NFPA 13D First Revisions

NFPA 13D First Revisions

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NFPA 13D First Revisions

Page 2: NFPA 13D First Revisions

First Revision No. 31-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. 2.4 ]

2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections.

NFPA 5000®, Building Construction and Safety Code®, 2012 2015 edition.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew Klaus

Organization: National Fire Protection Assoc

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Mon Oct 21 14:12:38 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Editorial change to update the reference to the latest edition.

Response Message:

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First Revision No. 2-NFPA 13D-2013 [ New Section after 5.1.1 ]*

Where a sprinkler is removed from a fitting or welded outlet, it shall not be reinstalled except aspermitted by .*

Dry sprinklers shall be permitted to be reinstalled, where they are not removed by applying torque at thepoint where the sprinkler is attached to the barrel.

Supplemental Information

File Name Description


Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Thu Aug 29 09:14:38 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: This section is being added to correlate with NFPA 13 and NFPA 13R.

Response Message:

Public Input No. 7-NFPA 13D-2012 [New Section after 5.1.1]

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Where the sprinkler being removed from the system remains attached to the original fitting or welded outlet, Sprinklers the sprinkler should be permitted to be reinstalled when the sprinkler being removed from the system remains attached to the original fitting or welded outlet, provided care has been taken to ensure the sprinkler has not been damaged. Flexible hose connections are considered a fitting.

In new installations, where sprinklers are installed on pendent drop nipples or sidewall sprinklers prior to final cut-back, protective caps and/or straps should remain in place until after the drop nipple has been cut to fit to the final ceiling elevation.


Provided dry sprinklers are removed by utilizing a pipe wrench on the barrel, where permitted by the manufacturer, they can be reinstalled. If a dry sprinkler is removed by utilizing the sprinkler wrench on the boss of the sprinkler, the dry sprinkler should not be reinstalled.

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First Revision No. 3-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. 5.1.2 ]


Devices Except as permitted by , devices and materials used in sprinkler systems shall be listedunless permitted not to be listedby 5.1.3 .

Tanks, expansion tanks, pumps, hangers, waterflow detection devices, and valves shall not be requiredto be listed.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Thu Aug 29 09:17:09 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: There is no technical change to this section, simply a rewording for clarity.

Response Message:

Public Input No. 8-NFPA 13D-2012 [Section No. 5.1.2]

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First Revision No. 4-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. 5.1.3 ]


Tanks, expansion tanks, pumps, hangers, waterflow detection devices, and waterflow valves shall notbe required to be listed.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Thu Aug 29 09:22:14 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


Deleted the term waterflow. This term is not defined. All valves in a sprinkler system willhave waterflow through them.


Public Input No. 9-NFPA 13D-2012 [Section No. 5.1.3]

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First Revision No. 5-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. 6.2.1 ]


Where a pump is the source of pressure for the water supply for a fire sprinkler system but is not a portionof the domestic water system, the following shall be met:

(1) A test connection shall be provided downstream of the pump that creates a flow of water equal to thesmallest sprinkler K-factor on the system.

(2) Pump motors using ac power shall be connected to a 240 V normal circuit rated for 240 V and wiredin accordance with the NEC ( NFPA 70 ) .

(3) Any disconnecting means for the pump shall be approved.

(4) The pump shall not be permitted to sit directly on be located not less than 1 1 ⁄2 in. off the floor.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Thu Aug 29 10:08:36 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


Modifications were made to clarify the language on the wiring of the pump, to confirm that it must bein accordance with the NEC. The use of a 240 V pump has been shown to reduce the potential forfailure in the pump as these pump draw less amperage and have shown not to cause circuit breakersto trip. Historically there has been no specified dimension off of the floor that the pump needs to sit.This has lead installers to put a thin (1/16") mat under the pump. The intent of having the pump offthe floor is to keep it out of water if the area flooded. The new dimension achieves this intent withoutbe too restrictive.


Public Input No. 10-NFPA 13D-2012 [Section No. 6.2.1]

Public Input No. 11-NFPA 13D-2012 [Section No. 6.2.1]

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First Revision No. 6-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. 6.3.4 ]


A warning sign, with minimum 1⁄4 in. (6 mm) letters, shall be affixed adjacent to the main shutoff valve andshall state the following:

WARNING: The water system for this home supplies fire sprinklers that require certain flows andpressures to fight a fire. Devices that restrict the flow or decrease the pressure or automatically shut offthe water to the fire sprinkler system, such as water softeners, filtration systems, and automatic shutoffvalves, shall not be added to this system without a review of the fire sprinkler system by a fire protectionspecialist. Do not remove this sign.

Supplemental Information

File Name Description


Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Thu Aug 29 10:30:36 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


Note: This Proposal originates from Tentative Interim Amendment 13D-13-2 (TIA 1041) issued by theStandards Council on August 9, 2012. This proposed language is currently located within the“Common Supply Pipes” section of Chapter 6. This sign is not appropriate for this section and is onlyneeded for multipurpose piping systems. This section should be moved to 6.3.4 so that it falls underthe “Multipurpose Piping” heading. Emergency Nature: This was a mistake that the committee madebetween the ROP and ROC. Originally wording was in 6.3(5), 2007 Edition. Originally proposed as6.3.4 during ROP and then moved for some reason to 6.5.3. This sign is not necessary onstand-alone systems. Because of construction practices in California the sign must be places at themeter by the street or on the outside of the home sometimes by the front door. This is a majorproblem for the builders, their marketing departments and their sales personnel.


Public Input No. 21-NFPA 13D-2013 [Section No. 6.3.4]

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Report on Proposals – June 2015 NFPA 13D_______________________________________________________________________________________________13D- Log #1 AUT-RSS


Fred Benn, Advanced Automatic Sprinkler, Inc.

A warning sign, with minimum 1/4 in. letters, shall be affixed adjacent to the main shutoff valve and shall statethe following:

The water system for this home supplies fire sprinklers that require certain flows and pressures to fight afire. Devices that restrict the flow or decrease the pressure or automatically shut off the water to the fire sprinklersystem, such as water softeners, filtration systems, and automatic shutoff valves, shall not be added to this systemwithout a review of the fire sprinkler system by a fire protection specialist. Do not remove this sign.

This proposed language is currently located within the “Common Supply Pipes” section of Chapter 6.This sign is not appropriate for this section and is only needed for multipurpose piping systems. This section should bemoved to 6.3.4 so that it falls under the “Multipurpose Piping” heading.

This was a mistake that the committee made between the ROP and ROC. Originally wording wasin 6.3(5), 2007 Edition. Originally proposed as 6.3.4 during ROP and then moved for some reason to 6.5.3. This sign isnot necessary on stand-alone systems. Because of construction practices in California the sign must be places at themeter by the street or on the outside of the home sometimes by the front door. This is a major problem for the builders,their marketing departments and their sales personnel.

1Printed on 1/25/2013

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First Revision No. 7-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. 6.4 ]

6.4 Manufactured Home Water Supply.

For sprinklered buildings manufactured off-site, the minimum flow and pressure needed to satisfy thesystem design criteria on the system side of the meter shall be specified on a data plate by themanufacturer.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Thu Aug 29 10:30:47 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


Pressure alone is not adequate information to establish whether the available supply is acceptable.A corresponding flow at design pressure needs to be stipulated. While it is understood that a2-sprinkler calculation results in a relatively low flow relative to available flow in typical city supplies,some of these supply curves are very "steep" and drop of pressure very quickly during flowignconditions. The system hydraulic calculation report identifies required flow and should be included toassure adequacy.


Public Input No. 48-NFPA 13D-2013 [Section No. 6.4]

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First Revision No. 20-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. 7.1.2 ]


The sprinkler system piping shall not have a separate control valve valves installed unless supervised byone of the following methods:

(1) Central station, proprietary, or remote station alarm service

(2) Local alarm service that causes the sounding of an audible signal at a constantly attended location

(3) Valves that are locked open

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Thu Aug 29 12:27:34 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


The previous language did not require additional control valves that may be installeddownstream to be supervised. The revised language clarifies that this is the intent of the section.


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First Revision No. 8-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. 7.2.5 ]


The test connections, where provided, shall contain an orifice a K-factor equal to or smaller than thesmallest sprinkler K-factor installed in the system.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Thu Aug 29 10:38:58 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Correlates with NFPA 13 by using the term K Factor.

Response Message:

Public Input No. 12-NFPA 13D-2012 [Section No. 7.2.5]

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First Revision No. 9-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. 7.2.6 ]


Where a pressure-reducing or pressure-regulating valve is installed on a stand alone system, a pressuregauge and a test connection with an orifice a K-factor at least as large as the smallest orifice sprinkleron K-factor on the system shall be installed downstream of the device.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Thu Aug 29 10:40:32 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: There has been a shift in NFPA 13 to use the term K Factor in place of orifice.

Response Message:

Public Input No. 1-NFPA 13D-2012 [Section No. 7.2.6]

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

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First Revision No. 25-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. ]

Pendent and upright sprinklers in closets shall be permitted to be installed within 12 in. (305 mm) of theceiling in order to avoid obstructions near the ceiling.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew Klaus

Organization: National Fire Protection Assoc

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Oct 01 11:17:15 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


This section has been deleted in favor of the revised language added to section

Response Message:

Public Input No. 13-NFPA 13D-2012 [Section No.]

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

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First Revision No. 26-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. ] Closets.

In all closets and compartments, including those housing mechanical equipment, that are not larger than

400 ft 3 (11.3 m 3 ) in size, a single sprinkler at the highest ceiling space shall be sufficient withoutregard to obstructions or minimum distances to wall.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew Klaus

Organization: National Fire Protection Assoc

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Oct 01 11:19:04 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


This section has been deleted in favor of the revised language added to section

Response Message:

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

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First Revision No. 10-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. ]

Sprinklers shall be positioned with respect to an obstruction against a wall in accordance with Figure8. Figure or Figure .

Figure Positioning of Sprinkler to Avoid Obstruction Against Walls (ResidentialUpright and Pendent Spray Sprinklers).

Figure Positioning of Sprinkler to Avoid Obstruction Against Walls (ResidentialUpright and Pendent Spray Sprinklers);

Supplemental Information

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File Name Description


Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Thu Aug 29 11:03:27 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


This common situation was not addressed in previous editions. This concept is included inNFPA 13R as well, so this will correlate with that standard.


Public Input No. 27-NFPA 13D-2013 [Section No.]

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Elevation view



FIGURE Positioning of Sprinkler to Avoid Obstruction Against Walls(Residential Upright and Pendent Spray Sprinklers)


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First Revision No. 27-NFPA 13D-2013 [ New Section after ]

8.2.7 Closets.

In all closets and compartments, including those housing mechanical equipment that are larger than 400

ft 3 (11.3 m 3 ) in size, pendent, upright, and sidewall sprinklers shall be permitted to be installed within12 in. (305 mm) of the ceiling in order to avoid obstructions near the ceiling.

In all closets and compartments, including those housing mechanical equipment smaller than 400 ft 3

(11.3 m 3 ) in size, pendent, upright, and sidewall sprinklers shall be permitted to be installed within 18in. (450 mm) of the ceiling to avoid obstructions near the ceiling. A single sprinkler at the highest ceilingspace shall be sufficient without regard to obstructions or minimum distances to wall.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew Klaus

Organization: National Fire Protection Assoc

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Oct 01 11:19:47 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


This section was added to consolidate the requirements for closets in a single section. Section8.2.1.3 and have been deleted in favor of this section.


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First Revision No. 1-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. 8.3.3 ]


Sprinklers shall not be required in clothes closets, linen closets, and pantries that meet all of the followingconditions:

(1) The area of the space does not exceed 24 ft2 (2.2 m2).

(2) The shortest dimension does not exceed 3 ft (0.9 m). walls and ceilings are surfaced withnoncombustible or limited-combustible materials as defined in NFPA 220.

(3) The walls and ceilings are surfaced with noncombustible or limited-combustible materials as definedin NFPA 220 .

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 14:42:02 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


The three foot dimension is not necessary since it does not change the size of the closet wheresprinklers can be omitted. The fire doesn't know whether the closet 2x12 or 4x6. This actioncorrelates with the action taken on NFPA 13R.


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First Revision No. 11-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. 9.2 ]

9.2* Antifreeze Systems.

9.2.1* Conformity with Health Regulations.

The use of antifreeze solutions shall be in conformity with any state or local health regulations.

9.2.2* Antifreeze Solutions.

Except as permitted in, antifreeze solutions shall be listed for use in new sprinkler systems.

For existing systems, antifreeze solutions shall be limited to premixed antifreeze solutions of glycerine(chemically pure or United States Pharmacopoeia 96.5 percent) at a maximum concentration of 50percent by volume, propylene glycol at a maximum concentration of 40 percent by volume, or othersolutions listed specifically for use in fire protection systems.*

Premixed solutions of glycerine (chemically pure or United States Pharmacopoeia 96.5 percent at amaximum concentration of 48 percent by volume or propylene glycol at a maximum concentration of 38percent by volume shall be permitted to protect piping that is supplying sprinklers in a specific area of thedwelling unit, where acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction.*

Documentation shall be presented to the AHJ to substantiate the use of the antifreeze solution.

The concentration of antifreeze solutions shall be limited to the minimum necessary for the anticipatedminimum temperature.*

The specific gravity of the antifreeze solution shall be checked by a hydrometer with a scale having 0.002subdivisions.

9.2.3* Arrangement of Supply Piping and Valves. Connections Between Antifreeze System and Wet Pipe System with No Backflow PreventionDevice.

A 5 ft (1.5 m) drop pipe, or U-loop, shall be installed in the connection between the antifreeze system andthe wet pipe system as illustrated in Figure

Figure Arrangement of Supply Piping and Valves.

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If sprinklers are above the level of the water supply to the antifreeze system, a check valve with a 1⁄32 in.(0.8 mm) hole in the clapper shall be provided in the U-loop.

Valves shall be provided as illustrated in Figure

Arrangement of supply piping when the water supply comes from a storage tank or the water supply feedsthrough a check valve that does not have a 1⁄32 in. (0.8 mm) hole drilled in the clapper shall meet therequirements of* Connections Between Antifreeze System and Wet Pipe System with Backflow Prevention DeviceInstalled.

Valves shall be provided as illustrated in Figure

Figure Arrangement of Supply Piping with Backflow Device.

An expansion chamber shall be provided as illustrated in Figure

The expansion chamber shall be sized based on the minimum and maximum volume of the antifreezesolution over the life of the system.

9.2.4 Hydrostatic Test.

Where pendent sprinklers are utilized, and where a hydrostatic test shall be performed, the hydrostatictest shall be performed with water and then the water shall be completely drained before antifreezesolution is placed in the system, or the hydrostatic test shall be performed with antifreeze solution at theproper concentration for the system.

9.2.5 Placard Information.

A placard shall be placed on the antifreeze system main valve that indicates the manufacturer type andbrand of antifreeze solution, the concentration of antifreeze solution used, and the volume of theantifreeze solution used in the system.

Supplemental Information

File Name Description


Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Thu Aug 29 11:05:52 EDT 2013

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Committee Statement


Note: This Proposal originates from Tentative Interim Amendment 13D-13-1 (TIA 1067) issued by theStandards Council on August 9, 2012. The Technical Committee on Residential Sprinkler Systems istaking a different path in dealing with antifreeze in NFPA 13D than it has in NFPA 13R or than theSprinkler System Installation Criteria Committee is taking with NFPA 13. This different path isfundamentally based on the fact that one- and two-family dwellings are treated differently in buildingcodes and fire codes than other types of occupancies and in recognition of the fact that NFPA 13D hasa different objective than NFPA 13R and NFPA 13. From its inception in 1975, NFPA 13D has beenless stringent than NFPA 13 in order to present a document that balances the issues of reasonable fireprotection with the realistic concerns of cost and redundancy. NFPA 13D has always recognized that iffire sprinkler systems are too much like NFPA 13, they will not be installed in one-and two-familydwellings and they will not be able to help change the fact that thousands of people continue to dieeach year due to fires in unsprinklered one-and two-family dwellings. As such, the TechnicalCommittee on Residential Sprinkler Systems, concerned with the overall effort to get sprinkler systemsinto more one- and two-family dwellings is consciously choosing to be less restrictive than NFPA 13,while still maintaining a reasonable level of fire safety for the occupants of sprinklered one- andtwo-family dwellings. The information provided in the report, Antifreeze Systems in Home FireSprinkler Systems – Phase II Report (Fire Protection Research Foundation, December 2010) was thebasis for TIA 10-2 to NFPA 13D that was issued by the NFPA on March 1, 2011. That research reportis still valid and demonstrates how residential sprinklers perform in typical dwelling units of typical one-and two-family dwellings with a variety of antifreeze solutions tested through a variety of pendent andsidewall residential sprinklers. Subsequent testing has been performed as a part of a projectsponsored by the Fire Protection Research Foundation (FPRF), who released an interim report inFebruary of 2012 titled, Antifreeze Solutions Supplied through Spray Sprinklers. This report followedup on the Phase II tests and looked at antifreeze solutions and their performance with a variety ofstandard spray sprinklers. Given that NFPA 13D calls for the use of residential sprinklers in alllocations except mechanical closets and unheated areas not intended for living purposes (see section7.5.3 and 7.5.4 of NFPA 13D), the results of this latest FPRF research is less important to NFPA 13D.Still, in reviewing the results of the tests, the committee has chosen to tighten up the rules with respectto new installations by proposing this TIA so that designers can make better decisions regarding thepotential use of antifreeze systems. For existing systems, the committee is not recommending anychanges from the TIA processed and issued in March of 2011. Based on input from Authorities HavingJurisdiction, a total ban on antifreeze systems is not realistic and would be detrimental to the effort topass legislation for mandatory sprinkler requirements in one- and two-family dwellings. Since there arecurrently no listed antifreeze solutions, a requirement to only use listed antifreeze would be tantamountto a ban on the use of antifreeze. While the use of listed antifreeze systems is probably the bestlong-term solution, some recognition of glycerine or propylene glycol is necessary in the short term,even for new systems. NFPA 13D systems are intended to be cost effective. Completely eliminatingthe use of antifreeze in specific, isolated areas, may significantly drive up the cost of residentialsprinkler systems. This TIA starts out expressing a preference for the use of listed antifreeze systemsin section, but then goes on to allow the use of unlisted 48% glycerine or 38% propylene glycolwhere two conditions are met. The first condition is that the system has to be acceptable to theAuthority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). It is anticipated that the AHJ will understand the gravity of thedecision and only approve situations where other options have been explored and rejected asimpossible or impractical. The second condition is that the antifreeze has to be limited to a “specificarea”. The committees intent is to limit the antifreeze as much as possible to the portion of the systemthat will experience the cold temperatures. This language is the best that the committee could agreeon that allowed the flexibility necessary to handle the wide range of design situations that currentlyexist. It is anticipated that the AHJ would be able to consider each situation on a case-by-case basisand determine if the system was sufficiently isolated. The use of 48% glycerine and 38% propyleneglycol is supported by the Phase II test report discussed above when limited to residential sprinklers intypical dwelling units. This position is strengthened by the existing requirement in section becomes in this TIA), which requires the antifreeze to be limited to what is needed forthe environment. If the pipe is only going to be subjected to temperatures of 20°F, then a solution of48% glycerine would not be permitted and a premixed solution of 25% glycerine should be usedinstead since this is all that is needed to protect down to 20°F. In order to provide the designer with asmuch information as possible, so that informed decisions can be made, this TIA proposes anexpanded annex section that discusses the findings of the various tests that have been performed,including the latest tests just released. This should help designers understand the risks involved and

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the consequences of their decisions and help guide them to keep antifreeze solutions to the lowestpossible concentrations if they decide they want to use antifreeze at all. This TIA does not proposechanges to the rules for existing systems (allowing them to stay as they were in TIA 10-2 with up to50% glycerine and 40% propylene glycol). This decision was made after a review of the testingprograms to date and a first order risk analysis that looked at the potential problems that would arise ifwe forced people to retroactively change out their existing systems. This risk analysis shows that therisk of changing the antifreeze requirements for existing building and forcing building owners to make achange is higher (6 to 6.3 deaths per year) than leaving the 50% glycerine or 40% propylene glycol insystems (3.0 to 3.6 deaths/year). The following is a summary of this analysis: Risk Analysis forAntifreeze Systems Assumptions · There are approximately 100 million homes (1 and 2 family) inAmerica · There are approximately 300,000 fires in the homes each year (0.003 fires/home/year) ·There are approximately 3000 fire deaths per year in homes (0.01 deaths/fire) o Of these fire deaths,10% occur in fires that started in spaces that NFPA 13D does not require to be sprinklered, so thesedeaths will be assumed in this analysis to occur, even in sprinklered homes, even though actual fireexperience has shown that sprinklers in adjacent rooms sometimes activate to control these fires andsignificant losses are not being experienced. o In an effort to be conservative, this analysis will alsoassume that sprinklers are only 90% effective, even though significant work has shown them to bemuch more effective · There are approximately 2 million sprinklered homes in America (2% of allhomes) o There are approximately 500,000 systems (25% of all sprinklered homes) with antifreezethat is required right now by NFPA 13D to be a maximum of 50% glycerin or 40% propylene glycol oThere are approximately 1500 fires/yr in the homes with these antifreeze systems o There have beenno deaths associated with fires in homes having antifreeze systems with 50% or less glycerine or 40%or less propylene glycol o There have been two incidents of flash fires in the last 5 years causing 1death and 2 serious injuries in apartments. In both cases, the system concentration is believed to havebeen greater than 50% with one of these being believed to be 70% glycerine and the other 60%glycerine. For the purposes of this conservative analysis, the 2 serious injuries will be considered asdeaths. o Using these last two bullet points, the risk of death due to flash fire caused by the antifreezeis between 0 and 0.0004 deaths per year depending on what mix of concentrations is assumed for thepopulation of sprinklered homes with antifreeze in the systems. If the Situation is Left “As Is” with 50%Glycerine or 40% Propylene Glycol Allowed to Remain · There will be 1500 fires each year in thesystems with antifreeze (500,000 sprinklered homes with antifreeze and 0.003 fires/home/year) ·There will be 3 deaths per year assuming that sprinklers are 90% effective and in 90% of the locationswhere deadly fires start (1500 fires times 0.01 deaths per fire is a potential for 15 deaths, 1.5 mightoccur from fires starting in unsprinklered spaces, 1.5 might occur due to some failure of the system,the other 12 will be saved) · There will be between 0 and 0.6 deaths due to flash fires depending onthe population of antifreeze solutions in homes (1500 fires times 0.0004 is 0.6, which is extremelyconservative considering this statistic is gathered from high concentrations systems that were not inhomes) · Total of between 3.0 and 3.6 possible deaths per year from this decision If We Call forReplacement/Reduction of Solutions · Assumption that 125,000 systems (25% of existing antifreezesystems) will get turned off · Assumption that 125,000 people (25% of existing antifreeze systems ) willcomply and spend the money to do something else (lower system concentration, heat tracing orconversion to dry-pipe or preaction system) · Assumption that 250,000 systems (50% of existingsystems) will be left “as is” with whatever antifreeze they have · The homeowners who shut off theirsystems will experience 375 fires and 3.75 fire deaths that can’t be prevented by a sprinkler systemshut off · The homeowners that complied will experience 375 fires and 0.75 fire deaths assuming thesprinkler systems are 90% effective and that sprinklers are installed in 90% of locations where deadlyfires start · The homeowners that left their systems “as is” will experience 750 fires and between 1.5and 1.8 fire deaths (1.5 of the fire deaths are from the system being 90% effective and 90% of the firesstarting in sprinklered spaces and up to 0.3 of the fire deaths are from the potential for a flash firedepending on the antifreeze concentrations that are assumed) · Total of between 6.0 and 6.3 potentialdeaths per year from this decision Of course, any risk analysis like this is dependent on theassumptions used to formulate the conclusions. A sensitivity analysis was performed on theassumption above that if some change was required by NFPA 13D that 25% of the systems would beshut off and only 25% of the systems would be changed to comply. If the assumption was changed to10% of the systems being shut off and 80% of the systems being changed to comply (with theremaining 10% of the systems left “as is”) then the decision to force the change still comes out worse(with a risk between 4.2 and 4.26) than the decision to leave all of the systems alone (with a riskbetween 3 and 3.6). Emergency Nature: This TIA has been prompted by the recently released interimresearch report, Antifreeze Solutions Supplied through Spray Sprinklers, issued by the Fire ProtectionResearch Foundation in February of 2012. It is part of a package of TIA’s being submitted by each ofthe fire sprinkler installation and maintenance documents in order to address the issues raised by that

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research. It meets the definition of part 5.2(c) in the Regulations Governing Committee Projects as anemergency since the issues raised by the research where not known at the time the standard wasbeing developed. The use of propylene glycol and glycerin antifreeze solutions should only beconsidered when other sprinkler system design alternatives are not available or practical. If thesesolutions are used, all relevant data and information should be carefully reviewed and considered indesign and installation of the sprinkler system.


Public Input No. 22-NFPA 13D-2013 [Section No. 9.2]

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Report on Proposals – June 2015 NFPA 13D_______________________________________________________________________________________________13D- Log #2 AUT-RSS


Terry L. Victor, Tyco/SimplexGrinnell

The use of antifreeze solutions shall be in conformity with any state or localhealth regulations.

Except as permitted in, antifreeze solutions shall be listed for use in new sprinkler systems.

Unless permitted by, antifreeze solutions shall be limited to premixed antifreeze solutions of glycerine(chemically pure or United States Pharmacopoeia 96.5%) at a maximum concentration of 48% by volume, propyleneglycol at a maximum concentration of 38% by volume, or other solutions listed specifically for use in fire protectionsystems.

For existing systems, antifreeze solutions shall be limited to premixed antifreeze solutions of glycerine(chemically pure or United States Pharmacopoeia 96.5%) at a maximum concentration of 50% by volume, propyleneglycol at a maximum concentration of 40% by volume, or other solutions listed specifically for use in fire protectionsystems.

Premixed solutions of glycerine (chemically pure or United States Pharmacopoeia 96.5%) at a maximumconcentration of 48% by volume or propylene glycol at a maximum concentration of 38% by volume shall be permittedto protect piping that is supplying sprinklers in a specific area of the dwelling unit, where acceptable to the AuthorityHaving Jurisdiction.

Documentation shall be presented to the AHJ to substantiate the use of the antifreeze solution.

The concentration of antifreeze solutions shall be limited to the minimum necessary for the anticipatedminimum temperature.

An antifreeze solution with a freezing point below the expected minimum temperature for the locality shall beinstalled.

The specific gravity of the antifreeze solution shall be checked by a hydrometer with a scale having 0.002subdivisions.

Antifreeze solutions can be used for maintaining automatic sprinkler protection in small, unheated areas.Antifreeze solutions are recommended only for systems not exceeding 40 gal (151 L). Because of the cost of refilling thesystem or replenishing small leaks, small, dry valves should be used where more than 40 gal (151 L) are to be supplied.Propylene glycol or other suitable material can be used as a substitute for priming water to prevent evaporation of thepriming fluid and thus reduce ice formation within the system.

Listed CPVC nonmetallic sprinkler pipe and fittings should be protected from freezing with an antifreeze solutionthat is compatible with the nonmetallic material glycerine only. The use of diethylene glycol, ethylene glycol, orpropylene glycol is specifically prohibited. Laboratory testing shows that glycol-based antifreeze solutions present achemical environment detrimental to nonmetallic pipe CPVC.

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Report on Proposals – June 2015 NFPA 13D

(Table A. unchanged)

The documentation should substantiate that the proposed use of premixed glycerine and propylene glycolantifreeze solutions is consistent with the FPRF testing for the specific installation parameters.

Examples of specific areas might include piping installed in an exterior wall or an unheated concealed spaceabove a cathedral ceiling that cannot be protected with insulation or heat tracing. Premixed solutions of glycerine andpropylene glycol should be used only where other freeze protections options are not practical. The specific areasprotected by premixed glycerine and propylene glycol shall be limited to the greatest extent possible.

Propylene glycol and glycerin antifreeze solutions discharged from sprinklers have the potential to ignite under certainconditions. Research testing has indicated that several variables may influence the potential for large-scale ignition ofthe antifreeze solution discharged from a sprinkler. These variables include, but are not limited to, the concentration ofantifreeze solution, sprinkler discharge characteristics, inlet pressure at the sprinkler, location of fire relative to thesprinkler, and size of fire at the time of sprinkler discharge. Research testing also indicates that propylene glycol orglycerin solutions can be used successfully with certain other combinations of these same variables. Given the need foradditional testing to further define acceptable versus unacceptable scenarios, the use of propylene glycol and glycerinantifreeze solutions should only be considered when other sprinkler system design alternatives are not practical. Ifthese solutions are used, all relevant data and information should be carefully reviewed and considered in the sprinklersystem. The following is a list of research reports that have been issued by the Fire Protection Research Foundationrelated to the use of antifreeze in sprinkler systems:

, Fire ProtectionResearch Foundation, June 2010.

, Fire Protection ResearchFoundation, December 2010.

, Fire Protection Research Foundation,February 2012.

INSERT Table in A.

Many All permitted antifreeze solutions are heavier than water. At the point of contact (interface), provisions arerequired by 9.2.3 to prevent the diffusion of water into unheated areas. To avoid leakage, the quality of materials andworkmanship should be superior, the threads should be clean and sharp, and the joints should be tight. Onlymetal-faced valves should be used.

The Technical Committee on Residential Sprinkler Systems is taking a different path in dealing withantifreeze in NFPA 13D than it has in NFPA 13R or than the Sprinkler System Installation Criteria Committee is takingwith NFPA 13. This different path is fundamentally based on the fact that one- and two-family dwellings are treateddifferently in building codes and fire codes than other types of occupancies and in recognition of the fact that NFPA 13Dhas a different objective than NFPA 13R and NFPA 13.

From its inception in 1975, NFPA 13D has been less stringent than NFPA 13 in order to present a document thatbalances the issues of reasonable fire protection with the realistic concerns of cost and redundancy. NFPA 13D hasalways recognized that if fire sprinkler systems are too much like NFPA 13, they will not be installed in one-andtwo-family dwellings and they will not be able to help change the fact that thousands of people continue to die each yeardue to fires in unsprinklered one-and two-family dwellings. As such, the Technical Committee on Residential SprinklerSystems, concerned with the overall effort to get sprinkler systems into more one- and two-family dwellings isconsciously choosing to be less restrictive than NFPA 13, while still maintaining a reasonable level of fire safety for theoccupants of sprinklered one- and two-family dwellings.

The information provided in the report, Antifreeze Systems in Home Fire Sprinkler Systems – Phase II Report (FireProtection Research Foundation, December 2010) was the basis for TIA 10-2 to NFPA 13D that was issued by theNFPA on March 1, 2011. That research report is still valid and demonstrates how residential sprinklers perform in

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Report on Proposals – June 2015 NFPA 13Dtypical dwelling units of typical one- and two-family dwellings with a variety of antifreeze solutions tested through avariety of pendent and sidewall residential sprinklers.

Subsequent testing has been performed as a part of a project sponsored by the Fire Protection Research Foundation(FPRF), who released an interim report in February of 2012 titled, Antifreeze Solutions Supplied through SpraySprinklers. This report followed up on the Phase II tests and looked at antifreeze solutions and their performance with avariety of standard spray sprinklers. Given that NFPA 13D calls for the use of residential sprinklers in all locationsexcept mechanical closets and unheated areas not intended for living purposes (see section 7.5.3 and 7.5.4 of NFPA13D), the results of this latest FPRF research is less important to NFPA 13D. Still, in reviewing the results of the tests,the committee has chosen to tighten up the rules with respect to new installations by proposing this TIA so thatdesigners can make better decisions regarding the potential use of antifreeze systems. For existing systems, thecommittee is not recommending any changes from the TIA processed and issued in March of 2011.

Based on input from Authorities Having Jurisdiction, a total ban on antifreeze systems is not realistic and would bedetrimental to the effort to pass legislation for mandatory sprinkler requirements in one- and two-family dwellings. Sincethere are currently no listed antifreeze solutions, a requirement to only use listed antifreeze would be tantamount to aban on the use of antifreeze. While the use of listed antifreeze systems is probably the best long-term solution, somerecognition of glycerine or propylene glycol is necessary in the short term, even for new systems. NFPA 13D systemsare intended to be cost effective. Completely eliminating the use of antifreeze in specific, isolated areas, maysignificantly drive up the cost of residential sprinkler systems.

This TIA starts out expressing a preference for the use of listed antifreeze systems in section, but then goes onto allow the use of unlisted 48% glycerine or 38% propylene glycol where two conditions are met. The first condition isthat the system has to be acceptable to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). It is anticipated that the AHJ willunderstand the gravity of the decision and only approve situations where other options have been explored and rejectedas impossible or impractical. The second condition is that the antifreeze has to be limited to a “specific area”. Thecommittees intent is to limit the antifreeze as much as possible to the portion of the system that will experience the coldtemperatures. This language is the best that the committee could agree on that allowed the flexibility necessary tohandle the wide range of design situations that currently exist. It is anticipated that the AHJ would be able to considereach situation on a case-by-case basis and determine if the system was sufficiently isolated.

The use of 48% glycerine and 38% propylene glycol is supported by the Phase II test report discussed above whenlimited to residential sprinklers in typical dwelling units. This position is strengthened by the existing requirement insection (which becomes in this TIA), which requires the antifreeze to be limited to what is needed for theenvironment. If the pipe is only going to be subjected to temperatures of 20°F, then a solution of 48% glycerine wouldnot be permitted and a premixed solution of 25% glycerine should be used instead since this is all that is needed toprotect down to 20°F.

In order to provide the designer with as much information as possible, so that informed decisions can be made, this TIAproposes an expanded annex section that discusses the findings of the various tests that have been performed,including the latest tests just released. This should help designers understand the risks involved and the consequencesof their decisions and help guide them to keep antifreeze solutions to the lowest possible concentrations if they decidethey want to use antifreeze at all.

This TIA does not propose changes to the rules for existing systems (allowing them to stay as they were in TIA 10-2 withup to 50% glycerine and 40% propylene glycol). This decision was made after a review of the testing programs to dateand a first order risk analysis that looked at the potential problems that would arise if we forced people to retroactivelychange out their existing systems. This risk analysis shows that the risk of changing the antifreeze requirements forexisting building and forcing building owners to make a change is higher (6 to 6.3 deaths per year) than leaving the 50%glycerine or 40% propylene glycol in systems (3.0 to 3.6 deaths/year). The following is a summary of this analysis:

· There are approximately 100 million homes (1 and 2 family) in America· There are approximately 300,000 fires in the homes each year (0.003 fires/home/year)· There are approximately 3000 fire deaths per year in homes (0.01 deaths/fire)

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Report on Proposals – June 2015 NFPA 13Do Of these fire deaths, 10% occur in fires that started in spaces that NFPA 13D does not require to besprinklered, so these deaths will be assumed in this analysis to occur, even in sprinklered homes, even though actualfire experience has shown that sprinklers in adjacent rooms sometimes activate to control these fires and significantlosses are not being experienced.o In an effort to be conservative, this analysis will also assume that sprinklers are only 90% effective, eventhough significant work has shown them to be much more effective· There are approximately 2 million sprinklered homes in America (2% of all homes)o There are approximately 500,000 systems (25% of all sprinklered homes) with antifreeze that is required rightnow by NFPA 13D to be a maximum of 50% glycerin or 40% propylene glycolo There are approximately 1500 fires/yr in the homes with these antifreeze systemso There have been no deaths associated with fires in homes having antifreeze systems with 50% or lessglycerine or 40% or less propylene glycolo There have been two incidents of flash fires in the last 5 years causing 1 death and 2 serious injuries inapartments. In both cases, the system concentration is believed to have been greater than 50% with one of these beingbelieved to be 70% glycerine and the other 60% glycerine. For the purposes of this conservative analysis, the 2 seriousinjuries will be considered as deaths.o Using these last two bullet points, the risk of death due to flash fire caused by the antifreeze is between 0 and0.0004 deaths per year depending on what mix of concentrations is assumed for the population of sprinklered homeswith antifreeze in the systems.

· There will be 1500 fires each year in the systems with antifreeze (500,000 sprinklered homes with antifreezeand 0.003 fires/home/year)· There will be 3 deaths per year assuming that sprinklers are 90% effective and in 90% of the locations wheredeadly fires start (1500 fires times 0.01 deaths per fire is a potential for 15 deaths, 1.5 might occur from fires starting inunsprinklered spaces, 1.5 might occur due to some failure of the system, the other 12 will be saved)· There will be between 0 and 0.6 deaths due to flash fires depending on the population of antifreeze solutions inhomes (1500 fires times 0.0004 is 0.6, which is extremely conservative considering this statistic is gathered from highconcentrations systems that were not in homes)· Total of between 3.0 and 3.6 possible deaths per year from this decision

· Assumption that 125,000 systems (25% of existing antifreeze systems) will get turned off· Assumption that 125,000 people (25% of existing antifreeze systems ) will comply and spend the money to dosomething else (lower system concentration, heat tracing or conversion to dry-pipe or preaction system)· Assumption that 250,000 systems (50% of existing systems) will be left “as is” with whatever antifreeze theyhave

· The homeowners who shut off their systems will experience 375 fires and 3.75 fire deaths that can’t beprevented by a sprinkler system shut off· The homeowners that complied will experience 375 fires and 0.75 fire deaths assuming the sprinkler systemsare 90% effective and that sprinklers are installed in 90% of locations where deadly fires start· The homeowners that left their systems “as is” will experience 750 fires and between 1.5 and 1.8 fire deaths(1.5 of the fire deaths are from the system being 90% effective and 90% of the fires starting in sprinklered spaces andup to 0.3 of the fire deaths are from the potential for a flash fire depending on the antifreeze concentrations that areassumed)· Total of between 6.0 and 6.3 potential deaths per year from this decision

Of course, any risk analysis like this is dependent on the assumptions used to formulate the conclusions. A sensitivityanalysis was performed on the assumption above that if some change was required by NFPA 13D that 25% of thesystems would be shut off and only 25% of the systems would be changed to comply. If the assumption was changedto 10% of the systems being shut off and 80% of the systems being changed to comply (with the remaining 10% of thesystems left “as is”) then the decision to force the change still comes out worse (with a risk between 4.2 and 4.26) thanthe decision to leave all of the systems alone (with a risk between 3 and 3.6).

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Report on Proposals – June 2015 NFPA 13DThis TIA has been prompted by the recently released interim research report, Antifreeze Solutions

Supplied through Spray Sprinklers, issued by the Fire Protection Research Foundation in February of 2012. It is part ofa package of TIA’s being submitted by each of the fire sprinkler installation and maintenance documents in order toaddress the issues raised by that research. It meets the definition of part 5.2(c) in the Regulations GoverningCommittee Projects as an emergency since the issues raised by the research where not known at the time the standardwas being developed.

The use of propylene glycol and glycerin antifreeze solutions should only be considered when other sprinkler systemdesign alternatives are not available or practical. If these solutions are used, all relevant data and information should becarefully reviewed and considered in design and installation of the sprinkler system.

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First Revision No. 12-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. ]

Water delivery shall be based on one of the following:

(1) Calculation A calculation program and method that shall be listed by a nationally recognizedlaboratory

(2) An inspector's test connection providing a flow equivalent to the smallest orifice sprinkler utilized K-factor utilized , wherein the test orifice test connection is located on the end of the most distantsprinkler pipe most remote branchline

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Thu Aug 29 11:06:24 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


Modified language to correlate with NFPA 13 with the term K Factor. Additional editorialmodifications were made for clarity.


Public Input No. 14-NFPA 13D-2012 [Section No.]

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First Revision No. 21-NFPA 13D-2013 [ New Section after 10.1 ]

10.1.2 Water Supply.

Where the water supply is a public or private water main 4 in. (nominal) in size or larger, the staticpressure shall be permitted to be used for comparison to the sprinkler system demand regardless of themethod used to determine the adequacy of the piping.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Thu Aug 29 12:31:46 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


While this has always been implied by NFPA 13D, the standard has never come right out and statedthis. While section 10.4.3 never comes right out and says, “use the static pressure”, the worksheet inFigure A.10.4.3(a) implies that the static pressure is used by asking in the first line for the waterpressure in the street without referring to a flow. Section specifically says to use the staticpressure for comparison, but that only applies to the simplified process in that section. It does notapply to the method of estimating demand in section 10.4.3 and it does not apply to systemscalculated in accordance with NFPA 13. We need a definitive statement that applies to all NFPA 13Dsystems, including those calculated under NFPA 13, the simplified method of 10.4.3 and thesimplified method of 10.4.9.


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First Revision No. 13-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. 10.4.3 ]

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Unless the pipe size is in accordance with the prescriptive pipe sizing method of 10.4.9, pipe shall besized by hydraulic calculations in accordance with the methods described in NFPA 13, in accordancewith with the manufacturer's listed installation instructions , with 10.4.4, or in accordance with thefollowing general method for straight-run systems connected to a city water main of at least 4 in. (102 mm)in diameter:

(1) The system flow rate shall be established in accordance with Sections 10.1 and 10.2, and it shall bedetermined that the flow allowed by the water meter meets or exceeds the system demand and thatthe total demand flow does not exceed the maximum flow allowed by the piping system components.

(2) The water pressure in the street shall be determined.

(3) Pipe sizes shall be selected.


(5) Pressure loss for elevation shall be deducted as follows:

(a) Building height above street (ft) × 0.433 = pressure loss (psi)

(b) Building height above street (m) × 0.098 = pressure loss (bar)


(7) Pressure loss for piping within the building shall be deducted by multiplying the pressure lossassociated with the pipe material by the total length(s) of pipe in feet (meters).

(8) Pressure loss for valves and fittings shall be deducted as follows:

(a) The valves and fittings from the control valve to the farthest sprinkler shall be counted.

(b) The equivalent length for each valve and fitting as shown in Table 10.4.3(b), Table 10.4.3(c), orTable 10.4.3(d) or Table 10.4.3(e) shall be determined and the values added to obtain the totalequivalent length for each pipe size.

(c) The equivalent length for each size shall be multiplied by the pressure loss associated with thepipe material and the values totaled.

(9) In multilevel buildings, the steps in 10.4.3(1) through 10.4.3(8) shall be repeated to size piping foreach floor.

(10) If the remaining pressure is less than the operating pressure established by the testing laboratory forthe sprinkler being used, the sprinkler system shall be redesigned.

(11) If the remaining pressure is higher than required, smaller piping shall be permitted to be used wherejustified by calculations.

(12) The remaining piping shall be sized the same as the piping up to and including the farthest sprinklerunless smaller pipe sizes are justified by calculations.

Table 10.4.3(a) Pressure Losses in psi in Water Meters

Meter Size


Flow (gpm)

18 or less 23 26 31 39 52

5⁄8 9 14 18 26 38 *3⁄4 7 11 14 22 35 *

1 2 3 3 4 6 10

11⁄2 1 1 2 2 4 7

* Pressure loss for a water meter, if any, shall be determined and deducted using one of thefollowing:

(a) Table 10.4.3(a) shall be permitted to be used, even where the sprinkler demand flow exceedsthe meter's rated continuous flow.

(b) Higher pressure losses specified by the manufacturer shall be used in place of those specifiedin Table 10.4.3(a).

(c) Lower pressure losses shall be permitted to be used where supporting data are provided by themeter manufacturer.

* Pressure losses from the city main to the inside control valve shall be deducted by multiplying thepressure loss associated with the pipe material by the total length(s) of pipe in feet (meters).

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Meter Size


Flow (gpm)

18 or less 23 26 31 39 52

For SI units, 1 gpm = 3.785 L/min; 1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1 psi = 0.0689 bar.

*Above maximum rated flow of commonly available meters.

Table 10.4.3(b) Equivalent Length in Feet of Fittings and Valves for Schedule 40 Steel Pipe






Tee orCross(flow



Tee orCross(flow









1 1 2 2 5 2 0 12 28 15 4 5

11⁄4 1 3 2 6 2 0 15 35 18 5 7

11⁄2 2 4 2 8 3 0 18 43 22 6 9

2 2 5 3 10 3 1 24 57 28 7 11

For SI units, 1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1 ft = 0.3048 m.

Table 10.4.3(c) Equivalent Length in Feet of Fittings and Valves for Type K Copper Tube






Tee orCross(flow



Tee orCross(flow









3⁄4 0 1 0 3 1 0 7 14 7 2 0

1 1 2 2 6 2 0 14 33 18 5 6

11⁄4 1 3 2 5 2 0 14 32 16 5 6

11⁄2 2 4 2 8 3 0 18 43 22 6 9

2 2 6 3 12 4 1 28 66 33 8 13

For SI units, 1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1 ft = 0.3048 m.

Table 10.4.3(d) Equivalent Length in Feet of Fittings and Valves for Type L Copper Tube





Tee orCross(flow



Tee orCross(flow









3⁄4 0 2 0 4 1 0 8 18 10 3 0

1 1 3 3 7 2 0 16 38 20 5 7

11⁄4 1 3 2 6 2 0 15 35 18 5 7

11⁄2 2 4 2 9 3 0 20 47 24 7 10

2 2 6 4 12 4 1 30 71 35 9 14

For SI units, 1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1 ft = 0.3048 m.

Table 10.4.3(e) Equivalent Length in Feet of Fittings and Valves for Type M Copper Tube





Tee orCross(flow


Tee orCross(flow









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3⁄4 0 2 0 4 1 0 10 21 11 3 0

1 2 3 3 8 3 0 19 43 23 6 8

11⁄4 1 3 2 7 2 0 16 38 20 5 8

11⁄2 2 5 2 9 3 0 21 50 26 7 11

2 3 7 4 13 5 1 32 75 37 9 14

For SI units, 1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1 ft = 0.3048 m.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Thu Aug 29 11:08:01 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


Adding this language would allow sizing fire sprinkler piping based on published prescriptive pipesizing by pipe manufacturers. This would allow prescriptive pipe sizing for systems utilizingspecially listed piping products when the tables supporting the calculation procedure of donot cover the available sizes or are otherwise not appropriate.


Public Input No. 43-NFPA 13D-2013 [Section No. 10.4.3]

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First Revision No. 14-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. ]

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Page 39: NFPA 13D First Revisions Calculation Procedure.

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Determination of the required size for water distribution piping shall be in accordance with the followingprocedure:

(1) Step 1 — Determine Psup. Obtain the static supply pressure that will be available from the water

main from the water purveyor or from a private source, such as a tank system, a private well system,or a combination of these. For a private source, the available water supply pressure shall be basedon the minimum pressure control setting for the pump.

(2) Step 2 — Determine PLsvc. Use Table to determine the pressure loss in the water

service pipe based on the selected size of the water service.

(3) Step 3 — Determine PLm. Use Table 10.4.3(a) to determine the pressure loss from the water meter

based on the selected water meter size. Where the actual water meter pressure loss is known, PLmshall be the actual loss.

(4) Step 4 — Determine PLd. Determine the pressure loss from devices, other than the water meter,

installed in the piping system supplying sprinklers, such as pressure-reducing valves, backflowpreventers, water softeners, or water filters, taking into account the following .

(a) Device pressure losses shall be based on the device manufacturer's specifications.

(b) The flow rate used to determine pressure loss shall be the rate from Section 10.1, except that 5gpm (19 L/min) shall be added where the device is installed in a water service pipe that suppliesmore than one dwelling.

(c) As an alternative to deducting pressure loss for a device, an automatic bypass valve shall beinstalled to divert flow around the device when a sprinkler activates.

(5) Step 5 — Determine PLe. Use Table to determine the pressure loss associated with

changes in elevation. The elevation used in applying the table shall be the difference between theelevation where the water source pressure was measured and the elevation of the highest sprinkler.


(7) Step 7 — Calculate PLt. Using the equation in, calculate the pressure available to offset

friction loss in water distribution piping between the service valve and the sprinklers.

(8) Step 8 — Determine the maximum allowable pipe length. Use Table through Table10.4.9.2(h) to select a material and size for water distribution piping. The piping material and sizeshall be acceptable if the developed length of pipe between the service valve and the most remotesprinkler does not exceed the maximum allowable length specified by the applicable table.Interpolation of Pt between the tabular values shall be permitted.

Table Water Service Pressure Loss (PLsvc)


3⁄4 in. Water ServicePressure Loss (psi)

1 in. Water ServicePressure Loss


11⁄4 in. Water ServicePressure Loss (psi)

40 ftor


41 ftto 75


76 ftto

100 ft

101 ftto 150


40 ftor


41 ftto 75


76 ftto

100 ft

101 ftto 150


40 ftor


41 ftto 75


76 ftto

100 ft

101 ftto 150


8 5.1 8.7 11.8 17.4 1.5 2.5 3.4 5.1 0.6 1.0 1.3 1.9

* Step 6 — Determine PLsp. Determine the maximum pressure required by any individual sprinkler

based on the following:

(a) The area of coverage

(b) The ceiling configuration

(c) The temperature rating

(d) Any additional conditions specified by the sprinkler manufacturer

The required pressure is provided in the sprinkler manufacturer's published data for the specificsprinkler model based on the selected flow rate.

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3⁄4 in. Water ServicePressure Loss (psi)

1 in. Water Service PressureLoss


11⁄4 in. Water ServicePressure Loss (psi)

40 ftor


41 ftto 75


76 ftto 100


101 ftto 150


40 ftor


41 ftto 75


76 ftto 100


101 ftto 150


40 ftor


41 ftto 75


76 ftto 100


101 ftto 150


10 7.7 13.1 17.8 26.3 2.3 3.8 5.2 7.7 0.8 1.4 2.0 2.9

12 10.8 18.4 24.9 NP 3.2 5.4 7.3 10.7 1.2 2.0 2.7 4.0

14 14.4 24.5 NP NP 4.2 7.1 9.6 14.3 1.6 2.7 3.6 5.4

16 18.4 NP NP NP 5.4 9.1 12.4 18.3 2.0 3.4 4.7 6.9

18 22.9 NP NP NP 6.7 11.4 15.4 22.7 2.5 4.3 5.8 8.6

20 27.8 NP NP NP 8.1 13.8 18.7 27.6 3.1 5.2 7.0 10.4

22 NP NP NP NP 9.7 16.5 22.3 NP 3.7 6.2 8.4 12.4

24 NP NP NP NP 11.4 19.3 26.2 NP 4.3 7.3 9.9 14.6

26 NP NP NP NP 13.2 22.4 NP NP 5.0 8.5 11.4 16.9

28 NP NP NP NP 15.1 25.7 NP NP 5.7 9.7 13.1 19.4

30 NP NP NP NP 17.2 NP NP NP 6.5 11.0 14.9 22.0

32 NP NP NP NP 19.4 NP NP NP 7.3 12.4 16.8 24.8

34 NP NP NP NP 21.7 NP NP NP 8.2 13.9 18.8 NP

36 NP NP NP NP 24.1 NP NP NP 9.1 15.4 20.9 NP

NP: Not permitted. Pressure loss exceeds reasonable limits.


(1) Values are applicable for underground piping materials permitted by the local plumbing code and arebased on an SDR of 11 and a Hazen-Williams C factor of 150.

(2) Values include the following length allowances for fittings: 25 percent length increase for actual lengthsup to 100 ft and 15 percent length increase for actual lengths over 100 ft.

*Flow rate from Sections 10.1 and 10.2. Add 5 gpm to the flow rate required by, Step 4, wherethe water service pipe supplies more than one dwelling.

Table Elevation Loss (PLe)

Elevation (ft) Pressure Loss (psi)

5 2.2

10 4.4

15 6.5

20 8.7

25 10.9

30 13.0

35 15.2

40 17.4

Table Allowable Pipe Length for in. Type M Copper Water Tubing

Sprinkler FlowRate* (gpm)

Water DistributionSize (in.)

Available Pressure, Pt (psi)

15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Allowable Length of Pipe from Service Valve toFarthest Sprinkler (ft)

8 3⁄4 217 289 361 434 506 578 650 723 795 867

9 3⁄4 174 232 291 349 407 465 523 581 639 697

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Sprinkler FlowRate* (gpm)

Water DistributionSize (in.)

Available Pressure, Pt (psi)

15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Allowable Length of Pipe from Service Valve toFarthest Sprinkler (ft)

10 3⁄4 143 191 239 287 335 383 430 478 526 574

11 3⁄4 120 160 200 241 281 321 361 401 441 481

12 3⁄4 102 137 171 205 239 273 307 341 375 410

13 3⁄4 88 118 147 177 206 235 265 294 324 353

14 3⁄4 77 103 128 154 180 205 231 257 282 308

15 3⁄4 68 90 113 136 158 181 203 226 248 271

16 3⁄4 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 241

17 3⁄4 54 72 90 108 125 143 161 179 197 215

18 3⁄4 48 64 81 97 113 129 145 161 177 193

19 3⁄4 44 58 73 88 102 117 131 146 160 175

20 3⁄4 40 53 66 80 93 106 119 133 146 159

21 3⁄4 36 48 61 73 85 97 109 121 133 145

22 3⁄4 33 44 56 67 78 89 100 111 122 133

23 3⁄4 31 41 51 61 72 82 92 102 113 123

24 3⁄4 28 38 47 57 66 76 85 95 104 114

25 3⁄4 26 35 44 53 61 70 79 88 97 105

26 3⁄4 24 33 41 49 57 65 73 82 90 98

27 3⁄4 23 30 38 46 53 61 69 76 84 91

28 3⁄4 21 28 36 43 50 57 64 71 78 85

29 3⁄4 20 27 33 40 47 53 60 67 73 80

30 3⁄4 19 25 31 38 44 50 56 63 69 75

31 3⁄4 18 24 29 35 41 47 53 59 65 71

32 3⁄4 17 22 28 33 39 44 50 56 61 67

33 3⁄4 16 21 26 32 37 42 47 53 58 63

34 3⁄4 NP 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

35 3⁄4 NP 19 24 28 33 38 42 47 52 57

36 3⁄4 NP 18 22 27 31 36 40 45 49 54

37 3⁄4 NP 17 21 26 30 34 38 43 47 51

38 3⁄4 NP 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 45 49

39 3⁄4 NP 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 42 46

40 3⁄4 NP NP 18 22 26 29 33 37 40 44

NP: Not permitted.

*Flow rate from Sections 10.1 and 10.2.

Table Allowable Pipe Length for 1 in. Type M Copper Water Tubing

Sprinkler FlowRate* (gpm)

Water DistributionSize (in.)

Available Pressure, Pt (psi)

15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Allowable Length of Pipe from Service Valve to FarthestSprinkler (ft)

8 1 806 1075 1343 1612 1881 2149 2418 2687 2955 3224

9 1 648 864 1080 1296 1512 1728 1945 2161 2377 2593

10 1 533 711 889 1067 1245 1422 1600 1778 1956 2134

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Sprinkler FlowRate* (gpm)

Water DistributionSize (in.)

