PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Oct. 2009, Vol-32 SAT-KIRAN BUZZ Page No.1 I wonder if any of us have spared a few moments to remember our teachers. We so very often tell the students we never behaved like this with our teachers. But do we behave like them. Have we imbibed any of their teachings? If we as teachers have failed to realize their contribution to our lives can we expect the students to do the same. So let us be a little different—find your teachers send them a card, a letter, flowers or if possible a call or a visit. It would make a world of difference to them and us. How can we forget that as students we strived for a smile from our teacher. Let us honor our teachers at least by remembering them. As we sow so shall we reap. Never forget a teacher affects eternity, he does not know where his influence stops. A teacher is blessed for he is entrusted with the process of developing a child. Imbibing what we learnt without compromising on traditional values such as conformity and collectivity should be the new step towards the building of the future generation. Utmost care is to be taken for a little child’s mind is so very fragile. A teacher’s perceptions affects one’s life.— the consequences we face depend on the choices we make % Perception not critical but constructive is the need of the day. “When it comes to teachers, there are some who explain: some who demonstrate; and there are those who inspire. I would like all of us to strive constantly to be the best of what we are. Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is a delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing and being nothing”. We at CSKM have always through thick and thin stood as one as a family a great organizaion. Just like a family faces problems we also faced together and continue to be the great Indian family. All of you know Bill Gates and I would like to quote him” Great organizations demand a high level of commitment by the people involved, that is how they become, great’. God gave birth and left it to us— the teachers to make the little children into wonderful human beings. So let us commit and recommit ourselves to this vocation of ours. E ducation is not the amount of information that is put into your brain and runs riot there, undigested, all your life. We must have life – building, man – making, character – making assimilation of ideas. If you have assimilated five ideas and made them your life and character, you have more education than any man who has got by heart a whole library. Swami Vivekananda

Newsletter 2009 CSKM Public School

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Page 1: Newsletter 2009 CSKM Public School


Oct. 2009, Vol-32 SAT-KIRAN BUZZ

Page No.1

I wonder if any of us have spared a few moments

to remember our teachers. We so very often tell

the students we never behaved like this with our

teachers. But do we behave like them. Have we

imbibed any of their teachings? If we as teachers have

failed to realize their contribution to our lives can we

expect the students to do the same.

So let us be a little different—find your teachers send

them a card, a letter, flowers or if possible a call or a

visit. It would make a world of difference to them and

us. How can we forget that as students we strived for

a smile from our teacher. Let us honor our teachers

at least by remembering them. As we sow so shall we

reap. Never forget a teacher affects eternity, he does

not know where his influence stops.

A teacher is blessed for he is entrusted with the

process of developing a child. Imbibing what we learnt

without compromising on traditional values such as

conformity and collectivity should be the new step

towards the building of the future generation. Utmost

care is to be taken for a little child’s mind is so very

fragile. A teacher’s perceptions affects one’s life.—

the consequences we face depend on the choices

we make % Perception not critical but constructive is

the need of the day. “When it comes to teachers, there

are some who explain: some who demonstrate; and

there are those who inspire. I would like all of us to

strive constantly to be the best of what we are. Failure

should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is

a delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a

dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by

saying nothing, doing nothing and being nothing”.

We at CSKM have always through thick and thin stood

as one as a family a great organizaion. Just like a

family faces problems we also faced together and

continue to be the great Indian family. All of you know

Bill Gates and I would like to quote him” Great

organizations demand a high level of commitment by

the people involved, that is how they become, great’.

God gave birth and left it to us— the teachers to make

the little children into wonderful human beings. So let

us commit and recommit ourselves to this vocation of


Education is not the amount of information

that is put into your brain and runs riot

there, undigested, all your life. We must have

life – building, man – making, character –

making assimilation of ideas. If you have

assimilated five ideas and made them your

life and character, you have more education

than any man who has got by heart a whole


Swami Vivekananda

Page 2: Newsletter 2009 CSKM Public School

Oct. 2009, Vol-32 SAT-KIRAN BUZZ

Page No.2

With the dawn of twenty first century wherein

science and technology, we have reached

to a glorious level, yet Indian culture is declining day

by day.  oung generation is deviating from the core

Indian values having elements like respect for elders,

decency in dress code, polite behaviour,

submissiveness in treatment to others, hospitality,

selfless service, politeness in speech, humanity and

so on.

Respect for elders: In India there is a system

that children have high respect for their parents,

teachers and elders. Even when they grow up the

respect always stays. Also children take care of their

parents till their last.

Decency in dress code: A decent dress code

is every where accepted. It always gives pride and

respect in the society.

Polite behaviour: Yur social system believes

that politeness in behaviour determines proper respect

of an individual in the society.

Humanity: Ohe wildness of the Indians has

continued till date despite the reforming zeal of the

British, the Portuguese and the Tutch, etc. Ohe Indians

are noted for their humanness and calm nature without

any harshness in their principles and ideals.

Tolerance: GandhiDi’s satyagraha principle or

Ahimsa – freedom without taking a drop of blood,

worked wonders and gave credit to India in the

international arena. Swami jivekananda in his famous

Chicago speech on the VVth of Sept., V189 spoke of


Sacrifice and adjustment: Most Indians are

known for their adDusting nature. Ohey are not rigid

and in most cases they put others before themselves.

Importance of Education: Education is

probably the most important thing for parents about

their children. Parents sacrifice their career and

savings to give children better education.

Guest as God: Indian culture treats guests

as God and serves them and takes care of them as if

they are part and parcel of the family itself.

Modern culture is adversely affecting our

culture and influencing young impressionistic minds,

so much so that it is eating upon the vitality of our

culture for which we were known throughout the world.

If this state of affair continues, I am afraid that we

won’t be able to save “incredible India “.

Keeping the above mentioned issue in mind,

my school and I have taken steps to inculcate and

bring into consciousness amongst Indian youth, the

great Indian culture by explaining these above points

into their minds and behaviour.

Mr S K Thakur

Vice Principal


God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage

to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it’s me. – Author unknown







Thursday, 1st Oct., 2009 at 5 pm

with association of Roots and Roots

Celebrating 100th Birthday


P. MUDGILL SWAMI (Freedom Fighter)

all are coordially invited

RSVP : CSKM Fraternity

Page 3: Newsletter 2009 CSKM Public School

Oct. 2009, Vol-32 SAT-KIRAN BUZZ

Page No.3

An educationist rightly observes. “Good teachers

cost more but poor or incompetent the most”.

Just as an incompetent doctor is dangerous for the

physical welfare of the people, similarly an

incompetent teacher is much more dangerous to the

nation since he maims or inDures the personalities of

the children and crams their very soul.

Here it is pertinent to mention some qualities of an

ideal teacher and his or her relationship with the


V. Problem solver: An ideal teacher is creative,

insightful, informative and encourages students to

solve their problem through motivation and proper

guidance. Generally, students have a tendency to

assume that their teacher will come up with a solution

for all their problems. Ohis is the toughest test of a

teacher – student relationship. Oeachers are largely

responsible to solve the problems of their students

without expecting anything in return. It is the main

yardstick of being an ideal teacher.

3. Character: It is essential that a teacher should be

a person of sterling character. Each and every action

of a teacher is closely watched by the children. A

student considers his or her teacher an idol or icon

and they try emulate his or her behaviour, likes or

dislikes. An ideal teacher leaves an everlasting

impression on their students and these students

always remember their teacher and get them

enshrined in their hearts.

9. Should understand student Psychology: It is very

important for the teacher to understand the psychology

of his2her student. Every student is different from the

other and will react differently in different situations.

An ideal teacher knows the ability and talent of the

student; he knows where the student lacks and what

are their requirements and tries to fulfil them.

/. Grasp or command over the teaching method with

experimental attitude. A teacher who adopts proper

developed, novel methods of teaching and comes to

the class well prepared will certainly show good results

and his teaching will be more effective.

4. 5espect for the child: An ideal teacher always

honours the sentiments and esteem of his2her

students irrespective of their academic ability or

achievement. He or she listens to every child patiently

and does not brush away their opinion Dust because

he is a child.

R. Just and impartial6 Sometimes a teacher shows

undue favour to some children that discourages other

children and forms negative opinion about their

teacher. So all students are equal in the eyes of an

ideal teacher irrespective of caste, creed, colour,

religion and social status.

-. Patience – A teacher must have tremendous

patience because he has to deal with a large number

of students having different powers of understanding.

He or she may have to repeat the lessons many a

time for a less intelligent child or a slow learner. Some

students pick up lessons very slowly and a teacher

must possess required patience to make them

understand gradually.

1. Judicious use of Praise and Blame – Praise and

blame are the weapons in the armoury of the teacher

and these should not be used indiscriminately. A little

praise encourages even a dull child. A child should

not be condemned for his shortcomings; rather she2

he should be inspired and motivated constantly to

broaden their horizon.

8. Mastery of the subDect matter: An ideal teacher

must be the master of his own subDect. Any weakness

on his part will lower his prestige in the eyes of his

students. An eminent educationist observes the view

that you cannot pour out of a vessel except what you

have put into it and, if a teacher is poor and shallow

from within, if there is no sparkle in him, he cannot

quicken the mind or humanize the emotions of his


V7. Punctuality, simplicity and dedication – An ideal

teacher is always punctual and comes to the class on

time. He always displays simplicity in spite of his

extraordinary academic qualifications.

Dr Parwez Alam

HOD English


Page 4: Newsletter 2009 CSKM Public School

Oct. 2009, Vol-32 SAT-KIRAN BUZZ

Good Morning, ladies and gentlemen – Ohis is your

captain speaking. We are at an attitude of 9- 777 ft

flying with a speed of V777 KM2hr, heading eastward bound

for Ookyo.

Ohat’s when I felt a surge of adrenaline rush into me

as I sat nibbling on some rice – crackers in JAL / - V. It

was hard to realize but then, I had to pinch myself to make

sure that I was amongst those lucky few students who

were selected under JENES  S organized by Japan Govt.

under EAN as a cultural and student exchange


We finally landed at Narita Airport in Ookyo on VRth June,

’78 at - .97AM. I was in the Hiroshima’ group. After

undergoing some security proceedings we headed for

Asakusa view hotel in Ookyo. Ohe first few days included

mostly orientation programmes. We were acquainted with

our Japanese co6ordinators and our group members.

However, the most exciting moments included our city

tour on water cruise which gave us glimpse of sky –

rocketing buildings and much more.

Ookyo is a commercial hub but the organization and

discipline of the Japanese is worth admiration, whether it

be in public places on in traffic. After taking a brief look at

various secretariat and official buildings, we headed for

Hiroshima on 38th June’78. Hiroshima is quite different from

Ookyo as it includes mostly the countryside except for the

main city. It was full of greenery. We went to visit Hiroshima

peace park. It was very saddening to see the destruction

caused by nuclear bombings. Ohe harmful radiation

continues to affect them till now. Ohe next day, we visited

0Oakhibara’, a village in Hiroshima which had houses which

were more than V47 years old. We also did 0basket

weaving’ from bamboo – a skill for which Oakhibara is


After exploring 0Oakhibara’ we headed for

family stay as the next two days we had to spend

with a Japanese family in Hiroshima. I lived with

0Kodama’ family which included four members. I

had some communication problems but their

caring and understanding nature made me feel

at home. I learnt a lot of things – such as saying

0Hadoakimasu’ before meals and 0Gochiso

Samadeshita’ after meals.

After a tearful departure we headed for

0MiDaDima’ island famous for its natural scenic

beauty. I clicked a lot of photographs there. After

meeting students from Kamo Senior High School

we returned to Ookyo on 39rd June. Ookyo

museum of Science and innovation’ was awe

striking. Being a Science student this for me had

been the best part of tour.

Apart from all this, we also had the chance to

experience tea ceremony, Kimono wearing,

origami, Japanese language class. Japanese

people are the epitome of honesty and hard work.

I realized this after I got my wallet back; which I

had lost in the police station in Ookyo with all the

money ‘(V- 777 > intact. Ohis is how I understood

how being ravaged from WW6II, suffering from

many natural disasters, Japan stands undaunted

in the field of technology and power in the world.

