IQI II, I D!! ad lwl I a 1nl i 1b iir in, t!- ' 0 - ti. >t. . IClil 1r rt- el: ' 111- eil )r. 1of ak· ,_ .. , id. * n. Jiii &;. tie- . '\ft . 114 1dt !>. b1 l\lf . . ii fO• OP• ;to br ' JO · 11, 1 d' rr- ' the , r '1. No. 273. Jt/S't;.ftM.PJJl&ftD, h U. from Halif a.r, and Sr.boonor Ez,.rieti« from Prince Edl.OGl'd Island, And F.or Snle by JonN & R. BRINE, Schooner Mary 47 Pine LUMBER, 16 SHINGLES, !<> bis, Super4ne FLOUR. Sehr. Experience · 600 bls. POTATOES. Which will be Sold LoW for C.un from the above Vessel at their \Vbarf. May 1S19. FOR ,SALE BY BART, ROBINSON - &'co. . . :DREAD, Flour, Pitch, >Tar, Rosin, D Pork, lieef; (;b11u Cables, liutter, Nail. a, Rum, Molaste!, Cable!t:and Cordage · Sugar, et>ffte, of V'arious sizes- H / new & t'•ice-luid, yson, 8ouchooc, T Cod Seines, Coogo · ..,, Caplin Do. · Bohea: · Herring Nets, · . 8 8 St, Pett!r's LoAg iios, Cbidder and Shore .L1ntt, Pine Ap.Chees8!!, Serges Flanoels. ' barrels Hams, Swanskin, . J do. sbetrd Barley, Bridport, Russia., . Mould & dipt Cao· Flat 6' .Tarpauha dJil, ·· . .. 'l\ · . tJfsH .J \&fl in sloop Pegn, ,: . . from Belf uc. Junes. 1s1g. . .' TO BE · LET. Brct!knt D WE L ' LING· El O USE, SHOP, GROUND for B.wding. T IIAT DWEL .ING HOUSE, SHOP.. and W ARE·R00'1, \he lattPr of which was lately used as a BiJJiard Boom; together with an extensive L1!'fUAY and the Yard in the rear or · the sRme, now ii the occupancy of GEonGE G,.R_- UND; situate in Lowtr Street of th is Town, near the ejid.ence of !\Ir. THoM.-lS W1LLl.IMS. ...4l_so, l\bo PfoU of' ROUND · · aanu . 1st. ·' very eligable spot 81--'hy about 00 feet, fronting the Jlouse Occupied l>y Mr. WARNER, Surgeon, in Duckworth Street. Another plot fronting the Lane lead- ing from \Vater Street to Duckworth Stn.'t1t, about 40 feet front and 70 feet froot to reilr. To good Tenanl3, the-above will be lt!t on reasonable terms.-For fur1h1!r particulars apply to Lieut. Colonel 11.4 LY, or Mr. J.,,J1 El S1111111s. 3 St. Johns, June 2-1. 1819. CUNl\TINGllA \1, BELL, 4 Co. H A VE just re-ceived var Harwarckn Crutle from Cork, 370 Bags Bre:id, 50 barrels Flour, 100 do. prime mE>ss Pork, 100 6rkins excdlent Butter, 15 kegs Ox Tongue'1, Also on Hand, Of Former Impartaticnu, Oatmeal, Soap, Candles, refined TeaR, Cordage, &c. Which they will dis p09e of on moderate Terms. June '!4, 1819. A PEW 1n the Established Church. Co Sue i4, 1818. . - 7 I . . 2 I - 3 " !!!!!!! ' !!! ' ' !! f' .• , ourna SAINT JOHNS, 'rHURSDA Y, JuLY 8, 1819. . - from Co rut, Public, their terms of sale at their STORE nt!ar 100 firkins & kegs prime Butter, that of Messr3. Nwf 1 olas and Joseph Gill, .Also on hand of fo rmer Imparlations, MESS BEEFin bis. and trnlfhls. Neats Tongues in firkin 200 hhds. Liverpool Sa1t, And About · !iO tons Oil Ca.1;ks. .St.Johns, May, 1s1g. JUST IMPORTED, A11d Fur Sale by D. H. MCCALi\fA N' At SHOP in the Stone Building ne:it aoor to the Amate ur Th eatre, A .Assortment of SH 0 P G 00 D S, Also, Bread and Bu\ler. of the first qu&lities, Pearl Barley, Oatmeal, Split Pease, Hyson, Souchoog and green 'feas, Soap, Candles, &c. &c. June3, 1819. TO BE LET, For a term of 2.1 fro11a the 10th N owmber la.st, .. A LL that desirable piece of GROUND situated on the North aide of Duck• worth street, late in the occupancy of Robt. Lee ERq.-For particulars inquire of GEORGE LILLY. St. Johns, March 1819. To be Let ON .A BUILDING LEASE, A SPACE of whcrt>on a CttLtAR is built, being situated be- tween the premises of l\fr. P. DoYLE and Mr. Bown1NG. ENQUIRE or . HAYNES. De-c. 3, t 8 l 8. JUST PORTED In the Brig GEORGE from LONDON, AND FOR SALE BY s"'°". ufteare,i, e:7ond «co. in t & ! chests, TEAS, C ongo in ! · ' Souchong in ditto & boxes, Bandan<i Haodkercbiefs, Black Silk ditto, Black -plain & figured-twilled Sar3ncts, Nan keens, Sole Leather, Stationary. Cotton Shirts, Jackets, 1'rowsers, \V aistcoat!', Drawers, Guernsey Frocks and red Shirts. and at their BUTCHERY near f\fessrs. Hun- ters &i Co. from the firit day of January 1819 prompt payment only, except those only with whom they have running accounts. Th,ey Offer for Sak on the above terms, F nESH Meat, +Jackets, Trow sers, Bread, \ Saddlery& Harness, Flour, Lamp Black, Oatmeal, ShoL>s, Indian Powder & Shot, Chi>e se, Candles & Soap, Catsup, Cotton Sl1irts and Con ls, Nails from l t inch Lumber and Shingles toth1ee, Old Nails 6' inch, ' Potatoes and Leather. + Lime. January 7, 1819. JUST RECEIVED Per Bri gs from Liverpool ; PRINCE from Bri stol ; EoWAkO & MARY, and Fn1ENDs from C0rk and per sundry \"essel .:i fr?m 'f eignmouth,- AND FOR S1 \LE O,v RU!ONA81..Z Tr;R.VS !JP /of <J9 200 bis. Prime i\fese PORK. 200 firk ias Cork Ro11e BU'l'TER, S P ri me Leaf TOBACCO, Brend, Flou' r, Oatmeal, Pees, Cheese, Olive Oil, Vinegar, Cordrtge new aMd twicelaid, Candles, Soap, Paints & Paint Oils, Anchors, Grapnels, Canvas, Lines, '!'wines, Nets & Seines, Leather- ware, Iron, Nails, Lead, Shot; ·reas in half & qr. cbesl3, Tar, Pitch. And a general Assortment of Suop ancl SronE Goods. _ l\1ay'l7, 1819. HE N RY SHEA T AKES this method of informing his Friends and the Public in general, that his Stores, . Shnp, and Ware-room, (on the Premises lately held by Ryan Sons in Water .. slreet,) are now nearly com- he will take all descrip- tion of Goods to dispose of on Commission, by private and public Sale, From SnF.A s long experience in this Trade, and the- unremitting assiduity and attention which he will pay to the interests of those who may favour him with their Busine!l9, he flatters himself to be able to render them every possible prompt satis· faction, in Sales and Returns, so as to mmt their future confidence and support. St. Johns, l\'Iay 6, 1819. - FOR SALE On Reasonable Terms. At the Store of W. GR !EGO>RY, On Afr. LITTLE'S Wliarf A fow puncheons . RUl\f & MOL.t\SSES, Of an Excellent Quality, States' and Q11elwc FLOUR, warranted and good. Rice Butter, Beef in Tierceg, ' A fe w blR ., u·ell cured, Spring English Potato<'s, perfect1'v sound 200 bushels Oats, &c. June 10, 1819. JFOR §AJLE, T HOSE several Enclosur es and pnrcel !J of cultivated G11ouso, oitua- ted on the North side Quidi Vidi Pond and Golder& Gr<TVe, ca ll ed or known . bY the namt! of the COTT AGE, by adint•a U'Pinent about NINETY-TWfJ ,J ·ne-;, Out · bo11 :1es . and Fencet · are in complete repair. AL.<iO. \V ater-side Pr .. lately occ11pit!d by HU M• LE A. & Co.-consisting of \Vharf. and U\Telling -llou !le , with a large pi t!ce of Ground on the Nor th-side IV aLer lll r,.et. immediately the abo ve- wdl dapted for building.-App ' y to WILLIAM K"\roo. June 10, 1819. BRO\VS, HOYLES & Co. OFFER FOR S\LE. 0 N R £As 0 N ,f BL E TE R The CARGO of th e Schooner C.11g 11e! . Sus1 arrived from London, of A Large quantity of au·r·rEH, (well wortb th e attention of purcha!lers,) PORK AND BREAD, THEY HAVE ALSO FOR SALE, 0 f former Imporla.tions, An excellent assortment of new aud twice- laid CoRDAG s, of every size: suitable for the Trade, Nets, Seines, Lines, Twines, Oakum, &c. Superfiue States' and Quebec Flour, Prime- mess Beef, Neats' 1'ongues, Coffee, Superior old Madeira W.ine, Ditto Sherry ditto, Brown Stout in tierces, Jamaica Rum. Tobacco, Anchors, Nails, Corkwood, Paints, Oils, and Spirit.s Turpentine, Salt, &c. &c. &c, June 3, 1810. JUST .4ND FOR BY JOHN STENTAFORD, A. neat Assortment of A1U8IC and Mmi- w lNS'l'BUMSNT6, comisli1tg ef the . They have also fUr HEBEf1 · om VIOLINS, German common DAll.TMOUTH, .. For one Year or a term Yean cia mau & patent,. Fifes, nmg Forks, f C d L . :1 and V1'olin Bri.i-, / I following J'l.rlidts,- An assortment o or age, ines be Agreed o"- and T'vines. Violin, Tenor and ·VJoloncello Stri'rigs, A DWELLING-HOUSE situated in Hoo1's lnstiuc:Uons for the Piauo Forte, ALSO ON HAND, tlie rear of Fort-William, near the Jooau Ditto, difto, Brend, Oatmeal, residence of Mh Robm Brine-the' House lustructiom for the Gennan Flute, Violin. Pork, Hams & 'f ongues in kegs, consists of three tenements, and will· · Tenor· Viol, ai;icl \T.iolonce11o. ' Mead in tierces, let tbgether or in separate Dwellings, wi OmoaD&tu'1 and· Mancellenoi'a, Duett& fM And' a ,,ariety of SR OP-GOODS, the a quantity of Garden Groundattcched to two Flutes. whole of which aea al reduced Prices. the same. .ALJo, . , For to ML MATTBBw A quantity of Blank Music "'4 A few tons of excellent RAY. GuswsLi., Seor. Kings ROIL Muic Paper of an . ::: April 1Sl o. ltfay 13', 1810. June 10, ·18194 · .. . ·:., 1 .:· · • . .

