WIFE-MURDER IN THE SLUMS AN ERRING WOMAN SHOT BY HEH HUSBAND. »HR MURD! RKR UPU'KKD AT TIIK XBtiVSM OK KUIK.XI).*.UK SAY-i HIS WIFK. DK8IKVKD DKAlH. A piBiol-shot in the live-story tenement-house Xo. t0 Miubeiry-it.. ul \'J:'.iO a. ni. yet'cnluv, woe loi- luivi(1 liv trios of horror iu the lia iai language. 'J ni- KDiinii ol villein ..un swelllllj. inn. a Will, Wanta a i-liori, remitm \ .'-.ookiriK ni'iu dari, d ont of lin* lu.;.t deni aiid ian toward Ibe Bowery. Soon afler los OMB had disappeared the din in the house u. tr;, (Hu tin- slteut-oa of Policeman Wunuier, of (ho Math Precinct. The bi: huildiug was full of ltaitaoa, wboes excited jargon vin* uuinioili.ilile to the uftieei, and ie gave ali alarm to SOSSSS on other policemen. Du the floor of a rear room in Ihe tomi li story WOO found a rteiid woman ot middle a_*\ lying in a pool of blond. Thc room, like the rest of tiie house, was tiithy and almost devoid of fatalism A biiei examination ilaiwi ;1 ihe « i'_ -rs tilt the woman had been Bool throa*- the boort 1 h-'v learned th it she waa thc v lie of au ItalLin laborer. Andrea Apiolte, who wan einploved in a nw-shop at No. 03 Jamea-a!, Ile bad spent Sunday evening in a neighboring iMir-shop. and had gone home drunk. Other in¬ mates of the house lind benni h.ni quarrelling willi bin wife mitti Biter iir.lnif.lit. He had declared that she was ii linnl_if.il to him, and she bad retorted in a fashion calculated to increase his sager. Tho pis ol-siioi bad imt an end to tbe qnm-rel and to ihe Momau's life at the same time. Apiolto l::nl lied from the boase, noneof tbe hunntiTtt having tried lo inter tere wit li hun. W lien young Captain McCnllagli was informed of thc murder he took prompt measures io prevent tile escape of Aldo te from the city, tl en tren sent to watch tho form s. and Detectives Chi vstol Bod (Jerrow were dispatched to the Urana Central Mi ion iu company with au Italian who know Apiolie. l! had been learned that ihe nuinl.'icr bad 0 cliild at school ni Troy. N. Y.. and Captain IM ct ii Ila i*h ihonjrht that be would pr .bablv uv to go to Ti.'V hy the tir.jt train. When the detectives lea.'lied tbe stiitiui til".' learned that A^io'ic had been tueic before them and bud demanded a ticket to Troy. As there w.is no train read v to si art he bad hocn obie to get a ticket, but had become so violent that un oilicial had out lu ii out ot the waitinc-rooin hy (tiree, Sean li -TBS made for the murcercr intheneighb rhood, bntit Was evident that he had lo*t the sintiou. While the detectives lingered abiui in the expectation of Apiolto'ti return, Pol iceman Lottrcil aros sent to a lioiiM'in One-huiidred-:iiid-elevc;ith-st.,near Seeoud- nv>-.. when lived some friend* of tue mnrderer. The Italians in the house said that Apiolte wns not tliere. Cottrell took up a position in the hallway and waited. Shortly before B a. m. an ita ian wno wassiuiking a short eloT pipe snlerod the haliway. When he wm stopped by the offloei be admitted thal he was Andrea Apioite. Before 0 a. m. he was luckod up in tbe Elizabeth Street Polios station. He .aid tbat he w.is foi tv 80voa \ cars old, and could neither read nor write, ll;-, wife had de- wrveil to die. he said, because s!;e had been too i:i- tnnaie with a black-whiskered Italian who bad adopted the name of Joha Bnshner. Hie police found Huehner, win. cdmltied his intimacy with the dead woman. He s.iid she deserted her husband two years ago io live with lum, Imt went back to Apiolte recently. Nicolo Muescbeli, who boarded with ibe Apioltes. eaul he saw Apollo heat his wife on toe hoad with a key before the shooiinj.. Hus¬ band ani! wife were ai'Ui" in the room when ths fatal B-Ot wu fired. Apiolle w.is Liken lo tho Tombs Police Court yesterday aud committed Without Lin! for trial. OPENING A NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL. Tbo large new school-bouse at Sevontleth-st, sad First-avi. wm opened yesterday morning, lu the primary deportment mers than six hundred hots and girls Iroui the neighborhood were assembled. Tbe principal is Miss Annie M. Walsh. Tho frram- uutr department is for boys only, cud loo were resistor'".! Ly C'.r-e C. Hunty, fha i.rnicipal. On the lits! ol tho month I here will be promotions fran other primary schools in tho ward, which with aceesaiona in tne BBeantims will hep to till tbe classes. Then are -cooinmod.itio:i for BOO pupil* in the cr.mular aud 1.000 in the primary department. I he Behool is tho newest bnilt in the citv and is one of the most perfect m detail. It is of brick :i":l stone, four Btones high, with a frontage oi 100 feel in Beventteib-t. and 100feet ni First-ave. Ali the cuaa-roomi are weil lighted and ventilated. 11m stairway* are fireproof. Ihe building cost $120,000. whoa wart un it was started in the a!ir111C ni' I**** I thors were not more than linn a doze:! substantial buildings fur OS ii.anv blocks around it. The gronnd in thc rear between Finn a.ni (Second aviso, was moos of look und doy, how there la scarcely an unbuilt lot on the avenue iu tiie vicinity, bown ol tail brick tonement- ¦00001 have h. en baili. The bili in the rear .¦. ic¬ ing olas'ed cul and curled away j scores ot new bouses on tin- sid.- stieet* are half Bnisbed, and as many mere have hoe:] started and the founda'tons eompleted. In a new model tenement on the block ib«ve the school there aie over two hundred famihea Cominissioner William Wood, Superintendent Jnepex and Trustees I. P. Chambers snd L kl, li..ruthul atte oded the opening, "ihe baildina Will be comfortably ttlled before oext .'av," said Mr. Jasper. "Toa bbs bow fa-t the population BOOWB in tlUB neigh barbood. Noone would have UOOght there waa anv M.-eil of a sebool hon to iud!.- from appeoranei i when tins building was Begun. Thc conditions me just tie boric [arther up town. In Oue-liUi:.!rt(l-:ii.(i-iLiirtv-f.ii.!!li-s!. tlic Board bas rented oroilei akaiinarui- !<> ii. up for .rgaotsmg a primary aehooi, nnd it i- talking of Bettina another skating rink in One-huodn d-ainl- wentj-tillh-st. lei the Minn- purpoM'." I CLAIMANI.-. loll "OU.V/.1 " OROOMSOAE'SRAMR, Referee G. orge W. Lyon heard farther t' *i- _Map lo tba»:. i>._i.. .-ii. aaaa a in* office, n.,. BB nat srayi yret(ul..v. Counsellor M..ure looked slier tbe Widow of "Ow in y," willie NclsOB J. Waterton ry enn- diiii'-i lha eaae »f tiip petitioner, Catbar!ue -.taogbefran, ajtberwiaa koowa na Mp. l>>' Witt h<h1 i..,tiv Kuaa, Toa Hrsl witue-s wss Mr*, (i.ilrin, who t.'fiiiiipii iiiHt Dnffr KneK boarded at der in..ilier's boase ia Oni-hiui'ir.-d-iuid- foii*,-'ir>-.--i., aod iiiai the petitlonei wat vi.ned fn-qu-'inly br A. .1.1).