819-723-2370 819-723-2799 TFN Council Tel: Fax: TFN Administration Tel: Fax: 819-723-2335 819-723-2353 Police Tel: Admin: Fax: 819-723-2323 819-723-2810 819-723-2734 Health Center Reception: Fax: CHR: Med. Tran. N.N.A.D.A.P. Brighter Futures: Mental Health 819-723-2260 819-723-2272 819-723-2487 819-723-2599 819-723-2153 819-723-2381 819-723-2152 Social Services Tel: Fax: 819-723-2955 819-723-2925 Kiwetin School Tel: Fax: 819-723-2533 819-723-2578 A.L.T.C.C. Tel: Fax: 819-723-2225 819-723-2112 Radio Station Tel: Fax: 819-723-2121 819-723-2167 H.R.S.D. Tel: Fax: 819-723-5333 819-723-5211 TFN Newsletter Tel: Fax: 819-723-2260 819-723-2272 Outreach Center New Liskeard, On. Tel: 705-647-4969 Recreation Center Tel: Fax: 819-723-2291 819-723-2353 Seniors/Elders Unit Tel: 819-723-5223 Parajudicial Services Tel: 819-723-2313 Income Security Tel: 819-723-5333 Ext. 232 Economic Development Tel: 819-723-5333 Ext. 226 TFN Newsletter TFN Newsletter Now available online at: www. tfnlrc.com/newsletter.html Edition 11 - Issue 120 Kenozitc Kizis – Long Moon – January 28, 2011 TFN Adult Education Opens Doors! Adult Education provides lifelong educational opportunities and ser- vices preparing adult students with the knowledge and skills neces- sary to participate effectively as citizens, workers, parents, and fam- ily members. Adult Education opened it doors on the TFN this past Monday morn- ing with about 25 full time students and Mr. Tony Becenas as the teacher. The TFN Adult Education offers a supportive, adult-friendly and life- long learning environment where adults can develop and achieve personal, literacy, educational and career goals. Students come back to school for many reasons: To achieve their high school diploma; To earn credits for post-secondary programs; To upgrade skills for personal satisfaction; BEST OF LUCK TO ALL STUDENTS!

Newsletter-January 28, 2011

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TFN Newsletter

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819-723-2370 819-723-2799

TFN Council Tel: Fax: TFN Administration Tel: Fax:

819-723-2335 819-723-2353

Police Tel: Admin: Fax:

819-723-2323 819-723-2810 819-723-2734

Health Center Reception: Fax: CHR: Med. Tran. N.N.A.D.A.P. Brighter Futures: Mental Health

819-723-2260 819-723-2272 819-723-2487 819-723-2599 819-723-2153 819-723-2381 819-723-2152

Social Services Tel: Fax:

819-723-2955 819-723-2925

Kiwetin School Tel: Fax:

819-723-2533 819-723-2578

A.L.T.C.C. Tel: Fax:

819-723-2225 819-723-2112

Radio Station Tel: Fax:

819-723-2121 819-723-2167

H.R.S.D. Tel: Fax:

819-723-5333 819-723-5211

TFN Newsletter Tel: Fax:

819-723-2260 819-723-2272

Outreach Center New Liskeard, On. Tel:


Recreation Center Tel: Fax:

819-723-2291 819-723-2353

Seniors/Elders Unit Tel:


Parajudicial Services Tel:


Income Security Tel:

819-723-5333 Ext. 232

Economic Development Tel:

819-723-5333 Ext. 226

TFN Newsletter TFN Newsletter Now available online at: www. tfnlrc.com/newsletter.html Edition 11 - Issue 120

Kenozitc Kizis – Long Moon – January 28, 2011

TFN Adult Education Opens Doors!

Adult Education provides lifelong educational opportunities and ser-

vices preparing adult students with the knowledge and skills neces-sary to participate effectively as citizens, workers, parents, and fam-ily members.

Adult Education opened it doors on the TFN this past Monday morn-ing with about 25 full time students and Mr. Tony Becenas as the

teacher. The TFN Adult Education offers a supportive, adult-friendly and life-long learning environment where adults can develop and achieve

personal, literacy, educational and career goals.

Students come back to school for many reasons:

To achieve their high school diploma;

To earn credits for post-secondary programs;

To upgrade skills for personal satisfaction;



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Complete Financial Recovery

# Action Responsible

parties Timeframe Comments

1 Financing cumulative amounts due to

school boards is required to alleviate cash

-flow pressures

Finance Director General Director Caisse Populaire or other bank

Winter 2011 $1 011 867 cumul. $440 000 (2010-11) Mtg with DSBONE (Jan.21, 2011) Mtg with INAC soon

2 Obtaining recognition from Indian Affairs

of under-funding (provincial tuitions, op-

eration & maintenance costs i.e. munici-

pality, support staff (HR, DG, IT, etc.)