No.collections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/Newfoundland... · BRO\VS, HOYLES & Co. OFFER FOR S\LE. 0 N R £As 0 N ,f BL E TE R ~ts, The CARGO of the Schooner C.11g11e!. Sus1 arrived from

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Page 1: No.collections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/Newfoundland... · BRO\VS, HOYLES & Co. OFFER FOR S\LE. 0 N R £As 0 N ,f BL E TE R ~ts, The CARGO of the Schooner C.11g11e!. Sus1 arrived from


~y, ID!! ~ ad lwl

I a 1nl i1b iir in, t!-' 0 -

ti. >t.. ~ ~

IClil 1r rt-el: ' 111-eil )r. 1of ak·

,_ .. , id.

* n. Jiii &;. tie-. '\ft•

.114 1dt

!>. b1 l\lf.

. ii • fO• OP•


;to br '


JO · 11, 1

d ' ii,; ~ rr- ' the ,


No. 273.

Jt/S't;.ftM.PJJl&ftD, h U. Schooner~ from Halif a.r, and

Sr.boonor Ez,.rieti« from Prince Edl.OGl'd Island, And F.or Snle by

JonN & R. BRINE, Schooner Mary 47 Pine LUMBER,

16 ~f, SHINGLES, !<> bis, Super4ne FLOUR.

Sehr. Experience · 600 bls. POTATOES.

Which will be Sold LoW for C.un from the above Vessel at their \Vbarf.

May ~7, 1S19.



. . :DREAD, Flour, Pitch, >Tar, Rosin, D Pork, lieef; (;b11u Cables, •

liutter, Iron~~ Nail.a, Rum, Molaste!, Cable!t:and Cordage ·Sugar, et>ffte, of V'arious sizes-H / new & t'•ice-luid, yson, 8ouchooc, T Cod Seines, Coogo · ..,, Caplin Do. · Bohea: · Herring Nets, ·

. 8 hampers,•~ 8 fir · ~ St, Pett!r's ~nd LoAg iios, Cbidder and Shore .L1ntt, Pine Ap.Chees8!!, Serges Flanoels.

' barrels Hams, Swanskin, . J do. sbetrd Barley, Bridport, Russia., .

Mould & dipt Cao· Flat 6' .Tarpauha dJil, ·· Can1~ . .. • 'l\ ·

. I t~~~ tJfsH Lt~N': .J \&fl ~ROrted in th~ sloop Pegn,

,: . . from Belf uc. Junes. 1s1g. .

.' TO BE · LET. Brct!knt D WE L 'LING· El O USE,

SHOP, &~-Also, GROUND for B.wding.


lattPr of which was lately used as a BiJJiard Boom; together with an extensive L1!'fUAY

and the Yard in the rear or· the sRme, now ii the occupancy of ~1r. GEonGE G,.R_­UND; situate in th~ Lowtr Street of this Town, near the ejid.ence of !\Ir. THoM.-lS


...4l_so, l\bo PfoU of' ROUND adjoining~ · · aanu P~iniaes,- . 1st. ·' very eligable spot 81--'hy about 00

feet, fronting the Jlouse Occupied l>y Mr. WARNER, Surgeon, in Duckworth Street. ~. Another plot fronting the Lane lead­

ing from \Vater Street to Duckworth Stn.'t1t, about 40 feet front and 70 feet froot to reilr. To good Tenanl3, the-above will be lt!t on

reasonable terms.-For fur1h1!r particulars apply to Lieut. Colonel 11.4 LY, or Mr. J.,,J1 El S1111111s.

3 St. Johns, June 2-1. 1819.

CUNl\TINGllA \1, BELL, 4 Co.

HA VE just re-ceived var Harwarckn Crutle from Cork,

370 Bags Bre:id, 50 barrels Flour,

100 do. prime mE>ss Pork, 100 6rkins excdlent Butter, 15 kegs Ox Tongue'1,

Also on Hand, Of Former Impartaticnu,

Oatmeal, Soap, Candles, refined Su~ar, TeaR, Cordage, &c.

Which they will dis p09e of on moderate Terms. June '!4, 1819.

A PEW 1n the Established Church.

~Bcll.4' Co Sue i4, 1818. .

-7 I . .

2 I - 3 "!!!!!!!' !!!' !!!!!~· '!!f' .•


ourna • SAINT JOHNS, 'rHURSDA Y, JuLY 8, 1819.

. -H:~: ~~:c;n:i~g ~B~E~:.; z~:.~ tt.n~~:~~e~:~:.

from Co rut, Public, their terms of sale at their STORE nt!ar 100 firkins & kegs prime Butter, that of Messr3. Nwf1olas and Joseph Gill,

.Also on hand of former Imparlations, MESS BEEFin bis. and trnlfhls. Neats Tongues in firkin 200 hhds. Liverpool Sa1t,

And About · !iO tons Oil Ca.1;ks.

.St.Johns, ~7th May, 1s1g.

JUST IMPORTED, A11d Fur Sale by

D. H. MCCALi\fA N' At bi~ SHOP in the Stone Building ne:it

aoor to the Amateur Theatre, A Ge1l~ral .Assortment of

SH 0 P G 00 D S, Also,

Bread and Bu\ler. of the first qu&lities, Pearl Barley, Oatmeal, Split Pease, Hyson, Souchoog and green 'feas, Soap, Candles, &c. &c.

June3, 1819.

TO BE LET, For a term of 2.1 ~ar& fro11a the 10th

N owmber la.st, ..

ALL that desirable piece of GROUND situated on the North aide of Duck•

worth street, late in the occupancy of Robt. Lee ERq.-For particulars inquire of

GEORGE LILLY. St. Johns, l~th March 1819.


A SPACE of GROU~D whcrt>on a CttLtAR is built, being situated be­

tween the premises of l\fr. P. DoYLE and Mr. Bown1NG.


De-c. 3, t 8 l 8.



s"'°". ufteare,i, e:7ond «co.

~Boliea in t & ! chests,

TEAS, C ongo in ! ch~ts. · ' Souchong in ditto & boxes, Bandan<i Haodkercbiefs, Black Silk ditto, Black -plain & figured-twilled Sar3ncts, Nan keens, Sole Leather, Stationary. Cotton Shirts, Jackets, 1'rowsers, \V aistcoat!', Drawers, Guernsey Frocks and red Shirts.

and at their BUTCHERY near f\fessrs. Hun­ters &i Co. from the firit day of January 1819 prompt payment only, except those only with whom they have running accounts.

Th,ey Offer for Sak on the above terms,

FnESH Meat, +Jackets, Trowsers, Bread, \ Saddlery& Harness,

Flour, ~ Lamp Black, Oatmeal, ShoL>s, Indian ~Jeal, Powder & Shot, Chi>ese, Candles & Soap, Catsup, Cotton Sl1irts and Con ls, Stocking~. Nails from l t inch Lumber and Shingles

toth1ee, ~Turnips , Old Nails 6' inch, ' Potatoes and Leather. + Lime.

January 7, 1819.

JUST RECEIVED Per Brigs CotLJ~s from Liverpool ;

PRINCE HF.o£~T. from Bristol ; EoWAkO

& MARY, and Fn1ENDs from C0rk and per sundry \"essel .:i fr?m 'f eignmouth,-


9Ju/l~~ /of <J9 rJ'~"~ 200 bis. Prime i\fese PORK. 200 firk ias Cork Ro11e BU'l'TER,

S bhd~. Pri me Leaf TOBACCO, Brend, Flou'r, Oatmeal, Pees, Cheese, Olive Oil, Vinegar, Cordrtge new aMd

twicelaid, Candles, Soap, Paints & Paint Oils, Anchors, Grapnels, Canvas,

Lines, '!'wines, Nets & Seines, Leather­ware, Iron, Nails, Lead, Shot; ·reas in half & qr. cbesl3, Tar, Pitch.

And a general Assortment of Suop ancl SronE Goods. _

l\1ay'l7, 1819.


T AKES this method of informing his Friends and the Public in general,

that his Stores, . Shnp, and Ware-room, (on the Premises lately held by Ryan ~ Sons in Water .. slreet,) are now nearly com­pletecl-whe~ein he will take all descrip­tion of Goods to dispose of on Commission, by private and public Sale,

From SnF.A s long experience in this Trade, and the- unremitting assiduity and attention which he will pay to the interests of those who may favour him with their Busine!l9, he flatters himself to be able to render them every possible prompt satis· faction, in Sales and Returns, so as to mmt their future confidence and support.

St. Johns, l\'Iay 6, 1819.

-FOR SALE On Reasonable Terms.

At the Store of

W. GR!EGO>RY, On Afr. LITTLE'S Wliarf

A fow puncheons . RUl\f & MOL.t\SSES,

Of an Excellent Quality, States' and Q11elwc FLOUR, warranted

~weet and good. Rice Butter, Beef in Tierceg,

' A fe w blR., u·ell cured, Spring Herri11g~ ,

English Potato<'s, perfect1'v sound 200 bushels Oats, &c.

June 10, 1819.


T HOSE several Enclosures and pnrcel!J of h i~hly cultivated G11ouso, oitua­

ted on the North side Quidi Vidi Pond and Golder& Gr<TVe, ca lled or known .bY the namt! of the

COTT AGE, Containin~ by adint•a U' Pinent about

NINETY-TWfJ ,J ·ne-;, Dwellin!!-Hou~es. Out ·bo11 :1es. and Fencet ·

th~rt:on, are in complete repair. AL.<iO.

Tho~ e~ten'l ive \Vater-side Pr .. mi~, lately occ11pit!d by HU fTO~. M• LE A. & Co.-consisting of \Vharf. 8tor~. and U\Telling-llou!le, with a large pi t!ce of Ground on the Nor th-side IV aLer lllr,.et. immediately opp<>:1itt~ the above- wdl ~ dapted for building.-App'y to

WILLIAM K"\roo. June 10, 1819.