- Win, who, tba said, «as prsaeol wbeu Dully Boss's el >l a s born. !><. wm iras press ni ai thu rrloreoee aod w is Identified hy Mie. calvin as the luau to WBoai sba alluded. I.'ike Uaroo* ii wai recalled ami ie»iitii--l to Having calli tl nt lha prtittonara' bouses In iit.u-ioi awl Cliryntlast*., whare in- aa"Oi ney," Who asked linn Alia. botbnB_hl atwat Dugjr'e ebtM .uni loki him that bo was >.t til* rather. Tbe laal wit nasa Wa* Oilii't-r l'.itrn k ..li l.in,ry, ol lin- Kulirtli i'i,unit. Bo toatlled that ha waa married :<. "Ownsi's" eister ll'-imali in Jai.9. He sud ilia: Ix-ki.cw Duflv KoHKse n low ehoraribr, aod thal .,OwoejrH i-n.i .ilway* mi -t.i. t-n Ol Bar aa M oaa of tha Ball Ilia: eoioe\la arra," naan inf Ila LOS Bowery, tho place kept hr '-ooohsgan rberc Will he another iiesrtii_r mi Katurdai. BCOtS I.SSi.ft UKl.v ANCHOR, h. The Notional Line Btoamahip TheQoeeB, which groaodad oa the weal aide ol iba ship channa! in the J^.wer liny on li;.lay ami wai loOlad ..ri u ...inday, waBaarvoiadraaterdav. Mm wu* loaod ia hove rc- Betvod ao injuiy. ond will bo ob ber voraaa it. i.iver- pi.i.i. Tka pilot aaM that toa mistake la ii'iiiu. on the iota of too ehaaoal waa eoaoNt by tin drtfilBB of the hoof ea account of the lea Prominent shipping men exprcerif'i tii.'ir oi.ii'ioii iii u the strandtaB ooouilad hors aaa nf ihr rs rr'ra"ry rt Ibo nev.- . Aunli.niratioii Of Rrfonn an.i Eronomi ' In not provktli ^ better boojri with uiiisbrooin ancbois for winter lorries in tho har¬ bor." Tlio buoy* unw in use in thi. Lower Bar aro af tba * roo " pattons, aod hare saver proven servloaahla in winter aroaoaa wt ibatr liability -<> i.e curried away it tin- iee. Heretofore other i.u..»s have beea put lu their place* in the winier willi be.ivi' r .inchnrl'ie*. A tew 6sv» aro Boor No. 10, OB tin- Boulbwesl Siet, was car¬ ried aol to Ken l.y tha Hoatlni; iee. Then i lu-buoy wlnali eaiised the iinscalruhitioii to li," pilot of The ('ueeii w..s flrlft.d into the luldJlo of tbe Hinp rhannal. BM >.:i I un Boy Buoy No. 15 was dl-tplace.l by .lie flo.itliii; lee. ORATE 0WRE1OOR TMEB EVDDRRLT. Miilr.iel Befell who was employed as a Sadd.er lu the ri ti it c. academy at I'lftli -.ive. and Nlrie- t1etb-..t.,dieil sudileiily thereat Si'JO u. m. ysitarday. Ile wa* only twenty earea years aid ami had been itt wuk carly iu the nioralBB, apparently aa well a* Banal. Alu,ir. Ila. m. Thomas Collen, a siablntnao age Iwaoty. Ilnee. of Ho 111 West Thine nt U-*»t.. fe.I dead a! Mulh- ave. and Tliir!een!h-»t. Ile hud ben i oiuplaliilnK ai Blcliiecs for sollie time. A woman ..bom si\iv-tlve years Old Bled emhienlv lu -icaiidy et.ne nt Ka 871 Ihclillenve. soon siter nunn. Bbo woo diOBasd in blorh aodeaiiled a fur mufi of Ibe same color. In her pm BOt bonk, whleb .mutined f-8-J.wei posted a Bard with the address: "Mrs. M.iry Durney, No. HO Pallaotfa -avcJersur Clly." Yota l.'oiueliicii, a y»um: ll juan nmiiui, in, demi in the tenement hollie No. til Cooserelt-st. snd Margaret Klilio a. au Infant, was lound dead in bcd at No, 4:i;i West Forty sixth l. BAPTIST MINISTERS PLEASED WITH A PAPER. A paper on the Rev. Dr. Tlioiuns Guthrie, Who Iti.iiitte-I thc Runted -.eh.m.* of Kdiiibiir.il, was lieienr-d to wuh nntike.l appioTal bf thc i;apti*t minis¬ ters at their we.-k:v oooferenee restarday, it was read hy th.. R. r. lt. A. Patterson, of Kew-Morbella. Dr. l'.ur- liii.hiini prooooaeed tba paper >.ue of the wisest, wit¬ tiest iiiid iii()Nt eloquent ever pi .-(.culed to the sonft-r- Cliee. Ile nr.e i IIihi it sbSNlM he irlven as a lecture throughout the city and tountry nie!, when worn a little tl; read bart- in thut -inc. oe r>-pi oil need in S boon, lbs Ker. Mr. PWOBOO, of Ihe eixic.-ntiibtreet llaptleK burch. Baked llial the Iii -l lee,m.- aright bc niven lu bis ehursh. LIKELY TO GET OTES TUK EPPSCTS OF OAS. Tho-Ban and womoa who regiolered "J. Fieldeaiid wife" at tho (..lupton Huller, Third-arc. sad Twenty-fourth--t., ood wero found BKOoaaeloai from gu* lu ibe.ir ro'.'ii on Sunday niorulug aud worn tiikcn to Belle vue Ho*|ilt il, rallied under treatment, «»i rc- s'"r''(l to uooBBiBMlinnai aud ll was said yesterday that they would prob.ihy tecover. Tbe natue Fields is u fl -tltiona oneoD'l they are not married. The man ts Martin Hart, of No. 514 Eust Tull teenth-st, aud tho Woinau is Ida Tbalss, of No. 540 Avenue U .-a THE OVEN ISO IN MISS EATEAIFS HEAT). Catluiriiit* Helli, ihe JTOUg WHIM who was subjected to a nurirleal opcraitmi on Hui'dar, nt lier home. No. .ivj Weat Foriy.tbtrd st.. rs described lu yesterday's TlilhCM. suffered yestciday from lue shock inrnii ni lo tbe surgeon's work upon ber skull. Mhe was kept in a S ii.!-' oin.iii.se state hy opiates, but -v'.rii tbe effect of the dr on* would wear oft lu a measure ber mind apiieared to be brighter thau lt was before Ute operation, nnd it ls believed that If the i.peniir.' In ber skull heals over prno- .rir ber mind will ne restored lo tts normal condition. AS EXAMINATION FOETUS NORMAL COLLEOE. A competitive examination for a junior te_c_cr In 'na Xrnlulug Iiepartmeut of the Normal Col- ieee on Ha ni r.i ay rea-ilted In the selection of two eati- d.dahM_ortri.il. Mv B-ndldates for tiie position w«ro .amine.I. All but tw>.of therie were ura.luates of Hie MaraudCoUrga, Miss .lennis s. Keith obtained 1*1*9 per cent auc. Miss Boa ilia Ho .".ile- g -(> pat cent 1 lie can- dul.ile selected will lake UM place of a teeobOf who re¬ cently recelv. il uu Hpjioiiiliueui lu a Normal Behool lu West Virgtttla. ?- hom j: hews. PIMOMINKNT AKKIVALfl. Giheti Bobbe »John Vt, Frauds, of 'Flu Troy Timis; Tim Kev. Dr. Halli-rion. of I'lilladelpbia. BOO John lr'. Ut-7.eutii.rl. of Vli.iula.hulh Aicnue Hotel. I vii..vernor Charles Foster, of ohio; ex-Qo»eraor Henry Howard, of Hbotle Islaud, Bod Aiphiilo Hardy, liiiiiiillini A. Hill aud John W. Candler, of lioslon. Murray Hill Uotet-luaie. Aiuasa.I. I'urk. r, of Albany, and Jodee J. 8. i-atonn, of Schenectady.Grand cen- (mi ffi)fiV CuilSllisaoiaii Henri. Weat, of Hallston. N. Y. ...eic-York lintel.Smut Kn.liu-ei' l.lnulhali Swent, of Aiiiany.Hatti Brnntmiek.A. J. nissan, of I'hlia- tlelphta.Wt.itminst-r Hn'cl-Y.x-\Uurne",-Uciitlii( ll. W, Palmer ami BX-Co-greseas*a I. I). Shoemaker, of PaanaylvaBla .iio'uA B*r***mAla.*aam**mA i- Clem¬ ens of Hartford. -? what ni ooma on to-day. Clinritv Ball, Metropolitan Opera House, evening. Republican County Commute-*, Grand opera House Hull. rt j., m. Holt-Wan.cr case beforo Referee Cole, 2 p. m. Trustees of the College of Hie City or New-York, 4 p. in. Williams College Alumni Association. University Club Theatre. 