iVrttí Dork íribunr. WEDNE0DAT. M'KII. «o. i»i:i. imifj and paMW id di am A t team Yarn corpora-ion. Ogd«n m ñesi Pi . dsi Coadl Hamlin, BserSUry] James M. Kan-otl. Tr«MSWrsr. Addrit.«. i r-ibuns Batidla*, No. 104 Ksssaa street, Ne« ferti .- asmín -. - I»ally and Sunday. 1 * T.'. Dali I t.."" »i moa -..'. Dell o - '. ' ' l'nily an Sunds«, t yeai ».SOiSvinds«, only. « month« 1. I>«.il> Sat), r.'i Su- day only, l Jreaf -' .»" EIOIS R ÜTM, CANADIANS H '. n.Miv tM> SUNDAY DAILT INDI SDAt n. ! satt * month.» ¦..> «.»ne \e«jr .18.6.. J Bl'NDAl .«M.Y PAUaY OM.T. SIX aaeathl .. S,07 On«- mnnth. .'" nr. au ont y«. «s i"» I»A1T.V oM.Y 81 NDAI OM.T: <'n««mr.rth i.02|Om mentli . ..¦ une «/ear. 12.2g . 4i* Batand ai th* P,.Motrice at New Tork as fieconrt ClSM Mail Matter. Pass the Walker Bill and Stop the Infamous Cocaine Traffic. ippodtton t.» Um Walker anti-cocaine hin. ileb wat« drawn up au a re«uit of The Tribun«1-; Mire, <»f 'he gtree, tnfflc in the drug, ta extreme'} i !i«« tare cocaïne Beuators, rboropson und Coats v.ii«. sent the Mil to the "morgue" i».»' week, art itndomtOOd to rsprSOSal the views of h IV.*. USOgl of .i curtain RSthms ramedy containing cocaine who aw luO Sting) to paj for a pieaoriptioi» In order to obtain thai remedy. If the Walker Ml] pas?«)*, they cas still (»tain their favorite reined.», but they wir, have ro pay for s physi<'ian's prescription to do so. in urder to save die users of this remedy a dollar or two now and then the public is to bo exposed to me insidious danger of tbe waine tftflfc that is possihle under the present Inadequate 'aw Only these thrifty persons sod the two cocaine Senators who Indorse their views us to the relative Importance of two dollars and th« lives of hundreds nf victims and prospectivo vtetimg Of cocaine are »ppoeed to tb-» bill. Drug^'H- do nol oppose the l»ili Wholesale druggist*, ¡ike Mr. William J. Scbleffelin, favor It. Physicians, no- thai córtalo unnecessarily htirdensome loatrlclions In it bave *><.»«¦ ., modified, .iter in. objections to ¡r. All «ire eager to see th- illicit trafic in the «Inii: «-t,«},;«.«il ¡un) those engaged In ii properly punlahed 11.- Renate should lake the Walker bill out of the "morgue." arfare rh.« obJ«BCtJom of the cocaine sen utors j»!;i«'o«i it. snd paai it. They owe it to the pub¬ lie not to lot this infamous trafic go on for another year onsnarinc Its dozen- of new victims, In older that the users of *fhe asthma ranged) whose infrests i ¡i«- cocaína Senators prefer to those ««f BOciet) lii'ii ernliv, mn\ save g fpw dollars in «l«»»t*>rs" bills. Wilson's Stumping Trip. Presiden! Wilson oomeg ba.-k to New Jeraoj i" impnag the inflnance of hi* natlonaJ offlce upon state politic- He will make several public gpeecbes m behalf of « legislative measure which the elected reprceCatativeg Of the people refus«««l to approve, "irii the purpose of conatratnlng then In a special at »S to do what they were unwilling to do In the regular se-«-inn More than that he will bold i star chamber caucus with g seiet company ol party managers, boasts and governorship candi« dates, with a view to promoting the execution of the policies which he «i««sires in that state. au this is contemplated in Mltho dlaragard ol g .omowhat no-table 8nd historie precedent, in Wbicb President from New York exerted his Influence upon stat^ politics with dKastroiia. reaulta. But that «vas thirty-one years ggo, and much water has flowed down the Delaware, as well as the Hudson, since then« and, besides« Jury reform Is g good thin::, wbicb was advocated bj Republican* liefore Mr Wilson became Governor, and which Is iloubl leas much desired by the p.-..¡.i«- of the Mate. Mr. Hr>ans Strange Silence. Jhe more the utterances of Mr. Bryan in sacra .ncDt" are considered rh«-- more does It seem that be has failed signal)] to attack the roo; of the whole < r-ntroveisv He |g ready witb g variety of tactful lompronil&ee But he hi exceedingly backward In making any frank statement of lezai principle! In or ta uot the treaty of the United States supreme in «California? That 1s the question that strips to the I ttom of the whole muddle. Mr. Champ Hark, for example, arise* to observe. "It 's a question If the national government hag a rieht to negotiate treaties which Interfere with the undeniable right of the Plate fo regulate ownership of Its land." The «ame state rights idea runs through much that is -aid in California. «ÇJven President Wilson and Mr IIryian are dlscreetly «lient on this point. Vow, ns b.H t g«.«.;; pointed out in these columns, the .vourts of Oaliforoln and <«ther states, anil the fed traJ courts, Including the Supreme Court, bare ipilforrnly sustained Iba treaty power. The treaty of 1i>U with Japan has nr»t heen litigated. But the uni form vtaura Of court-s and legal writer« uphold 1rs supremacy nn«W the Constitution Therefore, the law wMch California pr<if»ose> in ;»isk cau have hut a very limited effect as regards .lapsn.e citizens And if this truth were brought home t«> th«> State of California and h«-r «lti/en- realised thai the national government stood ready to enforce the provisions Of ils treaty, there COUld be ¡tttie enthuslaiun for the paaaage of g vain law. Let ns by all means i¡a\e consideration for ihe \e«-v real feelings of Californians toward a delicate and doubtful profil em. But r.ueli regard must not S mould to the waiver of a vital federal power No Ineome Tax Loophole. stories coming out of Waaalngtoa to the effect that certain Sen»tor« have discovered flaws in the income tax SSCtloa «if the tariff lull which would exempt many possessors <»f treat incomes from pay ment of the graduât «Hi tax an not to 1»«» taken seriously. Tbg "dlseov««n" in question is due to supcrflcia] study It is true that corporations, whose ftoaflg auf glOckS may be held la lari/e quantities by ituiivuj- nals. will pay only the normal tax of I par »«.tit on net profits or income. They will pay no hlffcgT rate on ^M*k> of profltg due to «un« investor than on $400 of proÉta due t«> another, ah corporations of whatever Incoase ara oiM^sed wirb those muí rlduals, Brms, or partnerships having Incouwi, ol ovot MjOOOand sol atore than |20,Ouoaa subjod t»» the "noinmi" Income tax, But it Is spe»-itii-iilly provided In paragrapb A of the income tax section that in addltlod tii the f * 'normar tax there »hüll be collected i surtax '»»ti every individual Income exceeding 930,090. Thoee subject t" ;i rartas ii ni-1 make peraonally ¡i -*t*i t .p* tni'iit of "entire nei Income from all sources.*' On Income up to 120,000 which an Individuel racelvee from ¡i corporation he «ill pay do tax, hi-» assess¬ ment having alr_udj been paid by tbe eorporatlon Itself. Hm «>n income from an] aource en.ding ii- 120,000 limit tii«' i-oHection of tbe stirtaxea wUi be ¦ matter entirelj between himself and the got erament. Those who think that any i^-ai ira*/ to escape I ih<- graduated taa is left open are following ¦ falseI trail Like a Trial of the " Criminal Kich.'" The array of counsel makes the trial of ill»' four 13,."»»mi ¡i M'jir police tnapectors seem like a trial of the "criminal rich." Tho favorite lawyen of treat officials, who appear when tbe government li en* gaged in trying t«> eatabtish the theory that "guilt i«* personal.' are gathered in ihn defence of the ;»«.