V^- XVI.. 4,H7 I. NEW-YORK, l UE8J>AVt DECEMBER | 1856. P^V^^^V^-1^'^ flEW YORK TRIBUNE. I II I NKW-YORK MAILT TKIIH Mfi I- Pt'BLi»HBD EVF.RY MOlMNrt aid EVENINO. (KmnAT KacirTKO.r BY OkEELtY k McELRATTT. . tni fBiBBaB ten.oksi, coaara or «AstAt UrBtTOBCB " ITU1TI OHOIITl TK I mr HALL, -adelirerrd to ( il» BuDecaibcrtf 12; rente per are**. Mail fateuioer*, t)6 per tut um, ia advance, for eta month*. Bl Tin KKB YORH WF.IKI V TBIBl'.tB, A VF.RY LAROE PAPER FOR TUP. lOt'SHlY. a, a»,bli*h»d every «Aii tDAV Mouinit the low pn <. of bj JLTianen. inadvu.re Three f-opie. for 9.S: Five ( op.*»'..r kl Tri. «'"idr* for * 12, end A paper In no jMM rou-i u- .. f, I,, a M t.,.r f. r » i.irh t it pail AJ7'r',,?^Dr',I,I,"I.Tr,r: I I t aLY tBJBUlfl MM ONE DOLLAR PER LlefEetv.b u».: a _____ THE ftFTII.W KEKl.V f Kl 111 l .out.h.r..d evert tinOAT and KkidaV Moawac. Pr>e «) i. .im. Too Cofec* for Bi; Kite Cnpie* for BU 25, Sin- r BkB CWM ^_____ Tili: X11Y-IOBK I It IIII \ I i K l ALIHiKNIA. ORKdON, AND THE ' BAJtOWII H ISLANDS, . jnblUfted on "be departure i f rv b Hail Steamer for Atpin- wa.i, At *>1 >' per at-nuiai. Siu»l<- Copiee, Sia Ontt. Uli 5PW.VOBK I IM!H M rUK B IK OP KAN CIBCUtATIOM a pabiieked tu tbt departure of. acb Mail Si -amer for Liver yoni, M fS per annum, poetegc <i S bag - < ,...-!< Bpfnnl Xoticca. raja, Hor.lon-- Lecture.-DON FRANCISCO BOR- |>(».S 1 the Hi xi.»n Army, aud recently arrived in tliit city Bataltealne will toetara >t Clinton Ball, Aetor Pia.», on . 1-i.AV tVaOIMO, D2. Subject: Mct.ro and it, p...,. a** eaaaaaaaet at I tVeloCaV Tiraet* £"> cent*. in iy h.- attained tt A Baaawj I May Btaee, Ma. I*i5 Broadway at .rr * l' »". i.d't, M leeaat B .ding, and at toe B.k.k.t. mo ^.rre v eieo at the M. rtanti..-Library and MaaaaanW loatt- tut*. <"-0. LA SE'/A, cx-Pr.eident Of Mexico, witb Orn. BLAM O, and .,ti at da* abed Meal u... will b- a- "jtett-Yark Historical Society.-The regular Monthly keeling ol Ikit SiM.cy »,. be bald at tbrir Boom« in tba (¦r.iver.lty. aa TITSDAY KV ENI NO, Dr. 2, at 7} o'clock. j -ti.Ah LORJI4G, eaa.. of Boetoe. will read * paj» r. i, tit^d R-niini*c*m-a of U llliam OoraaB the Revol'.ti'.uary Hut' i.*i. " ANDREW WARNER. Recording Secretary. ~Ncw>Knaland Maclely..Tbe Hon. OP.O. LL'NT, of Beatuto "ill deliver tbe urtt LoilUM bag.r.- thia Society, at Canton Hall, Aetcr-plar-, on WEDNESDAY EN KN.N . BtXT, at g o'clock. Subject: "The Three Era* of New-En- j,ai.J '¦' i. t't. '*< i.'a earh, .an be ..btaii.ed of tba ogaOMaj and at tor Aator Hoata, 11*11 4 Son*, rorner Broadway and ftrkI ¦> e llai pfa'l, cornel Broadway and \ mil v, and at the goer. t). N. Si EBB I.N 8, Chairman Led ore Committee. John II. Uoiinh will d< liver * L.ctur- on MONDAY BVKM1N0, Dot at ikt Broadway labaaaai la. E«Mrci*«*to ecu ii i i.re at 71 o'clock. Ticker* 2d eta, to be had at the door. Tlil» ie he only Lecture Mr. (lOt 'Ull will dalliat In thia city aatll after hit Itrgara froaa bl* Wettern tour. Brooklyn Aihenarum fiarlpriali Tkn fourth Leetare ,i bV < ur*e will b. dalrreredoa Tt ESDAY EVENlNO.Oe 2, by RICHARD B. KIMBALL, OMj. Sobj.et: The Loc- tan r, An. k al tad M. n. rn." DiKira open ai. 7, lecture to roiu- paaat at 8 o'*li.< k. i n kett, 2b Oeatt earn, may lie obtained at tbe u*ual pia. et aud at the door. E. A. LAMBEBT, > J. W. OILBEKT, JCommittee. A. CCOKE 11l LL, ) 'lie Ttulh Wind !<. tiublleuii < tub at ItrooltlyD wlii kolu i'a brat reaulai in. ei iry under it a amended ouat.t u- Baa, '1 HIS (iue.oayi E\ E.N1N0, M Hie b-a.l.) miter.. N... 8ggAtlaalta at. All re.!dei,t»nf the waid, irreapec.ire of paat party releirueea, wboare in favor of the piiueiplet whi.'b go*- ennd the fatoeit ol H.e Republic, ami wbi .(. nr.- r-: itnued m i... 11.1 ,.ration ot Independence and iu the Couatltutlon of lue I Bated State*.all who are in favor of au b ragulationa aa ah.11 |.'.*. iv. the aarredne** ol the ballot box, and ihm laaaia bon- ,». «In tiou*- aud all who are oppta> d to the p!»'t .r.n ot prin- t rpk t to which tbe incoming Admirilatia'ion i* pic Ige L an- aM> giaily invited i.,a t.*,d. llE.NHY HILL, Prea't. B. Ihoum ik ". fctiha Barrltl will <1. Iiv. r a L.-cture in the Br e.klyn In- HitaH nil EBDAY EVE.NINU, Dee. 2, on Toe Value .f ibelinoB and the «li ly t ..uditlon ot It* Perpetuity." The L.i ure »in aataawaaaa at 7) a^took. Admi..i..ii, is esata. I. id a*, tbe door. ~Aaierleaa laatliule Farmer*.' Club.-A regular M. . t- :»»' be h. ,1 ai tbe H«po.n. rv. No. >>1 Broadwi.y. on TI ES |)A>, D««. J, at iio,m labjatdl H .w to make Orcliarda and kew to pieaerve ihen..'1 Itäaa iu.ere.tiug pap. rn will be read, ftrangt itarealway» e.ptt ially wel< .ui-. Admixion free to tl_H. MEIOS, Secretary. Boiie taapel.-'i' ie Sr, .n.l 07 Pioi BOWkTB rThtbatantra' at K' aolnja, b, l. re the Senior ( I... I CulurnbtaCollege, THIS BVBMlBOi at 7; o'cloch p.m. Bobkactt " abak uaaaaM aud gkefacta" ltefcata tor the r. at of tbe Couree, udmi'.tiug gen- gka lady ti. Single aduiiaalon, 50 rent*. kill u at* Ala K. Church -Pr.1. ..or HOtVAKD CilOS BY ol the New k oik 1'iiiveraity, will lootara iu Baa above ekaieh on TCEsDaY KVElilNO, Uec 2, at 7J o'clock, on ¦Tbe du lira of American Women." Ticket* 2S cut.', (admit- BagBOl ni lemau and Lady,) to be had at the door. Aaaoeiatlon ol I \enipl Firenien..Toe Mi inwri will tlaaai a.» ruble ut No. 741» Wanhingt.>u at., neat Bethuue, TO- kinKhoiv IrVadaetday > MOKM1MO, at leVloek. ba pay the laaitnl i.te ol ret;«ct to our de.' a«. d OOS pa^iou UEOHOi. W KUNN'ARD, by attending hi* lumial. _O. W. WHEELER, R. S. Waal Baa Oyer'a Healing BMirraealla^ alwacf. NN r*. ii.ue.d1 I* i* knowu every win re M a Standard il-d- K.ne.aSun Remedy, au.i a I uiv. i-tl Punacafor i{!i. nu,.'.«iu. I gg Weaada Bum., Scaida, Lumbago. BoeaThroat, Pikte, Bowel Complaint*, Cholria, Wind CbBÄ Dy-etin rv. and nu' nietoui otbir Uli arid eebca. It* populaiily I* owing to itt own ttk mrrita. Oin .. BB d it never diipenied with. It i* tr ii..ni daily m. re and rn >re popular, ami i* performing re- ii .ik»l>le curet day by day. All pcrtom who have never med ibi* great remedy tor all aorta of palm, ah .old at oaoa ob.aiu It. - A*.nt. m New Torkl C H HI,NO, No. 1U2 Br ladway. Bold ai** by MOBBELL, . orner ol UoaotOB at, and Ut iv. Ul D'N. BBB at BetVaiJ and Orand .t and drngglata generally. < boice Faro..J. 11. HARLEY, iTupoiier iud MauulactuT BBj Ba. M Jehu it. aud Nu. JJ Maiden lane, otl. rt great ii Cucementi to buyeti of Fun in hit choice *elo:tioni. K\JU and I.iiaIi ot tbe molt laabioi.able ariiclea no* worn, from Sable I ru ,i,.. Mmk, aud < v> ry other kind, that he ran warrant (tor In ai" .ell no other i. Ladir* raifindagootl arti. 'eof Fur from $G a vet to any |tttt that aay ault Ibib taate. On nt or lui New-York Statb Kansa* Co., ) No. 142 Broadway, Albany. J ' lie! for Kanwaa !.All |Hra<ju* deairoua ni eiuigiailng to kA.SSAS neat »urrug are r. queated to notify and Corre.p .nd with U. C. BKOWN, eaq. (ol Oaawatamie. Kaii.a«), at l'tica, N. Y. ii. H VAN DYCK, Prewdeuk. Waa.Llaat R.«\f., Seeretar;. L'anlarani Inlelliaenre OttJre nnd Labor Karbaaae Be. bt. n rejioved truiu No. 2 Canal .t. to No. VI A ortu el., aatBaaeJ 't >, a l*W tloor* WC*tof Broadway. No fee* cka-ted._JAMES P. FAUAN Sup. riuU'iident. Ta Paper-iMakarra ab ut lafMk] tu their Winter atock a iflt.- in m Btowi N 1, i, 3, 4 and5 LPliHORN RAOS, 100 balea each quality. äVbaie* Domeatic tad Bl t. okwad H.AOS. IBBh*>«räoloe wbdta WIB1 INDIA RAOS. *. r. Mil* kads. '.i gbt bio* l.INEN It VOS. .tbalM MtPl CHTTINOB. l.a.ea ihoue t' .iitry unred RAOS. NN . aball tell oar et." k 'lue Fall at pri. ee that wilt make It to U .ii.n-.tol peo. i mäkelt to CALL aud RCY. N. B.No I. . .1 n g. JOHN PRIESTLEY a CO., Pap« tN ai.buuae, No. 120 > ..... .t. Kag Watabouae, No. HB i ratat-M. ^mnBcmcnte. T S o - n 1 g h APTOM.MtS'S FIRST HARP SOIREE. A: D 'dworlh'a Koom*, No. BOS Broadway. See Programme* at Aluei Store.. i 0 If 0 i BK10NOLI APTOtlMASS FIRST HARP SOIREE. TO-NIOHT. DEC. 2, At Dodworth'e Room*, No. HOB Broadway. Bat Programme* at the M Store*. IMIK PBIBBBtTBTl "MOISE " FANTASIA, with beethoven'S tbio IN C minor, Wiil ai I xi hv Ma. ArroMMtt, at hi. first harp soiree, to-nioht, dec. 2. Se* Programme* a'. Muaic Stor. t. BUKTCIN« NKW TUf^atek, BreNulway.. Tl'KBDAY.Laet week of MISS AHNE4 ROBERTSON. Ihr.-, capital Comic Piece*, introducing the full (trength of li.e aa. , lleul Cc.inpauy. BLl'e BELLE, ti . m w Feiry Pi,,,. a treat bit, lull of Fun, Sougi, Dancea, piet'V S.euery and go..d Dreeeee. IV PAUK NTS AND A KD I ANS, * ca| a Comedy, Jelineating all the Ftolica of School Mfc. THE TWt» QCEENS a:, etc tieal Builetta M;ee A Robert am a* Blee Belle, the Fairy Pet and Bob Net- Um emartett boy iu the ecbool. Mr l..,r;. n a* Bob Barleveura and Weddilore, the biggeat t»yin ihr »ebovl. Mr C Fltbar, Mr. T. Plailde, Mm Polly Marnball, Mra C. Howard, he, will «l*o appear. Bar^' amek1cah MU8EUM.- 11 l -DAY. Dee 2-THIS APTERNOtlN at 3 o'cli<k tbe pretty far. e ,,f Til AT Bl.ESSKD BABY After wbn-rl PADD^ THE PIPER. THIS EN ENINO « i ^k ,he Far.eot JOHN JU.NKS. The renowned Bl'SSlaV lilksr M K!o*..B. the larg. at man In the wor'.d. i. now h.re )1 f the OKEAT SNAKES ba* ii«et SA VLI.OWFD E111HT Ll\E PIÜ8 ai.d THREE RABBITS. Auoth,, i.r.e s b f. nr. ted DAILY TO FEED Tbe HAPPY FAMILY I t\ INO ^KBLETON, DWARF LADY, Ac. are aU to be' eeeV A "aiicc 2t cant*; Children under 10, 12} BB0BB VIS okckej.knaitomaiov ClAR- ? K NET PLAYER On raiiiliti.'i CHINESE BULHINU From 10 . ii.. till |0 p. m. 1 i'aiitajfiB HltaBBta_ I \\ -<P Ll'til{FüÄTl^KV^ ' .».'¦-; uoal rAlNfiN'GS ,». i put jpoj aa- K i Oia-u DAY and EVENINO. Adaaitt :ae 2».eata f^n.i). )?uWÄmrr^ great Niagara n i.EKi aadCo lion of s0and1nay IAN PAINT- 'NOBi* DAILY OPEN .t tbe- Blurrca*u.. lu.i.tut -. No. t>S0 I i. a a \y, tton. lo * ui. to 10 n. rn. Adu.ie»:nu ii cut*. S. . . utokela, »L_ wF.irrri;ALl8ii.-.Miaa a. seXbkixg. u7e b. et 'eat vv nt'ug, 1 kaygaa tug aud V ¦. N| .t.e wottd. may be *r*o dai.y at Mo. Ill) Or«nd el wberaeb* > daily ¦t.viiKu.g inqurer. tl th- truth of Spirit eoatenjaioo A I ApCINATINO AWl'SEMr^.-WOOD7'' -a .j,» *g>d t*antlf^l *y*t«e>, f Diawli.g and Pai.iiug fr n tf t tftj agfg. gb i a'.a N.. »| dthT-Tt. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE I.A GRANGE OPERA TROUPE ¦fatal ncpti d »r, Eotagi»aveal at Taco* faCalXB, H»va*a, TL» ir Performtneea in tkit Country will MOST I'OMTl \ EL Y CLOSE Ol. the lOTk iettant. To it. .very one au opportunity of hearing '.Lee more tnetr ¦IBIB)* tr'i»:», Peif.rmeii'et w.ii be tiven EVtRY NIOHf THIS WEEK Tli«' Director, determined to finder that PAKE w ELL I N O A 9 I M E H T OP MADAME LA ORAMGE Ev.ry wiy w riliy the tttentlo* of the Pubüe. will r . Oa WEDNKSAY, d»e. i. FOR THE PIRST TIME IS AMERICA. Verdi'* OrAnd Opera in three art*, I. A J R A V I A T A. Violett».Madame de LA Ott a NOE Flor».MAviAtne SIEDENHI Rii Alfred.Sigm.r BRK.NOLI 0. rrnoi d.Signor AMODIO Baron Du Pho!.Sienor OASPARONi T he aan.e Oper» will be prodoe.d Oa THURSDAY, the Ith in.rant, and On fkidav, th- stb lavttaat MAX MARFT/EK.Condu.'or. Adrntt»lon....ON£ DOLLAR S. I Cir e.V» re,.'» Se< 'ired 8c»t*.Ma. extra Amphitheater.35 Cent» 8e»»» for eittar of tne Ihr** P* ri awn ... may ha *»cured at the Ackden y. r a> Ha.i A e'< i . N< M ilroa.lv..y. Door, open at 7} Opera .¦. at I o'clock. THALBERG" TKNTH CONCERT A NIBLO'S SALOON Mad. D'A NO Kl THIRD APPEaRANCE IM AMERK K. ¦M MOBELLI. ' AIM. BEKOMANN, AND THE OKCHEBTBA. Mr. THALBERG Will play, for the FIRST TIME IV AMERICA, Another raf BEET tlOV EN'S »Iebrate.1 Cotapo«itJ .na, Tne OKANO CONCERTO la E FLAT, PBOOK v.M.ME -I'art L 1. Orerturo by the Orche.tia. t Aria by Su MORELI.I.Donizetti 3. Catratina."Roun o and I iliet".B-llini Madam. d'ANORI. 4. Concerto it. E Fla-.BeeThotia 8. THALBKR > 5. Aria. ¦' Ma»nadie.i" .Verde Mad im d AN«.HI 6. Overture 7. Fantaaia. " La Pille do Regnnei t".Thalberf S THAI,HERO ». Duet."The Barl., r .1 S. % »'..Roaaini Madame IE*. NOR I ami Sit .MORELLI. 9. Faataaia." Norma".Thalberi s. THALBKKO, 1". Rondo."L' Italianain Alteii".R.."i..i Mkdarr.e d'A NOR I 11. Mar. h bv the Orrl.e.tra Door, pea at H 0*4 loch to commence »t t. Seat» f. SO at d a> at Bn ..iw'i, I BB Nord» I A: Kin»'», and at the Door. On THURSDAY. d«c. 1 The LAST CONCERT, (bat iwa) prior to Mr. Thal», rr'a departure for BoBtOB and othir eltiea. 