E1 - Excellence & Execution E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger Newsletter Week ending 30th of July 2011

Newsletter Week 7 2011

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Page 1: Newsletter Week 7 2011

E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

Newsletter Week ending 30th of July


Page 2: Newsletter Week 7 2011

E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

Advanced Sales for everybody

Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday 6:09AM local time


passcode = 869630#

To listen again: 1-760-569-7699; passcode = 869630#

Mort Call for everybody

Sunday 4:00PM CST (Central Standard Time—ask your SM)


passcode = 440597007#

To listen again: 1-712-432-1011; passcode = 440597007#

Page 3: Newsletter Week 7 2011

E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

Put your self-talk in your Sales Talk!

Pick your favorites or invent your own. Use them in your sales talk – by telling them to

Mrs J you not only involve & compliment her, but also remind yourself!

1. Kids! – The burning torch of knowledge has arrived! 2. I love my job! 3. I love this street! 4. This is my favorite school district! 5. No jokin’ this bookman’s smokin’! 6. Today is the day. 7. It’s like me to lead the pack. 8. Good looks sell books! 9. I feel like sunshine; everyone

needs suncream! 10. I make people smile and everyone

loves me. 11. Billy, these books are so good we

could even sell ‘em on the moon,

and they don’t have school there

yet! 12. I out-work everyone! 13. I have the nicest customers and

the coolest moms in all America! 14. I’m the answer to school! 15. Call, demo, or sale—takes all three to have a great day. Who’s next? 16. This job is helping me be a better son / daughter / husband / wife / parent / lead-

er / manager / teacher / inspiration in all that I do. 17. I can. 18. I love showing these. 19. I’m like a snowball—the more I roll, the bigger I get. 20. Rollin’ Rollin’ Rollin’ … Rawhide (From the TV series of the same name – 1959 to

1966 – don’t say this bit!) 21. I’m sooooo good at this! 22. This is so much fun! 23. I am the nicest sales-person you’ll ever meet! 24. I am a creator of destiny, not a creature of circumstance. 25. The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running.

Attitude EXPLOSION = if you can say your favorite 3 affirmations 10 times every half-

hour from when you wake up until you go to bed = almost 1,000 AFFIRMATIONS

EVERY DAY!!! (Actually 990, but close enough!)

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E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

Technical Material

There are five steps to in-

creasing the number of sit-downs

you are making and as we all

know, sitdowns lead to sales!

1. First of all you need a 100% commitment

that you will pull a book out at every single door

you knock on, 100% of the time! Every single

time you knock on a door they see a book. DO


PLAINING WHAT IT IS. Quite often Mrs. Jones

will ask you "What is this all about? What is

it?" and you’ll be tempted to say something like

"It’s no big deal it's just these two books that

help kids with their homework, etc" Do not say

that anymore. Just get the books out and show them.

2. Make a 100% commitment to ask to get in 100% of the time on all of

your door demos. Every single door demo you make, 100% of the time, you

must show only Math section and then say:

"Gosh Mrs. Jones this is re-

ally awkward, would out

here be OK, or would inside

be better?"

When asking to sit down this

is the only way to do it:

"LET'S SIT DOWN!" Smile,

point over her shoulder,

break eye contact, reach for

the bag and wipe your feet. (If

they will not let you in at this

point it is time to move on be-

cause they are not going to

buy anyway.)

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E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

3. Probably the easiest way to increase sitdowns is to get out of the hous-

es that are not going to buy faster. After showing 2 sections always stop and

ask Mrs Jones: "How does this all look so far? Does it seem like some-

thing your family would be interested in or should I head over to the

Martins?" Take pride in getting out of the time traps of non-buyers. If you

get out of 2 houses per goal period you will have at least 3 more sitdowns

per day which will give you at least 1 more sale per day. “Is that the time!?

I’ve got an appointment – sorry, gotta GO!!“ Smile!

4. We also need to get out of the houses of people who do buy faster. Do

not camp out with buyers; love them, & leave them! You solidify people by

collecting written testimonials why they bought, and excitedly showing one

extra page as you are leaving; NOT by hanging out with them!! You will con-

tinue to perform at the level you are if you continue to do what you are do-

ing; however, to hit the next level: PC, Chairman’s, Mort, CEO Society - you

gotta trim down the time!

5. Use more names in your approach. Use both first and last names in the

approach. DESCRIBE the names - mention the inside of their houses.

