The term Empty Nest Syndrome gained popularity in the 1970s and has since been considered a standard rite of passage for parents, particularly for mothers. Yet recent research has shown that for that majority of parents Empty Nest Syndrome may not be nearly as bad as we’ve been led to believe. For some parents, the empty nest transition can be a difficult one. Mothers and fathers who are already prone to depression may be greatly affected by this transition period. However research, such as that conducted at the University of Missouri, shows that many parents experience a positive transition into their new roles. Parents report relating more like peers or mentors to their young adult children. They now give their children advice rather than orders or demands. These four simple tips will help you ease the transition and lessen the effects of Empty Nest Syndrome: 1. Schedule communication. — You may want the reassurance of frequent communication, but to him it will feel like you do not trust him on his own. Talk to your child about how often you will stay in touch before he leaves. Setting an expectation, such as a phone call every Sunday, will keep you from crowding your child and help you let go. 2. Do something for yourself. – Go on a trip, enroll in a class or take up a new hobby. Chances are there is something (or many somethings) that you always said you would do “someday”. Now that you have the time, make that dream happen. Schedule your plans in advance, before your child leaves. If you wait until the house is empty, you may continue to put it off. 3. Begin dating. — You now have the time to reconnect as adults, instead of as mom and dad. Go out to dinner, to movies, or for a walk in the park. Have romantic dinners at home, with the TV off and the candles lit. For single parents, an empty nest may make dating easier. Take a chance on someone new, but don’t rush into a relationship. Enjoy going on dates and getting to know someone. You may

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Ninho Vazio, Quando os filhos partem e o casal tem que voltar a conjugalidade.

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The term Empty Nest Syndrome gained popularity in the 1970s and has since been considered a standard rite of passage for parents, particularly for mothers. Yet recent research has shown that for that majority of parents Empty Nest Syndrome may not be nearly as bad as weve been led to believe.

For some parents, the empty nest transition can be a difficult one. Mothers and fathers who are already prone to depression may be greatly affected by this transition period. However research, such as that conducted at the University of Missouri, shows that many parents experience a positive transition into their new roles. Parents report relating more like peers or mentors to their young adult children. They now give their children advice rather than orders or demands.

These four simple tips will help you ease the transition and lessen the effects of Empty Nest Syndrome:

1. Schedule communication. You may want the reassurance of frequent communication, but to him it will feel like you do not trust him on his own. Talk to your child about how often you will stay in touch before he leaves. Setting an expectation, such as a phone call every Sunday, will keep you from crowding your child and help you let go.

2. Do something for yourself. Go on a trip, enroll in a class or take up a new hobby. Chances are there is something (or many somethings) that you always said you would do someday. Now that you have the time, make that dream happen. Schedule your plans in advance, before your child leaves. If you wait until the house is empty, you may continue to put it off.

3. Begin dating. You now have the time to reconnect as adults, instead of as mom and dad. Go out to dinner, to movies, or for a walk in the park. Have romantic dinners at home, with the TV off and the candles lit. For single parents, an empty nest may make dating easier. Take a chance on someone new, but dont rush into a relationship. Enjoy going on dates and getting to know someone. You may begin to reconnect with your own non-parental self in the process.

4. Dream about the future. Where do you see your life in five, ten or fifteen years? Do you plan to stay in your family home or move to a new one? While transition periods are bad times to make big decisions, they are good times to begin thinking about big decisions. Start looking into new active adult retirement communities. Is there a favorite vacation spot where youve dreamed of retiring someday? Exploring your options will put the focus back on your life instead of fixating solely on the life your child is beginning.

Remember, the empty nest transition is not an ending but a beginning. Your youngest child is now living on his own, but will still need your love and support. Raising a family is a great achievement. Be proud of what you have accomplished and look forward to relating to your child as an independent young adult.

O termo Sndrome do Ninho Vazio ganhou popularidade na dcada de 70 e desde ento tem sido considerado um rito de passagem padro para os pais, especialmente para as mes. No entanto, pesquisas recentes mostraram que, para que maioria dos pais Sndrome do Ninho Vazio no precisa ser quase to m como ns fomos levados a acreditar. Para alguns pais, a transio do ninho vazio pode ser uma tarefa difcil. Mes e pais que j so propensos depresso podem ser grandemente afetados por este perodo de transio. Entretanto, estudos como o realizado na Universidade do Missouri, mostram que muitos pais experimentam uma transio positiva em suas novas funes.

Estas quatro dicas simples iro ajuda voc a facilitar a transio e minorar os efeitos da sndrome do ninho vazio:

1. Agenda de Comunicao. - Voc pode querer a garantia de uma comunicao freqente, mas ele vai se sentir como se voc no confiasse nele. Converse com seu filho sobre quantas vezes voc entrar em contato antes que ele parta. Definir uma expectativa, como uma chamada de telefone a cada domingo, ir mant-lo includo e ao mesmo tempo ir ajud-lo a prosseguir;2. Faa Algo para Voc Mesmo. Faa uma viagem, se matricule em curso interessante, comece um novo Hobby. As possibilidades esto l. Coisas que voc sempre disse que faria "um dia". Agora que voc tem o tempo, torne este sonho uma realidade. Programe os seus projetos antes dos seus filhos partirem. Se voc esperar at que a casa esteja vazia, voc pode continuar postergando seus projetos.

3. Comece a Namorar. - Agora voc tem o tempo de se re-conectar com seu companheiro (a) como adulto, em vez de como papai e mame. Sair para jantar, v ao cinema, ou para um passeio no parque. Tenha jantares romnticos em casa, com a televiso desligada e as velas acesas. Para as famlias mono parentais, um ninho vazio pode tornar mais fcil o namoro. D uma chance a algum novo, mas no se apresse em um relacionamento. Desfrute do namoro. Conhea a pessoa. Curta!4. Sonhar com o Futuro. - Onde voc v a sua vida em cinco, dez ou quinze anos? Voc pretende permanecer na casa de sua famlia ou se mudar para um novo local? Apesar de perodos de transio serem tempos ruins para tomar grandes decises, eles so bons momentos para comear a pensar em grandes decises. Comear a pesquisar sobre comunidades e trabalhos voltados para a terceira idade. H um local para passar as frias que voc sempre sonhou em ir? Explorar suas opes ir colocar o foco de volta em sua vida, em vez de se fixar apenas na vida que seu filho est comeando. Lembre-se, a transio do ninho vazio no o fim, mas um comeo. Seu filho mais novo est agora a vivendo por conta prpria, mas ainda precisa do seu amor e apoio. Criar uma famlia uma grande conquista. Tenha orgulho do que voc alcanou e procure se relacionar com os seus filhos como jovens adultos independentes.