No. 14/2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization · Bugs take a bite out of hunger Most people try to keep insects out of their kitchens. But many of the creepy-crawlers are edible

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No. 14/2010

INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre

with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish.

INFOSYLVA est un service d'information à partir de coupures de presse, mis à disposition par le Centre d'Information sur les Forêts de la FAO et qui fait le point de l'actualité dans ce secteur,

en anglais, français et espagnol.

INFOSYLVA es el servicio de información de recortes de prensa suministrado por el Centro de Informacion Forestal de la FAO con noticias sobre las actividades forestales, en inglés, francés y


Forthcoming FAO events October Emerging Economic Mechanisms: Implications for Forest-Related Policies and Sector Governance Rome, Italy – 05–07 October 2010

Other forest-related events August Forests for the future: Sustaining society and the environment - 23d World Congress of the International Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO) Seoul, Republic of Korea – 23–28 August 2010 Short courses for technical personnel: Collecting and processing forest inventory data Dili, Democratic Republic of East-Timor – 2-13 August 2010 Workshop on forest governance, decentralisation and REDD in Latin America Mexico City, Mexico – 31 August–3 September 2010 September World Water Week 2010: The Water Quality Challenge Stockholm, Sweden - 5–11 September 2010 October 3rd Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference Washington, USA – 25–29 October 2010

November First Serbia Forestry Congress Belgrade, Serbia – 11– 3 November 2010 December Forest Day 4 Cancun, Mexico – 5 December 2010

New publications from FAO Nature & Faune Volume 24, Issue 2 The most recent edition of Nature & Faune magazine (Volume 24, Issue No.2) explores the complex subject of Natural resource tenure systems and their implication for agriculture, food security and nature conservation in Africa. It argues that the absence of clear understanding of the complexities and implications of natural resource tenure systems in Africa poses a key challenge in achieving sustainable development on the continent.

FAO in the news Bugs take a bite out of hunger Most people try to keep insects out of their kitchens. But many of the creepy-crawlers are edible and quite nutritious. That is, if you can get past the idea of eating something usually considered a pest. In Laos, that is not a problem, since nearly everyone likes to snack on edible insects. Now, the United Nations is encouraging even more bug-eating there to solve the country's high rates of child malnutrition. Comment faire face aux raids d’éléphants et d’hippopotames Les attaques d'éléphants vous préoccupent? Aucun souci avec un spray au poivre. Les lions, les guépards ou encore les hyènes tachetées attaquent vos animaux de ferme? Pensez à vous procurer un âne pour monter la garde. Les babouins maraudeurs vous donnent du fil à retordre? Offrez-leur donc un sandwich au serpent. Coping with raiding elephants and hippos Are raiding elephants bothering you? No problem. Drive them off with pepper spray. Are lion, cheetah or spotted hyena attacking your farm animals? Consider a guard donkey. Marauding baboons giving you a hard time? Offer them a snake sandwich. FAO works to reduce human-wildlife conflict in rural Africa Conflict mitigation tool kit offers practical suggestions for protecting crops from forest neighbors. Fight elephants with peppers, U.N. tells farmers Farmers whose crops are raided by wild animals like elephants should try driving them away with pepper spray, using guard donkeys or booby trapping food with snakes, the U.N. said. Got baboons in your crops? Offer them a snake sandwich When farmers and wild animals share land, conflicts can be hard to prevent. But the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization is trying to help. The FAO and other groups are developing what they

call the Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation Toolkit. This toolkit is a collection of advice and information that farmers in southern Africa have been testing. Government committed to sustainable forest management The director of forestry Mr. Abdoulie Sanneh has emphasized the deep commitment of The Gambia government in ensuring the sustainable forest management. Guide de survie entre hommes et animaux Beaucoup de Français connaissent la dévastation que les animaux sauvages, en particulier les sangliers, peuvent semer dans les jardins et les champs. Mais ailleurs dans le monde, la compétition pour l'espace entre hommes et animaux prend une autre ampleur. C'est avec des éléphants, des hippopotames, des félins, des crocodiles ou des singes qu'il faut cohabiter. Et la vie avec ce genre de voisins n'est pas toujours facile. Insects proving food for thought at Swansea University An insect summit is aiming to revolutionize the way we think about bugs as a sustainable source of food. México redujo 34% su deforestación, según FAO El secretario de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada, manifestó que los impactos por el cambio climático se pueden observar por todas partes. Para afrontar los elefantes e hipopótamos invasores ¿Lo atacan los elefantes? No se preocupe, ahuyéntelos con un aerosol de pimienta. ¿Los leones, guepardos o las hienas manchadas están atacando a los animales de su granja? Podría poner un asno de guardia. ¿Los papiones que andan merodeando le causan molestias? Ofrézcales un sándwich de víbora. Piment contre éléphants : les recettes de la FAO contre les prédateurs Tirer au piment pour éloigner les éléphants ou cacher un serpent dans du pain pour effrayer les singes: l'Organisation des Nations unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) teste en Afrique australe un kit pour atténuer les conflits homme-faune sauvage. Pugnan por la vida humanos y animales salvajes africanos La población rural africana y los animales salvajes pugnan por su hábitat ante el crecimiento demográfico en el continente, lo que incrementa los conflictos y amenazas para la vida de unos y otros. El león, el guepardo, el elefante y la hiena son de las especies que más rivalizan con los humanos en las zonas rurales africanas donde se proponen medidas para mitigar el conflicto y promover la convivencia. Un peu de piment pour les éléphants Vous vous sentez démunis face aux attaques d'éléphants, d'hippopotames ou fauves envers votre habitation, votre bétail ou vos plantations ? Soyez sans crainte ! L'Organisation des Nations unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) teste en Afrique australe un ensemble d'outils destinés à vous armer contre ces visites indésirables. Víboras vivas para mantener a raya a los babuinos Debido al crecimiento demográfico mundial, las personas y los animales salvajes están cada vez más juntos y revueltos. El riesgo de conflicto entre ellos, por tanto, aumenta. El problema es más acuciante en África: a los elefantes les gusta alimentarse de los cultivos de maíz y yuca, y espantar paquidermos puede resultar difícil y peligroso.