- cnaed polieemeo. if l>i«-trict Attorney Whitman la snccessfnl In face of "-«'h n skilful and high-priced opposition ii«' will nuraly shake the eonfldence of the "s> Btemi At any rate, tin» ,*<»st <«f living for the "Syatein" la rapidly advancing. Whether aceuaed Inapeetorg aro proved t.» belong t«» it or n«»t. when Important mem !>.¦:.» of it are put on trial in tho futuro the] cannot «I«, trithoni legal representatlvee fit least as expen sire a»» those engaged in the preeenl trial. with pereona In Sing sing whoae alienee bai to i«'i purchased, .«¡th possible witnesses to kooi« out of the jurisdiction <»r ihn court ^itli lawyera t«i pa] who are In the haMt of drawing on the ample poraea <«f the "criminal rich,*' the "System*' la feeling the drain. \n«i »ho on»! is not >hT Kcal Homes for Children. The girl of aeran»teen «ho kidnapped herself tbe other da>. to tho oonalderable exeltemenl of many communities talked real aenoe In dlacnasing her sacs pade. Tbe sepa ration of her father and mother hail left ber very much aluno, she explained. "I «ranted a home, a real home That K what all children want ami need II la Mr, shaw* t-.'-\ notion thai hornea and parents are much overrated He cannot aee wbj largei homes, I bearing the disagreeable tit'»' "Institution,*1 cannot care f,«r children a great .!**»i more effectually and sclentiHcal)} ti un the amall home holding one family. \\o may beg leave to doubt th;*- th.> But, in any event, it has no application to the present. When a family -p;¡t* to-day tba child gets little home life "i an] description. In all the bickering and jealousy, the parents' hum«'-- are demoralised; ami there i*« ti" atibetitute. Tho child "t divorced or aeparated parents leada ..« BOffrj life indeed 'ill«' story "i this aeventeen-year-old girl will make sober and profitable reading t"i' any «ran gllng household. I he .Governor'« Blunder. it i*. t" Uovernor Rulser'a credit that he baa promptly recagnixed the blunder arhlch be made la approving the two acta recentl) paased for tin- pur- pose of creating nn artificial market for state bouda. Tho acts in ijoeetiou relieved from Inheritance -ml franchise taxation certain Investments In state howls nn«l thus boosted their value a»» compared with that <»f municipal bonds The professed aim of these measure was in make stato in.mi»» i more attractive Investment Bel neither tho Legislature nor the Governor realised that tho discrimination attempted would narrow the marker for future h««ni| Issues an«! would put millions Into tho pockets of holders of th»' present seenrltie« «rlthoul an) real benefit to tbe »täte it takes courage t«« admit erron» of this aort Henry Claj would have done it. and »'« would Mlaa Wright Hut would they l*r*x«-- bad to admit them. The moral of 111 i *-» experience for Governor Kulaer Is a little more oare in signing billa. Comea Hitfli, but We Must keep Him. Maybe the loral authorities bad letter go a little Blow ah«.ut putting a crimp In the emoluments oi \ow «fort County*! 11 i-*.!> Sheriff. Tbe communltj haacometo look on »Our Own Jnliua with something like the respect wbicb an BngHabmaa feela for the Tower <»t London He a local Institution II not quite as majestik a*, th«' projected round court bonse yel many tlmea more Imposing than the i.udlow atreet Jail. Could wo afford to «*oo h:»» offlo|«i residence d up hik] sold «nil his honoraria abated? Theae ara days of keen competition for tbe aervlcea ol high -«heriffy captahM of industry, prent datecllsea. baseball players, after dinner humorist* and others. It wan .lutin* himself who said the other dav that if ho weri' arting Hifrh Sheriff of London for n COO« pie of weeks there would lie no further occasion for burdening the ooean cahiaa with talea of ont rafCI Committed by the militant «niffra.ett.a liven Mrs. Pankhtirwi would sit up and take notloe. ir j .hdius. arm**d with a forcible feeder, meHtflnonaly i Invited her t<« have a meal on the hon-»« .1 Harburger might be able i«i aave tbe suffering Rritish pubhc abom i million pounds a month Supposa tho i.riiisb anappad nt that poaalbillty and, Our m¡*h sheriff. poo\pd ni petty »economies here, Bhould accept an Offet to transfer hi«, activities t«. BngHah soil. As well mi^Vit Parliament Irr i<. hi;e awaj " l'y" Cobb in order to turn lilm intf» a orlcket player. Jnllna la the "T*. " «'oi.b of our local ayatem «>r Jut la* prudence ani penology. A niau or Ma nigh batting average aa Rhertff b worth any price, The Great American Demon. Ice Water. 'I In» greet and glorious decisión of ««ur *>«¦ rotary «if State to make water How like wine a' bta diplo mittie dtenen bas attracted a good ii.,,i ,,r attention to »Irink and »¡ninkanl»». Tint tbe grekteai American \ lee of all im** raceived rarj little attention. We moan tbe Ice water thirst, than arblcb there purely iir.iH* more demoniacal. The opinions of foreign critics ar < \««.nii digesting on tiii*- point. When Mr. Bryan'a dedaioa was Hrst annoanced "The London Bxpraas" cried aloud In it» angUlsb: "Has. then. Mr. I'r.van a real moral '"i»'" "tu «koii«! round the teetotal pum-h bowl and i. "deniii his enforced iruests to letd «nier?" Ninni cana probably know by this time that Iced Water a- "TbeExproee"will hnvpit andaapaelallj Ice water are bad for the dlgeation. it win ba » aurpriac to inaii\ to be told by I/mdon that the drink la Immoral. Yet. why not? Thl« i* ii«.t a ineroy Prlti-li pO-Dt <«f view. If( .nix foreigner think», gutekly <»f Axaarica i«'« water win probablj flash Ihstantl] to mind ahead of George Wa__iiigtoa or the akyacrapera, iak«- Henrik Ibsen, for example, According i«» an anecdote In the current "Boot-map,*1 '11° dramatlal gave theae tOUChtag fariwell iBJprlliilia to a »loar friend depart' i 11 ir for America "You must be or refill with your "self. Mj soi nyf, beWare of the ice water and the "h.'i bread !" Here we could raise .1 distinction, however. Ice water Is demon whkft is simply harmful without being In the least seductive ot ggreeabte. 1 i«>i bread, along Nv i 111 pie, waffles and dougbnuta, may be Juri .1- deadly, bul sil si ie;i*i bave g rare and so «.liant iii'.' w;i,\ with tlnin. "I hu«~ ice water uuM 1 K * rank si the rerj lowest .. t demons, without ¦< single redeeming »irtuo. it is deroutly to i»>- bdped tlml ¡dr. Bryan's ei ample will nm lend n«-«.». life to 11 . andenl destroyer. If are mus- « 1 i.- us AmericanSj .«'i it i.«« i«> i>ie or sunn' other delectable siren, no! by the cold, dank poison of the «cry worst American vice. I At «n events there is no knoi-uout In the new iir\»n punch if the Mon « luunp cia:k can't pick a quarrel v«ith «'¡«unit;, h" moat have n fuss wuu Japan. if th«r>- is anything In thepe tales from Kat is II about selling goat's flesh as mutton It will be hard<*r than ever t,, separate ths sheep from the goat Representative Blason« who wants .i little nav) nn.i ut me ¡.ame tune clatnotrg for "war, r <i war,*' Is g f.-tlthfii! disciple of Jen. -s.-n In one of that tat« man'i leaat consistenl phase The Sag« ol MotltiCOllo wanteil «uir navy to be restricted to little gunboats which could be put on wheeled trucks and dragged iiil.un) oui .»1 harm's way; and '.' also wanted this country to declare Its sovereign«-«1 over hole "Juif Btream! AS I WAS SAYING . I When our j««"-t heard that the Browning lore let* ton aners up ai auction he flew into g rage. Curs-j ing his goda, the no»«!