NO Pandas

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NO Pandas. The No Pandas Series By Paulie Le. No Pandas. The First Book of No Pandas By Paulie Le. Table of Contents. Chapter 1 A battle’s Bad Beginning…………………………………………… Chapter 2 Friend or foe?.................................................................................. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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No Pandas

NO Pandas The No Pandas SeriesBy Paulie Le

No PandasThe First Book of No PandasBy Paulie Le

Table of Contents Chapter 1 A battles Bad BeginningChapter 2 Friend or foe?..................................................................................Chapter 3 Battle of the Pandas

Chapter1 A Battles Bad BeginningLong ago before any cannons and guns were made in ancient China, a war broke out from Asia. Mongolia, a country north of the Gobi Desert and North of China wanted to rule all of Asia.Mongols, the people of Mongolia went out to countries to conquer them. They first wanted to take over China first. The Chinese knew nothing of this. Then one foggy night, the Chinese knew about this until this very night. At the Great wall of China, Mongols were waiting patiently for the right time to strike. Then it was time. The clock struck 12 and anew day began. A new age of war began. Mongols spread out different directions and leaped out of their hiding place. Chinese warriors realized that they were under siege. There, they fought. Chapter 1 A Battles Bad Beginning Chinese captain, Shang Hoo(Shang-HU) was appointed as guard near the Great Wall. Nobody in the world was brave enough to siege the biggest wall in the world. Shang Hoo called his men to arms. When he realized he was under attack, he also realized that the Mongols were attacking. Mongols were from a country called Mongolia ,which was north of China across the Gobi desert. Shang knew that he could not fight off about 10,000 Mongols, when he looked into the distance. Chapter 1 A Battle s Bad BeginningShang Hoo drew his bow and fired. The Great Wall could even hold for a whole month! But that would need a lot of more men. So he just kept fighting but in the distance, other towers were under attack, too. One by one towers lit the firewood for the signal that they were under attack. In 15 minutes All of China would know that they are under attack, including the Jade emperor, ruler of all of China. Day by day, the wall weakened. Day by day, the Mongols got even more reinforcements. Then, he saw grappling hooks hit the walls. The Mongols were climbing the walls! He ordered his men to draw their swords. Mongols exhausted from climbing they fell back into the crowd 50 feet below, after being stabbed by a sharp, shiny, piercing blade. Chapter1 A Battles Bad BeginningFinally, cannons boomed and the northern wall fell and gave away. Shang Hoo and the other men rushed to support the northern wall but, Mongols kept climbing. When all realized that they were outnumbered, the guards fell back and retreated into Mainland China. Chinese horse Mongol Panda on a Unicorn

Chapter1 A Battles Bad BeginningRumors spread about the Mongols out in China. Farms bought home swords, bows, and planted traps in the field. Some even locked themselves inside and went into the basement. Then one night, people believed Mongols raided. Shang was tired and exhausted so, he stumbled to his village. His day was already worse and soon it will get even more worse. After six steps into his house, he thought he was safe. Wrong. Just then he heard a rustle in the field of his neighbors. Shouts were heard, fire blazed, and swords clashed and clanged against rusty pitchforks. Arrows whizzed above his head. Then an arrow flew right past his ear. That was it. He drew his sword and jumped into the field and charged. After fifteen minutes, The raid ended. Four killed and twelve new sharp pitchforks were now blunt and broken spears. Chapter1 A battles Bad BeginningThe next day, His general informed him that Shang was appointed as captain for the attacking force. He would lead fifty men to battle and stop the Mongols from taking the Great Wall China. Real Mongols Chinese guards


Chapter 2 Friend or Foe?The next day, a captain and fifty men on horseback meeting their doom, facing highly trained Mongols. The Mongols outnumbered them by 100 to 1 and outmatched them from 1,000 to 2. The chances living in this situation my friend, is ZERO. Shang rode into the rivers, past swamps, and spending hours thinking. Then, they saw a Mongol camp. The Mongols brought bamboo and burned it for firewood. Then, Shang yelled a battle cry and charged. With the element of surprise, They would weaken and startle the Mongols, but they would never destroy the camp. Then fast like a ninja, a black, white figure darted over the ground and sailed past the trees, hit, punched, and whacked the Mongols. The Mongols retreated back and victory was his. He would be dead if the figure didnt help. The figure look like some bear, but bears dont beat Mongols. Chapter 2 Friend or Foe?The Bear looked at him for three seconds. Then it jumped and glided over the trees and vanished. Shang ordered his men to follow the figure. The figure glided and dashed around trees and rocks, and jumped over rivers. Shang was determined to find the figure and ask if it can help China defeat the Mongols.