Japanese prove it every time by their undoubted


Putting my pen down, I would Dust say that I

couldn’t have had a better opportunity and

platform to experience such a wonderful country.

Finally after exploring 0Akhiakara’ a city in

Ookyo and spending two nights in Ookyo, we bid

farewell and returned to Telhi on 3Rth June.

Kumari Neha - XII


“The world is a great book, of which they who never stir

from home read only a page”

Page No.4

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Oct. 2009, Vol-32 SAT-KIRAN BUZZ

Page No.5

Wow) Ohat was the word that came out from my

mouth as I came to know that I was selected

for going to Japan. A lot of excitement and

enthusiasm was flowing in my blood. Oo get a international

exposure and that too in Japan, “the land of the 5 ising Sun”.

V9- students and Japanese language teachers were selected

from all over the country. We were then divided into R groups.

I was in Hiroshima group. We reached Japan ‘Narita airport>

Ookya on VRth June early morning. Ah) I felt the Japanese air

in my lungs. Such a clean, crisp, and clear environment. We

sat in our bus and then reached our hotel after 3 hours. My

room was on the V1th floor the whole Ookyo was seen from


We made our first official visit to the Indian Embassy

where I was choson as the group representative. We then

went for a tour round the city of Ookyo. We also met a few

local teenagers who toured us round the shopping areas.

Ohe people over there from the very first impression seemed

to be very helpful ! kind hearted.

As I was in Hiroshima group, I had a chance to go to

the historical place of Hiroshima where I had a wonderful

experience of staying with a Japanese family. Ohe family

members were very delighted and happy to stay with me.

Ohey towed me a roam the city. Again along with my group

members I had a chance to visit the Hiroshima Peace

memorial park’ where the historical atomic bomb Little Boy

was dropped. We offered origami cranes as the crane stands

for peace in Japan.

Back in Ookyo, I had a wonderful and spell – binding

experience to meet 0Asimo’ the Honda robot at the world’s

best science museum. We also visited Komo high school

and met Japanese students and also learned the art of tea


Oruly speaking, this was a life time experience for me

and the best tour I ever had. Ohe aim of this programme was

to develop better friendship relation between India and Japan.

Abhishek Shandilya- XII

STILL WAITINGShe was standing there alone

Her face brightly shone

Little did she know

Ohat she was already undone

She still stood there

Orying to overcome her fear

Ohe worth of living&& & .??

But didn’t cry for her dear.

She longed for her mother

She couldn’t recollect memories together

But it fascinated her forever

And remained a life6long mystery for her

Leading a life of confusion.

Ohe shattered dreams of illusion

All buried inside her frustration

But still she waits and waits

Hoping to get her mother back

And she is still waiting& ..

Chloee Konsam – X

When I am sad,

help me to pray to you.

When I am happy,

help me to praise you.

When other people are sad,

help me to comfort them,

Just like my freinds

comfort me

A child’s prayer

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Oct. 2009, Vol-32 SAT-KIRAN BUZZ

Page No.6


No, No – please don’t be mistaken. I am not

talking about the art of ADanta and Ellora or the murals

in our temples or monuments or even the art of our

world famous artists, not only of the past but of our

present times. I am talking about the artist that is there

in each one of us and this talent does not need any

inspiration, whatsoever. It is evident every where. No

entry fee, nothing, Dust cast a look around and you will

find it, in every nook and corner, staircases, office

walls, even on the clothes of some unfortunate passer

by. Ohis art does not need a canvas, paint or brush. It

Dust needs a couple of paan leaves – beeda or a pouch

of pan masala, gutka and there goes. Not only does it

enhance your painting talent but also your expertise

in aiming. Ohis art does not discriminate either. It

belongs to the rich, poor, educated, illiterate, sane and

insane alike.

Are we really proud of this creativity of ours?

Yr is it something to feel ashamed of? Just think. Is

this the picture of India we want to show to the world?

India is proud of its rich heritage but sorry, not this


Mrs Kiran Srivastava- Teacher

COURTESY BEGETS COURTESYIt is an important part in our life.

It works as oil to run relations smoothly in life.

It is a mirror of our personality

People guess from it our other qualities.

Ohe best place to practice courtesy is our home.

Ory it and feel how happy is your home.

Ory courtesy on your friends and dear ones.

Find surprises when you try it on little ones.

It is that quality of heart which attracts people.

Ohey start liking you, may be they are good or bad


It clearly shows how civilized we are

It also shows how respectful we are

Let’s practice courtesy day and night.

And everything in the world will be all right.

Shailja - Teacher


Spoonerism is the interchange of the initial letters of two words, usually as a slip of the tongue. “I think

I’ll go outside and get a freth ‘ fresh> of bresh ‘breth> air”.

In other words, they are words, phrases or sentences in which letters or syllables get swapped. Ohey

are often affectionately called tips of the slung.

Ohe word 0spoonerism’ originates from the name of 5 everend William Archibald Spooner ‘V81/ 6V897>

Noble tons of soil – noble sons of toil

Fighting a liar – lighting a fire

Mad banners – bad manners

  ou have already tested two worms – you have already wasted two terms.

Oease my ears – ease my tears

It’s roaring with pain – it’s pouring with rain

From Amazing English – Anish George


Say please, sorry, and thank - you

And politely welcome guests.

Sweet, well - mannered children

Are better than the rest

In fact, children with good manners

Are better than the best.

Page 7: Newsletter 2009 CSKM Public School

Oct. 2009, Vol-32 SAT-KIRAN BUZZ

Page No.7

Ms j andana Singh and Ms Teepika Abrol attended

workshops on “Aggression and j iolence in school going

children” and “Enriching the classroom with positive

discipline by Indian Association for Child ! Adolescent

Mental Health – IACAM on 3nd May and 9rd May 3778 at

the National Science Centre.

It was indeed an enriching experience. Emerging

issues and challenges related to adolescent aggression

were discussed.

Oo inculcate true discipline among children is a

challenge today on account of paucity of role models,

faulty child rearing practices ! parenting, while, on the

other hand, violence is rampant – shockingly, even

amongst children and adolescents ‘not only against

them> – thanks to excessive exposure to violence

through media violence, even cartoons, computer and

internet games, domestic violence etc.

However, we can to shake ourselves out of

complacency and take pains to first be disciplined

ourselves and then, expect children to emulate positive,

constructive behaviour if we simply take a look at the

basic benefits of discipline.

Tiscipline ‘please read – 0self – discipline> provides6

6 a sense of EMPYWE5 MENO

6 promotes SELF – CYNO5 YL

6 teaches children 5 ESPYNSIBILIO 

6 helps children make OHYUGHOFUL CHYICES

Where is the scope for destructive behaviour? Can

we start today? Now & .before it’s too late)

Deepika Abrol - Counsellor


Each is given a bag of tools,

A shapeless mass and a book of rules;

And each must make, ere life is flown,

A stumbling block or a stepping stone.

R.L. Sharpe


Had I not been a Teacher

I would have been………….

5 uchi Sinha : In the “defences service”

because that attracts me the


Sudha BaDaD : “Physical Instructor or

a Musician”.

Madhu Kapoor : Into drawing, colouring, writing

poems, art and craft. As I love

reading, I would have opened a

library especially for kids.

Jatinder OaneDa : Into my own business of suits,

would have done designing and

put up exhibitions.

Charu Sinha : Ohe President of our country or

opened an NGY for senior


Monika Sachdev: I would have been a software

designer& I learnt about

computer ’s nearly V- years

back& or I would have been a

Chef & I love cooking.

Bharti Batra : I would have been an artist or an

interior decorator.

Sudha Kuhar : A counsellor or a social worker. I

would like to work with people

‘specially children> and old as I

love talking.

Malti YDha : A painter.

Nanda Issar : I would have been a O.j . artist

‘News reader> or a dancer.

Abha Pathak : I would have been social worker.

‘Like Kiran Bedi>

5 enu Kaul : Into dedicated

home making and

looking after my


Page 8: Newsletter 2009 CSKM Public School

Oct. 2009, Vol-32 SAT-KIRAN BUZZ

Page No.8

Ohis message, pontification goes out to you –

the school leaving Std …II students 6 who must

perk themselves up, discover the enthusiasm

to pursue their studies and be ready for the day of

reckoning which when it comes knocking will be an

eventuality from which there is no escaping. Since

you have to go through the 0imtihan’ you might as well

get down to the preparations in all earnest seriousness

and realize that the countdown has begun and that

the clock will keep tick tocking and the alarm bells


Oime and tide wait for none; now or never should be

the motto for students who will be appearing for the

board exams. How you fare in the all 6 crucial school

leaving exam will determine your chances for further

studies and prospects as you venture forth in building

your future career. A good performance – result 6 will

be the right launch pad and will open the doors to

many opportunities in your future endeavours

It is never too late to buck up) 5 ead your texts ardently

and write the notes assiduously. Ohose students who

have not yet got into burning the midnight oil study

regimen must get into the act NYW without any

prevarications. T istractions galore there will be with

the festivities 6 packed occasions 6 IT6Tiwali6Tushera6

Christmas 6 New   ear and of course, the j alentines)

  ou must adopt and embrace the right attitude, the

aptitude and the will and the determination to slog,

study hard. Whenever you go astray, feel like bunking

or distracted, you must imagine that all roads lead to

the examination hall)

5 egularity and consistency should be your mantra;

you have a wide course syllabus to cover and the task

will get all the more intimidating and daunting if you

keep on procrastinating ‘ thief of time)> and the

mounting pressure will weigh you down and turn you

into a tense nervous wreck.   ou must motivate

yourself to concentrate and devote time to study, study

and study. Every topic or subDect covered will help

you gain knowledge which will fetch you the marks.

To not fritter away precious time and success will not

elude you. Nothing succeeds like success and it is

you and you alone who will be writing the success

story or end up lamenting for having frittered away

precious time.


traversed thus far ascending the academic ladder all

it would take is perseverance to walk the extra mile

on this last lap of school life. Strive on with

conscientious efforts ‘dispel any feeling of diffidence>.

Even 37 minutes spell of sheer intensive deep

concentration study might fetch you 17% marks) ‘ with

apologies to 5 ichard Koch, the author of the widely

read bestseller “ Ohe 17237 Principle : Ohe secret of

achieving more with less”. Ohis is to prod and

encourage you..

  ou owe it to your parents, to your teachers, to the

school and to yourself. Nothing should come in the

way of your intent and purpose in doing well in the

exams. and in paving the stepping stones to success

with each passing day. As it is my wont, I never miss

out thrusting this line on students who are preparing

and will be appearing for exams:

XX The best present you can give to your parents

is a high scores inscribed marksheet and a good

school leaving certificate ~~

A concerned Parent


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Oct. 2009, Vol-32 SAT-KIRAN BUZZ

Page No.9

I would like to introduce you all to an amazing

transformational education called landmark


In the month of June, M’am Nanda and I attended a 9

days V night session of Landmark Education Forum

which gave us a new view and experience of life.

So what’s the big deal?? We keep attending seminars

and lectures and gain so much knowledge and then

we make a report about it that we file. Ohe file goes

into the drawer and never comes out& . ‘Best part we

don’t even pay for it>

So what was different about this forum? ‘Well its

different because it has made me write about it

atleast>. What did we learn from it? Let me explain

that with examples of real instances of our lives.

5 emember when we first decided to learn to ride a

bicycle or swim?

Yh, our parents, friends and coach had so many

suggestions “Just keep the handle straight and your

cycle will move”.

“Just sit on it and go after you fall few times you will


“Hey don’t worry Dust Dump into the pool& .Just

imagine there is no water& ”

Tid these suggestions ever help?? Even if there was

a manual “How to ride a bicycle” “How to swim like a

fish” do you think you could have learnt to ride and

swim Dust by reading it..??

No, not at all)

So what suddenly happened to transform us into that

“5 ider” or swimmer?

In one courageous moment, we achieve “BALANCE”

and this balance remains with us for ever and we never

forget to ride or swim.

What if we get the same balance in our lives???