Chief Council INAC Education Dep’t Finance Director General Director Samson, Bélair

Fall 2010 Winter 2011


3 Seek additional funding for special pro-

jects related to remedial intervention (TFN

assessment workshop with Ajawaan, re-

cruiting expenses incurred as a result of

numerous vacant positions, Housing Ad-

ministration investigation, new server and

Accpac update, unforeseen costs.)

Finance Director General Director INAC

Fall 2010 On-going


It is with great pleasure that the TFN Remedial team presented the Final Remedial Action Plan 2010-

2016 to Indian Affairs (INAC) on January 14th, 2011. The plan proposes an annual debt recovery estimated

at $220 000 over a five year period, starting fiscal year 2011-2012. This recovery is in regards to the $1 102

486 community deficit. This current fiscal year is aiming for a balanced budget.

The following is a list of remedial actions the TFN team is proposing. It is understood that the following plan

is established on the basis of a complementary proposal presented under the Professional & Institutional De-

velopment (P&ID) program, jointly submitted. The elements of this Plan can be categorized in 3 areas of


I. Insure complete financial recovery (deficit zero)

II. Insure financial stability and security

III. Insure adherence to financial and administrative policies

Financial stability, security and administrative policies

# Action Responsible parties

Timeframe Comments

4 Reinstate the budgetary, “purchase or-der” and “cheque requisition” processes for internal controls, as well as financial coding for better budgetary monitoring

Finance Director Accounts Payable All employees

Summer-Fall 2010

In place

5 Perform a full analysis of all tenant files and band owned building rental agree-ments

Housing Admin. Housing Comm. Finance Dep’t (A/R)

Fall 2010 Winter 2011


6 Provide formal and informal training op-portunities in finances (accounting course, budgets production and under-standing, accountability and controls)

Finance Director Finance Dep’t Directors

College courses AFOA

Fall 2010 Winter 2011


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7 Strengthen the Finance department by ensuring the transfer of knowledge relat-ing to accounting duties

Finance Director Finance Dep’t All employees

Constant On-going

8 Follow-up on all accounts receivables to bring in funds due in a timely manner.

Finance Director

Fall 2010 Winter 2011

Some work done A call to tenders to be made.

9 Follow-up on all old accounts payables. Negotiate their elimination, if possible.

Finance Director

Fall 2010

Winter 2011

Efficiently done to 98%.

10 Review community Social Assistance policies to match INAC policy

Social Assistance Coord. Chief & Council

Fall 2010 Winter 2011

In progress.

Financial, security and administrative policies

# Action Responsible parties

Timeframe Comments

11 Addressing education recommendations brought forward by community

Chief Council Education Director General Director

Fall 2010 Winter 2011

Certain recom-mendations in place.

12 An organizational restructuring is required for efficiency and productivity (every depart-ment, re-establish lines of authority and ac-countability)

Chief Council General Director Human Re-

sources Manager

Fall 2010

Winter 2011


13 Formalize a communications plan to keep community abreast of the remedial develop-ments and consult for ideas, approval, ratifi-cation and opportunity brainstorming

Chief Council General Director


Winter 2011

In progress.

14 Highlight professionalism and encourage training opportunities for employees

Chief Council General Director Human Re-

sources Manager All employees

Constant On-going

15 Seek training opportunities with CMHC for housing employees (inspections, safety, ad-ministration of programs, etc.)

Housing Admin-istrator Housing staff

Fall 2010

Winter 2011

Measures al-ready taken and more to come.

16 Update computer system (hardware, soft-ware, network, back-up’s)

TFN IT student IT technician Network Specialist

Fall 2010 Partially done (server, Ac-cpac) Need comput-ers.

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From the proud parents of Marshall McKenzie (left wing), Griffin Chief (center), and Gabriel Couchie (right wing). We would like to CON-GRATULATE the boys on their victory this past weekend on winning the Atom A division tourna-ment held in Notre Dame du Nord. The boys play for Maisons Champoux and are scheduled to play in the Atom A regionals in mid March in Senneterre. GOOD LUCK BOYS!!!

