NEWS AND NOTES ACTIVITIES Princeton University faculty members on leave during 1968-69 are: William M. Beaney and Robert Tucker, each of whom has received a McCosh faculty fellowship; Richard A. Falk, W. Duane Lockard, Michael N. Danielson and Henry Biesen. Robert G. Gilpin and Charles F. Hermann will be on leave during the second term, 1968-69. HENRY J. ABRAHAM, University of Pennsyl- vania, addressed the 61st Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians in Dallas, Texas, on April 19, 1968. BENSON D. ADAMS, has accepted a position of senior scientist at Booz-Allen Applied Re- search, Inc. LATHEEF N. AHMED, University of Missouri, Kansas City, presented a paper "The Multiple Loyalties Hypothesis and the International Civil Servant", at the annual conference of American Society for Public Administration, at Boston, March 27-30. CARL AKINS, University of Houston, is on leave for 1968-69 and will serve as a research associate in the Governmental Studies section at the Brookings Institution. RICAHRD V. ALLEN, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace at Stanford Uni- versity, has been named Foreign Policy Re- search Coordinator for Republican Presidential candidate Richard M. Nixon. MARVIN ALISKY, Arizona State University, has received a faculty research grant for work in Mexico during the summer and fall terms of 1968. He has also been appointed by the Gov- ernor of Arizona to the Arizona-Mexico Trade Commission. JEAN DOUGLAS ANDREW, University of Maine, Augusta, has been appointed to the newly established Task Force on Human Rela- tions by the Governor of Maine. MICHAEL H. ARMACOST, Pomona College, will be on leave during 1968-69 and has accepted a part-time teaching position at the International Christian University in Tokoyo. DAVID N. ATKINSON, University of Missouri, Kansas City, has been awarded a grant from the Harry S. Truman Library Institute for National and International Affairs. PAUL C. BARTHOLOMEW, University of Notre Dame, will be on leave in the spring semester to complete a study of the Irish judicial sys- tem and to serve as lecturer at the National University, Dublin. FRANCIS BEER, University of Texas, Austin, attended the summer training institute at the Inter-University Consortium at the University of Michigan during the summer of 1968. ROBERT BERDAHL, San Francisco State Col- lege, will do research in England during 1968- 69 under a Guggenheim grant. THOMAS P. BERNSTEIN, Indiana University, served as a research associate at the East Asian Research Center, Harvard University, spring term, 1967-68. GEORGE A. BRINKLEY, University of Notre Dame, has received an International Affairs Fellowship and will spend the year 1968-69 at the Council of Foreign Affairs, New York. DAVID S. BROWN, George Washington University, was presented the Washington Chapter of the Society for Advancement of Management's Distinguished Management Achievement award for contributions to man- agement theory on June 10 at the society's an- nual conference in Washington. FLORENCE CASEY, SUNY, at Buffalo, is on leave of absence during 1968-69. She is the recipient of a Ford Foundation faculty re- search fellowship. THOMAS CRONIN, University of North Carolina, has been appointed to President Johnson's advisory committee on the Teacher Corps which will advise the U. S. Education Commissioner on ways of corrdinating Teach- er Corps activities among universities, schools, state education agencies, and residents of pov- erty areas. MILTON CUMMINGS, Johns Hopkins Univer- sity, has received an NSF fellowship for the 1968-69 academic year. HARRY R. DAVIS, Beloit College, is on sabbat- ical leave, 1968-69, to do research in the U.S. and in Geneva, Switzerland. JOHN A. DAVIS, City College, CUNY, will be on sabbatical leave, fall term, 1968. JOHN DONNELL, Temple University, is on leave during the 1968 Fall semester to com- Summer 1968 107

NEWS AND NOTES · C. LEONARD HOAG Middlebur, y College, spent 1967-68 on a sabbatical leav a grane witt h from th Americae n Philosophica anld Society an appointmen ast associat ien

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Page 1: NEWS AND NOTES · C. LEONARD HOAG Middlebur, y College, spent 1967-68 on a sabbatical leav a grane witt h from th Americae n Philosophica anld Society an appointmen ast associat ien



Princeton University faculty members onleave during 1968-69 are: William M. Beaneyand Robert Tucker, each of whom has receiveda McCosh faculty fellowship; Richard A. Falk,W. Duane Lockard, Michael N. Danielson andHenry Biesen. Robert G. Gilpin and Charles F.Hermann will be on leave during the secondterm, 1968-69.

HENRY J. ABRAHAM, University of Pennsyl-vania, addressed the 61st Annual Meeting ofthe Organization of American Historians inDallas, Texas, on April 19, 1968.

BENSON D. ADAMS, has accepted a positionof senior scientist at Booz-Allen Applied Re-search, Inc.

LATHEEF N. AHMED, University of Missouri,Kansas City, presented a paper "The MultipleLoyalties Hypothesis and the InternationalCivil Servant", at the annual conference ofAmerican Society for Public Administration,at Boston, March 27-30.

CARL AKINS, University of Houston, is onleave for 1968-69 and will serve as a researchassociate in the Governmental Studies sectionat the Brookings Institution.

RICAHRD V. ALLEN, Hoover Institution onWar, Revolution, and Peace at Stanford Uni-versity, has been named Foreign Policy Re-search Coordinator for Republican Presidentialcandidate Richard M. Nixon.

MARVIN ALISKY, Arizona State University,has received a faculty research grant for workin Mexico during the summer and fall terms of1968. He has also been appointed by the Gov-ernor of Arizona to the Arizona-Mexico TradeCommission.

JEAN DOUGLAS ANDREW, University ofMaine, Augusta, has been appointed to thenewly established Task Force on Human Rela-tions by the Governor of Maine.

MICHAEL H. ARMACOST, Pomona College, willbe on leave during 1968-69 and has accepted apart-time teaching position at the InternationalChristian University in Tokoyo.

DAVID N. ATKINSON, University of Missouri,Kansas City, has been awarded a grant fromthe Harry S. Truman Library Institute forNational and International Affairs.

PAUL C. BARTHOLOMEW, University of NotreDame, will be on leave in the spring semesterto complete a study of the Irish judicial sys-tem and to serve as lecturer at the NationalUniversity, Dublin.

FRANCIS BEER, University of Texas, Austin,attended the summer training institute at theInter-University Consortium at the Universityof Michigan during the summer of 1968.

ROBERT BERDAHL, San Francisco State Col-lege, will do research in England during 1968-69 under a Guggenheim grant.

THOMAS P. BERNSTEIN, Indiana University,served as a research associate at the EastAsian Research Center, Harvard University,spring term, 1967-68.

GEORGE A. BRINKLEY, University of NotreDame, has received an International AffairsFellowship and will spend the year 1968-69 atthe Council of Foreign Affairs, New York.

