NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS Volume 34 (2005), 103–123 RANDOM APPROXIMATION AND RANDOM FIXED POINT THEORY FOR RANDOM NON–SELF MULTIMAPS Donal O’Regan and Naseer Shahzad (Received September 2003) Abstract. This paper presents new random fixed point theorems and random Leray–Schauder alternatives for a variety of maps (e.g., B κ , U κ c , KKM and PK maps). A random Kransnoselskii cone compression theorem for U κ c maps is also given. Various random approximation theorems for the above classes are proved and as applications several random fixed point theorems are also derived. 1. Introduction Probabilistic operator theory is the branch of probabilistic analysis concerned with the study of random operators and their properties. It is required for the study of various models in the applied sciences. The theory of random fixed point is the core of this area and lies at the intersection of nonlinear analysis and prob- ability theory. Although its systematic study was initiated by the Prague school of probabilists in the middle of the 20th century, most of the work has been done during the last 25 years (see [1], [5], [12], [14], [19], [21], [22], [23] and references therein).Most random fixed point theorems for multimaps in Banach spaces con- sider either convex-valued maps or acyclic–valued maps ( cf., [12], [19], [20], [22]). Of course it is of interest to obtain random fixed point theory for maps which are neither convex–valued nor acyclic–valued. In this paper we prove several random fixed point theorems for a general class of maps, namely the U κ c maps (other types of maps are also considered). It is worth mentioning that the class of U κ c maps includes the Kakutani maps, the acyclic maps, the O’Neill maps, the approximable maps, and also the maps admissible in the sense of Gorniewicz. We begin with random fixed point theory for U κ c maps in hyperconvex spaces. We also present new random fixed point results for a variety of maps (e.g., B κ , U κ c , KKM , PK and inward maps). Random Leray–schauder alternatives and Furi–Pera type theorems are also mentioned. Then we establish a random Krasnoselskii compression theo- rem for U κ c maps. Finally, we prove several random approximation theorems for U κ c , KKM and PK maps and derive, as applications, various random fixed point theorems for such maps. Next in this section we present some preliminary results which will be needed. Let (Ω, A) be a measurable space and C a nonempty subset of a metric space X =(X, d). Let 2 C denote the family of nonempty subsets of C and CD(C) the family of all nonempty closed subsets of C. A mapping G 2 C is said to be measurable if G -1 (U )= {w Ω: G(w) U = }∈A 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification 47H10.

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Donal O’Regan and Naseer Shahzad(Received September 2003)

Abstract. This paper presents new random fixed point theorems and random

Leray–Schauder alternatives for a variety of maps (e.g., Bκ, Uκc , KKM and

PK maps). A random Kransnoselskii cone compression theorem for Uκc maps

is also given. Various random approximation theorems for the above classes

are proved and as applications several random fixed point theorems are alsoderived.

1. Introduction

Probabilistic operator theory is the branch of probabilistic analysis concernedwith the study of random operators and their properties. It is required for thestudy of various models in the applied sciences. The theory of random fixed pointis the core of this area and lies at the intersection of nonlinear analysis and prob-ability theory. Although its systematic study was initiated by the Prague schoolof probabilists in the middle of the 20th century, most of the work has been doneduring the last 25 years (see [1], [5], [12], [14], [19], [21], [22], [23] and referencestherein).Most random fixed point theorems for multimaps in Banach spaces con-sider either convex-valued maps or acyclic–valued maps ( cf., [12], [19], [20], [22]).Of course it is of interest to obtain random fixed point theory for maps which areneither convex–valued nor acyclic–valued. In this paper we prove several randomfixed point theorems for a general class of maps, namely the Uκ

c maps (other typesof maps are also considered). It is worth mentioning that the class of Uκ

c mapsincludes the Kakutani maps, the acyclic maps, the O’Neill maps, the approximablemaps, and also the maps admissible in the sense of Gorniewicz. We begin withrandom fixed point theory for Uκ

c maps in hyperconvex spaces. We also presentnew random fixed point results for a variety of maps (e.g., Bκ, Uκ

c , KKM , PK andinward maps). Random Leray–schauder alternatives and Furi–Pera type theoremsare also mentioned. Then we establish a random Krasnoselskii compression theo-rem for Uκ

c maps. Finally, we prove several random approximation theorems forUκ

c , KKM and PK maps and derive, as applications, various random fixed pointtheorems for such maps.

Next in this section we present some preliminary results which will be needed.Let (Ω,A) be a measurable space and C a nonempty subset of a metric spaceX = (X, d). Let 2C denote the family of nonempty subsets of C and CD(C) thefamily of all nonempty closed subsets of C. A mapping G : Ω → 2C is said to bemeasurable if

G−1(U) = w ∈ Ω : G(w) ∩ U 6= ∅ ∈ A

1991 Mathematics Subject Classification 47H10.

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for each open subset U of C. A mapping ξ : Ω → C is called a measurable selectorof the measurable mapping G : Ω → 2C if ξ is measurable and ξ(w) ∈ G(w) foreach w ∈ Ω. A mapping F : Ω × C → 2X is called a random operator if, for anyfixed x ∈ C, the map F ( . , x) : Ω → 2X is measurable. A measurable mappingξ : Ω → C is said to be a random fixed point of a random operator F : Ω×C → 2X

if ξ(w) ∈ F(w, ξ(w)

)for each w ∈ Ω. Let PB(X) be the bounded subsets of X.

The Kuratowskii measure of noncompactness is the map α : PB(X) → [0,∞)defined by

α(A) = inf ε > 0 : A ⊆ ∪ni=1 Xi and diam (Xi) ≤ ε ;

here A ∈ PB(X). Let C be a nonempty subset of X, and for each x ∈ X defined(x,C) = infy∈C d(x, y). Let F : C → 2X . F is called(i) (countably) k–set contractive (k ≥ 0) if F (C) is bounded and α

(F (Y )


k α(Y ) for all (countably) bounded sets Y of S;

(ii) (countably) condensing if F (C) is bounded and α(F (Y )

)< α(Y ) for all

(countably) bounded sets Y of C with α(Y ) 6= 0;

(iii) hemicompact if each sequence (xn)∞n=1 in C has a convergent subsequencewhenever d

(xn, F (xn)

)→ 0 as n →∞. F is said

(iv) to satisfy condition (A) if for any sequence (xn)∞n=1 in C , D ∈ CD(C) suchthat d(xn, D) → 0 and d

(xn, F (xn)

)→ 0 , there exists an x0 ∈ D with

x0 ∈ F (x0) .

We note that every continuous hemicompact map satisfies condition (A). For detailsof hemicompact maps and maps satisfying condition (A), we refer the reader to [21],[23].

A random operator F : Ω×C → CD(X) is said to be continuous((countably)

k–set contractive etc.)

if for each w ∈ Ω, the map F (w, . ) : C → CD(X) iscontinuous

((countably) k–set contractive etc.


Next we state a well known result of Shahzad [21].

Theorem 1.1. Let (Ω,A) be a measurable space and Z a nonempty separablecomplete subset of a metric space X = (X, d). Suppose the map F : Ω × Z →CD(X) is a continuous random operator satisfying condition (A). If F has adeterministic fixed point then F has a random fixed point.

