£HE COPYRIGHT QUESTION. .** ..;:!.;,:k raoal BCKATOI chace. f o (,« ie Bet or bi ihe tr ts ttue. Sm: . tin v«- r,ir»iv, if iver, take*, nny BOtlos ..,,...,., .. i.-.* c.. !¦..¦..n¦-¦ nuyaetloa hy Bmyoelfor the I ¦ '..ti-'!¦.¦'* Otth «.;,!. li I iias . ,-ten e..u,ic t>.i. it In yo i -,.' e i. ¦*{ t .-1 ..:.'.¦¦!. \ Pnbllabor on Justina go a li lo havel.a tod to nae Boil* t-A-i-es-t BO WOtoh n/' OOlj ito BM, bal vi. ir-'Ilea Bjtoo, ,.:. injni. In ip* '¦...-. ol tlsssndai He" (¦'¦...¦ ^11 l«ti Th ;¦!)/>.. ty bo " oder- a lefreahtog ,.,,..: i-: l.t.- lishenrtoulng ranon of toa Paella Oom , i aviyiug 'li" ace ( *i«yrtgbl aBL, to wbtob tbs a at frankly avowed thar ..'..¦ 'gara y* to top el** tthi v«ati.ie.,is of itu- bwu - apia in .>. aataal hnalneaa and that tba -rtgbta' t,r terelgrisr* aro to im roapoetod only a, ru H* t i.-s do Bot lilli: irre st nh IBO ' In. ollie of la'nr ' in ISll ""ii't'y" Toni erttlctoui to upon our r. omltlon of tao *. eata* ,,,.,,.. ;. -,",.. ,.,,-, ¦.,. e a.storial Intorrsto aa-1 the Ineo-M- ii* labor. In .¦. ronorl w< i the following la n ,-. -^ ,,. ,,..., rnlss tbs nt.. rsl obligation of c., irnn-oi*K*l na-'I'- ¦' I believe that tue best intel- , ,1'i.li-iM.. m. i.ri ,,i.,l ..',.!. ci.i.Iou: |e,,|i.e. Will ,. .,,,,. ,-. loiiiiii- ii rt lin* ii ou tl.., piiuolitle i, I.,, tr* in.- i ". Ibis *|i selina Tbe aocoiiipnuyliig i ia ri .; nu .: ii |, icip ,', r. e .stn |,,M..i,.oi,,.i duly oi pi...'et lina ' rat tb* watei al Int* re* * , own people ind ii-ovectl* *o ter only lfl *. corina i ...- ta ,.f .¦:;/.-. al other Batter a nm tba! mai giana wltbom innis lo seated righto In thtoeoontry of v::., .mt uterfoi g with tia laooBse ol nar awe toner. I e.- in tbe i. port wo say: While ii i- ti ¦. all thinklm wen will admit thal t i. ;. en. e ot in ..'.lie ii nu the welfare «»f the ls and ba* been tai wo efl it lb an rai ur mere li,venn.ii. it .;. ki, r ali .-.t 1-_i*l..'io.', u, n pr.n' erl. in patel Bjton a mueh hroadei baal* than bas teal noon tue sr.njeel ¦ .' t th* ' .)'" si Intern h..s.- -..rt-. ¦' n loo*. Wa (refer ins lo Hie Lnlte I r-'aie- ¦_ llie rlcbta of ton suer to be pra¬ te. ;..! here in *v*rv kind or pr*o-*erty eseept the pro- ,. h p. lt la bu it1 ": opun lbi Inn reeotfulsed na au honorable calline kill .-ir Pianrti Dink* M ki t lcd lor lo* sn e*s*lul , o.- winch th* rown. Thc fine will oom.. . ben om b "lc upon ¦.., .li .'lltllOr i riew the aol lo of our i:_i,'.i.-ii an* i ii. I to piracy ond j g, Ii.t nu wa say: .. .'¦.:,' ;. pted by som* thal we may secure i wbleh i* beneficial tn the people, l.y righi of the fe or to iii* ll . pro erty le, in til, our oo milli e, ;, 1-1 :.'-¦.. I Intend toorlttol s sny one unjustly, Bint I iee, -uro thal ii fi mil uofu .. exsMlne tbs 11 have ¦. "ii to_»IBor wltb the whole contexl I , harsbne** is which yoa have used la obarglng thom with :.. wing a" di* anneal Inclplo.*1 Fmlbw ea joo ar . reeogi n .: oi s property in his i urie or his coat everywhere svo ii ok 1 y gi grapbtoal bonudariaa,"" j'.. s.,i proceed to quote tin* following language, from MoClnrg: .. I -t on lr* arrival In t to an Amci ...... 'heir ar¬ rival tn 1 uot be 1 imuilit >.f. i;.. to pl ilu oinuion - di ly any i and the iHng of ii.. 1 the ahetrac' righi nt un aut li thi - - i si t und ir,,.> nf bis,, .,, c mu¬ li i fol.ow bim tbe i ¦. l o~er. fha Kognsbm ,¦' bli "t o lo trunk, un I the A i, li in's bool own In i iud a- ii* co .t or hts li *t. The;' yo i vi_> " i , lory Still i many American writer* and spoakai Bot yal "Hers Bi Cli r_ make :. ia i.i, iu thora has made In trea j. ct, nnd yoo a have adopted bis erior, jroo and be} mane uo dlstinoUoa any other sj "pro in of which ii u omi ls lob as a patent right or a oopyrbtht. Medora, yourselves and many others r..i. into ihe error of treat nth, tht to . ty aa b li g ba si npon rh', pm,' ip.,-. I ., ,..i that ts;."a yon quarrel u; b. t .. oonmlttoo to re-uni to that BMltor yon will ai-o bice lo lola a*. ">i' food into the framer ot t'm Consti¬ tution ami nil til" statesmen ot the world thoa far, for nos* bate In the eli ,.i/.» i sv tri i aro tbe i no kimi* of prop- Use sp 'ii th, - tm* bm Ph framer.* o. ....... 1, :.-.-, . InUSC -, ii*" lh" following ,'i-.'ii , ¦>.: " Con [rees sh ill have the liower ... to motet, progress ot sotoaoa nnd useful art- by iienrtna for limited tlmoi to anthon s idlnvi otun tin >. rte hi lotbeli rcspeetlvo writings nnd -is- coverie*." Bo you st e that tba fathen abo fraatod aad adopted lbs Constitution euteitatesd the "dtohmiosl ],rim',pe .. al o, and did not gran! the "abatraet tight of tic author." And aol omy rj Gorerum nt that bus ena. te 1 a copyright lasv BBS boen eanally dla* btu,est. Further less' BOOld you expect nato giant to Btithors a Bftrltofli wbleh 1* Inhibited by the language ol the OoiMUtuttou! You i*v: ¦ White sse lecogtil/.e an autltoi's properly in tis coal ovarywhere, w, BOlreonu rita ri.'i.t to bis bool; i geographical bo-adarlea."" if I wore dtepossd tel apttooa I should point out tbat yon hal talton Into an error, tor bli right to hts booh ls as much a common :. i iu.it ,,*. bis right to b; pans or his coat. Can .\,..i not sse tbe dlderaaoo between bte r'^1,1 to the ba 'k a* s chattel sad a copyright! This dtSerenes le wr.l 1.instr..ted ly the pbrnaanl |*.opoaltton. Tue Boasmes tow protects a maa ta tba possession of his abonaanta, n amit n hBW BMny may bs hatebed oat oo bis donni,ii, but lt doon BOt protect hiiu In the light to bate), pheasants. The common law protects the anihor*i righi to :: bo ih s i .ii.t t -1, to hims ill ono his ha ra foi all tlhi*. bit under the Constitution the .-tillite an only dive bun a cn,,yn.ht lor a " limited tune " ana that tor speel.-il roBBoaa. It I* matter of regret that not anfry s ich as yo.it-c.c, hut a groat Dumber ot very totoUlgeul gentle,nen ss'ho follow the protaaeton ot authorship, ebould uliow themselves to bc mtetod hy this strongs ml*.. rc.eusiou in regain*, to tbeie two binds ot property. Toe Blas take exception to the efforts of the coinmitlge to protect Ibo " ihoouie of labor." a._d here again yo¬ use the sbattal argument as thoogb lt wsronmoral wron- t.) present » forelg*nei*S bringing lil* j>r ,perry lilt', this country freely aad wttbont charge. What ls tho Cllect or th.) protective principle ol sv_ieh your Journal ba* Peen the Bbtoet defender in this eonntryt Tbe duty npon books ls 29 per eent; taOtbOl WOfdB, l'laetii'ully, i se 1*1 Engllsh-i tn bring four books toto thia country lbs people ot tbe United Statea demand of him i -. i, .otley to pay for oas book, ana we do II for tbs i>urj.o*o af necuiiii- Ihe" tecoma ol laboi m thia soon- try." Are sot preparad ro reno mee all your profssstons (.. :. li r. I regal di I trow net, but prefer to I that u;miii I,nthcr IboOgbtyoa Will disavow this crltitisa: Upon tho Bili. As regards the ant?,ors themselves a verv large major¬ ity ol t; tm seem unaiiio to eiuiiuc'i]i*t*« theoiaelvaafrom the i: :-..],] relieti«i,n that the author's pro;,erty In his Btodeettoa ls a common Inw right I will not attempt to rrgue Ibo question ol ti.e ..il^lij.u prlmipie b_t eootent mswit w.iii Muni ly snajeellng to tho-e gaattomea whether i; w,.i. 1 not bowell foi them to secure inch nghtoaal-MJ may auder t_e CeastttUttOB ural for then brethren sbrnatl and it-- tho otlier contrncl allorward tot Ibeywfll fina that a vary bbl aaa. Probably they Will liol lind oue state.--.an lu a Uiod.iaud lue ssuiid wVt*l wba Will asjree Wltb Sbeas. Very reapoctfully. J. Chace. I'iu.'f- aHaaai A«,ia/c, Wankinnlori. D.C., May _4, lend. MIL T UPPER'S VONP1DBN0BR, EXTRACTS PROM BIS AUTOBIOGRAPHY, Ur. rappel expresses s .ear lest he __aj be ajooaaad or sainty au,i soteeoaaatt lu wrttiag ibis auto- !. a] hy, I Bl BS aSSOrea his readers tba*, be is in reality One of ihe most modest ol BOO " For lae mallei or vanity, all I know of myielf ts the lae! tbat prates, n oonactons.y Baatoaervee, only oe- Rresnes sue Instead ot el-ttnmt; tba: a noted rBameter- itte of ni lu* Utronab Ufa han boen ta hide away ia tba rear rathol tuan rash to the front, unless inteed furred AN Al'TUOlt'8 GSJRaat) Tvso .juetr anecdotes I malt give about another form el BBlhor-warablp la whleb we poor valu naortals are aosaaiUBally exp act, namely, *st,al 1'ope coiled lu Rey lit. ...-case '. lh. I, ape of Hie Loo*." J can remeua her (aa ui,rt by l.a,lj -lu i.on .on. ii.'jie ibau oue such S-Viul u,.u. a..B :.pied if not accoinpl;-hcl, nut moat es,' ia..) »..- i ii, garll at lb* PhJtednlphton Bxbloitioa, Wi,'i. tl.rea dnoanaa w:o guarded lome lady-xuibiiori (too uaoiltal tu o«a Ibeu.selveai pu.a.rd a oellauu indi- vIsiim,, bclssor* lu bund, lise liolbo, Ia.cl.esis _n i Al repos, n. ya.;, hope ol a... ai.-.. 1.1 ».¦).¦?. llj.:k Ih'-y been. Ilk. u.a.s ...' our Ar.,.nc.nt aiairrtt, both juvenile and lovely, very pooatok- aucce-s Lui_ut _..v, ciowued -i., .. Calline , or, instead of mo thine. -eJuoliv* (jrace*, bad tbey posed aa three lriie.leoltial Muses, I might have luc- euiDbed; bul a icaih of talcs abilene" a ap: :. treal. Aud for a second queer auecd.ue uk* -Jua A 'eui* negro '.ai '.et bad p ,;*. .*¦:<..! ruc to have uiy har eui, to WBtoh ki_-/(ealluu, ns lt w_* l.i».-. g but \*eallu-r. I agr-«d. II'. _od a ea' '.title sh';j. doae to a ''Wollar'*. b'ext kihi .ilu* 1 passed thal shop and noticed u.y name ateoardoa tbaia, snrraeaded by goia locket*, fortbat runliirig nlreer and hi* Slided frlead saere maali,/- a rich StoOarded Ikara, aurr.iuiided by gold locket.*, >iirr*_lna' nlscer and bu gilded frlead were m.»ai bat s**: of my abaTed euri*. Sambo csu be aa (barp aa JonaU*a_i, when afreamau, ll b* like*. A UO-rTlAlll.r. M l.i.lU.S A 1 111. I had Just tended ia N.tw-York after a itoriny fortnight lo Ibo Ana (lt waa A. 1*. 1 i-.ol, and taken up my quar¬ ters st tbe Astor bouse, lo real before frieucfi fou-d nut eat But my arrival had been pu),Dabed, and before, in private. I bad token my Brat rerreabn.aot, the boil, a Ooloo*, of our*, cam* and aiked lt I would a'.ow a taw Of my admirer* to great nie. Iioubilea* uatnrai Tautly waa wilban, mtd tbroujrb bi) mom, baring door* right Bite teft, turtb wi tb eenie a itreatn nf well-wither*, ail ebaktog hoads and saying kind words ror an hour snd anson»nt teat um/ dep__xe_, ali bul oue, who bad ooma Hist mid bellly bad taken a chair beside ros: when the rrostd were go..*. he bi.iiit'V ter Mt * >"« frankly) said. -Tm one »l t bel idell met) in New* York, n'r. ami I snow authors munt t,« poor; I uko yon- basks ana sere toni my linn;, i- (naavia* th. M) te honor sui ebeoks on me yon may Ilks te draw." "My dear Ht,*' I replied, .. von .¦"¦ mo t tooti lanita, ami all I ona any i <. if i .'us * the nf.fortune lo lo*» tnt* pa lt t (lt wa* B roll Biller* rh**** cut alar Boise- 1 shall gladly accpi retir offer; but lual no* I bara moro tann I waul I'S-tX" " w n, the>. "tr. .".ne .ndsttyal my Im:*", Fifi fl- iv.'." "1111* le vett Kia I, but S'Vi.il Monds here hav specially In- VI ted nie, ... I SUI cooii.eile.t to .ledi,ie. " '. I h-li.sir. my yaeln In the harton la a >.> ir icrviee." "Pardon mo, Int I won'd rather fonrcl ai! memorlo* rt the Basal pram at.with das tbanka." .. li.en. * r, mv rarrl igw bas B* ,, se lilias al the hore, all 1'it- tinir. lol m.- baro the honor »I I,.ll, nc Voil to *e<* Mrs. -o-snl-ao. wi us .ut Tl HIS 10 ii."-et sou." Of .-ours.. I ccu I not refuse U.IV BM tba .,,:..',! tana or nt* handsome turu-mt whenever BtbCI flt"),(ls Iel me sri. m nu: om BCfl _T s'.'iiATrouti. An add !inn_ Bspnonsrt bs me in Iboeboreb, whore Bl .b s e-tn i. ti ia-- Mn, ms Mini aa oi bar viaisora dbl. An i.,'..-ur..ri, ittr-rtv nnknowa to ma aa I lo bim, ru,,,',-. -,! y np to tn* aa I waa la -peering t ,,t oneal!** t nor] bast ..;, 1 lu* rlplion shoal .btkeipeare, and BBtat, M Come end sse whir fv four, t -Si irtfa ntpprr'* BUUi_i ipa he iiiust :, Mssewhora near, for he has iel - .ui. .i. o td., i* 11, i.ere I" l rainer iitouci.i haniuriil be, " i've wtebe te see bim aver stn, s.-,- i siuall .,.ts-. I.i v.ni Know bun, sir f" .' Well, yea, ii Hf'le.' 11 (*bow him tom*, slr, won't yoe 1 rd giT» 110 fi>r bi* stiller pi." After a word or two mont my good listore ffivr him the pr a iona sifnatu'e stitt,.mt tbs dollar* and I shan'i snail] rora*! ins rranilc oyabowingtba t to all ino md him winlat I escaped. I- TAKKN FOB AN M.I/AH.'.Til'.N AUTHOR Ut* often taken for amalad tba) tbs aathor af . Pro* rerbtal Philosophy ** ba* been dead for eanamtlona I cou t nit-iii ion many proof* or ibis belier Iii my BOIl* ex!-n Ow; here U one: a dan -lit r ot in: BS IS asked lat* 1. by BB eminent i"t*>li if alie is il le*,..¦ml .ut of Hie cele .r.ite I K liuheihon author 1 nnd When teat Indi- pa -«iii_ mund the r.ii. e uno ne ir to th* i'ro- rc- ir, ai, 1 st * Intro loee*! M lum ns her rather, the mun could searoeiy >. brought to believe tani bia tons departed book friend wai p sltlvoly alive nerore him. lh.- Professor i* >kr,i us ir he bad sena a t'lost. MR, TUPPBB PBODUCES A IM.AY. Tba VbBOB to AOt ll. aooaa I, sr is thrillingly effective, and tba winda avnnets went very sven iron. bealaatva; to end, tba audience being preternaturally quint,. whteh rii-ei icertod ino until mr tnontrieal mentor ..rais¬ ed Mic silence of mut raaf erowg a* the i,e*t p,.*<ii>ie wan or snocess; they wore bald sothral led «* one man till the ead cam,-. _n,,i than s ibm Mundar, bal tbtokine of ss a waaezi.tad »f me In tbe way of think* for tbs ||. . cheers ii ill* ne with, I gol ion of the theatre ... qnlek ss I e oil I, and ir ,s ball w iv to my hotel when two or throe Melted sutler* rushed after mo altbn -*ttood lied, 'ir. nipper, oobm back, cine lue',-, or th* puce ST: 11 bo liri doWO I" Bo of course I hurried to the front looneonntera tumuir ot applause, altbongh I most have miked rather rid len lons i,,o. oroeains the atagolu tay Amertean elosk and bran¬ di ibm ( m. ;n.ru a Ila. PROVERB! tl. PHILOBOPHY. fn tbs year lt*2g, whsn under "-tr. Hot'* ronf-tAl- bury (ii.uii li-" ui is men 18), I bothouebi uy«eif, for the -), ,; nae and nenoof of my cousin Iaat>elle, wboasven year* after became my wile, thu! w nld tranaerlbe my i-¦ na on tbe holy eatate of in itriuiony; a letter ws* io,, u-i,.. ana ii formal saeay loo heavy, andldldu't mro to versify my Ihourbt*. so I roaolrod ta convey them in Ihe III IBU er of HolOIOOll'l ProVI II'* M I ne " SS I-- d",i," ,.t le*n*tba -"ii ol Hirsch; snd I did so,.ano* eesalvely. In tbe Artlolea Mist ..a Mi rrlara, then Love, then Fri, rlsbip, an fonn lyon Ealncatloni several ow.er piece* stowing afterward, ffhilat at Albury, ),,y eoUSle showed -onie, nf ti.e.o to (mr rector. Hush u'Ncr,., oho warmly praised them, u,,,i recommended their public noni bul. rr ardine them aa pr!vate and per*onai, I would nol hear ol lt, and In fact lt ... bi fore tiley ll* prinl '' i- Uti thou ri, I meant ir noi then, samp Ifrlng tb If oral tn advil ¦" However, r in Au isaac, 1 ".-, v "teri ng, whose chapel In p,,. lin.»...i.!'i',,'l nae,I lo attend when Uvingat lioth e i uttage, Resent'* Part lu my rlrsi rsara of niar¬ ri,! _e, lattin* ,,, sod urging ms to wnt* something for the t (A.,../ um, which li" wai t ion edttlnr, I « i* Ind '* . | ai n '""... i - ¦, *; i.nt I declined the,u to bim, when tl bc ra* ange ip* tb, rather iu tn.tl I objected top ¦..