Available Pressure, Pt (psi)

15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Allowable Length of Pipe from Service Valve to FarthestSprinkler (ft)

11 1 447 596 745 894 1043 1192 1341 1491 1640 1789

12 1 381 508 634 761 888 1015 1142 1269 1396 1523

13 1 328 438 547 657 766 875 985 1094 1204 1313

14 1 286 382 477 572 668 763 859 954 1049 1145

15 1 252 336 420 504 588 672 756 840 924 1008

16 1 224 298 373 447 522 596 671 745 820 894

17 1 200 266 333 400 466 533 600 666 733 799

18 1 180 240 300 360 420 479 539 599 659 719

19 1 163 217 271 325 380 434 488 542 597 651

20 1 148 197 247 296 345 395 444 493 543 592

21 1 135 180 225 270 315 360 406 451 496 541

22 1 124 165 207 248 289 331 372 413 455 496

23 1 114 152 190 228 267 305 343 381 419 457

24 1 106 141 176 211 246 282 317 352 387 422

25 1 98 131 163 196 228 261 294 326 359 392

26 1 91 121 152 182 212 243 273 304 334 364

27 1 85 113 142 170 198 226 255 283 311 340

28 1 79 106 132 159 185 212 238 265 291 318

29 1 74 99 124 149 174 198 223 248 273 298

30 1 70 93 116 140 163 186 210 233 256 280

31 1 66 88 110 132 153 175 197 219 241 263

32 1 62 83 103 124 145 165 186 207 227 248

33 1 59 78 98 117 137 156 176 195 215 234

34 1 55 74 92 111 129 148 166 185 203 222

35 1 53 70 88 105 123 140 158 175 193 210

36 1 50 66 83 100 116 133 150 166 183 199

37 1 47 63 79 95 111 126 142 158 174 190

38 1 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 181

39 1 43 57 72 86 100 115 129 143 158 172

40 1 41 55 68 82 96 109 123 137 150 164

*Flow rate from Sections 10.1 and 10.2.

Table Allowable Pipe Length for in. CPVC (IPS) Pipe

Sprinkler FlowRate*


Water DistributionSize


Available Pressure, Pt (psi)

15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Allowable Length of Pipe from Service Valve to FarthestSprinkler (ft)

8 3⁄4 348 465 581 697 813 929 1045 1161 1278 1394

9 3⁄4 280 374 467 560 654 747 841 934 1027 1121

10 3⁄4 231 307 384 461 538 615 692 769 845 922

11 3⁄4 193 258 322 387 451 515 580 644 709 773

12 3⁄4 165 219 274 329 384 439 494 549 603 658

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Sprinkler FlowRate*


Water DistributionSize


Available Pressure, Pt (psi)

15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Allowable Length of Pipe from Service Valve to FarthestSprinkler (ft)

13 3⁄4 142 189 237 284 331 378 426 473 520 568

14 3⁄4 124 165 206 247 289 330 371 412 454 495

15 3⁄4 109 145 182 218 254 290 327 363 399 436

16 3⁄4 97 129 161 193 226 258 290 322 354 387

17 3⁄4 86 115 144 173 202 230 259 288 317 346

18 3⁄4 78 104 130 155 181 207 233 259 285 311

19 3⁄4 70 94 117 141 164 188 211 234 258 281

20 3⁄4 64 85 107 128 149 171 192 213 235 256

21 3⁄4 58 78 97 117 136 156 175 195 214 234

22 3⁄4 54 71 89 107 125 143 161 179 197 214

23 3⁄4 49 66 82 99 115 132 148 165 181 198

24 3⁄4 46 61 76 91 107 122 137 152 167 183

25 3⁄4 42 56 71 85 99 113 127 141 155 169

26 3⁄4 39 52 66 79 92 105 118 131 144 157

27 3⁄4 37 49 61 73 86 98 110 122 135 147

28 3⁄4 34 46 57 69 80 92 103 114 126 137

29 3⁄4 32 43 54 64 75 86 96 107 118 129

30 3⁄4 30 40 50 60 70 81 91 101 111 121

31 3⁄4 28 38 47 57 66 76 85 95 104 114

32 3⁄4 27 36 45 54 63 71 80 89 98 107

33 3⁄4 25 34 42 51 59 68 76 84 93 101

34 3⁄4 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96

35 3⁄4 23 30 38 45 53 61 68 76 83 91

36 3⁄4 22 29 36 43 50 57 65 72 79 86

37 3⁄4 20 27 34 41 48 55 61 68 75 82

38 3⁄4 20 26 33 39 46 52 59 65 72 78

39 3⁄4 19 25 31 37 43 50 56 62 68 74

40 3⁄4 18 24 30 35 41 47 53 59 65 71

*Flow rate from Sections 10.1 and 10.2.

Table Allowable Pipe Length for 1 in. CPVC (IPS) Pipe

Sprinkler FlowRate*


Water DistributionSize


Available Pressure, Pt (psi)

15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Allowable Length of Pipe from Service Valve to FarthestSprinkler (ft)

8 1 1049 1398 1748 2098 2447 2797 3146 3496 3845 4195

9 1 843 1125 1406 1687 1968 2249 2530 2811 3093 3374

10 1 694 925 1157 1388 1619 1851 2082 2314 2545 2776

11 1 582 776 970 1164 1358 1552 1746 1940 2133 2327

12 1 495 660 826 991 1156 1321 1486 1651 1816 1981

13 1 427 570 712 854 997 1139 1281 1424 1566 1709

14 1 372 497 621 745 869 993 1117 1241 1366 1490

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Sprinkler FlowRate*


Water DistributionSize


Available Pressure, Pt (psi)

15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Allowable Length of Pipe from Service Valve to FarthestSprinkler (ft)

15 1 328 437 546 656 765 874 983 1093 1202 1311

16 1 291 388 485 582 679 776 873 970 1067 1164

17 1 260 347 433 520 607 693 780 867 954 1040

18 1 234 312 390 468 546 624 702 780 858 936

19 1 212 282 353 423 494 565 635 706 776 847

20 1 193 257 321 385 449 513 578 642 706 770

21 1 176 235 293 352 410 469 528 586 645 704

22 1 161 215 269 323 377 430 484 538 592 646

23 1 149 198 248 297 347 396 446 496 545 595

24 1 137 183 229 275 321 366 412 458 504 550

25 1 127 170 212 255 297 340 382 425 467 510

26 1 118 158 197 237 276 316 355 395 434 474

27 1 111 147 184 221 258 295 332 368 405 442

28 1 103 138 172 207 241 275 310 344 379 413

29 1 97 129 161 194 226 258 290 323 355 387

30 1 91 121 152 182 212 242 273 303 333 364

31 1 86 114 143 171 200 228 257 285 314 342

32 1 81 108 134 161 188 215 242 269 296 323

33 1 76 102 127 152 178 203 229 254 280 305

34 1 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 265 289

35 1 68 91 114 137 160 182 205 228 251 273

36 1 65 87 108 130 151 173 195 216 238 260

37 1 62 82 103 123 144 165 185 206 226 247

38 1 59 78 98 117 137 157 176 196 215 235

39 1 56 75 93 112 131 149 168 187 205 224

40 1 53 71 89 107 125 142 160 178 196 214

*Flow rate from Sections 10.1 and 10.2.

Table Allowable Pipe Length for in. PEX Tubing

Sprinkler FlowRate*


Water DistributionSize


Available Pressure, Pt (psi)

15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Allowable Length of Pipe from Service Valve to FarthestSprinkler (ft)

8 3⁄4 93 123 154 185 216 247 278 309 339 370

9 3⁄4 74 99 124 149 174 199 223 248 273 298

10 3⁄4 61 82 102 123 143 163 184 204 225 245

11 3⁄4 51 68 86 103 120 137 154 171 188 205

12 3⁄4 44 58 73 87 102 117 131 146 160 175

13 3⁄4 38 50 63 75 88 101 113 126 138 151

14 3⁄4 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132

15 3⁄4 29 39 48 58 68 77 87 96 106 116

16 3⁄4 26 34 43 51 60 68 77 86 94 103

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Sprinkler FlowRate*


Water DistributionSize


Available Pressure, Pt (psi)

15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Allowable Length of Pipe from Service Valve to FarthestSprinkler (ft)

17 3⁄4 23 31 38 46 54 61 69 77 84 92

18 3⁄4 21 28 34 41 48 55 62 69 76 83

19 3⁄4 19 25 31 37 44 50 56 62 69 75

20 3⁄4 17 23 28 34 40 45 51 57 62 68

21 3⁄4 16 21 26 31 36 41 47 52 57 62

22 3⁄4 NP 19 24 28 33 38 43 47 52 57

23 3⁄4 NP 17 22 26 31 35 39 44 48 52

24 3⁄4 NP 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 49

25 3⁄4 NP NP 19 22 26 30 34 37 41 45

26 3⁄4 NP NP 17 21 24 28 31 35 38 42

27 3⁄4 NP NP 16 20 23 26 29 33 36 39

28 3⁄4 NP NP 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36

29 3⁄4 NP NP NP 17 20 23 26 28 31 34

30 3⁄4 NP NP NP 16 19 21 24 27 29 32

31 3⁄4 NP NP NP 15 18 20 23 25 28 30

32 3⁄4 NP NP NP NP 17 19 21 24 26 28

33 3⁄4 NP NP NP NP 16 18 20 22 25 27

34 3⁄4 NP NP NP NP NP 17 19 21 23 25

35 3⁄4 NP NP NP NP NP 16 18 20 22 24

36 3⁄4 NP NP NP NP NP 15 17 19 21 23

37 3⁄4 NP NP NP NP NP NP 16 18 20 22

38 3⁄4 NP NP NP NP NP NP 16 17 19 21

39 3⁄4 NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 16 18 20

40 3⁄4 NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 16 17 19

NP: Not permitted.

*Flow rate from Sections 10.1 and 10.2.

Table Allowable Pipe Length for 1 in. PEX Tubing

Sprinkler FlowRate*


Water DistributionSize


Available Pressure, Pt (psi)

15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Allowable Length of Pipe from Service Valve to FarthestSprinkler (ft)

8 1 314 418 523 628 732 837 941 1046 1151 1255

9 1 252 336 421 505 589 673 757 841 925 1009

10 1 208 277 346 415 485 554 623 692 761 831

11 1 174 232 290 348 406 464 522 580 638 696

12 1 148 198 247 296 346 395 445 494 543 593

13 1 128 170 213 256 298 341 383 426 469 511

14 1 111 149 186 223 260 297 334 371 409 446

15 1 98 131 163 196 229 262 294 327 360 392

16 1 87 116 145 174 203 232 261 290 319 348

17 1 78 104 130 156 182 208 233 259 285 311

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Sprinkler FlowRate*


Water DistributionSize


Available Pressure, Pt (psi)

15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Allowable Length of Pipe from Service Valve to FarthestSprinkler (ft)

18 1 70 93 117 140 163 187 210 233 257 280

19 1 63 84 106 127 148 169 190 211 232 253

20 1 58 77 96 115 134 154 173 192 211 230

21 1 53 70 88 105 123 140 158 175 193 211

22 1 48 64 80 97 113 129 145 161 177 193

23 1 44 59 74 89 104 119 133 148 163 178

24 1 41 55 69 82 96 110 123 137 151 164

25 1 38 51 64 76 89 102 114 127 140 152

26 1 35 47 59 71 83 95 106 118 130 142

27 1 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132

28 1 31 41 52 62 72 82 93 103 113 124

29 1 29 39 48 58 68 77 87 97 106 116

30 1 27 36 45 54 63 73 82 91 100 109

31 1 26 34 43 51 60 68 77 85 94 102

32 1 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 89 97

33 1 23 30 38 46 53 61 68 76 84 91

34 1 22 29 36 43 50 58 65 72 79 86

35 1 20 27 34 41 48 55 61 68 75 82

36 1 19 26 32 39 45 52 58 65 71 78

37 1 18 25 31 37 43 49 55 62 68 74

38 1 18 23 29 35 41 47 53 59 64 70

39 1 17 22 28 33 39 45 50 56 61 67

40 1 16 21 27 32 37 43 48 53 59 64

*Flow rate from Sections 10.1 and 10.2.

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Submittal Date: Thu Aug 29 11:11:52 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


There is a substantial difference in internal diameters from IPS (Iron Pipe Size) CPVC and CTS(Copper Tubing Size) CPVC. The title of this table should delineate which type of CPVC it refersto.


Public Input No. 15-NFPA 13D-2012 [Section No.]

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First Revision No. 23-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. 12.3.2 ]


Any sprinkler that is operated, damaged, corroded, covered with foreign materials, or showing signs ofleakage shall be replaced with a new listed sprinkler having the same performance characteristics as theoriginal equipment.*

Where replacing residential sprinklers manufactured prior to 2003 and installed using a design density

less than 0.05 gpm/ft 2 (204 mm/min), a residential sprinkler with an equivalent K-factor (± 5%) shall bepermitted to be used provided the currently listed coverage area for the replacement sprinkler is notexceeded.

Supplemental Information

File Name Description


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Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Thu Aug 29 12:41:40 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


NFPA 13D is not covered by NFPA 25, therefore guidance is needed in this standard forreplacing sprinklers that no longer exist. It is important that the coverage areas of the replacementsprinkler are consistent with the original sprinkler.


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A. It is recognized that the flow and pressure available to the replacement sprinkler may might be less than its current flow and pressure requirement.

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First Revision No. 19-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. A.6.2 ]


The connection to city mains for fire protection is often subject to local regulation of meteringand backflow prevention requirements. Preferred and acceptable water supply arrangementsare shown in Figure A.6.2(a), Figure A.6.2(b) , and Figure A.6.2(c) through FigureA.6.2(d) . Where it is necessary to use a meter between the city water main and the sprinklersystem supply, an acceptable arrangement as shown in Figure A.6.2(c)and FigureA.6.2(d) can be used. Under these circumstances, the flow characteristics of the meter are tobe included in the hydraulic calculation of the system [see Table 10.4.3(a)]. Where a tank isused for both domestic and fire protection purposes, a low water alarm that actuates whenthe water level falls below 110 percent of the minimum quantity specified in 6.1.2 should beprovided.

The effect of pressure-reducing valves on the system should be considered in the hydrauliccalculation procedures.

Figure A.6.2(a), Figure A.6.2(c) , or Figure A.6.2(d) is the preferred method are acceptablemethods for getting the water supply into the unit for a stand-alone sprinkler system (onethat does not also provide direct connections to the cold water fixtures) because the commonsupply pipe for the domestic system and the sprinkler system between the water supply andthe dwelling unit has a single control valve that shuts the sprinkler system, which helps toensure that people who have running water to their domestic fixtures also have fire protection.This serves as a form of supervision for the control valve and can be used to make sure thatthe valve stays open in place of other, more expensive options such as tamper switches witha monitoring service.

Some water utilities insist on separate taps and supply pipes from the water supply to thedwelling unit for fire sprinkler systems as shown in Figure A.6.2(b) Figure A.6.2(d), due toconcerns about shutting off the water supply for nonpayment of bills and the desire not toshut off fire protection if this ever occurs. While this type of arrangement is acceptable, it isnot these types of arrangements are acceptable, they might not be cost efficient and shouldbe discouraged due to the extra cost burden this places on the building owner. The concernover shutting off the water for nonpayment of bills is a nonissue for a number of reasons.First, the water utilities rarely actually shut off water for nonpayment. Second, if they do shutoff water for nonpayment, they are creating violations of all sorts of health and safety codes,allowing people to live in a home without running water. Concern over the fire protection forthose individuals when they are violating all kinds of other health codes is disingenuous. Morelikely, the water utility will not shut off the water and will follow other legal avenues to collecton unpaid bills, such as liens on property. Millions of people should not have to pay hundredsof millions of dollars to install separate water taps and lines for the few services that might getshut off.

Figure A.6.2(a) Preferable Arrangement Minimum Requirements for a Stand-AlonePiping Systems .

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Figure A.6.2(b) Acceptable Arrangement for Stand-Alone Piping Systems withValve Supervision — Option 1.



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Figure A.6.2(c) Acceptable Arrangement for Stand-Alone Piping Systems with ValveSupervision — Option 2.

Figure A.6.2(d) Acceptable Arrangement for Stand-alone Piping Systems — Option3.


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Supplemental Information

File Name Description





Submitter Information Verification

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Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Thu Aug 29 12:12:55 EDT 2013

Committee Statement and Meeting Notes


The existing water supply sketches are dated, do not use contemporary and standardplumbing industry references for water service piping, and include components of thesprinkler service that are either optional or not required. The proposed changes to thissection are intended to broaden the range of acceptable arrangements and to betterreflect current practices.


Committee Notes:

Date Submitted By

Oct 20,2013

M. Beady deleted ', Figure A.6.2(b), Figure A.6.2(c), and'

Oct 20,2013

M. Beady deleted 'may'

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Oct 20,2013

M. Beady Please provide captions for figures

Public Input No. 35-NFPA 13D-2013 [Section No. A.6.2]

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First Revision No. 28-NFPA 13D-2013 [ New Section after A.7.6 ]


A number of variables exist that would influence the number of sprinklers that might open during a fire. Inmany of the fire tests that led to the development of the residential sprinkler, and in many of thesubsequent tests, including the testing conducted as a part of the previously referenced FPRF slopedceiling research project, more than two sprinklers have opened during certain fire tests, but the watersupply, sized for only two sprinklers, was still capable of controlling the fire for 10 minutes and meeting thegoals of NFPA 13D. While there is no guarantee that more than two sprinklers would always open, it isbelieved that the two-sprinkler design criterion is appropriate for ceiling constructions and roomconfigurations that are within the limitations referenced 10.2.1 and 10.2.3.

For the ceiling constructions and room configurations that are beyond the scope of the two-sprinklerdischarge criterion referenced in 10.2.1 and 10.2.3, a greater number of design sprinklers and/or higherdischarge flows should be considered in the system design. As of this date, there is limited fire test dataavailable to include specific design criteria in this standard. In these situations, sprinklers can be installedin a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction to achieve the results specified in this standard.In making these determinations, consideration should be given to factors influencing sprinkler systemperformance, such as sprinkler response characteristics, impact of obstructions on sprinkler discharge,and number of sprinklers anticipated to operate in the event of a fire.

For the situation of flat, smooth, horizontal ceilings with beams at the ceiling, there are a number ofvariables that could cause many sprinklers to open during a fire. Residential sprinklers used inaccordance with all of the restrictions of their listing can be used to protect this circumstance.

Supplemental Information

File Name Description


Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew Klaus

Organization: National Fire Protection Assoc

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Oct 01 11:21:21 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


This proposed language is based upon the findings of the Fire Protection Research Foundation’sproject on residential sprinklers and sloped and beamed ceilings into NFPA 13D. The limitations of thetest facility have been translated into limitations on the generic use of residential sprinklers. Themaximum ceiling height of 24 ft. and limitation on communicating spaces considers the datagenerated under the FPRF project as well as other fire tests conducted at other times. This samelanguage was accepted by the Technical Committee as proposal 13D-67 Log #CP9 at the A2012ROP meeting. Please see the attached FPRF Report for the technical substantiation supporting thislanguage. Emergency Nature: The information provided in the FPRF report was not available to thetechnical committees during the development of the 2010 edition. The absence of information of thistype contributed to the lack of direction on this subject within the document. Lack of clear guidancefrom the committee on these issues significantly drives up the installed cost of residential sprinklersystems. These cost increases have been referenced by certain jurisdictions as reasons they havechosen not to adopt or have repealed existing residential sprinkler ordnances within their communities

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

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Page 60: NFPA 13D First Revisions

and is the reason this amendment is emergency in nature.


Public Input No. 51-NFPA 13D-2013 [New Section after A.7.6]

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

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Page 61: NFPA 13D First Revisions

NFPA 13D-2010 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes TIA Log No.: 1028R Reference: 8.1.2, 8.1.3, A.8.1.2, and A.8.1.3 Comment Closing Date: July 15, 2011 Submitter: James Golinveaux, Tyco Fire Protection Products 1. Revise 8.1.2 and A.8.1.2 to read as follows: 8.1.2* Number of Design Sprinklers. The number of design sprinklers under flat, smooth, horizontal ceilings shall include all sprinklers within a compartment, up to a maximum of two sprinklers, that require the greatest hydraulic demand. A.8.1.2 All residential sprinklers have been investigated under a flat, smooth, 8 ft (2.4 m) high horizontal ceiling. Some residential sprinklers have been investigated and listed for use under specific ceiling configurations such as a horizontal beamed ceiling. The performance of residential sprinklers under flat, smooth, horizontal ceilings has been well documented throughout the life of NFPA 13D. Prior to 2010, several manufacturers of residential sprinklers had performed testing and received listings for residential sprinklers under certain slopes and in certain beam conditions. In 2010, the Fire Protection Research Foundation (FPRF) conducted a research project consisting of 76 FDS simulations and 12 full‐scale fire tests. The results have been used to develop system design criteria in a generic manner in order to simplify the use of residential sprinklers. Some residential sprinkler listings still exist for situations beyond the scope of the generic design. See the FPRF report, Analysis of the Performance of Residential Sprinkler Systems with Sloped or Sloped and Beamed Ceilings, dated July 2010, for more information. Questions are frequently asked regarding the minimum two-sprinkler design when certain sprinkler performance statistics have indicated that in a majority of the cases (with residential sprinklers) the fire is controlled or suppressed with a single sprinkler. While these statistics may or may not be accurate, the water supplies for the fire sprinkler systems under which these statistics were generated were designed for two or more sprinklers in the first place. When the fires occurred, the first sprinkler operated in excess of its individual design flow and pressure because the sprinkler system’s water supply was strong enough to handle multiple sprinklers and only a single sprinkler opened. At these higher flows and pressures, the discharge from a single sprinkler was sufficient to limit or suppress the heat generated from the fire. This concept is called “hydraulic increase.” Hydraulic increase can also occur when a water supply’s capabilities during the fire event exceeded that required by the minimum design requirements of the standard. Since none of the data used to generate the previously mentioned statistics captured the capabilities of the water supply in relation to the design requirements, the impact of the hydraulic increase on the number of single sprinkler activations cannot be determined. But if the minimum water supply requirement of the standard is reduced to only be capable of handling a single sprinkler, then there could be no hydraulic increase safety factor. When the first sprinkler opens, it will only get the flow and pressure that were originally designed for it, and the potential is significant for that to be insufficient to control the fire given any obstructions and the layout of the space where the fire starts. The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), under a grant from the United States Fire Administration, studied this concept several years ago in the hopes of being able to propose a single sprinkler flow for the 2007 edition of NFPA 13D (see NIST Report NIST GCR 05‐875 prepared by Underwriters Laboratories with a publication date of February 2004). Unfortunately, the research did not support the design of a sprinkler system with only the flow for a single sprinkler, even under conditions of small rooms with flat, smooth ceilings. Without the hydraulic increase associated with the two-sprinkler design, the fire scenarios were too many where the first sprinkler to open would have insufficient flow to control the fire and then multiple sprinklers would open, causing the room to reach untenable conditions and the water supply to be overrun. These same fire scenarios were easily controlled by a sprinkler system designed for a two-sprinkler water supply from the start. In addition to the NIST tests, the National Fire Sprinkler Association conducted a series of full‐scale fire tests in simulated bedrooms that were 14 ft × 14 ft (4.3 m × 4.3 m) with an adjoining hallway, each with flat, smooth, 8-ft (24-m) high ceilings. The tests were performed to determine better rules for keeping sprinklers clear of obstructions like ceiling fans, but baseline tests were also performed without any obstructions at the ceiling. In nine out of the twelve tests, including the two baseline tests without obstructions at the ceiling, a sprinkler in the hall outside the room of fire origin opened first, followed by the sprinkler in the room of origin. Even though the room of origin met all of the rules of NFPA 13D as a compartment, a sprinkler outside of this room was opening first. All of these fires were controlled by the sprinklers, but if the water supply had only been sufficient for a single sprinkler, the sprinklers would never have been able to provide fire control. For examples of selecting a compartment for consideration, see Figure A.8.1.2(a) and Figure A.8.1.2(b), which show examples of design configurations for compartments based on the presence of lintels to stop the flow of heat. All residential sprinklers have

Page 62: NFPA 13D First Revisions

been investigated and are currently listed for use under flat, smooth, horizontal ceilings. Some residential sprinklers have been investigated and listed for use under specific smooth sloped or horizontal beamed ceilings. Where ceilings have configurations outside the scope of current listings, special sprinkler system design features such as larger flows, a design of three or more sprinklers to operate in a compartment, or both can be required. Figure A.8.1.2(a) and Figure A.8.1.2(b) show examples of design configurations. Questions are frequently asked regarding the minimum two sprinkler design when certain sprinkler performance statistics have indicated that in a majority of the cases (with residential sprinklers) the fire is controlled or suppressed with a single sprinkler. While these statistics may or may not be correct, the water were generated were designed for two or more sprinklers in the first place. When the fires occurred, the first sprinkler operated in excess of its individual design flow and pressure because the sprinkler system’s water supply was strong enough to handle multiple sprinklers and only a single sprinkler opened. At these higher flows and pressures, the discharge from a single sprinkler was sufficient to limit or suppress the heat generated from the fire. This concept is called “hydraulic increase.” Hydraulic increase can also occur when a water supply’s capabilities during the fire event exceeded that required by the minimum design requirements of the standard. Since none of the data used to generate the previously mentioned statistics captured the capabilities of the water supply in relation to the design requirements, the impact of the hydraulic increase on the number of single sprinkler activations cannot be determined. But if the minimum water supply requirement of the standard is reduced to only be capable of handling a single sprinkler, then there could be no hydraulic increase safety factor. When the first sprinkler opens, it will only get the flow and pressure that were originally designed for it, and the potential is significant for that to be insufficient to control the fire given any obstructions and the layout of the space where the fire starts. The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), under a grant from the United States Fire Administration, studied this concept several years ago in the hopes of being able to propose a single sprinkler flow for the 2007 edition of NFPA 13D (see NIST Report NIST GCR 05‐875 prepared by Underwriters Laboratories with a publication date of February 2004). Unfortunately, the research did not support the design of a sprinkler system with only the flow for a single sprinkler, even under conditions of small rooms with flat, smooth ceilings. Without the hydraulic increase associated with the two sprinkler design, the fire scenarios were too many where the first sprinkler to open would have insufficient flow to control the fire and then multiple sprinklers would open, causing the room to reach untenable conditions and the water supply to be overrun. These same fire scenarios were easily controlled by a sprinkler system designed for a two sprinkler water supply from the start. In addition to the NIST tests, the National Fire Sprinkler Association conducted a series of full‐scale fire tests in simulated bedrooms that were 14 ft × 14 ft with an adjoining hallway, each with flat, smooth, 8 ft high ceilings. The tests were performed to determine better rules for keeping sprinklers clear of obstructions like ceiling fans, but baseline tests were also performed without any obstructions at the ceiling. In nine out of the twelve tests, including the two baseline tests without obstructions at the ceiling, a sprinkler in the hall outside the room of fire origin opened first, followed by the sprinkler in the room of origin. Even though the room of origin met all of the rules of NFPA 13D as a compartment, a sprinkler outside of this room was opening first. All of these fires were controlled by the sprinklers, but if the water supply had only been sufficient for a single sprinkler, the sprinklers would never have been able to provide fire control. 2. Add,,, and A. to read as follows: For each of the following situations, the number of sprinklers in the design area shall be all of the sprinklers within a compartment, up to a maximum of two sprinklers, that require the greatest hydraulic demand:

(1) A flat, smooth, horizontal ceiling with no beams up to a maximum of 24 ft (7.3 m) above the floor. (2) A smooth, flat, sloped ceiling with no beams up to a maximum slope of 8 in 12. The highest portion of the ceiling

shall not be more than 24 ft (7.3 m) above the floor. The highest sprinkler in the sloped portion of the ceiling shall be above all openings from the compartment containing the sloped ceiling into any communicating spaces.

(3) A sloped ceiling with beams up to 14 in. (4.3 m) deep with pendent sprinklers under the beams. The compartment containing the sloped, beamed ceiling shall be a maximum of 600 ft2 (56 m2) in area. The slope of the ceiling shall be between 2 in 12 and 8 in 12. The highest portion of the ceiling shall not be more than 24 ft (7.3 m) above the floor. The highest sprinkler in the sloped portion of the ceiling shall be above all openings from the compartment containing the sloped ceiling into any communicating spaces.

(4) A sloped ceiling with beams of any depth with sidewall or pendent sprinklers in each pocket formed by the beams. The compartment containing the sloped, beamed ceiling shall be a maximum of 600 ft2 (56 m2) in area. The slope of the ceiling shall be between 2 in 12 and 8 in 12. The highest portion of the ceiling shall not be more than 24 ft (7.3 m) above the floor.

Page 63: NFPA 13D First Revisions For situations not meeting one of the conditions in, residential sprinklers listed for use in specific ceiling configurations shall be permitted to be used in accordance with their listing.* For situations not meeting one of the conditions in and, the number of sprinklers in the design area shall be determined in consultation with the authority having jurisdiction as appropriate for the conditions. Sprinklers shall be installed in accordance with their listing where a type of ceiling configuration is referenced in the listing. A. A number of variables exist that would influence the number of sprinklers that might open during a fire. In many of the fire tests that led to the development of the residential sprinkler, and in many of the subsequent tests including the testing conducted as a part of the previously referenced FPRF sloped ceiling research project, more than two sprinklers have opened during certain fire tests, but the water supply, sized for only two sprinklers, was still capable of controlling the fire for ten minutes and meeting the goals of NFPA 13D. While there is no guarantee that this would always happen, it is believed that the two sprinkler design criteria is appropriate for ceiling constructions and room configurations that are within the limitations referenced and For the ceiling constructionsand room configurations that are beyond the scope of the two-sprinkler discharge criteria referenced in and, a greater number of design sprinklers and/or higher discharge flows should be considered in the system design. As of this date, there is limited fire test data available to include specific design criteria in this standard. In these situations, sprinklers can be installed in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction to achieve the results specified in this standard. In making these determinations, consideration should be given to factors influencing sprinkler system performance, such as sprinkler response characteristics, impact of obstructions on sprinkler discharge, and number of sprinklers anticipated to operate in the event of a fire. For the situation of flat, smooth, horizontal ceilings with beams at the ceiling, there are a number of variables that could cause many sprinklers to open during a fire. Residential sprinklers used in accordance with all of the restrictions of their listing can be used to protect this circumstance. 3. Revise 8.1.3 to read as follows: 8.1.3 Sprinkler Coverage. Residential Sprinklers. Sprinklers shall be installed in accordance with their listing where a type of ceiling configuration is referenced in the listing. Sprinklers shall be installed in accordance with their listing where the type of ceiling configuration is referenced in the listing.* Where construction features or other special conditions exist that are outside the scope of sprinkler listings, listed sprinklers shall be permitted to be installed beyond their listing limitations. A. See A.8.1.2 and A. Construction features such as large horizontal beamed ceilings, sloped ceilings having beams, and steeply sloped ceilings are outside of the current listings. In these situations, sprinklers can be installed in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction to achieve the results specified in this standard. In making these determinations, consideration should be given to factors influencing sprinkler system performance, such as sprinkler response characteristics, impact of obstructions on sprinkler discharge, and number of sprinklers anticipated to operate in the event of a fire. Sloped Ceilings. Where the ceiling is sloped, the maximum S dimension shall be measured along the slope of the ceiling to the next sprinkler, as shown in Figure The sprinklers shall maintain the minimum listed spacing, but no less than 8 ft (2.44 m), measured in the plan view from one sprinkler to another, as shown in Figure Submitter’s Substantiation: This proposed language is based upon the findings of the Fire Protection Research Foundation’s project on residential sprinklers and sloped and beamed ceilings into NFPA 13D. The limitations of the test facility have been translated into limitations on the generic use of residential sprinklers. The maximum ceiling height of 24 ft. and limitation on communicating spaces considers the data generated under the FPRF project as well as other fire

Page 64: NFPA 13D First Revisions

tests conducted at other times. This same language was accepted by the Technical Committee as proposal 13D‐67 Log #CP9 at the A2012 ROP meeting. Please see the attached FPRF Report for the technical substantiation supporting this language. Emergency Nature: The information provided in the FPRF report was not available to the technical committees during the development of the 2010 edition. The absence of information of this type contributed to the lack of direction on this subject within the document. Lack of clear guidance from the committee on these issues significantly drives up the installed cost of residential sprinkler systems. These cost increases have been referenced by certain jurisdictions as reasons they have chosen not to adopt or have repealed existing residential sprinkler ordnances within their communities and is the reason this amendment is emergency in nature.

Page 65: NFPA 13D First Revisions

First Revision No. 30-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. A. ]


See A.10.2.4.

Supplemental Information

File Name Description


Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew Klaus

Organization: National Fire Protection Assoc

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Oct 01 11:21:46 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


Note: This Proposal originates from Tentative Interim Amendment 13D-10-3 (TIA 1028R) issued bythe Standards Council on August 11, 2011. This proposed language is based upon the findings of theFire Protection Research Foundation’s project on residential sprinklers and sloped and beamedceilings into NFPA 13D. The limitations of the test facility have been translated into limitations on thegeneric use of residential sprinklers. The maximum ceiling height of 24 ft. and limitation oncommunicating spaces considers the data generated under the FPRF project as well as other firetests conducted at other times. This same language was accepted by the Technical Committee asproposal 13D-67 Log #CP9 at the A2012 ROP meeting. Please see the attached FPRF Report for thetechnical substantiation supporting this language. Emergency Nature: The information provided in theFPRF report was not available to the technical committees during the development of the 2010edition. The absence of information of this type contributed to the lack of direction on this subjectwithin the document. Lack of clear guidance from the committee on these issues significantly drivesup the installed cost of residential sprinkler systems. These cost increases have been referenced bycertain jurisdictions as reasons they have chosen not to adopt or have repealed existing residentialsprinkler ordnances within their communities and is the reason this amendment is emergency innature.


Public Input No. 50-NFPA 13D-2013 [Section No. A.]

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

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Page 66: NFPA 13D First Revisions

NFPA 13D-2010 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes TIA Log No.: 1028R Reference: 8.1.2, 8.1.3, A.8.1.2, and A.8.1.3 Comment Closing Date: July 15, 2011 Submitter: James Golinveaux, Tyco Fire Protection Products 1. Revise 8.1.2 and A.8.1.2 to read as follows: 8.1.2* Number of Design Sprinklers. The number of design sprinklers under flat, smooth, horizontal ceilings shall include all sprinklers within a compartment, up to a maximum of two sprinklers, that require the greatest hydraulic demand. A.8.1.2 All residential sprinklers have been investigated under a flat, smooth, 8 ft (2.4 m) high horizontal ceiling. Some residential sprinklers have been investigated and listed for use under specific ceiling configurations such as a horizontal beamed ceiling. The performance of residential sprinklers under flat, smooth, horizontal ceilings has been well documented throughout the life of NFPA 13D. Prior to 2010, several manufacturers of residential sprinklers had performed testing and received listings for residential sprinklers under certain slopes and in certain beam conditions. In 2010, the Fire Protection Research Foundation (FPRF) conducted a research project consisting of 76 FDS simulations and 12 full‐scale fire tests. The results have been used to develop system design criteria in a generic manner in order to simplify the use of residential sprinklers. Some residential sprinkler listings still exist for situations beyond the scope of the generic design. See the FPRF report, Analysis of the Performance of Residential Sprinkler Systems with Sloped or Sloped and Beamed Ceilings, dated July 2010, for more information. Questions are frequently asked regarding the minimum two-sprinkler design when certain sprinkler performance statistics have indicated that in a majority of the cases (with residential sprinklers) the fire is controlled or suppressed with a single sprinkler. While these statistics may or may not be accurate, the water supplies for the fire sprinkler systems under which these statistics were generated were designed for two or more sprinklers in the first place. When the fires occurred, the first sprinkler operated in excess of its individual design flow and pressure because the sprinkler system’s water supply was strong enough to handle multiple sprinklers and only a single sprinkler opened. At these higher flows and pressures, the discharge from a single sprinkler was sufficient to limit or suppress the heat generated from the fire. This concept is called “hydraulic increase.” Hydraulic increase can also occur when a water supply’s capabilities during the fire event exceeded that required by the minimum design requirements of the standard. Since none of the data used to generate the previously mentioned statistics captured the capabilities of the water supply in relation to the design requirements, the impact of the hydraulic increase on the number of single sprinkler activations cannot be determined. But if the minimum water supply requirement of the standard is reduced to only be capable of handling a single sprinkler, then there could be no hydraulic increase safety factor. When the first sprinkler opens, it will only get the flow and pressure that were originally designed for it, and the potential is significant for that to be insufficient to control the fire given any obstructions and the layout of the space where the fire starts. The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), under a grant from the United States Fire Administration, studied this concept several years ago in the hopes of being able to propose a single sprinkler flow for the 2007 edition of NFPA 13D (see NIST Report NIST GCR 05‐875 prepared by Underwriters Laboratories with a publication date of February 2004). Unfortunately, the research did not support the design of a sprinkler system with only the flow for a single sprinkler, even under conditions of small rooms with flat, smooth ceilings. Without the hydraulic increase associated with the two-sprinkler design, the fire scenarios were too many where the first sprinkler to open would have insufficient flow to control the fire and then multiple sprinklers would open, causing the room to reach untenable conditions and the water supply to be overrun. These same fire scenarios were easily controlled by a sprinkler system designed for a two-sprinkler water supply from the start. In addition to the NIST tests, the National Fire Sprinkler Association conducted a series of full‐scale fire tests in simulated bedrooms that were 14 ft × 14 ft (4.3 m × 4.3 m) with an adjoining hallway, each with flat, smooth, 8-ft (24-m) high ceilings. The tests were performed to determine better rules for keeping sprinklers clear of obstructions like ceiling fans, but baseline tests were also performed without any obstructions at the ceiling. In nine out of the twelve tests, including the two baseline tests without obstructions at the ceiling, a sprinkler in the hall outside the room of fire origin opened first, followed by the sprinkler in the room of origin. Even though the room of origin met all of the rules of NFPA 13D as a compartment, a sprinkler outside of this room was opening first. All of these fires were controlled by the sprinklers, but if the water supply had only been sufficient for a single sprinkler, the sprinklers would never have been able to provide fire control. For examples of selecting a compartment for consideration, see Figure A.8.1.2(a) and Figure A.8.1.2(b), which show examples of design configurations for compartments based on the presence of lintels to stop the flow of heat. All residential sprinklers have

Page 67: NFPA 13D First Revisions

been investigated and are currently listed for use under flat, smooth, horizontal ceilings. Some residential sprinklers have been investigated and listed for use under specific smooth sloped or horizontal beamed ceilings. Where ceilings have configurations outside the scope of current listings, special sprinkler system design features such as larger flows, a design of three or more sprinklers to operate in a compartment, or both can be required. Figure A.8.1.2(a) and Figure A.8.1.2(b) show examples of design configurations. Questions are frequently asked regarding the minimum two sprinkler design when certain sprinkler performance statistics have indicated that in a majority of the cases (with residential sprinklers) the fire is controlled or suppressed with a single sprinkler. While these statistics may or may not be correct, the water were generated were designed for two or more sprinklers in the first place. When the fires occurred, the first sprinkler operated in excess of its individual design flow and pressure because the sprinkler system’s water supply was strong enough to handle multiple sprinklers and only a single sprinkler opened. At these higher flows and pressures, the discharge from a single sprinkler was sufficient to limit or suppress the heat generated from the fire. This concept is called “hydraulic increase.” Hydraulic increase can also occur when a water supply’s capabilities during the fire event exceeded that required by the minimum design requirements of the standard. Since none of the data used to generate the previously mentioned statistics captured the capabilities of the water supply in relation to the design requirements, the impact of the hydraulic increase on the number of single sprinkler activations cannot be determined. But if the minimum water supply requirement of the standard is reduced to only be capable of handling a single sprinkler, then there could be no hydraulic increase safety factor. When the first sprinkler opens, it will only get the flow and pressure that were originally designed for it, and the potential is significant for that to be insufficient to control the fire given any obstructions and the layout of the space where the fire starts. The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), under a grant from the United States Fire Administration, studied this concept several years ago in the hopes of being able to propose a single sprinkler flow for the 2007 edition of NFPA 13D (see NIST Report NIST GCR 05‐875 prepared by Underwriters Laboratories with a publication date of February 2004). Unfortunately, the research did not support the design of a sprinkler system with only the flow for a single sprinkler, even under conditions of small rooms with flat, smooth ceilings. Without the hydraulic increase associated with the two sprinkler design, the fire scenarios were too many where the first sprinkler to open would have insufficient flow to control the fire and then multiple sprinklers would open, causing the room to reach untenable conditions and the water supply to be overrun. These same fire scenarios were easily controlled by a sprinkler system designed for a two sprinkler water supply from the start. In addition to the NIST tests, the National Fire Sprinkler Association conducted a series of full‐scale fire tests in simulated bedrooms that were 14 ft × 14 ft with an adjoining hallway, each with flat, smooth, 8 ft high ceilings. The tests were performed to determine better rules for keeping sprinklers clear of obstructions like ceiling fans, but baseline tests were also performed without any obstructions at the ceiling. In nine out of the twelve tests, including the two baseline tests without obstructions at the ceiling, a sprinkler in the hall outside the room of fire origin opened first, followed by the sprinkler in the room of origin. Even though the room of origin met all of the rules of NFPA 13D as a compartment, a sprinkler outside of this room was opening first. All of these fires were controlled by the sprinklers, but if the water supply had only been sufficient for a single sprinkler, the sprinklers would never have been able to provide fire control. 2. Add,,, and A. to read as follows: For each of the following situations, the number of sprinklers in the design area shall be all of the sprinklers within a compartment, up to a maximum of two sprinklers, that require the greatest hydraulic demand:

(1) A flat, smooth, horizontal ceiling with no beams up to a maximum of 24 ft (7.3 m) above the floor. (2) A smooth, flat, sloped ceiling with no beams up to a maximum slope of 8 in 12. The highest portion of the ceiling

shall not be more than 24 ft (7.3 m) above the floor. The highest sprinkler in the sloped portion of the ceiling shall be above all openings from the compartment containing the sloped ceiling into any communicating spaces.

(3) A sloped ceiling with beams up to 14 in. (4.3 m) deep with pendent sprinklers under the beams. The compartment containing the sloped, beamed ceiling shall be a maximum of 600 ft2 (56 m2) in area. The slope of the ceiling shall be between 2 in 12 and 8 in 12. The highest portion of the ceiling shall not be more than 24 ft (7.3 m) above the floor. The highest sprinkler in the sloped portion of the ceiling shall be above all openings from the compartment containing the sloped ceiling into any communicating spaces.

(4) A sloped ceiling with beams of any depth with sidewall or pendent sprinklers in each pocket formed by the beams. The compartment containing the sloped, beamed ceiling shall be a maximum of 600 ft2 (56 m2) in area. The slope of the ceiling shall be between 2 in 12 and 8 in 12. The highest portion of the ceiling shall not be more than 24 ft (7.3 m) above the floor.

Page 68: NFPA 13D First Revisions For situations not meeting one of the conditions in, residential sprinklers listed for use in specific ceiling configurations shall be permitted to be used in accordance with their listing.* For situations not meeting one of the conditions in and, the number of sprinklers in the design area shall be determined in consultation with the authority having jurisdiction as appropriate for the conditions. Sprinklers shall be installed in accordance with their listing where a type of ceiling configuration is referenced in the listing. A. A number of variables exist that would influence the number of sprinklers that might open during a fire. In many of the fire tests that led to the development of the residential sprinkler, and in many of the subsequent tests including the testing conducted as a part of the previously referenced FPRF sloped ceiling research project, more than two sprinklers have opened during certain fire tests, but the water supply, sized for only two sprinklers, was still capable of controlling the fire for ten minutes and meeting the goals of NFPA 13D. While there is no guarantee that this would always happen, it is believed that the two sprinkler design criteria is appropriate for ceiling constructions and room configurations that are within the limitations referenced and For the ceiling constructionsand room configurations that are beyond the scope of the two-sprinkler discharge criteria referenced in and, a greater number of design sprinklers and/or higher discharge flows should be considered in the system design. As of this date, there is limited fire test data available to include specific design criteria in this standard. In these situations, sprinklers can be installed in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction to achieve the results specified in this standard. In making these determinations, consideration should be given to factors influencing sprinkler system performance, such as sprinkler response characteristics, impact of obstructions on sprinkler discharge, and number of sprinklers anticipated to operate in the event of a fire. For the situation of flat, smooth, horizontal ceilings with beams at the ceiling, there are a number of variables that could cause many sprinklers to open during a fire. Residential sprinklers used in accordance with all of the restrictions of their listing can be used to protect this circumstance. 3. Revise 8.1.3 to read as follows: 8.1.3 Sprinkler Coverage. Residential Sprinklers. Sprinklers shall be installed in accordance with their listing where a type of ceiling configuration is referenced in the listing. Sprinklers shall be installed in accordance with their listing where the type of ceiling configuration is referenced in the listing.* Where construction features or other special conditions exist that are outside the scope of sprinkler listings, listed sprinklers shall be permitted to be installed beyond their listing limitations. A. See A.8.1.2 and A. Construction features such as large horizontal beamed ceilings, sloped ceilings having beams, and steeply sloped ceilings are outside of the current listings. In these situations, sprinklers can be installed in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction to achieve the results specified in this standard. In making these determinations, consideration should be given to factors influencing sprinkler system performance, such as sprinkler response characteristics, impact of obstructions on sprinkler discharge, and number of sprinklers anticipated to operate in the event of a fire. Sloped Ceilings. Where the ceiling is sloped, the maximum S dimension shall be measured along the slope of the ceiling to the next sprinkler, as shown in Figure The sprinklers shall maintain the minimum listed spacing, but no less than 8 ft (2.44 m), measured in the plan view from one sprinkler to another, as shown in Figure Submitter’s Substantiation: This proposed language is based upon the findings of the Fire Protection Research Foundation’s project on residential sprinklers and sloped and beamed ceilings into NFPA 13D. The limitations of the test facility have been translated into limitations on the generic use of residential sprinklers. The maximum ceiling height of 24 ft. and limitation on communicating spaces considers the data generated under the FPRF project as well as other fire

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tests conducted at other times. This same language was accepted by the Technical Committee as proposal 13D‐67 Log #CP9 at the A2012 ROP meeting. Please see the attached FPRF Report for the technical substantiation supporting this language. Emergency Nature: The information provided in the FPRF report was not available to the technical committees during the development of the 2010 edition. The absence of information of this type contributed to the lack of direction on this subject within the document. Lack of clear guidance from the committee on these issues significantly drives up the installed cost of residential sprinkler systems. These cost increases have been referenced by certain jurisdictions as reasons they have chosen not to adopt or have repealed existing residential sprinkler ordnances within their communities and is the reason this amendment is emergency in nature.

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First Revision No. 15-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. A.8.2.5 ]

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The objective is to position sprinklers so that the response time and discharge are not unduly affected byobstructions such as ceiling slope, beams, light fixtures, or ceiling fans. The rules in this section, whiledifferent from the obstruction rules of NFPA 13, provide a reasonable level of life safety while maintainingthe philosophy of keeping NFPA 13D relatively simple to apply and enforce.

Fire testing has indicated the need to wet walls in the area protected by residential sprinklers at a levelcloser to the ceiling than that accomplished by standard sprinkler distribution. Where beams, light fixtures,sloped ceilings, and other obstructions occur, additional residential sprinklers are necessary to achieveproper response and distribution. In addition, for sloped ceilings, higher flow rates could be needed.Guidance should be obtained from the manufacturer.

A series of 33 full-scale tests were conducted in a test room with a floor area of 12 ft × 24 ft (3.6 m × 7.2m) to determine the effect of cathedral (sloped) and beamed ceiling construction, and combinations ofboth, on fast-response residential sprinkler performance. The testing was performed using onependent-type residential sprinkler model, two ceiling slopes (0 degrees and 14 degrees), and two beamconfigurations on a single enclosure size. In order to judge the effectiveness of sprinklers in controllingfires, two baseline tests, in which the ceiling was smooth and horizontal, were conducted with the pendentsprinklers installed and with a total water supply of 26 gpm (98 L/min) as required by this standard. Theresults of the baseline tests were compared with tests in which the ceiling was beamed or sloped, or both,and two pendent sprinklers were installed with the same water supply. Under the limited conditions usedfor testing, the comparison indicates that sloped or beamed ceilings, or a combination of both, represent aserious challenge to the fire protection afforded by fast-response residential sprinklers. However, furthertests with beamed ceilings indicated that fire control equivalent to that obtained in the baseline tests canbe obtained where one sprinkler is centered in each bay formed by the beams and a total water supply of36 gpm (136 L/min) is available. Fire control equivalent to that obtained in the baseline tests was obtainedfor the smooth, sloped ceiling tests where three sprinklers were installed with a total water supply of 54gpm (200 L/min). In a single smoldering-started fire test, the fire was suppressed.

Small areas created by architectural features such as planter box windows, bay windows, and similarfeatures can be evaluated as follows:

(1) Where no additional floor area is created by the architectural feature, no additional sprinklerprotection is required.

(2) Where additional floor area is created by an architectural feature, no additional sprinkler protectionis required, provided all of the following conditions are met:

(a) The floor area does not exceed 18 ft 2 (1.7 m 2 ).

(b) The floor area is not greater than 2 ft (0.65 m) in depth at the deepest point of thearchitectural feature to the plane of the primary wall where measured along the finished floor.

(c) The floor area is not greater than 9 ft (2.9 m) in length where measured along the plane ofthe primary wall.

Measurement from the deepest point of the architectural feature to the sprinkler should not exceed themaximum listed spacing of the sprinkler. The hydraulic design is not required to consider the areacreated by the architectural feature.

Where the obstruction criteria established by this standard are followed, sprinkler spray patterns will notnecessarily get water to every square foot of space within a room. As such, a sprinkler in a room withacceptable obstructions as outlined in this standard might not be capable of passing the fire test (specifiedby ANSI/UL 1626, Residential Sprinklers for Fire-Protection Service, and other similar laboratorystandards) if the fire is started in one of these dry areas. This occurrence is not to be interpreted as afailure of the sprinkler. The laboratory fire tests are sufficiently challenging to the sprinkler withoutadditional obstructions as a safety factor to account for the variables that actually occur in dwellings,including acceptable obstructions to spray patterns.

The rules on and were developed from a testing series conducted by the National FireSprinkler Association and The Viking Corporation that included fire modeling, sprinkler response tests,sprinkler distribution tests, and full-scale fire tests (Valentine and Isman, Interaction of ResidentialSprinklers, Ceiling Fans and Similar Obstructions, National Fire Sprinkler Association, November 2005).This test series, along with additional industry experience, shows that a difference exists betweenobstructions that are tight to the ceiling and obstructions that hang down from the ceiling, allowing sprayover the top. Residential sprinklers require high wall wetting, which means that they tend to spray overobstructions that hang down from the ceiling. The test series showed that the fan blades were not

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significant obstructions and that as long as the sprinkler was far enough from the fan motor housing(measured from the center of the housing), the sprinkler could control a fire on the other side of the fan ina small room. In larger rooms, the sprinkler will need to be augmented by additional sprinklers on theother side of the fan. The test series showed that the fan on low or medium speed did not make asignificant difference in sprinkler performance. On high speed (pushing air down), the fan did impactsprinkler performance, but fire control was still achieved in small rooms. In larger rooms, it is expected thatadditional sprinklers would be installed. The test series also showed that the fan blowing down was moresignificant than the fan pulling air up.

The rules in were developed from years of experience with obstruction rules and an additional testseries conducted by the National Fire Sprinkler Association with the help of Tyco International (Valentineand Isman, Kitchen Cabinets and Residential Sprinklers, National Fire Sprinkler Association, November2005), which included fire modeling, distribution tests, and full-scale fire tests. The test series showed thatpendent sprinklers definitely provide protection for kitchens, even for fires that start under the cabinets.The information in the series was less than definitive for sidewall sprinklers, but distribution data show thatsprinklers in the positions in this standard provide adequate water distribution in front of the cabinets andthat sidewall sprinklers should be able to control a fire that starts under the cabinets. When protectingkitchens or similar rooms with cabinets, the pendent sprinkler should be the first option. If pendentsprinklers cannot be installed, the next best option is a sidewall sprinkler on the opposite wall from thecabinets, spraying in the direction of the cabinets. The third best option is the sidewall sprinkler on thesame wall as the cabinets on a soffit flush with the face of the cabinet. The last option should be puttingsprinklers on the wall back behind the face of the cabinet because this location is subject to being blockedby items placed on top of the cabinets. It is not the intent of the committee to require sprinklers to beinstalled under kitchen cabinets.

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Submittal Date: Thu Aug 29 11:23:19 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


This annex material was removed by the "Accept in Principle" committee action during the lastrevision cycle. Unfortunately, the committee action also significantly revised the original proposal thatwould have placed this language in the standard. This has created a situation where these types ofarchitectural features are no longer referenced in the standard or the annex material, therebycausing local interpretations and confusion. In essence, this FR reverses part 3 of the committeeaction on Proposal 13D-70 Log #93 for the 2010 Edition.


Public Input No. 44-NFPA 13D-2013 [Section No. A.8.2.5]

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First Revision No. 16-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. A. ]


Corridors being protected with sidewall sprinklers will frequently have small areas behind the sprinklerscalled shadow areas that are inset for a doorway. Even though these shadow areas are slightly behindthe sprinklers, it is not the intent of NFPA 13D to require additional sprinkler protection in these doorways.

Examples of shadow areas are provided in Figure A. and Figure A. obstructionshown in Figure A. is a vertical obstruction in a room similar to a column. Sprinkler responseand water distribution tests have been conducted on such obstructions and the data shows that the sizeof the obstruction as well as the size of the compartment are critical variables to sprinkler response. Alarger shadow area can be acceptable in a smaller compartment. The obstruction shown in FigureA. is a bump out of a wall. Sprinkler response and water distribution tests have shown that thistype of obstruction is not a problem.

Figure A. Example of Shadow Areas (SSU/SSP).

Figure A. Example of Shadow Areas (HSW).

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Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Thu Aug 29 11:24:05 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


Sprinkler response and water distribution tests have been done on a variety of shadow areasituations. The column issue is the most difficult to deal with. Various size columns andcompartments produce differing results. With a large (24 inch) column and a large compartment, thesprinkler may not open in time to control a fire behind the column. With the bump out situation, therewas good sprinkler response and coverage.


Public Input No. 42-NFPA 13D-2013 [Section No. A.]

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First Revision No. 22-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. A.9.1.1 ]

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In areas subject to freezing, care should be taken in unheated attic spaces to cover sprinkler pipingcompletely with insulation. Installation should follow the guidelines of the insulation manufacturer. FigureA.9.1.1(a) through Figure A.9.1.1(e) A.9.1.1(f) show several methods that can be considered. These arefor illustrative purposes only. Consultation with the general contractor and/or owner is recommended toensure proper methods and materials are used to make sure 40°F (4°C) will be maintained.

The Fire Protection Research Foundation completed a research project (“Sprinkler Insulation: A LiteratureReview,” July 2011) on the use of insulation to protect sprinkler pipe from freezing that can be downloadedfor free from their website.

