QlmuBirnunw. _ Af'AI>I.MY OF MUSIC -8-Tho Black Crook. kMBEttQ TttffhTBB T 111 Ita VegrttaMBdtar, AMKHICAN PIKE Al'.Trs i-.i 1U-DIBO-S to 10 30- Archlletl'iral LeagUB J .\l.lbiUon. BIJOl" THl.ATltI--2-8 30-A Soe tv Fad. BROADWAY THBATBB 9-Th* Baa benin. CABBEOIB Ml .SIC BAUe-lg ». Bk until 10 p. m - Tbe Doro Baltary. CAalBO -k .ia.i-*'ti. ne Master. COLl'MUl'S THI.AIKi: -g 1". A Flu- of Ttuce. dai.v .-, TMKATB1 I '"> -8. bari lae geaadal l.OKN Ml sl.1 The Wenld in Wax. FIFTH AV. XII' Till Ai HI:-8 .1.".-IX-fopt on. OABBBB THEATRE 8 The Moanteaaah*. DRAM) HI'IP.A BOl'SK * Tie- Midul'-'ht AV n. HAKIM'.as *g Til 1.AT!'.I. -k MullIgM Hoards' Ball. HAl'j.r.M OPEBA HOUSE 8:13 Hip Vac Wlakta. MBttttMAMB'g THEATBfc-e IO -Carte. HOYT'S MADISOB BQUARE TH1-.A 11'.Ii 1'-(,,.i rt. 8:30-a Tup t.. ChleBamwn. ¦OSTBS A in ai. s g-Vaudevi LYCEUM THl'.ATi::'.- v ia An aa* Sb! ai Manhattan OPERA HOUSE.8.Tba 1-ie -vf Cbaav pagan PALMER'S THEATBF 6 Atlttoeraey, BTABBABB THEATRE - r.-i:.- Ma- ."1 Call BTAB 'Uir.ATl'.i. s i.-,-i:,,n..(i mid Juliet. TONY I-AsiuK'.-s - Yaw evil!.-, inion sQi ARK TUF.A1 in: I Captain Heme, V B. A, lilli STIU.l.T Tlll.ATiH. -s-IU'ie .Lan-. Juba- lo J\t._iaiio.iiiciU5. Vane. Amn.-y, -u. ii Annuli-.. *- .li.' AU' linn .SUI'S . » BiiiKcie a Urobera.il Moa.d and Boos io ;> ¦aol.* Chance* d Uu-iliO-s l ban ... '.» Bu.In* «s \<ii|, e- i, Oapmtaerablp Suv- el l Paii'Tnif A'udeuiS- tl Divid-nd Notice* il ltuiii-e-ti. stlluatlunn Wmted !. I.M Ul- -ll.s ll M.ia.nial 11 r.nanciai MeoUag* il Fur .Mle -.) Horne* A; i airiKU* - '" Har.- * lariii-e- ll Van*. Col HoM, H ill-tl in tum s ¦ Host iiinl Found » Marriage - v Jt-uu MlsieUiln ii ls i-I.U'r Nett I'ubllCBtl (li e.tn .sn am-: l-n.po-iis Ki V -ti!.* It.-al isuit- liiir.m.ul- SIMS ll Std ,*-¦ st. lill; l.n.lt s T«n hera I.. Vt ninii i un Wm: r I,.ri» *.*,..!. rt antill lu .1 1 Uitoiiicss iXoIirrb. Roll. Top i'j.sks abb Oppicb Fbrbiturb. uren Variety ol Mt .e and 1'iiee. 'i. ll. Sellew. No. in Paitoa-rt.. x. y. lilllie Xl*, ll 'KM*, 1" M.tii. bi lise ttlBKUik Simile 1 var. ii mo*. -'I n-.-. I rae opr, Batty, T day* a week 610 oo -"><¦*> .._ SO SI Od .. Dailr. wlinuul Suadai sun ou 2. 0 '.io Hit-. ¦Stindov lr bun,-. '.-.0 1 DO 50 ."ii is. Weekly Tribune. 100 .leta. fred-Weshir THbuae.... 20n .... act*. Mboas .MmiMily -'"» -2'. t- Peataga prepaid l.v !>. Xrlbuae except as bcreluafter .ute.. CITY-postahF.-The law reqnii - ti.a' u real postage ctainp be a itt vd ti. eietv rope or Tb- Holt, bundar, er S-nii-Vt .. *l,lt T'lbuie. mailed f.r in ai deliver! lu New-York Cltr, T l.i- pottage tnu»i be paid br mle* .criber. Headers sra better -nd br Lutiuv theit tn tata* liam a new-dealer. rORFION ftis|*m,i:._ I,, ai| torieti rountHei [exeepi dmd* and Mexico), ii rent* i-opv un 'Hie Sunday Tribune; '.* eeau n ropi an Bally Semi-weekly und Week r. Thli poMa*. Uiuit be nani l.v s-tihei rlber. REMIT, anvks.-i*. nit l.y i»,.,t i- Older, Expreia Order, Cheek. Drift, ur Hegbaered I :t u in-li on I'n-tiil Rate, if "'nt in tn unregisteted letter will be st the otvner'* rUk. BACK BVMBEBS -Foi Back Bimbera of the Pair end Bandar pip-i-. m- ihau -.< week -id. an extra pine I* &*3&0tk Sails Sribtmr. ?. FOUNDED BY HORACE GREELEY THI'IISDAY. JANTAHY 19. 1MI3. I TWELVE PAGES. JUE MEWS THIS MOENINO. Foreign..Tha Khedive ol Egypt yielded la iii* English demand foi thc ilisnlwml >l Ins ik-u Mil tatry, ;i!i(l ptaaalecd la appoint Kial Paella Pre»i- <lont ol tin-1 until il. M. Stephana, a derk ol Huron Reiaaeh'e partner, teat Hied belarc tin- i'u- liamcntary Coaaai-aeiou al Inquiry; M. Kau, tlie Advocate-iie'-eral, concluded kia gprcrh against ii,.* secur-vl fananu .liri-.nus .--.. Dr. 1.i*!h.| sp,,ke before the RHehgBtg ( oniinittce :i«;iin-t thc Ger- nian Army bill. Thc Socialists hell disorderly BBB4-BB- ni Berlin. : l!\irc:ii'-ly :e\cr- ardnthci prevailed throughout Europe. Congress..Ital li branches in eeaaion. =-Sen¬ ate: Immediate adjournment wns ordered mit of respect to tho niemur,v ol cx-lYi-sidi-nt Ha.v.-s. .rr--. Bnaas: The Sundry civil bill and thy report on tin* Banding deal urara prcaented; thc IIoiisi- adjoumad aut al respect in ex-President Haven's iii'iiioiy. Dom-rstic-Thes,. [Tnitrd States Senalora were elected: Kdwar.l Murphy, jr, in Sew-York; Henry Cabed I».l^.\ in Maaaaehueetta; Stephen N. White, in OsUfornls; C. K. Davis, in Mlnneaots; F. I! Matkbridge, iu Michigan; Eugene Hnle, in Maine; .Icfcoph R. Iha ley, in I onnectjout; NVilliam I; Kate, in Tcnnceaee; tiem-g. hi av. In Dc!; ware; David Turpi". in Indiana; M. >. l^uay, in Peiin sylvania. **xss= Eighi peteons were killed aud | many injurtsi at a glade croaaing an the t'onsuli- dated Road, iu Rhode leland. Extremdy cold weather waa reported ln.ni nruv parts (,f tl,,.. country. =__= Tin- Ncw^eraey State board of Agriculture nwt ia Trenton. = The debate i>c-- Iwceu raprcaentativM <-f Harvard and Vale n Cambridj;i- was wm l.y Harvard. ihe funefnl of cx-Prrflid.-r.t Hayce will hr li-ll n Friday. City and Suburban..Tba old Dominion st.-aui- ehip City of Atlante was bumed in thc !*a»l River. **¦:* a Wartm-r weather uraa protuiaed for to-day; ict» in the Sound hampered nuvigation. A publio nieetii'j,' af friends of Hampton Institute waa held. ¦... Howard Edgar, a buainCM mm, killed him.«K'lf in his hoare i.t Nulley, N. J, =ss Thc iBSaraaM Tinfi' Aiuocisiion preferred forma] chergee against the Ihrooktya Fire Department. Mm ..-. The Urooklyn Society of Vermontere nave a reception to (Jovernor Faller. = Stocka .,''.11- erally recovered more tiian thej loat yeaterday; buying for European account ufo. ted many, uriiile tho industrial stocks v.-.-r.- active and nlinost buoyant; money aa call ruled at '-' 1-'.' jx-r cent. Tho Weather -Warneet am! cloudy, with -.now, possibly turning to rain. Temp*-' huh* yeaterday Highest, lt degrees; low-ht, s; average, '4 I** Tho mooting hold last night in ;ii.l of tho Ilamptui ln*-tttufe disdossd u 1110*1 BBCOBTaniag degree of interost in its wullara OB thc .cut of tho peoplo of this city. The Institute s work and n-eeds ffBt* uiimiial-lv tot forth by Prwi* dent J.ow. Dr, Ralneford and other apeakere, and the students prsaenl mad" a favoial'h* im¬ pression upon tho audience. The practical re- snit- of !ho iiieotinj,' a"' Bot ye. known, but there in reason to believe thai they will not bo disappointing, lt i* au eminently worth; appeal v.hioh tho Institute makes f.i un en¬ larged endowment. Tho Municipal BfliMiag Commission is net¬ ing wisely iu taking thi advice of arcbiteota of established reputation regarding the building it id propo_ed to creel. The city waste a creditable new building if ii luis any. The members of the Architectural League and others who may be consulted hy tho CombM* lion will f«nl ia their duty, however, if they neglect to enter their most earneM protest against the demolition of ibo City Hall. That matter ought to be settled, and settled in the right way, beforo any plane fur the new structure are drawn. A paralysis of the diiuipin^ arrangeaMflta of tho .Street-Clotniing Department is one of the result* of the oold weather that cannot fail lo make an impression on the people ol' tie- eii\. The impression ought to bi* so deep and list¬ ing as to brine about the abandonment of the present method of cammi* street aweeplaga, etc., ont to sea. Hiker's island, we were iold some time ago, i*> to be used as ;i dumpinj,'- pl-re by-and-by, but of ionise that will not bold oui forever. It is time foi Iho oontiiviiiK of a uio.*e rational, economi1111 and workable system than New-York has yet hail. An interestim; fact waa brough! to li-ebi ut Albany yetferdqjr, namely, ibal the constitu¬ tional amendment for the sale of the Onondaga Salt Works was adopted instead of defeated, 16 found bj tho State H..aid of CaBtBgBBH. Tho oflieial canvass declared its defeat by a majority ol 1177. lt appeal* now ihat the re¬ turns from Queens County were given incor¬ rectly, and thai ai conlino tn ihe revised figures lhe amendment was carried bj -til votes. Senator Saxton accordingly proposed a bill authorizing tbe State CaBvassers lo recoBTene ami eauvan (be vote .ni fhe amendmenl cor¬ rectly. It i\an interesting question whether this can be lawfully done, and Senatoi Kmin aptly said that, if it caa, the canvass "t Ihe Dnicbess County vote ia lw!'i ougbl lo bs corrected et en al Ibis late dav Two lolls of ihe iuni"*t importance to New- York city sre aboul to be introduced in the Legislature. One of them will undertake to prevenl the pollution of onr water supply, by ihe pureba.I landa in tbe \ii intiv of its sources. This is needful work within certain limiis. Imt Public Winks Commissioner Michael T. Daly is m t precisely the man i i take charge of it. The other measure will provide a short and eas} ra thud ol making the Kim--;, im¬ provement. Not the slightest necessity exists for departing from tbe regular c.mis.-, more especially as there ia grave doubt whether Ihe " improvement'' is needed or wanted bj the i-ommnniiy, ^^^^^^^^^^^^ HOLD Last ii hat is coon. W'tsi..in Populists are nut tbe nilly persons who hav.- acquired the babil .d' complaining perpetually. Unrest and discontent ate ool confined t » the prairies. Neither an] body of nifarmers nm uiiv sit of demagogues aaa a monopoly (<i the apical tu thal ipirii which linds faull v.nh all that is. because it is not better. Tbe desire to du and gel better things is worthy uf praise in its proper place. Uu! it may bec me one of the in .st dangerous forces iu the world, if it ignores or refuses to recof ni/.- lix- good thai is already realized, .ind passionately perils it all in everj effort foi better '.lim*;--. lt stem- v\i!l Worth while iu these da Jd of chronic complaining, '>> keep iu mind th.