¦ q, il publication, poss I- hi y ,; .,, istlns -,, ,,« ,-pr ... ii ri of the day then wu*] up.-a iumuziuc aud jouruall ,tioliterature gen- ,, v. '-lr. Stabbing 'Hu rn- ml itsntlal e* ¦¦..:.,. tatton of what Wal rei s ,. i," -ami a* ol ni] latter ;.l a-,, ffiod venlc - ma - ter-; an i Ile 1 lol a I 11- lll*l* J OUIIg t.iitii.;'* fame,.ptrformlng a* above. rio, alter i in'.- i his wbei I ree Heel ,.t the il . ipualta Ila apst* t Road Chapel) on tbo bock of an old letter my opeuins ij ,b, " .. ts a mind, a .1 p. eh tm s," ..' In ton weeks iron, thal day l bad my Brat iori' * ready,- supposing it then si. I should en r fina' en i having been my delii iloi a' the doss of each of my four series. | Foi Ri views ol f*T< .- '.'¦¦'. :>.' be volume of Bancroft's " ll,-'orv r,f tl... Poeiflc Coast,"Prof '! ly'a " Windof Dealiny,*' H. W, Lucy's " Diary of 'l wo P irll intents " and Mr. Winter's story of Miss Mary Anderson's career, rn teutli page.] IKca Pah!uatio*:'j. A NDOVER REVIEW. For i r.N cor * TUE (in.UP -.-Tail oi , 'i.i.i.tili _iii>ii.s in THE Jouse huckin.-* i:-is ,.^>i.. Praa.D.0. Oilman. nil- iiakvai'.u "Haw i.dc aiiun." p..r. ti. ir. BowMea, lM>I\'Ii)L'ALIS:.r Hf ZDUCATIO-f. John TL Psnlisn. H. D. sr cb IB1"1 H's HISTORY of Tin: PKOPLI Ol TUB 0 KITED STATBS. Hon. -totten '., inbdrl gs TU ii SP lt ITT Al. I'ltOltl KS! "[. RE M SM t's i lt INII TOWN. III. Willum W. AilaBM, D, TX ktieaiO-fa in indi s. n«s- chart**txatarbneb. t-oi ni sfiii. an RKLIOION. Rev.J.Tyler. _aiiu.i,-i Esssya, Booh Bovtewi SS cents; gt a year. houghton, iiifflim a co.. boston. ii kim '."th st., New.Tora. pITY SEEKERS POBCOUN 1 IiV HOMES.-- V^ PcdiI bu in, dal edition ..r ¦. \\ «.. k:v," Bonni Ki* o. M. v Bsj.8, rim onanplkauonbj postal Bobtelniiatiaa. tiou. I.'I.'KNCH l'>( i|\S..Ness c ttiiliiiriic. enmpria- in. mr,, arlitions One biadtntn a rt ¦ eboie* of current works t.u <> anal bteratnre dow rea ly ; will be-.ailed Ire* on Hpi,lic-tn>n. Ji.'itN I. KI.AV. '..I'l mon S|utire. s y. Ju-tnution. ( For Boys snl Youri? Men.City. TN1VRRSITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, No. 1,471 Broadway, near 4l.,i*i.. lath ve^r primary, ct,,. Biercial «,.i i ,_.s.*.^ai uiii-r.ui, a,.,. iuairucuoj IbuiouHli. v. M. nOBBY. W.I.AKIN, ii nt; N.e. UtNDiUCK bU.N, Ass nUln. Tor Poth Sov^3.'JitT. DELSARTE SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION, Drama! c I ipreaaion snd Phy lesli ill ire, '. o 7 hut Ht .81 lerais uur.tii' .tuuiniei uioiitii.ii ten private lei bom 015. rrilK BERLITZ S( H0OL0F LAN6UAGJ s] I ': Wes- ..",'. .t. alaorrrooklro RroosnitorJ e-rarrwliere s* tbe beat initltrtlon f(>T lesri bji io ap.-oi mo*lern toi SoHmsobsalt ':<¦,,. t.a-'iti i.ow. pensllsummer, 1 K EAST 65TH-ST. ¦ U* MISS CUII ll.ll.M-; BCBOOL FOB OIBL9, Uaisal I lii..u,.. >j. Boy*'ClOMt**, Musical Instruction. fjUITAR, BINGING. VIOLIN, PIANO, 0R- Vj tiAN, Fbt'ii.. Pnvaie :. isoua wai -o.w-, la i sat lirr, .t, ti; WOsl -'i.i st lp wa Bi ii ',. liiC .-inti Avcnuo, QRAND CONSERVATORY OF MLrilu. 4o-WK«*-|r,j'Ti»-s'r. .in. Thc lend!nc tcbool oimn>*r]c, elocution, dramsUi art terebri laaaosres, (Ira** ii t sndpalnltni*, li,. sdvsntMeseqnal u ila lessens parwees, tor par! lenlara uldresi b. ml iiiiAiiD, nisllhsil Art Schools.City". \Iiss H. C. LANE-punil of Trot Olia *'¦ *sl*s. Boral Academy, Munich Intcndln* tor,..,..., inti., city (I,>il.sr the *..., er. won,,) like a few pnpll* iu oil pu iiiinifor s»aierc,.,ors. specialty '..-:, .- rromlifeo pm UalU flolnp lOtOI -iii.'i*. Ill-M'n, 1|.. ai*u ii, l.o,v, i p-uil- tu_ ana sun ale. lenna flS-BoratO. t ali or ml lr- «, ll, '.SCI I.",, I, st MRS. LOUISA B.CULVER " J.TI \s ,]! receive pa] u* bi |tente| tem i,r, October'jo, In aiswtnjt, oll*-iaw»fer oolor ..ai-Ua/, .. ufj, _uwcia aua ju _*, apt ,c'..n.. ualnttns c, I a- ,,..u: ,-L -tullin, N,^ *o S] |jp, ,^-a. , . Reteren* m ai. I liiii.tii.iMnn, Presl.leni Nan.,,,'. Academy of r)*st/a, SIS, William lian, N. s., Mr. Jam. * M. Il_;t, N, ._^ iii. Davitt Johnson.-!. A. For Youri? Laiiei. rjottabrf MME!. CARPENTER, 215 Eaal r.7H.-st., iva «ishes pupils f..r *rvonch -ur.tif larnmar vBcaUons. I,,,, . a*lii. "I I ..-;| Illuu, ti .il Ml D*AURANSAU OLOMIXON.incbarre M., u*l_-_HJ?*_Sff___****.*.* ,'»rk"' '"'I'trinie intrti ul.- liroo.iu,. win o|,e. a »iii,...-r acliool r-.r tba rench sad e.,,,:,', ansomtea at Labs .,-.-. ,.*.,.., i,,,,^ ,^_, I ioahyai.ie llotcl, t.crmaii ueponwaut rn .ie ,,i \ir- lue¬ lle B*lh*!*.d. or IMcke, i,,.',,,u.. Tilliulcu iiu_-bii ol roans a...-»..! .. ., -,v...ia* i,.*r,;iu_ pnnUa, lor .icu lur* a, dress PACKI.li iNilll'l l |. "* v * cir-u- ..'rill'. ELMS," Sprin.-tiesii, Maeab-FantllvT X I.ayaiiil M isle-c.b.ioir.r ».rl_ Prl oary Ac_,l«,nt*! 1 hUU-CS ai 0 I'o*t-i.i_.lu»l«.i:oBraea, Acaci«,nla, __ luJ.-.-r.-, I'DltlKil A lli.*.MlNI.Y. Phd, lpai*, VV'AI.M I LAM. school aad Welleslev VV pr*naratery "formerly M*.lar»'> cmricnt'*) K.iai,' . Kcbool for ronny ladle*, nota -roar rom - Sept _r n.-t-sres for _t,y c ll.fe. Hcn tnnructirrs. lor cinulai* sUdreas Mis*. \ns v *.M!1 ir. / I'rlrripal*. BtaaT, ll. iilCIIAHlJM, 1 i..-I, ia .loan pij...a ;_ For Boys and Youru. Mea.Country. ADIRONDACKS BUMMER 8CHOOL..An ** » csp'!.... ad teacher vunUuc the AalinndseA, tblssn-u- pier wui uk, sith bim a aaaall eissi ol oj . andai .iiteeu foi atii'ly -ml ifrcraainm. Berercnce* ii Rangal Addru-a K. D. MS I AN VI'. Blstar's I'reput toiy H, hool, .Newnurit. N V. BACKWARD AND INVALID BOYS.- Nie andei-lirn-d. an eiperlenc r\ pin si. tar, and "eschar BWSSS tb, ar, snd ,i,.-li,i,",,,, ut SUI lj,i>la api'Ctally Im. tallou one of int uivaldrliiflitt il *,,'! ,',e_liLtul u, Hew.Cnn. .od addn * HR WILLIAMS lb, Lyme, fonii. |>i"T nn.l CHEAPEST wav to lonni Fnricli SS ci (.em.au lin! Spend sun.uicr *sr»e*bly Ul BIBBlll. Ursntareai in, BbbUTZoi iiuoL, asAv est .-dot Ii OYS and Vol SH MI-.S pnvatelj- bfn*d tor m* lol,.pr. (oi.aili.ii,i*i or rejected t andbiatea cua< bed sum-ne- 01 winter 9, HOPI.vi AN. Hockbnrtff, Mooa. L-LMWOOU SCHOOL FOR BOTS..At Mil- A-i irrdionii. I'srena bo are unlnrtnnst* in tben.sn- Mstmcnt ol Uiclr sons ss ill oo taell n,pr. ru by tb« sdvaiitese* Mtieo by ll ia school. ?(__-*-.. 1'iiA.S M. lluWJC, Boat. i JnGlriiflipr* For Bnys nnd Youri:: Men.Country. FREEHOLD INSTITUTE, Freehold. N. J.- 1 SV'ilyeir. I nf Mia ld I ( cia »*. Ki 1 i I rel. n. ( o- limbla. Val 'I lui vu ul. I.I \ A. (. I'.AMIi. L.-v lin. EMPSTEAD INSTITUTE..A Roardrnf 1*11*1**1 te* Hoya. AI lie np l-a.I <t t_ 1-1-in.t. N. V. MWtMi. .*-. li11 Hi from June 1.". to *i''!>t('ul er 1. Or ts -..sent', year liesltil (september IS. IKrio. Cstal«*rtt" on application. Hu;Il LAX D MILITARY ACADEMY, ss,,:. iii r. Bsa* .' il i 'a, ',..:. :. | ul »'. ii Ml' * I.H. '.. si - ip. nhl lear. pKNNSil.VANIA MILITAKY ACADEMY. 1 Cheat*- lost is lan'.",a*. 'I 1. t.-crli Irteirn. Jl,n. *> Mil.I I Aili ((11.1.1(1. ' iso I ui il a. ru,ii, ,|,i,,i*try, ClatwU*. Knsnah, l*OL«*KKLTBKO. BYAT1 |-*rt*»idcut. UUMMEK VACATION on ;i farra for ii few 1^ nun!.* ia the fsimly of a French teacher] ci, ai, ea reaoaat. st, tl /.*. N WK. _SJ- ili-l .''ll, -t. riiRINITY COLLEGE. I Kssmlnations I to tt* *r*l*e*hn_m ("tesa wiB he held at tn * .i-i i'i'ii *. Nen Tort, Itv, ii I n yr, .aaa ll, tl a m. Ureas raaeaav. June -_,a:SO ». m.. ll'-Cbr* 'iv in.lJUli, SS one* lay, anne -ii, M..to a. m., Arithmetic sna Oeon.eiry - p. m _i,*r,. indidaics f.-r idrn las on n u fa s omo led Un .r Bfteeath »>:ir. and i.'i'i_ ri c.' nial* of root! lonni character, iBtalos*iie« eon- is i .a*- *:.., o n , ef ft.-ii nation piper* can _* ourained on spp i,-ali,m io .:,.* h ni ofTnn-ti t*onet*e, Hartford, ..nu. or tenhcr inloraiation :ipp,v io I'll.sMxl.IN ll iuUI.IIL. .(.¦.., SS.sl ..Sfl.st.N. T. DOCKLAND < OLLEOE.N 1ACK-ON-1 TIE 1\ ii i' i .-( N .- I. j ii ci. ij fi. Inamess f. it, alb a m t IS« Titf_S Kiln li i-. .-. iv.iti it h. I.i in. li,trial ii.i in. e. *-(i, Im rataH fi ft \s. I'. RABIfsTER, A. M.. rna, tli'iul'cre. A.BEST TEACHERS, Tutor* and Govern- . rs-e. .nopltc't witt,out >, ,r -e. TC Ai BE RS If nit. ted free. Many vscaucle*. Konn for stomp, lt. AV ai. Atnericen ..*, hool Bnrean, W.-st lin, *t. N V. A C., iitli tn.tu (Spaniai I would 11k..- for a .'» ... ... oral c.inpetisil,,),, to-tye lessons intiie sp.,,,, 1, lani;., ¦tte elt_ei in a college or w residences. A.hires* Boa ..'. 'lil, e. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN TEACHERS l\ AGKNCT »p^T.lle* Pri.rcs.ors, Te.ielier*, Tntcrs, 'lur- *n,r'aes, etc, IOColteir****. tH mill arni Families. Apply'1 MK**.**-.-. Vol ni,.. lti.ii*. in Uniissiiaama \ N pxpci iitici .1 teacher vuitina* thc Ad iron- _\ il eba th!* -.,.,,hut n iii take with him a mall class ol b .ys iibU. i iu tee r u stu .. and rc reatlou. lt* f neel n . d. A.Mle * I II. B iN sNV e. pr»] irs orr "*cho ;. Nt wi, ir_, N. Y. \GER m' \ N vmiiiL' Imiv. pupil ol iho Orr-adi-n Couserrstory et Basie desires a position is teseiierin ., i. uooi or fatally. good city references, au,ir. ss r. il Ho* \ i:F.LL\ Ri L -¦!,. fiori "f school clrmlarafor .'* psreolssndru Mian*, ii ichera,tntors,jrovsrneiaessop plied MIItlAli ( ni lu r.;., a. E. 17that,bet. B*wy and tC-nve._ As ontii-ltciiiIi inin. tin *'*cff"ifiico(| teacher »nu private mtor who bus Iravelted extensive**- >n tl,.* Cou ul rf ntul bompa .'. «ir .¦* a t.i«it,oii its oe trayetlna lalor to a teni lcm.ia's s.,n. or ST -.111 I I, V I.I il -elltleail lil ol' l-liul,' Kui,,4* rrll im.' ptooa Offii e, U3-I Isioadway, pORNELL UNIVERSITY I'KACilF.RS' XS- Vj HOI lAlfOM. Ill,ni .. N. V.-S. ho .1 offlcef- wantina' lir«r c'a*s lei. lier-, ol i.i .lc,r,,.i' po*,tl iee adoree* the Free-dent of tbo aa .*." lal ..;.. li. J. Mi _.SK*s'GER,Jr. pOMPANION or TUTOR..Ry a yoonR *. 'i.i in or a* tutor to ii nub and, Knit'lsb bran si Ijti lt, _, 103 ... 8 "th st. rjOVERNESS..Ry n young Ennliah ladv, *" ,l.,'i"l,lei ,,f -ti '-.p'-cop ii cere, nun tiioroii-hly coi.i- ',1 !,- il ,, '. io ,i,a an I" i .: v us UI.At'KMoltK. a .' rbtiry, Knfand. il HESSE'S 'Icnchcis' Arzeney removed to 1* 12 i. ivit. -r. Profi Mora, leschen rorenimendad lo tar-im ai,vice in cboteaof be*l - JVIRh. (Ai; LIL A. MORGAN, Reader and I. I i ¦¦:, bi i ..; i \ot allon in I Uraai-Uc Art Vu.ce allara eal j.i.i-nt. UCIi ER.MK RHO RN'S rearhera' Aaency. Old- i ' i t. Established .). \S Si III lt si I'.ltlMliN ,v i'i .7 i..i«t ut.: -. V. rPEACHER Ls ii > .nm" French ladv a position I r,, t> icu and ta a. ,n olin e, l -3d lr UN','LL. Liitti. i iii ,1 gentleman, collesro ate. On \V, h. K, lt :. lu *.*t,,i'pt..., I'nton Teacher*' 'frney. \\'AN KI)..By a ronng mun, frradaate and » » prof, r. ol '. Dirsahle dispoaltfon snd character, beautiful y nan mu bookseeper Intendln* teeontlnns ¦. t.in prmii fouillr n bei. lor board any of tbe n_,i«!i hrs ioho*, oiatbeaattea, olssslca. Bl eretice. ACit..* lt. F H., DptOWB 1 ritalin, Uh. ... liroadway. \\'A\ I Ll). .Mum- Iciiclicr*) nf hoth sex'"*, »T tUf, ss,-,t. (Sooth, for niat'ieinstica. acinn.... lun- e. s neal aiel Inatmi learners lluainnai closed Monday I. M. ( ". r-11 ... i a .7;ii -t bot. Broadway and Ith-ava. ly OMAN'S KXCHANGE TEACHERS' BU- ' * i'l ATO Ito] both asses), -tippiies I'rof.-a.or*. learhor*, Mnnrlona. li ,,,-, |, pen, Coi a collei.'.- ,., Hoobkeepers, _t< pticiB and opriit* to bnsineas Brm*, _Mrn a. I'. l.Vl..., .i. i,, ,vc. New.York City. ACTINA IS TKE WONDER of tl.e :;i|n ('emory (rall oradrtriis A fl NA IO.. SS .'t'a-uve., K. T. Cilnnhono {13 ar. 1 c b~ Ma lea. I BEE COURIER will pay 3,000 franca to ..'l parson rctlin* bin place t. travel .n Karapa, ciood .in Erooble,' ip me. H* HOOL I.Ki rniOITT. 18-E**t2a_*-*_ ATTENDANT..A medical and anraical tiur-e monal Uko to travel upi, lavaltd "iiltcinn hi* No. tell :¦¦ I *,.'¦ D>* l-.a_. "il 4li li el 111411 Salary Val a , 4,i roi ie' i".. ., irroi a, »,i,,. nntBiiu- c,,l o, a:. , I Bro* it ay. DUTLER (»r VALLI'..IL a votmjr Scotch- lt man, leavlns on acconniol pre sen! rc. »yei solxui attw.y. (al or iddreai J. -.1 I il LilI..VNI>, 16 'l-a'-setto SS .,*'ii:.i't.,i, I). C. BUTLER..Ry an Englishman of -.nod ap- PC* ¦ CO WbO ll inlet - iii,,'is bl* WOl'k Inn oil l 1,1 r B* bilt- ,-i claas f,,ii Hy l.urop ni uni itt/ recoiuuicuiatiuui. i'.,'j lilh-av*., op*.Or*. lM'lLLK ot WAITER..Ry a mar who lr th,nonuniv Hilliers anjs Ins Im.ines*; lr, n private lani y bal Bfl n yi-.r-' auod ur retemoo* cnn l ,.i_n.y retool,nt intel wul b* iliarimageil tb* nra; ,,t jans address 1.. I)., -US l.ciiii-loii.ave IIUTLER. . Bv rt colored man in prirate . liuuil.v, .itv te er, ti ea H. W.,4.1 West hi if, st. »00K..-A Frenchman, flrst-cliss cooh ; thor* ondaratand* bia nusiue** ia all tts branches aa li.u ii, ihe cunnii v Applj nntll 71 i ,ii.Ki.ii.4ic, CAiriiei of ( (*u.\r ll man and (J ROOM.-By n man who V^ iborooRbir onderstandi ii" esr* and _tsti*#;*menl ot IV ..I e .iii.tl J ti St Cltr ICU lenee. ,a>t (lop.OS Cl C-ll D* .teen. 1 111 Ol S- ,' *- ii., No. aid iii-ave.. elgar siote. COACHMAN. Miirriodi family no inenm- ' brance;fli isa tuan te every way; 16 rears'best ra¬ ilton s of the nest r.in v, One iln,er linn (rood BTOOH PlOBI * ,t I. ,i., I'.'U ss e*i .-d*Sf_, pi ivjte a, ibte CiOACflMAN.- By a colored man; dt] oi J ciiinrj. js.jo.lcitvrei.rei.ee. i ali oi adurcaa J. W. J...N I. ... asl '.''.iii .t. / *< ».\iii man. By ¦ gingie "min. j nndcr- Vj* stsi ol li ira, i, can lag* - and barnea*; .; rear* in :a-t puce, clU 01 conntrr. «.> lr- *tB| t'i*ee, ( V .CH MAN..B.i in iiidv...tn ; no children; v_>* undsratandi im bniine**ln esorj 1 -.¦¦ . t perfect!) sober, i mat ts ni i uni oloi ring wife auulii givu i if rerjniir- ii v ', -- .,, rhsmbermsld; i tv ,.. countn ttrttclis* city r, t,r«i,ces. Ad.lresa IA, ll Ma n. Ult Cast (j ill it. pOACHMAN mid LShKUL-MAN'.-By « __o. V i-1' tborooohly u_d_rata_d* hi* ba__a***ln subraiij H", .1. careful .iii..i stfictly sobsr. honest. S: b-at i nj sn counirr l terencri from i_»i and foi met imployer*, wno tan ne iaon ta or adoree* P H.. 224 Woo*!, .si C*jU4CHMAN..By a flraUclaaa man in every > reap.* l Buber, h..nest amt careful .inver wind mv elly ref, rucea will run laat erupUiyai eau i, ., ,_ ,... os i.ver.t una- ai,., it Inn-. »aii,i carrlaaVM and a first- ...(.. ...1 .., au.ii «.* J. lt.. ;;, i._,t _-tu -,t .ulne. fNOACHMAN..By u hitrhly rescoriiirieuJt^ \J you:,jr mini, who t* v , .*, elly r. feren, e B. s-M.'i v M fl .,t. ("((Al HM.sN ,,i.l <.K<,i>\|.. |',va v,.iin_ min. V> _-.. .- la soot i. honest and re».,-4-if,n u'..i, ,«iaii,|s tits , I..- Qrat-ClOSi :.;,,-,:,., in,iU 1*01 em- P .. i. Auureaa r.i-., -A. liiiiiij, UptownOfflce, i,:js uroa'Jwsi. C'uai'HM an..A (.'iMitlciiiiiii o-iVing m. Iioraea J want* a plaee for 1 ico-icl ian itnfl* elli beblcbl] rn. mended fur ,ltv,.r country, generilly useful, wases niotlemle mi a mod pta, e. li. V IO, 111..on,. I'j,t.,wu .Iti.e, :.. ,- Bro .,lw»y. pOACHMAN uinl USEFULr-MAN..Byaain- v> fie nun, lari SO; tlwrooirbly nnderatanda bl* busmeea In all bran .... roo,!, saretnl driver; strict ty sober boa* cb.eriul au<I ol,.lam. bast elly ami country fttteiencea froa las: au,I tunnel employers, wt,o can bc seen. ul, ,,i address I", ii, '.-'I ss poster-»_ COACHMAN ind GARDENER, wile as COOK ana LaPWPBlaa Oood rstaraasas, TATLOB -lb West Houston^. CCOACHMAN..By a nii.t-ic man; __-at-claae > trnnm i .ireful .inver ni,.tcrstands proper rare .,' rur- nagea wed hsrnsss w..i(i make bloiasH Beneralrr un*-,ii """. >'i ..!