DAVID S. BROWN, George WashingtonUniversity, was presented the WashingtonChapter of the Society for Advancement ofManagement's Distinguished ManagementAchievement award for contributions to man-agement theory on June 10 at the society's an-nual conference in Washington.

FLORENCE CASEY, SUNY, at Buffalo, is onleave of absence during 1968-69. She is therecipient of a Ford Foundation faculty re-search fellowship.

THOMAS CRONIN, University of NorthCarolina, has been appointed to PresidentJohnson's advisory committee on the TeacherCorps which will advise the U. S. EducationCommissioner on ways of corrdinating Teach-er Corps activities among universities, schools,state education agencies, and residents of pov-erty areas.

MILTON CUMMINGS, Johns Hopkins Univer-sity, has received an NSF fellowship for the1968-69 academic year.

HARRY R. DAVIS, Beloit College, is on sabbat-ical leave, 1968-69, to do research in the U.S.and in Geneva, Switzerland.

JOHN A. DAVIS, City College, CUNY, willbe on sabbatical leave, fall term, 1968.

JOHN DONNELL, Temple University, is onleave during the 1968 Fall semester to com-

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plete his project, "Politics in North and SouthVietnam", under a grant from the ACLS/SSRC Joint Committee on Asia. During the1969 Spring semester he will teach a graduateseminar, "Politics and Insurance in Vietnam"in the School of International Affairs, Col-umbia University.

MARION E. DORO, Connecticut College, hasbeen appointed as a scholar at the RadcliffeInstitute at Harvard University. And will beon leave during the first semester, 1968-69.

DANIEL J. ELAZAR, Temple University, is onleave during 1968-69 to teach at Hebrew Uni-versity in Jerusalem under a Fulbright Fel-lowship. He holds a joint appointment asvisiting professor of Political Science andAmerican Studies.

ROBERT H. EVANS, University of Note Dame,is on leave for the fall semester to completeresearch projects in Italy.

DARYL R. FAIR, Rider College, conducted aworkshop in Teaching Civil Liberties at Le-high University during July.

KUANG-HXJAN FAN, University of Idaho,spent the summer of 1968 attending the Sum-mer Seminar on Southeast Asia, held in Singa-pore under a Fulbright grant.

WERNER J. FELD, Louisiana State Universi-ty, New Orleans, will be on leave during1968-69 and will occupy the George C. Mar-shall chair at the College of Europe as a Ful-bright lecturer.

WEBB FISER, SUNY at Albany, will be onsabbatical leave during the 1968 fall term uponconclusion of three years as vice president forAcademic Affairs.

MICHAEL J. FLACK, University of Pitts-burgh, was elected a full member of the Inter-national Institute of Differing Civilizations atBrussels. The Institute meets bi-annually forinternational study sessions and publishes themultilingual review "Civilizations". Of itsworld-wide membership of 296, about 20 areAmerican scholars.

G. JAMES FLEMING, Morgan State College,was named chairman of the Public Issue Com-mittee of the American Society for Public Ad-ministration at the recent annual meeting inBoston.

LEWIS A. FROMAN, JR., University of Cali-fornia, Irvine, will spend 1968-69 in London ona Ford Foundation faculty research grant.

SHELDON GELLAR and ILIYA HARIK, IndianaUniversity, have received a grant from theUniversity's International Development Re-search Center for research in Senegal andEgypt during 1968-69.

EDWARD BERNARD GLICK, Temple University,spent the summer in Israel, under a grantfrom Temple University, studying the socialand economic impact of the Israeli Army onIsraeli institutions by invitation of Israel'sChief Education Officer.

FRANK R. GOLINO has been appointed chair-man of Near East and North Africa Studiesat the Foreign Service Institute of the Depart-ment of State.

LAWRENCE GRAHAM, University of Texas,Austin, returns to duty in September, 1968, af-ter a year and a half of consulting andresearch in Peru.

ANDREW GYORGY, Institute for Sino-SovietStudies, George Washington University, was aresident consultant for a one-week summer in-stitute on communism at West Virginia Insti-tute of Technology. He also participated in asummer worshop for secondary school teach-ers at Tufts University during July andAugust.

SAMUEL HALPERIN, Deputy Assistant Secre-tary for Legislation, HEW, has been awardedHarvard University's first Alfred N. White-head Fellowship for Advanced Studies in Edu-cation. He also has been appointed Adjunctprofessor at Teachers College, Columbia Uni-versity on a part-time basis.

MARVIN A. HARDER, Wichita State Universi-ty, served as special assistant to the Governorof Kansas, spring term, 1968.

SAMUEL HENDEL, City College, CUNY, willbe on leave during the 1968 fall term.

C. LEONARD HOAG, Middlebury College, spent1967-68 on a sabbatical leave with a grantfrom the American Philosophical Society andan appointment as associate in Military Histo-ry, OCMH, Department of the Army. He wasalso elected president of the Vermont Councilon World Affairs and re-elected for a thirdterm as Town Moderator.

ABRAHAM HOLTZMAN, North Carolina StateUniversity, has been awarded a Fulbright lec-tureship at the Bologna Center of Johns Hop-kins University in Italy for 1968-69.

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JACK W. HOPKINS, Emory University, is onleave during the summer and fall terms toserve as Fulbright lecturer at the UniversidadNational de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina.

GARY HOSKINS, SUNY at Buffalo, will con-duct research in Colombia during 1968-69. Hewill also be a visiting professor at Los AndesUniversity in Bogota. His work is supportedby grants from SUNY's Research Foundationand the Rockefeller Foundation.

J. WOODFORD HOWARD, JR., has a Ford Foun-dation fellowship and will be on leave fromJohns Hopkins University, second semester,1968-69.

JAMES L. JAMES, formerly of Rutgers Uni-versity, was a guest scholar at the BrookingsInstitution during the summer of 1968.

CHARLES A. JOINER, Temple University, ison leave during 1968-70 with the Ford Foun-dation in Beirut, Lebanon, as PublicAdministration Advisor to Lebanon Universi-ty, the Civil Service Commission, and the Min-istry of Education.

RAY C. JOLLY, College of Idaho, will be onleave during the academic year 1968-69.

TETSUYA KATAOKA, SUNY at Buffalo, has anSSRC grant for research on contemporaryChina. He will be on leave fall term, 1968.

CECILIA M. KENYON, Smith College, was aresident fellow at the Newberry Library inChicago during the spring and summer terms,1968.

CHONGHAN KIM, College of William andMary, has a Ford Foundation research fel-lowship in international politics and will spend1968-69 at Duke University.

SE JIN KIM, Eastern Kentucky University,will be a Ford faculty fellow at the Universityof North Carolina, 1968-69.

L. KOS-RABCEWICZ-ZUBKOWSKI, Canadian In-ter-American Research Institute in Montreal,spent the 1966-67 academic year at the Univer-sity of Manchester, England under a SeniorSimon research fellowship.