Press review/ Revue de presse/ Informe de prensa: 16 – 31 July 2010 Africa Africa looks to vast forests for carbon credit They inhabit a polluted part of Ivory Coast's main city with few jobs and a swelling population, but residents of Abidjan's slums have a rare respite: a stretch of pristine rainforest. Calling for an 'old-fashioned' green revolution Using "good old-fashioned" farming techniques will help deliver a sustainable green revolution in Africa, says Tensie Whelan. She warns that failure to protect biodiversity, water supplies and forests could spell disaster for the continent. En Afrique, les parcs nationaux ne protègent pas la faune sauvage Lions, zèbres, buffles, girafes ou gnous : ils sont tous en péril, là où, précisément, on les croyait protégés. En quarante ans, les populations de grands mammifères vivant à l'état sauvage dans les parcs nationaux d'Afrique ont globalement chuté de 59 %. Rhinos on the run Poaching of the endangered African rhino is on the rise, driven by increased demand for horns from Asia and the Middle East for use in traditional medicine and ornaments, The Telegraph newspaper reports. Angola Governor calls for protection of forest The acting governor of central Huambo province, David Barbosa, called for the protection of forests, so the population gains access to its products in a sustainable way. Argentina La norma que protege los bosques nativos La Ley 26.331 de Presupuestos Mínimos de Protección Ambiental de los Bosques Nativos, sancionada en el Congreso de la Nación en noviembre de 2007 y promulgada un mes después, otorgaba a las provincias el plazo de un año para la adopción de sus respectivos Ordenamientos Territoriales de Bosques Nativos. Otro proyecto para la ley de bosques A pesar de haberse discutido varios meses para lograr consenso, la ley de bosques nativos tendrá al menos dos proyectos para debatir. Bangladesh Afforestation: A Sisyphean task? We know about the episode of Sisyphus, a king of Corinth, who, according to Greek mythology, was condemned forever to roll a stone up a hill in Hades only to have it roll down again on nearing the top. In other words this act is nothing but a futile exercise and called a Sisyphean task after the king.

Bangladesh university battles to save tree from extinction A unique tree at Dhaka University in Bangladesh has united students across the campus who are battling to save it from extinction and hold out hopes that its seeds may prove to have medicinal qualities. Climate pressures leading to rise in Sunderbans 'tiger widows' Climate change is driving a growing number of farmers in Bangladesh's southern Sunderbans region out of their fields and into the region's mangrove forests, leading to a rise in tiger attacks and 'tiger widows,' researchers say. Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Aumentarán multa por quema ilegal de bosques El viceministro de Medio Ambiente, Juan Pablo Ramos, informó que se incrementará la multa a las personas que realicen quemas sin autorización, a través de la modificación de la Ley Forestal No. 1700. Destacan presencia del Estado en Amazonía boliviana El gobierno boliviano destacó hoy la presencia estatal en regiones amazónicas como parte de la estrategia de la recién constituida Agencia de Desarrollo de Macro regiones y Fronteras (ADEMAF). El Gobierno de Bolivia desalojará a dos colonias de menonitas por deforestación El Gobierno de Bolivia desalojará a dos colonias de menonitas asentadas en los departamentos orientales de Santa Cruz y Beni, por la depredación de bosques y la ocupación ilegal de tierras. Brazil A worried view of the Amazon from within its forest Lou Gold, a longtime commenter who lives in the Brazilian portion of the Amazon basin, is an invaluable member of the worldwide Dot Earth community (people from more than 200 countries have visited the blog). He reacted strongly to my recent cautiously upbeat statement — made while conducting an onstage interview with a Brazilian ecologist — about prospects that the rain forests there could persist through this century even as human numbers and appetites crest. Amazon deforestation in dramatic decline, official figures show Increased use of satellite data and new tactics to deter loggers have led to drop, says Brazilian environment agency. Can Brazil save the Amazon? On Sunday I woke up in a hotel in Manaus, Brazil, had breakfast overlooking the Negro River, then went for a run along the river’s beaches. It was an enjoyable way to begin my first visit to Brazil, a six-day, government-backed, jam-packed tour with a focus on the environmental issues facing the Amazon. Disminuirá en 2010 deforestación de la Amazonía , afirma ministra La ministra brasileña de Medio Ambiente, Izabella Teixeira, afirmó que la tasa anual de deforestación de la Amazonía en 2010 será menor aún que el registro histórico de 2009. Nueva ley en Brasil es vista como nueva amenaza a Amazonia Un nuevo proyecto de ley en el Congreso de Brasil está opacando los recientes avances en la protección de la Amazonía, generando temores a que la mayor selva del mundo quede más vulnerable a la destrucción por parte de agricultores y granjeros.