0 N R £As 0 N ,f BL E TE R ~ts,

The CARGO of the Schooner C.11g11e!. Sus1 arrived from London, co11~1sti11g of

A Large quantity of au·r·rEH, (well wortb the attention of whol~1e purcha!lers,)



0 f former Imporla.tions, An excellent assortment of new aud twice­

laid CoRDAG s, of every size: suitable for the Trade,

Nets, Seines, Lines, Twines, Oakum, &c. Superfiue States' and Quebec Flour, Prime- mess Beef, Neats' 1'ongues, Jamai~ Coffee, Superior old Madeira W.ine,

Ditto Sherry ditto, Brown Stout in tierces, Jamaica Rum. Tobacco, Anchors, Nails, Corkwood, Paints, Oils, and Spirit.s Turpentine, Salt, &c. &c. &c,

June 3, 1810.


JOHN STENTAFORD, A. neat Assortment of A1U8IC and Mmi­

w lNS'l'BUMSNT6, comisli1tg ef the

. They have also 1·ecei~d fUr HEBEf1·om VIOLINS, German Fr~ common

DAll.TMOUTH, .. For one Year or a term o~ Yean cia mau & patent,. Fifes, nmg Forks, f C d L. :1 ··-~ and V1'olin Bri.i-, /

I following J'l.rlidts,-

An assortment o or age, ines be Agreed o"- ~-and T'vines. Violin, Tenor and·VJoloncello Stri'rigs,

A DWELLING-HOUSE situated in Hoo1's lnstiuc:Uons for the Piauo Forte, ALSO ON HAND, tlie rear of Fort-William, near the Jooau Ditto, difto,

Brend, Oatmeal, residence of Mh Robm Brine-the' House lustructiom for the Gennan Flute, Violin. Pork, Hams & 'f ongues in kegs, consists of three tenements, and will· be~ · Tenor· Viol, ai;icl \T.iolonce11o. ' Mead in tierces, let tbgether or in separate Dwellings, wi OmoaD&tu'1 and· Mancellenoi'a, Duett& fM

And' a ,,ariety of SR OP-GOODS, the a quantity of Garden Ground• attcched to two Flutes. whole of which t~ aea al reduced Prices. the same. .ALJo, .


For particularr~ly to ML MATTBBw A quantity of Blank Music ~- "'4 A few tons of excellent RAY. GuswsLi., Seor. Kings ROIL Muic Paper of an ~.~ff· . :::

April ~g. 1Sl o. ltfay 13', 1810. • June 10, ·18194 · • .. . ·:., 1

.:· · •

• . .

Page 2: No.collections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/Newfoundland... · BRO\VS, HOYLES & Co. OFFER FOR S\LE. 0 N R £As 0 N ,f BL E TE R ~ts, The CARGO of the Schooner C.11g11e!. Sus1 arrived from

. .


ft cu .Bo1roa o/Clae T111s1. -I, th. ancient Mi.nt.regulatiooa or this , , Jhtre WU Do lleignorage upon the

liltet; bf. the present Mint re­psatiOas, dMn it a ~onge ·up0n silver of betwllD e ud 7 P,91' oeot. • ,

BJ tbe .;•t Mint regulations the pound of standard silver w's coined into 81; bf tbt.p11mt Mint ~gulations the · of ••ndard silver is coined into

87 the ancimt Mint regulations, tho tbilliog contained 85 58~6~ :sraina of pare silver: by the praentMlot ~l11tions ibe abilling contaiot onlr ·so 7!7-lOOOtbs paia of pure ail'81'. . • .

By the ancient Mint regulations, and by Law, ilw.s decJIMI that the guinea <Jhould exchange for and be worth 1,80~ 645-JOOOtbl gnins of' pure silver; by the present Mint replations.and by law, it is d~lared ' that the guiuea shall e~change for and be

- ~orth only 1,U& t67•1000ths grains of pure Iii,.. -

By the ancient Mint regulations; and hy Ja , the pound sterling was declared to be worth 1,718 710-IOOOtbs grains of pure lllffl' ; by the pre1ent Mint regulations, and by law, the pound sterling is declared to btt worth only 1,G\4 54~ 1000 oun<fus of our lilYer eoin.

By the anc!ttnt Mint regufaiions,"ind liy law, 1 ouac:e of our gold eoica Wll9 d~lared to be worth 15 ·~-10001 ti. ounces of our lil•er coin: by the pr~ntMint r~..gulations

·and by Jaw, one ounce of our gold coin is declared to be worth only 1.:1 160-lOOOths ounces or our silver coin.

This being the 1tate of things at two c1i8irreuC period•, the man who shall say, dlat the Mint regulations oftb present day are the a~ u tbOl8 of the former period IDUlt be mad.

The man who 1hall say that our present Mint regulations estab ish the same propor­tions bftween gold and 1ilver u our anc:ient Kint regulations, must not merely be mad, •at be must btl posaesaed with a mildness of 'that peculiar nature that ·will induce him, ~.., aooo. '°take a.eispeQ.ce for .a sbilliog, and a fiction fora reality. ·

.'fbe man who says that wben the pound sterling is rednced to 1,~14 grains of silver we ought atilt to ba.e the t1ame course of

- exchange with foreign parts, as whe1r it ·contained 1,718 pina of .' silvtrl-1 ·must again be mad ; anc\ the only ~bing to be ~eued is, that be cannot turn the brains of t~ foreigners as well as bis own, as iben we should do well enough.

The men who, wbde we do not pay in gold but in Bank-Notes and silv~r, expect that ~e Q,Ught .in our intercou~e with foreign natiolllf to have a gold pnr of ex­change, and who cry out that the cou!"'le of exchange is again11t us, are equally. mad ; and or patients of this description we have m~upon the li~t. ·

he men who tell us, because a few Eng-Jiwh ntlemeo choose to take a walk .upon the Co tinent, and to pas.OJ their time with °]>impe and monk.ftis, that tberef ore the peo-: pie of this country are to be deprived of a metallic currency, are essentially mad; but this epecies of m1tdnes1, being prin­cipally confined to his Majesty'sMinisters, is not <'.ontagious, and is only to be acquired l>y repeated'iooculation. ·

The men who praise . our present Mint regulations must n~ly object to our ancient Mint regulations, as beaween' the two there is a material difference •

.. . . Tbe'men who praise the preseat Mint regulatioas must nece!lsarily prefer the prt>­ceot oftices:a of bis Majesty's Mint 1o Sir letac Newton. T~e one a great mathe·

. m•tician, and perfectly convinced of the neor11j1y of eitablishiug just proportions he­

. tw'een gold aod silver; thtt oth'ers caring nothing about proportiQnS, and ignorant ~rhaps .of the first rules of arithmetic.

1 The one who, after he bad mt!Gllured tho _ be!lV,BIJJ, deeceoded' to the practical drud-

. _ · '~ gery of bis offi~ as master of. t~e Mint, ::-~· ; •and .assayed ·all th'e coins of the world ;

' ~d the otbei:s· J)ol knowinp perhaps one coin from· another even by sight.

The .one fully pes;soaded and acting up­·on till.' penuasioo, lhat the king's miot is _.btiahed for the purpose of eoioing good

.. money for \be k;ng'• ~bjecls; and tb~others ha•ing but little to do in the way of Cciinin~',

• and likely to have still less) pa,.sjo;Ui~r time Ja idl" ditsertatioos upoo idlf! aod-fal­


JaciQUI syefema-of corr'®)', and fully im. F errecl with tbe idea 'thal·'1ieir ~ owo large

, .. •

• •

, -. . • •

' ·bUi1ding upon Tower-bm· is iatencf ea for a to: c,,··100 oUDeet, must explain t0 UsJtLelr · · paper manafactury, io which it will an- s.ystem of morality ; they inWlt inform us doubtedly come, in the same 111anoer u the "(the debt of·6f: being exactly of the same


l . .. . :,,, . . .... ·, : • '!:! .. . ...


barn, which being originally built for the nature a• the debt oflOOOI.) why the man [Fro1n the New Timts Pape1·l purpose or housing the farmer's corn. ge" who holds a 51. note is to have DO cash Tho luminous expo ition, \'»liich ?!fr atle~th to be co~ve~ted into a play hou~. while t~e other gets cash. ·' Croker ga\'e o.r the octuul stute of die La~

1be.1nen who praise ~~ P!esent Mint They must inform us, the currency of n of ~oglu~d, 1.n rcspe~t to the ncJ mi •. ioQ regulauo.us m~t necessa!1lf disapprove of :country being the property of the country of Cathohca l n ~o offic~I!, ha~ e\·idtntly ~ F~cnch ~int regulauoos for. they are · and, for which all .\'YOrk. why the rich Q\nn served very es entially the ca us~ of •hat ~~t1ally d1tf~rent fro1n ours. . _ is to bnve gold, and tlie poor rn'un a· aggrieved b~t bonourab!e hocl y of tnEo . lhe.1Deu wb.& prefer ~r Mint reg~.la· per.. . ~ It has been favourably recei~d. ·and 1~

t10!1: to ~ French ~IDt . r~l11t1ons · Tb~y mu~ inform us, (both having llie pulllie will .h~ar with sa.t i ·fnct ioo ,that mus pro . upon. t ·~ pr:ioc1ple tbal samo ti .le) why the mnn who 0 dividends the same op1111on wns dchvert>d in 1798, the ~flicers .. ~f ~~s MnJ~'Y. :s ~11n~ P.9~es:' a amount lo 1001. is to have g_old, nod the. by . Sir J. 1\1 unsfield, who . ufterwar s~es of1ntu1hve kno"_'ledge wbtch 1 ~ an· mnn whose divic.lends amount to only lOL ·1111ed, duri nr, s~v rut fc:!r: , t!1e hi··ii 'sifU· finite) referable to the.kn owled denved or201. is to have a er. t1011 ef Chief Justicl' of the C minv· rom lime an expenence; on .t at t as . Tl . r _

1 • !!a , \Vrtlr-grc· t-lro1ro . . .

h · bee ·u • icy must 1n1orn1 us w 1y the ,,.oocf 1 country nv1?g n wt .1out uny regular n n that year, Lord Petre, tho grnndfai · . d.u h I ao h h · money is to be ,,.iven to the rich, nnd the f 1 cummcy 1ng t e ast.. yeal'il, t ose w o o t le presenl · L otd i\01\·ing, wit h the ex.

hav~ tho direction of' our coinage are much .bad ·money to the poor. . . . - press loave and encourug~tnent of a~vcm. better qualified to judge of the matter, than Tbty must CX')Jlain to us, ho\v it be- 1nent, raised, equipped, nod trained, at hi, ilR'O who during the same period, lJ~Ve re- c;omes .necessary 'that We should lJave bani own ex pence, n corps uf ~50 Ill •11 , ~ r his gula~ly been in ~he ~ubit of superintending of gold when gold is capable of beia" coin- l\f ujt~ty's sen· ice, rl!qu ~ted that t11:ci Sfln