8 p. rn. . American Yacht Club election, No. 571 Tlftb-ave., evanne Hylton Castle wreck Inrcstlgallno bv Rrltisli Ton-ul. Hallway rasst-ii.rr Agents, Commls.-ioner Fiiik's of- lle.-. Dr. Talmnc* on "Ahsiu-dltles of Evolution," Madison Avenue ConirreaatlonsJ '.'nurdi. 8 p. m. Edison Electric Illuiuiuatiu,' Company stockholders, No. 16 Bread at Health and Police Hoards' meeting », Nineteenth Century Club, No. 0 East Twclity-thlrd-et., 8 p. in. Martin Luther Society, No. (il Ma<llson-;ive., 8 p. m. Harlem Yacht Cluh reception, Loxmgtea Avenuo House, evening. Meeting of the Pilot Commissioners. Ogle murder trial. Court of Oeneral Sessions. St. Coloaba's Branch. Irish National Leoine, Pt. Cv lu.ui.n't .School Hall. Twenty-fifth--!.., between Eighth and Ni bili BVBB-i 8 p. lil. NEW-TORI (TTY. Giovanni Arlotti, who wns Blabbed on Now Tear's by I'iulippo CarlotaagnOb died yaeterday m Bt, Vin¬ cent'a Hospital. Jhe annual mcctiiu. of the New-York Afotooia- Pion of the A iiiiiui of Trinity Coliege will be bold .it Mofanon.eo's n week from so-night at (i o'clock. Mrs Eleanor sachs, age thirty, wu* leosovod yoe- teni iv from No. BIS lentli-avi. to N'..nli brother Island. Hbo hod Smallpox. The fiuierai of P. H. t'opliin'l, who died on Bat- imlay from nervous prostration} took aloes rester- dav. Ile was a popular member of the Produce Kxchuii(.e. A C A NA Ml.1 AT St'NK BT ICY. The ice poohed so hard into tho slip at Pier N'o. 86 Eos! Rivst yesterday, thal it sunk a eooal- hoat loaded with coal, several men on tho bool escaped by jumping upon the pier. The boat be¬ longed t" the Pennsylvania ano Pittston Coal Com¬ pany, WHAT 0\F. SIT. A MS [Iir MIHI DIP. One ol thu transntlan'ic Bteamabip lines look Cram this port to London Inst year s total <>i 419.206 bushels of wbeat, 670,87. bushels of cern, 1,218,703 btmbela of oat^8_S,ll_ sack-, of Boor, 7_.vpi boss "l oil sake, 78,908 barrels "i aagar, and 10,01,") cattle. i.inmi: ol' pABTMOtTTn Ml.w The twenty secoad annual .lintier of iho Dart- month College Association of New-Tort will be niven at DeliiHiiiio's on January '-'.' at ll p. iii. A meeting l"r the transaction of iiiisuiesi and the election of officers will b* held at 5 p. m. Borges PUSSCII IS plcsl-len. Of Hu' BSSBK lilt MU. A MU CONDUIT (' ) i-1 -. v. Thr (.'on1iiie-.il.a I Condoi! Company has lien in- eorporatod by John I). Heirn. J. Pierson Grant, En- ¦ene W. Anstin, Charles l». ,lnl<i sud Edward H. J booina Tin- capital is 02,000,000 ann theobjects a:e ti u.aniiliici ure ("indiiits for telegraph, iele- phoiic, electric ligbl sod ether electric eomlnctora separately, or in combination with sewer, water, gas, Bteam and othi 1 ci \ Mm, . ? BBOOKLT9. Profewor Bossier W. Boymond abo ia ooo of tin* Klectric Suliv, .iv CoBunisetonora. bas reatgeod aa oaa ni H.- nu in'.I. lunn the rile! Wen! ,' Cnn l.'epiihlic.ui _eocralCo_n.nit.ee, oatbegroood thai bow aol will¬ iup ii- mpbaai-B a difference in political ow .1 >\ iib lbs miiiiicip'I ii.iiiiiiii-ii.i'i', .i. aod ai affect the relations between i* BOd the t'otEtU-Ssloa. Mc nnd his cniii bare decided to abatain Xram all satire partieipaUoB in politics. Two children, nee* yartla sad two, <>! l!o'.crt Boa deo, oi Ne. .tT»« Lorimer¦ at. wars token ill ob Bain rda jr nigbl al.er eating ros t pork, ll'.- child died on Sando] n eonrnboons bsing ill ¦hort thoo, and the yoanicr waa Ul, Trichinosis oaa poapeeted, bol th otoar meiabi ri ol lin iain.ly ..;. tl pmk uni soffered bu siokneaa, A po : asor! ;., iii_ition a il be bold, ibe tri il ot w il'iarri ll. Mangiri r »n the charge ol ac'-anlt in the second degrey In sttoiuoting io kill his vile on Bepieaibci IJ Xribo, ol No. OM I'utmetto-ot., obi negoa >n tbs oort "i 8 ssioas Mi .. glaogi'tcr had-n. () him for a limited dh otc tail be Bought ber oat ol ber slater's bones sod sbol at brr, Inttictina ¦ sliahl wonnd la tha aide <-i bei b ad. Sat had h it him h. einii..- of ill-treat;, nt. lin mi. that his mimi i- ii"t -mi td. Dratha last wees. 318; births, 102 _Ti Tl eic wen- in.ir doa!bs ti.h.i tj pb' id lot i. 'Inc Bridge sarntags la weeh aauwated ts |12i,800 1'". I'niiee Bergeaal Masteraoa <>i Ibe t-ghl Precinct, died ie teni iv ,u iun home, No, in )\ J ... st., Bl U.i' age "I ii;i\ two. Ile bod been oonnected with tbe pohoe loree for nearly twenty year*, au J aaa for a luii^i timi a sargeant la the Tenth ,Precinot, baring recently been transferred. i?ioaeppe Goidlei, whose iratenes "i death hat beea en mted oj llorernoi ll.ll !¦> life Imprtnonmeiit, will be sent to the h-n^ Bing BtOtS In on io .ia.. ? BEITS PBOM THK bUBl EBA KEWARK. Oregoryand Mirane, Hit* two j. ,. nj twlndlera, application jrantarda) r«r trial lu thi special sc Taro Jetoay dtr datcotlros look a look at inc swindlers yesterday, bal oold aol reoogniae I ham Dotoetlfo Qnlnn, "f Yookera, rb lcd Kn wars psotor il»y with a rei|iii-iiion l..r Annie LenbarQt, wbo__alana of Impnaonmeiil for ti\e yaam for rarlons role enc. mn expire thia week. ¦..ii''. v,it!:u friend naniMt Mai Baur, roi.iici HBriu of jewellers IB Tackers ol V-,000 worth ol lowoiry. Tbelaqasst In tbs cats of Ocorcc Hirnrr, who died fioin tho effSClS Ol H hhi w Pilli cte. 1 by ta_u»t Hleh on New Vr.r'i Blaht, ''-a* eoi'clinleil tcsKi i,iy ,iff rm.un. Tba Jory ahar«ed Bleb with th ri .-. Ths am ,1 has iona to (icm.-nj. and » cablegram to arras! nun on in- arrival liss not hseii BBSWersO. .M-,i:-i;v (irv. Timothy Phelan, an tblrtjr-flrc, of Ho, 100 Twelfth- sk,-isappaarod oa Batnrlay nnd inter.nv lie hod' « is found in tho nv. ra: I'avonu ave. Ile In supiionc.1 to have been ik ciilctiislly (lrowiini. Tho body of an iii.known in:.n waa foaad wednd iu tho flostina lee off lbs Monarch Bieatnuhlp Dook jenicr- ilay. He war B) puicntiy it loiiasBoraaiaa, MiW JBK8ET TOWN'S. HonoanOe. Ia thc eoaras ol the Boboken Qnartatta ('nil.', i.aii on Bandar Biant Pram -iliwan/, the loader of the orclientia, di*_l of heart dlBSBBa Wss. linn "Kkn-Two les boaaea. owned i.r jobs Dobbs .V Co., were icatrorrd l.y Uro on Haaday Ofter noon, canniiiK u (m.* ot 111300, How-fiatnsswH k caief-ol police Pltsgsraldappeared iiefi.ru lin- Police Committee ..f tbe Common Council 'yastarday to answer ta the ebaigos <.r estortloa a: .1 is i>aint nnii.e :_.-'i4i!,*-1 bini, nml to elmw eau-c v.liy l,e Mimili! not lie romorfd from lue pnalUon. livlilence wan t:ik.-ii alni thc liriiitiiic wan .'i<i.)i,inri'il until ti. Bay, PtBBAB .