No. 254 5 th November 2021 Welcome back to school! I have really enjoyed hearing from your children about your active half term holidays. What a difference a year makes, with many families being able to venture far and wide and reconnect with loved ones and happy pastimes that have been missing for some time. This week for lots of reasons has been full of light and laughter. Community is one of our school values. It has been our weekly theme and it has been a great joy to acknowledge our rich variety along with our shared ideals in the LGJS school family. School assemblies this week have included stories from around the world and songs from close to home. Divali has been a wonderful additional theme for all of us whatever our Faith background and we have relished hearing about the children’s celebrations and their excitement about the festival. I enjoyed taking part in after school Indian Dancing, and am extremely grateful that nobody had a camera! Careful plans are being put in place for the various activities and events in the calendar for the next few weeks. Thank you in advance for working with us and for your understanding when adjustments have to be made. School council have been extremely busy in helping us to support Remembrance Day and, the week following week, Children in Need. If your child asks to buy a poppy or to make a donation, please do make sure they are coming straight to the office so that their money stays safe. Please continue to make sure that the children have all their winterwear in school. We all share a love of the great outdoors and venture into the grounds in all temperatures! School coats, hats, scarves and gloves must come into school now the days are getting colder and if they are named, they will always find their way back to you! With warmest wishes, and take care with those fireworks! With warmest wishes, Sophia Ashworth Jones Headmistress

No. 254 5 November 2021 This week for lots of reasons

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No. 254 5th November 2021

Welcome back to school! I have really enjoyed hearing from your children about your active half term holidays.

What a difference a year makes, with many families being able to venture far and wide and reconnect with

loved ones and happy pastimes that have been missing for some time.

This week – for lots of reasons – has been full of light and laughter. Community is one of our school values.

It has been our weekly theme and it has been a great joy to acknowledge our rich variety along with our

shared ideals in the LGJS school family. School assemblies this week have included stories from around the

world and songs from close to home. Divali has been a wonderful additional theme for all of us – whatever

our Faith background – and we have relished hearing about the children’s celebrations and their excitement

about the festival. I enjoyed taking part in after school Indian Dancing, and am extremely grateful that nobody

had a camera!

Careful plans are being put in place for the various activities and events in the calendar for the next few

weeks. Thank you in advance for working with us and for your understanding when adjustments have to be


School council have been extremely busy in helping us to support Remembrance Day and, the week following

week, Children in Need. If your child asks to buy a poppy or to make a donation, please do make sure they

are coming straight to the office so that their money stays safe.

Please continue to make sure that the children have all their winterwear in school. We all share a love of the

great outdoors and venture into the grounds in all temperatures! School coats, hats, scarves and gloves

must come into school now the days are getting colder – and if they are named, they will always find their

way back to you!

With warmest wishes, and take care with those fireworks!

With warmest wishes,

Sophia Ashworth Jones


We are delighted to announce that our Fun Fest afternoon on the last day of term raised the amazing sum

of £1,409.20. A huge thank you to all our parents who once again were so generous and also to our Year 6

children who helped make the day an enormous success.

Year 2 Street Detectives Topic

On Monday, Year 2 enjoyed launching their

Street Detectives Topic with a walk around our

local area. They were looking for a range of

landmarks, signs and buildings around Great

Glen. It was an enjoyable morning and the sun

even shone for us! Fabulous detecting skills Year

2! This got our Topic off to a very positive start.

Hamerton Zoo Park

Year 1 began this half term with a very loud ROAR! We visited

Hamerton Zoo in Cambridgeshire on Monday to launch our new topic

called Paws, Claws and Whiskers! We saw so many different animals

and birds from tigers, cheetahs, monkeys and goats to camels,

lizards, flamingos, snakes and even a baby sloth! The children had a

thoroughly fabulous time finding out about these amazing creatures.

The weather even stayed sunny and bright for the whole day so we

had a picnic outside too!

I loved the bush budgies because they are really colourful, cute and

small. Theo

The little black monkeys looked like they had a moustache! Oscar

I loved the snowy white owl because it was copying me moving my

head. Azlan

I loved the flamingos because they are pink and they were standing on one leg! Sienna

I loved seeing the lemurs because they have a long stripy tail. Maaria.

Halloween Competition Winners

Dear Parents,

thank you for sending in photos of the most amazing and fabulously decorated pumpkins and witches' hats!

We really do have a bunch of talented children here! We had the hardest time choosing the winning entries,

with so many wild and wonderful creations.

Thank you for your support and participation and for making this school competition a great success. And

now without further delay, here are the winners!

Kinders: Belle Chudasama and Lilian Blackmore.