1 he aale of Seat* for Thnrad. \ Concert commence* on tVedtaaadtry, at the atrial placea. RoTICaV.To pre*eat any iiiiiiiaderi'arding, the public »re r. IM tlul'j inforn.ed tha' M THALBKKO will give TO DAY TWO CONI ERTS Ha.. THE (iBATUITOl'S Cll.Vt FHT to the Popil. of the Public School* at tli» Garden, at 1 o'clock p in.. ar.d the TENTH RKc.rr.AK CONCERT, on the E\ ENI NO ol tbe .»nie day, a' Niblo'a Saloin, for whi b Tick, ta ran l.i bad at the Ticket Orrire.. NI BL O G A R D E N. . D< ort open »' 1J ; tc otnineuce at 7J. Tii ketf.So Cent*. TUESDAY WA EN NO, Dec 2, IBM. Dnt'ble J k: mi or Tiir two Nrw Piei rt. La»t Week but one of THE WONDERFUL RAVELS, F.SPINOSA, tbe greateit Bring Comic Dancer, and Mine. MONPLAISlR, the charming DanacU'e, nightly honored with a triple call to receive th* unbounded approbation of crowded and delighted audit ncea. Another new featBIB in 'be Appeaiame of the INF\NT \\ UNDER, YOUNG AMERICA (oalT »bat yeara old). Pupil of JeionieRavel.on the TIGHT- ROPE. l Ol NO HE MILE H in l.n Ettraonlinatv EVOLUTIONS. Oreat »Ucee»» of the BOfg*QBI Ballet ol F8MERALDA\ Or, Tiir. Bri t. Rm.m or Notre Dtwr. PtBltiiaHa¦ .Mat*. Mmiplaiair Plan*.Kipino.» (Juaaimodo.Jerome Fr.ll.Ant nti. Sin uta of laughter at JettaBt*** lo w Com] »lity, M DU TOO PET M. du Trottet.Etpiima« I... Forte .J.-ronie WEDNESDAY-THE WONDERFUL RAVELS, E-IPINO- SA. Mit e. MONPLAISIR, YOOKO HENOLER, and THE INFAM WONDER. w A L LA CK'1 THE A TEA... Triiiinphaot »u.-ce«« of Mr. JAMES ANDERSON at d Miat AONES ELSWORTHY, Who will app.ar on TUESDAY, Dec. 2 in CLOUD AND SUNSHINE (iwoeirad mailt ly with unboundi .1 Hppluusel. WKVNESDAT, Dee. a, in THE ELDER BROTHER THURSDAY, Dec. 4. la INOOMAR. FRIDAY, Der. \ in CLOUD AND SUNSHINE, and SATURDAY, in THE LADY OF LYONS and CATHE¬ RINE AND PKTRUCHIO bting t..r the Benefit of Mua AONES ELSWORTHY. Mr. Ander», ii and Mi»» Agnet ElaTWrWtthy will be »udalued in tbe»e pieee» by lb. full :r. nsMi of thia unrivaled Company, presenting a conibination of hiatiionic geniua rarely to be teen, aiid the plaja will be produced wiili that-arifii attention to perfection i i propertiea and ecenery for ahich tbi» Theater remarkable. Mr I.herwood'a aat acene in CLOUD AND SUNSHINE baa bran pronounced a pertect »eetuc pn ture. Box book opt n three daya in advance. LAURA KEENE'» THEATER. . No. 624 Bro*dw»v, near Hotitton-tt. Door* open at 6) u'< I... k tbe r. rf. inaaaai .- wilt ...u.meme with the Overture at 7 o'clock. Admi*»ioii.Dreaa Circle and Parqnette, SO renn Balcony Se»t», 73ceui«; F'amily Circle, «Vi reut»i On ln-a ia Stall», «¦ I etch j Private Boxet, t and a' Hot Office p t, from 8 till 4 o'clock. TUESDAY EVENINO, Dee. 3, will be preeented, for tbe eighth time, tbe triumphantly aucceaafol ('omedy, In three at tt, called YOl'NO NEW-YORK, Sc. t.e.Saratoga and New-York. Time.Augnat and Septem ber, läW. Mr. Teuperceiit.Mr. Burnett Mr. Adolplin» VVaadUaatoa Tenp. rcent.Mr. O. Jordon Mr. Airy Froth.Mr. T. B Johnai.m Mr. Nuttallt.Mr. C Whe»-|.igh Mr. Ne. dhaui Crawl.Mr. Stoddart Mrt. T.pereoad.Mrt. H. P. Orattaa Mr*. Cerulia Sawiu.Mi»* Joa.plnio Manuert Milt Ro»e Tt nprrcent. Ml»» Laura Ke.-ne Grand ». lection by tbe Orchestra.Conductor, Mr. T. Baker. To com lüde with A CURIOUS CASE. Support, d by M.»ara C Wh. atlei^h, Lii.ghiui, Btoiaatt. Mil gold, and Mia. Ada Clifton. BROUGHAM'8 BOWERY THEATER.. Dreaa Circle and Orciiritra Seata, 50 .rutt, Boxea, i.*> IBB i Pit and Gallery, 124 cttita; Private Boxea, » Door» op. n at .*, to ootumeure at 7 .THIS EVENING: QRION, THE GOLDBEATER Capi. Allerron.Mr. Daten port Charily..Mra ¥. L. Davenport AltvaiH-.Mi. C. Clarke Flunbel...Mi»a Kate R' .. :i FALSE AND HU E. Onon Lindrii.Mr McDoumigh Ellen l uerton Mitt R. ignoldt Bufly OBcAw. Mr Brougham | Mra. Lindrll .....Mra Hirld DU1DT" NATIONAL THEATER. A .Dre.a Circle*. IBotnt*| Pit. LSI B*at*| Or, hr.trt Cbair», AI' ernta .Doora open at »1 o'clock, Curtain will ri*e at 7 pr. ciaelt -THIS ENNING, .t 7 ,.\ loebl WEALTH AND WORTH. FrtBi it Hardy. ..J. H. Allel. Miaa AlUTorde...Muie dr Meilo KAUM. Ob. THE MAGIC STAR. (Vuii.-i.0. L. Fox Cecelia,.Mia* Adelaide Price 4j BRIAN BOHOIH.ME ITrinee O'Donohne.Alleu Eltttha.Mme. de Mello H I N E S E R 0 DMS, No. cv»9 Broadway (late Buckle» al. ONLY COMPLETE TROUPE IN HIE WORLD Sig. DONE1T1S Oritlnal Comic Troupe .>f ACTING MONKEYS. DOOS and OOATK In LAUGHABLE PANTOMIMES, TIGHT and SLACK Rt>PE. ktV, at»d MAGICAL ILLUMINATED D180LVEN0US. with the wonderful fin JOHN BULL CHANGE OP TIME: Door» open at 64, curtain rieea at 7J orecitely. Adnii»> oetiUi Orcbettra Seata, JO ceuti; Children hall prii*. B< x Ottice opeu from 10 to I o'clock p. in., daily. UCKLEY" 6KRENADERS, New Hull, No. 5IA Broadway .DOUBLE OPER \ WEEK Monday Tue»day and Wedneaday Eveiiingt, Dec. 1.2andJ, TKO^ aTÖRE Atvd on Th ir-day. Friday and ,»at r lay Evening*. M ARITANA. Commence at 7J o'cloeh. Tl. keta 15 c a Orchrttra Seat« A* i-u. ACADEMY OK MU8IC to LET, on th* of night» of the Opera, for Cocearta, Lec¬ ture*, 4c Aoe< mutodatiot. for 4,000 peraoca. Prie* per night, ta«i.Including light. BALL SEASON. The pi'.re for Ball Niaihti ha* been reduced to B.>, inv.adi.vg til 'he pnviir-e* of «he Bart, Supper R,-»m» and C oak R>*ro*, together with the lithrii'g and fl.».riog. Apply to N H. 'A OLK»:, ol the Executive Committee. No. a South-*t «ri)c x3all Season. HE Ttxemty-eittriih ANN! AL BALL ttf the> HXW-YOBJX FIRE DEPARTMENT, for tbe Wilo*» tnd Oirl.aii*. will take ola-e »: -be A.»drmy of Mutir lfh «t oi MONDAY EVENING. Jaauaiy *M. 1*A7. Ticket, may be ].:. t.:. d > M.n.i. i. Hv. i.Iei HENRY A. BURK, PrealAent. Jami*. f. nittiAV ^a.rr'ary. T INCfORIAL BROTHER JONATHAN tor Cbnttma* and New Year » 1U7. Thi* rlagant Sarat t k*V tare* for tbe Holiday* will be ready at It t to-d»y |l i. tl:-,l wi:b Attraetire, km .«log, Lt ghable. Liv.-.y Mir:h ptotokite. and Spirit «r rr ng PI. area. D B..t fail ta .ary "T» fi e '.I acta CHT M N, 4* I'e.kll ii .!. iN'eiD Pnblications. AMAGNIFICENT WORK of ART. EMINENTLY SUITABLE FOR A OIKT BOOK. / 8. REDFIELD. Be, 1* Br-kmaa-*t-, New-Tork. ha* kB pulii»h*d: I> A B T. EY'8 MARO A BE T; Al OtICIIAL WOBB or INI II c AI AIT. OUTLINE COMPOSITIONS, illl steatite or AMEBICAN CHARACTER MANNERS AND CUSTOMS, comfki9ixc tiiibty BCBBBB l*IOM IfDD'l XOrgL Or BTKAOABST, a tale or the BSAt ako ioial. By FELIX O. C. HARLEY. ivo BBBBAVBB i* the PtBOT style 41 AtT. By Kcxiad IH'oeb. LI5T Or ILLL'ITBATIOBf. Flote. Subject I..Childbed. II..The V». 111.. Margaret annoyed ty b»r bro'ber. IT.. Hawk V..TBB Bw Hunt. N l..Ob*.l. N II..Margaret and ; the MaaWr .0 the W*ad*V TTH rMWBM IX. .ChBhta played and they were li>nt. x..ri'ifk. XI..A tl.mpeett the world. XII..Martha Hllillni Ob> b«.rr,e. XIII. .Nimrod . iLil.ita bia bu» Pla'e. Sakfavf. XV..Camp M~tlnr la tha ay m... XVI..Tha Camp P:. a BBE XV11.. Berroap»r tlo n. XVIII. Hr m M :. XIX. - X.V.Bethi* Wc-k*. XXI. T. < H «I XXII..T.ny NV*.hi:.|'. XXIII. .The Murder. BUT., R'+*. XXV..The Aft-et. XXVl..LV**.n fl-lffi! XXN II..Mart . I BBOStt I Rh apmpvhy. XX \ .11. Mailar, t. XAlX..Tl.e Parin. X\X..Par*on W. ill and kit M ,>. I) D XIV..The Widow Wright Tlia work ia printed on a baautif llTy tinted paper, both platea and letter pre**, and eVrantly b<i',i.d in unique, ornamental cover, of novrl d. »ign. Price *>10. In full Tjrk-y m .-ore*, tuperbly bonnd, #20. The abore ia altogether the BBBBl beai.tiful preaentation vol. nun . Ol r ia«s> d from the preit la any part Bfl the world. _J S. REDFIELD, No. M Beekmac at. HO L I I) A V Jl'V E NILE8. PUBLISHED THIS MORNING: niCKKNss i.hti.i; roi.KS; art okd . run. A Serba of beautiful Iuveniles (elected fmm Di'k.na'a Woika, in bia own language- N\:tb llluatratioua by Dar'.ey. Hum., elotb. THE BOT JOE AND SAM \\ F.LLKR. fr.-m tho " Pkk- wirk Papera." 2. BIBST Jl PP., frctn Haid Time*." THE TWO DAI OUTERS front " Marita Cboaatewlt" I. TINY TIM AND DOT ANIi THE FA1KV i Hit KET. fr«.in the " Chriato.a* Sti.rie. " 5 DAME Df'RDF.N from .. BV.k H.oiae.- 6. DOLLY NAUDEN, THE LITTLE COQUETR. from " Barnaby R.elgc." The >ii Tolume* in a nfit «¦***, 0,2 25. Eitra gHt. B I. _J S. REDFIELD No. M B.-kintn at, O C T O K DO T. or ( (iNNi ( Til IT: A NEW TALE by JEREMY LOUD, in the N I W Y (i R K SUN, Oic Cent per Copy. 0 E B T I C K « N E W BOOK.- BATS TOfJ BEEB T IE E L E P HAN T C L U U 12mo.,.loth. BE llluttrttc.l from Original Dent i. For Salt by «11 Bookteller " No liiiLal. mir wri'rr haa appeare.l in ;hi* rountry ie-tore Mr. Tbotaaoa, auaa DorrtIrha" IN. Y. Drl k. "Tb. .. who ai-h to fairly «plit thrir aide* with Ivnl.'rr muat buy and read the Hi.toiy of bb* Elephant Club Bra*-] thing ia to good, tbat it would be hard la pick out the bee." [M. Y. N> w*. " Thu ia the molt fumy and witty bonk iu priut. LatawB public read it, and we are aure that, IBM, th'.ae will laugh who uiver laughed before, and tho*e who karc will laugh the wmm IN. Y. Leader. " A tolume of broad fun, at.d broader rancaturn. in wbi'b ewiy'hin* "U. eivahle i. turned into * joke." [Diapatcb. Publiiher*. Ll\ KHMilKK a RCDD, _N... ltoBroadw»y. New-Y ok. Pul.li.lied Tola Day: J^ITTLE DORR IT, CHARLES DM KENS, BO/., Reaitifuily Iflu.trat. I. In both BSbBBBanddu>de. iuio form, ia pul.li.bed tbia day at T. B. PETERSON - No. 102 CHESTNUT-STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Out Volume, 12mn., 511 pagea, large leaded type, beautifully Illustrated, bound iu cloth, price Bl 25) or a cb> .p edition iu one Volume, c. tar.., price 50 at nt«. For »»le by »11 Bookaeller* evtrywh.re. ~~~Ö CT ö iT~ D 0 T or CONNEl ri UT; A NEW TALE by JEREMY LOUD, iu the NEW- YORK 8 UN. One Out per Copy. IK MARVEL* (I». Q. Mitt-hell) WORKS.- REN FRIES OF A BACHELOR. A Book of the Heart. With 2 Muatrationa. 1 roh 12m» Bl V>. in lull til', Bl 7'- FUDGE DOINGS; Bring T.ny Fudge* Record* of the ¦ame, In Mr'y ClaBB*l EB. 2 v..l«. 12mo., B2. THE PATTI.E SUMMER B. in* 'ran« r.pta fra n p. e*on*l ob.rrv.tlooa in Paria durle* the year ISM. Nvilh lll.i.trationa by Dailt r. 1 vol. 12».... loth, Bl 25, full gilt, Bl 71 DREAM LIFE A Fable of the Seaaou*. I vol. 12mo.,. loth, Bl 25; full gilt, Bl 75 THE LORGNETTE Or, Sn niEi or the Town. By aa Opera goer (Ik Marvel). 2 volt 12mo., cloth, art ort with Mr Darley'i Dc-iaca. «2 No; full gilt, *iS0. FRESH GLEANINGS, Or A New Sin «' raOM the Old Fii ldoi CBBTIBBBTdA El'Borr.. 1 vol l2mo cl. t *>1 25, full gfli, Bl *5. Publialud by C SCR1BNER. Raw, ,77 aB I .79 Uroadwav, ap*tair*. And for tale bv all BookM.ll.-r. D D »1 OCTOR DOT or < ONNEi TICLT; A NEW TALE by JEREMY LOUD in the llt.IOII SUN. _TJtTC nt pat Copy._ OST HFMOROI S ROOK EVER PRINTED. D HUMOUS OF Fa I.('ON Hit IDG F.; A Collection of HUMOROUS AND EVERY DAY SCENES, By the late Jonathan F. KrlVy. better known M tha rraliug public by hi. BMBtBBMg ( " Falcon bridge," "Jack Humphriet." Stampede " Beautifufly llluttrated from original deaign* by Stephen*. "Tbia book ia beautlfplly illu.tiated, BBaaada la humor-.ut »cem a. aneedotea. at.d true iterlia* wit, and will afford an .bit- relaxation to the mind »t the peruetr of more mj'.id t .me. " (Del. Co. Repul.iiaaa, "Hun.oraol Fal.oubridge ia calculated la make all pereont ....: and grow fat." I Baltimore Advocate. "They are of the moat veri. d, lively and agreeable character." (r.v. niog Bulletin. CtlMPLETE IN ONE LARGE DUODECIMO VOLUME of 5tO PAGES Price *1 25In cloth, or t>l in paper MAJOR JONESS lOUBTSHIP AND TRAVELS; our volume, ttetfc. Price *>1 25. For aale by Bookaellera everywhere, and published by T B PETERSON No.102 Che»tuut at Philadelphia OCTOR DOT CONNECTICUT; A NEW TALE by JEREMY LOUD, ia Iii« R1 W . TO Bl SUN. One Cent per Copy._ MAGNIFICENT GIFT BOOK.- RECOBDS OF THE HEART AND OTHER POEMS By Eatelle Annt Leaia D. APPLETON k Co ,N.»a.v4» and MM Bnadway. New York will pubii.b ab the hr»t of De-.ember iu one Iv.t, »olendidly illueiratrd bv D. Huntington. Darley. H K. Brown. Biobard*, Chappei, Elliott, kc. R.-oord* of tue Heart,' " Child of the StV and " Love* of the Minrtrei*."_ II R O A D W A V (up euir*).. G. F. PUTNAM A (O. . re prepared to auppU. |. r !'.: r Pnva'e Lib'ane*. »TANDAltU and MISCELL ANEOUS BOOBS Al the lowest price*. A choice ai*ortment of BOOKS *uitable lot L.braric* w.il found on their BhsHaS. Book-Buvert will rind every fat ility at their eetahHabaaent for prr-cering B^ok* pubii.bed in thi* country or Europe on bbe meat economical trrnia. O. P. PUTNAM It Co.. No. 121 Bradaay, .p »teir». R T II F R " NT~vV BOOK- YVHAT CAM WOMAN DO? B .v tb;« BtKJi f r your Mater. Wife or Mother. I: it eent bv arteil, free. n rexeii'i of ilae Price, Bl. J. W BBADLEY. P.büeier No II North 4th *t Pb lade.ph'.a A D OCTOR DO CONNECTICUT; mMm . A NENV TALE kv JEREMY LOID. ia the NEW-YORK ¦ U at. Ote t>al r- i Oat.. I) IX, EDWARDS ,v C o Ho. J.'l BROADWAY, New Yobk. Lxtoi BOOKS OF IRA'. L l VTI.E NOTES OF A HOWAP..I Ry ¦ J**« WlJiem CaitU. N«w edition, lino. .I th. Pr. e *U. II. THE B0W1DJ1 IN* SYRIA. Ry QtMtM» W liitnCorti*. N*w edition, lino., ci. tn. Pnce $1. iii. 4 JOÜBKET IN THE sEAnORp SLAVE J\ bTATES. with remark* on their *oonomy By Fred. Lav o'.mttr.l 12»»., c!oto, i.'ittrvad. Fri.v 41 :\ . IV. THE GOLDEN DAOOV) or, Uf \.vi> Down the I**AWADDI. bring pUUlM of M**aR*B*N .c P, a. ai Empire ¦ T I. w. r<LM[i. M. p. 1 n-o ciclb, inat'raied. Title Page. Price f V. ORIENTAL AC'OFAINTANcE In i BBThMB. L-ttrrt fiom Aiia Mil r. ByJ. W. Dr F^rea-. doth. Price «i cent*. VI. CALIFORNIA, IN DOORS AND OFT: Or. How we Faem Ml«. a*d Livr ül\tnu v tj th» 0*1 LI I STATE. it ELIZA W. FAkNtUM. taBtwa, cloth. Pric» *>l. VII. I^HE MORMONS AT HOME. With -t.me Icci- drattof Trawl from Mat iri to Ca..f.