Proposed law seen as new threat to Brazil's Amazon A proposed overhaul of Brazilian forest policy being considered in Congress is raising concern that the world's largest forest could be left more vulnerable than in decades to razing by farmers despite recent progress in protecting it. Un pichón nacido en Canarias, esperanza para un guacamayo extinto en Brasil Un pichón de brillante plumaje azul que aprende tímidamente a comer es el quinto guacamayo de Spix que nace en Loro Parque Fundación, una victoria ambiental para esta ave extinguida en su lugar de origen, la selva brasileña de la Caatinga, y de la que sólo hay 73 ejemplares en el mundo. China Expo trees to green Gansu desert TO help reduce carbon dioxide generated by Expo construction and operation, Shanghai will plant 1,000 mu (67 hectares) of trees in northwestern Gansu Province for carbon offsetting and help improve the desert there. Solving the water crisis in China and at home Chris Kukk stood at the edge of the forest, observing a stand of pine trees losing a turf war to encroaching sand dunes. Kukk, a political science professor at Western Connecticut State University in Danbury, was in the Gobi Desert, a place so parched the Chinese have resorted to an ancient technique of stacking cubes of straw to retain the sparse rainfall. Tombs painted in green to achieve afforestation goals Officials in a county in Yunnan Province reportedly ordered local residents to paint tombs in the color green with the aim of reaching the area's afforestation standards. This means that tombs on both sides of the Goujie Highway in Yiliang county have either been painted in green - or covered with green or black netting. Ecuador Bosques sustentan a pueblos Comunidades se benefician con incentivos a través de programa que cuida especies nativas. El bosque de manglar, presente desde las entrañas de Guayaquil “Guayaquil no es más que un manglar con ínfulas de ciudad”. Es la primera oración de la introducción del tomo tres de la Guía Histórica de Guayaquil, de Julio Estrada Ycaza. La frase resume la historia de un sitio que nació en el cerro Santa Ana, allá por 1547, y que hoy es el cantón más poblado del país. La Josefina: el riesgo de deslave, latente La deforestación, minería ilegal y extracción de áridos son parte de las causas para que se genere otro desastre. 644 espèces d’arbres par hectare L’écologue Olivier Dangles a étudié minutieusement la biodiversité du parc Yasuni. Arriveront alors des colons qui défricheront la forêt, chasseront le gibier... Déjà menacés par les trafiquants de bois- en Amérique du Sud, l' Equateur a le taux de déforestation plus élevé,- les groupes indiens isolés n' y survivront sans doute pas. Et cela accentuera la décomposition sociale des indiens Huaoranis.

Ethiopia Ethiopia's forest cover triples: ministry The total forest cover of Ethiopia has tripled in size since 2000 as a result of large-scale reforestation campaigns, the authorities announced. France Incendies de forêts - Le dispositif de lutte de la sécurité civile Noria de Canadair, troupes au sol, hélicoptères de surveillance, la Direction de la sécurité civile (DSC) s'est dotée d'un plan de bataille contre les incendies de forêt qui ont ravagé 17.000 hectares en France en 2009 contre 73.300 hectares en 2003, année de la canicule. L'incendie d'origine criminelle qui a eu lieu ce week-end près de l'étang de Berre (Bouches-du-Rhône) a ravagé 900 hectares de végétation. La biomasse française encore mal exploitée À la veille du prochain appel d'offres pour la production d'énergie à partir de produits de l'agriculture et de la forêt, la filière suggère des améliorations du système actuel de soutien. Le plan de la Sécurité civile contre les feux de forêt Tout faire pour éviter le cauchemar de 1976, cru exceptionnel de sécheresse, où plus de 100.000 hectares de forêt étaient partis en fumée à travers la France. Se mobiliser pour ne plus revivre les sombres épisodes de 2003, autre année caniculaire marquée par 73.000 nouveaux hectares ravagés par les flammes. Le scolyte, ce nouveau fléau qui frappe la forêt landaise Un insecte, le scolyte, attaque la partie du massif landais sinistrée par la tempête Klaus : 1,5 million de mètres cubes de bois sont touchés. Un été chaud fait redouter le pire. Greece Athens wildfires burn forest, threaten homes Dozens of wildfires broke out in Greece, threatening homes and forcing the evacuation of a nunnery and a children's camp near Athens. Guatemala Ranchers and drug barons threaten rain forest Great sweeps of Guatemalan rain forest, once the cradle of one of the world’s great civilizations, are being razed to clear land for cattle-ranching drug barons. Haiti A tree grows in Haiti Six months after a devastating earthquake, the nation is still struggling to regain its footing. Why the best recovery efforts may hinge on something green. India Cheetah will run again in India The cheetah, eradicated in India by hunting nearly a century ago, will run again in the country, as three sites are earmarked for its reintroduction.

Forest dept to plant only local species After about three decades of pursuing afforestation with exotic plant species, the forest department has now preferred a policy to take up only local species. But botanists and tree lovers feel it should totally replace old plantations with indigenous ones. Govt OKs Lafarge mining in Meghalaya The ministry of forest and environment (MoEF) on Monday told the Supreme Court that Lafarge Umiam could resume limestone mining in Meghalaya under the revised Conservation Plan and it had to pay up to Rs 130 crores towards afforestation and development of tribal area around the mines. Green India Mission may exceed estimate India’s mammoth afforestation scheme, the Green India Mission, may have more greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction potential than previously estimated, according to a yet-to-be published study in Current Science. India withdraws water from 42 int'l rivers by constructing dams Water experts at a conference stressed the need for combined efforts to unite the nation for realising the potential of its water resources by mitigating the effects of India's moves to construct dams on major international rivers. Lafarge deposited Rs 75.06 cr towards compensatory afforestation Lafarge moved nearer to operating its mining lease for limestone from the Meghalaya hills after the Centre on Monday informed the Supreme Court the company has deposited Rs 75.06 crore in a corpus to finance compensatory afforestation. The corpus is under a Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority, set up by the environment ministry. Leh berries to dot Himalayan deserts by 2020 The new initiative could have a significant effect in all the Himalayan States. Territorial Army, women's self-help groups to be roped in for project. Vedanta comes under fire for plans to build mine on 'sacred' land in India Bianca Jagger delivers a plea from indigenous people who say mine threatens their way of life. Watchdogs: all bark, no bite? With the forests-versus-development hullabaloo making it to screaming headlines every so often, one would imagine that a large number of development projects are getting stuck with the various agencies mandated to protect and conserve wildlife and forests. But, an analysis of recent decisions shows otherwise. Indonesia Indonesia facing crisis over loss of species - scientists Indonesia, one of the world's richest nations in terms of species, is losing hugely valuable resources and services through the destruction of forests, coral reefs and watersheds, scientists said. Indonesia survey finds many unaware orangutan protected A quarter of villagers living near orangutans in Indonesia's Kalimantan province are not aware the rare primates are protected and say orangutans have been killed in their village, said a new survey.

