TRIBUNE INSTITUTE WOMEN'S CLUBS TART IV EIGHT PAGES tttk STrifctttu SOCIETY .FASHIONS RESORTS .TRAVEL SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1920~ PART IV EIGHT PAGES -/i-TT-arr -?j_?_-T--^_ry». J_-£J?e _»-í* i?o,5"é rJ&C7^ tTr-, Brilliant Halloween Ball I fïïïîi Annual Event at Which Mauv Debutantes of Coming Season Will Appear Is Forerunner of Long List of Social rVffairs Scht'duled by Fashionable Folk affairs of a social nature are scheduled for the next vf': ners and dances at clubs and country places New Y k and also the most interesting tvent . the annual Halloween ball at the Tuxedo Club. ee on Friday night, and will be the most da; Most cf the débutants of the coming season ranci at a forma] entertainment at this affair, ch ei tertaining on the part of those having villas ise wiil be tilled with guests over the week- beyond di most exelusH§ and fashionable in the count y, and any entertainment planned« ' the colony i: an assured success from its inception. harg ''*' i ..- this : d of vlrs. ". Lew is S. Morris Mrs. I ïlandei an.i C « i y over th:s week enc ,. of the Tuxedo K< n ne! (. lui yest erday on tl f bei t of the T Hospit 'ong an_ toi memb« rs of socii uvpr the v ei i. Several dinner were g ' :i t:.f it pi I at the club. Sever. rties will be givei ov»r ni one of the larg« hall P. Keene .' of Bal timon ted number o y 1 s: '. weck is It attend th« se mon at Pun ¡ico. Dr. at.7 : Preston Pope Satter Tfiite v. certain at dinner Sat eight at co .' try i lace ai Greai Neck, 1 !. Many of the Lonj Island in atti ndance and iiumber frcm the city wil to down b: spend the week-end -1 Martin Several small and informal luncheons and d by theater par- en given m the city v the seal on ¦.]:¦¦. ¡riving the :.- ... «'..,... lay i l.i'"- '. VV.ss Marj and her anc< M. Ti a son of M rs «. K. ! Madison Aven le aid thi M. Thomp: «n fheii ¦" t-, .- ¦- ill :. .¡, la ät sun mi r. pi the iinnei quests, about 7'. Centurj Fhi ate r. Many d nguished foreigners have irrive in the cii the lasl few days been ( 1 an in- Colone! and Mrs '!. A. Ev;i s in on Frida j Mr. at d Mrs it their place in Morr ana tl ningesi ;.- n the Rritish Arm? ved his con old. He servi <ry Hr.ci thi R. A. F., and in ;"-.«". from :'.'> h ent« ti'd the war, ml:' :' armistice was signe I, barring ?sr- «da when i.e was convalescing from Marquess and Marchioness °f Wglesey arrived today frcm Ottawa, Uî»kcia, and are at the Ritz-Carlton, ¡¡»til they Fail for England at the end « the week. They joined Lord Victor '»Cet there. .Mrs. Cornelia Adair, well known in ^"giar::! and New York and a promin- '"t hostess in London, arrived on board j?« Mauretania on Friday and is at the nptci .st. Regis, Much entertaining :i« be done in her honor during lier '*> hero. Henry Wick 2d to Wed Miss Holen O. Underhill 'imitations have been issued for the «¡¦»läge of Miss Helen Oakley Under- J'". daughter of Frederic Edgar Un- '*rnili, to Henry Wick 2d, son of Mr. *cd Mrs. Hugh liryson Wick, of Cleve- Wi on November 10, in the Church I tho Incarnation. The bride will be »:**ft away by her father and will be ..«nriod by Miss Frances Wick, sister .* the bridegroom, as maid of honor. ¿Ü« bridesmaids will be Mrs. Joseph j,'*'tVji'owe;l, Miss Cecelia Kip Hank«, JC*«iia Kos, Miss Beatrice Draper, Catherine Quackenbos and Miss Wi liam J, Sampson act best man, and the ushers '-'. be George Hendrie, Lawrence Gad Plum, Joseph Beatty an Alexander Bunts. The cere- ""¦:¦ '11 be followed by a reception at the Hotel Gotl am. '¦¦ ¦-:''ir.^' of Miss Helen Krech, "..'¦- ter Mr. an Mrs. Alvin '.¦. Krech, oi ; East Seventieth Street, '-. Stuart Wing, will take place at ck 01 the afternoon of Novem¬ ber 22, in St. Bartholomew's Church. be the first large marriage the formal opening of the New York sea the week previous. The gagi nt was announced last June same time as that of Miss dster, .Miss Margaret A. Krtcl to \\ liam Sheffield Cowles, son '.'¦'' lirai and Mrs. William Sheffield Cowles, and nephew of the lal olonel Roosevelt. Mr, and Mrs ai their daughters spent the mer at Southampton, L, I., and only y iiturned to the city for the winter. Miss Edna E. Warnecko, who la to ;" n the bride of Carl Julius von Gocven, November 6, had a tea and shower given in her honor on Thurs- daj afternoon by Miss Beatrice Silld at the latter's home, 353 West Fifty- ''¦¦¦ Street. M¡s,s Sillo will be one of Miss Warnecke's attendants, the others being Miss Murtha vor. Goeven, Mrs. Harry de Brun, Mrs, Henry James Drady ami Miss Marguerite B. War- necke, Mr. von Goeven, who is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Alexander von Goeven, of M tclair, N, J., will have :'. rcy Speng irman for his best man. and Ralph Seward, Frederick Christ- an, Victor Terely and William -.iir.ni hers. Miss IVarnecke is a daugh- tii of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Henry War::-eke. The wedding will take p'ace in the GeTman Lutheran Church and tl r Rev. Dr. Jacob W, Such will of- .¦. Miss Bertha M. Hutchinson To Be Bride Wednesday Miss Bertha Marie Hutchinson, ughter of Mrs. J, Harry Hutchinson, Mount Vernon. will be married to J, Robert Whelan, son of Mr. and Mrs. ¡John F. Whelan, on Wednesday In the Church of St. Ursula, Mount Ver- :. n. '! he ceremony will be followed a reception at the homo of Mrs. liuichin.- .i. Mr. and Mrs. Miller, of 217 Turrel! Avenue, South Orange, ant-ounce the mem of their daughter, Helen in, to Aurelio Giorni, the pianist :,d composer, son of Signor and Signora ..i o Giorni, of Kotne. Italy. Mr. Giorni he pianist of the Elschuco Trio. Annoui cement is made of the engage¬ ment of Miss Dorothy Taylor, daughter of James Wilson Taylor, of this city and Watch Hill, R. I., to Wilder Gut- .;, sun of the Rev. and Mrs. George Gutter..on, of Cambridge, Mass. The wedding will take place early in De¬ cember. On Wednesday evening, at the Brook- lvn Woman's < lub, Miss Isabel Helen Haibert was married to Roger Andrew Fuller, tiie Rev. Dr. Louis Vandenburg, of Paterson, N. J., officiating. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. »William Halbert, of 118 South Elliott Place, Brooklyn, and a graduate of the Parker Collegiate Institute, class of '16. Mr. Fuller is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Osgood Fuller, of Albany. He was graduated from Yale in H)ld and served during the war as a first lieutenant with the Seventy seventh Division in France. The maid of honor was Miss Grace H. Cornell and the bridesmaids were Miss Louise M. Sayre and Miss Dorothy Cornell. The best man was Edward M. Porter, of Springfield, Mnss., and the ushers George Halbert, Horace S. Dougherty, Renwick M. Brown and John H. Wiepert. Brides of Season Promise to Rival "Buds" in Number Amoiii; the Many Engage¬ ments Announce«? I y That of Miss Elsie Louise Mor¬ gan to Alfred M. Whitman Engagements ef interest to the social world continue to be announced daily, and as many of them are ... soon by announcem nti of early wed¬ ding date s, the bi idi s prom e to be almost as numerous this coming sea¬ son as the debutantes. Miss Elizabtth S. Morgan, of East Orange, N. J.. announces the engage¬ ment of her niece, Miss Elsie Louise Morgan, daughter of the late Mr. afcd Mrs. Henry Southmayd Morgan, to Al¬ fred Machado Whitman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Andrews Whitman, New York. Mr, Whitman served in th« French army attached to the American Ambulance Field Service, previous to the entry of the United State.