-.'"im Mattodo, a Haaaarlaa, aa Snndai Bight,attainatad to ..trike, bin iv.ie, inn laslead struck tbelrcbilii,.ise "i"1 yen, .,11 tbehaad, esttnlos'coocnnslou of tbe brain, from which it die.I. .Mil ii, ,1,, has not yet been arumlcd. Patbbbo-,.Rafaa Oontoo, age iitiun,broke tbroaga the Ice nnd wan dfOWBOd on BaBOBJI while BBOtlBg on tbe i'll.»:ue Uiver, ibe hady wae raooToro-, nu: Lins op the hyi/ihn castle. A envoi ciiiiit <»f Inquiry waa convened by order of ibo Hrulnii Oannul-Ucneral, William l.anA Booker, at No. 87 r*iate nt. jrcateiOay, to loraatlgau ib« fonnderliii. ol tbo Hi il nh Itoamor Hylton Oaatia off i ne I:,:,ii. i on January 11. in- coin eoutolnad Consul Qon* Biol Hooker, 1 aptala (i()"r-:ft Hnllliiir, "I tho stunner Port l'lulip; Captain C F. Toaag,of tbaateoBMi Kate I'lweeit. ThooMwC- (.'huliii aud Captola Hortoa rapro- 11 a lad tim nu lerwiliers anti SN. Im limber ibo Ooueignon of tho curyo. (.'Hpiain (j.lvln. Chief Engineer John Ainrss, Chief Mate John H. Marshall Bini eei omi Male .loliu P. Hcott, ot ibe Hylton Canis ; Captain Violin, uml Captain jeiikinn. reprosaottag tim aodarwrit. ra, taatllad that Hie vi imei wan seaworthy uml Hie caria properly stored, .ind tbat lier lo»n WOBdaoWboll) lo ali ts* of weather. Thc iuijulrjr will he contliiueil to-day. EAU.1 Ki: OP MARCPACTX ki ks OP toys. Louis Alt liol iiml William C. L. BnbgMMB eoin|i,mini. ,lif linn ..f Altliot. H.-iKiiianti A' Co., wliole- lille dealer* mid luaniifintiiren of tnya at Sn. n; Bar clay-st., uiii.le an sBBlffomenl raateiaay to ( harina 1:, L.vdcrker.p-elcrrlnn Tkereaa Herrman In for #14.1171 39, and Marie Hath for $K,2'ill. Mr. Althof, who lias bron In buslaees SiBOS 1 *.".!, and mn!-r Hie |irm< m style uliien 1856, tailed la the carly part of 1-.71, bal nettled with bis creditors iii ii() per cent ami eontlBOed boilnaai up io March, I^mo, when the linn was dlssolrcd by tbe death of .Mr. Rer.maun, the IiiihIiiwis being OOBttBBed ny the remain!!., pai'i'ie-re, l.onli) ami ri,url.-. AHIiof and fix* tuvun Cluaomeyor ui> io Pebrnary, ISN'.*. when they ad milted Mr. RubBOSMO, wbo had prarlutiKly been rfl their i-mpii.y. Injune, 1SM1, Charlca A III,ot and CuntaTUS Croiieuieyer retired. ACTION ON Till: ERWXOWB SERIAL LAWS. AViliiam T. Preatiee, pgnasiil of the Health H'lurd, to wliom the I'lidertaker*' Ho< jety submit tad tin. .pieition whether tba new Newtown burial law la leital, lian riven blt ..pinion eu tbe auhjcci. to I.Sward Ooldea, of No. 910 Nlnib-are., cbr.tniian of tbs nemoilUm Wbleh bas the matter In ch ar ire. Mr. (lord.ni would ant make pnldlo yemerday what Colonel Prentice thinks of the ra. quireiueut, lint )' wan icu nea from other sources that he holde tbe tax of fl lo be llleitsl. A Specie! in natl nf of ibe society wm i»- held I bte sharnooa er ta manoa at the (Irnm! Oi-e.ii Bans* ;¦. reeolVB Hie BOO.aItlee'n re¬ port und di c.,le what hue of action to aOopl lu ci>nte«t- lng the reqiilrniiioi lt Kt. Hoffiuaun, a uieuiher of the committee, euM .leV.or.lu)': . .._e_ -our eo_i.-iv 11 mn laen porat.-d. This jreventios, as sr. ore./.ailon. taiiing n;. lb.- iig.it. Soma i..«!ivi.i.i..i member will lune io coates! tue -Batter, hut, of .nu ... UM lasts*. Will IBltalB lum, or, rainer, tl VU WoiL through one ol us. ca lil\G POM i Hi- ABED* Tho nineteenth ::iiiui:il report of thc Sani'iU- rlnti Home for the A '.ci.nt So. Ill Weet Twenty se.-oii.I- st., bus been -eoe-, [IS president ia Mr-. James Hover, and Itu bonni of ma na gen inrliidea Mri. V.. II. Pel "-- re.!, Mr.*. Marshall O. Roberta, Mrs. William K. vauder- lull and Mle. g. J. Woelscy. The borne contained Hui ll six old people dining ibe year, wilb aeveu new Bumle- slons. It bsgiaa the r-ai wilb tnuty-cib'bt iuuistes, ..pially (drilled as to sex. -m-. MA RL\ h l S T E li KIO HS CM. mis11 rn;:: ALWili Sunrises, 7 10. sets, 4 53 Moon BBB- S 17;_H»a'« axe. At. 1* aroa watbr Ti>-_>Ar. A.H.-ritiufltHooi. uno'Jo-, isiiii. l_f;HenOs»_ "'¦** /».J..-esiiily Uook. 7:UJ *ot. Isl-al. 7.111 ilsll Ott* 0 10 SOEBIOE STBAMBBS DUE AT THIS PORI TO._4.f_ ifa aggi f¥W_b MU*. Si.London.*,"""*. Wisi-.irsln.I-ivernoni.ii..',"'"? Hel vella.LlTerp.wl._1stl.mil (..pis .Uismsw.*¦£_. Kureen.lianiinirB...¦. - * '" K___ .AinetcrtloiU.Aetn-.-vuier /e. .en.i.Ant wero.lieu rt tar WEU.NI _I.AY.JAN. V). Nonn'lanfl.Ant wero._BA "Ur Ishr.ido.Harre.rrBOOh Tl BBB. (Ut ni WaeMuglon.liarsnasud Mexico.Aiei»inire . Vsiencls.l__iinvra. ...,....ttedU TlirilSDAV. JAN. 31. State of I'eunsi'lvania...(Ua.eiow.State SBIPPIRti SE-Wt. POUT OK N-i.YYOI.___.MONDAY. JAX. 1H.18S6 AItlHVI',1) Stuamer I»c ItuTtor (Bulgi. Itrjrene. Antwero Dec 'JU anti nnetiin .Inn Kl. with nitlso to Kundi, I.dye A Co, Arrived »t tue liar st 8.80 p m >e»uicr lluifi.i itt-r'., Allier*, nomi.nrg Jun 0, willi nrnsr and psneeugers to Kuniisi.lt A io. Arnrodat the Uaist r.'.HU p in. . . , BteO-BarChal au Laflle (Kn. Joamell, Bf>rile»iix Jan _>. willi iinHe mn! pa .sen*-ors to l'limb, Ktlye A Oo ArriTcd at tbe Har.it 13.06 B m. , , , _Z BtaaaaM sii.n illn. W.-tnan. San Doinlnuo ' Ur use A0 sn I' upc Ilaylii. Jun !». willi indee 10 M Tolmies. Airlte.1 Bl tbsilsral H's ni. BtesBirt i'Itv nf Savanna.), Dagfetr, r-avannah 'J tlajra. wita mflee sud passengers to Henri Yong.'. si reamer Kleauora, Urugg. Piirtlund. wltn mast to Horatio BtaaflSBr Glaucus, Colem.ia Holton, with mds- to H| V Dm,... -k. SIno r.urbnroesa (der'. Kanscii. I Iverponl SS dsys. willi coal sm! empty barrels to order, reese, le Theo linger <t Oo. lisik -Minne Dan) CUBSea, Naial. Hrs Ml. H3.lays, wita sager t Thoaisen A fo. rete; tn Knn.ii. Bdra .1 Oo r.aiK I'.tiio mei (HBoa). Pace* Banna is nive, witu sug.irti. K o Madlii.serii'.- Wteeher Kellmng . o: vessel to l' uarmemr's Nephew .t Co , Hurt. JeerQOlBBB of Liverpool. RB), Gsrilaer. !'. mimi tinco Dee 13, wtth saxa! i" arsan vessel io baltao, walesa ia SUM-Kl.Wini ii san lr (loos, ligllt, SW: t:iir. Al City ls._ma. li.hi, sW: cianilr. ci.i: vu Kn. Steamer Tlic Quo D dlr). Miiir.n-r. l. .minn.F W J Hurst. Bteamer UHetla Bri. MUehell. Proeresa n Oaaials nteawri Lltjr »\ -mreiniaii. Mcsers. a .-awnuau-Hrury Youie, ir. .steamer Br,-aSwater. Jentav. Newport News and WOO I'.'.lut-OM I'n;aiii:on Ms Co. niliMai I IISliI lld''' ion, Rees. Haltimore Simpson. Mpenco A fount. steuner j w'.inrrftt. realer Perth Katamy J B kr.-me BJup lreaaui Hr.. Downer A ni sterileai Hcanuueli llrot. stun VandallS un. SunaB, Amstel..mi "t alumni! WBB l!-it_ (i,,l n Ve -c.- Bri. Aitiieti'iiig. UrLUetuwu Bal ll Ii,', nn.lg''- Kona, Kaik Ar lee u.-r Puir..«, Uo'din -(' Tobias A co. lis IS I! Shell I IMBI B. lilli! I, InieS. liaiiitmr.- Hi" 00001 A ( o Her-. Micticio II (Itali ( onel,':.cie. Iiibrallar-Ilenliaiii A Bseraaaa KAU,/.'. fltca.nora Tin'i_rvail.v Stettin. _c _aBS-WSSr. Wilmington. NC Hi.atw.fl. Newport -tune ether .:,.).