Marshall far left and the coach kneeling down, on

his right Griffin and on his left Gabriel


17 Update and create necessary administrative pol-icies and procedures, with the assistance of the Professional and Institutional Development Pro-gram (P&ID) proposal

Chief Council General Director Human Re-

sources Manager All dep’t director All employees

2010 to 2013

In progress. (By-law work-shop, commu-nications plan, policy develop-ment)

18 Update and create salary scale for all categories and departments of employees, with the assis-tance of the Professional and Institutional Devel-opment Program (P&ID) proposal

General Director Human Re-

sources Manager All dep’t director

Winter 2011

19 Update all personnel files according to specific guidelines, for improved reference and auditing purposes

Human Re-

sources Manager All employees

Fall 2010

Winter 2011

In progress

20 Hold strategic planning sessions with the community for direction, awareness and un-derstanding, community involvement and ownership

Chief Council General Director

All dep’t director Community

2010 to 2012

Compreh. Comm. Plan-ning training

Community sessions

21 Training for Income Assistance Administrator in policy application

Income Assis-tance Adminis-trator INAC

Winter 2011

Spring 2011


22 Training for Lands & Membership Clerk in policy application

Lands & Member-ship Clerk INAC

2011 to 2013


23 Training for Finance personnel on FNITP sys-tem

Finance dep’t INAC

Spring 2011

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Also part of restructuring; are the council portfolios

Portfolio Portfolio Holder

Health and Social Services (medical transportation, health

and environmental health, social services, 1st line services)

Kim McLaren

Therese Renaud

Governance and Public Security {public security under the

domain of Chief and Council} (electoral code, membership, by-laws, lands and trusts, membership and emergency prepared-


Amanda McBride

Lloyd Fraser

Community Services (housing social assistance, social devel-

opment, culture, youth, seniors , sports and recreation)

Therese Renaud

Kim McLaren

Education (school, adult education and post secondary) Shelley Chief

Amanda McBride

Community Development (economic development, HRSD,

capacity building)

Gerald Handbury

Shelley Chief

Capital and Natural Resources (construction, public works,

roads, bridges, infra-structure, capital planning, environment, forestry, mining)

Lloyd Fraser

Gerald Hanbury


Snowmobile or ATV vehicle must be registered and insured A helmet must be worn at all times for safety reasons A valid driver’s licence for those 18 and over / certificate of competency

mandatory for those aged 16-17 to operate an off-highway vehicle When crossing a public highway the person driving must hold a driver’s li-

cense and must cross at a 90°angle

No person shall tow more than one sleigh or trailer with an off-highway ve-hicle

No person shall consume alcoholic beverages in or on an off-highway vehi-cle or on the sleigh

Fines can range between $25 and $500.00 this does not include towing fees or fees from vehicle seizure

These laws are for the safety of everyone concerned, please abide by them.

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Social Development Department: Hello, my greetings goes out to the Timiskaming First Nation Community, I would like to begin by introducing myself. My name is Harold McKenzie and have been given the pleasure to work

within a new Department with regards to Social Development. I will be coordinating the Depart-ment in its early stages. With any new task there is much work in laying a solid foundation for

programming. I am eager and looking forward to the new duties and responsibilities that go with developing and implementing social activities within our community.

As the Social Development Coordinator I will be overseeing any social activities that impact our children, youth, adults and seniors. The programs currently under the Social Development are

Culture, Seniors/Elders, Sports, and Recreation. The main focus of the department is to accom-modate the needs of the community and implementing the four main elements of our teachings of nourishing the mind, body, spirit and emotions of our well being.

Once again I look forward to working with the Social Development team and community. My of-

fice door is always open to any suggestions or comments. Until then meegwetch and be sure to check out the next newsletter for any updates.

Harold McKenzie Social Development Coordinator Timiskaming First Nation

18 Algonquin Ave.

J0Z 3B0

Phone: (819) 723 - 2335

Department Updates

Update from the Housing Department The following is a list of what I’ve been doing since my last report, which was before the holidays; Planned and organized all clerical aspects of the department, this includes filing

Meeting with the Housing Committee to give them an update on the housing file. Committee meetings regarding the issues surrounding homelessness in the community

Attended regular Directors/Managers - staff meetings Finalizing retrofit “B” project, it’s 95% completed Meeting with Chief and Council to update them on the “Homeless File”

Applied for new projects with CMHC Attended a focus group for the First Line Services

Glen and Newman attended a two (2) day C.P.R. course in Guigues (paid for by the CSST) I’ve attended a three (3) day workshop given by INAC on making and enforcing by-laws

It’s an on-going task with the filing system, and trying to get some tenants to pay their rent/

arrears. I’ve written letters to some tenants congratulating them on being owners of their homes.