•& coinage to on immense amount. ed. into ptl~es ·of money of the . ~ .. atu~ or 5 rri5ht ba nppaiotcd to the co 11 m:i 11J of Tha 1nen \ ho praise the regulations of or 10s. and so as, conjointly with si,·er and tlwm, a nd hi. son's n•l irrion wus ol1.1 i·c1e1t 1

the English Mint ha\°a for their supporters copper, to embrace e\·ery transaction of bim. It w:.1s 0tdm i tted~ tbut by urccpiin., argument and theory, but they can show us 'IQCiety. ~l t0 ro.rnm and of 1~1~ corps. wit hour tu rri :~ no money. ~ There b~ing ' nothing real and !!'oli~f in 1 ~ g w11 h the prov1 1011s of t ~e Act; in qu ::

1'he men who praise the regulations of this. system of currency, but the bar.of gold hon, .l\1 r. Petre would suhjcct lii in.c\f to the French l\lint are backed by the fact and t: 11~ silver currency, let us ask them their penalties; b11 t it w:is obscrn ·d th1t and the authority of. a specie circulation of whether ttTe one pound Bank · of En.,.land tha appoin tment would be go )d ; ti at 11:, perh11ps one hundred millions sterling, com- note is to be paid in silver or in an~ther penaltit..'8 would not b~ incurrel) rill iht> P.~ · posed partly of gold and pattly of silver, ooe pound note, because '. this would r.iake pi ration of the sixth month aft er hi~ nr po;·, . b.ut circulating quietly together, and with- a very 1naterial differt•nce. ment ; nnd that rhe Annunl Act or f 11d:.'.i1.

out either metal .. . being the occasion of The men who · ro ose a certai~ sort of nity w~nlu pas.; _ befon! that ti me, nri d r ~. hindrance or interruption to the other. scale which is to !ea!iate the payments of. movt>,u;e pcnuil.l·:I. It wn~ also s~;;~estc~, - 1'he man who .. maintains tnat ·the law the Ba'lK in these 0

ars- 0 r -·old, be innin -~hal ~ rot tauts and ll~n a11Cn1bol: ':i st. J which declar6' bad silver-money to be nt 8 ls. per ounce, aud tar!rin r:duall g in this r spect, ~xac t l ~ '", tb<' snme pr::<l i~ . equal to good gold n\oney (provided· the down to 31 173. lOkl g. g t . Y ment-hoth qually hab.e to ih:· op1•rn •1n11

b db . i .pecounce , are o1n· ofth 1' t At db I ' I

a e scarce).eoables the bad to circulate forin us IV11etherthe bolder of the£100 no:e e. ,s c ' an ot.1 t"q11 a1 y wuma quietlY. wi~ the good, is not o~ly \viser who gets gold at Si s per ounce . els ns t lt~ relief ~f t ~1c ln<lemn1ty Act. . . tb~n any other man in Europe, but muclt gold us the. holder of the g£ 100 Lo: he>Objectl on hQwt• \'.er \~:n .p: rs1; t'. •d i:i. wiser also than the statute; for the stn- note \Vho recetvt>S it at ;fS-17· lOl and J .1 ·tn •: by the nclv1~ .or. ~ i:i friP: d,, tute of 56 ·Geo III 68 (18 ) h I · r ( . ·

1 · submnl'<.l lit :{ cac;., to tlie ·op1111on of 'ir . ., cap. 16 t ey ar • t ien to 1n1orm us t ae contract be· J . l\I ti Id 'l'I fi II · ·

decl:i~ bnd money•tO be an evil, anJ a ting the same) why thes~ two men are to. be a m es , ns . . lt ' n O\\'l n~ is n ··or. v scarcity of money also to be utt evil. And treated differently, and whether tbe BAnk o~ the .case. wh1.cl~ Lorp ~ctre laid llc!o e why 1 Because hoth natives and foreign- honest! y and fairly acquit :i the dellt which him nod his op1o i o~Aup;n H.

ers take care that the scarcity shall soon be it owes to. the public, by pnying one ".lan a- By 3 Jnc T. cap. 5 , ~rt, R, p , ., ; ~i. ne. remov~ ; and finding that bad money bout l 93. 1n t~e pound, nrid ~he other 1n rull, cusant convict~ Wtc'rc disl\blcd lrom beJri n" "( \vbic6 cost:t but little) will get hold of llf!d then .again they mu!! ~ tnforn1 U!l why nny offic·e orcliarge. · ~ good money and Of good prOjlerty, th~y very they heheve that golcJ be10g OOP ye~r (?s '~here were ~WO kinda of rer.0<1rtnry: e'(.' naturally supply us with b d money. All· they lay down) at Sis, per o,unce, \V1ll . 111 pres. r cusnncy. hy nb~e-n ce firo 111 (~! iti .·i·li, this the statute declares in 1nuch better Ian- th f " " d d . e .co~.ni e o __ a 11.! W years 01tenvar :1 echne and con.itructive rt'CU' nnce, liy rl'fu~i n -r., ,1.. gnage than I am ablf.) to do ·,· .and this sta- t 31 17 101

·1 d b b 1 I m: ? · , 3, t<I·•. a.n t en, Ot1 app~ la- O ath of S upremacy. 'l'ot>nch·oft h<I ~<' '' ·

lnte is backed by ·the authority of commoh ; t1ons he10g at our qtspo al, w e .nre to ask r y lloma11 Catholic was l iahl~; 011·a i-:o 'ar ~nse, and by·tht! facts which existed at tho I the1n (\•hether they prefer Lo be: caUed_rogues by th !,! o ~d law. their 11romotion may b<' i!• time the act was.passed. , :, " 1 1 r . . or 100 s. _ egul. . llut th"y were relieved from I 0:11 lry

. The .man. who ma1ot:uns that a pnper And, finally, they mu!\t explain to us, the Stat ute ' a[ 179 l. which enacts t1iJ t

system I!\ an improvement upon a metallic ch note of the Bank of E ngland being a " No Roman Catholic who tak~ the O .:h cur~ency. and th~refore better tl1an !l i:ni:-· " ~olemn promise to pay that individual note pr~cribt.-d by ~t. · llhall he pro:;ecut~d fo t ·

~lhc cur!~mcy, is supported from .time. tn cash, whether if any one or more of th~e ab5enco lrom church or bu su 11tmon~d to lmm~morial by all EuroFe, except • the notes arc refnse<l payment, thi:; is ilOt a tuke the c:;iath ef Su; r&macy .. ' o t lit Russ1an5, the S\ved.es, tb.e O:ines, t~~ H:im- fruud upon the holders. · th~ la W3 c in eming rec11"~ '.1 t·y r.o lm"'~r burgbers.: thePrus.1ans, the Austrian~, oil H · k d h fi ti I l . exist a to tho e 0 ot'l·,-an ·c".,. ,h •l 1· c·~ w 1'10 b avmg as ·e t em or a t ae.s~ e..'tp ana. · · . " ... ·"· · ' t e smell states. of Gt!rn1nn v. the Dutch, the t'o th 1 t d . _. 1 take the oat'1 r r~"1cri bed by the 1\ ··t ot 17Y I Fl · l S · · · 1 m1, en e us reco1nmt!n 1t tu t tern, to · v • -

emmings, t 1e . w1s11, the Italians, tb~ acquit their enl"a cmeots to n urt them In co1nmon with his maj tr:· y':: n:li ·r . ;h-Fro.~<:h, .the Sp~mnrds, and the Portuguese: precisely in the ":Y in ,;bich daey. were· j ects, tl~ey ,are liable t~ th. o i-r:iti' rn f 11 !l

Jo w 1ch excepuons .must als~ btt addeq contract~ to treat , all alike ; end h::wio 'resl Act, of tho ~S.th Car. II. Uy th t

that of the E nglish pFev1ous to .tho done nil th' 'f th ft rd l'k g Act officers are sub1ected to a 'p nnlt v of Year 1797 b t · tl t · d h . is t ey o erwa s 1 e·to con- £ . J • • : n smce ta perio we nve tr t fi h . t - · 500 if they'clo not ' ·•cicvc tht• ~ . , .,.,,nent a · d

1• b . uc res engiigemen s upon n .. w pr1nc1- · · · · ·- •

cqu1re new 1g ts, and whtch by a pe· pies tit t th t l'bert t d d and m:ikc tho dee··' ~ r tio·1 n" ,· s · ·r r 111 • 111· li rl · · . · · . a ey a re a 1 y o o so • an · ·: · · • . ~ · • · rdu a r grac1~us dts~n at!on of Prov•- the~ we will either ~ke their bars ·of gold tantiatioo, \Vitltin six tnooih .. ·a!Wr adi11i: ·H•

ence 1n our favour are denied to the rest 0 ot 1 son . /

· · of E r o as we p eaae. • urope. NICHOLAS. DuRHAl\{. B~t tl is d~ not oppcnr t~ m:ilce th.~ r

T)le men who. recommended that the 4th May. appo1nfment tile~) ; thu ~ppo1ntmeot s<'~: fU' Bank should pay .in bars o( gold, at 31 17s to be good, .and, t.111 tht1 sixth month P:tp1'l'S lOfd. per ounce, must first tell us in what EX E1'ER, MAY !5,. they are ubject to no penalty. If tbf!y do part of Europe, the '\Vest Indies North_ or ../ n,ot q1iahfy before the end of six months South America, gold is to be had ·at this A trhimsical Diaappoinlmenl.-A coun- \bt'y nr& liable like othor snl~ects to the _pe-p.rice, or even at 82s. or 83s, per ounce.: try fel!~w left his native village lately, and !"altyin question; but against this, like other and if they tell us, that the Bank, is to be touched with the talismm&of '4!Jal e11riorily subj<>els. they have the beoifit of the ri:· compelled to make these uurchases and is- jou~neyed to .Brighton, for the purpose of lief afford~d bythe annual Act of I idem· sues at a sacrific~, \Ve mu~t then ask tbelill, gazing nt the pel'l5on of his Royal Highnesi nity. ~ this gold being still worth 84s. or 85s, per the P~ince Regent. On liis return, bis wire Renee it is clear ,that with respect fe ounce in the places from whence it was ·ex- asked him, "Wliat ~ Prince Regent was promotion to officersr tile army. or nn''Y· tracted, yf at is to prevent it from going Joike ?'~ "Loiken !'' cryed Hodge, "why I Roin"n Ca~hol~cs. io point of -);1\V, ~re a.a hack agato ; and whether by a series of ne'er wos so eheated in aw my toife-does .:apable of 1t as the general body of his ~la· th~ op~rations both tho Ban~ an<J t~a not thou how, ~farget, bis arms are loike jesty's sul~ecl · . . pubhc \VIII not get wonderfully rich, : thoine and moine, for aw l~ve hard ower Mr. f\iansfie.ld is rt>qoes eel to g1 ve h ~