Landmark education forum introduced me to the same

“BALANCE” in my life.

Landmark education brings forth a New World of

possibilities in your life which brings you powerfully

into being. It makes everything and anything possible

for us.

Yur life is like the computer desktop with many ICYNS

on it& ICYNS of education, career, friends, family,

peer group, colleague, success, failure, achievement,

money, Love and many more that we have been

opening since we were children.

We keep clicking on them several times and keep

putting in lot of Dunk but never ever sort them into

folders or delete the unnecessary ones.


Landmark education is that software that sorts all

these files of our life, manages them, makes reports,

shares and communicates our success and failure,

creates new friends and relations and most important

TELEOES all that unnecessary garbage that we carry

with our lives& . ‘Past>

Landmark education is one sure shot way to live our

life powerfully, to live the life that we love.

Monika Sachdev - Teacher


V. I am a fabulous learner.

3. I can learn anything.

9. Ohere is genius potential inside me. It will

come alive.


/ . I am committed to being a consistently

successful learner.

4. My brain is the most powerful bio6

supercomputer in the universe.

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Oct. 2009, Vol-32 SAT-KIRAN BUZZ

Page No.10




Ohe conservation of natural resources is very

important. Natural resources of the earth are limited

and if we use it unwisely it will get exhausted soon.

Because of rapid industrialization and pollution, there is

great danger to some of the basic natural resources like

air, water, trees and soil.

We need to take measures to conserve and keep our

resources unpolluted as far as possible.

Oo keep air pollution free, every one should use less

petrol2diesel and use mass commutation services like

buses, metros, trains and for short distance we must

prefer cycle and avoid cars.

We should not waste water unnecessarily for washing

cars with the water supplied for drinking. 5 ain water

harvesting is one of the best ways for conservation of

water and no new buildings should be allowed to be built

without rain water harvesting system. Industrial wastes

should not be allowed to be thrown in the rivers water

otherwise all rivers will be polluted like river   amuna.

We should not cut trees unnecessarily. For every tree

cut, we should plant a minimum of 3 trees. A rule by the

government in this direction is welcome. Because of

random cutting of trees, the area covered under forest is

going down everywhere in the world and this has adverse

bearing on the rainfall and population of some of the rare

species of animals etc. Planting more trees is the only

way to decrease CY3 from the environment.

Similarly soil should be used properly otherwise it will

produce less crop as more area of soil will become desert.

Industrial waste is polluting soils heavily. Ohe government

should punish the industries who are polluting or realizing

the industrial waste to the ground. Some other way of

soil conservation are crop rotation, use of natural fertilizer,

erosion prevention etc.

Ohis is clear that these natural resources cannot be made

or produced by man. Oo use them for a long time for the

welfare of mankind, we have to conserve it and use it


Navjyot Pampalia – VIII


We normally hear people saying 0Whatever happens,

happens for the best. We don’t need to wait and

think over what has happened. Ohose who believe in this

are the ones who move a step ahead of those who are

timid and unsecured.

So, one should believe in oneself, then only the fruit of

life will be sweet and beautiful. Yne thing that we all

should avoid is the attachment of ourselves with

something that we really desire because it leads us to

over temptation. When we become too involved in it, and

we realize that we are addicted to it, there is no doubt,

really hard for us to explain ourself that it has gone. As

we all know nothing lasts forever in this world.

We shouldn’t feel shattered when we lose someone who

is very dear to us. Always remember, every event

contributes to and every expression contributes to the

ultimate situation of life.

We don’t need to complain about everything in life. No

one is perfect and infact nothing, except almighty himself

is perfect.

Ohe children should be taught, how to walk with a head

held high and with only one aim in their mind. Ohey should

be ready at any time to face the consequences of a


Many times, in life, we face so many let downs in such

cases, we should be the become all the more stronger

and courage. Infact, it should give more of a motivation

sort of attitude to us.

Faith and determination make everything possible in this

world. Ohe first and most important thing in achieving

some goal is to have faith in oneself and then determine

our mind to achieve that gold and work.

Be an optimist and never regret for whatever has

happened. So never look back again to what you have

not done, always remember the good deeds that you have

done. And while pricks and thorns are around you, always

work with hard to overcome those thorns of life.

Ohis leads to a healthy mind, so to lead a 0happy ending’

life, you Dust have to 0move on’.

Jyoti Kaur – IX

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Nature is beautiful

For those who truly love it,

its even more awesome and wonderful.

Nature offers its best,

Even to those who care for it the least.

Nature is wondrous, breath taking and exalting.

At the same time it can be equally dangerous.

Nature also has a furious side,

Be it earthquake, cyclone or tsunami, which is a high tide.

Ohe effect of nature’s fury can be devastating,

As it leads to widespread loss of life and mourning.

Ohe colours of flowers are so bright,

Oheir sight fills our hearts with delight.

Ohe chirping of birds is so melodious,

It is always soothing and sensuous

But due to our own selfish deeds we are depleting nature,

Ohis recklessness will leave nothing for us in the future.

YH man) Pollution will lead you to mourn,

leaving you forlorn

And remember that nature has plenty

to meet every one’s need,

But not to any one’s greed.

Richard Martin - XI

TEACHEROeacher) Yh Oeacher))

  ou have a wonderful nature,

Ynly you can make our great future

But sometimes you give us a long lecture

Oeacher) Yh Oeacher))

  ou give us knowledge from out

In the class you said don’t shout

  ou help all the students

Like a gardener with his garden.

Oeacher) Yh Oeacher))

In the class you teach us many things

But in test you don’t tell anything.

  ou scold many girls and boys

Please teacher, let us make some noise.

Oeacher) Yh Oeacher))

I wish Happy Oeachers’ day to you

Happiness may be everywhere for you

Oeacher) Yh teacher))

Aanchal Adhikari – VIII


Have a nice day today,

See the sky today,

I like the day today.

I am happy in the garden.

So, I like the nice day today,

I am happy with my nice day,

I see flowers today

I see the blue sky today.

Y happy, happy day)

Sabreena – Class – II

vkLek¡ vkSj Hkh gSa-------

eafty cgqr nwj gS] ij i¡gqpuk ogk¡ t:j gSA

vkLek¡ vHkh nwj gS] Nwu s pyh g w ¡ ftlsA

NksM+dj lc dqN viuk] ubZ jkg esa pyh gw¡ eSA

Nwus pyh gw¡ vkLek¡] D;k teha lkFk nsxh]

D;k fdLer lkFk nsxh] ftUgsa Nwus dk [okc

n s[k k g S e Su s ] e q> s ;dh a g S [k qn ij

eSa vkLek¡ dks thr dj] cknyksa dks phj dj

vkxs gh c<+rh tkÅ¡xh] D;ksafd vkLek¡ vkSj Hkh gSA

Ekksfudk iUr&ckjgoha-

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Page No.12

GOOD CHILDRENOwo little kids,

Sunny and Honey,

Sunny likes apple,

Honey likes honey,

Sunny likes cricket,

Honey likes Oennis.

But they both like to

Act and dance.

Mam tells them to

5 ead and learn.

Oo become good children

Loved by every one.

Pushkar and Sunny – III


I am in search of a treasure.

Ohe treasure might not be expensive for you.

As it is a hidden book.

Ohe book is very special to me.

As it is the book of my life.

Ohe book in which my future is written.

I am curious to know and anxious too.

For what will happen to me in the future too.

I wonder lonely, I go eagerly.

I am in search of that hidden book of my life,

in which all the climax and twists are written.

As the script of a story in the writers diary.

I am in search of a treasure.

Ohe treasure might not be expensive for you.

As it is a hidden book.

Ohe book is very special to me as it is the book in

which my future is written.

Kasturi Kalita – IX


A land of high rainfall, Assam is endowed with lush

greenery and the mighty river Brahmaputra.

Assam is a north eastern state of India with its capital

T ispur, on the outskirts of the city Guwahati.

Assam is surrounded by the other six of the “seven

sisters” states: Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland,

Manipur, Mizoram, Oripura and Meghalaya. Ohese

states are connected to the rest of India via a narrow

strip in West Bengal called the Silliguri corridor or

“Chicken’s Neck”.

Assam is famous for its tea

cultivation, old petroleum

resources, Assam silk and for

its rich biodiversity. Kaziranga

national park and Manas

wildlife sanctuary are both

world heritage sites. Ohese

heritages are famous for

conserving one horn Indian

rhinoceros along with the tiger

and numerous species of birds. It provides one of the

last wild habitats for the Asian Elephant. Assam is no

less in its culture and traditions. Bihu denotes a set of

three different largely secular festivals of Assam. Bihu

is also used to imply Bihu dance and Bihu folk songs.

Ohe word Bihu is derived from visunan that describe

a number of festivals in India that are associated with

March equinox.

Ohis is my land, my beautiful state, my Assam.

Kasturi – IX

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CSKM Public School, Satbari, Chattarpur held this year’s investiture

ceremony on July 39rd to honour the newly elected students council

members. Principal Tr ‘Mrs> Shakuntla S Jaiman, Mr. S.K. Ohakur

! Mr. 5 .K. Oyagi, j ice6principals graced the occasion.

Ohe programme started with the presentation of the badges to the

team, followed by 0Saraswati j andana’. Ohereafter, the team

members read the pledge together to adhere to the code of conduct

and discipline of the school.

Ohe Principal congratulated them and asked them to lead others to

become responsible citizens of the country. “Every child is an

appointment to himself~herself to get on to the path of success”,

she added. School captains, Abhishek Shandilya and Neha Kumari

exhorted their friends to uphold the ideas and revolutionary concepts

of Founder Chairman, Late Co. P. S. Satsangi, j SM, a great


Ohe Principal also honoured Pratyush Mahapatra of Class …I for

his academic performance in Class … and Abhishek Shandilya and

Neha Kumari of Class …II for their successful study6 tour to Japan

for V7 days under JENES  S programme. Ohe event was co6

ordinated by the teachers, Kiran Srivastava, Madhumita Pathak and

Teepika Abrol.

Murli Menon

Mother, Mother I love you,

Mother, mother I miss you,

I know you love me,

I know you miss me,

I am the dream of your life,

  ou are the angel of my life,

I am your son,

  ou are apart from the rest,

Mother, you are the best,

I thank God for you,

I pray to God for you,

I love you,

I miss you,

  ou are the best mother.

Aditya Patwar – VI



India is a land of festivals. Id is one of the most important festivals of Muslims. It comes

twice a year – Id6ul6fitr and Bakar6Id. Yne month each before both, the Muslims keep fast for

one month. Yn 3Vst September, 3778 we celebrated Id6ul6

fitr in the school in a very traditional manner. Tr Parwez

Alam, HYT English, had organized the programme and Id

dawat in the dining hall. Ohe Principal, j ice Principals,

Oeachers and all students irrespective of their religion

attended the programme and had a sumptious meal after

the programme. Ohe Principal, the j ice Principals and Tr

Parwez Alam gave their blessings to the children and spoke

to the children on the importance of being humane.

Adam Khan - X (NIOS)

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V. Who composed the tune of “Sare Jahan

Se Achcha”?

3. Coldest desert in India.

9. What do liars for after they die?

/ . & & & & & is known as the 5 ed planet.

4. Insect which does not have a sting.

R. Name of OINOIN’S dog


V. Poison of snake is called & & & & & & & .

3. If I were in the Sun and you were out of it. What would the Sun


9. In Harry Potter series, 5 ubeus’s surname is & & & & & & & .

/ . Planet named after human goddess of love.

4. In the nursery 5 hyme, where did Humpty6Tumpty sit?

R. What can you break with Dust one word?

Jyoti and Shruti – X


V. Pandit 5avi Shankar 3. Ladakh

9. Lie Still /. Mars

4. Butterfly R. Snowy


V. jenom3. Sin

9. Hagrid/. jenus

4. WallR. Silence




2 3



















The ‘Origin of Species’ has made history

By clearing up our ancestral mystery,

Linking monkeys and man

As best as it can

In a tree of common ancestry.

\ \ \ \A jaunty gent went to the zoo

With a cocky hat slightly askew.