Indonesian forest community rejects emissions trading Several villages in Indonesia want to reject millions of dollars of international aid to run a forest conservation project near their homes. They are concerned that efforts to stop deforestation will prevent their communities from using the land for subsistence, as they have for generations. Indonesian tropical rainforests and climate change Indonesian tropical forests (ITR), covering an area of about 119 million hectares, is an area that presents opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors of green planet. The ITR is extremely rich in flora with diversity and endemism value totaling 40. The rich species diversity includes 3,000 species of timber, and only 20 species is exploited commercially and by trade. Locals claim they are uniformed about REDD Despite recent claims by the government of major victories in securing climate financing from several countries to stop deforestation, many relevant communities remain unaware of these potentially lucrative deals currently being negotiated. L'Indonésie promet de réserver des forêts pour les orangs-outans L'Indonésie a pris l'engagement de réserver des dizaines de milliers d'hectares de forêts pour qu'y soient relâchés des orangs-outans ayant perdu leur habitat à cause de la déforestation sur l'île de Bornéo. The Thinker: Ready for REDD? Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation has swiftly taken its place near the top of policy agendas in countries around the world. In Indonesia, the government has promised to slash its emissions between 26 and 41 percent, principally through the scheme. Ireland Report calls for forest carbon offsets A report from two Oireachtas committees has called on the EU Commission to set out the conditions for a national programme for forest carbon offsets in the Republic. Kenya Alarm bells ring at fast pace at which mangroves are receding Scientists have sounded the alarm over threats to mangrove forests in Kenya following a sharp decline of cover. The fears have been confirmed by the first global assessment of mangroves in over a decade which reveals that rare and critically important mangrove forests continue to be lost at a rate three to four times higher than land-based global forests. Mexico Deforestado 52% de bosques de La Malinche 40% de la superficie pertenece a particulares, mientras que el 60% es administrado por autoridades, y al menos 23 mil 612 hectáreas de 45 mil del parque nacional han sido convertidas en campos de cultivo. Incrementan extensión del Bosque La Primavera La reforestación en aquellos tiempos se realizó con mil 600 árboles por hectárea; se estima que únicamente sobrevivan entre 350 y 400 mil.

Presentan reforestación en Huaxtla como caso exitoso La Conafor destaca el compromiso del dueño del predio para haberse logrado una supervivencia de 95 por ciento. Producción forestal en vivero porteño pasa de 50 mil a un millón de plantas: Cofom De 50 mil especies de plantas que se producían anualmente en el vivero de Lázaro Cárdenas hasta antes de que comenzará la actual administración estatal, éste lugar tiene previsto que de manera total para el 2010 logre producir alrededor de un millón de plantas, informó Alejandro Méndez López, titular de la Comisión Forestal del estado. Namibia Battle to combat land degradation intensifies The Country Pilot Partnership for Integrated Sustainable Land Management Support and Adaptive Management (CPP NAM ISLM) in cooperation with its partners, have spread the fight against land degradation to all the 13 regions in the country. Nepal Nepal foresters ready to sell carbon stocks A pilot project underway in Nepal aims to strengthen the capacity of the government and community forest user groups (CFUGs) to measure and monitor carbon stored in the country’s forests. Now, planting tree can help you earn The Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation is launching pay per tree programme from this year to increase the forest density across the country. The new concept of pay per tree is aimed at encouraging individuals and communities to participate in afforestation programme. The programme, which is almost in the final stage for the launch, had provisioned to pay Rs 15 for planning a tree in their private or public land. New Zealand Worry over foreign "carbon foresters" Foreign-owned "carbon foresters" have ambitions to turn a fifth of New Zealand sheep and beef farmland into forests and that will devastate many rural towns, the national farmers' lobby says. Nicaragua Satélite taiwanés vela por bosques nicas Cada vez que se produzca un incendio en una zona forestal preservada del país, las autoridades nicaragüenses podrán conocer el daño exacto causado por el siniestro gracias a las imágenes captadas por el satélite taiwanés Formosat, que desde mayo pasado está al servicio del Marena e Ineter. Nigeria ‘FG needs N11bn to fight desert encroachment Minister of Aviation, Mrs. Fidelia Njeze, has said that the Federal Government would require an estimated N11 billion to tackle desert encroachment in the northern part of the country. She said the country’s arable land mass and water resources are seriously being threatened by the twin hazards of drought and desertification especially with the increasing scourge of climate change.