--.: a. By Mr*. B ('.Pen» UM rJatl Price V> cent*. i. LAKE NO AMI; Or. EXPLORATION«; ind Dis- coteeiei 11 8oiTH-Wi«rEaji APBK t. By Cbarlrt John A i. derton. Illuirrated with n.exy Plate*, (to., clotri. A II. J 0 F R NEY I N TE X A S By Feed. Liw Ol.wsti r. l2mo., ciotb. III. TALKS AND TALKS OF AN AME8K AN FAHMKR IN ENGLAND. By Fred Law O New an R.ne d Edith l ::*..:. D IV. /GREECE AND TUE GREEKS OF THE Vi puesknt DAY. By EDMoirt Alol'T. author of " roll*.*' I.'i,.*. loth. Price AI. V. HEITTANY AND LA VENDEE; Tam.s and SbetcHli. With tnot i< e of the Life and Literary ('bar a. i. r ot the uuth. r. By Emir Soitratre; partly trant'ated a' m. s. ItlBtlt'l "ill r-qneet, tad partly ail... L.« .!. i Kmo cloth. Price #1. LIFE 01' TAI-PIN'G-U AN'G. CHIEF OF THE UHNF-e llffl KiiKCTlON. By J. Milton Mackie, author ot "Cat i la Eij ifit." DIX. EDWARDS k Co i Catalotur of their Publication* ai.d In ported Book» ia now r-ady. and w.'l be tent, postpaid, to partic* connected with Public Librariee, Literary. Set. ntil, , and Mr. hauica' lnat.tuti.ina, Keadiiia Clt.be, fcc, or any olhe' prrai'Ua who will eiguify their wiab to re, . ire the eaoue. dix, EDWARDS fa Co., _Nn.SJl Broadway, N. Y. 0 C T Ö K D Ö T or i ONWECTICUT: A NEW TALE by JEKEMY LOUD, in the NEW YORK SUN. One Cent awr ' ..ry 17MBT EDITION.Five Thumaud Copie-.. jY Ready Tw* Day: A B»w Book by the Authore** of .. Itora'* Child.'' T H E T OBOHLIOHTi ot. THROUGH THE wood. By Habbiet A. Oi.cutt. On* neat Umo. Price t)l 25. *.* Tba tale ..pent wi'h a tceoe betwrrn a widower ard hit latdlady, who inveigle* h'm into an ill mated mintage with her beautiful daughter.abe caatii.t off the lover of her youth fa* the widower and r it money. The reader* interett it *o<jn en- grotatd in the fortune* ,.f thrlr child, JEANIF. THE WANDERER, the conflicting circumatancet of whoae wavwa'd iife etri'eat oLce the interrat and tympatby of the reader. The rood and ei aa> U ntioua Aunt Jane, law guardian uf our beruiue, ia truij a pattern of THE TRI E NEW-HNOLAND WOMAN, wbilr the uo 1<a* nat ural and life like character of the Y*ik>e haute maid, KETI RAH SPRI'NT, whote 1,,moron! and pointed though homely aayingt, and ZEBEDEE FLINT, the Itty, good for uothiug, j ,*t-» goiug-to do-tomrtbing tpeci- n en .,1 bumauity.adwaya waiting,Tike Micawber, for aoinetUlAg to turn up.with hi. ladic'ou* biundere and unhappy under.tA- inga, keep the reader in a CONSTANT OLOW OF HI'MOR AND DZLIOHT. Tht n again, the inimitable RALPH, THE VOl'THFL'L LOVER, finde at one a bevy of adrulr re in young teilet of r mat.tie ta*t**L wbde the eldtr brother, Philip, lb* NOBLEST ROMAN ot TUKM ALL, ia lure to create at leaat admitatiou and eateem. The charaeter* ot Mri. Caatlrtuan, thr mother, and Mra. Miller, the wife, an drswu with great power. The eiamplet of thrlr waited lite* will not be a profitleea leaaon to AUBITIOI S MOTHERS AND PROUD DAUGHTERS. The acme changra from the intry life of an old N-w Eufland boiue to the uietrjpulit, plantatiout and bayou* ol Loaiaiana, what* appear* for a brief p-riod thr etrikintly original ata1M*lM of the quadroon. Lola, who lib* oa de taring, alee pa on aprlnt, and wbrn abe dirt meant to "go to bebenoude tpring.'' la u.i 1'iaion. the Publiaber* confidently aat-rt, that a* A STORY OF L'NFLAOOINO INTEREST, iLtertpeiaed with atenea of inimitable btimor, and a feiieitou* and lite like dia, ription of City aid Coin ry Life, the whole inculcating a moral leeaon of great talue, no recent NoTrl bat turpaaard THE TORCHLIOHT THROUGH THE WOOD. ÜE.RBY tt JACRSON, Pubkiaben, No. lt» MR at. And for ale at the Bookito.et everywhere. Copiet tent by mail. p. at paid, on receipt of price. A BCHBI8H0F H UCHEs Tin: OATHOLIO PRESS. Jnat Publiahed, In THE METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE for De em*»r, An Important contribution from THE MOST REV. ARCHBISHOP HUGHES. Eufi-led REFLECTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS IN REGARD TO WHAT IS CALLED THE CATHOLIC PRatSS. Price 2D rente. OeptV* by null prt paio n receipt of pc*tagc itajnp«. For aale wbolraa.e and retail hy P. OSUEA, Ocrral At'Lt, No. TI9 Brcadway and No. SO Berka.an it., N. Y. OCTOR DO T CONNECrK UT A NEW TALE by JEREMY LOUD, In the NEW.YORK SUN. _Olo Cent par Copy- aO Asl-ARLN " SCIENC E vi. SPIRITFALIsM. A T.-eetiee on lVttlVS Ttl Lit, THE Sl'tt BN a TV BAL IB OtBEBAL A»D SriaiTt Translated from the French ef Co ia: ag«nor de (>*e- Crir. By E. W R Bert. Witb an Introdifima by the R«/ >bert Bilrd, D. D. Thi* work ia from the pea of on* of the mo**, profound t< bc>art ia modern Europe, and embracet a complete ttudy of Sorcery and the Supernatural Apocrypha -onnrcted therewith, iacladini Turt ing Taaiea Falae Miracl-e. Spunou* Sir rry Acimal Marnetiam, and laat bit not leaat.Spirtta Rayeetieg 'i . tbroiwa of Meeaia Faraday, Babmet, and other diaUn- guiabed men >4* ariinee who hate pre-'eded biet oa the tan** topic, M Gatparia claim* to hate dieeotered it tie pbrnomau* ..i the eo-calltd Spintaalnm. " the p.e*rnoe A . phMectl law, t Haid a. tb.n or tome other' toree, the natural '»planatian of eorrriy, pa»t, preaent and future ¦ Dr. Baud iu hit Ii.t.üductua aaya: P.- m maut year, a^ fualntaoce with the author we can ateure thr realere of thi* work tia* n ia the pr tduction of a mind not uheiy to be tati* ri»d with in*, tleient data or noialed by jBaaafaal dedtactioB*. Wo batr uerrr tern the eulo.eet to wiaacb it relate* treatad wita more patience of inquiry, or laimee* of anaiyti* aad eoueluawou. It i* tie botiett reoul ol iuteaugati' n prompted by an earneat d.atre to know the true.- It will be publietted DECEMBEB 10 in two .arg* 12ül tola »*o pate*. PrieegJiiO . _KIOGINS k KELLOOO, Pib^abert. OCTOB DOT I) D CONNECTICUT: A NEW TAXE by JEREMY LOUD, NEW- y'o'r b BUN. Ore Celt p»r t tj. MA t O I BROTHERS. No*, h S and Ii > Daa:.*-*t.. ¦ I WILL PUBLIS3: » l rite >v. D>v. ö TMEPCETI.AL WOBEI i>F HORACE SMiTI AND JAMES SMITH. Author* ol the - E*j.--tcd Addree». «üj P*flr*iU IM » aBapafhaanl St-t. s. E«:t*>d by Epe* SargenL 114 pp., I2rr.o., Matt. Pin« «1 25. II. W imum, D-c P. THE PLAY-DAY BOOK New Stoeie* rot Yoiv« Pole». WMh 141 roll 11 ..:r»:.. ..*. 8 ¦ F.w, Kit* J"U pp.. Who «:. tb. Ftlce 75cut*, full eilt, Bl 24. Triumphant** a a* been the aaOfflBB of EMI favorite American an'be'fi» ia evetv deptrttneit of literature which *h* h** al¬ ter ptfd. far clIci yet ihlcea with mo' peculiar loiter in b r writicgi tor the vcurg. Here .a lier forte, and here ebr ».».. . iGdi.pu ibW at Ohl head of living autboia ¦¦ Li"la rafaa," bwawd by her a few ye*re tine*, hat already, it ia relieved, en-oved a fr»*f*er *ale tbau tar other work of HB flea* yet the be ok w* ecw announce well deserve* to »reo Metawta it* predecessor iu tale and pop larity. It 1* of fe'd- Eating iLtrreet, rverv pace .park ing ar-.th the ri»aeity and gra. e of it* author, and :a if. h ki li.«t rue ti- i. a* well a* amuse¬ ment. It will be i.initiated with tea Soe MB page engraviugi. by OttStb A* w. »ball be compelled, bv th« *hort time before it* pub'l- ratirn day. to i. to pre** with a am*'! aMttatv, deal. wishing an ar.v *upply wttl do well to forward their ordera at oaco III. Sari eoit. Die. r>. CANT ERR CRY T k I. E S By lUr.iet Lve. 2*..la liuio. cloth. Price Bl TV. lh> »e stnkin*. aud nmarkabir novel* b**e 'out bctu euu I- EfB* iu Fiii'l.b iterature, acd. it i* he'lrvcd, will Ml fail to bo ippreciared by A in. rhaag reader*. They were ftvorire* of Lord Byton who wrote: No'hni* of Scett'a ia riner thai The tier man'e Tab-.' I admired ir when a b»v, and bar..ctinued to hke wb*i I did then." TbeSpectator aaidi "Tharahieaat ly »uv r.in at. d pv-r*. n of this centurv wo . b*i u -t, »r torne ii aa \ r. draan a aiurer* pieasnre frou the*' pages" Tae E isburgb Poet aatd: Few readeriof entvr'aiuiug liter»ture *;i be ignotaut o| the*.- pcpulr.r production*," aud. al»>, "Tue pur-morality which rrigr* tbrougb »heae tale*.which wenn scarcely dare to r*!l fiction*. will render ih*m the in it el'tib'a rea.lmi for young prt*un*. They ought to be iu every family library." IV. MoVPtY. Dm IV THE NEW-TOBI ALMANAC AND WEITHER BOOK POK 1x57. ihOBl Ml pp Jlmo.. cloth. Price 25 reut*. TLi* haafc M to aal fin a world of information in a ama'l apace, and to be add at a very low price. Beeile a complete Almanac f. r eatb>M latitude*, it will be t complete Pocket Diary. It will have * rccoi J of the *t»*e of the thermometer ftw every hour total Ma yaag ci.ui: g Dec. 1, 1R56\ and a large amount of me- teavroiogical n-ater i< mrailv. prepared hy E. Mrriaui, c*q of Br-.k m Hi/'*. V. MotUDlV. Dec. 15; MASON'S MAMMiil ll Ml SH 4.L EXERCISER B.ii.g M ..; u I'ii grama tit tha MartagfTaaa Dei tuned to la?* Teacher* much labor at the black hoard. By Lawell Min i Mua. Doe 1 vi . l.phant folio, 25 by R> kaktl when op i ed. Price. #7 5i>. Recently Pub. TUE HUMOROUS POETRY OP THE ENOLIBB LAN 01 AGE PROM CHAll'ER TO SAKE Bv Jan.e* Partim, bfjb pp.. LMM, ciotn. Price, Bl Ml Oi't . nit . and edge g 2 25. Alao, an octavo aaMMfl of the MM aork, bound in the lol owiug Hyiei: älieep Library, B' Bl| Imitation MataaiO, *>4. Half Calf and Morocco, ant. and extra, Bl M: Pu Calf, gilt extra, *.«, Full Morocco, gut and an¬ tique. B6. Ibia volume, containing thegrrateat m*a* of humorou* veao ever collected, bipronotiuced the moat am ialng book iu exist¬ ence. It baa rapidly inn through four editiooa, anil i* uow in active deuiind. It MaltBjMBaVeg the be«t Comic Poem* ever arrit'ei im rewbea all the gaaaa from thirtv volume* of Punch, the best tblnga ofHood, Byron, Scott, Lowell, Willi* aud nth- era, and ia *u elemnt ai.d appropriate gilt for tM* or any other action t ONFIDENTIAL ( (iRKESPONOFNCE OF THE EM- PEBOa NAPOLEON AND IHK EMPRESS JOSEPHINE Wit) num. r. in Iliu*trative Note* aud Anecdote*. By John S. C. Abbott Ouevol 12mo. Price, BI 25. Im ludii a Letter» D.bht time >f tht-tj Marring.itfl the Death«»? .I.oepbii.r and, aim, aeveral private Letter. BMI tbe Kii prior to bat brother Jotepb, and agjbtg importaut per¬ il naii*. THE INDIAN FAIRY BOOK. From the O lgirtd Legend*. With liluitraie in by Mr Lenin. Engiaval by Anthony. J.Ppp. 12mo., plain, price, #1; Pull (. DIM H tat arc vrn'able Legendi, aa hit h bare doiibtlet* been t dd time ard axani to rb' dii«hy maiden* a the Indian tiretidr.be- forr the white man robbed him of hit b'ibtiog-groiimli. The hook i* hacdiomely gottt n up. tud 1* a beau:ilul gift-book fir all maDi. Now Reatly; WEBSTER'S COt'NTIND-HOI SE.AND FAMILY DICTIONARY. A M* Abridgnent of Webcter** Dictionary, containing more matter than the I'uivrraity Edition* and mauy improve- Bent*. Price, 4-1 30. T~~HE A M ERICA N PHREN'OEOtHt'AL JOURNAL lor DECEMBER.Haiti»: Preaoirr, the Hi*. toriaa, Por'rmt and ditcriptiou; Cburlet Ooodyear; Family Government Fact* Str*u*er '.'.an Fiction; Puritan.'P»-try Benefit* of Phrenology UorkingM-n, Arthur Spring; Lao; guite of Idealitv Sea Soiindirig*; MtnwithTaiU; Tob*. Turn of Lite Hand Bm k* Mr Home linprove'U-nt. etc. Price ante, ot ? I a year Sobee I tut bate rn «v be *ent in at .nee jht Vol. Addreai FOWLEil ABB WELLS, eaj Uroadaar. N Y. - THE WATER-CURE JOURNAL far DawCEM- BER .., .»;,.,: Til- ugr.'t iu Spar- Minu'ei. Poiioa.. Ct*e*fr. mn.y Not. B- ok; Drink Let with your M-ali; le t ter to ( ooiuuiptiret Qualith ath u- of Phyti.tUn* Marriage A V. i.e from the Stomarh; Prracrlptlon Huntera; A Turkiah Bath; Tbe Angel Health Topict of tbe Month; Qiack-rv. «;.,..d By. A Song to ID»Ith Valedictory, etc. A new volume begin* with tb*- next Dumber. Now i* the time to lubscribe. r «layrar. Addrea* FOWLER k WELLS, m Broadway, FOR THREE HOLLAHS, in advance, a copy of THE raBBMOLaDOICAX IOI R*AL. THE WATER-CI KE J.H RNAL and LIFE ILLUSTRATED (WaaBly), will be ami to .ne addieaa PublUhed by KoWLER s. UEL'.S' No. Broadway, New York. g E 0 O N D EDITION AlTIiKTONS ItAlLWAY OUIDKt WITH FI RTHER CHANGES IN RAILROADS, Re. Bread trom the Railroad Compauie*, Rexoy Tni* D*y. D. APPLETON k Co Publitben, Noa MB and 348 Broadway. rpiiE (.LORE- Thf Official Paper ol Cougreag. X .1 inU-ud to continue tbe puldi, ailou of the Debate* of Coogreaa ¦ full, including the Laar* naaeed, during tbe next Se*iTou, to commence on the fire! Monday in December next The i cluing In of a new Administration will cause tbe debate* of tbe next seiaioii to be b-.tb iutrre*ibag aud instructive, a* i policy will be foreshadowed iu the ipeeche* of Ir* fri. n Is. hon-, ta< o f .r>- who deiire to know what will bo the ooune of the l. It Pre*ide.nt before be take* Ihe executive chair, aa at to tbtpe tbeir bu*ine*« ace rdingly. *b mid *ub*cribe for the D> bates of the coming .e.sioo. THE DAILY GLOBE will contain the new of the day, tie gelber with tocb editorial article* as may be from time to tun* .u|ge*t< d by p*i*if.g ev*ut* of inter**!, and the Debate* a* they c me fn m the hunt* of tbe leportere, which will be laid M thf d< *k of .very am mber to undergo hi* revision for Tbe Coogr*<- . .. t a. i Hobe and Appendix. Tn.xe who may dcaire to tee tie Dtfairs iniiueclately, ihouid take THE DAILY OLOBE, aa Uey are uiualiv pub.Uhed iu it two dsya before they are pnuted in 6- ok foim in the CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE «ud AP- PE»-D1X, THE CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE and APPENDIX will he printed on a double royal sheet, in royal quarto form, eacfc number oon'tinint alateen pegea All the Law* paaeed daring the aexton aiil be appended to the Dibatee; *nd oopioua Iu dries to the Debatri and the Law* will be made on', printed aud eat to the (ubveribtr* *oon tfter tbe clo*e of tbe Seatioa. Till WEEKLY OLOBE wii'be prin'ed on a double royal inert, in the otual newipaper t irm. and will con'ain a synopsis be proctedin,* of Coi.gre**, »ed the newt of the preceding wr«k; alao editorial fed (elected matter, when there shall be room for auch An rxttt sheet will he printed whenever t de¬ bate i. any important tubj. ct bail take p.