- into the war. Later lie joined the U. S. Tank Corps, taking an active part m the St, Mihiel and Argonne campaigns. Announcement was made last week by Colonel and Mrs. Charles Elliot Warren, of 114 Fast Thirty sixth Street, of the engagement of their daughter, Miss Margaret R. Warren, to Shannon Lord Meany, of Morris- town, N. J. Miss Warren attended the Spence School and is a member of the Junior League and the Daughters of the Cincinnati. Mr Meany is a son of E. P. Meany, of Alnwick Hail, Con¬ vent, N, J., and a graduate oi Prince¬ ton, class '16. During the war he served as captain, also aid to Major General Charles Bailey, F. S. A., and as recontioissance officer, Eighty-first Division. He is a m em er of tho Mor¬ ris County Golf and Whippany River clubs. Mrs. Salvador Ros. of S25 West End Avenue, announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Luisa Kos. to John Windsor White, of North Crookne! i." Mass. Miss Ros is a daugMei of tin- late Salvador ¡U<, of this citj and Cuba. Mr. White i: a son Mr. ;: id Mrs. John Addison White. No date has been set for the wedding. Formal announcement ha- beer, made of the engagement of Miss Margarita Schuyler Ver Planck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Gordon Ver Planck of 321 West Ninetieth Street, New York, and Bay Head, N. J., to John Conrad Cattus, sen of Mr. and Mrs. John Van Antwerp Cattus, also of tins city and Bay Hi ad. Miss Ver Planck ¡3 a direct descendant of Abraham Isaac Ver Planck, who settled her« early in the seventeenth century,-anc is related to the Van Rensselaers, Van Cortlandts, Schuyler? arid other old families of this city. She is a gradu ate of the Farmington School. Mr Cattus was a captain in the 30th In¬ fantry during the wai Another interesting engagement just made known is that of Miss Dorothj Wells, daughter of Mrs. Livermon Wells, of Boston, to Lothrop' Motlej Weld, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwan Motley Weld, of 22 Last Eighty-seconi Street, New York, and Tuxedo. Misi Wells is a granddaughter of the latt Colonel Thomas L. Livermore and i sister of Mrs. H. D. Bigelow, of Boston and of Bulkeley Weils, of New York Mr. Weld was a junior lieutenant ii the Naval Flying Corps during the war Another engagement just announced is that of Miss Elizabeth Curran daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Curran of Pelham, to Winfred Byron Holtoi jr.. of this city. Miss Curran attende« Pelham College and Oaksmere. Diirin) the was she was connected with th National League of Women's Servie Rnd was engaged in volunteer worl at the Naval Hospital at Pelham Bay Mr. Holton is a graduate of Wesleya: University and formerly was assistas director of the Bureau of Municipa Research. a ]\/¡B. AND MRS. ROOSEVELT were married in the Hotel Lor- raine, this city, on October 12. They have been spending part of their honeymoon at flic Hotel Ambassador, Atlantic City. Mrs. Roosevelt was Miss Virginia Lee Minor. lier husband acted oh sp« nsor a c.l 1st citing in September last in St. Ann's Church. Sayville, I g Isla nd. Mrs. Ba, lo was married a week ego yesterday in ¡lie chantry of St. Tho7nas's Church, She was Miss Madge Raymond Les her, and is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond, Lesher, of ,-;6'5 Parle A venue. Miss Wadsworth is a daughter of Senator and Mrs. James IT'. Wadsworth. She will be one of the débutantes of the season in Washington. Mrs. Shedden was Miss Helen Muriel Purdy. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Purdy, of 966 Lexington Avenue. Her marriage took place October l't in the.Central Presbyterian Churclu oss iiiarjorie To Become Bride Thursds Reception to Follow Marriage to Porter Houglund; Wedding of Miss Margaret MacLeod to Erskine Bluuvelt Van Honten to Take Place Wednesday One of the mosl interesting of the' many-wedding scheduled for the week tha Miss Marjorie Bruce Stewart, daughter ui Dr. and Mrs.) George IF Stewart, to Porter Hoag- son of Mr. and Mrs Raymond '>'¦ md, on Thui ¡ay in tue Col- i' .- .'" Church of St. holas, Fif+h " and !- orty eighth Street. The « <¦: «von ..>. be v, ed by a recep¬ tion at the 1 of e bride's parent; 12 East F .;¦.. Street. Mrs. Robert N'ose White will be her sister's matron honor and he olli ei attendants will be Mrs. C. Maury .'ones, sister of the bridegroom; Miss Dorothy Stewart, sister f the ride; Mrs. W. Thorn Ris¬ se' and Miss Ethel Simmons. There will be two flower girls, Elizabeth Rie- man Duval and Mary Leslie Stewart, siste: of the bride. Jose] h M. Hoagland will serve as his brother's best man and the ushers wii! be Raymond Hoagland jr., another brother; John C. Colt, Lionel Bonner, Robert V. White, C. Maury Jonen and Henri Werleman. Dr. Stewart is president of the New York Academy of Medicine. The marriage of M.ss Margaret Mac¬ Leod, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John¬ ston MacLeod, of Flushing, Long Island, to Erskine Blauvelt Van Houten, son of Mr. and Mrs. Erskine J. S. Van Houten. of Nyack-on-Hudson, will take place Wednesday evening at St. George's Church, Flushing. Miss Louise MacLeod will be her sister's maid of honor, and the other attendants will be Mrs. Frederick W. L. Dressel, sister of the bridegroom; Miss Mary MacLeod, sister of the bride, and the Misse3 Laura Bleécker, Katharine Thomas, Louise La mar and Margaret Davies. James H. Blauvelt will serve as his nephew's best man, and the usners will be Warren B. Pond, Frederick W. L. Dressel, Thomas DeM. Jordan, Mar¬ shal! V, H. Sickels, Everett Martine and Robert H. Baldwin. The ceremony wili be followed by a reception at 49 South Parsons Avenue, the home of the bii ie's parents. The engagement was announced last June. During the war Mr. Van Houten served overseas us. an ensign in the On Saturday afternoon, at Oyster ay, Miss Katherine B. Pago ,v 11 be¬ come ti e bride of Howard Eiurd .\'( rwich H the hi me of th bride's parents, Mr and Mrs. Frank C. B. Page. Miss Ruth Page will be her ter's maid of honor and the bride ti ai will be Miss Mildred Howell, of Easton, Pa.; M.ss Olive Leonard, of Seattle; M.ss Emily B. Honeymtin, Miss Evi yn Schoefer, Miss Rachel Higgins an i Mrs. Courtenay N. Aten. Mr. Bu>rdick, who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton De Witt Burdick, will have his brother, Robert A. Burdick, for his best man, and the ushers will be Howard Knotts, of Boston; James Fitzgerald, of New¬ ark; Whitney Peterson. Gerald Clarke, Edgar Page and Courtenay N. Aten. Only relatives and a few. intimate friends will be present at the wedding of Miss Elizabeth J. Galvin to Colonel Merrill Getty Baker, vice-president of the American Vanadium Corporation and president of the American Interna¬ tional Stee! Corporation, on Saturday, in St, Thomas's Church. Miss Ga.vin is the daughter of Mrs. John Galvin, of Last Greenwich, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. John Earle Jardine, of Oak Knoll, Pasadena, Calif., announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Catherine Jardine, to Andrej Jackson Post jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jackson Post, of this city. The mar- nage will take place at the end of next month, and on the return from their wedding trip Mr. Post and his bride will live in Flushing, L. I. Mr. Pest is a graduate of Princeton, class ,'1,7, and during the war served as a ciieutenant in the Signal Corps, attached to the Second Division. Two Wilson Sisters To Be Introduced To Newport Society Mol her is to Give Several Large Entertainments for Daughters Next Season; Colonists Closing Cottages .