>" pam aardao**; ,s Ntl Irtl v leuiwrate 1* williup uoi _li...l ol »or* elly r.-irren, ... AMraas i>. I', Boa m. Irmune onie*. >»A«'H.M AN. Wv an eipf"rieric*»d man J t^.lr(..lcb,y aoderalandi ins imam--, a_ntTt**ii nifiihraiir '-¦-.' June 1; si-T'i ui yuri'first memnrnt^. *ZeZ et emtimT"* m f°"wr e"'p'"> ei* L'u*' ( ii.\( llJl.vN. '-..c sl>st 5ilh al, C>('A,7n!,AN ?J n rfMI.ti.hlr voling niunT tmapn^tmtpn l,'(b.L\IA\..r WAirLl:.. My . v,mil? man, QROpMor USEFUL MAN.-Hv I'rotnstant *<¦ yoona (usu. »gi- Jl years. understand! tba eare of heraaa, earrUf, ¦, barnessiki peed dnva? i,a« D.-atiefer. :_,l,oh.7_i'n,;!,A.mrss^C," e°"UU*- ^^Isa^nffla, ll ll., ini.une t'pfewn (,f_f.., j,_8* ilro.ulw.iy. Vl'liSK..By a color.»d nan as profeaalunal XV nura* ai..1 maaaa/e opara'or. by tb* bout liar or Bsaaki Ihe very beat o! wrcraoce A-ddr*** A. M. UV Ho. .*,-, W.al ? iil.-a'. \rAT_*-T7 By an Enghhlinmn as rajet to u Huck icniictuaa , 2yeori sud S monthi' etty referanco. C,iP Walt imbat. or ITO CO.** Si I I, DP. J, H. SCHE^GtX, ni ¦ ¦..filial i (of I'hii;t*l( pliia), AT TIM" CR/-\8? CEJfTEJUL BOTBb, ilroad'.v.iv, ojipcnito lJjnd-st., .'m:\y.vork, Wednesday and Thursday, June ii nnd 3. Office Hours from 10 a. in. to 3 p. in. If ron csnnet cenanlf Pr Sch.eV tiers-reilty, rrrlfe to Pr. J. tl. Hcheiicl il --nn. PMlBdstpht{ for the yew look on Ina-ases ot tbe Lon^i, I.iy.tr and Stomach, wbich will be sent KUI.K fiituationo CLlante6--irfmcica. -A.-A.-A. MHP. I- UKRI.Y. tTernerly Ml*e I.. Csmpbelt.) Ila* taler: the ntltrknown s* t_S WOrlJ.D RMPI.OYM M B UKi-AO, 17 WP>T il-ITri ST. bri, ath-aV". and Broadway, SS s BRAVCH Of ,8 WEST 23n.ST. ofare* comect-il br Uilsphsnn Pir*le- hsvlaj aubrie, ip Jon tlckJts eau baye t_e ase of bot") oif1.es. AB reforoncaa aertewy taTeit-iBtea' *ni are on nie for hssBSoaaa. Servrini.* (Usappoimln* (smilies wUI e_rlnrtei1 from wy o_',ce*. s>' '.(i>NK';iIo** WITH oirKici- ol' -A.J.. .-au;, us .iiu.-T. MUS. L. PEELY, ts Wad .Dd st. A -MU*. 8EELY-8 EMPLOYMENT AOKN- *f -, ' V' ._! ."M,r .'".''¦-.'.--.'lr"''lusa .Io,.,-*i,e servant* i('i»iieii|i-,ines; cinir-es rii.iui into, an<| aarvsnta' reference* Bnoerno_loaaiBvaB_aaUon. tna- ap¬ ply Monda) sad [ussdaj beroi l o'clock, lu Weal SOth i. took..\ ,ilv leaving tbe city wiahea *n lad a sltnstlon for ber cook. Applj at 3-S W tetb-st C'OOK..Lady troinfr to Enrone wishea «ifi ) fio,i tot- !,ei c,,.,k. wt,,,.,, *.,,. caa hi-l.ly r.oomnienil / JO* ERNE8S..Ry a Paruienne lady, 21 "a re,r, ss fovcrness or I Ity reference. *'o. c COMPANION io LADY..Rr a roane: lady. Andres* E. M. I'.. .; Wee* l-d lt, SOW-York. pO()K..-Family poing abroad doairea aitna- VJ noa for food plain cooa:, washer sud ironer; counliy pr. red, 117 i-.a.-t ...'.tb au C*jOOK...Bv 'i vonng polored rr<:m ; flmt-clasa 'meat and pas'ry eook: conn tri preferred references. JJ Union i'la,-,., ti. t.-. v .i fotfj |ti-i on t,j, _-.,.. / *< m IK..First-class ; to frooul of toa n Earn Uv VJ enwie tn i,tropet bhrh lr recommended. Inquire or ir asnt employer, ll Eas rib-si CHAMBERMAID, Sec..By a colored fri ri aa W ebambernuid or waitress or t., lase ears of children; Braf-eloai cltv reference la io be seen inf tina ii. aaa all bi sd t-.< h. k. -.. fy o/i n :, itn it., city. pflAMBERMAUX & ..-!'.v ri reliable Prof.-a- VJ am woman na cl,*',,t,e->:i ,.,| :,., ... .matre** or t..rr«e ne,! .*.,"* ea* long experience ,. eitber poaitinn rood i.i.iu.y Bill Snd a vj.ii*,,1 terrant; good city referen,,-. _^_ 63 (ill 'il. ave. nHAMBERMAIO and WAITRESS. Bv a \J raapoetabie ooinred girl In bosrdlns boase >r private f*iinly city ie enuc, .* iii Weil .','tli*f. nUAMBERMAlD, PARLORMAID^ A c.-Ry VJ sn noell, ri _. co instant vonng woman cs eb* mb r ru Jo. p I i. or .i- narie Io one lld, «iown. arel se.itn-t,, -4. li ia eon two yeera a tb ber pr, mt .runlos cia i country fur Urn a.iu.iu.r ilea.'-.- iso. lo fc._al lt., N"W. Von. ('HILL'S NURSE..Ry Proteatan I Ei VJ woman, r>,.»l .-.! ro htffh wafM City Ol country City refei-enrei IV *. ;:t,i sf_ pHAMBERMAlU o iVAI'l'RESS.-Bj a VJ yon.- drl t cltr or country. Call two nay* at 20 ss, .t '-J,I.st.. pic* nt et,.[il,,y. i'i I lRESSMAKER.- Fimt-clnsa; wishea a Few I' BK>re eo-raf rntenta i ILSOperdsy. __btraaa T. M.. 287 Tub,me I'ptown omeo. 1...'.<-, Broadway. P-TEE TO EM PLO Y ER8.Kamiliee in want 1 efflrat-clai d nea help caa be Immediately soppllad st the -io-./ Acre" As-ncv without ,.(>*(. 7o.*> 7th ire., cornel i rt li-st. Ui.j_.iw_>- 4 mi 7lb-svo cars pas* lbs door, RAWLY WASH INO -A flrnt-rlaM polored 1 laundress, with iii,aiirpj**r.l facilities an,I Brst-claSS reference* washier br tba trees or dozen; || r esl le ior a,nt delivered to sn pans ot tn,-,uy. Andrea- Ma UV t_ uoli-ON, fit it. "Tl ,... *,' ti POcfflC I'I.oe, -BUl St.. bot. ..tl. 4.1.171(1 ares IIOUHEKEEI'ER.. By an experienced, com- I pWrnt A.nerlctin f*T"SB*taBt In betel, Br*! cl iss boarding bouse or mlsnte tami CSpaM* ol taki-S lull chitr.r wool.i 1 ike char.e of widower'* f_iutly ni.eiu Ihuio are rouac children, iddrea* M. Jl., Koli ..,. Iril.ui.e l ptottn Ofllcc, l._.'l8 Uro.,'.way. IIOUSEKEEPER..-By an American ; pomne- I lon! tn take entire el, ir_e u, .mail private bi'rillr or to saaistmhooa hold aad sewin*; ll a in at. I,-iel s, w.-r. un- doutJt«-<i reference*. Addre*, CL ll.. Hoi l"ij, Adsertisenient tilllce, .">".l iil-*yo. I toUSSKELTER.-Iri a -renUcrnan'- liunih:. I I oi ... au teach KnsUsb. kTonob a_j a little tiui.iic. M. o. n. rnbaoeOffloe. I ADY'S-MAID and SEAMSTRESS.-By a I.* competent Protesten! woman; nnderatanda dressmak¬ ing: erm take oars of Invalid lady or other done* *r,,o,i n-r- ii., ii. >naa rptuau unca ,,.js broadna IAUNDRESS..By n first-elana lanndreaa to J (o ut by the day washtiiu and lronin,, Proteatant; wooli t_ke a it',in ion tn I _no«l family; umler-tands her business tboruashly sati'faeiury retoreooea, l'ic.uo callat 1-6 SS est l'.itbst., lu the store. I ADNDRESS.--By a ftrat-claaa lanndreaa. I J cull 1.0 Kaai Mtb st \| AT RON..By a Scotch lady of education lil and ssperlenoe in the mensaeinent olcblldreoi ina " linnie'' ('ku bf seen between iu.3o*udl-;-0 atltoomtl, Illble House, stn.aye._ \\ HE. JACQUIN. iii I're.ich Bm ploy menI Bnreao. 60. Mh-ave., apstetra Bnpplics fau'ilies. I,.,ic.*. aatn mer bouses with best M vants male and rema'", llrat-clkas cooks ia:', cook*, lauri h.u,,ie 'uinl*. expel ts atti ess. a; housek, cpd *, gosrarnasse*, buly'i-mat-*, Boraea \|AI1> and >i;a.M>h;i;ss.--|!v a Protea- i*I in,,, -.ri tt,,',!,i ssslst with ohaniber work or cUildreu; 6 year-' r terence, li E»*t HT tl, et. MK<. CRASfE'H, foiiiHils ,.f Mic" UuiIi' i rtv*..-i|!orl Fniiiloviuent Pur. an I*Mrectre**of the lim. aa at the same locsJtloo, l,'-fi7 Broadway, Brat Boor, np- st.-is. iiepjrer ti ss (,ri,l nil ilmm uptown otiicos. Correct *y-. in of cortlflad referenc**._ \URSE :iim1 SEAMSTRESS. By a refined 1* American url nurse tn b-fsnl or vrowlna Cblldreni e pab!< .: i.'ut-i,,.': wiitlusT to :.*r>:.4t viii, obauibcrwork ii.,.:. a, i'i, conni ry. ill al .79 Oih-ave., third Moor. NURSERY liOVLRNLS.-... Ky » I- renell liidv i.* having a rood scoent and raferenesa; at Maw-Tork or ll**whet**. Ad,!...»» i. M.. fi, liibune i'ptown uttlco. 1.-3- Broa lway. SEWING..By a R*'nm«-rr»***s, powinc nr homo or br the day; term, raaaonabla -Uldra** M. i... 7«o SUI ave., irtbuun lintucb offlca,_ SEAMS-lt E.**.**, A, c. Uv ii nspci i.ildc I'rol- -t.,i,t plil _.* srauatrSBS rn mind yn.ss Ina chi «lr.-n aa cut ami m. s.I opera! ort city or country: rood rafereuco. ..¦., cards, t ai. 1st tsso ._>* ut ita ss cn-.id at. SEAMSTRESS and HOUSEKEEPER..By a O n,'.ldl.--a_.'d u,,:,,-.. fri,',, New-l orland I ls ll neat MWer t,y baa- or machine, wheeler si: WUson'i sn, a thor,,ugh bon*, keeper: wining uud (,rill_1n(j to thole who iinebt ault, home niau ohlae_ .mis. ma.nn, trlbnnc Uptown OtSto, U_*M Uroadway. J A II RESS or CHAM BE R M A11 >. mid totaEe care ot arown-np ohlldreu. Can ba assn at uer la.-i em- ployei'j. 70 Irvin/ Pl .. >v nrASHINO iiinl IRONING..By a nsixoi;.- colorad woman br wnekordoaea tailor ad ,ir, ai lits Weal 26th H bssamaat, LVASHING..-A flnt-claaa lanndreaa arishea W ia,: .'. _. ni m-n's ai tabing to do at home; Do acid* .:. med; t. rms reasonable, (ail ul store, 117 V. est IOU) St. CT1 cf mt Gtcamrro. M APS A\T>r,TTlPES ountry In ihe lay'a, Uiack'si BAND, ITjSAI.L- a CO, 3-_ Bf0a4*r*y. To eT.rs country In ibe world and all principal ettie* Jlardekcr's Muxiay's, Ulack'aaii- other european imdoaof latta' Uaua. JAPAN-CHINA. OCCIDENTAL AXD ORIENTAL BTEAMSHIP COMPANY. atesmers las re flan Fr*nel*so a* follow*- OCTABIC.-Tn-siar, Tone tt OA'CI.It ._. Paturda'y. Joly lu ai-_,(J10....fat,inlay. July al fMaAWTO, OAmVitX aatAio, Superbly Appotnteil -Mnyerlor Acrornmodarloa. BAN PABLO-Cablu capaelry ll.olied. R'lerTiylons esn ba male by letter nr teleirrsph ti. snd robin plan* ***n ar, 2*17 "lnsidway. New-York, or "loom 74, Ttatlro*,! Hull.lit,_. San Franctieo. LELAND 3TA.NF0Rn. l'resldant T. H. DOOPStA**. Oeneral P-Hseu^.r Aseut. T-HE IT. B. AND BRAZIL MAIL Bfl. CO. X Arr.erlrin pcidnser !hio fer al Tbouio*, Bocb-doa, riT*. Vrrarnani. Periiamhuep. Ballia, Il'.o de Janeirj, wu- cectni* far MoT.teTirieo *_C 1_t:r-iVlla.e ports. Alii ANOfc. Batoidar. min ft ) St rio. u. from FIN *. .«. -., ¦*''. .(.*«**.-. /_n» I" } liobrrt etoiea. brooklyn. _ rrtm Sr*rport Kews **r*. tri-rS rtiy eft*! si*, p. in. a-AUL*'. UKU_lAllIi a (jo., Oanenrl Af-ents. ** brou! a_ ? arab-n"g-American SS. Lim* for Hamburir. ¦ I llmnmoul.i Jnne X t' a id. Itohemts, June ls, Ui30p.m, W»a»|ibal.a luna Kl. FiraM abln. BSO, I .* tfdacaj linc**, heicl for "Torirtat Ha/et'e. Kt'NII-llliT SOO, I', H. MfUARD 4 CO., (inn. Aft* .(ll llro»,lat.. N.V. u«n. Fa* A_ts.. 81 a wsy, N.V. abin. SUD. Si" and S?^. eteersife, J2S. Ko,ina trip sd nnrea. Band for "Tonrlat il ll_Il!)T A ,,, f, |i. a .Ul Baanri si, *l,V. oon. Pa*. .^ IT ROPE AN TRAVEL. . I lloSst* for ladiyiiln*! ti nope ts rsaasetiim win*) eta for ui***_r* travel In . bT IB alf va. OuO M. A ROM. Ml Braadwar, fliw TaiaV. J TouiT-t Uok*u for laiiyi.ln*! traTrlhrr* to and ta all aaita at ramp* m ranees rion wltn »n* lin* ot steam .'ta. ¦paetel 11,.*¦..* for niaaaur* trawl lu .11 naru uf the glob*. fitton SlcnmcrB. /"MINARO LINE. _ NOTICE-''LANK ROCTE." **K(,M BMW tOBM. » I^B-|-ljO_, VIA Q.VBF.NB, Faht kxpRKmw wa it. SmanWtOTL .I'MliliiA .s.itm lay, June c. 7TO s, m. Ai' i' \ n i \ _-.sainntav. Jone I j, p. m. .KTItl'RiA. .naninia/. June 1!'. 7 a. m. si'uv I a....'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".-iiiiioav. ineM Vim. T',' *e *|e»n,er. wi enrrv Hr*' ClB«a .. .(fer* ..,y. fnhm i.n»s-,.. jud, SHH and II nu. Intel i.i, dl.ite. «.: ,. Pie. >L'e !'(. elslo r.)o| from nil part* nf KUrop* ul 'very low r-ite* K.eiirbt "i'd paaaaoa oaten, Hat flowliBf* Oreen. m ' ** VKKNUN ll. CHOWN a Co.. A IO'i.i *. ]>EI) "IV LINE OF STEAMSHIPS. lull LAOl'AVRA. PIF.nT'K'ARKM.O, CURACOA AND MAKAI A I Ho. I'rom Pin iu Kaat Hirer. CARACAS. ir*,tar. Jnneff. VAM- Ni IA.Tbiirad.yy. mne 17. J>HIl.A-i_.L.2'UiA. »li|.,l4r.J.i«.l'l. Th. e SUI RICAN *-TI AStr J'F. Specially bulli 'or tb* trade, have very super-Tor aec.n'i'Oda'ion* ror pasa-nS'T*. AU letter* ihat may he aent .* np lo noaa on the day* the sfssniiiis ssl! sill jin (Inn fsrwaraed, pr.ivi.'ln* mag ore in¬ closed tn atsmpod envelop * of denomination anrnci.nt to toyer t.'"' I'niled Hal. s u.j*t.i_<> of. ci nt* ps* hail-ounce. Fur freight '/r passage apply to BO OLIO ri. llL.'Ss * I.AI.I.K'IT, lieneral Manaren*, _7 i SA ail st. C3UI0N LI NE. j I'M KU BTATBB MAIL KTf-AMK.nsj ll.it Ul _.*Nb'tOWR AM) LiYJ.Ii.'Ot'U Lea** 1 '.ii BS M. Bj- IS** of l_,u_ it. AV.l7.cis a.i sirsilsr un* 1, 4 o. m K KV A DA. I uesii .,. lune .*, 9 1") A ra. nVlKt'ONrsiN.I u. sd.iy, ino 1 ..lp. i*. AI A-.K 4. ...tue te ny. Jan* ll-, h ito a rn. WYOMINO .I iiesdar. Ina*-!*,- I p. ta. Cabin paaaaa tho sadupwardaccoruiaf ia i-ratioa. in- Uiiin .1.*i- " eel,,,-, i.'.*<i. VA .. btaerasaaw a m. vb DtRB-t-.a oo.. sa arosdway, a.T._ I TOR un I'.N'STOV.'N AND I.IVKIU'OOr. c ni , ni, sou stn 'i.c lune ¦. i p- a_ HAlTIl Si.*,l.'.l:iy. Jun-' lil, IP U,. (UV Of rl'i'MMiiM-. 80! ,i,.I.v moe l'.l " '"¦ lr,,.,. Inman mr. foot ot (irani ... Jersov city. <-A'...; I-A-- Mil tHO, >*jV08nd$100. ll ll nd.ute. fl'. Sii'.Ml A,¦,'',. '" Vi:^HW.^:.i;*--..iV.. ^r."A:e.M. >.. Broadway, R. Tr. POMPAON1E GENERA LE TRANSATLAN- \ I i. ¦; : \, ll I ,K lu UAVRK. Company's rier (new) No. I- North River foot of ltorton-st CANAD*.. PadBl.We.li.e-,uv Juna t ..:»'( :l. m I.A i HAMPA'i roi). r rans '.. m n. I.a rroRifANDIK Reruotec. Hatar-sy t ¦.¦¦ l.ine A MKR IOU K. '-one*"" «Rturr»v. Inri» l:». 4 n. m. Tba next salim* of I.a Nnrw»n>iie ._"V Check* pnvaide nt sl-rhr, in IWIBB11 M BBB* on the nanua* Tr»niiitl»i)1i*i cr rrft. _ LOKI-- t)K III- BIA"*. Acct, No. 1 Pew in*.*.*_* BB. BRANCB OFFICE. 1.1'.') ll'MA i.WAV. ..utii R lo I'll-. ri.'KL.O Pstip* trana Inna in st tb* il .mer* of t"i* t'ompa_-** OeneralaTranstlantlqa ntl I sall rora M*w-Yort er*ry sat- citiiAY instsadetev-rv *w"adns*4ar a* he rotators._ ^:0UT^ GERMAN LT-OTTI S'S. CO. \ Midi. BOU il. i" I -"x WON. __,_. NRW.YORK. »') I. 111. Sill I OR A.M, l>ltr-Mr..V. v """. ss', d J. .. -.' ,-' J : ,- **¦. st.' it "ur.. Jon* E., 7 a. m. KM*. Wed Jab* IB, ¦> n. m. VV 1.1) A Ve turill' Ur '«*',' -..' " ll l'J. ,a..l. (*re-.tie-*,n4rk-el . Mil Mr lt-mn-, mreei. Oner;, es. .'.-.rs. lat Oamn fIO**. Bili.als** aitab.n ICU. -ii older *t».im-r*. 'Jd abm. ' »te»ri_re.,t ewe*! or:lh11 Ita a ed.. No. u j-owimiGroas_ WHITE STAR LINK. rv l'mti:ii htatkh anti R'syiT, M«rr. S.! '.' r ;..,lr. R-ITOWX ASmf-IVKHPOOL. BRITAXNIC .Ticratlav. Jnnef*,4p. nt ADRIATIC, C'*P Paraill .'i .'.urs-iay, Ju:,.' 0, BOOB. i , ¦. > ..... lana 17.4 p. m. ci:r.i IC, Cant .' a ll i*ai. ll... u Prom th* Whit* lor Due*:, foot ol i eit 10tl-*t RATBm.oaleoa. seo. B*t and Ti1"'. Retiirn tick-its on fa¬ vorable tenn Kieersse from or to the OM Conntrv Wo. in. lermedlat* (Adriatic ani 'elite enitr,. *:is et oraton, ass. For Inn.rt ii or plans sad ether lu'or- .."..., .nj at tb* COiuii-iiy I ol-cc--?. Mo. ii.' BloStlwoy, 'ea Vol'-. lt. I. CORTI 1. Aceru. Asenta for Phllsdelphla, 8TCABT A i »ni_Y, rri!l-; BTATE BTEAMSHIP LINE. BiiTwK'K Ni.W.vu:'.'. OLAROOW, AM' BEXFAST. wirti tlironeli *d rates to I.trerpon:, London. 1.ubi,ll. Ac. PT ATP". OP ALAR AM A .TTsnrsrtav. Jone 9, 7 a rn. b'l a ra OF IS DIAM a.'. ,1 ii lay, .''-.i" 10, no m. r"a'. n paaaasa, * I aad aio. accordlnr to location of stats mini. excursion tlek* il redu, .,...,. ¦¦, ,- .^i* to m.i fi Koroite at towel e toa, Plat ii, ojji Leroy lt 1 01 fri rhl ar: A IB'l IN Bil i's'.-ll Agents, _'¦'*._ RED STA i.' LINE. .t TO!! ANTWERP AUD PART*. Ballin* from New-York and Anlwi rp svei v *at nr.lar. -Ni" ikDLa.s .i.,. m. Ii. la.l'.M SM,. Bprlng ,it,,i hammer Rstei Pirsi cabin, BHOtoaKai; es.. |1 lo io si60. In, iiJ. ax i'.IO. .-leela, i- at lo .. est larc*. PETER .1. u ,; ,s .- ,Nd, Oen 1 Ag'ts, .IV Iiroadway, 1 NCHOR LINE V. S. MAIL I EAMSH1PS. ^a. Pall every natnrdas from New-York for (.Ls-,,. W Vi \ LON DON n. ,:i:V CIRC'ARRIA Ji ¦. ".. : .,. ia im |] ,ui \ ..... .i 7 a m. i- il luci a. June l'J " p. m. DRV N lt.. C'ablll p:i«H_-.'. tl Ond */."> '. -eeo.,i| la-, i !;,.. .; >t. erase out « ,:,i *Jo. pi. poid fiO. HK.NM'i;*,.,;' BRO! ll i: .