Nina White Commissioning and Redesign Lead Shropshire PCT/CCG 19.03.13 * How do you see physiotherapy now and where do we need to be? A commissioner’s perspective

Nina White Commissioning and Redesign Lead Shropshire PCT/CCG 19.03.13

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Page 1: Nina White Commissioning and Redesign Lead Shropshire PCT/CCG 19.03.13

Nina White

Commissioning and Redesign Lead

Shropshire PCT/CCG19.03.13

*How do you see physiotherapy now and where do we need to be? A commissioner’s perspective

Page 2: Nina White Commissioning and Redesign Lead Shropshire PCT/CCG 19.03.13

* How do you see physiotherapy now and

where do we need to be?




*Integrated care

*Key actions

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*MarketingKnowing your audience

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*MarketingReady to Go?

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*Clinical outcomes e.g EQ5DL and specialty specific measures

*Process measures

*Balancing metrics

NHS outcomes Framework: Outcome domains Quality domains

1. Preventing premature death Clinical effectiveness

2.Enhance quality of life for people with long-term conditions

3.Helping recovery form ill-helath and injury

4. Ensuring a positive experience of care Patient experience

5.Treatment in a caring environment and protection from avoidable harm Safety

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*Outcomes Quality Standards

Quality RequirementThreshold Method of Measurement Consequence of breach

Improved mobility and independence for patientsMore than 50% (from a minimum sample of 35%) of patients reporting improved mobility as a result of podiatric treatment

50% Podiatry Health Questionnaire – Response to Walking/Getting About question Completed by the patient/carer prior to treatment and two weeks after treatment

ReviewCorrective Action PlanDisqualification if fail to implement Corrective Action Plan and/or consistently fail to meet/exceed the target

Reduced foot painMore than 50% (from a minimum sample of 35%) of patients reporting reduced pain using the 11 point Visual Analogue (VAS) Scale

50% Podiatry Health Questionnaire – Response to Foot Pain question Completed by the patient/carer prior to treatment and two weeks after treatment

ReviewCorrective Action PlanDisqualification if fail to implement Corrective Action Plan and/or consistently fail to meet/exceed the target

Improved foot healthMore than 70% of patients show an improvement in their foot health after treatment 

70% Podiatry Objective Clinical Score (POCS) Objective score given by the podiatrist to reflect their judgement of the patient’s foot health

ReviewCorrective Action PlanDisqualification if fail to implement Corrective Action Plan and/or consistently fail to meet/exceed the target

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*Integrated Care

“The organisation and management of health services so that people get the care they need, when they need it, in ways that are user friendly, achieve the desired results and provide value for money.”

World Health Organisation




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*Integrated Care




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*Key actions

*Every contact counts

*Planning and preparation

*Horizon scanning