-. ia Dispatch to The Tribune NEWPORT, R. !.. Oct. 23..Mrs. Richa '. Thornton Wilson will intro- her daughters, Miss Louisa Steed- man Wilson and Miss .Marion Mason W ".. to society at Newport next season, when she will give several] large entertainments for them. The Wilsons have been passing the sum¬ mer at their country estate in Middlc- town, adjoining Newport. They closed th - stay there Wednesday and Iff*. ¡for Palmetto Bluff, S. ('. For the last ars Mrs. Wilson has omitted her soc al entertainments because of the d( ath of a relative. Among the Now Yorkers who closed their Newport residences for the sea- son this week and returned to New York ;¡ro Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Quentin Jones, Mrs .lohn J. Wysong, Mr. and Mrs. Charles DeL. Oelrichs and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Godwin. '¦': W, Fitzhugh Whitehouse enter- ta ned for ci,.'are!'« at her residence Wednesday afternoon, to commemorate the seventh birthday of her daughter. Ad ¡aide Frances Whitehouse. harles V. Hawthorne, of Province- 'town and New York, has ended a visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Peabody E istis. While here he painted the por- traits of their two children, which will -. in the Ferargil Gallery in N«'v\ Yo ri:. Mr.;. David King, of New York, is al M uench inger-King. Mrs. Luther Kountze, w'ho has been stopping with her son-in-law and' daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William P.' Burden, since closing the Cadwalder .which he occupied ihis season, .'¦¦ ..-,¦ V >rk Wednesday. Governoi and Mrs. R. Livingston Be« have returned to their home, '. ! r| at Newport, after ;«.n ex- -. trip on the special campaign train of Senator Harding. Mrs. Vanderbilt and her -laughter, the .'.¦ .--:. cher.yi, returned fr< m nfcx Thursday and aro at Thir I'.r ikers for the late season. Mrs. Edward J. Berwind closed her i;> .. and returned 15 x, «w ] York. Mr, Berwind is expected baci from France next month. Mrs. Cl irles F. Hoffman, who spent the summ« r al road, arrived at the :.. r-King on Saturday for a short visit wl e inspecting her New- pert < tat Arms« a Hall. Mrs. W. :' g ne Dashler, of Columbus, and her ...-¦¦ :. son-iii -v.'.v, Mr. air«: Mrs. R, Cox, of hifago, ar" also there. Mrs '¦'-". i iw M organ, Mrs. Fi an¬ cla M. Bacon ar J. Ridgley Carter, of Paris, were week-end guests of James S Cush m a n. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Whitehouse, the latter formerly Miss Mary Crocker Alexander, who were married in New York last week, are passing a part of their honeymoon in Newport at East- borne Lodge, the Whitehouse home¬ stead, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Drexel have gone to White Sulphur Springs for three weeks. Among those who entertained at din¬ ner during the week were Mr. and Mrs Irwin Loughlin, Dr. and Mrs. Alexan vr Hamilton Rice, Mr. and Mrs. William Storrs Wells and Mr. and Mrs. Willipm Buren, Miss Moffat Engaged Mr. and Mrs. William L. Moffat have announced the engagement of their daughter, Misa Adelaide White- house Moffat, to Heyliger Church, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Church, o-f Washington. Miss Moffat made her début in 1916. Mr. Church was grad¬ uated from Yale in 1917 and during the war was attached to th« 95th Aero j Squadron of the A- E. F. ciety Folk tliisv [arriages of Yesterday Include Miss Helene White- house to Charles C. Walker, Miss Anita Emmet to B. H. Hall and Miss Aliee Blum to E. H. Bigelow Many weddings of interest to New York society book in the country, and there were two or three marriages of im] brated in the city, although the latter were smal affairs, ;ng. Miss Helene Whitehouse became the bride of Cl of Boston; Miss Anita Emmet was married ta Bari .'¦¦ '-.'. Alice Isabel Blum to Edwin Hicks Bigelow, Miss Margarel ley Doty Brown, Miss Frances Mulliken tu Set!« Miss Catherine Gordon Ames <o Wahvorth Pattison. The marriage of Miss Whitehouse and Mr. Wa Mark's Church, Mount Kisco, and it was atti guests from this city, who went out on a special train. it her attendants Miss Cornell:. Vanderbilt, Miss Eleanor S. Towne, Miss Glady Livermore, Miss Sylvi Elaine de Negre. Her younger sister, Evelyn V\ : Bul. W. Cameron Forbes, of Boston, once Governor of the Philippines, was Mr. Walker's best man, and the ushers were William Fitzhugh Whitehouse and Norman Ogden Whitehouse, uncles of the bride; Philip S. Sears and Stephen Van Rensselaer Crosby, of Boston; Allison V. Armour, of Chi¬ cago; Gordon Knox Bell and Joseph Rowland Hunt. The ceremony was fol¬ lowed by a reception at Ridgewood, the country home of the bride's par¬ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Whitehouse. Miss Emmet became the bride of Mr. Hall in Grace Church, Broadway and Tenth Street. Owing to mourning only relatives and a few intimate friends were present at the ceremony, which was performed by the Rev. William G. Thayer, head master of St. Mark's School, assisted by the rector, the Rev. Dr. Charles Lewis Slattery. A small reception followed at the home of the bride's aunt, MIs3 Lydia Emmet, G35 Park Avenue. The bride, who is a daughter of Color...! Rol ert T. Emmel ol 71 Cast Eighty-ninth Street, was attended by I hree lit! fl r girls, her cousin, Helene Phelps, ai Ly ia S and Kate I!. Emmet, daughters of her brother and sister law, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Emmet. Lindaay C A,nos served as Mr. Hall's best man. Miss A?argaret jenks Bride of Stanley Brown The marriage of Miss Margaret Jenks, daughter of Mr. and Mr miah Whipj . Jei i, of 36 Gra Park t 7-'' anley 1 lot y Brown, took ; iace yi st( day aftei noon at the hi mi of the bri de. The cei em« ny w formed by the il ...-. Mail and a small recepi on fo low ed ¡ hiiip Alden Glazie r, of Gr« Conn was ti n of hon S. Knowlson, of Chicago, served man. <>n their ret im fron: the r wed ding trip Mr, and Mrs. Brown will liv« at 1 Lexington Avenue. Mrs. Brown served abroad as a Y. M C. A. and canteen worker, and Mr Brown as a ca ain of fie d art A. F. F. Mr. Brown membi r the law firm of Sackett, Chapmar Brown and Cross. Miss Alice Isabel Blum, daughter c Mr. and Mrs. Edward Charles Blun was married yesterday at Snore Acre Bay Shore. L. !.. the summer home c the bride's family, to Edwin Hielt Bigelow, son of Mr. and Mrs Bigelow, of 15 Clark Street, Brookly; The ceremony was at 4 o'clock an was performed by the Rev. L. Mase Clark. The matron of honor was Mrs. Reg nald Loomis Carter, the maid of hono Miss Agnes B. Bigelow, sister of ti bridegroom, and the other attendan were Mrs. Norman Toerge and t! Misses Clara Murdock, Helen Ogdi Wood, Helen Kene and Corinne Sehn ler-Walden. Augustus J. Cordier served as be ¡man, and the ushers were Elliot Big ¦'--..'¦¦'... 1 ward t tor Steele, ] man Post Th e wedd ing to o ir.tr room, which mauve uni «rcl m urns and an tu m i gown was of white itin e in pearls, with court tra old point lace that had her mother at her rig «¦ car¬ ried a bouquet of wh ley. The matron and ma' ! «¦ ' gowns of orchi j pii - lavender w : h o rie-1 bouquets of an chrysanl hcmum chid j ...... vet hats. After their wedding trip, Mrs. Bigelow will live at 1S5 H cka Street, Brooklyn. ._ . Miss Catherine C. .irnos Another Saturday Bride ¦-i ter of Mr. un of M tuch« [., v chirr. St. Luke's Chui lohn] ..;. es and fi : .. .;.,. of Mei !.. : Mr. Pattison, who was 1 ieu ten a n I iw Aft s '. klyn and 1 of '. A r< -, at 1 best man 11 ft With \- . .-. M r. Wiisen is .-'.¦ It-ave to-day for al M 8 S .' r of Mr. h of 7ô2 Pai r. A\ ei ue ai L. I., will be married ' Olin Fr'.sbie Ha¦.- Dr. Olin I barre. Pa. fcrmed .n the Fifth Avei Kelman. M r il a war as a colin«! in the Field j Artillery, 28th i-