SHAO-CHUAN LENG, University of Virginia,will be a research associate at Harvard Uni-versity during 1968-69.

PAUL H. LEWIS, Newcomb College, TulaneUniversity, received an SSRC grant for studyin Brazil during the summer of 1968, and aFulbright research grant for study in Spainduring the 1968-69 academic year.

STUART A. MACCORKLE, formerly Professorof Government and Director of the Institute ofPublic Affairs at the University of Texas gavea series of lectures during the summer of 1968on "Public Administration" at the NationalUniversity of Mexico in Mexico City.

GERHARD MALLY, formerly of PMC Colleges,studied international education problems inMexico City and in Puerto Rico as a memberof the Washington Internships in Educationprogram, a Ford Foundation sponsored organi-zation.

LEE C. MCDONALD, Pomona College, wasawarded one of its Wig Distinguished Serviceawards.

DOUGLAS MENDEL, JR., University of Wiscon-.sin, Milwaukee, spent the summer of 1968 inJapan on grants from the American Philoso-phical Society and the Roper Public OpinionCenter.

FRANK JAY MORENO, New York University,received a Lindback Foundation Award for ex-cellence in teaching.

FRANK MUNK, Portland State College, hasreturned from Zagreb, Yugoslavia, where heserved for a year as director of the Zagreb In-stitute for Central European Studies.

T. M. NORTH, San Jose State College, is onsabbatical leave for 1968-69 and will spendseveral months in London working on a studyof John Locke.

HAROLD JAMES OWEN, JR., Albany JuniorCollege (Georgia), will be on leave of absenceduring 1968-69.

NORMAN D. PALMER, University of Pennsyl-vania, has been appointed a member of theBoard of Overseers of Mauna Olu College,Maui, Hawaii, and a member of the ExecutiveCommittee of the Middle Atlantic Region ofthe International Studies Association.

JULIUS PAUL, Walter Reed Army Instituteof Research, delivered a Russell Sage Founda-tion lecture on eugenics and the law at theUniversity of North Carolina on April 26.

BELDON PAULSON has returned to the Uni-versity of Wisconsin, Milwaukee after a yearin Brazil.

NEALE J. PEARSON, Miami University(Ohio), took a group of college students toBrazil for nine weeks of intensive study dur-ing the 1968 summer term.

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ROBERT S. PECKHAM, Syracuse University,received a grant from Alfred University to de-velope an African curriculum and a body ofresource materials for the University's sum-mer-in-service training institute in ForeignAreas Studies. He also taught at Alfred dur-ing the summer.

SAMUEL PERNACCIARO, Wisconsin State Uni-versity, Whitewater, received a teacher im-provement assignment for 1968-69 to continuehis graduate study.

MORTON PERRY, Mesa Junior College, is onsabbatical leave for the 1968-69 academic yearwhile studying at the Maxwell GraduateSchool, Syracuse University.

ROBERT L. PFALTZGRAFF, JR., University ofPennsylvania, received a Guggenheim fellow-ship for research. He participated in the ThirdAnnual Atlantic Community Conference, spon-sored by the Department of Government atLouisiana State University, New Orleans, inconjunction with Gulf States Center for At-lantic Studies. He gave a paper at themeeting.

EMMETTE REDFORD and ORION WHITE, Uni-versity of Texas, Austin, are spending thesummer of 1968 doing research on decision-making in the National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration.

EDWARD F. RENWICK, Louisiana State Uni-versity, New Orleans, has been appointeddirector of the State of Louisiana's Goals forLouisiana program.

REZA REZAZADEH, Wisconsin State Universityat Platteville, was on leave during 1967-68 andconducted research in rural Colombia.

NEIL RIEMER will be on leave from, his du-ties at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukeeduring the fall term, 1968.

JAMES M. ROHERTY, College of William andMary, will be an ASPA fellow at NASA head-quarters in Washington during 1968-69. Hewill act as special assistant to the adminis-trator for university affairs.

GEORGE K. ROMOSER, University of NewHampshire, was visiting Professor at Mann-heim University, Germany, during the summersemester 1968.

FRANCES E. ROURKE, Johns Hopkins Univer-sity, will be on leave during the 1968 fallterm.

ALVIN Z. RUBENSTEIN, University of Penn-sylvania, has been awarded a research grant

for travel in Yugoslavia by the American Phi-losophical Society.

HARRIET B. SCHIFFER, Temple University, ison leave during the 1968 Summer and Fallsessions to serve as a Research Associate atthe Institute of African Studies at the Univer-sity of Ghana, Lagon, Ghana.

DAVID SCHWARTZ, University of Pennsylva-nia, addressed the Western Psychological As-sociation in San Diego in March, and thePeace Research Society in Cambridge Massa-chusetts in June and in Budapest in August.

LINCOLN SMITH, New York University, wason sabbatical leave during 1967-68.

ESTAL E. SPARLIN, Cleveland GovernmentalResearch Institute, has been appointed secre-tary of the Little Hoover' Commission byCleveland's mayor.

RICHARD F. STAAR has received a secondyear's leave of absence from Emory Universi-ty to remain as professor of foreign affairs atthe National War College during 1968-69.

0. GLENN STAHL, U. S. Civil Service Com-mission, has recently returned from a consul-tantship assignment, under the auspices ofThe Ford Foundation, in New Delhi, India,where he advised the Indian Government onmatters of administrative reform.

ARTHUR B. STEIN has returned to the Uni-versity of Rhode Island after a year at theUniversity of California, Berkeley on anNDEA award.

JAMES STEINTRAGER, University of Texas,has been named editor of four volumes of thecomplete works of Jeremy Bentham to be pub-lished by the University of London. He hasbeen awarded a postdoctoral fellowship by theInstitute for Religion in Higher Education andwill spend the coming year at King's College,University of London.

RONALD STOUT, SUNY at Albany, will be onsabbatical leave during the 1968 fall term.

RICHARD R. STROUT, University of NorthCarolina, was awarded the Sprunt Prize forthe best dissertation in the fields of govern-ment and history during 1968 entitled "Re-cruitment of Candidates by Political Partiesin Mendoza Province, Argentina". Conditionsof the prize include publication as a monographby the U.N.C. Press.

DAE-SOOK SUH, University of Houston, is onleave until September 1969 and is conducting

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research through grants from the East AsianInstitute of Columbia University, the SSRCand the Office of Research, University ofHouston.

JOHN M. SWARTHOUT, Portland State Col-lege, has returned to full-time teaching afterten years as dean of the faculties.

METIN TAMKOV has rejoined the departmentat Texas Technological College after a two-year leave of absence in Ankara.

PATRICIA TAYLOR, SUNY at Brockport, is onleave for postdoctoral work at the Universityof Rochester.

FRED TICKNER, SUNY at Albany, represent-ed his institution at a U.N. meeting on theDevelopment of Executives in the DevelopingCountries at Geneva, and attended the Con-gress of the International Institute of Admin-istrative Services in Dublin during the 1968summer.

