NH Section 7 th Annual Awards Banquet Nov. 5, 2009 Executive Court Conference and Banquet Center Manchester NH ___________________ Celebrating 125 Years Of Engineering the Future

NH Section 7 th Annual Awards Banquet Nov. 5, 2009 Executive Court Conference and Banquet Center Manchester NH ___________________ Celebrating 125 Years

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Page 1: NH Section 7 th Annual Awards Banquet Nov. 5, 2009 Executive Court Conference and Banquet Center Manchester NH ___________________ Celebrating 125 Years

NH Section

7th Annual Awards Banquet

Nov. 5, 2009Executive Court

Conference and Banquet Center

Manchester NH


Celebrating 125 Years

Of Engineering the Future

Page 2: NH Section 7 th Annual Awards Banquet Nov. 5, 2009 Executive Court Conference and Banquet Center Manchester NH ___________________ Celebrating 125 Years




Section Officers  Chair Jim Anderson

  Vice-Chair Nita Patel

  Treasurer Stoney Worster

  Secretary Don Sherwood

  Member at Large Kenric Nelson

  Past Chair Thomas Perkins

Chapter / Group ChairsLComputer Chair Barbara Bancroft

MEngineering in Medicine and Biology Wayne Smith

MJ oint Communications and Signal Processing Co-Chairs Ravi Subrahmanyan

Kenric Nelson

LLife Members Chair Jim Anderson

LMicrowave Theory and Techniques Chair Don Sherwood

LPower and Energy Chair Dean Bacon

LJ oint WI E-GOLD Chair Jennifer Schelly

Standing Committee Chairs  Awards and Recognition Dean Bacon

  Historic Landmarks Chair Luis Figarella, PE

  Humanitarian Technology Chair Luis Figarella, PE

  I ndustry Liaison Mimi Tam

MMembership Development Chair Jason Hui

  Pre-University Educ. Activities Chair Don Sherwood

  Professional Activities (PACE) Chair Madeleine Lowe

  Publicity Chair Nita Patel, PE

  Student Branch Activities Chair Nita Patel, PE

Other Members  Newsletter Editor Jim Anderson

  NHJ ES Representatives Thomas Perkins

Jim Anderson

Don Sherwood

  Photographer Ravi Subrahmanyan

  Webmaster (I nterim) Jim Anderson

Others (Not Ex Com Members)  Administrative Assistant Donna Davis

Page 3: NH Section 7 th Annual Awards Banquet Nov. 5, 2009 Executive Court Conference and Banquet Center Manchester NH ___________________ Celebrating 125 Years

2009 ExCom Committee 2

Table of Contents 3

Event Schedule 4

Alex Greunwald PACE Award 5

Keynote Speaker 6 - 7

Honorary, Fellow & Life 8- 10Member Recognition

IEEE Origins 11

Upcoming Events Back Cover



Page 4: NH Section 7 th Annual Awards Banquet Nov. 5, 2009 Executive Court Conference and Banquet Center Manchester NH ___________________ Celebrating 125 Years

Banquet Schedule


6:00 pm: Reception 6:45 pm: Buffet Dinner

7:45 pm: Presentation of Awards

Master of Ceremonies: Stoney Worster

Student Branch Recognition NCC, NHTI

Executive Committee Recognition Chairs, Officers

Alex Gruenwald PACE Award Madeleine Lowe

8:30 pm: Keynote Speaker Randy Forgaard Music Piper Runnion-BarefordManchester Community Music School

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Madeleine Lowe Wins

Alex Greunwald PACE Award

Congratulations Madeleine!5

Alex Greunwald PACE Award was Announced at IEEE Region 1 Board of Governors (BoG) Meeting, Springfield, MA, August 8, 2009. The purpose of the Region 1 Alex Gruenwald Section Professional Activities Committee for Engineers (PACE) Award for Excellence is to reward the Section within Region 1 judged to have achieved the highest excellence in advancing professionalism in the Region during the past year.  With a potential competition from 21 Sections, this award is typically pursued and won by large sections in the southern part of Region 1 such as Long Island and North Jersey.  Therefore it is with great pride and honor that we announce that the New Hampshire Section won this prestigious prize earlier this year. As NH Section PACE Chairperson, Madeleine Lowe has taken an aggressive lead in making things happen.  The number of PACE activities and section involvement has increased dramatically over the past year in New Hampshire. This includes PACE events (networking and training), and a presentation skills series given across our state that reflects the geographic challenges in engaging our members.  Five new EXCOM members were recruited in less than a year.  Networking activities and PACE correspondence with member rose significantly.  Meetings have been held outside the geographic location of our major population concentration (The Nashua-Manchester corridor.) in more rural and less populated localities such as Concord and Plymouth to engage a wider membership.  Approximately 60 members who have not attended Section meetings previously have participated in these activities in the past year.  This award includes $1,000.00 for the Section and a plaque, signed by R1 Director Howard Michel, presented to Madeleine.

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Randy ForgaardCo-founder of the Company that

Created FrontPage


Randy will share with us the heady story of how he and Charles H. Ferguson founded Vermeer Technologies, Inc. in mid 1994. The Internet was starting to be adopted by businesses, and a new infrastructure called the World Wide Web was being formed. The big missing piece was a powerful, visual authoring tool for creating, maintaining, and administering whole web sites, and their individual pages.