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1920-10-24.€¦ · of their honeymoon at flic Hotel Ambassador, Atlantic City. Mrs. Roosevelt was Miss Virginia Lee Minor. lier husband acted oh sp«

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1920-10-24.€¦ · of their honeymoon at flic Hotel Ambassador, Atlantic City. Mrs. Roosevelt was Miss Virginia Lee Minor. lier husband acted oh sp«





-/i-TT-arr -?j_?_-T--^_ry». J_-£J?e _»-í* i?o,5"érJ&C7^ tTr-,

Brilliant Halloween BallI fïïïîi

Annual Event at Which Mauv Debutantes of ComingSeason Will Appear Is Forerunner of Long Listof Social rVffairs Scht'duled by Fashionable Folk

affairs of a social nature are scheduled for the nextvf': ners and dances at clubs and country places

New Y k and also the most interestingtvent . the annual Halloween ball at the Tuxedo Club.

ee on Friday night, and will be the mostda; Most cf the débutants of the coming season

ranci at a forma] entertainment at this affair,ch ei tertaining on the part of those having villas

ise wiil be tilled with guests over the week-beyond di most exelusH§ and fashionable

in the count y, and any entertainment planned«' the colony i: an assured success from its inception.

harg ''*' i ..-

this : d of vlrs.