< a.. nu k WO, Antwerp: l.lr/.e Itoss. 1 ii In ig linne rSBSwell, IlliiVIr'.- Th'I .inn. Dieppe: A J Mer- el.uii Raaeoon: charles il IHee. Dune ila. Ac: ii Luana. Min i. ., Hui-uimA) res. i.u.W ii I'lcete. I ur ,a un*. 1 .li. .iV,. U -. ir' 'l.ilil iii) poacio.1 roo is. UPBBBsiowb, Jun ).* Aiuvct. ei.-i-i-r parswla ton, from Bostea, for Lieerpeel .... ..iv, from l-iv-rr >.! Ni'w-1 er.. ni i-,.,,....im imred.steataerBtaf ..¦ Ioetaaa ii'r.. |>,i| I., fr Ul .NeVTViile .!..u ....,._. i.m: b. Jan is Balled, steamor atota ol Itaoiasaa ones tot! ,..,,,-., ltamm au. Jaa ll Arrtreei,steamet Oellerl toor). Kum ui in Im S .< ^'.rk .l.n 7 I,, mu ni:. Jaa .'¦ Y*ta-d, steamer Weatmeath (Br Bioaaboose,iiobiCblBBaa -' law-xara. Ann ni -ii . i. _. If Iiii ions, or infferinR from Imparity of bl ur wi-rn- 'nm'. ,m f. B* nf .i-'im.''!"'. -er .'ul, n a ,.. ih ,,i .. it .i Di re " . lu .li.i.'rHts. ? I,uuu I I'.i-i-i tcc(ii'.'s liiirli"-! praise from r .. ,i ...! bi 'r"' rn ie ll III. l»i leal fl . , tl. lt !(. vin A. r>-\n t«, m. r>.. 1 14 I r.Il.gr.i ave )..-lw. | 'heft. Boon liol lol ii. ».>» ti- .sm. Ofs.'.u-. (in-irv Oigars ..:. -. i..-.. i y. ,luu\ l\ nnt;o.i saya: " For Sore Throal j,'. n. on, 1 bars EARVIN'S SAFES IN HI Large Fires, PALATRA, IL A., .' Our B.Bel lind '.'ii. 11 BOaa_BS I. All .mr s.-i-tii Hies, receraa !'¦ ¦¦ raS la ibr,',- safes "f imir sale Brated-BOks," BO! iii i bOOIOO li ii'ii ( o. NEW V(H-K CITY, Jas. lil. I BBB, -Illlll'i II.' Wa I lil'.:.! .'. I. BS-Bt 'I'el lol .-d. .ur Mamu ute im i-i v> ¦. Uh swtrota inti. I." l.li... A. LAU.KO A cu. PHILADELPHIA, PA., Jan. lt, IMO, .¦Tiie i. s' to raaf sit- i.y TB* SatAtatAtta Wi mir lar.c I.c'otT v..i> i,-n n k r lr serait. 'I lu flame uf sab- win BasralroB i.r it* lull al ibrai Menai -ml Uie Inmi'iis vu i.-'il n! iii i. 'Inu.-rv wln-b fell noon lt. 'lin milli nts wer.-it-covered In perfect BBB illioii.'' ll. (illA.VT. (iF 1 111. M \NY s H'l H MANI KAI'I III 1) BY TBI MAKVIN HOI 00. OOT OOO HAS KVKH KAILI li io PO-OOBVO XXBl oN'l KN TM. MARVIN SAFE CO. KATA RU *.!!!-!> ls YKAHH MSW Yolii-. riiii.AiiKi.i'iii \, A i.'.M'O.v, aro, BLANKETS. .FAMES MeOBEEBTA CO. WU.I, IM.AI ll ON MAUI TO -DAY. 1'IVK AI.I..UOOI. (AI.IKIUMA BleAjnUTC paXM i IITI.Y IMri.lt- FEI Tl, IN IO. I, I l.l AND li-I ««I/.Kis, AT MsM. «7.00 AM) SEAS PU I'AIW. IBM ONE-IIAHI' MANI KAI TI'llKltH' I'llllKl. FOIt 1'KIIFKIT I .OOO*. Ol' SAME OI'II.ITY. James McCreery & Co., Jlroadway mid 11th St. RADWAY'S PILLS. For the crureof ali (llsor.leraaf-he stmrisdl. !.l»er Huwels. tulney a. BUrtrter. Oerraoa mseiees. Loas of Auixiute; esaecbe,! ..nuinailou. ( natlvpunaa, twmmm DYSPEPSIA, InSUestlna. nilnmsiiits. Fn-nale I'onplalats, I_4in*nor Ia- Bs,i.iuatl m.) ths linn ie. Pileannl uti dsranffniiiente el Hil lotetuai Vlso.'i In el; ,-»«:a:, ,o, contaiii Bf uu lueroorr uuusiBls «r il-lcl' lions i_r_l_,S. Hell by HrtiialeU. _.-,... . Hr irii_lHBy'«**«rsAj.rr!lllnn Hraelveni! Per ths cure of all s. n.'nl me. Skin snit Illood DI- Bl a rjOtllS. *.*mm,m-a ltAPWAY'rH III HU Ki I lu. For Hie relief ami cu-e of all I'slos, Co_if»sUu_s and Bb_________b BSBUubS. CAI HUH . boiUfle r JUST AS IUD AS PAINTED. WID-SPffEAD COMMOriOS CAUSED BY THE i i.I-i.iIH.l'- CONFK8BIOM T A PHYblClAN. Ti.e timi yaMls-rf in Iobos ibIQ-BOS fsssoUr. ttstt tkt ISlbllllT. >'. V., 'tmSkamtsA aod fliroolcle." iriBlTi a deni of ('(Kliment here ns it htis else where. Ap- 1'iii-eiiily it o-iiiso-t even more (vinn.otlon In Rochester, na tlio lotliwlog from |0a OMM p.iper shows: Dr. J. D. Heiili.n. who ls w.ll known not onlr In Bee-eater, Imf in asarly every part of Aiocrloe, aerit un evtenii ii ni tieiii to Him paper ii few .divs air., whian was ¦uni i'Ubiutir-1. deUHlii/ bia ri)iiii.rkat)lo axponOBee aii'l raaeoa fi.-m want iraioad to be o-ruiu death It woola lie liiiiM.a.ililB to tin inner...i) tim personal mijulrlfs wlilell liuvo heirn made at our oltii-ns io the validity ot nio ,ir,n le. but they have ..fen BB nniiierous .hat further lu- veetliritilou of tho suhjoct WOS dOBOM 1 kaOBBBBfT. Wit ii tina end lu view ii rc present at I re of this pnper rallod on Dr. Hei'lon nt lils ie .ideiico on Aiidrevrs-st.. when the following Intervlow occurred: ¦ Tnat article of yo-irs, Doctor, has ereotod nulla n whirlwind. Are tho stalriatiats a..ont ibo terriiile condition you fere in, am1 ti.e way you wore rescued, auch ns you cnn sustain I' " Bran one of them and ui my a l.litlnual ones. I wns lirounlit bo kia Bf BOa-WtiOO the llrstaiid most simple -viii tums. I did uot thins I waa sick. It la true I had fr. picul heal Kims; felt tired most of the tluio; OOOlO Bat Mulline ono doy ami waa ravenous tim next; felt dull pains uml iny stomach was out of order, lint I did not think lt meant anytlilun serious. The medical profosslou has been IfBOtlOg symptoms Instead ot -tlBBOBoa foi years, h.ni ii li hlfb tims lt niasrl Th«ayiiipt<>iiiH Ihnvejii.t ineiitiiiiie.l or any unusual iictiou or Irrltntion of tha flralOf eosaao-. indicate the BBOrooei of kidney .lieenao moro Ullin il naB.8 BO.eOOOOB tlio e..mini.' of oonsUllip- tjiiii. We do not front the cou.h, but try to hel|)the liiu.-s. Ufa aliouid not wusto our time t'vinir to relieve the headache, pains about the body or other symptoms, but is* directly to tho kidneys, the sonne of mont sf these ailments." , '. This, tuon, ls what you meant when you said that moro tnsn one-half the deaths which occur Btise troui Briant's dleaaoa, la it Pootoef ¦ I'roci.s-ly. Thoi.snii.1s of dlseaaes are torturing people tn di/, which lu reality .ire Hrlaht'a (lioense lu some of Us many foi ms. It ls a hy il rn lien led munster. nnd Hie slUt.HeS. symptoms should strike terror to eery ..un wno lins them. I cnn look I. nh nnd rei all lmii.lre.l_ al (lenti.s whleb phy-driaoa deetared ot tba ttaoo wars caused brttorolrala, apoplexy, lieut otaa-BBapoaaiuoula, oiulsrlul fever lind other comnion eomplnints, willoh I see now werecniiaed by Hri.ht's ulsense." "And did uli these ernies iiavo si in ole symptoms at llrsi!" " I very one of them. nn.I inl_lit lisve bcon cared as I wns by the timely use t.r Hie BOOM remedy. I mn net Hub my eves ihori.HKlily opened lu this mati.r and think I .iiii li.-lplri; tithers to seo thc .'acts and their possible dinger als"." Mr. Warner, who was rlaltod at lils establishment on Raf Hi M Caul st.. spoke verj earlies Iv: ¦ It ls *rue that BrUbt's di .ea-m bad increased wonder¬ fully, und we liuil by reliable stBtlBHOI tha: from'Tu lo '80 IU crowth wal over 290 per rent. Look at the prominent men lt line cnrrled i,l, and la Ubina ot OTory ye ir, for while manv are drina appofWOlly ol paralysis aod apoplrz/, tba) ara really tietiou ol kidney Disorder, winch causes heart disc MO, P ir.ilvsle, apoplOXy, etc. Nearly everv week the BOO**! ro "opt the ilenlh of BOOM prominent min from HiU ermin..'