CARL W. TILLER, former Chief of BudgetMethods in the U.S. Bureau of the Budget, hasbeen named to fill the new position of SpecialAdvisor on Budgetary Development.

GEORGE TOTTEN, III, UCLA, lectured and didresearch at the faculty seminar on Buddhism,Carleton College for several weeks during the1968 summer.

JOHN A. VIEG, Pomona College, will be onsabbatical leave during the 1968 fall term.

MICHAEL R. WEAVER, SUNY at Brockport,will be in Washington during 1968-69 as direc-tor of the Washington Seminar program ofSUNY at Brockport, Cortland and Geneseo.

LEWIS P. WELCH, SUNY at Albany, will re-turn from a year's sabbatical leave in the fallterm, 1968.

HERBERT H. WERLIN, formerly of SUNY atStony Brook, was an Adlai E. Stevenson fel-low with the U.N. Institute for Training andResearch from September, 1967 to July, 1968.

YORK WILLBERN, Indiana University, isserving a one-year term as staff director ofthe State of Indiana's Commission on the re-organization of the executive branch.

ROBERT YEE, Central Washington StateCollege, is on leave until June, 1969. He has apostdoctoral fellowship from the National De-fense Foreign Language program.

JOSEPH F. ZIMMERMAN, SUNY at Albany,is serving as research director of the NewYork State Joint Legislative Committee onMass Transportation.


BASHIR AHMAD, instructor, DePaul Univer-sity.

ABID A. AL-MARAYTI, associate professor,University of Toledo.

ROGER ANDERSON, instructor, Bowling GreenState University.

FRANK BAIRD, associate professor, TexasTechnological College.

GEORGE I. BALACH, instructor, University ofIllinois, Chicago Circle.

ARTHUR BANKS, associate professor, SUNYat Binghamton.

JONATHAN BARKER, assistant professor, Uni-versity of Toronto; formerly of University ofArizona.

RICHARD BAUM, assistant professor, UCLA.

PETER BECHTOLD, assistant professor, Uni-versity of Maryland; formerly of Universityof Oregon.

CONSTANTINOS L. BEROS, associate professor,Amrican University of Beirut.

J. CUDD BROWN , professor, PennsylvaniaState University; formerly of A.I.D.

KENNETH BODE, assistant professor, SUNYat Binghamton.

M. STEVEN BOLEY, instructor, Capital Uni-versity.

JOSEPH H. BOYETT, instructor, Albany(Georgia) Junior College.

RALPH BRAIBANTI, professor, Duke Universi-ty.

WILLIAM BRISK, assistant professor, Univer-sity of New Mexico.

WALTER A. BOROWIEC, instructor, SUNY atBrockport.

WILLIAM BUCKNER, associate professor,Eastern Kentucky University.

RODDICK BYERS, lecturer, York University,Toronto; formerly of Carleton University, Ot-towa.

LEONARD CARDENAS, associate professor,Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge; for-merly of University of Texas, El Paso.

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JAMES D. CARROLL, specialist in AmericanNational Government and assistant director,Government and General Research Division,Legislative Reference Service, Library of Con-gress; formerly of Department of Housingand Urban Development.

INIS CLAUDE, Edward R. Stettinius profes-sor of government and member, Center forAdvanced Studies, University of Virginia; for-merly of University of Michigan.

STUART E. COLIE, associate professor, Mar-shall University.

JERRY B. COLLESTER, assistant professor, Mi-ami University (Ohio).

THOMAS S. CUTSHAW, assistant professor,Morehead State University.

ROBERT B. DENHARDT, assistant professor,Louisiana State University, New Orleans; for-merly of University of Kentucky.

WONMO DONG, assistant professor, SouthernMethodist University; formerly of KentuckyWesleyan College.

THOMAS R. DYE, professor, Florida StateUniversity; formerly of University of Georgia.

MARTIN EDELMAN, associate professor,SUNY at Albany; formerly of UCLA.

STEPHEN ELKIN, assistant professor, Uni-versity of Pennsylvania; formerly of SmithCollege.

CECIL L. EUBANKS, assistant professor,Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge; for-merly East Michigan University.

CHARLES B. FAHS, professor, Miami Univer-sity (Ohio).

GEORGE A. FEAVER, associate professor,Emory University; formerly of GeorgetownUniversity.

WILLIAM G. FLEMING, associate professor,New York University; formerly of Universityof North Carolina.

GERALD P. FLYNN, lecturer, Smith College.

DOUGLAS W. FRISBIE, instructor, Miami Uni-versity (Ohio).

TlMOTYH R. GAMELIN, assistant professor,Florida Presbyterian; formerly of GustavusAdolphus College.

ROBERT W. GAMER, assistant professor, Uni-versity of Missouri, Kansas City.

GERALD GARVEY, associate professor,Princeton University; formerly of FederalManpower Commission, special assistant to thechairman.

RENEE L. GIERE, lecturer, Indiana Universi-ty.

NORMAN T. GILBERT, instructor, WisconsinState University, Whitewater.

MORRIS GOLDSMITH, chairman of PoliticalTheory, University of Exeter (England); for-merly of Columbia University.

STEVEN M. GOLDSTEIN, lecturer, Smith Col-lege.

WALTER GOLDSTEIN, professor, SUNY atAlbany; formerly of Brooklyn College, CUNY.

RUDOLPH GOMEZ, associate professor, Uni-versity of Denver; formerly of Colorado Col-lege.

EDWARD GONZALEZ, assistant professor,UCLA.

GEORGE W. GRAYSON, JR., assistant professor,College of William and Mary.

BARBARA B GREEN, associate professor,Cleveland State University; formerly ofWellesley College.

PHILLIP GREGG, lecturer, University of Mich-igan.

LEIGH E. GROSENICK, assistant professor,University of Virginia.

WILLIAM JOHN HANNA, professor, CUNY;formerly of American University.

ROBERT J. HARRIS, James Hart professor,University of Virginia.

LESTER HAWKINS, professor, SUNY at Al-bany; formerly of Research Analysis Corpora-tion.

NANCY WHITTIER HEER, assistant professor,Wheaton College.

ROBERT DON HEIDORN, associate professor,Wisconsin State University, Whitewater; for-merly of University of Maine.

JAMES HENDERSON, assistant professor, Tex-as Technological College.

CARL HENSLER, assistant professor, UCLA.

FREDERICK D. HERZON, assistant professor,Kansas State University.

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MALCOLM G. HICKS, intructor, University ofIllinois, Chicago Circle.

HERBERT HIRSCH, assistant professor, Uni-versity of Texas, Austin; formerly ofUniversity of Kentucky.

KENNETH HOFFMAN, associate professor,Morehead State University.

JERRY F. HOUGH, associate professor, Uni-versity of Toronto; formerly of University ofIllinois.