". Lew is S. MorrisMrs. I ïlandei an.i C « i

y over th:s week enc

,. of the Tuxedo K< n

ne! (. lui yest erday on tlf bei t of the T

Hospit 'ongan_ toi memb« rs of sociiuvpr the v ei i. Several dinnerwere g ' :i t:.f

itpi I at the club.

Sever. rties will be giveiov»r ni one of the larg«

hall P. Keene -«

.' of Baltimon ted number o

y 1 s: '.

weck is It attend th«se mon at Pun

¡ico.Dr. at.7 : Preston Pope Satter

Tfiite v. certain at dinner Sateight at co .' try i lace ai GreaiNeck, 1 !. Many of the LonjIsland in atti ndance andiiumber frcm the city wilto down b: spend the week-end -1Martin

Several small and informal luncheonsand d by theater par-

en given m thecity v the seal on

¦.]:¦¦.¡riving the :.-

... «'..,...

lay i l.i'"-'. VV.ss Marj

and her anc<M.Ti a son of M rs «.

K. ! Madison Aven leaid thi M. Thomp: «n fheii¦" t-, .- ¦- ill

:. .¡, la ät sun mi r.

pithe iinnei

quests, about 7'..¦ Centurj Fhi ate r.

Many d nguished foreigners haveirrive in the cii the lasl few days

been ( 1 an in-Colone! and Mrs '!.

A. Ev;i s in on Frida j

Mr. at d Mrsit their place in Morr

ana tl ningesi;.- n the Rritish Arm?

ved his conold. He servi<ry Hr.ci thi R. A. F.,

and in !¦ ;"-.«". from :'.'>i¡ h ent« ti'd the war, ml:'

:' armistice was signe I, barring?sr- «da when i.e was convalescing from

Marquess and Marchioness °fWglesey arrived today frcm Ottawa,Uî»kcia, and are at the Ritz-Carlton,¡¡»til they Fail for England at the end« the week. They joined Lord Victor'»Cet there..Mrs. Cornelia Adair, well known in^"giar::! and New York and a promin-'"t hostess in London, arrived on boardj?« Mauretania on Friday and is at thenptci .st. Regis, Much entertaining

:i« be done in her honor during lier'*> hero.

Henry Wick 2d to WedMiss Holen O. Underhill

'imitations have been issued for the«¡¦»läge of Miss Helen Oakley Under-J'". daughter of Frederic Edgar Un-'*rnili, to Henry Wick 2d, son of Mr.*cd Mrs. Hugh liryson Wick, of Cleve-Wi on November 10, in the ChurchI tho Incarnation. The bride will be»:**ft away by her father and will be..«nriod by Miss Frances Wick, sister.* the bridegroom, as maid of honor.¿Ü« bridesmaids will be Mrs. Josephj,'*'tVji'owe;l, Miss Cecelia Kip Hank«,P» JC*«iia Kos, Miss Beatrice Draper,

Catherine Quackenbos and MissWi liam J, Sampson

act best man, and the ushers'-'. be George Hendrie, Lawrence

Gad Plum, Joseph Beattyan Alexander Bunts. The cere-

""¦:¦ '11 be followed by a receptionat the Hotel Gotl am.

'¦¦ ¦-:''ir.^' of Miss Helen Krech,"..'¦- ter oí Mr. an Mrs. Alvin

'.¦. Krech, oi ; East Seventieth Street,'-. Stuart Wing, will take place atck 01 the afternoon of Novem¬

ber 22, in St. Bartholomew's Church.be the first large marriagethe formal opening of the New

York sea the week previous. Thegagi m« nt was announced last June

same time as that of Missdster, .Miss Margaret A.

Krtcl to \\ liam Sheffield Cowles, son'.'¦'' lirai and Mrs. William

Sheffield Cowles, and nephew of thelal olonel Roosevelt. Mr, and Mrs

ai their daughters spent themer at Southampton, L, I., and only

y iiturned to the city for thewinter.

Miss Edna E. Warnecko, who la to;" n the bride of Carl Julius vonGocven, November 6, had a tea andshower given in her honor on Thurs-daj afternoon by Miss Beatrice Silldat the latter's home, 353 West Fifty-

''¦¦¦ Street. M¡s,s Sillo will be oneof Miss Warnecke's attendants, theothers being Miss Murtha vor. Goeven,Mrs. Harry de Brun, Mrs, Henry JamesDrady ami Miss Marguerite B. War-necke, Mr. von Goeven, who is theson of Mr, and Mrs. Alexander von

Goeven, of M tclair, N, J., will have:'. rcy Speng irman for his best man.and Ralph Seward, Frederick Christ-

an, Victor Terely and William -.iir.nihers. Miss IVarnecke is a daugh-

tii of Mr. and Mrs. Edward HenryWar::-eke. The wedding will take p'acein the GeTman Lutheran Church andtl r Rev. Dr. Jacob W, Such will of-


Miss Bertha M. HutchinsonTo Be Bride Wednesday

Miss Bertha Marie Hutchinson,ughter of Mrs. J, Harry Hutchinson,Mount Vernon. will be married to

J, Robert Whelan, son of Mr. and Mrs.¡John F. Whelan, on Wednesday Inthe Church of St. Ursula, Mount Ver-:. n. '! he ceremony will be followed

a reception at the homo of Mrs.liuichin.- .i.

Mr. and Mrs. Miller, of 217 Turrel!Avenue, South Orange, ant-ounce the

mem of their daughter, Helenin, to Aurelio Giorni, the pianist

:,d composer, son of Signor and Signora..i o Giorni, of Kotne. Italy. Mr. Giorni

he pianist of the Elschuco Trio.