. Recently, ho ".ever. the in. r i te bal beOB BhSBBBB BBd I a'lribute this to the meara! ne.- af my raase ty." .. Da .mu think in-uf pejple sro slllicted with lt to-day who rto liol rea.l .e ll!" -A prominent professor In a N'.iw-i irlesns medical col le.e. was laetarioB hefore hie alaOl on the sulilect of lii-iitht's (ilinasr He h».l viiri'h. Bald under micro- ie.ipla analysis aad was sbewlnc tlio stodaats what tbe ludlcatloos "f Ibis t.-rrii.le malady were. And now. in nCene i.' he said. ' ns wc ha..) seen tba uiiln-aii'iy iu dim,I,,nt I will sho sr you bow lt appear- lo 0 state pl perfect health.'and ba submitm-l bm owa Unto to tbe Banal teat. As ba watched lha recalls ins countenance suddenly O-iaased hlaeoluf ant oem_D_tod both left bim an.I ina tremnlln* voice ba aald: ' Hentlamen, I hive made a painful ilUcorerjri fbare Rrlaht's diaeaae of tha kidney a.' Ami in lews than a ve.u bo waa dead, roe ilifbtesl Indications ol any kidney dltllc ilty should be ii tah i" strlks terror t*> any eoe." ¦ Yoi know of Hr. -anion's ea er * Yes, I have both rent 'ind lunl'l nt itM " lt l< very wonderfoL l> I BOlt" - No mora so thoo a treal ButB) otBeri that oars conic to my m.*iee as h 11 In '."en eared hj tho boom me.it,. .. voa beliore ihen tum H.ism * di se* aa be eared!" "I know lt cnn. I know I', from my own and Hm ai ;. rlencs of Ihouaaods of ncotaloent persons wbo acre elvan ap t" die hy both tm ir pbralclaus and friend-." - Voa apenh of yoar own esoerleneai wbal wae lt" -A fearful one. I hod f. ll l_n_uhl oad onfltted for l.n-inr.e roi v.-ur-.. Uni Uni >e>t k.-..w what ailed me. '.'lien however, 1 found ll ru* kidney .'.Itliculty I thought lhere oas Utile hope aad ... dui me doaiora . i:.. .. since ii'.irne.l ina' .m.- of inc pbyalcUns of une city I,,,. ,.ni l,i n -.'eii'leiii ih on !..«' ...'r. "i ..ii".lay. riicr.* roaaaiaai who will.lead bellera bis words Mould h»\" pr.ucl run if I ii 11 nit prerhten itally usod Um re_oodr boo koowa se .. .irner-, - if" ('ure " , . .I. yea maka a chemical analysis of tbe eoae of Sir. ii ii St amer-rmi* three > ears eco. Doctor!" waa asked l-r -. A. I uti in.rc, OOO "f tue uiialyals of the State ..: it" nth. - I-., slr." .' Wlu' ,11 ! . " ll ¦ A serious disc - int roaihlnk Mr. Warnei could reeorerT lr. I dkl nol think « i> ),.n know aaytblOB abool the remedy which cured -I ii iv ebemiesll) aoalyi ll sod Bod it pun aol lisrmli aa." i,r k,.,, ,,,, ... tura aga and well ami nttendins !.> is l.ro.e.i.ui il Bul <s lo ila ,la thi- rlty. ,- ,,' [>,- Il- n.i-i. Mr Warner nod I»r. I.-ttl i-.iuiiii'iiil') ls lu in, lOd t '. (hay 'linke innot tor a mollien! le BeubtS I. nu,'. exper'Ooei shows thal Hn_.it. disease ol o' tbe un et tleeeptire and dal - UnAll e..iii nen. bOl that lt .i in "mc ANNUAL 0 A L E, SIXTH AVE W R AM) i(_l-sT. A, J. CAHHBTBR ni !_,¦¦ in rmi oboe., 165, 1C7 and 169 Sixth Avcnuo, ci.iiM'.it I'.Tii sr. Rubber Depsrcnont. r-rih LADIES' A. J. C. Y ' Higii-Bntlon Arctic. FI-...-L.D-], $2.00 per pair. I havi: ut it it ii .HOBO, itiniii.li (.vi'.ii.iiioi s. AM. IU I'.HIill ll ni:- Ol' All, HIIAl'KS AND httl-M voa ¦ova amo amt-, rom lodim aj. d ms i i.i mi..\. . Tl! KV WI I.I. INP TH IKKT WARM I_t COLD wkaihinK. mtv in ssa a WmAXMEM, and wii.i, MU PMC!!. SOU I'lCKIilt, HOS DltA W TI1KM IN anv wk vi liiiit. or ihk vi:kv BOOT wkhiisii UI'AI.iriKrl, AMI I'H'ioF AO-JHST CRACKINd. SIM.Ul IMI AM) ItOITlNil OB XBB DIIDINiltV KINDrlAN'D (IIIADKS, TIIK BJMT AM) CH KAI'K.ST HI'BliaitS IN THK MARKET. NONK (-i:\liM- DRU-M MT tiliuk-iiakk, a. J. C., IH -VT-iMrU OV THK SOI.K Of t-l( Il Ul II il Kit. ¦BIB PM (ATli.oin Ei MAIUB Ult A. J. CAMMEYER, HIXTH-AVKM E. (OH. IfllH-IUII. Oicttifj to a clifnif/r in thc firm of SY VU EH d- CO.tlicir immense stock is now offered at (/featly reduced priers. Ptrsons contcm/iliitint/ pio- t lnisint/ shoii/il (wail thcinsclrcs of this extraordinarif opportnnitij tor securing BABOAIN8 in ART GOODS of n'tryxlescription. SCO Broadtcai/, cor. llth.it. A few desirable offices for rent in the Tribune Building. ^Wednesday, yanuary 20th, we shall commence the sale of a large lot of Underwear for Ladies at such extremely low prices, that you can buy a garment of fine quality and well-made at the ordi¬ nary price of imperfectly made and inferior goods. $1.00 Skirts 1.25 " 1.60 " 2.25 " 6.00 " $I.OO Gowns I.25 " I.75 " 3-50 " 6.75 " 8-75 " $ .25 Chemises .85 " I.40 4.50 - " 6.00 $ .25 Drawers .95 " 2.50 M 3-75 " 6.25 " Jp .50 Corset Cover* J-35 2.50 3-75 $3-75 ^anne' Sacques 5-50 " 9.OO $9.00 Flannel Wrappers U.OO 2.8.00 (or $ .50 " ' -75 LOO " I.50 4.00 for $ .50 .75 LOO 2.00 " 4-50 6.0O for $ .15 .50 .90 3.00 " 3-75 for $ .15 \ .50 1.40 " 2.50 " 3-75 $ .25 .75 1.40 - 2.25 $i-75 " 3-5o " 500 tor $6.CO " 7'25 " I5.OO for for Lord& Tay brm Broadway ami Twentieth Street. TO PEOPLE WHO HAVE Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma and Incipiont Consumption. YOU GAH BE CURED. THE P8LLOW- INHALER. AU-Night Inhalation! WHAT CAN OC SAID OT TX'. i.-I 1 «-i_nee, . 1 ta* es a , hy the j II in 1 » lsilAI nt i- x m- lt b ao akgaatly-auula * -. -.. ¦bal l-l ff ^ .1 v -por the night r .. --; lng a. t bsiag aaaorsd, sad wit hs ls _.- an h1 01 tubes, sud nothiae 10 get om f -.i.'.tr II i. ptrrf.ctly -jfe li thc i.e.: i Ii '1 '..C.. 11 lu-, bon f ind of to I* -ej.re .'. »1 by ... ii tr-.in j fm minuit-, a ley in all m^hl.*.\y 4 .I' ul Jir eli lu ..ht gi.Joally d-Mroye ... ing ali .... iiml guli,,.,- cure? 1 -. .1 Ali e iff,1,! tl m'"rt il I' fOU se ClUtlh, I'll 1. v ¦ r'. » niany ._¦ ii diaapp intcd I be I - .1,. i'11 11 w- I.HAL.s ii te rar/ ll ia ace sold s sa es] ei__aeat, ..r a Biller, bal ti curr li lin the trt. . nc C.9 sad tee tbs Pii.ow-IbnaI.., or scad I .rjian- ¦Usssadtast-so-ishi THE PILLOW-INHALER CO., 25 Eaa! I4lh Street, New York. Main Omi I.MC-MSU-I SPECIAL MENTION. .%tli rr!' ti-niriili n dniilt.-d in'o ihcer .-elimilta Ora 1 <-< ouiuiriiitril lo ihr rentlere ol Till-: U'.IHI Mi ne linn.nihill * rrlin lill-, nnd oireim «.. ttttt bi- dour !.) ir.ul nilli lin- :itl> tl liei re nilli pr fer I .ilny ¦%& mo fic7s; lI<»\VTOSTri>YTIIK-rI A-' al I'l-r-ti,!... mt 1" ,. .1 ¦,, > l'r -I" v til milt --.licayton. «uui>.newitlua.4u«. I'tiri'O.iit'g'till B_L_.SlBBUoUS in- iii Broa.!» \ I (HM I.it A \VKI.I> (»¦ "Home Exenriser" lor lirain-nniln-reami s, iii utarj Besots, iei ili'iuni ,1. (Iii naml I {VII *m s Ballia 1 the I'*...