Clinical Clinical Research Coordinating Office Research Coordinating Office Newsletter Newsletter Newsletter Features: Welcome new UWCCC staff! CRCO Tips of the Month PRMC DSMC Affiliate Network ECOG performance monitoring Summer 2013—Issue #12 After 12 years as UW Carbone Cancer Center Director, Dr. George Wilding is stepping down from his Directorship to pursue his continuing academic ac- tivities as Anderson Professor of Medicine within the Department of Medi- cine. Dr. Howard Bailey, leader of our Chemoprevention Consortium, has been named Interim Director, effective September 1, 2013. Our sincerest thanks to Dr. Wilding for his outstanding leadership throughout the years. And a big warm congratulations and welcome to Dr. Bailey, for whom we look forward to working with in the coming year. The Summer 2013 edition of the CRCO Newsletter features a gallery of new faces to welcome to the UW Cancer Center, and some familiar faces transitioning into new roles! Reminder—K4/6 Scanner The G:\Team\K4-6 Sharp Scan- ner is a shared folder by UWCCC staff. Because it is a shared folder, it is important to remove your items as soon as possible after scanning. Some items contain sensitive information that could poten- tially be viewed by others. Despite the fact the folder is emptied out once every 30 days, it is still important to delete items as soon after scanning as possible. Thanks! Courtney Thom Affiliate Coordinator Vara Parameswaran Compliance & Monitor- ing Coordinator Janna Bergum Budget Compliance Specialist Shari Piaskowski Grant Specialist Jamie Zeal Breast Coordinator Elaine Paterson Lymphoma Program Manager Alexandra Procak Surgery Regulatory Specialist Tony Carabajal Grant Specialist Erin Clements Melanoma Coordinator Chris Mulhern Myeloma Coordinator

NewsletterNewsletter - Home | UW Health · 2013-09-12 · NewsletterNewsletter Newsletter Features: Welcome new UWCCC staff! Affiliate Coordinator CRCO Tips of the Month PRMC

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Page 1: NewsletterNewsletter - Home | UW Health · 2013-09-12 · NewsletterNewsletter Newsletter Features: Welcome new UWCCC staff! Affiliate Coordinator CRCO Tips of the Month PRMC

December 2011 - Issue #6

Clinical Clinical Research Coordinating OfficeResearch Coordinating Office


Newsletter Features:

Welcome new

UWCCC staff!

CRCO Tips of the Month



Affiliate Network

ECOG performance


Summer 2013—Issue #12

After 12 years as UW Carbone Cancer Center Director, Dr. George Wilding is

stepping down from his Directorship to pursue his continuing academic ac-

tivities as Anderson Professor of Medicine within the Department of Medi-

cine. Dr. Howard Bailey, leader of our Chemoprevention

Consortium, has been named Interim Director, effective

September 1, 2013. Our sincerest thanks to Dr. Wilding

for his outstanding leadership throughout the years.

And a big warm congratulations and welcome to Dr. Bailey, for whom we

look forward to working with in the coming year.

The Summer 2013 edition of the CRCO Newsletter features a gallery

of new faces to welcome to the UW Cancer Center, and some familiar

faces transitioning into new roles!

Reminder—K4/6 Scanner

The G:\Team\K4-6 Sharp Scan-

ner is a shared folder by

UWCCC staff. Because it is a

shared folder, it is important

to remove your items as soon

as possible after scanning.

Some items contain sensitive

information that could poten-

tially be viewed by others.

Despite the fact the folder is

emptied out once every 30

days, it is still important to

delete items as soon after

scanning as possible. Thanks!

Courtney Thom Affiliate Coordinator

Vara Parameswaran Compliance & Monitor-

ing Coordinator

Janna Bergum Budget Compliance


Shari Piaskowski Grant Specialist

Jamie Zeal Breast Coordinator

Elaine Paterson Lymphoma Program


Alexandra Procak Surgery Regulatory


Tony Carabajal Grant Specialist

Erin Clements Melanoma Coordinator

Chris Mulhern Myeloma Coordinator

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Page 2

December 2011 - Issue #6


Reminder: All external monitoring reports are required to be submitted to the DSMC

via [email protected] upon receipt of the report, per the

UWCCC DSMP. This enables the DSMC to be up-to-date on all study conduction

throughout the UWCCC, regardless of study sponsor. If you have questions regarding

this requirement, please contact us.

CRCO Contact Info: Katie Wulff Assistant Director, Clinical Research [email protected] (608) 263-7898

Shari Zeldin Clinical Research Compliance Manager [email protected] (608) 263-8403 Belinda Buehl-Soppe CTRP/Education Coordinator [email protected] (608) 265-4543 Emily Jenner Compliance & Monitoring Coordinator Data & Safety Monitoring [email protected] (608) 262-9654 Vara Parameswaran Compliance and Monitoring Coordinator Data & Safety Monitoring [email protected] (608) 263-4877 Claire Kostechka PRMC Coordinator [email protected] (608) 263-0169 Courtney Thom Affiliate Coordinator [email protected] (608) 265-2867 Billing Compliance:

Vielska Brautigam Budget Compliance Specialist [email protected] (608) 262-8980 Janna Bergum Budget Compliance Specialist (608) 263-1258

Clinical Research

Coordinating Office

September-October 2012—Issue #10 Summer 2013—Issue #12

Wisconsin Oncology Network (WON)

Please join us for the Fall 2013 WON Meeting on Saturday, Oc-

tober 5, 2013 at the Health Sciences Learning Center (HSLC) on

the UW-Hospital Campus. The half-day meeting starts with reg-

istration and breakfast at 8:00 AM and concluding at 1:00 PM,

after lunch. To register for the meeting, go to: http://

www.surveymonkey.com/s/JNY7MSD. Hope to see you there!