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E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

Tips from Yvette Kuester

“August & September is where you really bust loose.” 1. BWOTSSFA (Best Week Of The Summer So FAr)

A. Get Back to Basics: 1) Control the Controllables:

Hours: Start each day one minute earlier than

your previous best At night, always go to one more house –

no matter how tired you feel Demos:

Average people give 30/day; do one more per goal period for 36/day

Attitude: Have you noticed: Best Attitude = Most

Fun; Most Fun = Most Sales! Max out the 2 „Meters‟ (scale of 0 to 10)

every goal period: Work-O-Meter = 10 Fun-O-Meter = 10

About Yvette: Best week = 1,403;

Best summer = 11,700; Best increase = 5,400

B. Word-for-Word: 1) Keep your sales talk by your bed 2) Study your sales talk for 10 mins each night before sleep:

Sun = Approach Mon = Intro Tue = Demo Wed = Summary & Price Build-Up Thur = Close Fri = Additional showings

2. Self Talk

A. Don‟t miss the value of talking positively out loud all day long to yourself B. You might think: „It‟s OK, I‟m positive all day anyhow and it seems less effort not to have to talk all day …‟ BUT

Even if you feel positive, you‟re not performing at your peak if you‟re not a positive chatterbox

C. Even if it seems weird: Try it anyhow Do it all day long

D. “It‟s marvelous making moms smile Monday. Oh my gosh, how lucky are they to meet me! This is my best day. I love my town – people here are soooo cool! I love my job – it‟s such fun meeting all the interesting people. I‟m so cool – I bet they‟ve never met anyone from where I‟m from. I love the weather here – it‟s so wonderful.” E. Whether you say you can or you say you can‟t – you‟re right!

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E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

3. Expectations: A. Check your self-talk when you have your first customer of the day (no matter what time that is):

√ “SWeet, one down, 9 to go” X “Phew, at least it‟s not a zero day …”

B. You have awesome books C. There are 10 families in your area who need your books today D. Raise your expectations by goal period:

Either: 6 – 4 – 2:

6 demos (even the average person does 5) 4 sits (my Approach is word-for-word, big smile, enthusiastic, use names) 2 customers (really connect and great Intro)

Or 6 – 3 – 1:

6 demos 3 sits 1 customer

Now it‟s time to get competitive.

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E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

Who has a hairy nose? Posted by Heather L. Sanders. She is “Momma” to three kids, Emelie, Meredith and Kenny. When not homeschooling, Heather writes about life in the piney woods of Texas. Growing up I always remember adults talking on and on about how time flies, how the days are “getting away from them” and many other catch phrases to indicate that they were lost in a time warp. I, on the other hand, was tracking the absolute endless days until my birthday came back around, or God help me, Christmas–because as a child time isn’t a commodity, its a curse. And it goes soooooooooooooo slow. I realized the other day I am officially an adult because time has somehow shed its curse and now, every second of it is a blessing. I don’t count down until birthdays. Christmas comes around faster than the speed of light. And… it is almost August. AUGUST This means I need to think about school. I have 4 weeks to prepare, grab my supplements, get my supplies, and plan. I LOVE AUGUST. So, the other day when a young college student named Jenny came to my door toting edu-cational supplements from Southwestern, I swung the door wide open and invited her in. She has spent her entire summer break working from 8:00 in the morning until 9:00 at night selling the Southwestern products door to door in this city. The commissions she earns puts her through her next year of college. Personally, I can’t imagine doing what she does, but I gave her my ear, and then after, my credit card number, because she had some really great supplemental ideas for the Fall. I wanted to share some of my purchases because we have really enjoyed them so far.

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E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

First, the Ask Me series. I pur-chased the fourteen volume book series written to answer questions children might ask about their world.

All throughout the book are “fun facts” and “do you know” text boxes. I laughed when I read the question, “Is Greenland really green?” be-cause years ago Emelie DID ask me this question. And last year, Kenny asked the EXACT same question.

As Jenny showed our family a sam-ple of the Ask Me books, she pointed out how sturdy they are (bindings are sewn, not glued), how the pages are clearly and colorfully done, and because she knows kids… …she pointed out the “fun facts” about hippos and poop.

Yes, POOP! I had no idea they flung about their poop, did you? Well there you are. Parents everywhere know how very funny poop is – poop and pee. I seri-ously have no idea why potty jokes are so age old, but if you say fart or poop in my house YOU WILL get a laugh… EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.

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E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

As does Kenny. I know because I dug three of them out from under his body when I went in to check on him before I crawled into bed. HOW in the WORLD do kids sleep ON TOP OF books, cars, Legos, etc…? The girls read them too. Emelie is 12, so of course it isn’t a hard or challenging read for her, but she likes reading and sharing them with her siblings. Plus, that girl is just an information hound. Between her and her daddy we have a mental collec-tion of the most useful as well as completely useless information data-base of any family I know.

I like to look at this photo when I’m out of Weight Watchers POINTS for the day and feeling snacky. Ewwwww.

The Ask Me books have a visual Ta-ble of Contents – absolutely perfect for young readers. And the whole set came with two sticker books – but not your regular sticker books – the-se are static stickers. They can be used over and over again without losing their stick. Gotta love that. Although I love stickers, I truly hate putting money into sticker books be-cause spending $15.00 on a book that can only be truly used once seems like a waste of money. I’m just sayin’… And stickin’… GO STATIC STICKERS!! (I need to get off these pain meds.) So enough about the Ask Me books, now let me show you what I’ll use to supplement Kenny’s Science this year.

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E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

The Explore and Learn 6 Volume set. Let me tell you why I LOVE these. First, like the Ask Me series, they have sewn bindings. But also? YOU CAN WIPE THE PAGES CLEAN. My kids spend a lot of time reading at the table – for instance, while eating cereal. We have many books with milk splotches. The paper is raised and wavy. I KNOW you KNOW what I’m talking about. Well, I can just wipe it right off with these books.