Remark 1.2. A single valued map φ : Ω → X is said to be a deterministic fixedpoint of F if φ(w) ∈ F

(w, φ(w)

)for each w ∈ Ω. In other words, F has a

deterministic fixed point if the set x ∈ X : x ∈ F (ω, x) 6= ∅ for each ω ∈ Ω .

Remark 1.3. In Theorem 1.1, if Y ⊂ Z is closed and x ∈ Y : x ∈ F (ω, x) 6= ∅for each ω ∈ Ω , then F has a random fixed piont ξ : Ω → Z such that ξ(ω) ∈ Y .

The following convergence result [5] is well known.

Theorem 1.4. Let (X, d) be a Frechet space, D a closed subset of X andF : D → 2X a condensing map. Then F is hemicompact. If, in addition, F iscontinuous, then it satisfies condition (A).

In view of Theorem 1.1 it is easy to use well known fixed point theory to establishrandom fixed point theory. Before we do this we need to describe these deteministic

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fixed point theorems. Let X and Y be subsets of Hausdorff topological vectorspaces E1 and E2 respectively. We will look at maps F : X → K(Y ); here K(Y )denotes the family of nonempty compact subsets of Y . We say F : X → K(Y ) isKakutani if F is upper semicontinuous with convex values. A nonempty topologicalspace is said to be acyclic if all its reduced Cech homology groups over the rationalsare trivial. Now F : X → K(Y ) is acyclic if F is upper semicontinuous withacyclic values. F : X → K(Y ) is said to be an O’Neill map if F is continuousand if the values of F consist of one or m acyclic components (here m is fixed).

Given two open neighborhoods U and V of the origins in E1 and E2 repec-tively, a (U, V )–approximate continuous selection [8] of F : X → K(Y ) is acontinuous function s : X → Y satisfying

s(x) ∈ (F [(x + U) ∩X] + V ) ∩ Y for every x ∈ X.

We say F : X → K(Y ) is approximable if it is a closed map and if its restrictionF |K to any compact subset K of X admits a (U, V )–approximate continuousselection for every open neighborhood U and V of the origins in E1 and E2

repectively.For our next definition let X and Y be metric spaces. A continuous single

valued map p : Y → X is called a Vietoris map if the following two conditions aresatisfied:

(i) for each x ∈ X, the set p−1(x) is acyclic

(ii) p is a proper map i.e. for every compact A ⊆ X we have that p−1(A) iscompact.

Definition 1.5. A multifunction φ : X → K(Y ) is admissible (strongly) in thesense of Gorniewicz, if φ : X → K(Y ) is upper semicontinuous, and if there existsa metric space Z and two continuous maps p : Z → X and q : Z → Y such that

(i) p is a Vietoris map


(ii) φ(x) = q(p−1(x)

)for any x ∈ X.

Remark 1.6. It should be noted [11, pp. 179] that φ upper semicontinuous isredundant in Definition 1.5

Definition 1.7. We say G ∈ B(X, Y ) (here X is a nonempty, convex subset of aHausdorff topological vector space E and Y a topological space) if G : X → 2Y

is such that for any polytope P in X and any continuous function g : G(P ) → P ,the composition g(G|P ) → 2P has a fixed point.

Definition 1.8. We say F ∈ Bκ(X, Y ) (i.e., F is Bκ–admissible) if F : X → 2Y

is such that for any compact, convex subset K of X , there exists a closed mapG ∈ B(K, Y ) with G(x) ⊆ F (x) for each x ∈ K.

Suppose X and Y are Hausdorff topological spaces. Given a class X of maps,X (X, Y ) denotes the set of maps F : X → 2Y (nonempty subsets of Y ) belongingto X , and Xc the set of finite compositions of maps in X . A class U of maps isdefined by the following properties:

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(i) U contains the class C of single valued continuous functions;

(ii) each F ∈ Uc is upper semicontinuous and compact valued; and

(iii) for any polytope P , F ∈ Uc(P, P ) has a fixed point, where the intermediatespaces of composites are suitably chosen for each U .

Definition 1.9. F ∈ Uκc (X, Y ) if for any compact subset K of X, there is a

G ∈ Uc(K, Y ) with G(x) ⊆ F (x) for each x ∈ K.

Examples of Uκc maps are the Kakutani maps, the acyclic maps, the O’Neill

maps, and the maps admissible in the sense of Gorniewicz.Let Q be a subset of a Hausdorff topological space X . We let Q (respectively,

∂Q , int(Q) ) to denote the closure (respectively, boundary, interior) of Q .A map F : X → 2Y is called upper hemicontinuous if for each f ∈ Y ∗ (the

dual of Y ) and for any α ∈ R , the set x ∈ X : sup Re f(fx) < α is open in X .

Definition 1.10. F ∈ H(X, Y ) (i.e., H–admissible) if F is upper hemicontinuouswith nonempty, closed, convex values if E is locally convex and with nonempty,compact, convex values if E is not locally convex.

Definition 1.11. Let X be a convex subset of a Hausdorff topological vectorspace and Y a topological space. If S, T : X → 2Y are two set–valued maps suchthat T


)⊆ S(A) for each finite subset A of X , then we say that S is a

generalized KKM map w.r.t. T . The map T : X → 2Y is said to have the KKMproperty if for any generalized KKM w.r.t. T map S : X → 2Y , the family

S(x) : x ∈ Xhas the finite intersection property. We let

KKM(X, Y ) = T : X → 2Y : T has the KKM property .

Remark 1.12. Let X be a convex subset of a linear space, and let Y and Z betwo topological spaces. If F ∈ KKM(X, Y ) and f ∈ C(Y,Z) (i.e. f is a singlevalued continuous map), then f F ∈ KKM(X, Z) (see, [13]).

Definition 1.13. Let Z and W be subsets of Hausdorff topological vector spacesE1 and E2 and F a set–valued map. We say that F ∈ PK(Z,W ) if W is convex,and there exists a map S : Z → W with

Z = ∪intS−1(w) : w ∈ W , co(S(x)

)⊂ F (x) for x ∈ Z ,

and S(x) 6= ∅ for each x ∈ Z ; here S−1(w) = z : w ∈ S(z) .

Remark 1.14. Suppose Z is paracompact, W is convex, and F ∈ PK(Z,W ) .Then there exists a continuous (single valued) mapping f : Z → W such thatf(x) ∈ F (x) for each x ∈ Z (see [13]).

By a space we mean a Hausdorff topological space. In what follows Q denotesa class of topological spaces. A space Y is an extension space for Q (writtenY ∈ ES(Q)) if for any pair (X, K) in Q with K ⊆ X closed, any continuousfunction f0 : K → Y extends to a continuous function f : X → Y .

The following fixed point result was established in [4].

Theorem 1.15. Let X ∈ ES(compact) and F ∈ Uκc (X, X) a compact map. Then

F has a fixed point.

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Corollary 1.16. Let X ∈ AR and F ∈ Uκc (X, X) a compact map. Then F has

a fixed point.

Remark 1.17. Recall a space Z is called an absolute retract (written Z ∈ AR)if Z is metrizable and for any metrizable W and for any embedding h : Z → Wthe set h(Z) is a retract of W . Note if X ∈ AR then X ∈ ES(compact). To seethis notice that we know from the Arens–Eells theorem that X is r–dominatedby a normed space E so there exists maps r : E → X and s : X → E withr s = 1. Now since any normed space is ES(compact), it follows immediately thatX ∈ ES(compact).

Let (E, d) be a pseudometric space. For any C ⊆ E , let B(C, ε) = x ∈ E :d(x,C) ≤ ε, here ε > 0 The measure of noncompactness of the set M ⊆ E isdefined by α(M) = inf Q(M) , where

Q(M) = ε > 0 : M ⊆ B(A, ε) for some finite subset A of E.Let C be a subset of a locally convex Hausdorff topological vector space E , andlet P be a defining system of seminorms on E . Suppose F : C → 2E . Then Fis called countably P –concentrative mapping if F (C) is bounded, and for p ∈ Pand each countably bounded subset S of C , we have αp

(F (S)

)≤ αp(S) , and for

p ∈ P for each countably bounded non– p –paracompact subset S of C (i.e., S isnot precompact in the pseudonorm space (E, p) ) we have αp(F (S)) < αp(S) ; hereαp(.) denotes the measure of noncompactness in the pseudonorm space (E, p) . Weremark that fixed point results for countably P –concentrative maps are still validfor countably condensing maps.

The following results are taken from [2].

Theorem 1.18. Let C be a closed, convex, bounded subset of a Frechet space E(P is a defining system of seminorms) with x0 ∈ C. Suppose F ∈ Bκ(C,C) is acountably P –concentrative mappings. Then F has a fixed point in C.

Let C be a subset of a Hausdorff topological vector space E and x ∈ X . Thenthe inward set IC(x) is defined by

IC(x) = x + r(y − x) : y ∈ C, r ≥ 0.If C is convex and x ∈ C , then

IC(x) = x + r(y − x) : y ∈ C, r ≥ 1.

Theorem 1.19. Let C be a closed, convex, bounded subset of a Frechet space E(P is a defining system of seminorms) with x0 ∈ C . Suppose either

F ∈ H(C,E) with F (x) ∩ IC(x) 6= ∅ forall x ∈ C

orF ∈ Uκ

c (C,E) with F (x) ⊆ IC(x) forall x ∈ C

ocurrs. Also assume F is a countably P –concentrative mapping. Then F has afixed point in C .

The following results were established in [17].

Theorem 1.20. Let C be a nonempty, closed, convex subset of a Frechet spaceE (P is a defining system of seminorms). Suppose F ∈ Uκ

c (C,C) is a countablyP –concentrative mappings. Then F has a fixed point in C.

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Theorem 1.21. Let C be a nonempty, closed, convex subset of a Frechet space E(P is a defining system of seminorms). Suppose F ∈ KKM(C,C) is a countablyP –concentrative, closed mapping.

Theorem 1.22. Let C be a nonempty, closed, convex subset of a Frechet spaceE (P is a defining system of seminorms). Suppose F ∈ PK(C,C) is a countablyP –concentrative mapping. Then F has a fixed point in C.

Theorem 1.23. Let C be a closed, convex subset of a Hilbert space H with0 ∈ C . Suppose F ∈ Uκ

c (C,H) is a closed countably condensing map with F (C)bounded. In addition, assume the following conditions holds:

if (xj , λj)∞j=1 is a sequence in ∂C × [0, 1] converging to (x, λ) withx ∈ λF (x) and 0 ≤ λ < 1, then λjF (x) ⊆ C for j sufficiently large.

Then F has a fixed point in C .

Theorem 1.24. Let C be a closed, convex subset of a Hilbert space H with0 ∈ C . Suppose F ∈ PK(C,H) is a countably condensing map with F (C)bounded. In addition, assume the following conditions holds:

if (xj , λj)∞j=1 is a sequence in ∂C × [0, 1] converging to (x, λ) withx ∈ λF (x) and 0 ≤ λ < 1, then λjF (x) ⊆ C for j sufficiently large.

Then F has a fixed point in C .

Remark 1.25. In Theorem 1.23 and Theorem 1.24, by countably condensingmap F we mean α

(F (B)

)< α(B) for all countably bounded sets B of C with

α(B) 6= 0 and α(F (D)

)≤ α(D) for all countably bounded sets D of C , where

α( . ) is the Kuratowski measure of noncompactness.

Let C be a cone in a normed space E = (E, || . ||) . For ρ > 0 , let

Bρ = x ∈ E : ||x|| < ρ, Bρ = x ∈ E : ||x|| ≤ ρ

withSρ = x ∈ E : ||x|| = ρ, EBρ = x ∈ E : ||x|| ≥ ρ.

We state some results established in [15].

Theorem 1.26. Let C be a cone in a Banach space E and let r, R be constantswith 0 < r < R . Suppose F ∈ Uκ

c (Bρ ∩ C,C) is compact with

F (Sr ∩ C) ⊆ EBr ∩ C and F (SR ∩ C) ⊆ BR ∩ C .

Then F has a fixed point x in C such that r ≤ ||x|| ≤ R .

Theorem 1.27. Let E be an infinite dimensional Banach space and let r, Rbe constants with 0 < r < R . Suppose F ∈ Uκ

c (Bρ, E) is countably k –set-contractive, 0 ≤ k < 1

k0(here k0 is a Lipschtiz constant of the retraction

r0 : Br → Sr ), with

F (Sr) ⊆ EBr and F (SR) ⊆ BR .

Then F has a fixed point x ∈ E such that r ≤ ||x|| ≤ R .

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Theorem 1.28. Let E be an infinite dimensional Banach space and let U1

and U2 be open convex subsets of E with 0 ∈ U1 with U1 ⊂ U2 . SupposeF ∈ Uκ

c (U2, E) is compact with

F (∂U1) ⊆ E \ U1 and F (∂U2) ⊆ U2 .

Then F has a fixed point x ∈ U2 \ U1 .

Finally we recall the following deterministic results from [17].

Theorem 1.29. Let E be a Frechet space ( P a defining systems of seminorms),C a closed, convex subset of E , U ⊆ C an open, convex, subset of E , and0 ∈ U . Suppose F ∈ Uκ

c (U,C) is a countably P –concentrative mapping. If inaddition

x 6∈ λF (x) for x ∈ ∂U and λ ∈ (0, 1) .

Then F has a fixed point in U .

Theorem 1.30. Let E be a Frechet space ( P a defining systems of seminorms),C a closed, convex subset of E , U ⊆ C an open, convex, subset of E , and 0 ∈ U .Suppose F ∈ KKM(U,C) is a countably P –concentrative, upper semicontinuousmapping with closed values. If in addition

x 6∈ λF (x) for x ∈ ∂U and λ ∈ (0, 1) .

Then F has a fixed point in U .

Theorem 1.31. Let E be a Frechet space ( P a defining systems of seminorms),C a closed, convex subset of E , U ⊆ C an open, convex, subset of E , and0 ∈ U . Suppose F ∈ PK(U,C) is a countably P –concentrative mapping. If inaddition

x 6∈ λF (x) for x ∈ ∂U and λ ∈ (0, 1) .

Then F has a fixed point in U .