«« f"\h<u. unatrung hi ivro and \".»nt out on hunger strike. our h»-nri s»nk. How-, ever, v.»-- bavi tomptad bhn t«a. k. merely by t»r.-m-i dishing s nutritious topic, and thus hs sings: Don't '.'.«i read ths erop reports? Think sf what yon Taki ef dli patch tor «sample, tl Ii. Out n < 'allfornla, evei thlag Is k> I n.\.i surit 1 lemon crop, nevsi eaten a front!" . . . t\ psrfacl good n< peaks of Mr Henry ' as "Ain. 11.-;«- most prominent suthor." here! 19« mi las >.. th. ir grat It). oth« ri s 111 «k ti. and Henry Jam«M has wo« t'l.'iniiii n. »¦ -.'¦ m Itj . » . it .. lief to learn that Mr tsqulifa hs had hi bail -ut. Wlsi » . . l year," wrote s hop« "Mr 1 man] tant t:lend ..! whom ths ' rere Altes and Phoebe Oar) and now comes thi Q«ratls Cj aylng Oui f^-i frtondi don't always travel al a rapid pace." Bams tune going up another gtreet! it Is .-. flns tuna, though, and capable of variation. For ri,.- morally fast are not tii«-. on!-, unrsllabl« der Iba Intellectually f-'t .«¦ 1 Their mental alacrtt d .. and sstoolshe« mid exhllaratao» but psrsoiutll) an prefer tin» lnt< Uifi.il one-Iungvr In thi long run I-.- » it«.- ths sls-cyllndered netter las gtalted conversation and terrapin therowtrlb than chain lightning epigrams and t iiinii« t of herbs, » . . Il i i I . li DOS Mil ' Ondl r. I nin- panied '¦. thi land most glotlou Great Dana SA.I- bav« ev« ... Eighteen feol from tii«« tip ..ft his mn»* to ths tip of hi« tun eighteen feet from the tip of his till to ths tip of Ids nus»-, making in all the enormoui ngth of tblrty-sU feetr Wh< re inquired m" " itursllsl rt |i|(..,i rulf snd «r that noighhoi itii him« as the animal sir« id« has twenty- eight h**ep on hhi conecien ». Joeroosalum ., u ,,if' a * . I tira of ths mparat \t.« stall >. habits is pouring out hit mmiI In "'nie Century." and, dear, ii griefgtrlcken soul it is' The poor chap be cat light a cigar a Ithout flgnrtng up th« niit'.iil avenues .-f lions«-» and lots hs ha«. .1 upon th« altar of m i..i¡ Nicotine. si angi foi 1 havs known statisticians and sa« dl gat Wh] si raid th« ordinal y manila niggesi * -,» 1 < and lots Why, Indeed? Rathei oug t it to r ill lh< multitu<iee ot wiebod Filipino exterminated to roduc« 'he pnce to a Cheei op! ... There is general consternation ovw Professor Mas fnrrind'« new book, In S-ht« h he lefcrfi to th»- Con- stltution aa "not ,.f divine origin." Bui we our¬ lait can Stand It. In fa« t. we ere, encouraged. Lcoh at the Tan OomtAandnaantal Two, HboiinhtnJr art snd fixing BatOTday e% a day of re«rt. have ron* «.,1.1.1 slisadj Aatda, SOttO vor»: U're In town there SOUlS BOrvoUSn«BSS among the o'her«. . . . At laM aOOOUnl a men» awful duel wan brewing In T'.-vl«. Do not laugh Trench duels have SSOOHie positively imaafc Always polite, Frenchmen con¬ sider tii« moving pleture man. I S I ; s R i-« '¦¦ '.-i; him whei '.¦.' f.«r th* poem Bussn Si-upi .in.»ns \\ e\.t bo hard ¡ti.-l WOpt leng ..i', ssked ti«*: what v.«»- wrong n«;. answered, "I don't knew what tii-- ans« || «if mv aros; 1 lust feel ilk»- t.- 1 ne m " it sIways 0 in i-. HJ* - i «< t poetry buntei ««hen! ibis rid thic tlms w< sre Ths sbovs masterpieceI found '" th« small red book, third from the |. ft ..n the top shell . . . .\«,,i . rill tic coma, those srtlclci aa bow to se»| caps the hWTors of dt) Hfl und turn fanner The; ¦uppl] barely meets ths demand, as everybody baa bucoli« leanings, and Quite properly. We know srheroof ^>e gpsak Only ths farmer sajoys trus In-1 dependence lied to the cow's tail. it. 1. H ____ ... NOT THE LEAST. Prom n t'hll.iphlH Itniniiei Harvard otologist'i prediction of * saisstssa World In the tuno.- in."i> he n ,.i re« t |»t unli«-.-¦-. Lut Hi.!«» Igbtasl bops >>f Its assMSlng eonersts form m,ill Hi- larket tint will be i«if.-.l after ths tariff n ,iii- god <111¦ eif.. t shall have died Sows MOST INTEMPERATE. THAT WAY. K1..111 Ths BpHngnekj RapaMlean Ml Mi «an le n tin land of grape June an.I ;, |,-,i,,l sf mi.. .nes ss wall, esespl in pstltlca POPULARIZING A SCIENCE. p*rout Ths Bnstnii 11. raid Eugenics win spread like aiidfir. once th<« (tfuidren hour of N'fW Vork'K "eiiRf-nli twins" that "<at like plgg," .a It ti ml) natur.- to resnlate amnunt». OR THE EDITORIAL? t- pan I 1.»- Konti.n Qlobl Mi ni-..«n ^a.«- ..f Ml grape Julre »llnnri In ttu- .lipfo- niat.« "Wig never sp««nt a more enJo>ihle ev ruing." Ti thin th. royal "we.' UP TO THE LEGISLATURE Pass the Walker bill ;iikI stop the cocaine traffic. THF« PEOPLE'S COLUMN ^^g.»«** A MORGAN ANECDOTE How the Great Man Made Friend; with | Small Boy in Cairo. To ye Editor of TI i Trfh Hi- The following la a true atorj «un ... oaa "t his rtstta to Baypt "¦..' tiret Hi.» lut-» I'l.rpont Morg.ui. 41 an täte. \t whs th* as . daj ..f tii.' asesoa bald .it the HsUopolb . grt ,t t\ '.t vv-.iv th» KtiH.il» (' up, the la ted tropb} for which ooded Arab horses nmv t un« t.. i* ;.. « ii'.'i. n.,« thci ¦ ah tl wealth and beaUt) tin M In Kg. f»f etUS ....¦..» ot beautiful aromen. ttirtr elegant (olleta mingling with the handi »roe uniforms «if the Militer«.. Thi fantant ( the crowd, Il ie mitins many dlffetrenl tiaUonalltlaa. ti.» u le r ,.:.¦: t « Itti .'.x.'lti ,1.. if tongt tt tit ' .. known language, com« binad to . ska thii a aesns <»f vivid eon traat pit ndenl « Itti oolor, while ahora it all «.*¦¦ the i"' fi t asure .if «î Han i i Yea, thl wai the »r,>e i ? rt. nt, n thine Hi lopolla rarely, the .»i.i lir'.ck'' « i. .. a " '"1« .! f lii I Tha l'ltj of the Bun The Khadlve mh«i m- suit«» arera «tread«. pi*M'i i 11 . ad besa rus 'i ha nettement and suspense was at it« blahesl Buddenly, at a itffnal fi m the ¦Motor of corom ales, Um bend stopped abruptly, snd as and.only resumed i .> Ins <hln ftrnu "Th« Stai-Spangled Ban* ner" un open barouche dfOO UP nt th* entran« e ami Mr. J. Plerpoat M«>rgan BtPt.pi«l froni his carriage. Instantly there am « lull in the va_t crowd, and even the "bookies'* stoppai bhoutina thenis« Ivi'h hoarse, while ne, ka wert Htraln«*«l and all eyea turned ager« i> to catch h glimpse «»f Ike area! Amer lean. Mi Morgan ivas alone, aaaooampanlsd, axoopt by Ins khavas «n carriage foot¬ man» At un is an aids ils rainp. tha Prince hot I/. Pacha, hurried forward to escort Ifi Mori üb to the Khedive while th«» ruh r <»f all Bgypt rose fr«>Mi his sent and, contrary to custom, advanced lo meet thin favored guest, whom he ehese to en- tertsls iritk soeh aauanal honors. Kotk Ing 'hi«, the arowd net ni> a trsssendoui cheering, followed bj a great clapping of hands. it irsj an Inapirtng welcome, a ain«'ere ovation offered fron the heait of i peo¬ ple, a trthut« to th.» atsetlag qualifiée of the man la Mr, Morgan <;» man among men The greetlaga over, Mr Morgan took ht« s.*t th.- pta.f honor, on th.» Khs* dim right .lust behind tha Kbedtvlal Inelosnre were tha boxee allotted i«» the families ««r the Khedtvafa staff. At the ringing of th.' bell f«»r the line-Up of the hurs. i l:i the Rr« .it race, everybody |p tin»*»,» boxes lampad up on their chairs A little ho«,. having ii" chair, complained thai "the Mr: people t'.oK up :iii the room." Mr. Morgan turned around and, with s klndlj i.i.iii which :it ««in" won the child'« eos tul« M«.