FG to tackle desertification in the North, sasy Jonathan President Goodluck Jonathan has said the Federal Government is determined to combat desertification and reclaim lost land in the Northern part of the country. Reacting to concerns by Nigerians on desertification on his facebook website page, he said he was personally studying a scientific paper on the benefits of a plant, Jatrophas Curcas in solving the desertification menace. In Lagos, it’s one man, one tree “Whether man is disposed to yield to nature or to oppose her, he cannot do without a correct understanding of her language.” With this expression by Jean Rostand, Lagos Commissioner for the Environment, Dr. Muiz Banire, raised the tempo on the need to preserve nature as Lagos marked 2010 Tree Planting exercise, stressing, “we cannot do without nature neither can we disrespect her, her wish is our command.” Nangere LG partnered indigenes to battle desertification Alhaji Muhammad Abubakar Talba Shuwa Ibn Grema is the Emir of Tikau, Nangere Local Government Area of Yobe State. In this interview, the royal father speaks on his effort to fight desert encroachment in his domain. Strategizing in readiness for REDD Nigeria has taken a major stride in her effort towards developing natural strategies for climate change mitigation via reducing greenhouse gas emission, in the light of the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD+) mechanism. Water as human right So what is the Nigeria’s response to this global momentum to democratise access to water? After all, access to water should be at the centre of anti-poverty strategy. Indeed, this country has a Water Policy, which has more or less been in the cooler. Pakistan Pakistan’s drinkers of the dust As desert creeps back to the lands of the Indus Basin, villagers suffer and animosities turn to threats in one of the world’s riskiest environmental crises Unabated tree cutting cause loss to forests, environment Despite repeated efforts to enhance forest covered area to meet Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the forest cover in country could not be enhanced substantially.The government as well as the private sector contribute to afforestation every year by planting millions of saplings, but tree cutting and forests depletion most often hamper the efforts to enhance the forest cover. Panama 30 amphibian species wiped out in Panama forest A "catastrophic" epidemic has made 30 amphibian species locally extinct in a region of Panama—including 5 species that were lost before they were even formally identified, a new study says. Paraguay Presentan Concurso de Proyectos para conservación de Bosques Tropicales El Fondo de Conservación de Bosques Tropicales, en el marco del Acuerdo de Canje de Deuda por Naturaleza firmado entre los Gobiernos de Paraguay y de los Estados Unidos de América, convoca a

entidades interesadas a participar del primer Concurso de Proyectos Pequeños, con la finalidad de seleccionar iniciativas y adjudicar donaciones para la implementación de actividades de conservación, mantenimiento y restauración del Bosque Atlántico del Alto Paraná, también conocido como BAAPA. Peru Amazon losing 1,500 sq km each year Around 1,500 sq km (579 sq miles) of the Amazon forest is lost each year due to deforestation and environmental degradation in Peru. Aportes del extranjero impulsarán conservación de bosques tropicales El Programa Nacional de Conservación de Bosques para la Mitigación del Cambio Climático se encargará de proteger más de 54 millones de hectáreas e incrementar en 600 el número de guardaparques para tareas de vigilancia. "Deforestación disminuye en un 80%" Jufani Olaya Preciado, guardaparque de la zona, explica a través de Correo la importancia que tiene en nuestra ciudad, el Parque Nacional Cerros de Amotape. En su largo periodo que lleva trabajando en la zona, él explica que la deforestación se ha reducido extensiblemente a raíz de las sanciones que contempla el Nuevo Código Procesal Penal. El Perú pierde anualmente 150 mil hectáreas de bosques a causa de la deforestación La cifra equivale a diez veces la superficie del Callao y representa más del 42% del total de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en el país. Le Pérou perd 150.000 hectares de forêts par an, soit 15 fois Paris Le Pérou perd chaque année 150.000 hectares de forêts en Amazonie, soit l'équivalent du grand Londres ou de 15 fois Paris intra-muros, en raison de la déforestation et des dégradations provoquées par des activités illégales, dénonce le Défenseur du peuple dans un rapport. Peligra biodiversidad de la selva peruana De acuerdo al informe 'La política forestal y la Amazonía peruana: avances y obstáculos en el camino hacia la sostenibilidad', elaborado por la Defensoría del Pueblo, anualmente perdemos 150 mil hectáreas de bosques que equivale a 10 veces la superficie de El Callao. Peru poverty drives illegal mining As the international price of gold continues to soar, thousands of people in Peru have moved to gold mining areas in the hope of striking it rich. Along with the unregulated digging comes a trail of deforestation and chemical contamination that is damaging one of the most biodiverse regions on earth. Perú recibirá préstamos en 140 millones para conservar bosques Perú tendrá un financiamiento internacional de 140 millones de dólares para mitigar el cambio climático y conservar 54 de los 72 millones de hectáreas de bosques tropicales que posee, informó el ministro del Ambiente Antonio Brack. Perú tiene 128 millones de dólares de ayuda internacional para la conservación El ministro del Ambiente, Antonio Brack, informó que Perú dispone de unos 128 millones de dólares, entre donaciones y créditos de varios países, para llevar adelante su programa de conservación de 54 millones de hectáreas de bosques.