2. Random Fixed Point Theory in Hyperconvex Spaces

A metric space (X, d) is hyperconvex if ∩α B(xα, rα) 6= ∅ for any collectionB(xα, rα) of closed balls in X for which d(xα, xβ) ≤ rα + rβ . We begin bypresenting a fixed point result which enables us to improve considerably most resultsin the literature. The class of maps we consider is very general and contains forexample acyclic, approachable and permissible maps.

Theorem 2.1. Let X be a hyperconvex compact space and F ∈ Ukc (X, X). Then

F has a fixed point.

Proof. Since X is hyperconvex and compact then X ∈ AR (see [6, p. 422]). NowTheorem 1.15 guarantees that F has a fixed point.

We next replace the compactness of the space with the compactness (or con-densingness) of the map. Indeed the argument to establish this is now standard(see [9]) but for completeness we include it here. We first however need the fol-lowing concepts. A mapping of metric spaces e : X → E is called a hyperconvexhull of X if E is hyperconvex, e is an isometric embedding, and no hyperconvexproper subspace of E contains e(X). A function f ∈ C(X) (continuous func-tions from X to R) is an extremal function over X if for all x, y ∈ X we have

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f(x) + f(y) ≥ d(x, y) and f is pointwise minimal(i.e. if g is another function

with the same property such that g(x) ≤ f(x) for all x ∈ X then g = f). We let

ε X = f ∈ C(X) : f is extremal;

we refer the reader to [8] for a discussion of the above ideas.

Theorem 2.2. Let X be a hyperconvex, bounded metric space and letF ∈ Uk

c (X, X) be condensing. Then F has a fixed point.

Proof. Fix x0 ∈ X, and let

Σ = A : x0 ∈ A, A ⊆ X, A hyperconvex and F (A) ⊆ A.

Note X ∈ Σ so Σ 6= ∅. We may now apply Zorn’s Lemma since it is immediatefrom [7, Theorem 7] (or [9, Theorem 3]) that every chain in Σ has a lower bound.As a result there exists a minimal element Y of Σ. Now [9, Lemma 4] guaranteesthat there exists a subset B of X isometric to ε

(F (Y ) ∪ x0

)with B hyper-

convex and F (Y ) ∪ x0 ⊆ B ⊆ Y . This immediately implies F (B) ⊆ F (Y ) ⊆ B,and so x0 ∈ B with B hyperconvex, F (B) ⊆ B and B ⊆ Y . As a result B = Y .Next notice

α(Y ) = α(B) = α(ε (F (Y ) ∪ x0)

). (1)

Also [9, Corollary pp. 135] yields

α(ε(F (Y ) ∪ x0

))= α

(F (Y ) ∪ x0

)and this together with (1) gives

α(Y ) = α(F (Y )


Now since F is condensing we have that Y is compact. In fact since hyperconvexspaces are closed [6] we have Y compact. Thus Y is a compact hyperconvexspace with F (Y ) ⊆ Y . In addition since Uc is closed under compositions we haveF |Y ∈ Uk

c (Y, Y ). Now Theorem 2.1 establishes the result.

Theorem 2.3. Let (Ω,A) be a measurable space, X a hyperconvex, separablespace and F : Ω ×X → CD(X) a random continuous, condensing operator withF (w, . ) ∈ Uκ

c (X, X) for each w ∈ Ω. Then F has a random fixed point.

Proof. Now Theorem 1.4 guarantees that F : Ω×X → CD(X) satisfies condition(A) and Theorem 2.2 guarantees that F has a deterministic fixed point. The resultnow follows from Theorem 1.1

Theorem 2.4. Let (Ω,A) be a measurable space, X a hyperconvex, separablespace and F : Ω ×X → CD(X) a random continuous, condensing operator withF (w, . ) ∈ Uκ

c (X, X) for each w ∈ Ω. Then F has a random fixed point.

Proof. Now Theorem 1.4 guarantees that F : Ω×X → CD(X) satisfies condition(A) and Theorem 2.2 guarantees that F has a deterministic fixed point. The resultnow follows from Theorem 1.1.

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3. Random Fixed Point Theory for Admissible Multimaps

In this section we present random fixed theory for admissible maps.

Theorem 3.1. Let C be a separable, closed, convex, bounded subset of a Frechetspace E (P is a defining system of seminorms) with x0 ∈ C and F : Ω × C →CD(C) a continuous countably P –concentrative random operator satisfying con-dition (A). Suppose F (ω, . ) ∈ Bκ(C,C) for each ω ∈ Ω . Then F has a randomfixed point.

Proof. By Theorem 1.18, F has a deterministic fixed point. Since F satisfiescondition (A), the result follows by Theorem 1.1.

Theorem 3.2. Let C be a nonempty, separable, closed, convex subset of a Frechetspace E (P is a defining system of seminorms) and F : Ω × C → CD(C) acontinuous countably P –concentrative random operator satisfying condition (A).Suppose F (ω, . ) ∈ Uκ

c (C,C) for each ω ∈ Ω . Then F has a random fixed point.

Proof. By Theorem 1.20, F has a deterministic fixed point. Since F satisfiescondition (A), the result follows by Theorem 1.1.

Theorem 3.3. Let C be a separable, closed, convex, bounded subset of a Frechetspace E (P is a defining system of seminorms) with x0 ∈ C and F : Ω ×C → CD(E) a continuous countably P –concentrative random operator satisfyingcondition (A). Suppose, for each ω ∈ Ω either

F (ω, . ) ∈ H(C,E) with F (ω, x) ∩ IC(x) 6= ∅ for all x ∈ C

orF (ω, . ) ∈ Uκ

c (C,E) with F (ω, x) ⊆ IC(x) for all x ∈ C

ocurrs. Then F has a random fixed point.

Proof. By Theorem 1.19, F has a deterministic fixed point. Since F satisfiescondition (A), an application of Theorem 1.1 yields that F has a random fixedpoint.

Remark 3.4. Using Theorem 3.3, one may obtain random homotopy and randomLeray–Schauder results for inward multimaps parallel to the deterministic resultsin [16].

Theorem 3.5. Let C be a nonempty, separable, closed, convex subset of a Frechetspace E (P is a defining system of seminorms)and F : Ω × C → CD(C) acontinuous countably P –concentrative random operator satisfying condition (A).Suppose F (ω, . ) ∈ KKM(C,C) for each ω ∈ Ω . Then F has a random fixedpoint.

Proof. The result follows from Theorem 1.1 and Theorem 1.21.

Theorem 3.6. Let C be a nonempty, separable closed, convex subset of a Frechetspace E (P is a defining system of seminorms) and F : Ω × C → CD(C) acontinuous countably P –concentrative random operator satisfying condition (A).Suppose F (ω, . ) ∈ PK(C,C) for each ω ∈ Ω . Then F has a random fixedpoint.

Proof. The result follows from Theorem 1.1 and Theorem 1.22.

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Remark 3.7. If, in Theorem 3.1–Theorem 3.6, F : Ω×X → CD(E) is countablycondensing, then condition (A) is satisfied automatically.

Theorem 3.8. Let C be a separable, closed, convex subset of a Hilbert space Hwith 0 ∈ C and F : Ω × C → CD(E) a continuous countably condensing randomoperator. Suppose, for each ω ∈ Ω , F (ω, . ) ∈ Uκ

c (C,H) and F (ω, C) is bounded.In addition, assume the following conditions holds: for each ω ∈ Ω ,

if (xj , λj)∞j=1 is a sequence in ∂C × [0, 1] converging to (x, λ) withx ∈ λF (ω, x) and 0 ≤ λ < 1, then λjF (ω, x) ⊆ C for j sufficiently large.

Then F has a random fixed point.

Proof. By Theorem 1.23, F has a deterministic fixed point. Since F is countablycondensing, by Theorem 1.4, it is hemicompact and so satisfies condition (A). Theresult now follows from Theorem 1.1.

Theorem 3.9. Let C be a separable, closed, convex subset of a Hilbert space Hwith 0 ∈ C and F : Ω × C → CD(E) a continuous countably condensing randomoperator. Suppose, for each ω ∈ Ω , F (ω, . ) ∈ PK(C,H) and F (ω, C) is bounded.In addition, assume the following conditions holds: for each ω ∈ Ω ,

if (xj , λj)∞j=1 is a sequence in ∂C × [0, 1] converging to (x, λ) withx ∈ λF (ω, x) and 0 ≤ λ < 1, then λjF (ω, x) ⊆ C for j sufficiently large.

Then F has a random fixed point.

Proof. The result follows from Theorem 1.1 and Theorem 1.24.

4. Random Leray–Schauder Alternatives

In this section we present random Leray-Schauder alternative for different typesof maps.

Theorem 4.1. Let E be a separable Frechet space (P a defining systems of semi-norms), C a closed, convex subset of E , U ⊆ C an open, convex, subset of E with0 ∈ U and F : Ω× U → CD(C) a continuous countably P –concentrative randomoperator satisfying condition (A). Suppose for each ω ∈ Ω , F (ω, . ) ∈ Uκ

c (U,C)and

x 6∈ λF (ω, x) for x ∈ ∂U and λ ∈ (0, 1) .

Then F has a random fixed point ξ with ξ(ω) ∈ U for each ω ∈ Ω .

Proof. Fix ω ∈ Ω and notice Theorem 1.29 guarantees that F (ω, . ) has a fixedpoint in U . Since F satisfies condition (A), by Theorem 1.1 (cf. Remark 1.3) Fhas a random fixed point ξ with ξ(ω) ∈ U for each ω ∈ Ω .

Theorem 4.2. Let E be a separable Frechet space (P a defining systems ofseminorms), C a closed, convex subset of E , U ⊆ C an open, convex, sub-set of E with 0 ∈ U , and F : Ω × U → CD(C) a continuous countably P –concentrative random operator satisfying condition (A). Suppose for each ω ∈ Ω ,F (ω, . ) ∈ KKM(U,C) and

x 6∈ λF (ω, x) for x ∈ ∂U and λ ∈ (0, 1) .

Then F has a random fixed point ξ with ξ(ω) ∈ U for each ω ∈ Ω .

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Proof. Let ω ∈ Ω be fixed. Now Theorem 1.30 guarantees that F (ω, . ) has afixed point in U . Since F satisfies condition (A), by Theorem 1.1 F has a randomfixed point ξ with ξ(ω) ∈ U for each ω ∈ Ω .

Theorem 4.3. Let E be a Frechet space (P a defining systems of seminorms),C a closed, convex subset of E , U ⊆ C an open, convex, subset of E with 0 ∈ Uand F : Ω×U → CD(C) a continuous countably P -concentrative random operatorsatisfying condition (A). Suppose ω ∈ Ω , F (ω, . ) ∈ PK(U,C) and

x 6∈ λF (ω, x) for x ∈ ∂U and λ ∈ (0, 1).

Then F has a random fixed point ξ with ξ(ω) ∈ U for each ω ∈ Ω .

Proof. This follows from Theorem 1.1 and Theorem 1.31.

5. Krasnoselskii Cone Compression Theorems for Random Multimaps

We obtain a random Krasnoselskii cone compression theorem.

Theorem 5.1. Let C be a cone in a Banach space E, let r, R be constants with0 < r < R and let F : Ω × (Bρ ∩ C) → CD(C) be a continuous compact randomoperator. Suppose Bρ∩C is separable and for each ω ∈ Ω , F (ω, .) ∈ Uκ

c (Bρ∩C,C)with

F (ω, Sr ∩ C) ⊆ EBr ∩ C and F (ω, SR ∩ C) ⊆ BR ∩ C .

Then F has a fixed point ξ such that r ≤ ||ξ(ω)|| ≤ R for each ω ∈ Ω .

Proof. Let Br,R = x ∈ E : r ≤ ||x|| ≤ R and consider G(ω) = x ∈ Br,R :x ∈ F (ω, x) . Then, by Theorem 1.26, G(ω) 6= ∅ for each ω ∈ Ω . Since F iscontinuous and compact, it is hemicompact and so satisfies condition (A). NowTheorem 1.1 (cf. Remark 1.3) guarantees that F has a random fixed point ξ suchthat r ≤ ||ξ(ω)|| ≤ R for each ω ∈ Ω .

Remark 5.2. Theorem 5.1 remains valid (see [15]) if “F (ω, . ) ∈ Uκc (Bρ ∩ C,C)

for each ω ∈ Ω ” is replaced by “ F (ω, . ) ∈ A(Bρ ∩ C,C) for each ω ∈ Ω ” whereA is a subclass of Bκ maps satisfying a composition condition: if G ∈ A(X1, X3)and g ∈ C(X2, X1) , then G g ∈ Bκ(X2, X3) for any topological spaces X1, X2

and X3 .

Remark 5.3. In Theorem 5.1, the condition F (ω, SR) ⊆ BR may be replaced (see[15]) by the following condition

x 6∈ λF (ω, x) for x ∈ SR quadand λ ∈ (0, 1) .

Theorem 5.4. Let E be an infinite dimensional Banach space and let r, R beconstants with 0 < r < R and let F : Ω×Bρ → CD(E) be a continuous countablyk -set-contractive random operator with 0 ≤ k < 1

k0(here k0 is as described in

Theorem 1.27). Suppose Bρ is separable and for each ω ∈ Ω , F (ω, .) ∈ Uκc (Bρ, E)

withF (ω, Sr) ⊆ EBr and F (ω, SR) ⊆ BR .

Then F has a random fixed point ξ such that r ≤ ||ξ(ω)|| ≤ R for each ω ∈ Ω .

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Proof. Define G(ω) = x ∈ Br,R : x ∈ F (ω, x) . Then, by Theorem 1.27, G(ω) 6=∅ for each ω ∈ Ω . Note [10, Chapter 21] that the Lipschtiz constant k0 ofa Lipschtizian retraction r0 : Br → Sr always satisfies k0 > 1 . Since F iscontinuous and countably k –set–contractive with 0 ≤ k < 1

k0, it is countably

condensing and so, by Theorem 1.4, satisfies condition (A). The result now followsfrom Theorem 1.1 (cf. Remark 1.3).

Theorem 5.5. Let E be an infinite dimensional Banach space, let U1 and U2 beopen convex subsets of E with 0 ∈ U1 with U1 ⊂ U2 , and let F : Ω×U2 → CD(E)be a continuous compact random operator. Suppose U2 is separable and for eachω ∈ Ω , F (ω, .) ∈ Uκ

c (U2, E) with

F (ω, ∂U1) ⊆ E \ U1 and F (ω, ∂U2) ⊆ U2 .

Then F has a random fixed point ξ such that ξ(ω) ∈ U2 \ U1 for each ω ∈ Ω .

Proof. Define G(ω) = x ∈ U2 \ U1 : x ∈ F (ω, x) . Then, by Theorem 1.28,G(ω) 6= ∅ for each ω ∈ Ω . Since F is continuous and compact, it satisfiescondition (A). The result immediately follows from Theorem 1.1 (cf. Remark1.3).

Remark 5.6. In Theorem 5.5, we may replace F (ω, ∂U2) ⊆ U2 by (see [15])

x 6∈ λF (ω, x) for x ∈ ∂U2 and λ ∈ (0, 1) .

6. Random Approximation and Random Fixed Point Theorems

In this section, we prove some random approximation and random fixed pointtheorems for a variety of maps.

Let C be a convex subset of a Banach space E with 0 ∈ int(C) . The Minkowskifunctional p : E → [0,∞) of C is defined by

p(x) = infr > 0 : x ∈ rC .

The following properties of the Minkowski functional are well known:

(i) p is continuous on E ;

(ii) p(x + y) ≤ p(x) + p(y), x, y ∈ E ;

(iii) p(λx) = λp(x) , λ ≥ 0 , x ∈ E ;

(iv) 0 ≤ p(x) < 1 if x ∈ int(C) ;

(v) p(x) > 1 , if x 6∈ C ;

(vi) p(x) = 1 , if x ∈ ∂C .

Let x ∈ E . We let

dp(x,C) = infp(x− y) : y ∈ C .

The following is a random version of Theorem 3.2 of [18].

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Theorem 6.1. Let C be a separable, closed, convex subset of a Banach space Ewith 0 ∈ int(C) and F : Ω × C → CD(E) a continuous countably condensingrandom operator. Suppose F (ω, .) ∈ Uκ

c (C,E) for each ω ∈ Ω . Then there exista measurable mapping ξ : Ω → C and a mapping η : Ω → E such that for eachω ∈ Ω we have

η(ω) ∈ F (ω, ξ(ω))

andp(η(ω)− ξ(ω)

)= dp

(η(ω), C

)= dp

(η(ω), IC



here p is the Minkowski functional of C in E .

Proof. Let r : E → C be defined by

r(x) =

x if x ∈ Cx

p(x) if x 6∈ C .

Then r is continuous andr(A) ⊆ co(A ∪ 0)

for each bounded subset A of C . This gives α(r(A)) ≤ α(A) . Therefore, r isa 1-set-contractive map. Since F (ω, . ) is countably condensing for each ω ∈ Ω ,G(ω, .) = r F (ω, . ) is countably condensing. Since Uκ

c is closed under compo-sition, G(ω, .) ∈ Uκ

c (C,C) . By Theorem 3.2, there exists a measurable mappingξ : Ω → C such that ξ(ω) ∈ G

(ω, ξ(ω)

)for each ω ∈ Ω . Now, fix ω ∈ Ω . Then

there exists some η(ω) ∈ F(ω, ξ(ω)

)such that ξ(ω) = r



There are two cases to consider, either(η(ω)

)∈ C or η(ω) 6∈ C:

If η(ω) ∈ C , thenξ(ω) = r


)= η(ω)

and sop(η(ω)− ξ(ω)

)= 0 = dp

(η(ω), C


On the other hand, if η(ω) 6∈ C , then

ξ(ω) = r(η(ω)



) .

Thus, for any x ∈ C,

p(η(ω)− ξ(ω)

)= p

(η(ω)− η(ω)





)− 1)


) p(η(ω)

)= p


)− 1 ≤ p


)− p(x) ≤ p

(η(ω)− x


Consequently,p(η(ω)− ξ(ω)

)= dp

(η(ω), C

)for each ω ∈ Ω .Now we claim that

p(η(ω)− ξ(ω)

)= dp

(η(ω), IC



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for each ω ∈ Ω . Indeed, fix ω ∈ Ω . Let z ∈ IC


)\C. Then there exist y ∈ C

and λ > 1 such that z = ξ(ω) + λ(y − ξ(ω)

). Suppose

p(η(ω)− z

)< p(η(ω)− ξ(ω)


Since ( 1λ )z +

(1− 1


)ξ(ω) ∈ C we have

p(η(ω)− y

)= p


(η(ω)− z


1− 1λ

)(η(ω)− ξ(ω)

)]≤ 1

λp(η(ω)− z


1− 1λ

)p(η(ω)− ξ(ω)

)< p

(η(ω)− ξ(ω)


a contradiction. Therefore,

p(η(ω)− ξ(ω)

)≤ p

(η(ω)− z

)for all z ∈ IC



Hencep(η(ω)− ξ(ω)

)= dp

(η(ω), C

)= dp

(η(ω), IC



for each ω ∈ Ω .

For R > 0 , set BR = x ∈ E : ||x|| ≤ R , ∂BR = x ∈ E : ||x|| = R . Sincep(x) = ||x||

R is the Minkowski functional of BR in E , the following result followsimmediately from Theorem 6.1.

Corollary 6.2. Let BR be separable in a Banach space E and F : Ω × BR →CD(E) a continuous countably condensing random operator. Suppose F (ω, .) ∈Uκ

c (BR, E) for each ω ∈ Ω . Then there exist a measurable mapping ξ : Ω → BR

and a mapping η : Ω → E such that for each ω ∈ Ω we have

η(ω) ∈ F(ω, ξ(ω)


||η(ω)− ξ(ω)|| = d(η(ω), BR) = d(η(ω), IBR



Remark 6.3. Corollary 6.2 extends Theorem 1 of Lin [14] to countably condensingmultimaps.

Theorem 6.4. Let C be a separable, closed, convex subset of a Banach space Ewith 0 ∈ int(C) and F : Ω × C → CD(E) a continuous countably condensingrandom operator. Suppose F (ω, . ) ∈ KKM(C,E) for each ω ∈ Ω . Then thereexist a measurable mapping ξ : Ω → C and a mapping η : Ω → E such that foreach ω ∈ Ω we have

η(ω) ∈ F (ω, ξ(ω))

andp(η(ω)− ξ(ω)

)= dp

(η(ω), C

)= dp

(η(ω), IC



here p is the Minkowski functional of C in E .

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Proof. Let r : E → C be as in Theorem 6.1. Then, as in Theorem 6.1, r iscontinuous and for each ω ∈ Ω , G(ω, . ) = rF (ω, . ) is countably condensing. ByRemark 1.4, G(ω, . ) ∈ KKM(C,C) for each ω ∈ Ω . Now Theorem 3.5 impliesthat G has a random fixed point ξ : Ω → C . Hence, as in Theorem 6.1, thereexist a mapping η : Ω → E such that

η(ω) ∈ F(ω, ξ(ω)


p(η(ω)− ξ(ω)

)= dp

(η(ω), C

)= dp

(η(ω), IC


))for each ω ∈ Ω .