And each page is filled with very well done illustrations, but also, ACTUAL PHOTOS. So, it is a perfect blend of infor-mation, illustrations, photography, easy-to-do experiments, and… …the holy grail of homeschooling mommas like me… ORGANIZATION

Each book in the series is CROSS REFERENCED to the others.

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E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

If I look up “Germs” it will show me which books in the series talk about Germs.

Germs you wash off your body.

How your skin protects you from germs. GERMS. Really good stuff, I tell ya.

And in case you didn’t learn enough, there’s always the Seemore Skin-less included software. He (?) will walk your child through his/her body to see how it works. I’m not an affiliate or rep for South-western, but I’m sure you can con-tact them through their website if you have any interest in these books. They send a Jenny to your home. My Jenny is spunky. And? She likes me BEST because I gave her ice cream and a brownie after a long, long day. I’m good like that. Plus, I needed to get it out of the house before I snarfed it.

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E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

Hours Gediminas Sasnauskas 91

Jelena Proskurina 88

Arturs Cestnovskis 87

Liisa Maria Lõoke 87

Timo Aleste* 87

Ugne Zitineviciute* 87

Valter Aro 87

Veiko Tamm 87

Agneta Rumpa 86

Anna Vilane 86

Janno Enno 86

Karl-Gustav Tamberg 86

Kelly Kruup 86

Priit Rinken 86

Anep Perlov 85

Anna Irjas 85

Ilja Shmarjov 85

Janno Jürgenson 85

Jekaterina Rümmel 85

Kaur Tuttelberg 85

Kinne Tonnison 85

Kristin Kõrv 85

Liisi Tani 85

Martin Kiisküla 85

Priit Märtin* 85

Reet Veskioja 85

Tanel Karu 85

Tanel Kobrusepp 85

Annika Kirsimäe* 84

Anu Rieberg 84

Anu Ilves 84

Artur Schotter 84

Carolina Laos 84

Deniss Karamõshkin 84

Filipp Vinograd 84

Harri Aro 84

Joosep Sõnajalg 84

Julia Zamatajeva* 84

Kadri Koort 84

Karel Sootalu* 84

Katrin Kiviselg* 84

Kristjan Veskus 84

Liis Variku 84

Malle Seppor 84

Mari Saviir 84

Maria Kondimäe 84

Marie Naggel 84

Marleen Saat 84

Merit Holm 84

Mihkel Vetemaa 84

Mihkel Leis 84

Raul Metsva* 84

Robert Unga 84

Silva Šanin 84

Tambet Tallo 84

Aira Praakle 83

Alan Hoop 83

Allar Teder 83

Andrei Koltšenko 83

Ardo Pinna 83

Artjom Fraiman 83

Birgit Toompuu 83

Carina Paju 83

Christian Anderson 83

Danute Maciulaityte 83

Edgaras Drozenao 83

Elis Jaanson 83

Erik Perlin 83

Ernst Tõnisson 83

Grete Ruberg* 83

Hannula Katrin Pandis 83

Helena Kase 83

Helena Hain 83

Ieva Alisauskaite 83

Janar Ojaste 83

Jürgen Sahtel 83

Jürgo Järving 83

Kadi Tobreluts 83

Kertu Biene 83

Kirk-Marius Kukumägi 83

Kristel Tuul 83

Kuldar Kongo 83

Laura Galdikaite 83

Liana Lodi 83

Liisi Jantra* 83

Maarja Varis 83

Maarja Kaseväli* 83

Madis Pajo* 83

Marcus Puhke 83

Mardo Soo 83

Maret Saat 83

Maria Nuudi 83

Markko Salumäe 83

Markus Meimer 83

Mart Roben* 83

Mattias Pilv 83

Merily Kesküll 83

Olev Pihlakas 83

Oskars Muiznieks 83

Rosmarii Rosenthal 83

Sonata Puckocumaite 83

Veiko Tell* 83

Aive Praakle 82

Aleksei Panov 82

Alina Sokalska 82

Andrus Albi* 82

Artur Sirkel 82

Birgit Remiküll 82

Brian Randall 82

Elinor Vutt 82

Elo Sinisaar 82

Epp Sinisaar* 82

Eva Perejainen 82

Eva-Liisa Viilma 82

Evita Bole 82

Fred-Erik Starkov 82

Gerda Rand 82

Gytis Perevicius 82

Hanna Aruoja 82

Hannes Mäeorg 82

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E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

