CORPUS CHRISTI N EWSLETTER Term 1 I Week 5 I 25th February 2021 PRINCIPAL'S M ESSAGE Dear Parents, On Wednesday we welcomed our youngest community members to the Corpus Christi community through a very special Mass and Blessing. Each Kindergarten class attended mass with their Buddy class and special visitors. It was lovely to be together in our Church with Fr Chris and to share this special occasion. The Kindergarten children continue to settle into routines, make new friends and are learning new things each day. Yours in education, Sarah O'Rourke Principal

NEWSLETTER...CORPUS CHRISTI NEWSLETTER Term 1 I Week 5 I 25th February 2021 PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Dear Parents, On Wednesday we welcomed our youngest community members to the Corpus

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Page 1: NEWSLETTER...CORPUS CHRISTI NEWSLETTER Term 1 I Week 5 I 25th February 2021 PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Dear Parents, On Wednesday we welcomed our youngest community members to the Corpus


NEWSLETTER Term 1 I Week 5 I 25th February 2021


Dear Parents,

On Wednesday we welcomed our youngest community members to the Corpus Christi community through a very special Mass and Blessing. Each Kindergarten class attended mass with their Buddy class and special visitors. It was lovely to be together in our Church with Fr Chris and to share this special occasion.

The Kindergarten children continue to settle into routines, make new friends and

are learning new things each day.

Yours in education,

Sarah O'RourkePrincipal

Page 2: NEWSLETTER...CORPUS CHRISTI NEWSLETTER Term 1 I Week 5 I 25th February 2021 PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Dear Parents, On Wednesday we welcomed our youngest community members to the Corpus


Our school day starts at 8:55am when the bell rings. When students

arrive on time they are able to meet and greet their friends, have some

play time and then move to class efficiently and start their lessons.

When students arrive even 5 minutes late, they miss out on the

introduction or plan of the first lesson and their learning is affected.

Parents are asked to ensure that their children are at school by 8:55am to

allow them to take full advantage of the day?s learning.

The main school gates will be closed promptly at 8:55am. If you arrive

after this time you will need to park and accompany your child to the

front Office where they will need to be signed in. Thank you for your ongoing support of attendance throughout the

school year.


Parents are reminded that some of our children can have a severe anaphylactic reaction

to various food products. This reaction can be life threatening. Please support the school

by not sending food in your child?s lunchbox to school that may contain nuts, nut products

or egg. This includes all peanut butter products and Nutella. Thank you for your

co-operation in this matter.


Thank you to all car park users who continue to use the car park in a safe

and courteous manner. Just a couple of reminders:

- If using Kiss and Drop in the morning, parents stay in the car and children leave via the path side.

- If using the Kiss and Drop in the morning, your children can get out at any point along the Kiss and Drop zone

- you don?t have to wait to get to the front of the queue.

- We respect the No Parking signs in the car park.


Could we please request that the children's class is noted down on all orders when placing an online order with My School LunchBox. This ensures then that the children receive their lunch order directly to their classroom. We thank you for your assistance.

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Dear Parents,


Second Sunday in Lent ? Year B


Mk 9:2-10 Jesus is transfigured before Peter, James and John.

What are some of the things that you hope for this year?

Can you think of a time when you hoped for something but it did not turn out the way you wanted?

In today?s gospel Jesus? friends were surprised to see Jesus change before their eyes. How did they react?

Although they were frightened and did not understand what was going on they knew that Jesus was with them.

Have there been times when you have been disappointed or did not understand what was going on around you?

We believe that God is always with us.

During Lent let us build a better world by making time to speak to God in prayer and help those in need.


The Sacrament of Penance for our Year 4 children who have been attending classes with

the parish will be celebrated in Week 7 during class time. Families are very welcome to

attend the celebration in the church.

The classes will be split as follows:

4B ? Tuesday 9th March 2021 11.30 ? 12.30

4E ? Wednesday 10th March 2021 11.30 ? 12.30

4G ? Thursday 11th March 2021 11.30 ? 12.30

The Final Preparation afternoon for the children will be on Friday 5th March, 2021 from

3.30pm ? 4.30pm. The children will be accompanied to the church by their teachers in

the afternoon. Please remember that social distancing is necessary when collecting your

child at 4.30pm.


Thankyou to all the families who were available to attend our blessing masses for each of the Kindergarten classes.

This celebration looked very different this year but we all found it a very prayerful experience. Thankyou to Father

Chris who presided over the three masses on Wednesday.


Thankyou to all the families who were available to attend our celebration this morning. Once again it was a very

different experience with the majority of the school watching via Zoom. Father Chris spoke of our school theme for

the year ?Be More? and the ways we can especially be more to others during this time of Lent. He asked us to take up

this challenge and use our Head, Heart and Hands to be more to others in all that we say and do.