By just about any measure - communications traffic, new web sites going up, downloads of web browsers and servers, new Internet subscriptions - the web was growing at 20% per month, the fastest growing phenomenon in economic history.

Vermeer shipped version 1.0 of FrontPage in October 1995. It was a great success, winning many industry awards, and praises from customers.

Two weeks before product release, and just 18 months since founding, Vermeer was approached separately on the same

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day by Netscape and Microsoft, both of whom wished to acquire the company. It was an agonizing decision. The start-up veterans at Vermeer had longed to go it alone with an IPO, but the two largest software companies in the Internet were intent on entering the same product space by acquiring FrontPage or creating similar products themselves. Vermeer agreed to be purchased by Microsoft, and it was unquestionably the right call. The $130 million deal closed in January 1996, and the newly re-christened Microsoft FrontPage version 1.1 was released in April of that year.

This was the first big Internet acquisition, and the story made the cover of the Wall Street Journal and the other major newsweeklies, with about 50 million people seeing the story on network TV news. It was an exhilarating and intimidating high-speed roller coaster ride. The early history of the company was instructional and exciting.

Biographical Information:

Randy Forgaard was the co-founder and chief technology officer of Vermeer Technologies, Inc., original makers of the market-leading FrontPage web authoring software. Microsoft acquired Vermeer in January 1996, at which point Randy joined Microsoft as senior program manager and head of product planning for the product, renamed Microsoft FrontPage. Randy retired from Microsoft in March 1997. He is enjoying spending time with his family, and has a one-person firm called Illusionator that makes special effects for the haunted attraction industry.

Prior to Vermeer, Randy was one of the earliest employees and a key developer of the award-winning BeyondMail electronic mail system from Beyond Inc., and remained with the company until it was acquired by Banyan Systems, Inc. in February 1994. Before that, Randy held principal positions in three small software companies in the areas of securities trading systems, spreadsheet add-ins, and airline personnel scheduling.

Randy received his bachelors and masters degrees in computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1981 and 1984, respectively.

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Dean Kamen

Serpil Ayasli George Cybenko David R. Martinez

David K. Barton R. L. Easton Robert M. O'Donnell

Jesse L. Butler Eric R. Fossum K. S. Packard

Paul H. Carr Elsa Garmire A. E. Ruehli

O. T. Carver Floyd B. Humphrey A. J. Simmons

Pane-Chane Chao M. A. Johnson Phillip Smith

D. L. Clark James J. Komiak D. Von Recklinghausen

Robert K. Crane David F. Kotz W. Welkowitz


W. B. Abbott Harvey J. Bloom R. R. Clark

P. L. Adams Robert D. Blynn John F. Clark

Martin A. Allen John T. Boatwright T. P. Colarusso

William J. Alton Anthony P. Bogacki Frank G. Cole

B. Ames Andrew J. Borsa Anthony J. Consentino

James W. Anderson C. F. Brackett J. S. Cook

R. E. Anthony Forest A. Buckland Robert C. Copeland

S. P. Antippas D. P. Burks Dexter M. Cox

John D. Arend G. L. Burton R. B. Craven

J. C. Arnold N. E. Byer Robert G. Crooks

J. I. Ash Richard H. Campbell Edward Crusade

A. W. Bachelder Alfred J. Cann C. I. Cutler

Ralph. H. Baer Tyler E. Carlisle Raymond D. Dahlstrom

James R. Banks Edward B. Carne Anthony J. Desany

Lawrence Barnes L. F. Carroll D. V. Dickey

Lowell W. Bauer Clifford D. Caseley D. W. Diehl

Charles J. Beck C. F. Caswell Robert S. Eanes

Bruce B. Beckley Phil Chandler John F. Egan

B. A. Billings R. W. Cheek W. F. Emerson

Recognition of NH Section's Honorary, Fellow and Life Members


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George W. Engert William R. Greenwood C. Knickerbocker