Darlene Chevrier Housing Administrator

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Finance Update

Finance is working very diligently to ensure our accounting (accounts payable and receivable) is up to date.

We will be sending out tenders for our 2010/2011 year end audit. In the past the audit fees were very high, (at an average of $100,000 annually). Therefore we anticipate a saving due to a lot of

cleaning up and improved accounting procedures. We are following recommendations from our auditors Samson Bélair/Deloitte & Touche to imple-

menting become more efficient.

Registration Process for Bill C-3 Applicants

On December 15, 2010 Bill C-3 Gender Equity in Indian Registration Act received Royal Assent. Bill C-3 will

ensure that eligible grand-children of women who lost status as a result of marrying non-Indian men will be-

come entitled to registration (Indian status). Because of this legislation, approximately 45,000 persons will

become newly entitled to registration.

Generally speaking, the key criteria to be newly entitled to registration are:

Did your grandmother lose her Indian status as a result of marrying a non-Indian?

Is one of your parents registered, or entitled to be registered, under sub-section 6(2) of the Indian Act?

Were you, or one of your siblings, born on or after September 4, 1951?

General enquires on Gender Equity in Indian Registration Act should be directed to:

INAC Public Enquiries Contact Centre

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (toll-free) 1-800-567-9604

Fax: 1-866-817-3977

TTY: (toll-free) 1-866-553-0554

Due to the large volume of applications that is anticipated to be received in a short time frame, INAC will only

be offering a self-service mail-in application option which will accept applications on or after the date in which

the legislation comes into force. INAC has set up a dedicated processing unit to handle in a timely fashion Bill

C-3 applications. We therefore ask applicants not to send their application to the regional office but rather to

mail it directly to the INAC Processing Unit to ensure that their application is processed in an expedited man-


Applicants will be required to include certain identification documents with their completed application form in

order to be registered and receive an in-Canada SCIS:

Original birth certificate (listing parents names)

Two passport style photographs

Original piece of valid identification (i.e. - driver's license, passport, government issued ID)

Guarantor Declaration for SCIS

And if applicable:

Legal change of name document or marriage certificate

Custody Court Order

Statutory Declaration Form(s)

Applicants are strongly encouraged to provide all required information and documentation at the time of ap-

plication. This will avoid unnecessary delays in obtaining registration and the SCIS. Incomplete applications

will be assessed for eligibility of registration, and if deemed eligible, clients will be contacted to provide any

remaining information or documents

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By-Law Workshop On January 18, 19 and 20 the Timiskaming First

Nation held a training workshop on bylaws. This workshop was given by Jacques D. Boutin – By-Law Advisor from INAC. Attending the workshop

were members of council, administration staff, committee members, as well as participants

from Eagle Village and Long Point First Nations. Eleven participants from TFN.

The workshop intended to be a practical and re-alistic introduction to band by-laws enacted pur-

suant to the Indian Act. The work shop dealt pri-marily with the band by-law making capacity of the TFN Band Council pursuant to section 81 and

85.1 of the Indian Act.

The TFN can make it’s own laws (by-laws) to regulate and control certain activities on the re-serve, such as trespassing, construction

(zoning), transportation and animal control, etc. INAC also reviews bylaws and provides advice to

First Nations that are creating their own by-laws.

A.I.H.P. Update Hello fellow habitants of this beautiful country!

Just informing you that the Aboriginal Inland Habitat Program (A.I.H.P) group will be sub-mitting a youth corner with enjoyable and in-

formative entries every newsletter. Our goal is to create awareness on fish habitat manage-

ment and to update everyone on our Youth En-gagement Strategy (Y.E.S). We all know that the youth is our future and we must do our

best to teach them what we know about our Mother Earth. Especially as native peoples, it is

important that we respect what is given to us. Therefore, the A.I.H.P team is looking forward to hearing any feedback that will improve our

Youth Engagement Strategy. Thanks for read-ing….

By-law workshops pictures courtesy of Sharon McBride

Congratulations to all who attended.

We're looking forward to your future

involvement for the betterment of

our community.

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Travel Voucher


Would like you to ….

Vacation of your Choice!

With a...