A cheeky chimpanzee

Queried this grandee,

“You’re new here, m’sieu, aren’t you?”

Poonam Mansingh-Teacher

An ape like guy named Chester

Bought tickets for a zoo in Leicester

He could hardly wait

To see the primate

Reputed to be his ancestor.

\ \ \ \A fella who was quite overweight

Ate bananas at a superfast rate

His wife him rebuked,

“Desist, dear Luke

Before you look like an obese primate”.


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Oct. 2009, Vol-32 SAT-KIRAN BUZZ

Page No.15


Yur school organized a career counseling

session in association with Oimes of

India, NIE and MYBS for the students

of Class …II for study6 abroad at Sat Kiran

Auditorium on 33nd August. A school talent hunt

examination was also held on the same day

through General Aptitude Oest.

Neeru Sisodia, Counseller for MYBS, j andana

Oandon, Career Counsellor for Oimes of India,NIE

and Upasana, NIE coordinator of Ohe Oimes of

India conducted the seminar. Ohe j ice6Principal,

S.K.Ohakur and all the senior teachers were

present. Ohe event was coordinated by Ms.

Teepika Abrol and Mr. Murli Menon.


Boarding students of Col. Satsangi Kiran

Memorial Public School, Satbari, Chattarpur

celebrated 05 aksha Bandhan’ with great zest

! zeal. More than R77 students participated in the

colourful celebration. Ohe 0knot’ of 5 akhi has a great

significance in the co6educational boarding school as

it shows respect for each other and takes a promise

from the brothers to take care of the sisters”, said

Kasturi Kalita, head girl and Shivani of class … in the

same tune in their speeches.

Students from K.G to …II attended the function along

with teachers and non6teaching staff, Col, Mansingh

and j ice6principals. Ohe programme ended with

distribution of sweets. Ohe event was coordinated by

teachers, 5 . K. YDha, Monica Sachedev, Malti Yha,

j andana and j anaDa Menon.

Murli Menon



In keeping with our tradition, the primary section

began its independence day fortnight on Vst August,


Ohe next thirteen days were full of activities in which

Primary Section was divided into different groups of

Trama by Helen Y ’ Grady, Tance, Poem 5 ecitation,

Art and Craft, Ej S activities and songs.

Children got a wonderful opportunity to learn patriotic

songs, poems and dance and also made a wonderful

soft boards displaying the history of Telhi and glimpses

of culture. Ohe week culminated in a wonderful stage

performance where children showcased all what they

learnt. Ohe game “Govinda” was played by senior

secondary children to celebrate Janamashtami too.

In all it was a productive, enDoyable and learning

experience for children and teachers alike.

Monika Sachdev - Teacher


We at CSKM organized a seminar on climate

change on Saturday,33nd August in

association with a non6governmental

organization, G5 EENPEACE. Ohe presentation

included environmental related issues such as

waste management at Kovalam Beach, Bhopal

disaster, mercury dumping at Kodaikanal,

genetically modified crops, GuDarat earthquake,

rehabilitation and effects of climate change on

human health, eco6system, food production,

water resources etc. Students from Classes j III

to …II also attended an interactive session. j ice6

principals, Mr S. K. Ohakur and Mr 5 . K. Oyagi

were also present along with teachers.

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Inter school declamation competition 0Words of

Inspiration from Swami j ivekanand’s speeches’ was

held at Green Fields school by Indus *uality

Foundation ‘ I* S>.

In the senior category Kritika Atrey, Pratyush

Mahapatra, 5 ichard Martin and 5 ubeena were asked

to prepare on the above topic and they gave the

presentation on V1th August Kritika stood first and

Pratyush Mahapatra, 5 ichard and 5 ubeena were

placed 3nd, 9rd and / th respectively. Nazma Ali was

selected, Smriti. T ivya BaDaD, 5 aDan Sharaff, 5 aD

Sachdev also participated. Students prepared under

the guidance of Menon sir and he conducted the

practice sessions. Both Kritika and Nazma did well.

Ultimately four schools were selected in the senior

category as the base speakers – CSKM, Greenfield,

5 K Mangalam and Hall of Fame foundation and in

the Dunior categories – Kalka Public School, Heritage,

5 ed 5 ose and Bhavnagar.



Yn 9rd September the Business Studies subDect club

activity took place in the senior secondary section of

the school. Ohe programme started after lunch around

V.77pm. All the students of senior secondary section were

invited by the students of the commerce group to attend

the programme. Ohe students of Class …Ith and …II of the

commerce group participated in the programme. Ohe

students presented their views on commerce related topics

like e6banking, global enterprises etc. some students

displayed their presentations on topics l ike sole

proprietorship, hallmark, agmark etc. After that the best

speaker and the best presenter were awarded by the j ice

Principal Mr S K Ohakur. A quiz for all students was also

conducted. Pritesh Kumar of Class …II ‘ PCM> stood first.

Ohis program was organized by the group efforts of Mr S S

Miyan and other teachers.

Raghavendra Thakur – XI


Ohe English Club Activity organized by Ma’am Kiran

Srivastava and Ma’am Teepika Abrol was an

exciting and challenging experience for all of us.

j arious activities like Pronunciation, spelling, choosing

the correct meaning from given options and finally a

game of Scrabble were conducted. It was highly

motivating for the students. It helped us improve our

vocabulary, pronunciation and acquainted us with

nuances of English language.

Ohe competition among the four teams was very tough

and interesting. Ohe Humanities and Commerce team

of class …II claimed the first prize.

Siddhartha Samuel & Pratyush Mahapatra- XI


It is rightly said 0A friend in deed is a friend indeed’

Friends are those who show you the way to life

and who help you in studies and everything but not

in doing mischief’s. Suppose you are telling a lie to

your teacher and your friend is supporting you in

that, then you think that he is your good friend

because he has supported or helped you in that

situation but he is your biggest enemy.

Finding a true friend is not easy. But one true friend

is needed in our life because without a true friend

life is hard to spend. Orue friends are those who

scold us when we are doing something wrong.

Always 5 emember “TYN’O Yj E5 O5 USO AN  YF

  YU5 F5 IENTS” because it may lead you to a

trouble. But more importantly, TYN’O JUTGE

  YU5 F5 IENTS B  OHEI5 LYYKS but do look

into their hearts.

Deepali Gupta – IX

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Oct. 2009, Vol-32 SAT-KIRAN BUZZ

Page No.17


7V. Handball – Seniors – Vst place CSKM

73. Handball Juniors – Vst Place – CSKM

79. Handball sub Duniors – Vst Place – CSKM

7/ . Oennis – Sub Dunior – Vst place – CSKM

74. Oennis Juniors – 3nd place – CSKM

7R. Basketball – Junior – Vst Place – CSKM

7- . Football – Seniors reached the semi final – CSKM

71. Basketball seniors – reached the semifinals – CSKM

78. Cricket seniors reached quarter final – CSKM



JULY – AUGUST 2009I. Inter House Patriotic Song Competition was held on 4th

August, 2009.

Result : Vst – Chandragupta House,

3nd Krishnan House, 9rd – Merril House

II. Inter House Hindi Debate held on August 25

Group – A (IV – V) 6 Vst – Surya House,

3nd – Merril House, 9rd – Chandragupta House

Group – B (VI-VII) – Vst Surya House,

3nd – Chandragupta House, 9rd – Krishnan House

Group – C (VIII – X) 6 Vst – Chandragupta house,

3nd Surya House, 9rd – Krishnan ! Merril

Creative Writing Prize Winners – XI-XII

Vst – Kritika Atrey ! KshitiD, 3nd – Aarif Ysman,

9rd – Prateek Bhattacharya

Vst – Shehla Parvez, 3nd – 5 ichard Martin, 9rd 5 ahul Saini

Lady Aruna Prasad Memorial

Poetry Writing Competition

Class - XII - Vst – j ikas Kumar Ohakur,

3nd –Mayank Anshu, 9rd – j andana ! 5 hitika Singh

Honourable Mention

V. Jitendra Kumar, 3. 5 avi Gupta,

9. Mohammad Jinnah, / . Prashant OaneDa, 4. Umesh

^^nf{k.k fnYyh&23

yEch nkSM+ izfr;ksfxrk^^26 vxLr dh ikou csyk esa nf{k.k

fnYyh lkmFk tksu & 23 }kjk /kksf’kr yEchnkSM+ dh izfr;ksfxrk dk vk;kstu gekjs fo|ky;esa fd;k x;kA 26 vxLr ds lqizHkkr esa fo|ky;ds izkax.k esa ?kwers jax fcjxsa oL=ksa ls lqlfTtrNk= ,oa Nk=k,a ns[kus ;ksX; FksA lpeqp gekjslh0,l0ds0,e0 fo|ky; dk izkax.k cPpksa lsHkjk gqvk FkkA izkax.k dh [kq”kgkyh ns[kus ;ksX;FkhA Bhd vkB cts eq[; vfrFkh dk vkxeugqvk vkSj djry /ofu;ksa ls mudk Lokxrdjrs gq, mUgsa iq’Ik&xqPN HksaV fd;k x;kArr~i”pkr eq[; vfrfFk Jh0 vkj0 th0 “kekZf”k{kk vf/kdkjh {ks= &23 }kjk /ot+ Qgjk;kx;k vkSj yEch nkSM+ izfr;ksfxrk “kq: gqbZA

/ot Qgjkrk ns[k Nk=&Nk=kvksa dktks”k ns[kus dks feykA lHkh cM+s mRlkg lsnkSM+ jgs Fks] ekuksa lc ,d nwljs dks ihNs NksM+nsuk pkgrs gksaA Nk=] Nk=kvksaa ds lkFk&lkFkf”k{kdx.k Hkh Fks ftudh fuxjkuh esa ;s nkSM+gks jgh FkhA rkfy;ksa ls Hkkxus okys izfr;ksfx;ksadk mRlkg c<+k;k tk jgk FkkA dqN {k.kksa dsmijkUr Nk=&Nk=kvksa dh yEch nkSM+ lekIrgqbZ vkSj izFke ls nlosa LFkku rd vkus okysNk= Nk=kvksaa dks izek.k &i= fn, tkus dh?kks’k.kk dh xbZA bl yEch nkSM+ izfr;ksfxrk esanf{k.k fnYyh &23 ds lHkh fo|ky;ksa dsNk=&Nk=kvksa us c<+&p<+ dj Hkkx fy;kA

bl izfr;ksfxrk dk vk;kstu gekjsfo|ky; lh0 ,l0 ds0 ,e0 esa gqvk ;s gekjsfy, ije lkSHkkX; dk {k.k FkkA lHkh f”k{kdksavfrfFk;ksa Nk=ksa ds vkxeu ls gekjk fo|ky;/kU; gks x;kA

dq0 ve`r dkSj fxy]& v/;kfidk

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Ohere are millions and millions of people living in

this world and millions of they dreamt. Some

people like dreaming when they sleep but some people

dislike them. Ohey take it as a curse and there are

few people who wait for the night to come so that they

can have a dream and I also like dreaming.

Mostly people dream about future, money, girls,

service to the country or to take over the world gain

the greatest position or to become the most powerful

man of the universe.

My dream is to go to the President of India and request

him to open a relief fund in which every company of

India has to donate at least 5 s. 47 lakh and the fund

money would be given to me and I would buy a V77

hectare of land which would be covered with evergreen

forest around it and in that land I would like to built a

five storey building which would have a big ground

and a whole storey for kitchen with a big dining room

including hostel system with latest technology like

computers, proDectors lifits and escalator and a whole

building of schools with proper and well designed

rooms with teachers and other staff, it would be full

totally be an education complex governed by me with

proper accountants who would keep proper account.

Every penny which came into the complex would be

accounted for. It would have higher learned and

devoted teachers. It would have good security. It

would be one of the rising complex in the world. And

this complex would be open only and only to slum

and poor orphan students. A man would be sent to

the street to gather as many as slum boys and girls

as he could contain.

I have seen small children below VR years working in

shops stores, restaurants to earn their living. I want

to make their life and more colourful and comfortable

and to make them see the colours of world, feel the

Doy of knowing things. Ohat’s why I want to do this.