*> e, giiing it in full. TERMS. Fcra [ ol The Daiiy Globe, oneyear.BIO 4M For f COM during the pubheallon of tk* proceeding* of the ».'..;. .3 Ot F. r two c. pi. t, daring tbe arioB, when ordered at the tan e time. 5 00 Fora copy of the Conireational Globe and Appendix, durii'g the Se**ton. IB For two o pie*, when ordered at th* mom time. 5 00 For a copy of 1 he Weekly Globe, one year. 3 00 Fo'f.-tafr n. .!- lit of December to the l*t of May.. 100 Bar k Note*, current in the eeetlon of the c mntry where * tuba riber live*, aui be received in payment ft par. Small aum* may be »en' in poatage Mas pa. A paper will not be tent j Ii lee* tk* rn< ney »Company the order for it. ¥ MtMgfM, N.-v. is, IBM. JOHN C. RIVE3. D O C TOR DO or CONNECTICUT, A NEW TALE by JEREMY LOUD, in the NEW-YOBB SUN. One Cent per Copy. LITTLE D O R R I T;, BV CHABLES DICKENS, Beautifully I_-s'r»ted. in h-tb octavo and djode..iu»> form, a* p .t ;u. d 1 ...» D*r .t T. B. PETEBtON-S, No. IBS Che*tnut-at. PhBade. :hia. One Vclnme 12mo , MI page*, large leaded type, beaottfally Illustrated, bound ix cloth, price Bl *tt| at a cheap ediiava la enr \ ...umr t<ta*o. prce 50 cent*. For tale by all Boohaellata. ereryw ^err. g Ö Ö" T ß D ö T CONNECTICUT; A NEW TALE by JEREMY LOUD. N E W - T 6 B K BUB. On* Cent per Copy._ SPIRITUAL TELEGRAPH.The organ of«oin. n «ti. t.a oem Sptnf*. p';bh»Bed aeef.* B2 per»nn :m. Aiu.ii PAKTBiiOE k BJUTTAJ4, No. Jfi airway. N, I. DANA «1 COMPANY Nc. J»l BROADWAY. New York. I!..- J ..: I'.;. .bed; Ii Li:»ti«reo Kcivio* op MEN AND TIME.** OP IHK REVOLUTION hl BtaiBI f E BAUAB WafBOB Iii. lading J Mimaa* of Y<*»t >B I - *:..( irr >. fr. aa 11T7 to Uli, weh hi* C I ruth. lira, ai d Rn . . R.a, n Edited by ku ...a. Wlaal w C Wa»«o-u Sv<oi» I With a Portrait at tb* Author, cwtrared <.. rt<- thr ha., ua ficturr kv pley, and tvewty-Ave Wood Engl** >»«.; elao 4 cepuu* lode*. IJnxv. J57 page*, tint**! paa«r w 1 5i*. Ptrbept no pubR-ati. a of the last year aa Ivo baa rv~e»Tv«f ¦ or* f di .aartUiiaiaatic aotAooa froia the Prea* »I all aarta i C'i ntry than It.a Thr S. Mh*ru Ch .rcbn.an *av*: Thi* at a boo t which aratvbA jgMfJb-*o aiT-a kg that wetld b> fare."* l»r >.«aik Dai.a A.;,, ,.,arr: »tri» that Belie*. H Wv.lf kr.ai.aid. r»J »,at euu-rtaiadng reading, aa tact. Ha laterr.t turely cannot be |rM ¦ Ik* D-traterat* Irtb, .. W* tako leave of !hl* eoloan*) wib irarr'. II it a velaab,e cou:nb*tiou to Aiuotioat Ulata- turr ai d bla'otj THE BLEhiNFRTONS; Or. Dotti*.;. ., T., WtvttOB. Bv tt K V. J J BhjBIIIIB IA,,., aa<ra. f)l It i a -ire and totxhlna baalorula in ehr ifr. »u* It the rtra rtrBC* of the c!et.. .\ yert anaatitil Tolam*, fill I PaBnaher'a Mtk. R*> KM ED PARISH f t>r. Th« FoaWa*. or M. Ma- »o\ » s>. .cis*o*a Ry -hrRev J4D N. Not mo a. M an- t. r*t I he B> y r-a.r. d . at ». , . Km'rS .f ol l!.< Mir.iatrv." USno, d pate*. TScouta. S.et .a in 'be M*:orr ol .bur h c'rvgrrtiew. la rural rliaj trtet. a: .'. air hl t'i. «. wb.> r> (oar to walk In U»»'ol Bath.'" TB1 BEBOIM UP (CI * HI. a d -he. p ro,, B* I i tMpaut.a «| Aj ..- a ti it I ia.. Iltrir.iua elf laiona. aag<. -tea ebtVft 1. object* of native, by t*e Church'* Sacred .eeeooa, at. bj BOBBr tt and »>imwt " BE" HU HONS PK ITS FROM k BEI Frl. Or TV* l'tfr»S,,Tl,. B I By thi BBthat if .*>!I IT TT tt fl BardMpn'a. Ac. 8o> ,-.K. n. Iftno. aN4|«At>a 73 xitt 1 its rrtniE* hturor, Itt rxquialtr perception of Bat «rat b-> aty. Bad wltBatltta ihtkBfBI ol atylr.it la latmraaaraklp I ¦ a* prxMuetlowa.'* IN. Y. T*nbaa¦ BECTOB UP BT. BARÜOI.PH S. Ot. SortBtMUt arm. Bt p. v. ikiBett, \ It a urv Eduiou. i.'uio. m fmtßm> pi Mr Bwaa*aa tart .-a in a BrrtouB, aimplr a'y't). and with tj fr. at d«ai ul qt.-rt Barti.ar." lEtouüt« Pwat. In Pi. ¦. LAY! Off A LIFETIME Thr Rrr rd I O^r Ikpar 4. B "aoLBr If uiitvir't on BhrH L*r»r «t«v, tiottfd paper. leytBOl . in inuaii i biadinf. I ..i v| .. nur» itc, tlk* E.nt.tr haj ak fttl \ dUpcard, in |l p«. *>. aetorthlMt ihe more eaTe\ti».ip Ihtj PueXtetl BtteBtal tad Btortvl hata» t. t'»tK*, her earrtnt) n_r rJeal and pi .rluai. n«, »hi.-h an.I only aparkle ta trt > but aaakeu and chrrtah ll.e pu.rtt and anott elevatiuat TBE OLD PABM k\\9 tfJS BBW E vRM k Padiikel ABepatp. I .iat p.ibliah.-d nailer ihr tula ol A Pretll Rtaary.'* By Fiauc i. liopklaaen a Mrn.ber of 'he t'.iatitieaCal C<>«4iea«. Wi.b an Infr,,.iu.liou, Httlorteal N 'tea and llluettatt.*>* Ba - J I ai'nt. M A ...nr rho Pi. t. aal Field Book of the Rrvolu'toB." he. 1 ktarfi TJ i. one ( the happirat eaToita of the groateat Witcl 'l i- It M-'aiue, by noauanf aUiklua P4al- (urea of real Wa, LB* . aaart ..| ihr war aant tau* powerfallj aj.- pealt ta tkr e 4i m. i a. Bta all a Ba. P'tkliahor'a CrtU4. IHF. t HILDBEN'8 BREAD, hl l'ruiob* from the Ma*ler'« Tal Ir. It j-r. tidrt a trat of Holy Sctiplure tad a metih al rerae it IWW, tah bad Mightta, for evrry day of the year. Origin*! ii a n the t hnrrh * Stored Sea-oitt ookolude the roluma. Tbla will bo one .4 ihr nioat rharmlug volume* of the (eaeoa foe t kBdti n MY BTEPMOTHF.B A Tale. By Sarah Roberta. I n Editions 0 f ONE TIIOI'SIND l OPIFS F.Al'H. Making iu all ID.OOO Cople*. Have air. ad) beeu publlahed , I .Hi«a M<-luteth'e Bear aod] charming Stoiy, entitl. d vi Ola et I OR. THE CROSS AND THE CROWN IVB ThaWttmnd none will a. on be aro.le.1 to aapplv lb* de¬ mand. JOHN P JF.WF.TT k Co. P .biiaber*. Botto*. 17 Ä N >j Y F £ R~" H Haa iu Pi. aa a new juvenile cot I'led THE PLAY-DAY HOOK; New Strain roa Littlk Pol**. Vtllh Ten IILiarrmtl-.tia. Pri.te 73 cent*. Pull OUt, Bl .'Va To be Fubll.heo D-. ember \«, by ,M\-tiN tlHOTHEH<No. in* and l|H Duan*«t 1^ H E Lla"ü I K 8' A L M A N A~Ö FUR 1157. TUE JCAENILE ALMANAC FOR 1W7. The a., la a new applicant for 'he favor ol the lit »YS AND OIRLS, 11.e I adlet having tot appreciated the foim. l. We .. .. I pub ith the above on the I Vtt of Pti.*uib*i JOHN P JEU F.TT A Co.. Bofou. HENUY 1' B IF".\\ FI T, Cleteltnd, Obki. SHELDON, BLAKEUAN k Co., New Y >rk HOW TO SEE WA8IUN(7l<>K.~APPLB^ TONS' RAILWAY Ol'IDE l-r DECEMBER ciutamej a U. ?rnplioii ol Wa.biugton City, with iBree Itine ration*, be¬ tide otbol entertali iug l*adk*g matter. » Inch la entirely B*V m evt ry number. It BMfaiM titty Map*, three general MafBg and all lb. lateat Time Tablet .li.itag.a. Pi Ice coat*. D. APPLF.rONli Co., PukHahar*. No*. 340 and 141 Broadway T Sox Iiic Oolibarjo. ClIltlaSTMASuml NEW YKAR PRKHKNTH.. UOLD WATCHES and STERLINO SILVER WAKE, together with a rt< h aaeoitment of DIAMONDS aod all kind, of Baa <i"ld Jewelry. OOLD LKI'INF. four bolee iawaled.0» GOLD U Alt II ES, from.*>»> to mo SILVEB W M t HPS, jeweled. Co «0 I LATE I) TEA SETS, double plated. Ii to V> Pi. VIED CAKE BASKETS. i to ja A1J oli tooda are warrant, d to be a* lepreaeiiteaL _BQI IKK. LANDER A Co., No. 91 Fultoa at. M. f. IT8EFUL PRENKN I N for th« HOLIDAYS. I INDIA RUBBER DOLLB, DKEStED AND PLAIN, or ai.L «UK* DOLL'S HFaPS, TOYS, ki H'Hi h, BAILS. COMBS, be. P»a*. Prncil Caa.« \\ Jam* l an.a aav] India Rubber Fanrw Ailit Iva nl alldra. liptiont; l.a.li».' and Oentlemeu t lalhiWalk- ll k H.m t. atd Over.hoe*. Ac, at lb* GOODYEAR HI BIIF'.M, DEPOT, No. »7 Bi. *dw«y, pp...lie the Tabiraail*. IT 8 E F U L PRE8ENTS..» ) II. II HOL'GHTON k Co. (So. er,tort to Bagley, Hooabtoti tad Oka} Mam.fa. turera. WouldiutiU the publla to .-aaaain* tlaair laigat tod vailed aatoitirent of HOLD and SILVER PENaadPKN CIL . ASES. titled al'h fker auperior HOLD PENH, whl.'» tbey are now leaning ft .. i heir factory of entire new pattorua .bung up propriate lor Pr.i.i.ta Patented and Warraatad. _No. 1 Maidou Ian* Maw York. INCENT Lt-COMTET^lwL,aal*j aotT r^taTl t ONKkCTIONKR. N >. at t Greenwich at.. Ft. a*., ha* *»u> art* lit IV on bind Sugar Toy*. Ornament* for Cake, Gum Do pa < Otwatateptaa, and artlclaa auliakle (or tb* liotidaje. Printing. J£S(l) BBalPBIafTDrä |H \EP ERICE. dli./ StaUonery, BualueeeCard*. ate., a KEI i_Wedding, At Home. Addree* aod Atit-araph Card*. Wed klly s,g| ffaltVia«t* Pr1ktikq ba r¥team.CopMr-betytl type. STATION EKB' ilALla, Not. 174 and 17« Pearl-at.. Naw-Yoik. BOW NE k HASBROUCK, PRINTERS, LITHOGRAPHERS and STAT10NT.RI. / .1 klndtaf PRINTING eteeated ia the t*et titi*, with CO¬ PER PACED TYPE, at the loweat rate*._ 1tribune buildings. -printino of tyror* deacriptioa, from a Card to a H - t. at tb* Luvtet Cm*m PHeea, BAKER a godwin Tr.buae '..olaBiwa ßtuiionern anb AfantQ Oooöb. PIX) ai.l MEN who do write'. A THE WASHINGTON MEDALLION PEN. MERCHANTS, ACCOL'NTANfH, aad bttrlnee. men -f evety rlaae. j< yuu dra'rr a permanent relief fim kavg pur *BJ md.jrer rut prut. buy without delay the WASHINGTON MEDALLION PEN. It i* none of your " fold-poiBted," or " dtaiitun.l pointed," ,f " giitia pan ba. ot " lodi* rubber," or " galvauiaad," or " aeiai- gttrid,' or elrctrt.'c, or '. anil ./.rroalve" ot " double-batA . action," <r " never failing fountain of ink" pan.wbirK art all hurt.biigglnt phltaea. deemed to doreeve but I. la aa AMEBI- CAN MADE STEEL PEN, - ,..../.,. r ,r,d la JIUil it f/»* City ol A. ar- Vor* AID IS THE ONLY steel pen MAN« UPACIIRED IN AMERICA' D I* in io.prwvetBetit oa ail Ban* ever made b*6rt*.itt twtpa and Ityaiaa ta r.» n .. d and U ia krtwa/f ail yaatfte* Ik* Wat mam lalAraorld, und vili vritt o'ual</e«.r «t«* ttkew Uaaktp ci.oltH teilh dry** ink! Thuir who have from rarlr habit adhered to tb« q .ill, f.r if a .aa m.w dr-p tlaair f*ati.> a" aad ..«*>*» aarb. .vay".to Lhadr girat r. il.f from freqaattt " sea aaakiag" mad ten B . u.:iug"-by aainjihe WASH N9TON MEDAI.MONJ PF N, v ia the ONLY t'ae and prr/rcf a.iUt.r.ite kvr thr> "cl*>*i. <dd at.iil" tl,*« BtBraaBhl eapertn.eor* hare are* pro. deed, yark lAot, a* Fa/pa***/ ta* fata*' A»4 laaarlcta ..»;.. aid American artl/an* bar*acbieved the victory. TLote vho hate aoeal'omcd h. r handa L. tie ua* of gotdT let a, and lind it in.pr uible to procure two all**, vt eat thaC ?or* ant get bent or loae apoln' now at d then, trtfl ßnd is »A* B/aAAWlBOTOB MEDALLION PEN t pan ffafj U *»*r- pnrnttd and po..****., aa * Iur*ly *et*r.tirV; rreult of itt eon. in a-, -i all the ra*e or a iftnea* of tb* *a"«t perfeart wild pen*, and greater ret einty of eh*tae'er.more regular *t*»>ilirw. That g. 'd prn <au caver be perfidy duplirAta>i. THE WASH. IM.'ION MEDALLION /"eat *r» aai/em la ,v.jt»ly aaaf at Iu.a. Thote wbo have been fooled by a little Atpata eatrsaaA Into) thr aa* ot a tiff bita of *.*.! under lb* ..opr. aet- a tlaat (hay «rat« " India ffokb.-r" or "Ootta Percha Peat." and therefore w , .ij] tot rr^rede. trr hereby rnioneaed that there baa aeret been % .ingle b*b made of tb..** material*, aad neret will ba, thr raw .on* thu u. .at be apparent to every man of comtata aaaaa what will give (he «cientiaVc ttruetur* of a pen a ¦oattnt't cont.d- eration. But tlerte ail, Amararatt' bear rAi* la mind.that tl.lt roua« try pata Entiand and Frtnr* ONE MILLION Off DOLLtB*} aSRaLLY FOB STEEL PEN8.peer or worlAaaa. pan. at Ibat. And nov, is the laiiguage of a diattijiulebed F>.»av.tiuat. let AMERICAN CHILDREN LBA R N T H e A BT O r WRITING-AND AMERICAN LETTERS BE WBrVrEIf -AND AMERICAN COMMERCIAL RECORDS AN» itL IUl.^V.A!'I_BL''"!,KM °» THIS COLNTkY. BB recorded WITH AMERICAN MADE PENB." F;.r aa.* at the Mainfacto ring Cmpany t prtoe* wf Meter.. MASKS Bl 'TTRIcK k cT. t*a ttCkimUn at, ; M. aai. AMES, ÜERRH.K, B ARNES A BHODKS, No. 7A Jeaat-at-i M .ar. (.RAY COOB k MEBRIT, No. I* Beearmana*. | Auu by all .!,» Jlr.r .¦(.,,$ Retail Starlooer* in the etty i aav* Jobbeit u tar Omca of the Company No. itt Breadway ß E ADS, BKAD0, BEADS, EVERY DRatCRIFTIOM, "*-k'M.P at. r. BROWN No. ibs Paar', at, New Y ,-a. ON NET COMB.A tvw and mgrn aWtrkVtVio PATENTF:D INDIA RUBBER COMB, for rha purp..^ of boldii i thr B r.net ta lu plsr* when on the bead, wbaV-k la muck ait.-' *rd ot by thr ladi**. J >*t receated by 1V D. M. »NIGHT A CtA, No. d*j Vaaiyat.. N. T.