Let A be a subclass of Bκ maps satisfying a composition condition: if G ∈A(X1, X2) and g ∈ C(X2, X3) , then g G ∈ Bκ(X1, X3) for any topologicalspaces X1, X2 and X3 .

Theorem 6.5. Let C be a separable, closed, bounded, convex subset of a Banachspace E with 0 ∈ int(C) and F : Ω × C → CD(E) a continuous countablycondensing random operator. Suppose F (ω, . ) ∈ A(C,E) for each ω ∈ Ω . Thenthere exist a measurable mapping ξ : Ω → C and a mapping η : Ω → E such thatfor each ω ∈ Ω we have

η(ω) ∈ F (ω, ξ(ω))

andp(η(ω)− ξ(ω)) = dp(η(ω), C) = dp(η(ω), IC(ξ(ω))) ;

here p is the Minkowski functional of C in E .

Proof. As above, r is continuous and for each ω ∈ Ω , G(ω, . ) = r F (ω, . ) iscountably condensing. Now, G(ω, . ) ∈ Bκ(C,C) for each ω ∈ Ω . An applicationof Theorem 3.1 gives that G has a random fixed point ξ : Ω → C . Thus, as inTheorem 6.1, there exist a mapping η : Ω → E such that

η(ω) ∈ F(ω, ξ(ω)


p(η(ω)− ξ(ω)

)= dp

(η(ω), C

)= dp

(η(ω), IC


))for each ω ∈ Ω .

Theorem 6.6. Let C be a separable, closed, convex subset of a Banach space Ewith 0 ∈ int(C) and F : Ω × C → CD(E) a continuous countably condensingrandom operator. Suppose F (ω, . ) ∈ PK(C,E) for each ω ∈ Ω . Then there exista measurable mapping ξ : Ω → C and a mapping η : Ω → E such that for eachω ∈ Ω we have

η(ω) ∈ F(ω, ξ(ω)


p(η(ω)− ξ(ω)

)= dp

(η(ω), C

)= dp

(η(ω), IC



here p is the Minkowski functional of C in E .

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Proof. As before, we have r is continuous and 1–set–contractive. Let ω ∈ Ω befixed. Since metrizable spaces are paracompact, C is paracompact. By Remark1.14, there exists a continuous (single valued) mapping f(ω, . ) : C → E such thatf(ω, x) ∈ F (ω, x) for each x ∈ C . Let g(ω, . ) = r f(ω, .) . Clearly g(ω, .) : C →C is continuous countably condensing mapping. Now Theorem 1.20 guarantees thatthere is a x ∈ C such that x = g(ω, x) ∈ G(ω, x) , where G(ω, . ) = r F (ω, . ) .Clearly G has a deterministic fixed point. Theorem 1.1 further implies that G hasa random fixed point ξ : Ω → C . Thus, as in Theorem 6.1, there exist a mappingη : Ω → E such that

η(ω) ∈ F(ω, ξ(ω)


p(η(ω)− ξ(ω)

)= dp

(η(ω), C

)= dp

(η(ω), IC


))for each ω ∈ Ω .

We now apply random approximation results to derive some random fixed pointtheorems.

Theorem 6.7. Let C be a separable, closed, convex subset of a Banach space Ewith 0 ∈ int(C) and F : Ω × C → CD(E) a continuous countably condensingrandom operator. Suppose F (ω, . ) ∈ Uκ

c (C,E) for each ω ∈ Ω and satisfies anyone of the following conditions for any ω ∈ Ω and x ∈ ∂C \ F (ω, x) :

(i) For each y ∈ F (ω, x) , p(y − z) < p(y − x) for some z ∈ IC(x);

(ii) For each y ∈ F (ω, x) , there exist λ with |λ| < 1 such that λx + (1 − λ)y ∈IC(x);

(iii) F (ω, x) ⊆ IC(x);

(iv) For each λ ∈ (0, 1) , x 6∈ λF (ω, x);

(v) For each y ∈ F (ω, x) , there exist α ∈ (1,∞) such that pα(y)−1 ≤ pα(y−x);

(vi) For each y ∈ F (ω, x) , there exist β ∈ (0, 1) such that pβ(y)− 1 ≥ pβ(y− x) .Then F has a random fixed point.

Proof. By Theorem 6.1, then there exist a measurable mapping ξ : Ω → C and amapping η : Ω → E such that for each ω ∈ Ω we have

η(ω) ∈ F(ω, ξ(ω)

)with ξ(ω) = r



p(η(ω)− ξ(ω)

)= dp

(η(ω), C

)= dp

(η(ω), IC



where p is the Minkowski functional of C in E . Moreover, it is clear that ifdp

(η(ω), IC


))> 0 for some ω ∈ Ω , then ξ(ω) ∈ ∂C and p


)> 1(

note, for fixed ω, if ξ(ω) ∈ int (C) then it is well known that IC


)= E and

so dp

(ξ(ω, IC


))= 0, a contradiction


Suppose F satisfies condition (i). Assume there is some ω ∈ Ω such that ξ(ω) 6∈F(ω, ξ(ω)

). Then, by condition (i), we have p


)< p(η(ω)−ξ(ω)

)for some

z ∈ IC


). But this contradicts the choice of ξ . Hence ξ(ω) ∈ F

(ω, ξ(ω)


all ω ∈ Ω so F has a random fixed point.

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Suppose F satisfies condition (ii). Assume there is some ω ∈ Ω such thatξ(ω) 6∈ F (ω, ξ(ω)) . Then, by condition (ii), there exists λ with |λ| < 1 such thatλξ(ω) + (1− λ)η(ω) ∈ IC(ξ(ω)) . This implies that

p(η(ω)− ξ(ω)) ≤ p(η(ω)−

(λξ(ω) + (1− λ)η(ω)

))= p

(λ(η(ω)− ξ(ω)

))= |λ|p

(η(ω)− ξ(ω)

)< p

(η(ω)− ξ(ω)


which is a contradiction. Hence F has a random fixed point.If F satisfies condition (iii), then it satisfies condition (ii) by letting λ = 0 .Suppose F satisfies condition (iv). Assume there is some ω ∈ Ω such that

ξ(ω) 6∈ F (ω, ξ(ω)) . Then ξ(ω) ∈ ∂C and so, by condition (iv), ξ(ω) 6∈ λF (ω, ξ(ω))for each λ ∈ (0, 1) . It further implies that ξ(ω) 6= λη(ω) for each λ ∈ (0, 1) . Butwe have ξ(ω) = η(ω)


) and p(η(ω)

)> 1 , a contradiction. Hence F has a random

fixed point.Suppose F satisfies condition (v). Assume there is some ω ∈ Ω such that

ξ(ω) 6∈ F(ω, ξ(ω)

). Then condition (v) implies that there exists α ∈ (1,∞) with


)− 1 ≤ pα

(η(ω)− ξ(ω)

). Let λ0 = 1


) . Then λ0 ∈ (0, 1) and(p(η(ω)

)− 1)α


) = (1− λ0)α < 1− λα0


)α − 1pα(η(ω)

) ≤pα(η(ω)− ξ(ω)


) ,

which gives p(η(ω)− ξ(ω)

)> p(η(ω)

)−1 . This contradicts the fact that p



= p(η(ω)

)− 1

(see the proof of Theorem 6.1 when η(ω) 6∈ C


Finally suppose F satisfies condition (vi). Then, as above(proof of (v)

), it is

easy to see that F has a random fixed point.