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We are able to use an online resource to support our religious education. Why not check it out for yourselves.

ht t ps:/ / pr im ary.underst andingfait h.edu.au/ log-in

User : ceo.parra.6735

Password: 32findJUMP


?Be More?


We begin our annual Lenten Project Compassion journey by learning about the story of Jamila and her family. Jamila,

22, is a Rohingya woman, living in the world?s largest refugee camp in Cox?s Bazar, Bangladesh. A single mother, she

fled armed conflict in Myanmar to save herself, her elderly mother and eight-month-old baby. With the support of

Caritas Australia, through Caritas Bangladesh, Jamila was able to access emergency food and shelter. She also received

counselling, emotional support and learnt sewing skills, to help her earn an income. Jamila now feels less alone, with a

sense of community around her. She is able to ?Be More? to her litt le family. 860,494 people remain in the densely

populated camps, in desperate need of humanitarian assistance, especially due to COVID-19. (UNHCR)

?Aspire not to have more, but to be more.? Please support Project Compassion:


Baker?s Delight Hot Cross Bun ordering information has been distributed this week as part of our Project Compassion

fundraising. The buns are the same price as you would buy them in the shop but they sell them for less to the school

so we can use it as a fundraising venture for Project Compassion. Don?t forget to make your orders by Fr iday 26t h

March, 2021.

Have a peaceful week

Sharon Shahoud

Religious Education Coordinator

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Religion? ..

During Religion the children are learning to be a good friend like Jesus. They made leaves for the Kindergarten Kindness tree.

Mat hem at ics? .

During mathematics the children have been practicing their counting skills. They have been trying to organise their quantity of counters and proving their correct count to a friend. Some of the children have been trying to structure their counters so that their friend finds it easy to count.

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English? ..

The children are learning to be good writers and readers during Literacy Groups. They are reading with the teachers and matching words and pictures so that they make sense when they read them.

Geography? ..

The children are inquiring into ?Special Places?.... What are special places, why is my place special and how do we care for those places? The playpods are designed for interaction with these concepts

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Let us Introduce Ourselves As in our previous newsletter we began to introduce to our wonderful teachers. In this newsletter we would like to introduce you to our Stage 2 and Stage 3 Teachers.



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Jade Major- 3B Darcy Kneale- 4B

Elijah Vella- 3E Nicholas Benson- 4G

Benjamin Makhoul- 3G Abie Edosowman- 6B

Cooper Meyrick- 3G Hayden Horn- 6B

Madelyn Byrnes- 3B Rea Edosowman- 5B

Tyler Smith- 3G Beau Catania- 5E

Kirrily Cohen- 4G

Over the last two weeks, the children

have been focusing on how they can

show cooperation in all settings of the

school. The lessons have centred

around following instructions, moving

quietly and calmly between spaces and

accepting responsibility for our actions

and the consequences. When teachers

have seen children demonstrating this, they receive a red token. Why not ask

your child what the 4 C?s are? How can

they show cooperation?

Congratulations to Year 3 for reaching

their target! They chose a grade game

of Bullrush. Well done Year 3!

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On Tuesday 5th February Corpus Christi had their Twilight Swimming Carnival at YMCA Hawkesbury Oasis.

We were fortunate enough that the rain held off and we were able to finish our carnival with parents being able to attend. All of the children competed to the best of their ability in their chosen races and showed great sportsmanship congratulating each other on their efforts

A special mention to our ex Corpus Christi students who volunteered their help on the night as well. Thank you for giving up your time to support your younger siblings, it is greatly appreciated.

Lachlan Pryke, Conner Pryke and Mikaylah Elks.

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A special Congratulations to our Age Champions and Runners Up on the Night

Cooper Falzon - Junior Boys Age Champion

Noah Morphett - Runner Up Boys Age Champion

Sophie Wearne - Junior Girls Age Champion

Darcie Baldwin - Runner Up Girls Age Champion

Luca Vella - 11yrs Boys Age Champion

Lincoln Klemesrud - Runner Up Boys Age Champion

Jeneka Gulati - 11yrs Girls Age Champion

Emily Cropper - Runner Up 11yrs Girls Age Champion

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Saxon Mumford - Senior Boys Age Champion

Isaac Searle - Runner Up Senior Boys Age

Aleisha Bradbury - Senior Girls Age Champion

Sophie Weller - Runner Up Senior Girls Age Champion

Zone Sw im m ing Carnival

Congratulations to all the children who finished in the top 2 places at our school carnival that qualified to compete at

the Nepean Zone Carnival. The Nepean Zone Carnival was held at Glenbrook Swimming Pool on Monday 15th


Kashmir Appleton Austin Barglik

Darcie Baldwin Aleisha Bradbury

Melody De Boer Cooper Falzon

Jessica Folkes Jeneka Gulati

Marvella Gunawan Lincoln Klemesrud

Tyler Lewis Sibella Mazurek

Noah Morphett Braxton Mumford

Saxon Mumford Isaac Searle

Luca Vella Sophie Wearne

Sophie Weller

The children had a great day competing as part of the Corpus Christi swim team and had some amazing results with

some children swimming at the carnival for the first time and some children swimming PBs on the day. The Corpus

Christi community are so proud of all the achievements, sportsmanship and effort the children displayed.


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A special Congratulations to the following children who were awarded Age

Champions at the Nepean Zone carnival:

Cooper Falzon Junior Boys Age Champion

Jeneka Gulati 11yr Girls Age Champion.

An amazing achievement! Congratulations!


The Diocesan Swimming Carnival will be held at

Blacktown Swimming Complex on the 9th March. The

children will be notified as soon as more information

becomes available to the school.


The approved students will be given more information as it becomes available closer to the trial date.

If you are an approved st udent please m ake sure you pay your $10 t o t he school of f ice pr ior t o your t r ial

dat e.

Upcom ing Diocesan Spor t ing Dat es

9th March - Diocesan Swimming Carnival

22nd March- MacKillop Swimming Trials

5th May- Diocesan Cross Country

Melissa McGrath

PE Teacher & Sports Coordinator

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We welcome families to contact the school Office to begin the Enrolment

process for Kindergarten 2022. Expressions of interest and Enrolments packs are now available. Due to the changing

nature of COVID restrictions we will keep you updated throughout the process.

Due to these changes, the advertised Open Days that we had advertised in our

previous newsletter have now been changed. We will however be having one

open evening for NEW families, registration is mandatory. If you know any new

families that may have interest in enrolling for 2022 please ask them to contact

the school office for details.



A full term?s notice (10 school weeks) in writing must be given to the Principal before a

parent/guardian terminates the Student?s enrolment. If sufficient notice of termination of the

Student?s enrolment is not given, the parent/guardian is to pay the school one term?s school

fees including any diocesan fees applicable. One exception is that notice in writing will be

accepted at any time during Term 4 in relation to the following year?s enrolment.

Prem ier 's Reading Challenge 2021

The information and permission notes for your children to participate in this year?s Premier?s Reading Challenge have been sent home for you to complete.

The note explains about the challenge that runs from 1st March to 20th August 2021.

We have some PRC books at school and the Penrith Library also has PRC books for you to borrow.

You can start recording the books you read and when you receive your User name and Password the books can be entered on line. The school may not receive the User name and Passwords for your children until the end of March.

If you have not completed the form for the Premier?s Reading Challenge for 2021 there is still t ime to send it to school so your child can participate.

Thank you,

Mrs Pethybridge


Term 1 School Fee Statements have now been posted to your home address. If you have not received a statement, please contact the school office on 47262200. Payment for instalment 1 2021 fees are due on 17 March 2021. Alternatively, please refer to the detailed information enclosed with your School Fee Statement, for further payment options. Please note, Cash payments can no longer be accepted at the school office.

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X avier Col lege Open Night

Xavier College will be holding an open night on Tuesday March 2, 2020 from 4pm-6pm. Prospective 2022 students

and families are welcome to attend.

Tours and application forms will be available on the night.


Monday, 22nd February Award Stamping

Fr iday, 5t h March School Assembly

Monday, 8t h March Award Stamping

Tuesday, 9t h March Open Day for Kinder 2022 Enrolments (New Families Only)

Fr iday, 19t h March School Assembly

Monday, 22nd March Award Stamping

Thursday, 1st Apr i l Last day of Term 1. Holy Thursday


Monday, 19t h Apr i l First Day Term 2

Caroline Chisholm Catholic College Open Night


We have limited places for our school tours on 8 - 10 March. Visit our Eventbrite booking page to secure your tickets.


Parents and students in Year 5 & 6 are invited to tour our facilit ies and hear from our students why girls flourish here. See our brand new facilit ies and have all your questions answered.

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Week 6

1st March 2nd March 3rd March 4t h March 5t h March - Assembly

6t h March/ 7t h March

Week 7

8t h March - Award Stamping

9t h March - Open Day for Kinder 2022 Enrolments (New families only)

10t h March 11t h March 12t h March 13t h March/ 14t h March

Week 8

15t h March 16t h March 17h March 18t h March 19t h March- Assembly

20t h March/ 21st March

Week 9

22nd March - Award Stamping

23rd March 24t h March Open Day for Kinder

2022 Enrolm ent s

(New fam il ies


26t h March 27t h March/ 28t h March

Week 10

29t h March 30t h March 31st March 1st Apr i l- Holy Thursday- Last day of

Term 1

2nd Apr i l- Good Friday

3rd Apr i l / 4t h Apr i l

- Easter Saturday