT, Agent Phone 34

To The People OsSanta Croz ConntyI TAKE this opportunity of thank-ing my friends for their loyal


and generous political sufport atthe polls on last Tuesday.

I cannot see you all personallybut I certainly appreciate thelove and confidence of my friendsin Nogales, where I was born,and Santa Cruz County, where Ihave lived all of my life.



Bvery Purchase Made At PIGGLY WIGGLYMust Give You Entire Satisfaction or YourMoney Will Be Returned Without Question.

SWAN DOWN CAKE FLOURLARGE PACKAGE, each -41 cInstant cake flour, each --23 cFREE! One aluminum cake pan free witheach Package of Down Regular or Instant

Cake Flour. This pan alone is worth 30c


Per Pound - —49 cWe guarantee Sunset Gold to be as high a grade

of butter as any in the world.

BORAX SOAP CHIPSRegular 40c Package, our price —-29 cThe best soap chip on the market at the mostreasonable price. Wonderful for washing ma-chines.

PEARSON’S HOUSEHOLD AMONIALarge Bottle, each -—-25 c


Pints, each v 17cHalf Gallons, each 65cGallon, each -99 c

FANCY BOSTON BEAUTY MACKRELEach 22cLarge, Fat and Juicy. Not the Ordinary Kind.

HILLS BROS. COFFEEOne Pound Can, each -4>7cTwo Pound Can, each $1.12

NEW CROP GRITS AND CORN MEAL! Large Packages, each 14c

CLEANSERSOld Dutch, each 7VicLighthouse, each ••• 5c

i Gold Dust, each - 8c


Locally Owned and Locally Operated

Page Three