NEW-YORK, UE8J>AVt DECEMBER P^V^^^V^-1^'^ ACADEMY …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1856-12-02/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · v^- xvi.. 4,h7 i. new-york, l ue8j>avt december| 1856

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V^- XVI.. 4,H7 I. NEW-YORK, l UE8J>AVt DECEMBER | 1856. P^V^^^V^-1^'^



BY OkEELtY k McELRATTT.. tni fBiBBaB ten.oksi, coaara or «AstAt UrBtTOBCB" ITU1TI OHOIITl TK I mr HALL,

-adelirerrd to ( il» BuDecaibcrtf 12; rente per are**. Mail

fateuioer*, t)6 per tutum, ia advance, for eta month*. Bl


a, a»,bli*h»d every «Aii tDAV Mouinit the low pn <. of bj

JLTianen. inadvu.re Three f-opie. for 9.S: Five ( op.*»'..rkl Tri. «'"idr* for * 12, end A paper In no jMM rou-i u- .. f,

I,, aM t.,.r f. r » i.irh t it pail AJ7'r',,?^Dr',I,I,"I.Tr,r:I I t aLY tBJBUlfl MM ONE DOLLAR PER LlefEetv.b

u».: a _____

THE ftFTII.W KEKl.V f Kl 111 l

.out.h.r..d evert tinOAT and KkidaV Moawac. Pr>e «)i. .im. Too Cofec* for Bi; Kite Cnpie* for BU 25, Sin-

r BkBCWM ^_____

Tili: X11Y-IOBK I It IIII \ I


. jnblUfted on "be departure i f rv b Hail Steamer for Atpin-wa.i, At *>1 >' per at-nuiai. Siu»l<- Copiee, Sia Ontt.


rUK B IK OP KAN CIBCUtATIOMa pabiieked tu tbt departure of. acb Mail Si -amer for Liver yoni,M fS per annum, poetegc <i Sbag - < ,...-!<

Bpfnnl Xoticca.raja, Hor.lon-- Lecture.-DON FRANCISCO BOR-

|>(».S 1 the Hi xi.»n Army, aud recently arrived in tliit cityBataltealne will toetara >t Clinton Ball, Aetor Pia.», on

. 1-i.AV tVaOIMO, D2. Subject: Mct.ro and it,

p...,. a** eaaaaaaaet at I tVeloCaV Tiraet* £"> cent*. in iy h.-

attained tt A Baaawj I May Btaee, Ma. I*i5 Broadway at.rr * l' »". i.d't, M leeaat B .ding, and at toe B.k.k.t. mo^.rre v eieo at the M. rtanti..-Library and MaaaaanW loatt-tut*. <"-0. LA SE'/A, cx-Pr.eident Of Mexico, witb Orn.BLAM O, and .,ti at da* abed Meal u... will b- a-

"jtett-Yark Historical Society.-The regular Monthlykeeling ol Ikit SiM.cy »,. be bald at tbrir Boom« in tba(¦r.iver.lty. aa TITSDAY KV ENI NO, Dr. 2, at 7} o'clock.

j -ti.Ah LORJI4G, eaa.. of Boetoe. will read * paj» r. i,

tit^d R-niini*c*m-a of U llliam OoraaB the Revol'.ti'.uaryHut' i.*i.

" ANDREW WARNER. Recording Secretary.~Ncw>Knaland Maclely..Tbe Hon. OP.O. LL'NT, ofBeatuto "ill deliver tbe urtt LoilUM bag.r.- thia Society, at

Canton Hall, Aetcr-plar-, on WEDNESDAY EN KN.N .

BtXT, at g o'clock. Subject: "The Three Era* of New-En-j,ai.J '¦' i. t't. '*< i.'a earh, .an be ..btaii.ed of tba ogaOMajand at tor Aator Hoata, 11*11 4 Son*, rorner Broadway and

ftrkI ¦> e llai pfa'l, cornel Broadway and \ mil v, and at thegoer. t). N. Si EBB I.N 8, Chairman Led ore Committee.

John II. Uoiinh will d< liver * L.ctur- on MONDAYBVKM1N0, Dot at ikt Broadway labaaaai la. E«Mrci*«*toecu ii i i.re at 71 o'clock. Ticker* 2d eta, to be had at the door.

Tlil» ie he only Lecture Mr. (lOt 'Ull will dalliat In thia cityaatll after hit Itrgara froaa bl* Wettern tour.

Brooklyn Aihenarum fiarlpriali Tkn fourth Leetare,i bV < ur*e will b. dalrreredoa Tt ESDAY EVENlNO.Oe2, by RICHARD B. KIMBALL, OMj. Sobj.et: The Loc-tan r, An. k al tad M. n. rn." DiKira open ai. 7, lecture to roiu-

paaat at 8 o'*li.< k. i n kett, 2b Oeatt earn, may lie obtainedat tbe u*ual pia. et aud at the door.

E. A. LAMBEBT, >J. W. OILBEKT, JCommittee.A. CCOKE 11l LL, )

'lie Ttulh Wind !<. tiublleuii < tub at ItrooltlyDwlii kolu i'a brat reaulai in. ei iry under it a amended ouat.t u-

Baa, '1 HIS (iue.oayi E\ E.N1N0, M Hie b-a.l.) miter.. N...8ggAtlaalta at. All re.!dei,t»nf the waid, irreapec.ire of paatparty releirueea, wboare in favor of the piiueiplet whi.'b go*-ennd the fatoeit ol H.e Republic, ami wbi .(. nr.- r-: itnued mi... 11.1 ,.ration ot Independence and iu the Couatltutlon of lueI Bated State*.all who are in favor of au b ragulationa aa ah.11|.'.*. iv. the aarredne** ol the ballot box, and ihm laaaia bon-,». «In tiou*- aud all who are oppta> d to the p!»'t .r.n ot prin-t rpk t to which tbe incoming Admirilatia'ion i* pic Ige L an- aM>giaily invited i.,a t.*,d. llE.NHY HILL, Prea't.

I» B. Ihoum ik ".

fctiha Barrltl will <1. Iiv. r a L.-cture in the Br e.klyn In-HitaH nil EBDAY EVE.NINU, Dee. 2, on Toe Value .fibelinoB and the «li ly t ..uditlon ot It* Perpetuity." TheL.i ure »in aataawaaaa at 7) a^took. Admi..i..ii, is esata.I. id a*, tbe door.