The men who recommend that the ~xcoiseman say, a score o'times, his arms opinion, whctht>r inca the 31 s,t G 1·0. III_. Bank should govern its issues by· the price itur a Lion un a Unicorn." chap. 3!, there is nn )' law in force. ' ti1a t dis· of gold-bullion must tell us what th• Bank _ . ti11!!1lishcs Roman' athol ics, in re pect n£ is to do, and what rule it is to take ; if for, I Emigi·a§Je.-Amoog the . many e~i- •pPointments to. offi ·, from the geueral months together (BS it hlls happened: nod grants lalelf ·etQbarked on ·board tho brig case of DiSSt:oters from tho E!ttnbli hed will 11gain hap~n thanks to yqur l\lint 'J!aAny, bound from C!armarth!'n for .Ameri- Chnrch·:-rt!~lations) there should be no 'price ca, was a woman annl!Jyeart o/age, who "I am of opini n. tha, by tho St t Geo. of told bullion. Ai:td t1o"'lli? they 'must waited for bt:f fl&Sl&ge eome time at 1 pub- III. all tho dis. I i itics wiiicb hcfo re·rt>ncl.Pr• tell.tis, if th~ tra!lsa.ction in· gold bullion JiC-hon~. A fth'f days pre'fioul to ~er ed Roman Catho ics ihcnpnble of hold1.n which estabhshes a price' is but triftirig, departure, tile landlord of the bouse, acci- oW.ceA·""" 'Temc\\"t'd ; lind ; therefore, with whether tbe ieue Or noo•issue of mil- dentaly going into the parlour, WU struck ~t to any Offi.ccS· to which they mar lions of Bank-not.ea, is to be governed by with astonisbment·a(eeeing tho table titera-. _be no'! app0inted there is 110. difference this trifti1 g. tran~~D ; .and when \hey_ Jy coyercd W!th gold .coi•of.dif&rtbt des- between thein a~d · Dissenters from t~ ~ave answered this 1n their owa \V.ay, we ciiptiont, •hich the wome(_ Wll at the time Church of E t!glood. mustaak the~w~ether the old fashioned · intheact.ofcounting. Sbe' ia.f'cnneclbim · uJ: ~fANSFlELD.'L ~ode of i:nak10g every ~k-po!e _payable that, they were the aa•iop of -.ny: yara, " 4th .:lune 1708." • · · 10 cllllh, 1s not a much better me~C?d'. and from the~&llof a ._.rarmatbe. amount . . FUBTHER' OPINlON.

1a moc~ surer ~bec:k ·to all e~f~ ~· be!ng lli~e /auJu!ntl 1•illea1; Ud ha!ing I am of 011~nion, thot,: by lh~ ~tsr Oeo, of paper. . .. . . . • ob•• fed or 1.w, that ~ .,.. i- Ill .. all ihe d~bititioo '" ich before rooJrr· ~ meo who reco:ximeod ~ pay· oishi~, she~ delernUnecJ. o.n goinr to 1.ed ~qia~ ea.thelic3 incapable· of . ho!pi~g

ID8Dll by·maaas of. ~re of ,oia;_ <>!' lQ Q, Amenca to tmp1~Mt-.lfr•!rl1" .. officei ire iim<>vcd; nnti "\heraiofelt icr1u . '

Page 3: No.collections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/Newfoundland... · BRO\VS, HOYLES & Co. OFFER FOR S\LE. 0 N R £As 0 N ,f BL E TE R ~ts, The CARGO of the Schooner C.11g11e!. Sus1 arrived from

• •

r '


.. •

'• ,. IJ

o. r• 1g lb If ~



t&1!f111a1 now &v were put bn · bo.rc1 •~e Ship lin .. D • ll Jill n•nce bt... Jlrom l;ondon bOund to thi port, for the · ubj •L,. ' l'dougb 1t p11rpose of giving inrormation of thu dis-'°'" • , tllal H.cl-- trt'll:5ed state in which they left the Asia, and bom puo 1c olti~' arriv~ here the same night.

... -v_·-nufd no& t.ake the Sa- l,t; Armstrong and En ign Bnttershy. t I Of Upreana1•y, th iit speak in Vf!ry high tertn!I, of the kindne.:JS

bietHion to th ir appoinl• 11lww11 by Capt. lio\ves. of the Americall

mt • • 5


Will be Sold, At puhiic AuctioA,

In the &Ju.are at F'on7'-W1Li.1".11,

Qn SATURDAY next,-i>oei.~ them tO thtt p~na l• Ve!lSt>~, to th!! perl!OD9, On board, and of pe1:111>m• u1ing in l\11ch olli- his readiness to alter hi. conr~ ar.d land

s:·. u••I I 1'9 • a ncnt or tl.16' Uwm al Hnlifnx. \Ve hope he will be am·. • The 10th ii]st. At ·Ii o'clock, In I t•nte. ply co1npensated for the delov and incon- ·

J. ~lA. · ~lt"l ELD." vt!nil'tlctt hi hum <> nity has snbjected him to. A COldET. The remainder of tJie Sta.ta' 179 :'' \Ve hava the satisfaction to state, that · · F L Q U R . ly 10 odd, that hia Majt!S- Mr. ward brother to the Captain of the In our last number we inserted an ex· '

I i. 1ed in thttir objection to A::iiu, (the mate.) with two or three of the tract f· in a Halifax parqr, giviu~ an account of \Vbich lVill be put up in Lots to suit pur•·

two con pre:fictl'd · by 11 G erman 11 111ro11omer lo · a ~~~~H~f-PWtO&Ha--W:U-· atJpou :tin ud . ffnd i1a r:-J1rr.-+·1:nmITT1irfr.rn1Y.-=.l..;e:.!. ai,r.F.,~1oir,.:.;airi~c~in~1e;;:;,~co~n;:·+------J~1.11.acl!Pl'S:cG:::--A--. _ __...._.

tb command r the corp•, Mild i\1r. ' ri\•1• hcru y~terd1ty fro. L able Island;' temp Bio! thnt we should, lo 10011, la&\'e fou nd the AMES ILL, ucboneer. ~f;.o;:int:bly '" ul'd"r hi1n in th~ ranks, ,vhicb they left on Suntlny ln ~l in the Jot-' prc=diction partly ,·erifie~-for a few e\•ehinp St. Johns, July 7~ 1810.

b · t d b p• l, a <?oru!!l h14 made 1111 a ppraranct! here, end lft:b tr •olmunl l'ell ID~rl e Y ly. Boat, hut fortunately On their way fell moy pl •n ly be een 11bo11t 11 o'clock, a litt le be-

,., ....,~-- ul l ~' I SH '' ."' '('LIOLl•,~t . . h .. h C u • v"" ~a "'~ tn wllh t e :Sc ooner ritic; \Vhich brought J ow ond ornr what 10 1h t- wes1ward of the Norlh them here with the pleai1i111r intellirr n o, •ar-we ~hnll fe I much obh~ed , to any of our thnt in nbout an hour and a half arte~ quit. A'4lr0110mit'al frieHdt1, who will Jll\ "Cll:" us with


G EE. ·o K Ju~E 1. . . . .

thei r ob<erva1ion and <'pinion , u to i1 opparcnt · tin~ the Ship, the bo:it reach ct the Eastern time of ri~ini: dnd . cuin,., 11nd of itli couNC &c.&c~·

AFRll'A. sid of th'e' I and, and the p:is •n,,.~r:i w•ere for public infom1a1ion. 0



Tl1 rono :ving •. llll ~xtr3Ct of a letter landed without mncli inconvenience. So . --+--& otD th C .1a 1~ of Uo•lCl 1-lu;ie, da ted ~3d soon ns a helter had been erected for the CUSTO rtl-HOUSE. A FEW TIERCES Remaiitlog of

Engli h Kiln Dried :-·• dvu;: fr !" th _fronti~r~ , bri;ag · Ladies and children for the n · Captain ENTERED • .

i ,, .. in- ' •.I. utl :cv .. ral btJ·he.:t ol Cotfrc.:1 l\1 :;:;e and the Mute made t 1e best of thei r hav a· aio 1••11' rn ,,d iu1o tl1l'colony,and are 1 \Vay to Cap't. Hudson's, of whom they iln­~o n ut, .;~reatrie1 r1•• ·ttion~ tho l~od ucCL'S • m di tely procured tho mP3ns of convey: f . is tt .. ·~'ti tce1:~ra.l sn1u_ll t nrues or . the

1 ance to brinrr th(•m to his chve\ling, which

t .. ,,, ho Wl'rtt 1_n puni111l ~r ma~auderl' ; : was cfft'cled tha · following dny, after a • " I •he d utlu o_r C:irt• 0 ·llun, .01 thts 7'2J I mol't f atig11ing journey of about 25 miles.

July 1- t'hr. Royal Engle, G ibbs, "London FLOUR,

" im···•'· au i o' En,.ii.tn Huor. ol the lloynl -All well. A r= 1·:111 ( 'oro-, 11n• l lh• co11 cqueriet'S. '!'he ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,,, . er l u1e,ie \al11t1hle oftict ~ OJ was pur· R-'9W-&-V- L-Jb Ulll'" •u ue 1 1nro11d~N in the vicinity of bis .......... t1!1~11 . a• fle Brunl•'s Drift, "ith· seven B EG leave to inform their frien1ls and 1 , f th• f't'~nll·nt, \vho1n ho h d mount· 1he public, that they have ju t impor­' wh•·n hu "ll suJ,lenly i.urruunded by 11 t••d by the Brig A LBtON, lo thei.r address, 1 n:11nbtt" o t i .. !'1tvJg~, und foll gallant· 1 £ron1 Liverpool, and other vessel:i from

ly el-.•lttnoJl11f? hi111:1t•lf, pierced with uir that port. London, nod the 1'Vest of E11g-· ·a J~ "l lhir• y \Olin 1,., · E ~i:"'n 1-lnnt. land. an nisortment of tho undt!rmentioncd

io like w 111ncr h •·in"' Ji:!eo un>d, tow~rd11 arlic!e:t, which they oR:er for Sale at very t 11i. ~· 11 a ,•e-1 of &ti): l\•1•nll P, thought it moderate pricea, vix.- .

to ,h:ilt in tbt> plaiu!I till day:.li~ht to s-\ LT, Pork, ttincs ond 'Pwines, p n ire tb~rn ; but "a~ attacked in the Butter Bread \ of 1111 sorts 11i(.11 lJ a er'/ nurnt!nn1s b.>dy of Coffres, Out meal ' ' \Hooks ' arul rdl au 1h C,,nllic • 'l'he party how- 1'obacc;, /" · \Fi bing Leads, • 11r rcpulttetl the. enemy, and broui;ht in Boh a ~ · \ Barvels

1.•i r w.1undt.'d to their. litation. 'l'he re- Sou ·hon"' Tea§ ~ F i11hing Boots ~,.,; , ttf Capt; G thin wire brought to & Green o• '~ Deck ditto ' C:ra!I m'. tow~, and there i 1~ terred \'Vith e- Soap, C~ndlee, \ Shot?S of nti sorts, ··ry m11rk ot honour \\ li1ch could be mould and di pt, ~Sole Leatlier.