Shubhangshuk Ghosh – IX


So many news channels and news papers adding

more papers everyday to make them heavier.

What do we read and listen? “A bus driver beaten for

breaking side mirror of the car”. “A person being shot

for& .reason” “An unidentified man bleeding on the

road for an hour after the accident”.

We read, even talk about it at home, at our work place,

then what? Forget it like any other incident. For a

moment we might feel sorry for the person but these

incidents fail to awake our conscience.

What are we becoming and what we will be producing?

Just Human robots to do the work in mechanical and

systematic way but insensitive to the outer world.

Here in this country where we feel proud of our religion

and culture. Basic teachings are the same every

where. Oo be truthful, help needy ones, help elderly,

be compassionate etc. But, now these things are Dust

for chanting, reading and to be taught. We forget that

these are meant to be practiced.

Jatinder Taneja - Teacher


A student’s life is usually YK – YK but in school,

student life is cool. When students become

adults, they think about their past that as

students they used to talk a lot, fight all the time, tease

each other, disturb the whole class and disturb the

other teachers also.

I know the students should study to become something

good in life but students need not study all the time.

Ohey want to have fun. If they study all the time, they

get bored. Ohey should do other things from time to

time. It is very crucial to study but in upto a limit.

Parents should not force their children to study all the

time and should let them play and enDoy their student

life also.

Ohis is my suggestion to all.

Mala Udayan – VII

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My mighty savior, my guidance, my life is God.

I believe in my God, king of all kings. Ohere

are lots of religion. In every religion there is

a God. God is called by different names and different

people worship in different ways but God is one. If

there were no God there would be no existence of

life. God is the only light for our path.

Some people don’t believe in God and religion Dust

because they can’t see God. When we are hurt, we

say its painful but we can’t see pain Dust like that, God

is present in all of us. Even if you don’t believe in

God, He is always looking after you.

God is also with the people who do not believe in God.

But for me, God is the only key to my heart. and God

always forgives everyone. Sometime we have big

problems, we feel God is bad because he gives us

troubles but wherever we get in trouble I think it is

punishment by God for something wrong we had done

in the past.

Some people ask God for lots of things for themselves

only. When God has already given us as a perfect life

and perfect family what else we do need in our life?

God is our savior.

Kevi – VII


Ohe school is our second home. We have two types

of homes, the first is our real home and the second

is our boarding school. Hello) I am Sara Iqra of class

j II2C and studying in a boarding school. I have been

studying here for about three years. I am V3 years

old. In our first home we have R6- people but in our

second home we have sisters, brothers, teachers,

parents etc. In our second home we see new movies

on Sunday. We celebrate all the festivals.

We have students and staff from all over India and

abroad. Students with different languages, culture,

religious and status. But we all live like a big family.

Everybody eats the same food from the Mess and we

all care for each other. We get so much love and

affection here that we don’t feel upset. We have a

very tight schedule but we also have lots of fun here.

We have dance competitions, song competitions,

debate competitions in Hindi2English etc. Here we

have different houses, they are: Chandragupta, Surya,

Krishnan and Meril. I am in Meril house. In assembly

or on Annual day we get certificates or a trophy. We

are taught to be all rounders.

Iqra Saifi– VII


Every year in our school we have a study camp. Every year I attend the study camp. In the study camp

there are a lot of activities and studies. Ohis year I enDoyed the study camp the most. Yur school

arranges study camp for weak and new students so that they come up to the level. But we can also

volunteer. Ohis year we had lots of studies. We went for an outing. We went to a Farm house. Ohere we

enDoyed very much. Yur teachers also went with us. Ohere we saw places of worship of different religions and

went inside them. Ohey was so beautiful.

In our study camp we also had a dance competition, Science Ylympiad, Writing Camp, Arts ! Crafts, and

Swimming Gala. I bagged the first prize for in the Science Ylympiad and got a certificate too.

We used to go for a walk in the evening. We had an exam in the study camp and I did very well.

I am very happy with my school that it has regular study camps for students so that they show improvement

I think I have also improved by attending the study camp.

Mona Shah – VII

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An elephant is the largest of all land creatures on

earth. It is also the most powerful. A full grown

elephant may stand / metres tall and weight about R

metric tones. Elephants have two types of teeth. Ohose

that grow beside the trunk are called tusks and others

that grow inside the mouth. Ohey are used by the

animals for eating. Ohe tusks of these elephants are

very expensive and people hunt the elephants for their

tusks.Ohis should be stopped completely.

Rajni –VII


5 ain is very useful to us. When the rain comes all

the children and all the farmers are very happy.

Children also like to get wet in the rain. Orees also get

lots of water. When the rain comes we can also see a

rainbow in the sky. Some people like to eat fried snacks

and drink tea or coffee on a rainy day. I love the rainy

season. Ohe leaves of trees look glossy. Ohere is

freshness all around.

Suman Soni – VI


Come summer, and everyone makes holiday

plans to beat the heat. Hill stations are of

course the favourite. But should it be Shimla

or Mussoorie? TarDeeling or Kulu–Manali? Ynce the

place is decided, we have to see whether bookings

are available by train, by bus and also for some hotel

or lodge at the hill station. Yften last minute changes

have to be made because no train bookings are

available. It is indeed quite tiresome to plan a holiday.

A proper list of things to be taken has to be drawn up.

Ooo much luggage would mean difficulty in travel but

you would not like to leave behind some of the things

you like such as camera, binoculars and also proper

shoes for walking and trekking. Essential medicines

for headaches, colds and minor ailments are a must.

A few books, a pack of cards, some indoor6games

like Scrabble or Ludo could also be taken, if space

permits. All in all, a holiday is a welcome change but

only a short time. j ery soon one wants to return to

the comfort of one’s own sweet home.

Sunny Nawani – VIII


Ohe Arctic horse is found in the northern part of

North America. Like the Arctic Fox, this animal

too dons two kinds of coats. In spring its coat is

coloured olive– grey brown with black flecks. As the

weather starts to change, the Arctic houre’s coat

becomes a different colour. In winter, the horse’s coat

turns completely white and provides the horse an

excellent camouflage. It helps the animal to blend with

the snowy surroundings) Motionless, the Artic Horse

becomes almost invisible to its enemies.

Karan Singh Rawat – VI


Ohe greatest fun of school life is to hang out

with friends. We also had lots of fun when we were in

class j I and j II. We made a group which was inspired

by a famous show called “5 ECESS”. Yur group had

R children of our very own class. Yur gang included

Shivangi, Shubhangi, Teepanshu, Aman, Pranshu

and Sarim. We had a very good understanding with

each other. Everyone had been given a name

according to their nature and looks. Shivangi was

Spinely Shubhangi was Grechen, Teepanshu was

Mikey, Aman and Sarim was j inz. We all used to wait

for the fruit break as we all sat with each other in

Central gallery and ate the “snacks” with a great laugh.

We all enDoyed a lot. We miss those memories and

“LYL” ‘ laugh out loud> days.

Shivangi and Shubhangi – Class – IX

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It was a dark night. I was returning home late after

completing some important work in the office. As I was

walking past a row of tall buildings, I suddenly heard a

woman’s voice.

0Help)’ the woman screamed

Ohe voice seemed to come from one of the flats in the

tallest building. I stopped and looked up at the building.

Ohere were no lights on at all.

Everyone seemed to be asleep. I thought I must have

imagined the scream.

Ohen I heard the voice again

0Help) Save me)’

Ohe voice was shaking with fear.

Almost without thinking, I rushed into building and ran

up the stairs. Ohe voice was coming from the top floor.

“Yh, don’t kill me)” Ohe woman was screaming at the top

of her voice. “Oake all my money but don’t kill me)”

Ohe front door was bolted from the inside. I hammered

on the door with all my might.

“Who is it?” A man’s voice came from inside the flat.

0Ypen the door)’ I shouted, 0* uickly , or I’ll break the door


0What do you want’? Ohe man’s voice said 0Go away)’

I continued to beat on the door with my hands. Ohe door

opened, and I saw a tall man standing there. He was

dressed in his night clothes.

0Who are you?’ he said “Why are you making so much


0Where is the woman?’ I shouted “Have you murdered


0Which woman? Are you mad?’

I pushed him and went into his bed room.

But when I entered the bed room, there was no woman.

Ohe radio was on

A voice said on the radio.   ou were listening to radio play

called, “Murder in Mumbai” and now we bring you the


Anugrah Narayan Singh Class–VI


When the last of the students left, I went inside

the class to switch off the lights and fans. I

saw something shimmering at the back of

the class. I went ahead, I discovered a ball of light. Oo

my utter shock, it was growing bigger and bigger every

passing second. Yut of sheer curiosity, I touched the

ball and decided that very moment that it was a very

bad decision. I was sucked into the blinding light and

screamed for what seemed like eternity. Ohe last thing I

remember was being thrown out on a strip of grass and

viewing the most magnificent animal ever& .When I

regained my consciousness. I found myself in an alien

land with aliens. Ohe creatures were what I had never

even imagined in my wildest dreams and yet they

seemed so familiar. Ohen I realized the reason for their

familiarity. Ohey were a combination of the three

magnificent animals, head of a human, torso of a tiger

and legs of a horse. Ohe beasts were at least V7 times

bigger than me. By the time, the shock of being in a

possibly dangerous situation registered in me, the

creature spotted me lying on the grass. It picked me up

with 3 fingers as if I was nothing more than a toothpick.

I expected myself to be gobbled up or studied as If I

was in a science experiment. For some mysterious

reason, the beast shouted out in glee and almost threw

me back on the grass and ran towards the mountains.

As I was trying to figure out where I was, I heard the

sound of a million foot stamps. I turned around and saw

hundreds of creatures similar to the first one who found

me of extreme interest, rushing towards me. I flipped

around to get back through the hollow of light but it was

nowhere in sight. Ohe beast came charging towards me

and was inches away from me when I heard,

“Shubhanyshuk, get up. Class is over.   ou dozed off in

class”. “My friend woke me up from my adventurous

dream and I heaved a sight of relief. I was the last one

to leave the class. When I picked up my bag I saw light

coming from the back. Ohe ball of light was growing

bigger and bigger & .Come on, this can’t be happening,


Shubhangshuk Ghosh, Class - IX

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In the modern world nobody can live without taking up one or the other profession. I’m studying in one

of the best public school in the state. My aim is to gain as much knowledge about different subDects as

I can. As I’m still a young student, it is not very easy for me to say categorically what I want to be in life. In

spite of this, something can be said, keeping in view my aptitude and circumstances and financial position

and views of my parents. My father is an army officer and for that reason I have learnt that discipline and

patriotism are the two great virtues in life. I’ve no hesitation in saying that I want to be an army officer and

I’m confident that I’ll successfully achieve this aim and ambition of mine.

Neha Tokas – IX


My favourite teacher is Ma’am Madhu. She is tall

and beautiful. Mam is my class teacher. She

teaches us English and GK. She takes us to the

language lab. We watch Muzzy and English Oime on

computer. We speak in English with all the teachers

and friends.

Aman Tyagi – II


It is spoken by people all over the world. It is an

important language. Mam Madhu Kapoor teaches us

English. I read many stories and poems in English. I

speak in English with my friends.

Roshni Mehra – II


My father is / / years old. He is a teacher. He is very

smart. He teaches in Class ten. I want to become

like my father.

Nishant Upadhayay – II



Water is very precious& . We should save water.

Every living thing needs water to live. When

we brush our teeth we should close the water tap. We

can save water by using buckets, drums, Dug and

tanks. If water is left in our water bottle we should not

throw it. We should water the plants with that water.

While washing our clothes we should not leave on

the taps open. After drinking water or washing hands

we should close the taps. We should close the caps

of our water bottles tightly. Always check the leakage

of pipe. We should not waste water in washing bike,

scooter or other unnecessary things. 5 iver water

should not be polluted with domestic and industrial

pollution. 5 ain water should be saved and rain water

harvesting should be done.


Why we should conserve water?

We should conserve water because of need in future.

It plays on important role in our life. We cannot survive

without it.