~Aaierleaa laatliule Farmer*.' Club.-A regular M. . t-

:»»' be h. ,1 ai tbe H«po.n. rv. No. >>1 Broadwi.y. on TI ES|)A>, D««. J, at iio,m labjatdl H .w to make Orcliarda andkew to pieaerve ihen..'1 Itäaa iu.ere.tiug pap. rn will be read,ftrangt itarealway» e.ptt ially wel< .ui-. Admixion free to

tl_H. MEIOS, Secretary.Boiie taapel.-'i' ie Sr, .n.l 07 Pioi BOWkTB rThtbatantra'

at K' aolnja, b, l. re the Senior ( I... I CulurnbtaCollege, THISBVBMlBOi at 7; o'cloch p.m. Bobkactt " abak uaaaaM audgkefacta" ltefcata tor the r. at of tbe Couree, udmi'.tiug gen-

gka lady ti. Single aduiiaalon, 50 rent*.

kill u at* Ala K. Church -Pr.1. ..or HOtVAKD CilOSBY ol the New k oik 1'iiiveraity, will lootara iu Baa aboveekaieh on TCEsDaY KVElilNO, Uec 2, at 7J o'clock, on

¦Tbe du lira of American Women." Ticket* 2S cut.', (admit-BagBOl ni lemau and Lady,) to be had at the door.

Aaaoeiatlon ol I \enipl Firenien..Toe Mi inwri willtlaaai a.» ruble ut No. 741» Wanhingt.>u at., neat Bethuue, TO-kinKhoiv IrVadaetday > MOKM1MO, at leVloek. ba pay thelaaitnl i.te ol ret;«ct to our de.' a«. d OOS pa^iou UEOHOi. WKUNN'ARD, by attending hi* lumial.


Waal Baa Oyer'a Healing BMirraealla^ alwacf.NN r*. ii.ue.d1 I* i* knowu every win re M a Standard il-d-K.ne.aSun Remedy, au.i a I uiv. i-tl Punacafor i{!i. nu,.'.«iu.I gg Weaada Bum., Scaida, Lumbago. BoeaThroat, Pikte,Bowel Complaint*, Cholria, Wind CbBÄ Dy-etin rv. and nu'nietoui otbir Uli arid eebca. It* populaiily I* owing to itt own

ttk mrrita. Oin .. BB d it I« never diipenied with. It i*tr ii..ni daily m. re and rn >re popular, ami i* performing re-

ii .ik»l>le curet day by day. All pcrtom who have never medibi* great remedy tor all aorta of palm, ah .old at oaoa ob.aiu It.

- A*.nt. m New Torkl C H HI,NO, No. 1U2 Br ladway.Bold ai** by MOBBELL, . orner ol UoaotOB at, and Ut iv.

Ul D'N. BBB at BetVaiJ and Orand .t and drngglata generally.< boice Faro..J. 11. HARLEY, iTupoiier iud MauulactuT

BBj Ba. M Jehu it. aud Nu. JJ Maiden lane, otl. rt great iiCucementi to buyeti of Fun in hit choice *elo:tioni. K\JU andI.iiaIi ot tbe molt laabioi.able ariiclea no* worn, from SableI ru ,i,.. Mmk, aud < v> ry other kind, that he ran warrant (torIn ai" .ell no other i.

Ladir* raifindagootl arti. 'eof Fur from $G a vet to any|tttt that aay ault Ibib taate.

On nt or lui New-York Statb Kansa* Co., )No. 142 Broadway, Albany. J '

lie! for Kanwaa !.All |Hra<ju* deairoua ni eiuigiailng tokA.SSAS neat »urrug are r. queated to notify and Corre.p .ndwith U. C. BKOWN, eaq. (ol Oaawatamie. Kaii.a«), at l'tica,

N. Y. ii. H VAN DYCK, Prewdeuk.Waa.Llaat R.«\f., Seeretar;.L'anlarani Inlelliaenre OttJre nnd Labor Karbaaae

Be. bt. n rejioved truiu No. 2 Canal .t. to No. VI A ortu el.,aatBaaeJ 't >, a l*W tloor* WC*tof Broadway. No fee*

cka-ted._JAMES P. FAUAN Sup. riuU'iident.

Ta Paper-iMakarra ab ut lafMk] tu their Winter atocka iflt.- in m BtowiN 1, i, 3, 4 and5 LPliHORN RAOS, 100 balea each quality.äVbaie* Domeatic tad Bl t. okwad H.AOS.IBBh*>«räoloe wbdta WIB1 INDIA RAOS.*. r. Mil* kads.

'.i gbt bio* l.INEN It VOS..tbalM MtPl CHTTINOB.

l.a.ea ihoue t' .iitry unred RAOS.NN . aball tell oar et." k 'lue Fall at pri. ee that wilt make It to

U .ii.n-.tol peo. i mäkelt to CALL aud RCY. N. B.NoI. . .1 n g. JOHN PRIESTLEY a CO.,Pap« tN ai.buuae, No. 120 > ..... .t. Kag Watabouae, No. HB

i ratat-M.




o - n 1 g hAPTOM.MtS'S

FIRST HARP SOIREE.A: D 'dworlh'a Koom*, No. BOS Broadway.

See Programme* at Aluei Store..


TO-NIOHT. DEC. 2,At Dodworth'e Room*, No. HOB Broadway.

Bat Programme* at the M Store*.


beethoven'S tbio IN C minor,Wiil ai I xi hv Ma. ArroMMtt, at hi.

first harp soiree,to-nioht, dec. 2.

Se* Programme* a'. Muaic Stor. t.

BUKTCIN« NKW TUf^atek, BreNulway..Tl'KBDAY.Laet week of MISS AHNE4 ROBERTSON.

Ihr.-, capital Comic Piece*, introducing the full (trength ofli.e aa. , lleul Cc.inpauy.

BLl'e BELLE,ti . m w Feiry Pi,,,. a treat bit, lull of Fun, Sougi, Dancea,piet'V S.euery and go..d Dreeeee.

IV PAUK NTS AND 1« AKD I ANS,* ca| a Comedy, Jelineating all the Ftolica of School Mfc.

THE TWt» QCEENSa:, etc tieal BuilettaM;ee A Robertam a* Blee Belle, the Fairy Pet and Bob Net-

Um emartett boy iu the ecbool.Mr l..,r;. n a* Bob Barleveura and Weddilore, the biggeat

t»yin ihr »ebovl.Mr C Fltbar, Mr. T. Plailde, Mm Polly Marnball, Mra C.

Howard, he, will «l*o appear.

Bar^' amek1cah MU8EUM.-11 l -DAY. Dee 2-THIS APTERNOtlN at 3 o'cli<k

tbe pretty far. e ,,f Til AT Bl.ESSKD BABY After wbn-rlPADD^ THE PIPER. THIS EN ENINO « i ^k ,he

Far.eot JOHN JU.NKS. The renowned Bl'SSlaV lilksrM K!o*..B. the larg. at man In the wor'.d. i. now h.re )1 fthe OKEAT SNAKES ba* ii«et SA VLI.OWFD E111HTLl\E PIÜ8 ai.d THREE RABBITS. Auoth,, i.r.e s b f.nr. ted DAILY TO FEED Tbe HAPPY FAMILY I t\INO ^KBLETON, DWARF LADY, Ac. are aU to be' eeeVA "aiicc 2t cant*; Children under 10, 12} BB0BB

VIS okckej.knaitomaiov ClAR-? K NET PLAYER

On raiiiliti.'i CHINESE BULHINUFrom 10 . ii.. till |0 p. m.

1 i'aiitajfiB HltaBBta_I \\ -<P Ll'til{FüÄTl^KV^' .».'¦-; uoal rAlNfiN'GS ,». i put jpoj aa-K i Oia-u DAY and EVENINO. Adaaitt :ae 2».eata

f^n.i). )?uWÄmrr^ great Niagaran i.EKi aadCo lion of s0and1nay IAN PAINT-

'NOBi* DAILY OPEN .t tbe- Blurrca*u.. lu.i.tut -. No. t>S0I i. a a \y, tton. lo * ui. to 10 n. rn. Adu.ie»:nu ii cut*. S. .

. utokela, »L_wF.irrri;ALl8ii.-.Miaa a. seXbkixg. u7eb. et 'eat vv nt'ug, 1 kaygaa 8» tug aud V ¦. N|

.t.e wottd. may be *r*o dai.y at Mo. Ill) Or«nd el wberaeb*> daily ¦t.viiKu.g inqurer. tl th- truth of Spirit eoatenjaioo

A I ApCINATINO AWl'SEMr^.-WOOD7''-a .j,» *g>d t*antlf^l *y*t«e>, f Diawli.g and Pai.iiug fr n

tf t tftj agfg. gb i a'.a N.. »| dthT-Tt.


THE I.A GRANGE OPERA TROUPE¦fatal ncpti d »r, Eotagi»aveal at

Taco* faCalXB, H»va*a,TL» ir Performtneea in tkit Country will

MOST I'OMTl \ EL Y CLOSEOl. the lOTk iettant.

To it. .very one au opportunity of hearing '.Lee more tnetr¦IBIB)* tr'i»:», Peif.rmeii'et w.ii be tiven

EVtRY NIOHf THIS WEEKTli«' Director, determined to finder that


Ev.ry wiy w riliy the tttentlo* of the Pubüe. will r .


Verdi'* OrAnd Opera in three art*,I. A J R A V I A T A.

Violett».Madame de LA Ott a NOEFlor».MAviAtne SIEDENHI Rii

Alfred.Sigm.r BRK.NOLI0. rrnoi d.Signor AMODIOBaron DuPho!.Sienor OASPARONi

T he aan.e Oper» will be prodoe.dOa THURSDAY, the Ith in.rant, and

On fkidav, th- stb lavttaatMAX MARFT/EK.Condu.'or.

Adrntt»lon....ON£ DOLLAR S. I Cir e.V» re,.'»Se< 'ired 8c»t*.Ma. extra Amphitheater.35 Cent»8e»»» for eittar of tne Ihr** P* ri awn ... may ha *»cured at

the Ackden y. r a> Ha.i A e'< i . N< M ilroa.lv..y.Door, open at 7} Opera .¦. at I o'clock.




Mr. THALBERGWill play, for the

FIRST TIME IV AMERICA,Another raf BEET tlOV EN'S »Iebrate.1 Cotapo«itJ .na,


1. Orerturo by the Orche.tia.t Aria by Su MORELI.I.Donizetti3. Catratina."Roun o and I iliet".B-llini

Madam. d'ANORI.4. Concerto it. E Fla-.BeeThotia

8. THALBKR >5. Aria. ¦' Ma»nadie.i" .Verde

Mad im d AN«.HI6. Overture7. Fantaaia." La Pille do Regnnei t".Thalberf

S THAI,HERO». Duet."The Barl., r .1 S. % »'..Roaaini

Madame IE*. NOR I ami Sit .MORELLI.9. Faataaia." Norma".Thalberi

s. THALBKKO,1". Rondo."L' Italianain Alteii".R.."i..i

Mkdarr.e d'A NOR I11. Mar. h bv the Orrl.e.traDoor, pea at H 0*4 loch to commence »t t.Seat» f. SO at d a> at Bn ..iw'i, I BB Nord» I A: Kin»'», and

at the Door.On THURSDAY. d«c. 1

The LAST CONCERT, (bat iwa) prior to Mr. Thal», rr'adeparture for BoBtOB and othir eltiea.

1 he aale of Seat* for Thnrad. \ Concert commence* on

tVedtaaadtry, at the atrial placea.RoTICaV.To pre*eat any iiiiiiiaderi'arding, the public »re

r. IM tlul'j inforn.ed tha'M THALBKKO


to the Popil. of the Public School* at tli» Garden, at 1 o'clockp in.. ar.d the

TENTH RKc.rr.AK CONCERT,on the E\ ENI NO ol tbe .»nie day, a' Niblo'a Saloin, for whi bTick, ta ran l.i bad at the Ticket Orrire..

NI B L O .» G A R D E N. .D< ort open »' 1J ; tc otnineuce at 7J.Tii ketf.So Cent*.

TUESDAY WA EN NO, Dec 2, IBM.Dnt'ble J k: mi or Tiir two Nrw Piei rt.

La»t Week but one ofTHE WONDERFUL RAVELS,

F.SPINOSA, tbe greateit Bring Comic Dancer, and Mine.MONPLAISlR, the charming DanacU'e, nightly honored witha triple call to receive th* unbounded approbation of crowdedand delighted audit ncea.Another new featBIB in 'be Appeaiame of the INF\NT

\\ UNDER, YOUNG AMERICA (oalT »bat yeara old). Pupilof JeionieRavel.on the TIGHT- ROPE.

l Ol NO HE MILE H in l.n Ettraonlinatv EVOLUTIONS.Oreat »Ucee»» of the BOfg*QBI Ballet olF8MERALDA\ Or, Tiir. Bri t. Rm.m or Notre Dtwr.

PtBltiiaHa¦ .Mat*. Mmiplaiair Plan*.Kipino.»(Juaaimodo.Jerome Fr.ll.Ant nti.

Sin uta of laughter at JettaBt*** lo w Com] »lity,M DU TOO PET

M. du Trottet.Etpiima« I... Forte .J.-ronieWEDNESDAY-THE WONDERFUL RAVELS, E-IPINO-


w A L LA CK'1 THE A TEA...Triiiinphaot »u.-ce«« of


Miat AONES ELSWORTHY,Who will app.ar onTUESDAY, Dec. 2 in CLOUD AND SUNSHINE (iwoeirad

mailt ly with unboundi .1 Hppluusel.WKVNESDAT, Dee. a, in THE ELDER BROTHERTHURSDAY, Dec. 4. la INOOMAR.FRIDAY, Der. \ in CLOUD AND SUNSHINE, andSATURDAY, in THE LADY OF LYONS and CATHE¬

RINE AND PKTRUCHIO bting t..r the Benefit ofMua AONES ELSWORTHY.

Mr. Ander», ii and Mi»» Agnet ElaTWrWtthy will be »udaluedin tbe»e pieee» by lb. full :r. nsMi of thia unrivaled Company,presenting a conibination of hiatiionic geniua rarely to be teen,

aiid the plaja will be produced wiili that-arifii attention to

perfection i i propertiea and ecenery for ahich tbi» Theater t»remarkable.Mr I.herwood'a aat acene in CLOUD AND SUNSHINE

baa bran pronounced a pertect »eetuc pn ture.Box book opt n three daya in advance.

LAURA KEENE'» THEATER. .No. 624 Bro*dw»v, near Hotitton-tt. Door* open at 6)

u'< I... k tbe r. rf. inaaaai .- wilt ...u.meme with the Overture at

7 o'clock. Admi*»ioii.Dreaa Circle and Parqnette, SO renn

Balcony Se»t», 73ceui«; F'amily Circle, «Vi reut»i On ln-a ia

Stall», «¦ I etch j Private Boxet, t and a' Hot Office p t,

from 8 till 4 o'clock.TUESDAY EVENINO, Dee. 3, will be preeented, for tbe

eighth time, tbe triumphantly aucceaafol ('omedy, In three at tt,called YOl'NO NEW-YORK,Sc. t.e.Saratoga and New-York. Time.Augnat and Septem

ber, läW.Mr. Teuperceiit.Mr. BurnettMr. Adolplin» VVaadUaatoa Tenp. rcent.Mr. O. JordonMr. AiryFroth.Mr. T. B Johnai.mMr. Nuttallt.Mr. C Whe»-|.ighMr. Ne. dhauiCrawl.Mr. StoddartMrt. T.pereoad.Mrt. H. P. OrattaaMr*. CeruliaSawiu.Mi»* Joa.plnio ManuertMilt Ro»e Tt nprrcent. Ml»» Laura Ke.-neGrand ». lection by tbe Orchestra.Conductor, Mr. T. Baker.To com lüde with

A CURIOUS CASE.Support, d by M.»ara C Wh. atlei^h, Lii.ghiui, Btoiaatt.

Mil gold, and Mia. Ada Clifton.