Annoui cement is made of the engage¬ment of Miss Dorothy Taylor, daughterof James Wilson Taylor, of this cityand Watch Hill, R. I., to Wilder Gut-

.;, sun of the Rev. and Mrs. GeorgeGutter..on, of Cambridge, Mass. Thewedding will take place early in De¬cember.

On Wednesday evening, at the Brook-lvn Woman's < lub, Miss Isabel HelenHaibert was married to Roger AndrewFuller, tiie Rev. Dr. Louis Vandenburg,of Paterson, N. J., officiating. Thebride is a daughter of Mr. andMrs. »William Halbert, of 118 SouthElliott Place, Brooklyn, and a graduateof the Parker Collegiate Institute, classof '16. Mr. Fuller is the son of thelate Mr. and Mrs. Osgood Fuller, ofAlbany. He was graduated from Yalein H)ld and served during the war as

a first lieutenant with the Seventyseventh Division in France. The maidof honor was Miss Grace H. Cornelland the bridesmaids were Miss LouiseM. Sayre and Miss Dorothy Cornell. Thebest man was Edward M. Porter, ofSpringfield, Mnss., and the ushersGeorge Halbert, Horace S. Dougherty,Renwick M. Brown and John H.Wiepert.

Brides of SeasonPromise to Rival"Buds" in Number

Amoiii; the Many Engage¬ments Announce«? I y Thatof Miss Elsie Louise Mor¬gan to Alfred M. Whitman

Engagements ef interest to the socialworld continue to be announced daily,and as many of them are f« ...

soon by announcem nti of early wed¬ding date s, the bi idi s prom e to bealmost as numerous this coming sea¬son as the debutantes.Miss Elizabtth S. Morgan, of East

Orange, N. J.. announces the engage¬ment of her niece, Miss Elsie LouiseMorgan, daughter of the late Mr. afcdMrs. Henry Southmayd Morgan, to Al¬fred Machado Whitman, son of Mr. andMrs. Alfred Andrews Whitman, NewYork. Mr, Whitman served in th«French army attached to the AmericanAmbulance Field Service, previous tothe entry of the United State.- into thewar. Later lie joined the U. S. TankCorps, taking an active part m the St,Mihiel and Argonne campaigns.Announcement was made last week

by Colonel and Mrs. Charles ElliotWarren, of 114 Fast Thirty sixthStreet, of the engagement of theirdaughter, Miss Margaret R. Warren,to Shannon Lord Meany, of Morris-town, N. J. Miss Warren attended theSpence School and is a member ofthe Junior League and the Daughtersof the Cincinnati. Mr Meany is a sonof E. P. Meany, of Alnwick Hail, Con¬vent, N, J., and a graduate oi Prince¬ton, class '16. During the war heserved as captain, also aid to MajorGeneral Charles Bailey, F. S. A., andas recontioissance officer, Eighty-firstDivision. He is a m em er of tho Mor¬ris County Golf and Whippany Riverclubs.

Mrs. Salvador Ros. of S25 West EndAvenue, announces the engagement ofher daughter, Miss Luisa Kos. to JohnWindsor White, of North Crookne! i."Mass. Miss Ros is a daugMei of tin-late Salvador ¡U<, of this citj andCuba. Mr. White i: a son oí Mr. ;: idMrs. John Addison White. No datehas been set for the wedding.Formal announcement ha- beer, made

of the engagement of Miss MargaritaSchuyler Ver Planck, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. William Gordon Ver Planckof 321 West Ninetieth Street, NewYork, and Bay Head, N. J., to JohnConrad Cattus, sen of Mr. and Mrs.John Van Antwerp Cattus, also of tinscity and Bay Hi ad. Miss Ver Planck¡3 a direct descendant of AbrahamIsaac Ver Planck, who settled her«early in the seventeenth century,-ancis related to the Van Rensselaers, VanCortlandts, Schuyler? arid other oldfamilies of this city. She is a graduate of the Farmington School. MrCattus was a captain in the 30th In¬fantry during the wai

Another interesting engagement justmade known is that of Miss DorothjWells, daughter of Mrs. LivermonWells, of Boston, to Lothrop' MotlejWeld, only son of Mr. and Mrs. EdwanMotley Weld, of 22 Last Eighty-seconiStreet, New York, and Tuxedo. MisiWells is a granddaughter of the lattColonel Thomas L. Livermore and isister of Mrs. H. D. Bigelow, of Bostonand of Bulkeley Weils, of New YorkMr. Weld was a junior lieutenant iithe Naval Flying Corps during the war

Another engagement just announcedis that of Miss Elizabeth Currandaughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Curranof Pelham, to Winfred Byron Holtoijr.. of this city. Miss Curran attende«Pelham College and Oaksmere. Diirin)the was she was connected with thNational League of Women's ServieRnd was engaged in volunteer worlat the Naval Hospital at Pelham BayMr. Holton is a graduate of Wesleya:University and formerly was assistasdirector of the Bureau of MunicipaResearch. a

]\/¡B. AND MRS. ROOSEVELT were married in the Hotel Lor-raine, this city, on October 12. They have been spending part

of their honeymoon at flic Hotel Ambassador, Atlantic City. Mrs.Roosevelt was Miss Virginia Lee Minor. lier husband acted oh

sp« nsor a c.l 1stciting in September last in St. Ann's Church.Sayville, I g Isla nd.

Mrs. Ba, lo was married a week ego yesterday in ¡lie chantryof St. Tho7nas's Church, She was Miss Madge Raymond Lesher,and is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond, Lesher, of ,-;6'5 ParleA venue.

Miss Wadsworth is a daughter of Senator and Mrs. James IT'.Wadsworth. She will be one of the débutantes of the season inWashington.

Mrs. Shedden was Miss Helen Muriel Purdy. She is a daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Purdy, of 966 Lexington Avenue. Hermarriage took place October l't in the.Central Presbyterian Churclu

oss iiiarjorieToBecomeBrideThursds

Reception to Follow Marriage to Porter Houglund;Wedding of Miss Margaret MacLeod to ErskineBluuvelt Van Honten to Take Place Wednesday

One of the mosl interesting of the'many-wedding scheduled for the week

tha Miss Marjorie BruceStewart, daughter ui Dr. and Mrs.)George IF Stewart, to Porter Hoag-

son of Mr. and Mrs Raymond'>'¦ md, on Thui ¡ay in tue Col-i' .- .'" Church of St. V« holas, Fif+h

" and !- orty eighth Street. The« <¦: «von ..>. be v, ed by a recep¬tion at the 1 of e bride's parent;12 East F .;¦.. Street. Mrs. RobertN'ose White will be her sister's matron

honor and he olli ei attendantswill be Mrs. C. Maury .'ones, sister ofthe bridegroom; Miss Dorothy Stewart,sister f the ride; Mrs. W. Thorn Ris¬se' and Miss Ethel Simmons. Therewill be two flower girls, Elizabeth Rie-man Duval and Mary Leslie Stewart,siste: of the bride.