-, lifted him over the barrier, as clalmtaai 'Weih eon, you «imii nee as much .«* an-, one." T.. cover hi*« radden shyness, »it Morgan petted him, asking him about the horssa The boj pointed ««nt tha horse Bald, consplcuooa by his locker's oolora In the Prtnoa Aasbfa all« ret ami bin.. Mr, Morgan wroth eome* ihlna »m 'ii»» card, giving it with last run lions to In* hhavaa, who hurried off to the bookmahers1 Inetoaaeg .Just then th.» starter Bred the pistol nnd th.»; w .-i .. off Ami now the excitement spread, grava Btatsimen and dignified generals apoou« latlnic <»n tha result, »Ahile the fleetest innacji in »ho Orient were straining neck for neck for \ h'tory to win the i'oveted hiiip riiiiion of Egypl th«» Khadlve'« Cup, At lam »»ire enough, the gallant Huid took the I,-ad nn«l, with a terrlfl«» rush. thundered past the pool n winner tif a short length The race over, Mr. Morgan took leave of the Khedive and MUlte Leading th« tu,! n«t..ss th« lawn I t..LI t\. 1.k- maki r t«. pa) him th« bet, but when Mr. I Morgan told th.- »>.>> to run back he would not leavo him Evidently Mr. Mor gan lad won thi chlld'i heart His ra ithei t" w bastsnsd forward ^.«einç the boy «af<> In her Care, and nut until then, Mr. M,>rg.,n ItUssd hll bal a-.1. with ths i-h.-ira.-t. t .-ti. abruptoen '«»¡ti. which he invariably strovs t" hide hi* kindest deeds, i... tened toward hli ear», rlags and was rapldl) »Mven ofl An In.-tdent In the life of ¡i k A mere Incident which perhaps he btm- K.-if forgot with ti passing, but mi la« idej.i «ahi.-n Impressed tin- irriter ni "v!«.<aIiik th real man In Mr. Morgan, rê¬ vas -n Is genial dlapo Itlon and aoovs all, hi- great love for the little ones. it rjOROl IN MORRBLU k«.>atl hi snd ¡.«fr inl ret - ths Im'.» h srmy in ISgypt and tin- h.. Ian. No it Charles itreet, Sum v.»rk April 9, IMI TAX EXEMPT LAND it Would Be Greatly Incrsssed by a Pending Bill !.. ihr tidttOI of Tin- Tribune -: I'll» SmOUnt Of real sstati SSS0 t from taxation win bs grsatl) Ii.ami und the dOOff Opened Wtds fOf fl «nul if a hill now tn tin.- hands of tin« Oovsrnoi should t.e spproved, Ths exempt real eur»t.« owned b) privat.- . ort'oiatlon» and as o dations In the City <">f Mew York alone Is now valued at something more than $".r,0.ú«"M..OO'}. It la Impossible to calcu¬ late how much this total would be In- creased should thin proposed bill h«yconie a law. f'nd.'i- th«« present ¡aw itar law Section 4. subdivision exemption of real prop- erty I«» limited t«. that owned by corpora* tions or ssaerlatloni srgsnltsd "exclusive* \y for religious, charltabls aad MnHIar benevolent pur,'n..e«. and Ussd "cxclusi-. c- iv" for i snilng out thereupon "ne or more of lueh pui Ths pendil | measure -' n.,t<> i«iii print ei Mo 1141), by Mr Boylan, which ha«. passsd both houoos, smsndi th.» present Isa by itriklng out from subdivision I word "eacluslvely" in sis plaess.every¬ where thai !' occurs In ths lubdlvlslon, Mo ons esn '«'i wl d the effect of this change will be \ corporation srtll no longer need to h.fsnticd «»r conducted "exeluslvel) for ons or men« of such charitable or benevolent purpose« but It it coii.tij.-ts such sctlvtttss, real or si ;.«,.;, morel) si part« aad perhaps a vary small part, Of ils work. It will he entitled to exemption oi It«; real property USSd I'm sueh porpoai For sxample, railroad foung Men's Christisn Association butldlni snd land will ail bs exempt \ street rallwa) com« pany can claim exemption for ths part of Its car barns used si i wsltlng room for it>- sssployss. Department stores or fa« tories can claim sn exemption for th,-' portion ft th,«:r buildings devoted t" lunch or rest rooms fw tbefr employes if tin-«, equip them with a fan books snd style iiarii Hin,o,.-- \ trions fraternal organization! and aM kin»!«- of "social** clubs will als., be entitled exemption And there will be nil sort.« of chSllOSS for fraadulenl lalmi Sot is tbli all t'n.iti th.' présent law vaeanl land b exempt whoa owned ay corporation entitled to exemption under this subdivision, it it is claimed that ths ii- tii.n of buildings is contemplated In :.i fslth a n,-n the restriction that such corporations must bs organised "ex¬ clusively" for benevolent ami charitaM purpose« ta rSSSOVSd, It Is SS>S) 10 SSOJ What oeuertUBtttSS there will be for spe. u- lators to obtain th«- exemption «if large arena of vnean' land. I-:« en un»1»*r tbS pressai laa rsllgloos snd charttabts soi i»orntiotis have been known tn hold tracts ¡m- ysari, sxempt from tax.«, srlthout sctually building thereon, ami hav«« after¬ ward eold out at a good proiit II" tins bin ihotiid be gignsd the sanii» opportunity will be open to cirpoi aliona organized for privai \ « r^TDELL Mea ïorl Ta tese elatloi Ki a THE PRISON SCANDAL Bnrtality and Inhuma :i Treatment Must En.! To th» Editor i p editorial i- tl le morning*« i ... .. t., \ \fter readli the Inhuma then I kept n tall call can ... .. .. | man or a teach* K.MH.V \t NV« Rochelle. M. 1 what privileges and immuni» ties: 1*0 i jltot ' Thi *-'« |i ¦' .. r In ' '*' «i nth .i writei euggeeti Ihsl In e_chsngi for the h '..* « "ii Bhould -'. '. p ttial*" "privilege« and tir»"iuniti. « f net understand wiwit the irriter I am would mucl - " ttk plained F M*. B1 "vV- Broakl] n .1 H tl IfU THE TALK OF THE DAY. " » Monthly Bulletin." a rasgaates published hv the lui an Iron a Ifhm Institute, "f which Elhort H »¡ary president and James r MeCleary tatst* t.nv. t». sou ..-. Iti fourth month. *>r! '*» maintaining the high «tandard ¦ i I'4 iarj its' It!* .i. voti 'i. all the other-- 'n- target) i" aod »i ai «i ucifar- n* tin' m\ .-««i rapio«. .«i ti, ¦- nkna . is ;. iniR' -\ pri 'IV contad 'i luatral Inhlng gardens a ' *°rk- tATm* ingiv what intelligent direction » '"'¦ with pteasanl labor la tsiaure houn ex» .1.« !.> make > eon the humtN * at ' '" attractive w |ti ind 'Mu- " auoted ; h**** s ... until wo t ' *"''' then I- m.-ut.'«! ill« Simpl. Mug !;¦ cord Bscttement, lack «if memor« pan teriea and i«>> were all amhraced In :| ""¦' ii.' aomedj which bad Od atrest as 9 etage and n couple fron try «ta t.l. f actor« 'i'h.' woman wenl w ¦ i'l.»kel-tn-tli,»--l.'t telephone. renmi p| i' «re :< few mlauti s and, "i|!| lu ~'."r,' ..nui.-.) i croaatown ea ac *'___! Sixth aveoue »»he att< i-.i ¦ rll "' ¡.-ni when the ear «topped ii.iui..'.l ..if ¡m.i ran » ' .''''"' .ii.»»«-« and ahundaal ii «h would ¦ . her assort traillag along "Where- long yellow envelope left Is thai Um phone placar' -lie panted "hen "" reached the place. Ko on«» e,ein-<l « know, tv»' loot it." ehe »mM hyMerteaw t.i the man. who by that time had <"*"< ,',«» pgXt up to her. "I-oat what"' 'Why. »* mortgage and the paper« left ¦*#f^i there thev're gane." "_fooaeoael " the man; "you handed them t«> am ** ' .,,, telephoned." An the r..upi<* ***B toward the etre.t the woman wn-< kam saying harxhlv "Y»»u saw I w«f "¦,,^r, | w hs didn t you' ».«Raallr." 9ßU Chartas &$*** ** htl tailor, "I feel that l owe you ..von do." Interrupted the t»»l»***' _.^ "An ;.logy for t.:i.ins K.-p* V';10V* Ina i"t " "' money .»»> i«»ni ao \ M1 I would drop round and pay yon "Thanks. , ._, aal." .And pa) \<>u the apol«»K>. »*°ou Qm* -TU-ÜU»