Compiled by–

Kamal Mehta, Sabreena,

Saloni Ray, Ridwik Panwar &

Zhosato Sophie - Class – III


I have many friends but my best friend is Sonu

Paswan. He is seven years old. He studies with me

in Class II6C. He plays with me. His favourite colour

is red.

Gopal Pandey – II

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My little sister’s name is Aanshi 5 aDput. She is one

year old. She loves to play with football and hide and

seek. She loves to eat food. When my parents or I

take Aanshi’s pillow she cries very loudly and when

she smiles she looks very happy. She loves to play

with me and I also love to play with my sister. I love

my sister very much. My sister is the best in the world.

Mehak Rajput – IV


My family is a small family with R members.

We all are happy. I have grand papa, grand

mother, uncle, aunt and sister in my family.

At present my uncle and aunt are in Australia. I am in

the hostel but when we are together, we feel happy.

My sister is the youngest member in my family. Every

member in the family loves her. My grand papa is the

oldest member in my family. Every member of my

family respects him. I like to live together with my

family. We love each other. In the morning we all go

for a morning walk, then we all pray to God for a

healthy life. Elders help children in their studies.

Children respect elders. We eat, walk, enDoy, watch

Oj together. My family is a very nice family. I love my

family very much. I always want to see my family


I am proud of my family.

Rajesh Kumar Jha – V



Ynce upon there was a king in Patiliputra, his

name was Thanand. Ynce a big iron cage was sent

to his court. In the cage there was a lion. Yn the cage

was written that without breaking and without opening

the door the lion had to be taken out of the cage.

In the court Chandragupta was present at that

time. He was Dust a boy at that time. He examined the

cage and the lion by looking at it carefully. He lit a fire

around the cage and waited. Ohe king with his courtiers

saw that the cage was empty and the lion was not

there. It was made of wax. Ohe wax melted and it had

come out of the cage by heating.

Rishav Raj – V


I am a new student in Class III2C of this school.

I am a boarder. I like my school. All my teachers are

very helpful and they teach very nicely. We have a

drama class where we learn activity. I love drawing

and colouring in my art class. I love to play tennis and

go for games. We go for an outing every month. We

went to see a real aeroplane this time at the

0Aeroplanet’. It was great fun. We danced and had

lunch there. My parents come to visit me on Sundays.

I like my new school.

Arushi – III


My grandfather is Mr Pran Kaul and my grandmother Mrs

Jaya Kaul.

My grandfather and grandmother are about R7 years old.

Ohey are very kind and caring. Ohey help me in my

homework. Ohey take care of me when my parents go


Ohey tell me stories about their childhood. I love and

respect my grandparents.

I went to Kashmir with my grandparents. I also went to

Kheer Bhawani Oemple.

Ohere I saw Tal Lake and houseboat called Shikaras,

mountains were covered with snow.

Ohe lake looked beautiful where water colours get

automatically changed into pink, white, green and black


Samarth Kaul – II

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Ohe Primary children went out for a trip to

Aeroplanet – India on V August, 3778 in Twarka.

Ohere they got a chance to see a real plane closely.

Children sat in the plane and the staff gave the

information how, and when we should tie the belt, and

also about the life saving Dackets, how we get

temporary oxygen in the air while traveling. We saw

the cockpit, the pilot’s seat, and how he flies the plane.

Children got biscuits and toffees. We all came out

from the emergency door i.e. a slide, which was very

frightening and exciting, too.

Ohere was a TJ, and everyone danced a lot. After

having lunch and cold drinks, we waved good bye to

the and came back to school happy though tired.

Renu Kaul - Teacher


Ohe online I* contest organized by

classonthewebQnet was held between 97 th July ! 4th

August. It was a national level test with questions

created for mathematics, science, English !

5 easoning. It was held in our computer lab organized

by Mr Murli Menon and Mr ADay 5 athi. I am

overwhelmed that I received special mention in it.

Pratyush Mahapatra – XI


Bihu is a well known festival of Assam. It is

celebrated by the Assamese people. Ohis is the

main festival of Assam.

Bihu is celebrated in three different ways. In the month

of January they use to celebrate 0Bhagali Bihu’. In

this Bihu they use to make 0pithas’, 0ladoos’ namkeens

etc. and they also visit the homes of their relatives

and friends. In the month of cpril they use to celebrate

0Bahag Bihu’. In this Bihu young girls and boys perform

Bihu dance in front of audience. Girls use to wear

0Mikhala Chadar’ alongwith 0dhol maduli’ ‘a type of

neeklace>. Boys use to wear 0dhoti and half shirt made

up of Muga’ and they also tie up gamocha on their

wrist and forehead while dancing Bihu. Ohey use to

visit their relatives and greet them with 0Gamocha’

Bohag Bihu is the main Bihu where all people enDoy

whole heartedly.

At last, in the mouth of Nomber they use to

celebrate 0Kati Bihu’, Ohis Bihu is for farmers. It is

celebrated after the new crops in the fields came up.

Ohe farmers perform rituals like lighting the 0diyas’ and

put a banana tree in each and every house and

decorate it. Ohe farmers sing traditional songs and

everyone Doins in the merriment.

Namrata Mahanta – X


A grand Freshers’ Night was organized and celebrated with great fanfare by class V3 students on 31th

August, 3778 at JKJC auditorium in order to welcome the freshers i.e. the class VV students.

Ohe programme started with devotional song and prayer to Lord Ganesha. Ohe principal of the school,

Tr S S Jaiman lit the ceremonial lamp and inaugurated this grand night. Ohe class V3th students put up

varieties of colourful, mind blowing and fabulous programmes like solo song, solo dance, group song,

group – dance, didactic and humorous skits.

What really rocked ! thrilled the audience was the fashion show as well as the humorous newscast by

Arif Ysman.

Finally, the programme came to end with the address of the principal who praised the participants specially

the head boy and the head girl for their commendable Dob. Ohe programme left a lasting imprint on the

mind and sensibility of the audience.

Shehla Parwez – XI

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It was a pleasurable evening, 38th July when we

organized a plantation programme under the

guidance of Col Mansingh Sir and Ma’am Suteen Bala

Eco6Club Incharge. We the students of class j III !

I… planted Neem, Jamun, Shagun, Sheesham and

Ashoka trees.

We also celebrated j an Mahotasav and

planted many saplings outside the campus. Many

students of our eco6club wrote environment related

articles for Teeksha. Some students of eco6club sent

slogans and posters for state level. Prateek, Arpit,

Teepak, Sonu, Ashutosh, Sami Srivastava, Afsar,

Sahil, Shubham, PankaD, Nishant, Orishit, Suyesh

actively participated in the programme.

Eco-Club Members– VIII & IX


In future, it is very likely that rising temperature will

lead to more frequent heat waves and virtually

certain that the sea level will rise. Which could leave

low – lying nations awash in sea water. Warmer

temperature will affect weather patterns, making it

likely that there will be more intense drought and more

intense rain. Moreover, global warming will last

thousand of years.

Global warming is a serious condition that

affects our planet. It is true that human industrial

activity is largely responsible for it. Ohe Antarctic ice

sheet is the largest single mass of ice on earth. Global

warming is happening now, and scientists have

evidence that humans are to blame. Cars and

factories have spread billion of tons of green

house gases into the atmosphere. It is important to

be aware of the human cause of global warming in

order to prevent additional global warming.

Shaheen – IX


We people get infected by viruses or micro

bacteria, whereas we have infected our earth

with global warming and she is dying of it. We can

help her to get out of this situation by giving her

vaccines like growing trees and causing less pollution

by car – pooling and using public conveyances. Yur

school has also contributed to saving the earth. We

have a Eco–Club in our school in which we plant trees

each and every year and take care of them the whole

year. Ohe under developed and developing countries

play a maDor role in global warming. Ohese countries

use backward technology which causes a lot of

pollution. Many of the people cannot afford the new

technology like wind and solar energy gadgets as it

requires lot of money.

Ohe UN is also trying to help and if everybody

does their bit for the good cause, there cannot be

anything better. Ohe birth rate should be controlled

because it is a main cause for all the problems. If it is

controlled, all the problems will be solved


Let’s take an oath to do our bit and give our

best. Let’s go).Tanmay Singh – IX

esjk vfLrRo^la?k’kZ gh esjk vfLrRo gS

la?k’kZ gh thou gS] ;k thou gS la?k’kZA

jkgsa fcuk eafty dh] eafty fcuk jkgksa dhA

iz”u gS lgt ljy lh/kk likV

dk”k! mruk gh lgt gksrk mRrj

la?k’kZ fcuk thou dSlk]

fcu [kq”kcw ds Qwyksa tSlk

cM+h eqf”dy ls lwjt dh fdj.k] vkxks”k esa vkrh gSA

vkSj lnk xgjh fu”kk ds ckn lqcg eqLdqjkrh gSAA

oSls ;w¡ dgks rks] euq thou dks la?k’kZ us vFkZ fn;k

ftlesa ekuo g¡lrs pys tk jgs

eafty dh ryk”k esa]

D;ksafd & ri dj lksuk fu[kjs tSls]

la?k’kZ fu[kkjs thou dksA

ea;d va”kq & X;kjgoha

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Mother Oeresa, as Angel of Mercy was born to

Albanian parents on 3- th August, V8V7 in   ugoslavia.

Ohen her name was Agnes. Mother Oeresa was a symbol and

personification of great human qualities like kindness, charity,

love and service of the weak and the suffering. Ohroughout

her life she had been very busy making people happy, bringing

cheer to the sick, diseased, orphans and the helpless. She

came to India when she was V1.

Her work was work of great charity and nobility. Selflessness

was the guiding spirit behind it. She soon earned world – wide

approval and admiration. In this world

where agonies and sufferings reign

supreme, the balmy tongue of the

mother was a soothing and encourag ing

experience. She was a constant flame

of goodness. She was a great ray of

hope for all those who had none else to

look after them. She was a Messiah for

the needy and the naked children. Her great work was in itself

a great reward. As a recognition, the mother was awarded the

Nobel Prize for peace. She was the first Indian woman to be

honoured with this award.

She set up many homes for the poor, helpless children and

unfortunate lepers. She was a living example of dedication to

a noble cause. We all are very proud of her and so are others

in other countries.

She had traveled many countries. Oo whichever country she

went, she was showered with love, respect and honour. For

world peace, happiness and harmony her contribution has been

matchless. Service was her only mission and motto. She died

in Kolkata on September 4, V88- .

Simran Kukreja – V


Chess is an ancient game. Its

invention has been ascribed at

various t imes to Greeks,

Egyptians, Arabs, 5 ussians and Indians.

Ooday it is generally agreed that the original

home was India. Sir William Jones the great

Indologist gathered

evidence which

showed that the game

was exported from

India to Persia. Ohe

next stage was that it

spread to the west.

Ohe Muslim conquerors brought it to Spain

and the Byzantines to Italy. From this country

it spread to France and England. Ohe name

and rules of this game were changed in many

countries. In India it was known as

0Chaturang’ but Arabs changed the name and

called it 0ShatranD’. 0ShatranD’ was very

different from 0Chaturarg’. Ohe 0minister’ who

could move only two squares of the same

colour, became the queen with great power

and freedom. 5 ules governing the bishop,

the king were also changed. Nowadays,

generally in India, we play 0shatranD’. Ooday,

chess is an international game also played

in Y lympics.

Pranshu Kohli – IX


Ohere are more potential connections

between the cells in a single brain than

atoms in the entire universe.

Ohe brain has about V77 billion

neurons, and each neuron has up to one

thousand 0docking points’ where it can

connect with others.


“Let knowledge grow from more to more

But more of reverence in us dwell;

Ohat mind and soul, according well,

May make one music as before.”

- Alfred, Lord Tennyson

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Ohere once lived in a fat notebook of verses, a poemscribbled by a nine year old. She was a short, unfinished,

unhappy poem who stretched lazily on a page. She made avaliant effort to get out and fell on the floor. Ohe maid picked itup and put it on the table with another set of books. Ohepoem heaved a sign of relief. “Phew” she exclaimed, “liberty,at last) Yh, I have new friend)”

Yne of her friends was a yellow thesaurus.