Jose] h M. Hoagland will serve as hisbrother's best man and the ushers wii!be Raymond Hoagland jr., anotherbrother; John C. Colt, Lionel Bonner,Robert V. White, C. Maury Jonen andHenri Werleman.

Dr. Stewart is president of the NewYork Academy of Medicine.

The marriage of M.ss Margaret Mac¬Leod, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John¬ston MacLeod, of Flushing, Long Island,to Erskine Blauvelt Van Houten, sonof Mr. and Mrs. Erskine J. S. VanHouten. of Nyack-on-Hudson, will takeplace Wednesday evening at St.George's Church, Flushing. Miss LouiseMacLeod will be her sister's maid ofhonor, and the other attendants will beMrs. Frederick W. L. Dressel, sister ofthe bridegroom; Miss Mary MacLeod,sister of the bride, and the Misse3Laura Bleécker, Katharine Thomas,Louise Lamar and Margaret Davies.James H. Blauvelt will serve as his

nephew's best man, and the usners willbe Warren B. Pond, Frederick W. L.Dressel, Thomas DeM. Jordan, Mar¬shal! V, H. Sickels, Everett Martineand Robert H. Baldwin. The ceremonywili be followed by a reception at 49

South Parsons Avenue, the home of thebii ie's parents.The engagement was announced last

June. During the war Mr. Van Houtenserved overseas us. an ensign in the

On Saturday afternoon, at Oysteray, Miss Katherine B. Pago ,v 11 be¬

come ti e bride of Howard Eiurd.\'( rwich H the hi me of th bride'sparents, Mr and Mrs. Frank C. B. Page.Miss Ruth Page will be her ter'smaid of honor and the bride ti ai willbe Miss Mildred Howell, of Easton,Pa.; M.ss Olive Leonard, of Seattle;M.ss Emily B. Honeymtin, Miss Evi ynSchoefer, Miss Rachel Higgins an iMrs. Courtenay N. Aten. Mr. Bu>rdick,who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. ClintonDe Witt Burdick, will have his brother,Robert A. Burdick, for his best man,and the ushers will be Howard Knotts,of Boston; James Fitzgerald, of New¬ark; Whitney Peterson. Gerald Clarke,Edgar Page and Courtenay N. Aten.

Only relatives and a few. intimatefriends will be present at the weddingof Miss Elizabeth J. Galvin to ColonelMerrill Getty Baker, vice-president ofthe American Vanadium Corporationand president of the American Interna¬tional Stee! Corporation, on Saturday,in St, Thomas's Church. Miss Ga.vinis the daughter of Mrs. John Galvin,of Last Greenwich, Conn.

Mr. and Mrs. John Earle Jardine, ofOak Knoll, Pasadena, Calif., announcethe engagement of their daughter, MissCatherine Jardine, to Andrej JacksonPost jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. AndrewJackson Post, of this city. The mar-nage will take place at the end ofnext month, and on the return fromtheir wedding trip Mr. Post and hisbride will live in Flushing, L. I. Mr.Pest is a graduate of Princeton, class

,'1,7, and during the war served as aciieutenant in the Signal Corps, attachedto the Second Division.

Two Wilson SistersTo Be IntroducedTo Newport Society

Molher is to Give SeveralLarge Entertainments forDaughters Next Season;Colonists Closing Cottages

.-. ia Dispatch to The TribuneNEWPORT, R. !.. Oct. 23..Mrs.

Richa '. Thornton Wilson will intro-her daughters, Miss Louisa Steed-

man Wilson and Miss .Marion MasonW ".. to society at Newport nextseason, when she will give several]large entertainments for them. TheWilsons have been passing the sum¬mer at their country estate in Middlc-town, adjoining Newport. They closedth - stay there Wednesday and Iff*.¡for Palmetto Bluff, S. ('. For the last

ars Mrs. Wilson has omitted hersoc al entertainments because of thed( ath of a relative.Among the Now Yorkers who closed

their Newport residences for the sea-son this week and returned to NewYork ;¡ro Mr. and Mrs. Lewis QuentinJones, Mrs .lohn J. Wysong, Mr. andMrs. Charles DeL. Oelrichs and Mr.and Mrs. Frederick Godwin.

'¦': W, Fitzhugh Whitehouse enter-ta ned for ci,.'are!'« at her residenceWednesday afternoon, to commemoratethe seventh birthday of her daughter.Ad ¡aide Frances Whitehouse.

harles V. Hawthorne, of Province-'town and New York, has ended a visitwith Mr. and Mrs. George PeabodyE istis. While here he painted the por-traits of their two children, which will

-. in the Ferargil Gallery inN«'v\ Yo ri:.

Mr.;. David King, of New York, isal M uench inger-King.

Mrs. Luther Kountze, w'ho has beenstopping with her son-in-law and'daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William P.'Burden, since closing the Cadwalder

.which he occupied ihis season,.'¦¦ ..-,¦ V >rk Wednesday.Governoi and Mrs. R. LivingstonBe« have returned to their home,'. ! r| at Newport, after ;«.n ex-

-. trip on the special campaigntrain of Senator Harding.Mrs. Vanderbilt and her -laughter,the C« .'.¦ .--:. cher.yi, returned

fr< m L« nfcx Thursday and aro at ThirI'.r ikers for the late season.

Mrs. Edward J. Berwind closed heri;> .. and returned 15 x, «w

] York. Mr, Berwind is expected bacifrom France next month.

Mrs. Cl irles F. Hoffman, who spentthe summ« r al road, arrived at the

:.. r-King on Saturday for ashort visit wl e inspecting her New-pert < tat Arms« a Hall. Mrs. W.:' g ne Dashler, of Columbus, and her...-¦¦ :. son-iii -v.'.v, Mr. air«: Mrs.R, Cox, of hifago, ar" also there.