• ' \ n to .hr.1ve a man. Russia Dnck ~ 1'in,vare · l;-tt~ • h ve btoe11 received dated . Cordan-e of nit aizl?S ~ N11ils of ~ll sizes

.C:1l'8 of U,Ood .Hope. larch C!O. All the fro~ 8 ioch Ca~\ S\vari kin, ' r•h1pc, wluch <'Ould ht! 111u!'h~re I, amount· ble downwards \ Blanketio" · •

• I -.nr i.n h k" ' \ o• 11n·• to ••~·r y ~ .•nen, w?re e•n ar 1ng Srockbolm 'l'ar, \ 'erges, f•')( th••. Corn Di. tr1cl ... \vht~h are a??ut P "tch, V1ttni!I~, Slops of all sorts, . G• ll miles...,,., t from Capo .rowo. lho Pu int, Gentlemen's super·

ant of c.iv;alry wai1 iteverely elt. Linseed Oil, fine flats,

l-1. LI~~ X'., JuN& l2. Sp~ "ts of 'furpen· S Plat~d and coarse • • tin , . - ~ ditto,

C:od S ines, \ A few crates well as-Tiie Ship ASIA. Caplin ~iuo of vari- ~\ sorted Earthen-

ous stzt?s, wnr<', The S ·ip ;\ ia, Capt. \Vard. from the M :t ·karel NP ts. \ And a few hhds, of

1 !·• \Vi •ht, -1 ! day~. arrived ht!rtt on Hening Nets, + good Cider. · fo ·I ye''",.· n'' last, with D0 tat'hmen!s of .Al.so, • t 1'• H Y" ' \rt ii ry, :and of •h<' \5th, 60th , A varie1y of SHOP GOODS. 6' ' .!n. 7 h R~g in •nt under thu com- ' June 3. l D. • n 1 1 r oi ~t .ol. (i3hff · of 1be 60th.

u ' 11.! d 1n~t .1t 5 ,) •!ock in the morn­iii : hi.! unlo 111.11 y stru k on the North·

• l .. f o 1' an~of 'able, the · at· m . 1 re b .. i.1 t \~n ~tr rnely hazy. >: 1 1: "'~" .v e • ~ ll<t ' iately cnrrie~ out, .and t . ut·n s xer11on' tn:ute · to. hghten the ~ • : •n the I lund became vi. jblo and . :i>.ttt 1 t be distant obout 4 inil~. At ~ o'clo: k P. i\1, the wenth<'r being Vt'l'f

m .. Jerale, th .f ol ~y boat nnJ r the direction O' L! tin;t h1atl', wa.s lk:DI from the ship to t h~· I lnncl. with Cupt. and ?vlrs. Mo se & Child· ~ira. Aln1on, l\'liss Almon, ~{rs. Gl\il: ff and three children : · l\1r. nod. J\iln.. W nrden: l\frs. Ii :lliurd nnd two r.hildren and severaJ of the Wives and children o( the ~oklicrs. 'l'hou~h thc fo~ hud unhap• pity again returned pr ious to their ll!aving the Vesst!I, no douht is '-'ntcrtained of their having safe! y rea ho..l the shore. At 7 •'clock the followin; morning. Capt. P~ard c_f the 62'1 He-Jt, Lt. ~ mstrong. and En-11'!11 Oot!l!rsby, of lhe l .> h and a rumber or women rind chilJr~n. I ·.ft the ship in tho p1nual·e ! thoy . ee:-ed for the l 11land but ~be urf running c.tt rclll ' y high. tha current le ling off :1hore: aud the wind being ahead, WPre pre~ented reaching "it, and obliged to altempt regaining the hip, hut 9wing to th fog, miN!d her, and wore th •n compel• led to shape a eourse for 'Newfoundland­providenti Uy, however, on the afternoon of the 4th they fdt in with the A.mericnn S booner Ph~IYJ~ndSal ly, "Step,heo Ho\V· ai. muter, fro rn Bo.<.ton ·bound to Lal>ra­qor. which received ti em on boant ·On .le 7th, fL!4rmaifon, 'll4 SoN&11 I~

- . •

HART, ROBINSON & Co. Ha"e R~c~ived b.1r the b,.ig H~ZARD, N .

Hor ARD, Master, from London, •

rrHIRTEEN Pipes and 2 hhds. of white anil red Bronti ~ladeira 'VIN ES,of superior quality.

They have also on hond, of l'orroer trnportation1 . 4 pipes red Mond~go Port WINE.

· ~The irliols nf wlii~h ipill be SoJtl on &asonable T1rnu.

,Jul1 l, 1819 • . ·

John F. i:imingham & Co.

H A VE ;f ui1t Rt:eeived per Sloop In­termediate fr9m Bumuda, a Small

Lot of?d1111covado · SUGAR inBarrels, ..


COFFEE in Tiel'ce8". .• Both of an Excellant Quality, which they

Otft!r For Sale on mode.rate Terma. July 1. 1819. • · c.!

TO BE SOLD. By Public .Auction, At the C_OURT·HOU'SE, On TUESD.AY thelSlh imt.

· At 11 o'clock, In the forenoon. ( Un.ckr a judgmml. in lM Supreme Cott.rl)

A LL the n;ht: ti1le and inte~est of PATRICK. ffAYBs, to a F11n1!fo·

Roo:w, PLAMTATION, and desirable Pas­•nsBs, situnted, in Hqni. Harbor. 'I'rinuy D.ay. For particulars apply, to Mr. J. l\taAUCAN, at·the Cwlo1n Hou11,

• J. BLAN,D, H.-Shmjf lstJuly, lSlQ. , • - • . . •

. . . -

~ •ores fo r Go\·ernmrnt. • Containing 336 po11nds each, Which he--Brig Diana, Ferguson, Greenoclc i 50 tons coals, Olfers at £3 per Tierce.

877 bis. ond hair bit. pork, 200 flrk1111 b111trr, July 8th, 1Sl9. 20 hi . beef, 6 bl11. pi1ch, lar and 1urpen1i11e; ---·--.:.._~-----------66 b•I!" ~ul!11 r, 50 bt ... Oalmeal, S?OO b1 . Oo·n, Jus·r IMPOR1'EO • . anJ 708 l.1:1"1' bread, 2 pipe brn"ndy. 1 hhd. to• ,__ S bacco, 4 clll!k~ beer, s bales ..ail clo•li , &c. &c. In tm: ch'r John 8f Eliza from Halifaxr

Snow roh, BiubenR, Livfrpool ;"4SOO bu1hels AND FOR SALE BY salt, 4 choldron11 conl, &c. · ~ • WM, & H. THOMAS,

...SllO\ • mue.I, Stephen ept,r10 1- • ilheirv114---,f, h -I'- = UG A-0 1alt, .5 to111 cork wood, 1 lilid , 2 quart.er·Jasks 'r- ll S. .IJUR ' .~"' ; and Sen eio port.wine. : • • 'Vbich they offer at the low Prices of lad.

5-Schoont'J J ohn & Eliza, Orl'illl'r, Halifax ; 10 to lOfd.per lb, oxPn, 1U8 bu ht'I pototoe~ , 4-t-000 hinitle , 4_ - ~-- 71lso

· hhd1 loaf •1~or, l~l ble. Oonr, 4 oar rafteni · and l ca .. k chel.' ·e. A" fe\v Barrels frellh Superfine Stoles'

Sehr. "J>ro,·id n~, Sirl', Q11cb<'c; 470 qtl•. 200 FLOUll bl9. 60•i.er 1?1 and 91 bai;• bi cui1, 2 lu&lfpipe" Sth July, IS Jg, Fuyul w111e.

Sehr. l\t inen·a~ \Vhi1man, Mandie 1cr, N. S. t

• 27,000 fl'et bonrd, 13,000 11hinglc ·' anJ 60 b11-.hel1 po1otoe11.

6- :>hr. Mercury, Powfr, P lymmith ; 10 pi pet 20 hl1d1. reJ wine, W bait~ nnllt'tl,S kess l ca a mu lord. 1 bn lC 11tationury, &c. &c.

Sehr. ?.fary, Downing, Halifax i 20 oxen, 45 sheep, 6 ton !<l11 re , and l bai: hop•.

1-r Sehr: Ar)!'' • ~I· ray, Edinburgh, N.~.; 24000 1pruce Lo11 n.I , 21 ~u bela pototo~1, 5000 hin· glcs. ,

CLEARED. July I-Sehr. L. rJ i\l•Donold, Town•end, P. E.

l•lancl; I~ pu 1~. rum, 2 pun • mola1.eJ, 4 coil• cordaj!e &,..

.i -Brij! Po..:i fic, Elli~ . ?\liramichi: b3ll11•t • Brig Scipio, S\0 111•, Oporto f !78l qtl ~. fi h. Dri~ Fronce~· lt 1·~~ 11, Tuze, Barbadqes ; 183-I

qtl11. fi h, eO !!!lllOn'I oil°& 30 bi t . tftr. 0

7-Uri& J c1111 , ~f,1rphy, Antij!oni h; ballut. Sloop Totermediu111, Townshend, Barbadoet;

750 qtl • 6~h. ooc\ 25' barrels tar. • Schooner Lodv "herbrook, Phrlan, 'Vaterford;

IS7-l qtl . "fi.h, 4170 JtDl111 oil, 2 keit1' f!llence 11pr11re, 4 pu11 hton1 and 98 bis. herrings and 107 cow 11nJ coif skins.

(t:t'Thc 5 nle, of the COTTAGE will talc~ pl&cq on the Prrmi~°'• un Wednt'ld11y next the 14th insl. At \ l o'c\ock, 1ec advertisement in lhf lul page of thi p:>;>er.


TH IS DAY, At It· o'cl6ck, .

·For the benefit of w~o•n it may Concern, On the Wharf of

Hart, Robinson & Co. SO b~Jlamaged BREAD, .

Landlilfro1n tk Brig HanotJJ"U'll OuUt, Rdcl '!if cuter, from Coro\,

I11amecliutely ofter which. will be Sold, ' .Asmuch of

· '175 bags Bread, Ship]Jftl on boat-a aaicl Y ead ac Cork to Or­der, as will P"!J tk Frript Of £'1,t Ill & thereon and coat aUending_ IM acnM. •

. G, LIL~Y. Aµctioneer. July 8, 1819. • · ••

·For &U, 69 .Auclion,

T0-1\'IORROW. The Otb i t, At 11 o'clocir,

On the Wbarr or Cuningham~. B~ll & Co. For tk btMfo of u'1aom it tuy Cow•-.

