FIN 3331 MANAGERIAL FINANCE I TROY UNIVERSITY COUSE SYLLABUS TERM 3 2015 January 5, 2015 – March 8, 2015 Note: For course syllabus posted prior to the beginning of the term, the instructor reserves the right to make minor changes prior to or during the term. The instructor will notify students, via e-mail or Blackboard announcement, when changes are made in the requirements and/or grading of the course. eTROY COURSES AT TROY UNIVERSITY All eTroy courses at Troy University use Blackboard Learning System. In every eTroy course, students should read all information presented in the Blackboard course site and should periodically check for updates-at least every 48 hours. If you are inexperienced in using Blackboard, you should spend some time familiarizing yourself with the system. Remember this is not a “correspondence course” in which a student may work at his/her own pace. Each week there are assignments, online discussions, online activities and/or exams with due dates. Refer to the schedule at the end of the syllabus for more information. MISSION STATEMENTS - The student should be familiar with the following mission statements of the University: SCOB MISSION STATEMENT Through operations that span the State of Alabama, the United States, and the world, Sorrell College of Business equips its students with the knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies to become organizational and community leaders who make a difference in the global village and global economy. Through this endeavor, we serve students, 1 1


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TERM 3 2015January 5, 2015 – March 8, 2015

Note: For course syllabus posted prior to the beginning of the term, the instructor reserves the right to make minor changes prior to or during the term. The instructor will notify students, via e-mail or Blackboard announcement, when changes are made in the requirements and/or grading of the course.

eTROY COURSES AT TROY UNIVERSITYAll eTroy courses at Troy University use Blackboard Learning System. In every eTroy course, students should read all information presented in the Blackboard course site and should periodically check for updates-at least every 48 hours. If you are inexperienced in using Blackboard, you should spend some time familiarizing yourself with the system. Remember this is not a “correspondence course” in which a student may work at his/her own pace. Each week there are assignments, online discussions, online activities and/or exams with due dates. Refer to the schedule at the end of the syllabus for more information.

MISSION STATEMENTS - The student should be familiar with the following mission statements of the University:


Through operations that span the State of Alabama, the United States, and the world, Sorrell College of Business equips its students with the knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies to become organizational and community leaders who make a difference in the global village and global economy. Through this endeavor, we serve students, employers, faculty, and Troy University at large, as well as the local and global communities.


Sorrell College of Business will be the first choice for higher business education students in their quest to succeed in a dynamic and global economy. Sorrell College of Business will create the model for 21st century business education and community service.

Troy University Mission Statement:

Troy University is a public institution comprised of a network of campuses throughout Alabama and worldwide. International in scope, Troy University provides a variety of educational programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels for a diverse student body in traditional, nontraditional and emerging electronic formats. Academic programs are supported by a variety of student services which promote the welfare of the individual student. Troy University’s dedicated faculty



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and staff promote discovery and exploration of knowledge and its application to life-long success through effective teaching, service, creative partnerships, scholarship, and research.


Dr. Wilfred J. Bibbins Sorrell College of BusinessProfessor of Finance Bibb-Graves Hall 108-B, Troy, Alabama 36082Telephone Numbers: Office – 334-670-3509Email address Office [email protected] Hours: T/TH 10:00am – 11:20am and 1:00pm – 2:15pm

INSTRUCTOR EDUCATION:Ph.D. in Finance, University of Arkansas (Fayetteville)

Students: Please place the course title in the subject line of any emails sent to the instructor.

LATE REGISTRATION : Students registering during the first week of the term (late registration) will already be one week behind. Students falling into this category are expected to have completed Week 1 and Week 2 assignments by the end of Week 2. No exceptions, since two weeks constitutes a significant percentage of the term's lessons. Students who do not feel they can meet this deadline should not enroll in the class. If you have registered, you should see the registrar, academic adviser, CTAM/eArmyU representative, or Military Education officer to discuss your options.

Also note that late registration may mean you do not receive your book in time to make up the work you missed in Week 1. Not having your book on the first day of class is not an excuse for late work.

ELECTRONIC OFFICE HOURS:It is not possible to have physical office hours for an eTroy class. I am available to you via e-mail and through “Ask the Instructor” of the Class Discussion Forum. I check that forum daily Monday through Friday. Troy instructors are required to respond to student messages within 24 during the week and within to 48 hours on the weekend. You are encouraged to ask questions regarding assigned reading in the appropriate Blackboard forum.