Chapter 2 Friend or Foe?After one hour, Shang found the bear. The bear was going with other bears and were gathering. The bear looked at Shang and watched him. Shang was about to ask the bear what was he, and if he would help him. Then out came from the shadows, Mongols with torches and spears with their mighty steeds, They torched the forest. Flocks of birds flew in the air, and deer trampled out of the forest. The bears waddled across the waters and ran. The forest blazed on fire, and the forest was soon, ashes.Chapter 3 A Pandas Revenge or is it, A Bears Revenge? Shang was forced to retreat to the palace. China was overrun by Mongols, and they killed anyone in sight. The palace covered 7,800,000 square feet in total. Three thousand guards were posted there to guard the Emperor of China, with triple dozen officials, two dozen captains and four generals at the Emperor's command. Now, a captain and fifty men riding on horses were now at the emperor's command. Then, out of nowhere at least the sum of five thousand Mongols riding on horses bows ready, Swords drawn, and lances pointed at the armies of the Emperor's armies. A horn was blown, and arrows blocked out the sun, raining upon the Mongols. The Mongols and their steeds easily dodged all of the arrows. The Mongols were almost at the Chinese armies. Then, Swords clashed, Lances knocked enemies, and arrows hit their unlucky target. The war of the Mongolians was about to be finished. Chapter 3 A Pandas Revenge or is it, A Bears Revenge? Three thousand and one hundred and one men clashed their swords against Five thousand Mongols. Shang fought furiously, but he was overwhelmed by Mongols. Mongols left, right, forward, backward surround Shang. Shang was about to give up until a bamboo flute was blown. The trees shook, and music filled the air. The Mongols horses shifted and tried to run. The Mongols started to get nervous. Everyone was still for a moment. Bears jumped out with war paint and waving their bamboo sticks wildly. Pandas riding unicorns, threw wooden javelins at the Mongols.

The Battle of The Pandas

Chapter 3 Battle of The PandasShang was surprised to see pandas at war. And sure, they can fight he thought in his head. Mongols were hit from head to toe. Purple bruise there, black marks here, and a red cut over there. Mongols retreated instantly, and the victory was almost there. Then, he saw the Great Mongol General, Mongol Minh. Mongol Minh was the most feared Mongol besides the Mongol King. With one hit of his staff, he hit a panda, who crumpled to the ground. One panda got hurt. The Pandas yowled in anger and cursed him. Then, They avenged their fellow panda with a bite and beating. Minh hacked and slashed, But pandas tackled him, beat him, and bit him. Chapter 3 Battle of the PandasThen, Shang noticed that the panda he met earlier was full of anger. The pandas backed off like the panda was their leader. The panda growled and knocked Mongol Minhs sword just like that. Then, The panda summersaulted and delivered a final blow sending the general to the ground with clouds of debris. Mongol Minh was defeated and all Mongols retreated. Later that day, Shang was given a medal and he now had five hundred troops at his command. And Qin, the panda leader was given a forest for a home. The pandas built great cities named, Bamboria the Capital of Pandas, Pandaland a village of bamboo, New Panda the city carved into a mountain, and panda paradise the village of panda heroes.The End of No Pandas 1About the author

Paulie Le lives in Texas and is a great fan of pandas and preserve animal organizations.Help endangered animals, including pandas! Paulie Le at: [email protected]: pandageneralNo Pandas 2The Second Book to No Pandas By Paulie Le

Table of contents Chapter 1 A Raid, A ruin, A tragedyChapter 2 Pure Panda Rage.Chapter 3 The Hunt Of The Pandas.Chapter 4 A Boring/Epic Passage about really Buff Mongols.Chapter 5 What youve all been Waiting for A dancing Panda!..................................Chapter 6 The One Page Chapter...