Se pierden 150 mil hectáreas de bosques Defensoría del Pueblo presentó informe sobre deforestación. Denuncian que oficinas a cargo de prevenir daños forestales no tienen recursos. Portugal Le Portugal toujours en proie aux feux de forêt Près de 800 pompiers étaient toujours mobilisés dans la soirée du mercredi 28 juillet pour venir à bout de plusieurs incendies de forêt et de broussailles, qui touchent fortement le nord et le centre du Portugal depuis plusieurs jours. L'Autorité nationale de la protection civile (ANPC) a dénombré 15 incendies considérés comme "significatifs". Romania Romanians split over environmental impact of Danube delta's wild horses The wild horses of the Danube delta are a unique sight in Europe but conservationists warn that they are a threat to the region's forests and marshland. Russian Federation Deforestation starts, and stops, in Khimki A French company started clearing a Khimki forest for an $8 billion highway connecting Moscow and St. Petersburg, but its work was halted Thursday by environmentalists. Ecologist blames paper mill for polluting Baikal Ecologists and non-governmental organisations are blaming the Soviet-era Baikalsk Pulp and Paper mill for polluting the world deepest and oldest lake, Lake Baikal in Siberia. Baikal, a World Heritage site, holds one fifth of the world's fresh water and is home to many unique plants and animals. Fires rage as Russian heatwave continues Temperatures in Russia are still on the rise as a heatwave across the country continues. However the heat has caused hundreds of forest fires and thousands of acres have already burned to the ground. Fog from peat fires blankets Moscow amid heat wave An acrid fog from forest and peat fires has blanketed Moscow, as the Russian capital swelters in a record heat wave. Moscou s'est réveillée dans un épais nuage de fumée La place Rouge de la capitale russe était enveloppée d'un épais nuage généré par la fumée des incendies alentour, qui rendait l'air irrespirable, alors que la canicule ne semble pas s'atténuer en Russie. Autour de Moscou, trente-quatre feux de tourbe et vingt-six feux de forêt était recensés lundi, couvrant une surface de 59 hectares, selon le ministère des situations d'urgence. Putin alerta a autoridades regionales sobre magnitud de incendios forestales El primer ministro ruso, Vladímir Putin, alertó a las autoridades regionales sobre la magnitud de los incendios forestales que han quemado ya cerca de medio millón de hectáreas de bosques. Scientist says hundreds may die as smog blankets Moscow A prominent scientist said hundreds of people could die as smog from peat fires blanketed a sweltering Moscow for a second day.

Thick smog from heatwave fires covers Moscow Muscovites struggled to breathe and Red Square was blanketed in smoke as a record-setting heatwave that that has already ruined crops caused fires that set the area around the capital ablaze. UN may strike Baikal off World Heritage list The UN may remove the world's deepest and oldest lake from the World Heritage list because of concerns over pollution by a Russian pulp and paper mill. Une banlieue de Moscou tente de sauver "sa" forêt Les habitants de Khimki, près de Moscou, campent depuis une semaine pour empêcher la firme française Vinci de construire un tronçon d’autoroute qui détruirait la forêt. South Africa Poachers kill last female rhino in South African park for prized horn Record levels of poaching are endangering survival of rhinoceros in South Africa. Rhino poaching on the rise in South Africa The plight of a baby rhino whose mother was left to die after poachers drugged it and sawed off its horn has highlighted a resurgent threat in South Africa from criminal poaching gangs. Spain Alerta por riesgo de incendios forestales debido a las altas temperaturas El 97% de los incendios forestales tiene su origen en negligencias o en malas prácticas en el monte. El 95% de los incendios forestales tienen su origen en causas humanas Ecologistas en Acción ha criticado que exista más inversión en la extinción que en la prevención de incendios. El corcho, producto estrella del alcornocal del Mediterráneo En la sierra de Espadán (Castellón) enclavado entre los bosques de Cataluña y la cuenca del Mediterráneo se encuentra ubicado uno de los ecosistemas naturales de mayor valor en términos de biodiversidad de Europa: el alcornocal y con él su producto estrella, el corcho. El Montseny usará la maleza del bosque para generar electricidad Una gran central de biomasa en La Garriga producirá luz para 3.000 hogares. La planta, de 20 millones de euros, consumirá 60.000 toneladas de madera. Expertos alertan sobre mayor riesgo de incendios en zonas cercanas a bosques Expertos de la Asociación Española de Sociedades de Protección contra Incendios Tecnifuego-Aespi alertan del riesgo de incendios en urbanizaciones cercanas a bosques ante el crecimiento de la vegetación que se ha quedado seca. Las plantaciones de eucalipto, grandes sumideros de CO2 en Galicia Los bosques gallegos capturan al año un total de 7 millones de toneladas de dióxido de carbono (CO2), uno de los principales causantes del efecto invernadero, gracias fundamentalmente a las plantaciones de eucalipto que funcionan como importantes sumideros naturales.

Las Tierras del Ebro disponen de 146.000 toneladas de biomasa para energía Las Tierras del Ebro podrían utilizar unas 146.000 toneladas anuales de biomasa forestal y agrícola para la producción energética, con unos 259 megavatios (MW) de potencial térmico y 15 MW de potencial eléctrico. Los eucalitpos, grandes sumideros de CO2 Los bosques gallegos capturan al año un total de 7 millones de toneladas de dióxido de carbono (CO2), uno de los principales causantes del efecto invernadero, gracias fundamentalmente a las plantaciones de eucalipto que funcionan como importantes sumideros naturales. Sri Lanka Descubren un animal que se creía extinto hace 60 años Se trata de un rarísimo loris, un pequeño tipo de primate de ojos como platos que aún se esconde en las selvas de Sri Lanka. 'Extinct' primate, slender loris, pictured in Sri Lanka The first known photograph of a rare primate that was feared extinct has been captured by researchers in central Sri Lanka. Fotografíado un primate en Sri Lanka que se creía extinto Un grupo de investigadores británicos ha conseguido tomar una fotografía de un ejemplar del loris esbelto de Sri Lanka, que pertenece a una especie que se pensaba que estaba extinguida, según informó este martes la Sociedad Zoológica de Londres. Found: Sri Lankan primate thought to be extinct for 60 years Researchers photograph and measure the Horton Plains slender loris, but fear there could be fewer than 100 left alive. Un primate invisible depuis 60 ans photographié au Sri Lanka Un petit primate qui n'avait pas été vu depuis plus de 60 ans, faisant craindre à une extinction de l'espèce, a été aperçu au Sri Lanka et pris en photo pour la première fois, a annoncé la Société zoologique de Londres (ZSL). Uganda Trail of hope for Uganda's lost Pygmy tribe A new initiative is taking Uganda's Batwa Pygmies back into the land they lost to conservation, and giving tourists a rare glimpse of their lives. United Kingdom Bird symbolising true love fading from the skies The turtle dove, famed in folklore and literature as the creature which is always constant to its mate, seems to be on the high road to extinction in Britain, having dropped in numbers by 88 per cent since 1970. Britons urged to count trees to fight climate change A British museum is urging the public to record trees in parks, streets and gardens as part of a three-year survey to uncover how climate change is affecting the environment.