CATALOG DESCRIPTION:This course consists of analysis, planning, and control of internal and external finance decisions of a firm with emphasis on corporate structure.

PREREQUISITES:Accounting 2292



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PURPOSE (COURSE OBJECTIVES):The goal of this course is to provide an introduction and overview of the business field of finance and a survey of the principles, concepts, and tools of analysis in managerial finance.

STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES:After successfully completing this course, each student should be able to:

1. Identify the primary goal of the firm, consequences of unethical behavior, and conflicts between managers and stakeholders.

2. Identify the different types of financial markets and institutions and how they enhance capital allocation and market efficiency.

3. List the key financial statements, identify the kinds of information they provide, and estimate and explain free cash flow.

4. Analyze the financial condition of a firm by using proper financial analysis techniques. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of financial ratio analysis.

5. Calculate values based on the concept and techniques of the time value of money.6. Explain the factors that influence the cost of money and what determines the

shape of the yield curve.7. Calculate the value and yield of bonds.8. Calculate the value and yield of stocks.9. Evaluate financial securities and portfolios using appropriate risk-return analysis



The student should possess the knowledge and skills of a high school graduate or equivalent and the capability to perform on a college level. Knowledge of basic mathematics, such as multiplying, dividing, fractions, using percentages, ratios, simple algebra, and the ability to read and construct graphs, is assumed. If you feel you need to “brush up” your skills, go to Smartthinking under Course Tools on the Blackboard site for various tutorials. No password is needed. Some basic understanding of statistics is helpful for portions of this course. Again, go to Smartthinking.

COURSE REQUIREMENTS:1. Order the text immediately; delays due to not ordering your text upon your date

of enrollment will not be an excuse for late assignments2. Check your email address for correctness and if it isn't listed or the address is listed

incorrectly, update it immediately. Your Troy email address is the official email for course communications. This is your responsibility.

3. The student is expected to remain in regular contact with the professor and class via email or other communications means, by participating in the discussion boards all in a timely fashion.

4. During Week 1 submit a brief description of yourself to the Discussion Board Forum “Student Introductions”. This is required for attendance grading.



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5. Discussion Board: These are thoughtful contributions to the discussion questions and current events posted by instructor and comments by class members. Each student is expected to respond as directed by the assignment.

6. Read all assigned chapters of the textbook.7. Work all assigned activities exercises and problems in CengageNow.8. Successfully complete the interim exams and final examination.9. Successfully complete the California Critical Thinking Skills Exam.

TEXTBOOK(S) AND/OR OTHER MATERIALS NEEDED:Brigham, E. F., & Houston, J. F., Fundamentals of Financial Management (13th Ed., Custom Package). Mason, OH: Thomson-Southwestern ISBN # 978-1-285-12665-4.

Please order textbooks as soon as possible to insure receipt prior to the beginning of the term. Troy University’s official bookstore is MBS Direct at http://bookstore.mbsdirect.net/troy.htm. MBS is the official provider of the approved textbooks for each term. Orders may be placed online with a credit/debit card.

Beginning in this term, TERM 1 2014, students will now be able to view and purchase their books from Blackboard in the New Blackboard Store. Only the books for the courses that they are enrolled in will appear, saving them several steps or “clicks”.  Blackboard and MBS have joined forces in this new endeavor and we believe it will be a great asset to our students.

Only new textbooks include access codes. Textbooks that are purchased used will not include all the necessary materials needed for your course. Students who purchase textbooks from other sources do so at their own risk in relation or order accuracy, timely receipt, and currency and completeness of materials. You may purchase access codes from the following:

http://www.cengagebrain.com/shop/en/US/storefront/US?cmd=CLHeaderSearch&fieldValue=9781285094472 and clicking on Student Access Codes on Blackboard.

CENGAGENOW online homework system for Blackboard is used in this course. You will need an access code. This access code is packaged with the textbook from Troy University Bookstore. Do not misplace this code. If you purchase a USED text, you will need additional materials. Students should have their textbook from the first week of class. Not having your textbook or access code will not be an acceptable excuse for late work. Students who add this course late should refer to the “Late Registration” section for further guidance.

ADDITIONAL READING:Recommended: The following publications are sources you may want to consider. (Most are online now!) Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, etc.

SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS:Handheld financial calculator -Texas Instruments BA II Plus is recommended.