>,., 7 ii..w lng oreen, New-York. iTLANTIC EXPRESS BERVICE. 4.'% ANCHOR AND NATIONAL LINER, NKWYORK 1" LlVbRPdOL Via UUKKNHTOWV 8 -, A Ml. I. ii A sails.ss ,_tii. sduy. .In,,,'9 B.& CITY OF Roll K sall* .VVedoe*_av, Jone 'id. end regularly cen .;,. -.4. iboraaliar. Bate.a-*.,-... ..-oo an.! u|,tt_i,L Eleni don tickers it red I rates, Forpa**a--or fmiherparUealaraapply la IIKNDEItso.s ll,lui in.us, i sv. j I'l iiist. 7 Howl,n-dre.¦.. N. Y. .' Batter] place. N. Y, PACIFIC MAH. BTEAMSHIP COMPANY'S LIN EH FOR CALIFORNIA JAPAN, CHINA -KV R AL AND BOOTH AMERICA AND MKXICa From New-York, jeer f,H,t I'anal st.. N. H. Fnr an Franc«co y, i the Iat hmo* of Paiia-no, CITY' I- PA s Mill in-,'.,'. June l. uoou. ORKAT REDUCTION IN HATES to ¦AN FR s MCI80O, . u erase, *-'*,. From Ban Francisco, l*t and .ir.nnan sts., For Chins aiid Jut) m. rtTv pp «t ., ..:,..¦; ..m. ror trelfht, psssau, snd se,ieral Informs ion ..iiyiy at (-'.)¦_- psiiyg ollice on Hie pier, root Csnsl-st, N. lt. il. J M'I.I.A V. >iii,,tiiiten,leu_ I^OR TRAVRLLFR** ABROAD. Clrcolsr letfrs of credit fas_S_ '>y UaiDFLKAClI, lCkllllKIMKR <* C«T_. Foreisn liaateri, -U VYi.-aai-'i f'nsinfso Jlroperf} tor 5til; mi ter Crt rp0 LF.T..Stores 00 Bc* kluan, Ann, William A and Paarl sta. _RPLAND * WHITINfi. B ncelvman tr. 'PO LET..Lofts on RfcLrnun, Fulton, Ann* A Fraukfort. Cliff snd Wilburn sf* hl'l.ANI) a WllITT.NO. B rteclcrnrin st. Ri-al Cstaic Ogmia. For Country and (.'itv I'ropertv mi or roar th*- Hudson Uiver (to or aand to JONATHAN DICKIN- ^o.n, Rani FstateAgent, Pons;bke psi S. v. afoostr. Proyert. ITJaiit-ii L'l'RXlsiIEI) HOUSE wanted on Luc or Del. I and Lack, i-oad tot three montha: small temlij j do cbildicu; or would board witn private r_rj!lr. _it. Hm I'.i. Tribune (ifMce. <i\nrMon Gales of Ucnl (fstatr. Times l wells, iietraiiw. Peremptory sale. 12 o'clock Wedneidoy, Ja_e 9. at Heal Estate Kicii-'i-.'arni A:. ;: >a Stoat, SB tn SS Li-*rty-al» BAMOaOMI **i bi rtr.an R!:sii)E.\(K. telnne.tiK to William Ogden 0:1 jj, Ks... built on lite of old lort liiuVp-udeuce. also, 116 VILLA PLOTS, i.'iiiid'diT locsted on -iedrwielt, Mont*"im«rv, Balley and Alb_ay aves., fSSi i. ;cji-n ,:¦ .: and lilies its. KINGSBHIDGE, .Jilli Ward New-York ClSr. Shoat 5 inlnutei'walk from de¬ pot*. _r (nlnut-e* fium "Aali-a,.. lr HudsoL ftiver and New- lurk .itv and No: tli.un fiaiiuaua couueounx wita rapid Trausit line.*: locatiuu _i._..-t fin. ai. Iic*i!biest in '-<tb Ward exiwUent tlr«tu«*re. eharimti^ Tleasof ilarom Vallar rahssdas. tux, between and nrcriouklua' V. n (.'ourtland ind Jen.nie laik* Inn. l»o,c.e rt su,c:ie-'S. a'.ra*. icbo..'*. rrtitrrbrs. Oro o* and (t-S In ti,iire,_»io iiettTb.Jutha.iil. lir* . nd poilce praiecloo. tree poatol deltvrr.es. leatr.c-ioas *_a:mt nuisenres. Tills ..ro'-rrty st.! vicinity BesseaeM * i-'-t tuaiorib interest. Terms dd per cont csa remain on _BB_t_a_B- TITI.E PERl'KCT ANO Ol AKAVTEfcll by poller of Tl tin OturonCee aud Trust Company, tree of coat, to eocb purehaier. Map* w,tb Mill.-r. t',, _a_ii, di lum.!, I't.rn * vb) Wall it. and Au. ti "_.< r. ll -j >(. IMPORTANT BA LE OF M .NUFACTURINQ A PROPKI11Y IN BaiOOBPORT, ( USN, NOTICE IS HKItl'IlV OIVRN, That In pur»uance of a rlrcreeof the--unerlar ijun of tbe st ito of Connecticut in and lot I airfield Cooiitv paaaad May 1*. Hsii, toro, loam* a certain inori*'«'.'e da'.-d octot)e,- 1, iS (), and mi le by Um Howe M.tctin.e oiup.u.y In favor o' the Central trust loni- p.mvof New-Torn, uoateo.aa-1 ia oarsnanea of tea noter Ot tale cu.,ame,! in -tald inolt-ao-,', taara will be aotd at pul. He auction st ihe Superior uurt it oom tu Iba .mn linus* tn said i ny of Urine;, p.rt, mi saturday. July _i. l.S-ii. at Hi o'clock te the forenoon, rn mi au* eubaeojueai C..iv oe .Ur* to windittie sal* may lie amounted, tiie real eatate of said Bowe MachlBS ton,nany In said IJnd*;«i.oi t. m. lu.liur tba brick factory luillillnxs. .Iwellitia" houses and all .'tbe, loni,I. maa there.,... and tue Loiters, pip,nit Sfip*rst_*. .battn^. eic. tn aal,1 lader, builuiuga. to_etlier with the persons! property cover*, by sail niortrase. and whir'; ls ciuimer- alcl ni a certain ncbeduio attatlieu lo aa ld deere*. -.aid property will be told subjec! to a prior mort***** lo lh*Cltv --.itinirs Bobs ot Rrldareport and also*ubJ*>oi io two utuebiiieiits. one m ra-, or of linne, ss easter A I'uiupAiiv. aiul tbo other iii favor of Ins credit ( urupauy. l.nuliesl, both of LaiodOB, 1 ugiaiitl. ¦aid prniiertv will t,<> s,.l,i as a-, entirety u.,1 must tie paid r,,, iiiii.'i Inoaahoi In tbe ouuttioi ibo ootnpanT aicuraiiry saidtaortsace a' tlieii prorara vain.,, rn per oem ol th* pun base price will lie required lo he paid altin time ol aaU mot the lalaCOS wubin Itt, my das* IBBIca lei, au.i au . i-i ,ut iii,11 ut least to the sue, of S..HV9 2'J, aud all cl- pena.* of Die ss'e must lie p .ld in ^aib. ,i pr ii i e«t e,|,y ol said decree of court ..ii'., 'ii: i descrip¬ tion NO'' Sl-i,ed,ile of rl.e propert to tt *ol Will ">.. f>' eil... :e.l up.ni anpiieaiion to the (..iitiii iruat c.tiipsny "f Maw-Yen* at lil NaaSBB »t New York ity, or SO Hie *ul>si'ii'"'r, J A.MKS SI.sri.hi-*, .peela! on ul.a,oner, BrMaeaor*. i onimdicat VA RM AT Al ICTI ON. 1 Tu clo** the eatate. rh* Issac mme na finn, coi.rai nu. * 1"-' Bares lo. at. d .... KIik »l H.reeaiid a ti.il' Bl! BS lion 1'urt cii.t.Ur. wlil bo -old Juno ... loottl a, J o'olocS pm. C. W. HI I Alli Newark. N. J. RICHARD V. HARNETT Sc CO., Auotion- Itiera will adi at siictioi. I'lu.isd.v. lune 9 Bl l'J o'clock noon, ul the Heal al.ile Kicliaiiie and Auction Koora, St' to 6.1 Liberty*'-. tSO and .Kl.' ss ,i*i.h.aioii *i., ii.'»r North Moore tt. tn,,--alon, brick bullillug*, «». ?.¦!? a«i*lra- bte Uiissi-ucuu May* at aueU*)Us*r*',7» UbeiU' **- 2,rution Sales of Real GticttX L7 AIBCHILD *T DIWALLTlSi A AoctlMie*.-*. OP KICK, 171 B ROADWAY will *e!l st A mt,on, on ' THU MOAT ,J0»tf, mah .t the HEAL I STA TI- KX< MA VU!' .I rofl- Liberty-.! » y. »tl2no,,n. 3 VAM AIII.I ISVU-THKNT PROPKR-TER known ». «¦«» NO. 37 KA WT I ITU Vj"., KO.',»||||>T,imT.. «'>.27 0AE-HT, NO. -22 IV KMT 17 I H-HT For in *|,a. lenna and further lafii I Sail Bail apo , .,, thean, tori. era. 171 ,tr. el,».-,. o, to mt SKA llll-il. aaa.. Re!or*e. I rrss Row JA' KRON ,t BURR, Alt,, my* *:, I'.roolwav. _ro__l>_. WM MARI TV, Alt mer. 7 Vaa.su st V Y 3 0. H. WOODMOLt* Attorney. |f*j Ifruodway, ra, y = (Ciln proptrtn /or Safe. ^ -OM J.VJD-ST., l.isv,(t, lom nd i it avkk. .i lois. 7aaias, ii .ooo. Al.*»), fi Ms rurinln* rrir.-ir'i ll 1'. td .t af » barrain 3 lot.* comer ol (;rand Hou.evanl, MBM aire*', very cheap, J. KO'iaim ftltdw**-, _ *"'-' Wi I ,'. r,,r ie, ... ,T A COUPLE nf li.ni ea, each 17 and -Of" front, have |u*' f,. n JI aragoon ... md ld* .. e.i 100 fe»« w «t ,.? _*, 1 rtt_., I they ar* rem kable in ,!ai_n and tm.iii au.I rt , af sar ano to ei nine I ., HI KKK .- >> '1 ATTENTION l> 1 Al.l.l.K ...il,..-,,'. ..',: ¦ia flrst-else* bonan*. No* I to -. bi BHaa* te Banal. 1. H. a v a ssh.; i'..*,,, A LL COUNTRY PROPERTY OCR .Sl'E, al Cl A LT! .. t-nrrrt.. rrsiilenee*. ,. ^hera, Hats ri.". cn i.i,: ;.,,¦, ,s AT I.AKK OEORUE.. \ *H. ti ~Ii.-«l cict^n '" r. ur .r hotel*; In artes dorl .,-,i,,.,-* niarkat. tea at door, '.si.-* »N, i * niuun -1 TB -I iv A PL01 OF KOCH LOTS one on ¦¦' I [ ja c tin,utiie.it I,-- tiiis-. Lenox ;h 1 ch.,sci! SI a ... r. lew ,- 1. I. 1 s ]¦,. . ¦: it. 11 rut'.: rv -.. Hr*- ,'i ", ¦', it, EXCELLENT INVESTMENT PROPERTY BJ KO ft HALK. ltroad WS] era-r :. -r '..,¦.,! alta road st, earner, ne.., _ux 1 Kiri . 1 ,. eny and t u.U.i'i.i. el*. S l.iiei .tx,, li., ia ., 1 ,r, Ij'OR **A .!.'... luce- -tnrv ((liner d'" inj? Rlntl 1, n 1 fe t order p[ it, nae,lor ic** r _¦. . Addri *, a. r. ( n.i.i . -, 'i Kssi ..' «. J^OR SALE..A !n-'' prop ry in th* - p r-u'.tabrf lor srsnufsrtorT, Kl I. s :,,. \s iii INO, INVESTIG MK THE ACTH \L BA Hi I RV M 'lt ti- it [IA Mt .1- (' il 5th md ¦: i, ,i\ . i R -i *. >tb snd th aves I st -rr. v-r desirable , 8_d near Mai ion tv*. 4-s'orr . . i :,. .*i. i.. .!!, ar, Kith ..' . 1 lt.. ne ir >tb-av* i _:' ..is ' 1 "(",.'.'. ld.. 4*1 . '.... 1 rpo KWH VN ¦:. 1 hi - til [ I 1 01 a he r - t to build bu. . I,'<')' PALE..-Five pjrirnni ;""l fhoro irhif ll :*' cd li.,.. - lol s, . I .- > ', 1 »t,, ajon III III I.. i, r (.. Ss. II ', l.|, IN, Cc'T.'.'-r* prenerts fox Sole as) <Z; Crt, AGENCY FOR MONTCLAIR..II* tit* > io raids si ,. ta pi 11 .*. A S, IB lt. Tl :,, 4ti-*r.. li.-. \R| IOK ii :!' I "Subll ) l.t.,, l,e it* oi' otiy ano .i 1. 1. s. IRU Aft., '. A OOOI) OPPOR1 UNI " - I at lr Nee-, ss, . -. ter i ; Et '.. .' .,:,'.' i.i.c 1,7 AT RROOKFIELD, Yermonr.- » m j r\ residence for .1 lix acre* 1 ta teuslvi ii >H sc, s.,. I Pi IT RfASCONSEI, N.niiu.¦:.. Uland, ' \"- _'\ Dlabad .u-.k si ll ..IJ 1 oj IO .'.. .. I'. '.. V -MALI, FARM FOR H *LE CHEAP.. I\ Billia i" for .>.¦¦: in .. 1*1 rion 1 bcalthv * 1 ni r Mo ,.a I") lui family, or a prai I ¦¦ . .r. S t|TI IV ..C'i r^ ill] I'M - Mais, lor parn I st.. Worcester, .u-i ora. *___,*_,_'- i liroaila luik. _ \ DIRON DACES. A nica fm lished c* -"» to raot at lake Plaeid forth* .< sn Pori n 1 addict* .SI, IAIN it. I. S.N.. 1. Lsk* ... al. -*¦». . I*. \T ORA NOE, to lease 1 new cottain tan I .roon**, all modern iniprt . -. .. ..1 *i,:r u.,U:..'. ..,1. ,111 iii. I 0,1,1., sv. .\ if*- 11.. .; Part ola-a. ARPLENDIDFARMof six.v ncr,* with .-, pioiee herdof re^'.t .r-.! Jmtmay eattla at !.*_.. M <hr K4I1, W.Blv-.aler . o.miy r. IT If ANTOI/1KINO, on Mm.-nt Raraai . \ theo " n. fur ila] otis s* ¦* month *r * on ar th* SSS* 'll II. |JoU tO f IOU lOtS bl ¦_ 'io :, - al tl $-.!>¦ 1 will double In vain* in f i l tblsieason. iii." a. m. traill I', ll u. Apply lo l-'i.U.il.V.l.N U l'l-il. 1 I ..I ... a .J .'. 5t. AT MONTCLAIR.-T0 rent. complet*-Iv fn? ni.*!,. ,1 'or sim,1,ci * .,*,>., 11 "J ra*. mo<1eru Improvements, a rrortnd' a. . ihode. liable cw: roodeteval ¦¦! t, ittoa Ot_. I uppo.-ile depot, cu eu ,.¦,:.it. ill I',.. nuWK .v Pa - ''..*. 7»i..' ir st. 1 T SliOlir HILLS NJ.--!- ', 2\ Soe reetdenee* near depo! 16 rooms extension 1 lae, lawn, fruit _anl. u. cowa and chicken* splendid viewi i healthy. 1 O.M lo Bioj s_r, AN ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT or stock term wiibi.i 25 mile* ol tina city eon .< loto* 60acroain park babtnoe ;r.t.| r.ro, ,r,.i rnnnl «t ?'*»i hon*.'* lotte* at mam entrancei or, ha .1 cooiUnmc ,-00 frail tree*, v r bifii sround » ewe oniari.i»« .t s gentleman'* resldem.neon Hedi ort .>«.,; o real rani.ibed ror the **,.iu *t a ...iou. roc panionlara and phe- t ,i i, ,- apply to i.iwis a rTARRia, 7 anti I Wari, I st, DOUBLE covtae**. at IVestbrook, Conn., t<5 rent lor the seas sn rour steeping room* on fe' l"; ":.t ,f .1 iii el 1.1* po; it* ( 1* quite *sfe for w.en sod ehlldrsn i bo rooks: a sloping bo-Cb givten azoall bi hm-Ius* for sole jaiiuiiB P. C. -Tl RI KV.s.n 1, ll ti fr.". I^LBERON. N. J..To let, cottaae contai - J badi ms. bathroom, _lnlni -.1 en * p n'tr. piir'or re.- ptlnn 1*00-1 ant 1 '.ar/ all ne* | _¦. I ban'some v inri,ishe,': si,nie aocoramodate* n hor-e*. sp. | iwner. I." ss ta. -tb-**., or lb i L*tat* Agent*. U»n| Hrincb._ ELEGAlfT BRASIDE RESIDENCES. I o let for lh »e.*on. one of Inna af t he moat de- n\V.\ and i-ujtarur the be-i s-as.do reside- Mus ia* se,. Ce.tat. Ilave tiruail .os rn-i pUi/ra*. _.., In SH roaais t rnn<irs, healer*, hu' jud co tl fre-li i ¦'. -ea it.,i- ., ruo _a. waur alaaot*. St*.: .-ire thu ".:«-'.). t_iJei'.: 'i Bare ample »od**-i»i of tb* pant rnnn'nf wu**r .¦¦ alan well sn o -tter.i). an ar' laadd )!S( » papered. OS '' »l aili UinlsliC, br.il, lo lt tic* BOC e.,,e *.'a.i I Inctosed bljTh'ieir.*. e«l rrai* lawn, rt ree ly on ihe ,,¦ sr) from snd drive, hi Ocean -each sotoeaan Orova). R J-, sud ,.u_uua_ t an uuoua.ructud v.sa ut tba o-c-a t. ,t.i ill Bundled*ol ..-aaitic VMaala aud of th* -u:t rrBin_ tba Shore. Ocean Peach ts etr!it miles sen-h o' L.'t?r»i*n. h t-i *hl New-iersey cectrai itr* Penn'ylvunl ra'iioai*. bbs ts amt oe*«ihle muir time* e ich eav ev ,h- lent; Urn ncr, exeraaf trals* on b-th roxll. ll Ital SSeel IBU! lard olav om**, ,.,«||,«. flibln* anti n,ar-_e*i-«. ano ill**! imlrr fl i flan, uiaa^u''-* lui ,. r.i. uictl.li.i,.... ..o' I)).e. oi * I'lou-. . a * .;.. ,t Ii li. I AK-. >, cai. beach. ...J. l_r"A \r\ lal* subing vc.h sich bouse._ PAR ROCKAWAY, WAVE CREST, LAW- 1 ItKM'i:. CKDAltHrRHT. CottSfe* to ron! * te* more left Applv to JmNKH 4 B/AIR WRIGHT Ke.U l.siuie aaunts, tar Kscbawsr. I UNG BRANCH, ELBERON, MONMOUTH 1 j .:,adi i la .rn f'" Blabed .> i 4 - m lett orrai j-40.1 to D', .oo (III. .- te-t lu Iii. ..'-.: ll.-I SS ail liuurot. ui'-i.t* liable. Ac ss m. s . 1;, 1 (IRANOE, N. J..Furnish***! .-.»*t.-. _-. -. faa " r",i'"s s'si'" frnlf flowers, .arden: perTect ,,r,I r: best sus** 1 tea P o. ttasVoo. _m Von RENT.AT Lom; BRANCH. NEAR _L (ireaii av. largi houas, with ill ni tiaro unprovi . Bood sta .'ns two aol*** around, wltb good abed* pi .> _u.d'- me of cow. 50 t..tia ic BUN-toCOTO fOT S-Ttl a. and cuw ai owner's -ty, u«e. Arr/ to fifcORUI W. II lt.'UN' liefer,:: S, A. DOIOHHRTV. HO - **"- 1 ._^ CK\ PARM IN BERKSHIRE __»tate«»l ¦»..» 0 acre*; uni'tu-ly aiiuaieii a ¦ouolain vail** -hour .' »l Ucl llioVO Ihe ...4 Inuril, ul wo,«i ie-a. lo.,ad. a - t mca.towa. abuiil.nit ,..»mi, a ne od aplin (li 3 n f trout brooks *rou-e au.i wooduock maa-ninccni « .* laibOUsiy l'e r ,e-.l le .'ll'. ellld.U^* - '4 i I fl" -u lie..' ul Marion t-onl 'ar Iumi* value. *'*""' v u.,.,. ,...tl.i. .t CO. KW* West .-.Tt'i at,_ IX) BENT or FOR SALK. A cott .." nt -iprli I >'»'. NJ I'I rooms, famished al' li.se. melita; plenty shad*. Apply ...* I MAXHO.N U B**a> ave, Icriev Hy ol W M. ii- I*'>1 H-K. ll .»¦ a< I "' .IH1 KK\ I..Fur a ito** niiiuli*.. a lui 11 -.iel 1 house <>u Round Ult*. Notli.m .1. .). sia«a One ot th* moat swlraM**'" .****MLT- A^.pi* 10 . .. .. J. Al. rCnNi H, N.rttiampioii i-ai*,^ Td RENT.--A eottageat Waaf Summit, roa- 1 |a____Mj lOroonMi p,*:rv af a-saasSSal fruit bini* n.MUUs'walboi.11..., JffiXhn r,,t..v -...,-... y j. -IX) LET..Al Long Branch, bantlaome t.»t- 1 i_m oompletely rnrnnbed chose** l<*e«htr thr e buii Brad teal fraas asaaa. iwal»*roaB_B; louaasuv: bot a..d co.d ..IwhnsaaTssa Au.pio stahl* aRb mou.^ -.. a^^ _ll lars ilott. N Y.^ rT'ROY, N. Y..To rout for ¦ tt rm ot thn'O 1 \ears from Septeui' er ne»t, * h-TM '. stTV .1 »1 kaSS> melli inannaiona hsrnteb* 1 b",i**. s.n.*i. in Um 'ea. .¦_« of ibo ny oi 1 io*. waiei. ..» and Maaiu, . b* "«i ran 1 - "Q Ihe ni**ll**l re ooiep.ten; ard strictly hoiir.i. hus lt- l«*«-a tu (he lai.u.y a numb** ol suara. ami -i.i raauui. a ..cii-tl. Addles I. V I. IRWO .'.lit ..^ rpo LET -At Kyacli on tu« Iluuaou. a lartra 1 lioiiaecoutaiuiu_ I--* roo us. but -*-"1 SS .1 w il tc nets. v.4r.rc,..*eis. eic ."unilsho.t". splendid lawn*, atenlf .'f .bade and ti ail ir-eo, suhle 1! ro-ialred. lomuiai. iou h silouU, vi,» of the Hudson, aud i mi-uroa ito., m.ui* Ns*.-stall.),, or lo ml,mea trom b»»t- ror rnitburpar- Uculara apply lo JAMO** SS IN 1KUU..I lOM. south Nyack. or lye "-pnnx-st.. n.i- 1..«. ¦|^> REN 1'..FuriualH'ii ; for thc .-**iiiiii«*f A month*, the hourn at Keuimere I'arm. ourajt 1-***% C-ooerstowa. Apply for wai tttuUn to ¦jaoper.ia-wu. e-p*-*, JAMi- _*___iAN. M W*M hSaleSS.

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1886-05-30 [p 6]. · bats**: of myabaTedeuri*. Sambocsu be aa (barp aa JonaU*a_i, whenafreamau,ll b* like*. A UO-rTlAlll.r. M l.i.lU.S A1 111. IhadJusttendedia

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1886-05-30 [p 6]. · bats**: of myabaTedeuri*. Sambocsu be aa (barp aa JonaU*a_i, whenafreamau,ll b* like*. A UO-rTlAlll.r. M l.i.lU.S A1 111. IhadJusttendedia

£HE COPYRIGHT QUESTION..** ..;:!.;,:k raoal BCKATOI chace.

fo (,« ieBetor bi ihe trts ttue.

Sm: . tin v«- r,ir»iv, if iver, take*, nny BOtlos..,,...,., .. i.-.* c.. !¦..¦..n¦-¦ nuyaetloa hy Bmyoelforthe I ¦ '..ti-'!¦.¦'* Otth «.;,!. li I iias . ,-ten e..u,ic t>.i. it

In yo i -,.' e i. ¦*{ t .-1 ..:.'.¦¦!. .¦ \ Pnbllabor on Justina

go a li lo havel.a tod to nae

Boil* t-A-i-es-t BO WOtoh n/' OOlj ito BM, bal vi. ir-'Ilea

Bjtoo, ,.:. injni. In ip* '¦...-. ol tlsssndai He"(¦'¦...¦ ^11 l«ti Th ;¦!)/>.. ty bo " oder- a lefreahtog,.,,..: i-: l.t.- lishenrtoulng ranon of toa Paella Oom

, i aviyiug 'li" ace ( *i«yrtgblaBL, to wbtob tbs a at frankly avowedthar ..'..¦ 'gara y* to top el** tthiv«ati.ie.,is of itu- bwu - apia in .>. aataal hnalneaa andthat tba -rtgbta' t,r terelgrisr* aro to im roapoetod onlya, ru H* t i.-s do Bot lilli: irre st nh IBO ' In. ollie of

la'nr ' in ISll ""ii't'y"Toni erttlctoui to upon our r. omltlon of tao *. eata*

,,,.,,.. ;. -,",.. ,.,,-, ¦.,. e a.storial Intorrsto aa-1 the

Ineo-M- ii* labor. In .¦. ronorl w< i the followingla n ,-.

-^ ,,. ,,..., rnlss tbs nt..rsl obligation ofc., irnn-oi*K*l na-'I'- ¦' I believe that tue best intel-, ,1'i.li-iM.. m. i.ri ,,i.,l ..',.!. ci.i.Iou: |e,,|i.e. Will,. .,,,,. ,-. loiiiiii- ii rt lin* ii ou tl.., piiuolitlei, I.,, tr* in.- i ". Ibis *|i selina Tbe aocoiiipnuyliig

i ia ri .; nu .: ii |, icip ,', r. e .stn .¦

|,,M..i,.oi,,.i duly oi pi...'et lina ' rat tb* watei al Int* re* *

, own people ind ii-ovectl* *o ter only lfl *. corinai ...- ta ,.f .¦:;/.-. al other Batter a nm tba! mai

giana wltbom innis lo seated righto In thtoeoontry ofv::., .mt uterfoi g with tia laooBse ol nar awe toner.

I e.- in tbe i. port wo say:While ii i- ti ¦. all thinklm wen will admit thal

t i. ;. en. e ot in ..'.lie ii nu the welfare «»f thels and ba* been tai wo .¦ efl it lban rai ur mere

li,venn.ii. it .;. ki, r ali .-.t 1-_i*l..'io.', u, n pr.n'

erl. in patel Bjton a

mueh hroadei baal* than bas teal noon tue sr.njeel ¦ .'t th* ' .)'" si

Intern h..s.- -..rt-. ¦' n loo*. Wa (refer ins lo Hie Lnlte Ir-'aie- ¦_ llie rlcbta of ton suer to be pra¬te. ;..! here in *v*rv kind or pr*o-*erty eseept the pro-

,. h p. lt la bu it1 ":opun lbi Inn reeotfulsed na au honorable callinekill .-ir Pianrti Dink* M ki t lcd lor lo* sn e*s*lul

, o.- winch th* rown.

Thc fine will oom.. . ben om b "lc upon¦.., .li .'lltllOr

iriew the aol lo of our i:_i,'.i.-ii an*i ii. I to piracy ond j g,

Ii.t nu wa say:.. .'¦.:,' ;. pted by som* thal we may secure

i wbleh i* beneficial tn the people, l.yrighi of the fe or to iii*

ll . pro erty le, in til, our oo milli e,;, 1-1 :.'-¦.. .¦ I

Intend toorlttol s sny one unjustly,Bint I iee, -uro thal ii fi mil uofu .. exsMlne tbs

11 have ¦. "ii to_»IBor wltb the whole contexlI , harsbne**

is which yoa have used la obarglng thom with:.. wing a" di* anneal Inclplo.*1Fmlbw ea joo ar . reeogi

n .: oi s property in his i urie or his coat everywhere svo

ii ok 1 y gi

grapbtoal bonudariaa,"" j'.. s.,i proceed to quote tin*

following language, from MoClnrg:.. I-t on lr* arrival In

t to an Amci...... 'heir ar¬

rival tn 1 uot be 1 imuilit>.f. i;.. to pl ilu oinuion - di ly any

i and the iHng of ii..1 the ahetrac' righi nt

un aut li thi -- i si

t und ir,,.> nf bis,, .,, c mu¬li i fol.ow bim tbe i ¦. l o~er. fhaKognsbm ,¦' bli "t o lotrunk, un I the A i, li in's bool own Ini iud a- ii* co .t or hts li *t.

The;' yo i vi_>"

i , lory Still i

many American writer* and spoakaiBot yal "Hers Bi Cli r_ make :.ia i.i, iuthora has made In trea

j. ct, nnd yoo a have adopted bis erior,jroo and be} mane uo dlstinoUoaany other sj "pro in of which ii

u omils lob as a

patent right or a oopyrbtht. Medora, yourselves andmany others r..i. into ihe error of treat nth, tht to. ty aa b li g ba si npon rh',

pm,' ip.,-. I ., ,..i that ts;."a yon quarrel u; b.t .. oonmlttoo to re-uni to that BMltor yon will ai-o

bice lo lola a*. ">i' food into the framer ot t'm Consti¬tution ami nil til" statesmen ot the world thoa far, fornos* bate In the eli ,.i/.» i sv tri i aro tbe i no kimi* of prop-

Use sp 'ii th, - tm* bm Phframer.* o. ....... 1, :.-.-, . InUSC -,

ii*" lh" following ,'i-.'ii , ¦>.: " Con [rees sh ill have the

liower ... to motet, progress ot sotoaoa nnd usefulart- by iienrtna for limited tlmoi toanthon s idlnvi otuntin >. rtehi lotbeli rcspeetlvo writings nnd -is-

coverie*." Bo you ste that tba fathen abo fraatod aadadopted lbs Constitution euteitatesd the "dtohmiosl],rim',pe .. al o, and did not gran! the "abatraet tight oftic author." And aol omy rj Gorerum ntthat bus ena. te 1 a copyright lasv BBS boen eanally dla*btu,est. Further less' BOOld you expect nato giant to

Btithors a Bftrltofli wbleh 1* Inhibited by the language olthe OoiMUtuttou!You i*v: ¦ White sse lecogtil/.e an autltoi's properly in

tis coal ovarywhere, w, BOlreonu ritari.'i.t to bis bool; i geographical bo-adarlea."" if I

wore dtepossd tel apttooa I should point out tbat yonhal talton Into an error, tor bli right to hts booh ls as

much a common :. i iu.it ,,*. bis right to b; pans or his

coat. Can .\,..i not sse tbe dlderaaoo between bte r'^1,1to the ba 'k a* s chattel sad a copyright! This dtSerenesle wr.l 1.instr..ted ly the pbrnaanl |*.opoaltton. TueBoasmes tow protects a maa ta tba possession of hisabonaanta, n amit n hBW BMny may bs hatebed oat oo

bis donni,ii, but lt doon BOt protect hiiu In the light to

bate), pheasants. The common law protects the anihor*irighi to :: bo ih s i .ii.t t -1, to hims ill ono his ha ra foiall tlhi*. bit under the Constitution the .-tillite an onlydive bun a cn,,yn.ht lor a " limited tune " ana that tor

speel.-il roBBoaa. It I* matter of regret that not anfry s ichas yo.it-c.c, hut a groat Dumber ot very totoUlgeulgentle,nen ss'ho follow the protaaeton ot authorship,ebould uliow themselves to bc mtetod hy this strongsml*.. rc.eusiou in regain*, to tbeie two binds otproperty.Toe Blas take exception to the efforts of the coinmitlge

to protect Ibo " ihoouie of labor." a._d here again yo¬use the sbattal argument as thoogb lt wsronmoralwron- t.) present » forelg*nei*S bringing lil* j>r ,perry lilt',

this country freely aad wttbont charge. What ls thoCllect or th.) protective principle ol sv_ieh your Journalba* Peen the Bbtoet defender in this eonntryt Tbe dutynpon books ls 29 per eent; taOtbOl WOfdB, l'laetii'ully,i se 1*1 Engllsh-i tn bring four books toto thiacountry lbs people ot tbe United Statea demand of himi -. i, .otley to pay for oas book, ana we do II for tbsi>urj.o*o af necuiiii- Ihe" tecoma ol laboi m thia soon-

try." Are sot preparad ro reno mee all your profssstons(.. :. li r. I regal di I trow net, but prefer to Ithat u;miii I,nthcr IboOgbtyoa Will disavow this crltitisa:Upon tho Bili.As regards the ant?,ors themselves a verv large major¬

ity ol t; tm seem unaiiio to eiuiiuc'i]i*t*« theoiaelvaafromthe i: :-..],] relieti«i,n that the author's pro;,erty In hisBtodeettoa ls a common Inw right I will not attempt to

rrgue Ibo question ol ti.e ..il^lij.u prlmipie b_t eootentmswit w.iii Muni ly snajeellng to tho-e gaattomeawhether i; w,.i. 1 not bowell foi them to secure inch

nghtoaal-MJ may auder t_e CeastttUttOB ural for thenbrethren sbrnatl and it-- tho otlier contrncl allorwardtot Ibeywfll fina that a vary bbl aaa. Probably theyWill liol lind oue state.--.an lu a Uiod.iaud lue ssuiid

wVt*l wba Will asjree Wltb Sbeas. Very reapoctfully.J. Chace.

I'iu.'f- aHaaai A«,ia/c, Wankinnlori. D.C., May _4, lend.


EXTRACTS PROM BIS AUTOBIOGRAPHY,Ur. rappel expresses s .ear lest he __aj be

ajooaaad or sainty au,i soteeoaaatt lu wrttiag ibis auto-

!. a] hy, I Bl BS aSSOrea his readers tba*, be is in realityOne of ihe most modest ol BOO

" For lae mallei or vanity, all I know of myielf ts thelae! tbat prates, n oonactons.y Baatoaervee, only oe-

Rresnes sue Instead ot el-ttnmt; tba: a noted rBameter-itte of nilu* Utronab Ufa han boen ta hide away ia tba

rear rathol tuan rash to the front, unless inteed furred

AN Al'TUOlt'8 GSJRaat)Tvso .juetr anecdotes I malt give about another form

el BBlhor-warablp la whleb we poor valu naortals are

aosaaiUBally exp act, namely, *st,al 1'ope coiled lu Reylit. ...-case '. lh. I, ape of Hie Loo*." J can remeuaher(aa ui,rt by l.a,lj -lu i.on .on. ii.'jie ibau oue suchS-Viul u,.u. a..B :.pied if not accoinpl;-hcl, nut moat

es,' ia..) »..- i ii, garll at lb* PhJtednlphton Bxbloitioa,Wi,'i. tl.rea dnoanaa w:o guarded lome lady-xuibiiori(too uaoiltal tu o«a Ibeu.selveai pu.a.rd a oellauu indi-vIsiim,, bclssor* lu bund, lise liolbo, Ia.cl.esis _n iAl repos, n. ya.;, hope ol a... ai.-.. 1.1 ».¦).¦?. llj.:k Ih'-y been.Ilk. u.a.s ...' our Ar.,.nc.nt aiairrtt, both juvenile andlovely, very pooatok- aucce-s Lui_ut _..v, ciowued -i., ..

Calline , or, instead of mo thine. -eJuoliv* (jrace*, badtbey posed aa three lriie.leoltial Muses, I might have luc-euiDbed; bul a icaih of talcs abilene" a ap: :. treal.

Aud for a second queer auecd.ue uk* -Jua A 'eui*negro '.ai '.et bad p ,;*. .*¦:<..! ruc to have uiy har eui, toWBtoh ki_-/(ealluu, ns lt w_* l.i».-. g but \*eallu-r. Iagr-«d. II'. _od a ea' '.title sh';j. doae to a ''Wollar'*.b'ext kihi .ilu* 1 passed thal shop and noticed u.y name

ateoardoa tbaia, snrraeaded by goia locket*, fortbatrunliirig nlreer and hi* Slided frlead saere maali,/- a richStoOarded Ikara, aurr.iuiided by gold locket.*,>iirr*_lna' nlscer and bu gilded frlead were m.»ai

bat s**: of my abaTed euri*. Sambo csu be aa (barp aaJonaU*a_i, when afreamau, ll b* like*.

A UO-rTlAlll.r. M l.i.lU.S A 1 111.

I had Just tended ia N.tw-York after a itoriny fortnightlo Ibo Ana (lt waa A. 1*. 1 i-.ol, and taken up my quar¬ters st tbe Astor bouse, lo real before frieucfi fou-d nut

eat But my arrival had been pu),Dabed, and before, in

private. I bad token my Brat rerreabn.aot, the boil, a

Ooloo*, of our*, cam* and aiked lt I would a'.ow a tawOf my admirer* to great nie. Iioubilea* uatnrai Tautlywaa wilban, mtd tbroujrb bi) mom, baring door* rightBite teft, turtb wi tb eenie a itreatn nf well-wither*, ailebaktog hoads and saying kind words ror an hour sndanson»nt teat um/ dep__xe_, ali bul oue, who bad ooma

Hist mid bellly bad taken a chair beside ros: when the

rrostd were go..*. he bi.iiit'V ter Mt * >"« frankly) said.

-Tm one »l t bel idell met) in New*York, n'r. ami I snow

authors munt t,« poor; I uko yon- basks ana sere

toni my linn;, i- (naavia* th. M) te honor sui ebeoks on

me yon may Ilks te draw." "My dear Ht,*' I replied,.. von .¦"¦ mo t tooti lanita, ami all I ona any i <. if i .'us *

the nf.fortune lo lo*» tnt* pa lt t (lt wa* B roll Biller*rh**** cut alar Boise- 1 shall gladly accpi retir offer;but lual no* Ibara moro tann I waul I'S-tX" " w n,

the>. "tr. .".ne .ndsttyal my Im:*", Fifi fl- iv.'." "1111*

le vett Kia I, but S'Vi.il Monds here hav specially In-

VI ted nie, ... I SUI cooii.eile.t to .ledi,ie. " '. I h-li.sir. my

yaeln In the harton la a >.> ir icrviee." "Pardon mo,

Int I won'd rather fonrcl ai! memorlo* rt the Basal

pram at.with das tbanka." .. li.en. * r, mv rarrl igw bas

B* ,, se lilias al the hore, all 1'it- tinir. lol m.- baro the

honor »I I,.ll,nc Voil to *e<* Mrs. -o-snl-ao. wi us .ut Tl HIS

10 ii."-et sou." Of .-ours.. I ccu I not refuse U.IV BM tba.,,:..',! tana or nt* handsome turu-mt whenever

BtbCI flt"),(ls Iel me sri.

m nu: om BCfl _T s'.'iiATrouti.An add !inn_ Bspnonsrt bs me in Iboeboreb, whore

Bl .b s e-tn i. ti ia-- Mn, ms Mini aa oi bar viaisoradbl. An i.,'..-ur..ri, ittr-rtv nnknowa to ma aa I lo bim,ru,,,',-. -,! y np to tn* aa I waa la -peering t ,,t oneal!**t nor] bast ..;, 1 lu* rlplion shoal .btkeipeare, andBBtat, M Come end sse whir fv four, t -Si irtfa ntpprr'*BUUi_i ipa he iiiust :, Mssewhora near, for he has iel- .ui. .i. o td., i* 11, i.ere I" l rainer iitouci.i haniuriilbe, " i've wtebe te see bim aver stn, s.-,- i siuall.,.ts-. I.i v.ni Know bun, sir f" .' Well, yea, ii Hf'le.'11 (*bow him tom*, slr, won't yoe 1 rd giT» 110 fi>r bi*stiller pi." After a word or two mont my good listore

ffivr him the pr a iona sifnatu'e stitt,.mt tbs dollar*and I shan'i snail] rora*! ins rranilc oyabowingtba

t to all inomd him winlat I escaped.I- TAKKN FOB AN M.I/AH.'.Til'.N AUTHOR

Ut* often taken for amalad tba) tbs aathor af . Pro*rerbtal Philosophy ** ba* been dead for eanamtlona I

cou t nit-iii ion many proof* or ibis belier Iii my BOIl*ex!-n Ow; here U one: a dan -lit r ot in: BS IS asked lat* 1.

by BB eminent i"t*>li if alie is il le*,..¦ml .ut of Hiecele .r.ite I K liuheihon author 1 nnd When teat Indi-

pa -«iii_ mund the r.ii. e uno ne ir to th* i'ro-rc- ir, ai, 1 st * Intro loee*! M lum ns her rather, the muncould searoeiy >. brought to believe tani bia tonsdeparted book friend wai p sltlvoly alive nerore him.lh.- Professor i* >kr,i us ir he bad sena a t'lost.

MR, TUPPBB PBODUCES A IM.AY.Tba VbBOB to AOt ll. aooaa I, sr is thrillingly effective,

and tba winda avnnets went very sven iron. bealaatva;to end, tba audience being preternaturally quint,.whteh rii-ei icertod ino until mr tnontrieal mentor ..rais¬

ed Mic silence of mut raaf erowg a* the i,e*t p,.*<ii>ie wanor snocess; they wore bald sothral led «* one man tillthe ead cam,-. _n,,i than s ibm Mundar, bal tbtokine ofss a waaezi.tad »fme In tbe way of think* for tbs

||. . cheers ii ill* ne with, I golion of the theatre ... qnlek ss I e oil I, and ir ,s ball w iv

to my hotel when two or throe Melted sutler* rushedafter mo altbn -*ttood lied, 'ir. nipper, oobm back,cine lue',-, or th* puce ST: 11 bo liri doWO I" Bo of

course I hurried to the front looneonntera tumuir otapplause, altbongh I most have miked rather ridlen lonsi,,o. oroeains the atagolu tay Amertean elosk and bran¬di ibm ( m. ;n.ru a Ila.

PROVERB! tl. PHILOBOPHY.fn tbs year lt*2g, whsn under "-tr. Hot'* ronf-tAl-

bury (ii.uii li-" ui is men 18), I bothouebi uy«eif, for the-), ,; nae and nenoof of my cousin Iaat>elle, wboasvenyear* after became my wile, thu! w nld tranaerlbe myi-¦ na on tbe holy eatate of in itriuiony; a letter ws*io,, u-i,.. ana ii formal saeay loo heavy, andldldu'tmro to versify my Ihourbt*. so I roaolrod ta conveythem in Ihe III IBU er of HolOIOOll'l ProVI II'* M I ne " SS I--

d",i," ,.t le*n*tba -"ii ol Hirsch; snd I did so,.ano*eesalvely. In tbe Artlolea Mist ..a Mirrlara, then Love,then Fri, rlsbip, an fonn lyon Ealncatloni severalow.er piece* stowing afterward, ffhilat at Albury,),,y eoUSle showed -onie, nf ti.e.o to (mr rector.Hush u'Ncr,., oho warmly praised them, u,,,irecommended their public noni bul. rr ardine them aa

pr!vate and per*onai, I would nol hear ol lt, and In factlt ... bi fore tiley ll* prinl '' i- Utithou ri, I meant ir noi then, samp Ifrlng tb If oral tn

advil ¦" However,r in Au isaac, 1 ".-, v "teri ng, whose chapel In

p,,. lin.»...i.!'i',,'l nae,I lo attend when Uvingatlioth e i uttage, Resent'* Part lu my rlrsi rsara of niar¬ri,! _e, lattin* ,,, sod urging ms to wnt* something forthe t (A.,../ um, which li" wai t ion edttlnr, I « i* Ind '*

. | ai n '""... .¦ i - ¦, *; i.nt I declinedthe,u to bim, when tl bc ra* ange ip* tb,rather iu tn.tl I objected top ¦..¦ q, il publication, possI-hi y ,; .,, istlns -,, ,,« ,-pr ... ii ri of the daythen wu*] up.-a iumuziuc aud jouruall ,tioliterature gen-,, v.

'-lr. Stabbing 'Hu rn- ml itsntlal e*¦¦..:.,. tatton of what Wal

rei s ,. i," -ami a* ol ni] .¦ latter;.l a-,, ffiod venlc - ma -

ter-; an i Ile 1 lol a I 11- '¦ lll*l* J OUIIgt.iitii.;'* fame,.ptrformlng a* above. rio, alter i

in'.- i his wbei

I ree Heel ,.t the il . ipualta Ila apst* t

Road Chapel) on tbo bock of an old letter my opeuinsij ,b, "

.. ts a mind,a .1 p. eh tm .¦ s," ..' In ton weeksiron, thal day l bad my Brat iori' * ready,- supposing it

then si. I should en rfina' en i having been my delii iloi a' the doss of each ofmy four series.

| Foi Ri views ol f*T< .- '.'¦¦'. :>.' bevolume of Bancroft's " ll,-'orv r,f tl... PoeiflcCoast,"Prof '! ly'a " Windof Dealiny,*' H.W, Lucy's " Diary of 'l wo P irll intents " and Mr.Winter's story of Miss Mary Anderson's career, rn

teutli page.]

IKca Pah!uatio*:'j.A NDOVER REVIEW.

For i r.N cor *

TUE (in.UP -.-Tail oi , 'i.i.i.tili _iii>ii.s in

THE Jouse huckin.-* i:-is ,.^>i.. Praa.D.0.Oilman.

nil- iiakvai'.u "Haw i.dc aiiun." p..r. ti. ir.

BowMea,lM>I\'Ii)L'ALIS:.r Hf ZDUCATIO-f. John TL Psnlisn.

H. D.sr cb IB1 "1 H's HISTORY of Tin: PKOPLI Ol TUB

0KITED STATBS. Hon. -totten '., inbdrl gsTU ii SP lt ITT Al. I'ltOltl KS! "[. RE M SM t's i lt

INII TOWN. III. Willum W. AilaBM, D, TXktieaiO-fa in indi s. n«s- chart**txatarbneb.t-oi ni sfiii. an RKLIOION. Rev.J.Tyler.

_aiiu.i,-i Esssya, Booh Bovtewi SS cents; gt a year.

houghton, iiifflim a co.. boston.ii kim '."th st., New.Tora.

pITY SEEKERS POBCOUN 1 IiV HOMES.--V^ PcdiI bu in, dal edition ..r ¦. \\ «.. k:v," Bonni Ki* o. M.v Bsj.8, rim onanplkauonbj postal v« Bobtelniiatiaa.tiou.

I.'I.'KNCH l'>( >» i|\S..Ness c ttiiliiiriic. enmpria-in. mr,, arlitions One biadtntn a rt ¦ eboie* of current

works t.u <> anal bteratnre dow rea ly ; will be-.ailed Ire*on Hpi,lic-tn>n. Ji.'itN I. KI.AV. '..I'l mon S|utire. s y.


(For Boys snl Youri? Men.City.

TN1VRRSITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, No.1,471 Broadway, near 4l.,i*i.. lath ve^r primary, ct,,.

Biercial «,.i i ,_.s.*.^ai uiii-r.ui, a,.,. iuairucuoj IbuiouHli.v. M. nOBBY. W.I.AKIN, ii nt; N.e. UtNDiUCKbU.N, Ass nUln.

Tor Poth Sov^3.'JitT.

DELSARTE SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION,Drama! c I ipreaaion snd Phy lesli ill ire, '. o 7 hut

Ht .81 lerais uur.tii' .tuuiniei uioiitii.ii ten private leibom 015.rrilK BERLITZ S( H0OL0F LAN6UAGJ s]I ': Wes- ..",'. .t. alaorrrooklro RroosnitorJ e-rarrwlieres* tbe beat initltrtlon f(>T lesri bji io ap.-oi mo*lern toiSoHmsobsalt ':<¦,,. t.a-'iti i.ow. pensllsummer,1 K EAST 65TH-ST.¦ U* MISS CUII ll.ll.M-; BCBOOL FOB OIBL9,

Uaisal I lii..u,.. >j. Boy*'ClOMt**,

Musical Instruction.fjUITAR, BINGING. VIOLIN, PIANO, 0R-Vj tiAN, Fbt'ii.. Pnvaie :. isoua wai -o.w-, la i satlirr, .t, ti; WOsl -'i.i st lp wa Bi ii ',. liiC .-inti Avcnuo,

QRAND CONSERVATORY OF MLrilu.4o-WK«*-|r,j'Ti»-s'r. .in.

Thc lend!nc tcbool oimn>*r]c, elocution, dramsUi art terebrilaaaosres, (Ira** ii t sndpalnltni*, li,. sdvsntMeseqnal uila lessensparwees, torpar!lenlara uldresi

b. ml iiiiAiiD, nisllhsil

Art Schools.City".\Iiss H. C. LANE-punil of Trot Olia*'¦ *sl*s. Boral Academy, Munich Intcndln* tor,..,...,inti., city (I,>il.sr the *..., er. won,,) like a few pnpll* iu oilpu iiiinifor s»aierc,.,ors. specialty '..-:, .- rromlifeo pmUalU flolnp lOtOI -iii.'i*. Ill-M'n, 1|.. ai*u ii, l.o,v, i p-uil-tu_ ana sun ale. lenna flS-BoratO. t ali or ml lr- «,

ll, '.SCI I.",, I, st


J.TI \s ,]! receive pa] u* bi |tente| tem i,r, October'jo, Inaiswtnjt, oll*-iaw»fer oolor ..ai-Ua/, .. ufj, _uwcia auaju _*, apt ,c'..n.. ualnttns c, I a- ,,..u: ,-L

-tullin, N,^ *o S] |jp, ,^-a., .

Reteren* mai. I liiii.tii.iMnn, Presl.leni Nan.,,,'. Academy of r)*st/a,

SIS, William lian, N. s., Mr. Jam. * M. Il_;t, N, ._^iii. Davitt Johnson.-!. A.

For Youri? Laiiei.rjottabrfMME!. CARPENTER, 215 Eaal r.7H.-st.,iva «ishes pupils f..r *rvonch -ur.tif larnmar vBcaUons.I,,,, . a*lii. "I I ..-;| Illuu, ti

.il Ml D*AURANSAU OLOMIXON.incbarreM., u*l_-_HJ?*_Sff___****.*.* ,'»rk"' '"'I'trinie intrtiul.- liroo.iu,. win o|,e. a »iii,...-r acliool r-.r tba rench sade.,,,:,', ansomtea at Labs .,-.-. ,.*.,.., i,,,,^ ,^_,

I ioahyai.ie llotcl, t.crmaii ueponwaut rn .ie ,,i \ir- lue¬lle B*lh*!*.d. or IMcke, i,,.',,,u.. Tilliulcu iiu_-bii olroans a...-»..! .. ., -,v...ia* i,.*r,;iu_ pnnUa, lor .iculur* a, dress PACKI.li iNilll'l l |.

"* v * cir-u-

..'rill'. ELMS," Sprin.-tiesii, Maeab-FantllvTX I.ayaiiil M isle-c.b.ioir.r ».rl_ Prl oary Ac_,l«,nt*!

1 hUU-CS ai 0 I'o*t-i.i_.lu»l«.i:oBraea, Acaci«,nla,

__luJ.-.-r.-, I'DltlKil A lli.*.MlNI.Y. Phd, lpai*,

VV'AI.M I LAM. school aad WelleslevVV pr*naratery "formerly M*.lar»'> cmricnt'*) K.iai,' .

Kcbool for ronny ladle*, nota -roar rom - Sept _rn.-t-sres for _t,y c ll.fe. Hcn tnnructirrs. lor cinulai*sUdreas

Mis*. \ns v *.M!1 ir. / I'rlrripal*.BtaaT, ll. iilCIIAHlJM, 1 i..-I, ia .loan pij...a ;_

For Boys and Youru. Mea.Country.ADIRONDACKS BUMMER 8CHOOL..An

** » csp'!.... ad teacher vunUuc the AalinndseA, tblssn-u-pier wui uk, sith bim a aaaall eissi ol oj . andai .iiteeufoi atii'ly -ml ifrcraainm. Berercnce* ii Rangal Addru-a

K. D. MS I AN VI'.Blstar's I'reput toiy H, hool, .Newnurit. N V.

BACKWARD AND INVALID BOYS.- Nie*» andei-lirn-d. an eiperlenc r\ pin si. tar, and "escharBWSSS tb, ar, snd ,i,.-li,i,",,,, ut SUI lj,i>la api'Ctally Im.tallou one of int uivaldrliiflitt il *,,'! ,',e_liLtul u, Hew.Cnn..od addn * HR WILLIAMS lb, Lyme, fonii.

|>i"T nn.l CHEAPEST wav to lonni FnricliSS ci (.em.au lin! Spend sun.uicr *sr»e*bly Ul BIBBlll.Ursntareai in, BbbUTZoi iiuoL, asAv est .-dot

IiOYS and Vol SH MI-.S pnvatelj- bfn*d torm* lol,.pr. (oi.aili.ii,i*i or rejected t andbiatea cua< bedsum-ne- 01 winter 9, HOPI.vi AN. Hockbnrtff, Mooa.L-LMWOOU SCHOOL FOR BOTS..At Mil-A-i irrdionii. I'srena *» bo are unlnrtnnst* in tben.sn-Mstmcnt ol Uiclr sons ss ill oo taell n,pr. ru by tb« sdvaiitese*Mtieo by ll ia school. ?(__-*-.. 1'iiA.S M. lluWJC, Boat.


JnGlriiflipr*For Bnys nnd Youri:: Men.Country.

FREEHOLD INSTITUTE, Freehold. N. J.-1 SV'ilyeir. I nf Mia ld I ( cia »*. Ki 1 i I rel. n. ( o-

limbla. Val 'I lui vu ul. I.I \ A. (. I'.AMIi. L.-v lin.

EMPSTEAD INSTITUTE..A Roardrnf1*11*1**1 te* Hoya. AI lie np l-a.I <t t_ 1-1-in.t. N. V.

MWtMi. .*-. li11 Hifrom June 1.". to *i''!>t('ul er 1. Or ts -..sent', year liesltil(september IS. IKrio. Cstal«*rtt" on application.

Hu;Il LAX D MILITARY ACADEMY,ss,,:. iii r. Bsa* .' il i 'a, ',..:. :. | ul

»'. ii Ml' * I.H. '.. si - ip. nhl lear.

pKNNSil.VANIA MILITAKY ACADEMY.1 Cheat*- lost is lan'.",a*. 'I 1. t.-crli Irteirn. Jl,n. *>

Mil.I I Aili ((11.1.1(1. ' iso I ui il a. ru,ii, ,|,i,,i*try,ClatwU*. Knsnah, l*OL«*KKLTBKO. BYAT1 |-*rt*»idcut.

UUMMEK VACATION on ;i farra for ii few1^ nun!.* ia the fsimly of a French teacher] ci, ai,ea reaoaat. st, tl /.*. N WK.

_SJ- ili-l .''ll, -t.

riiRINITY COLLEGE.I Kssmlnations I to tt* *r*l*e*hn_m ("tesa wiB

he held at tn * .i-i i'i'ii *. Nen Tort, Itv, iiI n yr, .aaa ll, tl a m. Ureas raaeaav. June -_,a:SO

». m.. ll'-Cbr* 'iv in.lJUli, SS one* lay, anne -ii, M..toa. m., Arithmetic sna Oeon.eiry - p. m _i,*r,. indidaicsf.-r idrn las on n u fa s omo led Un .r Bfteeath »>:ir. andi.'i'i_ ri c.' nial* of root! lonni character, iBtalos*iie« eon-is i .a*- *:.., o ,¦ n , ef ft.-ii nation piper* can _* ourained onspp i,-ali,m io .:,.* h ni ofTnn-ti t*onet*e, Hartford,..nu. or tenhcr inloraiation :ipp,v io

I'll.sMxl.IN ll iuUI.IIL. .(.¦.., SS.sl ..Sfl.st.N. T.

DOCKLAND < OLLEOE.N 1ACK-ON-1TIE1\ ii i' i .-( N .- I. j ii ci. ij fi. Inamess f. it, alb a mt IS« Titf_S Kiln li i-. .-. iv.iti it h. I.i in. li,trialii.i in. e. *-(i, Im rataH fi ft

\s. I'. RABIfsTER, A. M.. rna,


A.BEST TEACHERS, Tutor* and Govern-. rs-e. .nopltc't witt,out >, ,r -e. TC Ai BERS If nit. ted

free. Many vscaucle*. Konn for stomp, lt. AV ai.Atnericen ..*, hool Bnrean, W.-st lin, *t. N V.

A C., iitli tn.tu (Spaniai I would 11k..- for a.'» ... ... oral c.inpetisil,,),, to-tye lessons intiie sp.,,,, 1,lani;., ¦tte elt_ei in a college or w residences. A.hires* Boa

..'. 'lil, e.

AMERICAN AND FOREIGN TEACHERSl\ AGKNCT »p^T.lle* Pri.rcs.ors, Te.ielier*, Tntcrs, 'lur-*n,r'aes, etc, IOColteir****. tH mill arni Families. Apply'1

MK**.**-.-. Vol ni,.. lti.ii*. in Uniissiiaama\ N pxpci iitici .1 teacher vuitina* thc Adiron-_\ il eba th!* -.,.,,hut n iii take with him a mall class olb .ys iibU. i iu tee r u stu .. and rc reatlou. lt* f neel n

. d. A.Mle * I II. B iN sNV e.

pr»] irs orr "*cho ;. Nt wi, ir_, N. Y.

\GER m' \ N vmiiiL' Imiv. pupil ol iho Orr-adi-nCouserrstory et Basie desires a position is teseiierin

., i. uooi or fatally. good city references, au,ir. ss r. il Ho*

\ i:F.LL\ Ri L -¦!,. fiori "f school clrmlarafor.'* psreolssndru Mian*, ii ichera,tntors,jrovsrneiaessopplied MIItlAli ( ni lu r.;., a. E. 17that,bet. B*wyand tC-nve._

As ontii-ltciiiIi inin. tin *'*cff"ifiico(| teacher»nu private mtor who bus Iravelted extensive**- >n

tl,.* Couul rf ntul bompa .'. «ir .¦* a t.i«it,oii its

oe trayetlna lalor to a teni lcm.ia's s.,n. or

ST -.111 I I, V I.I il -elltleail lil ol' l-liul,' Kui,,4*rrll im.' ptooa Offii e, U3-I


pORNELL UNIVERSITY I'KACilF.RS' XS-Vj HOI lAlfOM. Ill,ni .. N. V.-S. ho .1 offlcef- wantina'lir«r c'a*s lei. lier-, ol i.i .lc,r,,.i' po*,tl

iee adoree* the Free-dent of tbo aa.*." lal ..;.. li. J. Mi _.SK*s'GER,Jr.

pOMPANION or TUTOR..Ry a yoonR*.'i.i in or a* tutor to

ii nub and, Knit'lsb bran siIjti lt, _, 103 ... 8"th st.

rjOVERNESS..Ry n young Ennliah ladv,*" ,l.,'i"l,lei ,,f -ti '-.p'-cop ii cere, nun tiioroii-hly coi.i-

',1 !,- il ,, '. io ,i,a an I" i .:

v us UI.At'KMoltK. a .' rbtiry, Knfand.

il HESSE'S 'Icnchcis' Arzeney removed to1* 12 i. ivit. -r. Profi Mora, leschen rorenimendad lo

tar-im ai,vice in cboteaof be*l -

JVIRh. (Ai; LIL A. MORGAN, Reader andI. I i ¦¦:, bi i ..; i \ot allon in I Uraai-Uc Art Vu.ce allara

eal j.i.i-nt.

UCIi ER.MKRHORN'S rearhera' Aaency. Old-i ' i t. Established

.). \S Si III lt si I'.ltlMliN ,v i'i .7 i..i«t ut.: -. V.

rPEACHER Ls ii > .nm" French ladv a positionI r,, t> icu and ta

a. ,n olin e, l -3d lr

UN','LL. Liitti. i iii ,1 gentleman, collesroate. On

\V, h. K, lt :. lu *.*t,,i'pt..., I'nton Teacher*' 'frney.\\'AN KI)..By a ronng mun, frradaate and» » prof, r. ol '. Dirsahle dispoaltfon snd character,

beautiful y nan mu bookseeper Intendln* teeontlnns¦. t.in prmii fouillr n bei.

lor board any of tbe n_,i«!i hrs ioho*, oiatbeaattea, olssslca.Bl

eretice. ACit..* lt. F H., DptOWB 1 ritalin, Uh. ...

liroadway.\\'A\ I Ll). .Mum- Iciiclicr*) nf hoth sex'"*,»T tUf, ss,-,t. (Sooth, for niat'ieinstica. acinn.... lun-

e. s neal aiel Inatmilearners lluainnai closed Monday I. M.

( ". r-11 ... i a .7;ii -t bot. Broadway and Ith-ava.

lyOMAN'S KXCHANGE TEACHERS' BU-' * i'l ATO Ito] both asses), -tippiies I'rof.-a.or*. learhor*,

Mnnrlona. li ,,,-, |, pen, Coi acollei.'.- ,., Hoobkeepers, _t<pticiB and opriit* to bnsineas Brm*,

_Mrn a. I'. l.Vl..., .i. i,, ,vc. New.York City.

ACTINA IS TKE WONDERof tl.e :;i|n ('emory (rall oradrtriisA fl NA IO.. SS .'t'a-uve., K. T.

Cilnnhono {13 ar. 1 cb~Malea.

I BEE COURIER will pay 3,000 franca to..'l parson rctlin* bin place t. travel .n Karapa, ciood

.in Erooble,' ip me.H* HOOL I.Ki rniOITT. 18-E**t2a_*-*_

ATTENDANT..A medical and anraicaltiur-e monal Uko to travel upi, lavaltd "iiltcinn hi*

No. tell :¦¦ I *,.'¦ D>* l-.a_. "il 4li li el 111411 Salary Val a, 4,i roi ie' i".. ., irroi a, »,i,,. nntBiiu-

c,,l o, a:. , I Bro* it ay.

DUTLER (»r VALLI'..IL a votmjr Scotch-lt man, leavlns on acconniol presen! rc. »yei solxuiattw.y. (al or iddreai J. -.1 I il LilI..VNI>, 16 'l-a'-setto

SS .,*'ii:.i't.,i, I). C.

BUTLER..Ry an Englishman of -.nod ap-PC* ¦ CO WbO ll inlet - iii,,'is bl* WOl'k Inn oil l 1,1 r B* bilt-

,-i claas f,,ii Hy l.urop ni uni itt/ recoiuuicuiatiuui.i'.,'j lilh-av*., op*.Or*.lM'lLLK ot WAITER..Ry a mar wholr th,nonuniv Hilliers anjs Ins Im.ines*; lr, n privatelani y bal Bfl n yi-.r-' auod ur retemoo* cnn l ,.i_n.yretool,nt intel wul b* iliarimageil tb* nra; ,,t jans address

1.. I)., -US l.ciiii-loii.ave

IIUTLER. . Bv rt colored man in prirate. liuuil.v, .itv te er, ti ea H. W.,4.1 West hi if, st.

»00K..-A Frenchman, flrst-cliss cooh ; thor*ondaratand* bia nusiue** ia all tts branches aa

li.u ii, ihe cunnii v Applj nntll71 i ,ii.Ki.ii.4ic, CAiriiei of


(*u.\r ll man and (JROOM.-By n man whoV^ iborooRbir onderstandi ii" esr* and _tsti*#;*menl ot

IV ..I e .iii.tl J ti St Cltr ICU lenee. ,a>t(lop.OS Cl C-ll D* .teen. 1 111 Ol S- ,' *-

ii., No. aid iii-ave.. elgar siote.

COACHMAN. Miirriodi family no inenm-' brance;fli isa tuan te every way; 16 rears'best ra¬

ilton s of the nest r.in v, Oneiln,er linn (rood BTOOH PlOBI * ,t I. ,i., I'.'Uss e*i .-d*Sf_, pi ivjte a, ibte

CiOACflMAN.- By a colored man; dt] oiJ ciiinrj. js.jo.lcitvrei.rei.ee. i ali oi adurcaa J. W.

J...N I. ... asl '.''.iii .t.

/ *< ».\iii man. By ¦ gingie "min. j nndcr-Vj* stsi ol li ira, i, can lag* - andbarnea*; .; rear* in :a-t puce, clU 01 conntrr. «.> lr-*tB| t'i*ee,

( V .CH MAN..B.i in iiidv...tn ; no children;v_>* undsratandi im bniine**ln esorj 1 -.¦¦ . t perfect!)sober, i mat ts ni i uni oloi ring wife auulii givu iif rerjniir- ii v ', -- .,, rhsmbermsld; i tv ,.. countnttrttclis* city r, t,r«i,ces. Ad.lresa IA, ll Ma n. Ult Cast(j ill it.

pOACHMAN mid LShKUL-MAN'.-By « __o.V i-1' tborooohly u_d_rata_d* hi* ba__a***lnsubraiij H", .1. careful .iii..i stfictly sobsr. honest.

S: b-at i nj sn counirr l terencri fromi_»i and foi met imployer*, wno tan ne iaon ta or adoree*

P H.. 224 Woo*!, .si

C*jU4CHMAN..By a flraUclaaa man in every> reap.* l Buber, h..nest amt careful .inver wind mv

elly ref, rucea will run laat erupUiyai eau i, ., ,_ ,...os i.ver.t una- ai,., it Inn-. »aii,i carrlaaVM and a first-...(.. ...1 .., au.ii «.* J. lt.. ;;, i._,t _-tu -,t .ulne.

fNOACHMAN..By u hitrhly rescoriiirieuJt^\J you:,jr mini, who t* v ,.*, ellyr. feren, e B. s-M.'i v M fl .,t.

("((Al HM.sN ,,i.l <.K<,i>\|.. |',va v,.iin_ min.V> _-.. .- la soot i. honest and re».,-4-if,n u'..i, ,«iaii,|s tits

, I..- Qrat-ClOSi :.;,,-,:,., in,iU 1*01 em-P .. i. Auureaa

r.i-., -A. liiiiiij, UptownOfflce, i,:js uroa'Jwsi.

C'uai'HM an..A (.'iMitlciiiiiii o-iVing m. IioraeaJ want* a plaee for 1 ico-icl ian itnfl* elli beblcbl]

rn. mended fur ,ltv,.r country, generilly useful, wasesniotlemle mi a mod pta, e.

li. V IO, 111..on,. I'j,t.,wu .Iti.e, :.. ,- Bro .,lw»y.

pOACHMAN uinl USEFULr-MAN..Byaain-v> fie nun, lari SO; tlwrooirbly nnderatanda bl* busmeea Inall bran .... roo,!, saretnl driver; strict ty sober boa*cb.eriul au<I ol,.lam. bast elly ami country fttteiencea froalas: au,I tunnel employers, wt,o can bc seen. ul, ,,i address

I", ii, '.-'I ss poster-»_

COACHMAN ind GARDENER, wile as COOKana LaPWPBlaa Oood rstaraasas, TATLOB

-lb West Houston^.

CCOACHMAN..By a nii.t-ic man; __-at-claae> trnnm i .ireful .inver ni,.tcrstands proper rare .,' rur-

nagea wed hsrnsss w..i(i make bloiasH Beneralrr un*-,ii""". >'i ..!>" pam aardao**; ,s Ntl Irtl v leuiwrate 1*williup uoi _li...l ol »or* elly r.-irren, ... AMraas

i>. I', Boa m. Irmune onie*.

>»A«'H.M AN. Wv an eipf"rieric*»d manJ t^.lr(..lcb,y aoderalandi ins imam--, a_ntTt**iinifiihraiir '-¦-.' June 1; si-T'i ui yuri'first

memnrnt^. *ZeZ et emtimT"* m f°"wr e"'p'"> ei* L'u*'( ii.\( llJl.vN. '-..c sl>st 5ilh al,

C>('A,7n!,AN ?J n rfMI.ti.hlr voling niunTtmapn^tmtpnl,'(b.L\IA\..r WAirLl:.. My . v,mil? man,

QROpMor USEFUL MAN.-Hv I'rotnstant*<¦ yoona (usu. »gi- Jl years. understand! tba eare ofheraaa, earrUf, ¦, barnessiki peed dnva? i,a« D.-atiefer.:_,l,oh.7_i'n,;!,A.mrss^C," e°"UU*- ^^Isa^nffla,

ll ll., ini.une t'pfewn (,f_f.., j,_8* ilro.ulw.iy.Vl'liSK..By a color.»d nan as profeaalunalXV nura* ai..1 maaaa/e opara'or. by tb* bout liar or BsaakiIhe very beat o! wrcraoce A-ddr*** A. M. UVHo. .*,-, W.al? iil.-a'.

\rAT_*-T7 By an Enghhlinmn as rajet to uHuck icniictuaa , 2yeori sud S monthi' etty referanco.

C,iP Walt imbat.

or ITOCO.** Si I I, _¦

DP. J, H. SCHE^GtX,ni ¦ ¦..filial i

(of I'hii;t*l( pliia),AT TIM"

CR/-\8? CEJfTEJUL BOTBb,ilroad'.v.iv, ojipcnito lJjnd-st.,


Wednesday and Thursday,June ii nnd 3.

Office Hours from 10 a. in. to 3 p. in.

If ron csnnet cenanlf Pr Sch.eV tiers-reilty, rrrlfe to Pr.J. tl. Hcheiicl il --nn. PMlBdstpht{ for the yew look onIna-ases ot tbe Lon^i, I.iy.tr and Stomach, wbich will besent KUI.K

fiituationo CLlante6--irfmcica.-A.-A.-A.

MHP. I- UKRI.Y.tTernerly Ml*e I.. Csmpbelt.)

Ila* taler: the ntltrknown s* t_SWOrlJ.D RMPI.OYM M BUKi-AO,

17 WP>T il-ITri ST.bri, ath-aV". and Broadway,


ofare* comect-il br UilsphsnnPir*le- hsvlaj aubrie, ip Jon tlckJts eau baye t_e ase of

bot") oif1.es.AB reforoncaa aertewy taTeit-iBtea' *ni are on nie for

hssBSoaaa.Servrini.* (Usappoimln* (smilies wUI b« e_rlnrtei1 from

wy o_',ce*. s>' '.(i>NK';iIo** WITH oirKici- ol'-A.J.. .-au;, us .iiu.-T.

MUS. L. PEELY,ts Wad .Dd st.


' V' ._! ."M,r .'".''¦-.'.--.'lr"''lusa .Io,.,-*i,e servant*i('i»iieii|i-,ines; cinir-es rii.iui into, an<| aarvsnta' reference*Bnoerno_loaaiBvaB_aaUon.


ply Monda) sad [ussdaj beroi l o'clock, lu Weal SOth i.

took..\ ,ilv leaving tbe city wiahea *nlad a sltnstlon for ber cook. Applj at 3-S W tetb-st

C'OOK..Lady troinfr to Enrone wishea «ifi) fio,i tot- !,ei c,,.,k. wt,,,.,, *.,,. caa hi-l.ly r.oomnienil

/ JO* ERNE8S..Ry a Paruienne lady, 21"a re,r, ss fovcrness or I Ity reference. *'o.

cCOMPANION io LADY..Rr a roane: lady.

Andres* E. M. I'.. .; Wee* l-d lt, SOW-York.

pO()K..-Family poing abroad doairea aitna-VJ noa for food plain cooa:, washer sud ironer; counliypr. red, 117 i-.a.-t ...'.tb au

C*jOOK...Bv 'i vonng polored rr<:m ; flmt-clasa'meat and pas'ry eook: conntri preferred references.

JJ Union i'la,-,., ti. t.-. v .i fotfj |ti-i on t,j, _-.,..

/ *< m IK..First-class ; to frooul of toa n EarnUvVJ enwie tn i,tropet bhrh lr recommended. Inquire orir asnt employer, ll Eas rib-si

CHAMBERMAID, Sec..By a colored fri ri aaW ebambernuid or waitress or t., lase ears of children;Braf-eloai cltv reference la io be seen inf tinaii. aaa all bi sd t-.< h. k. -.. fy o/i n :, itn it., city.

pflAMBERMAUX & ..-!'.v ri reliable Prof.-a-VJ am woman na cl,*',,t,e->:i ,.,| :,., ... .matre** or t..rr«e ne,!.*.,"* ea* long experience ,. eitber poaitinn rood i.i.iu.yBill Snd a vj.ii*,,1 terrant; good city referen,,-.

_^_63 (ill 'il. ave.

nHAMBERMAIO and WAITRESS. Bv a\J raapoetabie ooinred girl In bosrdlns boase >r privatef*iinly city ie enuc, .* iii Weil .','tli*f.

nUAMBERMAlD, PARLORMAID^ A c.-RyVJ sn noell, ri _. co instant vonng woman cs eb*mb rru Jo. p I i. or .i- narie Io one lld,«iown. arel se.itn-t,, -4. li ia eon two yeera a tb ber pr, mt.runlos cia i country fur Urn a.iu.iu.r ilea.'-.- iso. lo fc._al

lt., N"W. Von.

('HILL'S NURSE..Ry Proteatan I EiVJ woman, r>,.»l .-.! ro htffh wafM City Olcountry City refei-enrei IV *. ;:t,i sf_pHAMBERMAlU o iVAI'l'RESS.-Bj aVJ yon.- drl t cltr or country. Call two nay* at 20 ss, .t'-J,I.st.. pic* nt et,.[il,,y. i'i

I lRESSMAKER.- Fimt-clnsa; wishea a FewI' BK>re eo-rafrntenta i ILSOperdsy. __btraaa T. M.. 287Tub,me I'ptown omeo. 1...'.<-, Broadway.P-TEE TO EMPLOYER8.Kamiliee in want1 efflrat-clai d nea help caa be Immediately sopplladst the -io-./ Acre" As-ncv without ,.(>*(. 7o.*> 7th ire.,cornel i rt li-st. Ui.j_.iw_>- 4 mi 7lb-svo cars pas* lbs door,

RAWLY WASH INO -A flrnt-rlaM polored1 laundress, with iii,aiirpj**r.l facilities an,I Brst-claSSreference* washier br tba trees or dozen;

|| r esl le ior a,nt delivered tosn pans ot tn,-,uy. Andrea- Ma UV t_ uoli-ON, fit


"Tl,... *,'

ti POcfflC I'I.oe, -BUl St.. bot. ..tl. 4.1.171(1 ares

IIOUHEKEEI'ER.. By an experienced, com-I pWrnt A.nerlctin f*T"SB*taBt In betel, Br*! cl iss

boarding bouse or mlsnte tami CSpaM* ol taki-S lullchitr.r wool.i 1 ike char.e of widower'* f_iutly ni.eiu Ihuioare rouac children, iddrea*

M. Jl., Koli ..,. Iril.ui.e l ptottn Ofllcc, l._.'l8 Uro.,'.way.

IIOUSEKEEPER..-By an American ; pomne-I lon! tn take entire el, ir_e u, .mail private bi'rillr or to

saaistmhooa hold aad sewin*; ll a in at. I,-iel s, w.-r. un-doutJt«-<i reference*. Addre*,

CL ll.. Hoi l"ij, Adsertisenient tilllce, .">".l iil-*yo.

I toUSSKELTER.-Iri a -renUcrnan'- liunih:.I I oi ... au teach KnsUsb. kTonob a_ja little tiui.iic. M. o. n. rnbaoeOffloe.I ADY'S-MAID and SEAMSTRESS.-By aI.* competent Protesten! woman; nnderatanda dressmak¬ing: erm take oars of Invalid lady or other done* *r,,o,i n-r-

ii., ii. >naa rptuau unca ,,.js broadna

IAUNDRESS..By n first-elana lanndreaa toJ (o ut by the day washtiiu and lronin,, Proteatant;

wooli t_ke a it',in ion tn I _no«l family; umler-tands herbusiness tboruashly sati'faeiury retoreooea, l'ic.uo callat1-6 SS est l'.itbst., lu the store.

I ADNDRESS.--By a ftrat-claaa lanndreaa.I J cull 1.0 Kaai Mtb st

\| ATRON..By a Scotch lady of educationlil and ssperlenoe in the mensaeinent olcblldreoi ina" linnie'' ('ku bf seen between iu.3o*udl-;-0 atltoomtl,Illble House, stn.aye._\\ HE. JACQUIN.iii I're.ich BmploymenI Bnreao. 60. Mh-ave., apstetraBnpplics fau'ilies. I,.,ic.*. aatnmer bouses with best M

vants male and rema'", llrat-clkas cooks ia:', cook*, laurih.u,,ie 'uinl*. expel ts atti ess. a; housek, cpd *,

gosrarnasse*, buly'i-mat-*, Boraea

\|AI1> and >i;a.M>h;i;ss.--|!v a Protea-i*I in,,, -.ri tt,,',!,i ssslst with ohaniber work or cUildreu;6 year-' r terence, li E»*t HT tl, et.

MK<. CRASfE'H, foiiiHils ,.f Mic" UuiIi'i rtv*..-i|!orl Fniiiloviuent Pur. an I*Mrectre**of the

lim. aa at the same locsJtloo, l,'-fi7 Broadway, Brat Boor, np-st.-is. iiepjrer ti ss (,ri,l nil ilmm uptown otiicos. Correct*y-. in of cortlflad referenc**._\URSE :iim1 SEAMSTRESS. By a refined1* American url nurse tn b-fsnl or vrowlna Cblldrenie pab!< .: i.'ut-i,,.': wiitlusT to :.*r>:.4t viii, obauibcrworkii.,.:. a, i'i, conni ry. ill al .79 Oih-ave., third Moor.

NURSERY liOVLRNLS.-... Ky » I- renell liidvi.* having a rood scoent and raferenesa; at Maw-Tork orll**whet**. Ad,!...»» i. M.. fi, liibune i'ptown uttlco. 1.-3-Broa lway.

SEWING..By a R*'nm«-rr»***s, powinc nr homoor br the day; term, raaaonabla -Uldra** M. i... 7«o

SUI ave., irtbuun lintucb offlca,_SEAMS-lt E.**.**, A, c. Uv ii nspci i.ildc I'rol-

-t.,i,t plil _.* srauatrSBS rn mind yn.ss Ina chi «lr.-n aacut ami m. s.I opera!ort city or country: rood rafereuco...¦., cards, t ai. 1st tsso ._>* ut ita ss cn-.id at.

SEAMSTRESS and HOUSEKEEPER..By aO n,'.ldl.--a_.'d u,,:,,-.. fri,',, New-l orland I ls ll neat MWert,y baa- or machine, wheeler si: WUson'i sn, a thor,,ughbon*, keeper: wining uud (,rill_1n(j to thole who iinebt ault,home niau ohlae_

.mis. ma.nn, trlbnnc Uptown OtSto, U_*M Uroadway.

J A II RESS or CHAM BE R M A11 >. mid totaEecare ot arown-np ohlldreu. Can ba assn at uer la.-i em-

ployei'j. 70 Irvin/ Pl ..

>vnrASHINO iiinl IRONING..By a nsixoi;.-

colorad woman br wnekordoaea tailor ad,ir, ai lits Weal 26th H bssamaat,LVASHING..-A flnt-claaa lanndreaa arisheaW ia,: .'. _. ni m-n's ai tabing to do at home;Do acid* .:. med; t. rms reasonable, (ail ul store,117 V. est IOU) St.

CT1 cfmt Gtcamrro.

MAPS A\T>r,TTlPESountry In ihelay'a, Uiack'si

BAND, ITjSAI.L- a CO, 3-_ Bf0a4*r*y.

To eT.rs country In ibe world and all principal ettie*Jlardekcr's Muxiay's, Ulack'aaii- other european imdoaoflatta' Uaua.


BTEAMSHIP COMPANY.atesmers lasre flan Fr*nel*so a* follow*-

OCTABIC.-Tn-siar, Tone ttOA'CI.It ._. Paturda'y. Joly luai-_,(J10....fat,inlay. July al

fMaAWTO, OAmVitX aatAio,Superbly Appotnteil -Mnyerlor Acrornmodarloa.

BAN PABLO-Cablu capaelry ll.olied.R'lerTiylons esn ba male by letter nr teleirrsph ti. snd

robin plan* ***n ar, 2*17 "lnsidway. New-York, or "loom 74,Ttatlro*,! Hull.lit,_. San Franctieo.

LELAND 3TA.NF0Rn. l'resldantT. H. DOOPStA**. Oeneral P-Hseu^.r Aseut.

T-HE IT. B. AND BRAZIL MAIL Bfl. CO.X Arr.erlrin pcidnser !hio fer al Tbouio*, Bocb-doa,riT*. Vrrarnani. Periiamhuep. Ballia, Il'.o de Janeirj, wu-cectni* far MoT.teTirieo *_C 1_t:r-iVlla.e ports.Alii ANOfc. Batoidar. min ft ) St rio. u. fromFIN *. .«. -., ¦*''. .(.*«**.-. /_n» I" } liobrrt etoiea. brooklyn._

rrtm Sr*rport Kews **r*. tri-rS rtiy eft*! si*, p. in.a-AUL*'. UKU_lAllIi a (jo., Oanenrl Af-ents. ** brou! a_

? arab-n"g-American SS. Lim* for Hamburir.¦ I llmnmoul.i Jnne X t' a id. Itohemts, June ls, Ui30p.m,W»a»|ibal.a luna Kl.FiraM abln. BSO, I

.* tfdacaj linc**, heicl for "Torirtat Ha/et'e.Kt'NII-llliT SOO, I', H. MfUARD 4 CO.,

(inn. Aft* .(ll llro»,lat.. N.V. u«n. Fa* A_ts.. 81 a wsy, N.V.

abin. SUD. Si" and S?^. eteersife, J2S. Ko,ina tripsd nnrea. Band for "Tonrlat illl_Il!)T A ,,, f, |i.a .Ul Baanri si, *l,V. oon. Pa*.

.^ IT ROPEAN TRAVEL. .I lloSst* for ladiyiiln*! tinope ts rsaasetiim win*)eta for ui***_r* travel In. bT IBalfva. OuO M. A ROM. Ml Braadwar, fliw TaiaV.

J TouiT-t Uok*u for laiiyi.ln*! traTrlhrr* to and ta allaaita at ramp* m raneesrion wltn »n* lin* ot steam .'ta.¦paetel 11,.*¦..* for niaaaur* trawl lu .11 naru uf the glob*.

fitton SlcnmcrB./"MINARO LINE.



Faht kxpRKmw wa it. SmanWtOTL.I'MliliiA .s.itm lay, June c. 7TO s, m.Ai' i' \ n i \_-.sainntav. Jone I j, p. m..KTItl'RiA. .naninia/. June 1!'. 7 a. m.si'uv I a....'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".-iiiiioav. ineMVim.

T',' *e *|e»n,er. wi enrrv Hr*' ClB«a .. .(fer* ..,y.fnhm i.n»s-,.. jud, SHH and II nu. Intel i.i, dl.ite. «.: ,.

Pie. >L'e !'(. elslo r.)o| from nil part* nf KUrop* ul 'verylow r-ite* K.eiirbt "i'd paaaaoa oaten, Hat flowliBf* Oreen.m ' ** VKKNUN ll. CHOWN a Co.. A IO'i.i *.


MAKAI A I Ho.I'rom Pin iu Kaat Hirer.

CARACAS. ir*,tar. Jnneff.VAM-Ni IA.Tbiirad.yy. mne 17.J>HIl.A-i_.L.2'UiA. »li|.,l4r.J.i«.l'l.

Th. e SUI RICAN *-TI AStr J'F. Specially bulli 'or tb*trade, have very super-Tor aec.n'i'Oda'ion* ror pasa-nS'T*.AU letter* ihat may he aent .* np lo noaa on the day* the

sfssniiiis ssl! sill jin (Inn fsrwaraed, pr.ivi.'ln* mag ore in¬closed tn atsmpod envelop * of denomination anrnci.nt totoyer t.'"' I'niled Hal. s u.j*t.i_<> of. ci nt* ps* hail-ounce.Fur freight '/r passage apply toBO OLIO ri. llL.'Ss * I.AI.I.K'IT, lieneral Manaren*,

_7 i SA ail st.

C3UI0N LI NE.j I'M KU BTATBB MAIL KTf-AMK.nsjll.it Ul _.*Nb'tOWR AM) LiYJ.Ii.'Ot'U

Lea** 1 '.ii BS M. Bj- IS** of l_,u_ it.AV.l7.cis a.i sirsilsr un* 1, 4 o. m

K KV A DA. I uesii .,. lune .*, 9 1") A ra.nVlKt'ONrsiN.I u. sd.iy, ino 1 ..lp. i*.

AI A-.K 4. ...tue te ny. Jan* ll-, h ito a rn.

WYOMINO .I iiesdar. Ina*-!*,- I p. ta.Cabin paaaaa tho sadupwardaccoruiaf ia i-ratioa. in-

Uiiin .1.*i- " eel,,,-, i.'.*<i. VA .. btaerasaawa m. vb DtRB-t-.a oo.. sa arosdway,a.T._

I TOR un I'.N'STOV.'N AND I.IVKIU'OOr.c ni , ni, sou stn 'i.c lune ¦. i p- a_

HAlTIl Si.*,l.'.l:iy. Jun-' lil, IP U,.

(UV Of rl'i'MMiiM-. 80! ,i,.I.v moe l'.l " '"¦

lr,,.,. Inman mr. foot ot (irani ... Jersov city. <-A'...;I-A-- Mil tHO, >*jV08nd$100. ll ll nd.ute. fl'. Sii'.MlA,¦,'',. '" Vi:^HW.^:.i;*--..iV.. ^r."A:e.M.>.. Broadway, R. Tr.

POMPAON1E GENERALE TRANSATLAN-\ I i. ¦; : \, ll I ,K lu UAVRK.Company's rier (new) No. I- North River foot of ltorton-stCANAD*.. PadBl.We.li.e-,uv Juna t ..:»'( :l. mI.A i HAMPA'i roi). r rans '.. m n.

I.a rroRifANDIK Reruotec. Hatar-sy t ¦.¦¦ l.ineA M KR IOU K. '-one*"" «Rturr»v. Inri» l:». 4 n. m.Tba next salim* of I.a Nnrw»n>iie ._"VCheck* pnvaide nt sl-rhr, in IWIBB11 M BBB* on the nanua*

Tr»niiitl»i)1i*i cr rrft._LOKI-- t)K III- BIA"*. Acct, No. 1 Pew in*.*.*_* BB.

BRANCB OFFICE. 1.1'.') ll'MA i.WAV...utii R lo I'll-. ri.'KL.O

Pstip* trana Inna i n st tb* il .mer* of t"i* t'ompa_-**OeneralaTranstlantlqa ntl I sall rora M*w-Yort er*ry sat-citiiAY instsadetev-rv *w"adns*4ar a* he rotators._^:0UT^ GERMAN LT-OTTI S'S. CO.

\ Midi. BOU il. i" I -"x WON. __,_.NRW.YORK. »') I. 111.Sill I OR A.M, l>ltr-Mr..V.v """. ss', d J. .. -.' ,-' J : ,- "¦ **¦.

st.' it "ur.. Jon* E., 7 a. m. KM*. Wed Jab* IB, ¦> n. m.

VV 1.1)A Ve turill' Ur '«*',' -..' " ll l'J. ,a..l.(*re-.tie-*,n4rk-el . Mil Mr lt-mn-, mreei.

Oner;, es. .'.-.rs. lat Oamn fIO**. Bili.als** aitab.nICU. -ii older *t».im-r*. 'Jd abm. '

»te»ri_re.,t ewe*!or:lh11 Ita a ed.. No. u j-owimiGroas_

WHITE STAR LINK.rv l'mti:ii htatkh anti R'syiT, M«rr. S.! '.'

r ;..,lr. R-ITOWX ASmf-IVKHPOOL.BRITAXNIC .Ticratlav. Jnnef*,4p. ntADRIATIC, C'*P Paraill .'i .'.urs-iay, Ju:,.' 0, BOOB.

i , ¦. >..... lana 17.4 p. m.ci:r.i IC, Cant .' a ll i*ai. ll... u

Prom th* Whit* lor Due*:, foot ol i eit 10tl-*tRATBm.oaleoa. seo. B*t and Ti1"'. Retiirn tick-its on fa¬

vorable tenn Kieersse from or to the OM Conntrv Wo. in.lermedlat* (Adriatic ani 'elite enitr,. *:is et oraton, ass.For Inn.rt ii or plans sad ether lu'or- .."..., .nj at tb*COiuii-iiy I ol-cc--?. Mo. ii.' BloStlwoy, 'ea Vol'-.

lt. I. CORTI 1. Aceru.Asenta for Phllsdelphla, 8TCABT A i »ni_Y,


wirti tlironeli *d rates to I.trerpon:, London.1.ubi,ll. Ac.

PT ATP". OP ALARAM A .TTsnrsrtav. Jone 9, 7 a rn.b'l a ra OF IS DIAMa.'. ,1 ii lay, .''-.i" 10, no m.

r"a'. n paaaasa, * I aad aio. accordlnr to location of statsmini. excursion tlek* il redu, .,...,. ¦¦, ,- .^i* to

m.i fi Koroite at towel e toa, Plat ii, ojjiLeroy lt 1 01 fri rhl ar:

A IB'l IN Bil i's'.-ll Agents,_':¦ ¦'*._

RED STA i.' LINE..t TO!! ANTWERP AUD PART*.Ballin* from New-York and Anlwi rp svei v *at nr.lar.-Ni" ikDLa.s .i.,.m.

Ii. la.l'.M SM,.Bprlng ,it,,i hammer Rstei Pirsi cabin, BHOtoaKai; es..

|1 lo io si60. In, iiJ. axi'.IO. .-leela, i- at lo .. est larc*.

PETER .1. u ,; ,s .- ,Nd, Oen 1 Ag'ts, .IV Iiroadway,1 NCHOR LINE V. S. MAIL I EAMSH1PS.^a. Pall every natnrdas from New-York for

(.Ls-,,. W Vi \ LON DON n. ,:i:VCIRC'ARRIA Ji ¦. ".. : .,. ia im |] ,ui \ ..... .i 7 a m.i- il luci a. June l'J " p. m. DRV N lt..C'ablll p:i«H_-.'. tl Ond */."> '. -eeo.,i| la-, i !;,.. .;

>t. erase out « ,:,i *Jo. pi. poid fiO.HK.NM'i;*,.,;' BRO! ll i: .>,.,

7 ii..w lng oreen, New-York.


8 -, A Ml. I. ii A sails.ss ,_tii. sduy. .In,,,'9B.& CITY OF Roll K sall* .VVedoe*_av, Jone 'id.end regularly cen .;,. -.4. iboraaliar.Bate.a-*.,-... ..-oo an.! u|,tt_i,L

Eleni don tickers it red I rates,Forpa**a--or fmiherparUealaraapply la

IIKNDEItso.s ll,lui in.us, i sv. j I'l iiist.7 Howl,n-dre.¦.. N. Y. .' Batter] place. N. Y,

PACIFIC MAH. BTEAMSHIP COMPANY'SLIN EH FOR CALIFORNIA JAPAN, CHINA -KVR AL AND BOOTH AMERICA AND MKXICaFrom New-York, jeer f,H,t I'anal st.. N. H.Fnr an Franc«co y, i the Iathmo* of Paiia-no,CITY' I- PA s Mill in-,'.,'. June l. uoou.ORKAT REDUCTION IN HATESto

¦AN FR s MCI80O,. u erase, *-'*,.