BROUGHAM'8 BOWERY THEATER..Dreaa Circle and Orciiritra Seata, 50 .rutt, Boxea, i.*> IBB i

Pit and Gallery, 124 cttita; Private Boxea, » Door» op. n at


Capi. Allerron.Mr. Daten port Charily..Mra ¥. L. DavenportAltvaiH-.Mi. C. Clarke Flunbel...Mi»a Kate R' .. :i

FALSE AND HU E.Onon Lindrii.Mr McDoumigh Ellen l uerton Mitt R. ignoldtBufly OBcAw. Mr Brougham | Mra. Lindrll .....Mra Hirld

DU1DT" NATIONAL THEATER.A .Dre.a Circle*. IBotnt*| Pit. LSI B*at*| Or, hr.trt Cbair»,AI' ernta .Doora open at »1 o'clock, Curtain will ri*e at 7 pr.ciaelt -THIS ENNING, .t 7 ,.\ loebl

WEALTH AND WORTH.FrtBi it Hardy. ..J. H. Allel. Miaa AlUTorde...Muie dr Meilo

KAUM. Ob. THE MAGIC STAR.(Vuii.-i.0. L. Fox Cecelia,.Mia* Adelaide Price4j BRIAN BOHOIH.MEITrinee O'Donohne.Alleu Eltttha.Mme. de Mello

H I N E S E R 0 DMS,No. cv»9 Broadway (late Buckle» al.





with the wonderful fin JOHN BULLCHANGE OP TIME:

Door» open at 64, curtain rieea at 7J orecitely. Adnii»>oetiUi Orcbettra Seata, JO ceuti; Children hall prii*.B< x Ottice opeu from 10 to I o'clock p. in., daily.


Monday Tue»day and Wedneaday Eveiiingt, Dec. 1.2andJ,TKO^ aTÖREAtvd on Th ir-day. Friday and ,»at r lay Evening*. MARITANA.Commence at 7J o'cloeh. Tl. keta 15 c a Orchrttra Seat« A* i-u.

ACADEMY OK MU8ICto LET, on th* of night» of the Opera, for Cocearta, Lec¬

ture*, 4c Aoe< mutodatiot. for 4,000 peraoca. Prie* per night,ta«i.Including light.

BALL SEASON.The pi'.re for Ball Niaihti ha* been reduced to B.>, inv.adi.vg

til 'he pnviir-e* of «he Bart, Supper R,-»m» and C oak R>*ro*,together with the lithrii'g and fl.».riog. Apply to N H.'A OLK»:, ol the Executive Committee. No. a South-*t

«ri)c x3all Season.HE Ttxemty-eittriih ANN! AL BALL ttf the>HXW-YOBJX FIRE DEPARTMENT, for tbe Wilo*»

tnd Oirl.aii*. will take ola-e »: -be A.»drmy of Mutir lfh «toi MONDAY EVENING. Jaauaiy *M. 1*A7. Ticket, may be].:. t.:. d > M.n.i. i. Hv. i.Iei

HENRY A. BURK, PrealAent.Jami*. f. nittiAV ^a.rr'ary.


INCfORIAL BROTHER JONATHAN torCbnttma* and New Year » 1U7. Thi* rlagant Sarat

t k*V tare* for tbe Holiday* will be ready at It t to-d»y|l i. tl:-,l wi:b Attraetire, km .«log, Lt ghable. Liv.-.yMir:h ptotokite. and Spirit «r rr ng PI. area. D B..t fail tö

ta .ary "T» fi e '.I acta CHT M N, 4*I'e.kll ii .!.

iN'eiD Pnblications.AMAGNIFICENT WORK of ART.

EMINENTLY SUITABLE FOR A OIKT BOOK./ 8. REDFIELD. Be, 1* Br-kmaa-*t-, New-Tork. ha* kB

pulii»h*d:I> A B T. EY'8 MARO A BE T;


illl steatite or


BTKAOABST, a tale or the BSAt ako ioial.

By FELIX O. C. HARLEY.ivo BBBBAVBB i* the PtBOT style 41 AtT.

By Kcxiad IH'oeb.

LI5T Or ILLL'ITBATIOBf.Flote. Subject

I..Childbed.II..The V».

111.. Margaret annoyed tyb»r bro'ber.

IT..HawkV..TBB Bw Hunt.N l..Ob*.l.

N II..Margaret and; the MaaWr .0

the W*ad*VTTH rMWBMIX. .ChBhta played and they

were li>nt.x..ri'ifk.XI..A tl.mpeett the world.XII..Martha Hllillni Ob>

b«.rr,e.XIII. .Nimrod . iLil.ita bia bu»

Pla'e. Sakfavf.XV..Camp M~tlnr la tha

ay m...XVI..Tha Camp P:. a BBEXV11.. Berroap»rtlo n.XVIII. Hr m M :.XIX. -

X.V.Bethi* Wc-k*.XXI. T. < H «IXXII..T.ny NV*.hi:.|'.XXIII. .The Murder.BUT., R'+*.XXV..The Aft-et.XXVl..LV**.n fl-lffi!XXN II..Mart . I BBOStt I Rh

apmpvhy.XX \ .11. Mailar, t.XAlX..Tl.e Parin.X\X..Par*on W. ill and kit

M ,>.



XIV..The Widow WrightTlia work ia printed on a baautif llTy tinted paper, both platea

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The acme changra from the intry life of an old N-w Euflandboiue to the uietrjpulit, plantatiout and bayou* ol Loaiaiana,what* appear* for a brief p-riod thr etrikintly original ata1M*lMof the quadroon. Lola, who lib* oa de taring, aleepa on d«aprlnt, and wbrn abe dirt meant to "go to bebenoude tpring.''

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_Olo Cent par Copy-

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topic, M Gatparia claim* to hate dieeotered it tie pbrnomau*..i the eo-calltd Spintaalnm. " the p.e*rnoe A . phMectl law,t Haid a. tb.n or tome other' toree, the natural '»planatian ofeorrriy, pa»t, preaent and future ¦

Dr. Baud iu hit Ii.t.üductua aaya: P.- m maut year, a^

fualntaoce with the author we can ateure thr realere of thi*work tia* n ia the pr tduction of a mind not uheiy to be tati*

ri»d with in*, tleient data or noialed by jBaaafaal dedtactioB*. Wobatr uerrr tern the eulo.eet to wiaacb it relate* treatad witamore patience of inquiry, or laimee* of anaiyti* aad eoueluawou.It i* tie botiett reoul ol iuteaugati' n prompted by an earneatd.atre to know the true.-

It will be publietted DECEMBEB 10 in two .arg* 12ültola »*o pate*. PrieegJiiO .

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NEW- y'o'r b BUN.Ore Celt p»r t tj.

MA t O I BROTHERS.No*, h S and Ii > Daa:.*-*t.. ¦ I



JAMES SMITH.Author* ol the - E*j.--tcd Addree». «üj P*flr*iUIM

» aBapafhaanl St-t. s. E«:t*>d by Epe* SargenL 114 pp.,I2rr.o., Matt. Pin« «1 25.

II.W imum, D-c P.

THE PLAY-DAY BOOKNew Stoeie* rot Yoiv« Pole».

WMh 141 roll 11 ..:r»:.. ..*. 8 ¦ F.w, Kit* J"U pp..Who «:. tb. Ftlce 75cut*, full eilt, Bl 24.Triumphant** a a* been the aaOfflBB of EMI favorite American

an'be'fi» ia evetv deptrttneit of literature which *h* h** al¬ter ptfd. far clIci yet ihlcea with mo' peculiar loiter in b r

writicgi tor the vcurg. Here .a lier forte, and here ebr ».».. .

iGdi.pu ibW at Ohl head of living autboia¦¦ Li"la rafaa," bwawd by her a few ye*re tine*, hat already,

it ia relieved, en-oved a fr»*f*er *ale tbau tar other work of HBflea* yet the beok w* ecw announce well deserve* to »reoMetawta it* predecessor iu tale and pop larity. It 1* of fe'd-Eating iLtrreet, rverv pace .park ing ar-.th the ri»aeity andgra. e of it* author, and :a if. h ki li.«true ti- i. a* well a* amuse¬ment.

It will be i.initiated with tea Soe MB page engraviugi. byOttStbA* w. »ball be compelled, bv th« *hort time before it* pub'l-

ratirn day. to i. to pre** with a am*'! aMttatv, deal. r» wishingan ar.v *upply wttl do well to forward their ordera at oaco

III.Sari eoit. Die. r>.

CANT ERR CRY T k I. E SBy lUr.iet Lve. 2*..la liuio. cloth. Price Bl TV.

lh> »e stnkin*. aud nmarkabir novel* b**e 'out bctu euu I-EfB* iu Fiii'l.b iterature, acd. it i* he'lrvcd, will Ml fail to boippreciared by A in. rhaag reader*. They were ftvorire* of LordByton who wrote: No'hni* of Scett'a ia riner thai The tierman'e Tab-.' I admired ir when a b»v, and bar..ctinued tohke wb*i I did then." TbeSpectator aaidi "Tharahieaat ly»uv r.in at. d pv-r*. n of this centurv wo . b*i u -t, »r torne ii aa

\ r. draan a aiurer* pieasnre frou the*' pages" Tae E !¦isburgb Poet aatd: .¦ Few readeriof entvr'aiuiug liter»ture *;i

be ignotaut o| the*.- pcpulr.r production*," aud. al»>, "Tuepur-morality which rrigr* tbrougb »heae tale*.which wennscarcely dare to r*!l fiction*. will render ih*m the in it el'tib'area.lmi for young prt*un*. They ought to be iu every familylibrary." IV.


POK 1x57.ihOBl Ml pp Jlmo.. cloth. Price 25 reut*.

TLi* haafc M to aal fin a world of information in a ama'l apace,and to be add at a very low price. Beeile a complete Almanacf. r eatb>M latitude*, it will be t complete Pocket Diary. It willhave * rccoi J of the *t»*e of the thermometer ftw every hourtotal Ma yaag ci.ui: g Dec. 1, 1R56\ and a large amount of me-

teavroiogical n-ater i< mrailv. prepared hy E. Mrriaui, c*q ofBr-.k m Hi/'*.

V.MotUDlV. Dec. 15;

MASON'S MAMMiil ll Ml SH 4.L EXERCISERB.ii.g M ..; u I'ii grama tit tha MartagfTaaa Dei tuned to

la?* Teacher* much labor at the black hoard. By LawellMin i Mua. Doe 1 vi . l.phant folio, 25 by R> kaktl whenop i ed. Price. #7 5i>.


01 AGE PROM CHAll'ER TO SAKEBv Jan.e* Partim, bfjb pp.. LMM, ciotn. Price, Bl Ml Oi't

. nit . and edge g 2 25. Alao, an octavo aaMMfl of the MMaork, bound in the lol owiug Hyiei: älieep Library, B' Bl|Imitation MataaiO, *>4. Half Calf and Morocco, ant. and extra,Bl M: Pu Calf, gilt extra, *.«, Full Morocco, gut and an¬

tique. B6.Ibia volume, containing thegrrateat m*a* of humorou* veao

ever collected, bipronotiuced the moat am ialng book iu exist¬ence. It baa rapidly inn through four editiooa, anil i* uow inactive deuiind. It MaltBjMBaVeg the be«t Comic Poem* ever

arrit'ei im rewbea all the gaaaa from thirtv volume* of Punch,the best tblnga ofHood, Byron, Scott, Lowell, Willi* aud nth-era, and ia *u elemnt ai.d appropriate gilt for tM* or any otheraction


JOSEPHINEWit) num. r. in Iliu*trative Note* aud Anecdote*. By John S.

C. Abbott Ouevol 12mo. Price, BI 25.Im ludii a Letter» D.bht time >f tht-tj Marring.itfl the

Death«»? .I.oepbii.r and, aim, aeveral private Letter. BMItbe Kii prior to bat brother Jotepb, and agjbtg importaut per¬il naii*.

THE INDIAN FAIRY BOOK.From the O lgirtd Legend*. With liluitraie in by Mr Lenin.

Engiaval by Anthony. J.Ppp. 12mo., plain, price, #1; Pull(. DIMH tat arc vrn'able Legendi, aa hit h bare doiibtlet* been t dd

time ard axani to rb' dii«hy maiden* a the Indian tiretidr.be-forr the white man robbed him of hit b'ibtiog-groiimli. Thehook i* hacdiomely gottt n up. tud 1* a beau:ilul gift-book firall maDi.


DICTIONARY.A M* Abridgnent of Webcter** Dictionary, containing

more matter than the I'uivrraity Edition* and mauy improve-Bent*. Price, 4-1 30.

T~~HE A M ERICA N PHREN'OEOtHt'ALJOURNAL lor DECEMBER.Haiti»: Preaoirr, the Hi*.

toriaa, Por'rmt and ditcriptiou; Cburlet Ooodyear; FamilyGovernment Fact* Str*u*er '.'.an Fiction; Puritan.'P»-tryBenefit* of Phrenology UorkingM-n, Arthur Spring; Lao;guite of Idealitv Sea Soiindirig*; MtnwithTaiU; Tob*.Turn of Lite Hand Bm k* Mr Home linprove'U-nt. etc. Price

ante, ot ? I a year Sobee I tut bate rn «v be *ent in at .nee jhtVol. Addreai FOWLEil ABB WELLS, eaj Uroadaar.

N Y. -

THE WATER-CURE JOURNAL farDawCEM-BER .., .»;,.,: Til- ugr.'t iu Spar- Minu'ei. Poiioa..

Ct*e*fr. mn.y Not. B- ok; Drink Let with your M-ali; le t

ter to ( ooiuuiptiret Qualith ath u- of Phyti.tUn* Marriage AV. i.e from the Stomarh; Prracrlptlon Huntera; A TurkiahBath; Tbe Angel Health Topict of tbe Month; Qiack-rv.«;.,..d By. A Song to ID»Ith Valedictory, etc. A new volumebegin* with tb*- next Dumber. Now i* the time to lubscribe.r «layrar. Addrea* FOWLER k WELLS, m Broadway,


will be ami to .ne addieaa PublUhed by KoWLER s. UEL'.S'No. >« Broadway, New York.



Re. Bread trom the Railroad Compauie*,Rexoy Tni* D*y.

D. APPLETON k Co Publitben,Noa MB and 348 Broadway.

rpiiE (.LORE- Thf Official Paper ol Cougreag.X .1 inU-ud to continue tbe puldi, ailou of the Debate* ofCoogreaa ¦ full, including the Laar* naaeed, during tbe nextSe*iTou, to commence on the fire! Monday in December nextThe i cluing In of a new Administration will cause tbe debate*

of tbe next seiaioii to be b-.tb iutrre*ibag aud instructive, a*

i policy will be foreshadowed iu the ipeeche* of Ir* fri. n Is.hon-, ta< o f .r>- who deiire to know what will bo the ooune

of the l. It Pre*ide.nt before be take* Ihe executive chair, aa at

to tbtpe tbeir bu*ine*« ace rdingly. *b mid *ub*cribe for the D>bates of the coming .e.sioo.THE DAILY GLOBE will contain the new of the day, tie

gelber with tocb editorial article* as may be from time to tun*

.u|ge*t< d by p*i*if.g ev*ut* of inter**!, and the Debate* a* theyc me fn m the hunt* of tbe leportere, which will be laid M thfd< *k of .very am mber to undergo hi* revision for Tbe Coogr*<-. .. t a. i Hobe and Appendix. Tn.xe who may dcaire to tee tieDtfairs iniiueclately, ihouid take THE DAILY OLOBE, aa

Uey are uiualiv pub.Uhed iu it two dsya before they are pnutedin 6- ok foim in the CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE «ud AP-PE»-D1X,THE CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE and APPENDIX will

he printed on a double royal sheet, in royal quarto form, eacfcnumber oon'tinint alateen pegea All the Law* paaeed daringthe aexton aiil be appended to the Dibatee; *nd oopioua Iudries to the Debatri and the Law* will be made on', printed audeat to the (ubveribtr* *oon tfter tbe clo*e of tbe Seatioa.Till WEEKLY OLOBE wii'be prin'ed on a double royal

inert, in the otual newipaper t irm. and will con'ain a synopsisbe proctedin,* of Coi.gre**, »ed the newt of the preceding

wr«k; alao editorial fed (elected matter, when there shall beroom for auch An rxttt sheet will he printed whenever t de¬bate i. any important tubj. ct bail take p.*> e, giiing it in full.