-< ~ A II1I1 lem iii rand > bbs* iilelf iii 11111.1- alie ap Int '. li til . qO-ll e uni 11 1,bi. BOB-CtbiBg unmt. etieiiiiii., durable, ci rn- preht uaiYe cheap, freud for ilii-iilur " lit nit--tlitiul tor I'll.-', ni < ullin 1." ld Kual 1 nh Mi.. 1. N. IT.S tty, JERSEY FITTING UNDERGARMENTS Made to Order. BK. for I ADIEU ami Jly \\ lil 1 1 Ni 1 tC, i-l;\i»t «;iii raven !/, ai parati or la ona irUti r v -.t,, Ul V .: .1 l.t-.i. V ar 3 li :lit Mtiiuo. / Kllllr Pl. OOHS ' m..ii gua res ft?rs. A. Fletcher 6E.14th-8t.N.Y QLLER'5 I'. I. DOWD. lui: (-cnrrnl l'-bilitr, PnoM.1 B_-uni- (Kielli or ( on .tnnpll« MU BY lllil'.i.ilsTS. WIScMtiiCi ll KW-YOKK. FURS. l-l- AI.SK1N 0ABU KITTO, Ni:\. tnt HTYT.KO, my u-tn lllilIHir.ie.lllt>. (rna tKlel-l.-ll A lu. la -.kine I n lui,iu il l. .te,I. St loin at lill , s I m ike ts lue .. ur,- without extra i'.!i_ii_rt. orS'iioelt. Wh 11 you vi .ur x clii.li-e k -iinent. ii.ue and ».« lue, hu.1 lars b.ith tuohey anil S-niiiiyaiire. Ileuienii,er, I guarantee every article 1 .oil. BURKE, IJ Msiiifiii'i'riT. 'JU Tirosdwif Suverwirrt ol graty da tax** tem, 111 tho must styli." ls 1.1 , nt Unit rc^ulariiuots- tiona. Oaa. paid for old MUON and . no'.d. !t»r linen ll .1. .H.JOHNSTON, I.IO BOWERY, N. Y. CANARY. I1FST SIMUI BRUI). FINE SINGER. $2. WA. n* A NT ED TO HTJl T. (tOLDEVS BOOK ()\ Binns. U'.-j PB«ee, aouiiiatrBtious; Ll Ball -.I. rema. Ki ea price int ta, H. IIOI.UICY, WT Cth sre.. Nan York HARDEN MIK HAND «'U RNA OB Pl RE 1 "tlngulihsr. HITS Ot* FIRB nSTAKTLT. _aa_oa__Ml IBM. J. LEACH, Station.*.*, lYinter sod BLANK ROOK M'F'U, SO XASSAl .sr. Siaodai-ii, American and Bprin_t Iiai-k Dlariea un bant! all the year. Special Hilled Account I'.ooss audit to ori'.ernt hurt nntt.-e 33 IIAltt I.AY.HT M.V.-_.OH.l__. BOOH tOOCfl ll HT r ku THAN TIIK LAST. TWELVE !. \<;l >. Killi Ni ARTICLES BY NOTKD WlUTl.l.S. rc vt ral thous ind (lollara »'ll in vt maXWB, hk i.tches, and MToRIES Ki il! 3 C ¦ N T S. Tbe pu rp.. ei> la to male ihe I BfibT puget lu Uta aitk. . SPECIAL MENTION. .Ail t-rrli-wiriri, ia ii_Iik.ii'-I i n o (beer BSSWBBBB -tu rrceiiintertciril le lite nadrri ml THK TBIBL'-VB sis iliai-©u_rlt!r reliable, and eeelaeea caa Oe dene By maali witb Ike a.rf.-ii.rn trills pei-lcl eafetf INORKAT ABUNDANCE. uoode that cinnot be pur- chaffed el .nwbero. ICK * HOLLER RK.ITBS, MA'iI' LANTERN'S, ToY ENGINE.-!. MAOIC THICK-. NOVEL¬ TIES, dc. 0_M__Ogaa nearly .100 pi ten, 4,1100 lliastrationa. ectitby i,..i'i, nt cots. PECK & SNIDER, 12U-130 Nasssu-st-, N. Y. *LFIGM* And CA RI! I AO ES. sd styles) st Ui:o<|iis!l(vl Pargsina. JOHN MOORO, ¦VA. T,1 and .13 \\ orren-at aiaeBonsasaa W.tnO ¦-. GENUINE EAU DE COLOGNE. Johann Maria Farina jri.ii uvri.ATZ xo. 4, <oi,ognk-o>-tiii:-rhim:. PABK&lLFORD Sole Agents for U. & it CMIIT WAIST. BKST ter Health, Wear eel rici.'.. ¦aM »» l»*Iini| "e. ttUrr,' ttrrj B.Mb FKUKIHIIROM. MU-Bft.-'OIW. IStW tOUt UTI. blakes a specialty ol tho painless extraction cf teeth with gao. Door rn other dental work. 1,218 BROADWAY, Cor. 20t_-st.. -T. Y. Cltr, WtmWEft lbe.tr. Bsildlac. Fire on tiie Hearth. AIR WARMING GRATES, Fire Place Heaters OPEN STOVES, FURXACKS ar.d all.. 'T».:.in. i-i for IU-.ATIXC. Vi INTI I AT- TMO a.vd COOXXM RAVXOXD ri«?fA<T * MK«. ra. 76 lei-Um-in-ei., __ y *$£jB2&> (head fer drcaler. Me. ISA Br-iadt-.iT. NetfeYerk. 1. a nu-a' IIenJ-«,<-«r_I Writ Mheea. $300 l»e.l»n 1.4*.; l.jeelrS. AI. .Item. Biak.r. ' 11 MJ.T rt B. 'I'l Oil !'l.lll-»T»*r cir BBSS w i-K- ¦* Ka ._. N. Tulki Sa . (lurmii .__BB_B.B (onaoBDl Ul '...'.' Beetm__le. VM br 1 Miallaa IbO .i-r i.sii>if.Pnii_-ih'_i,)i-iYi' etan >t* A Tho.f .In*-Mb Hp inieti arch /MbJ 'ii h. nd neild tom o' BB B-BBBSOSSSlT-SaSlI-TUIhl aad sOMO t" nd for ('et-lu rue A. J- < A11WKTKR. filth arr. tor. IJtii-at.. N. Y. tiiaszijrx crctopett OF Universal History. A b»w »»'_ etiv*rtn_rt_)(.bi* rory ul Vf wirid u'rltt*. oy ii .1 Iv iii i.t liiet/ii. ia. Jeni Otarh i'r-ij, .th. I. i' -"> .1 ur tuuee-li'iiuD. Aiiriiiswanvrd PHILLIPS <UilXT, M) nitOAOWAY. JcIcCitekm&Ci MNF.N MMI af erery d_sn.[.rtrra A send Vl.T FOR TB1TL IY YKARn, t'atalesne ea requrst. "TFTK. LIBBI vTOR_» Ol \. «st _Md st., Nrw-Vork. & Jl .> Ve®-* & X 0 ¦.?. <_>* ESTAUI.I H-l) ISI3 T'.yo.isbn11.U'i« CAREUG-3 sleYghs. . lyle, llri-h end Oom. Milty _mrxrrl!r<L l'rirfalo-T.qualltri/inaidrred. TUl. JAMiS G-'.OLD CO., ?lb-ay, N. Y. The f-T.OTITTVO ot TOTS. OVEIM ISO IUI1IKS "TK BPBC' A' TV. Inrit.i'fnr rv rv artli'lw re- iiiiiixI f,,rt'.i ti'ii. tuitlf i from 11 11 - I.. -St- r- .'. I.mer alni lirtttT aatoninrnt thaa Ctn bo tm,ml rl*.\vbcro aad 1 w prleea. to & WA w e-t 'j at.. N.Y. Crouch & Fitzgerald Mest Bitt M. ' etd <mdt Wk TH Bia asa -." . i --,-.,-.-,.',-. W0KA1.V KUMBtK; __-*.--¦. :_>-8r--;- p. p. van raw ns im_h st.. v v PAT1NT oik; mi ZI.Ks. X: Th,.t ito nt worrr "ie An' Kuli 1 ni- I lingi Dil; t'l '(lappnlutnit-iite. N. V. Hr.i.« l-'iii-iiliin .- in No. Ki fcafct lltl[ st., B, Xi .i' Ulaiiiuiidliiist hara Ix-cn tested, i: .ii ri'i'iiriiiii-idstiperinr to ¦'.' ra N".'..' |WB_m wit Im tit I) I a ni ii u d Trude Hark *). AsaBSt in '. iiy i tt>. SpoiK-i-r Optical <"o,, A larirr seeormit-rit ol t miJU i-Mit oi ii n:i oa ncinait-UL lu '.tn. "br^Ul .via i st __>¥«¦. ,'. to ttx'h la iio» v aii*re'i'1 *o*n Si VA In ADirrna t-x. inei,-tflr br Tin Kraii r.i A IfOMtreOf I.. At okaiaaa'a o.iir st .oj h:-.. a nw ay. >. y. c.- i Mart at st, PMtai E.rrulc* every alrl-. of Ae daala rrtui aa.ly. Baaaaa. Noaa Mr orinla. ric ne arce.rtl See 4.lieut Mr. ¦arM la Ort Ila J. le-'l .. .i ->» ..ur.il.'.Vl nreadwny ( er w ama «t. THE TMBOTE . IS PRINT eo Seven Oavs in the Week, Ptetail Price 3 Cats a Cejj. By mail, to points outside of New-Yort Brooklyn and Jersey City (for local mall Barrier delivery, or for placing in the past* office box of the subscriber), postage pre¬ paid ; practically 2 cents a copy whei adored by the year. As a general rule, readers are bett terved by the local newsdealer. If the local newsdealer does' not have I sufficient supply of THE TKIBUNE OJ dis atand, readers will confer a favor by reporting that fact to this office, or thoy Dan subscribe direct, receive the paper by mall, and save money thereby. (IfAlla PRICE OF Tilt-. TRItllJXfll Ona Mt lliras Oao Yeer, afuntiia. MoutliO _«.*. DA I CY, .rtth Sunday.. ..fal M Slid $4 13 SO fi DAII._r,-.l-liotit Sunday t OO SAO 17* *fl Kl Ml AV I KIHI >K 1«0 ....WKKKIV, ll ti a rear i lu elabe ef leia, tl*V a year, witts rilra c_>].) te meu »e-adl"* cl-O. IKIK.WKKKIV, Si AB ai r»'«r i I- elabe ol «*"*J f 1* OB . faar, wltk oxtra eapr te asaa seaa-Bfl ola-. Remit br Peatal Order, (mrrn. KBpreee Oi 4CI, ItcgialrrrU I.i lier, ar Draft oa _erte-*'erk. THE TRIBUNE,