- ta.-i that the jear I8t2 w.is ob the whole Ihe best ve.u- lm the pouple of ihis eotintiy thej have jet -.en. NYithoul distinction nf parly, creed, oedipal ion or locality, all may join ni the hope that lhe year just begun maj prove even mora satisfactoiy. Very rei. testa uf general well- bein;,' .an be applied which du iii.i bring mil in strong lij-in ih.- blessings which the people bave beea enjoying. .\t ¦ time winn radical i haiigi-s ara cuustantlj prop led, nol merci.! in government, aol merely ni laws relating to industries or moue] ur transportation ... trading, bul even in aodai theories, and in the chit ions of mutual interdependence and help- fulness which have done so much in the paal to make thi-; land prosper, it cannot in- wisc always io foi gel ihe maxim, " Lei itel! alone." lr inciiiis something to every person in lhe country, because it imuns much lo thal greai lindy which comprises most of tho adult pop- iilation. that the wage-earner* in the L'nited states have lately if ever been so fully nu- pl iyed as they were la-t year. This statement rests, nol merelj upon accounts of manufact¬ urers and othei employers, bul upon il"* re |.its of workingmen'* organization* i.s well. lin .(. w. rc numerous strikes, and some of them importaat, but th.- number of iln* industrious iu<l competeni who auttght work in vain wa¬ lo a certain:., remarkably -jiiall in 18B2. Abundant proof ni this ootnes in the dtyesl 'lade statistics. Thc number of cotton hal's turned into gouda tells something ol the num¬ ber of bands engaged in the woik. > ul tho pounds of wool, and Hie tons ol iron and < al. and the sides of leather, and the pounds of silk, transferred bj human iudnstty int i forms for use. if in nearly all these respects, aad beyond a question in all taken I igetber, the work dune in 1 sill.' sin pgssi ii that of ant previ ans year, it is inly a chronic pesaimisl or a crans who ran don' lhal the labor of the Nation has beea remarkablj well employed. The labor employed lia* been aldo tu bnj more than ever before of things required f"i the satisfaction of human wants. This is onlj the illiei* Bide of ile- same sc; of facts, foi production would n hav* gone on mci **s- fully ii thc i nd had there uol beeu an . ii"i- iiions sustaining demand from consumers. Aud it is nut the furtiiBBte few, bid tbe toiling millions, who cm-um.- and purchase the \a.si hulk of th" products. When more things have been produced than cwt', and yet the umi k.ts iu almost ev.-iy importaal branch are .ither n.-aily hare of goods or pressing close!] upon the producing capacity, he i- indeed blind oi* wilful who dues not see that the millions have been prospering, In the record of business ttuncacted of pay- ment* ma.le through clearing houses of ton¬ nage transported from factories to rarma and iionios, of consumption uf imported comforts md necessaries of life, and even uf those iiMiins. such as liquors and tobacco, which n this c .milry aro bought mon- freely only in i time of general prosperitj, the yar ju*! dosed is thus far Ihe banner year. All these ihings do not merelj indicate, bul demonatrate o the mind of every person capable <»f reason- ng, ihat in spite of .all tbe things of which ne compinia, in spite of much thal is int- .el-foci, and much that is cruel and much that s winn's', the people of this country have at- aimd diiriag the ijst year ;i bigber measiira ii prosperitj thaa ever before. Tho man who iroposes to tear down, or only to risk, all lhal ias been gained is bound, in duly to others md to himself, to have sine ground for faith hat be will Bot sacrifice mme than bc ".'ailis. REL I DTK AS EEOBOANIRA TION. Discussion of the question of Republican re- trganisatiofl in this county hai assumed a H-iviinial character. Like the parlianioiitiiy notion tn adjoin ii, ii neeiBI to be always in Mtier. For a lout! period after each annual ailiue t > wiest tho cit vs government ft om ihe ;rasp of Tammany it. is the main theme nf lebate in local circles of tlie party, A feature )f this debate i* tbe general assumption ob the ? ni of marly all who participate in ii thal f it wera only possible to effect a proper re* lionization of New-York Republicans the lays of Tammany'* supremacy would be ntim* tered. This eksaumption is popular and phils ti ont. nain, Imt before proceeding upon t ve h;id better understand its meaning a nile moi'- charl]. If l.y proper organiaatioa is meant simply m extension of the sworn now iu rogue, with i emtiniiaiice of soBMof the antiquated nieth- )ds ol pally management, ve ha\e no beslta* ion iu pronouBeing such g prratise nnsound iud lhe conclusion based upon il false. Tin* lepublican organiiatiua here mighl be _aade 0 elalu rate as to have a headquarters ot mei-t- Bg-rooai in everj eleetioB precinct, and yet 1 the same narrow, exclusive policy which is mi.sued iii many of the districts should pre* nil, little pi act ical good would be a-coin- ilished. So long -is reputable Republicans aro ;ept from active work in the party heraUSO hey are objectioiiiible to those in control of he organisation, and likelj to preveal the um¬ bi no from WOrkiag smoothly, so lons will tho laity le- handicapped in it* efforts to bring bait municipal rc foi m. The fundamental Idled f ith tiie county organization is its close otp'.ration tendencies, tho reault of au effort to imitale Tammaiiy HaiL That is whci-r so many of the practical political leaders ol the Republican party bluader. They .seem tc forget thai the methods employed in the Dem¬ ocratic nany cannu! lm nsed with anv Basar- ami* of s.ii r.ss among Republicans, The great majority of onr people never did lake kindly to the machine. Anything lhal savors of boss nile is olijeitioiial.il- i them, and i* becoming more so ever] year, Therefore, whit is niel.ul iu New-York is nol a Repnblh-an duplicate ol Tammany Hall. Imt a party .d' principle, maa- aged hy men of sufficient character and ability lo inspire public conlidcuee, and thus rally lo its -ianda.*.I all ibu f rees ihat are opposed r" Tammin;.', rule. These Uirvt s. it should lu* lemembcicd, cons! it ute an overwhelming ma¬ jority "I Hie voter* in t ii - municipality. W i submit ih- -i* ronsiderations f » the mern- luis ni the nev < nntj Commit!. .. which meets io organize this evening at Ibe (irand np ia House Hall. _. . » 11:11 i: inn ii: issie UKI. J TED. Th" no!ion '.f lim Kapid-TraBsil Cummissiun Blakes i' clear that t!i. ie v. ill lie ll.. KjSteBI ol really swift an.I adequate transportatioa be- luvi'ii iin* ii|.|."i and lower parts "f the city fm jears ii .iin. Tin- Commissi mis -till iiisisi ihat railroads below Ihe sin Cue nf lin¬ gi,mud oii.r the only full] acceptable aad ade¬ quate pian lm nveying hundreds ol' thou- -ands nf people dailj between tho Ila!tcry ami th.- northern border of ihe metropolis, but they hate given np hope of recuring capital for the building I a subterranean system ror some i ima t" come. They do i;nt lu .1, ii ith < n* ihtisiasm up.ii plans for establishing ind.'pend- cn! ennpetitive eleval d lines immediately, li is clear from tm- resolutions adopted hy llie Commission lhal flu* sympathies, ends and ob¬ jects d' tin- mai'lily "I the Commissioners have 1) ea from the- outset iu harmon} with iii s, nf iln- Manhattan Company, and that thc ste ad fa-d detei mina! iou on ibo part "f ile* member* nf thc majorit] to give thc Manhattan management an opportunit] for greai exten sion* cf n* Iiii'** ha* been adhered to through din ih'* deli bera li ns and labors of tin* Com mission. Ti.e Manhattan C ni] au], with iu. h lei min il facilities as ji is now practically certain nf obtaining, with tho additional tracks which u ma] I' exp.I to construct, with tin* lu..rn hes and esl nsiuus which n is likely lo I,uild. will lu* able t" transport a far larger number ni passengers than i' hus hitherto re reived on i's train*, ami t*' colive] ihem from tl..- low< id of iii'- island t" the furthest verge of tie- cit] much moro swiftly than ii h.i- iii'ii (lull-', lim wha' warran! it guar¬ antee bave tin' i' opie of -Sow-York, au Boral] tried and cBxed bj tin- indifference publi. comfort and convenience instantly exhibited in the pas! hy Ihe management nf lins cum pany, iii*.: a nen spiril will Ur apparent in Iis future operations, and lhal a resulutiun io im¬ prove i'-- rice l > the utmost pus-ii,le extent will prevail ni its managenieiii The neces¬ sities i»r i!.'- public nf Xew-Yorh an- so urgent, ih,- mid ol a genuine rapid-transit Kystem i* nu great, lhal tbe oommunity uughl t.i be pre¬ pared io -iiiiii,,- certain itreel* and avenues rapid (randi lines who ii bave aol hereto fore I,<¦. n occupied bj mich lim-. Keep (ii vated structure* on! ni tn" line*! avenues .md iin- liue-t -ii .**.-. -inn structures uughl ii"« tn be pm mr'te il to deface snd damage the mosl valuable, al tra* live and beautiful patt* "f tin* rt;.. I;.n tini.- am routes running north and o'.iili which an- imt so valuable snd admirable thal ih.-y m."! io I.-* jeni,eu,ly guarded fiom ile- encroachment* of elevated lines. A new competing companj would (-"tup-1 tin- Man Latt.in < iiiu|..ni. to furnish ile- public with thc lu st -i-i \ h i- ai i's leiiiin.ilnl. Since tin- plan ol an undergi "md rn.id has luca abandoned I", ile- present, it was tin* rlear duty uf Ibe < nimission lo provide fm ib.* city ;is extendive imil efficient u service ol quick tian-p'.i: i1i"ii ii- if had the puwi-i lo provide, lins the Commission has faded t, in. ll is Competition nil!., th.lt can In- fni»te.| to compel iii- Manhattan management to sup ply th'- cit] v.nii a- urn a:i approach i" genii ine rapid transit as il bas the caparitj tn nip- lily. Tin' Commission has fallen far short if just puhiii expectation. To-daj the mi tropolis nf :1k- rotintrj les prostrate at the fret nf ile- illili Lils nf thc .Manhattan I'olll pany, Its Rapid-Transii Cummissioners have lecided i" pu! iln- chief commnnif] "f Ihe NCw World at th'* mere] nf th'- linn who hal. failed completely hi Ihe pa-; to provide rapid transit lt is ;i most unfortunate sod deplor ih!'- ooadition "I alTaii-. public dusatisfac- ie*n wnli ile- lack of sagacity, nf seal, "T inergt nml ni' true devotion t'» 'lu- welfare "i he (iiy .\hirh hus lu-.-n exhibited bj the ma- «>iitv of the Kapi.! Tran-it Commission is like- y U> continue for many a .nar. and lo gi nw itronger as tim.- |e,is-c-. .l.v UNPROMISING HR9INNIN0. Tin* inst Legislal..at Albany achieved an uk ilium.>nly bad reputation, Imt there is i, t -nn tn fen thai th'- record ol' ile- present mi'' s lo be s|i|| worse, 'lie ml'- which W8S i.l.ipt.il last week clothing the Commitl.n Huies ol' th" Aasemblj with autocratic powers s a gi,a v.- public menace. Its palpable objed s to enable ih.-. Democratic Los--* at Albany, Richard Croker, Hugh McLaughlin ami theil i.-ut.-naiiis, tn railroad through any legislation .-.huh they choose t*> finnie. It is practicalI] i gag nil". Cud'r ii tin* minorit] will be thorn ol their righi -. and the door thrown wide ipili for Hie prompt passage nf all suits ul obs. Tin- Democrats have a large majorit] in he Assembly, sad hence th.-ie was not tin- (lightest excuse fm' thus enlarging ihe powers if lin- Committee on Rules. Nobody has pi, ended thal under the rules, as thej have ulberto stood, a gund workiag majority iras .mbaiHissed in ii* conduct of legitimate pub ie business, lint the new ml" is not in tim nteresl <>f legitimate public business. It is u the interesi nf tin- grasping snd unscrupu ons Democrati! ling whi h la-t winter enacted inch scandals n- ile- "Huckleberry'' bill. No fail minded, intelligent person can read be mle and noi .om.- io the conclusion thal i. is indefensible from a nj point of mow aare hat of lin- bosses and tbe lobby: Winn a notion ls uni.- Ilia! PO) .sut.J.rt .|iu|| |. mule ,i S|m e,.,) ender, or Ibal Ike rulea h<- u pended or Hi- inn i,. .- rn -reading .i till om nf li, order, il hail in- referred altbeal debate lo Ui- t'oaiarttl.n lilli*": an.. lb'- iii'-ml" r Balking Ike uinlluii -li.ill ni,mit ii writing iu- remona for making neh Bpeelal miler or ii i-s'ii ion. Tke eoamlitee maj report al ani tim.*. m in ,i report niall aland aa Ike detenalaal.| he Aaserafatjr, .mil ; otbenrl - ordered bv a rote ol wn thirds of tke melcher*. There is the rule, ll will be seen thal it 'Habits the four DeBtOCrata who Compost* di,. iiiijoriiy <f thi* committee to determine whai he Assembly shall do, save m the remote iniingemy of a two-thirds role being ma-s..] giinsi them. What makes tbe rule the nore ntulerablo ia ih" fad thal no nne of the four it-ni'icrats repie-ents tm interior district, Thies if them hail from Tammany and tl.th.-r om- i from Urookl.n. In g word, Croker ami loLaoghlin can .io ;is thegr ehooae Ib tlie As- gmbly. If any eooatry Democratic amabel locliiie-s mi any occasion __ v,,tf, a> they desire hey have it in Ihoir power to punish him by udelinitcly poatponiag the consideration oj! mea si ne* affecting bis own cornily. Talk about. monopolies! Why. aader the rule in question iii.- fiitn of Croker snd .McLaughlin is resolved into a legislative monopoly of the most dan- garons sort.a monopoly which tbe friends of hun-st. weller nsidered leglslatlim maj ¦**H regard with <*. nsletnation. In tba circumstances it is iBctimbeai "i>"i» the i.'.'i ul.'i'a*i min ritj to keep bb nncom- monly close and continntHis natch upon the. maj inly, meaning bj tbe majority Croker and McLaughlin. Our party friends in Albany an¬ no! enlirelj powerless for good. If they suc¬ ceed in hui. Iiiu* oill had bills, and having dune sn if tiiey promptly ami fearlesslj expose theil tine character, they will accomplish -a good woik. L.-i the iBocratk" bosses .''.tue lo realize that tim Kepubllean members ar- h. rn up.,n exposing, even ii the] have nm \'.t-'s enought t defeat, their little gaum-, and for prudential rea«ona thej maj coBclnde Nj go lloW. but ' hu; \, ,* .tm s of theil* effort ¦-. thone who elected them expeel the minoritj nu mi,ci - !.* du thi ir lim! for Ihe tnxpaj era, aud fm puie ami wis" government. THE cathou?, conteovf.rst. The Appointment of a.i Apostolic Delegate in ihe l ailed Stales uiaj aol Immediatelj and completely lerminate the controversy which I;..man Catholic prelates, infests and laymen have boi ti wagin,' under the public eye for s( \( ral weeks snd behind a rather gatizj veil f a much longer lime; bnl ii will probablj infuse discretion among the mora valorous cout- butaui.s ami strongly tend to enlist the res! in support of tin- pupil policy a- enunciated bj Moiisignoi -.it Iii. Th. who have hither¬ to promoted the contenti in from personal liiuiiv.-s ii a -tmii nf contumacy, ami thone wini have sincerely b lieved that they wore pursuing a course which the Hope would ap¬ prove so so ii a- lu- gained a thorough >m- pi.-hen-i'in of Hi-* ia--., bave now reeeiveil iu unmistakable terms wanting and instruction which il.'-y ai-- Uki Ij Ni hed. Thc development and progress of the ron- I rover*] li i\ .. boen int nselj Inter sting, large ly, no daub!, because "f it* novelty. To lik*1 to lii-:ii' secrets is a human weakness, oi al a-! a human ( iiaii* t.-i isti. and :' is n i won lier thal Ihe whole country bevin to listen intently when a cautious and reticcnl bier aie'i.v began i ' talk. Know persons whu hat imagined lhal a lively verbal disputation would develop mt' an open and irreconcilable cnn Hut may regret iii- cesaation f h itilitien, but iii" must intelligent of tlc great majority "f l'i.,!(.-(.mt Americans, i*.h" .11 nol wn allegi ance lo the Pope nm fi*el any intellectual sym¬ pathy nv .tm ;i spiritual sovereignty, will re- |oii if a grcal Church, whoso authority ovei the consciences and a.ti.uis nf millions I* thi ii mngesi guarantee <f order and morality in m.mt parts "f iin- I'nited States, shall m kl division ami di-cedit ami caper i all J sin,*,- || will in iliai (.ase owe it- escape to the inter- vetiti n nf a Pontifl a ho ai otiui - l"\ e ol coiintrj a virtue and fiee institutions a blessing Perhaps the mo«t striking and signid an! fart win a this otitesl of polii ii s ri -i-1 prut* li vi¬ ii di-i l.is.-d is tho ll- libilitjt "f tbe Romao Catho!' k ivei nmenl Li baa nol pei mil d hi ma. li t I.tan tl. d and h"ld fast bj i.iiiu*. H.* lum in fact reversed the <>!d tiu-mi's :ts to iho stern and rigid iractei f Church discipline, ihe awful nature of a ir-ti'-- of excommunication, and tbe obliga¬ tion "l instant, implicit and itBoamplaiaing obedience to papal orders. Tbe case of Dr Mrflljmn, though ii did nol originate ind does not comprise the eontro- versj, forcibly illnstiates the Pope's inde- i-ihIi-H' e of convention. Before thai much- .1.-cussed plied! hld begun !o pposft f||,- nu ih ly of hi* blah ip his charitable ami beBevo- leal disposition ha 1 i nd. sred him to his parish and lo many peiaons outside "i ir. and in i'm liisi atages of lu, rebellion lhere wae a natural inclination, iu spile of los vagaries tu sympa¬ thize with a iiiin wbo «'s*m d to be obeying bis c ui-' iengr a! ins own cost. lint be proved unequal t" ile* strain. His ardor degenerated int.) vehemence, and 'lu* in torn tinnily In¬ ti.ucl him Into vulgar and Insulting epithets which neither tire pardon uf the Church nor - belated denials can obliterate, lt would be lund to imagine more contemptuous deli iim i) than Dr. McGlynn exhibited to h.s sn. periors or a jauntier air 'han th" supposed penitent in vt adopts. It is an extraor dinar) thing timi sn offender of >M-c.h lem i"-r. ntterance and action has been restored, without a recantation, against the -judgment ami desire of his immediate superior in the hierarchy. Au autocrat capable <>f such inde- .-ini.-ni " aud magnanimity as the Pope has ihown I* an original llgure in the evolution of Catholicism, though if must be acknowledged ihat the issue of ihi* encounter with Ins re bellions subjects, while it may have promoted the safety of the Apostolic See, bas not en¬ hanced it* dignity. Bul 'h.- experience of Dr. McOljnn is only a temporarj nml inconsiderable feature of the struggle which is now in process of abatement. Whether or n t it be sssumed thal bis case was employed as a convenient means cf ns- torting iln* supremacy of Home at a critical moment and thereby testing tlie obedience of the American Church, his singular revolt and restoration trill produce no lasting conse¬ quences. Tho development which deeply In* tere-sts thc people of tbe United -Hates ami maj profoundly affect the future of Ibe oountr] ism tim liberalisation of Catholic sentiment re- smiling our educational sjstem, under thc authentic warrant of the Head of the Church, ami tho evidence thus afforded that the hes growth snd eBjoyment of American institu¬ tions will not be impeded by nectarian shackles, ri rm. Air. ami mi: rt rr. The bid introduced in the State Senate og Tuesdd] by senator Cantor providing fur the relief uf Fifth-ave. lunn beavj traffic .lining tlie hollis between and 7 in the afternoon from October l to Juno I ia, we believe, tbe same that waa defeated la-t year through rome misunderstanding, although ii was utrongly urged bj the persons most interested and was practical!] unopposed. The purpose of Ute bill ia to leave tbe avenue from Waehington -Square io Central l'ark open for a few hours each dat during tbe months named for th.- lighter vehicles, carriages, pleasure waltons, etc, with out being obstructed bj tho beavj (rucks, ex¬ press \a;is, dia.