Remark 6.8. Theorem 6.6 is a random version of Theorem 3.5 of [18]. It can alsobe derived from Theorem 1.1. We have included its proof here as application ofrandom approximation result.

Corollary 6.9. Let BR be separable in a Banach space E and F : Ω × BR →CD(E) a continuous countably condensing random operator. Suppose F (ω, . ) ∈Uκ

c (BR, E) for each ω ∈ Ω and satsfies any one of the following conditions for anyω ∈ Ω and x ∈ ∂BR \ F (ω, x) :

(i) For each y ∈ F (ω, x) ||y − z|| < ||y − x|| for some z ∈ IBR(x);

(ii) For each y ∈ F (ω, x) , there exist λ with |λ| < 1 such that λx + (1 − λ)y ∈IBR


(iii) F (ω, x) ⊆ IBR(x);

(iv) For each λ ∈ (0, 1) , x 6∈ λF (ω, x);

(v) For each y ∈ F (ω, x) , there exist α ∈ (1,∞) such that ||y||α−R ≤ ||y−x||α;

(vi) For each y ∈ F (ω, x) , there exist β ∈ (0, 1) such that ||y||β −R ≥ ||y− x||β .

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Then F has a random fixed point.

Remark 6.10. Corollary 6.7 generalizes Theorem 4 of Lin [14] to countably con-densing multimaps.

Using arguments similar to those of Theorem 6.6, we can obtain the followingresults.

Theorem 6.11. Let C be a separable, closed, convex subset of a Banach spaceE with 0 ∈ int(C) and F : Ω × C → CD(E) a continuous countably condensingrandom operator. Suppose F (ω, . ) ∈ KKM(C,E) for each ω ∈ Ω and satisfiesany one of the following conditions for any ω ∈ Ω and x ∈ ∂C \ F (ω, x) :(i) For each y ∈ F (ω, x) , p(y − z) < p(y − x) for some z ∈ IC(x);

(ii) For each y ∈ F (ω, x) , there exist λ with |λ| < 1 such that λx + (1 − λ)y ∈IC(x);

(iii) F (ω, x) ⊆ IC(x);

(iv) For each λ ∈ (0, 1) , x 6∈ λF (ω, x);

(v) For each y ∈ F (ω, x) , there exist α ∈ (1,∞) such that pα(y)−1 ≤ pα(y−x);

(vi) For each y ∈ F (ω, x) , there exist β ∈ (0, 1) such that pβ(y)− 1 ≥ pβ(y− x) .Then F has a random fixed point.

Theorem 6.12. Let C be a separable, closed, bounded, convex subset of a Banachspace E with 0 ∈ int(C) and F : Ω × C → CD(E) a continuous countablycondensing random operator. Suppose F (ω, .) ∈ A(C,E) for each ω ∈ Ω andsatisfies any one of the following conditions for any ω ∈ Ω and x ∈ ∂C \ F (ω, x) :(i) For each y ∈ F (ω, x) , p(y − z) < p(y − x) for some z ∈ IC(x);

(ii) For each y ∈ F (ω, x) , there exist λ with |λ| < 1 such that λx + (1 − λ)y ∈IC(x);

(iii) F (ω, x) ⊆ IC(x);

(iv) For each λ ∈ (0, 1) , x 6∈ λF (ω, x);

(v) For each y ∈ F (ω, x) , there exist α ∈ (1,∞) such that pα(y)−1 ≤ pα(y−x);

(vi) For each y ∈ F (ω, x) , there exist β ∈ (0, 1) such that pβ(y)− 1 ≥ pβ(y− x) .Then F has a random fixed point.

Theorem 6.13. Let C be a separable, closed, convex subset of a Banach spaceE with 0 ∈ int(C) and F : Ω × C → CD(E) a continuous countably condensingrandom operator. Suppose F (ω, . ) ∈ PK(C,E) for each ω ∈ Ω and satisfies anyone of the following conditions for any ω ∈ Ω and x ∈ ∂C \ F (ω, x) :(i) For each y ∈ F (ω, x) , p(y − z) < p(y − x) for some z ∈ IC(x);

(ii) For each y ∈ F (ω, x) , there exist λ with |λ| < 1 such that λx + (1 − λ)y ∈IC(x);

(iii) F (ω, x) ⊆ IC(x);

(vi) For each λ ∈ (0, 1) , x 6∈ λF (ω, x);

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(v) For each y ∈ F (ω, x) , there exist α ∈ (1,∞) such that pα(y)−1 ≤ pα(y−x);

(vi) For each y ∈ F (ω, x) , there exist β ∈ (0, 1) such that pβ(y)− 1 ≥ pβ(y − x).Then F has a random fixed point.

Finally, following the ideas of the above results, it is possible to obtain other ran-dom approximation and random fixed point theorems in the Hilbert space setting.We only state the results and leave the details to the reader. We must mentionthat, in these cases, the mapping r is replaced by the nearest point projection (i.e.proximity map) r and the condition that 0 ∈ int(C) is redundant.

Theorem 6.14. Let C be a nonempty, separable, closed, convex subset of a Hilbertspace H and F : Ω × C → CD(H) a continuous countably condensing randomoperator. Suppose F (ω, . ) ∈ Uκ

c (C,H)(F (ω, .) ∈ KKM(C,H) or F (ω, . ) ∈


for each ω ∈ Ω . Then there exist a measurable mapping ξ : Ω → Cand a mapping η : Ω → H such that for each ω ∈ Ω we have

η(ω) ∈ F(ω, ξ(ω)


||η(ω)− ξ(ω)|| = d(η(ω), C

)= d

(η(ω), IC



here ||.|| is the norm induced by the inner product.

Theorem 6.15. Let C be a nonempty, separable, closed, convex subset of a Hilbertspace H and F : Ω × C → CD(H) a continuous countably condensing randomoperator. Suppose F (ω, . ) ∈ Uκ

c (C,H)(F (ω, . ) ∈ KKM(C,H) or F (ω, . ) ∈


for each ω ∈ Ω and satisfies any one of the following conditions forany ω ∈ Ω and x ∈ ∂C \ F (ω, x) :

(i) (i). For each y ∈ F (ω, x) , ||y − z|| < ||y − x|| for some z ∈ IC(x);

(ii) For each y ∈ F (ω, x) , there exist λ with |λ| < 1 such that λx + (1 − λ)y ∈IC(x);

(iii) F (ω, x) ⊆ IC(x).Then F has a random fixed point.

Remark 6.16. Theorem 6.14 and Theorem 6.15 also hold when F (ω, . ) ∈ A(C,H)for each ω ∈ Ω . However, for this, we need to assume that C is bounded.

Remark 6.17. Theorem 6.11 extends Theorem 2 of Lin [14] whereas Theorem6.12 generalizes Theorem 5 of Lin [14] to countably condensing multimaps.


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Donal O’Regan

Department of MathematicsNational University of Ireland



[email protected]

Naseer Shahzad

Department of Mathematics, King Abdul AzizUniversity

PO Box 80203Jeddah 21589


[email protected]