Heigo Kriibi 82

Heili Rea Lapsanit 82

Helina Kiviselg 82

Indrek Kuusk 82

Inge Suviste 82

Iskander Ahmet 82

Jaanika Aasa 82

Jan Poznahirko 82

Jana Subitidze 82

Janek Kiss 82

Kaarel Sarap 82

Kadri Hunt 82

Kaili Arnus 82

Kairi Hunt 82

Karin Katsan 82

Kaspar Peek 82

Kathriin Karus 82

Kati Rattasepp 82

Kati Tamm 82

Katre Tamm 82

Katrina Mäeorg 82

Kätlin Küttis 82

Ken Mällo 82

Kerttu Kompus 82

Kerttu Karon 82

Lauma Zarina 82

Lauryna Serapinaite* 82

Liis Kukk 82

Liisi Sarap 82

Lina Strumskyte 82

Linda Kaliksone 82

Linda Zarina 82

Madara Jakobsone 82

Madis Raud* 82

Madli Remmelkoor* 82

Marek Arru 82

Mari-Liis Kokka 82

Maria Soome 82

Marian Vares 82

Marion Kauber 82

Marius Zaleckis 82

Martin Tammejuur* 82

Martin Raadik 82

Martin Ligema 82

Meelis Mikiver 82

Merilin Tali 82

Mihkel Moosel* 82

Nele Rõõmus 82

Olavi Must 82

Oleg Adamson 82

Oscar Lange 82

Ottomar Tamm 82

Paula Rapp 82

Pille Riin Aasa* 82

Priit Suitslepp* 82

Rainer Orro 82

Raul Krebs 82

Rauno Murulo 82

Rauno Leets 82

Remo Jõeorg* 82

Rivo Toomsalu* 82

Rytis Neniskis 82

Sergei Metlev 82

Sigrid Saare 82

Stina Sistok 82

Tanel Liiva 82

Targo Holsting* 82

Tõnis Põldsaar 82

Teele Tuuling 82

Tomas Paulius 82

Triin Junkur 82

Triin Toom 82

Zilvinas Lelesius 82

Agne Andrikyte 81

Aija Ulmane 81

Aime Klooren* 81

Anna Bõstrova 81

Anni Tani 81

Anni Paumees 81

Anni Katkosild 81

Aurimas Peseckis 81

Darta Sice* 81

Deivi Sarapson 81

Edgaras Bomblauskas 81

Eerik Sare 81

Elina Belija 81

Erki Veiko 81

Evert Alba 81

Gitte Reimann 81

Hannes Tammik 81

Ieva Matuseviciute 81

Jana Schmidt 81

Julia Polujanenkova 81

Kaari Lind 81

Kadi Mikson 81

Kaia Metsmaa 81

Krista Puur 81

Kristiina Toom 81

Kristin Kriibi 81

Kristina Daucionaite 81

Kristina Grityte 81

Kristina Einlo 81

Kristine Slisane 81

Laima Paskauskaite 81

Laura Meimer* 81

Maarja Kütt 81

Madis Põldsaar 81

Maiu Vares 81

Margus Mölder 81

Modestas Zalimas 81

Peteris Rozenbanks 81

Raili Kivisalu 81

Rene Ollino 81

Siga Jasiute 81

Siim Ühtid 81

Taavi Kivimaa 81

Taavi Havre 81

Tõnis Erissaar 81

Tõnis Suitslepp 81

Tõnu Hiielaid* 81

Teele Sarapuu 81

Toomas Pihl 81

Triin Ilves 81

Triin Vendel 81

Ulari Teder* 81

Vasare Salciute 81

Vytautas Mikalajunas 81

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E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

Calls Kristina Malukaite 386

Kadri Koort 341

Erik Perlin 340

Erki Veiko 330

Marian Vares 329

Lauma Zarina 324

Artur Schotter 322

Karin Katsan 322

Gitte Reimann 321

Kertu Biene 319

Nadežda Gluškova 319

Janno Enno 317

Agris Kalnins-Kalnmalis 316

Marleen Saat 315

Ardo Pinna 311

Jurgis Kuksa 309

Siim Truusalu 306

Indrek Kuusk 305

Polina Sõrjanaja 302

Katre Kõiv 302

Kelly Kruup 301

Maarja Jõgi 301

Veronika Kunikova 301

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E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger


Kristin Kõrv 232

Kinne Tonnison 230

Metra Kupruka 226

Indrek Kuusk 224

Deivi Sarapson 224

Ugne Zitineviciute* 223

Marian Vares 222

Kristi Raudsepp 220

Kaspar Kork* 219

Tambet Tallo 213

Gerda Rand 212

Kaire Saarep 211

Darta Sice* 210

Inge Suviste 208

Kadri Koort 207

Lauma Zarina 207

Kadi Tobreluts 206

Veronika Kunikova 206

Kelly Kruup 205

Liis Variku 205

Erki Veiko 204

Anna Irjas 203

Eva-Liisa Viilma 203

Sergei Zunajev 202

Liisa Maria Lõoke 201

Karl-Gustav Tamberg 201

Maria Nuudi 199

Kerli Toming 199

Lina Strumskyte 198

Nadežda Gluškova 198

Kadri Hunt 197

Kertu Biene 196

Kristel Tuul 196

Aive Praakle 196

Rauno Leets 195

Janno Enno 194

Elo Sinisaar 194

Merilin Tali 194

Eerik Sare 194

Liva Mikelsone 194

Harri Aro 193

Elis Jaanson 193

Fred-Erik Starkov 193

Rauno Murulo 193

Gediminas Sasnauskas 192

Arturs Cestnovskis 192

Kati Tamm 192

Kristiina Toom 192

Ivo Lobjakas 192

Siim Ošur 192

Anu Rieberg 191

Agne Andrikyte 191

Kristi Jõeorg 191

Kristiina Hein 191

Epp Sinisaar* 190

Karin Katsan 190

Triin Toom 190

Raili Kivisalu 190

Maarja Jõgi 190

Tõnis Kattai 190

Kristina Einlo 189

Peteris Rozenbanks 189

Taavi Havre 189

Agris Kalnins-Kalnmalis 189

Imbi Helm 189

Birgit Toompuu 188

Erik Perlin 188

Madis Raud* 188

Marek Arru 188

Paula Rapp 188

Edgaras Bomblauskas 188

Taavi Kivimaa 188

Kaidi Eelmaa 188

Vaiva Vanagaite 188

Harry Käsk 188

Jurgis Kuksa 188

Liisi Tani 187

Merit Holm 187

Evita Bole 187

Halliki Aasmäe 187

Kerli Kanniste 187

Julia Zamatajeva* 186

Robert Unga 186

Eva Perejainen 186

Kätlin Küttis 186

Ken Mällo 186

Anni Paumees 186

Hannes Tammik 186

Siim Ühtid 186

Ave Räni 186

Ladislav Marsik 186

Siim Truusalu 186

Vytautas Geguzis 186

Kristjan Veskus 185

Grete Ruberg* 185

Hannula Katrin Pandis 185

Merily Kesküll 185

Sigrid Saare 185

Tõnis Põldsaar 185

Gitte Reimann 185

Karin Ploom* 185

Mihkel Adler 185

Indrek Harjak 185

Kairit Kraudok 185

Priit Rinken 184

Jekaterina Rümmel 184

Artur Schotter 184

Marie Naggel 184

Aira Praakle 184

Ardo Pinna 184

Madli Remmelkoor* 184

Ottomar Tamm 184

Targo Holsting* 184

Anna Bõstrova 184

Madis Põldsaar 184

Kaarel Kork* 184

Priit Paal 184

Maarja Vendel 184

Tanel Aruoja 184

Ieva Alisauskaite 183

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E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

Janar Ojaste 183

Kirk-Marius Kukumägi 183

Maarja Varis 183

Mart Roben* 183

Oleg Adamson 183

Aija Ulmane 183

Anni Katkosild 183

Elina Belija 183

Polina Sõrjanaja 183

Priit Priimägi 183

Triinu Pihlak 183

Veiko Tamm 182

Liana Lodi 182

Markko Salumäe 182

Brian Randall 182

Kerttu Karon 182

Martin Raadik 182

Jana Schmidt 182

Kristina Daucionaite 182

Vytautas Mikalajunas 182

Martin Kiisküla 181

Malle Seppor 181

Helena Hain 181

Maarja Kaseväli* 181

Hannes Mäeorg 181

Iskander Ahmet 181

Jan Poznahirko 181

Janek Kiss 181

Evert Alba 181

Teele Sarapuu 181

Triin Ilves 181

Denisa Chladekova* 181

Laura Urnieziute 181

Margit Saidla 181

Lukas Breznican 181

Agneta Rumpa 180

Annika Kirsimäe* 180

Joosep Sõnajalg 180

Marleen Saat 180

Mihkel Leis 180

Artjom Fraiman 180

Danute Maciulaityte 180

Birgit Remiküll 180

Jana Subitidze 180

Kairi Hunt 180

Kati Rattasepp 180

Liis Kukk 180

Mihkel Moosel* 180

Nele Rõõmus 180

Margus Mölder 180

Tõnis Erissaar 180

Aleksandra Poluskova 180

Erle Püvi 180

Gerly Tuur 180

Andrius Pelegrimas* 180

Diana Jekabsone 180

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E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger


Kristin Kõrv 131 SDs

Alice Kallas 114 SDs

Katrin Kiviselg 121 SDs

Carina Paju 111 SDs

Tanel Karu 131 SDs

Kadi Tobreluts 112 SDs

Kadi Mikson 111 SDs

Liisi Jantra 109 SDs

Epp Sinisaar 109 SDs

Kristi Jõeorg 109 SDs

Taavi Havre 108

Tanel Kobrusepp 107

Kristel Tuul 107

Pille Riin Aasa* 107

Kaili Arnus 106

Targo Holsting* 106

Janno Enno 105

Marie Naggel 105

Kertu Biene 105

Madis Pajo* 105

Elinor Vutt 105

Jan Poznahirko 105

Triin Toom 105

Liisa Maria Lõoke 104

Anu Rieberg 104

Carolina Laos 104

Kaari Lind 104

Arturs Cestnovskis 102

Kadri Koort 102

Anna Bõstrova 102

Kaur Tuttelberg 101

Jürgen Sahtel 101

Elo Sinisaar 101

Tõnis Suitslepp 101

Kati Tamm 100

Paula Rapp 100

Tanel Aruoja 100

Ilja Shmarjov 98

Harri Aro 98

Mihkel Leis 98

Mari Saviir 97

Anni Katkosild 97

Ranol Kaseväli* 97

Jekaterina Rümmel 96

Janek Kiss 96

Kuldar Kongo 95

Sigrid Saare 95

Teele Sarapuu 95

Helena Fjodorova 95

Priit Märtin* 94

Gerda Rand 94

Rainer Orro 94

Kinne Tonnison 93

Reet Veskioja 93

Maria Nuudi 93

Veiko Tell* 93

Tõnu Hiielaid* 93

Marleen Saat 92

Jürgo Järving 92

Olev Pihlakas 92

Martin Ligema 92

Rivo Toomsalu* 92

Katrin Kütt 92

Ugne Zitineviciute* 91

Karel Sootalu* 91

Liisi Sarap 91

Priit Suitslepp* 91

Tambet Tallo 90

Madis Põldsaar 90

Erki Kukk* 90

Page 20: Newsletter Week 7 2011

E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

Helin Ilumäe 90

Timo Aleste* 89

Birgit Toompuu 89

Danute Maciulaityte 89

Maret Saat 89

Aija Ulmane 89

Helena Hain 88

Mari Moora 88

Kristiina Hein 88

Sandra Janekalne 88

Martin Kiisküla 87

Allar Teder 87

Artjom Fraiman 87

Rytis Neniskis 87

Merit Holm 86

Maarja Kaseväli* 86

Sonata Puckocumaite 86

Karin Katsan 86

Hans Kullama* 86

Veronika Kunikova 86

Kristin Paas 86

Ernst Tõnisson 85

Grete Ruberg* 85

Eva Perejainen 85

Indrek Kuusk 85

Kätlin Küttis 85

Marian Vares 85

Teele Tuuling 85

Anna Kougija 85

Marge Pärn 85

Livia Handlovicova* 85

Andrus Albi* 84

Maria Soome 84

Deivi Sarapson 84

Andrei Koltšenko 83

Elis Jaanson 83

Kristiina Toom 83

Liina Bljahhina 83

Anna Irjas 82

Janno Jürgenson 82

Liana Lodi 82

Priit Rinken 81

Annika Kirsimäe* 81

Mardo Soo 81

Merily Kesküll 81

Inge Suviste 81

Evert Alba 81

Julia Polujanenkova 81

Andrius Pelegrimas* 81

Maarja Varis 80

Aleksei Panov 80

Jaanika Aasa 80

Stina Sistok 80

Karl-Gustav Tamberg 79

Anu Ilves 79

Ardo Pinna 79

Kadri Hunt 79

Nele Rõõmus 79

Triin Ilves 79

Kaarel Kork* 79

Margit Saidla 79

Liisi Tani 78

Kristjan Veskus 78

Silva Šanin 78

Katre Tamm 78

Maiu Vares 78

Raili Kivisalu 78

Siga Jasiute 78

Ulari Teder* 78

Laura Urnieziute 78

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E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

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E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger


Tõnu Hiielaid 41 customers

Andrus Albi 37 customers

Madis Pajo 37 customers

Maret Saat 35 customers

Veiko Tell 30 customers

Ranol Kaseväli 58 customers

Priit Suitslepp 30 customers

Katrin Kiviselg 34 customers

Mart Roben 30 customers

Epp Sinisaar 30 customers

Kaari Lind 26 customers

Kuldar Kongo 34 customers

Priit Märtin 26 customers

Alice Kallas 28 customers

Andrius Pelegrimas 33 customers

Jekaterina Rümmel 31 customers

Madis Raud 26 customers

Kristi Jõeorg 26 customers

Liisi Sarap 26 customers

Page 23: Newsletter Week 7 2011

E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

Karel Kõiv 22 customers

Carolina Laos 23 customers

Merit Holm 22 customers

Liisa-Maria Lõoke 20 customers

Juhan Toompuu 24 customers

Ilja Smarjov 24 customers

Kristin Paas 21 customers

Madli Remmelkoor 20 customers

Jozef Biz 20 customers

Helena Fjodorova 24 customers

Reet Veskioja 20 customers

Anu Ilves 22 customers

Rivo Toomsalu 23 customers

Maarja Varis 22 customers

Mari Saviir 22 customers

Kadi Mikson 20 customers

Raul Metsva 21 customers

Toomas Pihl 21 customers

Marius Zaleckis 23 customers

Karel Sootalu 21 customers

Helena Hain 21 customers

Kristjan Veskus 21 customers

Martin Ligema 21 customers

Annika Kirsimäe 20 customers

Targo Holsting 25 customers

Page 24: Newsletter Week 7 2011

E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger


Ranol Kaseväli 1510 units

Tõnu Hiielaid 896 units

Maret Saat 615 units

Alice Kallas 610 units

Madis Pajo 726 units

Veiko Tell 603 units

Andrus Albi 882 units

Kuldar Kongo 739 units

Andrius Pelegrimas 617 units

Page 25: Newsletter Week 7 2011

E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

Annika Kirsimäe 420 units

Juhan Toompuu 537 units

Elinor Vutt 313 units

Rainer Orro 349 units

Merit Holm 337 units

Raul Metsva 360 units

Mari Moora 335 units

Priit Märtin 428 units

Livia Handlovicova 380 units

Katrin Kiviselg 409 units

Timo Aleste 398 units

Liisa-Maria Lõoke 475 units

Carolina Laos 391 units

Madli Remmelkoor 333 units

Priit Suitslepp 346 units

Epp Sinisaar 415 units

Ülari Teder 370 units

Jekaterina Rümmel 332 units

Ilja Smarjov 527 units

Anu Ilves 317 units

Kaili Arnus 308 units

Madis Raud 433 units

Modestas Zalimas 378 units

Mari Saviir 329 units

Helena Kase 315 units

Page 26: Newsletter Week 7 2011

E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

Karel Kõiv 260 units

Sarunas Rapalis 244 units

Martin Kiisküla 268 units

Allar Teder 266 units

Kristina Einlo 267 units

Targo Holsting 241 units

Sandra Janekalne 271 units

Jozef Biz 232 units

Kadi Tobreluts 266 units

Rene Ollino 261 units

Esther Kukk 254 units

Sigrid Saare 244 units

Helena Fjodorova 268 units

Reet Veskioja 267 units

Kaari Lind 236 units

Rytis Neniskis 234 units

Tanel Kobrusepp 261 units

Aime Klooren 300 units

Jana Schmidt 281 units

Kristel Tuul 276 units

Lauryna Serapinaite 281 units

Liis Kukk 279 units

Rivo Toomsalu 299 units

Eerik Sare 262 units

Karel Sootalu 240 units

Page 27: Newsletter Week 7 2011

E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

Artjom Fraiman 224 units

Pille-Riin Aasa 204 units

Iskander Ahmet 202 units

Margit Saidla 200 units

Giedrius Liutkevicius 207 units

Tomas Michalik 228 units

Toomas Pihl 230 units

Remo Jõeorg 212 units

Justas Valantinas 204 units

Tanel Karu 216 units

Carina Paju 219 units

Laura Meimer 216 units

Vytautas Mikalajunas 209 units

Kadi Mikson 226 units

Priit Rinken 203 units

Kristaps Ruska 205 units

Valter Aro 200 units

Indrek Kuusk 212 units

Maarja Kaseväli 210 units

Page 28: Newsletter Week 7 2011

E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

Maret Saat 12 customers

Priit Märtin 11 customers

Tõnu Hiielaid 222 units

Andrus Albi 250 units

Ranol Kaseväli 321 units

Priit Märtin 260 units

Remo Jõeorg 32 SDs

Marge Pärn 31 SDs

Taavi Havre 30 SDs

Alice Kallas 29 SDs

Livia Handlovicova 216 units

Best Days in Customers

Best Days in Sitdowns


Ranol Kaseväli 13 customers

Best Days in Units

Andrius Pelegrimas 11 customers

Page 29: Newsletter Week 7 2011

E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

Carina Paju 123 units

Jana Schmidt 124 units

Kristaps Ozols 167 units

Liisa-Maria Lõoke 169 units

Liisa-Maria Lõoke 9 customers

Janek Kiss 28 SDs

Best Days in Sitdowns

Best Days in Customers

Best Days in Units

Eerik Sare 8 customers

Kristi Raudsepp 136 units

Kristin Kõrv 27 SDs

Tanel Karu 28 SDs

Tanel Kobrusepp 8 customers

Page 30: Newsletter Week 7 2011

E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

Maret Saat 46 customers

Katrin Kiviselg 44 customers

Remo Jõeorg 152 SDs

Tanel Aruoja 134 SDs

Taavi Havre 136 SDs

Alice Kallas 146 SDs

Priit Märtin 875 units

Ranol Kaseväli 1510 units

Tõnu Hiielaid 896 units

Madis Pajo 810 units

Best Weeks in Customers

Best Weeks in Sitdowns


Andrus Albi 882 units

Maret Saat 137 SDs

Ranol Kaseväli 58 customers

Madis Pajo 44 customers

Priit Märtin 43 customers

Best Weeks in Units