Figure A.9.1.1(a) Insulation Recommendations — Arrangement 1.

Figure A.9.1.1(b) Insulation Recommendations — Arrangement 2.

Figure A.9.1.1(c) Insulation Recommendations — Arrangement 3.

Figure A.9.1.1(d) Insulation Recommendations — Arrangement 4.

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Figure A.9.1.1(e) Insulation Recommendations — Arrangement 5.

Figure A.9.1.1(f) Insulation Recommendations — Arrangement 6.

Supplemental Information

File Name Description

A.9.1.1_f_FR_13D.png Tenting Picture

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Submittal Date: Thu Aug 29 12:33:20 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


This common method of addressing insulation in attics should be included as an advisoryfigure. This was added to correlate to the revision with NFPA 13R.


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First Revision No. 17-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Sections A.9.2.1, A.9.2.2, A., A.,

A. ]


Antifreeze solutions can be used for maintaining automatic sprinkler protection in small, unheated areas.Antifreeze solutions are recommended only for systems not exceeding 40 gal (151 L).

Because of the cost of refilling the system or replenishing small leaks, small, dry valves should be usedwhere more than 40 gal (151 L) are to be supplied.

Propylene glycol or other suitable material can be used as a substitute for priming water to preventevaporation of the priming fluid and thus reduce ice formation within the system.


Listed nonmetallic sprinkler pipe and fittings should be protected from freezing with an antifreeze solutionthat is compatible with the nonmetallic material. Laboratory testing shows that glycol-based antifreezesolutions present a chemical environment detrimental to nonmetallic pipe.

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Examples of specific areas might include piping installed in an exterior wall or an unheated concealedspace above a cathedral ceiling that cannot be protected with insulation or heat tracing. Premixedsolutions of glycerine and propylene glycol should be used only where other freeze protection options arenot practical. The specific areas protected by premixed glycerine and propylene glycol shall be limited tothe greatest extent possible.

Propylene glycol and glycerine antifreeze solutions discharged from sprinklers have the potential to igniteunder certain conditions. Research testing has indicated that several variables can influence the potentialfor large-scale ignition of the antifreeze solution discharged from a sprinkler. These variables include, butare not limited to, the concentration of antifreeze solution, sprinkler discharge characteristics, the inletpressure at the sprinkler, the location of the fire relative to the sprinkler, and the size of the fire at the timeof sprinkler discharge. Research testing also indicates that propylene glycol or glycerine solutions can beused successfully with certain other combinations of these same variables. Given the need for additionaltesting to further define acceptable versus unacceptable scenarios, the use of propylene glycol andglycerine antifreeze solutions should be considered only when other sprinkler system design alternativesare not practical. If these solutions are used, all relevant data and information should be carefullyreviewed and considered in the sprinkler system. The following is a list of research reports that have beenissued by the Fire Protection Research Foundation related to the use of antifreeze in sprinkler systems:

(1) Antifreeze Systems in Home Fire Sprinkler Systems — Literature Review and Research Plan

(2) Antifreeze Systems in Home Fire Sprinkler Systems — Phase II Final Report

(3) Antifreeze Solutions Supplied through Spray Sprinklers — Interim Report

Table A. provides an overview of the testing.

Table A. FPRF Antifreeze Testing Summary

Topic Information

Scope ofsprinklers tested

The following sprinklers were used during the residential sprinkler research programdescribed in Antifreeze Systems in Home Fire Sprinkler Systems — Phase II FinalReport:

(1) Residential pendent style having nominal K-factors of 3.1, 4.9, and 7.4 gpm/psi1/2

(2) Residential concealed pendent style having a nominal K-factor of 4.9 gpm/psi1/2

(3) Residential sidewall style having nominal K-factors of 4.2 and 5.5 gpm/psi1/2

The following sprinklers were used during the spray sprinkler research programdescribed in Antifreeze Solutions Supplied through Spray Sprinklers — Interim Report:

(1) Residential pendent style having a nominal K-factor of 3.1 gpm/psi1/2

(2) Standard spray pendent style having nominal K-factors of 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 8.0


(3) Standard spray concealed pendent style having a nominal K-factor of 5.6 gpm/psi1/2

(4) Standard spray upright style having a nominal K-factor of 5.6 gpm/psi1/2

(5) Standard spray extended coverage pendent style having a nominal K-factor of 5.6



<50% glycerine and <40% propylene glycol antifreeze solutions: Solutions were nottested.

50% glycerine and 40% propylene glycol antifreeze solutions: Large-scale ignitionof the sprinkler spray did not occur in tests with sprinkler discharge onto a fire having anominal heat release rate (HRR) of 1.4 MW. Large-scale ignition of the sprinkler sprayoccurred in multiple tests with sprinkler discharge onto a fire having a nominal HRR of3.0 MW.

55% glycerine and 45% propylene glycol antifreeze solutions: Large-scale ignitionof the sprinkler spray occurred in tests with sprinkler discharge onto a fire having anominal HRR of 1.4 MW.

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Topic Information


The documentation should substantiate that the proposed use of premixed glycerine and propylene glycolantifreeze solutions is consistent with the FPRF testing for the specific installation parameters.


The specific gravity for any liquid can be found by taking the density of the liquid at a specific temperatureand dividing it by the density of water at that same temperature. The densities of propylene glycol andglycerine can be found for a wide range of temperatures in Figure A. and Figure A. .

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Street Address:




Submittal Date: Thu Aug 29 11:24:37 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


Note: This Proposal originates from Tentative Interim Amendment 13D-13-1 (TIA 1067) issued by theStandards Council on August 9, 2012. The Technical Committee on Residential Sprinkler Systems istaking a different path in dealing with antifreeze in NFPA 13D than it has in NFPA 13R or than theSprinkler System Installation Criteria Committee is taking with NFPA 13. This different path isfundamentally based on the fact that one- and two-family dwellings are treated differently in buildingcodes and fire codes than other types of occupancies and in recognition of the fact that NFPA 13D hasa different objective than NFPA 13R and NFPA 13. From its inception in 1975, NFPA 13D has beenless stringent than NFPA 13 in order to present a document that balances the issues of reasonable fireprotection with the realistic concerns of cost and redundancy. NFPA 13D has always recognized that iffire sprinkler systems are too much like NFPA 13, they will not be installed in one-and two-familydwellings and they will not be able to help change the fact that thousands of people continue to dieeach year due to fires in unsprinklered one-and two-family dwellings. As such, the TechnicalCommittee on Residential Sprinkler Systems, concerned with the overall effort to get sprinkler systemsinto more one- and two-family dwellings is consciously choosing to be less restrictive than NFPA 13,while still maintaining a reasonable level of fire safety for the occupants of sprinklered one- andtwo-family dwellings. The information provided in the report, Antifreeze Systems in Home FireSprinkler Systems – Phase II Report (Fire Protection Research Foundation, December 2010) was thebasis for TIA 10-2 to NFPA 13D that was issued by the NFPA on March 1, 2011. That research reportis still valid and demonstrates how residential sprinklers perform in typical dwelling units of typical one-and two-family dwellings with a variety of antifreeze solutions tested through a variety of pendent andsidewall residential sprinklers. Subsequent testing has been performed as a part of a projectsponsored by the Fire Protection Research Foundation (FPRF), who released an interim report inFebruary of 2012 titled, Antifreeze Solutions Supplied through Spray Sprinklers. This report followedup on the Phase II tests and looked at antifreeze solutions and their performance with a variety ofstandard spray sprinklers. Given that NFPA 13D calls for the use of residential sprinklers in alllocations except mechanical closets and unheated areas not intended for living purposes (see section7.5.3 and 7.5.4 of NFPA 13D), the results of this latest FPRF research is less important to NFPA 13D.Still, in reviewing the results of the tests, the committee has chosen to tighten up the rules with respectto new installations by proposing this TIA so that designers can make better decisions regarding thepotential use of antifreeze systems. For existing systems, the committee is not recommending anychanges from the TIA processed and issued in March of 2011. Based on input from Authorities HavingJurisdiction, a total ban on antifreeze systems is not realistic and would be detrimental to the effort topass legislation for mandatory sprinkler requirements in one- and two-family dwellings. Since there arecurrently no listed antifreeze solutions, a requirement to only use listed antifreeze would be tantamountto a ban on the use of antifreeze. While the use of listed antifreeze systems is probably the bestlong-term solution, some recognition of glycerine or propylene glycol is necessary in the short term,

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even for new systems. NFPA 13D systems are intended to be cost effective. Completely eliminatingthe use of antifreeze in specific, isolated areas, may significantly drive up the cost of residentialsprinkler systems. This TIA starts out expressing a preference for the use of listed antifreeze systemsin section, but then goes on to allow the use of unlisted 48% glycerine or 38% propylene glycolwhere two conditions are met. The first condition is that the system has to be acceptable to theAuthority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). It is anticipated that the AHJ will understand the gravity of thedecision and only approve situations where other options have been explored and rejected asimpossible or impractical. The second condition is that the antifreeze has to be limited to a “specificarea”. The committees intent is to limit the antifreeze as much as possible to the portion of the systemthat will experience the cold temperatures. This language is the best that the committee could agreeon that allowed the flexibility necessary to handle the wide range of design situations that currentlyexist. It is anticipated that the AHJ would be able to consider each situation on a case-by-case basisand determine if the system was sufficiently isolated. The use of 48% glycerine and 38% propyleneglycol is supported by the Phase II test report discussed above when limited to residential sprinklers intypical dwelling units. This position is strengthened by the existing requirement in section becomes in this TIA), which requires the antifreeze to be limited to what is needed forthe environment. If the pipe is only going to be subjected to temperatures of 20°F, then a solution of48% glycerine would not be permitted and a premixed solution of 25% glycerine should be usedinstead since this is all that is needed to protect down to 20°F. In order to provide the designer with asmuch information as possible, so that informed decisions can be made, this TIA proposes anexpanded annex section that discusses the findings of the various tests that have been performed,including the latest tests just released. This should help designers understand the risks involved andthe consequences of their decisions and help guide them to keep antifreeze solutions to the lowestpossible concentrations if they decide they want to use antifreeze at all. This TIA does not proposechanges to the rules for existing systems (allowing them to stay as they were in TIA 10-2 with up to50% glycerine and 40% propylene glycol). This decision was made after a review of the testingprograms to date and a first order risk analysis that looked at the potential problems that would arise ifwe forced people to retroactively change out their existing systems. This risk analysis shows that therisk of changing the antifreeze requirements for existing building and forcing building owners to make achange is higher (6 to 6.3 deaths per year) than leaving the 50% glycerine or 40% propylene glycol insystems (3.0 to 3.6 deaths/year). The following is a summary of this analysis: Risk Analysis forAntifreeze Systems Assumptions · There are approximately 100 million homes (1 and 2 family) inAmerica · There are approximately 300,000 fires in the homes each year (0.003 fires/home/year) ·There are approximately 3000 fire deaths per year in homes (0.01 deaths/fire) o Of these fire deaths,10% occur in fires that started in spaces that NFPA 13D does not require to be sprinklered, so thesedeaths will be assumed in this analysis to occur, even in sprinklered homes, even though actual fireexperience has shown that sprinklers in adjacent rooms sometimes activate to control these fires andsignificant losses are not being experienced. o In an effort to be conservative, this analysis will alsoassume that sprinklers are only 90% effective, even though significant work has shown them to bemuch more effective · There are approximately 2 million sprinklered homes in America (2% of allhomes) o There are approximately 500,000 systems (25% of all sprinklered homes) with antifreezethat is required right now by NFPA 13D to be a maximum of 50% glycerin or 40% propylene glycol oThere are approximately 1500 fires/yr in the homes with these antifreeze systems o There have beenno deaths associated with fires in homes having antifreeze systems with 50% or less glycerine or 40%or less propylene glycol o There have been two incidents of flash fires in the last 5 years causing 1death and 2 serious injuries in apartments. In both cases, the system concentration is believed to havebeen greater than 50% with one of these being believed to be 70% glycerine and the other 60%glycerine. For the purposes of this conservative analysis, the 2 serious injuries will be considered asdeaths. o Using these last two bullet points, the risk of death due to flash fire caused by the antifreezeis between 0 and 0.0004 deaths per year depending on what mix of concentrations is assumed for thepopulation of sprinklered homes with antifreeze in the systems. If the Situation is Left “As Is” with 50%Glycerine or 40% Propylene Glycol Allowed to Remain · There will be 1500 fires each year in thesystems with antifreeze (500,000 sprinklered homes with antifreeze and 0.003 fires/home/year) ·There will be 3 deaths per year assuming that sprinklers are 90% effective and in 90% of the locationswhere deadly fires start (1500 fires times 0.01 deaths per fire is a potential for 15 deaths, 1.5 mightoccur from fires starting in unsprinklered spaces, 1.5 might occur due to some failure of the system,the other 12 will be saved) · There will be between 0 and 0.6 deaths due to flash fires depending onthe population of antifreeze solutions in homes (1500 fires times 0.0004 is 0.6, which is extremelyconservative considering this statistic is gathered from high concentrations systems that were not inhomes) · Total of between 3.0 and 3.6 possible deaths per year from this decision If We Call forReplacement/Reduction of Solutions · Assumption that 125,000 systems (25% of existing antifreeze

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systems) will get turned off · Assumption that 125,000 people (25% of existing antifreeze systems ) willcomply and spend the money to do something else (lower system concentration, heat tracing orconversion to dry-pipe or preaction system) · Assumption that 250,000 systems (50% of existingsystems) will be left “as is” with whatever antifreeze they have · The homeowners who shut off theirsystems will experience 375 fires and 3.75 fire deaths that can’t be prevented by a sprinkler systemshut off · The homeowners that complied will experience 375 fires and 0.75 fire deaths assuming thesprinkler systems are 90% effective and that sprinklers are installed in 90% of locations where deadlyfires start · The homeowners that left their systems “as is” will experience 750 fires and between 1.5and 1.8 fire deaths (1.5 of the fire deaths are from the system being 90% effective and 90% of the firesstarting in sprinklered spaces and up to 0.3 of the fire deaths are from the potential for a flash firedepending on the antifreeze concentrations that are assumed) · Total of between 6.0 and 6.3 potentialdeaths per year from this decision Of course, any risk analysis like this is dependent on theassumptions used to formulate the conclusions. A sensitivity analysis was performed on theassumption above that if some change was required by NFPA 13D that 25% of the systems would beshut off and only 25% of the systems would be changed to comply. If the assumption was changed to10% of the systems being shut off and 80% of the systems being changed to comply (with theremaining 10% of the systems left “as is”) then the decision to force the change still comes out worse(with a risk between 4.2 and 4.26) than the decision to leave all of the systems alone (with a riskbetween 3 and 3.6). Emergency Nature: This TIA has been prompted by the recently released interimresearch report, Antifreeze Solutions Supplied through Spray Sprinklers, issued by the Fire ProtectionResearch Foundation in February of 2012. It is part of a package of TIA’s being submitted by each ofthe fire sprinkler installation and maintenance documents in order to address the issues raised by thatresearch. It meets the definition of part 5.2(c) in the Regulations Governing Committee Projects as anemergency since the issues raised by the research where not known at the time the standard wasbeing developed. The use of propylene glycol and glycerin antifreeze solutions should only beconsidered when other sprinkler system design alternatives are not available or practical. If thesesolutions are used, all relevant data and information should be carefully reviewed and considered indesign and installation of the sprinkler system.


Public Input No. 23-NFPA 13D-2013 [Sections A.9.2.1, A.9.2.2, A., A., A.]

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First Revision No. 18-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. A.10.2 ]

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All residential sprinklers have been investigated under a flat, smooth, 8 ft (2.4 m) high horizontal ceiling.Some residential sprinklers have been investigated and listed for use under specific ceiling configurationssuch as a horizontal beamed ceiling. The performance of residential sprinklers under flat, smooth,horizontal ceilings has been well documented throughout the life of NFPA 13D. Prior to 2010, severalmanufacturers of residential sprinklers had performed testing and received listings for residentialsprinklers under certain slopes and in certain beam conditions. In 2010, the Fire Protection ResearchFoundation (FPRF) conducted a research project consisting of 76 FDS simulations and 12 full-scale firetests. The results have been used to develop system design criteria in a generic manner in order tosimplify the use of residential sprinklers. Some residential sprinkler listings still exist for situations beyondthe scope of the generic design. See the FPRF report, “Analysis of the Performance of ResidentialSprinkler Systems with Sloped or Sloped and Beamed Ceilings” dated July 2010 for more information.

Questions are frequently asked regarding the minimum two sprinkler design when certain sprinklerperformance statistics have indicated that in a majority of the cases (with residential sprinklers) the fire iscontrolled or suppressed with a single sprinkler. While these statistics might or might not be accurate, thewater supplies for the fire sprinkler systems under which these statistics were generated were designedfor two or more sprinklers in the first place. When the fires occurred, the first sprinkler operated in excessof its individual design flow and pressure because the sprinkler system’s water supply was strong enoughto handle multiple sprinklers and only a single sprinkler opened. At these higher flows and pressures, thedischarge from a single sprinkler was sufficient to limit or suppress the heat generated from the fire. Thisconcept is called “hydraulic increase.” Hydraulic increase can also occur when a water supply’scapabilities during the fire event exceeded that required by the minimum design requirements of thestandard. Since none of the data used to generate the previously mentioned statistics captured thecapabilities of the water supply in relation to the design requirements, the impact of the hydraulic increaseon the number of single sprinkler activations cannot be determined.

But if the minimum water supply requirement of the standard is reduced to only be capable of handling asingle sprinkler, then there could be no hydraulic increase safety factor. When the first sprinkler opens, itwill only get the flow and pressure that were originally designed for it, and the potential is significant forthat to be insufficient to control the fire, given any obstructions and the layout of the space where the firestarts.

The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), under a grant from the United States FireAdministration, studied this concept several years ago in the hopes of being able to propose a single-sprinkler flow for the 2007 edition of NFPA 13D (see NIST Report NIST GCR 05-875 prepared byUnderwriters Laboratories with a publication date of February 2004). Unfortunately, the research did notsupport the design of a sprinkler system with only the flow for a single sprinkler, even under conditions ofsmall rooms with flat, smooth ceilings. Without the hydraulic increase associated with the two-sprinklerdesign, the fire scenarios were too many where the first sprinkler to open would have insufficient flow tocontrol the fire and then multiple sprinklers would open, causing the room to reach untenable conditionsand the water supply to be overrun. These same fire scenarios were easily controlled by a sprinklersystem designed for a two-sprinkler water supply from the start.

In addition to the NIST tests, the National Fire Sprinkler Association conducted a series of full-scale firetests in simulated bedrooms that were 14 ft × 14 ft (4.3 m × 4.3 m) with an adjoining hallway, each withflat, smooth, 8 ft (2.4 m) high ceilings. The tests were performed to determine better rules for keepingsprinklers clear of obstructions like ceiling fans, but baseline tests were also performed without anyobstructions at the ceiling. In nine out of the twelve tests, including the two baseline tests withoutobstructions at the ceiling, a sprinkler in the hall outside the room of fire origin opened first, followed by thesprinkler in the room of origin. Even though the room of origin met all of the rules of NFPA 13D as acompartment, a sprinkler outside of this room was opening first. All of these fires were controlled by thesprinklers, but if the water supply had only been sufficient for a single sprinkler, the sprinklers wouldnever might not have been able to provide fire control.

For examples of selecting a compartment for consideration, see Figure A.10.2(a) and Figure A.10.2(b),which show examples of design configurations for compartments based on the presence of lintels to stopthe flow of heat.

Figure A.10.2(a) Sprinkler Design Areas for Typical Residential Occupancy — Without Lintel.

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Figure A.10.2(b) Sprinkler Design Areas for Typical Residential Occupancy — With Lintel.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Thu Aug 29 11:30:55 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


The words "would never" are being changed to "might not" in the last line. This has to do with ajudgement regarding the results of fire tests we conducted and the way our phase is beinginterpreted. Rather than making the definitive statement that something "never" would happen, weare more comfortable saying that it "might" not happen.


Public Input No. 41-NFPA 13D-2013 [Section No. A.10.2]

Public Input No. 52-NFPA 13D-2013 [New Section after A.7.6]

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First Revision No. 32-NFPA 13D-2013 [ Section No. B.3 ]

B.3 References for Extracts in Informational Sections.

NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 2010 2016 edition.

NFPA 24, Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances, 2013 2016edition.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew Klaus

Organization: National Fire Protection Assoc

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Mon Oct 21 14:14:34 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Editorial change to update to the most recent edition.

Response Message:

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NFPA 13R First Revisions

Page 94: NFPA 13D First Revisions

First Revision No. 1-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. 3.3.12 [Excluding

any Sub-Sections] ]

For fire protection purposes, an integrated system of underground and overheadpiping designed in accordance with fire protection engineering standards. Theinstallation includes one or more automatic water supplies. A system that consists of an integrated network of piping designed in accordance with fire protection engineering standards that includes a water supply source, a water control valve, a waterflow alarm, and a drain. The portion of the sprinkler system above ground is anetwork of specially sized or hydraulically designed piping installed in a building, structure, or area, generally overhead, and to which sprinklers are attached in a systematic pattern. The valve controlling each system riser is located in the system riser or its supply piping. Each sprinkler system riser includes a device for actuating an alarm when the system is in operation. The system is usually commonlyactivated by heat from a fire and discharges water over the fire area. [ 13, 2013]

Supplemental Information

File Name Description3.3.12_Legislative_changes_FR_1_.docx

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 10:57:48 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

The definition of a sprinkler system is currently different between NFPA 13 & 13R. The changes proposed for NFPA 13R will make the definition consistent with NFPA 13.Intended to correlate with changes made by the SSI TC at their FD meeting.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 2-NFPA 13R-2012 [Section No. 3.3.12 [Excluding any Sub-Sections]]Public Input No. 70-NFPA 13R-2013 [Section No. 3.3.12 [Excluding any Sub-Sections]]

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3.3.12 Sprinkler System.

For fire protection purposes, an integrated system of underground and overhead piping designed in accordance with fire protection engineering standards. The installation includes one or more automatic water supplies.A system that consists of an integrated network piping designed in accordance with fire protection engineering standards that includes a water supply source, a water control valve, a waterflow alarm, and a drain. The portion of the sprinkler system above ground is a network of specially sized or hydraulically designed piping installed in a building, structure, or area, generally overhead, and to which sprinklers are attached in a systematic pattern. The valve controlling each system riser is located in the system riser or its supply piping. Each sprinkler system riser includes a device for actuating an alarm when the system is in operation. The system is usually commonly activated by heat from a fire and discharges water over the fire area.

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First Revision No. 2-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. 3.3.14 ]

3.3.14 Thermal Barrier.A material that limits the average temperature rise of an unexposed surface to not more than 250°F (121°C) for a specified fire exposure complying with the standard time–temperature curve of NFPA 251 .

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 10:59:37 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

The term thermal barrier was in the standard to define what was required behind fixtures in bathrooms. This requirement was removed in the 2007 edition.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 1-NFPA 13R-2012 [Section No. 3.3.14]

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First Revision No. 3-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. 4.2 ]

4.2 Compartments. See 3.3.2 .

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 11:00:21 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

This section is being deleted because it does not add any requirement to the standard, it simply reminds the user of the definitions.

Response Message:Public Input No. 3-NFPA 13R-2012 [Section No. 4.2]

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First Revision No. 4-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. 4.6 ]

4.5 System Arrangement.In townhouse-style buildings protected in accordance with this standard, each dwelling unit shall have its own dedicated sprinkler system or the control valves valve for the sprinkler system in the building shall be located outside the dwelling units or in a common area.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 11:00:50 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

The use of the plural valves may cause some confusion. Since it says valves then it is implying that there are multiple valves per building. As long as the building meets the 52,000 square foot limitation, a single valve could control the system as long as it is located outside of the dwelling units.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 4-NFPA 13R-2012 [Section No. 4.6]

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First Revision No. 5-NFPA 13R-2013 [ New Section after ]*Where a sprinkler is removed from a fitting or welded outlet, it shall not be reinstalled except as permitted by .*Dry sprinklers shall be permitted to be reinstalled, where they are not removed by applying torque at the point where the sprinkler is attached to the barrel.

Supplemental Information

File Name DescriptionA.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 11:05:52 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

This new section is being added to correlate with NFPA 13 and NFPA 25.

Response Message:Public Input No. 5-NFPA 13R-2012 [New Section after]

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Sprinklers should be permitted to be reinstalled when the sprinkler being removed from the system remains attached to the original fitting or welded outlet, provided care has been taken to ensure the sprinkler has not been damaged. Flexible hose connections are considered a fitting.

In new installations, where sprinklers are installed on pendent drop nipples or sidewall sprinklers prior to final cut-back, protective caps and/or straps should remain in place until after the drop nipple has been cut to fit to the final ceiling elevation.


Provided dry sprinklers are removed by utilizing a pipe wrench on the barrel, where permitted by the manufacturer, they can be reinstalled. If a dry sprinkler is removed by utilizing the sprinkler wrench on the boss of the sprinkler, the dry sprinkler should not be reinstalled.

Page 101: NFPA 13D First Revisions

First Revision No. 35-NFPA 13R-2013 [ New Section after 5.1.2 ] and components shall be installed in accordance with material compatibility information that is available as a part of a listing or manufacturer’s published information.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew KlausOrganization: National Fire Protection AssocStreet Address:City: State: Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Oct 01 08:37:36 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


This is new section that is part of the overall modifications to NFPA 13 and 13R addressing material compatibility. This language was submitted to the SSI and RSS TCs by the Compatibility task group.


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First Revision No. 6-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. ] meters and pressure-reducing valves that are combined with the domestic water installed in a combined domestic water and fire protection supply to the building shall not be required to be listed for fire protection.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 11:25:45 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

This change further clarifies that the devices are those installed in the combined piping supply line.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 8-NFPA 13R-2012 [Section No.]

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First Revision No. 34-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Sections 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3,

5.2.4, 5.2.5, 5.2.6, 5.2.7, 5... ]

5.2.1Pipe or tube used in sprinkler systems shall be of the materials specified in Table 5.2.1 or in accordance with 5.2.2.Table 5.2.1 Pipe or Tube Materials and Dimensions

Materials and Dimensions StandardStandard Specification for Black and Hot-Dipped Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe for Fire Protection Use

ASTM A 795

Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless ASTM A 53

Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe ANSI B36.10M

Standard Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded Steel Pipe ASTM A 135

Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Water Tube [Copper Tube (Drawn, Seamless)] ASTM B 88

Standard Specification for General Requirements for Wrought Seamless Copper and Copper-Alloy Tube

ASTM B 251

Standard Specification for Liquid and Paste Fluxes for Soldering Applications of Copper and Copper-Alloy Tube


Specification for Filler Metals for Brazing and Braze Welding(Classification BCuP-3 or BCuP-4) AWS A5.8

Standard Specification for Solder Metal Section 1: Solder Alloys Containing Less than 0.2 percent lead (Pb) as identified in ASTM B 32, Table 5, Section 1, and having a solidus temperature that exceeds 400°F (204°C)


Cast Bronze Threaded Fittings ASME B16.15

Standard Specification for Seamless Red Brass Pipe ASTM B 43Nonmetallic Piping Standard Specification for Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR)

ASTM F442 chemical properties, physical properties, and dimensions of pipe materials shall be at least equivalent to the standards cited in Table shall be designed to withstand a working pressure of not less than 175 psi (12.1 bar). nonmetallic pipe is used, the pipe shall be designed to withstand a workingpressure of not less than 175 psi (12.1 bar) at 120°F (49°C). pipe and fittings included in Table 5.2.1 and Table 5.2.9 shall belisted.5.2.2

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Types of pipe other than those specified in Table 5.2.1 shall be permitted to be used where listed for sprinkler system use. differing from those specified in Table 5.2.1 shall be installed in accordance with their listings and the manufacturer's installation instructions. or tube listed for light hazard occupancies shall be permitted to be installed in ordinary hazard rooms of otherwise light hazard occupancies where the room does not exceed 400 ft2 (37 m2).5.2.3*Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) pipe shall comply with the portions of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards specified in Table5.2.1 that apply to fire protection service5.2.3.1Nonmetallic pipe in accordance with Table 5.2.1 shall be investigated for suitability in automatic sprinkler installations and listed for this service. nonmetallic pipe shall be installed in accordance with its listing limitations, including installation instructions.’s installation instructions shall include its listing limitations.*When nonmetallic pipe is used in combination systems utilizing steel piping pipeinternally coated with corrosion inhibitors and nonmetallic piping , the steel pipe coating shall be investigated listed for compatibility with the nonmetallic piping by a testing laboratory . nonmetallic pipe is used in combination systems utilizing steel pipe that is not internally coated with chemical corrosion inhibitors, no additional evaluations are shall be required. nonmetallic pipe is used in combination systems utilizing steel pipe, cutting oils and lubricants used for fabrication of the steel piping shall be compatible with the nonmetallic pipe materials in accordance with . materials intended for use on nonmetallic piping penetrations shall beinvestigated for compatibility compatible with the nonmetallic pipe materials in accordance with . pipe listed for light hazard occupancies shall be permitted to be installed in ordinary hazard rooms of otherwise light hazard occupancies where the room does not exceed 400 ft2 (37 m2). pipe shall not be listed for portions of an occupancy classification.5.2.4Brass pipe specified in Table 5.2.1 shall be permitted in the standard weight in sizes up to 6 in. (150 mm) for gauge pressures up to 175 psi (12.1 bar) and in the extra strong weight in sizes up to 8 in (200 mm) . for gauge pressures up to 300 psi (20.7 bar).5.2.5Pipe with a wall thickness less than that of Schedule 30 pipe shall not be joined by fittings utilizing cut grooves where the pipe is 8 in. (203 mm) nominal or larger insize.5.2.6

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Pipe having a wall thickness less than that of Schedule 40 pipe shall not be joined by fittings utilizing cut grooves where the pipe is less than 8 in. (203 mm) nominal insize.5.2.7Pipe joined with mechanical fittings using cut or rolled grooves shall be joined by a listed combination of fittings, gaskets, and grooves.5.2.8Grooves cut or rolled on pipe shall be dimensionally compatible with the fittings.5.2.9Fittings used in sprinkler systems shall be of the materials listed meet or exceed thestandards in Table 5.2.9 or be in accordance with 5.2.12.Table 5.2.9 Fittings Materials and Dimensions

Materials and Dimensions StandardCast Iron

Gray Iron Threaded Fittings (Class 125 and 250) ASMEB16.4

Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings ASMEB16.1

Malleable Iron

Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings ASME B16.3


Factory-Made Wrought Buttwelding Fittings ASMEB16.9

Buttwelding Ends ASMEB16.25

Standard Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and High Temperatures

ASTM A 234

Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings (Nickel Alloy and Other SpecialAlloys)


Forged Fittings, Socket-Welding and Threaded ASMEB16.11


Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings ASMEB16.22

Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings ASME B16.18

CPVCStandard Specification for Threaded Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80


Standard Specification for Socket-Type Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40

ASTM F 438

Standard Specification for Socket-Type Chlorinated Poly (VinylChloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80

ASTM F439 chemical properties, physical properties, and dimensions of fitting materials shall be at least equivalent to the standards cited in Table used in sprinkler systems shall be designed to withstand a working pressure of not less than 175 psi (12.1 bar).

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When nonmetallic fittings are used, the fittings shall be designed to withstand a working pressure of not less than 175 psi (12.1 bar) at 120°F (49°C).5.2.10Joints for the connection of copper pipe shall be brazed on dry pipe and preaction systems.5.2.11Joints for the connection of copper pipe for wet systems shall use solder joints with 95-5 solder metal or be brazed.5.2.12Types of fittings other than those specified in Table 5.2.9 shall be permitted to be used where listed for sprinkler system use. differing from those specified in Table 5.2.9 shall be installed in accordance with their listings and the manufacturer's installation instructions.*Nonmetallic fittings shall comply with the portions of the ASTM standards specified in Table 5.2.9 that apply to fire protection service. fittings in accordance with Table 5.2.9 shall be investigated for suitability in automatic sprinkler installations and listed for this service. Listed nonmetallic fittings shall be installed in accordance with their listing limitations, including installation instructions. nonmetallic fittings are used in combination systems utilizing internallycoated steel piping and nonmetallic fittings , the steel pipe coating shall be investigated listed for compatibility with the nonmetallic fittings by a testinglaboratory. Cutting oils and lubricants used for fabrication of the steel piping shall be compatible with the nonmetallic fitting materials. . nonmetallic fittings are used in combination systems utilizing non–internally coated steel piping and nonmetallic fittings steel pipe that is not internally coated with corrosion inhibitors , no additional evaluations shall be required. Cutting oils and lubricants used for fabrication of the steel piping shall be compatible with the nonmetallic fitting materials. nonmetallic fittings are used in systems utilizing steel pipe, cutting oils and lubricants used for fabrication of the steel piping shall be compatible with the nonmetallic fittings in accordance with . materials intended for use on nonmetallic fitting penetrations shall be investigated for compatibility with the nonmetallic fitting materials in accordance with .5.2.13Welded pipe and fittings shall be permitted to be used in accordance with the rules of NFPA 13.

Submitter Information Verification

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Submitter Full Name: Matthew KlausOrganization: National Fire Protection AssocStreet Address:City: State: Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Oct 01 08:34:07 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


This language was added to mirror NFPA 13. CPVC is a plastic material and compatibility consideration is necessary when other materials or chemicals come in contact with CPVC that can cause degradation of performance of the pipe due to interaction of materials. The revised section 6.3.7 and associated annex text have been reorganized for consistency with the language proposed for NFPA 13. Test methods to determine material compatibility for certain products are being developed as part of a project to develop a new ANSI standard for this application. Therefore, using the compatibility information that is available at the time of system design is more meaningful.

Response Message:Public Input No. 9-NFPA 13R-2012 [Section No.]Public Input No. 10-NFPA 13R-2012 [Section No.]Public Input No. 11-NFPA 13R-2012 [Section No.]Public Input No. 12-NFPA 13R-2012 [Section No.]Public Input No. 13-NFPA 13R-2012 [New Section after]Public Input No. 14-NFPA 13R-2012 [Section No.]Public Input No. 49-NFPA 13R-2013 [Section No. 5.2]

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First Revision No. 7-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. ] devices 2 in. (50 mm) in size or smaller shall be permitted in accordance with 6.8.5 .

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 11:40:14 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

Listed backflow preventers with slow close control valves are currently available.

Response Message:Public Input No. 59-NFPA 13R-2013 [Section No.]

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First Revision No. 8-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. ] required pressure gauges shall be listed approved and shall have a maximum limit not less than twice the normal system working pressure at the point where installed.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 11:40:26 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

NFPA 13 no longer requires listed gauges. NFPA 13R is being updated to correlate with this change.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 16-NFPA 13R-2012 [Section No.]

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First Revision No. 9-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. 5.4.2 ]

5.4.2*Piping in areas that cannot be maintained reliably above 40°F (4°C) shall be protected by use of one of the following methods:


(2) Dry pipe system(3) Preaction system

(4) Listed dry pendent, dry upright, or dry sidewall sprinklers extended from pipe in heated areas

(5) Heat tracing in accordance with

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 12:03:56 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

Note: This Proposal originates from Tentative Interim Amendment 13R-13-2 (TIA 1065) issued by the Standards Council on August 9, 2012. The information provided in the Fire Protection Research Foundation report “Antifreeze Solutions Supplied through Spray Sprinklers: Interim Report” illustrates that under certain conditions (pressure, fire size, k-factor, ceiling height, deflector design…etc) a 50% glycerine solution is capable of igniting and causing a dramatic increase in heat release rate. As noted in the FPRF report, these results highlight the “complicated interaction between sprinkler spray and the ignition source.”As a result of this additional testing, there aremore questions that need to be answered, and the testing shows thatconcentrations of anti-freeze that previous testing indicated were acceptable and would not support combustion actually do with a stronger ignition source. In addition, sprinklers with larger orifices that require lower pressure than typical residential sprinklers and potentially a lager droplet distribution also ignited. It is clear that further testing is need to fully understand under what conditions an anti-freeze solutions are safe, anti-freeze solutions can not be allowed in sprinkler systems. Emergency Nature: The latest testing shows that anti-freeze concentrations currently allowed in sprinkler systems will support combustion and increase the size of the fire. This is a safety issue that requires changes in the standard.


* Antifreeze system using a listed antifreeze solution in accordance with NFPA 13

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Public Input No. 47-NFPA 13R-2013 [Section No. 5.4.2]

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First Revision No. 10-NFPA 13R-2013 [ New Section after 5.4.3 ]

5.4.4Water-filled piping shall be permitted to be installed in areas where the temperature is less than 40°F (4°C) when heat loss calculations performed by a professional engineer verify that the system will not freeze.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 12:09:20 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

This correlates with the criteria in NFPA 13 regarding providing freeze protection when an actual freeze threat exists. This text comes from NFPA 13:

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 54-NFPA 13R-2013 [New Section after 5.4.3]

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First Revision No. 12-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. ] outside the dwelling units shall be quick-response, except as allowed by and ,, and .

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 12:42:04 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

The technical committee created this first revision to correlate with the relocation of 6.4.7 to The substantiation for the PI associated with this section, PI-22, was not used as a substantiation for this change. The technical committee disagrees with the substantiation of PI 22, as noted in the committee statement resolving PI 22 and 23.

Response Message:Public Input No. 22-NFPA 13R-2012 [Section No.]Public Input No. 24-NFPA 13R-2012 [Section No. 6.4.7]

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First Revision No. 13-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. ] Except as permitted by , pendent and upright sprinklers shall be located a minimum of 4 in. (102 mm) from a wall.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 12:45:26 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

The revised language clarifies that there is an exception to this requirement located in The previous language made it unclear whether or not this exception could be fused.

Response Message:Public Input No. 25-NFPA 13R-2012 [Section No.]

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First Revision No. 14-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. ]* Within Closets.In all closets and compartments, including those closets housing mechanical equipment, that are not larger than 400 ft3 (11.33 m3) in size, a single sprinkler at the highest ceiling space level shall be sufficient without regard to obstructions or minimum distance to the wall.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 12:45:57 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

The term ceiling space was vague. The intent of the section is to address the highest point where a sprinkler can be installed, and as such, level is a more appropriate term.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 56-NFPA 13R-2013 [Section No.]

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First Revision No. 15-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. ] shall be positioned with respect to an obstruction against a wall in accordance with Figure or Figure . Figure Positioning of Sprinkler to Avoid Obstruction Against Wall (Residential Upright and Pendent Spray Sprinklers).

Figure Positioning of Sprinkler to Avoid Obstruction Against Wall (Residential Upright and Pendent Spray Sprinklers).

Supplemental Information

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File Name DescriptionNFPA_13R_Fig_6_4_6_3_6.3_b.pdf

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 12:54:27 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

Previous editions of the standard provided no guidance for soffits against walls when there is a sloped ceiling. This is a common design scenario in residential units and is addressed through the new language/figure.

Response Message:Public Input No. 58-NFPA 13R-2013 [Section No.]

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Elevation view



FIGURE Positioning of Sprinkler to Avoid Obstructions Against Wall(Residential Upright and Pendent Spray Sprinklers)


Page 119: NFPA 13D First Revisions

First Revision No. 11-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. 6.4.7 ] Use of Residential Sprinklers Outside of Dwelling Units.The following types of spaces shall be permitted to be protected by residential sprinklers in accordance with Section 7.1 :

(1) Lobbies not in hotels and motels

(2) Foyers

(3) Corridors(4) Halls

(5) Lounges

(6) Other areas with fire loads similar to residential fire loads

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 12:36:40 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

This section belongs under the subheading for areas outside of the dwelling units.

Response Message:

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First Revision No. 20-NFPA 13R-2013 [ New Section after 6.5.3 ]

6.5.4 Sprinkler-Protected Glazing.*Where sprinklers are used in combination with glazing as an alternative to a required fire-rated wall or window assembly, the sprinkler-protected assembly shall comply with the following:

(1) Sprinklers shall be listed as specific application window sprinklers.

(2) Sprinklers shall be supplied by a wet-pipe system.

(3) Glazing shall be heat-strengthened or tempered and shall be fixed.

(4) Where the assembly is required to be protected from both sides, sprinklers shall be installed on both sides of the glazing.

(5) The use of sprinkler-protected glazing shall be limited to non-load-bearing walls.

(6) The glazed wall assembly shall not have any horizontal members that would interfere with uniform distribution of water over the surface of the glazing, and there shall be no obstructions between sprinklers and glazing that would obstruct water distribution.

Supplemental Information

File Name DescriptionA.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 16:24:28 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

Sprinkler protected glazing has been permitted in atriums, exterior walls and other applications approved by code officials for more than 20 years. Recent actions in building codes have attempted to diminish the permissible use of these assemblies, and by providing specific provisions in NFPA 13 or NFPA 13R (proposals have been submitted to both standards), questions regarding the lack of appropriate installation requirements would be resolved. Theproposed provisions are consistent with limitations currently in place inbuilding codes and established by UL and ICC-ES.


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Public Input No. 74-NFPA 13R-2013 [New Section after 6.5.3]

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It is not the intent of this section to apply to sprinkler protection of glass atrium enclosures, pedestrian walkways, which are permitted by NFPA 101, or model building codes to be protected by standard spray sprinklers installed in accordance with the special provisions set forth in those codes for atrium construction.

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First Revision No. 16-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. 6.6.3 ]

6.6.3Except where specified in 6.6.4, sprinklers shall not be required in clothes closets, linen closets, and pantries within dwelling units that meet all of the following conditions:

(1) The area of the space does not exceed 24 ft2 (2.2 m2).

(2) The least dimension does not exceed 3 ft (0.91 m) walls and ceilings are surfaced with noncombustible or limited-combustible materials as defined by NFPA 220 .

The walls and ceilings are surfaced with noncombustible or limited-combustible materials as defined by NFPA 220 .

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 14:37:41 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

The three foot dimension is not necessary since it does not change the size of the closet where sprinklers can be omitted. The fire doesn't know whether the closet 2x12 or 4x6.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 42-NFPA 13R-2012 [New Section after 6.6.3]

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First Revision No. 17-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. 6.6.6 [Excluding

any Sub-Sections] ]

Sprinklers shall not be required in attics, penthouse equipment rooms, elevator machine rooms, concealed spaces dedicated exclusively to and containing only dwelling unit ventilation equipment, crawl spaces, floor/ceiling spaces, noncombustible elevator shafts where the elevator cars comply installation complies with ANSI A17.1, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, and other concealed spaces that are not used or intended for living purposes or storage and do not contain fuel-fired equipment.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 14:44:40 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

If an elevator installation is in compliance with the elevator code, that should be enough for us to allow the sprinkler to be omitted in an NFPA 13R situation. The elevator code will allow wood frame construction covered by several layers of gypsum board for certain types of construction in low rise occupancies. While this construction is not "noncombutible", it will achieve a one-hour or two-hour rating and should be sufficient for omission ofsprinklers.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 68-NFPA 13R-2013 [Section No. 6.6.6 [Excluding any Sub-Sections]]Public Input No. 26-NFPA 13R-2012 [Section No. 6.6.6 [Excluding any Sub-Sections]]

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First Revision No. 37-NFPA 13R-2013 [ New Section after ] tracing systems shall be supervised by one of the following methods:

(1) Central station, proprietary, or remote station signaling service

(2) Local signaling service that will cause a signal at a constantly attendedlocation

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew KlausOrganization: National Fire Protection AssocStreet Address:City: State: Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Oct 01 09:36:32 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


This change is to correlate with NFPA 14 and the revisions made to in the 2016 ed of NFPA 13. .

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 43-NFPA 13R-2013 [Section No. [Excluding any Sub-Sections]]Public Input No. 44-NFPA 13R-2013 [New Section after]

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First Revision No. 19-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. 6.8.4 ]

6.8.4System control or shutoff valves shall be of the slow-closing type unless they meet the requirements of 6.8.5 .

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 15:17:45 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

Currently there are listed backflow preventers with slow close control valves available.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 61-NFPA 13R-2013 [Section No. 6.8.4]

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First Revision No. 18-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. 6.8.5 ]

6.8.5System control or shutoff valves on backflow prevention devices that are 2 in. (50 mm) or less in nominal size shall not be required to comply with 6.8.4 .

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 15:17:35 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

Currently listed backflow preventers are available on the market with slow close control valves.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 60-NFPA 13R-2013 [Section No. 6.8.5]

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First Revision No. 21-NFPA 13R-2013 [ New Section after 6.11 ]

6.11.5*Fire department connections shall be permitted to connect to the underground piping dedicated to the sprinkler system.

Supplemental Information

File Name DescriptionA.6.11.5_FR_21_.docx

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 16:33:32 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

Many AHJ’s require remote fire department connections on 13R systems. AHJ’s sometimes require that this connection be on the system side of the control valve and will not permit and valves downstream of the FDC in the system piping.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 30-NFPA 13R-2012 [New Section after 6.11]

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See Figure A.6.11.5 for a sample of underground piping for fire department connections.

Figure A.6.11.5 Fire Department Connection Connected to Underground Piping (Sample 1).

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First Revision No. 22-NFPA 13R-2013 [ New Section after 6.16.4 ]

6.8.8* Backflow Prevention Valves.Means shall be provided downstream of all backflow prevention valves for forward flow tests at a minimum flow rate of the system demand.

Supplemental Information

File Name DescriptionA.6.8.9_FR_22_.docx

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 16:44:23 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

Backflow valves need to be exercised, even when they are on NFPA 13R systems. This is one of the rules from NFPA 13 that needs to be moved into NFPA 13R. The proposed language was revised to correlate with the revisions to in NFPA 13.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 66-NFPA 13R-2013 [New Section after 6.16.4]

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A.6.8.9 System demand refers to flow rate and pressure. This test is only concerned with testing at the proper flow rate. The full flow test of the backflow prevention valve can be performed with a test header or other connection downstream of the valve. A bypass around the check valve in the fire department connector line with a control valve in the normally closed position can be an acceptable arrangement. When flow to a visible drain cannot be accomplished, closed loop flow can be acceptable if a flowmeter or site glass is incorporated into the system to ensure flow.

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First Revision No. 27-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. 7.4 ]

7.4 Pipe Sizing.Piping shall be sized using hydraulic calculation procedures in accordance with NFPA 13 .

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Thu Aug 29 08:46:31 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

This section is being relocated based on the new section added to 8.2 on hydraulic information. This information is not being deleted from the standard.

Response Message:

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First Revision No. 23-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. 8.1.2 ]

8.1.2Deviations from approved plans shall require permission approval of the authority having jurisdiction.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 17:09:58 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

The way this section was worded, the user could not make any modifications until the AHJ has given their permission. There are many times in the field where modifications occur and as-builts are created and resubmitted to the AHJ. This language allows approval of these changes after the fact which is real world.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 33-NFPA 13R-2012 [Section No. 8.1.2]

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First Revision No. 26-NFPA 13R-2013 [ New Section after 8.1.7 ]

8.2 Hydraulic Calculations.8.2.1 Pipe Sizing.Piping shall be sized using hydraulic calculation procedures in accordance with NFPA 13 .8.2.2A hydraulic calculation summary sheet shall be provided as shown in Figure 8.2.2 .Figure 8.2.2 Summary Sheet for Hydraulic Calculations.

Supplemental Information

File Name Description2016_NFPA_13_R_Summary_Sheet_REV_TC_FR_.doc 13R Summary SHeet

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Thu Aug 29 08:42:02 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

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Committee Statement:

In addition to the information provided in 8.1.7, a simple summary sheet should be provided to summarize the basis of the design for the system. This summary sheet is useful to the AHJ to provide a 30,000 ft view of the system.

Response Message:

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Figure 8.2.2 – NFPA 13R Summary Sheet for Hydraulic Calculations

Project General Information

Project name:_______________________________________________________ Date____/____/____

Location / nddress:____________________________________________________________________

Owner / occupant: _____________________________________________________________________

Installing contractor name: _____________________________________ Phone # ( ) -

Installing contractor address: ____________________________________________________________

Designer: ____________________________________________________ Phone # ( ) -

Authority having jurisdiction(s):__________________________________________________________

System Design Requirements

Design area name or number: ____________________________ NFPA 13 R design edition:________

Design area location: ____________________________________ Drawing / sheet #: _______________

Dwelling unit calculation: or Outside dwelling unit calculation: Other:__________________

System Type: Wet: Dry or Preaction - Sys. volume: _______gal. Antifreeeze: Other:

Sprinkler type: Standard coverage: Extended coverage: Residential: Other:

Maximum coverage per sprinkler: _____________________________ft2

Minimum rate of water application: ____________________gpm/ft2

Design area of application (outside of dwelling unit): __________________________ft2

Number of sprinklers calculated (Dwelling, Corridor, Garage): ___________

Limitations for extended coverage or special sprinklers: _______________________________________



Elevation of highest calculated sprinkler: ________ft.

Total system demand @ Source (including domestic demand): _______________________ GPM at PSI

Meter size: _____________________ Make & model: ________________________________

Water Supply Information

Date of test: _____/____/______ Time of test: ___:____ am /pm

Location of test hydrant: _________________________________________________________

Elevation of test hydrant relative to project finished floor: ______________ft

Location of flow hydrant(s): ______________________________________________________

Source of water for flow test: ___________________________________________________

Size of fire pump (GPM @ PSI): ________________ Size of water tank (gal): _____________

Notes: ______________________________________________________________________________



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First Revision No. 38-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. 8.1.7 ]

8.1.7Sprinkler plans shall indicate the following: Working plans shall be drawn to an indicated scale, on sheets of uniform size, with a plan of each floor, and shall showthose items from the following list that pertain to the design of the system:

(1) Name of owner and occupant Project name

(2) Location, including street address(3) Point of compass

(4) Ceiling construction

(5) Full height cross-section or schematic diagram, including structural member information if required for clarity and including ceiling construction and method of protection for nonmetallic piping

(6) Ceiling/roof height and slopes not shown in the full height cross section

(7) Location of partitions and fire walls

Location of partitions

Occupancy of each area or room(8) Location and size of concealed spaces, attics, closets, and bathrooms

(9) Any small enclosures in which no sprinklers are to be installed

(10) Size of the city main in the street; pressure; whether dead-end or circulatingand, if dead-end, the direction and distance to the nearest circulating main;and the city main test results including elevation of the test hydrant

(11) Make, manufacturer, type, heat-response element, temperature rating, sprinkler identification number, and nominal orifice size k-factor of the sprinkler

(12) Temperature rating Type and location of high- temperature sprinklers(13) Number of sprinklers on each riser, per floor

(14) Kind Type and location of alarm bells

(15) Type of pipe and fittings

(16) Pipe type and schedule of wall thickness

(17) Type of protection for nonmetallic pipe

Nominal pipe size with lengths shown to scale

(18) Location and size of riser nipples

(19) Types of fittings and joints and the locations of all welds and bends

(20) Types and locations of hangers, sleeves, and braces, and methods of securing sprinklers, where applicable

(21) All control valves, check valves, drain pipes, and test connections

(22) Underground pipe size, length, location, weight, material, and point of connection to the city main; type of valves, meters, and valve pits; and depth at which the top of the pipe is laid below grade

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In the case of hydraulically designed systems, the material to be included on the hydraulic data nameplate

(23) Name and address of the contractor

(24) Nominal pipe size and lengths

(25) Where the equipment is to be installed as an addition to an existing system, enough of the existing system indicated on the plans to make all conditions clear

(26) A graphic representation of the scale used on all plans

(27) Hydraulic reference points shown on the plan that correspond with comparable reference points on the hydraulic calculation sheets

(28) The minimum rate of water application and the design area of water application

(29) The total quantity of water and the pressure required noted at a common reference point for each system

(30) Relative elevations of sprinklers, junction points, and supply or reference points

(31) Information about backflow preventers (manufacturer, size, type)

(32) Information about antifreeze solution used (type and amount)

(33) Size and location of hydrants, showing size and number of outlets; static and residual hydrants that were used in flow tests shall be shown

(34) Size, location, and piping arrangement of fire department connections

(35) Location of fuel-fired equipment and heating and air-conditioning equipment

(36) Location of closets on exterior balconies, and any doors or penetration between the closet and the dwelling unit

(37) Edition year of NFPA 13R to which the sprinkler system is designed

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew KlausOrganization: National Fire Protection AssocStreet Address:City: State: Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Oct 01 09:41:42 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


The revised submission list brings NFPA 13R closer to NFPA 13 in terms of submitted information. These systems have different design requirements and allowances, so it is not appropriate to have identical submittal requirements.

Response Message:Public Input No. 64-NFPA 13R-2013 [Section No. 8.1.7]

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First Revision No. 24-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. 9.7 ]

9.7 Non- – Fire Protection Connections.Sprinkler systems with non- – fire protection connections shall comply with Section 7.7 of NFPA 13 . not be permitted.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 17:26:12 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

NFPA 13R systems are life safety systems and should not be connected with other types of systems that may contain devices that are not reliable. The types of occupancies where these systems are installed are generally not residential in nature. Since these are such rare situations, this practice in NFPA 13R occupancies should be prohibited.

Response Message:Public Input No. 34-NFPA 13R-2012 [Section No. 9.7]

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First Revision No. 25-NFPA 13R-2013 [ New Section after 11.1.3 ] sprinklers shall be kept in a cabinet located where the temperature to which they are subjected will at no time exceed the maximum ceiling temperatures specified in Table for each of the sprinklers within the cabinet.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 28 17:30:11 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

NFPA 13R allows intermediate temperature sprinklers to be installed throughout residential occupancies. If the project only contains intermediate temperature sprinklers, the cabinet should not be forced to be kept in a 100° maximum space. This action was correlated with the action taken by the SSI TC on NFPA 13.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 35-NFPA 13R-2012 [New Section after 11.1.3]

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First Revision No. 32-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. A.1.1 ]

A.1.1NFPA 13R is appropriate for use as an option alternative to NFPA 13 only in thoseresidential occupancies, as defined in this standard, up to and including fouraboveground stories in height, and limited to buildings that are 60 ft (18 m) or less in height above grade plane, which is consistent with limits established by model building codes for buildings of Type V construction. The height of a building above grade plane is determined by model building codes, which base the height on the average height of the highest roof surface above grade plane. For further information on the building height story limits, see model building codes. It is the intent of this standard that if NFPA 13R is appropriate for use, it be used throughout the entire building. It is recognized that an accessory or incidental occupancy to the operations of the residential occupancy might exist within that residential occupancy. Buildings that contain multiple occupancies (either separated or non-separated), accessory occupancies or incidental uses are often subject to special rules that may restrict the use of NFPA 13R. Refer to the adopted building code to determine whether such restrictions are applicable.

Such accessory or incidental occupancy would be considered part of the predominant (residental) occupancy and subject to the provisions of the predominant (residental) occupancy by of NFPA 101 and similar provisions in many local building and fire codes. Use of NFPA 13R throughout the entire building in this case is allowed. The criteria in this standard are based on full-scale fire tests of rooms containing typical furnishings found in residential living rooms, kitchens, and bedrooms. The furnishings were arranged as typically found in dwelling units in a manner similar to that shown in Figure A.1.1(a) , Figure A.1.1(b) , and Figure A.1.1(c) . Sixty full-scale fire tests were conducted in a two-story dwelling in Los Angeles, California, and 16 tests were conducted in a 14 ft (4.3 m) wide mobile home in Charlotte, North Carolina. Sprinkler systems designed and installed according to this standard are expected to prevent flashover within the compartment of origin where sprinklers are installed in the compartment. A sprinkler system designed and installed according to this standard cannot, however, be expected to completely control a fire involving fuel loads that are significantly higher than average for dwelling units [10 lb/ft 2 (49 kg/m 2 )], configurations of fuels other than those with typical residential occupancies, or conditions where the interior finish has an unusually high flame spread index (greater than 225).

Where buildings are greater than four stories in height, or where buildings are of mixed use where residential is not the predominant occupancy, residential portions of such buildings should be protected with residential or quick-response sprinklers in accordance with 8.4.5 of NFPA 13 . Other portions of such buildings should beprotected in accordance with NFPA 13 . Where buildings of mixed use can be totally separated so that the residential portion is considered a separate buildingunder the local code, NFPA 13R can be used in the residential portion while NFPA 13 is used in the rest of the building. Examples of accessory occupancies found in NFPA 13R installations can include parking garages/areas, community laundry rooms, clubhouses, exercise facilities, tenant storage, and so forth.

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The criteria in this standard are based on full-scale fire tests of rooms containing typical furnishings found in residential living rooms, kitchens, and bedrooms. The furnishings were arranged as typically found in dwelling units in a manner similar to that shown in Figure A.1.1(a) , Figure A.1.1(b) , and Figure A.1.1(c) . Sixty full-scale fire tests were conducted in a two-story dwelling in Los Angeles, California, and 16 tests were conducted in a 14 ft (4.3 m) wide mobile home in Charlotte, North Carolina. Sprinkler systems designed and installed according to this standard are expected to prevent flashover within the compartment of origin where sprinklers are installed in the compartment. A sprinkler system designed and installed according to this standard cannot, however, be expected to completely control a fire involving fuel loads that are significantly higher than average fordwelling units [10 lb/ft 2 (49 kg/m 2 )], configurations of fuels other than those with typical residential occupancies, or conditions where the interior finish has an unusually high flame spread index (greater than 225).

To be effective, sprinkler systems installed in accordance with this standard need to open the sprinklers closest to the fire before the fire exceeds the ability of the sprinkler discharge to extinguish or control the fire. Conditions that allow the fire to grow beyond that point before sprinkler activation or that interfere with the quality ofwater distribution can produce conditions beyond the capabilities of the sprinkler system described in this standard. Unusually high ceilings or ceiling configurations that tend to divert the rising hot gases from sprinkler locations or change the sprinkler discharge pattern from its standard pattern can produce fire conditions that cannot be extinguished or controlled by the systems described in this standard.

NFPA 13R references NFPA 13 in many aspects (hanging and bracing, design densities and spacing outside of dwelling unit, painting and finish of sprinklers, welding, etc.). If this standard does not specifically address a situation, NFPA 13 is a good resource that can be utilized by the installer and the authority having jurisdiction for a solution. It is not the intent of this standard to require compliance with NFPA 13 when NFPA 13R is silent on a subject. Only AHJ approval should be required.

Figure A.1.1(a) Bedroom.

Figure A.1.1(b) Manufactured Home Bedroom.

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Figure A.1.1(c) Living Room.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew KlausOrganization: National Fire Protection AssocStreet Address:City: State: Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Oct 01 08:15:32 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

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It is necessary to delete the existing text that is not consistent with building codes because it is misleading. Building code regulations dealing with mixed occupancies, accessory occupancies, incidental uses and pedestal buildings are complicated, and the use of NFPA 13R is limited by these regulations regardless of what is provided in the NFPA 13R annex. For example, contrary to what the current annex material in NFPA 13R suggests, non-separated mixed occupancy buildings are always required to follow the most stringent fire sprinkler standard. So if a non-separated mixed occupancy building includes a non-residential occupancy, use of NFPA 13R is not permitted, even in residential areas and even if such residential areas constitute the predominant occupancy of the building. Building codes will require NFPA 13 throughout the building in these situations. Similar complexities exist in building code regulations governing accessory occupancies, which are limited to 10% of the building area or floor area of the floor on which they are located and cannot exceed the base tabular area limitation for the occupancy classification. Exceed these areas, and the mixed occupancy requirements must be applied, which require NFPA 13 for the non-residential area, even if “residential” is the predominant use of the building. Trying to address all of these complexities in the NFPA 13R annex is unnecessary since it is not the role of the NFPA 13R annex to serve as an interpretation manual for buildingcodes. By deleting the annex material that is inconsistent with building code regulations, confusion and conflicts between architects, engineers and contractors will be reduced. This is not to suggest that everyone willunderstand how to deal with mixed occupancy situations, but at least theywon’t be dealing with different regulatory documents providing competing and conflicting provisions.

Response Message:Public Input No. 36-NFPA 13R-2012 [Section No. A.1.1]Public Input No. 46-NFPA 13R-2013 [Section No. A.1.1]Public Input No. 72-NFPA 13R-2013 [Section No. A.1.1]

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First Revision No. 36-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Sections A.5.2.3, A.,

A. ]

A.5.2.3CPVC is a plastic material, and consideration is necessary when other materials or chemicals come in contact with CPVC that can cause degradation of performance of the pipe due to interaction of materials. Other construction materials include, but are not limited to, materials used in the fabrication of the sprinkler system, additives to water supplies, cable and wiring, and certain insecticides and fungicides. Compliance with 5.2.3 combined with following the manufacturer’s guidance on installation and compatible materials will help prevent premature performance degradation of nonmetallic piping. Excessive mechanical Mechanical stresscaused by hanging methods or excessive bending on nonmetallic piping beyond the manufacturer’s recommended limitations can cause stress failure over time and should be avoided.A. fabricating steel pipe for a combination (nonmetallic and steel)system system using nonmetallic and steel pipe , the cutting oil and lubricants can lubricants might cause performance degradation of the nonmetallic piping. Cutting oils and lubricants found to be compatible are available and should be used.A. all fittings made to ASTM F 437, Standard Specification for Threaded Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80; ASTM F 438, Standard Specification for Socket-Type Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40; and ASTM F 439, Standard Specification for Socket-Type Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80, as described in are listed for fire sprinkler service. Listed fittings are identified by the logo of the listing agency.

CPVC is a plastic material and consideration is necessary when other materials orchemicals come in contact with CPVC that can cause degradation of performance of the fitting due to interaction of materials. Compliance with combined with following manufacturer’s guidance on installation and compatible materials will help prevent premature performance degradation of nonmetallic fittings. Excessivemechanical Mechanical stress caused by hanging methods or excessive bending on nonmetallic piping beyond the manufacturer’s recommended limitations can cause stress failure over time and should be avoided. Paragraph only nonmetallic fittings because this is the only nonmetallic material listed for use in accordance with this standard. Other fittings for nonmetallic pipe being considered for listing in accordance with NFPA 13R should also be investigated for compatibility in accordance with through .

Submitter Information Verification

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Page 146: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Submitter Full Name: Matthew KlausOrganization: National Fire Protection AssocStreet Address:City: State: Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Oct 01 09:09:22 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


CPVC is a plastic material and compatibility consideration is necessary when other materials or chemicals come in contact with CPVC that can cause degradation of performance of the pipe due to interaction of materials. The revised section 6.3.7 and associated annex text have been reorganized for consistency with the language proposed for NFPA 13. Test methods to determine material compatibility for certain products are being developed as part of a project to develop a new ANSI standard for this application. Therefore, using the compatibility information that is available at the time of system design is more meaningful.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 38-NFPA 13R-2012 [New Section after A.5.2.3]

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First Revision No. 40-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. A.5.4.2 ]

A.5.4.2Piping covered by insulation, as shown in Figure A.5.4.2(a) through Figure A.5.4.2(e) Figure A.5.4.2(f) , is considered part of the area below the ceiling and not part of the unheated attic area.Figure A.5.4.2(a) Insulation Recommendations — Arrangement 1.

Figure A.5.4.2(b) Insulation Recommendations — Arrangement 2.

Figure A.5.4.2(c) Insulation Recommendations — Arrangement 3.

Figure A.5.4.2(d) Insulation Recommendations — Arrangement 4.

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Figure A.5.4.2(e) Insulation Recommendations — Arrangement 5.

Figure A.5.4.2(f) Insulation Recommendations — Arrangement 6.

Supplemental Information

File Name DescriptionPI-62_Sketch.png figure (f)

Submitter Information Verification

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Page 149: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Submitter Full Name: Matthew KlausOrganization: National Fire Protection AssocStreet Address:City: State: Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Oct 01 11:01:11 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: This annex addition is a common method of insulation tenting.Response Message:Public Input No. 62-NFPA 13R-2013 [Section No. A.5.4.2]

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First Revision No. 41-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. A.5.4.2(1) ]

A.5.4.2(1)The use of antifreeze solutions in all new sprinkler systems should be restricted to listed antifreeze solutions only.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew KlausOrganization: National Fire Protection AssocStreet Address:City: State: Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Oct 01 11:03:46 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


Note: This Proposal originates from Tentative Interim Amendment 13R-13-2 (TIA 1065) issued by the Standards Council on August 9, 2012. The information provided in the Fire Protection Research Foundation report “Antifreeze Solutions Supplied through Spray Sprinklers: Interim Report” illustrates that under certain conditions (pressure, fire size, k-factor, ceiling height, deflector design…etc) a 50% glycerine solution is capable of igniting and causing a dramatic increase in heat release rate. As noted in the FPRF report, these results highlight the “complicated interaction between sprinkler spray and the ignition source.”As a result of this additional testing, there are more questions that need to be answered, and the testing shows that concentrations of anti-freeze that previous testing indicated were acceptable and would not support combustion actually do with a stronger ignition source. In addition, sprinklers with larger orifices that require lower pressure thantypical residential sprinklers and potentially a lager droplet distribution also ignited. It is clear that further testing is need to fully understand under what conditions an anti-freeze solutions are safe, anti-freeze solutions can not be allowed in sprinkler systems. Emergency Nature: The latest testing shows that anti-freeze concentrations currently allowed in sprinkler systems will support combustion and increase the size of the fire. This is a safety issue that requires changes in the standard.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 48-NFPA 13R-2013 [Section No. A.5.4.2(1)]

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First Revision No. 42-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. A. ]

A. should be taken in positioning sprinklers in bathrooms near exhaust fan units. Some exhaust fan units have heaters built in to warm up the bathroom, and these units have the potential to activate sprinklers. Combination exhaust fan and heater units should be treated as wall-mounted diffusers for the purposes of using Table Another area that should be avoided is directly in front of a vanity sink in a bathroom or dressing area with a low ceiling or over a kitchen sink. The use of hair dryers in vanity and bathroom areas can accidentally direct hot temperatures towards the sprinklers when installed above. In kitchens, sometimes steaming hot water is dumped into the sink, which could affect a sprinkler installed directlyoverhead.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew KlausOrganization: National Fire Protection AssocStreet Address:City: State: Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Oct 01 11:03:59 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


There have been reported cases of sprinkler activation due to hair dryers. These are good practices and are best located in the annex as guidance.

Response Message:Public Input No. 39-NFPA 13R-2012 [Section No. A.]

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First Revision No. 43-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. A. ]

A. multiple-family multifamily building floor plans incorporate certain architectural characteristics or features that can initially seem to make absolute coverage of every single square foot of floor area a challenge. These features include angled walls, wing walls, slightly indented walls, and various soffit configurations.

The “problem” arises when one erroneously considers water discharging from a residential sprinkler to travel only in an absolute straight line, as if it were beams of light. When this approach is taken, small [1 ft2 to 3 ft2 (0.09 m2 to 0.28 m2)] typically triangular “shadowed areas” can in theory be formed on the floor adjacent to theirreferenced architectural features. The shadowed areas are purely on paper and donot take into account the dynamic variables affecting sprinkler discharge anddistribution. It is hardly conceivable that anything located within one of these areas could remain dry during adjacent sprinkler discharge. The committee recognizes that such small theoretically shadowed floor areas are not an issue. Residential sprinkler distribution patterns are specifically intended to provide superior wall-wetting capability. Survivability of the occupants is more dependent on such wall-wetting than on absolute floor coverage.

Though not specifically referenced as such, in fact, NFPA 13 already permits an appreciable amount of “shadowing” by way of the basic obstruction figures and tables for various sprinkler applications. Take, for example, Figure of NFPA 13, Minimum Distance from Obstruction (residential upright and pendent spray sprinklers) . Consider a residential sprinkler spaced 10 ft (3.05 m) off of wall. A 12 in. (305 mm) round column located in the direction of the wall and 4 ft (1.22 m)away from the sprinkler would create an allowable “shadowed” area ofapproximately 8.6 ft2 (0.8 m2), using the line-of-sight approach.

The intent of NFPA 13R is to provide economically viable, flashover-preventing, survivability-enhancing residential sprinkler layouts. It is not the intent of NFPA 13R to require additional sprinklers for these 1 ft 2 to 3 ft 2 (0.09 m 2 to 0.28 m 2 ) areas.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew KlausOrganization: National Fire Protection AssocStreet Address:City: State: Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Oct 01 11:05:22 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

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This last paragraph is being deleted. It is referring to 1 ft² to 3 ft² areas. The 3 ft² area limitation is a holdover from the 2010 edition.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 40-NFPA 13R-2012 [Section No. A.]

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First Revision No. 44-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. A. ]

A. Figure A. and Figure A. The obstruction shown inFigure A. is a vertical obstruction in a room similar to a column. Sprinkler response and water distribution tests have been conducted on such obstructions and the data shows that the size of the obstruction as well as the size of the compartment are critical variables to sprinkler response. A larger shadow area can be acceptable in a smaller compartment. The obstruction shown in Figure A. is a bump out of a wall. Sprinkler response and water distribution tests have shown that this type of obstruction is not a problem.Figure A. Example of Shadow Areas (SSU/SSP).

Figure A. Example of Shadow Areas (HSU).

Submitter Information Verification

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Page 156: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Submitter Full Name: Matthew KlausOrganization: National Fire Protection AssocStreet Address:City: State: Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Oct 01 11:05:41 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


The sprinkler response and water distribution tests mentioned here have been given to the committee with the same proposal on Section A. of NFPA 13D. The issue trying to be addressed here is a greater awareness of shadow area concerns. See NFPA 13D FR-16 for more information.

Response Message:Public Input No. 69-NFPA 13R-2013 [Section No. A.]

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First Revision No. 45-NFPA 13R-2013 [ Section No. A.6.9 ]

A.6.9These connections should be installed so that the valve can be opened fully and for a sufficient time period to ensure a proper test without causing water damage. The test connection drain should be designed and sized to verify the sufficiency of the water supply and alarm mechanisms. .

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew KlausOrganization: National Fire Protection AssocStreet Address:City: State: Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Oct 01 11:08:32 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


This is the section for the main drain. Remove the language referring to a test connection. That is found in A.6.10.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 41-NFPA 13R-2012 [Section No. A.6.9]

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First Revision No. 46-NFPA 13R-2013 [ New Section after A.6.13 ]

A.6.16The full flow test of the backflow prevention valve can be performed with a test header or other connection downstream of the valve. A bypass around the check valve in the fire department connector line with a control valve in the normally closed position can be an acceptable arrangement. When flow to a visible drain cannot be accomplished, closed-loop flow can be acceptable if a flowmeter or site glass is incorporated into the system to ensure flow.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew KlausOrganization: National Fire Protection AssocStreet Address:City: State: Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Oct 01 11:11:03 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


This is a companion to the FR that creates a means for testing the backflow device. This annex note is helpful material for methods that can be used to test the backflow preventer.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 67-NFPA 13R-2013 [New Section after A.6.13]

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NFPA 24 First Revisions

Page 160: NFPA 13D First Revisions

First Revision No. 12-NFPA 24-2013 [ Global Input ]

Supplemental Information

File Name Description24_Annex_C._EC_edits.docx24_Annex_D._EC_edits.docx

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Thu Aug 15 13:06:08 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: This will provide consistency between the two documents.Response Message:Public Input No. 57-NFPA 24-2013 [Global Input]

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[m1]C.4.1 Rating Pressure.[m2]


For the purpose of uniform marking of fire hydrants, the ratings should be based on a residual pressure of 20 psi (1.4 bar) for all hydrants having a static pressure in excess of 40 psi (2.8 bar).


Hydrants having a static pressure of less than 40 psi (2.8 bar) should be rated at one-half of the static pressure.


It is generally recommended that a minimum residual pressure of 20 psi (1.4 bar) should be maintained at hydrants when delivering the fire flow. Fire department pumpers can be operated where hydrant pressures are less, but with difficulty.


Where hydrants are well distributed and of the proper size and type (so that friction losses in the hydrant and suction line are not excessive), it might be possible to set a lesser pressure as the minimum pressure.


A primary concern should be the ability to maintain sufficient residual pressure to prevent developing a negative pressure at any point in the street mains, which could result in the collapse of the mains or other water system components or back-siphonage of polluted water from some other interconnected source.


It should be noted that the use of residual pressures of less than 20 psi (1.4 bar) is not permitted by many state health departments.

4.C.4.2 Test Procedure.


Tests should be made during a period of ordinary demand.


The procedure consists of discharging water at a measured rate of flow from the system at a given location and observing the corresponding pressure drop in the mains.

4.C.4.3 Layout of Test Layout.


After the location where the test is to be run has been determined, a group of test hydrants in the vicinity is selected.

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Once selected, due consideration should be given to potential interference with traffic flow patterns, damage to surroundings (e.g., roadways, sidewalks, landscapes, vehicles, and pedestrians), and potential flooding problems both local and remote from the test site.


One hydrant, designated the residual hydrant, is chosen to be the hydrant where the normal static pressure will be observed with the other hydrants in the group closed, and where the residual pressure will be observed with the other hydrants flowing.


This hydrant is chosen so it will be located between the hydrant to be flowed and the large mains that constitute the immediate sources of water supply in the area. In Figure C.4.3.4, test layouts are indicated showing the residual hydrant designated with the letter R and hydrants to be flowed with the letter F.


FIGURE C.4.3.4 Suggested Test Layout for Hydrants.


The number of hydrants to be used in any test depends on the strength of the distribution system in the vicinity of the test location.


To obtain satisfactory test results of theoretical calculation of expected flows or rated capacities, sufficient discharge should be achieved to cause a drop in pressure at the residual hydrant of at least 25 percent, or to flow the total demand necessary for fire-fighting purposes.


If the mains are small and the system weak, only one or two hydrants need to be flowed.


If, on the other hand, the mains are large and the system strong, it maymight be necessary to flow as many as seven or eight hydrants.

4.C.4.4 Equipment.


The equipment necessary for field work consists of the following:

(1) A single 200 psi (14 bar) bourdon pressure gauge with 1 psi (0.0689 bar) graduations

(2) A number of pitot tubes

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(3) Hydrant wrenches

(4) 50 or 60 psi (3.5 or 4.0 bar) bourdon pressure gauges with 1 psi (0.0689 bar) graduations, and scales with 1⁄16 in. (1.6 mm) graduations [One one pitot tube, a 50 or 60 psi (3.5 or 4.0 bar) gauge, a hydrant wrench, a scale for each hydrant to be flowed]

(5) A special hydrant cap tapped with a hole into which is fitted a short length of ¼ in. (6.35 mm) brass pipe is fitted; this pipe is provided with a T connection for the 200 psi (14 bar) gauge and a cock at the end for relieving air pressure


All pressure gauges should be calibrated at least every 12 months, or more frequently depending on use.


When more than one hydrant is flowed, it is desirable and could be necessary to use portable radios to facilitate communication between team members.


It is preferred to use stream straightener with a known coefficient of discharge when testing hydrants due to a more streamlined flow and a more accurate pitot reading.

4.C.4.5 Test Procedure.


In a typical test, the 200 psi (14 bar) gauge is attached to one of the 2½ in. (6.4 cm) outlets of the residual hydrant using the special cap.


The cock on the gauge piping is opened, and the hydrant valve is opened full.


As soon as the air is exhausted from the barrel, the cock is closed.


A reading (static pressure) is taken when the needle comes to rest.


At a given signal, each of the other hydrants is opened in succession, with discharge taking place directly from the open hydrant butts.


Hydrants should be opened one at a time.


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With all hydrants flowing, water should be allowed to flow for a sufficient time to clear all debris and foreign substances from the stream(s).


At that time, a signal is given to the people at the hydrants to read the pitot pressure of the streams simultaneously while the residual pressure is being read.


The final magnitude of the pressure drop can be controlled by the number of hydrants used and the number of outlets opened on each.


After the readings have been taken, hydrants should be shut down slowly, one at a time, to prevent undue surges in the system.

4.C.4.6 Pitot Readings.


When measuring discharge from open hydrant butts, it is always preferable from the standpoint of accuracy to use 2½ in. (6.4 mmcm) outlets rather than pumper outlets.


In practically all cases, the 2½ in. (6.4 mmcm) outlets are filled across the entire cross-section during flow, while in the case of the larger outlets there is very frequently a void near the bottom.


When measuring the pitot pressure of a stream of practically uniform velocity, the orifice in the pitot tube is held downstream approximately one-half the diameter of the hydrant outlet or nozzle opening, and in the center of the stream.


The center line of the orifice should be at right angles to the plane of the face of the hydrant outlet.


The air chamber on the pitot tube should be kept elevated.


Pitot readings of less than 10 psi (0.7 bar) and more than 30 psi (2.0 bar) should be avoided, if possible.


Opening additional hydrant outlets will aid in controlling the pitot reading.

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With dry barrel hydrants, the hydrant valve should be wide open to minimize problems with underground drain valves.


With wet barrel hydrants, the valve for the flowing outlet should be wide open to give a more streamlined flow and a more accurate pitot reading. (See Figure C.4.6.9.)


FIGURE C. Pitot Tube Position.

4.C.4.7 Determination of Discharge.


At the hydrants used for flow during the test, the discharges from the open butts are determined from measurements of the diameter of the outlets flowed, the pitot pressure (velocity head) of the streams as indicated by the pitot gauge readings, and the coefficient of the outlet being flowed as determined from Figure C.4.7.1.


FIGURE C.4.7.1 Three General Types of Hydrant Outlets and Their Coefficients of Discharge.


If flow tubes (stream straighteners) are being utilized, a coefficient of 0.95 is suggested unless the coefficient of the tube is known.


The formula used to compute the discharge, Q, in gpm from these measurements is as follows:


where: c = coefficient of discharge (see Figure C.4.7.1) d = diameter of the outlet in inches p = pitot pressure (velocity head) in psi

4.C.4.8 Use of Pumper Outlets.


If it is necessary to use a pumper outlet, and flow tubes (stream straighteners) are not available, the best results are obtained with the pitot pressure (velocity head) maintained between 5 psi and 10 psi (0.3 bar and 0.7 bar).

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For pumper outlets, the approximate discharge can be computed from Equation 4.7.3 using the pitot pressure (velocity head) at the center of the stream and multiplying the result by one of the coefficients in Table C.4.8.2, depending upon the pitot pressure (velocity head).

Table C.4.C.4.8.2 Pumper Outlet Coefficients Pilot Pressure

Pitot Pressure (Velocity Head)

psi bar Coefficient

2 0.14 0.97

3 0.21 0.92

4 0.28 0.89

5 0.35 0.86

6 0.41 0.84

7 and over 0.48 and over 0.83


These coefficients are applied in addition to the coefficient in Equation C.4.7.3 and are for average-type hydrants.

4.C.4.9 Determination of Discharge Without a Pitot.


If a pitot tube is not available for use to measure the hydrant discharge, a 50 or 60 psi (3.5 or 4.0 bar) gauge tapped into a hydrant cap can be used.


The hydrant cap with gauge attached is placed on one outlet, and the flow is allowed to take place through the other outlet at the same elevation.


The readings obtained from a gauge so located, and the readings obtained from a gauge on a pitot tube held in the stream, are approximately the same.

4.C.4.10 Calculation Results.


The discharge in gpm (L/min) (gpm) for each outlet flowed is obtained from Table C.4.10.1(a) and Table C.4.10.1(b) or by the use of Equation C.4.7.3.

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Table C. Theoretical Discharge Through Circular Orifices (U.S. Gallons of Water per Minute)

Orifice Size (in.)

Pitot Pressure*

(psi) Feet†

Velocity Discharge

(ft/sec) 2 2.25 2.375 2.5 2.625 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 3.75 4 4.5

1 2.31 12.20 119 151 168 187 206 226 269 315 366 420 477 604

2 4.61 17.25 169 214 238 264 291 319 380 446 517 593 675 855

3 6.92 21.13 207 262 292 323 356 391 465 546 633 727 827 1047

4 9.23 24.39 239 302 337 373 411 451 537 630 731 839 955 1209

5 11.54 27.26 267 338 376 417 460 505 601 705 817 938 1068 1351

6 13.84 29.87 292 370 412 457 504 553 658 772 895 1028 1169 1480

7 16.15 32.26 316 400 445 493 544 597 711 834 967 1110 1263 1599

8 18.46 34.49 338 427 476 528 582 638 760 891 1034 1187 1350 1709

9 20.76 36.58 358 453 505 560 617 677 806 946 1097 1259 1432 1813

10 23.07 38.56 377 478 532 590 650 714 849 997 1156 1327 1510 1911

11 25.38 40.45 396 501 558 619 682 748 891 1045 1212 1392 1583 2004

12 27.68 42.24 413 523 583 646 712 782 930 1092 1266 1454 1654 2093

13 29.99 43.97 430 545 607 672 741 814 968 1136 1318 1513 1721 2179

14 32.30 45.63 447 565 630 698 769 844 1005 1179 1368 1570 1786 2261

15 34.61 47.22 462 585 652 722 796 874 1040 1221 1416 1625 1849 2340

16 36.91 48.78 477 604 673 746 822 903 1074 1261 1462 1679 1910 2417

17 39.22 50.28 492 623 694 769 848 930 1107 1300 1507 1730 1969 2491

18 41.53 51.73 506 641 714 791 872 957 1139 1337 1551 1780 2026 2564

19 43.83 53.15 520 658 734 813 896 984 1171 1374 1593 1829 2081 2634

20 46.14 54.54 534 676 753 834 920 1009 1201 1410 1635 1877 2135 2702

22 50.75 57.19 560 709 789 875 964 1058 1260 1478 1715 1968 2239 2834

24 55.37 59.74 585 740 825 914 1007 1106 1316 1544 1791 2056 2339 2960

26 59.98 62.18 609 770 858 951 1048 1151 1369 1607 1864 2140 2434 3081

28 64.60 64.52 632 799 891 987 1088 1194 1421 1668 1934 2220 2526 3197

30 69.21 66.79 654 827 922 1022 1126 1236 1471 1726 2002 2298 2615 3310

32 73.82 68.98 675 855 952 1055 1163 1277 1519 1783 2068 2374 2701 3418

34 78.44 71.10 696 881 981 1087 1199 1316 1566 1838 2131 2447 2784 3523

36 83.05 73.16 716 906 1010 1119 1234 1354 1611 1891 2193 2518 2865 3626

38 87.67 75.17 736 931 1038 1150 1268 1391 1656 1943 2253 2587 2943 3725

40 92.28 77.11 755 955 1065 1180 1300 1427 1699 1993 2312 2654 3020 3822

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42 96.89 79.03 774 979 1091 1209 1333 1462 1740 2043 2369 2719 3094 3916

44 101.51 80.88 792 1002 1116 1237 1364 1497 1781 2091 2425 2783 3167 4008

46 106.12 82.70 810 1025 1142 1265 1395 1531 1821 2138 2479 2846 3238 4098

48 110.74 84.48 827 1047 1166 1292 1425 1563 1861 2184 2533 2907 3308 4186

50 115.35 86.22 844 1068 1190 1319 1454 1596 1899 2229 2585 2967 3376 4273

52 119.96 87.93 861 1089 1214 1345 1483 1627 1937 2273 2636 3026 3443 4357

54 124.58 89.61 877 1110 1237 1370 1511 1658 1974 2316 2686 3084 3508 4440

56 129.19 91.20 893 1130 1260 1396 1539 1689 2010 2359 2735 3140 3573 4522

58 133.81 92.87 909 1150 1282 1420 1566 1719 2045 2400 2784 3196 3636 4602

60 138.42 94.45 925 1170 1304 1445 1593 1748 2080 2441 2831 3250 3698 4681

62 143.03 96.01 940 1189 1325 1469 1619 1777 2115 2482 2878 3304 3759 4758

64 147.65 97.55 955 1209 1347 1492 1645 1805 2148 2521 2924 3357 3820 4834

66 152.26 99.07 970 1227 1367 1515 1670 1833 2182 2561 2970 3409 3879 4909

68 156.88 100.55 984 1246 1388 1538 1696 1861 2215 2599 3014 3460 3937 4983

70 161.49 102.03 999 1264 1408 1560 1720 1888 2247 2637 3058 3511 3995 5056

72 166.10 103.47 1013 1282 1428 1583 1745 1915 2279 2674 3102 3561 4051 5127

74 170.72 104.90 1027 1300 1448 1604 1769 1941 2310 2711 3144 3610 4107 5198

76 175.33 106.30 1041 1317 1467 1626 1793 1967 2341 2748 3187 3658 4162 5268

78 179.95 107.69 1054 1334 1487 1647 1816 1993 2372 2784 3228 3706 4217 5337

80 184.56 109.08 1068 1351 1505 1668 1839 2018 2402 2819 3269 3753 4270 5405

82 189.17 110.42 1081 1368 1524 1689 1862 2043 2432 2854 3310 3800 4323 5472

84 193.79 111.76 1094 1385 1543 1709 1885 2068 2461 2889 3350 3846 4376 5538

86 198.40 113.08 1107 1401 1561 1730 1907 2093 2491 2923 3390 3891 4428 5604

88 203.02 114.39 1120 1417 1579 1750 1929 2117 2519 2957 3429 3936 4479 5668

90 207.63 115.68 1132 1433 1597 1769 1951 2141 2548 2990 3468 3981 4529 5733

92 212.24 116.96 1145 1449 1614 1789 1972 2165 2576 3023 3506 4025 4579 5796

94 216.86 118.23 1157 1465 1632 1808 1994 2188 2604 3056 3544 4068 4629 5859

96 221.47 119.48 1169 1480 1649 1827 2015 2211 2631 3088 3582 4111 4678 5921

98 226.09 120.71 1182 1495 1666 1846 2035 2234 2659 3120 3619 4154 4726 5982

100 230.70 121.94 1194 1511 1683 1865 2056 2257 2686 3152 3655 4196 4774 6043

102 235.31 123.15 1205 1526 1700 1884 2077 2279 2712 3183 3692 4238 4822 6103

104 239.93 124.35 1217 1541 1716 1902 2097 2301 2739 3214 3728 4279 4869 6162

106 244.54 125.55 1229 1555 1733 1920 2117 2323 2765 3245 3763 4320 4916 6221

108 249.16 126.73 1240 1570 1749 1938 2137 2345 2791 3275 3799 4361 4962 6280

110 253.77 127.89 1252 1584 1765 1956 2157 2367 2817 3306 3834 4401 5007 6338

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112 258.38 129.05 1263 1599 1781 1974 2176 2388 2842 3336 3869 4441 5053 6395

114 263.00 130.20 1274 1613 1797 1991 2195 2409 2867 3365 3903 4480 5098 6452

116 267.61 131.33 1286 1627 1813 2009 2215 2430 2892 3395 3937 4519 5142 6508

118 272.23 132.46 1297 1641 1828 2026 2234 2451 2917 3424 3971 4558 5186 6564

120 276.84 133.57 1308 1655 1844 2043 2252 2472 2942 3453 4004 4597 5230 6619

122 281.45 134.69 1318 1669 1859 2060 2271 2493 2966 3481 4038 4635 5273 6674

124 286.07 135.79 1329 1682 1874 2077 2290 2513 2991 3510 4070 4673 5317 6729

126 290.68 136.88 1340 1696 1889 2093 2308 2533 3015 3538 4103 4710 5359 6783

128 295.30 137.96 1350 1709 1904 2110 2326 2553 3038 3566 4136 4748 5402 6836

130 299.91 139.03 1361 1722 1919 2126 2344 2573 3062 3594 4168 4784 5444 6890

132 304.52 140.10 1371 1736 1934 2143 2362 2593 3086 3621 4200 4821 5485 6942

134 309.14 141.16 1382 1749 1948 2159 2380 2612 3109 3649 4231 4858 5527 6995

136 313.75 142.21 1392 1762 1963 2175 2398 2632 3132 3676 4263 4894 5568 7047


(1) This table is computed from the formula , with c = 1.00. The theoretical discharge of seawater, as from fireboat nozzles, can be found by subtracting 1 percent from the figures in

Table C., or from the formula .

(2) Appropriate coefficient should be applied where it is read from hydrant outlet. Where more accurate results are required, a coefficient appropriate on the particular nozzle must be selected and applied to the figures of the table. The discharge from circular openings of sizes other than those in the table can readily be computed by applying the principle that quantity discharged under a given head varies as the square of the diameter of the opening.

*This pressure corresponds to velocity head.

†1 psi = 2.307 ft of water. For pressure in bars, multiply by 0.0107.

Table C. Theoretical Discharge Through Circular Orifices (Liters of Water per Minute)

Orifice Size (mm)

Pitot Pressure*

(kPa) Meters†

Velocity Discharge

(m/sec) 51 57 60 64 67 70 76 83 89 95 101 114

6.89 0.70 3.72 455 568 629 716 785 857 1010 1204 1385 1578 1783 2272

13.8 1.41 5.26 644 804 891 1013 1111 1212 1429 1704 1960 2233 2524 3215

20.7 2.11 6.44 788 984 1091 1241 1360 1485 1750 2087 2400 2735 3091 3938

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27.6 2.81 7.43 910 1137 1260 1433 1571 1714 2021 2410 2771 3158 3569 4547

34.5 3.52 8.31 1017 1271 1408 1602 1756 1917 2259 2695 3099 3530 3990 5084

41.4 4.22 9.10 1115 1392 1543 1755 1924 2100 2475 2952 3394 3867 4371 5569

48.3 4.92 9.83 1204 1504 1666 1896 2078 2268 2673 3189 3666 4177 4722 6015

55.2 5.63 10.51 1287 1608 1781 2027 2221 2425 2858 3409 3919 4466 5048 6431

62.0 6.33 11.15 1364 1704 1888 2148 2354 2570 3029 3613 4154 4733 5349 6815

68.9 7.03 11.75 1438 1796 1990 2264 2482 2709 3193 3808 4379 4989 5639 7184

75.8 7.73 12.33 1508 1884 2087 2375 2603 2841 3349 3995 4593 5233 5915 7536

82.7 8.44 12.87 1575 1968 2180 2481 2719 2968 3498 4172 4797 5466 6178 7871

89.6 9.14 13.40 1640 2048 2270 2582 2830 3089 3641 4343 4994 5690 6431 8193

96.5 9.84 13.91 1702 2126 2355 2680 2937 3206 3779 4507 5182 5905 6674 8503

103 10.55 14.39 1758 2196 2433 2769 3034 3312 3904 4656 5354 6100 6895 8784

110 11.25 14.87 1817 2269 2515 2861 3136 3423 4035 4812 5533 6304 7125 9078

117 11.95 15.33 1874 2341 2593 2951 3234 3530 4161 4963 5706 6502 7349 9362

124 12.66 15.77 1929 2410 2670 3038 3329 3634 4284 5109 5874 6693 7565 9638

131 13.36 16.20 1983 2477 2744 3122 3422 3735 4403 5251 6038 6880 7776 9906

138 14.06 16.62 2035 2542 2817 3205 3512 3834 4519 5390 6197 7061 7981 10168

152 15.47 17.43 2136 2668 2956 3363 3686 4023 4743 5657 6504 7410 8376 10671

165 16.88 18.21 2225 2779 3080 3504 3840 4192 4941 5893 6776 7721 8727 11118

179 18.28 18.95 2318 2895 3208 3650 4000 4366 5147 6138 7058 8042 9090 11580

193 19.69 19.67 2407 3006 3331 3790 4153 4534 5344 6374 7329 8350 9438 12024

207 21.10 20.36 2492 3113 3450 3925 4301 4695 5535 6601 7590 8648 9775 12453

221 22.50 21.03 2575 3217 3564 4055 4444 4851 5719 6821 7842 8935 10100 12867

234 23.91 21.67 2650 3310 3668 4173 4573 4992 5884 7018 8070 9195 10393 13240

248 25.31 22.30 2728 3408 3776 4296 4708 5139 6058 7225 8308 9466 10699 13630

262 26.72 22.91 2804 3502 3881 4416 4839 5282 6227 7426 8539 9729 10997 14010

276 28.13 23.50 2878 3595 3983 4532 4967 5422 6391 7622 8764 9986 11287 14379

290 29.53 24.09 2950 3685 4083 4646 5091 5557 6551 7813 8984 10236 11570 14740

303 30.94 24.65 3015 3767 4173 4748 5204 5681 6696 7986 9183 10463 11826 15066

317 32.35 25.21 3084 3853 4269 4857 5323 5810 6849 8169 9393 10702 12096 15410

331 33.75 25.75 3152 3937 4362 4963 5439 5937 6999 8347 9598 10935 12360 15747

345 35.16 26.28 3218 4019 4453 5067 5553 6061 7145 8522 9799 11164 12619 16077

358 36.57 26.80 3278 4094 4536 5161 5657 6175 7279 8681 9981 11373 12855 16377

372 37.97 27.31 3341 4173 4624 5261 5766 6294 7419 8849 10175 11593 13104 16694

386 39.38 27.80 3403 4251 4711 5360 5874 6412 7558 9014 10364 11809 13348 17005

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400 40.78 28.31 3465 4328 4795 5456 5979 6527 7694 9176 10551 12021 13588 17311

414 42.19 28.79 3525 4403 4878 5551 6083 6640 7827 9335 10734 12230 13823 17611

427 43.60 29.26 3580 4471 4954 5637 6178 6743 7949 9481 10901 12420 14039 17885

441 45.00 29.73 3638 4544 5035 5729 6278 6853 8078 9635 11078 12622 14267 18176

455 46.41 30.20 3695 4616 5114 5819 6377 6961 8206 9787 11253 12821 14492 18462

469 47.82 30.65 3751 4686 5192 5908 6475 7067 8331 9936 11425 13017 14713 18744

483 49.22 31.10 3807 4756 5269 5995 6570 7172 8454 10083 11594 13210 14931 19022

496 50.63 31.54 3858 4819 5340 6075 6658 7268 8567 10218 11749 13386 15131 19276

510 52.03 31.97 3912 4887 5415 6161 6752 7370 8687 10361 11913 13574 15343 19547

524 53.44 32.71 3965 4953 5488 6245 6844 7470 8806 10503 12076 13759 15552 19813

538 54.85 32.82 4018 5019 5561 6327 6934 7569 8923 10642 12236 13942 15758 20076

552 56.25 33.25 4070 5084 5633 6409 7024 7667 9038 10780 12394 14122 15962 20335

565 57.66 33.66 4118 5143 5699 6484 7106 7757 9144 10906 12539 14287 16149 20573

579 59.07 34.06 4168 5207 5769 6564 7194 7853 9256 11040 12694 14463 16348 20827

593 60.47 34.47 4218 5269 5839 6643 7280 7947 9368 11173 12846 14637 16544 21077

607 61.88 34.87 4268 5331 5907 6721 7366 8040 9478 11304 12997 14809 16738 21324

620 63.29 35.26 4313 5388 5970 6793 7444 8126 9578 11424 13136 14966 16917 21552

634 64.69 35.65 4362 5448 6037 6869 7528 8217 9686 11552 13283 15134 17107 21794

648 66.10 36.04 4410 5508 6103 6944 7610 8307 9792 11679 13429 15301 17294 22033

662 67.50 36.42 4457 5567 6169 7019 7692 8397 9898 11805 13573 15465 17480 22270

676 68.91 36.79 4504 5626 6234 7093 7773 8485 10002 11929 13716 15628 17664 22504

689 70.32 37.17 4547 5680 6293 7161 7848 8566 10097 12043 13847 15777 17833 22719

703 71.72 37.54 4593 5737 6357 7233 7927 8653 10200 12165 13987 15937 18013 22949

717 73.13 37.90 4638 5794 6420 7305 8005 8738 10301 12285 14126 16095 18192 23176

731 74.54 38.27 4684 5850 6482 7376 8083 8823 10401 12405 14263 16251 18369 23401

745 75.94 38.63 4728 5906 6544 7446 8160 8907 10500 12523 14399 16406 18544 23624

758 77.35 38.98 4769 5957 6601 7510 8231 8985 10591 12632 14524 16548 18705 23830

772 78.76 39.33 4813 6012 6662 7580 8307 9067 10688 12748 14658 16701 18877 24049

786 80.16 39.68 4857 6066 6722 7648 8382 9149 10785 12863 14790 16851 19047 24266

800 81.57 40.03 4900 6120 6781 7716 8456 9230 10880 12977 14921 17001 19216 24481

813 82.97 40.37 4939 6170 6836 7778 8525 9305 10968 13082 15042 17138 19371 24679

827 84.38 40.71 4982 6223 6895 7845 8598 9385 11063 13194 15171 17285 19538 24891

841 85.79 41.05 5024 6275 6953 7911 8670 9464 11156 13305 15299 17431 19702 25100

855 87.19 41.39 5065 6327 7011 7977 8742 9542 11248 13416 15425 17575 19866 25309

869 88.60 41.72 5107 6379 7068 8042 8813 9620 11340 13525 15551 17719 20028 25515

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882 90.01 42.05 5145 6426 7121 8102 8879 9692 11424 13626 15667 17851 20177 25705

896 91.41 42.38 5185 6477 7177 8166 8949 9768 11515 13734 15791 17992 20336 25908

910 92.82 42.70 5226 6527 7233 8229 9019 9844 11604 13840 15914 18132 20495 26110

924 94.23 43.03 5266 6577 7288 8292 9088 9920 11693 13947 16036 18271 20652 26310

938 95.63 43.35 5305 6627 7343 8355 9156 9995 11782 14052 16157 18409 20807 26509


(1) This table is computed from the formula , with c = 1.00. The theoretical discharge of seawater, as from fireboat nozzles, can be found by subtracting 1 percent from the

figures in Table C., or from the formula .

(2) Appropriate coefficient should be applied where it is read from the hydrant outlet. Where more accurate results are required, a coefficient appropriate on the particular nozzle must be selected and applied to the figures of the table. The discharge from circular openings of sizes other than those in the table can readily be computed by applying the principle that quantity discharged under a given head varies as the square of the diameter of the opening.

*This pressure corresponds to velocity head.

†1 kPa = 0.102 m of water. For pressure in bars, multiply by 0.01.


If more than one outlet is used, the discharges from all are added to obtain the total discharge.


The formula that is generally used to compute the discharge at the specified residual pressure or for any desired pressure drop is Equation C.


where: QR = flow predicted at desired residual pressure QF = total flow measured during test hr = pressure drop to desired residual pressure hf = pressure drop measured during test


In Equation C., any units of discharge or pressure drop can be used as long as the same units are used for each value of the same variable.

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In other words, if QR is expressed in gpm, QF must be in gpm, and if hr is expressed in psi, hf must be expressed in psi.


These are the units that are normally used in applying Equation C. to fire flow test computations.

4.C.4.10.2 Discharge Calculations from Table.


One means of solving this equation without the use of logarithms is by using Table C., which gives the values of the 0.54 power of the numbers from 1 to 175.

Table C. Values of h to the 0.54 Power

h h0.54 h h0.54 h h0.54 h h0.54 h h0.54

1 1.00 36 6.93 71 9.99 106 12.41 141 14.47

2 1.45 37 7.03 72 10.07 107 12.47 142 14.53

3 1.81 38 7.13 73 10.14 108 12.53 143 14.58

4 2.11 39 7.23 74 10.22 109 12.60 144 14.64

5 2.39 40 7.33 75 10.29 110 12.66 145 14.69

6 2.63 41 7.43 76 10.37 111 12.72 146 14.75

7 2.86 42 7.53 77 10.44 112 12.78 147 14.80

8 3.07 43 7.62 78 10.51 113 12.84 148 14.86

9 3.28 44 7.72 79 10.59 114 12.90 149 14.91

10 3.47 45 7.81 80 10.66 115 12.96 150 14.97

11 3.65 46 7.91 81 10.73 116 13.03 151 15.02

12 3.83 47 8.00 82 10.80 117 13.09 152 15.07

13 4.00 48 8.09 83 10.87 118 13.15 153 15.13

14 4.16 49 8.18 84 10.94 119 13.21 154 15.18

15 4.32 50 8.27 85 11.01 120 13.27 155 15.23

16 4.48 51 8.36 86 11.08 121 13.33 156 15.29

17 4.62 52 8.44 87 11.15 122 13.39 157 15.34

18 4.76 53 8.53 88 11.22 123 13.44 158 15.39

19 4.90 54 8.62 89 11.29 124 13.50 159 15.44

20 5.04 55 8.71 90 11.36 125 13.56 160 15.50

21 5.18 56 8.79 91 11.43 126 13.62 161 15.55

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22 5.31 57 8.88 92 11.49 127 13.68 162 15.60

23 5.44 58 8.96 93 11.56 128 13.74 163 15.65

24 5.56 59 9.04 94 11.63 129 13.80 164 15.70

25 5.69 60 9.12 95 11.69 130 13.85 165 15.76

26 5.81 61 9.21 96 11.76 131 13.91 166 15.81

27 5.93 62 9.29 97 11.83 132 13.97 167 15.86

28 6.05 63 9.37 98 11.89 133 14.02 168 15.91

29 6.16 64 9.45 99 11.96 134 14.08 169 15.96

30 6.28 65 9.53 100 12.02 135 14.14 170 16.01

31 6.39 66 9.61 101 12.09 136 14.19 171 16.06

32 6.50 67 9.69 102 12.15 137 14.25 172 16.11

33 6.61 68 9.76 103 12.22 138 14.31 173 16.16

34 6.71 69 9.84 104 12.28 139 14.36 174 16.21

35 6.82 70 9.92 105 12.34 140 14.42 175 16.26

4.C. Knowing

If the values of hf, hr, and QF are known,, the values of hf0.54 and hr0.54 can be read from the table Table C. and Equation C. solved for QR.


Results are usually carried to the nearest 100 gpm (380 L/min) for discharges of 1000 gpm (3800 L/min) or more, and to the nearest 50 gpm (190 L/min) for smaller discharges, which is as close as can be justified by the degree of accuracy of the field observations.


Insert in Equation tThe values of hr0.54 and hf0.54 (determined from the table) and the value of QF are inserted in Equation C., and solve the equation solved for QR.

4.C.4.11 Data Sheet.


The data secured during the testing of hydrants for uniform marking can be valuable for other purposes.


With this in mind, it is suggested that the form shown in Figure C.4.11.2 be used to record information that is taken.


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FIGURE C.4.C.4.11.2 Sample Report of a Hydrant Flow Test.


The back of the form should include a location sketch.


Results of the flow test should be indicated on a hydraulic graph, such as the one shown in Figure C.4.11.4.


FIGURE C. Sample Graph Sheet.


When the tests are complete, the forms should be filed for future reference by interested parties.

4.C.4.12 System Corrections.


It must be remembered that flow test results show the strength of the distribution system and do not necessarily indicate the degree of adequacy of the entire water works system.


Consider a system supplied by pumps at one location and having no elevated storage.


If the pressure at the pump station drops during the test, it is an indication that the distribution system is capable of delivering more than the pumps can deliver at their normal operating pressure.


It is necessary to use a value for the drop in pressure for the test that is equal to the actual drop obtained in the field during the test, minus the drop in discharge pressure at the pumping station.


If sufficient pumping capacity is available at the station and the discharge pressure could be maintained by operating additional pumps, the water system as a whole could deliver the computed quantity.


If, however, additional pumping units are not available, the distribution system would be capable of delivering the computed quantity, but the water system as a whole would be limited by the pumping capacity.

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The portion of the pressure drop for which a correction can be made for tests on systems with storage is generally estimated upon the basis of a study of all the tests made and the pressure drops observed on the recording gauge at the station for each.


The corrections maymight vary from very substantial portions of the observed pressure drops for tests near the pumping station, to zero for tests remote from the station.

4.C.4.13 Public Hydrant Testing and Flushing.


Public fire hydrants should be flow -tested every 5 years to verify capacity and marking of the hydrant. When flow test data are needed, such data should not be more than 5 years old since conditions in the piping and system demands can change. It is not the intent of C.4.13.1 to require routine 5-year testing of each hydrant if there is no immediate need for flow test data or if test data less than 5 years old are available from an adjacent hydrant on the same grid.


Public fire hydrants should be flushed at least annually to verify operation, address repairs, and verify reliability.

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5.1D.4[m1] Classification of Hydrants.

Hydrants should be classified in accordance with their rated capacities [at 20 psi (1.4 bar) residual pressure or other designated value] as follows:

(1) Class AA — Rated capacity of 1500 gpm (5680 L/min) or greater

(2) Class A — Rated capacity of 1000– to 1499 gpm (3785– to 5675 L/min)

(3) Class B — Rated capacity of 500– to 999 gpm (1900– to 3780 L/min)

(4) Class C — Rated capacity of less than 500 gpm (1900 L/min)

5.2D.5 Marking of Hydrants.

5.2D.5.1 Recommended Public Hydrants Color Schemes.


All barrels are to be chrome yellow except in cases where another color has already been adopted.


The tops and nozzle caps should be painted with the following capacity-indicating color scheme to provide simplicity and consistency with colors used in signal work for safety, danger, and intermediate condition:

(1) Class AA — light Light blue

(2) Class A — greenGreen

(3) Class B — orangeOrange

(4) Class C — redRed


For rapid identification at night, it is recommended that the capacity colors be of a reflective-type paint.


Hydrants rated at less than 20 psi (1.4 bar) should have the rated pressure stenciled in black on the hydrant top.


In addition to the painted top and nozzle caps, it can be advantageous to stencil the rated capacity of high-volume hydrants on the top.


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The classification and marking of hydrants provided for in this chapter anticipate determination based on individual flow test.


Where a group of hydrants can be used at the time of a fire, some special marking designating group-flow capacity may be desirable.


Marking on private hydrants within private enclosures is to be done at the owner's discretion.


When private hydrants are located on public streets, they should be painted red or another color to distinguish them from public hydrants.

5.2D.5.2 Permanently Inoperative Hydrants.

Fire hydrants that are permanently inoperative or unusable should be removed.

5.2D.5.3 Temporarily Inoperative Hydrants.

Fire hydrants that are temporarily inoperative or unusable should be wrapped or otherwise provided with temporary indication of their condition.

5.2D.5.4 Flush Hydrants.

Location markers for flush hydrants should carry the same background color as stated above for class indication, with such other data stenciled thereon as deemed necessary.

5.2D.5.5 Marking ofPrivate Hydrants Within Public Enclosures.


Marking on private hydrants within private enclosures is to be at the owner’s discretion.


When private hydrants are located on public streets, they should be painted red or somean other color to distinguish them from public hydrants. marked in accordance with the authority having jurisdiction.

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First Revision No. 13-NFPA 24-2013 [ Chapter 1 ]

Chapter 1 Administration1.1 Scope.1.1.1This standard shall cover the minimum requirements for the installation of private fire service mains and their appurtenances, which include supplying the following:

(1) Automatic sprinkler systems

(2) Open sprinkler systems

(3) Water spray fixed systems

(4) Foam systems(5) Private hydrants

(6) Monitor nozzles or standpipe systems with reference to water supplies

(7) Hose houses

1.1.2This standard shall apply to combined service mains used intended to carry water for fire service and other uses.1.1.3This standard shall not apply to the following situations:

(1) Mains under the control of a water utility

(2) Mains providing fire protection and/or domestic water that are privately owned but are operated as a water utility

1.1.4This standard shall not apply to underground mains serving sprinkler systems designed and installed in accordance with NFPA 13R that are under less than 4 in. (102 mm) in size nominal diameter .1.1.5This standard shall not apply to underground mains serving sprinkler systems designed and installed in accordance with NFPA 13D.1.2 Purpose.The purpose of this standard shall be to provide a reasonable degree of protection for life and property from fire through installation requirements for private fireservice main systems based on sound engineering principles, test data, and fieldexperience.1.3 Retroactivity.The provisions of this standard reflect a consensus of for what is necessary to provide an acceptable degree of protection from the hazards addressed in this standard at the time the standard was issued.1.3.1Unless otherwise specified, the provisions of this standard shall not apply tofacilities, equipment, structures, or installations that existed or were approved for construction or installation prior to the effective date of the standard. Where specified, the provisions of this standard shall be retroactive.1.3.2

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In those cases where the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) determines that the existing situation presents an unacceptable degree of risk, the authority havingjurisdiction AHJ shall be permitted to apply retroactively any portions of thisstandard deemed appropriate.1.3.3The retroactive requirements of this standard shall be permitted to be modified iftheir application clearly would be impractical in the judgment of the authority havingjurisdiction AHJ and only where it is clearly evident that a reasonable degree ofsafety is provided.1.4 Equivalency.Nothing in this standard is intended to prevent the use of systems, methods, or devices of equivalent or superior quality, strength, fire resistance, effectiveness,durability, and safety over those prescribed by this standard. Technicaldocumentation shall be submitted to the authority having jurisdiction AHJ to demonstrate equivalency. The system, method, or device shall be approved for the intended purpose by the authority having jurisdiction.1.5 Units.1.5.1Metric units of measurement in this standard shall be in accordance with the modernized metric system known as the International System of Units (SI). Liter and bar units are not part of, but are recognized by, SI and are commonly usedcommonly in international fire protection. These units are shown in Table 1.5.1with conversion factors.Table 1.5.1 Conversion Table for SI Units

Name of Unit Unit Symbol Conversion FactorLiter L 1 gal = 3.785 LLiter per minute per square meter (L/min)/m2 1 gpm/ft2 = (40.746 L/min)/m2

Cubic decimeter dm3 1 gal = 3.785 dm3

Pascal Pa 1 psi = 6894.757 PaBar bar 1 psi = 0.0689 barBar bar 1 bar = 105 Pa

Note: For additional conversions and information, see IEEE/ASTM-SI-10.

1.5.2If a value for a measurement as given in this standard is followed by an equivalent value in other units, the first stated is to be regarded as the requirement. A given equivalent value might be approximate.1.5.3SI units have been converted by multiplying the quantity by the conversion factor and then rounding the result to the appropriate number of significant digits.

Supplemental Information

File Name DescriptionNFPA_24_FR_13_1.1_EC_edits.docx

Submitter Information Verification

Page 3 of 85National Fire Protection Association Report


Page 181: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Submitter Full Name: Matthew KlausOrganization: National Fire Protection AssocStreet Address:City: State: Zip:Submittal Date: Mon Sep 30 10:19:22 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


Technical Committee Statement – At the close of the 2013 edition revision cycle, the Technical Committee (TC) on Private Water Supply Piping Systems noted that the document was incongruent with portions of NFPA 13, NFPA 14, NFPA 20 and other design and installation standards. Furthermore, it was determined that the order that information was presented in the standard was not optimal and could be revised to make the document easier to follow. The TC developed a task group to work on a rewrite of the standard for the 2016 edition of the standard. Changes to Chapter 1 were editorial in nature. The change to nominal pipe size more accurately reflects the value provided.

Response Message:

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Page 182: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee.

Chapter 1 Administration 1.1 Scope.


This standard shall cover the minimum requirements for the installation of private fire service mains and their appurtenances, which include supplying the following:

(1) Automatic sprinkler systems

(2) Open sprinkler systems

(3) Water spray fixed systems

(4) Foam systems

(5) Private hydrants

(6) Monitor nozzles or standpipe systems with reference to water supplies

(7) Hose houses


This standard shall apply to combined service mains intendedused to carry water for fire service and other uses.


This standard shall not apply to the following situations:

(1) Mains under the control of a water utility

(2) Mains providing fire protection and/or domestic water that are privately owned but are operated as a water utility


This standard shall not apply to underground mains serving sprinkler systems designed and installed in accordance with NFPA 13R that are less thanunder 4 in. (102 mm) in sizenominal diameter.


This standard shall not apply to underground mains serving sprinkler systems designed and installed in accordance with NFPA 13D.

1.2 Purpose.

The purpose of this standard shall be to provide a reasonable degree of protection for life and property from fire through installation requirements for private fire service main systems based on sound engineering principles, test data, and field experience.

Page 183: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee.

1.3 Retroactivity.

The provisions of this standard reflect a consensus of for what is necessary to provide an acceptable degree of protection from the hazards addressed in this standard at the time the standard was issued.


Unless otherwise specified, the provisions of this standard shall not apply to facilities, equipment, structures, or installations that existed or were approved for construction or installation prior to the effective date of the standard. Where specified, the provisions of this standard shall be retroactive.


In those cases where the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) determines that the existing situation presents an unacceptable degree of risk, the AHJ authority having jurisdiction shall be permitted to apply retroactively any portions of this standard deemed appropriate.


The retroactive requirements of this standard shall be permitted to be modified if their application clearly would be impractical in the judgment of the authority having jurisdiction AHJ and only where it is clearly evident that a reasonable degree of safety is provided.

1.4 Equivalency.

Nothing in this standard is intended to prevent the use of systems, methods, or devices of equivalent or superior quality, strength, fire resistance, effectiveness, durability, and safety over those prescribed by this standard. Technical documentation shall be submitted to the authority having jurisdiction AHJ to demonstrate equivalency. The system, method, or device shall be approved for the intended purpose by the authority having jurisdiction.

1.5 Units.


Metric units of measurement in this standard shall be in accordance with the modernized metric system known as the International System of Units (SI). Liter and bar units are not part of, but are recognized by, SI and are commonly used commonly in international fire protection. These units are shown in Table 1.5.1 with conversion factors.

Table 1.5.1 Conversion Table for SI Units

Name of Unit Unit Symbol Conversion Factor

Liter L 1 gal = 3.785 L

Liter per minute per square meter (L/min)/m2 1 gpm/ft2 = (40.746 L/min)/m2

Cubic decimeter dm3 1 gal = 3.785 dm3

Page 184: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee.

Pascal Pa 1 psi = 6894.757 Pa

Bar bar 1 psi = 0.0689 bar

Bar bar 1 bar = 105 Pa

Note: For additional conversions and information, see IEEE/ASTM-SI-10.


If a value for a measurement as given in this standard is followed by an equivalent value in other units, the first stated is to be regarded as the requirement. A given equivalent value might be approximate.


SI units have been converted by multiplying the quantity by the conversion factor and then rounding the result to the appropriate number of significant digits.

Page 185: NFPA 13D First Revisions

First Revision No. 21-NFPA 24-2013 [ Section No. 2.3.2 ]

2.3.2 ASTM Publications.ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.

ASTM A 234, Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and Elevated Temperatures, 2007.

ASTM A 53 Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless , 2001 .

ASTM A 135 Standard Specification for Electric-Resistance- Welded Steel Pipe , 2001.ASTM A 795 Standard Specification for Black and Hot-Dipped Zinc-Coated (Galvanized)Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe for Fire Protection Use, 2000.

ASTM B 16.5 Cast Bronze Threaded Fittings , 1985.

ASTM B 43 Specification for Seamless Red Brass Pipe , 2009.

ASTM B 75, Specification for Seamless Copper Tube, 2002.

ASTM B 88, Specification for Seamless Copper Water Tube, 2003.

ASTM B 251, Requirements for Wrought Seamless Copper and Copper-Alloy Tube, 2002.

ASTM F 437, Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) Specification for Schedule 80 CPVC Threaded Fittings , 2006.

ASTM F 438, Specification for Schedule 40 CPVC Socket-Type Fittings , 2004.

ASTM F 439, Specification for Schedule 80 CPVC Socket-Type Fittings , 2006.

IEEE/ASTM-SI-10, Standard for Use of the International System of Units (SI): The Modern Metric System, 2002.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew KlausOrganization: National Fire Protection AssocStreet Address:City: State: Zip:Submittal Date: Fri Oct 18 09:51:30 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Updated ASTM references for consistency with nfpa 13. Response Message:

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Page 186: NFPA 13D First Revisions

First Revision No. 1-NFPA 24-2013 [ Section No. 2.3.3 ]

2.3.3 AWWA Publications.American Water Works Association, 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235.

AWWA C104, Cement Mortar Lining for Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings for Water,2008.

AWWA C105, Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile Iron Pipe Systems, 2005.

AWWA C110, Ductile Iron and Gray Iron Fittings, 2008.

AWWA C111, Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings, 2000.AWWA C115, Flanged Ductile Iron Pipe with Ductile Iron or Gray Iron Threaded Flanges, 2005.

AWWA C116, Protective Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coatings for the Interior and Exterior Surfaces of Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings for Water Supply Service , 2003.

AWWA C150, Thickness Design of Ductile Iron Pipe, 2008.

AWWA C151, Ductile Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast for Water, 2002.

AWWA C153, Ductile-Iron Compact Fittings for Water Service, 2006.

AWWA C200, Steel Water Pipe 6 in. and Larger , 2005.AWWA C203, Coal-Tar Protective Coatings and Linings for Steel Water Pipelines Enamel and Tape — Hot Applied , 2002.

AWWA C205, Cement-Mortar Protective Lining and Coating for Steel Water Pipe 4 in. and Larger — Shop Applied , 2007.

AWWA C206, Field Welding of Steel Water Pipe , 2003.

AWWA C207, Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks Service — Sizes 4 in. Through 144 in., 2007.

AWWA C208, Dimensions for Fabricated Steel Water Pipe Fittings, 2007.

AWWA C300, Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel-Cylinder Type, 2004.AWWA C301, Prestressed Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel-Cylinder Type, 2007.

AWWA C302, Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Non-Cylinder Type, 2004.

AWWA C303, Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel-Cylinder Type, Pretensioned, 2002.

AWWA C400, Standard for Asbestos-Cement Distribution Pipe, 4 in. Through 16 in. (100 mm through 400 mm), for Water Distribution Systems, 2003.

AWWA C401, Standard for the Selection of Asbestos-Cement Pressure Pipe 4 in. through 16 in. (100 mm through 400 mm) , 2003.

AWWA C600, Standard for the Installation of Ductile Iron Water Mains and Their Appurtenances, 2005.AWWA C602, Cement-Mortar Lining of Water Pipe Lines 4 in. and Larger — in Place, 2006.

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Page 187: NFPA 13D First Revisions

AWWA C603, Standard for the Installation of Asbestos-Cement Pressure Pipe,2005.

AWWA C900, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe, 4 in. Through 12 in., for Water Distribution, 2007.

AWWA C905, AWWA Standard for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe and Fabricated Fittings, 14 in. Through 48 in. (350 mm Through 1,200 1200 mm), 2010.AWWA C906, Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe and Fittings, 4 in. (100 mm) Through 63 in. (1575 mm) for Water Distribution, 2007.

AWWA C909, Molecularly Oriented Polyvinyl Chloride (PVCO) Pressure Pipe, 4 in. through 24 in. (100 mm through 600 mm), for Water, Wastewater, and Reclaimed Water Service 2010

AWWA M11, A Guide for Steel Pipe Design and Installation, 4th edition, 2004.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Aug 14 09:36:22 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

This referenced standard will be added to Chapter 2 since it is being added as a reference in the body of the document.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 60-NFPA 24-2013 [Section No. 2.3.3]

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Page 188: NFPA 13D First Revisions

First Revision No. 14-NFPA 24-2013 [ Chapter 3 ]

Chapter 3 Definitions3.1 General.The definitions contained in this chapter shall apply to the terms used in this standard. Where terms are not defined in this chapter or within another chapter, they shall be defined using their ordinarily accepted meanings within the context in which they are used. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition, shall be the source for the ordinarily accepted meaning. 3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.3.2.1* Approved.Acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction.3.2.2* Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).An organization, office, or individual responsible for enforcing the requirements of a code or standard, or for approving equipment, materials, an installation, or a procedure.3.2.3 Labeled.Equipment or materials to which has been attached a label, symbol, or other identifying mark of an organization that is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with product evaluation, that maintains periodic inspection of production of labeled equipment or materials, and by whose labeling the manufacturer indicates compliance with appropriate standards or performance in a specified manner.3.2.4* Listed.Equipment, materials, or services included in a list published by an organization that is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with evaluation of products or services, that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment or materials or periodic evaluation of services, and whose listing states that either the equipment, material, or service meets appropriate designatedstandards or has been tested and found suitable for a specified purpose.3.2.5 Shall.Indicates a mandatory requirement.3.2.6 Should.Indicates a recommendation or that which is advised but not required.3.2.7 Standard.A document, the main text of which contains only mandatory provisions using the word “shall” to indicate requirements and which is in a form generally suitable for mandatory reference by another standard or code or for adoption into law. Nonmandatory provisions are not to be considered a part of the requirements of a standard and shall be located in an appendix, annex, footnote, informational note, or other means as permitted in the Manual of Style for NFPA Technical Committee Documents.3.3 General Definitions.3.3.1 Appurtenance.An accessory or attachment that enables the private fire service main to perform its intended function. 3.3.2 Automatic Drain Valve (Automatic Drip or Ball Drip).A device intended to remove water using gravity from piping or valve cavities, which is required to be empty when the system is not discharging water.3.3.3* Control Valve (Shutoff Valve).A valve controlling flow to water-based fire protection systems and devices.

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3.3.4 Corrosion-Resistant Piping.Piping that has the property of being able to withstand deterioration of its surface or its properties when exposed to its environment. 3.3.5 Corrosion- -Retardant Retarding Material.A lining or coating material that when applied to piping or appurtenances has the property of reducing or slowing the deterioration of the object's surface or properties when exposed to its environment. 3.3.6 Fire Department Connection.A connection through which the fire department can pump supplemental water intothe sprinkler system, standpipe, or other water-based fire protection systems ,furnishing water for fire extinguishment to supplement existing water supplies thereby supplementing existing water supplies . 3.3.7 Fire Pump.A pump that is a provider of liquid flow and pressure dedicated to fire protection.[20,2010 2013 ]3.3.8 Hose House.An enclosure located over or adjacent to a hydrant or other water supply designedto contain the necessary hose nozzles, hose wrenches, gaskets, and spanners tobe used in fire fighting in conjunction with and to provide aid to the local fire department. 3.3.9 Hydrant Butt.The hose connection outlet of a hydrant. 3.3.10 Hydraulically Calculated Water Demand Flow Rate. The waterflow rate for a system or hose stream that has been calculated using accepted engineering practices.3.3.11 Pressure. Residual Pressure.The pressure that exists in the distribution system, measured at the residualhydrant at the time the flow readings are taken at the flow hydrants. Static Pressure.The pressure that exists at a given point under normal distribution systemconditions measured at the residual hydrant with no hydrants flowing.3.3.12* Pressure-Regulating Device.A device designed for the purpose of reducing, regulating, controlling, or restrictingwater pressure. 3.3.13* Private Fire Service Main.Private A private fire service main, as used in this standard, is that pipe and its appurtenances on private property that is (1) between a source of water and the base of the system riser for water-based fire protection systems; , (2) between asource of water and inlets to foam-making systems; , (3) between a source of water and the base elbow of private hydrants or monitor nozzles; , and (4) used as fire pump suction and discharge piping, (5) beginning at the inlet side of the check valve on a gravity or pressure tank.3.3.14 Pumper Outlet.The hydrant outlet intended to be connected to a fire department pumper for use by in fire departments for taking supply from the hydrant for pumpers .3.3.15 Rated Capacity.The flow, either measured or calculated, that is available from a hydrant at thedesignated residual pressure (rated pressure) either measured or calculated . 3.3.16 Test. Flow Test.A test performed by the flow and measurement of water from one hydrant and the static and residual pressures from an adjacent hydrant for the purpose of determining the available water supply at that location. Flushing Test.

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A test of a piping system using high velocity flows rates intented to remove debris from the piping system prior to it being placed in service. Hydrostatic Test.A test of a closed piping system and its attached appurtenances consisting of subjecting the piping to an increased internal pressure for a specified period ofduration to verify system integrity and system leakage rates. 3.3.17 Valve. Check Valve.A valve that allows flow in one direction only.* Indicating Valve.A valve that has components that provide the valve operating condition, open or closed. show if the valve is open or closed. Examples are outside screw and yoke (OS&Y) gate valves and underground gate valves with indicator posts .3.4 Hydrant Definitions.3.4.1 Hydrant.An exterior valved connection to a water supply system that provides hoseconnections.* Dry Barrel Hydrant (Frostproof Hydrant) . This is the most common type of hydrant; A type of hydrant with the main it has acontrol valve below the frost line between the footpiece and the barrel. Flow Hydrant. . (Frostproof Hydrant).The hydrant that is used for the flow and flow measurement of water during a flow test.* Private Fire Hydrant.A valved connection on a water supply system having one or more outlets and that is used to supply hose and fire department pumpers with water on private property. Public Hydrant.A valved connection on a water supply system having one or more outlets and that is used to supply hose and fire department pumpers with water. Residual Hydrant.The hydrant that is used for measuring static and residual pressures during a flow test. Wet Barrel Hydrant.A type of hydrant that sometimes is used where there is no danger of freezing weather. Each outlet on a wet barrel hydrant is provided with a valved outlet threaded for fire hose is intended for use where there is no danger of freezing weather and where each outlet is provided with a valve and an outlet. .

Supplemental Information

File Name DescriptionNFPA_24_FR_14_Ch3_EC_edits_rev_MJK_.docx

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew KlausOrganization: National Fire Protection AssocStreet Address:City: State: Zip:Submittal Date: Mon Sep 30 10:25:00 EDT 2013

Page 10 of 85National Fire Protection Association Report


Page 191: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Committee Statement


Technical Committee Statement – At the close of the 2013 edition revision cycle, the Technical Committee (TC) on Private Water Supply Piping Systems noted that the document was incongruent with portions of NFPA 13, NFPA 14, NFPA 20 and other design and installation standards. Furthermore, it was determined that the order that information was presented in the standard was not optimal and could be revised to make the document easier to follow. The TC developed a task group to work on a rewrite of the standard for the 2016 edition of the standard. The revisions to chapter 3 addressing the definitions were made in an attempt to better correlate with the other water-based system documents. Specific revisions to the standard are as follows: -Definitions for automatic drain valve and control valve were added. -3.3.5 The term "retardant" was replaced with "retarding" since that is what is used in the standard. - The definition was revised to state what the device is asopposed to providing examples of what types of valves can be indicatingvalves. -3.4 The hydrant definitions were cleaned up to describe the type of hydrant in question, as opposed to describing when and where they would be used.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 1-NFPA 24-2012 [Section No.]

Page 11 of 85National Fire Protection Association Report


Page 192: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee.

Chapter 3 Definitions 3.1 General. The definitions contained in this chapter shall apply to the terms used in this standard. Where terms are not defined in this chapter or within another chapter, they shall be defined using their ordinarily accepted meanings within the context in which they are used. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition, shall be the source for the ordinarily accepted meaning.

3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.

3.2.1* Approved.

Acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction.

3.2.2* Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).

An organization, office, or individual responsible for enforcing the requirements of a code or standard, or for approving equipment, materials, an installation, or a procedure.

3.2.3 Labeled.

Equipment or materials to which has been attached a label, symbol, or other identifying mark of an organization that is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with product evaluation, that maintains periodic inspection of production of labeled equipment or materials, and by whose labeling the manufacturer indicates compliance with appropriate standards or performance in a specified manner.

3.2.4* Listed.

Equipment, materials, or services included in a list published by an organization that is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with evaluation of products or services, that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment or materials or periodic evaluation of services, and whose listing states that either the equipment, material, or service meets appropriate designated standards or has been tested and found suitable for a specified purpose.

3.2.5 Shall.

Indicates a mandatory requirement.

3.2.6 Should.

Indicates a recommendation or that which is advised but not required.

3.2.7 Standard.

Page 193: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee.

A document, the main text of which contains only mandatory provisions using the word “shall” to indicate requirements and which is in a form generally suitable for mandatory reference by another standard or code or for adoption into law. Nonmandatory provisions are not to be considered a part of the requirements of a standard and shall be located in an appendix, annex, footnote, informational note, or other means as permitted in the Manual of Style for NFPA Technical Committee Documents.

3.3 General Definitions.

3.3.1 Appurtenance.

An accessory or attachment that enables the private fire service main to perform its intended function.

3.3.2 Automatic Drain Valve (Automatic Drip or ) (Ball Drip)-

A device intended to remove water using gravity from valve piping or valve cavities or piping using gravity, that arewhich is required to be empty when the system is not discharging water that include pipe sections between fire department connections and check valves.

3.3.3 Control Valve (Shutoff Valve).

A valve controlling flow to water-based fire protection systems and devices.

3.3.24 Corrosion-Resistant Piping.

Piping that has the property of being [ec1][m2]able to withstand deterioration of its surface or its properties when exposed to its environment.

3.3.5 Corrosion-Retardant Retarding Material.

A lining or coating material that when applied to piping or appurtenances has the property of reducing or slowing[ec3][m4] the deterioration of the object's surface or properties when the object is exposed to its environment.

3.3.6 Fire Department Connection.

A connection through which the fire department can pump supplemental water into the sprinkler system, standpipe, or other water -based fire protection systems, thereby supplementing existing water supplies.furnishing water for fire extinguishment to supplement existing water supplies[ec5][m6].

3.3.7 Fire Pump.

A pump that is a provider of liquid flow and pressure dedicated to fire protection. [20, 20102013]

3.3.8 Hose House.

Page 194: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee.

An enclosure located over or adjacent to a hydrant or other water supply designed to contain the necessary hose nozzles, hose wrenches, gaskets, and spanners [ec7][m8]to be used in fire- fighting in conjunction with and to provide aid to the local fire department.

3.3.9 Hydrant Butt.

The hose connection outlet of a hydrant.

3.3.10 Hydraulically Calculated Water Demand Flow Rate.

The waterflow rate for a system or hose stream that has been calculated using accepted engineering practices.

3.3.11 Pressure. Residual Pressure.

The pressure that exists in the distribution system, measured at the residual hydrant at the time the flow readings are taken at the flow hydrants. Static Pressure.

The pressure that exists at a given point under normal distribution system conditions measured at the residual hydrant with no hydrants flowing.

3.3.12* Pressure-Regulating Device.

A device designed for the purpose of reducing, regulating, controlling, or restricting water pressure.

3.3.13* Private Fire Service Main.

Private A private fire service main, as used in this standard, is that pipe and its appurtenances on private property that is between a source of water and the base of the system riser for water-based fire protection systems, ; between a source of water and inlets to foam-making systems, ; between a source of water and the base elbow of private hydrants or monitor nozzles, ; and used as fire pump suction and discharge piping, beginning at the inlet side of the check valve on a gravity or pressure tank.

3.3.14 Pumper Outlet.

The hydrant outlet intended to be connected to a fire department pumper for use by fire departments,in for taking supply from the hydrant. for pumpers.

3.3.15 Rated Capacity.

Page 195: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee.

The flow, either measured or calculated, that is available from a hydrant at the designated residual pressure (rated pressure) either measured or calculated.

3.3.16 Test. Flow Test.

A test performed by the flow and measurement of water from one hydrant and the static and residual pressures from an adjacent hydrant for the purpose of determining the available water supply at that location. Flushing Test.

A test of a piping system using high velocity flows rates intended to remove debris from the piping system prior to it being placed in service. Hydrostatic Test.

A test of a closed piping system and its attached appurtenances consisting of subjecting the piping to an increased internal pressure for a specified period of duration to verify system integrity and system leakage rates.

3.3.17 Valve. Check Valve.

A valve that allows flow in one direction only. Indicating Valve.

A valve that has components that show if the valve is openprovides [ec9][m10]the valve operating position, open or closed.

Examples are outside screw and yoke (OS&Y) gate valves and underground gate valves with indicator posts.

3.4 Hydrant Definitions.

3.4.1 Hydrant.

An exterior valved connection to a water supply system that provides hose connections.* Dry Barrel Hydrant (Frostproof Hydrant). This is the most common type of

A type of hydrant; it has with the a main control valve below the frost line between the footpiece and the barrel.

Page 196: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee. Flow Hydrant.

The hydrant that is used for the flow and flow measurement of water during a flow test.* Private Fire Hydrant.

A valved connection on a water supply system having one or more outlets and that is used to supply hose and fire department pumpers with water on private property. Public Hydrant.

A valved connection on a water supply system having one or more outlets and that is used to supply hose and fire department pumpers with water. Residual Hydrant.

The hydrant that is used for measuring static and residual pressures during a flow test. Wet Barrel Hydrant.

A type of hydrant that sometimes is intended for useused where there is no danger of freezing weather and, where . Eeach outlet on a wet barrel hydrant is provided with a valved valve and an outlet threaded for connection for fire hose.

Page 197: NFPA 13D First Revisions

First Revision No. 15-NFPA 24-2013 [ Chapter 5 ]

Chapter 5 Water Supplies5.1* Connection to Waterworks Systems.5.1.1A connection to a reliable waterworks system shall be an acceptable water supplysource.5.1.2*The volume and pressure of a public water supply shall be determined from waterflow test data or other approved method. 5.2 Size of Fire Mains.5.2.1 Private Fire Service Mains.Pipe smaller than 6 in. (152 mm) in diameter shall not be installed as a private service main supplying hydrants Hydraulic calculations shall show that the main is able to supply the total demand at the appropriate pressure for systems withmultiple hydrants. .5.2.2 Mains Not Supplying Hydrants.For mains that do not supply hydrants, pipe sizes smaller less than 6 in. (152 mm) nominal size shall be permitted to be used subject to the following restrictions:

(1) The main shall supply only the following types of systems:

(a) Automatic sprinkler systems

(b) Open sprinkler systems

(c) Water spray fixed systems(d) Foam systems

(e) Standpipe systems

(2) Hydraulic calculations shall show that the main is able to supply the total demand at the appropriate pressure.

(3) Systems that are not hydraulically calculated shall have a main at least as large as the riser.

5.3 Pressure-Regulating Devices and Meters.5.3.1No pressure Pressure -regulating valves shall not be used. in the water supply, except by special permission of the authority having jurisdiction. valves shall be permitted to be used when acceptable to the AHJ.5.3.2Where meters are required by other authorities, they shall be listed.5.4* Connection from Waterworks Systems.5.4.1The requirements of the public health authority having jurisdiction AHJ shall bedetermined and followed.5.4.2Where equipment a backflow prevention device is installed to guard against possible cross- contamination of the public water system, such equipment and devices it shall be listed for fire protection service.

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Page 198: NFPA 13D First Revisions*Where a check valve or alarm check valve is permitted by the AHJ in lieu of a backflow preventer, it shall be listed for fire protection service.5.5 Connections to Public Water Systems.Connections to public water systems shall be arranged to be isolated by one of the methods permitted in* Pumps.A single, automatically controlled fire Fire pump units installed in accordance with NFPA 20shall be and connected to a water supply source complying with Sections 5.5 , 5.7 , or 5.8 shall use an acceptable water supply source.5.7 Tanks.Tanks shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 22.5.8 Penstocks, Flumes, Rivers, Lakes, or Reservoirs.Water supply connections from penstocks, flumes, rivers, lakes, or reservoirs shall be arranged designed to avoid mud and sediment and shall be provided with approved, double, removable screens or approved strainers installed in an approved manner.5.9* Remote Fire Department Connections.5.9.1 General.Where the authority having jurisdiction AHJ requires a remote fire department connection, for systems requiring one by another standard, a fire department connection shall be provided as described in Section department connections shall not be required be permitted to be omittedwhere approved by the authority having jurisdiction AHJ . department connections shall be supported. department connections shall be of an approved type. department connections shall be equipped with listed approved plugs or caps that are secured and arranged for easy removal by fire departments. department connections shall be protected where subject to mechanicaldamage.5.9.2 Couplings. fire department connection(s) shall use an NH internal threaded swivel fitting(s) with an NH standard thread(s. ). , except as permitted by and . least one of the connections shall be the 2.5 to 7.5 NH standard thread specified in NFPA 1963. local fire department connections use threads that do not conform to NFPA 1963, the authority having jurisdiction AHJ shall designate the connection threadto be used. use of threadless Non-threaded couplings shall be permitted where required by the authority having jurisdiction AHJ and where listed for such use .

Non-threaded couplings shall be listed for use as permitted in .

5.9.3 Valves.

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A listed check valve shall be installed in the piping from each fire department connection. shutoff Control valves shall not be permitted installed in the piping from the fire department connection piping to the point that the fire department connection piping connects to the system piping fire service main .*Control valves shall be permitted in the system piping downstream of the fire department connection piping.5.9.4 Drainage. pipe between the check valve and the outside hose coupling shall be equipped with an approved automatic drip drain valve . automatic drip drain valve shall be installed in a location that permits inspection and testing as required by NFPA 25 and reduces the likelihood of freezing. automatic drip shall be permitted to be buried where permitted by the AHJ. the automatic drip is buried as allowed by , the outlet shall discharge into a bed of crushed stone or pea gravel. automatic drip shall drain valve is permitted to be omitted from not be required in areas where the piping is not subject to freezing. automatic drip shall be permitted to be buried where permitted by the AHJ. 5.9.5 Location and Signage.*Fire Remote fire department connections shall be located at the nearest point offire department apparatus accessibility or at a location approved by the authority having jurisdiction AHJ .*Fire Remote fire department connections shall be located and arranged so that hose lines can be attached to the inlets without interference.*Each remote fire department connection shall be designated by a sign as follows:

(1) The sign shall have raised or engraved letters at least 1 in. (25.4 mm) in height on a plate or fitting.

(2) the system demand pressure exceeds 150 psi (10.3 bar), the a sign required by located at the fire department connection shall indicate the required design inlet pressure. a remote fire department connection only supplies a portion(s) of thebuilding, a sign shall be attached to indicate the portion(s) of the building supplied. fire department connections shall not be connected on the suction side of fire pumps.

* The sign shall indicate the type of system for which the connection isintended.

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Where a remote fire department connection services multiple buildings, structures, or locations, a sign shall be provided indicating the buildings, structures, or locations served.

Supplemental Information

File Name DescriptionNFPA_24_FR_15_Ch_5_EC_edits_rev_MJK_.docx

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew KlausOrganization: National Fire Protection AssocStreet Address:City: State: Zip:Submittal Date: Mon Sep 30 10:44:14 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

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Page 201: NFPA 13D First Revisions


Technical Committee Statement – At the close of the 2013 edition revision cycle, the Technical Committee (TC) on Private Water Supply Piping Systems noted that the document was incongruent with portions of NFPA 13, NFPA 14, NFPA 20 and other design and installation standards. Furthermore, it was determined that the order that information was presented in the standard was not optimal and could be revised to make the document easier to follow. The TC developed a task group to work on a rewrite of the standard for the 2016 edition of the standard. The revisions to chapter 5 addressing the definitions were made in an attempt to better correlate with the other water-based system documents. Specific revisions to the standard are as follows: -5.2.1 The concept of confirming that the main sizing is sufficient with hydraulics is important, but only where multiple hydrants have are installed. Calculating a single hydrant on a 20 foot run of pipe is not necessary and would be burdensome to contractors and AHJs. - Some agencies do not recognize alarm check valves as backflow devices. Where this arrangement is being used/approved it is imperative that these devices are listed for fire protection use. - The standard did not provide design guidance on how these supports must be designed, so the ambiguous reference to support is not helpful. Typically the FDC is supported by the wall it is running through or comes out of the ground vertically and does not require “support”. - Not all caps are listed, so requiring a listing isn’t appropriate. If the AHJ simply approves the cap, that is sufficient. - This section is intended to address the threading, not the entire FDC. - It is not the intent to install a check valve directly to the FDC, just in the FDC piping. - The valve arrangement requirements were rewritten for clarity and annex figures were added to provide figures that are consistent with NFPA 13. - There are many areas in the country where the temperature of the air will dip below 32degrees Fahrenheit but will never last long enough to freeze a 4" or 6" pipe. Technically this means that freezing has been achieved because waterfreezes at 32° FH. This change gives allowance for these climate areas. - The 2013 edition was modified to require access to the ball drip. Many AHJ's require that fire department connections (FDC) are remote. NFPA suggests that the check valve for the FDC be located as close to the connection to the system as possible. This could leave long sections of underground piping with no pressure. This piping could get cut and one will not know about it until an NFPA 25 inspection is performed or the fire department pumps into the connection. Many AHJ's want water brought as close to the FDC as possible to avoid this situation. By requiring access to the ball drip, this could require a vault or deep meter box costing hundreds of dollars. This new section gives the AHJ an allowance to require the automatic drip close to the FDC and still have water on the underground piping for supervision. Almost all the fire department connection plates indicating the connection type (autosprinkler, standpipe or both) are bought directly from the fire department connection manufacturers. Engraving these with the requiredinlet pressure is impractical. Also, since the sign referred to requires one inch high letters, it could be construed that the pressure information should also be the same size. In the fire sprinkler business, when a higher pressure requirement must be posted, we have custom made signs produced and placed on or at the FDC.

Response Message:Public Input No. 17-NFPA 24-2012 [New Section after]Public Input No. 18-NFPA 24-2012 [New Section after]Public Input No. 19-NFPA 24-2012 [Section No.]Public Input No. 21-NFPA 24-2012 [Section No.]Public Input No. 22-NFPA 24-2012 [New Section after]Public Input No. 43-NFPA 24-2013 [Section No. 5.2.1]Public Input No. 45-NFPA 24-2013 [Section No.]

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Public Input No. 47-NFPA 24-2013 [Section No. 5.9.1 [Excluding any Sub-Sections]]Public Input No. 48-NFPA 24-2013 [Section No.]Public Input No. 68-NFPA 24-2013 [Section No.]Public Input No. 69-NFPA 24-2013 [Section No.]Public Input No. 70-NFPA 24-2013 [Section No.]Public Input No. 71-NFPA 24-2013 [Section No.]Public Input No. 72-NFPA 24-2013 [Section No.]Public Input No. 89-NFPA 24-2013 [Section No.]

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Page 203: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee.

Chapter 5 Water Supplies 5.1* Connection to Waterworks Systems.


A connection to a reliable waterworks system shall be an acceptable water supply source.


The volume and pressure of a public water supply shall be determined from waterflow test data or other approved method.

5.2 Size of Fire Mains.

5.2.1 Private Fire Service Mains.

Pipe smallersizes lesssmaller than 6 in. (152 mm) in diameter shall not be installed as a private service main supplying hydrants.Hydraulic calculations shall show that the main is able to supply the total demand at the appropriate pressure for systems with multiple hydrants.

5.2.2 Mains Not Supplying Hydrants.

For mains that do not supply hydrants, pipe sizes smaller less than 6 in. (152 mm) nominal size shall be permitted to be used subject to the following restrictions:

(1) The main shall supply only the following types of systems:

(a) Automatic sprinkler systems

(b) Open sprinkler systems

(c) Water spray fixed systems

(d) Foam systems

(e) Standpipe systems

(2) Hydraulic calculations shall show that the main is able to supply the total demand at the appropriate pressure.

(3) Systems that are not hydraulically calculated shall have a main at least as large as the riser.

5.3 Pressure-Regulating Devices and Meters.

5.3.1 No p

Pressure-regulating valvesvalve shall not be used. in the water supply, except by special permission of the authority having jurisdiction.

Page 204: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee.

Pressure -regulating valves shall be permitted to be used when acceptable to the authority having jurisdictionAHJ.


Where meters are required by other authorities, they shall be listed.

5.4* Connection from Waterworks Systems.


The requirements of the public health authority having jurisdictionAHJ shall be determined and followed.


Where a backflow prevention device equipmentequipment is installed to guard against possible cross -contamination of the public water system, such equipment and devicesit shall be listed for fire protection service.*

Where a single check valve or alarm check valve is permitted by the public health authorityAHJ in lieu of a backflow preventer, it shall be listed for fire protection service.

5.5 Connections to Public Water Systems.

Connections to public water systems shall be arranged to be isolated by one of the methods permitted in 6.2.11.

5.6* Pumps.

A single or multiple, automatically controlled fFire pump units(s) installed in accordance with NFPA 20 and connected to a water supply source complying with 5.5, 5.7, or 5.8 shall5.8 shall be use an acceptable water supply source.

5.7 Tanks.

Tanks shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 22.

5.8 Penstocks, Flumes, Rivers, Lakes, or Reservoirs.

Water supply connections from penstocks, flumes, rivers, lakes, or reservoirs shall be arranged designed to avoid mud and sediment and shall be provided with approved, double, removable screens or approved strainers installed in an approved manner.

5.9* Remote Fire Department Connections.

5.9.1 General.

Where the authority having jurisdictionAHJ requires a remote fire department connection, for systems requiring one by another standard, a fire department connection shall be provided as described in Section 5.9.

Page 205: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee.

Fire department connections shall be permitted to be omitted not be required where approved by the authority having jurisdictionAHJ. Fire department connections shall be supported.

Fire department connections shall be of an approved type.

Fire department connections shall be equipped with approved listed plugs or caps that are secured and arranged for easy removal by fire departments.

Fire department connections shall be protected where subject to mechanical damage.

5.9.2 Couplings.

The fire department connection(s) shall use an NH internal threaded swivel fitting(s) with an NH standard thread(s).), except as permitted by and

At least one of the connections shall be the 2.5 to 7.5 NH standard thread specified in NFPA 1963.

Where local fire department connections use threads that do not conform to NFPA 1963, the authority having jurisdictionAHJ shall designate the thread connection to be used.

The use of threadlessofNon- threadledss couplings shall be permitted where required by the authority having jurisdictionAHJ .and where

Non-threaded couplings shall be listed for such use as permitted in

5.9.3 Valves.

A listed check valve shall be installed in the piping from each fire department connection.

Page 206: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee.

No shutoff valvesShutoff Control valves shall not be installed be permitted in the piping from the fire department connection piping to the point that the fire department connection piping connects to the system pipingfire service main.* Control valves shall be permitted in the system piping to be installed downstream of the point where the fire department connection piping .piping.connects to the system piping. [Add Annex Figures A. and A.]

5.9.4 Drainage.

The pipe between the check valve and the outside hose coupling shall be equipped with an approved automatic dripdrain valve.

The automatic drip valvedrain valve shall be installed in a location that permits inspection and testing as required by NFPA 25 and reduces the likelihood of freezing.

The automatic drip shall be permitted to be buried where permitted by the authority having jurisdictionAHJ.

Where the automatic drip is buried as allowed by, the outlet shall discharge into a bed of crushed stone or pea gravel.

An automatic drip shall valvesdrain valve is are permitted to be omitted not be required infrom areas where the piping is not subject to freezing. The automatic drip shall be permitted to be buried where permitted by the authority having jurisdictionAHJ. [ec1][m2]

Where the automatic drip is buried as allowed by, the outlet shall discharge into a bed of crushed stone or pea gravel.

5.9.5 Location and Signage.*

Page 207: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee.

Remote Ffire department connections shall be located at the nearest point of fire department apparatus accessibility or at a location approved by the authority having jurisdictionAHJ.*

Fire Remote fire department connections shall be located and arranged so that hose lines can be attached to the inlets without interference.*

Each remote fire department connection shall be designated by a sign as follows:

(1) The sign shall have raised or engraved letters at least 1 in. (25.4 mm) in height on a plate or fitting.

(2)* The sign shall indicate the type of system for which the connection is intended.

Where the system demand pressure exceeds 150 psi (10.3 bar), the a sign required by located at the fire department connection shall indicate the required design inlet pressure.

Where a remote fire department connection only supplies a portion(s) of the building, a sign shall be attached to indicate the portion(s) of the building supplied.

Remote fire department connections shall not be connected on the suction side of fire pumps. Where a remote fire department connection services multiple buildings, structures, or locations, a sign shall be provided indicating the buildings, structures, or locations served.


Page 208: NFPA 13D First Revisions

First Revision No. 16-NFPA 24-2013 [ Chapter 6 ]

Chapter 6 Valves6.1 Types of Valves.6.1.1All valves controlling connections to water supplies and to supply pipes to sprinklers water-based fire protection systems shall be listed indicating valves, except as permitted by and . listed underground gate valve equipped with a listed indicator post shall be permitted. listed water control valve assembly with a position indication connected to a remote supervisory station shall be permitted.*A listed, nonindicating valve, such as an underground gate valve, including a T-wrench, shall be permitted to be installed in a roadway box when acceptable tothe AHJ. new installations, where more than one nonindicating underground gate valve is installed in a water system, all underground gate valves shall be of the same opening direction.*A nonlisted, nonindicating valve, including a T-wrench as part of a tappingassembly, shall be permitted. new installations, where more than one nonindicating underground gate valve is installed in a water system, all underground gate valves shall be of the same opening direction.6.1.2Indicating valves shall not close in less than 5 seconds when operated at maximum possible speed from the fully open position.6.1.3A listed underground gate valve equipped with a listed indicator post shall be permitted.6.1.4A listed water control valve assembly with a reliable position indication connected to a remote supervisory station shall be permitted.6.1.5*A nonindicating valve, such as an underground gate valve with approved roadway box, complete with T-wrench, and accepted by the authority having jurisdiction, shall be permitted.6.2 Valves Controlling Connections to Water Supplies.6.2.1At least one A valve in accordance with Section 6.1 shall be installed in each source of pipeline from each water supply. valves shall not be installed in the piping from the fire department connection to the fire service main.

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Control valves shall be permitted in the piping downstream of the fire department connection.6.2.2No shutoff valve shall be permitted in the piping from the fire department connection to the point that the fire department connection piping connects to the system piping.6.2.2Where more than one source of water supply exists, a check valve shall be installed in each connection. for the check valve installed in the fire department connection piping, all check valves shall have a control valve installed upstream and downstream of the check valve.*When water supply connections serve as one source of supply, valves shall be installed in accordance with 6.1.1 on both sides of all check valves required in6. valves shall not be required in break tank where Where break tanks are used with automatic fire pumps, a check valve shall not be required in the break tank connection .6.2.4*In a connection serving as one source of supply, listed indicating valves or post indicator valves shall be installed on both sides of all check valves required in 6.2.3 .6.2.4In the discharge pipe from a pressure tank or a gravity tank of less than 15,000 gal(56.78 m3) capacity, a control valve shall not be required to be installed on the tank side of the check valve.6.2.5*The following requirements shall apply where a gravity tank is located on a tower inthe yard:

(1) The control valve on the tank side of the check valve shall be an outside screw and yoke or a listed indicating valve.

(2) The other control valve shall be either an outside screw and yoke, a listed indicating valve, or a listed valve having a post-type indicator.

6.2.6*The following requirements shall apply where a gravity tank is located on abuilding:

(1) Both control valves shall be outside screw and yoke or listed indicating valves.

(2) All fittings inside the building, except the drain tee and heater connections, shall be under the control of a listed valve.

6.2.7One of the following requirements shall be met where Where a pump is located in a combustible pump house or exposed to danger from fire or falling walls, or where a tank discharges into a private fire service main fed by another supply, one of the following requirements shall be met: :


(2) The control valve shall be of the post indicator type and located a safe distance outside buildings.

* The check valve in the connection shall be located in a pit.

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6.2.8*All control valves shall be located where accessible and free of obstructions.6.2.9All connections to private fire service mains for fire protection systems shall bearranged in accordance with one of the following so that they can be isolated:


(2) A wall post indicator valve

(3) An indicating valve in a pit, installed in accordance with Section 6.4



(6) Control valves installed in a fire-rated room accessible from the exterior

(7) Control valves in a fire-rated stair enclosure accessible from the exterior as permitted by the authority having jurisdiction AHJ

6.3 Post Indicator Valves.6.3.1Where post indicator valves are used, they shall be set so that the top of the eachpost is 32 in. to 40 in. (0.8 m to 1.0 m) above the final grade.6.3.2Where post indicator valves are used, they shall be protected against mechanical damage where needed. 6.4 Valves in Pits.6.4.1Valve pits located at or near the base of the riser of an elevated tank shall be designed in accordance with Chapter 14 of NFPA 22. 6.4.2Where used, valve pits shall be of adequate size and accessible for inspection, operation, testing, maintenance, and removal of equipment contained therein.6.4.3Valve pits shall be constructed and arranged to properly to protect the installed equipment from movement of earth, freezing, and accumulation of water. on soil conditions and the size of the pit, valve pits shall be permitted to be constructed of any of the following materials:

(1) Poured-in-place or precast concrete, with or without reinforcement

(a) For buildings less than 40 ft (12 m) in height, a post indicator valve shall be permitted to be installed closer than 40 ft (12 m) but at least as far from the building as the height of the wall facing the post indicator valve.

* A post indicator valve installed not less than 40 ft (12 m) from the building

(a) For buildings less than 40 ft (12 m) in height, a backflow preventer with at least one indicating valve shall be permitted to be installed closer than 40 ft (12 m) but at least as far from the building as the height of the wall facing the backflow preventer.

* A backflow preventer with at least one indicating valve not less than 40 ft (12 m) from the building

(a) For buildings less than 40 ft (12 m) in height, a nonindicating valve, such as an underground gate valve with an approved roadway box, complete with T-wrench, shall be permitted to be installed closer than 40 ft (12 m) but at least as far from the building as the height of the wall facing the backflow preventer non-indicating valve .

* A nonindicating valve, such as an underground gate valve with an approved roadway box, complete with T-wrench, located not less than 40 ft (12 m) from the building

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(2) Brick

(3) Other approved materials the water table is low and the soil is porous, crushed stone or gravel shall be permitted to be used for the floor of the pit.6.4.4The location of the valve shall be marked, and the cover of the pit shall be keptfree of obstructions.6.5 Backflow Prevention Assemblies.6.5.1Where used in accordance with 6.2.9(4), backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed in accordance with their installation instructions.6.5.2Where backflow Backflow prevention assemblies are used, they shall be protected against mechanical damage and freezing where needed the potential exists . 6.6 Sectional Valves.6.6.1*Sectional valves shall be provided at appropriate points locations within piping sections such that the number of fire protection connections between sectional valves does not exceed six. 6.6.2A sectional valve shall be provided at the following locations:

(1) On each bank of a river, pond, or lake where a main crosses water

(2) Outside the building foundation(s) where a main or a section of a main runs is installed under a building

6.7 Identifying and Securing Valves.6.7.1Identification signs shall be provided at each valve to indicate its the valve’s function and what it the part of the system the valve controls. signs in 6.7.1 shall not be required for underground gate valves with roadway boxes. 6.7.2*Control valves shall be supervised by one of the following methods:

(1) Central station, proprietary, or remote station signaling service

(2) Local signaling service that causes the sounding of an audible signal at a constantly attended location

(3) An approved procedure to ensure that valves are locked in the correct position

(4) An approved procedure to ensure verify that valves are located within fenced enclosures under the control of the owner, sealed in the open position, and inspected weekly

6.7.3Supervision of underground gate valves with roadway boxes shall not be required.6.8 Check Valves.Check valves shall be permitted to be installed in a vertical or horizontal position in accordance with their listing.

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Supplemental Information

File Name DescriptionNFPA_24_FR_16_ch_6_EC_edits.docx

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew KlausOrganization: National Fire Protection AssocStreet Address:City: State: Zip:Submittal Date: Mon Sep 30 10:57:13 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


Technical Committee Statement – At the close of the 2013 edition revision cycle, the Technical Committee (TC) on Private Water Supply Piping Systems noted that the document was incongruent with portions of NFPA 13, NFPA 14, NFPA 20 and other design and installation standards. Furthermore, it was determined that the order that information was presented in the standard was not optimal and could be revised to make the document easier to follow. The TC developed a task group to work on a rewrite of the standard for the 2016 edition of the standard. Specific revisions to chapter 6 to the standard are as follows: -The title of Chapter 6 was changed from “Valves” to “Water Supply Connections” to better describe the material covered within the chapter. -Revisions in section 6.1 were to better call out the permitted exceptions to indicating valves and to permit non-listed tapping sleeve and valves assemblies in connections to municipal water supplies. -Section 6.2 was revised to provide clarification to where control valves are required to be installed in relation to check valves and fire department connections. Alsoclarification was made that shut-off valves refer to control valves andreferences to shut-off valves changes to control valves in the chapter. -Wording changes were made in sections 6.5 and 6.6 to provide increasedclarity of requirements.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 49-NFPA 24-2013 [Section No. 6.1.1]Public Input No. 50-NFPA 24-2013 [Section No. 6.2.1]Public Input No. 51-NFPA 24-2013 [Section No. 6.2.5]Public Input No. 73-NFPA 24-2013 [New Section after 6.2.1]Public Input No. 88-NFPA 24-2013 [Section No. 6.2.2]

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Page 213: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee.

Chapter 6 Water Supply Connections

6.1 Types of Valves.


All valves controlling connections to water supplies and to supply pipes to sprinklers water-based fire protection systems shall be listed indicating valves, except as permitted by and

A listed underground gate valve equipped with a listed indicator post shall be permitted.

A listed water control valve assembly with a reliable position indication connected to a remote supervisory station shall be permitted.*

A listed, non-indicating valve, such as an underground gate valve, including a T-wrench , shall be permitted to be installed in a roadway box when acceptable to the authority having jurisdictionAHJ.

For new installations, where more than one non-indicating underground gate valve is installed in a water system, all underground gate valves shall be of the same opening direction.*

A non-listed, non-indicating valve, including a T-wrench, as part of a tapping assembly, shall be permitted.

For new installations, where more than one non-indicating underground gate valve is installed in a water system, all underground gate valves shall be of the same opening direction.


Indicating valves shall not close in less than 5 seconds when operated at maximum possible speed from the fully open position.

6.1.3 A listed underground gate valve equipped with[m1] a listed indicator post shall be permitted.

6.1.4 A listed water control valve assembly with a reliable position indication connected to a remote supervisory station shall be permitted.[m2]

Page 214: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee.

6.1.5* A nonindicating valve, such as[m3] an underground gate valve with approved roadway box, complete with T-wrench, and accepted by the authority having jurisdiction, shall be permitted.

6.2 Valves ControllingConnections to Water Supplies.


At least one valve in accordance with Section 6.1 shall be installed in each source ofpipe line from each water supply.

6.2.2 1.1

No shutoff valve shall be permitted in the piping from the fire department connection to the point that the fire department connection piping connects to the system piping.Control valves shall not be installed in the piping from the fire department connection to the fire service main.

Control valves shall be permitted in the piping downstream of the fire department connection.


Where more than one source of water supply exists, a check valve shall be installed in each connection.

Except for the check valve installed in the fire department connection piping, all check valves shall have a control valve installed upstream and downstream of the check valve.*

When water supply connections serveing as one source of supply, valves shall be installed in accordance with 6.1.1 on both sides of all check valves required in 6.2.2.


Check valves shall not be required in break tanks Wwhere break tanks are used with automatic fire pumps, a check valve shall not be required in the break tank connection.

6.2.5* In a connection serving as one source of supply, listed indicating valves or post indicator valves shall be installed on both sides of all check valves required in 6.2.3.


In the discharge pipe from a pressure tank or a gravity tank of less than 15,000 gal (56.78 m3) capacity, a control valve shall not be required to be installed on the tank side of the check valve.


The following requirements shall apply where a gravity tank is located on a tower in the yard:

Page 215: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee.

(1) The control valve on the tank side of the check valve shall be an outside screw and yoke or a listed indicating valve.

(2) The other control valve shall be either an outside screw and yoke, a listed indicating valve, or a listed valve having a post-type indicator.


The following requirements shall apply where a gravity tank is located on a building:

(1) Both control valves shall be outside screw and yoke or listed indicating valves.

(2) All fittings inside the building, except the drain tee and heater connections, shall be under the control of a listed valve.


One of the following requirements shall be met wWhere a pump is located in a combustible pump house or exposed to danger from fire or falling walls, or where a tank discharges into a private fire service main fed by another supply, one of the following requirements shall be met:

(1)* The check valve in the connection shall be located in a pit.

(2) The control valve shall be of the post indicator type and located a safe distance outside buildings.


All control valves shall be located where accessible and free of obstructions.


All connections to private fire service mains for fire protection systems shall be arranged in accordance with one of the following so that they can be isolated:

(1)* A post indicator valve installed not less than 40 ft (12 m) from the building

(a) For buildings less than 40 ft (12 m) in height, a post indicator valve shall be permitted to be installed closer than 40 ft (12 m) but at least as far from the building as the height of the wall facing the post indicator valve.

(2) A wall post indicator valve

(3) An indicating valve in a pit, installed in accordance with Section 6.4

(4)* A backflow preventer with at least one indicating valve not less than 40 ft (12 m) from the building

(a) For buildings less than 40 ft (12 m) in height, a backflow preventer with at least one indicating valve shall be permitted to be installed closer than 40 ft (12 m) but at least as far from the building as the height of the wall facing the backflow preventer.

Page 216: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee.

(5)* A nonindicating valve, such as an underground gate valve with an approved roadway box, complete with T-wrench, located not less than 40 ft (12 m) from the building

(a) For buildings less than 40 ft (12 m) in height, a nonindicating valve, such as an underground gate valve with an approved roadway box, complete with T-wrench, shall be permitted to be installed closer than 40 ft (12 m) but at least as far from the building as the height of the wall facing the backflow preventernon-indicating valve..

(6) Control valves installed in a fire-rated room accessible from the exterior

(7) Control valves in a fire-rated stair enclosure accessible from the exterior as permitted by the authority having jurisdictionAHJ

6.3 Post Indicator Valves.


Where post indicator valves are used, they shall be set so that the top of the each post is 32 in. to 40 in. (0.8 m to 1.0 m) above the final grade.


Where post indicator valves are used, they shall be protected against mechanical damage where needed.

6.4 Valves in Pits.


Valve pits located at or near the base of the riser of an elevated tank shall be designed in accordance with Chapter 14 of NFPA 22.


Where used, valve pits shall be of adequate size and accessible for inspection, operation, testing, maintenance, and removal of equipment contained therein.


Valve pits shall be constructed and arranged to properly to protect the installed equipment from movement of earth, freezing, and accumulation of water.

Depending on soil conditions and the size of the pit, valve pits shall be permitted to be constructed of any of the following materials:

(1) Poured-in-place or precast concrete, with or without reinforcement

(2) Brick

(3) Other approved materials

Page 217: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee.

Where the water table is low and the soil is porous, crushed stone or gravel shall be permitted to be used for the floor of the pit.


The location of the valve shall be marked, and the cover of the pit shall be kept free of obstructions.

6.5 Backflow Prevention Assemblies.


Where used in accordance with 6.2.11(4), backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed in accordance with their installation instructions.


Where bBackflow prevention assemblies are used, they shall be protected against mechanical damage and freezing where neededthe potential exists.

6.6 Sectional Valves.


Sectional valves shall be provided at appropriate pointslocations within piping sections souch that the number of fire protection connections between sectional valves does not exceed six.


A sectional valve shall be provided at the following locations:

(1) On each bank of a river, pond, or lake where a main crosses water

(2) Outside the building foundation(s) where a main or a section of a main runs is installed under a building

6.7 Identifying and Securing Valves.


Identification signs shall be provided at each valve to indicate its the valve’s function and what itthe part of the system that the valve controls.

Identification signs in 6.7.1 shall not be required for underground gate valves with roadway boxes.


Control valves shall be supervised by one of the following methods:

(1) Central station, proprietary, or remote station signaling service

Page 218: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee.

(2) Local signaling service that causes the sounding of an audible signal at a constantly attended location

(3) An approved procedure to ensure that valves are locked in the correct position

(4) An approved procedure to ensure verify that valves are located within fenced enclosures under the control of the owner, sealed in the open position, and inspected weekly


Supervision of underground gate valves with roadway boxes shall not be required.

6.8 Check Valves.

Check valves shall be permitted to be installed in a vertical or horizontal position in accordance with their listing.

Page 219: NFPA 13D First Revisions

First Revision No. 17-NFPA 24-2013 [ Chapter 7 ]

Chapter 7 Hydrants7.1* General.7.1.1Hydrants shall be of an listed and approved type and have not less than a 6 in. (152 mm) diameter connection with the mains . connection from the hydrant to the main shall not be less than 6 in. (nominal). control valve shall be installed in the each hydrant connection. in the hydrant connection required by shall be installed within 20 ft (6.1 m) of the hydrant. shall be clearly identified and kept free of obstructions. valves cannot be located in accordance with, valve locations shallbe permitted where approved by the authority having jurisdiction AHJ .*The number, size, and arrangement of outlets; the size of the main valve opening; and the size of the barrel shall be suitable for the protection to be provided and shall be approved by the authority having jurisdiction AHJ . gate valves on 21⁄2 in. (64 mm) outlets shall be permitted.7.1.2Hydrant outlet threads shall have NHS external threads for the size outlet(s) supplied as specified in NFPA 1963.7.1.3Where local fire department connections do not conform to NFPA 1963, the authority having jurisdiction AHJ shall designate the connection to be used.7.2 Number and Location.7.2.1*Hydrants shall be provided and spaced in accordance with the requirements of theauthority having jurisdiction AHJ .7.2.2Public hydrants shall be permitted to be recognized as meeting all or part of therequirements of Section*Hydrants shall be located not less than 40 ft (12 m) from the buildings to beprotected.7.2.4Where hydrants cannot be located in accordance with 7.2.3, locations hydrants located closer than 40 ft (12.2 m) from the building or wall hydrants shall be permitted to be used where approved by the authority having jurisdiction AHJ .7.2.5Hydrants shall not be installed at less than the equivalent depth of burial from retaining walls where there is danger of frost through the walls.

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7.3 Installation.7.3.1*Hydrants shall be set installed on flat stones, or concrete slabs or other approved materials. and shall be provided with small stones (or the equivalent) placed about the drain to ensure drainage.7.3.2Small stones or an approved equivalent shall be provided about the drain. soil is of such a nature that the hydrants will not drain properly with the arrangement specified in 7.3.1 , or where groundwater stands at levels abovethat of the drain, the hydrant drain shall be plugged before installation.*Hydrants with drain plugs shall be marked to indicate the need for pumping out after usage.7.3.3Where soil is of such a nature that the hydrants will not drain properly with the arrangement specified in 7.3.1 , or where groundwater stands at levels abovethat of the drain, the hydrant drain shall be plugged at the time of installation. the drain is plugged, hydrants in service in cold climates shall be pumped out after usage. hydrants shall be marked to indicate the need for pumping out after usage.7.3.3*The center of a hose outlet shall be not less than 18 in. (457 mm) above final gradeor, where located in a hose house, 12 in. (305 mm) above the floor. . center of a hose outlet shall not be more than 36 in. (914 mm) above final grade. center of a hose outlet located in a hose house shall not be less than 12 in. (305 mm) above the floor.7.3.4Hydrants shall be fastened to piping and anchored restrained in accordance with the requirements of Chapter shall be protected if subject to mechanical damage, in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 10 . means of hydrant protection shall be arranged so that it does not interfere with the connection to, or operation of, hydrants.7.3.6The means of hydrant protection shall be arranged in a manner that does not interfere with the connection to, or operation of, hydrants.7.3.6The following shall not be installed in the service stub between a fire hydrant andprivate water supply piping:

(1) Check valves

(2) Detector check valves

(3) Backflow prevention valves

(4) Other similar appurtenances

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Supplemental Information

File Name DescriptionNFPA_24_FR_17_ch_7_EC_edits.docx

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew KlausOrganization: National Fire Protection AssocStreet Address:City: State: Zip:Submittal Date: Mon Sep 30 11:27:55 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


Technical Committee Statement – At the close of the 2013 edition revision cycle, the Technical Committee (TC) on Private Water Supply Piping Systems noted that the document was incongruent with portions of NFPA 13, NFPA 14, NFPA 20 and other design and installation standards. Furthermore, it was determined that the order that information was presented in the standard was not optimal and could be revised to make the document easier to follow. The TC developed a task group to work on a rewrite of the standard for the 2016 edition of the standard. Specific revisions to chapter 7 to the standard are as follows: -7.1.1 Requires that fire hydrants are listed and approved by the AHJ for the specific application they are being used in. -7.3.1 The installation requirements were reworded for clarity. The intent of this section is to install the hydrant on stones or other materials that will provide sufficient support.Crushed aggregate or other small stones are need for proper drainage during testing and usage. 7.3.3 The center of hose outlet measurements were updated to include clear min and max values for the location of the outlet, along with the appropriate measurement for a hose house installation.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 29-NFPA 24-2012 [Section No. 7.1.1 [Excluding any Sub-Sections]]Public Input No. 30-NFPA 24-2012 [Section No. [Excluding any Sub-Sections]]Public Input No. 31-NFPA 24-2012 [Section No.]Public Input No. 33-NFPA 24-2012 [Section No. 7.1.3]Public Input No. 34-NFPA 24-2012 [Section No. 7.2.4]Public Input No. 36-NFPA 24-2012 [Section No. 7.3]

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Page 222: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee.

Chapter 7 Hydrants

7.1* General.


Hydrants shall be of anlisted and approved. type and have not less than a 6 in. (152 mm) diameter connection with the mains.

The connection from the hydrant to the main shall not be less than 6” in. (nominal).

A control valve shall be installed in the each hydrant connection.

Valves required by in the hydrant connection shall be installed within 20 ft (6.1 m) of the hydrant.

Valves shall be clearly identified and kept free of obstructions.

Where valves cannot be located in accordance with, valve locations shall be permitted where approved by the authority having jurisdictionAHJ.*

The number, size, and arrangement of outlets; the size of the main valve opening; and the size of the barrel shall be suitable for the protection to be provided and shall be approved by the authority having jurisdictionAHJ.

Independent gate valves on 2½ in. (64 mm) outlets shall be permitted.


Hydrant outlet threads shall have NHS external threads for the size outlet(s) supplied as specified in NFPA 1963.

Where local fire department connections do not conform to NFPA 1963, the authority having jurisdictionAHJ shall designate the connection to be used.

7.2 Number and Location.

Page 223: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee.


Hydrants shall be provided and spaced in accordance with the requirements of the authority having jurisdictionAHJ.


Public hydrants shall be permitted to be recognized as meeting all or part of the requirements of Section 7.2.


Hydrants shall be located not less than 40 ft (12 m) from the buildings to be protected.

Where hydrants cannot be located in accordance with 7.2.3, locations hydrants located closer than 40 ft (12.2 m) from the building or wall hydrants shall be permitted to be used where approved by the authority having jurisdictionAHJ.

7.2.5 Hydrants shall not be installed at less than the equivalent depth of burial from retaining walls where there is danger of frost through the walls.

7.3 Installation.


Hydrants shall be setinstalled on flat stones or , concrete slabs, or other approved materials.

7.3.2 and shall be provided with s

Small stones, (or the an approved equivalent,) placed shall be provided about the drain to ensure drainage.

Where soil is of such a nature that the hydrants will not drain properly with the arrangement specified in 7.3.1, or where groundwater stands at levels above that of the drain, the hydrant drain shall be plugged at the timebefore of installation. If the drain is plugged, hydrants in service in cold climates shall be pumped out after usage.*

Such hHydrants with drain plugs shall be marked to indicate the need for pumping out after usage.


The center of a hose outlet shall be not be less than 18 in. (457 mm) above final grade. or, where located in a hose house, 12 in. (305 mm) above the floor.

Page 224: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee.

The center of a hose outlet shall not be more than 36 in. (914 mm) above final grade.

The center of a hose outlet located in a hose house shall not be less than 12 in. (305 mm) above the floor.,


Hydrants shall be be fastened to piping and anchoredrestrained in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 10.


Hydrants shall be protected if subject to mechanical damage in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 10.

The means of hydrant protection shall be arranged in a mannerso that it does not interfere with the connection to, or operation of, hydrants.


The following shall not be installed in the service stub between a fire hydrant and private water supply piping:

(1) Check valves

(2) Detector check valves

(3) Backflow prevention valves

(4) Other similar appurtenances

Page 225: NFPA 13D First Revisions

First Revision No. 18-NFPA 24-2013 [ Chapter 8 ]

Chapter 8 Hose Houses and Equipment8.1 General.8.1.1*A supply of hose and equipment shall be provided where hydrants are intended for use by plant personnel or a fire brigade. quantity and type of hose and equipment shall depend on the following:

(1) Number and location of hydrants relative to the protected property

(2) Extent of the hazard

(3) Fire-fighting capabilities of potential users authority having jurisdiction AHJ shall be consulted regarding quantity and type of hose.8.1.2Hose shall be stored so it is accessible and is protected from the weather. by storing in hose houses or by placing hose reels or hose carriers in weatherproof enclosures. shall be permitted to be stored in hose houses or by placing hose reels or hose carriers in weather-protected enclosures.8.1.3*Hose shall conform to NFPA 1961.8.1.4 Hose Connections. connections shall have external national hose standard (NHS) threads, for the valve size specified, in accordance with NFPA 1963. connections shall be equipped with caps to protect the hose threads. local fire department hose threads do not conform to NFPA 1963, the authority having jurisdiction AHJ shall designate the hose threads to be used.8.2 Location.8.2.1Where hose houses are utilized, they shall be located over, or immediately adjacent to, the hydrant.8.2.2Hydrants within hose houses shall be as close to the front of the house as possible and still allow sufficient room in back of behind the doors for the hose gates and the attached hose.8.2.3Where hose reels or hose carriers are utilized, they shall be located so that the hose can be brought into use at a hydrant.8.3 Construction.8.3.1Hose houses shall be of substantial construction on foundations.

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8.3.1The construction shall protect the hose from weather and vermin and shall be designed so that hose lines can be brought into use .8.3.2Clearance shall be provided for operation of the hydrant wrench.8.3.3Ventilation shall be provided.8.3.4The exterior shall be painted or otherwise protected against deterioration.8.4* Size and Arrangement.Hose houses shall be of a size and arrangement that provide shelves or racks for the hose and equipment.8.5 Marking.Hose houses shall be plainly identified.8.6 General Equipment.8.6.1*Where hose houses are used in addition to the hose, each shall be equipped with the following:

(1) Two approved adjustable spray–solid stream nozzles equipped with shutoffs shutoff features for each size of hose provided

(2) One hydrant wrench (in addition to wrench on hydrant)

(3) Four coupling spanners for each size hose provided(4) Two hose coupling gaskets for each size hose

8.6.2Where two sizes of hose and nozzles are provided, reducers or gated wyes shall be included in the hose house equipment.8.7 Domestic Service Use Prohibited.The use of hydrants and hose for purposes other than fire-related services shall beprohibited.

Supplemental Information

File Name DescriptionNFPA_24_FR_18_ch8_EC_edits_rev_MJK_.docx

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew KlausOrganization: National Fire Protection AssocStreet Address:City: State: Zip:Submittal Date: Mon Sep 30 11:31:42 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

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Page 227: NFPA 13D First Revisions


Technical Committee Statement – At the close of the 2013 edition revision cycle, the Technical Committee (TC) on Private Water Supply Piping Systems noted that the document was incongruent with portions of NFPA 13, NFPA 14, NFPA 20 and other design and installation standards. Furthermore, it was determined that the order that information was presented in the standard was not optimal and could be revised to make the document easier to follow. The TC developed a task group to work on a rewrite of the standard for the 2016 edition of the standard. Specific revisions to chapter 8 to the standard are as follows: -8.1.2 This section was split into two requirements. The language was modified to replace the term weatherproof with weather protected to allow for more freedom in the design. -8.3.1 This section was deleted because the term substantial construction was vague and created a wide range of interpretations. -8.3.1 The reference to bringing in hose houses for use was struck because it was redundant with 8.2.3.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 53-NFPA 24-2013 [Section No. 8.1.2]

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Page 228: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee.

Chapter 8 Hose Houses and Equipment

8.1 General.


A supply of hose and equipment shall be provided where hydrants are intended for use by plant personnel or a fire brigade.

The quantity and type of hose and equipment shall depend on the following:

(1) Number and location of hydrants relative to the protected property

(2) Extent of the hazard

(3) Fire-fighting capabilities of potential users

The authority having jurisdictionAHJ shall be consulted regarding quantity and type of hose.


Hose shall be stored so it is accessible and is protected from the weather.

Hose shall be permitted to be stored by storing in hose houses or by placing hose reels or hose carriers in weatherproof weather -protected enclosures.[m1]


Hose shall conform to NFPA 1961.

8.1.4 Hose Connections.

Hose connections shall have external national hose standard (NHS) threads, for the valve size specified, in accordance with NFPA 1963.

Hose connections shall be equipped with caps to protect the hose threads.

Where local fire department hose threads do not conform to NFPA 1963, the authority having jurisdictionAHJ shall designate the hose threads to be used.

8.2 Location.

Page 229: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee.


Where hose houses are utilized, they shall be located over, or immediately adjacent to, the hydrant.


Hydrants within hose houses shall be as close to the front of the house as possible and still allow sufficient room in back ofbehind [ec2][m3]the doors for the hose gates and the attached hose.


Where hose reels or hose carriers are utilized, they shall be located so that the hose can be brought into use at a hydrant.

8.3 Construction.

8.3.1 Hose houses shall be of substantial construction on foundations.


The construction shall protect the hose from weather and vermin. and shall be designed so that hose lines can be brought into use.


Clearance shall be provided for operation of the hydrant wrench.


Ventilation shall be provided.


The exterior shall be painted or otherwise protected against deterioration.

8.4* Size and Arrangement.

Hose houses shall be of a size and arrangement that provide shelves or racks for the hose and equipment.

8.5 Marking.

Hose houses shall be plainly identified.

8.6 General Equipment.


Where hose houses are used in addition to the hose, each shall be equipped with the following:

(1) Two approved adjustable spray–solid stream nozzles equipped with shutoffs shutoff features for each size of hose provided

(2) One hydrant wrench (in addition to wrench on hydrant)

Page 230: NFPA 13D First Revisions

Important Notice: The document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of Technical Committee/Task Group work. This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Copyright © 2012 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties outside of the NFPA Technical Committee.

(3) Four coupling spanners for each size hose provided

(4) Two hose coupling gaskets for each size hose


Where two sizes of hose and nozzles are provided, reducers or gated wyes shall be included in the hose house equipment.

8.7 Domestic Service Use Prohibited.

The use of hydrants and hose for purposes other than fire-related services shall be prohibited.

Page 231: NFPA 13D First Revisions

First Revision No. 19-NFPA 24-2013 [ Chapter 10 ]

Chapter 10 Underground Piping Requirements10.1* Piping Materials .10.1.1*All piping used in private fire service mains shall be in accordance with10.1.1.1 , , or . Listing.Piping manufactured in accordance with Table shall be permitted to be used. .Table Manufacturing Standards for Underground Pipe

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Materials and Dimensions StandardDuctile Iron

Cement Mortar Lining for Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings for Water AWWAC104

Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile Iron Pipe Systems AWWA C105

Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings AWWA C111

Flanged Ductile Iron Pipe with Ductile Iron or Gray Iron Threaded Flanges


Thickness Design of Ductile Iron Pipe AWWA C150

Ductile Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast for Water AWWA C151

Standard for the Installation of Ductile Iron Water Mains and TheirAppurtenances



Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel-Cylinder Type AWWA C300

Prestressed Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel-Cylinder Type AWWA C301

Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Non-Cylinder Type AWWA C302

Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel-Cylinder Type, Pretensioned


Standard for Asbestos-Cement Distribution Pipe, 4 in. Through 16 in., for Water Distribution Systems


Cement-Mortar Lining of Water Pipe Lines 4 in. and Larger — in Place


PlasticPolyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe, 4 in. Through 12 in., for Water Distribution


Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe, 14 in. Through 48 in., for Water Distribution


Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe and Fittings, 4 in. (100 mm) Through 63 in. (1575 mm) for Water Distribution


Molecularly Oriented Polyvinyl Chloride (PVCO) 4 in. Through 12 in. (100 mm Through 600 mm) for Water Distribution


BrassSpecification for Seamless Red Brass Pipe ASTM B 43

CopperSpecification for Seamless Copper Tube ASTM B 75Specification for Seamless Copper Water Tube ASTM B 88

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Materials and Dimensions StandardRequirements for Wrought Seamless Copper and Copper-Alloy Tube

ASTM B251 specifically listed for use in private fire service mains shall be permitted to be used. listed pipe is used, it shall be installed in accordance with the listing limitations including installation instructions. listing limitations or installation instructions differ from the requirements of this standard, the listing limitations and installation instructions shall apply. piping manufactured in accordance with Table that is externally coated and wrapped and internally galvanized shall be permitted to be used between the hose coupling(s) on the fire department connection and the check valve installed in the fire department connection piping.Table Steel Piping for Fire Department Connections

Materials and Dimensions StandardSpecification for Black and Hot-DippedZinc-Coated (Galvanized) Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe for FireProtection Use

ASTM A 795

Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless ASTM A 53

Standard Specification for Electric-Resistance Welded Steel Pipe ASTM A 135 coating and wrapping as required by shall be approved.10.1.2* Listing.Piping shall be listed for fire protection service or shall comply with the standards in Table 10.1.1 .Table 10.1.2 Manufacturing Standards for Underground Pipe

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Materials and Dimensions StandardDuctile Iron

Cement Mortar Lining for Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings for Water AWWAC104

Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile Iron Pipe Systems AWWAC105

Ductile Iron and Gray Iron Fittings, 3 in. Through 48 in., for Water and Other Liquids


Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings AWWAC111

Flanged Ductile Iron Pipe with Ductile Iron or Gray Iron Threaded Flanges


Protective Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coatings for the Interior and Exterior Surfaces of Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings for Water Supply Service


Thickness Design of Ductile Iron Pipe AWWAC150

Ductile Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast for Water AWWAC151

Ductile-Iron Compact Fittings for Water Service AWWAC153

Standard for the Installation of Ductile Iron Water Mains and Their Appurtenances



Steel Water Pipe 6 in. and Larger AWWAC200

Coal-Tar Protective Coatings and Linings for Steel Water Pipelines Enamel and Tape — Hot Applied


Cement-Mortar Protective Lining and Coating for Steel Water Pipe 4 in. and Larger — Shop Applied


Field Welding of Steel Water Pipe AWWAC206

Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks Service — Sizes 4 in. Through 144 in.


Dimensions for Fabricated Steel Water Pipe Fittings AWWAC208

A Guide for Steel Pipe Design and Installation AWWA M11


Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel-Cylinder Type AWWAC300

Prestressed Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel-Cylinder Type AWWAC301

Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Non-Cylinder Type AWWAC302

Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel-Cylinder Type, Pretensioned


Standard for Asbestos-Cement Distribution Pipe, 4 in. Through 16 in., for Water Distribution Systems


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Materials and Dimensions Standard

Standard for the Selection of Asbestos-Cement Pressure Pipe AWWAC401

Cement-Mortar Lining of Water Pipe Lines 4 in. and Larger — in Place


Standard for the Installation of Asbestos-Cement Water Pipe AWWAC603

PlasticPolyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe, 4 in. Through 12 in., for Water Distribution


Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe, 14 in. Through 48 in., for Water Distribution


Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe and Fittings, 4 in. (100 mm) Through 63 in. (1575 mm) for Water Distribution


CopperSpecification for Seamless Copper Tube ASTM B 75Specification for Seamless Copper Water Tube ASTM B 88Requirements for Wrought Seamless Copper and Copper-Alloy Tube


10.1.2 Steel Pipe.Steel piping shall not be used for general underground service unless specifically listed for such service.10.1.3 Steel Pipe Used with Fire Department Connections.Where externally coated and wrapped and internally galvanized, steel pipe shall be permitted to be used between the check valve and the outside hose coupling for the fire department connection.10.1.4* Pipe Type and Class.The type and class of pipe for a particular underground installation shall be determined through consideration of the following factors:

(1) Fire resistance of the pipe

(2) Maximum system working pressure

(3) Depth at which the pipe is to be installed

(4) Soil conditions

(5) Corrosion

(6) Susceptibility of pipe to other external loads, including earth loads, installation beneath buildings, and traffic or vehicle loads

10.1.5* Working Pressure.Piping, fittings, and other system components shall be rated for the maximum system working pressure to which they are exposed but shall not be rated at less than 150 psi (10 bar).10.1.2*All piping used in private fire service mains shall be rated for the maximum system working pressure to which the piping is exposed to but shall not be rated at less than 150 psi (10 bar).10.1.3*When lined piping is used, the manufacturer’s literature for internal diameter shall be used for all hydraulic calculations.10.1.4

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Where piping installed in a private fire service main must be installed above grade, the piping materials shall conform to NFPA 13. piping shall be permitted to extend into the building through the slab or wall not more than 24 in. (0.6 m).10.1.3* Lining of Buried Pipe. the requirements of are met, all ferrous metal pipe shall be lined in accordance with the applicable standards in Table 10.1.1 . pipe utilized in fire department connections and protected in accordance with the requirements of 10.1.3 shall not be required to be internally lined.10.2 Fittings.10.2.1* Buried Fittings.Fittings shall be of an approved type with joints and pressure class ratings compatible with the pipe used.

All fittings used in private fire service mains shall be in accordance with,, or manufactured in accordance with Table shall be permitted to be used. .Table Fittings Materials and Dimensions

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Materials and Dimensions StandardCast Iron

Gray Iron Threaded Fittings, Classes 125 and 250 ASME B16.4

Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Classes 12, 125, and 250

ASME B16.1

Ductile IronDuctile Iron and Gray Iron Fittings , 3 in. Through 48 in., for Water and other Liquids


Ductile Iron Compact Fittings , 3 in. Through 24 in. and 54 in. through 64 in. for Water Service


Malleable Iron

Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings, Class 150 and 300 ASME B16.3


Factory-Made Wrought Steel Buttweld Fittings ASME B16.9

Buttwelding Ends ASMEB16.25

Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and Elevated Temperatures

ASTM A 234

Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, NPS 1 ⁄2 Through 24 ASME B16.5

Forged Steel Fittings, Socket Welded and Threaded ASMEB16.11

Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks Service — Sizes 4 in. Through 144 in.


Dimensions for Fabricated Steel Water Pipe Fittings AWWA C208


Wrought Copper and Bronze Solder Joint Pressure Fittings ASMEB16.22

Cast Bronze Solder Joint Pressure Fittings ASMEB16.18

Bronze Fittings

Cast Bronze Threaded Fittings ASTMB16.15 Special Listed Fittings.Fittings specifically listed for use in private fire service mains shall be permitted to be used. listed fittings are used, they shall be installed in accordance with their listing limitations including installation instructions. listing limitations or installation instructions differ from the requirements of this standard, the listing limitations and installation instructions shall apply. fittings shall be permitted to be used.10.2.2 Standard Fittings.

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All fittings used in private fire service mains shall be rated for the maximum system working pressure to which the fittings are exposed, but shall not be rated at less than 150 psi (10 bar). shall meet the standards in Table or shall be in accordance with 10.2.3 .Table Fittings Materials and Dimensions

Materials and Dimensions StandardCast Iron

Gray Iron Threaded Fittings, Classes 125 and 250 ASMEB16.4

Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Classes 12, 125, and 250


Malleable Iron

Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings, Class 150 and 300 ASMEB16.3


Factory-Made Wrought Steel Buttweld Fittings ASMEB16.9

Buttwelding Ends ASMEB16.25

Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and Elevated Temperatures


Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, NPS 1 ⁄2 Through 24 ASMEB16.5

Forged Steel Fittings, Socket Welded and Threaded ASMEB16.11


Wrought Copper and Bronze Solder Joint Pressure Fittings ASMEB16.22

Cast Bronze Solder Joint Pressure Fittings ASMEB16.18 addition to the standards in Table , CPVC fittings shall also be in accordance with 10.2.3 and with the portions of the ASTM standards specified in Table that apply to fire protection service.Table Specially Listed Fittings Materials and Dimensions

Materials and Dimensions StandardChlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) Specification for Schedule 80 CPVC Threaded Fittings


Specification for Schedule 40 CPVC Socket-Type Fittings ASTM F438

Specification for Schedule 80 CPVC Socket-Type Fittings ASTM F439

10.2.3 Special Listed Fittings.

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Other types of fittings investigated for suitability in automatic sprinkler installations and listed for this service, including, but not limited to, polybutylene, CPVC, and steel differing from that provided in Table , shall be permitted when installed in accordance with their listing limitations, including installationinstructions.10.2.3 Pressure Limits.Listed fittings shall be permitted for the system pressures as specified in their listings, but not less than 150 psi (10 bar).

Where fittings installed in a private fire service main must be installed above grade, the fittings shall conform to NFPA 13. in accordance with 10.2.1 shall be permitted for the transition to theabove ground piping or fittings.10.3 Joining Connection of Pipe, and Fittings, and Appurtenances .10.3.1* Buried Joints.Joints shall be approved.

Connection of all fittings and appurtenances to piping shall be in accordance with 10.3 .

10.3.2 Threaded Pipe and Fittings.All threaded steel Connections of pipe and fittings shall have threads cut in accordance with ASME B1.20.1. indicated in Table and Table be in accordance with the referenced standard in the table.10.3.3 Listed Connections.Connections utilizing listed products shall be in accordance with the listing limitations and the manufacturer’s installation instructions. listing limitations or installation instructions differ from the requirements of this standard, the listing limitations and installation instructions shall apply.10.3.4Where pipe, fittings or appurtenances are connected using threads, all threads shall be in accordance with ANSI/ASME B1. Groove Joining Methods Grooved Connections .Where pipe, fittings, or appurtenances are connected using grooves, they shall be connected in accordance with through ., fittings, and appurtenances to be joined with grooved couplings shall contain cut, rolled, or cast grooves that are dimensionally compatible with the couplings., fittings, and appurtenances that are connected with grooved couplings and are part of a listed assembly shall be permitted to be used.*Pipe joined with grooved fittings shall be joined by a listed combination of fittings, gaskets, and grooves.10.3.6 Brazed and Pressure Fitting Methods.Joints All joints for the connection of copper tube shall be brazed or joined using pressure fittings as specified in Table Other Joining Methods.Other joining methods listed for this service shall be permitted where installed in accordance with their listing limitations.10.3.8 Pipe Joint Assembly. shall be assembled by persons familiar with the particular materials being used and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and specifications.

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Page 240: NFPA 13D First Revisions*All bolted joint accessories shall be cleaned and thoroughly coated with asphalt or other corrosion-retarding material after installation. 10.4 Protection of Private Fire Service Mains.10.4.1 Protection from Corrosion. Coatings.All bolted joint accessories shall be cleaned and thoroughly coated with asphalt or other corrosion-retarding material after installation. requirements of shall not apply to epoxy-coated fittings, valves, glands, or other accessories.*Where it is necessary to join metal pipe with pipe of dissimilar metal, the joint shall be insulated against the passage of an electric current using an approved method.10.4.2* Protection of Piping. Protection from Freezing.The depth of cover for private fire service mains and their appurtenances to protect against freezing shall be in accordance with 10.4.2 .*The top of the pipe shall be buried not less than 1 ft (0.3 m) below the frost line for the locality. depth of piping shall be measured from the top of the piping to the final grade. listed piping is used and the bury depth differs from this standard, the listing limitations shall apply. private fire service mains are installed above ground, they shall be protected from freezing in accordance with NFPA fire service mains installed in water raceways or shallow streams shall be installed so that the piping will remain in the running water throughout the year. piping is installed adjacent to a vertical face, it shall be installed from the vertical face at the same distance as if the piping were buried. of private fire service mains from freezing using heat tracing shall be permitted when the heat tracing is specifically listed for underground use. tracing not listed for underground use shall be permitted when piping is installed in accordance with . Protection from Mechanical Damage.The depth of cover for private fire service mains and their appurtenances to protect against mechanical damage shall be in accordance with . depth of piping shall be measured from the top of the piping to the final grade. locations where freezing is not a factor, the depth of cover shall not be lessthan 30 in. (0.8 m) below grade to prevent mechanical damage.

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Where listed piping is used and the bury depth differs from this standard, the listing limitations shall apply. fire service mains installed under driveways or roadways shall be buried at a minimum depth of 3 ft (0.9 m)., walkways and other paved or concrete pedestrian passageways shall not be required to comply with fire service mains installed under railroad tracks shall be buried at a minimum depth of 4 ft (1.2 m). railroad operators require a greater depth of bury, the greater depth shall apply. fire service mains installed under large piles of heavy commodities or subject to heavy shock and vibrations shall be buried at a minimum depth of 4 ft (1.2 m). private fire service mains are installed above ground, they shall be protected with bollards or other means as approved by the AHJ when subject to mechanical damage.10.4.3 Private Fire Service Mains Under Buildings.Except as allowed by 10.4.3, private fire service mains shall not be allowed to run under buildings.*Private fire service mains supplying fire protection systems within the building shall be permitted to extend no more than 10 ft (3 m), as measured from the outside of the building, under the building to the riser location.*Pipe joints shall not be located directly under foundation fittings.*Piping shall be installed a minimum of 12 in. (305 mm) below the bottom of building foundations or footers. requirements of shall not apply when the piping is sleeved with an approved material.*Where approved, private fire service mains supplying systems within the building shall be permitted to extend more than 10 ft (3 m) under the building when all the requirements of , through are met. the piping is installed under the building, all foundations or footers over the private fire service main shall be arched to create a minimum of 24 in (610 mm) clearance. shall be acceptable to install the piping in covered trenches where the trenches are accessible from within the building. joints shall be mechanically restrained. valve shall be installed before the piping enters under the building and within 24 in. (610 mm) of where the piping enters the building.10.5 Depth of Cover.

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10.5.1*The depth of cover over water pipes shall be determined by the maximum depth of frost penetration in the locality where the pipe is laid.10.5.2The top of the pipe shall be buried not less than 1 ft (0.3 m) below the frost line for the locality.10.5.3In those locations where frost is not a factor, the depth of cover shall be not less than 2 1 ⁄2 ft (0.8 m) to prevent mechanical damage.10.5.4Pipe under driveways shall be buried at a minimum depth of 3 ft (0.9 m).10.5.5Pipe under railroad tracks shall be buried at a minimum depth of 4 ft (1.2 m).10.5.6The depth of cover shall be measured from the top of the pipe to finished grade, and due consideration shall always be given to future or final grade and nature of soil.10.6 Protection Against Freezing.10.6.1*Where it is impracticable to bury pipe, pipe shall be permitted to be laid aboveground, provided that the pipe is protected against freezing and mechanical damage.10.6.2Pipe shall be buried below the frost line where entering streams and other bodies of water.10.6.3Where pipe is laid in water raceways or shallow streams, care shall be taken that there will be sufficient depth of running water between the pipe and the frost line during all seasons of frost; a safer method is to bury the pipe 1 ft (0.3 m) or more under the bed of the waterway.10.6.4Pipe shall be located at a distance from stream banks and embankment walls that prevents danger of freezing through the side of the bank.10.5 Protection Against Damage.10.5.1Pipe shall not be run under the building except where permitted in 10.6.2and 10.6.3 .10.5.2Where approved, pipe shall be permitted to be run under buildings, and special precautions shall be taken, including the following:

(1) Arching the foundation walls over the pipe

(2) Running pipe in covered trenches

(3) Providing valves to isolate sections of pipe under buildings

10.5.3Fire service mains shall be permitted to enter the building adjacent to the foundation.*The requirements of 10.6.2 (2) and 10.6.2 (3) shall not apply where fire service mains enter under the building no more than 10 ft (3 m) as measured from the outside edge of the building to the center of the vertical pipe.10.5.4*Pipe joints shall not be located under foundation footings.

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10.5.5*Piping shall be run at least 1 ft (305 mm) below the bottom of foundations/footers. requirements of 10.6.6 shall not apply when piping is sleeved.10.5.6Mains shall be subjected to an evaluation of the following specific loading conditions and protected, if necessary:

(1) Mains running under railroads carrying heavy cargo

(2) Mains running under large piles of heavy commodities

(3) Mains located in areas that subject the main to heavy shock andvibrations

10.5.7*Where it is necessary to join metal pipe with pipe of dissimilar metal, the joint shall be insulated against the passage of an electric current using an approved method.10.5.8*In no case shall the underground piping be used as a grounding electrode for electrical systems.*The requirement of 10.6.8 shall not preclude the bonding of the underground piping to the lightning protection grounding system as required by NFPA 780in those cases where lightning protection is provided for the structure. 10.5 Grounding and Bonding.10.5.1*In no case shall the underground piping be used as a grounding electrode forelectrical systems.*The requirement of 10.6.8 shall not preclude the bonding of the underground piping to the lightning protection grounding system as required by NFPA 780 in those cases where lightning protection is provided for the structure.10.6* Requirement for Laying Pipe Restraint .Private fire service mains shall be restrained against movement at changes in direction in accordance with 10.6.1 , 10.6.2 , or 10.6.3 .10.6.1Pipes, valves, hydrants, gaskets, and fittings shall be inspected for damage when received and shall be inspected prior to installation. (See Figure 10.10.1 .)10.6.2The torquing of bolted joints shall be checked.10.6.3Pipe, valves, hydrants, and fittings shall be clean inside.10.6.4When work is stopped, the open ends of pipe, valves, hydrants, and fittings shall be plugged to prevent stones and foreign materials from entering.10.6.5All pipe, fittings, valves, and hydrants shall be carefully lowered into the trench using appropriate equipment and carefully examined for cracks or other defects while suspended above the trench.10.6.6Plain ends shall be inspected for signs of damage prior to installation.10.6.7

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Under no circumstances shall water main materials be dropped or dumped.10.6.8Pipe shall not be rolled or skidded against other pipe materials.10.6.9Pipes shall bear throughout their full length and shall not be supported by the bell ends only or by blocks.10.6.10If the ground is soft or of a quicksand nature, special provisions shall be made for supporting pipe.10.6.11Valves and fittings used with nonmetallic pipe shall be supported and restrained in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.10.6.1* Thrust Blocks. blocks shall be permitted where soil is stable and capable of resisting the anticipated thrust forces. blocks shall be concrete of a mix not leaner than one part cement, two and one-half parts sand, and five parts stone. blocks shall be placed between undisturbed earth and the fitting to be restrained and shall be capable of resisting the calculated thrust forces. possible, thrust blocks shall be located so that the joints are accessible for repair.10.6.2* Restrained Joint Systems.Private fire service mains using restrained joint systems shall include one or more of the following:

(1) Locking mechanical or push-on joints

(2) Mechanical joints utilizing setscrew retainer glands

(3) Bolted flange joints

(4) Pipe clamps and tie rods

(5) Other approved methods or devices Sizing Clamps, Rods, Bolts, and Washers. Clamps. shall have the following dimensions:

(1) 1 ⁄2 in. × 2 in. (12.7 mm × 50.8 mm) for 4 in. (102 mm) to 6 in. (152 mm) pipe

(2) 5 ⁄8 in. × 2 1 ⁄2 in. (15.9 mm × 63.5 mm) for 8 in. (204 mm) to 10 in. (254 mm) pipe

(3) 5 ⁄8 in. × 3 in. (15.9 mm × 76.2 mm) for 12 in. (305 mm) pipe diameter of a bolt hole shall be 1 ⁄8 in. (3.2 mm) larger than that of the corresponding bolt. Rods. shall be not less than 5 ⁄8 in. (15.9 mm) in diameter.

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Table provides the numbers of various diameter rods that shall be used for a given pipe size.Table Rod Number — Diameter Combinations

Nominal Pipe Size (in.)

5 ⁄8 in. (15.9 mm)

3 ⁄4 in. (19.1 mm)

7 ⁄8 in. (22.2 mm)

1 in. (25.4 mm)

4 2 — — —6 2 — — —8 3 2 — —10 4 3 2 —12 6 4 3 214 8 5 4 316 10 7 5 4

Note: This table has been derived using pressure of 225 psi (15.5 bar) and design stress of 25,000 psi (172.4 MPa). using bolting rods, the diameter of mechanical joint bolts shall limit the diameter of rods to 3 ⁄4 in. (19.1 mm). sections of rods shall not be formed or bent. using clamps, rods shall be used in pairs for each clamp. in which a restraint is made by means of two clamps canted on the barrel of the pipe shall be permitted to use one rod per clamp if approved for the specific installation by the AHJ. using combinations of rods, the rods shall be symmetrically spaced. Clamp Bolts.Clamp bolts shall have the following diameters:

(1) 5 ⁄8 in. (15.9 mm) for pipe 4 in. (102 mm), 6 in. (152 mm), and 8 in. (204 mm)

(2) 3 ⁄4 in. (19.1 mm) for 10 in. (254 mm) pipe

(3) 7 ⁄8 in. (22.2 mm) for 12 in. (305 mm) pipe Washers. shall be permitted to be cast iron or steel and round or square. iron washers shall have the following dimensions:

(1) 5 ⁄8 in. × 3 in. (15.9 mm × 76.2 mm) for 4 in. (102 mm), 6 in. (152 mm), 8 in. (204 mm), and 10 in. (254 mm) pipe

(2) 3 ⁄4 in. × 3 1 ⁄2 in. (19.1 mm × 88.9 mm) for 12 in. (305 mm) pipe washers shall have the following dimensions:

(1) 1 ⁄2 in. × 3 in. (12.7 mm × 76.2 mm) for 4 in. (102 mm), 6 in. (152 mm), 8 in. (204 mm), and 10 in. (254 mm) pipe

(2) 1 ⁄2 in. × 3 1 ⁄2 in. (12.7 mm × 88.9 mm) for 12 in. (305 mm) pipe

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Page 246: NFPA 13D First Revisions diameter of holes shall be 1 ⁄8 in. (3.2 mm) larger than that of bolts or rods. Sizes of Restraint Straps for Tees. straps for tees shall have the following dimensions:

(1) 5 ⁄8 in. (15.9 mm) thick and 2 1 ⁄2 in. (63.5 mm) wide for 4 in. (102 mm), 6 in. (152 mm), 8 in. (204 mm), and 10 in. (254 mm) pipe

(2) 5 ⁄8 in. (15.9 mm) thick and 3 in. (76.2 mm) wide for 12 in. (305 mm) pipe diameter of rod holes shall be 1 ⁄16 in. (1.6 mm) larger than that of rods. and Table shall be used in sizing the restraint straps for both mechanical and push-on joint tee fittings.Figure Restraint Straps for Tees.

Table Restraint Straps for Tees

Nominal Pipe Size



in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm4 12 1 ⁄2 318 10 1 ⁄8 257 2 1 ⁄2 64 1 3 ⁄4 446 14 1 ⁄2 368 12 1 ⁄8 308 3 9 ⁄16 90 2 13 ⁄16 718 16 3 ⁄4 425 14 3 ⁄8 365 4 21 ⁄32 118 3 29 ⁄32 9910 19 1 ⁄16 484 16 11 ⁄16 424 5 3 ⁄4 146 5 12712 22 5 ⁄16 567 19 3 ⁄16 487 6 3 ⁄4 171 5 7 ⁄8 149 Sizes of Plug Strap for Bell End of Pipe. strap shall be 3 ⁄4 in. (19.1 mm) thick and 2 1 ⁄2 in. (63.5 mm) wide. strap length shall be the same as dimension A for tee straps as shown in Figure . distance between the centers of rod holes shall be the same as dimension B for tee straps as shown in Figure . Material.Clamps, rods, rod couplings or turnbuckles, bolts, washers, restraint straps, and plug straps shall be of a material that has physical and chemical characteristics that indicate its deterioration under stress can be predicted with reliability.* Corrosion Resistance.After installation, rods, nuts, bolts, washers, clamps, and other restraining devices shall be cleaned and thoroughly coated with a bituminous or other acceptable corrosion-retarding material. requirements of shall not apply to epoxy-coated fittings, valves, glands, or other accessories.

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10.6.3*Private fire service mains utilizing one or more of the following connection methods shall not require additional restraint , provided that such joints can pass the hydrostatic test of without shifting of piping.

(1) Threaded connections

(2) Grooved connections(3) Welded connections

(4) Heat-fused connections

(5) Chemical or solvent cemented connections

10.7 Joint Restraint.10.7.1 General.*All tees, plugs, caps, bends, reducers, valves, and hydrant branches shall be restrained against movement by using thrust blocks in accordance with 10.8.2or restrained joint systems in accordance with 10.8.3 .*Piping with fused, threaded, grooved, or welded joints shall not require additional restraining, provided that such joints can pass the hydrostatic test of without shifting of piping or leakage in excess of permitted amounts. Steep Grades.On steep grades, mains shall be additionally restrained to prevent slipping. shall be restrained at the bottom of a hill and at any turns (lateral or vertical). restraint specified in shall be to natural rock or to suitable piers built on the downhill side of the bell. ends shall be installed facing uphill. runs on hills shall be restrained as determined by the design engineer.10.7.2* Thrust Blocks. blocks shall be considered satisfactory where soil is suitable for theiruse. blocks shall be of a concrete mix not leaner than one part cement, two and one-half parts sand, and five parts stone. blocks shall be placed between undisturbed earth and the fitting to be restrained and shall be capable of resisting the calculated thrust forces. possible, thrust blocks shall be placed so that the joints are accessible for repair.10.7.2* Restrained Joint Systems.Fire mains utilizing restrained joint systems shall include one or more of the following:

(1) Locking mechanical or push-on joints

(2) Mechanical joints utilizing setscrew retainer glands

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(3) Bolted flange joints

(4) Heat-fused or welded joints

(5) Pipe clamps and tie rods

(6) Threaded or grooved joints

(7) Other approved methods or devices Sizing Clamps, Rods, Bolts, and Washers. Clamps. shall have the following dimensions:

(1) 1 ⁄2 in. × 2 in. (12.7 mm × 50.8 mm) for 4 in. (102 mm) to 6 in. (152 mm) pipe

(2) 5 ⁄8 in. × 2 1 ⁄2 in. (15.9 mm × 63.5 mm) for 8 in. (204 mm) to 10 in. (254 mm) pipe

(3) 5 ⁄8 in. × 3 in. (15.9 mm × 76.2 mm) for 12 in. (305 mm) pipe diameter of a bolt hole shall be 1 ⁄16 in. (1.6 mm) larger than that of the corresponding bolt. Rods. shall be not less than 5 ⁄8 in. (15.9 mm) in diameter. provides the numbers of various diameter rods that shall be used for a given pipe size.Table Rod Number — Diameter Combinations

Nominal Pipe Size (in.)

5 ⁄8 in. (15.9 mm)

3 ⁄4 in. (19.1 mm)

7 ⁄8 in. (22.2 mm)

1 in.(25.4 mm)

4 2 — — —6 2 — — —8 3 2 — —10 4 3 2 —12 6 4 3 214 8 5 4 316 10 7 5 4

Note: This table has been derived using pressure of 225 psi (15.5 bar) and design stress of 25,000 psi (172.4 MPa). using bolting rods, the diameter of mechanical joint bolts shall limit the diameter of rods to 3 ⁄4 in. (19.1 mm). sections of rods shall not be formed or bent. using clamps, rods shall be used in pairs for each clamp. in which a restraint is made by means of two clamps canted on the barrel of the pipe shall be permitted to use one rod per clamp if approved for the specific installation by the authority having jurisdiction.

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Page 249: NFPA 13D First Revisions using combinations of rods, the rods shall be symmetrically spaced. Clamp Bolts.Clamp bolts shall have the following diameters:

(1) 5 ⁄8 in. (15.9 mm) for pipe 4 in. (102 mm), 6 in. (152 mm), and 8 in. (204mm)

(2) 3 ⁄4 in. (19.1 mm) for 10 in. (254 mm) pipe (3) 7 ⁄8 in. (22.2 mm) for 12 in. (305 mm) pipe Washers. shall be permitted to be cast iron or steel and round or square. iron washers shall have the following dimensions:

(1) 5 ⁄8 in. × 3 in. (15.9 mm × 76.2 mm) for 4 in. (102 mm), 6 in. (152 mm), 8 in. (204 mm), and 10 in. (254 mm) pipe

(2) 3 ⁄4 in. × 3 1 ⁄2 in. (19.1 mm × 88.9 mm) for 12 in. (305 mm) pipe washers shall have the following dimensions:

(1) 1 ⁄2 in. × 3 in. (12.7 mm × 76.2 mm) for 4 in. (102 mm), 6 in. (152 mm), 8 in. (204 mm), and 10 in. (254 mm) pipe

(2) 1 ⁄2 in. × 3 1 ⁄2 in. (12.7 mm × 88.9 mm) for 12 in. (305 mm) pipe diameter of holes shall be 1 ⁄8 in. (3.2 mm) larger than that of rods. Sizes of Restraint Straps for Tees. straps for tees shall have the following dimensions:

(1) 5 ⁄8 in. (15.9 mm) thick and 2 1 ⁄2 in. (63.5 mm) wide for 4 in. (102 mm), 6in. (152 mm), 8 in. (204 mm), and 10 in. (254 mm) pipe

(2) 5 ⁄8 in. (15.9 mm) thick and 3 in. (76.2 mm) wide for 12 in. (305 mm) pipe diameter of rod holes shall be 1 ⁄16 in. (1.6 mm) larger than that of rods. and Table shall be used in sizing the restraint straps for both mechanical and push-on joint tee fittings.Figure Restraint Straps for Tees.

Table Restraint Straps for Tees

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Nominal Pipe Size



in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm4 12 1 ⁄2 318 10 1 ⁄8 257 2 1 ⁄2 64 1 3 ⁄4 446 14 1 ⁄2 368 12 1 ⁄8 308 3 9 ⁄16 90 2 13 ⁄16 718 16 3 ⁄4 425 14 3 ⁄8 365 4 21 ⁄32 118 3 29 ⁄32 9910 19 1 ⁄16 484 16 11 ⁄16 424 5 3 ⁄4 146 5 12712 22 5 ⁄16 567 19 3 ⁄16 487 6 3 ⁄4 171 5 7 ⁄8 149 Sizes of Plug Strap for Bell End of Pipe. strap shall be 3 ⁄4 in. (19.1 mm) thick and 2 1 ⁄2 in. (63.5 mm) wide. strap length shall be the same as dimension A for tee straps as shown in Figure . distance between the centers of rod holes shall be the same as dimension B for tee straps as shown in Figure . Material.Clamps, rods, rod couplings or turnbuckles, bolts, washers, restraint straps, and plug straps shall be of a material that has physical and chemical characteristics that indicate its deterioration under stress can be predicted with reliability.* Corrosion Resistance.After installation, rods, nuts, bolts, washers, clamps, and other restraining devices shall be cleaned and thoroughly coated with a bituminous or other acceptable corrosion-retarding material.10.7 Steep Grades.10.7.1On steep grades, mains shall be additionally restrained to prevent slipping. shall be restrained at the bottom of a hill and at any turns (lateral or vertical). restraint specified in shall be to natural rock or to suitable piersbuilt on the downhill side of the bell. ends shall be installed facing uphill. runs on hills shall be restrained as determined by a design professional.10.8 Installation Requirements.10.8.1Piping, valves, hydrants, gaskets, and fittings shall be inspected for damage when received and shall be inspected prior to installation. 10.8.2The tightness of bolted joints shall be verified by the bolt torque or by the method described in the listing information or manufacturer’s installationinstructions.10.8.3Pipe, valves, hydrants, and fittings shall be clean and free from internal debris.10.8.4

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When work is stopped, the open ends of piping, valves, hydrants, and fittings shall be plugged or covered to prevent foreign materials from entering.10.8.5All piping, fittings, valves, and hydrants shall be examined for cracks or other defects while suspended above the trench and lowered into the trench using appropriate equipment.10.8.6Plain ends shall be inspected for signs of damage prior to installation.10.8.7Piping, fittings, valves, hydrants, and appurtenances shall not be dropped, dumped or rolled or skidded against other materials.10.8.8Pipes shall be supported in the trench throughout their full length and shall not be supported by the bell ends only or by blocks.10.8.9If the ground is soft, other means shall be provided to support the pipe.10.8.10Valves and fittings used with nonmetallic pipe shall be supported and restrained in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions.10.9 Backfilling.10.9.1Backfill material shall be tamped in layers or puddled in puddles under andaround pipes to prevent settlement or lateral movement and shall contain noashes, cinders, refuse, organic matter, or other corrosive materials.10.9.2Backfill material shall not contain ash, cinders, refuse, organic matter or other corrosive materials.10.9.3Rocks shall not be placed in trenches used for backfill .10.9.4Frozen earth shall not be used for backfilling as backfill material .10.9.5In trenches cut through rock, tamped backfill shall be used for at least 6 in. (150 mm) under and around the pipe and for at least 2 ft (0.6 m) above the pipe.10.9.6Where using piping listed for private fire service mains, the manufacturer’s installation instructions for backfill shall be followed.10.10 Testing and Acceptance.10.10.1 Approval of Underground Piping.The installing contractor shall be responsible for the following:

(1) Notifying the authority having jurisdiction AHJ and the owner's representative of the time and date testing is to be performed

(2) Performing all required acceptance tests

(3) Completing and signing the contractor's material and test certificate(s) shown in Figure 10.10.1(a) Figure 10.10.1

Figure 10.10.1 Sample of Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Underground Piping.

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Figure 10.10.1(b) Continued

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10.10.2 Acceptance Requirements.* Flushing of Piping. piping, from the water supply to the system riser, and lead-in connections to the system riser , including all hydrants, shall be completely flushed before the connection is made to downstream fire protection systempiping. flushing operation shall be continued for a sufficient time continue until water flow is verified to ensure thorough cleaning be clear of debris . minimum rate of flow shall be not less than one of the following:

(1) Hydraulically calculated water demand flow rate of the system, including any hose requirements


(3) Maximum flow rate available to the system under fire conditions

Table Flow Required to Produce Velocity of 10 ft/sec (3 m/sec) in Pipes

Nominal Pipe Size Flow Ratein. mm gpm L/min2 51 100 379

2 1 ⁄2 63 150 5683 76 220 8334 102 390 1,4765 127 610 2,3096 152 880 3,3318 204 1,560 5,90510 254 2,440 9,23512 305 3,520 13,323 shall be made for the proper disposal of water used for flushing or testing.

* Flow in accordance with Table

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Page 254: NFPA 13D First Revisions Hydrostatic Test.*All piping and attached appurtenances subjected to system working pressure shall be hydrostatically tested at gauge pressure of 200 psi (13.8 bar) or 50 psi (3.5 bar) in excess of the system working pressure, whichever is greater, and shall maintain that pressure at gauge pressure of ±5 psi (0.35 bar) for 2 hours. Acceptable test results loss shall be determined by a drop in gaugepressure or visual leakage indication of either a pressure loss less than gauge pressure of 5 psi or by no visual leakage . test pressure shall be read from one of the following, located at the lowestelevation of the system or the portion of the system being tested:

(1) A gauge located at one of the hydrant outlets

(2) A gauge located at the lowest point where no hydrants are provided*The trench shall be backfilled between joints before testing to prevent movement of pipe. required for safety measures presented by the hazards of open trenches, the pipe and joints shall be permitted to be backfilled, provided the installing contractor takes the responsibility for locating and correcting leakage.* Hydrostatic Testing Allowance.Where additional water is added to the system to maintain the test pressures required by , the amount of water shall be measured and shall not exceed the limits of Table , which are based upon the following equations:

U.S. Customary Units:


where: L = testing allowance (makeup water) [gph (gal/hr)]S = length of pipe tested (ft) D = nominal diameter of pipe (in.)P = average test pressure during hydrostatic test (gauge psi)

Metric Units:


where: L = testing allowance (makeup water) (L/hr)S = length of pipe tested (m)D = nominal diameter of pipe (mm)P = average test pressure during hydrostatic test (kPa)Table Hydrostatic Testing Allowance at 200 psi (gph/100 ft ofPipe)

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Nominal Pipe Diameter (in.) Testing Allowance

2 0.0194 0.0386 0.0578 0.076

10 0.09612 0.11514 0.13416 0.15318 0.17220 0.19124 0.229


(1) For other length, diameters, and pressures, utilize Equation or to determine the appropriate testing allowance.

(2) For test sections that contain various sizes and sections of pipe, the testingallowance is the sum of the testing allowances for each size and section. Other Means of Hydrostatic Tests.Where required by the authority having jurisdiction AHJ , hydrostatic tests shall be permitted to be completed in accordance with the requirements of AWWA C600, AWWA C602, AWWA C603, and AWWA C900. Operating Test. hydrant shall be fully opened and closed under system water pressure. barrel hydrants shall be checked for proper drainage. control valves shall be fully closed and opened under system water pressure to ensure proper operation. fire pumps are available supply the private fire service main , the operating tests required by shall be completed with the pumps running. Backflow Prevention Assemblies. backflow prevention assembly shall be forward flow tested to ensure proper operation. minimum flow rate tested in shall be the system demand, including hose stream demand where applicable.

Supplemental Information

File Name DescriptionNFPA_24_FR_10.docx NFPA 24 CH 10


Chapter_10_Compare.doc Comp - use this for a-text

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Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Matthew KlausOrganization: National Fire Protection AssocStreet Address:City: State: Zip:Submittal Date: Mon Sep 30 13:06:33 EDT 2013

Committee Statement


Technical Committee Statement – At the close of the 2013 edition revision cycle, the Technical Committee (TC) on Private Water Supply Piping Systems noted that the document was incongruent with portions of NFPA 13, NFPA 14, NFPA 20 and other design and installation standards. Furthermore, it was determined that the order that information was presented in the standard was not optimal and could be revised to make the document easier to follow. The TC developed a task group to work on a rewrite of the standard for the 2016 edition of the standard. The revisions to chapter 10 addressing the definitions were made in an attempt to better correlate with the other water-based system documents. Specific revisions to the standard are as follows: • 10.1 Piping charging statement was added. Then (3) subsections were added. There is the ability to use the table, the ability to use pipe specifically listed for underground use, and the allowance to use steel pipe between the FDC and the check valve. The steel piping references were removed from the table since steel pipe is required to be listed other than in the FDC line. A new table was added referencing the ASTM standards of steel pipe used in this part ofthe system. Fitting references and discontinued AWWA standards wereremoved from the table. Brass pipe was added to the table. A statement wasadded that when a listed product is used, the installation instructionssupersede the standard. Moved type and class requirements to the annex.Added allowance to extend underground piping into the building as allowed by NFPA 13. • 10.2 The fitting section was reorganized to mirror the pipe section. A charging statement was added and the three subsections permit either use of the table, use of a listed fitting or use of an approved fitting. Cast Bronze Fittings were added to the fittings table. The fitting standards in the pipe standards were moved to the proper table. A statement was added to allow underground fittings to be used aboveground to transition to above ground piping. • 10.3 Organized a chapter on connection pipe, fittings an appurtenances. • 10.4 Protection. Created a title of protection and then broke it up into corrosion, freezing and protection from damage. Added allowance to use heat tracing on underground when specifically listed for such use. Added language to require contact with the rail authority when running under tracks. • 10.5 Pipe running under buildings. Made it very clear that all three conditions for running under the building were needed when exceeding 10’-0” into the building. Also added requirements to mechanically restrain all joints when exceeding 10’-0”. Added annex language that this applies to new and existinginstallations. • 10.6 Restraint. Created a charging statement to indicate that one of the three methods is to be used. These are thrust blocks, mechanical restraint and other methods. • General. Various word revisions, grammar and sentence structure has been done throughout the chapter.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 38-NFPA 24-2012 [Section No. 10.1]

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Public Input No. 39-NFPA 24-2012 [Section No. 10.2]Public Input No. 59-NFPA 24-2013 [Section No. 10.1.1]Public Input No. 87-NFPA 24-2013 [Section No. 10.4.5]

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Chapter 10 Underground RequirementsRequirements Piping

10.1* Piping Materials.

10.1.1 All piping used in private fire service mains shall be in accordance with, or Piping manufactured in accordance with Table shall be permitted to be used.

10.1.1* Listing. Piping shall be listed for fire protection service or shall comply with the standards in Table 10.1.1.

Table 10.1.1 Manufacturing Standards for Underground Pipe

Materials and Dimensions Standard

Ductile Iron

Cement Mortar Lining for Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings for Water AWWA C104

Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile Iron Pipe Systems AWWA C105

Ductile Iron and Gray Iron Fittings, 3 in. Through 48 in., for Water and Other Liquids


Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings AWWA C111

Flanged Ductile Iron Pipe with Ductile Iron or Gray Iron Threaded Flanges AWWA C115

Protective Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coatings for the Interior and Exterior Surfaces of Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings for Water Supply Service


Thickness Design of Ductile Iron Pipe AWWA C150

Ductile Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast for Water AWWA C151

Ductile-Iron Compact Fittings for Water Service AWWA C153

Standard for the Installation of Ductile Iron Water Mains and Their Appurtenances



Steel Water Pipe 6 in. and Larger AWWA C200

Coal-Tar Protective Coatings and Linings for Steel Water Pipelines Enamel and Tape — Hot Applied


Cement-Mortar Protective Lining and Coating for Steel Water Pipe 4 in. and Larger — Shop Applied


Field Welding of Steel Water Pipe AWWA C206

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Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks Service — Sizes 4 in. Through 144 in. AWWA C207

Dimensions for Fabricated Steel Water Pipe Fittings AWWA C208

A Guide for Steel Pipe Design and Installation AWWA M11


Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel-Cylinder Type AWWA C300

Prestressed Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel-Cylinder Type AWWA C301

Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Non-Cylinder Type AWWA C302

Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel-Cylinder Type, Pretensioned AWWA C303

Standard for Asbestos-Cement Distribution Pipe, 4 in. Through 16 in., for Water Distribution Systems


Standard for the Selection of Asbestos-Cement Pressure Pipe AWWA C401

Cement-Mortar Lining of Water Pipe Lines 4 in. and Larger — in Place AWWA C602

Standard for the Installation of Asbestos-Cement Water Pipe AWWA C603


Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe, 4 in. Through 12 in., for Water Distribution


Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe, 14 in. Through 48 in., for Water Distribution


Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe and Fittings, 4 in. (100 mm) Through 63 in. (1575 mm) for Water Distribution


Molecularly Oriented Polyvinyl Chloride (PVCO) 4-24 in…… AWWA C909


Specification for Seamless Red Brass Pipe


Copper Specification for Seamless Copper Tube


Specification for Seamless Copper Water Tube ASTM B 88

Requirements for Wrought Seamless Copper and Copper-Alloy Tube ASTM B 251* Piping specifically listed for use in private fire service mains shall be permitted to be used. Where listed pipe is used, it shall be installed in accordance with the listing limitations including installation instructions. Where listing limitations or installation instructions differ from the requirements of this standard, the listing limitations and installation instructions shall apply.

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10.1.2 Steel Pipe. Steel piping shall not be used for general underground service unless specifically listed for such service. Steel piping manufactured in accordance with Table that is externally coated and wrapped and internally galvanized shall be permitted to be used between the hose coupling(s) on the fire department connection and the check valve installed in the fire department connection piping.

Table Steel Piping for Fire Department Connections

Materials and Dimensions Standard Specificationfor Blackand ASTMA795 Specification for Black and ASTM A 795 Hot-DippedZincDipped Zinc-Coated (Galvanized)WeldedandSeamlessSteelPipeforFireProtectionUse Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe for Fire Protection Use SpecificationforPipe,Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black ANSI/ASTMA53ASTM A 53 andHotand Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded andSeamlessand Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe SpecificationforElectricSpecification for Electric-Resistance ANSI/ASMEB 3 6 ASME B 3 6 . 1 0 M - ASTMA - ASTM A 135 Welded Steel Pipe External coating and wrapping as required by shall be approved.

10.1.3 Steel Pipe Used with Fire Department Connections. Where externally coated and wrapped and internally galvanized, steel pipe shall be permitted to be used between the check valve and the outside hose coupling for the fire department connection.

10.1.2 All piping used in private fire service mains shall be rated for the maximum system working pressure to which the piping is exposed to but shall not be rated at less than 150 psi (10 bar).

10.1.4* Pipe Type and Class. The type and class of pipe for a particular underground installation shall be determined through consideration of the following factors:

(1) Fire resistance of the pipe

(2) Maximum system working pressure

(3) Depth at which the pipe is to be installed

(4) Soil conditions

(5) Corrosion

(6) Susceptibility of pipe to other external loads, including earth loads, installation beneath buildings, and traffic or vehicle loads

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10.1.5* Working Pressure. Piping, fittings, and other system components shall be rated for the maximum system working pressure to which they are exposed but shall not be rated at less than 150 psi (10 bar).

10.1.6* Lining of Buried Pipe. Unless the requirements of are met, all ferrous metal pipe shall be lined in accordance with the applicable standards in Table 10.1.1. Steel pipe utilized in fire department connections and protected in accordance with the requirements of 10.1.3 shall not be required to be internally lined.

10.1.3When3 When lined piping is used, the manufacturer’s literature for internal diameter shall be used for all hydraulic calculations.

10.1.4 Where piping installed in a private fire service main must be installed above grade, the piping materials shall conform to NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems. Underground piping shall be permitted to extend into the building through the slab or wall not more than 24 in. (0.6 m).

10.2 Fittings.

10.2.1 All fittings used in private fire service mains shall be in accordance with, or Fittings manufactured in accordance with Table shall be permitted to be used.

10.2.1* Buried Fittings. Fittings shall be of an approved type with joints and pressure class ratings compatible with the pipe used.

10.2.2 Standard Fittings. Fittings shall meet the standards in Table or shall be in accordance with 10.2.3.

Table Fittings Materials and Dimensions

Materials and Dimensions Standard

Cast Iron

Gray Iron Threaded Fittings, Classes 125 and 250 ASME B16.4

Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Classes 1225, 125, and 250

Ductile Iron

Ductile Iron and Gray Iron Fittings , AWWAC110AWWA

ASME B16.1

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3 in. Through 48 in., for Water and other Liquids


Ductile Iron Compact Fittings , 3 in. Through 24 in. and 54 in. through 64 in. for Water Service


Malleable Iron

Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings, Class 150 and 300 ASME B16.3


Factory-Made Wrought Steel Buttweld Fittings ASME B16.9

Buttwelding Ends ASME B16.25

Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and Elevated Temperatures

ASTM A 234

Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, NPS ½ Through 24 ASME B16.5

Forged Steel Fittings, Socket Welded and Threaded ASME B16.11

Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks Service — Sizes 4 in. Through 144 in.


Dimensions for Fabricated Steel Water Pipe Fittings AWWA C208


Wrought Copper and Bronze Solder Joint Pressure Fittings ASME B16.22

Cast Bronze Solder Joint Pressure Fittings ASME B16.18

Bronze Fittings

Cast Bronze Threaded Fittings ASTM B16.15 In addition to the standards in Table, CPVC fittings shall also be in accordance with 10.2.3 and with the portions of the ASTM standards specified in Table that apply to fire protection service.

Table Specially Listed Fittings Materials and Dimensions

Materials and Dimensions Standard

Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) Specification for Schedule 80 CPVC Threaded Fittings

ASTM F 437

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Specification for Schedule 40 CPVC Socket-Type Fittings ASTM F 438

Specification for Schedule 80 CPVC Socket-Type Fittings ASTM F 439 Fittings specifically listed for use in private fire service mains shall be permitted to be used. Where listed fittings are used, they shall be installed in accordance with their listing limitations including installation instructions. Where listing limitations or installation instructions differ from the requirements of this standard, the listing limitations and installation instructions shall apply.

10.2.3 Special Listed Fittings. Other types of fittings investigated for suitability in automatic sprinkler installations and listed for this service, including, but not limited to, polybutylene, CPVC, and steel differing from that provided in Table, shall be permitted when installed in accordance with their listing limitations, including installation instructions. Approved fittings shall be permitted to be used.

10.2.2 All fittings used in private fire service mains shall be rated for the maximum system working pressure to which the fittings ares exposed to but shall not be rated at less than 150 psi (10 bar).

10.2.4 Pressure Limits. Listed fittings shall be permitted for the system pressures as specified in their listings, but not less than 150 psi (10 bar).

10.2.3 Where fittings installed in a private fire service main must be installed above grade, the fittings shall conform to NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems. Fittings in accordance with 10.2.1 shall be permitted for the transition to the above ground piping or fittings.

10.3 Joining Connection of Pipe, and Fittings and Appurtenances.

10.3.1* Buried Joints. Connection of all fittings and appurtenances to piping shall be in accordance with 10.3.3 Joints shall be approved.

10.3.2 Connections of pipe and fittings indicated in Tables and shall be in accordance with the referenced standard in the Table.

10.3.3 Listed Connections. Connections utilizing listed products shall be in accordance with the listing limitations and the manufacturer’s installation instructions. Where listing limitations or installation instructions differ from the requirements of this standard, the listing limitations and installation instructions shall apply.

10.3.4 Where pipe, fittings or appurtenances are connected using threads, all threads shall be in accordance with ANSI/ASME B1.20.1.

10.3.5 Grooved Connections. Where pipe, fittings or appurtenances are connected using grooves, they shall be connected in accordance with through

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10.3.2 Threaded Pipe and Fittings. All threaded steel pipe and fittings shall have threads cut in accordance with ASME B1.20.1.

10.3.3* Groove Joining Methods. Pipes joined with grooved fittings shall be joined by a listed combination of fittings, gaskets, and grooves.

10.3.610.3.4 Brazed and Pressure Fitting Methods. All jJoints for the connection of copper tube shall be brazed or joined using pressure fittings as specified in Table

10.3.5 Other Joining Methods. Other joining methods listed for this service shall be permitted where installed in accordance with their listing limitations.

10.3.6 Pipe Joint Assembly. Joints shall be assembled by persons familiar with the particular materials being used and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and specifications.

10.4 Protection of PipingPrivate Fire Service Mains

10.4.1 Protection from Corrosion*Coatings. All bolted joint accessories shall be cleaned and thoroughly coated with asphalt or other corrosion-retarding material after installation.[m1] The requirements of shall not apply to epoxy coated fittings, valves, glands or other accessories.* Where it is necessary to join metal pipe with pipe of dissimilar metal, the joint shall be insulated against the passage of an electric current using an approved method.[m2]

10.4.2* Depth of CoverProtection of Pipingfrom Freezing. Protection from Freezing.* The depth of cover for private fire service mains and their appurtenances over water pipes to protect against freezingshallfreezing shall be in accordance with 10.4.12.determined by the maximum depth of frost penetration in the locality where the pipe is laid.[m3]* The top of the pipe shall be buried not less than 1 ft (0.3 m) below the frost line for the locality.[m4] The depth of piping shall be measured from the top of the piping to the final grade.[m5]

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10.4.3 In those locations where frostisfrost is not a factor, the depth of cover shall be not less than 2½ ft (0.8 m) to prevent mechanical damage. Where listed piping is used and the bury depth differs from this standard, the listing limitations shall apply.

10.4.2. 41.41.3 Where private fire service mains are installed above ground, they shall be protected from freezing in accordance withNFPAwith NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems. Private fire service mains installed in water raceways or shallow streams shall be installed so that the piping will remain in the running water throughout the year.[m6] Where piping is installed adjacent to a vertical face, it shall be installed from the vertical face at the same distance as if the piping were buried. Protection of private fire service mains from freezing using heat tracing shall be permitted when the heat tracing is specifically listed for underground use. Heat tracing not listed for underground use shall be permitted when piping is installed in accordance with

10.4.4 Pipe under driveways shall be buried at a minimum depth of 3 ft (0.9 m).

10.4.5 Pipe under railroad tracks shall be buried at a minimum depth of 4 ft (1.2 m).

10.4.6 The depth of cover shall be measured from the top of the pipe to finished grade, and due consideration shall always be given to future or final grade and nature of soil.

10.5 Protection Against Freezing.

10.5.1* Where it is impracticable to bury pipe, pipe shall be permitted to be laid aboveground, provided that the pipe is protected against freezing and mechanical damage.

10.5.2 Pipe shall be buried below the frost line where entering streams and other bodies of water.

10.5.3 Where pipe is laid in water raceways or shallow streams, care shall be taken that there will be sufficient depth of running water between the pipe and the frost line during all seasons of frost; a safer method is to bury the pipe 1 ft (0.3 m) or more under the bed of the waterway.

10.5.4 Pipe shall be located at a distance from stream banks and embankment walls that prevents danger of freezing through the side of the bank. Protection From Mechanical Damage. The depth of cover for private fire service mains and their appurtenances to protect against mechanical damage shall be in accordance with The depth of piping shall be measured from the top of the piping to the final grade.

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10.4.322.3 Private fire service mains installed under driveways or roadways shall be buried at a minimum depth of 3 ft (0.9 m).[m7]

10.4.322.3.1 Sidewalks, walkways and other paved or concrete pedestrian passageways shall not be required to comply with

10.4.322.4 Private fire service mains installed under railroad tracks shall be buried at a minimum depth of 4 ft (1.2 m).[m8] Where railroad operators require a greater depth of bury, the greater depth shall apply.

10.4.322.5 Private fire service mains installed under large piles of heavy commodities or subject to heavy shock and vibrations shall be buried at a minimum depth of 4 ft (1.2 m).[m9]

10.4.322.6 Where private fire service mains are installed above ground, they shall be protected from damage with bollards or other means as approved by the AHJ when subject to mechanical damage.

10.4.433 Private Fire Service Mains Under Buildings. Except as allowedbyallowed by 10.4.3, private fire service mains shall not be allowed to run under buildings.

10.4.433.1* Private fire service mains supplying fire protection systems within the building shall be permitted to extend no more than 10 ft (3 m), as measured from the outside of the building, under the building to the riser location.

10.4.433.1.1* Pipe joints shall not be located directly under foundation fittings.

10.4.433.1.2* Piping shall be installed a minimum of 12 in. (305 mm) below the bottom of building foundations or footers.

10.4.433.1.2.1 The requirements of shall not apply when the piping is sleeved with an approved material.

10.4.433.2* Where approved, pPrivate fire service mains supplying systems within the building shall be permitted to extend more than 10 ft (3 m) under the building when all the requirements of,, andthrough are met.

10.4.433.2.1 Where the piping is installed under the building, all foundations or footers over the private fire service main shall be arched to create a minimum of 24 in (610 mm) clearance.

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10.4.433.2.2 It shall be acceptable to install the piping in covered trenches where the trenches are accessible from within the building.

10.4.433.2.3 All joints shall be mechanically restrained.

10.4.433.2.4 A valve shall be installed before the piping enters under the building and within 24 in. (610 mm) of where the piping enters the building.

[m10] Existing private fire service mains shall be permitted to remain under new buildings where approved by the authority having jurisdiction. Where the piping is installed under the building, all foundations or footers over the private fire service main shall be arched to create a minimum of 24 in (610 mm) clearance. A valve shall be installed at all locations where the piping enters under the building.

10.6 Protection Against Damage.

10.6.1 Pipe shall not be run under the building except where permitted in 10.6.2 and 10.6.3.

10.6.2 Where approved, pipe shall be permitted to be run under buildings, and special precautions shall be taken, including the following:

(1) Arching the foundation walls over the pipe

(2) Running pipe in covered trenches

(3) Providing valves to isolate sections of pipe under buildings

10.6.3 Fire service mains shall be permitted to enter the building adjacent to the foundation.* The requirements of 10.6.2(2) and 10.6.2(3) shall not apply where fire service mains enter under the building no more than 10 ft (3 m) as measured from the outside edge of the building to the center of the vertical pipe.

10.6.4* Pipe joints shall not be located under foundation footings.

10.6.5* Piping shall be run at least 1 ft (305 mm) below the bottom of foundations/footers. The requirements of 10.6.6 shall not apply when piping is sleeved.

10.6.6 Mains shall be subjected to an evaluation of the following specific loading conditions and protected, if necessary:

(1) Mains running under railroads carrying heavy cargo

(2) Mains running under large piles of heavy commodities

(3) Mains located in areas that subject the main to heavy shock and vibrations

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10.6.7* Where it is necessary to join metal pipe with pipe of dissimilar metal, the joint shall be insulated against the passage of an electric current using an approved method.

10.5 Grounding and Bonding

10.5.1* The undergroundg piping shall be permitted to be used for bonding where lightning protection in accordance with NFPA 780 Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection SystemsisSystems is provided for the structure that the underground piping serves.

10.5.2* Except as permittedallowed by 10.5.1, private fire service main piping shall not be used as grounding for electrical systms.* In no case shall the underground piping be used as a grounding electrode for electrical systems.* The requirement of 10.6.8 shall not preclude the bonding of the underground piping to the lightning protection grounding system as required by NFPA 780 in those cases where lightning protection is provided for the structure.

[m11]10.6*8 Joint Restraint. Private fire service mains shall be restrained against movement at changes in direction in accordance with 10.6.1, 10.6.2 or 10.6.3* Thrust Blocks. Thrust blocks shall be permittedconsidered satisfactory where soil is stable and capable of resisting the anticipated thrust forcestype is suitable for their use. Thrust blocks shall be of a concrete, of a mix not leaner than one part cement, two and one-half parts sand, and five parts stone. Thrust blocks shall be placed between undisturbed earth and the fitting to be restrained and shall be capable of resisting the calculated thrust forces. Wherever possible, thrust blocks shall be locatedplaced or pouredso so that the joints are accessible for repair.

[m12]10.8.1 General.* All tees, plugs, caps, bends, reducers, valves, and hydrant branches shall be restrained against movement by using thrust blocks in accordance with 10.8.2 or restrained joint systems in accordance with 10.8.3.* Restrained Joint Systems. Private FfireserviceFfire service mains utilizing restrained joint systems shall include one or more of the following:

(1) Locking mechanical or push-on joints

(2) Mechanical joints utilizing setscrew retainer glands

(3) Bolted flange joints

(4) Heat-fused or welded joints

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(54) Pipe clamps and tie rods

(6) Threaded or grooved joints

(75) Other approved methods or devices


10.(New and renumber)* Private fire service mains utilizing one or more of the following connection methods shall not require additional restraint , provided that such joints can pass the hydrostatic test of without shifting of piping.

Threaded Connections

Grooved Connections

Welded Connections

Heat Fused Connections

Chemical or Solvent Cemented Connections Sizing Clamps, Rods, Bolts, and Washers. Clamps. Clamps shall have the following dimensions:

(1) ½ in. × 2 in. (12.7 mm × 50.8 mm) for 4 in. (102 mm) to 6 in. (152 mm) pipe

(2) 5⁄8 in. × 2½ in. (15.9 mm × 63.5 mm) for 8 in. (204 mm) to 10 in. (254 mm) pipe

(3) 5⁄8 in. × 3 in. (15.9 mm × 76.2 mm) for 12 in. (305 mm) pipe The diameter of a bolt hole shall be 1⁄16 in. (1.6 mm) 1⁄8 in. (3.2 mm) larger than that of the corresponding bolt. Rods. Rods shall be not less than 5⁄8 in. (15.9 mm) in diameter. Table provides the numbers of various diameter rods that shall be used for a given pipe size.

Table Rod Number — Diameter Combinations

Nominal Pipe Size 5⁄8 in.

¾ in. (19.1 mm) 7⁄8 in.

1 in. (25.4 mm)

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(in.) (15.9 mm) (22.2 mm)

4 2 — — —

6 2 — — —

8 3 2 — —

10 4 3 2 —

12 6 4 3 2

14 8 5 4 3

16 10 7 5 4

Note: This table has been derived using pressure of 225 psi (15.5 bar) and design stress of 25,000 psi (172.4 MPa). Where using bolting rods, the diameter of mechanical joint bolts shall limit the diameter of rods to ¾ in. (19.1 mm). Threaded sections of rods shall not be formed or bent. Where using clamps, rods shall be used in pairs for each clamp. Assemblies in which a restraint is made by means of two clamps canted on the barrel of the pipe shall be permitted to use one rod per clamp if approved for the specific installation by the authority having jurisdiction. Where using combinations of rods, the rods shall be symmetrically spaced. Clamp Bolts. Clamp bolts shall have the following diameters:

(1) 5⁄8 in. (15.9 mm) for pipe 4 in. (102 mm), 6 in. (152 mm), and 8 in. (204 mm)

(2) ¾ in. (19.1 mm) for 10 in. (254 mm) pipe

(3) 7⁄8 in. (22.2 mm) for 12 in. (305 mm) pipe Washers. Washers shall be permitted to be cast iron or steel and round or square. Cast iron washers shall have the following dimensions:

(1) 5⁄8 in. × 3 in. (15.9 mm × 76.2 mm) for 4 in. (102 mm), 6 in. (152 mm), 8 in. (204 mm), and 10 in. (254 mm) pipe

(2) ¾ in. × 3½ in. (19.1 mm × 88.9 mm) for 12 in. (305 mm) pipe Steel washers shall have the following dimensions:

(1) ½ in. × 3 in. (12.7 mm × 76.2 mm) for 4 in. (102 mm), 6 in. (152 mm), 8 in. (204 mm), and 10 in. (254 mm) pipe

(2) ½ in. × 3½ in. (12.7 mm × 88.9 mm) for 12 in. (305 mm) pipe

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(1) 5⁄8 in. (15.9 mm) thick and 2½ in. (63.5 mm) wide for 4 in. (102 mm), 6 in. (152 mm), 8 in. (204 mm), and 10 in. (254 mm) pipe

(2) 5⁄8 in. (15.9 mm) thick and 3 in. (76.2 mm) wide for 12 in. (305 mm) pipe The diameter of rod holes shall be 1⁄16 in. (1.6 mm) larger than that of rods. Figure and Table shall be used in sizing the restraint straps for both mechanical and push-on joint tee fittings.


FIGURE Restraint Straps for Tees.

Table Restraint Straps for Tees

Nominal Pipe Size



in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm

4 12½ 318 101⁄8 257 2½ 64 1¾ 44

6 14½ 368 121⁄8 308 39⁄16 90 213⁄16 71

8 16¾ 425 143⁄8 365 421⁄32 118 329⁄32 99

10 191⁄16 484 1611⁄16 424 5¾ 146 5 127

12 225⁄16 567 193⁄16 487 6¾ 171 57⁄8 149 Sizes of Plug Strap for Bell End of Pipe. The strap shall be ¾ in. (19.1 mm) thick and 2½ in. (63.5 mm) wide. The strap length shall be the same as dimension A for tee straps as shown in Figure The distance between the centers of rod holes shall be the same as dimension B for tee straps as shown in Figure* Material. Clamps, rods, rod couplings or turnbuckles, bolts, washers, restraint straps, and plug straps shall be of a material that has physical and chemical characteristics that indicate its deterioration under stress can be predicted with reliability.

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A. The bituminous and corrosion-retarding materials should be compatible with pipe and fitting materials. The requirements of shall not apply to epoxy coated fittings, valves, glands or other accessories.

10.6.3* Private fire service mains utilizing one or more of the following connection methods shall not require additional restraint , provided that such joints can pass the hydrostatic test of without shifting of piping.

(1) Threaded Connections

(2) Grooved Connections

(3) Welded Connections

(4) Heat Fused Connections

(5) Chemical or Solvent Cemented Connections* Private fire service mains utilizing one or more of the following connection methods Piping with fused, threaded, grooved, or welded joints shall not require additional restraint restraining, provided that such joints can pass the hydrostatic test of without shifting of piping. or leakage in excess of permitted amounts.

Threaded Connections

Grooved Connections

Welded Connections

Heat Fused Connections

Chemical or SolventCementedFusedSolvent CementedFused Connections

10.710.8.1.3 Steep Grades. [m14]

10.7.1On1 On steep grades, mains shall be additionally restrained to prevent slipping. Pipe shall be restrained at the bottom of a hill and at any turns (lateral or vertical). The restraint specified in shall be to natural rock or to suitable piers built on the downhill side of the bell. Bell ends shall be installed facing uphill.

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10.87 Installation Requirements. for Laying Pipe.[m15]

10.87.1 PipingPipes, valves, hydrants, gaskets, and fittings shall be inspected for damage when received and shall be inspected prior to installation. (See Figure 10.10.1.)

10.87.2 The tightness torquing of bolted joints shall be verified by the bolt torque or by the method described in the listing information or manufacturer’s installation instructions.checked.

10.87.3 Pipe, valves, hydrants, and fittings shall be clean and free from internal debrisdebris inside.

10.87.4 When work is stopped, the open ends of pipingpipe, valves, hydrants, and fittings shall be plugged orplugged or covered to prevent stones and foreign materials from entering.

10.78.5 All pipingpipe, fittings, valves, and hydrants shall be examined for cracks or other defects while suspended above the trench andcarefully lowered into the trench using appropriate equipment. and carefully examined for cracks or other defects while suspended above the trench.

10.78.6 Plain ends shall be inspected for signs of damage prior to installation.

10.78.7 Piping, fittings, valves, hydrants and appurtenances e materials Under no circumstances shall not be water mainmaterialsmain materials be dropped, or dumped or rolled or skidded against other materials.


10.87.8 Pipe shall not be rolled or skidded against other pipe materials.

10.87.89 Pipes shall be supported in the trenchbear throughout their full length and shall not be supported by the bell ends only or by blocks.

10.87.910 If the ground is softsoft or of a quicksand nature, other means special provisions shall be provided to made for support theing pipe.

10.87.101 Valves and fittings used with nonmetallic pipe shall be supported and restrained in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructionsrecommendations.specifications.

10.9 Backfilling. Backfilling of private fire service mains shall be in accordance with 10.9.

10.9.1 Backfill material shall be tamped in layers or puddled under and around pipes to prevent settlement or lateral movement. and shall contain no ashes, cinders, refuse, organic matter, or other corrosive materials.

10.9.2 Backfill material shall not contain ash, cinders, refuse, organic matter or other corrosive materials.

10.9.32 Rocks shall not be used for backfill.placed in trenches.

10.9.43 Frozen earth shall not be used as backfill material.for backfilling.

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10.9.54 In trenches cut through rock, tamped backfill shall be used for at least 6 in. (150 mm) under and around the pipe and for at least 2 ft (0.6 m) above the pipe.

10.9.6 Where using piping specifically listed for private fire service mains, the manufacturer’s installation instructions for backfill shall be followed.

10.10Testing10 Testing and Acceptance.

10.10.1 Approval of Underground Piping. The installing contractor shall be responsible for the following:

(1) Notifying the authority having jurisdiction and the owner's representative of the time and date testing is to be performed

(2) Performing all required acceptance tests

(3) Completing and signing the contractor's material and test certificate(s) shown in Figure 10.10.1


FIGURE 10.10.1 Sample of Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Underground Piping.


FIGURE 10.10.1 Continued

10.10.2 Acceptance Requirements.* Flushing of Piping. Underground piping, from the water supply to the system riser, and lead-in connections to the system riser, including all hydrants, shall be completely flushed before the connection is made to downstream fire protection system piping. The flushing operation shall be continued for a sufficient time to ensure thorough cleaningcontinue until water flow is verified to be clear of debris. The minimum rate of flow shall be not less than one of the following: (1) Hydraulically calculated water demand flow rate of the system, including any hose requirements (2)* Flow in accordance with Table

(3) Maximum flow rate available to the system under fire conditions The minimum rate of flow shall be not less than one of the following:

(1) Hydraulically calculated water demand flow rate of the system, including any hose requirements

(1) Hydraulically calculated water demand flow rate of the system, including any hose requirements

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(2)* Flow in accordance with Table

(3) Maximum flow rate available to the system under fire conditions

Table Flow Required to Produce Velocity of 10 ft/sec (3 m/sec) in Pipes

Nominal Pipe Size Flow Rate

in. mm gpm L/min

2 51 100 379

2 ½ 63 150 568

3 76 220 833

4 102 390 1,476

5 127 610 2,309

6 152 880 3,331

8 204 1,560 5,905

10 254 2,440 9,235

12 305 3,520 13,323 Provision shall be made for the proper disposal of water used for flushing or testing. Hydrostatic Test.* All piping and attached appurtenances subjected to system working pressure shall be hydrostatically tested at 200 psig (13.8 bar) or 50 psi (3.5 bar) in excess of the system working pressure, whichever is greater, and shall maintain that pressure at ±5 psig (0.35 bar) for 2 hours. Acceptable test results shall be determined by indication of either a Ppressure loss indicated shall be determined by a drop in gauge pressure in excess of less than 5 psig or by no visual leakage. The test pressure shall be read from one of the following, located at the lowest elevation of the system or the portion of the system being tested:

(1) A gauge located at one of the hydrant outlets

(2) A gauge located at the lowest point where no hydrants are provided* The trench shall be backfilled between joints before testing to prevent movement of pipe.

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where: L = testing allowance (makeup water) [gph (gal/hr)] S = length of pipe tested (ft) D = nominal diameter of pipe (in.) P = average test pressure during hydrostatic test (gauge psi)

Metric Units:


where: L = testing allowance (makeup water) (L/hr) S = length of pipe tested (m) D = nominal diameter of pipe (mm) P = average test pressure during hydrostatic test (kPa)

Table Hydrostatic Testing Allowance at 200 psi (gph/100 ft of Pipe)

Nominal Pipe Diameter

(in.) Testing Allowance

2 0.019

4 0.038

6 0.057

8 0.076

10 0.096

12 0.115

14 0.134

16 0.153

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18 0.172

20 0.191

24 0.229


(1) For other length, diameters, and pressures, utilize Equation or to determine the appropriate testing allowance.

(2) For test sections that contain various sizes and sections of pipe, the testing allowance is the sum of the testing allowances for each size and section. Other Means of Hydrostatic Tests. Where required by the authority having jurisdiction, hydrostatic tests shall be permitted to be completed in accordance with the requirements of AWWA C600, AWWA C602, AWWA C603, and AWWA C900. Operating Test. Each hydrant shall be fully opened and closed under system water pressure. Dry barrel hydrants shall be checked for proper drainage. All control valves shall be fully closed and opened under system water pressure to ensure proper operation. Where fire pumps supply the private fire service main are available, the operating tests required by shall be completed with the pumps running. Backflow Prevention Assemblies. The backflow prevention assembly shall be forward flow tested to ensure proper operation. The minimum flow rate tested in shall be the system demand, including hose stream demand where applicable.

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First Revision No. 4-NFPA 24-2013 [ Section No. 13.2 ]

13.2 Mains Not Supplying Hydrants.For mains that do not supply hydrants, sizes smaller than 6 in. (152 mm) shall be permitted to be used, subject to the following restrictions:

(1) The main shall supply only the following types of systems:

(a) Automatic sprinkler systems

(b) Open sprinkler systems

(c) Water spray fixed systems

(d) Foam systems

(e) Class II standpipe Standpipe systems

(2) Hydraulic calculations shall show that the main is able to supply the total demand at the appropriate pressure.

(3) Systems that are not hydraulically calculated shall have a main at least as large as the riser.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Thu Aug 15 10:04:34 EDT 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

This change is proposed to align 13.2 (e) with the text of 5.2.2 (e), which was revised during the last cycle to delete the “Class II” reference. As discussed then, there should not be a requirement which specifies a 6” minimum water supply for all Class I & III standpipes. NFPA 14 requires that all new standpipes be hydraulically calculated, so this standard should not dictate a minimum size for the private fire service mains that supply them.

ResponseMessage:Public Input No. 54-NFPA 24-2013 [Section No. 13.2]

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First Revision No. 20-NFPA 24-2013 [ Chapter A ]

Annex A Explanatory Material

Annex A is not a part of the requirements of this NFPA document but is included forinformational purposes only. This annex contains explanatory material, numbered tocorrespond with the applicable text paragraphs.

A.3.2.1 Approved.

The National Fire Protection Association does not approve, inspect, or certify anyinstallations, procedures, equipment, or materials; nor does it approve or evaluate testinglaboratories. In determining the acceptability of installations, procedures, equipment, ormaterials, the authority having jurisdiction may base acceptance on compliance with NFPAor other appropriate standards. In the absence of such standards, said authority may requireevidence of proper installation, procedure, or use. The authority having jurisdiction may alsorefer to the listings or labeling practices of an organization that is concerned with productevaluations and is thus in a position to determine compliance with appropriate standards forthe current production of listed items.

A.3.2.2 Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).

The phrase “authority having jurisdiction,” or its acronym AHJ, is used in NFPA documents ina broad manner, since jurisdictions and approval agencies vary, as do their responsibilities.Where public safety is primary, the authority having jurisdiction may be a federal, state,local, or other regional department or individual such as a fire chief; fire marshal; chief of afire prevention bureau, labor department, or health department; building official; electricalinspector; or others having statutory authority. For insurance purposes, an insuranceinspection department, rating bureau, or other insurance company representative may be theauthority having jurisdiction. In many circumstances, the property owner or his or herdesignated agent assumes the role of the authority having jurisdiction; at governmentinstallations, the commanding officer or departmental official may be the authority havingjurisdiction.

A.3.2.4 Listed.

The means for identifying listed equipment may vary for each organization concerned withproduct evaluation; some organizations do not recognize equipment as listed unless it isalso labeled. The authority having jurisdiction should utilize the system employed by thelisting organization to identify a listed product.

A.3.3.3 Control Valve (Shutoff Valve).

Control valves do not include drain valves, check valves, or relief valves.

A.3.3.12 Pressure-Regulating Device.

Examples include pressure-reducing valves, pressure-control valves, and pressure-restrictingdevices.

A.3.3.13 Private Fire Service Main.

See Figure A.3.3.13.

Figure A.3.3.13 Typical Private Fire Service Main.

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A. Indicating Valve.

Examples are outside screw and yoke (OS&Y) gate valves, butterfly valves, andunderground gate valves with indicator posts.

A. Dry Barrel Hydrant.

A drain is located at the bottom of the barrel above the control valve seat for proper drainageafter operation.

A. Private Fire Hydrant.

Where connected to a public water system, the private hydrants are supplied by a privateservice main that begins at the point of service designated by the authority havingjurisdiction AHJ , usually at a manually operated valve near the property line.


Underground mains should be designed so that the system can be extended with aminimum of expense. Possible future plant expansion should also be considered and thepiping designed so that it is not covered by future buildings.


If possible, dead-end mains should be avoided by arranging for mains to be supplied fromboth directions. Where private fire service mains are connected to dead-end public mains,each situation should be examined to determine if it is practical to request the water utilityto loop the mains to obtain a more reliable supply.

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An adjustment to the waterflow test data to account for the following should be made, asappropriate:

(1) Daily and seasonal fluctuations

(2) Possible interruption by flood or ice conditions

(3) Large simultaneous industrial use

(4) Future demand on the water supply system

(5) Other conditions that could affect the water supply


Where connections are made from public waterworks systems, such systems should beguarded against possible contamination as follows (see AWWA M14, RecommendedPractice for Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control , or local plumbing code,or consult the local water purveyor ):

(1) For private fire service mains with direct connections from public waterworks mainsonly or with fire pumps installed in the connections from the street mains, no tanks orreservoirs, no physical connection from other water supplies, no antifreeze or otheradditives of any kind, and with all drains discharging to atmosphere, dry well, or othersafe outlets, an approved double check valve assembly is recommended might berequired by other codes or standards .

(2) For private fire service mains with direct connections from the public water supply mainplus one or more elevated storage tanks or fire pumps taking suction from abovegroundcovered reservoirs or tanks (all storage facilities are filled or connected to public wateronly, and the water in the tanks is to be maintained in a potable condition), anapproved double check valve assembly is recommended might be required by othercodes or standards .

(3) For private fire service mains directly supplied from public mains with an auxiliary watersupply, such as a pond or river on or available to the premises and dedicated to firedepartment use; or for systems supplied from public mains and interconnected withauxiliary supplies, such as pumps taking suction from reservoirs exposed tocontamination or rivers and ponds; driven wells, mills, or other industrial watersystems; or for systems or portions of systems where antifreeze or other solutions areused, an approved reduced-pressure zone-type backflow preventer isrecommended might be required by other codes or standards .

(4) For private fire service mains with fire department connections located near a non-potable water source, an approved reduced-pressure zone-type backflow preventermight be required by other codes or standards.


In this instance, the AHJ might be the water purveyor, plumbing inspector, or public healthofficial.


A fire pump installation consisting of pump, driver, and suction supply, when of adequatecapacity and reliability and properly located, makes a good an acceptable supply. Anautomatically controlled fire pump (s) taking water from a water main of adequate capacity,or taking draft under a head from a reliable storage of adequate capacity, is permitted to be,under certain conditions, accepted by the authority having jurisdiction as a single supply.


The fire department connection should be located not less than 18 in. (457 mm) and not

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more than 4 ft (1.2 m) above the level of the adjacent grade or access level. Typical firedepartment connections are shown in Figure A.5.9(a) and Figure A.5.9(b). Where a hydrantis not available, other water supply sources such as a natural body of water, a tank, or areservoir should be utilized. The water authority should be consulted when a nonpotablewater supply is proposed as a suction source for the fire department.

Figure A.5.9(a) Typical Fire Department Connection.

Figure A.5.9(b) Typical City Water Pit — Valve Arrangement.


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Figure A. and Figure A. depict fire department connections to theunderground pipe.

Figure A. Fire Department Connection Connected to UndergroundPiping (Sample 1).

Figure A. Fire Department Connection Connected to UndergroundPiping (Sample 2).

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The requirement in applies to fire department connections attached to undergroundpiping. If the fire department connection is attached directly to a system riser, therequirements of the appropriate installation standard apply.


Obstructions to fire department connections include, but are not limited to, buildings,fences, posts, landscaping, other fire department connections, fire protection equipment,gas meters, and electrical equipment.


Where a fire department connection services multiple buildings, structures, or locations, asign should be provided indicating the buildings, structures, or locations served.


Examples for wording of signs are:








A valve wrench with a long handle should be provided at a convenient location on thepremises.


A connection to a municipal water supply can utilize a tapping sleeve and a nonlisted,nonindicating valve as the valve controlling the water supply.


See Figure A. For additional information on controlling valves, see NFPA 22.

Figure A. Pit for Gate Valve, Check Valve, and Fire DepartmentConnection.


For additional information on controlling valves, see NFPA 22.


For additional information on controlling valves, see NFPA 22.


Where located underground, check valves on tank or pump connections can be placedinside of buildings and at a safe distance from the tank riser or pump, except in caseswhere the building is entirely of one fire area. Where the building is one fire area, it isordinarily considered satisfactory to locate the check valve overhead in the lowest level.


It might be necessary to provide valves located in pits with an indicator post extendingabove grade or other means so that the valve can be operated without entering the pit.

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Distances greater than 40 ft (12 m) are not required but can be permitted regardless of thebuilding height.


Distances greater than 40 ft (12 m) are not required but can be permitted regardless of thebuilding height.


Distances greater than 40 ft (12 m) are not required but can be permitted regardless of thebuilding height.


Sectional valves are necessary to allow isolation of piping sections to limit the number offire protection connections impaired in event of a break or to make repairs or extensions tothe system. Fire protection connections can consist of sprinkler system lead-ins, hydrants,or other fire protection connections.


See Annex B.


For information regarding identification and marking of hydrants, see Annex D.


The flows required for private fire protection service mains are determined by systeminstallation standards or fire codes. The impact of the number and size of hydrant outletson the fire protection system demand is not addressed in this standard. The appropriatecode or standard should be consulted for the requirements for calculating system demand.


Fire department pumpers will normally be required to augment the pressure available frompublic hydrants.


Where wall hydrants are used, the authority having jurisdiction AHJ should be consultedregarding the necessary water supply and arrangement of control valves at the point ofsupply in each individual case. (See Figure A.7.2.3.)

Figure A.7.2.3 Typical Wall Fire Hydrant Installation.

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See Figure A.7.3.1(a) and Figure A.7.3.1(b).

Figure A.7.3.1(a) Typical Hydrant Connection with Minimum Height Requirement.

Figure A.7.3.1(b) Typical Hydrant Connection with Maximum HeightRequirement.


Hydrants with the drain plugged that are subject to freezing should be pumped out afterusage to prevent potential damage to and inoperability of the hydrant.


When setting hydrants, due regard should be given to the final grade line.


All hose should not be removed from a hose house for testing at the same time, since inthe event of a fire the time taken to return the hose in case of fire could allow a fire tospread beyond control. (See NFPA 1962.)


Where hose will be subjected to acids, acid fumes, or other corrosive materials, as inchemical plants, the purchase of approved rubber-covered, rubber-lined hose is advised.For hose used in plant yards containing rough surfaces that cause heavy wear or usedwhere working pressures are above 150 psi (10.3 bar), double-jacketed hose should beconsidered.

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Typical hose houses are shown in Figure A.8.4(a) through Figure A.8.4(c).

Figure A.8.4(a) Hose House of Five-Sided Design for Installation over PrivateHydrant.

Figure A.8.4(b) Closed Steel Hose House of Compact Dimensions for Installationover Private Hydrant, in Which Top Lifts Up and Doors on Front Open forComplete Accessibility.

Figure A.8.4(c) Hose House That Can Be Installed on Legs, or Installed on WallNear, but Not Directly Over, Private Hydrant.


All hose should not be removed from a hose house for testing at the same time, since thetime taken to return the hose in case of fire could allow a fire to spread beyond control.(See NFPA 1962.)


For typical master stream devices, see Figure A.9.1(a) and Figure A.9.1(b). Gear control

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For typical master stream devices, see Figure A.9.1(a) and Figure A.9.1(b). Gear controlnozzles are acceptable for use as monitor nozzles.

Figure A.9.1(a) Standard Monitor Nozzles.

Figure A.9.1(b) Typical Hydrant-Mounted Monitor Nozzle.

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The term underground is intended to mean direct buried piping. For example, pipinginstalled in trenches and tunnels but exposed should be treated as aboveground piping.Loop systems for yard piping are recommended for increased reliability and improvedhydraulics. Loop systems should be sectionalized by placing valves at branches and atstrategic locations to minimize the extent of impairments.


Copper tubing (Type K) with brazed joints conforming to Table and Table10.2.1.1 is acceptable for underground service. Listing and labeling information, alongwith applicable publications for reference, is as follows:

(1) Listing and L l abeling. Testing laboratories certification organizations list or labelthe following:

(a) Cast iron and ductile iron pipe (cement-lined and unlined, coated anduncoated)

Asbestos-cement pipe and couplings

(b) Steel pipe

(c) Copper pipe

(d) Fiberglass filament-wound epoxy pipe and couplings

(e) Polyethylene pipe

(f) Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe and couplings

(g) Underwriters Laboratories Inc. lists, under re-examinationservice, reinforced Reinforced concrete pipe (cylinder pipe, nonprestressedand prestressed)

Pipe Standards. The various types of pipe are usually manufactured to one of thefollowing standards:

ASTM C 296, Standard Specification for Asbestos-Cement Pressure Pipe

AWWA C151, Ductile Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast for Water

AWWA C300, Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel-Cylinder Type

AWWA C301, Prestressed Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel-Cylinder Type

AWWA C302, Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Non-Cylinder Type

AWWA C303, Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel-Cylinder Type,Pretensioned

AWWA C400, Standard for Asbestos-Cement Distribution Pipe, 4 in.Through 16 in. (100 mm through 400 mm), for Water Distribution Systems

AWWA C900, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe, 4 in. Through 12 in.,for Water Distribution

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The type and class of pipe for a particular underground installation should be determinedthrough consideration of the following factors:

(1) Maximum system working pressure

(2) Maximum pressure from pressure surges and anticipated frequency of surges

(3) Depth at which the pipe is to be installed

(4) Soil conditions

(5) Corrosion

(6) Susceptibility of pipe to external loads, including earth loads, installation beneathbuildings, and traffic or vehicle loads

The following pipe design manuals and standards can be used as guides:

(1) AWWA C150, Thickness Design of Ductile Iron Pipe

(2) AWWA C900, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe, 4 in. Through 12 in. forWater Distribution

(3) AWWA C905, AWWA Standard for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe andFabricated Fittings, 14 in. through 48 in. (350 mm through 1,200 mm)

(4) AWWA C906, Standard for Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe and Fittings, 4 in.(100 mm) through 68 in. (1,600 mm), for Water Distribution and Transmission

(5) AWWA M41, Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings

(6) Concrete Pipe Handbook , American Concrete Pipe Association


For underground system components, a minimum system pressure rating of 150 psi (10bar) is specified in 10.1.5 , based on satisfactory historical performance. Also, thispressure rating reflects that of the components typically used underground, such aspiping, valves, and fittings. Where system pressures are expected to exceed pressuresof 150 psi (10.3 bar), system components and materials manufactured and listed forhigher pressures should be used. Systems that do not incorporate a fire pump or are notpart of a combined standpipe system do not typically experience pressures exceeding150 psi (10.3 bar) in underground piping. However, each system should be evaluated onan individual basis. It is not the intent of this section to include the pressures generatedthrough fire department connections as part of the maximum working pressure.


Table A.10.1.3 Internal Diameters (IDs) for Cement-Lined Ductile Iron Pipe


OD (in. )PressureClass




ID (in.)withLining

3 3.96 350 0.25 1⁄16 3.34

3 3.96 51 0.25 1⁄16 3.34

3 3.96 52 0.28 1⁄16 3.28

3 3.96 53 0.31 1⁄16 3.22

3 3.96 54 0.34 1⁄16 3.16

3 3.96 55 0.37 1⁄16 3.10

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3 3.96 56 0.40 1⁄16 3.04

4 4.80 350 0.25 1⁄16 4.18

4 4.80 51 0.26 1⁄16 4.16

4 4.80 52 0.29 1⁄16 4.10

4 4.80 53 0.32 1⁄16 4.04

4 4.80 54 0.35 1⁄16 3.98

4 4.80 55 0.38 1⁄16 3.92

4 4.80 56 0.41 1⁄16 3.86

6 6.90 350 0.25 1⁄16 6.28

6 6.90 50 0.25 1⁄16 6.28

6 6.90 51 0.28 1⁄16 6.22

6 6.90 52 0.31 1⁄16 6.16

6 6.90 53 0.34 1⁄16 6.10

6 6.90 54 0.37 1⁄16 6.04

6 6.90 55 0.40 1⁄16 5.98

6 6.90 56 0.43 1⁄16 5.92

8 9.05 350 0.25 1⁄16 8.43

8 9.05 50 0.27 1⁄16 8.39

8 9.05 51 0.30 1⁄16 8.33

8 9.05 52 0.33 1⁄16 8.27

8 9.05 53 0.36 1⁄16 8.21

8 9.05 54 0.39 1⁄16 8.15

8 9.05 55 0.42 1⁄16 8.09

8 9.05 56 0.45 1⁄16 8.03

10 11.10 350 0.26 1⁄16 10.46

10 11.10 50 0.29 1⁄16 10.40

10 11.10 51 0.32 1⁄16 10.34

10 11.10 52 0.35 1⁄16 10.28

10 11.10 53 0.38 1⁄16 10.22

10 11.10 54 0.41 1⁄16 10.16

10 11.10 55 0.44 1⁄16 10.10

10 11.10 56 0.47 1⁄16 10.04

12 13.20 350 0.28 1⁄16 12.52

12 13.20 50 0.31 1⁄16 12.46

12 13.20 51 0.34 1⁄16 12.40

12 13.20 52 0.37 1⁄16 12.34

12 13.20 53 0.40 1⁄16 12.28

12 13.20 54 0.43 1⁄16 12.22

12 13.20 55 0.46 1⁄16 12.16

12 13.20 56 0.49 1⁄16 12.10

14 15.30 250 0.28 3⁄32 14.55

14 15.30 300 0.30 3⁄32 14.51

14 15.30 350 0.31 3⁄32 14.49

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14 15.30 50 0.33 3⁄32 14.45

14 15.30 51 0.36 3⁄32 14.39

14 15.30 52 0.39 3⁄32 14.33

14 15.30 53 0.42 3⁄32 14.27

14 15.30 54 0.45 3⁄32 14.21

14 15.30 55 0.48 3⁄32 14.15

14 15.30 56 0.51 3⁄32 14.09

16 17.40 250 0.30 3⁄32 16.61

16 17.40 300 0.32 3⁄32 16.57

16 17.40 350 0.34 3⁄32 16.53

16 17.40 50 0.34 3⁄32 16.53

16 17.40 51 0.37 3⁄32 16.47

16 17.40 52 0.40 3⁄32 16.41

16 17.40 53 0.43 3⁄32 16.35

16 17.40 54 0.46 3⁄32 16.29

16 17.40 55 0.49 3⁄32 16.23

16 17.40 56 0.52 3⁄32 16.17

18 19.50 250 0.31 3⁄32 18.69

18 19.50 300 0.34 3⁄32 18.63

18 19.50 350 0.36 3⁄32 18.59

18 19.50 50 0.35 3⁄32 18.61

18 19.50 51 0.35 3⁄32 18.61

18 19.50 52 0.41 3⁄32 18.49

18 19.50 53 0.44 3⁄32 18.43

18 19.50 54 0.47 3⁄32 18.37

18 19.50 55 0.50 3⁄32 18.31

18 19.50 56 0.53 3⁄32 18.25

20 21.60 250 0.33 3⁄32 20.75

20 21.60 300 0.36 3⁄32 20.69

20 21.60 350 0.38 3⁄32 20.65

20 21.60 50 0.36 3⁄32 20.69

20 21.60 51 0.39 3⁄32 20.63

20 21.60 52 0.42 3⁄32 20.57

20 21.60 53 0.45 3⁄32 20.51

20 21.60 54 0.48 3⁄32 20.45

20 21.60 55 0.51 3⁄32 20.39

20 21.60 56 0.54 3⁄32 20.33

24 25.80 200 0.33 3⁄32 24.95

24 25.80 250 0.37 3⁄32 24.87

24 25.80 300 0.40 3⁄32 24.81

24 25.80 350 0.43 3⁄32 24.75

24 25.80 50 0.38 3⁄32 24.85

24 25.80 51 0.41 3⁄32 24.79

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24 25.80 52 0.44 3⁄32 24.73

24 25.80 53 0.47 3⁄32 24.67

24 25.80 54 0.50 3⁄32 24.61

24 25.80 55 0.53 3⁄32 24.55

24 25.80 56 0.56 3⁄32 24.49

ID: internal diameter; OD: outside diameter.

*Note: This table is appropriate for single lining thickness only. The actual liningthickness should be obtained from the manufacturer.


Fittings generally used are cast iron with joints made to the specifications of themanufacturer of the particular type of pipe (see the standards listed in A.10.3.1 ) .Steel fittings also have some applications. The following standards apply to fittings:

(1) ASME B16.1, Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings

(2) AWWA C110, Ductile Iron and Gray Iron Fittings, 3-in. Through 48-in., for Waterand Other Liquids

(3) AWWA C153, Ductile Iron Compact Fittings, 3 in. through 24 in. and 54 in.through 64 in. for Water Service

(4) AWWA C208, Dimensions for Fabricated Steel Water Pipe Fittings


The following standards apply to joints used with the various types of pipe:

(1) ASME B16.1, Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings

(2) AWWA C111, Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings

(3) AWWA C115, Flanged Ductile Iron Pipe with Ductile Iron or Gray Iron ThreadedFlanges

(4) AWWA C206, Field Welding of Steel Water Pipe

(5) AWWA C606, Grooved and Shouldered Joints


Fittings and couplings are listed for specific pipe materials that can be installedunderground. Fittings and couplings do not necessarily indicate that they are listedspecifically for underground use.


Gray cast iron is not considered galvanically dissimilar to ductile iron. Rubber gasketjoints (unrestrained push-on or mechanical joints) are not considered connectedelectrically. Metal thickness should not be considered a protection against corrosiveenvironments. In the case of cast iron or ductile iron pipe for soil evaluation and externalprotection systems, see Appendix A of AWWA C105.

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As there is normally no circulation of water in private fire mains, they require greaterdepth of covering than do public mains. Greater depth is required in a loose gravelly soil(or in rock) than in compact soil containing large quantities of clay. The recommendeddepth of cover above the top of underground yard mains is shown in Figure A.10.4.2(a) .

Figure A.10.4.2(a) Recommended Depth of Cover (in feet) Above Top ofUnderground Yard Mains.

In determining the need to protect aboveground piping from freezing, the lowest meantemperature should be considered as shown in Figure A.10.4.2(b) .

Figure A.10.4.2(b) Isothermal Lines — Lowest One-Day Mean Temperature(°F).

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In determining the need to protect aboveground piping from freezing, the lowest meantemperature should be considered as shown in Figure A. .

Figure A. Isothermal Lines — Lowest One-Day Mean Temperature (°F).


Consideration should be given to the type of soil and the possibility of settling. Also,many times the inspection of the piping might occur before final grading and fill of theinstallation is complete. The final grade should be verified.


Items such as sidewalks or patios should not be included as they are no different fromroadways. See Figure A.

Figure A. Riser Entrance Location.



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The individual piping standards should be followed for load and bury depth, accounting forthe load and stresses imposed by the building foundation.

Figure A. shows location where pipe joints would be prohibited.

Figure A. Pipe Joint Location in Relation to Foundation Footings.


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Sufficient clearance should be provided when piping passes beneath foundations orfooters. See Figure A.

Figure A. Piping Clearance from Foundation.


The design concepts in through should apply to both newinstallations and existing private fire service mains approved to remain under newbuildings.


Where lightning protection is provided for a structure, NFPA 780, Section 4.14, requiresthat all grounding media, including underground metallic piping systems, beinterconnected to provide common ground potential. These underground piping systemsare not permitted to be substituted for grounding electrodes but must be bonded to thelightning protection grounding system. Where galvanic corrosion is of concern, this bondcan be made via a spark gap or gas discharge tube.


While the use of the underground fire protection piping as the grounding electrode for thebuilding is prohibited, NFPA 70 requires that all metallic piping systems be bonded andgrounded to disperse stray electrical currents. Therefore, the fire protection piping will bebonded to other metallic systems and grounded, but the electrical system will need anadditional ground for its operation.


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It is a fundamental design principle of fluid mechanics that dynamic and static pressures,acting at changes in size or direction of a pipe, produce unbalanced thrust forces atlocations such as bends, tees, wyes, dead ends, and reducer offsets. This designprinciple includes consideration of lateral soil pressure and pipe/soil friction, variables thatcan be reliably determined using current soil engineering knowledge. Refer to A.10.6.2for a list of references for use in calculating and determining joint restraint systems.

Section 10.6 does not mandate which method of restraint should be used. This decisionis left to the design professional or the owner.

Except for the case of welded joints and approved special restrained joints, such as isprovided by approved mechanical joint retainer glands or locked mechanical and push-onjoints, the usual joints for underground pipe are expected to be held in place by the soil inwhich the pipe is buried. Gasketed push-on and mechanical joints without special lockingdevices have limited ability to resist separation due to movement of the pipe.


Concrete The use of concrete thrust blocks are is one of the methods of restraint nowin use , provided that stable soil conditions prevail and space requirements permitplacement. Successful blocking is dependent upon on factors such as location,availability and placement of concrete, and possibility of disturbance by futureexcavations.

Resistance is provided by transferring the thrust force to the soil through the largerbearing area of the block such so that the resultant pressure against the soil does notexceed the horizontal bearing strength of the soil. The design of thrust blocks consists ofdetermining the appropriate bearing area of the block for a particular set of conditions.The parameters involved in the design include pipe size, design pressure, angle of thebend (or configuration of the fitting involved), and the horizontal bearing strength of thesoil.

Table A.10.6.1(a) gives the nominal thrust at fittings for various sizes of ductile iron andPVC piping. Figure A.10.6.1(a) shows an example of how thrust forces act on a pipingbend.