DENNIS S. IPPOLITO, assistant professor,Emory University; formerly assistant profes-sor at the University of Virginia.

JUDSON JAMES, assistant professor, CityCollege, CUNY.

GEORGE P. JAN, professor, University of To-ledo.

WILLARD D. KEIM, assistant professor, Uni-versity of Pennsylvania; formerly of Universi-ty of Hawaii.

PETER KNAUSS, assistant professor, Univer-sity of Illinois, Chicago Circle.

SONDRA KOFF, assistant professor, SUNY atBinghamton.

JOHN F. KOZLOWICZ, assistant professor,Wisconsin State University, Whitewater.

SANFORD A. LAKOFF, professor, Universityof Toronto; formerly of SUNY at StonyBrook.

EDWARD LEVINE, Lecturer, University ofMichigan.

LAWRENCE M. LEW, professor, ChapmanCollege; formerly of Bradley University.

ROY E. LICKLIDER, assistant professor,Douglass College, Rutgers; formerly of Touga-loo College.

KENNETH T. LIND, instructor, Randolph-Macon Women's College.

EDGAR LITT, associate professor, Universityof Connecticut.

NORMAN R. LXJTTBEG, associate professor,Florida State University; formerly of TempleUniversity.

ROBERT LYKE, assistant professor, PrincetonUniversity; formerly of Bryn Mawr.

MARCELLA A. MACDONALD, assistant profes-sor, SUNY at Brockport.

ANTHONY D. MARTIN, assistant professor,UCLA.

D. KENT MCCALLUM, assistant professor,York University, Toronto; formerly of Clare-mont Men's College.

EDWARD B. MCLEAN, associate professor,Wabash College; formerly of Florida Pres-byterian College.

BEN G. MARTIN, assistant professor, Collegeof William and Mary.

RODOLFO MARTINEZ, assistant professor,Eastern Kentucky University.

WILLIAM R. MATHIE, assistant professor,University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

JOHN MERRIAM, instructor, Bowling GreenState University; formerly of American Uni-versity in Cairo.

KATHLEEN MERRIAM, instructor, BowlingGreen State University; formerly of AmericanUniversity in Cairo.

MICHAEL MEZEY, assistant professor, Uni-versity of Virginia.

J. MELVIN MILLER, assistant professor, Mar-shall University.

R. JUDSON MITCHELL, assistant professor,Louisiana State University, New Orleans; for-merly of Emory University.

HANS J. MORGENTHAU, Leonard Davis Dis-tinguished professor, City College, CUNY.

JAMES MURPHY, assistant professor, Wesley-an University.

KAREN J. ORREN, assistant professor,UCLA.

JAMES S. OTTENBERG, assistant director,Child Study Association of America; formerlyof New York City Addiction Services Agency.

DAVE PALMER, associate professor, GeorgiaState College.

JAMES PETRAS, assistant professor, Pennsyl-vania State University.

DENNIS PIRAGES, instructor, University ofConnecticut.

CHRISTIAN P. POTHOLM, assistant professor,Vassar College; formerly of Dartmouth Col-lege.

DAVID POWELL, assistant professor, Univer-sity of Virginia; formerly of University ofMaryland.

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SANDRA POWELL, assistant professor, SanFrancisco State College; formerly of Ameri-can University.

CAROLYN PRATT, assistant professor, Univer-sity of Virginia.

ROBERT H. PUCKETT, associate professor, In-diana State University; formerly of MichiganState University.

FELIX RACKOW, professor, Florida Presbyte-rian College; formerly of Case Western Re-serve University.

A. JOHN RIGGALL, instructor, Marshall Uni-versity.

STEPHEN G. SALKEVER, assistant professor,University of Pennsylvania; formerly of Uni-versity of Chicago.

ROBERT G. SAMBERG, assistant professor,SUNY at Buffalo; formerly of University ofRochester.

SAM C. SARKESIAN, assistant professor, DePaul University.

PETER SAVAGE, associate professor, Universi-ty of New Hampshire; formerly of IndianaUniversity.

BARRY R. SCHNEIDER, instructor, WabashCollege.

EDWARD V. SCHNEIER, JR., assistant profes-sor, City College, CUNY.

GLENDON SCHUBERT, University professor,York University-Toronto; formerly of Univer-sity of North Carolina.

FREDERICK L. SCHUMAN, professor, PortlandState College; formerly of Williams College.

SIMON SERFATY, assistant professor, UCLA.

W. WAYNE SHANNON, assistant professor,University of Illinois, Chicago Circle.

AHMED SHEIKH, assistant professor, Penn-sylvania State University.

KENNETH S. SHERILL, assistant professor,Hunter College, CUNY; formerly of OberlinCollege.

ALAN SHINN, assistant professor, Universi-ty of Texas, Austin; formerly of University ofNorth Carolina.

JOHN SIGLER, assistant professor, Macales-ter College.

L. P. SINGH, associate professor, Sir GeorgeWilliams University, Montreal; formerly ofUniversity of Western Ontario.

JOHN RICAHRD SISSON, assistant professor,UCLA.

ROLAND SMITH, assistant professor, TexasTechnological College.

ROY SPECKHARD, assistant professor, SUNYat Albany.

GILBERT Y. STEINER, Director, GovernmentalStudies, the Brookings Institution.

STEPHAN STEPHANS, assistant professor,Johns Hopkins University.

ALBERT L. STURM, University Research pro-fessor, Virginia Polytechnic Institute; former-ly of Florida State University.

FRANK TACHAU, associate professor, Univer-sity of Illinois, Chicago Circle; formerly ofRutgers, the State University.

CHARLES TARLTON, assistant professor,SUNY at Albany; formerly of University ofCalifornia, San Diego.

ARON G. TANNENBAUM, assistant professor,SUNY at Brockport.

MORTON TENZER, associate director, Instituteof Urban Research, University of Connecticut.

MARK TESSLER, assistant professor, Univer-sity of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; formerly ofNorthwestern University.

DENNIS F. THOMPSON, assistant professor,Princeton University; formerly of HarvardUniversity.

KENNETH THOMPSON, assistant professor.University of Southern California.

JAMES R. TOWNSEND, associate professor,University of Washington; formerly of Uni-versity of California.

JOSEPH A. UVEGES, JR., assistant professor,Western Kentucky University; formerly ofOhio Northern University.

VICTOR WALLIS, assistant professor, St. Law-rence University.

HERBERT H. WERLIN, assistant professor,University of Maryland.

DANIEL WILKES, associate professor in polit-ical science and oceanography, University ofRhode Island; formerly of University of Con-necticut.

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GEORGE F. WILL, assistant professor, Uni-versity of Toronto; formerly of MichiganState University.

LARMAN C. WILSON, associate professor,American University; formerly of U.S. NavalAcademy.