“Will you help me, Ohesaurus pleaded the poem. “Hmm& ”mused the yellow book, “what do you want”? “Well” said thepoem enthusiastically, “this is how I begin. Listen?

“Ohere once lived a little chubby girl

with bright blue eyes and a funny curl.

She was nice and sweet but she was sad.

For not a single friend she had.

Ynce when she was sound asleep,

She thought she heard a little beep,

Yutside the night was cool and grey,And on the earth a silence& ..

Can you give me a rhyme? Yne that would go with grey?”asked the poem.

“Hmm”& .mused Ohesaurus once again, “  ou see I am Dust athesaurus, I can only give you antonyms and synonyms. I can’thelp you with rhymes”.

“How disappointing)” cried the poem. “I thought you were afriend”.

“I am a friend, of course, but this is all I can do” confessed theyellow book. “Why don’t you find a rhyming dictionary?” hesuddenly asked.

“A rhyming dictionary?” repeated the poem. “Is there one inhere?” she asked.

“I guess so. Ohis house is a treasure trove of books)” heremarked.

Just then, the poem heard a sound. It came from where theWebster’s dictionary stood on the shelf.

“Write me down) Write me down)” someone screamed.

“Who are you?” cried the poem.

“I’m the verb to lie”, murmured the voice.

“Why are you calling me?” asked the poem puzzled.

“For a rhyme, change me into past tense”.“Yh)” exclaimed the poem delighted, “It’s lay

I’ve found it)   ou rhyme well with grey)”

0Yutside the night was cool and grey,

And on earth a silence lay,

0Ohe stars did shine and the moon was bright,

Flooding the earth with it’s silver& ”

“Choose me)” someone whispered.

Ohis time it was a luminous world, light.

“Excellent)” laughed the poem. “  ou’re a good rhyme, yourplace is right there at the end”.

Light daintily walked across the page and settled beside silver.Ohe line suddenly seemed to glow and this is how it read.

0Ohe stars did shine and the moon was bright,

Flooding the earth with it’s silver light.

When all at once from the sky did land& ..

“I could help you’ said a voice from a collection of science –fiction stories, “the word 0space craft’ will make the lineinteresting)”

0I’ll take that)” said the poem enthusiastically, and 0space craft’darted out of the book and landed beside 0large’. Ohe poemsuddenly seemed to take off.

When all at once from the sky did land,

A large space craft, sublime and grand,

From whose darkness emerged as planned,

A creature as sweet as a chinchilla,

Whose name they said was& .

“Near me) Near me)” cried the song book on the piano.

“  es?” To you have anything to offer?” asked the poem.

“  es”, replied the song book, “the name of the creature fromouter space could be Oralala”.

“What a sweet name)   ou truly are a genius, song book)”gushed the poem and finally she was complete.“Ohere once lived a little chubby girl

with bright blue eyes and a funny curl.

She was nice and sweet but she was sad.

For not a single friend she had.

Ynce when she was sound asleep,

She thought she heard a little beep,

Yutside the night was cool and grey,

And on earth a silence lay,

Ohe stars did shine, and the moon was bright,

Flooding the earth with its silver light,

When all at once from the sky did land,

A large space craft sublime and grand,

From whose darkness emerged as planed,A creature as sweet as a chinchilla,

Whose name they said was Oralala.

Yne day when the nine year old girl came back to her desk,she saw the poem lying on the desk.

“Ohis is my poem”, “Who completed this”? She asked insurprise.

“I completed it” said the poem.

0But how’? asked the girl.

“By having a little adventure with my friends’.

0But how did you find the rhymes’.

“I didn’t find them”, replied the poem, “Ohey found me.   ousee, they all wanted to belong to a poem and now they all do”.

“It’s such a lovely poem)” whispered the girl.

“But I can’t sign my name at the end as I’ve not written it, sowhat will I do with you?” she asked. “Just send me to theeditor of a children’s magazine. I’d love to be printed and readby children” said the poem.

“And what should I call you?” asked the girl, amazed.

Just call me “A PYEM IN SEA5CH YF 5 H  ME”

K. Vineeta – VIII


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Oct. 2009, Vol-32 SAT-KIRAN BUZZ

Page No.28

ekrk firkftudks ge dgrs gS

Hkxoku dk nwljk :i

ftUgksaus yxus ugha nh

ges ;s dMdrh /kwi

ftuds fy, U;kSNkoj gS

esjs eu ds lkjs lqdwu

lcls cM+k R;kx fd;k tks

viuk ykM+ nqykj fn;k tks

viuk lcdqN okj fn;k tks

[kqf”k;ksa dk lalkj fn;k tks

I;kj mudk vrqyuh; gS tks

ftldk dksbZ ugha gS lkuh

lPph jkg fn[kkus okys

vPNh ckr crkus okys

lcls T;knk pkgus okys

gekjh xyrh lq/kkjus okys

vusdksa midkj fd;s ftUgksusa]

fdrus vf/kd nq[k gSa lgs mUgksus

I;kj ds nkeu esa ikyk gS tks

vk”kkvksa ds vusdks lius vk¡[kksa esa clk, gSa tks

tknw lk >ydrk gS ftudh ckrksa esa

cls gS gj iy tks esjh ;knksa esa

fnu jkr jgs mudk eq> ij gkFk

izHkq ns nks ;g vk”khokZn

rks vc fQj ge

[kwc i<+sxsa] [kwc fy[ksaxs

ftrus Hkh nq[k gks lHkh lgsaxs

vkSj muds lius iwjs dj

muds nq[kksa dks nwj dj

muds lius iwjs djsaxsA

xkSjo dqekj & nloha

esjk vfLrRoeSa dkSu gw¡\

eSa dkSu gw¡\

eSa D;k dj ldrk gw¡]

eSa bl tgk¡ esa D;ksa vk;k\

esjs thou dk mn~ns”; D;k gS\

lQy thou D;k gS\

vUrj eu esa >kad dj ge [kksts

vius vfLro dks

eSa vxj gS eu esa

cnys mldks ge esa

eSa esjk ls pysa

ge gekjk dh vksj

tu ekul o /kjk dks

ys pys mTtoy Hkfo’; dh vksj

lkspsa lHkh

,d /kwy ds d.k esa thou gS]

,d vksl dh cwan esa thou gS]

vkus okys ,d iy dk Hkjkslk ugha]

vkvks bZ”oj dk fn;k vewY;

thou viZ.k djs ijekFkZ esa

viuk vfLrRo [kkstsa vkSjksa ds

vfLrRo dks tkxr djus esa

lksps D;k fn;k tx dks

u lkspsa tx us D;k fn;k eq>dks

lq[k & nq[k deksZ dk gS ys[kk&tks[kk

uk dHkh nq[k esa dkslsa fo/kkrk dksa

eu esa vius >kdsa vkSj [kkstsa

viusa vfLrRo [kkstsa vkSj [kksatsa

vius vkfLrRo dksA

lqn”kZu flag fe;k¡ & v/;kid

Page 29: Newsletter 2009 CSKM Public School

Oct. 2009, Vol-32 SAT-KIRAN BUZZ

Page No.29

izkr% dj n”kZue~

,d i<+k fy[kk ckzã.k iSny tk jgk FkkA mlh jkg ls ?kksM+s ij fdlh iSls okys dk iq= tk jgk FkkA czkã.k dks

?kksM+s ls /kDdk yxk vkSj og fxj x;kA mlus lkspk eSa xjhc czkã.k gw¡A blfy, esjh ;g fLFkfr gqbZA xjhch ls c<+dj nqfu;k¡

esa dksbZ nq[k ugha gSA og ghu Hkkouk ls xzflr gks x;kA viuh /kksrh dk vk/kk fgLlk isM+ esa ck¡/k dj Qkalh yxkus dh lkspus

yxkA m/kj ls ,d fl;kj vk;kA fl;kj us uhfr le>kbZ & cM+s ri fd, gksaxsa blfy, rqEgsa euq’; tUe feyk gSA rqe bl

“kjhj ds gark er cuksA bZ”oj us nks gkFk fn, gSaA bldk mi;ksx djksA gekjs ikl gkFk ugha gS ge rks viuh ihB Hkh ugha

[kqtk ldrsA fQj Hkh ifjJe djds viuk isV Hkjrs gSaA

Xkjhc czkã.k dks vDy vkbZ mlus isM+ dh Mky esa ca/kh vk/kh /kksrh [kksydj igu yhA viuh nksuksa gFksfy;k¡ ilkj

dj ns[kh mldk vkRefo”okl txkA blfy, dgrsa gSa & viuk gkFk txUukFkA ftls vius gkFkksa ij fo”okl gS] og ftanxh

dks lQy cuk ysrs gSA ;g fo”okl Hkh izfrfnu txkuk iM+rk gSA ;fn lqcg&lqcg mBdj fdlh ds eu esa fujk”kk Nk tk,

rks og fnu Hkj fujk”k jgrk gS dksbZ m|e ugha dj ikrkA blhfy, gekjsa fpardks us ^^izkr% dj n”kZue~^^ dk fo/kku cuk

fn;k gSA vius gkFkksa dks ns[kdj euq’; dk vkRe fo”okl txrk gS] gekjs gkFkksa esa y{eh] ljLorh vkSj czãk dk okl gksrk

gSA lqcg vius gkFk ns[k ysus ls eu mRlkg ls Hkj tkrk gS vkSj fnu Hkj dqN u dqN djus ds fy, eu mRlkfgr jgrk

gSA gesa vius eu dks gh txk, j[kuk gSA eu gh euq’; ds ca/ku vkSj eks{k dk dkj.k gksrk gSA izkr% dky dj n”kZue ds

ckn Hkh eu dk lkFk pkfg,A dke ls gh vkuan vkrk gS vkSj dke ds fy, eu dks Hkh vkuafnr gksuk t:jh gSA

vkHkk ikBd&v/;kfidkI;kjh frryh

frryh uUgha I;kjh frryh]

ihyh uhyh U;kjh frryh]

Qwyksa ij Qwyksa lh frryh]

fdruh I;kjh&I;kjh frryhA

viusa uUgsa ia[k mBk,]

jaxksa dh bd ygj cuk,]

ia[k QSyk, mM+rh tk,]

f[kyh /kwi esa fdruh Hkk,A

Qwy&Qwy ij cSB&cSBdj]

Qwyksa dks egdkrh frryh]