\s ami cuts of every descrip¬ tion which overcrowd that thoroughfare, milk¬ ing pleasure driving difficult ill all limes ami s, indiums daagemtis, Rt lieved of these bulk] obstructions, Ibe avenue in which citlsens of all classes have a proper pride will bs for s few hours dailj dining a pan of the vein an approach and practirallj a part .,r Ceatral l'ark : mt merely a convenience foi business and traffic, bul a aource of innocent pleasure and recreatioB.almost as much so a* the Park iisolf. for multitudes <>f people. Then* is nol only no oppoaition, so far as can be leal md. from the business men, OXpresa companies, brewers and alhera concerned in the heavy traffic proposed lo be diverted from the avenue, but it is understood that many of them aro active in promoting lim passage of ethe bill. As has been said, jt failed oi omtAKg last year thrungli some misunderstanding or tho pa t »>f tho city members. There seem." to be BO good reason why it should not at thc present session be taken Up and passed at an early day. There dues not appear to be any potability of a Job In lt, and there ought to be ii.) difficulty iu passiag ones in a while g bill which is solely intended for the public benefit, Thet.-cd ii- no fear ol Governor riower'snbl signing a bill providing for a blanket ballot. A blanket balbi, althoagk tto peates feature in to lu- retained, will in* an ImprovemeBl upon the preaenl arrungement with numerous ballota te ba folded hy every vi,f.-r. How embarrassing this method is tbe Governor knows by |»ersonal ex¬ perience, lm last 'Noyenibei- he had to return !.- tl..- inn.th iu euler io get his rejected ballots folded properly. Ir any building i-* to be lora <l"\wi In the City Hali I'm!.*, ne st emphatically it on-lit not to ba the City Hall. Tin* worthy and venerable edifloe i-t in-' only eminently eatisfactory in Itself, i»-it it is |n preeiaely Hie li^in place There should be, ami we believe tl.will be, hearty co-opera¬ tion mi ilr** patt of all public-spirited cltisens in the ffort t*i prevenl tl." destruction uf a building whuh i.s i.otii beautiful and time-honored, and the demolition ol which would lie s serious re- Hection upon tito good name and eivic pride of the metropolis. . ?-¦. One thing which aught to have been settle I beyond the shadow of a do.iht by tho present cold weather i- s reasonable price for Ice wm summer. It. will overtax the ingenuity of the president of a New-York Ice company to invent a reason for a shot; lm prop stier audi a winter as we an- now l*\|)'*l*ie-|. Section "I* Artie 1- III -.( the Constitution of tin- State reads as follows The l ..-Muli'-.. power ol ihl* State shall lie- v.-t.l in ii tn nate Mel Ass* tnlilv. lt would uppear to lie In order tor aome mom- i..-i* ,,r th., l.e isintu,- t*i move tn stink.- ant thc iit.-iii- i'|noted rui'l Btibatitute the following: s ellon I. The legislative power of Ihl* Mut*- -hull lie ... lu . ii iln !¦. prenentatl. ol immany ll ill, n!n|i isl tig Il s. H.iii- nml Assembly. In Hu- A .-'-rillilv tins- I,;,:* r.ll be ,i maJori I) nf lin- <* un mitti. Bides, willi ii i, hereby empowered la caa ¦i i ..'i legislation (hal may i- propo d. \ M»ft hearted Judge iu Chattanongu announced Hu- other day that l.e would not ptinuth poor people arrested for pleating coal, omi fortliwilh 11i-ini------1 :i number of cmi pendlug i.ei u-i- bim. Ill" di-ti.i-s:il of the c.i-'s, without his lu in- low n ii general principle for his -: i'i'**, w ml loiilith-s* have awakened little crlticiem. \ i. entitled to exercise a considerable dogi.i li-* n-r: *u, but it it. ii different thing when iii .m.. ml terms lie dec larra that stealing ia no niue There are enough **. murals in most inui m.tn-- withoul the aid d encouragement ii'iin the bench. C'ongreasman Kilgore i* toltl tn ht* **g itrong .iiidi'i.it-- for ih" Mexican Miaaion" uud, r the m-xf Vdminkaration. If ehility tn kick, in the literal neoning "i thnt vigoroim s*\uii « ird, is a i.-. Ii- leaf loo mr the appointment, "Buck" Kilgore's .laim will be incontentalile. lt' !*,- doean't ge* his, '*r aninethlng "equally as ..I." Iw will ly te. "kick" ev«*n ui"i" energetically than i.--n lm detuolirliod ;i cloak room door in tho apitol. _ By referring to tl,,- newe from Albany Mr. learn that the two ll..*is..s ni tlie *-.'l-i.lf UH- Dll'l III jolllt ."ss|.,|i estel .! I',*, I,l|| imf .iit.-r a comparison m votee th.- Honorable al ward Murphy, ,r, "i Trpy, "a- formally de- I.irci to in- elected a I nited States Senator n ta «iea Vork. lt's a sad world, Mr. Cleveland. The middle f January is a lift!- early for tlio oevitabla annual reports ebout the destruction f the Delaware peach crop t*> le-uiu, bul this .-ur thara seeme ta ii* mneh better r.*:t.s..ii than anal foi fearing thal the peach tns-s have - uttered - h*:rt. Tin- temperature has been below er,i ri Delaarsre this w.-»-k, nnd it i* altogether iroiial el itt .. t.-. d-r peach treea have i"s-u adly in, .r d, even though th- bads ha I n it beana awell ll,.- failure "t the crop "t peacbea rn hat stnte would in- most regrettable, bat the onntry has survived im deatructiaa in ure. ia with praiseworthy fortitude, and has bo¬ oma -o Bceptical regattliag reports on the Miij.-et bal th'-y ar" apt to provoke hilarity rather than lief. ¦ ? . There is ui ich tn commend In tbe proposal that 'i.e.at" athletic conteate ebal! i>" reatricted ,.i undergrad netea, Such s reg ilatfon would tend o ppre-s the profesrional spirit, nnd would proh¬ ibit dc..lop a laii.-1-c number ol experts in the rarioua Itu--* of .spurt. PERSONAL i. - Ber. Dr. ll. H. 1 leM, the Editor of "Tke .vtuigeltsl," i< to nail for Gibraltar on February 4. I.- will spend jeveral week* lhere aug In tbe tlir real r. wrlaon the Barbary cogat, partly, a* he -nts, . gel iii! ol t. eehoeM ot Um Url*:.;- trial nnd partly .!.. material for a I bird volume of ImprnwIoBa ot iori bern Africa, "lt win take .some tiu\s al Bea," in- i\ with ii nomi ibaldng-up, to gel rill nf (be ever- utting lilli. We -I.:i11 oti.-ii nuke lu mu- dre,nus. rn tl- In a well-known voice s.iuiik: -I rise to ii olnt of order!' Tilla will abate nomt-whal aa ae a-- ibe liore*. tke lri-t land thal «'.>inmi.u- mw cf.*re ie uw tin- simres ol San Kalvador, ami will nlte disappear us we pus- through lue Pillara of i.n uie-." Horace Smith, the mannfarttirer ol gre-anai la prln Reid, who died las! Suhday, waa an enthnslasl n the Miiijei uf astronomy, baring In in- house aa \.Mash line telescope, wllh which he observed it (-iii -.-en. iv many ut Um remuritable phenomena ¦*: ie beavens. .iiiiui Brown'* Hlble, used l.v bim while be waa m ni nt Harper' Ferry, and having many pa**agca caring on tbe abolition of slaver] marked bj lil own m.el. baa recently beea -cid lo l-'. ll. Loegan, ,.( tlllUp), ll Celle-, tel- ,,t luelle Ut,,e.s I,I Hi- iulllllils Btator. lt ls experted lhal M. .le Glees will looa resaam ls Bullea Bt tb* Bu**lau Foreign .'linc. a grocer In Coventry, Bngbnd, erected a brass lille! Iii lils s!io|i window ii few month* n '.i ii! .ribed "'il.'- birthplace ..r riien Terry.*' and now a t.u ir -mit simm, a haberdasher urross ii..- sti .t. .,, le.l -si mi Kn- Iiim- iimi |iuiili-lies iii,- u nu* bj phica itl, The late General Kufui Ingall* bad oilier nillllary ua lille* linn ilii.s.. in,.* ,.u\ t,, mui,,- ;t guud Quarter- ii u r (., ii, mi. Grant, who grratls admired him, nee said, if be inulli have tuen fspnr<-il lu aay of ie oilier ileMirtnient* be would bavi made iii- nuuk .1 giller.4 A lister of (ieneral lintier, eleven years older than >, now living near tnt- i,|,i mui. i- inn.i,.mi in otllngbam, n. II. hue I- Ibe widow of Daniel s. ,t. ii sh.- ns iii.ii ber famous brother developed Weal |iiis-lnii du Kt lld v al the nge -if three, mil ul fniu i\'.u uni! a iiitir years kclioollng ii-fm-o he in heil Iii- uu- of -i\. ////. TALE OP HIE HA Y. r - Ralili.e r-un" Bays lhal an rtderij lady In drug narr tke other <1jv pointed to a al um bia n tamp and Biked: " Villi you phase Iel] me if these :ini|H un- good for Ju-t '"iiiiniiii u-e'" When ¦ss'iicil iii.ii Hu) were sn Intended, ihe bowed politely mi remarked bb ia* i.u: -i dldn'l know; I ikoagkl iey wen- to l»- iUt*d, perhapa, for eBqaetle." -I av.- tu answer thal Mime t|tte»tlot< ten lime* a dre.," lld Hu- lei I., "lui! wundee what .sin- Bran! bf linnell., r* Nu- n Model Youth, Att-r ah. Westcott I tell nu Hun's good sum tu ttiai young man. Whyte ism. n in-riih *ii*-, nus going bj ih.- bar mill just n*it\, ami I MW Ililli |i:il il in. isiiiiiciA Hie .III lilli. "Tlie Boston Transl liji!" remark- thal ii mild winier Ju-I us nhl filshlniieil ns a eulil Wtater, tin- only iif-i-eiiie betag ibrit tke oldest inkaMtaal Bever re . mi.-i*. nm funner. chihi Marriage..Eogland can furnish laataacai nf uni in mint;*-, imi pei-bap*, ie. auy greai extent, bul t younis' as any I" be found lu Eastern nunn l., in*i*e tatt, marriage* »:.. almosl of dally oreurrenre, hr \ -un-'i-fi I'.uiilsli luld.i penned !-, Bey.i nil nulli, ii daughter ol dlr William Urctvtufi, Vim. In . -i\:. .-mil ii-iiliiiv, wa* ...iiiul in bond* ol holy iBtrlaiony, winn only two year* "t age, to a bride mun wim waa oat] intr armor Iw tun- rear, in Hilt mr tin- children were cnn-im Into eburab, nm their Iden spoke lor thant. BuhaeauaaUy, wkea tke pair ttW.lfc/lH "f mal.urlt? th*y *-»*lfl«l the _tiaa_s tie. Ill Ihls Instance Hie obie, t wu* tn nmrnm^^E* desire to unite wrty.-<Al/ *he%r*aS2 B ' The Western papi-rs ar,- g(.t,lri(, thp wor,h f money out of tl,,- syndicate picture of Father Pstriek Corrigan, of untune,,. Aftl.r .,,, . JJJ .luring the trial, they m. ,t 0, a J>ort.;l|t of u bis!,,,), Horrigan, .nd now asase of tJi.-m vv DrtnUaa a. a pk lui*.- of Monsignor eatolll. ^ IIUNOLINK. Hamer wfcl-fars, so wa Kl«-a» IToill Un- papers, Hurt- li.iye \,r(* Tbougkta of bringing on _a mel Thia mad, liioiistrous, BMtal screefl Hiding woman's gracefai nilen. Metter .letvlsli Mluirdllle 'Illili, thus ,vt..||ed oat, salln's .*-liet-a| vilest garment ever aeeal J'"* ni aakaowB in tktaga lerreaa; Kv. n monsters pliocene Wen- nut ,. pl sin,ped, I n.-en. Wonun wearing tua machine. Were limy lat or were Ikey hun. Small ks V.uiiiswi.rili'e. celandine. Large a- sall Hint's .ulled latSCB ¦ simply sw.-pt the pavemeal dean: Ilapirns mun was croaked Is-iv-et-n, Fla as any tinned sardine. Tiling lo rouse a btsbop1_ spleens Make a i :iti.iii or a (tenn speak iii language aol serene. We must lill lee t> y :¦!¦' ,-n. And our senses not too l>''ee, ll .. .. (itn't suv what we ai ran. Wilie in paper, Diagaslne, ri .! d petitions to Ike Queen, i.et Ui,- ii.i|s.. t,, Intervene. 6 l'l.ri- fashion 's traasmsiine. l.t u- -top by qnarantlae e lina-trophic irlnollnol .(London Pnneh. "TM.- Boston Transertpt'a" "listener" aaati *-ni>a, oin- ti li.y.-nt a vi ul.- -whlcli sluill huve WhS^L and nts., b et of ruiner-*, and li- furnished with g lever sn placed iiiul (.cured Hilt wh-ti Hie vehlrle gj awring -vr v d solM -now it trill ko ea it-.r nunans; I.ui ii en a Hun or bara -!"'t i< reached Ute lever may ba operated and tin* manera draam up: aad Ikea ths vehicle wtll go on Um wind-.' .lier!; '.if .pu-Hn-. prarUvtrie*).Hera's nBaeaBj "Famotu lui/e ii-rt,,- ma'am; how'll thal -ut yum nhl l-.-i.i'. -Whai <i" inn nicoli, slr, by hamtlag mb Muli B l.o-i Merl,- Rx. lae me. ma'am, I though) rai said you wun'.ii a grad -erupt, ok. (Black and Whits. TIIE DRAMA.MUSIC. AGAIN III?: SCHOOL FOR S< A NOA IV S .ei'iil.-ii.'s ir,i-f work and lin- mosl brilliant romed) in lhe language wa* revived Taexday night, aad was tastefntty unmated mid Bdeqaately per- f.urir.ii ul Daly's Theatre1. As often as "Tbe|tboa| r s. muli ,| - come* 'itu vb ». lt remtndi ih,. ._. -uv* i Ibsl p mrerb acting play stay also ha brill Un! ly writli-n, und tkal lit-rat un, tboaaj gel Hu- Brsl i-.*.|ui-i.e of drama, I- s weieoaae mi dr. Ill Bl** 'rt lu Il, In.- laagBBBe nf "Tbs s inn i for 'Scandal" wns spoken aBh remaihaMa piuiiv mui precision i.y Mina Ada Bekaa and b«-r j.--..1 u.¦-. uud t.e- (l»l"f character* were nabodBg by them m-cordlng lo ¦ righi Ideul Bod in a fn-, Brm, \ lp.nm and pictorial tnnnner. Mr. Bum Wt n..-'..- f'hnrli* Bu rfnee whai lu- ihould always be mode a gentleman. Tbe manner ol 1karka is alrj und i.'i;..: .1. bul ll I* perfectly r*ii.i-d, and i.i- character rrj tills** upon i""*'..,' bead sud in..--i'v ol principle. Mr. Uoarrliier ..... a capllal Itgnre md countenance fur tinnies Surface, Bad in ii.- attrlbnti of peraonol quality iii- Imper-QaaHaa I- level with the BltllMir. -Ii-- Return, M \JSEj i-:*/l-. follows Iha ti-.itliiiiiii ni min .lurdiiii In that putt, and si...ws ike country girl abu hus B6*bbm4 ila- line lady, Tlie embodiment i- ptqoaBl nnd s;.;irk- llng, i.ml :.t Hie i-limaa <*f Ike wieea Beeag ii I- replete with deep f-.-lin*.- ..id i- meetly and i ni. :,ii.-is sei-uiiis and leader, ih- Biaslcal rake >.l th,- lady ls heard lu Ps full Im univ ul thi- pnlnt of ne- old ueiiMii, ami it Impart* un vpiintta pleasure. Mrs. i.lil-, rt wu- ulfcctionaUlj v.. le-umd. sm- bu* betti fur siirne lime mil .,r i:.- till. H~r n- ti.in ii"i utily iirriigthea* Hie artistic fabric, I'.il l- fell by tu* puiilli iu tn.ming of a rhsriahsd friend, lu- comedy mi. done with -i,..-e embellish. ni-nis ut :,niu>- and of novel business thal Mr. Duly devi ed fur lt on lb.aston et ii- tir-t prudac* I loll ni his in.-:,ire. um! wm, |i.. ,,... careful ui-t :.- before Ht. IVIientklgb iippeartag BM Slr l'.-t.-r, .Mr. M.ii se u- Joseph, Mr. ll- ri., rt a* sir benjamin u lin.- p-rfi.iui .in .. \ir. w. nm-rt a* Monea, .Miss Prince I- Linly Snis-rwetl and Miss Irving aa Marla. -ll'SICAL COUMENT. T is eoaatry has lung beea leefeei up<n _.* tko goMea lund of m.isp ul artiste. T.'.--re have been few of great repute Iii Kurope within the lust »l.\iy >ears. sttkar singers or iiisiruiiietitiillsi*, who have nol visited th, su *li,,i.-«. I lu- ui,ulv,-, formerly, wm l rcd"ii!li;uiitly financial, mid the tradition of the rich rewaidi wi_k*h wara lo be harv -t-a n.-re Ls still pr ear rVeg lu an expression which Btw and hii»u la |ret found lu Bm foreign Journals. America, lo Ih'in, is still tko lana of dollars. The <l.-e.,v.*ry la iradaaOy maklag, boarever, among tke artists them¬ selves linn iiiitllm'ilty Ira.-: ,-i moro dlllii ult row to hoe hers that la Bm tntnaatlaatlc rotiatrtss el older culture, Hiid fur s-uiie yean there was a marked la lemipttoB of Ike Inila v, of visiting performer-. Tha present v.i-'.n hus wHaes-Wd Boaaethlag of a revival f nhl I..tin's, p.-hililv b'iriu.-e (ef >the -suspension ol ih- repr.M'nial lona ut th.* MatrofoBlaa opera House. We have had vlrtuo-1 of Hie old-fushlniied kind wha .ann* to exploit a few abowy tampest-Baas la which :l ey fancied they could bewilder sad uina.e. Worse than n.i-. however, baa been tin- advent nt youthful player* ai.d prodigies, af whom lhe mo.t striking examples is Miss Cartelliaa. waa played tlrst al le lu.t (oin'-it of tke boston -syinphony cr- h-s'rn nml laat night gaea B recital In il.li fe¬ lling Hail. Of tbe eMi'iuely youthful. Miss OMtlow, tho played at the SeMI .'"tic-rt in the Leoog Lyceum lari sunday evening, lt Is comparatlv-ly ¦ny to apeak, f**r -le' V SO unripe tn every respect hat th.- only s.tiiiiiie tit that she eau excite ts ona : regret thai her natural guardians and teacher should iava permitted h.r io play Ib patsie at ail. That i.- I- talented 1- beyond doubt, but ike bas neither he strength nor the uoderstaadlng whick ure exactad .y uii artistic V.i-\n of evea kali the magnitude cf that vhU li abe assumed Ib t'- p, rformance of n..pin's oncerto. The italian girl haa ths sSvaataaa of betag ao \,-ui5 older and nun li -noiiger. Bhe la also Biaek letter equipped In Ike technical tlaawata "f playlag- ttlll we ur ii-1 question the wisdom of her BMtker bb< na nager In preaeuUng ln-r us a public perfonraer at he pi-s-nt linn-, she is tn.i Bsetara lo be Hunted *s cl.na wonder, and i"<> Immatnre to Im- treated ns an rtisi. ot lhe Ibing* wklch enter into the loini"'- Itluii of un ..ru-t sh,- puiaesseii onlv tlioag and tila'ile linger*. Musical sense ls slmosl wholly oeo_> iK iu her plaj'lllg, and feeling entirely sn. In auk ii audience of mn-!, lover* to listen to her effort ie lan Beethoven'a Waid-iein" soaata ls an i.Ui"iit ii tTielr i-.'i'ii judgment and taste and a Piece et lr* ,v,i. rn- toward the must, which i. I- di th" un- i pardon. She N al home only In mask* Ib wirleii nillii.-itt ls |iiciilisei|llelitlii| fA CiiiliP-iiClsi.il wlia lu- musical tleiii.-nt. -neb Ks H.e I.*iull'.» un West, il,mit. Miirtneil mut M«*t. '____* he pUyed ln-r Bight, Mm li Of Ihe Bu-lc wairn h.- pluvel !i-' lil.-ht was hildn-n's inu-l BBB NB .¦!,,.i.ii.uni* iiilglii have i .i -d iii.i-i-1 ll ll J '- ;,.i i.ii ii--.ectut.it ..a th- programme with tnusio Ike Hu- simiiii. -nd Ute IninsTlpUon of sriiumatiu*6 i'iiieiiiliij-ni. lit." whit ii i- not within Ila '* f the girl'* mental or emotional faculile*. if B a i.il.l llie ought n..t t.. be permitted In trtr 0 piny sm li lo'iipi'slllmi-; If sh,- ls an arti-'. MBJ ugh! tn be rebuked for ptartng them so badly as he du.*-, she win give ii -i-.oi.ti redial in-.\t Satur* nv afternoon, and pla) al Chopin'* tii -r Soaata, » li.i|i-.sl\ bv Hriiiiii and two transcription* "f Wax¬ ier* music, ti.-- fu.. inn-, be ra edam wBh regret, lt I- nen often thal it neeam worth wfcUe te ,*, lt p.i-i.iphiial ei i"i-. III musical reviews. ..clicr- liv ne intelligence >i Um* reader can bi relies in to .ni,iv rn- reading Intended by tin* writer. Rosie* lilies i'i-H.'' li .1 ."I""'*'* 01' pertni'iinl' '"lupe:- k ..,.,., ti,,,, however, -'"h a ' .-.- orntrr«d In tja ni,u-e last Mun.liiv. winn ii phrase Intended io SS ,:,!,,,.v was changed uni dispraise by Bte tiM6* irmiitloii oi the written erorA. lin- u-vlewer mei ii suv thnl Henri Martcati. lin- young French *dt*_f ,i had played nun ii'-i Bru mac-efti wini « gjeS, -lt.,mv and piulU* of nil niiiitiiii tkal Were fslrlr 1,-clrllvlng. rel s.,.-,-iil,-,,i not .. UUIe ol >»> »»¦.-.¦.¦\1 ss..,,,*,- li,,* type changed Utile Into ll'tlc. and Omiilelelj i*eV,*|.il|i.l.1*/**d lhe scl.-e. M. M.irteSU -s, rv,-s tn have tin- Blatter s-i slrsiirht. >ir ami Mrs. Tl. will irlv.- aa eeaolag <>f ¦.'ni la I'ct-l's Hull. W's. | «...i.|,-li st.. Hil- .veiling. .Hii-er he au-|i'."*s nf the St. IV'-r'- Ail! M.(b*ly. ? .- av IBTBBfWTIBa I 'MIMRlsoN. .nun The Wa*hlagtoa Star. i'i.i.iiu-1 Cudi propose* io hara as __aar i*0 iriliau. Iii iii- Inaugural para le. ob 1 In.-k < lOBjr iv, h.* will have S.000 I'.i.iiiiianv braviv In fha .lui,,,,. Wrishllililiill W.H lillis be ult ird'st lill nppoT- uiiiiv lo compare the feruelouH nsl mau Ban V»- mri;' wini Ute tame laStaUoB that satlaBea the West, VN i.\i lKIHNHI-V VAI.1A1H.K KKIKItKME IIOOIC ruin The Detroil Tribune. Tin- New--York TYtbane's Hlmanac lur Ir-DA ha. Ju*J .,, l-sii.-il. Thl- sterling |,ii!.lhanni. I* so well tinwii us i" require no particular caauueaaa-toa. it eiiiiiliis a number of new featarea, and hs.- Mea ia very WBJ bruiight up tn date. The ehs lion returns, s usual, are complete and reliable, and Hs pe'lllleal nf,,rn,ritiiui invaluable. SPABI THF. I'F.oI'l.KS l:i;K VI IIINH SP.WB. 'r 'in The New Vork Min. If lhere ls not now mun ta P"' ¦ n<>w ii11' lal of tl"- desired stae in the iwrk without c-t-,iec*iin« im soul hern from furl her toward the !_»*.*»¦*. han ths la-ssent buUdlng. thea (Uwa skoals """ he wld Tweed Court House, -.-M*