HAROLD L. WOLMAN, assistant professor,University of Pennsylvania; formerly of Uni-versity of Michigan.

CIRCO E. ZOPPO, associate professor, UCLA.

PETER ZWICK, assistant professor, LouisianaState University; formerly of Baton Rouge.


WILL ADAMS, William Jewell College;Tulane University, summer 1968.

JANE BAYES, assistant professor, UCLA,summer 1968.

PETER BECHTOLD, visiting assistant profes-sor, University of Oregon, 1967-68.

WILLIAM W. BOYER, Kansas State Universi-ty; professor, University of Malaysia, KualaLumpur, summer 1968.

WALLACE CALDWELL, Washington State Uni-versity; associate professor, University ofWashington, summer 1968.

JAE HYUNG CHAI, Ashland College; lecturer,Cleveland State University, summer 1967.

GENEVIEVE V. DE CHELLIS, University ofPiano; lecturer, Catholic University, summer1967.

RALPH E. CROW, American University inBeirut; Indiana University, summer 1968.

LESLIE DUGAN, lecturer, UCLA, 1968-69.

L. S. EDWARDS, University of Southampton,England; assistant professor, SUNY at Buf-falo, 1968-69.

LuiGl ElNANDl, Rand Corporation; lecturer,UCLA, winter 1969.

RUPERT EMERSON, Harvard University; pro-fessor, UCLA, winter 1969.

HERBERT EMMERICH, University of Virgin-ia; professor, University of California, spring1968.

STANLEY FEINGOLD, CUNY; assistant pro-fessor, UCLA, summer 1968.

JOHN FUREY, Dillard University; TulaneUniversity, summer 1968.

CHARLES GATI, Union College; associate pro-fessor, University of Kansas, 1968-69.

DANTE GERMINO, Rockefeller Foundation;member, Center for Advanced Studies, Univer-sity of Virginia, 1968-69.

ERNEST J. GOODMAN, University of Wuerz-burg, Germany; SUNY at Oneonta, 1967-68.

DARRELL P. HAMMER, Indiana University;senior fellow, Russian Institute and associateprofessor, Columbia University.

H. Ross HAMMOND, University of Texas;professor, University of Rhode Island, sum-mer, 1968.

ARTHUR HANHARDT, associate professor,University of New Mexico, 1968-1969.

FREDERICK HARTMANN, Naval War College;professor, Wheaton College.

ANNE RENOUF HEADLEY, University ofNorth Carolina; visiting research scholar,Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,1968-69.

JOHN H. HERZ, The City College, CUNY;visiting professor, University of Marburg,Germany, summer 1968.

JOHN W. HOLMES, professor, University ofToronto, 1968-69.

CHARLES HYNEMAN, University of Indiana;professor, University of Washington, summer1968.

DAN JACOBS, professor, San Francisco StateCollege, 1968-69.

CHARLES JUDAH, professor, University ofNew Mexico, spring 1967-68.

THOMAS G. KARIS, The City College, CUNY;visiting professor, University of Zambia,1968-69.

FREDERICK E. KIDDER, University of PuertoRico; associate professor, University of Illi-nois, Urbana, 1968-69.

EARL R. KRUSHKE, Ohio State College;visiting associate professor, University of Wis-consin, Milwaukee, summer 1968.

KAY LAWSON, assistant professor, San Fran-cisco State College, 1968-69.

DAVID LEUTHOLD, University of Missouri;assistant professor, University of Michigan,1967-68.

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KLAUS LIEPELT, director of the Institut furangewandte Sozialwissenschaft and vice-chair-man of DATUM in Bad Godesberg, Germany;lecturer, University of Michigan, fall 1968.

ALAN LIU, Center for Chinese Studies, Uni-versity of Michigan; assistant professor, Uni-versity of Michigan, fall 1968.

TOHMAS W. MADRON, Western KentuckyUniversity; Tulane University, summer 1968.

GERHARD MALLY, Department of Health, Ed-ucation and Welfare; associate professor,University of Virginia, 1968-69.

DANIEL R. MANDELAKER, University ofWashington, School of Law; professor, Uni-versity of Washington, 1968-69.

ALPHEUS T. MASON, Princeton University;professor, University of Virginia, 1968-69.

RUTH MCVEY, Cornell University; lecturer,University of Washington, fall, 1968.

WILLIAM CAREY MCWILLIAMS, Brooklyn Col-lege; assistant professor, UCLA, summer1968.

STANLEY MICHALAK, JR., Franklin and Mar-shall College; assistant professor, Universityof Montana, summer 1968.

BERNARD S. MORRIS, Indiana University;professor, Stanford University, summer 1968.

WILLIAM L. MORROW, DePauw University;Indiana University, summer 1968.

JAMES A. MYRHA, North Dakota State Uni-versity; visiting assistant professor, College ofIdaho, 1968-69.

MICHAEL NAWANZE, University of Exeter;assistant professor, Bowling Green State Uni-versity.

JACK L. NORAGON, formerly of Denison Uni-versity; assistant professor, Oberlin, one-yearappointment.

JOSEPH S. NYE, JR., Harvard University'sCenter for International Affairs; visiting re-search scholar, Carnegie Endowment for In-ternational Peace, European Center in Geneva,1968-69.

PERTTITI A. PESONEN, University of Tam-pere, Finland; professor, SUNY at Buffalo,1968.

NIMROD RAPHAELI, Hebrew University andHaifa University; professor, University ofRhode Island, summer 1968.

FRANCINE RABINOWITZ, University of Flori-da; assistant professor, UCLA, 1968-69.

LESLIE RUBIN, Howard University; profes-sor, UCLA, fall 1968.

ALVIN Z. RUBINSTEIN, University of Penn-sylvania; professor, University of California,Santa Clara, summer 1968.

Luis SANCHEZ-AGESTA, University of Mad-rid, Spain; professor, SUNY at Buffalo, spring1969.

RICHARD SCAMMON, Elections Research Cen-ter; lecturer, Johns Hopkins University, 1968-69.

ROBERT SCHUETTINGER, Catholic Universityof America; research lecturer, St. AndrewsUniversity, Scotland, 1968-69.

MAURICE SHOCK, Oxford University; Pomo-na College, fall 1968.

ROBERT SICKELS, associate professor, Univer-sity of New Mexico, 1968-69.

LINCOLN SMITH, New York University; pro-fessor, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S.Canada, summer 1968.

RICHARD F. STAAR, National War Collegeand Emory University; lecturer, Institute forSino-Soviet Studies, George Washington Uni-versity, spring 1968.

MICHAEL M. STODDARD, UCLA; Pomona Col-lege, 1968-69.

JERRY MARK SULLIVAN, assistant professor,University College, MacMaster University;formerly with AID, 1968-69.

LESLIE C. TIHANY, U.S. Department ofState; lecturer, Institute for Sino-Soviet Stu-dies, George Washington University, springand fall 1968.