From Ban Francisco, l*t and .ir.nnan sts.,For Chins aiid Jut) m.rtTv pp «t ., ..:,..¦; ..m.

ror trelfht, psssau, snd se,ieral Informs ion ..iiyiy at (-'.)¦_-psiiyg ollice on Hie pier, root Csnsl-st, N. lt.

il. J M'I.I.A V. >iii,,tiiiten,leu_

I^OR TRAVRLLFR** ABROAD.Clrcolsr letfrs of credit fas_S_ '>yUaiDFLKAClI, lCkllllKIMKR <* C«T_.Foreisn liaateri, -U VYi.-aai-'i

f'nsinfso Jlroperf} tor 5til; mi ter Crtrp0 LF.T..Stores 00 Bc* kluan, Ann, WilliamA and Paarl sta.

_RPLAND * WHITINfi. B ncelvman tr.

'PO LET..Lofts on RfcLrnun, Fulton, Ann*A Fraukfort. Cliff snd Wilburn sf*hl'l.ANI) a WllITT.NO. B rteclcrnrin st.

Ri-al Cstaic Ogmia.For Country and (.'itv I'ropertv mi or roar th*-

Hudson Uiver (to or aand to JONATHAN DICKIN-^o.n, Rani FstateAgent, Pons;bke psi S. v.

afoostr. Proyert. ITJaiit-iiL'l'RXlsiIEI) HOUSE wanted on Luc or Del.I and Lack, i-oad tot three montha: small temlij j docbildicu; or would board witn private r_rj!lr.

_it. Hm I'.i. Tribune (ifMce.

<i\nrMon Gales of Ucnl (fstatr.

Times l wells, iietraiiw.Peremptory sale. 12 o'clock Wedneidoy, Ja_e 9. at Heal

Estate Kicii-'i-.'arni A:. ;: >a Stoat, SB tn SS Li-*rty-al»BAMOaOMI **i bi rtr.an R!:sii)E.\(K.

telnne.tiK to William Ogden 0:1 jj, Ks... built on lite of oldlort liiuVp-udeuce. also,

116 VILLA PLOTS,i.'iiiid'diT locsted on -iedrwielt, Mont*"im«rv, Balley andAlb_ay aves., fSSi i. ;cji-n ,:¦ .: and lilies its.

KINGSBHIDGE,.Jilli Ward New-York ClSr. Shoat 5 inlnutei'walk from de¬pot*. _r (nlnut-e* fium "Aali-a,.. lr HudsoL ftiver and New-lurk .itv and No: tli.un fiaiiuaua couueounx wita rapidTrausit line.*: locatiuu _i._..-t fin. ai. Iic*i!biest in '-<tbWard exiwUent tlr«tu«*re. eharimti^ Tleasof ilarom Vallarrahssdas. tux, between and nrcriouklua' V. n (.'ourtland indJen.nie laik* Inn. l»o,c.e rt su,c:ie-'S. a'.ra*. icbo..'*.rrtitrrbrs. Oro o* and (t-S In ti,iire,_»io iiettTb.Jutha.iil. lir*. nd poilce praiecloo. tree poatol deltvrr.es. leatr.c-ioas*_a:mt nuisenres. Tills ..ro'-rrty st.! vicinity BesseaeM* i-'-t tuaiorib interest. Terms dd per cont csa remain on_BB_t_a_B-

TITI.E PERl'KCT ANO Ol AKAVTEfcllby poller of Tl tin OturonCee aud Trust Company, tree of coat,to eocb purehaier. Map* w,tb Mill.-r. t',, _a_ii, di lum.!,I't.rn * vb) Wall it. and Au. ti "_.< r. ll -j >(.


NOTICE IS HKItl'IlV OIVRN, That In pur»uance of arlrcreeof the--unerlar ijun of tbe st ito of Connecticut inand lot I airfield Cooiitv paaaad May 1*. Hsii, toro, loam* acertain inori*'«'.'e da'.-d octot)e,- 1, iS (), and mi le by UmHowe M.tctin.e oiup.u.y In favor o' the Central trust loni-p.mvof New-Torn, uoateo.aa-1 ia oarsnanea of tea noterOt tale cu.,ame,! in -tald inolt-ao-,', taara will be aotd at pul.He auction st ihe Superior uurt it oom tu Iba .mn linus*tn said i ny of Urine;, p.rt, mi saturday. July _i. l.S-ii. at Hio'clock te the forenoon, rn mi au* eubaeojueai C..iv oe .Ur* towindittie sal* may lie amounted, tiie real eatate of saidBowe MachlBS ton,nany In said IJnd*;«i.oi t. m. lu.liur tbabrick factory luillillnxs. .Iwellitia" houses and all .'tbe, loni,I.maa there.,... and tue Loiters, pip,nit Sfip*rst_*. .battn^.eic. tn aal,1 lader, builuiuga. to_etlier with the persons!property cover*, by sail niortrase. and whir'; ls ciuimer-alcl ni a certain ncbeduio attatlieu lo aa ld deere*.

-.aid property will be told subjec! to a prior mort***** lolh*Cltv --.itinirs Bobs ot Rrldareport and also*ubJ*>oi io twoutuebiiieiits. one m ra-, or of linne, ss easter A I'uiupAiiv. aiultbo other iii favor of Ins credit ( urupauy. l.nuliesl, both ofLaiodOB, 1 ugiaiitl.¦aid prniiertv will t,<> s,.l,i as a-, entirety u.,1 must tie paid

r,,, iiiii.'i Inoaahoi In tbe ouuttioi ibo ootnpanT aicuraiirysaidtaortsace a' tlieii prorara vain.,, rn per oem ol th*pun base price will lie required lo he paid altin time ol aaUmot the lalaCOS wubin Itt, my das* IBBIca lei, au.i au. i-i ,ut iii,11 ut least to the sue, of S..HV9 2'J, aud all cl-pena.* of Die ss'e must lie p .ld in ^aib.

,i pr ii i e«t e,|,y ol said decree of court ..ii'., 'ii: i descrip¬tion NO'' Sl-i,ed,ile of rl.e propert to tt *ol Will ">.. f >' eil... :e.lup.ni anpiieaiion to the (..iitiii iruat c.tiipsny "f Maw-Yen*at lil NaaSBB »t New York ity, or SO Hie *ul>si'ii'"'r,

J A.MKS SI.sri.hi-*, .peela! on ul.a,oner,BrMaeaor*. i onimdicat

VA RM AT AlICTI ON.1 Tu clo** the eatate. rh* Issac mmena finn, coi.rainu. *1"-' Bares lo. at. d .... KIik »l H.reeaiid a ti.il' Bl! BS lion1'urt cii.t.Ur. wlil bo -old Juno ... loottl a, J o'olocS pm.

C. W. HI I AlliNewark. N. J.

RICHARD V. HARNETT Sc CO., Auotion-Itiera will adi at siictioi. I'lu.isd.v. lune 9 Bl l'J o'clocknoon, ul the Heal al.ile Kicliaiiie and Auction Koora, St' to6.1 Liberty*'-. tSO and .Kl.' ss ,i*i.h.aioii *i., ii.'»r NorthMoore tt. tn,,--alon, brick bullillug*, «». ?.¦!? a«i*lra-bte Uiissi-ucuu May* at aueU*)Us*r*',7» UbeiU' **-

2,rution Sales of Real GticttXL7 AIBCHILD *T DIWALLTlSiA AoctlMie*.-*. OP KICK, 171 B ROADWAY

will *e!l st A mt,on, on'

THUMOAT,J0»tf, mah.t the HEAL I STA TI- KX< MA VU!' .I rofl-

Liberty-.! » y. »tl2no,,n.3



NO. 37 KAWT I ITU Vj".,KO.',»||||>T,imT..

«'>.27 0AE-HT,NO. -22 IVKMT 17 I H-HT

For in *|,a. lenna and further lafii I Sail Bail apo , .,,thean, tori. era. 171 ,tr. el,».-,. o, to

mt SKA llll-il. aaa.. Re!or*e. I rrss RowJA' KRON ,t BURR, Alt,, my* *:, I'.roolwav. _ro__l>_.WM MARI TV, Alt mer. 7 Vaa.su st V Y 3

0. H. WOODMOLt* Attorney. |f*j Ifruodway, ra, y= =»

(Ciln proptrtn /or Safe.

^ -OM J.VJD-ST., l.isv,(t, lom nd i itavkk. .i lois. 7aaias, ii .ooo.

Al.*»), fi Ms rurinln* rrir.-ir'i ll 1'. td .t af » barrain3 lot.* comer ol (;rand Hou.evanl, MBM aire*', very cheap,

J. KO'iaim ftltdw**-,_

*"'-' Wi I ,'. r,,r ie, ... ,T

A COUPLE nf li.ni ea, each 17 and -Of"front, have |u*' f,. n JI

aragoon ... md ld* .. e.i 100 fe»« w «t ,.? _*, 1 rtt_.,I they ar* rem kable in ,!ai_n and tm.iii au.I rt ,

af sar ano to ei nine I ., HI KKK .- >> '1

ATTENTION l> 1 Al.l.l.K ...il,..-,,'. ..',:¦ia flrst-else* bonan*. No* I to -.

bi BHaa* teBanal. 1. H. a v a ssh.; i'..*,,,A LL COUNTRY PROPERTY OCR .Sl'E,al Cl A LT! .. t-nrrrt.. rrsiilenee*. ,. ^hera,Hats ri.". cn i.i,: ;.,,¦, ,s

AT I.AKK OEORUE.. \ *H. ti ~Ii.-«l cict^n'" r. ur .r hotel*; In artes dorl .,-,i,,.,-* niarkat.

tea at door, '.si.-* »N, i * niuun -1



A PL01 OF KOCH LOTS one on ¦¦' I [ja c tin,utiie.it I,-- tiiis-. Lenox ;h 1ch.,sci! SI a ... r. lew ,-

1. I. 1 s ]¦,. . ¦: it. 11 rut'.: rv -..

Hr*- ,'i ", ¦', it,

EXCELLENT INVESTMENT PROPERTYBJ KO ft HALK. ltroad WS] era-r :. -r '..,¦.,! .¦ altaroad st, earner, ne.., _ux 1 Kiri . 1 ,.

eny and t u.U.i'i.i. el*. S l.iiei .tx,, li., ia ., 1 ,r,

Ij'OR **A .!.'... luce- -tnrv ((liner d'" inj?Rlntl '¦ 1, n 1 fe t order p[

it, nae,lor ic** r _¦. .

Addri *, a. r. ( n.i.i . -, 'i Kssi ..' «.

J^OR SALE..A !n-'' prop ry in th* - pr-u'.tabrf lor srsnufsrtorT,

Kl I. s :,,. \s iii INO,

INVESTIG MK THE ACTH \L BA HiI RV M 'lt ti- it [IA Mt .1- (' il

-¦ 5th md ¦: i, ,i\ . i

R -i *. >tb snd th aves I st -rr. v-r desirable ,

8_d near Mai ion tv*. 4-s'orr . . i

:,..*i. i..

.!!, ar, Kith ..' . 1

lt.. ne ir >tb-av*i_:' ..is ' 1

"(",.'.'. ld.. 4*1 .

'.... 1

rpo KWH VN ¦:. 1 hi - til [I 1 01 a he r-t

to build bu. .

I,'<')' PALE..-Five pjrirnni ;""l fhoro irhifll :*' cd li.,.. - lol

s, . I.- >

',1 »t,, ajon III III I.. i, r

(.. Ss. II ', l.|, IN,

Cc'T.'.'-r* prenerts fox Sole as) <Z; Crt,

AGENCY FOR MONTCLAIR..II* tit* > ioraids si ,. ta

pi 11 .*. A S, IB lt. Tl :,, 4ti-*r.. li.-.

\R| IOK ii :!' I "Subll )

l.t.,,l,e it* oi' otiy ano .i 1 .

1. s. IRUAft.,


A OOOI) OPPOR1 UNI " - Iat lr Nee-, ss, . -.teri


Et '.. .' .,:,'.'i.i.c 1,7

AT RROOKFIELD, Yermonr.- » m jr\ residence for .1lix acre* 1 tateuslvi

ii >H sc, s.,. I Pi

IT RfASCONSEI, N.niiu.¦:.. Uland, ' \"-_'\ Dlabad .u-.k sill ..IJ 1 oj IO .'.. .. I'.


V -MALI, FARM FOR H *LE CHEAP..I\ Billia i" for .>.¦¦: in .. 1*1 rion 1

bcalthv * 1 ni r Mo ,.a I") lui family, or a prai I ¦¦ . .r.S t|TI IV ..C'i r^ ill] I'M -

Mais, lor parn Ist.. Worcester, .u-i ora. *___,*_,_'- i liroaila .¦


\ DIRONDACES. A nica fm lished c*-"» to raot at lake Plaeid forth* .< sn Pori n 1

addict* .SI, IAIN it. I. S.N.. 1. Lsk* ... al. -*¦». . I*.

\T ORANOE, to lease 1 new cottaintan I .roon**, all modern iniprt . -. .. ..1

*i,:r u.,U:..'. ..,1. ,111 iii. I 0,1,1.,sv. .\ if*- 11.. .; Part ola-a.

ARPLENDIDFARMof six.v ncr,* with .-,pioiee herdof re^'.t .r-.! Jmtmay eattla at !.*_.. M <hr

K4I1, W.Blv-.aler . o.miyr.

IT IfANTOI/1KINO, on Mm.-nt Raraai. \ theo " n. fur ila] otis s* ¦* month *r * on ar

th* SSS* 'll II. |JoU tO f IOU lOtS bl ¦_ 'io :, - al tl

$-.!>¦ 1 will double In vain* in f i ltblsieason. iii." a. m. traill I', ll u. Apply lo

l-'i.U.il.V.l.N U l'l-il. 1 I ..I ... a .J .'. 5t.

AT MONTCLAIR.-T0 rent. complet*-Iv fn?ni.*!,. ,1 'or sim,1,ci * .,*,>., 11"J

ra*. mo<1eru Improvements, a rrortnd' -¦

a. . ihode. liable cw: roodeteval ¦¦! t, ittoaOt_. I uppo.-ile depot, cu eu ,.¦,:.it. ill I',..

nuWK .v Pa - ''..*. 7»i..' ir st.

1 T SliOlir HILLS NJ.--!- ',2\ Soe reetdenee* near depo! 16 rooms extension 1 lae,lawn, fruit _anl. u. cowa and chicken* splendid viewi i

healthy. 1 O.M lo Bioj s_r,

AN ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT or stockterm wiibi.i 25 mile* ol tina city eon .< loto*

60acroain park babtnoe ;r.t.| r.ro, ,r,.i rnnnl «t

?'*»i hon*.'* lotte* at mam entrancei or, ha .1 cooiUnmc,-00 frail tree*, v r bifii sround » ewe oniari.i»« .t

s gentleman'* resldem.neon Hedi ort .>«.,; o realrani.ibed ror the **,.iu *t a ...iou. roc panionlara and phe-t ,i i, ,- apply to

i.iwis a rTARRia,7 anti I Wari, I st,

DOUBLE covtae**. at IVestbrook, Conn., t<5rent lor the seassn rour steeping room* on fe' l";

":.t ,f .1 iii el 1.1* po; it* (1* quite *sfe for w.en sod ehlldrsn i bo rooks: a slopingbo-Cb givten azoall bi hm-Ius* for sole jaiiuiiB

P. C. -Tl RI KV.s.n 1, ll ti fr.".

I^LBERON. N. J..To let, cottaae contai -

J badi ms. bathroom, _lnlni -.1 en *

p n'tr. piir'or re.- ptlnn 1*00-1 ant 1 '.ar/ all ne* | _¦. Iban'some v inri,ishe,': si,nie aocoramodate* n hor-e*. sp.| iwner. I." ss ta. -tb-**., or lb i L*tat* Agent*. U»n|Hrincb._

ELEGAlfT BRASIDE RESIDENCES.I o let for lh »e.*on. one of Inna af t he moat de- n\V.\

and i-ujtarur the be-i s-as.do reside- Mus ia* se,.

Ce.tat. Ilave tiruail .os rn-i pUi/ra*. _.., In SH roaais t

rnn<irs, healer*, hu' jud co tl fre-li i ¦'. -ea it.,i- .,

ruo _a. waur alaaot*. St*.: .-ire thu ".:«-'.). t_iJei'.: 'iBare ample »od**-i»i of tb* pant rnnn'nf wu**r .¦¦

alan well sn o -tter.i). an ar' laadd )!S( » papered. OS '' »laili UinlsliC, br.il, lo lt tic* BOC e.,,e *.'a.iIInctosed bljTh'ieir.*. e«l rrai* lawn, rt ree ly on ihe ,,¦ sr)from snd drive, hi Ocean -each sotoeaan Orova). R J-,sud ,.u_uua_ t an uuoua.ructud v.sa ut tba o-c-a t. ,t.i illBundled*ol ..-aaitic VMaala aud of th* -u:t rrBin_ tbaShore.Ocean Peach ts etr!it miles sen-h o' L.'t?r»i*n. h t-i *hl

New-iersey cectrai itr* Penn'ylvunl ra'iioai*. bbs ts amtoe*«ihle muir time* e ich eav ev ,h- lent; Urn ncr, exeraaftrals* on b-th roxll. ll Ital SSeel IBU! lard olav om**,,.,«||,«. flibln* anti n,ar-_e*i-«. ano ill**! imlrr fl i

flan, uiaa^u''-* lui ,. r.i. uictl.li.i,.... ..o' I)).e. oi *

I'lou-. . a * .;.. ,t Ii li. I AK-. >, cai. beach. ...J.l_r"A \r\ lal* subing vc.h sich bouse._PAR ROCKAWAY, WAVE CREST, LAW-1 ItKM'i:. CKDAltHrRHT. CottSfe* to ron! * te*

more left Applv to JmNKH 4 B/AIRWRIGHT Ke.Ul.siuie aaunts, tar Kscbawsr.I UNG BRANCH, ELBERON, MONMOUTH1 j .:,adi i la .rn f'" Blabed .> i 4 - m lett orraij-40.1 to D', .oo (III. .- te-t lu Iii. ..'-.: ll.-I SS

ail liuurot. ui'-i.t* liable. Ac ss m. s . 1;, 1

(IRANOE, N. J..Furnish***! .-.»*t.-. _-. -. faa"

r",i'"s s'si'" frnlf flowers, .arden: perTect ,,r,I r:

best sus** 1 tea P o. ttasVoo. _m

Von RENT.AT Lom; BRANCH. NEAR_L (ireaii av. largi houas, with ill ni tiaro unprovi .

Bood sta .'ns two aol*** around, wltb good abed* pi .>

_u.d'- me of cow. 50 t..tia ic BUN-toCOTO fOT S-Ttl a.

and cuw ai owner's -ty, u«e. Arr/ tofifcORUI W. II lt.'UN'

liefer,:: S, A. DOIOHHRTV. HO - **"- 1 ._^

CK\ PARM IN BERKSHIRE __»tate«»l ¦»..»0 acre*; uni'tu-ly aiiuaieii a ¦ouolain vail** -hour .' »l

Ucl llioVO Ihe ...4 Inuril, ul wo,«i ie-a. lo.,ad. a - t

mca.towa. abuiil.nit ,..»mi, a ne od aplin(li 3 n f

trout brooks *rou-e au.i wooduock maa-ninccni « .*

laibOUsiy l'e r ,e-.l le .'ll'. ellld.U^* - '4 i I fl" -u lie..' ul

Marion t-onl 'ar Iumi* value.*'*""'v u.,.,. ,...tl.i. .t CO. KW* West .-.Tt'i at,_

IX) BENT or FOR SALK. A cott .." nt-iprli I >'»'. NJ I'I rooms, famished al' li.se.

melita; plenty shad*. Apply ...* I MAXHO.N U l« B**a>

ave, Icriev Hy ol W M. ii- I*'>1 H-K. ll .»¦ a< I "'

.IH1 KK\ I..Fur a ito** niiiuli*.. a lui 11 -.iel1 house <>u Round Ult*. Notli.m .1. .). sia«a One ot th*

moat swlraM**'" .****MLT- A^.pi* 10. .. ..

J. Al. rCnNi H, N.rttiampioii i-ai*,^Td RENT.--A eottageat Waaf Summit, roa-1 |a____Mj lOroonMi p,*:rv af a-saasSSal fruit s» bini*

n.MUUs'walboi.11...,JffiXhn r,,t..v -...,-... y j.

-IX) LET..Al Long Branch, bantlaome t.»t-

1 i_m oompletely rnrnnbed chose** l<*e«htr thr e buii

Brad teal fraas asaaa. iwal»*roaB_B; louaasuv: bot a..d co.d

..IwhnsaaTssa Au.pio stahl* aRb mou.^ -.. a^^_ll lars ilott. N Y.^

rT'ROY, N. Y..To rout for ¦ tt rm ot thn'O1 \ears from Septeui' er ne»t, * h-TM '. stTV .1 »1 kaSS>

melli inannaiona hsrnteb* 1 b",i**. s.n.*i. in Um 'ea. .¦_« of

ibo ny oi 1 io*. waiei. ..» and Maaiu, . b* "«i ran 1 - "» "Q

Ihe ni**ll**l re ooiep.ten; ard strictly hoiir.i. hus lt- l«*«-a

tu (he lai.u.y a numb** ol suara. ami -i.i raauui. a ..cii-tl.

Addles I. V I. IRWO .'.lit ..^rpo LET -At Kyacli on tu« Iluuaou. a lartra1 lioiiaecoutaiuiu_ I--* roo us. but -*-"1 SS .1 w il tc nets.

v.4r.rc,..*eis. eic ."unilsho.t". splendid lawn*, atenlf .'f.bade and ti ail ir-eo, suhle 1! ro-ialred. lomuiai. iou h

silouU, vi,» of the Hudson, aud i mi-uroa ito., m.ui*Ns*.-stall.),, or lo ml,mea trom b»»t- ror rnitburpar-Uculara apply lo JAMO** SS IN 1KUU..I lOM.

south Nyack. or lye "-pnnx-st.. n.i- 1..«.

¦|^> REN 1'..FuriualH'ii ; for thc .-**iiiiii«*fA month*, the hourn at Keuimere I'arm. ourajt 1-***%C-ooerstowa. Apply for wai tttuUn to¦jaoper.ia-wu. e-p*-*, JAMi- _*___iAN. M W*M hSaleSS.