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1893-01-19 [p 6].€¦ · QlmuBirnunw. _ Af'AI>I.MY OFMUSIC-8-Tho Black Crook. kMBEttQ TttffhTBB T 111 Ita VegrttaMBdtar, AMKHICAN PIKE Al'.Trs i-.i

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  • QlmuBirnunw._

    Af'AI>I.MY OF MUSIC -8-Tho Black Crook.kMBEttQ TttffhTBB T 111 Ita VegrttaMBdtar,AMKHICAN PIKE Al'.Trs i-.i 1U-DIBO-S to 10 30-

    Archlletl'iral LeagUB J .\l.lbiUon.BIJOl" THl.ATltI--2-8 30-A Soe tv Fad.BROADWAY THBATBB 9-Th* Baa benin.CABBEOIB Ml .SIC BAUe-lg ». Bk until 10 p. m -

    Tbe Doro Baltary.CAalBO -k .ia.i-*'ti. ne Master.COLl'MUl'S THI.AIKi: -g 1". A Flu- of Ttuce.dai.v .-, TMKATB1 I '"> -8. bari lae geaadall.OKN Ml sl.1 The Wenld in Wax.FIFTH AV. XII' Till Ai HI:-8 .1.".-IX-fopt on.OABBBB THEATRE 8 The Moanteaaah*.DRAM) HI'IP.A BOl'SK * Tie- Midul'-'ht AV n.HAKIM'.as *g Til 1.AT!'.I. -k MullIgM Hoards' Ball.HAl'j.r.M OPEBA HOUSE 8:13 Hip Vac Wlakta.MBttttMAMB'g THEATBfc-e IO -Carte.HOYT'S MADISOB BQUARE TH1-.A 11'.Ii 1'-(,,.i rt.