Mrs '¦'-". i iw M organ, Mrs. Fi an¬cla M. Bacon ar J. Ridgley Carter, ofParis, were week-end guests of JamesS Cush m a n.

Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Whitehouse,the latter formerly Miss Mary CrockerAlexander, who were married in NewYork last week, are passing a part oftheir honeymoon in Newport at East-borne Lodge, the Whitehouse home¬stead,

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Drexel havegone to White Sulphur Springs forthree weeks.Among those who entertained at din¬

ner during the week were Mr. and MrsIrwin Loughlin, Dr. and Mrs. Alexan vr

Hamilton Rice, Mr. and Mrs. WilliamStorrs Wells and Mr. and Mrs. WillipmBuren,

Miss Moffat EngagedMr. and Mrs. William L. Moffat

have announced the engagement oftheir daughter, Misa Adelaide White-house Moffat, to Heyliger Church, sonof Mr. and Mrs. Melville Church, o-fWashington. Miss Moffat made herdébut in 1916. Mr. Church was grad¬uated from Yale in 1917 and duringthe war was attached to th« 95th Aero

j Squadron of the A- E. F.

ciety Folk tliisv[arriages of Yesterday Include Miss Helene White-

house to Charles C. Walker, Miss Anita Emmet toB. H. Hall and Miss Aliee Blum to E. H. Bigelow

Many weddings of interest to New York society bookin the country, and there were two or three marriages of im]brated in the city, although the latter were smal affairs,;ng. Miss Helene Whitehouse became the bride of Clof Boston; Miss Anita Emmet was married ta Bari .'¦¦ '-.'.Alice Isabel Blum to Edwin Hicks Bigelow, Miss Margarelley Doty Brown, Miss Frances Mulliken tu Set!«Miss Catherine Gordon Ames <o Wahvorth Pattison.

The marriage of Miss Whitehouse and Mr. WaMark's Church, Mount Kisco, and it was attiguests from this city, who went out on a special train. ither attendants Miss Cornell:. Vanderbilt, MissEleanor S. Towne, Miss Glady Livermore, Miss SylviElaine de Negre. Her younger sister, Evelyn V\ :

Bul.W. Cameron Forbes, of Boston, once

Governor of the Philippines, was Mr.Walker's best man, and the usherswere William Fitzhugh Whitehouseand Norman Ogden Whitehouse, unclesof the bride; Philip S. Sears andStephen Van Rensselaer Crosby, ofBoston; Allison V. Armour, of Chi¬cago; Gordon Knox Bell and JosephRowland Hunt. The ceremony was fol¬lowed by a reception at Ridgewood,the country home of the bride's par¬ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Whitehouse.Miss Emmet became the bride of Mr.

Hall in Grace Church, Broadway andTenth Street. Owing to mourning onlyrelatives and a few intimate friendswere present at the ceremony, whichwas performed by the Rev. William G.Thayer, head master of St. Mark'sSchool, assisted by the rector, the Rev.Dr. Charles Lewis Slattery. A smallreception followed at the home of thebride's aunt, MIs3 Lydia Emmet, G35Park Avenue. The bride, who is adaughter of Color...! Rol ert T. Emmelol 71 Cast Eighty-ninth Street, wasattended by I hree lit! fl r girls,her cousin, Helene Phelps, ai Ly iaS and Kate I!. Emmet, daughters ofher brother and sister law, Mr. andMrs. Herbert Emmet. Lindaay C A,nosserved as Mr. Hall's best man.

Miss A?argaret jenksBride of Stanley Brown

The marriage of Miss MargaretJenks, daughter of Mr. and Mrmiah Whipj . Jei i, of 36 GraPark t 7-'' anley 1 lot y Brown, took; iace yi st( day aftei noon at the hi miof the bri de. The cei em« ny wformed by the il ...-. Mailand a small recepi on fo low ed¡ hiiip Alden Glazie r, of Gr«Conn was ti n of honS. Knowlson, of Chicago, servedman. <>n their ret im fron: the r wedding trip Mr, and Mrs. Brown will liv«at 1 Lexington Avenue.

Mrs. Brown served abroad as a Y. MC. A. and canteen worker, and MrBrown as a ca ain of fie d artA. F. F. Mr. Brown membi rthe law firm of Sackett, ChapmarBrown and Cross.

Miss Alice Isabel Blum, daughter cMr. and Mrs. Edward Charles Blunwas married yesterday at Snore AcreBay Shore. L. !.. the summer home cthe bride's family, to Edwin HieltBigelow, son of Mr. and MrsBigelow, of 15 Clark Street, Brookly;The ceremony was at 4 o'clock anwas performed by the Rev. L. MaseClark.The matron of honor was Mrs. Regnald Loomis Carter, the maid of hono

Miss Agnes B. Bigelow, sister of tibridegroom, and the other attendanwere Mrs. Norman Toerge and t!Misses Clara Murdock, Helen OgdiWood, Helen Kene and Corinne Sehnler-Walden.Augustus J. Cordier served as be¡man, and the ushers were Elliot Big

¦'--..'¦¦'... 1ward ttor Steele, ]man Post

The wedding to oir.tr room, whichmauve uni «rclm urns and antum igown was of white itin ein pearls, with court traold point lace that hadher mother at her w« rig «¦ car¬ried a bouquet of wh

ley.The matron and ma' ! «¦ '

gowns of orchi j pii -

lavenderw : h orie-1 bouquets of anchrysanl hcmumchid j ......

vet hats.After their wedding trip,Mrs. Bigelow will live at 1S5 H ckaStreet, Brooklyn.._ .

Miss Catherine C. .irnosAnother Saturday Bride

¦-iter of Mr. unof M tuch« [., v

chirr.St. Luke's Chuilohn] ..;.

es and fi: .. .;.,.

of Mei!..


Mr. Pattison, whowas 1 ieu ten a n I iw

Aft s '.

klyn and 1


Ar< -, at 1

best man11 ft

With \- . .-.

M r. Wiisen is

.-'.¦It-ave to-day for al

M 8 S .' rof Mr. hof 7ô2 Pai r. A\ ei ue aiL. I., will be married '

Olin Fr'.sbie Ha¦.-Dr. Olin Ibarre. Pa.fcrmed .n the Fifth Avei

Kelman. M r il awar as a colin«! in the Field

j Artillery, 28th i-