48 bags dame~ BREAD, Landed From the ~rig ~Catie,

Job~ Reid Muter, (IOID Colt, ,. TM 1r:me Nioing_ ban .Elm wp'cf adorla-. - to 6e tWC:

a. Lit.LT, ·-.. July 8, 1819~ . .


V ERY FINE ALE and PORTER, · in Bottles.


WINE. An~ a small quantity Prime OIC: RUM.

JAMltS CLIFT. July 8, 1819.

. D_iuoiulion ofO,partrury.

T ltE SuOscribers who carried on Trade at Greenook under the Firm of STO­

A.RT & REN1UB and at Newfoundland· u1i~ der the Firm of STUARTS & RsNNtR, agree­abl~ to a contract of Copartnery, which .~ expired. But the Subscriber J.tvRs STEWAJlT, the lale managing .partner at N~wfoundland, hath retired .and with­dr~wn from the said ·rrade and Copartrtery at Newfoundland, on the fin1t day of Janu­ary last, and from the 'l'rade and Co~ partnery at Greenock on the twenty , fifth day. of march last; 'fhe ot~er Snbscri­bera who continue the Trade, will p3y ail .. Debts due hy the late Cone rn. and are to receive all Debtadne the aforesaid Copart-· nery.


Jont'f Fnouso11, WitueB1. JoRY GLAlllPORD, Wiltaess.

Greenock,i5tb May. lRJg, -


. .

T HE Gentlemep A~r Admirers of Honi1 ltJCinK, Propose dininir"to­

ptber On Monday ne~ at the Crdw: and ADcbor Ta•em. Those who may be dis.. ~·d to j.oin the party will 'ple&Se sub­scribe tbear names to a list laying at Mr Cun'a Olllce. in order tha$ Stewards maj 6e appointed tberefrom. · · -- . ,8th July 181~.


T HE Subecriber I t some time ago. Mia Porla'1 Scoliu CAi~ bas

f~t "! wfao;m. An'! person bav~ su~b a work in tbetr pos 11100 not t>etooging to t&.n will mueb oblige him by a lli(bt of it. Tbe Boob sought for are bound ia 8mciotb CaJf. Lauered OD Jttld Leather, al prlflJ muc:ll worn. •



Page 4: No.collections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/Newfoundland... · BRO\VS, HOYLES & Co. OFFER FOR S\LE. 0 N R £As 0 N ,f BL E TE R ~ts, The CARGO of the Schooner C.11g11e!. Sus1 arrived from


' ,




~~.~ . FIRE W D.

'rBB COTTAGE, Jthe 14d'July next,

ia tbe forenoon, Br "4.f1cr1eN1

II •Oru 'MF u ~ W. Oal t. h ~ ... )

ftla1fi: Eetote situate on the lillt. o1 · QKidi \Yid& Pond au•of the

T'.fAGE; a eommodioa1 Dwelliog­

- ·i · Oat-1'uildiap ; te>g!tl!tr with tboat DIDltJ•tw.G acMS of ncellent Land, eliont ~-br.G of which an held io fee. ...... ot .i~ ,.u, charges and incum· ....,_ "bataM", and about thirty-three .... or .... . ..... hel4 under~ Lease from tM ~wn. for lbirty JeU'I from Septem· llir, 1816 eq1~ to the Quit-rent of

II 1J 8 iw annaaa, renewable at .the ofthe term OD .... p&JIDIDl of a fine or

roar~ l'IDt. - abOut ~bl and a half ••beld andlr 1 zzss troni the Crowo, fi?r -aae ,..,. from October, 1804, IQ~ to 6' 11A11l Rental of 4!1. per ammm. In tb8 above is cQmprised the

ill the occupancy or BoaaaJ.L ROT· UDGS. wblrtGG ii blli1t an ewllent Dwell·

-. .. ud:-1table o.t.hooNs. '1'be abo1a 1,.nc1 and Pnmiles is, in

itf Lil to 1~ble Tenants. and

W ANTED. for the •J>Plf--or R11 Muan'• Taoo.., Taan Hulf•


f\(aple, ~h, black, yellow, 9r white Birch, of sufficient size and l~gtb ; sound, strait, and in every mpect of a a;ood Mer­·chantable quality; to be delivered into the Co111nsu&t&T Fozi. Y AB03 at Fort Wil~ liam, Fort To~. and Signal Hill, between the .1st May and ~4th~une, 1820, ' . '1Z,-

FoRT W1LUAV •••• 150 Cords. Foirt 1'<5WNTDEND- 19!J do·-. -­S10NAL Hn.L • • • • • • 30 do.

to· be measured in lhe several Fuel Yards, in piles not less than ten Cords, and will be paid for at the Commissariat Office, in Cash, on the delivery of the Wood into the Fuel Yards. Sealed Tenders specify­ing the rate per Cord for each Fnel Yard, for the \vhole or any part, not less than twenty Cords, wi1l be recei'fed at the Com­missariat Uftice, on or before FRrDAY the 2•Sth day of Decemher, 1819, at 12 o'clock at nooo, to be marked o the envelope " TENDER! for F1RE•wooo."

. Tlie names of two ostensible Securities are to be in. erted in the Tenders, which Tenders must in every ttt~t be eonfor­mable to tbi:J advertilement.

CO)IJllUA•tAT cnr1c&, St. Johns, Newfouodla11d, 12th June, 1810. ·



eqlnldo., '*· worthf ..... p1w itryom paper, 1°" will by imertioi them, confer an obiigataOG oo,Sir, your molt obedient lel'­


" I bad not time to write to you from Liverpool on account of a fioe fi~ld of tur. oips I there saw: hut the following i1 nn account or it : Hal./ a '°" off 8 yard.I aquanr of ground, of Swedish turnips with beads aud tails, cut off, ready for market ; and the selliog price to cow-keepers, and cattle-feeders .2 pounds sterling per ton---1'bus. the report of~becro.p being worth 'l~ per acre, i~ nq exaggeration of only 40 1n 200. For, thill 8 yards sqaara, which is 'l

-statute-rodstis-only ontt-OJaeslaire rod. Thtr­turnips were by far lnrgerthan any I ever saw before, and vuy thick 0.1 the ground ; bnt, you must undel'!ltnnd that it i!I only in patch· t!S that they are so very fioe.-They are sown upon the same plan that our baliff had those 4 acres that you found in the home fidd at Hill-farm ; is that 'with the Northum· berland drill upon a singlebout ridge, the ridges at ~ r~et apart, and the plants thinned to 1 foot in the rows ; tht-y pro. fess to have the intervals 27 incues, but they "re barely 'l foet.

• ' • t 1 '

- eMn It' ttfa\ price·; llowttfr, i litdt old man, in a broad-brimmed bat, step~ forward, and drawiog on bi~ •pectactea_ offared 100 francs. Se'feral b1~her pTICfa wme afterwards bidden, and tbe picture w• at leogth kn<?Cked do\~n for 25 louia le a poor man, who worked as a comrnO. porter • . The purcba1er having shewn it It one of hi1 friends. a picture-dealer, learn~ to bis astoni. bment, that it ~as a •aluablt Pounin. The picture hu been cleaned, and sevP.rai connois.<1Curs have bt>en to Set it. 'l'he owner bas already ba!n offerf4 1 '1,000 francs for it, but be declares he 11'ill not sell it for double that .sum. "Tbtt sub; jecl i11 Venu• BaLhing.


Jielcl!s patHnl u annual Rent&rof £179 ._._,.aaaq1n, ~of a large tract of LIDd in the baadl or the Proprietor, th&t. is worth about ~&O Pl".annum. .


" This crop, of upwards of 37 tons, not including greens, to a statute acre, comes off land which was a very few years since a wilJ marsh. The soil is rather sandy, but moist; and manure bas ever been put on but horse and cow <lung. 1'bey-expect just as good a crop from the same piece of ground agai~ next year _,vitbout any manure. _ I was very anxious to get a score of the beat of these turnips to send yS>u with your seeds but as the farmer was not at home, the poor­creature of a man who stood shivering in the ra.in, holding a horse-rug over his shoulders did not kno\~ " how he would take it !" -1'his was something new to me.

Nartliern E.rpedition.-His Majesty~ ships th• Hecla and G•iper, wLich were taken down the River to Nortb·fteet Hopt on ·•ruesday last by the· Steam Yacht, '" OO\V waiting there for the a~tronomicul io­strument:J and ch ronometers, which all daily exf)f>cted, on the receipt of wb1cli tb~y will instantly put to sen, under the command of that admiral>le and scientific sailor, Lieut. Parry. son of Dr. Parry of .Buth. 1'hey are to explore Baffin's Bay generally, bu~ particularly Smiih':1, Aldet­man Jonell', and Lancaster Sounds, and Cumbt·rland Straits, with a view to disco. ver a pastoge in~o the North Paci tic Ocean. If necessary to accomplish the objt-ct. they are to winter in Baffin's Bay. 'l'hey ar• victuallt'd, and in evr-ry respect auital)ly equipped. for two }'ears. Cuptain Sabirat, ·or the Ro, al Artillt!ry who accomp.anil'd Captain l:lO!l!I in the l'Xpedi1jon to Baffi11'1 Bay as A:itrouomt1r proceeds again io tbe same capacity. • I-

·A ~ ~ the prope•t)'; and' the RETURNS his sincere thanks to the title dsrd1, aDd ~ of the estate, may be Ladies.and G~ntlemeo. and the In­•••• nd fisrthlr partieulan knowa, by habitants in general, of SL Johns, for past application to · JAMES SIM~. fa•ours, and respectfully informs them. that ·Jane t.t_ MlO. be has removed from his late residence ---------------. near Mr, TMmal Boag'1 to the house re-

cently occupied by Ma. CoLR fl.N, opposite ~&1'1 U• AKD E1TD'llVE


'"' SAitSt Jfs, PTivaU .Conlracl. LL thcH nlUbla Paa1111a io ln· J,•'J• comistiog of Dwelling-Hou· .. *• , !'lakee; Cook·~~ms,

Bir a••· •e. .C. with .-r."!f requ11tte . oo -~CUJJjJll on_• moat extensiu

•ad&. The l>UMNfl' ma7 be ~ommo­, ; I • ~ Tedrle, &c.; and with .,...,...t 1 dlJ. Wl1 ma&eri.al.ly so as to .iii .... ol' pay ... nt. · For 1 particulars

~-· •wN.H~ES&co: . - Jcme 14, 1811~ 3t. .. QlJij$ii I) IC ) ii i Otil I J J , Ct l Ult .... £'

TO LE'l' . . . Until" Slat Oetober. next, . .. r nira ,_,.iii • few ·Daysi

~BT of a. J)\VE" NG-HOUSE ,;- t 1tlie-<~ drclGate,--~ the of a lijtcben on e.ground

. t00r, Dining, one Setting and two ~· a.t ~ on tbe Jd Boor.-Four JW llooJQI OD Jilt acYBoor. ·

1r a• Teaaot ehould not immediately ofl'er m tbe whaJ8j it.trill be I~ separately. -Its pleuaDt titua&ion. and contiguity. to tbe Town, must. reader it ll desirable resi­dence JO a F~mily IX to Sin&l• -Gentlemen who llke re\iremeot. . ~ -

Meeera. WM. Cuus!f & Co's where be bas JUST J'4POllTED a large assortment of Leather, &Cl viz.-

Ladies' Spanish Skin•, Do. Purple do. Do. Red Morocco dill•, Do. Black do. do. Do • ..COiored Ki4 ~o. Do.. Black do do. Do. Russia Cio. do. Do. Goat's do. clo. Do. Cordivao do •

. Do. Calf do • or the beat quantity ;" and hopes by a stri~t attention· to orden and moiierate charges, to merit a continuance of the 'same.