    8:30-a Tup t.. ChleBamwn.¦OSTBS A in ai. s g-VaudeviLYCEUM THl'.ATi::'.- v ia An aa* Sb! aiManhattan OPERA HOUSE.8.Tba 1-ie -vf Cbaav

    paganPALMER'S THEATBF 6 '¦ Atlttoeraey,BTABBABB THEATRE - r.-i:.- Ma- ."1 CallBTAB 'Uir.ATl'.i. s i.-,-i:,,n..(i mid Juliet.TONY I-AsiuK'.-s - Yaw evil!.-,inion sQi ARK TUF.A1 in: I Captain Heme, V B. A,lilli STIU.l.T Tlll.ATiH. -s-IU'ie .Lan-.

    Juba- lo J\t._iaiio.iiiciU5.Vane.

    Amn.-y,-u. iiAnnuli-.. *- .li.'AU' linn .SUI'S . »BiiiKcie a Urobera.ilMoa.d and Boos io ;>¦aol.* Chance* dUu-iliO-s l ban ... '.»Bu.In* «s \. Xrlbuae except as bcreluafter.ute..CITY-postahF.-The law reqnii - ti.a' u real postage

    ctainp be a ittvd ti. eietv rope or Tb- Holt, bundar,er S-nii-Vt .. *l,lt T'lbuie. mailed f.r in ai deliver! luNew-York Cltr, T l.i- pottage tnu»i be paid br mle*.criber. Headers sra better -nd br Lutiuv theittntata* liam a new-dealer.

    rORFION ftis|*m,i:._ I,, ai| torieti rountHei [exeepidmd* and Mexico), ii rent* i-opv un 'Hie SundayTribune; '.* eeau n ropi an Bally Semi-weekly undWeek r. Thli poMa*. Uiuit be nani l.v s-tihei rlber.REMIT, anvks.-i*. nit l.y i»,.,t i- Older, Expreia Order,Cheek. Drift, ur Hegbaered I :t u in-li on I'n-tiilRate, if "'nt in tn unregisteted letter will be st theotvner'* rUk.

    BACK BVMBEBS -Foi Back Bimbera of the Pair endBandar pip-i-. m- ihau -.< week -id. an extra pine I*

    &*3&0tkSails Sribtmr.?.





    Foreign..Tha Khedive ol Egypt yielded la iii*English demand foi thc ilisnlwml >l Ins ik-u Miltatry, ;i!i(l ptaaalecd la appoint Kial Paella Pre»i-iitv of the Kapi.! Tran-it Commission is like-y U> continue for many a .nar. and lo gi nwitronger as tim.- |e,is-c-.

    .l.v UNPROMISING HR9INNIN0.Tin* inst Legislal..at Albany achieved an

    uk ilium.>nly bad reputation, Imt there is i, t-nn tn fen thai th'- record ol' ile- present mi''s lo be s|i|| worse, 'lie ml'- which W8Si.l.ipt.il last week clothing the Commitl.nHuies ol' th" Aasemblj with autocratic powerss a gi,a v.- public menace. Its palpable objeds to enable ih.-. Democratic Los--* at Albany,Richard Croker, Hugh McLaughlin ami theili.-ut.-naiiis, tn railroad through any legislation.-.huh they choose t*> finnie. It is practicalI]i gag nil". Cud'r ii tin* minorit] will bethorn ol their righi -. and the door thrown wideipili for Hie prompt passage nf all suits ulobs. Tin- Democrats have a large majorit] inhe Assembly, sad hence th.-ie was not tin-(lightest excuse fm' thus enlarging ihe powersif lin- Committee on Rules. Nobody has pi,ended thal under the rules, as thej haveulberto stood, a gund workiag majority iras.mbaiHissed in ii* conduct of legitimate pubie business, lint the new ml" is not in timnteresl f legitimate public business. It isu the interesi nf tin- grasping snd unscrupuons Democrati! ling whi h la-t winter enactedinch scandals n- ile- "Huckleberry'' bill.No fail minded, intelligent person can read

    be mle and noi .om.- io the conclusion thali. is indefensible from anj point of mow aarehat of lin- bosses and tbe lobby:Winn a notion ls uni.- Ilia! PO) .sut.J.rt .|iu|| |.

    mule ,i S|m e,.,) ender, or Ibal Ike rulea h they desirehey have it in Ihoir power to punish him byudelinitcly poatponiag the consideration oj!

    mea sine* affecting bis own cornily. Talk about.monopolies! Why. aader the rule in questioniii.- fiitn of Croker snd .McLaughlin is resolvedinto a legislative monopoly of the most dan-garons sort.a monopoly which tbe friends ofhun-st. weller nsidered leglslatlim maj ¦**Hregard with M-c.h lemi"-r. ntterance and action has been restored,without a recantation, against the -judgmentami desire of his immediate superior in thehierarchy. Au autocrat capable f such inde-.-ini.-ni " aud magnanimity as the Pope hasihown I* an original llgure in the evolution ofCatholicism, though if must be acknowledgedihat the issue of ihi* encounter with Ins rebellions subjects, while it may have promotedthe safety of the Apostolic See, bas not en¬hanced it* dignity.

    Bul 'h.- experience of Dr. McOljnn is onlya temporarj nml inconsiderable feature of thestruggle which is now in process of abatement.Whether or n t it be sssumed thal bis casewas employed as a convenient means cf ns-torting iln* supremacy of Home at a criticalmoment and thereby testing tlie obedience ofthe American Church, his singular revolt andrestoration trill produce no lasting conse¬quences. Tho development which deeply In*tere-sts thc people of tbe United -Hates ami majprofoundly affect the future of Ibe oountr] ismtim liberalisation of Catholic sentiment re-smiling our educational sjstem, under thcauthentic warrant of the Head of the Church,ami tho evidence thus afforded that the hesgrowth snd eBjoyment of American institu¬tions will not be impeded by nectarian shackles,

    rirm.Air. ami mi: rt rr.The bid introduced in the State Senate og

    Tuesdd] by senator Cantor providing fur therelief uf Fifth-ave. lunn beavj traffic .liningtlie hollis between and 7 in the afternoonfrom October l to Juno I ia, we believe, tbesame that waa defeated la-t year through romemisunderstanding, although ii was utronglyurged bj the persons most interested and waspractical!] unopposed. The purpose of Ute billia to leave tbe avenue from Waehington -Squareio Central l'ark open for a few hours eachdat during tbe months named for th.- lightervehicles, carriages, pleasure waltons, etc, without being obstructed bj tho beavj (rucks, ex¬press \a;is, dia.\s ami cuts of every descrip¬tion which overcrowd that thoroughfare, milk¬ing pleasure driving difficult ill all limes amis, indiums daagemtis, Rt lieved of these bulk]obstructions, Ibe avenue in which citlsens ofall classes have a proper pride will bs for sfew hours dailj dining a pan of the vein anapproach and practirallj a part .,r Ceatrall'ark : mt merely a convenience foi businessand traffic, bul a aource of innocent pleasureand recreatioB.almost as much so a* the Parkiisolf. for multitudes f people.Then* is nol only no oppoaition, so far as

    can be leal md. from the business men, OXpresacompanies, brewers and alhera concerned inthe heavy traffic proposed lo be diverted fromthe avenue, but it is understood that many ofthem aro active in promoting lim passage ofethe bill. As has been said, jt failed oi omtAKg

    last year thrungli some misunderstanding ortho pa t »>f tho city members. There seem."to be BO good reason why it should not at thcpresent session be taken Up and passed at anearly day. There dues not appear to be anypotability of a Job In lt, and there ought tobe ii.) difficulty iu passiag ones in a while gbill which is solely intended for the publicbenefit,

    Thet.-cd ii- no fear ol Governor riower'snblsigning a bill providing for a blanket ballot. Ablanket balbi, althoagk tto peates feature in tolu- retained, will in* an ImprovemeBl upon thepreaenl arrungement with numerous ballota te bafolded hy every vi,f.-r. How embarrassing thismethod is tbe Governor knows by |»ersonal ex¬perience, lm last 'Noyenibei- he had to return !.-tl..- inn.th iu euler io get his rejected ballotsfolded properly.

    Ir any building i-* to be lora inmi.u- mwcf.*re ie uw tin- simres ol San Kalvador, ami willnlte disappear us we pus- through lue Pillara ofi.n uie-."Horace Smith, the mannfarttirer ol gre-anai la

    prln Reid, who died las! Suhday, waa an enthnslasln the Miiijei uf astronomy, baring In in- house aa\.Mash line telescope, wllh which he observedit (-iii -.-en. iv many ut Um remuritable phenomena ¦*:ie beavens..iiiiui Brown'* Hlble, used l.v bim while be waa m

    ni nt Harper' Ferry, and having many pa**agcacaring on tbe abolition of slaver] marked bj lil ownm.el. baa recently beea -cid lo l-'. ll. Loegan, ,.(tlllUp), ll Celle-, tel- ,,t luelle Ut,,e.s I,I Hi- iulllllilsBtator.

    lt ls experted lhal M. .le Glees will looa resaamls Bullea Bt tb* Bu**lau Foreign .'linc.a grocer In Coventry, Bngbnd, erected a brass

    lille! Iii lils s!io|i window ii few month* n '.i ii!.ribed "'il.'- birthplace ..r riien Terry.*' and now at.u ir -mit simm, a haberdasher urross ii..- sti .t. .,,le.l -si mi Kn- Iiim- iimi |iuiili-lies iii,- unu* bj phica itl,The late General Kufui Ingall* bad oilier nillllary

    ua lille* linn ilii.s.. in,.* ,.u\ t,, mui,,- ;t guud Quarter-ii u r (., ii, mi. Grant, who grratls admired him,nee said, if be inulli have tuen fspnr, now living near tnt- i,|,i mui. i- inn.i,.mi inotllngbam, n. II. hue I- Ibe widow of Daniel s.,t. ii sh.- ns iii.ii ber famous brother developedWeal |iiis-lnii du Kt lldv al the nge -if three, mil

    ul fniu i\'.u uni! a iiitir years kclioollng ii-fm-o hein heil Iii- uu- of -i\.