Reminder: Always go to the UWCCC website to download forms for PRMC submis-

sions, as they are updated often.

Reminder: Competing studies must be listed when submitting protocols in the ePRMS

submission console when submitting an initial review, change review, site addition or

continuation review. Also , please ensure to list any present and pending competing

studies in the ePRMS forms. In addition, an explanation of protocol prioritization must

be included on the forms to explain how competing studies will be handled. The PRMC

takes this into consideration when reviewing protocols and accrual goals.

ECOG Performance Monitoring Reminder

The next Performance Monitoring data cut-off date of September 30, 2013 is approach-

ing. Any data received on or before September 30, 2013 will be included in the upcoming

Performance Monitoring. It is important to remember that data timeliness will be evalu-

ated by assessing two components: The rate of CRF submission and the rate of survival

follow-up. Our institution must have a score of 90% or better in each component.

Affiliate Site Tips

Reminder: When Johnson Creek (JC) is participating in a study , the DOWG is responsi-

ble for adding JC staff (Kelly McCunn, Dawn Klecker, and Lynda Persico) in OnCore in

the staff tab. NOTE—please assign their roles as clinical research associates, not affili-

ate research associates. The same is true when 1 S Park is participating, Sandra Black

must be assigned the role of clinical research associate. Thank you!

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Page 3

December 2011 - Issue #6

OnCore Support Contact Info:

Stephine Wasielewski Manager, OnCore Support Office [email protected] (608) 263-2907 Divya Kudva OnCore Support Staff [email protected] (608) 262-6604 Arenda Nolan OnCore Support Staff [email protected] (608) 262-6604

Tip for Subject Registration Data Entry (for UW and 1 South Park Staff Only)

In the CRA Console > New Subject Registration screen, the FIND function should always be used to search for subjects before registering them (for protocols that use a full demographic data set) be-cause the demographic information populates from HealthLink.

If any of the information that populates is incorrect, OnCore should not to be updated directly. This is because any changes made to these fields will be overwritten by HealthLink on an hourly basis. In-stead the HealthLink Demographics Data Correction Form (found on the UWCCC intranet page) should be used to request changes to be made directly in HealthLink by patient registration staff.

EXCEPTION: The race and ethnicity fields in OnCore are NOT subject to the hourly HealthLink up-date. So if this information from HealthLink is missing or incorrect, it can be updated directly on the Subject Console > Demographics page in OnCore and it will not be overwritten.

The Expired date field in OnCore is also tied to HealthLink. If a subject is deceased and it is not docu-mented correctly in HealthLink, the HealthLink Deceased Patient Form should be used to request the change in Health Link.

Any time that the Last Name, Date of Birth, or Expired Date for a subject are changed in OnCore by HealthLink, the Program Manager will receive an email notification.

For any questions, please contact the OnCore Support Team.

OnCore Support


OnCore Tip of the Month

September-October 2012—Issue #10 Summer 2013—Issue #12

Page 4: NewsletterNewsletter - Home | UW Health · 2013-09-12 · NewsletterNewsletter Newsletter Features: Welcome new UWCCC staff! Affiliate Coordinator CRCO Tips of the Month PRMC

Summer 2013—Issue #12

In Memoriam

Jennifer Verhoeven,

July 17, 1974—June 20, 2013

Although some time has passed, our thoughts con-

tinue to surround the unexpected death of Jennifer

Verhoeven, UW Health lung cancer nurse coordina-

tor, on Thursday June 20, 2013.

Jenni, a valued member of the lung cancer team,

was an extremely competent and compassionate

nurse who treasured her work with lung cancer

patients, particularly those enrolled in clinical tri-

als. She had an innate ability to connect with pa-

tients and family members on a personal level as

they dealt with their diagnoses. It was more than a

skill, it was a heartfelt gift.

She was a beloved coworker who skillfully interact-

ed with and supported colleagues throughout the

UW Carbone Cancer Center (UWCCC) since her arri-

val in 2009, as well within the UW Health system

where she had worked since 2000. Her UWCCC

coworkers appreciated her always present smile,

sense of humor and willingness to always lend a

helping hand.

We would also like to recognize the UWCCC staff

who valiantly assisted Jenni by coming to her aid

the afternoon of her unexpected passing. At a time

of unquestionable need, these coworkers were

there – present and willing to assist in any way pos-

sible. Your efforts, like Jenni’s joyful spirit, will nev-

er be forgotten.

Craig R. Robida

External Relations Manager

UW Carbone Cancer Center

Jenni recognized that patients with lung cancer could benefit from a

support group, and was instrumental this past year in starting and facili-

tating the “Breathe Easier: Lung Cancer Information and Support

Group.” She provided broad expertise in answering support group

members’ questions with her background in the O.R. and in her posi-

tion as the Lung Cancer Coordinator. She always organized our team

for Bowlin’ for Colons—we plan to continue this tradition in her honor.

Kindness and empathy were hallmarks of Jenni’s interactions with pa-

tients and family members. She frequently had to discuss sensitive and

difficult topics with patients in person and over the phone. She was

always positive, friendly and caring . She recognized the value of the

work of the Lung Cancer Research Group with whom she shared an of-

fice; and frequently assisted them in understanding clinic procedures,

answering nursing questions, and helping them do their best for the

clinical trial patients.

In addition, Jenni was just plain fun to be around. She always had a fun-

ny story to tell and a zest and joy for life which made you want to spend

time with her. Jenni was always a source of entertainment in the office.

We miss hearing her stories and her infectious laugh and bright smile

are sorely missed.