TERMS.Fcra [ ol The Daiiy Globe, oneyear.BIO 4MFor f COM during the pubheallon of tk* proceeding* of

the ».'..;. . 3 OtF. r two c. pi. t, daring tbe S« arioB, when ordered at the

tan e time. 5 00Fora copy of the Conireational Globe and Appendix,

durii'g the Se**ton. IBFor two o pie*, when ordered at th* mom time. 5 00For a copy of 1 he Weekly Globe, one year. 3 00Fo'f.-tafr n. .!- lit of December to the l*t of May.. 100Bar k Note*, current in the eeetlon of the c mntry where *

tuba riber live*, aui be received in payment ft par. Smallaum* may be »en' in poatage Mas pa. A paper will not be tentj Ii lee* tk* rn< ney »Company the order for it.¥ MtMgfM, N.-v. is, IBM. JOHN C. RIVE3.




One Cent per Copy.


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p .t ;u. d 1 ...» D*r .tT. B. PETEBtON-S,

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One Vclnme 12mo , MI page*, large leaded type, beaottfallyIllustrated, bound ix cloth, price Bl *tt| at a cheap ediiava la

enr \ ...umr t<ta*o. prce 50 cent*.For tale by all Boohaellata. ereryw ^err.



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Aiu.ii PAKTBiiOE k BJUTTAJ4, No. Jfi airway. N, I.


I!..- J ..: I'.;. .bed;A« Ii Li:»ti«reo Kcivio* op

MEN AND TIME.** OP IHK REVOLUTION hlBtaiBI f E BAUAB WafBOB Iii. lading J Mimaa* of Y<*»t>B I - *:..( irr >. fr. aa 11T7 to Uli, weh hi* C

I ruth. lira, ai d Rn . .

R.a, n Edited by ku ...a. Wlaal w C Wa»«o-u Sv<oi»I With a Portrait at tb* Author, cwtrared <.. rt<-thr ha., ua ficturr kv r« pley, and tvewty-Ave Wood Engl**>»«.; elao 4 cepuu* lode*. IJnxv. J57 page*, tint**! paa«rw 1 5i*.Ptrbept no pubR-ati. a of the last year aa Ivo baa rv~e»Tv«f

¦ or* f di .aartUiiaiaatic aotAooa froia the Prea* »I all aarta iC'i ntry than It.aThr S. Mh*ru Ch .rcbn.an *av*: Thi* at a boo t which aratvbA

,üjgMfJb-*o aiT-a kg that wetld b> fare."*l»r >.«aik Dai.a A.;,, ,.,arr: »tri» that Belie*. H Wv.lf

kr.ai.aid. r»J »,at euu-rtaiadng reading, aa tact. Ha laterr.tturely cannot be |rM ¦

Ik* D-traterat* Irtb, .. W* tako leave of !hl* eoloan*)wib irarr'. II it a velaab,e cou:nb*tiou to Aiuotioat Ulata-turr ai d bla'otjTHE BLEhiNFRTONS; Or. Dotti*.;. ., T., WtvttOB.

Bv tt K V. J J BhjBIIIIB IA,,., aa<ra. f)l Iti a -ire and totxhlna baalorula in ehr ifr. »u*

It the rtra rtrBC* of the c!et.. .\ yert anaatitil Tolam*, fillI PaBnaher'a Mtk.


t>r. Th« FoaWa*. or M. Ma-»o\ » s>. .cis*o*a Ry -hrRev J4D N. Notmo a. M an-t. r*t I he B> y r-a.r. d . at ». , . Km'rS .fol l!.< Mir.iatrv." USno, d pate*. TScouta.

S.et .a in 'be M*:orr ol .bur h c'rvgrrtiew. la rural rliajtrtet. a: .'. air hl t'i. «. wb.> r> (oar to walk In U»»'ol Bath.'"TB1 BEBOIM UP (CI * HI. a d -he. p ro,, B*

I itMpaut.a «|

Aj ..- a ti it I ia.. Iltrir.iua elf laiona. aag<. -tea

ebtVft 1. object* of native, by t*e Church'* Sacred .eeeooa,at. bj BOBBr tt and »>imwt


BE" HU HONSPK ITS FROM k BEI Frl. Or TV* l'tfr»S,,Tl,.

B I By thi BBthat if .*>!I ITTT tt fl BardMpn'a. Ac. 8o>,-.K. n. Iftno. aN4|«At>a 73 xitt

1 its rrtniE* hturor, Itt rxquialtr perception of Bat «rat

b-> aty. Bad wltBatltta ihtkBfBI ol atylr.it la latmraaaraklpI ¦ a* prxMuetlowa.'* IN. Y. T*nbaa¦


Bt p. v. ikiBett, \ It a urv Eduiou. i.'uio. m fmtßm>pi

Mr Bwaa*aa tart .-a in a BrrtouB, aimplr a'y't). and with tjfr. at d«ai ul qt.-rt Barti.ar." lEtouüt« Pwat.

In Pi. ¦.

LAY! Off A LIFETIME Thr Rrr rd I O^r Ikpar 4.B "aoLBr If uiitvir't on BhrH L*r»r «t«v, tiottfd paper.

leytBOl . in inuaii i biadinf.I ..i v| .. nur» itc, tlk* E.nt.tr haj ak I«

fttl \ dUpcard, in |l p«. *>. aetorthlMt ihe more eaTe\ti».ipIhtj PueXtetl BtteBtal tad Btortvl hata» t. t'»tK*, her earrtnt)n_r rJeal and pi .rluai. n«, »hi.-h an.I only aparkle ta trt

> but aaakeu and chrrtah ll.e pu.rtt and anott elevatiuat

TBE OLD PABM k\\9 tfJS BBW E vRM k PadiikelABepatp. I .iat p.ibliah.-d nailer ihr tula ol A Pretll Rtaary.'*By Fiauc i. liopklaaen a Mrn.ber of 'he t'.iatitieaCal C<>«4iea«.Wi.b an Infr,,.iu.liou, Httlorteal N 'tea and llluettatt.*>* h»Ba - J I ai'nt. M A ...nr rho Pi. t. aal Field Bookof the Rrvolu'toB." he.

1 ktarfi TJ i. one ( the happirat eaToita of the groateatWitcl 'l i- It M-'aiue, by noauanf aUiklua P4al-

(urea of real Wa, LB* . aaart ..| ihr war aant tau* powerfallj aj.-pealt ta tkr e 4i m. i a. Bta all a Ba. P'tkliahor'a CrtU4.

IHF. t HILDBEN'8 BREAD, hl l'ruiob* from the Ma*ler'«Tal Ir.

It j-r. tidrt a trat of Holy Sctiplure tad a metih al rerae itIWW, tah bad Mightta, for evrry day of the year. Origin*!P» ii a n the t hnrrh * Stored Sea-oitt ookolude the roluma.Tbla will bo one .4 ihr nioat rharmlug volume* of the (eaeoa foet kBdti n

MY BTEPMOTHF.B A Tale. By Sarah Roberta.

I n Editions 0 fONE TIIOI'SIND l OPIFS F.Al'H.

Making iu all ID.OOO Cople*.Have air. ad) beeu publlahed , I .Hi«a M<-luteth'e Bear aod]

charming Stoiy, entitl. dvi Olaet I

OR. THE CROSS AND THE CROWNIVB ThaWttmnd none will a. on be aro.le.1 to aapplv lb* de¬

mand. JOHN P JF.WF.TT k Co.P .biiaber*. Botto*.

17 Ä N >j Y F £ R~" HHaa iu Pi. aa a new juvenile cot I'led

THE PLAY-DAY HOOK;New Strain roa Littlk Pol**.

Vtllh Ten IILiarrmtl-.tia. Pri.te 73 cent*. Pull OUt, Bl .'VaTo be Fubll.heo D-. ember \«, by

,M\-tiN tlHOTHEH<No. in* and l|H Duan*«t

1^ H E Lla"ü I K 8' A L M A N A~ÖFUR 1157.


The a., la a new applicant for 'he favor ol thelit »YS AND OIRLS,

11.e I adlet having tot appreciated the foim. l. We .. .. Ipub ith the above on the I Vtt of Pti.*uib*i

JOHN P JEU F.TT A Co.. Bofou.HENUY 1' B IF".\\ FI T, Cleteltnd, Obki.SHELDON, BLAKEUAN k Co., New Y >rk


a U. ?rnplioii ol Wa.biugton City, with iBree Itine ration*, be¬tide otbol entertali iug l*adk*g matter. » Inch la entirely B*V mevt ry number. It BMfaiM titty Map*, three general MafBgand all lb. lateat Time Tablet .li.itag.a. Pi Ice I» coat*.

D. APPLF.rONli Co., PukHahar*.No*. 340 and 141 Broadway


Sox Iiic Oolibarjo.ClIltlaSTMASuml NEW YKAR PRKHKNTH..

UOLD WATCHES and STERLINO SILVER WAKE,together with a rt< h aaeoitment of DIAMONDS aod all kind, ofBaa <i"ld Jewelry.

OOLD LKI'INF. four bolee iawaled.0»GOLD U Alt II ES,from.*>»> to mo

SILVEB W M t HPS, jeweled. 1« Co «0I LATE I) TEA SETS, double plated. Ii to V>Pi. VIED CAKE BASKETS. i to ja

A1J oli tooda are warrant, d to be a* lepreaeiiteaL_BQI IKK. LANDER A Co., No. 91 Fultoa at. M. f.




P»a*. Prncil Caa.« \\ Jam* l an.a aav] India Rubber FanrwAilit Iva nl alldra. liptiont; l.a.li».' and Oentlemeu t lalhiWalk-ll k H.m t. atd Over.hoe*. Ac, at lb* GOODYEAR HI BIIF'.M,DEPOT, No. »7 Bi. *dw«y, pp...lie the Tabiraail*.


(So. er,tort to Bagley, Hooabtoti tad Oka}Mam.fa. turera. WouldiutiU the publla to .-aaaain* tlaair laigattod vailed aatoitirent of HOLD and SILVER PENaadPKNCIL . ASES. titled al'h fker auperior HOLD PENH, whl.'»tbey are now leaning ft .. i heir factory of entire new pattorua.bung up propriate lor Pr.i.i.ta Patented and Warraatad.

_No. 1 Maidou Ian* Maw York.

INCENT Lt-COMTET^lwL,aal*j aotT r^taTlt ONKkCTIONKR. N >. at t Greenwich at.. Ft. a*., ha* *»u>

art* lit IV on bind Sugar Toy*. Ornament* for Cake, Gum Do pa <

Otwatateptaa, and artlclaa auliakle (or tb* liotidaje.

Printing.J£S(l) BBalPBIafTDrä |H \EP ERICE.

dli./ StaUonery, BualueeeCard*. ate.,a KEIi_Wedding, At Home. Addree* aod Atit-araph Card*. Wedklly s,g| ffaltVia«t*

Pr1ktikq ba r¥team.CopMr-betytl type.STATION EKB' ilALla,

Not. 174 and 17« Pearl-at.. Naw-Yoik.BOWNE k HASBROUCK,

PRINTERS, LITHOGRAPHERS and STAT10NT.RI. / .1klndtaf PRINTING eteeated ia the t*et titi*, with CO¬PER PACED TYPE, at the loweat rate*._1tribune buildings.-printino of tyror*

deacriptioa, from a Card to a H - t. at tb* Luvtet Cm*mPHeea, BAKER a godwin Tr.buae '..olaBiwa

ßtuiionern anb AfantQ Oooöb.PIX) ai.l MEN who do write'.A THE WASHINGTON MEDALLION PEN.MERCHANTS, ACCOL'NTANfH, aad bttrlnee. men -f

evety rlaae. j< yuu dra'rr a permanent relief fim kavg pur *BJmd.jrer rut prut. buy without delay the

WASHINGTON MEDALLION PEN.It i* none of your " fold-poiBted," or " dtaiitun.l pointed," ,f

" giitia pan ba. ot " lodi* rubber," or " galvauiaad," or " aeiai-gttrid,' or elrctrt.'c, or '. anil ./.rroalve" ot " double-batA .

action," <r " never failing fountain of ink" pan.wbirK art allhurt.biigglnt phltaea. deemed to doreeve but I. la aa AMEBI-CAN MADE STEEL PEN, - ,..../.,. r ,r,d la JIUil it f/»*City ol A. ar- Vor* AID IS THE ONLY steel pen MAN«UPACIIRED IN AMERICA'D I* in io.prwvetBetit oa ail Ban* ever made b*6rt*.itt twtpa

and Ityaiaa ta r.» n .. d and U ia krtwa/f ail yaatfte* Ik* Wat mamlalAraorld, und vili vritt o'ual</e«.r «t«* ttkew Uaaktpci.oltH teilh dry** ink!Thuir who have from rarlr habit adhered to tb« q .ill, f.r if a

.aa m.w dr-p tlaair f*ati.> a" aad ..«*>*» aarb..vay".to Lhadr girat r. il.f from freqaattt " sea aaakiag" mad

ten B . u.:iug"-by aainjihe WASH N9TON MEDAI.MONJPF N, v ia the ONLY t'ae and prr/rcf a.iUt.r.ite kvr thr>"cl*>*i. <dd at.iil" tl,*« BtBraaBhl eapertn.eor* hare are* pro.deed, yark lAot, a* Fa/pa***/ ta* fata*' A»4 laaarlcta..»;.. aid American artl/an* bar*acbieved the victory.TLote vho hate aoeal'omcd h. r handa L. tie ua* of gotdT

let a, and lind it in.pr uible to procure two all**, vt eat thaC?or* ant get bent or loae apoln' now at d then, trtfl ßnd is »A*B/aAAWlBOTOB MEDALLION PEN t pan ffafj U *»*r-

pnrnttd and po..****., aa * Iur*ly *et*r.tirV; rreult of itt eon.

in a-, -i all the ra*e or a iftnea* of tb* *a"«t perfeart wild pen*,and greater ret einty of eh*tae'er.more regular *t*»>ilirw. Thatg. 'd prn <au caver be perfidy duplirAta>i. THE WASH.IM.'ION MEDALLION /"eat *r» aai/em la ,v.jt»ly aaafat Iu.a.Thote wbo have been fooled by a little Atpata eatrsaaA Into)

thr aa* ot a tiff bita of *.*.! under lb* ..opr. aet- a tlaat (hay «rat«" India ffokb.-r" or "Ootta Percha Peat." and therefore w , .ij]tot rr^rede. trr hereby rnioneaed that there baa aeret been %.ingle b*b made of tb..** material*, aad neret will ba, thr raw.on* thu u. .at be apparent to every man of comtata aaaaa whatwill give (he «cientiaVc ttruetur* of a pen a ¦oattnt't cont.d-eration.But tlerte ail, Amararatt' bear rAi* la mind.that tl.lt roua«

try pata Entiand and Frtnr* ONE MILLION Off DOLLtB*}aSRaLLY FOB STEEL PEN8.peer or worlAaaa. pan. atIbat. And nov, is the laiiguage of a diattijiulebed F>.»av.tiuat.let AMERICAN CHILDREN LBAR N T He ABT OrWRITING-AND AMERICAN LETTERS BE WBrVrEIf-AND AMERICAN COMMERCIAL RECORDS AN»itL IUl.^V.A!'I_BL''"!,KM °» THIS COLNTkY. BBrecorded WITH AMERICAN MADE PENB."

F;.r aa.* at the Mainfactoring Cmpany t prtoe* wfMeter.. MASKS Bl 'TTRIcK k cT. t*a ttCkimUn at, ;M. aai. AMES, ÜERRH.K, B ARNES A BHODKS,

No. 7A Jeaat-at-iM .ar. (.RAY COOB k MEBRIT, No. I* Beearmana*. |

Auu by all .!,» Jlr.r .¦(.,,$ Retail Starlooer* in the etty i aav* U»

Jobbeit u tar Omca of the Company No. itt Breadway


"*-k'M.Pat. r. BROWNNo. ibs Paar', at, New Y ,-a.

ONNET COMB.A tvw and mgrn aWtrkVtVioPATENTF:D INDIA RUBBER COMB, for rha purp..^

of boldii i thr B r.net ta lu plsr* when on the bead, wbaV-k lamuck ait.-' *rd ot by thr ladi**. J >*t receated by1V D. M. »NIGHT A CtA, No. d*j Vaaiyat.. N. T.