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1913-04-30 [p 6].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1913-04-30/ed-1/seq-6.pdf · iVrttí Dork íribunr. WEDNE0DAT. M'KII. «o. i»i:i. imifj

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iVrttí Dork íribunr.WEDNE0DAT. M'KII. «o. i»i:i.

imifj and paMW id di am A

t team Yarn corpora-ion. Ogd«n m ñesi Pi . dsi Coadl

Hamlin, BserSUry] James M. Kan-otl. Tr«MSWrsr. Addrit.«.

i r-ibuns Batidla*, No. 104 Ksssaa street, Ne« ferti

.- asmín -. -

I»ally and Sunday. 1 m«* T.'. Dali I t..""

»i moa .» -..'. Dell o -'.' '

l'nily an Sunds«, t yeai ».SOiSvinds«, only. « month« 1.

I>«.il> Sat), r.'i Su- day only, l Jreaf -' .»"


n.Miv tM> SUNDAY DAILT INDI SDAtn. ! satt* month.» ¦..>

«.»ne \e«jr .18.6.. JBl'NDAl .«M.Y PAUaY OM.T.

SIX aaeathl .. S,07 On«- mnnth. .'"

nr.au ont y«. «s i"»

I»A1T.V oM.Y 81 NDAI OM.T:<'n««mr.rth i.02|Om mentli . ..¦une «/ear. 12.2g . 4i*

Batand ai th* P,.Motrice at New Tork as fieconrt ClSM MailMatter.

Pass the Walker Bill and Stop theInfamous Cocaine Traffic.ippodtton t.» Um Walker anti-cocaine hin.

ileb wat« drawn up au a re«uit of The Tribun«1-;

Mire, <»f 'he gtree, tnfflc in the drug, ta extreme'}

i !i«« tare cocaïne Beuators, rboropson und Coats

v.ii«. sent the Mil to the "morgue" i».»' week, art

itndomtOOd to rsprSOSal the views of h IV.*. USOgl of

.i curtain RSthms ramedy containing cocaine who aw

luO Sting) to paj for a pieaoriptioi» In order to obtain

thai remedy. If the Walker Ml] pas?«)*, they cas

still (»tain their favorite reined.», but they wir, have

ro pay for s physi<'ian's prescription to do so.

in urder to save die users of this remedy a dollar

or two now and then the public is to bo exposed to

me insidious danger of tbe waine tftflfc that is

possihle under the present Inadequate 'aw

Only these thrifty persons sod the two cocaine

Senators who Indorse their views us to the relative

Importance of two dollars and th« lives of hundreds

nf victims and prospectivo vtetimg Of cocaine are

»ppoeed to tb-» bill. Drug^'H- do nol oppose the l»ili

Wholesale druggist*, ¡ike Mr. William J. Scbleffelin,favor It. Physicians, no- thai córtalo unnecessarilyhtirdensome loatrlclions In it bave *><.»«¦ ., modified,.iter in. objections to ¡r. All «ire eager to see th-

illicit trafic in the «Inii: «-t,«},;«.«il ¡un) those engaged In

ii properly punlahed11.- Renate should lake the Walker bill out of the

"morgue." arfare rh.« obJ«BCtJom of the cocaine sen

utors j»!;i«'o«i it. snd paai it. They owe it to the pub¬lie not to lot this infamous trafic go on for another

year onsnarinc Its dozen- of new victims, In older

that the users of *fhe asthma ranged) whose infrests

i ¡i«- cocaína Senators prefer to those ««f BOciet) lii'ii

ernliv, mn\ save g fpw dollars in «l«»»t*>rs" bills.

Wilson's Stumping Trip.Presiden! Wilson oomeg ba.-k to New Jeraoj i"

impnag the inflnance of hi* natlonaJ offlce uponstate politic- He will make several public gpeecbesm behalf of « legislative measure which the electedreprceCatativeg Of the people refus«««l to approve,"irii the purpose of conatratnlng then In a special

at »S to do what they were unwilling to do Inthe regular se-«-inn More than that he will boldi star chamber caucus with g seiet company ol

party managers, boasts and governorship candi«dates, with a view to promoting the execution of

the policies which he «i««sires in that state.

au this is contemplated in Mltho dlaragard ol g

.omowhat no-table 8nd historie precedent, in Wbicb;« President from New York exerted his Influence

upon stat^ politics with dKastroiia. reaulta. But

that «vas thirty-one years ggo, and much water has

flowed down the Delaware, as well as the Hudson,since then« and, besides« Jury reform Is g goodthin::, wbicb was advocated bj Republican* lieforeMr Wilson became Governor, and which Is iloublleas much desired by the p.-..¡.i«- of the Mate.

Mr. Hr>ans Strange Silence.Jhe more the utterances of Mr. Bryan in sacra

.ncDt" are considered rh«-- more does It seem that behas failed signal)] to attack the roo; of the whole< r-ntroveisv He |g ready witb g variety of tactfullompronil&ee But he hi exceedingly backward Inmaking any frank statement of lezai principle!

In or ta uot the treaty of the United States supremein «California? That 1s the question that strips to theI ttom of the whole muddle. Mr. Champ Hark, for

example, arise* to observe. "It 's a question If

the national government hag a rieht to negotiatetreaties which Interfere with the undeniable rightof the Plate fo regulate ownership of Its land." The«ame state rights idea runs through much that is-aid in California. «ÇJven President Wilson and Mr

IIryian are dlscreetly «lient on this point.Vow, ns b.H t g«.«.;; pointed out in these columns, the

.vourts of Oaliforoln and <«ther states, anil the fedtraJ courts, Including the Supreme Court, bareipilforrnly sustained Iba treaty power. The treaty of1i>U with Japan has nr»t heen litigated. But the uniform vtaura Of court-s and legal writer« uphold 1rs

supremacy nn«W the ConstitutionTherefore, the law wMch California pr<if»ose> in

;»isk cau have hut a very limited effect as regards.lapsn.e citizens And if this truth were broughthome t«> th«> State of California and h«-r «lti/en-

realised thai the national government stood readyto enforce the provisions Of ils treaty, there COUld be¡tttie enthuslaiun for the paaaage of g vain law.

Let ns by all means i¡a\e consideration for ihe\e«-v real feelings of Californians toward a delicateand doubtful profilem. But r.ueli regard must not

Smould to the waiver of a vital federal power

No Ineome Tax Loophole.stories coming out of Waaalngtoa to the effect

that certain Sen»tor« have discovered flaws in theincome tax SSCtloa «if the tariff lull which would

exempt many possessors <»f treat incomes from payment of the graduât «Hi tax an not to 1»«» taken

seriously. Tbg "dlseov««n" in question is due tosupcrflcia] study

It is true that corporations, whose ftoaflg aufglOckS may be held la lari/e quantities by ituiivuj-

nals. will pay only the normal tax of I par »«.tit

on net profits or income. They will pay no hlffcgTrate on ^M*k> of profltg due to «un« investor thanon $400 of proÉta due t«> another, ah corporationsof whatever Incoase ara oiM^sed wirb those muí

rlduals, Brms, or partnerships having Incouwi, olovot MjOOOand sol atore than |20,Ouoaa subjod t»»

the "noinmi" Income tax,But it Is spe»-itii-iilly provided In paragrapb A

of the income tax section that in addltlod tii the

f *'normar tax there »hüll be collected i surtax '»»ti

every individual Income exceeding 930,090. Thoeesubject t" ;i rartas ii ni-1 make peraonally ¡i -*t*i t .p*

tni'iit of "entire nei Income from all sources.*' OnIncome up to 120,000 which an Individuel racelveefrom ¡i corporation he «ill pay do tax, hi-» assess¬

ment having alr_udj been paid by tbe eorporatlonItself. Hm «>n income from an] aource en.dingii- 120,000 limit tii«' i-oHection of tbe stirtaxea wUibe ¦ matter entirelj between himself and the goterament.Those who think that any i^-ai ira*/ to escape I

ih<- graduated taa is left open are following ¦ falseItrail

Like a Trial of the " Criminal Kich.'"The array of counsel makes the trial of ill»' four

13,."»»mi ¡i M'jir police tnapectors seem like a trial ofthe "criminal rich." Tho favorite lawyen of treatofficials, who appear when tbe government li en*

gaged in trying t«> eatabtish the theory that "guilti«* personal.' are gathered in ihn defence of the ;»«.-

cnaed polieemeo. if l>i«-trict Attorney Whitman lasnccessfnl In face of "-«'h n skilful and high-pricedopposition ii«' will nuraly shake the eonfldence of the"s> Btemi

At any rate, tin» ,*<»st <«f living for the "Syatein" la

rapidly advancing. Whether aceuaed Inapeetorg aro

proved t.» belong t«» it or n«»t. when Important mem

!>.¦:.» of it are put on trial in tho futuro the] cannot

«I«, trithoni legal representatlvee fit least as expensire a»» those engaged in the preeenl trial.

with pereona In Sing sing whoae alienee bai to i«'i

purchased, .«¡th possible witnesses to kooi« out of thejurisdiction <»r ihn court ^itli lawyera t«i pa] whoare In the haMt of drawing on the ample poraea <«f

the "criminal rich,*' the "System*' la feeling the drain.\n«i »ho on»! is not >hT

Kcal Homes for Children.The girl of aeran»teen «ho kidnapped herself tbe

other da>. to tho oonalderable exeltemenl of manycommunities talked real aenoe In dlacnasing her sacs

pade. Tbe separation of her father and mother hail

left ber very much aluno, she explained. "I «ranteda home, a real home

That K what all children want ami need II laMr, shaw* t-.'-\ notion thai hornea and parents are

much overrated He cannot aee wbj largei homes,I bearing the disagreeable tit'»' "Institution,*1 cannotcare f,«r children a great .!**»i more effectually andsclentiHcal)} ti un the amall home holding one family.\\o may beg leave to doubt th;*- th.> But, in

any event, it has no application to the present.When a family -p;¡t* to-day tba child gets littlehome life "i an] description. In all the bickeringand jealousy, the parents' hum«'-- are demoralised;ami there i*« ti" atibetitute. Tho child "t divorced or

aeparated parents leada ..« BOffrj life indeed'ill«' story "i this aeventeen-year-old girl will

make sober and profitable reading t"i' any «ran

gllng household.

I he .Governor'« Blunder.it i*. t" Uovernor Rulser'a credit that he baa

promptly recagnixed the blunder arhlch be made la

approving the two acta recentl) paased for tin- pur-

pose of creating nn artificial market for state bouda.Tho acts in ijoeetiou relieved from Inheritance -mlfranchise taxation certain Investments In statehowls nn«l thus boosted their value a»» comparedwith that <»f municipal bondsThe professed aim of these measure was in make

stato in.mi»» i more attractive Investment Belneither tho Legislature nor the Governor realisedthat tho discrimination attempted would narrow themarker for future h««ni| Issues an«! would put millionsInto tho pockets of holders of th»' present seenrltie««rlthoul an) real benefit to tbe »täte

it takes courage t«« admit erron» of this aort

Henry Claj would have done it. and »'« would MlaaWright Hut would they l*r*x«-- bad to admit them.The moral of 111 i *-» experience for Governor Kulaer Isa little more oare in signing billa.

Comea Hitfli, but We Must keep Him.Maybe the loral authorities bad letter go a little

Blow ah«.ut putting a crimp In the emoluments oi

\ow «fort County*! 11 i-*.!> Sheriff. Tbe communltjhaacometo look on »Our Own Jnliua with somethinglike the respect wbicb an BngHabmaa feela for theTower <»t London He i« a local Institution II not

quite as majestik a*, th«' projected round courtbonse yel many tlmea more Imposing than thei.udlow atreet Jail.Could wo afford to «*oo h:»» offlo|«i residence d

up hik] sold «nil his honoraria abated? Theae ara

days of keen competition for tbe aervlcea ol high-«heriffy captahM of industry, prent datecllsea.baseball players, after dinner humorist* and others.

It wan .lutin* himself who said the other dav that

if ho weri' arting Hifrh Sheriff of London for n COO«

pie of weeks there would lie no further occasionfor burdening the ooean cahiaa with talea of ont

rafCI Committed by the militant «niffra.ett.a liven

Mrs. Pankhtirwi would sit up and take notloe. ir j.hdius. arm**d with a forcible feeder, meHtflnonaly iInvited her t<« have a meal on the hon-»«

.1 Harburger might be able i«i aave tbe sufferingRritish pubhc abom i million pounds a monthSupposa tho i.riiisb anappad nt that poaalbillty and,

Our m¡*h sheriff. poo\pd ni petty »economies here,Bhould accept an Offet to transfer hi«, activities t«.

BngHah soil.As well mi^Vit Parliament Irr i<. hi;e awaj

" l'y"Cobb in order to turn lilm intf» a orlcket player.Jnllna la the "T*. " «'oi.b of our local ayatem «>r Jut la*prudence ani penology. A niau or Ma nigh battingaverage aa Rhertff b worth any price,

The Great American Demon. Ice Water.'I In» greet and glorious decisión of ««ur *>«¦ rotary

«if State to make water How like wine a' bta diplomittie dtenen bas attracted a good ii.,,i ,,r attentionto »Irink and »¡ninkanl»». Tint tbe grekteai American\ lee of all im** raceived rarj little attention. Wemoan tbe Ice water thirst, than arblcb there I« purelyiir.iH* more demoniacal.The opinions of foreign critics ar < \««.nii digesting

on tiii*- point. When Mr. Bryan'a dedaioa was Hrst

annoanced "The London Bxpraas" cried aloud In it»

angUlsb: "Has. then. Mr. I'r.van a real moral '"i»'""tu «koii«! round the teetotal pum-h bowl and i.

"deniii his enforced iruests to letd «nier?" Ninni

cana probably know by this time that Iced Water a-

"TbeExproee"will hnvpit andaapaelallj Ice water

are bad for the dlgeation. it win ba » aurpriac toinaii\ to be told by I/mdon that the drink la Immoral.Yet. why not?Thl« i* ii«.t a ineroy Prlti-li pO-Dt <«f view. If(

.nix foreigner think», gutekly <»f Axaarica i«'« waterwin probablj flash Ihstantl] to mind ahead ofGeorge Wa__iiigtoa or the akyacrapera, iak«- HenrikIbsen, for example, According i«» an anecdote Inthe current "Boot-map,*1 '11° dramatlal gave theaetOUChtag fariwell iBJprlliilia to a »loar friend depart'

i 11 ir for America "You must be or refill with your"self. Mj soi nyf, beWare of the ice water and the"h.'i bread !"

Here we could raise .1 distinction, however. Icewater Is ;« demon whkft is simply harmful withoutbeing In the least seductive ot ggreeabte. 1 i«>i bread,along Nv i 111 pie, waffles and dougbnuta, may be Juri.1- deadly, bul sil si ie;i*i bave g rare and so

«.liant iii'.' w;i,\ with tlnin. "I hu«~ ice water uuM 1 K *

rank si the rerj lowest .. t demons, without ¦< singleredeeming »irtuo.

it is deroutly to i»>- bdped tlml ¡dr. Bryan's ei

ample will nm lend n«-«.». life to 11 . andenl destroyer.If are mus- « 1 i.- us AmericanSj .«'i it i.«« i«> i>ie or sunn'

other delectable siren, no! by the cold, dank poisonof the «cry worst American vice.


At «n events there is no knoi-uout In the newiir\»n punch

if the Mon « luunp cia:k can't pick a quarrelv«ith «'¡«unit;, h" moat have n fuss wuu Japan.

if th«r>- is anything In thepe tales from Kat is

II about selling goat's flesh as mutton It will behard<*r than ever t,, separate ths sheep from thegoat

Representative Blason« who wants .i little nav)nn.i ut me ¡.ame tune clatnotrg for "war, r <i war,*' Is

g f.-tlthfii! disciple of Jen. -s.-n In one of thattat« man'i leaat consistenl phase The Sag« ol

MotltiCOllo wanteil «uir navy to be restricted to little

gunboats which could be put on wheeled trucks anddragged iiil.un) oui .»1 harm's way; and '.' h« alsowanted this country to declare Its sovereign«-«1 over

hole "Juif Btream!


When our j««"-t heard that the Browning lore let*ton aners up ai auction he flew into g rage. Curs-jing his goda, the no»«!«« f"\h<u. unatrung hi ivro and\".»nt out on hunger strike. our h»-nri s»nk. How-,

ever, v.»-- bavi tomptad bhn t«a. k. merely by t»r.-m-i

dishing s nutritious topic, and thus hs sings:Don't '.'.«i read ths erop reports? Think sf what yon

Taki ef dli patch tor «sample, tl Ii.Out n < 'allfornla, evei thlag Is k> I

n.\.i surit 1 lemon crop, nevsi eaten a front!". . .

t\ psrfacl good n< peaks of Mr Henry' as "Ain. 11.-;«- most prominent suthor."

here! 19« mi las >.. th. ir grat It). oth« ris 111 «k b« ti. 1« and Henry Jam«M has wo«

t'l.'iniiii n. »¦ b« -.'¦ m Itj. » .

it :¦ .. i« lief to learn that Mr tsqulifa hs had hibail -ut. Wlsi

» . .

l year," wrote s .¦ hop« "Mr1 man] tant t:lend ..! whom ths

.¦ ' rere Altes and Phoebe Oar) and nowcomes thi Q«ratls Cj aylng Oui f^-i frtondidon't always travel al a rapid pace." Bams tunegoing up another gtreet! it Is .-. flns tuna, though,and capable of variation. For ri,.- morally fast arenot tii«-. on!-, unrsllabl« der Iba Intellectuallyf-'t .«¦ 1 Their mental alacrtt d .. and sstoolshe«mid exhllaratao» but psrsoiutll) an prefer tin» lnt<Uifi.il one-Iungvr In thi long run I-.- » it«.- thssls-cyllndered netter las gtalted conversation andterrapin therowtrlb than chain lightning epigramsand t iiinii« t of herbs,

» . .