Table A.10.6.1(a) Thrust at Fittings at 100 psi (6.9 bar) Water Pressure for Ductile Ironand PVC Pipe




Total Pounds






22 1⁄2-DegreeBend

11 1⁄4-DegreeBend

5 1⁄8-DegreeBend

4 1, 810 2, 559 1, 385 706 355 162

6 3, 739 5, 288 2, 862 1, 459 733 334

8 6, 433 9, 097 4, 923 2, 510 1, 261 575

10 9, 677 13,685 7, 406 3, 776 1, 897 865

12 13,685 19,353 10,474 5, 340 2, 683 1, 224

14 18,385 26,001 14,072 7, 174 3, 604 1, 644

16 23,779 33,628 18,199 9, 278 4, 661 2, 126

18 29,865 42,235 22,858 11,653 5, 855 2, 670

20 36,644 51,822 28,046 14,298 7, 183 3, 277

24 52,279 73,934 40,013 20,398 10,249 4, 675

30 80,425 113,738 61,554 31,380 15,766 7, 191

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36 115,209 162,931 88,177 44,952 22,585 10,302

42 155,528 219,950 119,036 60,684 30,489 13,907

48 202,683 286,637 155,127 79,083 39,733 18,124


(1) For SI units, 1 lb = 0.454 kg; 1 in. = 25.4 mm.

(2) To determine thrust at pressure other than 100 psi (6.9 bar), multiply the thrustobtained in the table by the ratio of the pressure to 100 psi (6.9 bar). For example, thethrust on a 12 in. (305 mm), 90-degree bend at 125 psi (8.6 bar) is 19,353 × 125/100 =24,191 lb (10,973 kg).

Table A.10.6.1(b) Required Horizontal Bearing Block Area









BearingBlock Area





BearingBlock Area


3 2.6 12 29.0 24 110.9

4 3.8 14 39.0 30 170.6

6 7.9 16 50.4 36 244.4

8 13.6 18 63.3 42 329.9

10 20.5 20 77.7 48 430.0


(1) Although the bearing strength values in this table have been used successfully in thedesign of thrust blocks and are considered to be conservative, their accuracy is totallydependent on accurate soil identification and evaluation. The ultimate responsibility forselecting the proper bearing strength of a particular soil type must rest with the designengineer.

(2) Values listed are based on a 90-degree horizontal bend, an internal pressure of 100

psi, a soil horizontal bearing strength of 1000 lb/ft2, a safety factor of 1.5, and ductile ironpipe outside diameters.

(a) For other horizontal bends, multiply by the following coefficients: for 45 degrees,0.541; for 221⁄2 degrees, 0.276; for 111⁄4 degrees, 0.139.

(b) For other internal pressures, multiply by ratio to 100 psi.

(c) For other soil horizontal bearing strengths, divide by ratio to 1000 lb/ft2.

(d) For other safety factors, multiply by ratio to 1.5.

Example: Using Table A.10.8.2(b), find the horizontal bearing block area for a 6 in.diameter, 45– - degree bend with an internal pressure of 150 psi. The soil bearing strength

is 3000 lb/ft2, and the safety factor is 1.5.

 From Table A.10.8.2(b), the required bearing block area for a 6 in. diameter, 90-degreebend with an internal pressure of 100 psi and a soil horizontal bearing strength of 1000

psi is 7.9 ft2.

 For example:

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Table A.10.6.1(c) Horizontal Bearing Strengths

SoilBearing Strength (Sb)

lb/ft2 kN/m2

Muck 0 0

Soft clay 1000 47.9

Silt 1500 71.8

Sandy silt 3000 143.6

Sand 4000 191.5

Sand clay 6000 287.3

Hard clay 9000 430.9

Note: Although the bearing strength values in this table have been used successfully inthe design of thrust blocks and are considered to be conservative, their accuracy istotally dependent on accurate soil identification and evaluation. The ultimateresponsibility for selecting the proper bearing strength of a particular soil type must restwith the design engineer.

Figure A.10.6.1(a) Thrust Forces Acting on Bend.

Figure A.10.6.1(b) Bearing Thrust Block.

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Figure A.10.6.1(c) Gravity Thrust Block.

Thrust blocks are generally categorized into two groups — bearing and gravity blocks.Figure A.10.6.1(b) depicts a typical bearing thrust block on a horizontal bend.

Figure A.10.6.1(b) Bearing Thrust Block.

The following are general criteria for bearing block design:

(1) The bearing surface should, where possible, be placed against undisturbed soil.

(2) Where it is not possible to place the bearing surface against undisturbed soil, the fillbetween the bearing surface and undisturbed soil must should be compacted to atleast 90 percent Standard Proctor density.

(3) Block height (h) should be equal to or less than one-half the total depth to thebottom of the block (Ht) but not less than the pipe diameter (D).



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(4) Block height (h) should be chosen such so that the calculated block width (b)varies between one and two times the height.

(5) Gravity thrust blocks can be used to resist thrust at vertical down bends. In a gravitythrust block, the weight of the block is the force providing equilibrium with the thrustforce. The design problem is then to calculate the required volume of the thrustblock of a known density. The vertical component of the thrust force in FigureA.10.6.1(c) is balanced by the weight of the block. For required horizontal bearingblock areas, see Table A.10.6.1(b).

The required block area (Ab) is as follows:



Ab = required block area (ft2)

h= block height (ft)

b = calculated block width (ft)

T = thrust force (lbf)

Sf = safety factor (usually 1.5)

Sb = bearing strength (lb/ft2)

Then, for a horizontal bend, the following formula is used:



b = calculated block width (ft)

Sf = safety factor (usually 1.5 for thrust block design)

P = water pressure (lb/in.2)

A = cross-sectional area of pipe based on outside diameter

h= block height (ft)

Sb = horizontal bearing strength of soil (lb/ft2)(in.2)

A similar approach can be used to design bearing blocks to resist the thrust forces atlocations such as tees and dead ends. Typical values for conservative horizontal bearingstrengths of various soil types are listed in Table A.10.6.1(c).

Figure A.10.6.1(c) Gravity Thrust Block.

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In lieu of the values for soil bearing strength shown in Table A.10.6.1(c), a designer mightchoose to use calculated Rankine passive pressure (Pp) or other determination of soil

bearing strength based on actual soil properties.

It can be easily shown that Ty = PA sin θ. The required volume of the block is as follows:



Vg= block volume (ft3)

Sf = safety factor

P = water pressure (psi)

A = cross-sectional area of pipe interior

Wm = density of block material (lb/ft3)

In a case such as the one shown, the horizontal component of thrust force is calculatedas follows:



Tx= horizontal component of thrust force

P = water pressure (psi)

A = cross-sectional area of pipe interior

The horizontal component of thrust force must be resisted by the bearing of the right sideof the block against the soil. Analysis of this aspect follows the same principles as theprevious section on bearing blocks.

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A method for providing thrust restraint is the use of restrained joints. A restrained joint isa special type of joint that is designed to provide longitudinal restraint. Restrained jointsystems function in a manner similar to that of thrust blocks, insofar as the reaction ofthe entire restrained unit of piping with the soil balances the thrust forces.

The objective in designing a restrained joint thrust restraint system is to determine thelength of pipe that must be restrained on each side of the focus of the thrust force, whichoccurs at a change in direction . This will be a function of the pipe size, the internalpressure, the depth of cover, and the characteristics of the solid surrounding the pipe.The manufacturer’s installation instructions should be referenced to determine thedistance from each change in direction that joints should be restrained.

The following documents apply to the design, calculation, and determination of restrainedjoint systems:

(1) Thrust Restraint Design for Ductile Iron Pipe, Ductile Iron Pipe ResearchAssociation

(2) AWWA M41, Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings

(3) AWWA M9, Concrete Pressure Pipe

(4) AWWA M11, A Guide for Steel Pipe Design and Installation

(5) Thrust Restraint Design Equations and Tables for Ductile Iron and PVC Pipe,EBAA Iron, Inc.

Figure A.10.6.2 shows an example of a typical connection to a fire protection systemriser utilizing restrained joint pipe.

Figure A.10.6.2 Typical Connection to Fire Protection System Riser IllustratingRestrained Joints.


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Examples of materials and the standards covering these materials are as follows:

(1) Clamps, steel (see discussion on steel in the following paragraph)

(2) Rods, steel (see discussion on steel in the following paragraph)

(3) Bolts, steel (ASTM A 307)

(4) Washers, steel (see discussion on steel in the following paragraph) ; , cast iron(Class A cast iron as defined by ASTM A 126)

(5) Anchor straps, and plug straps, steel (see discussion on steel in the followingparagraph)

(6) Rod couplings or , turnbuckles, malleable iron (ASTM A 197)

Steel of modified range merchant quality as defined in U.S. Federal Standard No. 66C,April 18, 1967, change notice No. 2, April 16, 1970, as promulgated by the U.S. FederalGovernment General Services Administration.

The materials specified in A. through (6) do not preclude the use of othermaterials that also satisfy the requirements of this section.


Solvent-cemented and heat-fused joints such as those used with CPVC piping andfittings are considered restrained. They do not require thrust blocks.

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Underground mains and lead-in connections to system risers should be flushed throughhydrants at dead ends of the system or through accessible aboveground flushing outletsallowing the water to run until clear. Figure A. shows acceptable examples offlushing the system. If water is supplied from more than one source or from a loopedsystem, divisional valves should be closed to produce a high-velocity flow through eachsingle line. The flows specified in Table will produce a velocity of at least 10ft/sec (3 m/sec), which is necessary for cleaning the pipe and for lifting foreign material toan aboveground flushing outlet.

Figure A. Methods of Flushing Water Supply Connections.


The velocity of approximately 10 ft/sec (3.1 m/sec) was used to develop Table10. because this velocity has been shown to be sufficient for moving obstructivematerial out of the pipes. It is not important that the velocity equal exactly 10 ft/sec (3.1m/sec), so there is no reason to increase the flow during the test for slightly differentinternal pipe dimensions. Note that where underground pipe serves as suction pipe for afire pump, NFPA 20 requires greater flows for flushing the pipe.

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A sprinkler system has for its water supply a connection to a public water service main.A 100 psi (6.9 bar) rated pump is installed in the connection. With a maximum normalpublic water supply of 70 psi (4.8 bar), at the low elevation point of the individual systemor portion of the system being tested and a 120 psi (8.3 bar) pump (churn) pressure, thehydrostatic test pressure is 70 psi (4.8 bar) + 120 psi (8.3 bar) + 50 psi (3.5 bar), or 240psi (16.5 bar).

To reduce the possibility of serious water damage in case of a break, pressure can bemaintained by a small pump, the main controlling gate meanwhile being kept shut duringthe test.

Polybutylene pipe will undergo expansion during initial pressurization. In this case, areduction in gauge pressure might not necessarily indicate a leak. The pressurereduction should not exceed the manufacturer's specifications and listing criteria.

When systems having rigid thermoplastic piping such as CPVC are pressure tested, thesprinkler system should be filled with water. The air should be bled from the highest andfarthest sprinklers. Compressed air or compressed gas should never be used to testsystems with rigid thermoplastic pipe.

A recommended test procedure is as follows: The water pressure is to be increased in 50psi (3.5 bar) increments until the test pressure described in is attained. Aftereach increase in pressure, observations are to be made of the stability of the joints.These observations are to include such items as protrusion or extrusion of the gasket,leakage, or other factors likely to affect the continued use of a pipe in service. During thetest, the pressure is not to be increased by the next increment until the joint has becomestable. This applies particularly to movement of the gasket. After the pressure has beenincreased to the required maximum value and held for 1 hour, the pressure is to bedecreased to 0 psi while observations are made for leakage. The pressure is again to beslowly increased to the value specified in and held for 1 more hour whileobservations are made for leakage and the leakage measurement is made.


Hydrostatic tests should be made before the joints are covered, so that any leaks can bedetected. Thrust blocks should be sufficiently hardened before hydrostatic testing isbegun. If the joints are covered with backfill prior to testing, the contractor remainsresponsible for locating and correcting any leakage in excess of that permitted.


One acceptable means of completing this test is to utilize a pressure pump that drawsits water supply from a full container. At the completion of the 2-hour test, the amount ofwater to refill the container can be measured to determine the amount of makeup water.In order to minimize pressure loss, the piping should be flushed to remove any trappedair. Additionally, the piping should be pressurized for 1 day prior to the hydrostatic test toaccount for expansion, absorption, entrapped air, and so on.

The use of a blind flange or skillet is preferred for hydrostatically testing segments of newwork. Metal-seated valves are susceptible to developing slight imperfections duringtransport, installation, and operation and thus can be likely to leak more than 1 fl oz/in.(1.2 mL/mm) of valve diameter per hour. For this reason, the blind flange should be usedwhen hydrostatically testing.

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When calculating the actual inside diameter of cement mortar–lined pipe, twice thethickness of the pipe wall and twice the thickness of the lining need to be subtractedfrom the outside diameter of the pipe. The actual lining thickness should be obtainedfrom the manufacturer.

Table A.11.1(a) and Table A.11.1(b) indicate the minimum lining thickness.

Table A.11.1(a) Minimum Thickness of Lining for Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings

Pipe and Fitting Size Thickness of Lining

in. mm in. mm

3–12 76–305 1⁄16 1.6

14–24 356–610 3⁄32 2.4

30–64 762–1600 1⁄8 3.2

Source: AWWA C104.

Table A.11.1(b) Minimum Thickness of Lining for Steel Pipe

Nominal Pipe Size Thickness of Lining Tolerance

in. mm in. mm in. mm

4–10 100–250 1⁄4 6 -1⁄16, +1⁄8 -1.6, +3.2

11–23 280–580 5⁄16 8 -1⁄16, +1⁄8 -1.6, +3.2

24–36 600–900 3⁄8 10 -1⁄16, +1⁄8 -1.6, +3.2

>36 >900 1⁄2 13 -1⁄16, +3⁄16 -1.6, +4.8

Source: AWWA C205.

Supplemental Information

File Name Description








Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name:Matthew Klaus

Organization: National Fire Protection Assoc

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Mon Sep 30 13:17:29 EDT 2013

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Committee Statement and Meeting Notes


Technical Committee Statement – At the close of the 2013 edition revision cycle, theTechnical Committee (TC) on Private Water Supply Piping Systems noted that thedocument was incongruent with portions of NFPA 13, NFPA 14, NFPA 20 and otherdesign and installation standards. Furthermore, it was determined that the order thatinformation was presented in the standard was not optimal and could be revised to makethe document easier to follow. The TC developed a task group to work on a rewrite of thestandard for the 2016 edition of the standard. The revisions to Annex A were made toclarify the existing figures and correlate with the revisions to the upfront chapters in thestandard.


Public Input No. 2-NFPA 24-2012 [New Section after A.3.3.11]

Public Input No. 20-NFPA 24-2012 [Section No. A.]

Public Input No. 23-NFPA 24-2012 [Section No. A.]

Public Input No. 24-NFPA 24-2012 [Section No. A.5.4]

Public Input No. 25-NFPA 24-2012 [Section No. A.5.6]

Public Input No. 26-NFPA 24-2012 [Section No. A.]

Public Input No. 27-NFPA 24-2012 [Section No. A.4.1]

Public Input No. 28-NFPA 24-2012 [Section No. A.]

Public Input No. 52-NFPA 24-2013 [New Section after A.6.1.5]

Public Input No. 61-NFPA 24-2013 [Section No. A.]

Public Input No. 62-NFPA 24-2013 [Section No. A.10.6.4]

Public Input No. 63-NFPA 24-2013 [Section No. A.10.6.5]

Public Input No. 64-NFPA 24-2013 [Section No. A.10.8.3]

Public Input No. 83-NFPA 24-2013 [Section No. A.5.9]

Page 311: NFPA 13D First Revisions

No fittings

Acceptable pipe material

System riser

Acceptable Material

Joint restraint

F1GL'REA.I0.6.4 Pipe Joint Location in Relation to Founda· tion Footings.

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12in. min.

System riser

Acceptable Material

J a int restraint

Acceptable pipe material

BGUREA.l0.6.5 Piping Clearance from Fotmdation.

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Accepiable pipe materia l

FlGURE A. I0.6.3.1 Riser Entrance Location.

System riser

Acceptable Material

Joint res1raint

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Acceptable Material

Acceptable Material

F1GUREA.l0.8.3 'I}'Pical Connection to Fire Protection Sys­tem Riser Illustrating Restrained Joints.

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Annex A Explanatory Material

Annex A is not a part of the requirements of this NFPA document but is included for informational purposes only. This annex contains explanatory material, numbered to correspond with the applicable text paragraphs.

A.3.2.1 Approved.

The National Fire Protection Association does not approve, inspect, or certify any installations, procedures, equipment, or materials; nor does it approve or evaluate testing laboratories. In determining the acceptability of installations, procedures, equipment, or materials, the authority having jurisdiction may base acceptance on compliance with NFPA or other appropriate standards. In the absence of such standards, said authority may require evidence of proper installation, procedure, or use. The authority having jurisdiction may also refer to the listings or labeling practices of an organization that is concerned with product evaluations and is thus in a position to determine compliance with appropriate standards for the current production of listed items.

A.3.2.2 Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).

The phrase “authority having jurisdiction,” or its acronym AHJ, is used in NFPA documents in a broad manner, since jurisdictions and approval agencies vary, as do their responsibilities. Where public safety is primary, the authority having jurisdiction may be a federal, state, local, or other regional department or individual such as a fire chief; fire marshal; chief of a fire prevention bureau, labor department, or health department; building official; electrical inspector; or others having statutory authority. For insurance purposes, an insurance inspection department, rating bureau, or other insurance company representative may be the authority having jurisdiction. In many circumstances, the property owner or his or her designated agent assumes the role of the authority having jurisdiction; at government installations, the commanding officer or departmental official may be the authority having jurisdiction.

A.3.2.4 Listed.

The means for identifying listed equipment may vary for each organization concerned with product evaluation; some organizations do not recognize equipment as listed unless it is also labeled. The authority having jurisdiction should utilize the system employed by the listing organization to identify a listed product.

A.3.3.3 Control Valve. (Shutoff Valve).

Control valves do not include drain valves, check valves, or relief valves.

A.3.3.12 Pressure-Regulating Device.

Examples include pressure-reducing valves, pressure-control valves, and pressure-restricting devices.

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A.3.3.13 Private Fire Service Main.

See Figure A.3.3.11.


Figure A.3.3.11 Typical Private Fire Service Main.


Examples are outside screw and yoke (OS&Y) gate valves, butterfly valves, and underground gate valves with indicator posts.

A. Dry Barrel Hydrant.

A drain is located at the bottom of the barrel above the control valve seat for proper drainage after operation.

A. Private Fire Hydrant.

Where connected to a public water system, the private hydrants are supplied by a private service main that begins at the point of service designated by the authority having jurisdictionAHJ, usually at a manually operated valve near the property line.


Underground mains should be designed so that the system can be extended with a minimum of expense. Possible future plant expansion should also be considered and the piping designed so that it is not covered by future buildings.


If possible, dead-end mains should be avoided by arranging for mains to be supplied from both directions. Where private fire service mains are connected to dead-end public mains, each situation should be examined to determine if it is practical to request the water utility to loop the mains to obtain a more reliable supply.


An adjustment to the waterflow test data to account for the following should be made, as appropriate:

(1) Daily and seasonal fluctuations

(2) Possible interruption by flood or ice conditions

(3) Large simultaneous industrial use

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(4) Future demand on the water supply system

(5) Other conditions that could affect the water supply


Where connections are made from public waterworks systems, such systems should be guarded against possible contamination as follows (see AWWA M14, Recommended Practice for Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control or, local plumbing code, or consult the local water purveyor):

(1) For private fire service mains with direct connections from public waterworks mains only or with fire pumps installed in the connections from the street mains, no tanks or reservoirs, no physical connection from other water supplies, no antifreeze or other additives of any kind, and with all drains discharging to atmosphere, dry well, or other safe outlets, an approved double check valve assembly is recommendedmaymight be required by other codes or standards.

(2) For private fire service mains with direct connections from the public water supply main plus one or more elevated storage tanks or fire pumps taking suction from aboveground covered reservoirs or tanks (all storage facilities are filled or connected to public water only, and the water in the tanks is to be maintained in a potable condition), an approved double check valve assembly maymight be required by other codes or standardsis recommended.

(3) For private fire service mains directly supplied from public mains with an auxiliary water supply, such as a pond or river on or available to the premises and dedicated to fire department use; or for systems supplied from public mains and interconnected with auxiliary supplies, such as pumps taking suction from reservoirs exposed to contamination or rivers and ponds; driven wells, mills, or other industrial water systems; or for systems or portions of systems where antifreeze or other solutions are used, an approved reduced-pressure zone-type backflow preventer maymight be required by other codes or standardsis recommended.

(4) For private fire service mains with fire department connections located near a non-potable water source, an approved reduced-pressure zone-type backflow preventer maymight be required by other codes or standards.


In this instance, the AHJ maymight be the water purveyor, plumbing inspector or public health official.


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A fire pump installation consisting of pump, driver, and suction supply, when of adequate capacity and reliability and properly located, makes an acceptable good supply. An automatically controlled fire pump or pumps taking water from a water main of adequate capacity, or taking draft under a head from a reliable storage of adequate capacity, is permitted to be, under certain conditions, accepted by the authority having jurisdictionAHJ as a single supply.


The fire department connection should be located not less than 18 in. (457 mm) and not more than 4 ft (1.2 m) above the level of the adjacent grade or access level. Typical fire department connections are shown in Figure A.5.9(a) and Figure A.5.9(b). Where a hydrant is not available, other water supply sources such as a natural body of water, a tank, or a reservoir should be utilized. The water authority should be consulted when a nonpotable water supply is proposed as a suction source for the fire department.

****INSERT Revised FIGURE HERE****

Figure A.5.9(a) Typical Fire Department Connection.


Figure A.5.9(b) Typical City Water Pit — Valve Arrangement.

A. Figure A. and Figure A. depict fire department connections to the underground pipe.

Insert Figure A. and Figure A.[m1]

Figure A. Fire Department Connection Connected to Underground Piping (Sample 1).

Figure A. Fire Department Connection Connected to Underground Piping (Sample 2).

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The requirement in applies to fire department connections attached to underground piping. If the fire department connection is attached directly to a system riser, the requirements of the appropriate installation standard apply.


Obstructions to fire department connections include, but are not limited to, buildings, fences, posts, landscaping, other fire department connections, fire protection equipment, gas meters, and electrical equipment.

A. Where a fire department connection services multiple buildings, structures, or locations, a sign should be provided indicating the buildings, structures, or locations served.[m2]


Examples for wording of signs are: AUTO SPKR

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A valve wrench with a long handle should be provided at a convenient location on the premises.


A connection to a municipal water supply maycan utilize a tapping sleeve and a non-listed, non-indicating valve as the valve controlling the water supply.

A. See Figure A.6.2.5Figure A. For additional information on controlling valves, see NFPA 22.


Figure A. Pit for Gate Valve, Check Valve, and Fire Department Connection.


For additional information on controlling valves, see NFPA 22.


For additional information on controlling valves, see NFPA 22.


Where located underground, check valves on tank or pump connections can be placed inside of buildings and at a safe distance from the tank riser or pump, except in cases where the building is entirely of one fire area. Where the building is one fire area, it is ordinarily considered satisfactory to locate the check valve overhead in the lowest level.


It might be necessary to provide valves located in pits with an indicator post extending above grade or other means so that the valve can be operated without entering the pit.


Distances greater than 40 ft (12 m) are not required but can be permitted regardless of the building height.


Distances greater than 40 ft (12 m) are not required but can be permitted regardless of the building height.

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Distances greater than 40 ft (12 m) are not required but can be permitted regardless of the building height.


Sectional valves are necessary to allow isolation of piping sections to limit the number of fire protection connections impaired in the event of a break or to make repairs or extensions to the system. Fire protection connections can consist of sprinkler system lead-ins, hydrants, or other fire protection connections.


See Annex B.


For information regarding identification and marking of hydrants, see Annex D.


The flows required for private fire protection service mains are determined by system installation standards or fire codes. The impact of the number and size of hydrant outlets on the fire protection system demand is not addressed in this standard. The appropriate code or standard should be consulted for the requirements for calculating system demand.


Fire department pumpers will normally be required to augment the pressure available from public hydrants.


Where wall hydrants are used, the authority having jurisdictionAHJ should be consulted regarding the necessary water supply and arrangement of control valves at the point of supply in each individual case. (See Figure A.7.2.3.)


Figure A.7.2.3 Typical Wall Fire Hydrant Installation.

A.7.3.1 See Figure A.7.3.1(a) and Figure A.7.3.1(b).


Figure FIGURE A.7.3.1(a) Typical Hydrant Connection with Minimum Height Requirement.


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Figure FIGURE A.7.3.1(b) Typical Hydrant Connection with Maximum Height Requirement.


Hydrants with the drain plugged, that are subject to freezing should be pumped out after usage to prevent potential damage to and inoperability of the hydrant.


When setting hydrants, due regard should be given to the final grade line.


All hose should not be removed from a hose house for testing at the same time, since in the event of a fire the time taken to return the hose in case of fire could allow a fire to spread beyond control. (See NFPA 1962.)


Where hose will be subjected to acids, acid fumes, or other corrosive materials, as in chemical plants, the purchase of approved rubber-covered, rubber-lined hose is advised. For hose used in plant yards containing rough surfaces that cause heavy wear or used where working pressures are above 150 psi (10.3 bar), double-jacketed hose should be considered.


Typical hose houses are shown in Figure A.8.4(a) through Figure A.8.4(c).


Figure FIGURE A.8.4(a) Hose House of Five-Sided Design for Installation over Private Hydrant.


Figure FIGURE A.8.4(b) Closed Steel Hose House of Compact Dimensions for Installation over Private Hydrant, in Which Top Lifts Up and Doors on Front Open for Complete Accessibility.


Figure FIGURE A.8.4(c) Hose House That Can Be Installed on Legs, or Installed on a Wall Near, but Not Directly Over, a Private Hydrant.


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All hose should not be removed from a hose house for testing at the same time, since in the event of a fire the time taken to return the hose in case of fire could allow a fire to spread beyond control. (See NFPA 1962.)


For typical master stream devices, see Figure A.9.1(a) and Figure A.9.1(b). Gear control nozzles are acceptable for use as monitor nozzles.


Figure FIGURE A.9.1(a) Standard Monitor Nozzles.


Figure FIGURE A.9.1(b) Typical Hydrant-Mounted Monitor Nozzle.

A.10.1 The term underground is intended to mean direct buried piping. For example, piping installed in trenches and tunnels but exposed should be treated as aboveground piping. Loop systems for yard piping are recommended for increased reliability and improved hydraulics. Loop systems should be sectionalized by placing valves at branches and at strategic locations to minimize the extent of impairments.

A.10.1. 1

Copper tubing (Type K) with brazed joints conforming to Table and Table is acceptable for underground service. Listing and labeling information, along with applicable publications for reference, is as follows:

(1) Listing and Llabeling. Ccertification organizations Testing laboratories list or label the following:

(a) Cast iron and ductile iron pipe (cement-lined and unlined, coated and uncoated)

(b) Asbestos-cement pipe and couplings

(cb) Steel pipe

(dc) Copper pipe

(ed) Fiberglass filament-wound epoxy pipe and couplings

(fe) Polyethylene pipe

(gf) Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe and couplings

(hg) Underwriters Laboratories Inc. lists, under re-examination service, rReinforced concrete pipe (cylinder pipe, nonprestressed and prestressed)

(2) Pipe Standards. The various types of pipe are usually manufactured to one of the following standards:

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(a) ASTM C 296, Standard Specification for Asbestos-Cement Pressure Pipe

(b) AWWA C151, Ductile Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast for Water

(c) AWWA C300, Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel-Cylinder Type

(d) AWWA C301, Prestressed Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel-Cylinder Type

(e) AWWA C302, Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Non-Cylinder Type

(f) AWWA C303, Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel-Cylinder Type, Pretensioned

(g) AWWA C400, Standard for Asbestos-Cement Distribution Pipe, 4 in. Through 16 in. (100 mm through 400 mm), for Water Distribution Systems

(h) AWWA C900, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe, 4 in. Through 12 in., for Water Distribution

A.10.1.1 Pipe Type and Class.

The type and class of pipe for a particular underground installation should be determined through consideration of the following factors:

(1) Maximum system working pressure

(2) Maximum pressure from pressure surges and anticipated frequency of surges

(3) Depth at which the pipe is to be installed

(4) Soil conditions

(5) Corrosion

(6) Susceptibility of pipe to external loads, including earth loads, installation beneath buildings, and traffic or vehicle loads

A.10.1.4 The following pipe design manuals and standards can be used as guides:

(1) AWWA C150, Thickness Design of Ductile Iron Pipe

(2) AWWA C401, Standard Practice for the Selection of Asbestos-Cement Water Pipe

(32) AWWA C900, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe, 4 in. Through 12 in. for Water Distribution

(43) AWWA C905, AWWA Standard for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe and Fabricated Fittings, 14 in. through 48 in. (350 mm through 1,200 mm)

(54) AWWA C906, Standard for Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe and Fittings, 4 in. (100 mm) through 68 in. (1,600 mm), for Water Distribution and Transmission

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(65) AWWA M41, Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings

(76) Concrete Pipe Handbook, American Concrete Pipe Association


For underground system components, a minimum system pressure rating of 150 psi (10 bar) is specified in 10.1.510.1.2, based on satisfactory historical performance. Also, this pressure rating reflects that of the components typically used underground, such as piping, valves, and fittings. Where system pressures are expected to exceed pressures of 150 psi (10.3 bar), system components and materials manufactured and listed for higher pressures should be used. Systems that do not incorporate a fire pump or are not part of a combined standpipe system do not typically experience pressures exceeding 150 psi (10.3 bar) in underground piping. However, each system should be evaluated on an individual basis, because the presence of a fire department connection introduces the possibility of high pressures being applied by fire department apparatus. It is not the intent of this section to include the pressures generated through fire department connections as part of the maximum working pressure.

A.10.1.63 The following standards apply to the application of coating and linings:

(1) AWWA C104, Cement Mortar Lining for Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings for Water

(2) AWWA C105, Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile Iron Pipe Systems

(3) AWWA C203, Coal-Tar Protective Coatings and Linings for Steel Water Pipelines Enamel and Tape — Hot Applied

(4) AWWA C205, Cement-Mortar Protective Lining and Coating for Steel Water Pipe 4 in. and Larger — Shop Applied

(5) AWWA C602, Cement-Mortar Lining of Water Pipe Lines 4 in. and Larger — in Place

(6) AWWA C116, Protective Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coatings for the Interior and Exterior Surfaces of Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings for Water Supply Service

For internal diameters of cement-lined ductile iron pipe, see Table A.10.1.6Table A.10.1.3.

Table A.10.1.63 Internal Diameters (IDs) for Cement-Lined Ductile Iron Pipe

Pipe Size (in.)

OD (in.)

Pressure Class

Thickness Class

Wall Thickness

Minimum Lining

Thickness* ID (in.)

with Lining

3 3.96 350 0.25 1⁄16 3.34

3 3.96 51 0.25 1⁄16 3.34

3 3.96 52 0.28 1⁄16 3.28

3 3.96 53 0.31 1⁄16 3.22

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3 3.96 54 0.34 1⁄16 3.16

3 3.96 55 0.37 1⁄16 3.10

3 3.96 56 0.40 1⁄16 3.04

4 4.80 350 0.25 1⁄16 4.18

4 4.80 51 0.26 1⁄16 4.16

4 4.80 52 0.29 1⁄16 4.10

4 4.80 53 0.32 1⁄16 4.04

4 4.80 54 0.35 1⁄16 3.98

4 4.80 55 0.38 1⁄16 3.92

4 4.80 56 0.41 1⁄16 3.86

6 6.90 350 0.25 1⁄16 6.28

6 6.90 50 0.25 1⁄16 6.28

6 6.90 51 0.28 1⁄16 6.22

6 6.90 52 0.31 1⁄16 6.16

6 6.90 53 0.34 1⁄16 6.10

6 6.90 54 0.37 1⁄16 6.04

6 6.90 55 0.40 1⁄16 5.98

6 6.90 56 0.43 1⁄16 5.92

8 9.05 350 0.25 1⁄16 8.43

8 9.05 50 0.27 1⁄16 8.39

8 9.05 51 0.30 1⁄16 8.33

8 9.05 52 0.33 1⁄16 8.27

8 9.05 53 0.36 1⁄16 8.21

8 9.05 54 0.39 1⁄16 8.15

8 9.05 55 0.42 1⁄16 8.09

8 9.05 56 0.45 1⁄16 8.03

10 11.10 350 0.26 1⁄16 10.46

10 11.10 50 0.29 1⁄16 10.40

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10 11.10 51 0.32 1⁄16 10.34

10 11.10 52 0.35 1⁄16 10.28

10 11.10 53 0.38 1⁄16 10.22

10 11.10 54 0.41 1⁄16 10.16

10 11.10 55 0.44 1⁄16 10.10

10 11.10 56 0.47 1⁄16 10.04

12 13.20 350 0.28 1⁄16 12.52

12 13.20 50 0.31 1⁄16 12.46

12 13.20 51 0.34 1⁄16 12.40

12 13.20 52 0.37 1⁄16 12.34

12 13.20 53 0.40 1⁄16 12.28

12 13.20 54 0.43 1⁄16 12.22

12 13.20 55 0.46 1⁄16 12.16

12 13.20 56 0.49 1⁄16 12.10

14 15.30 250 0.28 3⁄32 14.55

14 15.30 300 0.30 3⁄32 14.51

14 15.30 350 0.31 3⁄32 14.49

14 15.30 50 0.33 3⁄32 14.45

14 15.30 51 0.36 3⁄32 14.39

14 15.30 52 0.39 3⁄32 14.33

14 15.30 53 0.42 3⁄32 14.27

14 15.30 54 0.45 3⁄32 14.21

14 15.30 55 0.48 3⁄32 14.15

14 15.30 56 0.51 3⁄32 14.09

16 17.40 250 0.30 3⁄32 16.61

16 17.40 300 0.32 3⁄32 16.57

16 17.40 350 0.34 3⁄32 16.53

16 17.40 50 0.34 3⁄32 16.53

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16 17.40 51 0.37 3⁄32 16.47

16 17.40 52 0.40 3⁄32 16.41

16 17.40 53 0.43 3⁄32 16.35

16 17.40 54 0.46 3⁄32 16.29

16 17.40 55 0.49 3⁄32 16.23

16 17.40 56 0.52 3⁄32 16.17

18 19.50 250 0.31 3⁄32 18.69

18 19.50 300 0.34 3⁄32 18.63

18 19.50 350 0.36 3⁄32 18.59

18 19.50 50 0.35 3⁄32 18.61

18 19.50 51 0.35 3⁄32 18.61

18 19.50 52 0.41 3⁄32 18.49

18 19.50 53 0.44 3⁄32 18.43

18 19.50 54 0.47 3⁄32 18.37

18 19.50 55 0.50 3⁄32 18.31

18 19.50 56 0.53 3⁄32 18.25

20 21.60 250 0.33 3⁄32 20.75

20 21.60 300 0.36 3⁄32 20.69

20 21.60 350 0.38 3⁄32 20.65

20 21.60 50 0.36 3⁄32 20.69

20 21.60 51 0.39 3⁄32 20.63

20 21.60 52 0.42 3⁄32 20.57

20 21.60 53 0.45 3⁄32 20.51

20 21.60 54 0.48 3⁄32 20.45

20 21.60 55 0.51 3⁄32 20.39

20 21.60 56 0.54 3⁄32 20.33

24 25.80 200 0.33 3⁄32 24.95

24 25.80 250 0.37 3⁄32 24.87

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24 25.80 300 0.40 3⁄32 24.81

24 25.80 350 0.43 3⁄32 24.75

24 25.80 50 0.38 3⁄32 24.85

24 25.80 51 0.41 3⁄32 24.79

24 25.80 52 0.44 3⁄32 24.73

24 25.80 53 0.47 3⁄32 24.67

24 25.80 54 0.50 3⁄32 24.61

24 25.80 55 0.53 3⁄32 24.55

24 25.80 56 0.56 3⁄32 24.49

ID: iInternal diameter; OD: Ooutside diameter.

*Note: This table is appropriate for single lining thickness only. The actual lining thickness should be obtained from the manufacturer.

A.10.2.1 Fittings generally used are cast iron with joints made to the specifications of the manufacturer of the particular type of pipe (see the standards listed in A.10.3.1). Steel fittings also have some applications. The following standards apply to fittings:

(1) ASME B16.1, Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings

(2) AWWA C110, Ductile Iron and Gray Iron Fittings, 3-in. Through 48-in., for Water and Other Liquids

(3) AWWA C153, Ductile Iron Compact Fittings, 3 in. through 24 in. and 54 in. through 64 in. for Water Service

(4) AWWA C208, Dimensions for Fabricated Steel Water Pipe Fittings

A.10.3.1 The following standards apply to joints used with the various types of pipe:

(1) ASME B16.1, Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings

(2) AWWA C111, Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings

(3) AWWA C115, Flanged Ductile Iron Pipe with Ductile Iron or Gray Iron Threaded Flanges

(4) AWWA C206, Field Welding of Steel Water Pipe

(5) AWWA C606, Grooved and Shouldered Joints


Fittings and couplings are listed for specific pipe materials that can be installed underground. Fittings and couplings do not necessarily indicate that they are listed specifically for underground use.

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A. It is not necessary to coat mechanical joint fittings or epoxy-coated valves and glands.

A.10.4.12 The following documents apply to the installation of pipe and fittings:

(1) AWWA C603, Standard for the Installation of Asbestos-Cement Pressure Pipe

(2) AWWA C600, Standard for the Installation of Ductile-Iron Water Mains and Their Appurtenances

(3) AWWA M11, A Guide for Steel Pipe Design and Installation

(4) AWWA M41, Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings

(5) Concrete Pipe Handbook, American Concrete Pipe Association

(6) Handbook of PVC Pipe, Uni-Bell PVC Pipe Association

(7) Installation Guide for Ductile Iron Pipe, Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association

(8) Thrust Restraint Design for Ductile Iron Pipe, Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association

As there is normally no circulation of water in private fire service mains, they require greater depth of covering than do public mains. Greater depth is required in a loose gravelly soil (or in rock) than in compact soil containing large quantities of clay. The recommended depth of cover above the top of underground yard mains is shown in Figure A.10.4.21(a).


Figure A.10.4.2. 1(a) Recommended Depth of Cover (in feet) Above Top of Underground Yard Mains.

A.10.5.1 In determining the need to protect aboveground piping from freezing, the lowest mean temperature should be considered as shown in Figure A. 1(b).


Figure FIGURE A.10.54.2 1(b) Isothermal Lines — Lowest One-Day Mean Temperature (°F).


Consideration should be given to the type of soil and the possibility of settling. Also, many times the inspection of the piping maymight occur before final grading and fill of the installation is complete. The final grade should be verified.

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A. Items such as sidewalks or patios should not be included as they are no different from roadways. (See Figure A.


Figure FIGURE A. Riser Entrance Location.


The individual piping standards should be followed for load and bury depth, accounting for the load and stresses imposed by the building foundation.

Figure A. shows the location where pipe joints would be prohibited.


Figure FIGURE A. Pipe Joint Location in Relation to Foundation Footings.


Sufficient clearance should be provided when piping passes beneath foundations or footers. (See Figure A.


Figure FIGURE A. Piping Clearance from Foundation.


Gray cast iron is not considered galvanically dissimilar to ductile iron. Rubber gasket joints (unrestrained push-on or mechanical joints) are not considered connected electrically. Metal thickness should not be considered a protection against corrosive environments. In the case of cast iron or ductile iron pipe for soil evaluation and external protection systems, see Appendix A of AWWA C105.


The design concepts in through should apply to both new installations and existing private fire service mains approved to remain under new buildings.


Where lightning protection is provided for a structure, Section 4.14 of NFPA 780, Section 4.14, requires that all grounding media, including underground metallic piping systems, be interconnected to provide common ground potential. These underground piping systems are not permitted to be substituted for grounding electrodes but must be bonded to the lightning protection grounding system. Where galvanic corrosion is of concern, this bond can be made via a spark gap or gas discharge tube.

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While the use of the underground fire protection piping as the grounding electrode for the building is prohibited, NFPA 70 requires that all metallic piping systems be bonded and grounded to disperse stray electrical currents. Therefore, the fire protection piping will be bonded to other metallic systems and grounded, but the electrical system will need an additional ground for its operation.


It is a fundamental design principle of fluid mechanics that dynamic and static pressures, acting at changes in size or direction of a pipe, produce unbalanced thrust forces at locations such as bends, tees, wyes, dead ends, and reducer offsets. This design principle includes consideration of lateral soil pressure and pipe/soil friction, variables that can be reliably determined using current soil engineering knowledge. Refer to A.10.8.3 for a list of references for use in calculating and determining joint restraint systems.

Section 10.6 does not mandate which method of restraint should be used. This decision is left to the design professional or the owner.

Except for the case of welded joints and approved special restrained joints, such as is those provided by approved mechanical joint retainer glands or locked mechanical and push-on joints, the usual joints for underground pipe are expected to be held in place by the soil in which the pipe is buried. Gasketed push-on and mechanical joints without special locking devices have limited ability to resist separation due to movement of the pipe.

A. Solvent-cemented and heat-fused joints such as those used with CPVC piping and fittings are considered restrained. They do not require thrust blocks.


Concrete The use of concrete thrust blocks are is one of the methods of restraint now in use, provided that stable soil conditions prevail and space requirements permit placement. Successful blocking is dependent upon factors such as location, availability and placement of concrete, and possibility of disturbance by future excavations.

Resistance is provided by transferring the thrust force to the soil through the larger bearing area of the block souch that the resultant pressure against the soil does not exceed the horizontal bearing strength of the soil. The design of thrust blocks consists of determining the appropriate bearing area of the block for a particular set of conditions. The parameters involved in the design include pipe size, design pressure, angle of the bend (or configuration of the fitting involved), and the horizontal bearing strength of the soil.

Table A. gives the nominal thrust at fittings for various sizes of ductile iron and PVC piping. Figure A. shows an example of how thrust forces act on a piping bend.

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Table A. Thrust at Fittings at 100 psi (6.9 bar) Water Pressure for Ductile Iron and PVC Pipe

Nominal Pipe Diameter


Total Pounds

Dead End 90-Degree

Bend 45-Degree


22 ½-Degree Bend

11 ¼-Degree Bend

5 1⁄8-

Degree Bend

4 1,810 2,559 1,385 706 355 162

6 3,739 5,288 2,862 1,459 733 334

8 6,433 9,097 4,923 2,510 1,261 575

10 9,677 13,685 7,406 3,776 1,897 865

12 13,685 19,353 10,474 5,340 2,683 1,224

14 18,385 26,001 14,072 7,174 3,604 1,644

16 23,779 33,628 18,199 9,278 4,661 2,126

18 29,865 42,235 22,858 11,653 5,855 2,670

20 36,644 51,822 28,046 14,298 7,183 3,277

24 52,279 73,934 40,013 20,398 10,249 4,675

30 80,425 113,738 61,554 31,380 15,766 7,191

36 115,209 162,931 88,177 44,952 22,585 10,302

42 155,528 219,950 119,036 60,684 30,489 13,907

48 202,683 286,637 155,127 79,083 39,733 18,124


(1) For SI units, 1 lb = 0.454 kg; 1 in. = 25.4 mm.

(2) To determine thrust at pressure other than 100 psi (6.9 bar), multiply the thrust obtained in the table by the ratio of the pressure to 100 psi (6.9 bar). For example, the thrust on a 12 in. (305 mm), 90-degree bend at 125 psi (8.6 bar) is 19,353 × 125/100 = 24,191 lb (10,973 kg).

Table A. Required Horizontal Bearing Block Area

Nominal Pipe Diameter


Bearing Block Area


Nominal Pipe

Diameter (in.)

Bearing Block Area (ft2)

Nominal Pipe Diameter


Bearing Block Area


3 2.6 12 29.0 24 110.9

4 3.8 14 39.0 30 170.6

6 7.9 16 50.4 36 244.4

8 13.6 18 63.3 42 329.9

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10 20.5 20 77.7 48 430.0


(1) Although the bearing strength values in this table have been used successfully in the design of thrust blocks and are considered to be conservative, their accuracy is totally dependent on accurate soil identification and evaluation. The ultimate responsibility for selecting the proper bearing strength of a particular soil type must rest with the design engineer.

(2) Values listed are based on a 90-degree horizontal bend, an internal pressure of 100 psi, a soil horizontal bearing

strength of 1000 lb/ft2, a safety factor of 1.5, and ductile iron pipe outside diameters.

(a) For other horizontal bends, multiply by the following coefficients: for 45 degrees, 0.541; for 22½ degrees, 0.276; for 11¼ degrees, 0.139. (b) For other internal pressures, multiply by ratio to 100 psi.

(c) For other soil horizontal bearing strengths, divide by ratio to 1000 lb/ft2.

(d) For other safety factors, multiply by ratio to 1.5.

Example: Using Table A., find the horizontal bearing block area for a 6 in. diameter, 45–-degree bend

with an internal pressure of 150 psi. The soil bearing strength is 3000 lb/ft2, and the safety factor is 1.5.

From Table A., the required bearing block area for a 6 in. diameter, 90-degree bend with an internal

pressure of 100 psi and a soil horizontal bearing strength of 1000 psi is 7.9 ft2.

For example:


Table A. Horizontal Bearing Strengths


Bearing Strength (Sb)

lb/ft2 kN/m2

Muck 0 0

Soft clay 1000 47.9

Silt 1500 71.8

Sandy silt 3000 143.6

Sand 4000 191.5

Sand clay 6000 287.3

Hard clay 9000 430.9

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Note: Although the bearing strength values in this table have been used successfully in the design of thrust blocks and are considered to be conservative, their accuracy is totally dependent on accurate soil identification and evaluation. The ultimate responsibility for selecting the proper bearing strength of a particular soil type must rest with the design engineer.


FIGURE A. Thrust Forces Acting on Bend.


FIGURE A. Bearing Thrust Block.


FIGURE A. Gravity Thrust Block.

Thrust blocks are generally categorized into two groups — bearing and gravity blocks. Figure A. depicts a typical bearing thrust block on a horizontal bend.


FIGURE A.10.6.1(b) Bearing Thrust Block.

The following are general criteria for bearing block design:

(1) The bearing surface should, where possible, be placed against undisturbed soil.

(2) Where it is not possible to place the bearing surface against undisturbed soil, the fill between the bearing surface and undisturbed soil must should be compacted to at least 90 percent Standard Proctor density.

(3) Block height (h) should be equal to or less than one-half the total depth to the bottom of the block (Ht) but not less than the pipe diameter (D).

(4) Block height (h) should be chosen souch that the calculated block width (b) varies between one and two times the height.

(5) Gravity thrust blocks can be used to resist thrust at vertical down bends. In a gravity thrust block, the weight of the block is the force providing equilibrium with the thrust force. The design problem is then to calculate the required volume of the thrust block of a known density. The vertical component of the thrust force in Figure A.10.8.2(c) is balanced by the weight of the block. For required horizontal bearing block areas, see Table A.10.8.2(b).

The required block area (Ab) is as follows:

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where: Ab = required block area (ft2) h = block height (ft) b = calculated block width (ft) T = thrust force (lbf) Sf = safety factor (usually 1.5)

Sb = bearing strength (lb/ft2)

Then, for a horizontal bend, the following formula is used:


where: b = calculated block width (ft) Sf = safety factor (usually 1.5 for thrust block design)

P = water pressure (lb/in.2) A = cross-sectional area of pipe based on outside diameter h = block height (ft) Sb = horizontal bearing strength of soil (lb/ft2)(in.2)

A similar approach can be used to design bearing blocks to resist the thrust forces at locations such as tees and dead ends. Typical values for conservative horizontal bearing strengths of various soil types are listed in Table A.


FIGURE A.10.6.1(c) Gravity Thrust Block.

In lieu of the values for soil bearing strength shown in Table A., a designer might choose to use calculated Rankine passive pressure (Pp) or other determination of soil bearing strength based on actual soil properties.

It can be easily shown that Ty = PA sin θ. The required volume of the block is as follows:

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where: Vg = block volume (ft3) Sf = safety factor P = water pressure (psi) A = cross-sectional area of pipe interior Wm = density of block material (lb/ft3)

In a case such as the one shown, the horizontal component of thrust force is calculated as follows:


where: Tx = horizontal component of thrust force P = water pressure (psi) A = cross-sectional area of pipe interior

The horizontal component of thrust force must should be resisted by the bearing of the right side of the block against the soil. Analysis of this aspect follows the same principles as the previous section on bearing blocks.


A method for providing thrust restraint is the use of restrained joints. A restrained joint is a special type of joint that is designed to provide longitudinal restraint. Restrained joint systems function in a manner similar to that of thrust blocks, insofar as the reaction of the entire restrained unit of piping with the soil balances the thrust forces.

The objective in designing a restrained joint thrust restraint system is to determine the length of pipe that must be restrained on each side of the focus of the thrust force, which occurs at a change in direction. This will be a function of the pipe size, the internal pressure, the depth of cover, and the characteristics of the solid surrounding the pipe. The manufacturer’s installation instructions should be referenced to determine the distance from each change in direction that joints should be restrained.

The following documents apply to the design, calculation, and determination of restrained joint systems:

(1) Thrust Restraint Design for Ductile Iron Pipe, Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association

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(2) AWWA M41, Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings

(3) AWWA M9, Concrete Pressure Pipe

(4) AWWA M11, A Guide for Steel Pipe Design and Installation

(5) Thrust Restraint Design Equations and Tables for Ductile Iron and PVC Pipe, EBAA Iron, Inc.

Figure A. shows an example of a typical connection to a fire protection system riser utilizing restrained joint pipe.


FIGURE A. Typical Connection to Fire Protection System Riser Illustrating Restrained Joints.

A. Examples of materials and the standards covering these materials are as follows:

(1) Clamps, steel (see discussion on steel in the following paragraph)

(2) Rods, steel (see discussion on steel in the following paragraph)

(3) Bolts, steel (ASTM A 307)

(4) Washers, steel (see discussion on steel in the following paragraph); ; cast iron (Class A cast iron as defined by ASTM A 126)

(5) Anchor straps and plug straps, steel (see discussion on steel in the following paragraph)

(6) Rod couplings or turnbuckles, malleable iron (ASTM A 197)

Steel of modified range merchant quality as defined in U.S. Federal Standard No. 66C, April 18, 1967, change notice No. 2, April 16, 1970, as promulgated by the U.S. Federal Government General Services Administration.

The materials specified in A. through A. do not preclude the use of other materials that also satisfy the requirements of this section.


Solvent-cemented and heat-fused joints such as those used with CPVC piping and fittings are considered restrained. They do not require thrust blocks.[m3]


Underground mains and lead-in connections to system risers should be flushed through hydrants at dead ends of the system or through accessible above-ground flushing outlets allowing the

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water to run until clear. Figure A. shows acceptable examples of flushing the system. If water is supplied from more than one source or from a looped system, divisional valves should be closed to produce a high-velocity flow through each single line. The flows specified in Table will produce a velocity of at least 10 ft/sec (3 m/sec), which is necessary for cleaning the pipe and for lifting foreign material to an aboveground flushing outlet.


FIGURE A. Methods of Flushing Water Supply Connections.


The velocity of approximately 10 ft/sec (3.1 m/sec) was used to develop Table because this velocity has been shown to be sufficient for moving obstructive material out of the pipes. It is not important that the velocity equal exactly 10 ft/sec (3.1 m/sec), so there is no reason to increase the flow during the test for slightly different internal pipe dimensions. Note that where underground pipe serves as suction pipe for a fire pump, NFPA 20 requires greater flows for flushing the pipe.


A sprinkler system has for its water supply a connection to a public water service main. A 100 psi (6.9 bar) rated pump is installed in the connection. With a maximum normal public water supply of 70 psi (4.8 bar), at the low elevation point of the individual system or portion of the system being tested and a 120 psi (8.3 bar) pump (churn) pressure, the hydrostatic test pressure is 70 psi (4.8 bar) + 120 psi (8.3 bar) + 50 psi (3.5 bar), or 240 psi (16.5 bar).

To reduce the possibility of serious water damage in case of a break, pressure can be maintained by a small pump, the main controlling gate meanwhile being kept shut during the test.

Polybutylene pipe will undergo expansion during initial pressurization. In this case, a reduction in gauge pressure might not necessarily indicate a leak. The pressure reduction should not exceed the manufacturer's specifications and listing criteria.

When systems having rigid thermoplastic piping such as CPVC are pressure tested, the sprinkler system should be filled with water. The air should be bled from the highest and farthest sprinklers. Compressed air or compressed gas should never be used to test systems with rigid thermoplastic pipe.

A recommended test procedure is as follows: The water pressure is to be increased in 50 psi (3.5 bar) increments until the test pressure described in is attained. After each increase in pressure, observations are to be made of the stability of the joints. These observations are to include such items as protrusion or extrusion of the gasket, leakage, or other factors likely to affect the continued use of a pipe in service. During the test, the pressure is not to be increased by the next increment until the joint has become stable. This applies particularly to movement of the gasket. After the pressure has been increased to the required maximum value and held for 1 hour, the pressure is to be decreased to 0 psi while observations are made for leakage. The pressure is again to be slowly increased to the value specified in and held for 1 more hour while observations are made for leakage and the leakage measurement is made.

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Hydrostatic tests should be made before the joints are covered, so that any leaks can be detected. Thrust blocks should be sufficiently hardened before hydrostatic testing is begun. If the joints are covered with backfill prior to testing, the contractor remains responsible for locating and correcting any leakage in excess of that permitted.


One acceptable means of completing this test is to utilize a pressure pump that draws its water supply from a full container. At the completion of the 2-hour test, the amount of water to refill the container can be measured to determine the amount of makeup water. In order to minimize pressure loss, the piping should be flushed to remove any trapped air. Additionally, the piping should be pressurized for 1 day prior to the hydrostatic test to account for expansion, absorption, entrapped air, and so on.

The use of a blind flange or skillet is preferred for hydrostatically testing segments of new work. Metal-seated valves are susceptible to developing slight imperfections during transport, installation, and operation and thus can be likely to leak more than 1 fl oz/in. (1.2 mL/mm) of valve diameter per hour. For this reason, the blind flange should be used when hydrostatically testing.


The design concepts in through should apply to both new installations and existing private fire service mains approved to remain under new buildings.


When calculating the actual inside diameter of cement mortar–lined pipe, twice the thickness of the pipe wall and twice the thickness of the lining need to be subtracted from the outside diameter of the pipe. The actual lining thickness should be obtained from the manufacturer.

Table A.11.1(a) and Table A.11.1(b) indicate the minimum lining thickness.

Table A.11.1(a) Minimum Thickness of Lining for Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings

Pipe and Fitting Size Thickness of Lining

in. mm in. mm

3–12 76–305 1⁄16 1.6

14–24 356–610 3⁄32 2.4

30–64 762–1600 1⁄8 3.2

Source: AWWA C104.

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Table A.11.1(b) Minimum Thickness of Lining for Steel Pipe

Nominal Pipe Size Thickness of Lining Tolerance

in. mm in. mm in. mm

4–10 100–250 ¼ 6 −1⁄16, +1⁄8 −1.6, +3.2

11–23 280–580 5⁄16 8 −1⁄16, +1⁄8 −1.6, +3.2

24–36 600–900 3⁄8 10 −1⁄16, +1⁄8 −1.6, +3.2

>36 >900 ½ 13 −1⁄16, +3⁄16 −1.6, +4.8

Source: AWWA C205.