    ////. TALE OP HIE HA Y.

    r - Ralili.e r-un" Bays lhal an rtderij lady Indrug narr tke other ort.;l|t of ubis!,,,), Horrigan, .nd now asase of tJi.-m vv DrtnUaa

    a. a pk lui*.- of Monsignor eatolll. ^

    IIUNOLINK.Hamer wfcl-fars, so wa Kl«-a»IToill Un- papers, Hurt- li.iye \,r(*Tbougkta of bringing on _a melThia mad, liioiistrous, BMtal screeflHiding woman's gracefai nilen.Metter .letvlsli Mluirdllle'Illili, thus ,vt..||ed oat, salln's .*-liet-a|vilest garment ever aeealJ'"* ni aakaowB in tktaga lerreaa;Kv. n monsters plioceneWen- nut ,. pl sin,ped, I n.-en.Wonun wearing tua machine.Were limy lat or were Ikey hun.Small ks V.uiiiswi.rili'e. celandine.Large a- sall Hint's .ulled latSCB ¦simply sw.-pt the pavemeal dean:Ilapirns mun was croaked Is-iv-et-n,Fla as any tinned sardine.Tiling lo rouse a btsbop1_ spleensMake a i :iti.iii or a (tennspeak iii language aol serene.We must lill lee t> y :¦!¦' ,-n.And our senses not too l>''ee,ll .. .. (itn't suv what we airan.Wilie in paper, Diagaslne,ri .! d petitions to Ike Queen,i.et Ui,- ii.i|s.. t,, Intervene. 6l'l.ri- fashion 's traasmsiine.l.t u- -top by qnarantlae

    e lina-trophic irlnollnol.(London Pnneh.

    "TM.- Boston Transertpt'a" "listener" aaati *-ni>a,oin- ti li.y.-nt a vi ul.- -whlcli sluill huve WhS^Land nts., b et of ruiner-*, and li- furnished with glever sn placed iiiul (.cured Hilt wh-ti Hie vehlrle gjawring -vr v d solM -now it trill ko ea it-.r nunans;I.ui ii en a Hun or bara -!"'t i< reached Ute lever may baoperated and tin* manera draam up: aad Ikea thsvehicle wtll go on Um wind-.'

    .lier!; '.if .pu-Hn-. prarUvtrie*).Hera's nBaeaBj"Famotu lui/e ii-rt,,- ma'am; how'll thal -ut yum

    nhl l-.-i.i'. -Whai ears.sttkar singers or iiisiruiiietitiillsi*, who have nolvisited th, su *li,,i.-«. I lu- ui,ulv,-, formerly, wml rcd"ii!li;uiitly financial, mid the tradition of the richrewaidi wi_k*h wara lo be harv -t-a n.-re Ls stillprearrVeg lu an expression which Btw and hii»u la|ret found lu Bm foreign Journals. America, lo Ih'in,is still tko lana of dollars. The the -suspension olih- repr.M'niallona ut th.* MatrofoBlaa opera House.We have had vlrtuo-1 of Hie old-fushlniied kind wha.ann* to exploit a few abowy tampest-Baas la which:l ey fancied they could bewilder sad uina.e. Worsethan n.i-. however, baa been tin- advent nt youthfulplayer* ai.d prodigies, af whom lhe mo.t strikingexamples is Miss Cartelliaa. waa played tlrst alle lu.t (oin'-it of tke boston -syinphony cr-h-s'rn nml laat night gaea B recital In il.li fe¬lling Hail. Of tbe eMi'iuely youthful. Miss OMtlow,tho played at the SeMI .'"tic-rt in the LeoogLyceum lari sunday evening, lt Is comparatlv-ly¦ny to apeak, f**r -le' V SO unripe tn every respecthat th.- only s.tiiiiiie tit that she eau excite ts ona: regret thai her natural guardians and teacher shouldiava permitted h.r io play Ib patsie at ail. Thati.- I- talented 1- beyond doubt, but ike bas neitherhe strength nor the uoderstaadlng whick ure exactad.y uii artistic V.i-\n of evea kali the magnitude cf thatvhU li abe assumed Ib t'- p, rformance of n..pin'soncerto. The italian girl haa ths sSvaataaa of betagao \,-ui5 older and nun li -noiiger. Bhe la also Biaekletter equipped In Ike technical tlaawata "f playlag-ttlll we ur ii-1 question the wisdom of her BMtker bb<nanager In preaeuUng ln-r us a public perfonraer athe pi-s-nt linn-, she is tn.i Bsetara lo be Hunted *scl.na wonder, and i" Immatnre to Im- treated ns anrtisi. ot lhe Ibing* wklch enter into the loini"'-Itluii of un ..ru-t sh,- puiaesseii onlv tlioag andtila'ile linger*. Musical sense ls slmosl wholly oeo_>iK iu her plaj'lllg, and feeling entirely sn. In aukii audience of mn-!, lover* to listen to her effort ielan Beethoven'a Waid-iein" soaata ls an i.Ui"iitii tTielr i-.'i'ii judgment and taste and a Piece et lr*,v,i. rn- toward the must, which i. I- di th" un-i pardon. She N al home only In mask* Ib wirleiinillii.-itt ls |iiciilisei|llelitlii| fA CiiiliP-iiClsi.il wlia

    lu- musical tleiii.-nt. -neb Ks H.e I.*iull'.»un West, il,mit. Miirtneil mut M«*t. '____*he pUyed ln-r Bight, Mm li Of Ihe Bu-lc wairnh.- pluvel !i-' lil.-ht was hildn-n's inu-l BBB NB.¦!,,.i.ii.uni* iiilglii have i .i -d iii.i-i-1 ll ll J '-;,.i i.ii ii--.ectut.it ..a th- programme with tnusioIke Hu- simiiii. -nd Ute IninsTlpUon of sriiumatiu*6i'iiieiiiliij-ni. lit." whit ii i- not within Ila


    f the girl'* mental or emotional faculile*. ifB a i.il.l llie ought n..t t.. be permitted In trtr0 piny sm li lo'iipi'slllmi-; If sh,- ls an arti-'. MBJugh! tn be rebuked for ptartng them so badly ashe du.*-, she win give ii -i-.oi.ti redial in-.\t Satur*nv afternoon, and pla) al Chopin'* tii -r Soaata, »li.i|i-.sl\ bv Hriiiiii and two transcription* "f Wax¬ier* music, ti.-- fu.. inn-, be ra edam wBh regret,

    lt I- nen often thal it neeam worth wfcUe te *¦,*, lt p.i-i.iphiial ei i"i-. III musical reviews. ..clicr-liv ne intelligence >i Um* reader can bi relies in to.ni,iv rn- reading Intended by tin* writer. Rosie*lilies i'i-H.'' li .1 ."I""'*'* 01' pertni'iinl' '"lupe:-


    ..,.,., ti,,,, however, -'"h a ' .-.- orntrr«d In tjani,u-e last Mun.liiv. winn ii phrase Intended io SS,:,!,,,.v was changed uni dispraise by Bte tiM6*irmiitloii oi the written erorA. lin- u-vlewer mei

    ii suv thnl Henri Martcati. lin- young French *dt*_f,i had played nun ii'-i Bru mac-efti wini « gjeS,-lt.,mv and piulU* of nil niiiitiiii tkal Were fslrlr1,-clrllvlng. rel s.,.-,-iil,-,,i not .. UUIe ol >»> »»¦.-.¦.¦\1ss..,,,*,- li,,* type changed Utile Into ll'tlc. andOmiilelelj i*eV,*|.il|i.l.1*/**d lhe scl.-e. M. M.irteSU-s, rv,-s tn have tin- Blatter s-i slrsiirht.

    >ir ami Mrs. Tl. will irlv.- aa eeaolag f ¦.'ni laI'ct-l's Hull. W's. | «...i.|,-li st.. Hil- .veiling. .Hii-er

    he au-|i'."*s nf the St. IV'-r'- Ail! M.(b*ly.? .-

    av IBTBBfWTIBa I 'MIMRlsoN..nun The Wa*hlagtoa Star.

    i'i.i.iiu-1 Cudi propose* io hara as __aar .« i*0iriliau. Iii iii- Inaugural para le. ob n« 1 In.-k < lOBjriv, h.* will have S.000 I'.i.iiiiianv braviv In fha.lui,,,,. Wrishllililiill W.H lillis be ult ird'st lill nppoT-

    uiiiiv lo compare the feruelouH nsl mau Ban V»-mri;' wini Ute tame laStaUoB that satlaBea the West,

    VN i.\i lKIHNHI-V VAI.1A1H.K KKIKItKME IIOOICruin The Detroil Tribune.Tin- New--York TYtbane's Hlmanac lur Ir-DA ha. Ju*J

    .,, l-sii.-il. Thl- sterling |,ii!.lhanni. I* so welltinwii us i" require no particular caauueaaa-toa. iteiiiiiliis a number of new featarea, and hs.- Mea iavery WBJ bruiight up tn date. The ehs lion returns,s usual, are complete and reliable, and Hs pe'llllealnf,,rn,ritiiui invaluable.

    SPABI THF. I'F.oI'l.KS l:i;K VI IIINH SP.WB.'r 'in The New Vork Min.

    If lhere ls not now mun ta P"' ¦ nw ii11'lal of tl"- desired stae in the iwrk without c-t-,iec*iin«im soul hern from furl her toward the !_»*.*»¦*.han ths la-ssent buUdlng. thea (Uwa skoals


    he wld Tweed Court House,