Il i i I . li DOS Mil ' Ondl r. I nin-

panied '¦. thi land most glotlou Great DanaSA.I- bav« ev« ... Eighteen feol from tii«« tip ..fthis mn»* to ths tip of hi« tun eighteen feet from thetip of his till to ths tip of Ids nus»-, making in allthe enormoui ngth of tblrty-sU feetr Wh< re

inquired m" " itursllsl rt |i|(..,irulf snd w» «r that noighhoi

itii him« as the animal sir« id« has twenty-eight h**ep on hhi conecien ». Joeroosalum

., u ,,if'a * .

I tira of ths mparat \t.« stall >. habits is

pouring out hit mmiI In "'nie Century." and, dear,ii griefgtrlcken soul it is' The poor chapbe cat light a cigar a Ithout flgnrtng

up th« niit'.iil avenues .-f lions«-» and lots hs ha«..1 upon th« altar of m i..i¡ Nicotine.

si angi foi 1 havs known statisticians and sa«

dl gat Wh] si raid th« ordinal y

manila niggesi * -,» 1 < and lots Why, Indeed?Rathei oug t it to r ill lh< multitu<iee ot wiebodFilipino exterminated to roduc« 'he pnce to a

Cheei op!...

There is general consternation ovw Professor Masfnrrind'« new book, In S-ht« h he lefcrfi to th»- Con-

stltution aa "not ,.f divine origin." Bui we our¬

lait can Stand It. In fa« t. we ere, encouraged.Lcoh at the Tan OomtAandnaantal Two, HboiinhtnJrart snd fixing BatOTday e% a day of re«rt. have ron*

«.,1.1.1 slisadj Aatda, SOttO vor»: U're In town there

1« SOUlS BOrvoUSn«BSS among the o'her«.. . .

At laM aOOOUnl a men» awful duel wan brewing

In T'.-vl«. Do not laugh Trench duels have SSOOHie

positively imaafc Always polite, Frenchmen con¬

sider tii« moving pleture man.


; s R i-« '¦¦ '.-i; him whei '.¦.' f.«r th*

poemBussn Si-upi .in.»ns

\\ e\.t bo hard ¡ti.-l WOpt leng..i', ssked ti«*: what v.«»- wrong

n«;. answered, "I don't knewwhat tii-- ans« || «if mv aros;1 lust feel ilk»- t.- 1 ne m "

it i« sIways 0 in i-. HJ* - i «< t poetry buntei ««hen!ibis rid thic tlms w< sre Ths sbovs masterpieceI

found '" th« small red book, third from the|. ft ..n the top shell

. . .

.\«,,i . rill tic coma, those srtlclci aa bow to se»|caps the hWTors of dt) Hfl und turn fanner The;¦uppl] barely meets ths demand, as everybody baabucoli« leanings, and Quite properly. We knowsrheroof ^>e gpsak Only ths farmer sajoys trus In-1dependence lied to the cow's tail. it. 1. H

____ ...

NOT THE LEAST.Prom n t'hll.iphlH Itniniiei

Harvard otologist'i prediction of * saisstssaWorld In the tuno.- in."i> he n ,.i re« t |»t unli«-. -¦-. Lut Hi.!«»

Igbtasl bops >>f Its assMSlng eonersts formm,ill Hi- larket tint will be i«if.-.l after ths tariff n

,iii- god <111¦ eif.. t shall have died Sows

MOST INTEMPERATE. THAT WAY.K1..111 Ths BpHngnekj RapaMlean

Ml Mi «an le n tin land of grape June an.I ;, |,-,i,,l sft« mi.. .nes ss wall, esespl in pstltlca

POPULARIZING A SCIENCE.p*rout Ths Bnstnii 11. raid

Eugenics win spread like aiidfir. once th<« (tfuidrenhour of N'fW Vork'K "eiiRf-nli twins" that "<at like plgg,".a It ti ml) natur.- to resnlate amnunt».

OR THE EDITORIAL?t- pan I 1.»- Konti.n Qlobl

Mi ni-..«n ^a.«- ..f Ml grape Julre »llnnri In ttu- .lipfo-niat.« "Wig never sp««nt a more enJo>ihle ev ruing." Tithin th. royal "we.'


Pass the Walker bill ;iikI stop the cocaine traffic.


How the Great Man Made Friend;with | Small Boy in Cairo.

To ye Editor of TI i TrfhHi- The following la a true atorj

«un ... oaa "t his rtstta to Baypt "¦..'

tiret m» Hi.» lut-» I'l.rpont Morg.ui. 41an täte. \t whs th* as .

daj ..f tii.' asesoa bald .it the HsUopolb. grt ,t t\ '.t vv-.iv th» KtiH.il» ('

up, the la ted tropb} for whichooded Arab horses nmv t un«

t.. i* ;.. « ii'.'i. n.,« thci ¦ ah tlwealth and beaUt) tin M In Kg. f»f etUS

....¦..» ot beautiful aromen.ttirtr elegant (olleta mingling with thehandi »roe uniforms «if the Militer«.. Thifantant ( the crowd, Il ie mitins

many dlffetrenl tiaUonalltlaa. ti.» u

le r ,.:.¦: t « Itti .'.x.'lti ,1..

if tongt tt tit ' .. known language, com«

binad to . ska thii a aesns <»f vivid eontraat pit ndenl « Itti oolor, while ahorait all «.*¦¦ the i"' fi t asure .if «î

Han i i Yea, thl wai the »r,>e i ? rt. nt,n thine Hi lopolla rarely, the .»i.i

lir'.ck'' \» « i. .. a " '"1« .! f lii I

Tha l'ltj of the BunThe Khadlve mh«i m- suit«» arera «tread«.

pi*M'i i 11 . ad besa rus'i ha nettement and suspense was at it«

blahesl Buddenly, at a itffnal fi m the¦Motor of corom ales, Um bend stoppedabruptly, snd as and.only resumed i .>

Ins <hln ftrnu "Th« Stai-Spangled Ban*ner" a» un open barouche dfOO UP nt

th* entran« e ami Mr. J. Plerpoat M«>rganBtPt.pi«l froni his carriage.Instantly there am « lull in the va_t

crowd, and even the "bookies'* stoppaibhoutina thenis« Ivi'h hoarse, while ne, kawert Htraln«*«l and all eyea turned ager«i> to catch h glimpse «»f Ike area! Amerlean.Mi Morgan ivas alone, aaaooampanlsd,

axoopt by Ins khavas «n carriage foot¬man»At un is an aids ils rainp. tha Prince

hot I/. Pacha, hurried forward to escortIfi Mori üb to the Khedive while th«»ruh r <»f all Bgypt rose fr«>Mi his sent and,contrary to custom, advanced lo meetthin favored guest, whom he ehese to en-tertsls iritk soeh aauanal honors. KotkIng 'hi«, the arowd net ni> a trsssendouicheering, followed bj a great clapping ofhands.

it irsj an Inapirtng welcome, a ain«'ereovation offered fron the heait of i peo¬

ple, a trthut« to th.» atsetlag qualifiée ofthe man la Mr, Morgan <;» i« man amongmen

The greetlaga over, Mr Morgan tookht« s.*t th.- pta.f honor, on th.» Khs*dim right

.lust behind tha Kbedtvlal Inelosnre weretha boxee allotted i«» the families ««r theKhedtvafa staff. At the ringing of th.'bell f«»r the line-Up of the hurs. i l:i theRr« .it race, everybody |p tin»*»,» boxeslampad up on their chairs A little ho«,.having ii" chair, complained thai "theMr: people t'.oK up :iii the room." Mr.Morgan turned around and, with s klndlji.i.iii which :it ««in" won the child'« eostul« M«.-, lifted him over the barrier, asclalmtaai 'Weih eon, you «imii nee asmuch .«* an-, one." T.. cover hi*« raddenshyness, »it Morgan petted him, askinghim about the horssa The boj pointed««nt tha horse Bald, consplcuooa by his

locker's oolora In the Prtnoa Aasbfa all«ret ami bin.. Mr, Morgan wroth eome*ihlna »m 'ii»» card, giving it with lastrunlions to In* hhavaa, who hurried off tothe bookmahers1 Inetoaaeg .Just thenth.» starter Bred the pistol nnd th.»; w .-i ..