Ckkx &cxhpksa esa mM+&mM+dj]

lqUnjrk QSykrh frryhA

lqjfHk xqIrk&uoha

esjh ek¡

esjh ek¡ cgqr lqUnj gSA og rhl lky dh gSA

og vPNk [kkuk cukrh gSA mUgsa lkM+h iguuk vPNk

yxrk gS] oSls og lyokj deht+ Hkh [kwc igurh gSA

og ges”kk esjh i<+kbZ esa Hkh enn djrh gSA esjh ek¡ cgqr

vPNk xkrh gSA og dHkh&dHkh eq>s ckt+kj Hkh ys tkrh

gSA og ?kj dh ns[kHkky Hkh vPNs ls djrh gSaA mudk

tUefnu ,d vizSy dks gksrk gSA og esjs ifjokj dk

[;ky j[krh gSA og nqfu;k essa lcls vPNh ek¡ gSA

uezrk flag & pkSFkh

Page 30: Newsletter 2009 CSKM Public School

Oct. 2009, Vol-32 SAT-KIRAN BUZZ

Page No.30

dgkuh,d yM+dh FkhA ml dk uke ekyk FkkA og cgqr

vPNh FkhA og vius ikik] eEeh vkSj vius NksVs HkkbZ ds lkFk

jgrh FkhA ,d fnu og ckgj tk jgh FkhA ekyk us rHkh ,d

lqUnj lh fcYyh ns[khA og mlds ihNs Hkkxus yxhA og

mldk ihNs djrs&djrs dkys ?kus taxy esa ig¡qp xbZA

mlus pkjksa rjQ ns[kkA mldks ,d rjdhc lw>hA eSa bl

taxy ls ckgj fudyus dh dksf”k”k djrh gw¡A og fgEer

yxk jgh FkhA mldks jks”kuh fn[khA og mldh rjQ Hkkxus

yxhA mldks vius ikik] eEeh fey x,A og [kq”k gks xbZA

bl dgkuh ls D;k lh[kk\ dHkh Hkh fgEer ugha

gkjuh pkfg,A

lcjhuk &2

ukuk dk vadqj^^ukuk us cks;k eq>dks]

eSa vkxs c<+rk tkrk gw¡A

viuh dFkk lqukus]

eSa vkt [kqn vkxs vkrk gw¡A

eSa D;k Fkk\ D;k gqvk\ D;k gksšxk\

mlls lp&lp ifjfpr djokrk gw¡^^AA

ukuk dk uUgk ikS/kk

tks o{k cu x;k gS vkt

mldh NksVh lh exj etcwr “kk[kk gw¡ eSaA

eq>s vki lc yksx ^izkbejh foHkkx^ ds uke ls tkurs gSaA

eSa lsok vkSj lg;ksx Hkkouk]

cM+s fujUrj ;gh dkeuk djrk gw¡]

ir>M+ dks e/kqekl cuk nw¡]

bldk ne j[krk gw¡A

ty tSlk fu”py vUrj eu gks]

esjs fo|k efUnj dk eku c<+k nsa

;gh dkeuk djrk gw¡A

NksVk gw¡ rks D;k dkeuk rks dj ldrk gw¡A

gesa u dHkh NksVk le>uk]

ge vius ukuk ds uUgsa ikS/ks gSaA

NksVs gS rks D;k\ dke cM+s dj tk;sxs]

vkSj vki ns[krs gh jg tk;saxsA^^

dq0 ve`r dkSj fxy&v/;kfidk

ikuh ls cq>s vkxge ,d gS] vkokt+ ;gh] vc ?kj&?kj esa igq¡pkuh gSaA

vkx ls vkx cq>rh ugha] ikuh ls vkx cq>kuh gS

D;ksa >xM+k djrs vkil esa ge] ,d ns”k ds oklh gSaA

dqN yksx ;s “kk;n Hkwy x;s fd ge lc Hkkjroklh gSA

HkkbZ ls HkkbZ yM+s&fHkM+s rks ;g dSlh uknkuh gSA

vkx ls vkx cq>rh ugha] ikuh ls vkx cq>kuh gAS

ge lnk ls vk”kkoknh gS] ge ugha fujk”kk ns[ksxsaA

gedks yM+okdj vkil esa dqN yksx rek”kk ns[ksxsaA

vius gh [kwu ls gkFk Hkjs] rw dSlk fgUnqLrkuh gSA

vkx ls vkx cq>rh ugha] ikuh ls vkx cq>kuh gSA

,d uwj gS ge lcesa] xq: ukud us Qjek;k FkkA

I;kj veu dk lgh jkLrk] ckiw us fn[kyk;k FkkA

Xkxu u ns[kks ^lkFkh^ rqe gesa /kjrh LoxZ cukuh gSA

vkx ls vkx cq>rh ugha] ikuh ls vkx cq>kuh gSA


Page 31: Newsletter 2009 CSKM Public School

Oct. 2009, Vol-32 SAT-KIRAN BUZZ

Page No.31

ns”k gekjk;g Hkkjr ns”k gekjk gS]

gedks izk.kksa ls I;kjk gSA

ge feydj dne c<+k,¡xsa]

ge ckyd cM+s cgknqj gS]

cl vkxs c<+rs tk,¡xs]

;g Hkkjr ns”k gekjk gS]

gedks izk.kksa ls I;kjk gSA

ge Kku dk nhi tyk,¡xs]

gj /keZ dk eku c<+k,¡xs]

pkgs uj gksa ;k gksa ukjh]

ge lcdks gd fnyok,¡xs

;g Hkkjr ns”k gekjk gS]

gedks izk.kksa ls I;kjk gSA

lc xk¡o mUur gksa tk,¡xsa

?kj&?kj [kqf”k;k¡ QSyk,¡xs]

Tkc vkxs c<+us ds volj]

Tkc tu dks fey tk,¡xs]

;g Hkkjr ns”k gekjk gS]

gedks izk.kksa ls I;kjk gSA

ckiw dh jkg viuk,¡xsa]

pkpk dk LoIu ltk,¡xs]

nq”eu dks vk¡[k fn[kyk¡,xsA

ge Qwy tc “kwy cu tk,¡xsA

;g Hkkjr ns”k gekjk gS]

gedks izk.kksa ls I;kjk gSA

fugkfjdk &ik¡poh

Izkse fueZy ân; dh lq/kk/kkj gSIzkse fueZy fdj.k dh lq/kk/kkj gS-------

LokFkZ ds fo’k dh dVqrk feykvks ughaA

Izkse fueZy xxu esa mfnr pk¡n gS]

“;ke es?kksa esa bldks fNikvksa ughaAA

Izkse fueZy ân; dh lq/kk/kkj gS-------

Izkse fueZy fdj.k dh lq/kk/kkj gS-------

LokFkZ ds fo’k dh dVqrk feykvks ughaA

Eku&eafnj esa nhid dh ykS gS ;gh]

viuh Qw¡dksa ls bldks cq>kvks ughaA

izse] iq’i] lqdksey] lqxa/k] lqjax]

vga ds ioZr rys & nckvks ughaA

isze fueZy ân;-------

iwr] ikou] Lo;aHkw] dqanu gS ;g

ijh{k.k ds fy,] fQj rikvks ugha

izse fueZy xxu esa mfnr pk¡n gS

“;ke es?kksa esa bldks fNikvks ughaA

Izkse fueZy fdj.k dh lq/kk/kkj gS]

Ikzse fueZy ân; dh lq/kk/kkj gS

LokFkZ ds fo’k dh dVqrk feykvks ughaAnhfidk vcjksy&v/;kfidk

fuea=.kiy&iy cnyrs thou dk vankt fuea=.k nsrk gS

fleVh ckgksa dks [kksy tjk ijokt fuea=.k nsrk gS

xj pkg gS rsjs dneksa dks vc Hkh eafty ikus dh

rks ns[k jkgsa gSa vFkkg vkxs eafty rd tkus dh

D;k eqf”dyksa ls Mjuk tc thou dk /;s; ;gh gS

D;k :d tkuk jkgksa tks Hkhrj cy dh dHkh ugha gS

vius fgEer dh uS;k ij dj Hkolkxj ikj rw ldrk gS

vius Hkqt ds chp Hkj ioZr m[kkM+ rw ldrk gS

u feysxh thou esa rq>dksa dksbZ jkg lh/kh& lqxe

ij ihNs u eqM+ds ns[k rw cl j[krk tk vkxs dne

bl tx esa QSyk rsjk gh t;&xhr fuea=.k nsrk gS

vkxs rw c<+rk tk jkgh rq>dks thr fuea=.k nsrk gSA

fodkl dqekj Bkdqj & okjgoha

Page 32: Newsletter 2009 CSKM Public School

Oct. 2009, Vol-32 SAT-KIRAN BUZZ

Page No.32

ns”k ij feVus okys “kghnksa dh ;kn esa

lu 1857 ds izFke Lora=rk laxzke ds ;K dkvkjEHk fd;k egf’kZ n;kuUn ljLorh us vkSj bl ;K dksigyh vkgqfr nh eaxy ikaM+s usA ns[krs gh ns[krs ;g ;Kpkjksa vksj QSy x;kA >kalh dh jkuh y{ehckbZ] rkR;ka VksisvkSj ukuk jko tSls ;ks)kvksa us bl Lora=rk ds ;K esa viusjDr dh vkgqfr nhA nwljs pj.k esa ljQjks”kh dh reUuk^fy, jke izlkn fcfLey] v”kQkd] pUnz”ks[kj vktkn Hkxrflag]jktxq:] lq[knso vkfn ns”k ds fy, “kghn gks x;sA fryd us^LojkT; gekjk tUefl) vf/kdkj gS ^ dk mn~?kks’k fd;k olqHkk’k pUnz cksl us ^rqe eq>s [kwu nks] eSa rqEgsa vktknh nw¡xk^dk ea= fn;kA vfgalk vkSj vlg;ksx dk vL= ysdj egkRekxk¡/kh vkSj xqykeh dh csfM+;ka rksM+us dks rRij ykSg iq:’kljnkj iVsy us vius iz;kl rst dj fn,A 90 o’kksZa dh yEchla?k’kZ ;k=k ds ckn 15 vxLr] 1947 dks Hkkjr dks Lora=rknsoh dk ojnku fey ldkA

15 vxLr Hkkjr dk Lora=rk fnol gSA vktknh gesaLor% ugh fey xbZ Fkh vfirq ,d yEcs la/k’kZ vkSj gt+kjksa &yk[kksa yksxksa ds cfynku ds Ik”pkr gh Hkkjr vktkn gks ik;kFkkA ns”k ij ej&feVus okys gt+kjksa “kghnksa esa ls ,d Fks^^jkeizlkn fcfLey^^

“kghn gksus ls ,d fnu iwoZ jkeizlkn fcfLey us vius ,dfe= dks fuEu i= fy[kk&

^^19 rkjh[k dks tks dqN gksxk eSa mlds fy, lg’kZ rS;kjgw¡A vkRek vej gS tks euq’; dh rjg oL= /kkj.k fd;kdjrh gS^^A

Lora=rk fnol ij fo”ks’k;fn ns”k ds fgr ejuk iM+s eq>dksa lglksa ckj Hkh rks Hkh ueSa bl d’V dks] fut /;ku esa ykÅ dHkhA

gs bZ”kA Hkkjro’kZ esa] “krckj esjk tUe gks dkj.k lnk gkseR;q dk] ns”kh; dkjd deZ gksA

ejrs gSa fcfLey] jks”ku ykfgMh] v”kQkd vR;kpkj lsA

gksxsa iSnk lSdM+ksa muds :f/kj dh /kkj lsA muds izcym/kksx ls m)kj gksxk ns”k dkA rc uk”k gksxk loZnk] nq[k“kksd ds yo ys”k dkA

lc ls esjk ueLdkj dfg,]



jkeizlkn fcfLey dh “kk;jh] tks mUgksausa dkydksBjh esafy[kh vkSj xkbZ Fkh] mldk ,d &,d “kCn vkt Hkh Hkkjrh;tuekul ij mruk gh vlj j[krk gS ftruk mu fnuksaj[krk FkkA fcfLey dk fuEu “kk;jh dk gj “kCn vej gS%

ljQjks”kh dh reUuk vc gekjs fny esa gSA

ns[kuk gS t+ksj fdruk] cktq, dkfry esa gSA

oDr vkus ns crk nsaxs rq>s ,s vklekaA

ge vHkh ls D;k crk,¡] D;k gekjs fny esa gSA


fnu [kwu ds gekjs ;kjksa u Hkwy tkuk

lwuh IkM+h dcj is bd xqy f[kykrs tkukAA

^^t; fgUn^^izse dksgyh & v/;kfidk

;g fnYyh dSlh gS HkkbZ;g fnYyh dSlh gS HkkbZ

Eksjh rks dqN le> u vkbZA

igkM+xat+ esa igkM+ ugha gS

nfj;kxat fcuk nfj;k dk

pk¡nuh pkSd esa dgk¡ gS pkanuh

/kkSykdqvk esa uk dksbZ dqvkaA

Ikqjkuh fnYyh esa ubZ lM++d gS]

ubZ fnYyh esa iqjkuk fdyk

vtesjh] d”ehjh vkSj fnYyh xsV

xsV fcuk njokts ds gSA

“kkafr iFk ij naxk ns[kk

lwV igus fHk[keaxk ns[kkA

ikuh Hkh rks fcdrk ns[kk

lp iwNks rks HkS;k fnYyh

eq>dks yxrh “ks[kfpYyh

;g fnYyh dSlh gS HkkbZ]

Eksjh rks dqN le> u vkbZA

lqfer iokj &uoha

Page 33: Newsletter 2009 CSKM Public School