Gran Bretaña anuncia un nuevo centro para observar la Tierra desde el espacio Gran Bretaña inaugurará un nuevo centro dedicado a la observación de la Tierra desde el espacio, que estará ubicado en el International Space Innovation Center (ISIC) en el sureste de Inglaterra. Ese centro recogerá datos sobre el medio ambiente como los efectos de la deforestación y analizará toda la información procedente del espacio que pueda ayudar a los científicos en tareas medioambientales. Public urged to take part in UK butterfly count Butterfly Conservation says information collected from public count will help to halt further decline of fast-disappearing species. Saving the great yellow bumblebee Ben Darvill and Bob Dawson of the Bumblebee Conservation Trust explain how National Lottery Awards funding is helping them spread the message about the importance of conserving Britain's declining bumblebee population. Trees felled in Devon and Cornwall amid disease fears Thousands of trees are being felled in Devon and Cornwall in an attempt to stop the spread of Sudden Oak Death. The virulent disease does not just affect oak trees and spreads rapidly, so landowners are being urged to be vigilant and to report suspected outbreaks. UK butterfly population tracked in Big Butterfly Count The public is being asked to help track the UK's butterfly populations as conservationists warn many native species are in serious decline. UK to open Earth observation hub Science minister David Willetts has announced a new UK centre for monitoring the Earth from space. The Earth observation hub will focus on acquiring environmental data, such as information on deforestation and the impact of climate change. UK-imported animal feed blamed for rainforest destruction Friends of the Earth report says South American soy crops used to feed British livestock could be replaced with homegrown alternatives. Where have all the kestrels gone? Massive decline in numbers could be due to intensive farming reducing their prey. Ukraine Chernobyl zone shows decline in biodiversity The largest wildlife census of its kind conducted in Chernobyl has revealed that mammals are declining in the exclusion zone surrounding the nuclear power plant. United States of America A new summer school for lumberjacks A two-week program at Paul Smith’s College in the Adirondacks teaches skills like logrolling, felling trees with axes and making fires without matches.

Biomass power plants wary of EPA carbon accounting Oregon and other states with lots of trees have been counting on generating more electricity by burning forest thinnings and logging leftovers as a promising future source of green jobs and renewable energy as well as a way to pay for projects to prevent forest fires. Deep underground, miles of hidden wildfires rage Three blistering fires are blazing through Wyoming's scenic Powder River Basin, but firefighters aren't paying any attention. Other than a faint hint of acrid odors and a single ribbon of smoke rising from a tiny crack beyond the nearby Tongue River, a long look across the region's serene grassland shows no sign of trouble. Enlisting endangered species as a tool to combat warming Environmentalists in the U.S. are increasingly trying to use the Endangered Species Act to ease the impact of global warming on numerous animals and plants, including the American pika. The goal is not only to protect the habitat of at-risk species but also to force reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Forest certification standards from around the world weigh in as global pressure mounts for US Green Building Council to accept multiple forest certification programs Forest certification standards from twelve nations have called on the USGBC to end its discrimination against wood and accept all credible sustainable forest certification standards. Forest Service shifts strategy to address changing climate The Forest Service has issued a national road map for responding to climate change, along with a performance scorecard to measure how well each individual forest implements the strategy. Incendios afectan kilómetros de bosques en California Centenares de bomberos trataban de contener dos fuegos forestales que se han intensificado en zonas cercanas al desierto de Mojave, en California, Estados Unidos. Los incendios han afectado a varias comunidades poblacionales en la región y provocaron la evacuación forzada de dos mil 300 familias, reportó la cadena CNN. Judge rejects Forest Service’s plan on fire retardant A federal judge has ruled that the federal Forest Service’s plan for using fire retardant to fight wildfires violates the law because it does not ensure protections for threatened and endangered species of fish and other animals. Los bosques del planeta, medidos desde satélite Tres satélites ha utilizado la NASA para tomar los datos con los que se ha confeccionado un mapa global de la altura de los bosques, el primer de este t ipo, asegura la agencia. El mapa servirá a los científicos para hacer la estimación de cuánto carbono está almacenado en los bosques mundiales y calcular la velocidad del ciclo del carbono entre los ecosistemas y la atmósfera. NASA plots first-of-a-kind map of the Earth’s forests A first-of-a-kind map plotted by scientists using data from NASA satellites shows the Earth's tallest and shortest forests; it is hoped that the map can be used to predict the spread of forest fires and monitor the effects of deforestation and climate change.