Reception: Layla Somani (Reception G) and Haniya Abdulmajid (Reception S).

Year 1: Oscar Welsh (1LH) and Sami Sirur (1C).

Year 2: Hetty Staniforth (2E) and Holly Allen (2W).

Year 3: Aarush Patel (3W) and Siena Zarola (3D).

Year 4: Iyla Mistry (4M) and Charlie Hardwicke (4C).

Year 5: No entries.

Year 6: Jnay Pau.

Many thanks for your support.

LGJS Friends Committee.

Welcome back everyone to LGJS Sport! We look forward to a fun packed term, we have plenty to offer you

and hope that smiles prevail. Please note the weather has obviously turned for the chilly winter, make sure

you have NAVY baselayers to wear underneath your PE & Games kit if you wish. For boys rugby, boots are

essential now the ground is wet and muddy.

Rising Sports Stars

Bolu Adesanya (Year 6 prep) for a fantastic attitude in rugby and superb, powerful running with the ball

Kimaya Maheshwar (Year 3) for her superb gymnastics knowledge and solid body tension throughout the


The PE Department

NB Swimming Hats are back in Stock!!

We have gone with a much better design having our school logo printed on our house colour caps. They

are available from reception at £3. Bargain!

Mouthguards are now also available £2

PE Department





U11 IAPS Regional Tournament

The U11 A hockey squad travelled to Repton to play in the IAPS Regional Hockey tournament on the Friday before half term break. It was the girls' first experience of a tournament and they were very excited on arrival and keen to play their best hockey. During the group stage of the competition the girls demonsrated some excellent skills and for large sections of every game played in their attacking half of the pitch. However an early goal against them in the last game meant they finished in 3rd place in the group and qualified for the plate final. The girls' were detirmined to reach the final of the plate and played with great spirit to win the semi final against St Elms with ease. In the final two very closely matched teams both scored and on the final whistle it was one all which meant the girls now entered a penalty shoot up to detirmine the winner. However 15 penalty shots later, the teams were still equal!! Therefore it was decided we would share the plater with St Hughes. All the girls played extremely well throughout the day and it was a pleasure to support and coach them. A great team effort!

Coaches Players Catherine Lv and Hanna Patel Goal Scorers - Melak Majeed, Catherine Lv, Frankie Fitzgerald, Ammara Cayless

Music Award

Aishani Sarkar

Piano Grade



Headteacher Awards:

Congratulations to the following children who have achieved a Headteacher Award this week:

Saanchi Singh Rec S Brilliant work on the computer

Krishan Doshi 1RH Excellent writing

Maisie Cao 1RH Excellent writing

Ananya Bhardwaj 1RH Excellent writing

Evelyn Bedenham 3D Amazing vocabulary in her fireworks poem

Eleanore Waylett 4C Excellent Geography

Caelan Beveridge 5H An amazing diary entry

Adam Makda 5H Excellent conduct

Joseph Nurse 5H Designing a zentangle

Safa Rizvi 5H Designing a zentangle


St. Andrew’s St. Cuthbert’s St. Giles St. Mary’s

Noah Greenyer *Aishani sarkar *Tanisha Deore *Lucia Greathead

Nicholas Upton *Siyaam Karim *Zane Ezzat *George Elliott

Joseph Upton *Annabelle Fulton Astrid Cowdell *Florence Platt

Freya Payne Leodeb Scott Ethan McNally Farhaan Khokhar

Lily Trystram Aabir Mann Teddy Ellis-Smith Amara Singh

Ranulph Kangurs Sebastian Geraghty Manraj Johan Thom Baines

Karamvir Hundle Jamin Patel Hannah Hawkins Vikram Sahdev

Anvi Obeja Nidhi Kulkarni

Evelyn Bedenham Digby Kay

Anwita Rai Rocco Gill

Zhanvi Rayarel Armaan Takhar

Arian Adat

Saihaan Morshed

St. Andrew’s: 627 St. Cuthbert’s: 677 St. Giles: 618 St. Mary’s : 660

Congratulations to: Lennon Weiner who won a medal at his clubs Football Tournament. Tinka Cheung who achieved the British Gymnastics proficiency award for level 8. Robin Young who was awarded a certificate for ‘acing’ his treetop adventure at Forest of Dean. Maisie Cao who achieved the British Gymnastics proficiency award for levels 5 & 6. Alex Jones who was awarded his Blue Peter Music Badge. Well Done! Dates for your Diary: Weds. 10th Nov: am – Reception G at Forest School pm – Reception S at Forest School

Years 5 & 6 to watch The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe Thurs. 11th Nov. 11.00am Act of Rememberence