To be Drawn on February 12th, 2011

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Community Announcements

Public Works Department

Drinking Water Monitoring Course:

I am in the process of compiling a list of community members that would qualify and be interested in taking

this 14 day course. Anyone wishing to take this course would need to have the following, QC secondary level

4 Math, or an ON secondary grade 11 math, with school transcripts for proof.

Harrison Ball,

Director of Public Works

TFN Annul Pow-Wow Committee Timiskaming First Nation’s Social Develop-

ment Department is looking for community members who wish to sit on the TFN Annu-

al Pow-Wow Committee.

The Pow-Wow Committee is responsible for

the Annual Pow-Wow.

If you require further information or if you are interested in being on this committee,

you can submit your name to Dan Lavigne at 819-723-2335.or drop by the Admin-

istration Office.

Sincere Sympathy On behalf of the Community we would like to

extend our deepest sympathies to the family of Jane Grandlouis–Nurmi.

Words seem inadequate to express the sadness we feel. We are here to support you in your

grieving process. With sincere sympathy,

Let yourself cry knowing each tear is a note of love

rising to heaven...

Temporary Employment (Replacement)

The TFN is currently seeking persons interested in replacing Secretaries and/or Receptionists at the Kiwetin School, Health Centre, Council office and Band Administration Office.

The person must:

Carry out all duties related to secretary and/or receptionist Have organizational skills Communication skills (oral communication in French would be an asset)

General knowledge of computers and various software Be available to replace with short notification

Replacement period could cover a minimum of 1 day to a maximum of 6 weeks

If you would like to be considered please send in a brief resume or fill in TFN Employment Ap-plication form (available at the Band Office – 18 Algonquin Avenue) and send to:

Timiskaming First Nation Attn’: Nancy McBride

18 Algonquin Avenue (TFN)

Notre-Dame du Nord, QC J0Z 3B0

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Deadline for Challenge is March 31, 2011.

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5 Stage Reverse Osmosis Water System $200.00 - Self Installed $250.00 - Seller Installed Water sale is discontinued

Only one left at this price. First come first served

No more systems held in stock

References Available 15 systems installed on the TFN

For information or to purchase

Call Francis Robinson at 819-723-5173

Kiwetin School

Parent Committee

Estelle Wabie for Head Start- Kindergarten

Twyla Wabie for Grades 1 & 2 Robin Chevrier for Grades 3& 4

Christine Chevrier for Grades 5&6 Lynn Simpson for Grades 7&8 Harold McKenzie and Wanda King are the two

members representing the community at large

The two Parent Committee members who are on LEA are: Harold McKenzie and Christine Chevrier

Parent Committee Meetings are scheduled on the following dates:

Tuesday February 22, 2011

All meetings will be in the Kiwetin School Library starting at 4:30 pm

Note: With seller installed - an option is to return the unit. If not satisfied for the full purchase price LESS

$5:00 per week usage.


Timiskaming First Nation’s Economic Development is looking for community members to sit on a Private Small Business Program committee.

The committee’s mandate is to evaluate projects and proposals according to the program guide-

lines. The program is intended to fund the implementa-

tion of starting-up, expanding, or acquiring a busi-ness through non-reimbursable funding grants for small businesses. It is intended to increase the

economic capacity within the Timiskaming First Nation’s community. To assist community mem-bers to be more competitive in the business sec-

tor, thus improving the standard of living and quality of life in Timiskaming. This program is in-tended to help grow a dynamic and innovative economy that supports a stronger business sector

and develop a more sustainable economic, envi-ronmental and social future for the people of Timiskaming.

If you require further information or if you are in-terested in being on this committee, you can sub-

mit your name to Cherie Stanger at 819-723-4010 extension: 226.


Call Ralph McKenzie

at 819-723-2838

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Education News

PED. DAY There is a Ped. Day on Monday, January 31st

as indicated on the school calendar.

There is no school for the students.

Enjoy your long weekend!

STUDENT TEACHER For three weeks, starting Monday, February 7th,

Kiwetin School will have a practicum in the

grade 5/6 classroom.

This student teacher is from Nipissing Universi-


Heroes of our Time Scholarships 2011

Since 1988/1989 the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) has sponsored the Heroes of Our Time scholarships to recognize the hard work, dedication and academic achievements of First Nations

post secondary students who demonstrate excellence in a variety of categories. The scholarships are divided into eight categories that represent eight First Nations heroes and academic disci-plines, each with a value of $2,000.

The Heroes of Our Time scholarships provide an excellent opportunity for the AFN to acknowledge

and celebrate the success of First Nations students in achieving their educational goals. It gives us great satisfaction to know that we are helping those who hold the future of First Nations in their hands.

The deadline for submitting applications to the Heroes of Our Time scholarship will be June 21,

2011. Applications must include a completed application form, 1,500 word essay, official tran-script, two (2) reference letters, proof of First Nations ancestry.

The essay should outline why you should receive the Heroes of Our Time scholarship. Be sure to include reasons why you chose your field of study, various accomplishments, future career plans,

interests, volunteer and community work with any First Nations community or organization. It is strongly encourages that the letters of reference are included in your application package to

ensure they arrive on time. Please include names and contact information for your two references as well.

Applicants are only eligible for one category. Applications with more than one category selected will be considered ineligible.

Only official transcripts will be accepted. No photocopies or faxed copies.

All application packages can be sent to:

Assembly of First Nations 473 Albert St. Suite 910

Ottawa, ON K1R 5B4 OR they can be faxed to: (official transcripts must still be mailed)


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Hidden No Longer: Genocide in Cana-da, Past and Present (2010)

by Kevin Annett is the most thorough, documented body of evidence ever published concerning the planned genocide in Canadian Indian residential


It can be viewed in its entirety at

www.hiddennolonger.com .

Hard copies of the book can be ordered from Kevin

Annett for $50, plus postage. Kevin can be reached at 250-753-3345 in Canada, or at hiddenfromhisto-

We now have five(5) exercise machines, three(3) treadmills, one(1) elliptical and one(1) stationary bike, we also have new weights (2lbs to 50lbs). You can also come in during the day (8:30am to 4:30pm) to use the exercise machines if the room is not in use. For more information please come by or call Colleen at the Health Center at 819-723-2487. EVERYONE WELCOME

More Exercise Night at

The Health Center

Three Nights a Week

Tuesday, Wednesday

and Thursday Evenings

Starting February 1, 2011

From 7:00 to 9:00 pm

Biggest Looser #5

Biggest Looser starts in early February, watch for starting date. For more information please come by or call Colleen at the Health Cen-ter at 819-723-2487

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Skating Rink The outdoor skating rink is being watered daily, to in-sure the safety of the children we ask that you talk to your children about not playing around it till the water-

ing is complete.

The open skating for all ages in the evening will be from 3:30pm to 8:30pm, then there will be open hock-ey for ages 14yrs and older with from 8:45pm to 11pm.

I’d like to thank all guys that have been working on wa-tering at the rink, and the kids are pretty excited about

getting their skates on.

Reminders to Students & Adults that attend gym nights

Bring your indoor shoes (non-marking soles)

Reminders to Parents

Make sure you there 15 minutes before gym is over to pick up you child.

Let the Coordinator know if your child will be picked up by another person.

Bowling for all Students on January 31st, 2011

The bus will leave the Community Hall at 12:15pm,

Return home at 4:15pm from Haileybury bowling Lanes.

Shoes will be provided, With

3 hrs of bowling.

All children 4yrs old to 9 yrs old must be accompanied by a parent or adult.

Children must bring own money for the

canteen at the bowling alley.

No outside food or drinks allowed.!

Each participant must bring

one canned good.! Call or email Sabrina to sign up.!


Timiskaming First Nation

January 2011

Weekly Gym Nights Mondays

6pm – 7pm Grades 3, 4 & 5 Only

7:15pm – 8:30pm Grades 6, 7 & 8 Only


3:15pm – 4:30pm Pre Kindergarten, Kindergarten,

Grades 1 & 2 Only

6pm – 7pm Grades 3, 4 & 5 Only

7:15pm – 8:30pm Grades 6, 7 & 8 Only


6:30pm – 8:30pm – High School Students & Adults Only


6:30pm – 8:30pm – High School Students & Adults Only

The Sports Coordinator will be enforcing these Gym Nights to

the specific Grades each evening.

Please be ready to pick up your child at 6:50pm if they are done

gym at 7pm.

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Sports and Recreation Page 2

Thank You, Miig8etc, Merci

Inter-School Games We were invited to attend the 4th Edition FNEC

Inter-School Games that will be held May 26-29, 2011 at the Royal Military College Saint-Jean.

The following sports will be available: Basket-ball, volleyball, floor hockey, soccer and track

and field events such as 100-m, 800-m, 1200-m and long jump.

The games are a few months away and the time now is for training and preparation for the chal-

lenges ahead. Without losing sight of the fact that the games are first and foremost a grand gathering and an opportunity to have a great

time together.

For Kiwetin students that would like to partici-pate can give their names to Craig Perry at Ki-

wetin School.