Chapter 1 A raid, a ruin, a tragedy

Captain Shang was thinking about visiting his old friend Qin, the leader of the pandas. He heard that Quan visited New Panda last week. He traveled with an escort to Pandaland. First thing he saw was black charred ruins. This wasnt what Pandaland looked, he thought. He traveled deeper into the city. He gasped and rubbed his eyes. He saw arrows in the field, crops withered and burned and panda statues crumbled. He saw a great red flag of the Mongols and the remains of a Battle.Chapter 1 A raid, A ruin, A tragedy Shang saw spears in the ground and arrows punctured into the ground. He saw that there was a battle, but there were no bodies. He only saw the remains. He ordered his men to search for any clues if any pandas are alive. After three hours of search, he found nothing. He then rode to Bamboria, the capital of the pandas. They said that Qin rode to New Panda, but they couldnt contact them. Qins general, Chen was found at New Panda injured. Chen said that Mongols came and invaded. Chen never saw any survivors. Chapter 2 Pure Panda RageMongol Minh sat in a medical room bandaged from head to toe. The panda that defeated him sent him to the hospital. Minh swore and crazed for revenge. Minh got revenge by sending his army to New Panda. He felt happy that their was no survivors, But he was wrong. Chapter 2 Pure Panda RageQin was surprised and felt cheated. Qin was ambushed back in New Panda by Mongol Minh. He defended and brought pandas back to the forest where they would be safe. Then he cursed himself, because in the battle he lost General Chen. Now he was stranded with a bunch of pandas sitting in the rain. He knew one thing, though. New Panda was nothing, but a black piece of land.Chapter 3 The Hunt Of The Pandas

Chen and Shang looked from Mt. Bamboo to The Panda Forest. They then found a spear near panda valley. Chen and Shang looked beyond the hills and saw a whole cluster full of pandas at the Foot of the Valley. Then, he saw a great green flag of the Pandas flowing on a wooden pole. Chen and Shang found the survivors. And leading them was no other than Qin himself. Chapter 3 The Hunt Of The PandasQin was relived that Chen was alive and was with Shang. He saw a great red chariot with Shang and Chen inside riding to his destination. Qin and the other pandas took refuge in Bamboria the great panda capital. Chen was appointed as first general and was partnered with the Supreme Commander of the Pandas. Then Chen said something that meant war. Lets attack those Mongols for destroying New Panda., Chen said. Chapter 4 A Boring/Epic Passage about really Buff MongolsQin, Chen, and Shang with two thousand pandas shouting in anger stormed into a Mongolian Camp. Mongols were fierce warriors, mostly bandits armored and covered in bear skins with a Asian face. Mongols were buff with double twin swords sharp and ready to kill. A Mongol kid can handle a sword and know the basics at six to seven. They no how to shoot a bow at twelve and can ride a horse and use a sword good at fourteen and is a full trained warrior at sixteen. But imagine pandas whacking a Mongol with a bamboo stick is a sight to remember. Mongol Diagram

Chapter 5 What youve all been Waiting for A dancing Panda!Shang drew his sword and charged. Mongols were running away, because their last experience from the Battle of The Pandas. Minh sighed, because this was always happening. He angers some Pandas and then he gets defeated. He drew his sword and faced Shang. Shang paused for a moment. He was about to battle and duel the Bane of Chinese heroes. Minhs brother took down his brother, Captain Yang. What chance did he have. He charged, taking risk and swung a deadly arc across the battlefield. Minh jumped and slammed his second sword onto the ground, creating clouds of dust. Chapter 5 What youve all been Waiting for A dancing Panda!Clouds of dust rolled into the battlefield. Minh leaped and came out of the clouds pointing his sword at Shang. Shang lifted up his shield and Minhs sword was stuck into the shield. Shang threw his shield with a sword stuck on it. Minh and Shang were going to duel with only one sword. Shang waited patiently and moved to the side. Minh stroked but he missed and hit nothing. Shang moved to his right and kicked Minh. Minh was sent backwards falling down a cliff. Shang saw him land in the river below the cliff and saw him. Mongol Minh was still alive, though. Chapter 6 The One Page ChapterNew Panda was rebuilt and Shang was appointed as a general. Captain Yang, Shangs brother recovered from his battle with Minh and was united with his brother.The End of No Pandas 2About the author

Paulie Le lives in Texas and is a great fan of pandas and preserve animal organizations.Help endangered animals, including pandas! Paulie Le at: [email protected]: pandageneralNo Pandas 3The Third Book to No Pandas By Paulie Le

Table of ContentsChapter 1 Knock, Knock, whos there? Mongols!..................................................