Page 31: Newsletter Week 7 2011

E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

Janno Enno 122 SDs

Kristin Kõrv 131 SDs

Liisa-Maria Lõoke 658 units

Filipp Vinograd 328 units

Margit Saidla 319 units

Mihkel Leis 370 units

Best Weeks in Sitdowns

Best Weeks in Customers

Best Weeks in Units

Tanel Karu 131 SDs

Marian Vares 129 SDs

Gerda Rand 122 SDs

Liisa-Maria Lõoke 37 customers

Marie Naggel 24 customers

Kristi Raudsepp 23 customers

Kristi Raudsepp 436 units

Kristi Jõeorg 26 customers

Page 32: Newsletter Week 7 2011

E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

Big Remitters, Heavy Hitters


MARI MOORA $33 522






MERIT HOLM $19 195

IMBI HELM $19 173

VEIKO TELL $19 084

MARET SAAT $18 629


MADIS PAJO $18 003




KAARI LIND $14 590



MADIS RAUD $13 370







KAREL KOIV $11 983








PAULA RAPP $10 382















LIIS KUKK $8 369







ALAN HOOP $7 552







ERKI KUKK $6 870



ANU ILVES $6 569




















HARRI ARO $5 376






Page 33: Newsletter Week 7 2011

E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger


Page 34: Newsletter Week 7 2011

E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

Everybody who earned more than $1000 last week

Ranol Kaseväli*

Tõnu Hiielaid*

Andrus Albi*

Kuldar Kongo

Madis Pajo*

Andrius Pelegrimas*

Maret Saat

Alice Kallas

Veiko Tell*

Juhan Toompuu

Ilja Shmarjov

Liisa Maria Lõoke FYD

Madis Raud*

Priit Märtin*

Annika Kirsimäe*

Epp Sinisaar*

Katrin Kiviselg*

Timo Aleste*

Carolina Laos

Livia Handlovicova*

Modestas Zalimas

Ulari Teder*

Raul Metsva*

Rainer Orro

Priit Suitslepp*

Merit Holm

Mari Moora

Madli Remmelkoor*

Jekaterina Rümmel

Mari Saviir

Anu Ilves

Helena Kase FYD

Elinor Vutt

Kaili Arnus

Aime Klooren*

Rivo Toomsalu*

Lauryna Serapinaite*

Jana Schmidt FYD

Liis Kukk

Kristel Tuul

Sandra Janekalne

Martin Kiisküla

Helena Fjodorova

Reet Veskioja

Kristina Einlo

Allar Teder

Kadi Tobreluts

Eerik Sare FYD

Tanel Kobrusepp FYD

Rene Ollino

Karel Kõiv*

Esther Kukk

Sigrid Saare

Sarunas Rapalis*

Targo Holsting*

Karel Sootalu*

Kaari Lind

Rytis Neniskis

Jozef Biz

Toomas Pihl

Tomas Michalik*

Kadi Mikson

Artjom Fraiman

Carina Paju FYD

Tanel Karu FYD

Laura Meimer*

Indrek Kuusk FYD

Remo Jõeorg*

Maarja Kaseväli*

Vytautas Mikalajunas

Giedrius Liutkevicius*

Kristaps Ruska FYD

Pille Riin Aasa*

Justas Valantinas

Priit Rinken FYD

Iskander Ahmet

Valter Aro

Margit Saidla FYD

Mihkel Moosel*

Gediminas Sasnauskas FYD

Harry Käsk

Kristi Jõeorg FYD

Elen Tsopp FYD

Kairi Hunt FYD

Martin Ligema

Darta Sice*

Kati Tamm FYD

Tanel Jäppinen

Maria Soome FYD

Kätlin Küttis FYD

Mari-Liis Kokka FYD

Marius Zaleckis

Egle Rapalyte

Raul Krebs

Kristin Paas

Triin Vendel

Kadri Koort FYD

Gerda Rand FYD

Jürgo Järving

Imbi Helm

Kerli Toming

Lauma Zarina FYD

Ugne Zitineviciute*

Maria Kondimäe

Teele Sarapuu

Markus Meimer FYD

Chris Uibopuu

Evika Balsyte

Olev Pihlakas

Kristin Kõrv FYD

Maiu Vares

Monika Valentova

Vytautas Dalibagas

Metra Kupruka FYD

Taavi Havre

Laura Urnieziute FYD

Harri Aro

Inge Suviste

Ieva Alisauskaite FYD

Tõnis Erissaar

Hans Kullama*

Slavomira Vanova FYD

Heili Rea Lapsanit

Anna Bõstrova

Helena Hain

Kadri Jõgi*

Jürgen Sahtel FYD

Teele Tuuling

Kristiina Hein

Kathriin Karus FYD

Elo Sinisaar FYD

Vahur Olado FYD

Kristjan Veskus

Velta Vuskane FYD

Kaidi Eelmaa FYD

Maarja Varis FYD

Liis Kõrnas FYD

Csilla Krommerova*

Erki Kukk*

Kristin Johannes

Gustav Liblik FYD

Matiss Breikss

Page 35: Newsletter Week 7 2011

E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

These first year dealers have been selected as

SMITs for 2012 program. Your OL will talk to you

about it in the coming weeks. Congratulations to

the following people from all the SMs and OLs!

Kristjan Ploompuu Leguar

Elen Tsopp Winged+

Kätlin Küttis Winged+

Liisa-Maria Lõoke Unity

Tomas Paulius Unity

Simas Grigonis Unity

Edgaras Bomblauskas Unity

Jurgis Kuksa Winged

Karl-Gustav Tamberg Winged

Kristiina Toom Winged

Jürgen Sahtel Winged+

Page 36: Newsletter Week 7 2011

E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

All the rockstars who have already won Sizzler!

Ilja Smarjov Madis Pajo Mihkel Leis Gerda Rand Merit Holm

Tõnu Hiielaid Jana Schmidt Liisa-Maria Lõoke Margit Saidla Allar Teder

Andrus Albi Ranol Kaseväli

Elen Tsopp Kuldar Kongo

Priit Märtin

Maret Saat

Page 37: Newsletter Week 7 2011

E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

August 6th Iskander Ahmet

August 7th Vilius Uktveris Kristjan Veskus

Eimantas Tamulionis

August 8th Chris Adams Helin Ilumäe Triinu Saan

Kristine Slisane

August 9th Aleksei Panov

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E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

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E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger


Page 40: Newsletter Week 7 2011

E1 - Excellence & Execution

E1 - We set the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger