Shipping Information and Marine News of the World \ csseis Arriving at and Depart¬ ing from Port New York, Wednesday. July I. minixri nn almanac*. Sunrlje. el M; »un»e:. I'M; mr-ca SStS, K-H . »». S1. HIGH WATER A M 1 V. Hook .>¦«' «»..«ernor'a |»,ar.J. . u ffH Hell e'a-e. . _. »¦?* <.'¦ « IREl.ESS REPORTS e- ateurftant* repot «el as HI aalloa eaai «« Heok al aooa :¦¦ aerday, »ir*'"*-1 ejrv-k mi rrldsy forenoon. Tr.» CV*«n!«\ *»T at 3 n* expected to de«a : Is roraiaeeM Tr.e Kaiserin Augu«t« Victoria. SS» .*. noon. <-spevt*4 10 diK-lt tht» forenoon. The Bremen. It3 a: a. «a., expectad to foerernoori The Aesrsaiie. 3S4 at a 19 P m. expected to dock Frida- ' roaooa INCOMING STEAMERS. TO-l'AY. \>»»el. From. Una . : .ain.Turki laiand. June* .Se.uli»«enp*on June 31. .1» a .K'«n ». Y.,-tcr;a.Hamburg, .tin* !¦). .H-Alll .Kronprlpxaa'n e-..»«.uthat.pto' .line ._»*N'H. . arllabaan.HewnuOs, tune SO.. .RMSP .-ant« Mirt*.Kingston. June ST.«tí F ,n .'«rpathia .Naples, June Io fuñara Manhattan.Antwerp. ttiAe '. I'r.cer.tx KreNSOa.Bremen .1-ine -IN Q I. or* \. mam-he .tondon .lune 17.8 O 'o .¦enesee.Liverpool, .lune IT. . '.«n-ie-i« .aalvesten, .'une N..Maleen* eiatlteo.Hall Jun« 19 .Wilson i oKi.Hamburg, June IS...-I -. o. .< iTf ego*. June Ï5. .- Sanaa. .. .lamaic». June ST....- Algier».Qalvewton. Jobs SB.,- rauDAT, i\ i a 'Haorotaata. ... .Uverpsot, Jun» &...< naard .Adriatic. l.ner-oo: June »..XV Htar .Vauba: larbados, June :»..!. 4- it .-'ara a«.t4 Quayta. June P'.-ReM 1' TO Vatic.Gatveetati Jure- It..te Pac 1-ena-e.Jack»on\IIIe. June H..Clyde» SATlRl'AY. Jl l.T 4 .IS !<orralne.H«-re. .lune .T.French .SU Paul.Southampton. .Tune îT.Amer .Ora.nl« NM*au...Ha*-.!. Juna .*.ROW I Pata»ta.Hamburg. Jam .*0....H-Ani Appala ». It aarncat, Ji.ne II.. . Matura.Trinidad. June '.'«..Trinidad .IJi rg» n a OUTGOING STEAMERS. TO-DAT. Mails Vessel Vesael lor. '/ne lose. »till. Sails. TielOaiii 10:00 m Wcesvado, Qlbraltar, H A.10:ù0am l*i-O0m liuantananio. Progreso. Wit 9:0» am Pi:00-i» Allemannla. Ilaytl. II- v.. 1.00pm 4:e\»;>m Pre» Linvoin. Uamt. S. H-A 11:00 .un Haltte. Liverpool. ST«. -> 12*00fa T'ranlum. Rotteretarn, Uraa. 1:00 pm Patries. «farsetUea Pabre... S:00 pm e" of »it I/iui», i-aian'r, So« - S.OOfm Apache, Jacksonville CtretS 1:0O pm tl P.tO. QalVOStoa, So Tar. 3:l/*pm FRIDAY, JULI 3. >. Louis BSntthunptoa, Ara <:S»*we 10:00 a m II 'i Hemiher. Sanio«. IAH. .1:30 a m ».so a m l'eMsetrte», Argentina, vrm a m UsSt tn Mara. as. TrUiietad. Trln...IS:*» a Bl UM i-i luiana Si Thomas, <vueb.11:30 a m .*.«. p ra Hserpba-eo. st lohn». Bad e'.lliSO a r.i ISpn M Fran. ! sec AtSeeMlua. . .t:*:Mm MKl-im Id a:. . .' lean P R R ..ll:30am :;-.oopm e*amas*My, Pantlare. Ward - 1J:00 m .Jrayaon. .*»«'i Juim. Inaalar-l***Maa sATtmr>AT. row e. .Krecp CeellM Kren-, NOk- 1:00 a m ithsmpton. W S 1:20a m t.:e>» ro KoenH Albert, Qlb, NiJL. 8:S0 a ni il 00 a m Kaiser V J> - I, Asoreea, Ausll:30a m 3:00 p m Ranan. Pe-.-as del Tiro. ".:*iO a m S:00 a m M»xlco. Ilivina. 1A a»»<l. ei:00 o r.i S:M a r. e"arlhrt»ar,. F.îrmueia Illlsp S:t0a m 10:00 a m lirais. 8ar. Juan. N'YÍ-Pi:. 6:00 a ni l::00 m e'alam»- l'I'-'o. 9:«0 a m l.ejûni Trini Jeacalm, Jam. ll-.\. IHOO a ni ;:00pn» M:nr.ewask.i. Ix.r.d. : \-Tr-.. 1:00 a m Hr. m«»:,. Kr»men. VOL..,..-lû:e»arr. I>»lnsk. l.lbau. Reiaalai.-.-:00pni Snee»n». Naples. Italian. - 11:ü0arn KraeMlanel, Aatwora, p.el s- I0:»am e anipan'a. Olasao*»'. Anchor..- lt*«sm .Miar. h». J'sonville, e'.eie- l:00pm eirub«. Jar ai; j. FtMSP. - ' :0û p m s Oalveraton. Mal.... .- 1 I Vu.,»*. Tarr.;,a MSttor ...-l:00pm New <i. s... P....-l.-:0*m .' SSvannah, Ssiv, Sav.. - S:00pm Tt Oraaeta, rBninsalek, Mal :j0pm Bt» P.. ..-*;:ftri p m .Ma tot Kronprinreatin Osdlle clos« ? a m frisar. TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. Cíese N* t ation and »'em ..:. -i.löp. m Hawaii. Sarr.oan lalar.d«. New Zeal- «rd. A-.iatralla fTSS San Tnnclacpi . SeMeNas .To-day JtMn. e>rea ehina |T|a faOttlOH- '¦a. Mai .To-day Hawaii la .«an rra-i-»i»c >».Manoa To-day Japan. Cacea, e-r.ina .-. .a SeaitleiV. I>.ie>n .Juiy | HawHtl. rijl lalanOS, Xaw Zealand, \ ie-ralia -via ".'.lnc-vj- »re.Makura.. J ..;.¦ t Japan. Corea. China, Ph'.llpnln-s n la \'»n'ouvert.Br:ipreaf of Aate. .JuIt 4 Hawaii, Jarían. Corea e .»ins. Philip- s .via Han Ft*:u le,'»ji.Man.hurla.July ( .'apin e'nr^fl e~:.)n« PMllpptaea e'la .Jeattiej.Sade. Mi:j .Ju'.y > AKaUVKD. -ra l'a»i,e*. PhlladSlphia, 'o the . r»». with n.'jse Quarxntlnei I Aro»* Rr». Jwearo June .'.:. SS 'he Murj- -. luasr. Fur. T:Í0 Willkommen (Oor), e'opcnhaicn Juna 10 and i»!eia 1Í. to David T Warden. In talla»:. Bar, l:C Nor-, rampbe.pon, N B, * » ith lath, to ord»r; vetaael to bonaH Be I <j Kar. 11:1» a as. El Non». Oalveetoa lues -" to IhS Soui"n- POcta« e;o. with aaoSa Qusrantlnt, i.3» » m Potsdam (TJeateh), Rotterdam and Rojlogn» to th» Holland-American I.'.na. wlih 171 Bret eabin and ¿00 «(»eras'* raaserife « eat Bar. »:;i a m. Maxico. Ha» ana Juna a. to the Naw Yeark A ruh» Mall Ba CO, WHS 91 r-assen-rtra Bafia* and leías« Rar. t~A a tu. reern ip.r'. Mar.aoa June 11. Para ar.d Barrj'loe 34 to Booth A Co. with lia ra»- . .nirera. mall» in*l mdae. Bar. 6 a e>uba <Rn. Farbaesoa June 11, Trinidad 1«. ' ier-o Col"mba H. t'irtajena .*i. . .»Ion **. t\lacatón ;¦; and Antllla T.. to -an. rae» A I *h Vn paaacngers, malla and nidta. liar, «:*!¦) » in Tapares iBras). Santo» Jur.a l and Uarba- /..'-. J) in the Uoy« Br»r.!leiro. »1th fawTetO. liar. 4M a as. Montoso. .lucaro Jaae H and e|/nfa»go» 'ha Muntoti Si line, with »ira-. Par. » e- « aa Prinz Joachim fOser), For: I.imoi JetSM 11. Pearl l^aoon *n. ' o'n a. Klnfaton ^. H»n- .ago BJ aJ'l Pert Una I»>and .T. to ih* llam- i American Line, with 10» passen«-r«. a:,d rrd«» Par. l»-»t) p in. June N. Mad:«'.!' Naw pon Sawg ar.el Norfolk, to . h»- Old Daemlnloi Sa Co, *»i-h paaaengar» and m'iae Highland». t:OI p m ¦ -- . M*~- .".. Ran¬ goon 11 Cslowaho 22. Sues Jun* .1. Port »eaid S Malta 11 and Boat or. 30, to Punch. Berra *. ra. »ttti .udf Bar 4 u ; Hpnan IN'.'.. Por i.:- on iXori, to Uatteel Pnot Ce», with huM («»uarantln«, s;iO p m. Atlar.ti ¦'). «vjarar'ine. -i:^ p m fjtea-i.- .J:;. .-'.atliarnpton and Cherbourg e gad evi.ee nal own St, to »ha *»Thlt» fier ljne «i»h paiaenger« and atetse wu»r- ;. rn. - M e<;»ri, nr*.;tn J.M J) asafl BOUth einpt'., 10 r»lrVy.a A e"o. with paaaengera »nd aataa «aaS; Hook. ir*:47 p rn EaaS Bool 1. si :>i p m BOOt '»1 llfhl Ireeie. rlo-.d;. light awUUBJA «te»- - 1 j «... ,1 - lia .-. .#r,l» - a . .. i- ' . . . rr.- 1 loncattlna di '¦*, P.o:» laoulaburg Port Por* Antonia); 'wage (Oer). .t .a . ton Pathfinder. .I»**a. law Orlean»; Phlladcipnla. 1 !¦¦ Ian Vorfoik and .Ve-ir -e«lrr:< viit 'Dan 1 Capeanassa: Jupiier .e;»r.. I tush i na. I.ernia iBn. Naple«. 'teaadale Herrr.k.ne e|!-), Monta*. Ideo llamlJ'on Norfolk ar.a New- *>a- eftom Perth Am- , HTEAMERS AT FOREIGN PORTS. (Ml . '.k'..-.An a. » far rv>»»oti and New Tori-. Pa'haa ep.r, IllOg'i. ?.'. f»^- ... ~* ll.g-.a -. M Bahía, anh. «iskiantt « el'-ri. ».'re- .. * '.¦¦ yi. ! p m-Éasf Anna >Trt. y ! -Barcelona "J't,, Naw Toik far Pirare«. »ae row», lur.e » »'at'«oftI eOer,. New tet M'lboarne ...i J.jf.e :-. Rappe V»-w Vor. lia- e jvne » -|,gter>lan fBe*) »'.» Torh, i-.urtmint*»* iKn, Vew f lam, Jun' *- Naw ('«' . I. elle, .New fge -w St ItOaVt- Vew Yarv fW»'- ' . '.¦.!' ¦» 1 T- . ''. I . Voew ' .. ». -<l'f» lA-i.'; e.',,.,n r,lo de .l»ii-iro. .'or«» SO -Spenser (Hr> ifrom i, N«w Tark. Southampto i .?«.iiv 1. r.'.i;, p m oi- mpie Hi'. N>n fork i< Cherbourg and Queen*- i'-»« m Urvtsva illri, Ne« York \ln W«gl Indie* l'or» Natal June ** »>'io Trochnann iB froiv New Yorkl< Maison. uuenoa .s-.«.«. .1.1-... .1 I'm,.r»!« ittiv New Vorl.. ll'i'l*. .Tur. ¡*.Bcrd«T Knlghl iHv, New ÏI - linn«; Kour. . s Mo.iiro»« «l'.ri iiro',1 '. '.;.,.!...,!, .». r. ,. Se« Yerk. Setroaatle, S s v.. Jun« BO Kent IB»), l'os ton and Now Y «g THE WEATHER REPORT Forecasts and Records of the Last Twenty-four Hours. ORIrlul Reror»] and lorcra.l. W. »h.n«. Ion. July I..Th«- temperature continu«-, high over th» »îulf states *nd Interior of ¡he Pacific mates, v.n.\v ovar all oilier pan» of the countr1' It f* mo«letate fo: th» saaaoa. An «re.» of low barometer pressure thai ha* movod front the Northwest »tatr* ;o the region of th« Qreal I.»kes caui>c«i «hosrer« durinR th« last twenty-four hoars over th« Mi«*i«»lpv«l Vail»; ami the dis- a eai thereof «nd in the middle plain* state* in other parti» of ine conn- ih« weather remained fi Ir except thai th««rt w*re loiai thuwdoraliejwoi « m ihr .oiithern Rock) Mountain region. Th« weather will he unsettled, with local show- erg Tlujr*d»y am] fair Friday in the V' ¡entlr »täte* In Other p;.t-l» of lh« conn- »11! re generally fair Thursday and Frida; Ñ« Important ;«-mp*taiute rli»n«e I* indi'-ated for an» part of llie country Jin Ine teh nest for! fiçlit lïuois Wind» for Thursday mu! Friday.Xortli end middle Atlantic, modérai» «euth, «hitt¬ ing to «»»«:; »otilh Atlartu-, ea»t and w«^»t Cuir, light to moderate, -.ariabir. Oreai I.akt*. modérât«, \arl«1.1e. moaily v lorerast fer Sped«! l.oralllie*.F.attera New lerk and New r DflaDd, »bower» Thurada« I rlday probahh fair; modérale .outh wind». »w .ier»e.«. Fastern Pennsylvania. Delà- «ran Mar-.-land. the I>i»tri'-t of Columbia and Virginia, «loud', with probably »how- er» Tlursd*\ ; Frida: fair. Western New York, pertly cloudy Thurs¬ day, preceded b; «hovera; Friday fair. light to moderate treat wind». We«t«rn Penr*" l\ania. fuir Thursdsy and Frida«. We*t Virgini». partiy » loudy Thur»d*> Fnda> fa.r I-ocal ORirial Record.- The following offi¬ cial record from the Wrath»r Bureau show» .'. 'antes in the temperature for th« if." twenty-four hour.. In «ompariaon with th» totrcaponetae Cat« of Uit year: lsio. '...;» ins. »M. 8am.H £4 «5 p. m.Ñ P to. m. «¿s «:.' p. m. ¦' * ». m. ;>; 7: Il p. m. H Um.M 71 1 ].. m .SO 4 r. m. U Hlgheai temperature* rcaterday, 73 <»' 1:43*0. m. >. lowf.«. U m: 7 a. m.): averafe. .J8; average for corresponding date ;.-«t >e»r. w: average foi- corresponding «.ate !j-i tturty tlTe» vear». 7.'. I»k«1 I oreca.l -Shower« to-day; te¬ mor.« protably fair; modérate south win.is. Humidity. St m *i ; r m.r > a. m.M TrUrorneier Heading». t *. m 30.it l p ir. fsM l p, m Truel States I epanmeit of Agriculture, weather bulletin. obser\.itions taken at i p. m 7¿th n.eridi»«! time. r-ferriperature-> ,-wTíií-^ i m~ * a p B < f. « s « Eastern. Albany. »:' 7: ."ft B. U .(<-' Rain Atlantic City «s C4 s. .-, ,u ,,,.. Block Island n ") '-4 s w. v Rain Hoston. M ..; il i:. s Ral n liuftalo. *3 71 .<) W n id l'IoudV lï.>rtford. »4 74 4 s .. m Rain t-.,,',. »14 70 .'O Si: Il i'Ivi ly X. Y. CM« ... »1 :: tl s.F. ls ,«| r.-iin f-hlladolphla. t>4 7s «.; s.F .U Rain I'lttabiirgh... M .0 '.' S.W. B .44 Cle-.l ly Partland, Me « i ;(, .,,.. Uueboc. ..... >¦: : N K. t rio h- Toront«. >t> .'. \ K. M m Floujy Washington. *s t] ¡: 4 »4 Rain CENTRAL. ( .'ic.no. Il M 'i W n .lî Clear Cincinnati... " ïf v\ Cleveland ... «M C4 i: s ^ .04 le. Iiettoit. K W, Il < levi ! .. Duluth. .".' <B **'. »i'd Kapid». 7«1 "j TV. ) 1«; ¦'.le.... 7: 71 W. 1" ". ClO-ll« Milwaukee. TI "I tl W 4 l Pt..:l'v Toledo. .0 tl N.W. 13 .IS Pt.cl'y BOVTHbTRK srl» «'in. S2 SI ¦« S E, . Clear (¡«besten... M M M B. M . Pt.cl'j laclcaonvllle. S3 *.. 7«i F v . »'ie;,r Memphis. «. M * N.W. 4 cloudy Norlean*... s: 7s s. «, .11 » loulv 'Norfolk. vi M s. 1s . >Raleigh. »4 :«: M s.w. - »lou.y Tarir«. »I H '- H s .44 ClOUly Miami. Fia. 7«i >., ;t i'a|m io . Clouly WKtTGItN. Rismarek.... as »î '4 N. 4 .01 dear DeaSaotoea.. >>o s.' u n w. «, «ie,r Kansa» City. N t.4 K. 4 .44 «liar Oklahoma.... K x* 7.' N'.H. 11 - l't.d'y Mené. M >-4 .; N W. I - ciea- SI !>.',..- » I N W k .SI »loudy Ht l'aul. 74 7' ... S.W. I . < l»«.r Winnipeg..., 71 i N 17. 4 V MUFNTAINS. Il.s -e «I M -1 N W . '".".- r>en-.tr. »>4 '.¦ M S.E. .H 10 il'ler.a M "s ;s S. Vell-ine H»t «> r«) it S. 4 . Cle* ,Phoenlx. »3 t 13 Ti. 4 . « 'oudv ¦ait U «-'ty ^4 N M M w. U . .ou".,' PACIFIC COAST Fresno .l«v> Il N w » Clear T.'« Angeles 7 14 S W * . ci« *" Portland. Ore «.' M :< S.W. 14 - » i«ar 8. ftanelsoo. M N » s.w. m Pi San I.iego .s '0 fl f I rie» Seattle. M .'4 IX 14 - «>;,. Boofcaa«.., M .<> .4_ n.w. 4 INCORPORATED AT ALBANY rP>y Telegraph to The Tribune.] Albany, -lulv l Sehgmann. It«-- d- Co j Manhattan; art; »30.000; .1. f< Bublei 1 In Sooaau »t N. T. i>. V, Sullivan, n uui- nionn. S, Y. K T. St«\enson. t.or.g Island City; trurk- ing gin««.'.o M Btevenson, r«t P'-aieaii si, IL. i City; I.. T. Hte>en»on. I.. M. Hteven- »on U I. Cll Tlie 1 <: St, Co., Brom: realf S.'.OiKi. 1 Teiteloautn, «.-'« Barajan av. s. Y.; ¦ Tel« Seller. S. T. K»l«.»r Knitting Mil'.*, Brooklyn; 13.000; A Kateev, SS1 Division av. Brookl r Kohn, Brooklyn; .i Broanehleld, »t Fnlvereal IT jit Product* Co., Manhat¬ tan; S^'S.i'ii". K OoMeteln, 540 North :;d »t S'ewark, N. J A Ooldalela. Newark; U. I. S.-.«;.:r ... Y Fi'ingon Schild -hattan; fur geod«; SïOO.iMiii' N. R, Rlndhelm, «:; W. SH-h »t. N Y w. Abrahamsoa, i. Koth- feld, N Y Ml, I.awrei.i« «Viairle», Oou» erne.ir; »TSfkio. i: F Callahan Uouverneur, S. T.; J. »:. Callahan. Gouverneur; C. W. .Smith. Robert K. S"-'t t- son» Ko« Rochelle; Sunr- fiO.Ooii i A Scott, l.cvver Main M |to» hell«; n n * >. I*. 'i Beatt, N>e- Rochell« Webet Mrl.ouslilm Tlealtv Corp. m. hettan; |20.000; F Mclaughlin r.m we«t H'jih »' S. T.; A I, McLooffhlla, S. Y.. I. S Wehei ' » . snd Craf11 m»n, Mei.borouah »l«»»»Ui, A. Il SI n, MIIton. .. ^ ¦': M I «ai»«jii. .1 :.!., ton, Milton. Williams Mar.hst'.an: br.ik« rage, |i«H..f;i»»i i «filllares, -45 Wesi SSih ai N. Y i' J. Fr»n»h!*dl. N Y M. Pi Boookbn. Hoaoa» »¦ I Beat Ingt« -t..« -.o« «t»'»d. Sio.tioi'- W. n Solen, Aih«i« i Moran, i. n i.»f« rr«, i.al.'.r Temple ««f Hurfalo and Vlclnlt h >.T:.; rcall SlOe.OOO lia Buffalo F ."!">¦. «;. t t .vil«/ Mill* M»r«'liaii'!:»lr.«; Co., Manhattan: IS.0OO; * Itoth.- I »TSS .". «t * Brook ; V Krau»». Bi N W. Mtrf ^r.d Trading Coro.. M »- Urin ar.'« <><.«' y Win« 1er, 101 i- usasl» N i » 'i : y os ;-» hlegel FaMale, v .i U'ogtetn i .' ra lio.wi. s 1,,-t. r, i' Mtter, I A, Klrby, It^h . - . i -.. '.i ^»ration. Whit« Plait*; r-.M'j; ." - P1»b«r. r i Met«le-, ',.. ,V*«»!er V. . l'iaiii. «.d ITeMInr- V<*.«tM. Il' B'oe r«rf»«t Pli Pattern e M«nl isn; > a/'. M. Lieamai irlvanta * ¦¦'. i ¡>n, M ,..«. »Ant'irj Magazine Co Man! lai las.SO«; > IS i « I. N H T»» Soi i. ,,*««,. ?.. Il« ¦.> ¦. ¦¦ p l«. |l»»/*s i ,, ,,,, .. , , B M m. Helaban BUYERS NOW IN THE CITY Out-of-Town Visitors Here to Look Over Offerings of Local Wholesale Dealers. t l»..»L». «¡nil*. Humen« Mear, etc. BOSTON W FlUne« Son« o. Misa ¦klrts h » hroodor, mualln un¬ derwear ami kimonos; W 32J »' BOSTON II H White .v Mr» \\il»i«n. le^iigee*: 00 W :;"-d «t. CHIC m;«' Man Broa, M »« Berneteln ¦klrts; Mi** l.augel, eklrt«! 13 ''¦ 22d »'¦ PITTSHI Rtill K Solomon * Co. .i Solo¬ mon, drm«« ISS W I2d ».. l»r>g««»d«. el»'. Cil ICAOO-America« Blltt Co; E S St«vena < |ka M K ai Savane. MAl'OX. «'A IVaxelWaum 1*0, J Hasel« ha u m h good«, m on* «S a Ni'.w IIAYFS- ¡i A Btarin, woollens: Par» avenus , .. Ni:w HWI'N \ M r.o*ent*r« » o; A ai « nbera woollen*: Port A «nue. IMTTMRl'ROII ls»iifm»ti.i m Baer Co, M m Dunn, drea* good* ,md allk«; '¦'¦¦ Mo« l»an * ,. SI RINOFIFl.D, MASS.Dli kleaon * A i. tlokleaa i, di a», Navarre. ITICA. X T.J A Hoheit« * Co: .1 Thomas, domeatlc», Bansela and Manu««:, Umpire. Millinery, Laceo» Ribbon», ele. »TLASTA y li Rhode« «t- Co; 8 I. Rhodes, lower* *n«i feathers: IM Broadway. BOSTON- R 11 Whl .. Mrs B n Bell. «. Mis* cmbd«, nu- lion* and handkfa <«" V i:i"F\i..i «;¦ ens Co: ? (Hv«n», ledl«« » *la 'idpe. MICA«!' Impo en«. Mann fat LUasra « «H 1< llllpp, mllllnei t Rroadw* l.ii.s AXtlKI.FS '. H lluaaell a Co: J ¦ ., ut«, mllllnei « Alben Mii.u ACKER n M Imai n < " .' Helmann, flovrera *n«i fcethere; 021 Bw» viii'.M.i i.i'Mi \ Wanomaket J ;v lian .. irnlsl In« good»; Bw»j «s- IvtJ »I SAN PRASClbCO Joseph ,t- I'O V" 4 Suthi rland, mllllm Mi*» ¦.' v :' mlllli ei McAloln. . , BFRIXGFIKLD. M»> Whapl««. Ol '«! Mil¬ liner Co; ts N lop»», lioslet;, notion». milliner; etc; Ns Men'» »n»l B«»»' Wear. ISDIASAPOU8.W H Block < « " atar¬ ían furnlfhln« go ¦'¦-. I2S1 >'¦ »*>. ISDIASAPOMS »Ilbben, Hollweg * v v. Hlbbcn, hoalery and undsrwear; ...» Bway, ,. , ST i.» >i s Emporium World, a Fran», mllllnei 821 Bway. ST LOUIS Roeenthal, Blaan Mlllln«ry 10. e; m tVarelle, rlhbona »n.i eei^ii; a.l !tv ,. BT ii'i IS Perguson, McKInm D .. « e... :*. K vea¡. lares, ribbons ami Bens; H-ia- - r i.'ii IS ;: ' -tis n -i >'..: a Jobas w ': .-;; Bwai. Women's Hear. ¦N' -.ntn.l .e. ir. Vt-s .1 -.'.eniv. petU. .s: Mías .»i Bluraenthal, waists; :o R II. CHIe \e.ee raraon Plrle otl A- a; W 8 Pabrork .lia'«:«, gloves and Infants' ueai; :; M ortri -.. Urest Non hem. Ileil.YuKK. MASS \ Steige) *;¦ Co: Miss A i'hslon, rorsets and muslin underwear; n*i iv 1 .. !».'i IAXA,l'KN" l:..,i Tem H *,V P.ose. la¬ lle»" read! -t'- «ear: :'. e; '.'.'li I LVNelIBl'RG, \A .' M eluggenli.-lni C M flusvcnheini, Isdles' ready-to-s »r. fcJ Hh »'. Wallu k. .\ i:a.\.:s. ¦> p ,».. .' Vi<» e; Car- orsets a slats aai muslin a car; Mae* ellaneoii«. UAL.TIMOBE Baltimore Bargain lleesee: Il v RI :. iga and srpet i; - .4 e.;, 1V. BtWTO.V i; h W - | Dismond, genei » \ rep; «S XV M »t BOSTON >'.|a.... \'i wall Co; I Stewart notions- .'.xi Fifth »i. Bl'PFAU :'. K *. Sons; H h Seeger. ftirnlti »... .lie *.<;< i: w Mi Cornt k, - it .!., e ,...i,.er: ll . Fifth ai PKIttllfl IM.IS .MINN tl K Cïrlneger. »ral met I.pii .i" ;:an.l. .' Mi-«,-. \s 1 e;\ Ktokea l«n A ; C V linkes, genrial n:ii« IHI lie*.»-. l.v\i imrpi;. va.4* M Ouggr-nhelm N S ei.iKge tiiieii... |< eli m n-. ne; til Ith a Mii.w mkki: Boston Store; I riniiins. «ener^i merchandise; 11*1 Broadway; Well- Insten. mi ... |K, iNie y im | KoaTner; w p. \ nuse ran els. Arlll 2 PROVIDFNt'K 11 I 1 "a Hender, llcAustan * 1* .. ib 1: I* Meyeraohn, boe as; Walker »1 Prit e r,.- irgi I m M'l.N'ei PKNN 1. Pomerey .; I art; 11 Kiaerberg, 1-1 ».« furs, fan Ineae, v »Ike SPRIN'ttl r i.i>. MASS 9n Ith < v .- 1; J Waike-. furniture; .'. White at; M- ¦aii». WOBCKSTFR. MAS.-' Henhnlm A McKay Co! K A f.r..»r. irpets; Z Walker st NORMAN SUIT FAILS. Court Decides 21 -Year Co tracts Were Not Fraudulen Justice Philbin handed down a tie sion veMenlfu dismissing the suit Sidney Norman siuf other stockholdi o** the Federal Mining and Smclti Compon) aaainal thai eosapans and t American Smelting and Retining Co I'hny to hs'O set aside as fraudulr ;i contract male in IPO,"«. Justice P'n bin held that the charge? of fraud \vc un founded. The contract of which Not man a Other stockholder.» complained provirl that the American Smelting Compu should buy the output of the I'edt'i ccrnpany for twenty-one v";«rs fit 1''09. This contract wa* similar to a other contract between the same co Denies made in 100.'>. The justi pointed out thnt no question va- « \ raised as to the fairaeas of the fii contract POLICE DEPARTMENT. Qualifier! I'atimn.Prolialinnur» I'lli appointed and .»'laned lpdi« jte,.. .'.. »: v .1 Dob» rty, ... »' She» han, K; B. Trauaferi anil t.-ii.i- .lune :.i ..I ;¦. p,:"'.i, «T, in »th; B. Hamm» id, |r ICI la :.": !. r. Shark«.-, igsth to It-let. Ptli .1. .1. T. Mati.i. 3d to public offii PI« atlni Ifosi I ta I, Hi John'* Guild; K. Whit» lOth to P O. 8., dut] ¦leiimeut, to mounted urn disc« To.patary Aaalsnimla Bur .1 >] nsoii, ta .- irg, In hargi is; .- tu n. I ill)'; J. D. Burg. 11., In harg lth v irg. 1 In d!u«»n -o i I* va da; s t 11 >- ..; p. O'llanlon. 2Sd Stir«. 1>.. in l.ii.*' ruh ,-'j: I>. !n sdditlon to hi* ot n '.', *, Jul A ting 1 " II i' e S«:* I 1>. r.'i m !i. a <> .'. da s I'timii. to ISth In. 11.. from precin is «d. II 'lavs, July .i. T. lu.'.'l«, .1. Daly, K\ «i. H Bol mke, IM; E. V. »t a i:o; i'. A. Brown, HS: J. I. Bun I«; r. B. (¿limai In ha); R. i.. Morris. Ill léate, of \lr.en«e 'wut pa» Sur«. J. Bchoenenberger, :«t B D., i day, .'ui> I, he «led'j« tei from vacation; M A McCJovei t i>.. ~v da) -. July .". vai «Hon; F. Murray,. .'4tii ~. 20 da>*. Juli 12. .. PTIthoui pa- Burg ¡' I. M irr* 21 B. D., 7 .i«.s. ptluin. J, Donlin, ISUi, lî; ii Rourl .. «*th, i «la .lun- 80: T. Qlllen. M'.tn day, June : E, Kurds. MTtli '.' da;.», lun« '.'!« Advancement» To I1 100 grad» Jun< Ptlmn .' Brad let: (.*. Bisele, lth: o. Klley, Sth; i. Herman. ;m; J. T, Kg« 7th: a. i> imsnf. 7th. u. (J. Haiti««, i" F, l.Hri.in i'.«:),, a Hnaunworth IS .t. Cohen. ISth; T. M. Perrell, 14th; Breve*, loth; J, Harriett, 17th; T P, ran. Ad; J J !".¦.-¦ 22d; \. Frauenberg« 20th; C. E. Poye, 25th; John J. Delane Jitii, E, J. Léonard Slat; T, i.. tlleaeo 87th; .1 O. Bun *. 87th; T. I Olbney, -.«t l>. A. Harry. SSth; W. Leatfaerman, SOtn: «.. .-. Piran, ,'t... VV. r. fair«.:;. I Flumaurl »2d; English. 4. I; W nallagher, ir.l: E J. Hi fferon »¦ .: ,, I" Hi irna, Slat; ¡' r. Dunford, .'- i. at. Ooldeii, 05th; I" Munsterman -. H I :.. P. v Kim ;tth; D. 1 |8d. v l"artetrom. 1441 II. <;. .-"i fel '. 144th; J. J. ,- I44tl J. H. Heavey, I4*th; .. Johi «on, H th; M A. Lowlg, 146th; J. P. Marron. Ildtl 11 Mahn. 140th: .1 .1. Brennen, 147". ::rady. Math; E. M Franklin, I4»th; II. I ¡Lewi«, HSth; A. .1 Finche« IMsi B. il' n--»> IS2d; .1. s. I'll ligan, ISSd TV. il«.e!ir i," P, Dei ker i Jd J Morris*««. i:.t" ni Magier, l.'iSi! a Anderson, cur.. «: »rust. IMlli; J. «'. El» ihom, |B4lh; I. lie - ger, IBSth; A. M. Oerllngcr ICSth; Bolller, 1681 O. i: Haber, IS2d; i:, Kehr, I6S4; W. J, Doole), ISath; J A Mi ¦.¦ *TTth; r i; Fitzgerald, 281 *i. tv I llanvey, Traf !... C Oraham, «'. O.; ¡:. ¡w ljr.d.r... Rd Diet.; II «' Buaer, 3d U s- 'ir;. | th« lolUnTlr r, «trolme «Till !>e read) for payment »' the ii(TV f t ,i\- paymast» r n IS: Jo «l..':."»o grade m< 22 M. P Mon Ki.n .i. 1 Walen, »n ':. Hi s. F, «;. Cruger, 7th; a. iirudei. ith t'«-r, ISth; J a I.eir; ISth; J I'addlsa v P McAvoy llth; i; Belcher, .".; H W Ittt Bth; .1 Ulaaaer, Mth; J, J, Ra' 17th: J. -i !.». v. «th¡ W M. unan I N «'. K.e.,a«<« 4'.;: 'I .1 i':e»r' t'l |: ..ii 4'' I; .1. Vltak 4M; " iTIce. I is« M. «V. Nolan. Cth; B. Wiederkehr, ;;n M,'. II Scott, l4Sd; E J. Uonohue, l¿3d; .1. .1 Mettler. I"w».h; i: P, Fallón i «I ilentzig, ISlat; B. Cantor. Hath; a Pit* Patrick Hath; r Dunn, 174th: I. m«ke« \\. K. t'leasei IV. J, Jone* K n., A. C, Orle» o, D. B T \ Hickaoa Is [>i*l Ii M Ring, l«l !>.»' A E .-ii7.it li Traffic «'. 11 ne. imposed r. 1 Coleman. ir.fi failed i" rei '«it prompt Ij. day«; W Tith. absent with 3 d.i.»; »J Rail* toi ai da>', .i Ahem iba» nt from poet, I day«; H H Bel per, i-d. sbeenl from port, i day; .1 Mur ray. I4«,th. abeenl from Hied post, :; day* J. J, 'iiH.r. HSth, sbeenl from peat, 3 da^« J. .1. O'Reilly, IsSih, abeeni from po»t, i».-« f Marge, i.i».,i Ptl M v Shi» 17th, failed to «icmii w, I". Kunta, '.'.'< t lied to din ¦¦¦ burglai ¡' .1 Mang iprop patrol; E i: Brost n, voth Improp r patro! Belie«e»l from .u«pen»ion anil ir.torril «mi« Ptl« .1. llavgen, 35th, S:4S n m '.¦'». »u*p< ... d, S M n n... June .d» \|i|Kilnir»l -i'. n,i Patrolman P. X i «¦ Magii tratt .' Courte, Jtu 29 Hevoke»! Rui« 123 of 11 e R ,'-. and I'.ei; I'la'lor.a »rid «!«o lephone ordei "f Jain i. referrln« t.» reporta on probattonari i .r ¦< :.! .. N. J. INCORPORATIONS. By Tetaajrepfc I.. July 1 i »« ¦ were Slid to-il«i Trent« 1800 ». i»; v M Mu hert. J Li 'onn I ai Mo» denial Land C -.. en».» f«H)«ii«i .i h Blebert. Rllsaoeth: J n *.ert and II. etevi International Ho« Choler* ».,.<".<> . *.tkii ««.n j r. ,,¦... Kan* M< ginn, J'iw «It). B, M. ii" Co., Palersen: re*' estsUi llOo '«.«i ' M Martin, V so AH c Ms',,n« e-:« l*ati raon. >.ir Pun p Co., S'ewgrk. automobllea: IIí«»!**« i: V. Herman, K Uermaa and J ¡I. Herman, East «J'.ihí«. FIRE RECORD. A M 4:11 I', I, I7ih at, ninpre«» Manu.'a¦ luring »... < iter at., Laaaaaa a Kempi «low ' ud ii'On »r ¦... n n ;:, -ii> *\'. '-...¦ il« ¦¦ 'iing '¦..'!». 10 H lllllmai ««. ,.¦ I riding i < ¡ii.. -ir ninilig. i ,, m . i h " '¦*' «nano« n. mm,>«. 0. K.'S COLONEL'S RIVER Algot Lange, Danish Explorer, Arrives from Amazon Country. Tbc Booth atetaraahip Denis brought tee port jrestsrdajr from Para, Brazil, Alfctot I.*.n(*e. the Danish explorer .ho wen' î*ito ill1- Amatan district in I'ecrmber. 1912, wjth an expedition .-ernt out by the University of Penn¬ sylvania. He had tilke-il with natives who were familiar with the movements of the Pootevelt party and nl! tolel him. lie Rliid, tliut there» was no doubt of the Colonel** bavin*? discovered an unc:%- plocd tivcr 1,000 miles loner. Mr l.antr«. .-aid h himself never questioned Mr. Roosevelt'« rrp.irt of hi« diaeovtrios, and ;: Ided that Walter Snvace Land or, the Colonel'a t.-os* skeptical critic, would not go bac!; to Brazil a*td make- his disparaging state» RI9BÍS. "I have ¡us: come irom hitherto un- i'sc-iv. fd aectlon«. of the Lower Amasan." he sniel, "a-i.i I am confident that the. Rivor of Doubt, nantd the Rio Teodoro, was discovered and put on the mtn by Mr. Roosevelt. The natives tolel me o*' tii river discovered l»y the Colonel, and from their descrip- ; tioin it took ¡.he i-xa-.-t course described I.y Mr. Roosevelt.1 FIND FERRY RATES UP Jersey Commuters Indignant at Doubling of Fares to City. Conmatora raved :¦.'.', day yesterday on Weehawken ferry boats running to .lUel and (ortlandt ata. WSOfl IhtJ boareleel rity bound craft yesterday marning they found the fare to Cart- l.uielt st. raised from 'J'-> to .'. cents anil to -12d st. from l"1» to U cents. The West Shore Railioad, which rUBa .be ferries, has iastiod a statement thlt the increase in rate's is necessary to cay runnin»: capeases. Jersey rail« dents, however, assert that the road has recently bought a $500.000 ferry¬ boat and is trying to pay for it 'his summer. Several communities aie pre¬ paring protests. Mex. Rys. Interest Held Up. Interest amounting to approximately $2.600.000. due yesterday on bonds of the National Railways of Mexico, will be met in new t> per cent notes as soon as the Mexican Congress has author* .-?-ii « Bets* (cover nme-nt loan of öO.OOO.- eil'U pesos. Official unnoun cement of tins methoel of mooting the July cou¬ pons was vvithhelel pending advices from Mexico City that th< new loan -. oold go through. Tart of the- ¡oati will be deposited as collateral behinel the new nut Army and Navy Orders; Movements of Warships ' Ironi 'i lie Tril. n r ,, Waskiagtoa. July i. .\P.M', Ma .1 \ I'KNN. lag In to rva,:»r U«*4 ;-n rrfl lle.»|nfai. ». of Ma. e, u rjoODE, retired from lu'lea la re rultlng Service, Si l.o.» MhI .1 .1 MORROW. Corps at Eng R'ashlngtoa res pertaining to lat Portland, Ore., nglneer .lisir t ilc« 1..-1' ..I e'. II. laie MNSTI'Y. e»|t K i: BOOTH <ietae Iieii 7lh e apt. I.. I*. LOXtl '- Ttti Co July 16 Klrsl Uerut D it s- f\ r, .tii s te stu¬ dents militai-» Instruction camp, Burling¬ ton, vt. Flrsi Lieut. C T RICHARDSON', Ord. l*»P to duty as atyistntit ordaaaca onver. Bast¬ ara Dap. I'.r-t i.tem r», ll ELLIS, in'i res. carps, te, St, Omaha. Leaves .f absence: Cspt W I. SHEF.P, med, carpa, to s. 11 ... these»« to Philip¬ piners: l'ii;.!. B. Al:u\s BLL. oa three months; cast. L a EDWARIjs, i lonths flenn Jul' .".; Lieut. » ol. *V, laASatTBR 4i:. riele] III Ihre»» months: e-n-i Uerut. II O. SHARP] .' »i\ a 'inth». \\ V. Paymaster <¡<> i. i'OWIE .le-tache»,! iel Bure of Bu] piles and » to temporal u..'uu o* Supplies ..:.'! ,'.e count» Pa- In-" M'OOWAN, to chief Bureau .>t Supplies and A< count« Paymaster e'lorh E. n. WALTER, appoint il. :,, Virginia l' imaetei .¦.: I' E. HERBERT, re.ig. rii.iion «CC«pt«d. e-api. e;. || eil.i:. M r : n.| 1- Irsl ie lit. A. H MILLER, M e-. commissioned MOVEMENTS OP WARSHIPS ARRIVED. Jun» 5». IVhlpple, ai atasatlan; McDo-j« gal. al N> i- 11. Jim" ::ei. San irn, ». s.mi Diego; »l \ Ci SAH D Jetae '-"' Ken' er, Is I' foi M i I'rebte Is Pas lot Guaytna«; Mayfl ape Hem foi » \..r i .'i iroi|Ui « M.i- i .| f i" Mllwaul (ire ieri m roi ... Deilphln, \s';, h .na Km for Hampton !. .¦.-. Saturn g n Diego for Ban Fran- .- eo. i Sara oga fo: Che foo; *. e». Shanghai foi iiai.uor M"i IS ll n.Jf: -.. 1st ajbinurlne ellels. lorpeilu fl-.-'lla, Asia He r of m I- IWai», at Norfolk] »i a I el. .iiileied to I.NSTKl CTION. _ KKW lOHK- Muiilutlan. IHK HERLITZ asflOOL Of LAKOCAGEB, Maoiaon P.iinie sl.T.-? llro«e-»a\i Hart«,,. Branch, «I I.»no» ». m-nr ; n St. ii.e.kln lirini ?.'0 Lie liiirali.n S*. Bedeeeell summer Hale» N.»r In te,.,e Ml *»l>l.»>s «4 IIOOI*4. MILLE R SC H O O L t »singt«*". \ m r. Shot inend, Bienen II. .«.slaa l*rl sie .-«-.-.. urisim- M HOOI M,KN( IKS. Arrerrle en ami |.nrl»ei Témemete' Agrn, .».. -m,pies l-iof.ai-- i»... ierra, T it-era. i, ,\»ine»»'s ..'¦.. '.- cell K". «chaola and arnllle ». Appl .. M*« M J VijL; 0< l'île. ¦. jare_ I l r-MSIIKH HOOMff. ÈÂsTf *»IIH .IteliiH lattti sirerl. '...in i 'jo i.e. i (Madison u.|'i»i« Boat's) rooms and hath. .^N.Y.CITY COUNCIL*^ 50 MADISON AYENUE The or«|er» and notice« 'hat «ppear In thi» ,. .., e h,,.. Scant« of < « «i «n other organisation palng the ^ord "Scouta".-Lo« F. Hanr.i«r, President N«w TorK City i.ouncll. IIF.\DQIARTERS NOTICES. i .mm Rullelin So. 1. The following; provisions! rule» ha.'e been adopfd for 'he government of camp during the aeason of 1914: 1. I'rioti application being filed s»? the^e headquarters, accompanied by the proper fee, a camp pa»» «rill be is- »tied which must be presented on 'he date for which it is issued to the c.-mpmaster. The puss may be ex¬ tended upon payment at headquarter-« of the additional fee at leaat two »lay« in advance of the expiration of the original period. -. The camp will be in charge of 1he campmastar or the assistant camp- master at all times. .1. All scout» »hall report at camp headquarter» upon entering or leaving tamp, except when on special detail. Paitare to register upon departure .rill »lebar a scout from future camp priv¬ ileges. 4. Ne scout may leave the camp limit* without permi*«ion. .">. Swimming, exeept at regular hours prescribe.I by the cimpmt'ttr er '»ith his permission, is absolutely prohibited. Scouts must wear bstfiirg suits. U. Before using boats permission mu«t be obtained on the proper form from the csmpmsster snd presented tj the boat guard. 7. Trees and shruhs are to be pro¬ tected, and the cutting of same except under the direc'ion of the campmasfr will be punished. 5. N'o scout who has had hia cimp privileges taken away may return to « p ni p without the ron ent of the camp- master, which must be filed in writing at these headquarters. '.). Spending money shall be limited to 50 rents a veek. N'o candy, »oda or fooil of any kind will be permitted ir. the tents or in camp except what is officially provided or obtained with tho cons.-nt of the campmastev. 10. Visiting scoutmasters or offi¬ cials trill refrain from issuing orders to their troops except through thd campmaster. 11. Any infraction of these rule.-' will be punished by withdrawal of ramp privilege» at the discretion of the campmaster. LORILLARO SPENCER, Scout Commissioner. The following lett»r has been re¬ ceived from Dr. Haven Kmerson, chnr man of the executive committee in »¦¡lavée of the Baby Week campaign: Lorillard Spencer, Scout Commission«^, Boy Scoata of America, 50 Madi¬ son av. My Hear Mr. Spencer: Baby We»!: ¡a «.ter. At least the dates June ¡50« '»>' ar past. But the little citizen« for whom the campaign was "aired h*'.« I'udn«! so ninny friends all over the eitj hat it is likely that every «reek here«.¡'ter will be a better baby w:ek. Leal than two weeks were spent in preparation for the campaign, and ; et su instant and widespread was the »upport given the movement that \,e believe no man in all greater N'ew York failed to get 'he message better babies, better mothers, better »iy. This would have ben impossible «rita« out the co-operation of the Boy Scout» in distributing our posters snd stream¬ ers throughout the city. The thanks of the Mayor ami the Baby Week committee, and. best of all. of the babies themselves are due 'o you and your boys in unstinted meas¬ ure for the help you have given us. Cordially yours. II. EMERSON', Chairman Executive Committee. The scouts have been invited to participate, SS us,'»', in the municip.il Fourth of July celebration and to r.;t as guards and ushers at the City Ha'.l. All scouts who are able to be present will report to the official in charge on th plaza in City Hall Park at 9 o'clo.tk r.harp on the morning of the Fourth. Those having staffs should bring them. The scoutmasters' school at head¬ quarters eoaclttded its session last Monday with t'.e tiftb in the series of tirst aid lectures given by Dr. Fred- eriek Coerr, The examinatien in first aid for those qualified to take it trill b;« held at 8:10 o'clock on Mon.!;«./ evening;, July IS, at headquarters, and will be or.ducted as before under -he auspices of the Fir«t Aid Society. Hiplonii.s will be «warded to those "'ho pass the examination successfully. 1 he attendance at this course has been eery encouraging, twenty-two BCOOt« raaater« and other officials having been recorded at the last evening. Ther.» is every indication that, similar cours« s. if held luring the coming season, will be «roll attend*«! and profitable to the officers under the juiisdiction of the council. During the summer instruction will also be given from time to time at (he *cout cr.mp at Hunter» Island by the deputy commissioners snd special!»'» who may be in attendance there. Thi« instruction will cover all the various scout n-quiremenM. such as knot ti »ins;, «¡¿nailing, first aid. etc., and if peisi« ble »hört hike» will be arranged from time to time during the summer, at which hot i scouts and seoutmast».rs will have the opportunity of practising Ore building, cooking, etc. In recogni¬ tion of the service of Hr. Coerr his pupils in the course have arranged to give a dinner on July 1Í0 to which all scoutmasters who care to attend are cordially invited. Arrangements aie in charge of a committee consisting of C II. N'eilson and Kllis Spear. An« nouacemeats as to the place an«l the price .if the dinner «rill be made later. Arrangement« are being rapidly com¬ pleted for the opening of the camp tins Monday. The registration for the first two weeks i- over one hundred, a.td there is every indication that this aver¬ age will be maintained throughout the summer. Scoutmasters are again r»««- minded of the rule that tenderfeet who have been admitted since July 1 will no. be allowed to visit camp, except in tiie company of the scoutmaster or as¬ sistant scoutmaster of their trjop. The reason for the adoption of this rule is 'hat new recruits as a rule have not had experience in taking care of the iel'.es in camp, and it is therefore not adv,«ahle to run the risk of acci¬ dents or illness. BUSINESS CARDS IiKSKS VM» OPFICB FURNITURE. "&DESKS Ottos Furnitur» In errat variety .1 at«/!« ma price T.G.SELLEW 111 FULTON ST. New York. CAftPBT (I.kamm;. Aliiii'i i. CARPCT i.na.MM» CO.. lean* «i'.iiir>i»»»e<I air. et«-am, tiand or en floor. Mil ¦roedwar« *-i £*.> Mth .». I'OB A HII..NM Tel. ll.'-SSth NKW YORK CARPET I.KAMM.»* WORKS <ild*c l*"«eH. M.i«! M. I'rn I ». Rl'rJS WOVEN FROM oi.l) AKI'KTH p m Reaatasaht« *«-nd for ctreesar, Tel 4«s I..W llnant 4SI 4M We»« tit'.i St WORK \\ «NTID. I I'll«.'. I' u ai rl».| n «u. * '< «ii!« poeltlei porti ... .1 .¦: »tabli ... .- .1 mi.U va v. rs ...,!., si Hi....I n I'll'il.-I IIKI! «i«,.l «wr, «««xl me oel u i. rfelftcr. M0- IJ.Mll. I.II.I Jei *»< I'll). TRANSPORTATION. HAMBOftßAAMERIQU. largest SSG>i in the WORLD 443 Ships 1.417.710 TONS GOING OR COMING TRW PL BY THE Hambarg-Anericaa Line PARIS, LONDON, HAMBtRti July Sailings fVATKRI.ANl» .7th. IS A- *V 'Vm INNATI (from ll«,fn -lui» KA!*'N Alt.. tl(\. Ulli. I F. M. 'I Hill «els. nth. n A. M, ÍIMPI-RATOK.1Mb. 13 noeen . t.raf W»leler-e .. ISth. 3 P.M. < LKVEI-Vl' (from llo.toni July tl '{Pretoria .tftth. 5 P.M. Pre«, (.rant .nitli. 10 A. M. August Sailing» t ATKRLAMI _ 1st. IS Neion A merit, a Prom Hoatoni Auk. I ¦IPenn«. lumia .«Ih. .'. 1*. M. IMI'PRATOR .ittli. 8 V M. Pre*. Lincoln ..ISth. It A. M. ( iae-innall (from Boston) tin. 15 \ «.TEHI.tM» -Jínel. A. M. ( lee.elan«] (I rom Bo«toni .Aug. Ϋ KAIS'N \|(i. VIC 17th. -.'P.M. .s jeeAcastsesaiy. IHssaassra tVn t MEDITERRANEAN * Gibraltar, Naplea, Genoa «.learner» leaie Pier foot 3Hd SI. "ei'Mh Brooklyn. S.S. MOI.TKK . Jolj 15.3 P.M. a. S, llamh.irg.s-.ig. g, S V. M S, s. Moltke .«.ut Î7. R P, M. S, S. Ilmnheirg. Sept It. S P M TU II 4 P.l IFsKS IN MM Around the World Then.fu . . PANAMA f ANAL Vritri H, i. h) rvalna Blessa« ¦ "CINCINNATI" Jan. 16 "CLEVELAND" Jan. 31 IOC DA» S SMS« net ¦«¦¦»'kachcri'ise *. a> InetoSlaa BU nere»*arv «xpr r.i's. In order 1o arc or» ehnlr« loeallon, rooms should he hooked now, Write for Booklet. HaiTiboig-Awricafl Liai 41-iJBwaj.N. Y. Phone PIERS 5«; 60, N.R. Wh)ITE5TAR> OLYMPIC HLgL»°HJULYII PARIS io \. Is. Red Star vie,, a. ah.. :». skit, if». OCT. io. \ Pieniontli. f herbourg S »*iiiith«niploB Cl HER S MI INOS Ol I.ANIf, Jnlv 4, noun: Aug. I. Aug. '¦*- New \ork-tjiieenstown-l.irerpoo| (1Î n'ni. BALTIC ..leil- tllMIK.ItllT AHRIATK .. July »< KI.TH.luly Boston.Mediterrane« n.Italy. f'ANOI'K'.July II. Aug. IIIMII.»*rpt. 1«. Oct. -'4 American low a m. V. Y.. Pl»nv»nth. Cherbourg, Southampton I e LAM r-AHIN (II.) NP.RV14.*¦:. «.VS. IP. »T. I III I- leii> :iMW \4»HK...Iule 1* »»T. PAt !.. ..luir l'lPHIl.Vi» V .»nl> Ϋ AtlanticTransport New York.I ooelein lllree I. Pr. 5», \. K. Mlnnewnal.a, .Inly!. A«m Mln°tonkn..liily If Minn'ha.luli I I.IOirti'oiu Mlnn'polla.July M Pier SI, N. R. 10:00 A. M. \ \ ,_.| on.i.m I'arl« »la Dover.Antwerp KKOflM *.!> Iilb 4 I ¡Art IMI July «a VADKltI.'D..Jats* U I'lM.ANn -luir -.i p*«isi \(;r.R UfflCB, » B'esay. N. V. BERMUDA Avertie Summer Terrp-r.-tio-e 79s ¦tafseterfsej b\i Deft. aVrstssfs C-.-'l. Very Low Summer Rates rslliig at St. Ci,-f.T-^s sn1 HsTllton. Still»!)* R «ClI,.fseatef« Inttrthiagtlult. S. Caribbean Tsrfeit ste.»mer tn the trtele The R.-ii-l Mall Steata Pu.-'.-»* Co., Ssn- '¡eifotj »Sin. On. Agts.. 22 Stst« St.. N.ï. Tel. "-".tíO Bioad. screw Se Bermudian I0.S1I Tons Ol»pl. Retl eneet rocor! N. T. A Bertcnels. C0 lira 20 rn:n. Q-:el ce S. .»<. Co., I.nl A. F. ünfiur.-lge Se e.'... Agts.. ¡-;> B'way. \. T Têt lTßnjteelor Kor l'noklrta a to suit» ». S. Ce».'« cr le Tho«. took A Son, SO i 2H<1 H'y t SOI A B<*1 Sta : Ha-rraonel et TVhlf- onah. -_'-.", r.rh .'.r. ,,- t,nv 'lok>»t Asrt. reo V'UMy-v'-""- K'ieiT MON'l Aell i: PKI.YN.. AT NOON Per:o RI o. i*ura«-ae s Venesoela. rARACAB.luly Xi l'HH.APKI/A July '-"e UARAt'AlBO.Jol) *. /.PLIA.Ittly -J .-npe-rlor Aeeominodstlor« iejr Passengers. Hl.tss, DALLETT et CO., e".'sn»-st Marsgers. 12 Wsll f»tr*»t_ ON ANO AHKK l'RIDAY. Il IY Mil» KEANSIURQi N. J. «-«ekdavs S:S0, 0 M. HToekda -1 '..t.'.. rt:4.".. il aetei tripa, lit ;p m >un.ailel ir 4 .tel lu.no p.m In, 11 .iou .ta _HEM» WANTED._ Male. MF\ with pateatabl« Ideas writ» Randolph S Co Patent Solicitor», Washington. D. C. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. BUTLER. VALET, fSEfL'l» Scotch Prot- p.-.iii!. thoroughly competent, juat .iuen- S»K"1. n iK,«-- eJai <'i >*«sr«* ex. el.ent per- «eiral refeweneer«. Inelustriul Aau^.-iitlon. 17 w, .- 4..I -e ¦ Hii'i.i: EnalUh, Aitti boy, .; coachman. ¦-,lerr iie»fui. srnTe, «e»l :ai¡n,lre«s: saelst allh anything; »-x.-i'Hrr.t r-fertn':e«. In<iu»'rlal sssoelatlon, H W 4ad at._; LOt'PLE.English Prcieeatnat. butie-r, ùsëTTiT look; »111 .lei entire »rers f ,r fair.!1\ eg <..»ptli-iie.il- «oo| «ervant», $70. Mis» Shea's Ag*ne-v, ..e) East IÎ1 st. Trlei'l-.jn« cr:i Mur III _ .il 1'I.K lu-ife- .1. gsrele-tier, uieful. .a-'fe, t-eMiaework. good e-ejok, do entire» " ork amall famllv; excellent reference». ¦1... ill Agen,.., 17 W. 1.111» at_ 1'ÄlNTirR. paperhanger. plasterer, »iecora- teit el»v .»r e.ejntnt t. .-»riij psglal. Painter, Female. CHAMBERMAID: seassefresa; eigh* y«-»rs ea»cel|eni refer*nees; sriil «.. t.-> any oHy¡ :'i,. I», Miss liiriiernlls l:urea-j. I4X it »i av. or «. neiK-'i''HAMUKP.'maMi. WAITRESS :,<n- yoUHB EagTilsh gula: tgc-her eir aep. m..er, ihorouehj) asperlenced: city, country: excellent references, industrial Asioointtun, 1T IV, 4M B* (TmjK Finnish; best lefereiue. also ,-i.am- berasaid and »altreas; vary ne*: «n.i »Hll- ¦'¦t. .lusalla Agen >, u*0 t.exioston av. Tel. M,*J PIS -.i UliXEHAL IIÓL*arTWORK'ni or hit maid Plnnlsh «im \er-, neit m.i «.iliing: s-eiu ,. úsi> l.exln« ., :l r»f,.r«n rei »lia ee;. rtasa. Htll'SEKnEPER eompetent . omau of ta« betlei SSO, e»',i-> .., .«een t'ller cl«y», « i«ii»» »iiri.ing housekeeper in »¦lull family; ei..-mit rann-, n(» wsahlnif or iri.niiiK'. eoo.i refrrence. Adeiresa Moi«e keeper, J* W SBfh st TieH'rlRWUHKKn. -»tr.,ng Hm.Hli gir|. <jo e-ntire- work it-»* re#*rencea City, | iftuiitr., $;o $;ie*i ISMl'S Agency. '.; io 128th Si Phon«, ''ilfí Karlriii l,\i KOHaMM t.. rm.ii.i tat» itel .i Agen«] i '.».» an ,!.. »litrte. alme rhBm- Isuii.lrev-«. goo.l referen «. iUO I^xlngton »' -;>| 44,-,] IjU'NH-KKM CHAMBERMAID. »»mart \iiunc sroiasfi, vsiiti e*. »lie.u rehwetueei t.. «u anywhere Misa s lien n Àassiey. Je) Kast i&l «t. Telephone sTH Murra» HllL Ti'.xli' 11 NI'USE f'ïr lr.\«lll lnny; ,.i der ... |«< .*. a»*-.iatr ».: hlgtieOl : '»ut.». Ptanleh Jii.-lla Ag. 11 .. I.-. le st.«! .i-. iei <*m piass ________ SEAT rol Ne MNOi.isH <.V»U V< r- fon.. 'm., en; 1, ir-- uhamhetmald, ..iint,.«. .la^'.at « 1I1 ai, ehiiia. 1IT eir.. country. .1 \- '1 17 W , .i »-.'d ». \, »I lit ¦»- M «.MUillMAlll e.ur vi-.re In laoi i.la.r. Ulli, ICed BCaferaBCOi .**. Mis« She«'« \»-i, -, to Ksst, t'.4 st. fetls-l hein» tn* Ml me HUI. | TRANSPORTATION. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD London-Paris-Bremen I n«i««M.¦ .July i .Kronprln«r»»in < e»llle...luly 4 IBremtn .July 4 .Krerprln* W illielm. July '. .Orr.rge VVa.lilngtnn July II »Merlin.Jul> IS .Sail« at l A. M IVia Ply- mouth ft Bou.ngii«) K M. *«'ar- riee no «I« or 'III cabin. .9Carrie« «III A «till cabin. Vl.i Ho'ilogi»" S M. Baltimore-Iti-etnen direct. One cabin illi W»dnes1n>» THE MEDITERRANEAN Koenig Albert.July 4 Printe»« Irene.*og. I The North t.erman l.lo.vd landed mor*« i>a»«enger«. Flrit Cabin, sc.-oml t a hin und Steerage, In the port of New Verk during 1»!:. than »in nther line, repeat- log It* ninr\rlii.ii, rerord »if 1913. Through rate» f nEf ypt, India NOW York to FAR FAST gad South America tie ;> NOKfl Al'-1'»/I tit ( HI lOtS July U, Aug. II Fir»t ci»s» Around the lndjJP.-de.tt Wor|d throjghoit $620.65 & Up Tr»teter«- < iieeU« t.enil All tlver Hie World. OCI.RU HS ft to.. HUDSON Day (ALBANY DAY IJNE.> ah «teamen dally, except Mund«) Idea; one-de.;, outings. Direct rail «.¦.ecHeoe Str. "Washington Irving" I.eaTe* I iie«.dn«s. Thursday», Saturday«. Str. "Hendrick Hudson" I «Sjtas Monday», Wednesday». Friday». ii»»hro»iie« st.. 6:40 a M W. 42d St., B \ M W. ISSth St., 0:^0 A. M Voik-r« !»».-, ... If., la ling ». RToet Polo»» No« l.'.irgh. I'miglikeepeie. Klasetoa Point, Cat«- kin. Hudson snd Albany. All thnngh rid ticket* between Nes» Verk and Albany »' c»;»ted, Str. "Robert Fulton" Leave« P««broo««a St » 40 a. m w 4'.M St. m A. M.: W, 129th St.. I0:2S A. M. Yonk»-r». 10:60 \ M. for W**t Polat. Cornwall, Newburgh .ml roughkeep*le. t> turning In ..unset ar.d twilight. speilnl 4th of July trip» In Kingston IMint aod return, sir«. Washington Irving .ml Henilrlek llud.on. Str. "Mary Powell" For tv>»t Point, Newburgh. Poughkeep- »ie. King*ten and a.. Inndlng*. !¦. »" Deabrosee« SI l:4S P. M West -T-'d St. £ P. St.: West liettl St.. -':-'û P. M. Deil' ex«ept Sunday, ideal outing to w<-«t Polot. returning i.- Htoemei "ROBERT ri L- TO.V" *'« 00. or by rail. 11.10. On Julv 3d sir. "Albany" will leave Ile»bro»»e» St I :40: \V. 4»«l St.. I :.'.: W. lîltli St.. tltS 1'. landing at Kiiic«t<>n Point, i «t.kill. Hud.nn, and reueliing Al¬ bany about 10::.0 I». M. TEL. 4141 SPRING._ CONEY ISLAND I.FAVF WEST l.'DTII STREET. J.iK' '.'.40. lu.3'1. 11.30 AM I2.SO, 1 I.'. 200. Î.45, I.S0, 4. IG. 5.18. SSO, T.riu. »4.« I'M LEAVE PIER I, NORTH RIVER. 0 4.'.. 10.20. 111.". A.M.: 12.13. 1.1.1. 5.00 S IS. .; :>r«. t I ft, 5.00, 0.00, iVtu. 7.1". «.ir«. '. SO P.M. LEAVE STEKPLK« HABE PARK. tO.r.r. A.M.: 12.25 !.'.". 2.25, S.10 S.5R, «4M 5.25, 8.10. TH>. T.50. n."-'.V :t'jr.. in t«' r. M. Trip marked ' due* tint go to l.'iilli St. Deep Sea Fishing Str. "Taurus" fiai.- *t S A.M. from Pier I, N.R "A'oeicd»"» '' " '«. P-inda-, OM.V. *T. Rockaway Beach Steamer'GRAND REPUBLIC" I.ve Yonk*r* B.S8 A M.. W. ISSth Si 0 «»> A. m. *t,ts I'M ¡'it i. s u. lato vM.. J.15 P.M.; Ro< kaway Beach. 12 ¦¦«. S '." I' M .Tran*fer f.. s»r. «r mil Repnblle." It.mnd Trll» llekei«. !VO»-. t hlldren. *9*. Full Tim» Tibie, are M in«:.»* oi' the \n\. k ,co»er of Telephone DlrectorW«, ;it .»'.1 li«v..,l t. tloket offl.'.. - «rill he mallad un request. Telephone lt"otor S70. aTSKÖ-WiSLINES PerCATSKJLL HUDSON, COXSACKIE and «ray landin*». Direct .onn^ctlon with Oats- ki'.; Mountain l:nr->id», for CAIRO, !' \ I.I'.NVU.I.K, «>TiS SUMMIT, IIAINE8 PALLS, TAXXER8VILLB, «ni AU Points in the Catskill Mountain« and the Berkshire« Luxuriously apr inte,I *temr.»r» leave1 Pier 41. N. R.. ft. Coristonher st . N. v.. «t 1f> V. M.; Yonkers, T:30 P. M.. d*l!y cit-p*. SUO- d.^ Extr* Service Over July 4th Cluriaont and Owteor« leave Kam Tork t ::n P. M July Sd l.ea-.'e fat «kin July ;.th 10 ftO F. M. 'I'lione 1007 Sprlnç BOSTON ».ropr.li«an I,.ne p'»*:n«hipi e a \ e pier !.«. .f,),.t o' Murray St ne.'k '..'in P. M. Tl.eefs. *t« *: the Pier», at ^«X» B- .»¦ Y,.ik Transf. r '.-. a.il tourist PORTLAND, ME. .' MAINE S. S. LINE. STEAMSHIPS 01 l> COLONY end NORTHLAND. I.« .ne Pier IP. N. Ii fool W.irr. .1 St.. .'. »'«> p. M. Tae« Tliur«. »r.d Sat« nI»o at 10 ." A. M. Monda-.. V «lellgli-ful .",tt mil j: h«nir trip t.i Portland. Ihc CITT I E \1 i'lrn. Fa»tern Sleain»hlp < orpornlion. Via Boat end Trolley, $?..'5. Waamaaaae, «t.JO: rro.idm.e dire«t. st.%e. Malero un. SLOW. gl.AO and $'.'.00. Dally. Including .Sunday. 5::i0 p. m. From I'ler 19. H R '1'hotie '^7ihi H.eknixn 'Mty Ticket »HI'.,«-. '.'H«i Broi.lv av, \ Y L'ptoan Tlrk.'t OCBOO, «Twajr IH 23d »t. NEW STEEL STR MANDALAY MVt.MFKENT DAM IN». BUR. 1 P TI1K HIIisiiN DAILY AND e'l M«\V DAI TRIP. NFWBI HI.II \M» RITI KN. Nlt.HT s%II ||» Till: HUDSON. Night trip end* .it U1M St. SI.00 Fa« h Rouad Trip. MORNINa BVENI.VQ f.ei-.e Batter' ) a. St.I Battery 7 30 I' M W. !31»t St 1" A M VVe.t !3l«t St. S N Yonkei», m r,ii A M P, H Te! 'T? « na Broad and ,s"< ng»lde TO ALBANY 50c Tier <i V Ii. :i0 P. M. \\. I .CM St.. A:U0 P. M CAPITAL CITY LINE i ¡i-> * .spi mg ti;»;;.( DAILY TRIPS 10 Inter-State Park Landings (AI.OSI. THE III IISON RIYlKi »."I««* a I'l«.»« ...1 Un« I O.lr. II,. I- ,11. .J, . St.- "Bar RI.lue.'. lv« t\ l.-Mh SI Pier Piillv . t m :..i am 1 o«. ...no p m Wart » ¦»« Round Trip «hllilrer» Fiee. M. AUiutrr St'b'l Popular ÄSRo Yacht Clifton «roi.nd Manliailan l»le: I.« ft \v.»> v, e -r,,in\. it Hunt., hi .jo j ;;,« ,,, «mee, Bill« Muele. I.» eturei [el. .'¦ 411 «.,.,. SigM-Seeing Yachts i... liguer« i'.-t leían, i%i i«i SroodSSta «i Ti i\ «i n rai.e. r,.:, « « in,, Km ipe North .«(..¦ ,«. it..111»,1 ih. .Ti 1 I'miik«' Clark, Time« Bide.. N v. I_TaUOTPORTATIOW._ CUNARD h.sfabltshed 1S40 UsTI.sT 'I EAMsasU IN TIIK WHI.ir» THE MM MM.MIle EXT S. S. "AQU1TANIA" (.real Brilaln'« <,..-.i sSkW. letted »elth eeer», lire Ice fur Mifely :in,| Hid Io nnilgs- lion. Molor HfeliuHt. »lili .tírele»« lele. graph apaaralae. i:->i mini «nd Brill ll.iniii a lu ( wrte » il,,,.ut rier» charge. Swimming Peieil l.e'el-11 lounge«, e.ein- nu.ium. inel t i-rnnelali e gfcc in both »«loon anel »¦ ¦.¦:!,1 , nbln. Ill KSPOOI t:\ l< I LONDON.PARI'.HKR1.IN .\ Ih.NN l It« . Ift-Hfil VHII N EXT B A I LI NCI :S 14 MAURITANIA" July 7 ¿¡¡J "LUSITA.NIV July 14 };% "AQUITAMA" July 21 a¿ .CARMANIA.'V g MAURETANA ^P V, b'is I P. M. LUSIÍANIA, ft; I UACONIA, .' als .: I] H-,l.ll.I. Mediterranean.\elriatii- Ser» i«« .. i'lbrallar. Uonoe N.eple- radas, Trieste, flume, Sailings Itinerary. CARPA! Hl \ Julj \\ei\|A .Aug l L'LTONIA. Jal S5IPANNONIA A-.ig. i: Round the World Trip, lili.*:, S In Mp ciel through ran to Egjpt, 1 v, China, Japan, Manila. Australia Me« /.«.- ii .1 Snuili America, in- dépendent tour» In Burop etc send tor ... RKPRMKNTATIVES I UK PENIS SI*. I..IK « ORIENTAL STEAM N\\li,\IIOV ÍOMPANI IN I MTKII STATES AND t AMIiA.l'lll-ltjl KNT BAIIINfil lent INDIA. (HIN\. JAPAN. \l»>ll(\- l.ll. PI.KXMI RI-. I III !»KS \le.l»»r 7TH MIKMAY. HI *»*»l.\. lie. SEPTEM¬ BER ïTM. MEDITERRANEAN TORT»». » ONOTANTtNOPLE, ETC, ( unard sieame.li¡i) « ,>.. ltd.. 'JI-SI Slat« «»I reel. New- *»ork. Comfortable, Soeedy t'ait-, stray to NORTH JERSEY COAST RESORTS Atlantic Hejliljrss. lor.a Br i-er- »-«vy Part, Bcfmir, f0i.1t fte'sjr.i, etc is /la ihe Tw n lenas Fly:-*: ct lb« SANDY HOOK ROUTE NEW JERSEY CENTRAL An Ideal wsy to so« N.*w York H«rbor l.v.N.T.. llewai.N .< *'¦* si .'-- - . s ..'. p.B.ds. »..n. XL t lag I I.-.. Jí.y., -r N S , ., <. . . . I, ., I i. ^.. (11.1* pi. 1 ..rj B. - "1 / .'.' i' P*f «e P" ¦ Sonad Trip M-erTorktiAtlar *vHir :..»».., ll 00 - r, - i -t-, l«a lag I e ¦ -, I »*p.sr.. 4M ITi.-.. .-:n. -l.tfip.n. .taa.i a ii-.il aiBBa».ani ni..i i maiii .»«. ANCHOR IÎNE Re» «I M « luin-Mre'w ¦.!,-.. iiwl, r. GLASGOW,... ',;, 10« DOS DERBY lioin Pier ."10 N. R. IfSei BT. Ut h BJ Campant«, lui» t. m lYoin Pier et N. H. terni \\. .'lili Bt.l Columbia. Julyll.noon e.'am«ro«t«.Jul PIR81 »BIN, sTu a.,¡ $;;, SECOND ».BIN, .<.-.ei and lu-.-ard. THirti» r. te** < iERHi iv BROTHI :- '.'' *M State .'. r.v«aiJiWU']aLiaiBra UU Fa»' l!l»lo>»l>l«iaaJ *<»>oa«' |__J ALGIERS, ITALY, GRfcECE, AUSTRIA Kaiser Franz Joseph I. July 4, Aug. 19, Sept 23 Martha \>sasssssjfeei, Its«*. S. BOB*. 1 Nov. 7 ANO «irilKII .-»ni.tips Saturdays or Wednesdays, " f ".'. Pheip» Brae, a-1 «v. t..a.. 17 Bssticrr pi vv. I.YI.RY rail* 1 lui R. HOLLAHOAMEPICALINE LONDON l'A i- ¡DAM 1 at .Potsdam I \. i » msI * -S BLOCK ISLAND, ORIENT, GREENPORT, SHELTER ISLAND & SAG HARBOR in ll boat M X. T., rkr I rue »da] i and July J iatisrda July t-.l.e anel .-n J :.. 3 I, 1 ti p M. CONEY ISLAND AND ROCK A WAY BEACH TO-DAY INi l i niNe. M BST : ill >T. STRANF.RM i;ei»in\,i « mini -Mil I..»e w |**oth St.. 0:13 end 10 IS A M !..-«.¦ e v. -. le '... ¦lend .' ."¦. -; no 7 See :;...!.! v 18:1.* 11.1 VI Olli lielMINIilN I INK To «II P.u.it-. South i West. V, try Weeg day at i ¡>. ¡a, i-i- .\ l; FA( I RSION8. Fourth off July Lake Kopatcong $1.00 atoo Next su*40«r «to tveer sunoAr t-. \\. m: .t.R v;t. : ksrtySt ooo«.«.; j. kaaaA.r..:-. ¦¦ ;.=*. Mauch Chunk $1.50 rouMTH or jue.Y, slso su«»c*r. jut» ISas Le.W. ZMBt.SJBt I ss v*» «JSssa. .'*.¡.:on A »., J-.-«> C V.« Atlantic City $2.50 Sunday, July 5th. also Wed.. July 8th 11 V St. T.»:; I. vr:> ft. «.OCa rn. Ecksen Aw '- ty.l IT ass, vi» New Jersey Central JULY FOURTH Trip-, Intludinu 1i-.kc;s act! Holt * Nl««..e« 1..11» "',. W \tlmtl. e lie 11,..n-.iii.I I.Und» '?-Jr Isassry Pirk I HI.kill. I'..,.l,.e .ill ¦I Me eVI itml I »I.e. ...I«>» ¿«J« 'i >\-«l '* THOS. COOK & SON, Delightful Afteratoi Kxcursion to West Point Steamer Mary Powell l.e»> U .: i- M ,-,.t m iid m Relut i;..i.. m liillun. «i "' cheatr« Be« l<t "1 l ; I- M M '»..ill »«. » ¿a. «I*

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1914-07-02 [p 6]....Shipping Information and Marine News of the World \ csseis Arriving at and Depart¬ ing from Port oí NewYork, Wednesday. July I

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1914-07-02 [p 6]....Shipping Information and Marine News of the World \ csseis Arriving at and Depart¬ ing from Port oí NewYork, Wednesday. July I

Shipping Information andMarine News of the World

\ csseis Arriving at and Depart¬ing from Port oí New York,

Wednesday. July I.minixri nn almanac*.

Sunrlje. el M; »un»e:. I'M; mr-ca SStS, K-H. »». S1.


Hook .>¦«'«»..«ernor'a |»,ar.J. . u ffHHell e'a-e. . _.

»¦?* <.'¦

« IREl.ESS REPORTSe- ateurftant* repot «el as HI aalloa eaai

«« Heok al aooa :¦¦ aerday, i» »ir*'"*-1i» ejrv-k mi rrldsy forenoon.Tr.» CV*«n!«\ *»T at 3 .» n* expected to

de«a : Is roraiaeeMTr.e Kaiserin Augu«t« Victoria. SS» .*. noon.

<-spevt*4 10 diK-lt tht» forenoon.The Bremen. It3 a: I« a. «a., expectad to

.» foerernooriThe Aesrsaiie. 3S4 at a 19 P m. expected

to dock Frida- ' roaooa


\>»»el. From.Una. : .ain.Turki laiand. June*

.Se.uli»«enp*on June 31. .1» a.K'«n ». Y.,-tcr;a.Hamburg, .tin* !¦). .H-Alll.Kronprlpxaa'n e-..»«.uthat.pto' .line ._»*N'H.. arllabaan.HewnuOs, tune SO.. .RMSP.-ant« Mirt*.Kingston. June ST.«tí F ,n

.'«rpathia .Naples, June Io fuñaraManhattan.Antwerp. ttiAe '. I'r.cer.txKreNSOa.Bremen .1-ine -IN Q I. or*\.mam-he .tondon .lune 17.8 O 'o.¦enesee.Liverpool, .lune IT. .

'.«n-ie-i« .aalvesten, .'une N..Maleen*eiatlteo.Hall Jun« 19 .Wilsoni oKi.Hamburg, June IS...-I

-.o. .< iTf ego*. June Ï5..-Sanaa. .. .lamaic». June ST....-Algier».Qalvewton. Jobs SB.,-

rauDAT, i\ ia

'Haorotaata. ... .Uverpsot, Jun» &...< naard.Adriatic. l.ner-oo: June »..XV Htar.Vauba: larbados, June :»..!. 4- it.-'ara a«.t4 Quayta. June P'.-ReM 1'TO Vatic.Gatveetati Jure- It..te Pac1-ena-e.Jack»on\IIIe. June H..Clyde»

SATlRl'AY. Jl l.T 4

.IS !<orralne.H«-re. .lune .T.French

.SU Paul.Southampton. .Tune îT.Amer

.Ora.nl« NM*au...Ha*-.!. Juna .*.ROW IPata»ta.Hamburg. Jam .*0....H-AniAppala ». It aarncat, Ji.ne II.. .

Matura.Trinidad. June '.'«..Trinidad

.IJi rg» n a


Mails VesselVesael lor. '/ne lose. »till.

Sails. TielOaiii 10:00 m

Wcesvado, Qlbraltar, H A.10:ù0am l*i-O0mliuantananio. Progreso. Wit 9:0» am Pi:00-i»Allemannla. Ilaytl. II- v.. 1.00pm 4:e\»;>mPre» Linvoin. Uamt. S. H-A 11:00 .un

Haltte. Liverpool. ST«. -> 12*00faT'ranlum. Rotteretarn, Uraa. 1:00 pmPatries. «farsetUea Pabre... S:00 pme" of »it I/iui», i-aian'r, So« - S.OOfmApache, Jacksonville CtretS 1:0O pmtl P.tO. QalVOStoa, So Tar. 3:l/*pm

FRIDAY, JULI 3.>. Louis BSntthunptoa, Ara <:S»*we 10:00 a mII 'i Hemiher. Sanio«. IAH. .1:30 a m ».so a m

l'eMsetrte», Argentina, vrm a m UsSt tnMara. as. TrUiietad. Trln...IS:*» a Bl UM i-i

luiana Si Thomas, <vueb.11:30 a m .*.«. p raHserpba-eo. st lohn». Bad e'.lliSO a r.i ISpnM Fran. ! sec AtSeeMlua. ..t:*:Mm MKl-imId a:. . .' lean P R R ..ll:30am :;-.oopme*amas*My, Pantlare. Ward- 1J:00 m.Jrayaon. .*»«'i Juim. Inaalar-l***Maa

sATtmr>AT. row e.

.Krecp CeellM Kren-, NOk- 1:00 a mithsmpton. W S 1:20a m t.:e>» ro

KoenH Albert, Qlb, NiJL. 8:S0 a ni il 00 a m

Kaiser V J> - I, Asoreea, Ausll:30a m 3:00 p mRanan. Pe-.-as del Tiro. ".:*iO a m S:00 a mM»xlco. Ilivina. 1A a»»<l. ei:00 o r.i S:M a r.

e"arlhrt»ar,. F.îrmueia Illlsp S:t0a m 10:00 a mlirais. 8ar. Juan. N'YÍ-Pi:. 6:00 a ni l::00 me'alam»- l'I'-'o. 9:«0 a m l.ejûniTrini Jeacalm, Jam. ll-.\. IHOO a ni ;:00pn»M:nr.ewask.i. Ix.r.d. : \-Tr-.. 1:00 a m

Hr. m«»:,. Kr»men. VOL..,..-lû:e»arr.I>»lnsk. l.lbau. Reiaalai.-.-:00pniSnee»n». Naples. Italian.- 11:ü0arnKraeMlanel, Aatwora, p.el s- I0:»ame anipan'a. Olasao*»'. Anchor..- lt*«sm.Miar. h». J'sonville, e'.eie- l:00pm

eirub«. Jar ai; j. FtMSP.- ' :0û p ms Oalveraton. Mal.... .- 1 I

Vu.,»*. Tarr.;,a MSttor ...-l:00pmNew <i. s... P....-l.-:0*m

.' SSvannah, Ssiv, Sav.. - S:00pmTt Oraaeta, rBninsalek, Mal :j0pm

Bt» P.. ..-*;:ftri p m

.Ma tot Kronprinreatin Osdlle clos« ?a m frisar.


ation and »'em ..:. -i.löp. mHawaii. Sarr.oan lalar.d«. New Zeal-«rd. A-.iatralla fTSS San Tnnclacpi.SeMeNas .To-day

JtMn. e>rea ehina |T|a faOttlOH-'¦a. Mai .To-day

Hawaii i« la .«an rra-i-»i»c >».Manoa To-dayJapan. Cacea, e-r.ina .-. .a SeaitleiV.

I>.ie>n .Juiy |HawHtl. rijl lalanOS, Xaw Zealand,

\ ie-ralia -via ".'.lnc-vj- »re.Makura.. J ..;.¦ tJapan. Corea. China, Ph'.llpnln-s n la\'»n'ouvert.Br:ipreaf of Aate. .JuIt 4

Hawaii, Jarían. Corea e .»ins. Philip-s .via Han Ft*:u le,'»ji.Man.hurla.July (

.'apin e'nr^fl e~:.)n« PMllpptaea e'la.Jeattiej.Sade. Mi:j .Ju'.y >

AKaUVKD.-ra l'a»i,e*. PhlladSlphia, 'o the

. -» r»». with n.'jse Quarxntlnei IAro»* Rr». Jwearo June .'.:. SS 'he Murj-

-. luasr. Fur. T:Í0Willkommen (Oor), e'opcnhaicn Juna 10 andi»!eia 1Í. to David T Warden. In talla»:.

Bar, l:CNor-, rampbe.pon, N B, *

» ith lath, to ord»r; vetaael to bonaH Be I <j

Kar. 11:1» a as.El Non». Oalveetoa lues -" to IhS Soui"n-

POcta« e;o. with aaoSa Qusrantlnt, i.3»» mPotsdam (TJeateh), Rotterdam and Rojlogn»

to th» Holland-American I.'.na. wlih171 Bret eabin and ¿00 «(»eras'* raaserife « eat

Bar. »:;i a m.Maxico. Ha» ana Juna a. to the Naw Yeark

A ruh» Mall Ba CO, WHS 91 r-assen-rtra

Bafia* and leías« Rar. t~A a tu.reern ip.r'. Mar.aoa June 11. Para 1Í ar.d

Barrj'loe 34 to Booth A Co. with lia ra»-. .nirera. mall» in*l mdae. Bar. 6 a

e>uba <Rn. Farbaesoa June 11, Trinidad 1«.' ier-o Col"mba H. t'irtajena .*i. . .»Ion **.t\lacatón ;¦; and Antllla T.. to -an. rae» A

I *h Vn paaacngers, malla and nidta.liar, «:*!¦) » in

Tapares iBras). Santo» Jur.a l and Uarba-/..'-. J) in the Uoy« Br»r.!leiro. »1th fawTetO.liar. 4M a as.Montoso. .lucaro Jaae H and e|/nfa»go»

'ha Muntoti Si line, with »ira-. Par.» e- « aaPrinz Joachim fOser), For: I.imoi JetSM 11.

Pearl l^aoon *n. ' o'n a. Klnfaton ^. H»n-.ago BJ aJ'l PertUna I»>and .T. to ih* llam-

i American Line, with 10» passen«-r«.a:,d rrd«» Par. l»-»t) p in. June N.

Mad:«'.!' Nawpon Sawg ar.el Norfolk, to. h»- Old Daemlnloi Sa Co, *»i-h paaaengar»and m'iae Highland». t:OI p m

¦ -- . M*~- .".. Ran¬goon 11 Cslowaho 22. Sues Jun* .1. Port»eaid S Malta 11 and Boat or. 30, to Punch.Berra *. ra. »ttti .udf Bar 4 u ;

Hpnan IN'.'.. Por i.:- on iXori, to UatteelPnot Ce», with huM («»uarantln«, s;iO p m.

Atlar.ti ¦'). «vjarar'ine. -i:^ p mfjtea-i.- .J:;. .-'.atliarnpton and Cherbourg

e gad evi.ee nalown St, to »ha *»Thlt»fier ljne «i»h paiaenger« and atetse wu»r-

;. rn.- M e<;»ri, nr*.;tn J.M J) asafl BOUth

einpt'., 10 r»lrVy.a A e"o. with paaaengera»nd aataa «aaS; Hook. ir*:47 p rn

EaaS Bool 1. si :>i p mBOOt '»1 llfhl Ireeie. rlo-.d;. light

awUUBJA«te»- - 1 j «... ,1 - lia .-.

.#r,l» - a .

.. i-' . . . rr.- 1 loncattlna di

'¦*, P.o:» laoulaburg PortPor* Antonia); 'wage (Oer)..t .a . ton Pathfinder.

.I»**a. law Orlean»; Phlladcipnla.1

!¦¦Ian Vorfoik and .Ve-ir-e«lrr:<

viit 'Dan 1 Capeanassa: Jupiier .e;»r..I tush i na. I.ernia iBn. Naple«. 'teaadale

Herrr.k.ne e|!-),Monta*. Ideo llamlJ'on Norfolk ar.a New-

*>a- eftom Perth Am-,


. '.k'..-.An a. »

far rv>»»oti and New Tori-. Pa'haa ep.r,IllOg'i. ?.'. f»^- ...

~* ll.g-.a -.

M Bahía, anh. «iskiantt« el'-ri. ».'re-

.. * '.¦¦ yi. ! p m-Éasf Anna >Trt.

y ! -Barcelona "J't,, Naw Toikfar Pirare«.»ae row», lur.e » »'at'«oftI eOer,. New

tet M'lboarne...i J.jf.e :-. RappeV»-w

Vor.lia- e jvne » -|,gter>lan fBe*) »'.» Torh,

i-.urtmint*»* iKn, Vewf lam, Jun' *- Naw

('«' . I. elle, .Newfge


StItOaVt- VewYarvfW»'- '

. '.¦.!' ¦» 1T-


''. I . 1»Voew

' .. ». -<l'f» lA-i.'; e.',,.,n

r,lo de .l»ii-iro. .'or«» SO -Spenser (Hr> ifromi, N«w Tark.

Southampto i .?«.iiv 1. r.'.i;, p m oi- mpieHi'. N>n fork i< Cherbourg and Queen*-

i'-»«m Urvtsva illri, Ne« York \ln W«glIndie*

l'or» Natal June ** »>'io Trochnann iBfroiv New York l< Maison.

uuenoa .s-.«.«. .1.1-... .1 I'm,.r»!« ittiv NewVorl..

ll'i'l*. .Tur. ¡*.Bcrd«T Knlghl iHv, NewÏI -

linn«; Kour. . s Mo.iiro»« «l'.ri iiro',1'. '.;.,.!...,!, .». r. ,. Se« Yerk.

Setroaatle, S s v.. Jun« BO Kent IB»), l'oston and Now Y «g

THE WEATHER REPORTForecasts and Records of the

Last Twenty-four Hours.ORIrlul Reror»] and lorcra.l. W. »h.n«.

Ion. July I..Th«- temperature continu«-,

high over th» »îulf states *nd Interior of¡he Pacific mates, v.n.\v ovar all oilier

pan» of the countr1' It f* mo«letate fo: th»

saaaoa. An «re.» of low barometer pressurethai ha* movod front the Northwest »tatr*;o the region of th« Qreal I.»kes caui>c«i«hosrer« durinR th« last twenty-four hoarsover th« Mi«*i«»lpv«l Vail»; ami the dis-

a eai thereof «nd in the middleplain* state* in other parti» of ine conn-

ih« weather remained fi Ir except thaith««rt w*re loiai thuwdoraliejwoi « m ihr.oiithern Rock) Mountain region. Th«weather will he unsettled, with local show-erg Tlujr*d»y am] fair Friday in the V'¡entlr »täte* In Other p;.t-l» of lh« conn-

»11! re generally fair Thursday andFrida; Ñ« Important ;«-mp*taiute rli»n«eI* indi'-ated for an» part of llie countryJin Ine teh nest for! fiçlit lïuoisWind» for Thursday mu! Friday.Xortli

end middle Atlantic, modérai» «euth, «hitt¬ing to «»»«:; »otilh Atlartu-, ea»t and w«^»t

Cuir, light to moderate, -.ariabir. OreaiI.akt*. modérât«, \arl«1.1e. moaily v e«

lorerast fer Sped«! l.oralllie*.F.atteraNew lerk and New r DflaDd, »bower»

Thurada« I rlday probahh fair; modérale.outh wind».»w .ier»e.«. Fastern Pennsylvania. Delà-

«ran Mar-.-land. the I>i»tri'-t of Columbiaand Virginia, «loud', with probably »how-er» Tlursd*\ ; Frida: fair.Western New York, pertly cloudy Thurs¬

day, preceded b; «hovera; Friday fair.light to moderate treat wind».We«t«rn Penr*" l\ania. fuir Thursdsy and

Frida«.We*t Virgini». partiy » loudy Thur»d*>

Fnda> fa.r

I-ocal ORirial Record.- The following offi¬

cial record from the Wrath»r Bureau show»

.'. 'antes in the temperature for th« if."twenty-four hour.. In «ompariaon with th»totrcaponetae Cat« of Uit year:

lsio. '...;» ins. »M.8am.H £4 «5 p. m.Ñ Pto. m. «¿s «:.' r« p. m. ¦'

* ». m. ;>; 7: Il p. m. HUm.M 71 1 ].. m .SO4 r.m. UHlgheai temperature* rcaterday, 73 <»'

1:43*0. m. >. lowf.«. U m: 7 a. m.): averafe..J8; average for corresponding date ;.-«t >e»r.w: average foi- corresponding «.ate !j-i tturtytlTe» vear». 7.'.

I»k«1 I oreca.l -Shower« to-day; te¬

mor.« protably fair; modérate south win.is.

Humidity.St m *i ; r m.r > a. m.M

TrUrorneier Heading».t *. m 30.it l p ir. fsM l p, m

Truel States I epanmeit of Agriculture,weather bulletin. obser\.itions taken at i p.m 7¿th n.eridi»«! time.

r-ferriperature-> ,-wTíií-^ i m~* a p B < f. «

s «

Eastern.Albany. »:' 7: ."ft B. U .(<-' RainAtlantic City «s 7» C4 s. .-, ,u ,,,..

Block Island n ") '-4 s w. v RainHoston. M ..; il i:. s Ralnliuftalo. *3 71 .<) W n id l'IoudVlï.>rtford. »4 74 4 s .. m RainM» t-.,,',. »14 70 .'O Si: Il i'Ivi lyX. Y. CM« ... »1 :: tl s.F. ls ,«| r.-iinf-hlladolphla. t>4 7s «.; s.F lî .U RainI'lttabiirgh... M .0 '.' S.W. B .44 Cle-.l lyPartland, Me « i ;(, .,,..

Uueboc. ..... >¦: : N K. t rio h-

Toront«. >t> S« .'. \ K. M m FloujyWashington. *s lî t] ¡: 4 »4 RainCENTRAL.( .'ic.no. Il M 'i W n .lî ClearCincinnati... " ïf v\Cleveland ... «M C4 i: s ^ .04 le.

Iiettoit. K W, Il < levi ! ..

Duluth. S» .".' <B **'.»i'd Kapid». 7«1 lî "j TV. ) 1«;

¦'.le.... 7: 71 .» W. 1" ". ClO-ll«Milwaukee. TI "I tl W 4 l Pt..:l'vToledo. 7« .0 tl N.W. 13 .IS Pt.cl'yBOVTHbTRK

srl» «'in. S2 SI ¦« S E, )» . Clear(¡«besten... M M M B. M . Pt.cl'jlaclcaonvllle. S3 *.. 7«i F v . »'ie;,rMemphis. «. M * N.W. 4 cloudyNorlean*... s: 9« 7s s. «, .11 » loulv'Norfolk. vi M .» s. 1s .

>Raleigh. »4 :«: M s.w. i« - »lou.yTarir«. »I H '- H s .44 ClOUlyMiami. Fia. 7«i >., ;t i'a|m io . CloulyWKtTGItN.Rismarek.... as »î '4 N. 4 .01 dearDeaSaotoea.. >>o s.' u n w. «, «ie,r

Kansa» City. 7» N t.4 K. 4 .44 «liar

Oklahoma.... K x* 7.' N'.H. 11 - l't.d'yMené. M >-4 .; N W. I - ciea-

SI !>.',..- » I N W k .SI »loudyHt l'aul. 74 7' ... S.W. I . < l»«.r

Winnipeg..., 71 lî i N 17. 4

V MUFNTAINS.Il.s -e «I M -1 N W . '".".-r>en-.tr. »>4 '.¦ M S.E. .¦ .H 10il'ler.a M "s ;s S.Vell-ine H»t «> r«) it S. 4 . Cle*,Phoenlx. »3 t 13 Ti. 4 . « 'oudv

¦ait U «-'ty ^4 N M M w. U . .ou".,'PACIFIC COASTFresno .l«v> 1« Il N w » ClearT.'« Angeles 7 14 S W * . ci« *"

Portland. Ore «.' M :< S.W. 14 - » i«ar

8. ftanelsoo. M N » s.w. m PiSan I.iego .s '0 fl f I rie»

Seattle. M» M .'4 IX 14 - «>;,.

Boofcaa«.., M .<> .4_ n.w. 4

INCORPORATED AT ALBANYrP>y Telegraph to The Tribune.]

Albany, -lulv l Sehgmann. It«-- d- Coj Manhattan; art; »30.000; .1. f< Bublei 1 In

Sooaau »t N. T. i>. V, Sullivan, n uui-

nionn. S, Y.K T. St«\enson. t.or.g Island City; trurk-

ing gin««.'.o M Btevenson, r«t P'-aieaii si,

IL. i City; I.. T. Hte>en»on. I.. M. Hteven-

»on U I. CllTlie 1 <: St, Co., Brom: realf S.'.OiKi. 1

Teiteloautn, «.-'« Barajan av. s. Y.; ¦ Tel«Seller. S. T.

K»l«.»r Knitting Mil'.*, Brooklyn; 13.000;A Kateev, SS1 Division av. Brookl r

Kohn, Brooklyn; .i Broanehleld, »tFnlvereal IT jit Product* Co., Manhat¬

tan; S^'S.i'ii". K OoMeteln, 540 North :;d »t

S'ewark, N. J A Ooldalela. Newark; U. I.

S.-.«;.:r ... YFi'ingon Schild -hattan; fur

geod«; SïOO.iMiii' N. R, Rlndhelm, «:; W.SH-h »t. N Y w. Abrahamsoa, i. Koth-feld, N Y

Ml, I.awrei.i« «Viairle», Oou» erne.ir;

»TSfkio. i: F Callahan Uouverneur, S. T.;J. »:. Callahan. Gouverneur; C. W. .Smith.

Robert K. S"-'t t- son» Ko« Rochelle;Sunr- fiO.Ooii i A Scott, l.cvver Main M

|to» hell«; n n * >. I*. 'i Beatt,N>e- Rochell«

Webet Mrl.ouslilm Tlealtv Corp. m.

hettan; |20.000; F Mclaughlin r.m we«t

H'jih »' S. T.; A I, McLooffhlla, S. Y..I. S Wehei

' » . snd Craf11m»n, Mei.borouah »l«»»»Ui, A. Il SI

n, MIIton. .. ^ ¦': M I «ai»«jii. .1 :.!.,

ton, Milton.Williams Mar.hst'.an: br.ik« rage,

|i«H..f;i»»i i «filllares, -45 Wesi SSih aiN. Y i' J. Fr»n»h!*dl. N Y M. PiBoookbn.

Hoaoa» »¦ I Beat Ingt«-t..« -.o« «t»'»d. Sio.tioi'- W. n Solen,Aih«i« i Moran, i. n i.»f« rr«,

i.al.'.r Temple ««f Hurfalo and Vlclnlth >.T:.; rcall SlOe.OOO lia

Buffalo F ."!">¦. «;. tt .vil«/

Mill* M»r«'liaii'!:»lr.«; Co., Manhattan:IS.0OO; * Itoth.- I I« »TSS .". «t * Brook

.» ; V Krau»».

BiI» N W. Mtrf ^r.d Trading Coro.. M »-

Urin ar.'« <><.«' y Win« 1er, 101i- usasl» N i » 'i !¦

: y os ;-» hlegel FaMale, v .i

U'ogtetn i .' ra lio.wi.s 1,,-t. r, i' Mtter, I A, Klrby, It^h. - .

i -.. '.i ^»ration.Whit« Plait*; r-.M'j; ." - P1»b«r. r i

Met«le-, ',.. ,V*«»!er V. . l'iaiii.«.d ITeMInr-


B'oer«rf»«t Pli Pattern e M«nl isn; >

a/'. M. Lieamai irlvanta *

¦¦'. i ¡>n, M,..«.

»Ant'irj Magazine Co Man! lai las.SO«;>

ISi « I. N

HT»» Soi i. ,,*««,.

?.. Il« ¦.> ¦. ¦¦


|l»»/*s i ,, ,,,, .. , ,

B M m. Helaban

BUYERS NOW IN THE CITYOut-of-Town Visitors Here to Look Over Offerings of

Local Wholesale Dealers.t l»..»L». «¡nil*. Humen« Mear, etc.

BOSTON W FlUne« Son« o. Misa M«¦klrts h » hroodor, mualln un¬

derwear ami kimonos; u« W 32J »'

BOSTON II H White .v C« Mr» \\il»i«n.le^iigee*: 00 W :;"-d «t.

CHIC m;«' Man I« Broa, M »« Berneteln¦klrts; Mi** l.augel, eklrt«! 13 ''¦ 22d »'¦

PITTSHI Rtill K Solomon * Co. .i Solo¬mon, drm«« ISS W I2d »..

l»r>g««»d«. el»'.

Cil ICAOO-America« Blltt Co; E S St«vena< |ka M K ai Savane.

MAl'OX. «'A IVaxelWaum 1*0, J Hasel«haum h good«, m on* «S a

Ni'.w IIAYFS- ¡i A Btarin, woollens: Par»avenus , ..

Ni:w HWI'N \ M r.o*ent*r« » o; A ai

« nbera woollen*: Port A «nue.IMTTMRl'ROII ls»iifm»ti.i m Baer Co, M

m Dunn, drea* good* ,md allk«; '¦'¦¦ Mo«l»an * ,.

SI RINOFIFl.D, MASS.Dli kleaon * A i.

tlokleaa i, di s» a», Navarre.ITICA. X T.J A Hoheit« * Co: .1

Thomas, domeatlc», Bansela and Manu««:,Umpire.

Millinery, Laceo» Ribbon», ele.

»TLASTA y li Rhode« «t- Co; 8 I. Rhodes,lower* *n«i feathers: IM Broadway.

BOSTON- R 11 Whl .. Mrs B n Bell.«. Mis* n» cmbd«, nu-

lion* and handkfa <«" Vi:i"F\i..i «;¦ ens Co: ? (Hv«n», ledl««

» *la 'idpe.MICA«!' Impo en«. Mann fat LUasra « «H 1<

llllpp, mllllnei t Rroadw*l.ii.s AXtlKI.FS '. H lluaaell a Co: J ¦

., ut«, mllllnei « AlbenMii.u ACKER n M Imai n < " .'

Helmann, flovrera *n«i fcethere; 021 Bw»viii'.M.i i.i'Mi \ Wanomaket J ;v

lian .. irnlsl In« good»; Bw»j «s- IvtJ »ISAN PRASClbCO Joseph ,t- I'O V" 4

Suthi rland, mllllm r¡ Mi*» ¦.' v :'

mlllli ei McAloln.. ,

BFRIXGFIKLD. M»> Whapl««. Ol '«! Mil¬liner Co; ts N lop»», lioslet;, notion».milliner; etc; Ns

Men'» »n»l B«»»' Wear.ISDIASAPOU8.W H Block < « " atar¬ían furnlfhln« go ¦'¦-. I2S1 >'¦ »*>.

ISDIASAPOMS »Ilbben, Hollweg * v

v. Hlbbcn, hoalery and undsrwear; ...»

Bway, ,. ,ST i.» >i s Emporium World, a Fran»,

mllllnei 821 Bway.ST LOUIS Roeenthal, Blaan Mlllln«ry 10.

e; m tVarelle, rlhbona »n.i eei^ii; a.l!tv ,.

BT ii'i IS Perguson, McKInm D .. «

e... :*. K vea¡. lares, ribbons ami Bens;.» H-ia-

- r i.'ii IS ;: ' -tis n -i >'..: a Jobasw ': .-;; Bwai.

Women's Hear.¦N' -.ntn.l .e. ir. Vt-s .1 -.'.eniv. petU.

.s: Mías .»i Bluraenthal, waists; :o RII.

CHIe \e.ee raraon Plrle otl A- a; W 8Pabrork .lia'«:«, gloves and Infants' ueai;:; M ortri -.. Urest Non hem.

Ileil.YuKK. MASS \ Steige) *;¦ Co: Miss Ai'hslon, rorsets and muslin underwear; n*iiv 1 ..

!».'iIAXA,l'KN" l:..,i Tem H *,VP.ose.la¬lle»" read! -t'- «ear: :'. e; '.'.'li I

LVNelIBl'RG, \A .' M eluggenli.-lni C Mflusvcnheini, Isdles' ready-to-s »r. fcJ Hh»'. Wallu k..\ i:a.\.:s. ¦> p ,».. .' Vi<» e; Car-

orsets a slats aai muslina car;

Mae* ellaneoii«.UAL.TIMOBE Baltimore Bargain lleesee: Il

v RI :. iga and srpet i; - .4 e.;, 1V.

BtWTO.V i; h W - | Dismond,genei » \ rep; «S XV M »t

BOSTON >'.|a.... \'i wall Co; I Stewartnotions- .'.xi Fifth »i.

Bl'PFAU :'. K *. Sons; H h Seeger.ftirnlti »...

.lie *.<;< i: w Mi Cornt k,- it .!., e ,...i,.er: ll . Fifth ai

PKIttllfl IM.IS .MINN tl K Cïrlneger..« »ral met I.pii .i" ;:an.l.

.' Mi-«,-. \s 1 e;\ Ktokea l«n A ; C Vlinkes, genrial n:ii« IHI lie*.»-.

l.v\i imrpi;. va.4* M Ouggr-nhelm N Sei.iKge tiiieii... |< eli m n-. ne; til Itha

Mii.w mkki: Boston Store; I riniiins.«ener^i merchandise; 11*1 Broadway; Well-Insten.

mi ... |K, iNie y im | KoaTner; w p.\ nuse ran els. Arlll 2

PROVIDFNt'K 11 I 1 "a Hender, llcAustan *1* .. ib 1: I* Meyeraohn, boe as; Walker»1 Prit e r,.- irgi

I m M'l.N'ei PKNN 1. 1« Pomerey .;I art; 11 Kiaerberg, 1-1 ».« furs, fan Ineae,

v »IkeSPRIN'ttl r i.i>. MASS 9n Ith < v .-

1; J Waike-. furniture; .'. White at; M-¦aii».

WOBCKSTFR. MAS.-' Henhnlm A McKayCo! K A f.r..»r. irpets; Z Walker st

NORMAN SUIT FAILS.Court Decides 21 -Year Cotracts Were Not FraudulenJustice Philbin handed down a tie

sion veMenlfu dismissing the suitSidney Norman siuf other stockholdio** the Federal Mining and SmcltiCompon) aaainal thai eosapans and tAmerican Smelting and Retining CoI'hny to hs'O set aside as fraudulr;i contract male in IPO,"«. Justice P'nbin held that the charge? of fraud \vc

unfounded.The contract of which Not man a

Other stockholder.» complained provirlthat the American Smelting Compushould buy the output of the I'edt'iccrnpany for twenty-one v";«rs fit1''09. This contract wa* similar to a

other contract between the same co

Denies made in 100.'>. The justipointed out thnt no question va- « \

raised as to the fairaeas of the fiicontract

POLICE DEPARTMENT.Qualifier! a« I'atimn.Prolialinnur» I'lli

appointed and .»'laned a« lpdi« jte,.. .'..»: v .1 Dob» rty, ... »' She» han, K; B.

Trauaferi anil t.-ii.i- .lune :.i..I ;¦. p,:"'.i, «T, in

»th; B. Hamm» id, |r ICIla :.": !. r. Shark«.-, igsth to It-let. Ptli.1. .1. T. Mati.i. 3d to public offii .¦

PI« atlni Ifosi Ita I, Hi John'* Guild;K. Whit» lOth to P O. 8., dut]¦leiimeut, to mounted urn disc«To.patary Aaalsnimla Bur

.1 >] nsoii, ta .- irg, I« In hargi is; .- tu n.I ill)'; J. D.

Burg. 11., In harg lth v irg. 1 Ind!u«»n -o i I* va da; s t 11 >- ..; p.O'llanlon. 2Sd Stir«. 1>.. in l.ii.*' ruh ,-'j:I>. !n sdditlon to hi* ot n '.', a» *, JulA ting 1 " II i' e S«:* I

1>. r.'i m !i. a <> .'. da s

I'timii.to ISth In. 11.. from precin is«d. II 'lavs, July .i. T. lu.'.'l«, .1. I«Daly, K\ «i. H Bol mke, IM; E. V. »t a

i:o; i'. A. Brown, HS: J. I. BunI«; r. B. (¿limai In ha); R. i.. Morris. Ill

léate, of \lr.en«e 'wut pa» Sur«.J. Bchoenenberger, :«t B D., i day, .'ui> I,he «led'j« tei from vacation; M A McCJovei

t i>.. ~v da) -. July .". vai «Hon; F.Murray,. .'4tii ~. I« 20 da>*. Juli 12. '¦ ..

PTIthoui pa- Burg ¡' I. M irr* 21B. D., 7 .i«.s. ptluin. J, Donlin, ISUi,

lî; ii Rourl .. «*th, i «la.lun- 80: T. Qlllen. M'.tn day, June :

E, Kurds. MTtli '.' da;.», lun« '.'!«Advancement» To I1 100 grad» Jun<

Ptlmn .' Brad let: (.*. Bisele, lth:o. Klley, Sth; i. Herman. ;m; J. T, Kg«7th: a. i> imsnf. 7th. u. (J. Haiti««, i"

F, l.Hri.in i'.«:),, a Hnaunworth IS.t. Cohen. ISth; T. M. Perrell, 14th;Breve*, loth; J, Harriett, 17th; T P,ran. Ad; J J !".¦.-¦ 22d; \. Frauenberg«20th; C. E. Poye, 25th; John J. DelaneJitii, E, J. Léonard Slat; T, i.. tlleaeo87th; .1 O. Bun *. 87th; T. I Olbney, -.«tl>. A. Harry. SSth; W. Leatfaerman, SOtn:«.. .-. Piran, ,'t... VV. r. fair«.:;. IFlumaurl »2d; L» English. 4. I; Wnallagher, ir.l: E J. Hi fferon »¦ .: ,, I"Hi irna, Slat; ¡' r. Dunford, .'- i. at.Ooldeii, 05th; I" Munsterman "« h¡ -.

H I :.. P. v Kim ;tth; D. 1|8d. v l"artetrom. 1441

II. <;. .-"i fel '. 144th; J. J. K« ,- I44tlJ. H. Heavey, I4*th; .. Johi «on, H th; MA. Lowlg, 146th; J. P. Marron. Ildtl11 Mahn. 140th: .1 .1. Brennen, 147".::rady. Math; E. M Franklin, I4»th; II. I

¡Lewi«, HSth; A. .1 Finche« IMsi B. il'n--»> IS2d; .1. s. I'llligan, ISSd TV. il«.e!iri," P, Dei ker i Jd J Morris*««. i:.t"ni Magier, l.'iSi! a Anderson, cur.. «:

»rust. IMlli; J. «'. El» ihom, |B4lh; I. lie- ger, IBSth; A. M. Oerllngcr ICSth;Bolller, 1681 O. i: Haber, IS2d; i:,Kehr, I6S4; W. J, Doole), ISath; J A Mi

¦.¦ *TTth; r i; Fitzgerald, 281 *i. tv Illanvey, Traf !... C Oraham, «'. O.; ¡:. ¡wljr.d.r... Rd Diet.; II «' Buaer, 3d U s-

'ir;. | th« lolUnTlr r, «trolme«Till !>e read) for payment »' the ii(TV f t

,i\- paymast» r n i» .¦ IS:Jo «l..':."»o grade m< 22 M. P Mon

Ki.n .i. 1 Walen, »n ':. Hi s.F, «;. Cruger, 7th; a. iirudei. itht'«-r, ISth; J a I.eir; ISth; J I'addlsa

v P McAvoy llth; i; Belcher, .".;H W Ittt Bth; .1 Ulaaaer, Mth; J, J, Ra'17th: J. -i !.». v. «th¡ W M. unan I N«'. K.e.,a«<« 4'.;: 'I .1 i':e»r' t'l |:

..ii 4'' I; .1. Vltak 4M; " iTIce. I is«

M. «V. Nolan. Cth; B. Wiederkehr, ;;nM,'. II Scott, l4Sd; E J. Uonohue, l¿3d; .1. .1Mettler. I"w».h; i: P, Fallón i «Iilentzig, ISlat; B. Cantor. Hath; 1« a Pit*Patrick Hath; r Dunn, 174th: I. m«ke«

\\. K. t'leasei IV. J, Jone* Kn., A. C, Orle» o, D. B T \ Hickaoa Is[>i*l Ii M Ring, l«l !>.»' A E .-ii7.it liTraffic «'.

11ne. imposed r. 1 Coleman. ir.fifailed i" rei '«it prompt Ij. day«; WTith. absent with 3 d.i.»; »JRail* toi ai i» da>', .i Ahem

iba» nt from poet, I day«; H H Belper, i-d. sbeenl from port, i day; .1 Murray. I4«,th. abeenl from Hied post, :; day*J. J, 'iiH.r. HSth, sbeenl from peat, 3 da^«J. .1. O'Reilly, IsSih, abeeni from po»t, i».-«

f Marge, i.i».,i Ptl M v Shi»17th, failed to «icmii w, I". Kunta, '.'.'<t lied to din ¦¦¦ burglai ¡' .1 Mang

iprop patrol; E i: Brost n, vothImprop r patro!Belie«e»l from .u«pen»ion anil ir.torril I««mi« Ptl« .1. llavgen, 35th, S:4S n m

'.¦'». »u*p< ... d, S M n n... June .d»\|i|Kilnir»l -i'. n,i Patrolman P. X

i «¦Magii tratt .' Courte, 1«Jtu 29

Hevoke»! Rui« 123 of 11 e R ,'-. and I'.ei;I'la'lor.a »rid «!«o lephone ordei "f Jaini. referrln« t.» reporta on probattonarii .r ¦< :.! ..


I.. July 1 i »«¦ were Slid to-il«iTrent« 1800

». i»; v M Mu hert. J Li 'onn I aiMo»denial Land C -.. en».»

f«H)«ii«i .i h Blebert. Rllsaoeth: J n*.ert and II. etevi

International Ho« Choler*>« ».,.<".<> . *.tkii ««.n j r.

,,¦... Kan* M<ginn, J'iw «It).

B, M. ii" Co., Palersen: re*' estsUillOo '«.«i ' M Martin, V so AHc Ms',,n« e-:« l*ati raon.

>.ir Pun p Co., S'ewgrk.automobllea: IIí«»!**« i: V. Herman, KUermaa and J ¡I. Herman, East «J'.ihí«.

FIRE RECORD.A M4:11 I', I, I7ih at, ninpre«» Manu.'a¦ luring

»...< iter at., Laaaaaa a Kempi

«low' ud ii'On

»r ¦... nn ;:, -ii> *\'. '-...¦ il« ¦¦ 'iing



H lllllmai««. ,.¦

I ridingi

< ¡ii.. -ir ninilig.i ,, m . i h " '¦*' «nano« n.


0. K.'S COLONEL'S RIVERAlgot Lange, Danish Explorer,Arrives from Amazon Country.Tbc Booth atetaraahip Denis brought

tee port jrestsrdajr from Para, Brazil,Alfctot I.*.n(*e. the Danish explorer .howen' î*ito ill1- Amatan district inI'ecrmber. 1912, wjth an expedition.-ernt out by the University of Penn¬sylvania.He had tilke-il with natives who were

familiar with the movements of thePootevelt party and nl! tolel him. lieRliid, tliut there» was no doubt of theColonel** bavin*? discovered an unc:%-

plocd tivcr 1,000 miles loner.Mr l.antr«. .-aid h himself never

questioned Mr. Roosevelt'« rrp.irt ofhi« diaeovtrios, and ;: Ided that WalterSnvace Land or, the Colonel'a t.-os*skeptical critic, would not go bac!; toBrazil a*td make- his disparaging state»RI9BÍS.

"I have ¡us: come irom hitherto un-

i'sc-iv. fd aectlon«. of the LowerAmasan." he sniel, "a-i.i I am confidentthat the. Rivor of Doubt, nantd theRio Teodoro, was discovered and puton the mtn by Mr. Roosevelt. Thenatives tolel me o*' tii river discoveredl»y the Colonel, and from their descrip-

; tioin it took ¡.he i-xa-.-t course describedI.y Mr. Roosevelt.1

FIND FERRY RATES UPJersey Commuters Indignantat Doubling of Fares to City.Conmatora raved :¦.'.', day yesterday

on Weehawken ferry boats running to.lUel and (ortlandt ata. WSOfl IhtJboareleel rity bound craft yesterdaymarning they found the fare to Cart-l.uielt st. raised from 'J'-> to .'. cents anilto -12d st. from l"1» to U cents.The West Shore Railioad, which rUBa

.be ferries, has iastiod a statement thltthe increase in rate's is necessary to

cay runnin»: capeases. Jersey rail«dents, however, assert that the roadhas recently bought a $500.000 ferry¬boat and is trying to pay for it 'hissummer. Several communities aie pre¬paring protests.

Mex. Rys. Interest Held Up.Interest amounting to approximately

$2.600.000. due yesterday on bonds ofthe National Railways of Mexico, willbe met in new t> per cent notes as soon

as the Mexican Congress has author*.-?-ii « Bets* (cover nme-nt loan of öO.OOO.-

eil'U pesos. Official unnouncement oftins methoel of mooting the July cou¬

pons was vvithhelel pending advicesfrom Mexico City that th< new loan-. oold go through. Tart of the- ¡oatiwill be deposited as collateral behinelthe new nut

Army and Navy Orders;Movements of Warships

' Ironi 'i lie Tril. n r ,,

Waskiagtoa. July i..\P.M',

Ma .1 \ I'KNN. lag In to rva,:»r U«*4;-n rrfl lle.»|nfai. ». of

Ma. e, u rjoODE, retired fromlu'lea la re rultlng Service, Si l.o.»

MhI .1 .1 MORROW. Corps at EngR'ashlngtoa res pertaining tolat Portland, Ore., nglneer .lisir t ilc«1..-1' ..I e'. II. laie MNSTI'Y.

e»|t K i: BOOTH <ietae Iieii 7lhe apt. I.. I*. LOXtl '- Ttti Co July 16Klrsl Uerut D it s- f\ r, .tii s te stu¬dents militai-» Instruction camp, Burling¬ton, vt.

Flrsi Lieut. C T RICHARDSON', Ord. l*»Pto duty as atyistntit ordaaaca onver. Bast¬ara Dap.

I'.r-t i.tem r», ll ELLIS, in'i res. carps,te, St, Omaha.

Leaves .f absence: Cspt W I. SHEF.P,med, carpa, to s. 11 ... these»« to Philip¬piners: l'ii;.!. B. Al:u\s BLL. oathree months; cast. L a EDWARIjs,

i lonths flenn Jul' .".; Lieut.» ol. *V, laASatTBR 4i:. riele] III Ihre»»months: e-n-i Uerut. II O. SHARP]

.' »i\ a 'inth».\\ V.

Paymaster <¡<> i. i'OWIE .le-tache»,!iel Bure of Bu] piles and »

to temporal u..'uu o*Supplies ..:.'! ,'.e count»

Pa- In-" M'OOWAN, to chief Bureau.>t Supplies and A< count«

Paymaster e'lorh E. n. WALTER, appointil. :,, Virginia

l' imaetei .¦.: I' E. HERBERT, re.ig.rii.iion «CC«pt«d.

e-api. e;. || eil.i:. M r : n.| 1- Irsl ie lit.A. H MILLER, M e-. commissioned


Jun» 5». IVhlpple, ai atasatlan; McDo-j«gal. al N> i- 11.

Jim" ::ei. San irn, ». s.mi Diego;»l \ Ci

SAH DJetae '-"' Ken' er, Is I' foi M i

I'rebte Is Pas lot Guaytna«; Mayflape Hem foi » \..r

i .'i iroi|Ui « M.i- i .| f

i" Mllwaul (ire ieri m roi t»... Deilphln, \s';, h .naKm for Hampton

!. .¦.-. Saturn g n Diego for Ban Fran-.- eo.

i Sara oga fo: Che foo;*. e». Shanghai foi iiai.uorM"i IS ll n.Jf: -.. 1st

ajbinurlne ellels. lorpeilu fl-.-'lla, AsiaHe r of m

I- IWai», at Norfolk] »i a I el. .iiileied to


KKW lOHK- Muiilutlan.

IHK HERLITZ asflOOL Of LAKOCAGEB,Maoiaon P.iinie sl.T.-? llro«e-»a\i

Hart«,,. Branch, «I I.»no» ». m-nr ; n St.ii.e.kln lirini ?.'0 Lie liiirali.n S*.Bedeeeell summer Hale» N.»r In te,.,e

Ml *»l>l.»>s «4 IIOOI*4.

MILLE R SC H O O Lt »singt«*". \m r. Shot inend,Bienen II. .«.slaa l*rl sie .-«-.-.. urisim-

M HOOI M,KN( IKS.Arrerrle en ami |.nrl»ei Témemete' Agrn, .»..

-m,pies l-iof.ai-- i»... ierra, T it-era.i, ,\»ine»»'s ..'¦.. '.- cell K". «chaola andarnllle ». Appl .. M*« M J VijL; 0<

l'île. ¦. jare_I l r-MSIIKH HOOMff.

ÈÂsTf *»IIH .IteliiH lattti sirerl.

'...in i 'jo i.e. i (Madison u.|'i»i« Boat's)rooms and hath.


The or«|er» and notice« 'hat «ppear In thi»,. .., e h,,.. Scant« of

< « «i I« «n other organisationpalng the ^ord "Scouta".-Lo« F. Hanr.i«r,President N«w TorK City i.ouncll.

IIF.\DQIARTERS NOTICES.i .mm Rullelin So. 1.

The following; provisions! rule» ha.'ebeen adopfd for 'he government ofcamp during the aeason of 1914:

1. I'rioti application being filed s»?the^e headquarters, accompanied bythe proper fee, a camp pa»» «rill be is-»tied which must be presented on 'hedate for which it is issued to thec.-mpmaster. The puss may be ex¬tended upon payment at headquarter-«of the additional fee at leaat two »lay«in advance of the expiration of theoriginal period.

-. The camp will be in charge of1he campmastar or the assistant camp-master at all times.

.1. All scout» »hall report at campheadquarter» upon entering or leavingtamp, except when on special detail.Paitare to register upon departure .rill»lebar a scout from future camp priv¬ileges.

4. Ne scout may leave the camplimit* without permi*«ion.

.">. Swimming, exeept at regularhours prescribe.I by the cimpmt'ttrer '»ith his permission, is absolutelyprohibited. Scouts must wear bstfiirgsuits.

U. Before using boats permissionmu«t be obtained on the proper formfrom the csmpmsster snd presented tjthe boat guard.

7. Trees and shruhs are to be pro¬tected, and the cutting of same exceptunder the direc'ion of the campmasfrwill be punished.

5. N'o scout who has had hia cimpprivileges taken away may return to« p ni p without the ron ent of the camp-master, which must be filed in writingat these headquarters.

'.). Spending money shall be limitedto 50 rents a veek. N'o candy, »oda or

fooil of any kind will be permitted ir.the tents or in camp except what isofficially provided or obtained with thocons.-nt of the campmastev.

10. Visiting scoutmasters or offi¬cials trill refrain from issuing ordersto their troops except through thdcampmaster.

11. Any infraction of these rule.-'will be punished by withdrawal oframp privilege» at the discretion ofthe campmaster.

LORILLARO SPENCER,Scout Commissioner.

The following lett»r has been re¬ceived from Dr. Haven Kmerson, chnrman of the executive committee in»¦¡lavée of the Baby Week campaign:Lorillard Spencer, Scout Commission«^,

Boy Scoata of America, 50 Madi¬son av.

My Hear Mr. Spencer: Baby We»!:¡a «.ter. At least the dates June ¡50« '»>'ar past. But the little citizen« forwhom the campaign was "aired h*'.«I'udn«! so ninny friends all over theeitj hat it is likely that every «reekhere«.¡'ter will be a better baby w:ek.

Leal than two weeks were spent in

preparation for the campaign, and ; etsu instant and widespread was the»upport given the movement that \,e

believe no man in all greater N'ewYork failed to get 'he message betterbabies, better mothers, better »iy.This would have ben impossible «rita«out the co-operation of the Boy Scout»in distributing our posters snd stream¬ers throughout the city.The thanks of the Mayor ami the

Baby Week committee, and. best of all.of the babies themselves are due 'o

you and your boys in unstinted meas¬ure for the help you have given us.

Cordially yours. II. EMERSON',Chairman Executive Committee.

The scouts have been invited toparticipate, SS us,'»', in the municip.ilFourth of July celebration and to r.;tas guards and ushers at the City Ha'.l.All scouts who are able to be presentwill report to the official in charge onth plaza in City Hall Park at 9 o'clo.tkr.harp on the morning of the Fourth.Those having staffs should bring them.

The scoutmasters' school at head¬quarters eoaclttded its session lastMonday with t'.e tiftb in the series oftirst aid lectures given by Dr. Fred-eriek Coerr, The examinatien in firstaid for those qualified to take it trillb;« held at 8:10 o'clock on Mon.!;«./evening;, July IS, at headquarters, andwill be or.ducted as before under -heauspices of the Fir«t Aid Society.Hiplonii.s will be «warded to those "'hopass the examination successfully.1 he attendance at this course has beeneery encouraging, twenty-two BCOOt«raaater« and other officials having beenrecorded at the last evening. Ther.» isevery indication that, similar cours« s.if held luring the coming season, willbe «roll attend*«! and profitable to theofficers under the juiisdiction of thecouncil.

During the summer instruction willalso be given from time to time at (he*cout cr.mp at Hunter» Island by thedeputy commissioners snd special!»'»who may be in attendance there. Thi«instruction will cover all the variousscout n-quiremenM. such as knot ti »ins;,«¡¿nailing, first aid. etc., and if peisi«ble »hört hike» will be arranged fromtime to time during the summer, atwhich hot i scouts and seoutmast».rswill have the opportunity of practisingOre building, cooking, etc. In recogni¬tion of the service of Hr. Coerr hispupils in the course have arranged togive a dinner on July 1Í0 to which allscoutmasters who care to attend arecordially invited. Arrangements aiein charge of a committee consisting ofC II. N'eilson and Kllis Spear. An«nouacemeats as to the place an«l theprice .if the dinner «rill be made later.Arrangement« are being rapidly com¬

pleted for the opening of the camp tinsMonday. The registration for the firsttwo weeks i- over one hundred, a.tdthere is every indication that this aver¬age will be maintained throughout thesummer. Scoutmasters are again r»««-minded of the rule that tenderfeet whohave been admitted since July 1 willno. be allowed to visit camp, except intiie company of the scoutmaster or as¬sistant scoutmaster of their trjop.The reason for the adoption of thisrule is 'hat new recruits as a rule havenot had experience in taking care ofthe iel'.es in camp, and it is thereforenot adv,«ahle to run the risk of acci¬dents or illness.


"&DESKSOttos Furnitur»In errat variety.1 at«/!«ma price


CAftPBT (I.kamm;.Aliiii'i i. CARPCT i.na.MM» CO..lean* I« «i'.iiir>i»»»e<I air. et«-am, tiand or

en floor. Mil ¦roedwar« *-i £*.> Mth .».I'OB A HII..NM Tel. ll.'-SSthNKW YORK CARPET I.KAMM.»* WORKS

<ild*c l*"«eH. M.i«! M. I'rnI ». Rl'rJS WOVEN FROM oi.l) AKI'KTHp m Reaatasaht« *«-nd for ctreesar,

Tel 4«s I..W llnant 4SI 4M We»« tit'.i St


I I'll«.'. I' u ai rl».| n «u. * '< «ii!«poeltlei porti ... .1 .¦: »tabli ...

.- .1 mi.U va v. rs...,!., si Hi....I n

I'll'il.-I IIKI! «i«,.l «wr, «««xl me

oel u i. rfelftcr. M0-IJ.Mll. I.II.I Jei *»< I'll).



in theWORLD

443 Ships1.417.710TONS



Hambarg-Anericaa LinePARIS, LONDON, HAMBtRti

July SailingsfVATKRI.ANl» .7th. IS A- *V'Vm INNATI (from ll«,fn -lui»KA!*'N Alt.. tl(\. Ulli. I F. M.'I Hill «els. nth. n A. M,ÍIMPI-RATOK.1Mb. 13 noeen

. t.raf W»leler-e .. ISth. 3 P.M.< LKVEI-Vl' (from llo.toni July tl'{Pretoria .tftth. 5 P.M.Pre«, (.rant .nitli. 10 A. M.

August Sailing»t ATKRLAMI _ 1st. IS NeionA merit, a Prom Hoatoni Auk. I¦IPenn«. lumia .«Ih. .'. 1*. M.IMI'PRATOR .ittli. 8 V M.Pre*. Lincoln ..ISth. It A. M.( iae-innall (from Boston) tin. 15\ «.TEHI.tM» -Jínel. I« A. M.( lee.elan«] (I rom Bo«toni .Aug. ΫKAIS'N \|(i. VIC 17th. -.'P.M..s jeeAcastsesaiy. IHssaassra tVn t


Gibraltar, Naplea, Genoa«.learner» leaie Pier foot 3Hd SI.

"ei'Mh Brooklyn.S.S. MOI.TKK . Jolj 15.3 P.M.a. S, llamh.irg.s-.ig. g, S V. MS, s. Moltke .«.ut Î7. R P, M.S, S. Ilmnheirg. Sept It. S P M

TU II 4 P.l IFsKS IN MMAround the World

Then.fu . .

PANAMA f ANALVritri H, i. h) rvalna Blessa« ¦


"CLEVELAND" Jan. 31IOC DA» S SMS« net¦«¦¦»'kachcri'ise *. a>InetoSlaa BU nere»*arv «xpr r.i's.In order 1o arcor» ehnlr«

loeallon, rooms shouldhe hooked now,

Write for Booklet.

HaiTiboig-Awricafl Liai41-iJBwaj.N. Y.


PIERS 5«;60, N.R.Wh)ITE5TAR>


Red Star

vie,, a. ah.. :». skit, if». OCT. io.\ i» Pieniontli. f herbourg S »*iiiith«niploB

Cl HER S MI INOSOl I.ANIf, Jnlv 4, noun: Aug. I. Aug. '¦*-

New \ork-tjiieenstown-l.irerpoo| (1Î n'ni.BALTIC ..leil- tllMIK.ItllT 1«AHRIATK ..July »< KI.TH.luly

Boston.Mediterrane«n.Italy.f'ANOI'K'.July II. Aug.IIIMII.»*rpt. 1«. Oct. -'4

American low a m.V. Y.. Pl»nv»nth. Cherbourg, SouthamptonI e LAM r-AHIN (II.) NP.RV14.*¦:. «.VS. IP.»T. I III I- leii> :iMW \4»HK...Iule 1*

»»T. PAt !.. ..luir l'lPHIl.Vi» V .»nl> Ϋ

AtlanticTransportNew York.I ooelein lllree I. Pr. 5», \. K.Mlnnewnal.a, .Inly!. A«m Mln°tonkn..liily IfMinn'ha.luli I I.IOirti'oiu Mlnn'polla.JulyM

Pier SI, N. R.10:00 A. M.

\ \ ,_.| on.i.m I'arl« »la Dover.AntwerpKKOflM *.!> Iilb 4 I ¡Art IMI July «aVADKltI.'D..Jats* U I'lM.ANn -luir -.ip*«isi \(;r.R UfflCB, » B'esay. N. V.

BERMUDAAvertie Summer Terrp-r.-tio-e 79s

¦tafseterfsej b\i Deft. aVrstssfs C-.-'l.Very Low Summer Rates

rslliig at St. Ci,-f.T-^s sn1 HsTllton.Still»!)* R «ClI,.fseatef« Inttrthiagtlult.