offAmi now the excitement spread, grava

Btatsimen and dignified generals apoou«latlnic <»n tha result, »Ahile the fleetestinnacji in »ho Orient were straining neckfor neck for \ h'tory to win the i'ovetedhiiip riiiiion of Egypl th«» Khadlve'« Cup,At lam »»ire enough, the gallant Huidtook the I,-ad nn«l, with a terrlfl«» rush.thundered past the pool n winner tif ashort lengthThe race over, Mr. Morgan took leave

of the Khedive and MUlte Leading th«

tu,! n«t..ss th« lawn I t..LI t\. 1.k-

maki r t«. pa) him th« bet, but when Mr. IMorgan told th.- »>.>> to run back hewould not leavo him Evidently Mr. Morgan lad won thi chlld'i heart Hisra ithei t" w bastsnsd forward ^.«einçthe boy «af<> In her Care, and nut untilthen, Mr. M,>rg.,n ItUssd hll bal a-.1.with ths i-h.-ira.-t. t .-ti. abruptoen '«»¡ti.

which he invariably strovs t" hide hi*

kindest deeds, i... tened toward hli ear»,rlags and was rapldl) »Mven oflAn In.-tdent In the life of ¡i k

A mere Incident which perhaps he btm-K.-if forgot with ti passing, but mi la«idej.i «ahi.-n Impressed tin- irriter ni

"v!«.<aIiik th real man In Mr. Morgan, rê¬

vas -n Is genial dlapo Itlon and aoovsall, hi- great love for the little ones.

it rjOROl IN MORRBLUk«.>atl hi snd ¡.«fr inl ret - ths

Im'.» h srmy in ISgypt and tin- h.. Ian.No it Charles itreet, Sum v.»rk

April 9, IMI


it Would Be Greatly Incrsssed by a

Pending Bill!.. ihr tidttOI of Tin- Tribune

-: I'll» SmOUnt Of real sstati SSS0 t

from taxation win bs grsatl) Ii.amiund the dOOff Opened Wtds fOf fl «nul if a hillnow tn tin.- hands of tin« Oovsrnoi shouldt.e spproved, Ths exempt real eur»t.«owned b) privat.- . ort'oiatlon» and as odations In the City <">f Mew York aloneIs now valued at something more than$".r,0.ú«"M..OO'}. It la Impossible to calcu¬late how much this total would be In-creased should thin proposed bill h«yconiea law.

f'nd.'i- th«« present ¡aw itar law Section4. subdivision exemption of real prop-erty I«» limited t«. that owned by corpora*tions or ssaerlatloni srgsnltsd "exclusive*\y for religious, charltabls aad MnHIarbenevolent pur,'n..e«. and Ussd "cxclusi-. c-

iv" for i snilng out thereupon "ne or

more of lueh puiThs pendil | measure -' n.,t<> i«iii print

ei Mo 1141), by Mr Boylan, which ha«.

passsd both houoos, smsndi th.» presentIsa by itriklng out from subdivision Iword "eacluslvely" in sis plaess.every¬where thai !' occurs In ths lubdlvlslon,Mo ons esn '«'i wl d the effect of this

change will be \ corporation srtll no

longer need to h.fsnticd «»r conducted"exeluslvel) for ons or men« of suchcharitable or benevolent purpose« but Itit coii.tij.-ts such sctlvtttss, real or si;.«,.;, morel) si part« aad perhaps a varysmall part, Of ils work. It will he entitledto exemption oi It«; real property USSd I'msueh porpoai

For sxample, railroad foung Men'sChristisn Association butldlni snd landwill ail bs exempt \ street rallwa) com«pany can claim exemption for ths part ofIts car barns used si i wsltlng room forit>- sssployss. Department stores or fa«tories can claim sn exemption for th,-'portion ft th,«:r buildings devoted t"

lunch or rest rooms fw tbefr employes iftin-«, equip them with a fan books sndstyle iiarii Hin,o,.-- \ trions fraternalorganization! and aM kin»!«- of "social**clubs will als., be entitled t» exemptionAnd there will be nil sort.« of chSllOSSfor fraadulenl lalmi

Sot is tbli all t'n.iti th.' présent law

vaeanl land b exempt whoa owned aycorporation entitled to exemption underthis subdivision, it it is claimed that thsii- tii.n of buildings is contemplated In:.i fslth a n,-n the restriction thatsuch corporations must bs organised "ex¬clusively" for benevolent ami charitaMpurpose« ta rSSSOVSd, It Is SS>S) 10 SSOJWhat oeuertUBtttSS there will be for spe. u-

lators to obtain th«- exemption «if largearena of vnean' land. I-:« en un»1»*r tbSpressai laa rsllgloos snd charttabts soii»orntiotis have been known tn hold tracts¡m- ysari, sxempt from tax.«, srlthoutsctually building thereon, ami hav«« after¬ward eold out at a good proiit II" tinsbin ihotiid be gignsd the sanii» opportunitywill be open to cirpoi aliona organized

for privai \ « r^TDELLMea ïorl Ta tese

elatloiKi a


Bnrtality and Inhuma :i TreatmentMust En.!

To th» Editori p

editorial i- tl le morning*« i... .. t., \

\fter readlithe Inhuma then

I kept ntall

call can



.. |man or a teach*

K.MH.V \t

NV« Rochelle. M. 1

what privileges and immuni»ties:

1*0 i jltot ' Thi*-'« |i ¦' .. r In' '*'

«i nth .i writei euggeeti Ihsl In e_chsngifor the h '..* « "ii Bhould -'. '. p ttial*""privilege« and tir»"iuniti. « f I« netunderstand wiwit the irriter I amwould mucl - " ttkplained F M*. B1 "vV-

Broakl] n .1 H tl IfU


"» Monthly Bulletin." a rasgaates

published hv the lui an Iron a IfhmInstitute, "f which Elhort H »¡ary i«

president and James r MeCleary tatst*t.nv. t». sou ..-. Iti fourth month. *>r! '*»

maintaining the high «tandard ¦ i I'4iarj its' It!*

.i. voti 'i. a« all the other-- 'n-

target) i" aod »i ai «i ucifar- n*

tin' m\ .-««i rapio«. .«i ti, ¦- nkna. is ;. iniR' -\ pri 'IV

contad 'i luatralInhlng gardens a ' *°rk-

t» tATm*ingiv what intelligent direction » '"'¦

with pteasanl labor la tsiaure houn ex».1.« !.> make > eon the humtN * at ' '"

attractivew |ti .¦ ind 'Mu-

" auoted ; .¦ h****s ... until wo t

' *"'''then a«

I- m.-ut.'«! ill« Simpl. Mug!;¦ cord

Bscttement, lack «if memor« panteriea and i«>> were all amhraced In :| ""¦'

ii.' aomedj which bad Od atrest as 9etage and n couple fron try «tat.l. f actor« 'i'h.' woman wenl w ¦

i'l.»kel-tn-tli,»--l.'t telephone. renmi p|i' «re :< few mlauti s and, "i|!| lu ~'."r,'..nui.-.) i croaatown ea ac *'___!

Sixth aveoue »»he att< i-.i ¦ -¦ rll "'

¡.-ni when the ear «toppedii.iui..'.l ..if ¡m.i ran »

' .''''"'.ii.»»«-« and ahundaal ii «h would ¦ .

her assort traillag along "Where-long yellow envelope left Is thai Umphone placar' -lie panted "hen ""

reached the place. Ko on«» e,ein-<l «

know, tv»' loot it." ehe »mM hyMerteawt.i the man. who by that time had <"*"<


pgXtup to her. "I-oat what"' 'Why. »*

mortgage and the paper« left ¦*#f^ithere thev're gane." "_fooaeoael "

the man; "you handed them t«> am ** '

.,,, telephoned." An the r..upi<* ***Btoward the etre.t the woman wn-< kam

saying harxhlv "Y»»u saw I w«f "¦,,^r, |w hs didn t you'

».«Raallr." 9ßU Chartas &$*** ** htltailor, "I feel that l owe you..von do." Interrupted the t»»l»***' _.^"An ;.logy for t.:i.ins K.-p* V';10V*Ina i"t " "' money .»»> i«»ni ao \ M1

I would drop round and pay yon"Thanks. , ._, aal.".And pa) \<>u the apol«»K>. »*°ou Qm*