HE HAS ALSO A lar~e Stock of Men's Deck and Sea

Boots, and a quantity. of men's women's, yoathS'. and children's Sblle!, which be will sell on the most reasonabte terms, and

. w_ill take Fish and Oil in part· payment. June 17, 1819.

T.O BE LET./'?r the Season,

T HE Store•. and Dwelling-Hou.ie late-ly occupie<\ by Hutton, M~L(_a ~Co,

poeseszi0u to be-gi'ieD i:nmediateiy.-Ap­ply to

WLLIAM KYDD. Juue.8, 1819 •.

/.... READY FOR DELIVERY, Pri~ 3 Sbillinga,

N E W F 0 U ND L AN D, A ,Pos'IL.111 rwo P ,,..,,, "-..

To which, are added · 1,

"This cultivation of the Swedish turnip ia very general in Lancashire. I saw ulorrg ­the road many fields of them, b1.1t no white turnip and. what is very odd. not a field with a gaily (bare) phlce, though parts of it were sown at three or four different times, one after the other, while nobody 'in Hampshire has t~is year any such thing e:t a fit>ld of turnips. Robert,·(a nick-name for the fty,) moA! thao.ordinary voracious · eot them all up: \\ut baid~, the fellows · in the nor­thern counties have got the crops, they have liktswise what ia full u n1uch, and that is the art and mystery of using them. It is a comme?'n practice to .steam turnips for cow1 and horees. One man io particular P..lr. Bretherton, who is o,woer of most of

.the stages from Livetpool on the Manches-ter road, grows the turnips and sftams them regulprly, a.s a principal part of t.k food of his working coach•hor~s. I did not bear of this till l was coming along in the coach, or I should b&Ye gone and seen all about it." .

N. B, Forty bushels, laapi'ld measure, make~ ton ; so that here are I 4AO bushels, to the American acre, selling for £7 4 st~r· ling, (or 333 dnllars,) an acre; ~ that too, at an Engli1h skilling a bushel, which is not a quarter of a 'dollar, while the.11ame sort of turnip ia selling. wholeeale, at New-York, for a dollar a bwhel !- What a fine cargo to lend hill&er!1 But let UI hope, that after this year, America "!ill stand in. need of no such ca1goes. I hope that we shall 1how

.this somfner. that we know "bow to profit from rain and son and fine IJ&nd, ai well as other people.-1 mean, thil year to try whether Hempstead Plairu will not beat tbizumot11 Lancuhirecrop.-Hali..fu Pap.

The SoascatJD.Jaa•Oll Jaand a qnan• tity oi Bravo Bs1aNC~ o/r l(llOd 'Jf"Jlily. ~hidi.be will Dieflo•• or by Wboleoale or Betail oci reuooabl.e .terma.._He wil\ allo fU.rnish any , qqantity. (}/ S,...- Beer of eycb q .. ~ty ~may be 1C1tad1upm, at~

SONGS, EPIGRAMS, &c. BY It HANNAGAN, Died lately: at Cavendish, Suffolk, aged

Soldier 74tb (Auay~) ~gimeut of Foot. 83"' Mt Daniel Cooper,-Fe~ men prof.,.

"tflJ abort nQtac.., ,

At .M;. Hanagi"f!'s•Orow" .~ .AnclaOr, Mr.. sed more trades than the deceased~be was Hdulton's. mar tM <Jiodnanu Y-ard Mr. ' sooc ively a thatcher and nzor grinder; JJoyle's Glol>e Tat>trn, Mr. Breen's, Three a chair mender •nd tiottomer • ant catch­T.oni,Mr.Winion'a,Stationer&at tbi.Oftioe er and mole C3tcher,a husbandman and

gun-tinker; gar_deeer aad cbimoey-1wee­per ;· a 1hoe.aod stick-maker ; and la11ly a tailor ...aker. It bu been uncmstood his desire WU to be buried before bit OWD

door, with~· · head under the 1Cnper b,t it was not complied with. It ii 1aid. be has lef\ lOOOI~ to bis gradlon.· a miller, at Broc:kler., ~ufrolk.-i-16id;

. JAMES ANDERSON~· .- Jljlf '!4. 1819. . . 0. •


To t.Ae &litor, , Pultoa..tttet, N~w-Yartc.

llkh April 1819. Sia,-To . the second part of my Year's·

reai«Jence; I ·ga•e ..ome aecouot of an extra-. . ordinary field of Ruta Bega (or Swedish

1'R Feu~ O'r'-TE.lf.·'lt&•.'1'111,from tAe . Turnips,) .1thicb wu, tas I bad been iofonn-.' ti4.~ 01 Jl!£Y.'l&at, . . . ed,growing. n~Liv!f.001. MySonWil·

A ~u.1110.HOU~E &. G~BQEN, lia~.wbo :mi•ed al L1v~l from New­situa•ed on; the 80&;4 .l'!gjng . to: . York, OQ tlle lith January, went to 188 th!a

~Mal Bill, lately ~p\ed by. fia,.1111; famolil field, aod the following it his ~rt Bao.~~ IMllr·tbl~lje of Bryan.Fie&- · relati91t to it.-:-What.be adds, .~ ti.w.olll.-Tbe GardeD ~ M1JDMith Pata· 1 ~tlre mode ofiuing this root is, I q.in~ well tod and other VegMl>les. . · · · ~y'Ofthe attentiMi-c>rAinerican farme1'I. -""~ ,gti~· •pplr to.~ ~:.~'of-.~~.q'9ofoll6Wing. ia an ex'.

Gau• Oil tbe 1111 I I f ; • ' ' •• lhbt U ~ ~ tedtJiuwy 1810. , .. JjM i7, ~18, ::- · · U )'~ tbipk ib-.eDi~ togt'her witM. &biJc'

. .. ' .. [ t ...

. . . . l •

. .. L0NDON, M.&T 10.

The Freneli .-pen nlate the ronowiag 1~lar circuManeit, nladft tO c pictaN, wtnch was lately .Did at•u neliclit.' ia the· Tillar of V~u, near P.ris: ...... .,,_.ale COlllllted· of old farnitme, aa4 wu attenda ed ooly. by a few peUJ broka'I or that plaee. The chain, .. bl11, - WIN Int sold, :and the pietu'9 Wit ant '°' ap. It WU Talutcl at 3CS hact, lilMl . 1b11ifat



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. ·, l11

l\foRNJ~o DREss.-A round dress CODI' posed of jucconet mu11lin, the skirt is full and trimed at th~ bollom with a piece of musl in drawn into Sl:t ea!li.ng'!I with pink ribbon; a row of bullons is •placed abO\'t them, and it is surmounted by three ea~i11~ to corre.Jpond. 'fhe bQ.cly i11 high ;· thert• it a emaJI collar, which is east!d, ahd a pet~ rine is offixed to it, of a pretty and novll description ; it i~ double : the lower it rounded, trim111ed with two rows of ea.. ings. and t!d~ed \vitb narrow lace; tht! Uf>" per part is pointed, and trimmL'Ci to corft!9o pond. 'fhe back is plain, and fa~tl!ns ~ bind; a low front is attacht!d to the bigf& one; the former is disposed in 11ruall pl1ia across, is 1aced up bd"ore with cord and buttons, and is trimm~ with as ngle row of easing a~d narrow liu:e. Long 11.o~ s'et·v finished \Yith easings te cu. reipaud ·; th1•rt are four in number. Head-dress, the Pari· sian mob. . 1'bis .el~nt cap hos very small e~, and docs no( come quite close under the chin, whert! it ties\\ i1h p111k rib· .hon~ .it is ornamente<i with a garland of exoiics. The h iir is dres:i~d in light ring· ~els on the for1~liead. Ro;;e-coloured slip-

• • ~

. pers and Limeric ~!oves.

WAtKJ'.'IO Dtt£Si1.-Aj;iconet muslin peti• coat ornamented round the bottom with four rows of muslin trimming, coRlposed of nar• row welti finishoo \Tith edging. Over ti1it is an open robe, with a plain hi~h bouy~ the robe is worked all roonJ in a very rich and d~ant patwrn. . Long loose s eevl'f worl·ed at bottom ; as is a!So the col1ar, to correspond. The spencer \Vorn with this dress i1 compois~ of gret>n gro! de N upltt: it is made to fit the shape exnctly ; th,.. lJ11 t is displayed to advantage by a •mall l olf plaited front attached to the high on1•: the fonner fasttins before with an ornament l clasp: plain (>ack of a moderate bNad1h: the collar, epaulettes, and cuff: nre rich ly braided, and the edges ol each 611i~lte; by a light chain of braiding. He d dres , 1

hat composed of cork, cut in a new manner it is intermixed with green sattin, and linl'Cl with the ume material ; the crown is of a mdd.enate size, the brim is rather large, aod or the lame width all round ; it is ornamen•

tecl with a beautiful plume of feathers, to corre1pond in colouc,. with thecorlc; a 11m1ll eornette, with ._ dou&te border o( pointed lace, is WOfD undetneatb. .Limeric glovd · ; and gr•n 1boes.

&r. JOHNS, Newfoundland: Pi\tNTllD

and PoBL11HBD for the Paorn12Toti eftl'J TaounAT, by Dott&J.D LEB, d the Orrrcw. ~~crinM.g the c.,~·HOtUI ·~le KU., 1 Place, where .Adoefo ,._,.,, and all Other Ordm in tht Prill1hlg Line will ~ tb~fullJ ncei, ..

• _. p1u1f1V·Hr lltalecl to. •

• \

,, •