William J. Engle Joseph Grillo James R. Knight

Kenneth R. Erikson Gary J. Gross Robert J. Kost

Edward H. Fairfield Wilson Y. Gutcheon A. Kran

John W. Fallon C. C. Hahn Daniel C. Kuenzig

Harold K. Farr E. R. Hampson K. D. Labaugh

R. H. Farrar James C. Hansen Robert C. Lamb

John S. Feeney J. Thomas Heislein Robert J. Landman

Edward A. Feustel Ernest G. Henrichon David H. Langdon

J. S. Fleischman Donald L. Herling Raymond H. Lanier

Thomas B. Foley Ronald T. Herman Alan G. Larsson

Edmond J. Forbes John C. Herper Lawrence T. Lee

David A. Forrest Sumner S. Holbrook K. E. Leppanen

Robert C. Fournier R. C. Hopgood Martin S. Levetin

Robert A. Frank Peter Hopkin Thomas B. Light

Lloyd E. Frey Richard F. Hughes John V. Lipe

L. E. Gagne E. L. Hume J. R. Louis

J. B. Gardner C. E. Hutchinson Clifford A. Lundin

Fred M. Gardner J. . Ikstrums Alvin H. Mac Quarrie

Louis J. Gargasz L. E. Janetos Walter J. Macomber

Glen C. Gerhard Donald E. Johansen Norman L. Major

George S. Ginsburg Nathaniel M. Johnson William C. Mallard

Filson H. Glanz David A. Johnson Edwin R. Marcinkowski

William G. Glenday Paul S. Johrde A. G. Marcotte

William D. Glenn Alfred W. Jones Stephen H. Mather-Lees

Peter N. Godino S. W. Jorgensen Kenneth E. Mayo

S. Goldberg John A. Joslyn L. E. Mc Bride

W. R. Gosney Charles R. Justice William P. Mc Cabe

James G. Gottling C. G. Kalt James D. Mcelroy

M. E. Goulder Jake Karrfalt T. J. Mc Manus

J. P. Grandmaison Norman Katz James D. Mcelroy

K. A. Green J. P. Keegan Richard T. Mckernan

Michael P. Greenberg Denis G. Kelemen Robert E. Mcmillan

L. E. Greenspan M. C. Kidd Donald W. Melvin

Thomas H. Greenway K. J. Klarman George R. Meyer

Recognition of NH Section's Honorary, Fellow and Life Members

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Eiji Miki M. J. Reid Kirk W. Smith

Richard G. Mills George C. Reis Alan J. Smith

J. C. Morgenstern Joseph H. Reisert Corey C. Snook

Duncan E. Morrill Paul B. Robinson A. M. Soares

Dennis V. Mosbeck R. E. Roble Maurice G. Soucy

Ronald Moskowitz Lee C. Rogers Ralph F. Spencer

Joseph B. Murdoch Robert E. Rowe Raymond H. Spooner

William J. Murphy W. E. Rowley Peter G. Stebbins

Thomas B. Newman A. E. Ruehli Robert D. Stoddard

D. Ninkovich Stuart F. Ruhl A. R. Stratoti

Donald J. Norris Robert D. Russell Jay W. Sturdevant

E. H. Nutter Mark F. Ryer Malcolm J. Swanson

E. J. O'Reilly Joseph Sabella Kenneth A. Takaki

Harley J. Orr H. W. Sallet J. J. Tasillo

G. A. Paquette J. Santangelo Richard P. Thurston

Charles E. Perkett William Sapankevych Richard T. Traut

Thomas O. Perkins William E. Schroeder William E. Triest

John R. Peschier Alan E. Schutz Joseph A. Trowbridge

T. T. Pettingell Jean L. Schwartz Charles F. Turner

Lawrence Pihl Mannie Schweisberg Donald R. Vaillancourt

Arthur P. Pinkerton Raymond W. Sears Preston P. Weber

T. A. Pinkham Arnold D. Seifer Stuart H. Wemple

Robert G. Porter Louis C. Semprebon Karl F. Wendelowski

Bobby R. Potter Eugene Sheftelman A. S. Westneat

J. E. Preble Antonio M. Silvestri Earl J. Whitaker

David G. Prince Donald V. Simpson N. A. Whitaker

Maresh Puri Darshan Singh W. L. White

James F. Queenan Andrew J. Slobodnik Jr. Andrew B. White

Timothy J. Quinn Kondagunta U. Sivaprasad Kenneth B. Winiecki

J. R. Rankin B. D. Smith John W. Wingate

Robert A. Ray Robert T. Smith Douglas B. Wood

J. K. Redmon C. Norman Smith Charles M. Worster

Harry J. Reed J. W. Smith W. D. Wright

C. L. Register Jeffrey E. Smith

Recognition of NH Section's Honorary, Fellow and Life Members

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IEEE Origins

• 1884: American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE). Major interest were wire communications (telegraph and telephony) and light and power systems

• 1912: Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE). The IRE concerned mostly radio engineering, and was formed from two smaller organizations, the Society of Wireless and Telegraph Engineers and the Wireless Institute.

• 1963: AIEE & IRE Merge to form IEEE

The IEEE "kite" was created in 1963 with the merger of its two predecessor societies, the AIEE and the IRE. The

kite borrowed elements of both organization's logos

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2010 Section & Chapter VotingElectronic Balloting:

Mid November to Mid December

Upcoming Activities in 2009For all the details see the November Newsletter at


Nov. 11 – Joint Reliability Chapter - A New Approach to System-Availability Analysis: An Integrated Hardware, Software, and Procedures Mode

Nov. 12 – PACE Committee – Consultants Network Formation Meeting

Nov. 17 – Computer Chapter – Internet Protocol VI

Nov. 19 – Power and Energy Chapter – PSNH Solar Power Project

Dec. 3 – PACE Committee – Wine Tasting and Networking in North Conway

Dec. 9 - Joint Reliability Chapter - 100X Token Reliability Improvement

Dec. 10 – PACE – Jobs Workshop in Manchester

Jan. 10 – Joint Com-Sig Chapter - Local Initiatives in Wireless Technology and Software Radio

Ex Com Meetings – Second Thursday of Every Month