GEORGE C. TOTTEN, III, University of South-ern California; professor, Sophia University,Tokyo, summer 1967.

ARTHUR C. TURNER, University of Califor-nia, Riverside; professor, UCLA, summer 1968.

P. J. VATIKIOTIS, University of London; pro-fessor, UCLA, spring and summer 1969.

NORMAN WENGERT, visiting professor, Penn-sylvania State University, 1968-69.

Louis F. WESCHLER, University of Califor-nia, Davis; assistant professor, University ofWashington, summer and fall 1968.

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HOWARD WHITE, Coe College; professor,Western College for Women, Oxford, Ohio,1968-1969.

RUTH WIDMAYER, Temple Buell College; In-diana University, summer 1968.

DONALD ZAGORIA, Hunter College; associateprofessor, UCLA, summer 1968.


ARTHUR BANKS: director, Center for Com-parative Political Research, SUNY at Bing-hamton; formerly of George Washington.

CHARLES S. BEDNAR: assistant dean, Muhl-enberg College.

LEWIS BOWMAN: chairman, Emory Univer-sity ; formerly of University of Virginia.

FRED G. BURKE: professor and director,Council on International Studies and dean forInternational Studies, SUNY at Buffalo.

DONALD M. CASTLEBERRY: dean of GraduateStudies, San Francisco State College.

CARL P. CHELF: staff assistant to the VicePresident for Academic Affairs and dean ofFaculties for one year.

BARRY V. CONFORTE: publications coordina-tor, Office of Admission Services, CUNY.

CECIL V. CRABB, JR.: professor and chair-man, Louisiana State University, BatonRouge; formerly of Vassar College.

GENEVIEVE V. DE CHELLIS: professor andchairman, Department of History and PoliticalScience, University of Piano, Texas.

RAYMOND DAWSON: dean, College of Artsand Sciences, University of North Carolina.

DAVID R. DEENER: provost, Tulane Universi-ty.

GOTTFRIED DIETZE: acting chairman, JohnsHopkins University, fall term 1968.

DANIEL D I PIAZZA: chairman, WisconsinState University, Whitewater.

LYNN W. ELEY: assistant chancellor ofUniversity Extension and professor of Politi-cal Science, University of Wisconsin and Uni-versity of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; formerlydean, School of Continuing Education andSummer School, Washington University.

CHARLES B. FAHS: director, InternationalPrograms, Miami University (Ohio).

ALAN FIELLIN: acting chairman, City Col-lege, CUNY, 1968-69.

ROBERT S. FRIEDMAN: professor and chair-man, Pennsylvania State University; formerlyof University of Michigan.

JOHN GILLESPIE: profesor and director, Ur-ban Studies Center, University of Toledo.

JOSEPH M. GOLDSEN: executive director ofthe Concilium on International Studies and as-sistant to the Provost, Yale University; form-erly of the Rand Corporation.

ROBERT T. GOLEMBIEWSKI : acting chairman,University of Georgia.

H. GAYLON GREENHILL: executive directorof summer sessions and extension services,Wisconsin State University, Whitewater.

JOHN G. GUNNELL: chairman, SUNY atAlbany.

NATHAN HAKMAN: chairman, SUNY atBinghamton.

MYRON Q. HALE: professor and head,Purdue University; formerly of Ohio StateUniversity.

GERALD HANSEN: dean, Midwestern College,Dennison, Iowa; formerly chairman of the de-partment.

FERREL HEADY: president, University ofNew Mexico.

ROBERT S. HIRSCHFIELD: chairman, PoliticalScience Department, Hunter College, CUNY.

THOMAS HOVET: chairman, University ofOregon.

WILLIAM J. KEEFE: professor and chairman,University of Pittsburgh.

GEORGE A. KIPSKY: chairman, Wabash Col-lege.

JAMES KLONOSKI: professor and associateprovost, Federal City College, Washington,D.C.


ALLAN A. KUUSISTO: vice president for Aca-demic Affairs and professor of Political Sci-ence, SUNY at Albany; formerly assistantcommissioner for Higher Eucation, New YorkState Education Department.

DAVID C. LEEGE: associate professor and di-rector, Survey Research Center, SUNY atBuffalo; formerly of University of Missouri.

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HOWARD N. MANTEL: assistant director andcounsel, Institute of Public Administration;formerly staff counsel, ISA.

WARREN MASON: director, Miami UniversityCenter in Luxembourg, Miami University(Ohio).

0. G. A. MASTROIANNI: instructor and as-sistant to the dean, Augusta College.

CHARLES A. MCCOY: chairman, LehighUniversity; formerly author, lecturer, andprofessor of political science, Temple Universi-ty.

DAVID W. MINAR: professor and chairman,University of Washington; formerly of North-western University.

G. THEODORE MITAU: chancellor of the six-unit Minnesota State College system.

Louis E. NEWMAN: associate professor anddirector, Institute of Government Eesearch,Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge.

DANIEL M. OGDEN, JR.: dean of the Collegeof Humanities and Social Sciences, ColoradoState University; formerly budget director,Interior Department.

JAMES KARGE OLSEN: professor and presi-dent, Paterson State College, New Jersey; for-merly of Illinois State University.

ORVILLE F. POLAND: chairman, Departmentof Public Administration, SUNY at Albany.

DONALD R. REICH : dean, College of Arts andSciences, Oberlin College.

EDMOND F. RICKETTS: assistant dean, Col-lege of Arts and Sciences, Miami University(Ohio).

GEORGE K. ROMOSER : chairman, Universityof New Hampshire.

JAMES N. ROSENAU: chairman of the Feder-ated Department of Political Science at theNew Brunswick colleges of Rutgers University.

GRADDON ROWLANDS: instructor and execu-tive secretary, Center for CommonwealthStudies, Duke University.

KARL SCHMITT: associate director, Instituteof Latin American Studies, University of Tex-as, Austin.

JEAN EWARD SMITH: associate chairman,University of Toronto.

ALLAN SPITZ: dean, Rock County Center,University of Wisconsin; formerly of Wash-ington State University.

H. ARTHUR STEINER : director, University ofCalifornia Study Center, Hong Kong.

CHARLES L. TAYLOR: director, Political Sci-ence Research Library, Yale University.

MORTON TENZER: associate director, Insti-tute of Urban Reseach, University ofConnecticut.

RICHARD H. ULLMAN: acting director for1968-69, Graduate Program in the WoodrowWilson School of Public and International Af-fairs, Princeton University.

HENRY H. WAKELAND : director of Bureau ofSurface Transportation Safety, NationalTransportation Safety Board.

A. J. WANN: professor and chairman, Uni-versity of Utah; formerly of Ohio State Uni-versity.

DAVID WARREN: chairman, University ofRhode Island.

PAUL WILLIS: coordinator of the Social Sci-ence Division, Drake University.