Thursday Bingo 6:30 pm Sharp Entry Fee – $20

Extra 2 Strips - $10.00 Extra 4 Strips – $15.00

Extra Specials & Jackpots - $1.00 each

New Programs and New Rules..!!

Sunday, February 13th, 2011

1 pm @ TFN Community Hall $30.00 / ticket

Only 150 Tickets/seats available!

1 line - $30

2 Lines - $60 Jackpots @ $1,000 & $1,500

Tickets available on Jan 10th, 2011

From Sabrina Wabie, Harold McKenzie, Beecky Chief, and the Atheletes.

All profits will be going towards the Kiwetin

School Students that will be attending

“2011 Interschool Games” in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec,

May 26th-29th, 2011

Valentine’s Mini Bingo

Any student looking for volunteer school hours can call Sabrina at

the Band Office.

Interschool Games 1st Fundraiser

Pair of NHL Hockey Tickets Montreal Canadiens vs Ottawa Senators

Thursday, April 7th, 2011 Sec 211 – Row F – Seats 5 & 6

Tickets: $2.00/Each or $5.00/Book

Drawn March 25th, 2011

Sabrina Wabie TFN Sports Coordinator

18 Algonquin Ave

Timiskaming First Nation, Quebec (819)723-2335

[email protected]

March Break March break is approaching fast, and I been

working on preparing for the March Break

with arts and craft activities and physical ac-

tivities for youth and Adults.

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Thursday Bingo begins at 6:30pm Sharp

Valentine’s Mini Bingo

Sunday, February 13th, 2011

1 pm @ TFN Community Hall $30.00 / ticket

Only 150 Tickets/seats available!

1 line - $30

2 Lines - $60 Jackpots @ $1,000 & $1,500

From Sabrina Wabie, Harold McKenzie, Beecky Chief, Craig Perry and Athletes.

All profits will be going towards the Kiwetin School Students that will be attending “2011 Interschool Games” in Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu, Quebec,

May 26th-29th, 2011

Kiwetin School Participates in Free Throw Competition Last Thursday evening, January 20, 2011, the following Kiwetin School students (Monica Thivierge, Jodie McKenzie, Victoria Chevrier, Emily Wabie-Graham, Koral Saile, Brandy Chief, Damian Sigouin, Isaac Ashfield, Noah Chief, Andy Millette & Blake Sigouin) attended English Catholic Central School to

participate in the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition. Monica & Noah won their respective divisions and will represent our school at the District Championships

on February 10.

We would like to thank all of the parents, grandparents, classmates and community members that came out to support our students at an evening of free throw competition in New Liskeard.

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All are invited to join us in worship,

teaching and preaching of the Word

on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm

at Karen Polson’s home

30 Richard’s Rd.

John 3:16-17 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved."

Win an iPod!

Nominate a First Nations, In-uit or Metis youth and have your name entered for a draw to win a free iPod! Nomination forms that are valid, complete (with sup-porting documents) and sub-mitted or postmarked by the deadline date will be given one entry.

The draw will be held on Fri-day, March 18, 2011. Other prizes will be available. Win-ners will be notified and their names posted on the NARMP web site. Good luck to every-one and submit a nomination today! For all forms go the following web-site.


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Persons interested in this employment offer can submit their letter of application, resume, and a copy of any other relevant certificates in a sealed envelop addressed to:

Timiskaming First Nation Attention: Nancy McBride 18 Algonquin Avenue (TFN),

Notre-Dame du Nord, J0Z 3B0 Or Email to: [email protected]

Note: The TFN reserves the right to a pre-selection of interested candidates. Only those retained will be contacted

Please see all full Employment Opportunies are available on TFN Public Bulletin Boards

Employment Opportunities TFN is an equal opportunity employer where members with equal qualifications will be given priority

As part of a recent partnership, the Timiskaming First Nation is in the process of developing a First Line Services department within its community, for the overall well-being and healthy development of its community members. These objectives should help reduce social services interventions and placements, through the delivery and imple-mentation of the services, slated to begin as of 2011. The responsibilities and authorities described below are sub-ject to all relevant laws, regulations and are performed in accordance with policies and procedures established by the Timiskaming First Nation direction Summary of responsibilities This position includes two main roles; as a Coordinator and as a Clinical Counsellor. With respect to Timiskaming First Nation and under the authority of the General Director, the Coordinator is re-sponsible for managing the activities and resources related to the Project for the Development and Implementation of First Line Social Services in the community of Timiskaming First Nation, within the developmental approach of the communities. During the course of employment, the incumbent will be responsible to engage the population and the community’s internal and external stakeholders. In addition, the Clinical Counselor is responsible to contribute to the development of the skills and the professional identity of the frontline workers’ team within the Social Services sector. The incumbent works in close collaboration with the team members in order to provide support at the clinical and professional level, and will therefore see to the implementation, development, accessibility and improvement of the Continuum Services (promotion, preven-tion, intervention and postvention).

Title Coordinator – Clinical Counsellor First Line Services

Duration 1 year contract with possibility of renewal over 5 years

Department Health

Deadline for application Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Possible interview date Week of February 14

Possible starting date As soon as possible

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EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY TFN is an equal opportunity employer where members with equal qualifications will b given priority

TITLE: Housing Administrative Assistant DEPARTMENT: Housing

STARTING DATE: February 15, 2011 (7 weeks with a 12 month extension)

SUMMARY: The Housing Administrative Assistant person will work in collaboration and under the direction and supervision of the Housing Administrator. The assistant will assist with the planning and implemen-

tation of the housing by-law and all files pertaining to the dwellings or the tenants. The responsi-bilities and authorities described below are subject to all relevant laws, regulations and are per-

formed in accordance with policies and procedures established by the Timiskaming First Nation di-rection.

MAIN DUTIES (but not limited to): Assist with planning and implementation of the housing by-law

Filing Re-organizing tenant files Data entry

Matching purchase orders with invoices Attend housing committee meetings when required

Basic computer skills Transcribing minutes of housing meetings

Assisting in the preparation of reports and budgets All other related duties as they arise

REQUIREMENTS: Be a youth (between the age of 15 and 30). Youth under the age of 17 will only be considered if

they have completed high school or are not legally required to be in school Ability to follow directives Other Housing Internship Initiative requirements

Resident of TFN Out of school and have not been employed for at least 6 months

Not in receipt of Employment Insurance benefits or agree to discontinue the benefits before the start of the internship

Applicant should be aware that the TFN is implementing a random drug testing program and will

be subject to the program

Deadline to submit application is Thursday February 10, 2011 @ 4:00 p.m.

Persons interested can apply by sending their letter of application and résumé to:

Timiskaming First Nation

Attention: Nancy McBride 18 Algonquin Avenue (TFN),

Notre-Dame du Nord, J0Z 3B0

or Email to: [email protected]

Note: The TFN reserves the right to a pre-selection of interested candidates. Only those retained will be contacted for an interview

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Mini Kijigan


30 Grade 7/8 BINGO 1:00pm Kiwetin School


Council Meeting


Exercise Night

Medical Center

7:00 to 9:00pm


Exercise Night

Medical Center

7:00 to 9:00pm

3 Exercise Night

Medical Center

7:00 to 9:00pm

Recreation Bingo


Community Hall




7 Council Meeting


Exercise Night Medical Center

7:00 to 9:00pm

9 Exercise Night

Medical Center

7:00 to 9:00pm

10 Exercise Night

Medical Center

7:00 to 9:00pm

Recreation Bingo


Community Hall

11 12

13 Valentine’s Bingo 1:00 pm Community Hall


Council Meeting


Exercise Night Medical Center

7:00 to 9:00pm

16 Exercise Night

Medical Center

7:00 to 9:00pm

17 Exercise Night

Medical Center

7:00 to 9:00pm

Recreation Bingo


Community Hall

18 19

20 21

Council Meeting

22 Exercise Night

Medical Center

7:00 to 9:00pm


Exercise Night

Medical Center

7:00 to 9:00pm

24 Exercise Night

Medical Center

7:00 to 9:00pm

Recreation Bingo


Community Hall

28 26

27 28 Council Meeting

Submissions deadline for next Newsletter: Wednesday Feb 9, 2011 at 12:00 pm. The Newsletter will be circulated on Friday Feb. 11, 2011

TFN Newsletter and

Learning Resource Center

17 Algonquin Ave.

Notre Dame du Nord, QC - J0Z 3B0

Tel: 819-723-5111

Fax: 819-723-2353

e-mail: [email protected]

New Moon: Feb. 2

First Quarter: Feb. 11

Full Moon: Feb. 18

Last Quarter: Feb. 24

If you have dates of up coming community events that you would like to see on the calendar, please contact Dan Lavigne at : 819 -723-2335 or by e-mail: [email protected]

Akakodijitc Kizis

Ground-Hog Moon

February 2011

Activity Calendar

Akakodijitcn Kizis - Ground Hog Moon is the 11 moon of Creation, during which time we learn

about renewal of live.