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Missing any part of this schedule may prevent completion of the course. If you foresee difficulty of any type (i.e. an illness, employment change, deployment, etc.) which may prevent completion of this course, notify the instructor as soon as possible. Confirmation of any of these circumstances is required. Failure to do so will result in failure for an assignment and/or failure of the course. See “Attendance” above.

If I have not heard from you by the deadline dates for exams, or written assignments, no make-up work will be allowed (except for extraordinary circumstances such as hospitalization). Requests for extensions must be made in advance and accompanied by appropriate documentation. Extensions are granted at the discretion of the instructor.

No extensions of homework due dates will be made. No exceptions.

“Computer problems” are not an acceptable excuse. “I forgot” is not an acceptable excuse. (Acceptable documentation includes physicians or hospital statement, accident report, employer confirmation of employment change, etc.)



Cengagenow homework assigned is found under course documents. You will submit each week’s assignment before 10:00pm on the due date.


After reading (understanding) a chapter, you are required to complete a post-test. You are allowed two (2) opportunities when taking the post-test which will not be timed. The chapter Cengagenow Post-Test is found under course documents. You will submit each week’s post-test before 10:00pm on the due date.


1. Each exam will be multiple choice and will count 100 points.2. Exams will be available for a specific time period. Exams will routinely be

posted from 8:00a.m. Wednesday until 10:00p.m. Sunday. See the Course Schedule in the back of this syllabus for the dates during which time the exams will be available.

3. Exams will be delivered online via Blackboard. They will be found in the Assessments section. The exams will be timed for two hours. The system is set to auto shut-off once the time limit is reached. You must complete the exam once you log into the exam.

4. The Final Exam will be comprehensive, multiple choice, and delivered through Blackboard under Assessments. This exam must be proctored. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain an approved proctor. This course requires one proctored exam, which is your final exam. Consult the syllabus for dates the final will be available. Students are responsible for



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working with eTroy Undergraduate Testing to arrange for a proctor. All necessary instructions and information can be found at www.troy.edu/ecampus/testing. Questions about proctoring should be directed to: eCampus: www.troy.edu/ecampus/testing/contactus.htm.

5. The CCTST (California Critical Thinking Skills Test) is a proctored assessment that will be administered during this term. It will be taken immediately following your submission of the final exam. Schedule your proctor accordingly.


Ask The Instructor – This board is intended for questions regarding the course and course policies.

Discussion Forum – This board is used by students to post their discussion of the assigned topic. The specific issue(s) and requirements will be posted as a thread under the discussion forum thread.Please start your participation on the discussion boards as soon as possible. Do not wait until the last minute to satisfy the requirements of the discussion forum.

Discussion points are all or none. You must complete all requirements to receive discussion board points.


Primary Post – See assignment discussion Thread

Secondary Post – See assignment discussion Thread

Weekly Assigned Reading Discussion Board - Please use this board to ask questions you encounter during the week’s required readings. The discussion board IS NOT intended as a discussion forum to answer the homework assignment. Please use this discussion board to ask questions regarding the assigned chapter reading rather that emailing the question(s). I prefer this approach because it allows all of your classmates to benefit from the answers. This will provide an opportunity for the class to participate in a discussion of chapter related issues. I will visit this site to assist in understanding the difficult material within the chapter. Previous experience suggests that the more focused the questions, the easier it is to provide a focused response.

Student Lounge - Please use this board to communicate with your classmates on any topic you like.




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Missing any part of the Course Schedule may prevent completion of the course. If circumstances will prevent the student from completing the course by the end of the term, the student should complete a request for an incomplete grade.

NOTE: A grade of incomplete or “I” is not automatically assigned to students; rather, it must be requested by the student by submitting a Petition for and Work to Remove an Incomplete Grade form. Requests for an incomplete grade must be made on or before the date of the final assignment or test of the term. The form will not be available after the last day of the term. A grade of “I” does not replace an “F” and will not be awarded for excessive absences. An “I” will be awarded only to students with a valid case for the inability to complete coursework by the conclusion of the term. It is ultimately the instructor’s decision to grant or deny a request for an incomplete grade, subject to the policy rules below.

POLICY/RULES FOR GRANTING AN INCOMPLETEAn incomplete cannot be issued without a request from the student.

TO QUALIFY FOR AN INCOMPLETE, THE STUDENT MUST:a. Have completed over 50% of the course material and have a documented

reason for requesting the incomplete. (Fifty percent means all exams/assignments up to and including the mid-term point, test, and/or assignments.)

b. Be passing the course at the time of the request.