PROMOTIONS (with new rank)

ROBERT ABRAMS, Brooklyn College, CUNY:assistant professor.

JACK E. BIZZEL, Morehead State University:professor.

NORMAN BLUME, University of Toledo: pro-fessor.

MARSHALL BORD, Monmouth College, NewJersey: assistant professor.

JURU BORYS, University of Calgary: profes-sor.

PAUL R. BRASS, University of Washington:associate professor.

CARL P. CHELF, Western Kentucky Univer-sity : associate professor.

JAMES D. COCHRANE, Tulane University:associate professor.

RICHARD CORNELL, SUNY at Buffalo: asso-ciate professor.

WARREN CUNNINGHAM, Miami University(Ohio) : professor.

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DANIEL DI PIAZZA, Wisconsin State Univer-sity, Whitewater: professor.

CLIFFORD I. DOBLER, University of Idaho:professor.

JAMES DOWNTON, San Francisco State Col-lege: assistant professor.

KUANG-HUAN FAN, University of Idaho:associate professor.

GERALD E. FITZGERALD, St. Johns University:professor.

MARTIN FLEISHER, Brooklyn College, CUNY:associate professor.

ROBERT FRIED, UCLA: associate professor.

LEWIS A. FROMAN, JR., University of Cali-fornia, Irvine: professor.

R. WILLIAM GILMORE, University of Toledo:assistant professor.

EDWARD B. GLICK, Temple University: pro-fessor.

PHILIP GREEN, Smith College: associateprofessor.

RICHARD GREGOR, University of Toronto: as-sociate professor.

F. J. C. GRIFFITHS, University of Toronto:associate professor.

CHONG-DO HAH, Lawence University: as-sociate professor.

NATHAN HAKMAN, SUNY at Binghamton:professor.

ILIYA F. HARIK, Indiana University: associ-ate professor.

BRETT W. HAWKINS, University of Georgia:associate professor.

GEORGE HEIMAN, University of Toronto: as-sistant professor.

LELIA B. HELMS, SUNY at Brockport: as-sistant professor.

CHUN-TU HSUCH, University of Maryland:professor.

WILLIAM H. HUANG, Morehead State Uni-versity: professor.

MICHAEL HUDSON, Brooklyn College, CUNY:associate professor.

ROBERT C. JACOBS, Colby College: "assistantprofessor.

RICHARD M. JOHNSON, SUNY at Buffalo:associate professor.

ILPYONG J. KIM, Indiana University: assist-ant professor.

STANLEY KOCHANEK, Pennsylvania StateUniversity: associate professor.

BYUNG CHUL KOH, University of Illinois,Chicago Circle: associate professor.

MORTON KROLL, University of Washington:professor.

FRANK PAUL LEVENESS, St. John's Univer-sity: assistant professor.

EVERT M. MAKINEN, Colby College: assistantprofessor.

CHARLES H. MCCALL, Indiana University:associate professor.

M. ANSORI NAWAWI, Wellesley College: as-sistant professor.

REX C. NEAVERSON, Trinity College, Hart-ford: professor.

YUN-TONG PAN, Colby College: assistantprofessor.

NEAL J. PEARSON, Miami University (Ohio):assistant professor.

PHILIP M. PHIBBS, Wellesley College: as-sociate professor.

CHARLES L. ROBERTSON, Smith College:professor.

ROBERT S. ROBINS, Tulane University: as-sociate professor.

H. JON ROSENBAUM, Wellesley College:assistant professor.

DONALD B. ROSENTHAL, SUNY at Buffalo;associate professor.

STANLEY ROTHMAN, Smith College: pro-fessor.

PETER H. RUSSELL, University of Toronto:professor.

LAWRENCE SCHEINMAN, UCLA: associateprofessor.

IRA SHARKANSKY, University of Georgia:associate professor.

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JEAN EWARD SMITH, University of Toronto:professor.

JAY B. SORENSON, Smith College: associateprofessor.

SHERMAN D. SPECTOR, Russell Sage College:professor.

ARTHUR STEIN, University of Rhode Island:associate professor.

G. Ross STEPHENS, University of Missouri,Kansas City: professor.

EDWARD A. STETTNER, Wellesley College:assistant professor.

MICHAEL W. SULEIMAN, Kansas State Uni-versity: associate professor.

HOWARD SWEARER, Office of European andInternatioanl Affairs, Ford Foundation: pro-gram officer.

METIN TAMKOC, Texas Technological Col-lege: professor.

ROBERT B. THIGPEN, Louisana State Univer-sity, New Orleans: assistant professor.

ARTHUR B. THOMPSON, JR., Wisconsin StateUniversity, Platteville: associate professor.

THOMAS L. THORSON, University of Toronto:professor.

GEORGE C. TOTTEN, III, University of South-ern California: professor.

FREDERICK C. TURNER, University of Con-necticut: associate professor.

OTTO ULC, SUNY at Binghamton: associateprofessor.

JACK E. VINCENT, Florida Atlantic Univer-sity: associate professor.

CLAUDE E. WELCH, SUNY at Buffalo: asso-ciate professor.

WILLIAM A. WELSH, University of Georgia:associate professor.

C. SYLVESTER WHITAKER, JR., UCLA: asso-ciate professor.

DINA A. ZINNES, Indiana University: asso-ciate professor.


RALPH BAKER retired at the end of Augustfrom The State University of New York atAlbany, where he has served since 1934.

HUGH A. BONE, University of Washington,resigned as chairman on August 31, 1968, andhas returned to full-time teaching and re-search.

WALLACE BREWSTER has retired from Penn-sylvania University after 33 years of service.

CHARLES JASPER COOPER has resigned fromhis position at the University of Pennsylvaniato re-enter private law practice.

LEE CORTER has retired from PennsylvaniaState University after 20 years of service.

JOHN FERGUSON has retired from Pennsyl-vania State University after 33 years ofservice.

ALPHEUS T. MASON, Princeton University,retired June, 1968, after 42 years of service.

PETER MAYER has resigned from WichitaState University, and accepted a researchposition with Westinghouse's Advanced StudyGroup.

JAMES K. POLLOCK, University of Michigan,completed his retirement furlough as MurfinProfessor at the end of the academic year1967-68.

ALLEN E. RAGAN, Eastern Kentucky Uni-versity, retired at the end of the 1967-68 aca-demic year.

Louis WASSERSON, San Francisco State Col-lege, has retired after 21 years of service atthat institution.


The appointment of OTIS H. STEPHENS tothe University of Tennessee was incorrectlylisted in the Spring issue of P.S. at the rankof professor. His appointment was to an asso-ciate professorship.

LYLE S. DOWNING, DAVID F. PAULSEN, ED-WARD F. RENWICK and WALTER W. TOXEYwere incorrectly listed in the Spring issue asaffiliates of Louisiana State University atBaton Rouge. They are associated with LSUat New Orleans.

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