NASA images used to map world's tree heights Scientists have produced the first worldwide map showing the height of forests using data from NASA satellites. Petition seeks to have wolves howl across U.S. Tens of thousands of gray wolves would be returned to the woods of New England, the mountains of California, the wide open Great Plains and the desert West under a scientific petition filed Tuesday with the federal government. Pines, beetles and bears Great swaths of trees are dead or dying across Wyoming, Idaho and Montana after being attacked by beetles. The ecological effects could be serious. Some like it warm (if they’re marmots) Warmer temperatures in the Colorado Rockies have produced a population boom of yellow-bellied marmots, at least in one well-studied valley. Towering northwest forests stand out in global map Nowhere on Earth can you find forests as tall and vast as those in the Pacific Northwest. They make Canada's great boreal forests look like shrubs. Amazon rain forest trees are mere halflings by comparison. On a scale from one to 10, our forests go to 11. World A violent snapshot of frog destruction The fungal disease chytridiomycosis has sometimes been compared to a forest fire, sweeping through the world's amphibians and consuming them in its remorseless flame. It's not a perfect analogy, not least because many species survive the passing conflagration; but it's not bad. Access to clean water is most violated human right The world's running out of clean water. Unless the UN acts, the private sector will appropriate supplies and the poor will suffer. Amazon drought raises research doubts A once-in-a-century drought struck much of the Amazon rainforest in 2005, reducing rainfall by 60–75% in some areas — and giving scientists a window on to a future coloured by climate change. Are your cheeseburgers causing deforestation? Consider this thought experiment: Given the importance of the Amazon rainforest to the effort to curb climate change, and the potential value of the thousands of species that live only in the Amazon, and the vastness of the place (See Just how big is the Amazon?), what benefit, if any, can justify destroying a few trees, or a few thousand trees, or even a few thousand square miles of trees? Feeding a hungry family? Providing energy, at a lower cost to a nearby city? Making meat or cheese cheaper in the U.S. or Europe? Argentina, Uruguay strike deal over paper mill Argentina and Uruguay have agreed to a joint environmental monitoring program along the shared Uruguay River, ending a seven-year pollution controversy over a Finnish paper mill on the Uruguayan side.

Cómo generar especies de manglares en Colombia, Venezuela y Panamá Un grupo internacional de científicos estudia cómo generar nuevas especies de manglares en Colombia, Venezuela y Panamá para conservar estos ecosistemas que, por su alto nivel ecológico, están amenazados. Creating transparency in the paper value chain A unique collaboration of stakeholders across the paper supply chain including NGO's, paper producers, paper purchasers and consumer product companies have created a new online resource to enable customers and companies to make more informed decision about the paper they buy and sell. El zumbido de las motosierras suena menos El ruido ensordecedor de las motosierras o el seco tan-tan de las afiladas hachas no se sienten como antes. No en cuanto a la tala ilegal, pues esta se redujo desde 2002 un 22 por ciento en todo el mundo, de acuerdo con un informe de Chatham House en Londres. ¿Está condenada a desaparecer la selva amazónica? Miles de kilómetros cuadrados desaparecen anualmente gracias a la acción depredadora del ser humano. Forestry policies chop illegal logging by a quarter National policies around the world have helped to reduce illegal logging in some developing countries by as much as 75 percent, a new study has found. Freshwater wetlands 'vulnerable in hurricanes' Hurricanes in 2005, including Katrina, destroyed 527 sq km of wetlands in the US Gulf state of Louisiana Freshwater coastal wetlands are more vulnerable to erosion during hurricanes than habitats with higher levels of salinity, a study has suggested. Is the tide turning on deforestation? For decades, logging has eaten away at the Brazilian Amazon, often called the “earth’s lungs” for its ability to generate vast amounts of oxygen through photosynthesis. Experts estimate that roughly 20 percent of the rain forest has been destroyed, with much of it turned into ranchland or farms. Other primeval forests around the world, from Indonesia to Cameroon, are similarly threatened. Learning from the Ancients A leading archaeologist’s take on the pre-European Maya discounts ‘ecocide’ and suggests the people were actually astute stewards of the jungle who could teach us a thing or two. Más lianas recubren bosques ticos por calentamiento global Menos lluvias y veranos más largos favorecen que haya más bejucos. Mayor cantidad de lianas afecta negativamente plantas y animales. Peligra la población global de anfibios La quitridiomicosis, una enfermedad causada por un hongo y que afecta a los anfibios, ha sido comparada en muchas ocasiones con un incendio forestal, por los estragos que causa en la población de estos animales.

Protecting wildlife in conflict zones Research shows that the vast majority of armed conflicts occur in areas rich in biodiversity, says Eva Fearn. In this week's Green Room, she explains how conservationists often find themselves on more than the front line in the battle to save species. "Reducir la mortalidad materna y la deforestación son los objetivos del milenio más atrasados en América Latina" La disminución de la pobreza y la sostenibilidad ambiental siguen siendo los principales retos a los que hace frente la región. Sparks fly over study suggesting wildfires cut CO2 A controversial NOAA study estimating CO2 released by US wildlifes says they could actually cut emissions. Wildlife conservation projects do more harm than good, says expert New book claims western-style schemes to protect animals damage the environment and criminalise local people. World Bank proposes engagement approach in Palm Oil International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the World Bank released a draft framework for engagement in the palm oil sector, detailing an approach that aligns with the World Bank Group mission to fight poverty without compromising economic, environmental or social sustainability, and inviting further public comment. Everglades and Madagascar forests on UNESCO danger list A UN panel has added Florida's Everglades National Park and Madagascar's tropical rainforest to a list of world heritage sites at risk. Protecting wildlife in conflict zones Research shows that the vast majority of armed conflicts occur in areas rich in biodiversity, says Eva Fearn. In this week's Green Room, she explains how conservationists often find themselves on more than the front line in the battle to save species. Mangroves disappearing faster than land-based forests The destruction of the world's mangrove forests is happening up to four times faster than the world's land-based forests, according to a new United Nations report.

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