Nigmos: Part 3

Nigmos Chapter3

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Page 1: Nigmos Chapter3

Nigmos: Part 3

Page 2: Nigmos Chapter3

“Michael… I hope you’re not going to be giving our kids grilled cheese for every meal, or trying to convince them to convert to Grilled Cheesdom, or some nonsense like that…”

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“Erm… Of course not dear?” Michael smiled slightly at his wife.“Good.” Sarr nodded quickly, and slowly pushed away the plate of grilled cheese in front of her.

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The next morning, as Sarr went to get the cheddar cheese out of the fridge, she heard a noise behind her. She turned to see Michael placing a croissant on the counter. “Aww Michael, thank you!” The small gesture warmed Sarr’s heart.

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“I understand that you aren’t the biggest fan of grilled cheese. But I’m touched that you are taking the extra mile and helping me complete my Lifetime Want.” Michael finished and looked expectantly at Sarr. The fact that she was there for him made him feel comfortable.

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“Michael,” Sarr began, smiling at him, “You don’t need to thank me. I will there for you no matter what.” She reached out across the table and took his hand.“And the croissant is delicious.” Her deep blue eyes sparkled.


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Michael walked over to his daughter’s crib. He knew that his children and wife were the most important things in his life, and he wanted to share in their lives.

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That evening, it was the time for the twins’ birthday. Sarr picked up Chevre.“Nice hair,” she smiled at her daughter’s familiar hair.

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However, when Brie grew up into the same hair do, Sarr pursed her lips in annoyance.“That will not do. Michael, can you fix Chevre’s hair in curls?” Sarr asked her husband.“Sure…” Michael picked up Chevre reluctantly, realizing he had no clue how to do that.

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“There you are dear.” Sarr smiled at her daughter’s freckled face lined with curls.“You look adorable!” Brie happily nodded her head in excitement.

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“And my other darling gir-” Sarr froze, “Michael! What happened to her hair?” Michael shifted uncomfortably. “I didn’t know what you were talking about…” Michael mumbled under his breath.“Michael, if you don’t understand, just tell me! Now Chevre’s hair won’t grow back until she’s a child!”

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“Neither seems to mind…” Michael pointed out warily as the two girls crawled over to the play table.“Not the point!”

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Sarr happily settled into the routine of painting and caring for her girls, who had been growing and learning remarkably quickly.

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Chevre was the cheerful one, who always had a smile on her face.

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Brie had a bit of a meaning streak going… But she had the face of an angel, and was careful not to get into trouble.

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The next morning came as a surprise, for when the sun rose above the house, a gypsy hurried by, accidentally dropping a lamp. As soon as she left however, Sarr rushed out of the house and grasped the lamp firmly, excited to have something of value to help her daughters…

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The days grew shorter as, at long last, Chevre and Brie grew taller. The elated parents looked on with teary as their two girls grew up.

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The girls had much in common, from looks to personality. Chevre had shining blue eyes and a perky pink top, whereas her twin had dark chocolate brown eyes that blended with her creamy white shirt. Both of the girls had grown into curly hair and a face of freckles.

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Sometimes, Sarr would just stand, arms folded, watching her daughters. It seemed like just yesterday when they had been born, and now they were preparing to start school. Still, she missed hearing the pattering of feet in the house.

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On the first day of school, the girl walked out in matching lime trench coats and boarded the bus full of blonde haired, blue eyed children, as well as three kids with dark hair much like the twins, but with pale skin and a mystical gaze.

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Sarr and Michael knew that their lives where changing, and that they were becoming closer as a couple and as a family. Still…

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They both agreed that there was absolutely room, for one more.

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“And Hayley can tell the future!” Chevre beamed as she recounted the day’s events to her sister.

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“Are you serious Chev?” Brie stared at her sister, “You believed them?” Chevre looked down sadly, before making a decision.

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“Listen Brie, it’s not my fault you don’t believe in magic, or that you have three nice points. Just don’t lose your temper with me. Even if the RosalinaLuma triplets aren’t magic, they are remarkable people. Seriously, did you see how many birds flocked around Sam? How high Silver ‘jumped’? How exact Hayley’s guesses were?”

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It was silent for a moment, Brie taking in what her sister had said.“Listen Chevre, you’re right. You always are. It’s not right to judge people like that. Sorry…” Brie felt herself blushing, “Truce?”

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“Sure.” Chevre shrugged, “But you did see that lamp Mom had, right?”

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“Yeah, I did. Something is definitely going on, and some needs to do something about it. And I think that Gwen person Mom was talking about is it. We need a leader or our lives will fall apart.”