S« S. CaribbeanTsrfeit ste.»mer tn the trtele

The R.-ii-l Mall Steata Pu.-'.-»* Co., Ssn-'¡eifotj »Sin. On. Agts.. 22 Stst« St.. N.ï.Tel. "-".tíO Bioad.

screw Se S« BermudianI0.S1I Tons Ol»pl. Retl eneet rocor!N. T. A Bertcnels. C0 lira 20 rn:n. Q-:el ceS. .»<. Co., I.nl A. F. ünfiur.-lge Se e.'...Agts.. ¡-;> B'way. \. T Têt lTßnjteelorKor l'noklrta a to suit» ». S. Ce».'«cr le Tho«. took A Son, SO i 2H<1 H'yt SOI A B<*1 Sta A» : Ha-rraonel et TVhlf-onah. -_'-.", r.rh .'.r. ,,- t,nv 'lok>»t Asrt.

reo V'UMy-v'-""- K'ieiT MON'l Aell i:PKI.YN.. AT NOON

Per:o RI o. i*ura«-ae s Venesoela.rARACAB.luly Xi l'HH.APKI/A July '-"e

UARAt'AlBO.Jol) *. /.PLIA.Ittly -J

.-npe-rlor Aeeominodstlor« iejr Passengers.Hl.tss, DALLETT et CO.,

e".'sn»-st Marsgers. 12 Wsll f»tr*»t_ON ANO AHKK l'RIDAY. Il IY Mil»

KEANSIURQi N. J. «-«ekdavs S:S0, 0 M.HToekda -1'..t.'.. rt:4."..

il aetei tripa, lit ;p m >un.ailel ir4 .tel lu.no p.m

In, 11 .iou .ta


MF\ with pateatabl« Ideas writ» Randolph SCo Patent Solicitor», Washington. D. C.


BUTLER. VALET, fSEfL'l» Scotch Prot-p.-.iii!. thoroughly competent, juat .iuen-

S»K"1. n iK,«-- eJai <'i >*«sr«* ex. el.ent per-«eiral refeweneer«. Inelustriul Aau^.-iitlon. 17w, .- 4..I -e

¦ Hii'i.i: EnalUh, Aitti boy, .; coachman.¦-,lerr iie»fui. srnTe, «e»l :ai¡n,lre«s:

saelst allh anything; »-x.-i'Hrr.t r-fertn':e«.In<iu»'rlal sssoelatlon, H W 4ad at._;LOt'PLE.English Prcieeatnat. butie-r, ùsëTTiT

look; »111 .lei entire »rers f ,r fair.!1\ eg<..»ptli-iie.il- «oo| «ervant», $70. Mis» Shea'sAg*ne-v, ..e) East IÎ1 st. Trlei'l-.jn« cr:i Mur


.il 1'I.K lu-ife- .1. gsrele-tier, uieful..a-'fe, t-eMiaework. good e-ejok, do entire»

" ork amall famllv; excellent reference».¦1... v» ill Agen,.., 17 W. 1.111» at_1'ÄlNTirR. paperhanger. plasterer, »iecora-

teit el»v .»r e.ejntnt t. .-»riij psglal. Painter,

Female.CHAMBERMAID: seassefresa; eigh* y«-»rsea»cel|eni refer*nees; sriil «.. t.-> any oHy¡:'i,. I», Miss liiriiernlls l:urea-j. I4X

it »i av. or «.neiK-'i''HAMUKP.'maMi. WAITRESS .»

:,<n- yoUHB EagTilsh gula: tgc-her eir aep.m..er, ihorouehj) asperlenced: city, country:excellent references, industrial Asioointtun,1T IV, 4M B*(TmjK Finnish; best lefereiue. also ,-i.am-berasaid and »altreas; vary ne*: «n.i »Hll-

¦'¦t. .lusalla Agen >, u*0 t.exioston av. Tel.M,*J PIS -.i

UliXEHAL IIÓL*arTWORK'ni or hitmaid Plnnlsh «im \er-, neit m.i «.iliing:

s-eiu ,. úsi> l.exln«., :l


»liaee;. rtasa.

Htll'SEKnEPER eompetent . omau of ta«betlei SSO, e»',i-> .., .«een t'ller cl«y»,

« i«ii»» s» »iiri.ing housekeeper in»¦lull family; ei..-mit rann-, n(» wsahlnifor iri.niiiK'. eoo.i refrrence. Adeiresa Moi«ekeeper, J* W SBfh st

TieH'rlRWUHKKn. -»tr.,ng Hm.Hli gir|. <joe-ntire- work it-»* re#*rencea City, |

iftuiitr., $;o $;ie*i ISMl'S Agency. '.; io128th Si Phon«, ''ilfí Karlriii

l,\i KOHaMMt.. rm.ii.i tat»itel .i Agen«]

i '.».»

an ,!.. »litrte. alme rhBm-Isuii.lrev-«. goo.l referen «.iUO I^xlngton »' -;>| 44,-,]

IjU'NH-KKM CHAMBERMAID. »»mart\iiunc sroiasfi, vsiiti e*. »lie.u rehwetueei

t.. «u anywhere Misa s lien n Àassiey. Je)Kast i&l «t. Telephone sTH Murra» HllLTi'.xli' 11 NI'USE f'ïr lr.\«lll lnny; ,.i der

... |«< .*. a»*-.iatr ».: hlgtieOl: '»ut.». Ptanleh Jii.-lla Ag. 11 .. BÑ I.-.le st.«! .i-. iei <*m piass


SEAT rol Ne MNOi.isH <.V»U V< r- fon..'m., en; 1, ir-- uhamhetmald, ..iint,.«.

.la^'.at « 1I1 ai, ehiiia. 1IT eir.. country..1 \- '1 17 W , .i »-.'d ».

\, »I lit ¦»- M «.MUillMAlll e.ur vi-.reIn laoi i.la.r. Ulli, ICed BCaferaBCOi .**.

Mis« She«'« \»-i, -, to Ksst, t'.4 st. fetls-lhein» tn* Ml me HUI. |



London-Paris-BremenI n«i««M.¦ .July i

.Kronprln«r»»in < e»llle...luly 4

IBremtn .July 4.Krerprln* W illielm. July '.

.Orr.rge VVa.lilngtnn July II»Merlin.Jul> IS.Sail« at l A. M IVia Ply-mouth ft Bou.ngii«) K M. *«'ar-riee no «I« or 'III cabin..9Carrie« «III A «till cabin.Vl.i Ho'ilogi»" S M.Baltimore-Iti-etnen direct.One cabin illi W»dnes1n>»

THE MEDITERRANEANKoenig Albert.July 4Printe»« Irene.*og. I

The North t.erman l.lo.vdlanded mor*« i>a»«enger«.Flrit Cabin, sc.-oml t a hinund Steerage, In the portof New Verk during 1»!:.than »in nther line, repeat-log It* ninr\rlii.ii, rerord»if 1913.

Through rate» f nEfypt, IndiaNOW York to FAR FAST gadSouth America tie ;>

NOKfl Al'-1'»/I tit ( HI lOtSJuly U, Aug. II

Fir»t ci»s» Around thelndjJP.-de.tt Wor|dthrojghoit $620.65 & UpTr»teter«- < iieeU« t.enilAll tlver Hie World.OCI.RU HS ft to..


ah «teamen dally, except Mund«) Idea;one-de.;, outings. Direct rail «.¦.ecHeoe

Str. "Washington Irving"I.eaTe* I iie«.dn«s. Thursday», Saturday«.

Str. "Hendrick Hudson"I «Sjtas Monday», Wednesday». Friday».ii»»hro»iie« st.. 6:40 a M W. 42d St., B

\ M W. ISSth St., 0:^0 A. M Voik-r«!»».-, ... If., la ling ». RToet Polo»» No«l.'.irgh. I'miglikeepeie. Klasetoa Point, Cat«-kin. Hudson snd Albany. All thnngh ridticket* between Nes» Verk and Albany»' c»;»ted,

Str. "Robert Fulton"Leave« P««broo««a St » 40 a. m w

4'.M St. m A. M.: W, 129th St.. I0:2S A.M. Yonk»-r». 10:60 \ M. for W**t Polat.Cornwall, Newburgh .ml roughkeep*le. t>

turning In ..unset ar.d twilight.speilnl 4th of July trip» In Kingston

IMint aod return, sir«. Washington Irving.ml Henilrlek llud.on.

Str. "Mary Powell"For tv>»t Point, Newburgh. Poughkeep-

»ie. King*ten and a.. Inndlng*. !¦. »"

Deabrosee« SI l:4S P. M West -T-'d St. £P. St.: West liettl St.. -':-'û P. M. Deil'ex«ept Sunday, ideal outing to w<-«t Polot.returning i.- Htoemei "ROBERT ri L-TO.V" *'« 00. or by rail. 11.10.On Julv 3d sir. "Albany" will leave

Ile»bro»»e» St I :40: \V. 4»«l St.. I :.'.: W.lîltli St.. tltS 1'. M« landing at Kiiic«t<>n

Point, i «t.kill. Hud.nn, and reueliing Al¬bany about 10::.0 I». M.

TEL. 4141 SPRING._


J.iK' '.'.40. lu.3'1. 11.30 AM I2.SO, 1 I.'. 200.Î.45, I.S0, 4. IG. 5.18. SSO, T.riu. »4.« I'MLEAVE PIER I, NORTH RIVER.

0 4.'.. 10.20. 111.". A.M.: 12.13. 1.1.1. 5.00 S IS..; :>r«. t I ft, 5.00, 0.00, iVtu. 7.1". «.ir«. '. SO P.M.

LEAVE STEKPLK« HABE PARK.tO.r.r. A.M.: 12.25 !.'.". 2.25, S.10 S.5R, «4M5.25, 8.10. TH>. T.50. n."-'.V :t'jr.. in t«' r. M.Trip marked ' due* tint go to l.'iilli St.

Deep Sea Fishing Str. "Taurus"fiai.- *t S A.M. from Pier I, N.R"A'oeicd»"» '' " '«. P-inda-,


Rockaway BeachSteamer'GRAND REPUBLIC"I.ve Yonk*r* B.S8 A M.. W. ISSth Si 0 «»> A.m. *t,ts I'M ¡'it i. s u. lato vM..J.15 P.M.; Ro< kaway Beach. 12 ¦¦«. S '." I' M

.Tran*fer f.. s»r. «r mil Repnblle."It.mnd Trll» llekei«. !VO»-. t hlldren. *9*.Full Tim» Tibie, are M in«:.»* oi' the \n\. k

,co»er of Telephone DlrectorW«, ;it .»'.1 li«v..,lt. tloket offl.'.. - «rill he mallad un request.

Telephone lt"otor S70.

aTSKÖ-WiSLINESPerCATSKJLL HUDSON, COXSACKIE and«ray landin*». Direct .onn^ctlon with Oats-ki'.; Mountain l:nr->id», for CAIRO, !' \


AU Pointsin the Catskill Mountain«

and the Berkshire«Luxuriously apr inte,I *temr.»r» leave1 Pier

41. N. R.. ft. Coristonher st . N. v.. «t <¦ 1f>V. M.; Yonkers, T:30 P. M.. d*l!y cit-p*. SUO-d.^Extr* Service Over July 4thCluriaont and Owteor« leave Kam Tork

t ::n P. M July Sd l.ea-.'e fat «kin July;.th 10 ftO F. M. 'I'lione 1007 Sprlnç

BOSTON ».ropr.li«an I,.nep'»*:n«hipi e a \ e

pier !.«. .f,),.t o'Murray St ne.'k

'..'in P. M. Tl.eefs.*t« *: the Pier», at ^«X» B-N« .»¦ Y,.ik Transf. r '.-. a.il tourist

PORTLAND, ME. .'MAINE S. S. LINE. STEAMSHIPS 01 l>COLONY end NORTHLAND. I.« .ne PierIP. N. Ii fool W.irr. .1 St.. .'. »'«> p. M.Tae« Tliur«. »r.d Sat« nI»o at 10 ."

A. M. Monda-.. V «lellgli-ful .",tt mil j:h«nir trip t.i Portland. Ihc CITT I E \1i'lrn.

Fa»tern Sleain»hlp < orpornlion.

Via Boat end Trolley, $?..'5.Waamaaaae, «t.JO: rro.idm.e dire«t. st.%e.

Malero un. SLOW. gl.AO and $'.'.00.Dally. Including .Sunday. 5::i0 p. m.

From I'ler 19. H R '1'hotie '^7ihi H.eknixn'Mty Ticket »HI'.,«-. '.'H«i Broi.lv av, \ YL'ptoan Tlrk.'t OCBOO, «Twajr IH 23d »t.



Nlt.HT s%II ||» Till: HUDSON.Night trip end* .it U1M St.SI.00 Fa« h Rouad Trip.

MORNINa BVENI.VQf.ei-.e Batter' ) a. St.I Battery 7 30 I' MW. !31»t St 1" A M VVe.t !3l«t St. S NYonkei», m r,ii A M P, HTe! 'T? « na Broad and ,s"< K« ng»lde


50cTier <i V Ii. :i0 P. M.\\. I .CM St.. A:U0 P. M

CAPITAL CITY LINEi ¡i-> * .spi mg ti;»;;. (


Inter-State Park Landings(AI.OSI. THE III IISON RIYlKi

»."I««* a I'l«.»« ...1 Un« I O.lr. II,. I- ,11. .J, .

St.- "Bar RI.lue.'. lv« t\ l.-Mh SI Pier Piillv. t m :..i am 1 o«. ...no p m Wart » ¦»« RoundTrip «hllilrer» Fiee. M. AUiutrr St'b'l

Popular ÄSRo Yacht Clifton«roi.nd Manliailan l»le: I.« ft \v.»>v, e -r,,in\. it Hunt., hi .jo ,» j ;;,« ,,, «mee,Bill« Muele. I.» eturei [el. .'¦ 411 «.,.,.

SigM-Seeing Yachtsi... liguer« i'.-t leían, i%i i«i SroodSSta

«i Ti i\ «i i« n rai.e. r,.:, « « in,,Km ipe North .«(..¦ ,«. it..111»,1 ih.

.Ti 1 I'miik«' Clark, Time« Bide.. N v.


CUNARDh.sfabltshed 1S40



S. S. "AQU1TANIA"(.real Brilaln'« <,..-.i sSkW. letted »eltheeer», lire Ice fur Mifely :in,| Hid Io nnilgs-lion. Molor HfeliuHt. »lili .tírele»« lele.graph apaaralae. i:->i mini «nd Brillll.iniii a lu ( wrte » il,,,.ut rier» charge.Swimming Peieil l.e'el-11 lounge«, e.ein-nu.ium. inel t i-rnnelali e gfcc in both »«loonanel »¦ ¦.¦:!,1 , nbln.

Ill KSPOOI -¦ t:\ l< ILONDON.PARI'.HKR1.IN.\ Ih.NN l

It« . Ift-Hfil VHIIN EXT B A I LI NCI :S

14 MAURITANIA" July 7 ¿¡¡J"LUSITA.NIV July 14 };%"AQUITAMA" July 21 a¿.CARMANIA.'V g MAURETANA ^P V,b'is

I P. M.LUSIÍANIA, ft; I UACONIA,.' als .: I] H-,l.ll.I.

Mediterranean.\elriatii- Ser» i««.. i'lbrallar. Uonoe N.eple- radas,

Trieste, flume, Sailings Itinerary.CARPA! Hl \ Julj \\ei\|A .Aug lL'LTONIA. Jal S5IPANNONIA A-.ig. i:

Round the World Trip, lili.*:, S InMp ciel through ran to Egjpt, 1 v,

China, Japan, Manila. Australia Me« /.«.-ii .1 Snuili America, in-

dépendent tour» In Burop etc send tor...


«»I reel. New- *»ork.

Comfortable, Soeedy t'ait-, stray to

NORTH JERSEY COAST RESORTSAtlantic Hejliljrss. lor.a Br i-er- »-«vy Part,

Bcfmir, f0i.1t fte'sjr.i, etcis /la ihe Tw n lenas Fly:-*: ct lb«


An Ideal wsy to so« N.*w York H«rborl.v.N.T.. llewai.N .< *'¦* si .'-- - .

s ..'. p.B.ds.»..n. XL t lag I

I.-.. Jí.y., -r N S, ., <. . .« .


I, ., I i. ^..

(11.1* pi. 1 ..rj B. -

"1/ .'.' i' P*f «e P" ¦

Sonad Trip M-erTorktiAtlar *vHir :..»».., ll 00- r, - i -t-, l«a lag

I e ¦ -, I »*p.sr..4M ITi.-.. .-:n. -l.tfip.n.

.taa.i a ii-.il aiBBa».ani ni..i i maiii .»«.

ANCHOR IÎNERe» «I M « luin-Mre'w ¦.!,-.. iiwl, r.

GLASGOW,... ',;, 10«DOSDERBYlioin Pier ."10 N. R. IfSei BT. Ut h BJ

Campant«, lui» t. mlYoin Pier et N. H. terni \\. .'lili Bt.l

Columbia. Julyll.noon e.'am«ro«t«.JulPIR81 »BIN, sTu a.,¡ $;;,

SECOND ».BIN, .<.-.ei and lu-.-ard.THirti» r. te** <

iERHi iv BROTHI :- '.'' *M State .'.

r.v«aiJiWU']aLiaiBraUU Fa»' l!l»lo>»l>l«iaaJ *<»>oa«' |__JALGIERS, ITALY, GRfcECE, AUSTRIAKaiser Franz Joseph I. July 4, Aug. 19, Sept 23Martha \>sasssssjfeei, Its«*. S. BOB*. 1 Nov. 7

ANO «irilKII.-»ni.tips Saturdays or Wednesdays, " f ".'.Pheip» Brae, a-1 «v. t..a.. 17 Bssticrr pi vv.

I.YI.RY rail* 1 lui R.


1 at.PotsdamI \. i » msI *-S


in llboat M X. T., rkr Irue »da] i

and July J iatisrdaJuly t-.l.e anel .-n J :.. 3 I, 1 ti p M.


INi l i niNe. M BST : ill >T.STRANF.RM i;ei»in\,i « mini -MilI..»e w |**oth St.. 0:13 end 10 IS A M!..-«.¦ e v.

-. le '...¦lend .' ."¦. -; no 7 See

:;...!.! v 18:1.* 11.1 VIOlli lielMINIilN I INK

To «II P.u.it-. South i West. V, try Weegday at i ¡>. ¡a, i-i- .\ l;


Fourth off JulyLake Kopatcong $1.00atoo Next su*40«r «to tveer sunoArt-. \\. m: .t.R v;t. : ksrtySt ooo«.«.;

j. kaaaA.r..:-. ¦¦ ;.=*.

Mauch Chunk $1.50rouMTH or jue.Y, slso su«»c*r. jut» ISas

Le.W. ZMBt.SJBt I ss v*» «JSssa..'*.¡.:on A »., J-.-«> C V.«Atlantic City $2.50

Sunday, July 5th. also Wed.. July 8th11 "¦ V St. T.»:; I. vr:> ft. «.OCa rn.

Ecksen Aw '- ty.l IT ass,

vi» New Jersey Central

JULY FOURTHTrip-, Intludinu 1i-.kc;s act! Holt *

Nl««..e« 1..11» "',. W\tlmtl. e lie11,..n-.iii.I I.Und»'?-JrIsassry Pirk

I HI.kill.I'..,.l,.e

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itml I »I.e. ...I«>» ¿«J«

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Delightful AfteratoiKxcursion to West PointSteamer Mary Powell

l.e»> U.: i- M \»,-,.t m iid m Relut

i;..i.. m liillun. «i "'

cheatr« Be« l<t "1

l ; I- M V»M '»..ill »«.


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