If both of the above criteria are not met an incomplete cannot be granted. An “I” is not a substitute for an “F”. If the student has earned an “F” by not submitting all his/her work or by receiving an overall “F” average, then the “F” stands.


Effective July 1, 2005, all students are required to obtain and use the TROY email address that is automatically assigned to them. All official correspondence (including bills, statements, emails from instructors and grades, etc.) will be sent ONLY to the troy.edu (@troy.edu) address.

The student troy.edu email address is the same as the Web Express user ID followed by @troy.edu. Students are responsible for the information that is sent to their TROY account. E-mail accounts can be accessed by logging onto the course and clicking “email login.” Troy e-mail can be forwarded to eArmy e-mail accounts. To do so, first access the Troy account through Troy email link found on the website. After logging in to the Troy email account, click on “options” on the left hand side of the page. Then click on the “forwarding.” This will enable you to set up the email address to which you will forward your e-mail.

STUDENT EXPECTATION STATEMENTThe student is expected to participate in the course via e-mail exchanges and/or other communication with the instructor. Requirements include reading the assigned readings,



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completing all assigned homework problems and completing exams in a timely manner. Students are expected to check their e-mails daily and the announcements at least every 48 hours.

The goal of this course is to provide an introduction and overview of the business field of finance and a survey of the principles, concepts, and tools of analysis in managerial finance.

SITE MAPTo obtain a site map which enables you to navigate through your Blackboard course site, please go to the Blackboard course site and click on the “Start Here” button found on the left side of the computer screen.

STUDENT/FACULTY INTERACTIONInteraction will take place via email, telephone, discussion board forums, comments on written assignments. The student will participate in this course by following the guidelines of this syllabus and any additional information provided by the instructor, the eTroy center at Troy University, or Troy University. Send an email through Blackboard to document all correspondence. The student is expected to remain in regular contact with the instructor and class via e-mail or other communications means, by participating in the discussion forums, submitting all assignments and taking all exams in a timely fashion. Troy requires instructors to respond to students’ e-mail within 24 hours Mon-Thurs, and within 48 hours Fri-Sun. I will make every effort to meet that requirement...

As instructor, I will communicate through Blackboard Announcement and/or via email.


METHOD OF EVALUATIONAll grades will be posted in the student grade book in Blackboard and will be assigned according to the following or similar scale:

Exam 1 15%Exam 2 15%Proctored Comprehensive Final Exam 40% CengageNow Activities 15%Discussion Board 10%CCTST 5%Total 100%

GRADE STANDARD85+ A75-84 B65-74 C55-64 D<55 F



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1. A reliable working computer that runs Windows XP, Vista or more recent version of Windows.

2. A Troy e-mail account that you can access on a regular basis (see “Troy email “.)

3. E-mail software capable of sending and receiving attached files.4. Access to the Internet with a 56.9kb modem or better. (High speed

connection such as cable or DSL preferred).5. A personal computer capable of running Netscape Navigator 7.0 or above,

Internet Explorer 8.0 or above, or current versions of Firefox Mozilla. Students who use older browser versions will have compatibility problems with Blackboard. You will need Internet Explorer in order to access the Thomsonone database.

6. Microsoft WORD software. I cannot grade anything I cannot open! This means NO MS-Works, No Wordpad, NoWordPerfect).

7. Virus protection software, installed and active, to prevent the spread of viruses via the Internet and email. It should be continually updated. Virus protection is provided to all Troy students free of charge. Click on the following link https://it.troy.edu/downloads/virussoftware.htm and then supply your email username and password to download the virus software.

INTERNET ACCESSThis is an on-line class. Students must have access to a working computer and access to the internet. Students can use the TROY computer lab, a public library, etc. to insure they have access. “Not having a computer” or “computer crashes” are not acceptable excuses for late work. Have a backup plan in place in case you do have computer problems.

TECHNICAL SUPPORTIf you experience technical problems you should contact Information Technology. You access this through the Information Technology site (listed on the Troy site map). Scroll down the left side of the page and click on help desk. Help desk is also listed on the left side of the blackboard site. Go through help desk to submit a ticket detailing your problem. If you have never filled out a Help Desk request, you must first create an account.

BLACKBOARD SUPPORTIf you are experiencing technical difficulties with your coursework or with features in Blackboard that are generating errors including Cengage, go to Information Technology as directed above. On the left side of the page, you will click on Blackboard. Please review the Knowledge Base or immediate feedback for the most frequently asked questions before submitting a help ticket. The educational support team still supports users 7 days a week from 7:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. (central US time) and will address your ticket in a timely manner. Support issues will no longer be addressed outside of the Help Desk System. Do not contact your instructor for technical help.



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HOW TO LEARN ONLINETroy University eTroy is designed to serve any student, anywhere in the world, who has access to the Internet. All eTroy courses are delivered through the Blackboard Learning System. Blackboard helps to better simulate the traditional classroom experience with features such as Virtual Chat, Discussion Boards, and other presentation and organizational forums.

In order to be successful, you should be organized and well motivated. You should make sure you log in to our course on Blackboard several times each week. Check all “announcements” that have been posted. Start early in the week to complete the weekly assignment. You should also go to the Discussion Board early in the week and view the topic and questions for the any group discussions. Make your “initial” posting and participate in the discussion. Begin reviewing for the exams early in the term. Do not wait until the last minute and “cram” for these exams. You should review the material frequently, so you will be prepared to take the exams. Exams cover both concepts and problems so working the homework is not sufficient preparation for an exam.

ETROY CONTACTThe eTroy Center at Troy University is here to serve you and assist with any questions, problems, or concerns you may have. For assistance go to www.troy.edu/etroy or send an email to [email protected]. You may call 1-800-414-5756 or ASK TROY. Please do not hesitate to contact the eTroy staff if you need administrative assistance for any reason.

FIN 3331 Managerial Finance Course OutlineChapter 1 Overview of Financial ManagementChapter 2 Financial Markets and InstitutionsChapter 3 Financial Statements, Cash Flow, and TaxesChapter 4 Analysis of Financial StatementsChapter 5 Time Value of MoneyChapter 6 Interest RatesChapter 7 Bonds and Their ValuationChapter 8 Risk and Rates of ReturnChapter 9 Stocks and Their Valuation



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Dates Readings and AssignmentsALL ASSIGNED ACTIVITIES ARE DUE ON SUNDAY AT 10:00pm

Week 11/5 – 1/18

Read/Stud - Chapters 1 - 2Review Financial Calculator Tutorial Submit CengageNow Chapters 1 and 2 Post-Test

Week 21/12 – 1/18

Read/Study - Chapter 3Chapter 3 Homework due Sunday 10:00pmDiscussion Board 1 will be availableSubmit CengageNow Chapters 3 Post-Test

Week 31/19 – 1/25

Read/Study - Chapter 4Chapter 4 Homework due Sunday 10:00pmDiscussion Board 1 Primary Discussion closes Sunday 10:00pm Submit CengageNow Chapters 4 Post-Test Exam 1 - Chapters 1 – 4 (Available Thursday 8:00am – closes Sunday 10:00pm)

Week 41/26 – 2/1

Read/Study - Chapters 5Chapter 5 Homework due Sunday 10:00pmDiscussion Board 1 Secondary Discussions closes Sunday 10:00pmSubmit CengageNow Chapters 5 Post-Test

Week 52/2 – 2/8

Read/Study - Chapters 6Chapter 6 Homework due Sunday 10:00pmSubmit CengageNow Chapters 6 Post-Test

Week 62/9 – 2/15

Read/Study - Chapters 7Chapter 7 Homework due Sunday 10:00pmDiscussion Board 2 will be availableSubmit CengageNow Chapters 7 Post-Test Exam 2 - Chapters 5 – 7 (Available Thursday 8:00am – closes Sunday 10:00pm)

Week 72/16 – 2/22

Read/Study - Chapters 8Chapter 8 Homework due Sunday 10:00pmDiscussion Board 2 Primary Discussion closes Sunday 10:00pmSubmit CengageNow Chapters 8 Post-Test

Week 82/23 – 3/1

Read Chapters 9Chapter 9 Homework due Sunday 10:00pmDiscussion Board 2 Secondary Discussions closes Sunday 10:00pmSubmit CengageNow Chapters 9 Post-Test

Week 93/2 – 3/8

Comprehensive Exam WeekProctored Comprehensive Final Exam+ and CCTST - You must arrange for an approved proctor for these examsComprehensive Final Exam Chapters 1 – 9 (Available Wednesday 8:00am – closes Saturday 10:00pm)California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST) CCTST will be taken immediately following the submission of your final exam