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1886-01-19 [p 8]. · PDF fileRKR UPU'KKD AT TIIK XBtiVSM OK KUIK.XI).*.UK SAY-i HISWIFK. DK8IKVKDDKAlH. ApiBiol-shot in the live-story tenement-house

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A piBiol-shot in the live-story tenement-house Xo.t0 Miubeiry-it.. ul \'J:'.iO a. ni. yet'cnluv, woe loi-luivi(1 liv trios of horror iu the lia iai language.'J ni- KDiinii ol villein ..un swelllllj. inn. a Will, Wantaa i-liori, remitm \ .'-.ookiriK ni'iu dari, d ont of lin*lu.;.t deni aiid ian toward Ibe Bowery. Soon aflerlos OMB had disappeared the din in the houseu. tr;, (Hu tin- slteut-oa of Policeman Wunuier, of(ho Math Precinct. The bi: huildiug was full ofltaitaoa, wboes excited jargon vin* uuinioili.ilileto the uftieei, and ie gave ali alarm to SOSSSSonother policemen. Du the floor of a rear room in

Ihe tomi li story WOO found a rteiid woman ot

middle a_*\ lying in a pool of blond. Thc room,

like the rest of tiie house, was tiithy and almostdevoid of fatalism A biiei examinationilaiwi ;1 ihe « i'_ -rs tilt the woman had been Boolthroa*- the boort 1 h-'v learned th it she waa thcv lie of au ItalLin laborer. Andrea Apiolte, whowan einploved in a nw-shop at No. 03 Jamea-a!,Ile bad spent Sunday evening in a neighboringiMir-shop. and had gone home drunk. Other in¬mates of the house lind benni h.niquarrelling willi bin wife mitti Biteriir.lnif.lit. He had declared that she wasii linnl_if.il to him, and she bad retorted in a

fashion calculated to increase his sager. Thopis ol-siioi bad imt an end to tbe qnm-rel and to iheMomau's life at the same time. Apioltol::nl lied from the boase, noneof tbe hunntiTtt havingtried lo inter tere wit li hun.W lien young Captain McCnllagli was informed

of thc murder he took prompt measures io preventtile escape of Aldo te from the city, tlen tren sentto watch tho form s. and Detectives Chi vstol Bod(Jerrow were dispatched to the Urana CentralMi ion iu company with au Italian who knowApiolie. l! had been learned that ihe nuinl.'icr bad0 cliild at school ni Troy. N. Y.. and CaptainIM ct ii Ila i*h ihonjrht that be would pr .bablv uv to

go to Ti.'V hy the tir.jt train. When the detectiveslea.'lied tbe stiitiui til".' learned that A^io'ic hadbeen tueic before them and bud demanded a ticketto Troy. As there w.is no train read v to si art hebad hocn obie to get a ticket, but hadbecome so violent that un oilicial had out lu ii

out ot the waitinc-rooin hy (tiree, Sean li -TBSmade for the murcercr intheneighb rhood, bntitWas evident that he had lo*t the sintiou. Whilethe detectives lingered abiui in the expectation ofApiolto'ti return, Pol iceman Lottrcil aros sent to a

lioiiM'in One-huiidred-:iiid-elevc;ith-st.,near Seeoud-nv>-.. when lived some friend* of tue mnrderer.The Italians in the house said that Apiolte wns nottliere. Cottrell took up a position in the hallwayand waited. Shortly before B a. m. an ita ian wno

wassiuiking a short eloT pipe snlerod the haliway.When he wm stopped by the offloei be admittedthal he was Andrea Apioite. Before 0 a. m. he was

luckod up in tbe Elizabeth Street Polios station.He .aid tbat he w.is foitv 80voa \ cars old, and

could neither read nor write, ll;-, wife had de-wrveil to die. he said, because s!;e had been too i:i-

tnnaie with a black-whiskered Italian who badadopted the name of Joha Bnshner. Hie policefound Huehner, win. cdmltied his intimacy withthe dead woman. He s.iid she deserted her husbandtwo years ago io live with lum, Imt went back toApiolte recently. Nicolo Muescbeli, who boardedwith ibe Apioltes. eaul he saw Apollo heat his wifeon toe hoad with a key before the shooiinj.. Hus¬band ani! wife were ai'Ui" in the room when thsfatal B-Ot wu fired. Apiolle w.is Liken lo thoTombs Police Court yesterday aud committedWithout Lin! for trial.

OPENING A NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL.Tbo large new school-bouse at Sevontleth-st, sad

First-avi. wm opened yesterday morning, lu theprimary deportment mers than six hundred hotsand girls Iroui the neighborhood were assembled.Tbe principal is Miss Annie M. Walsh. Tho frram-uutr department is for boys only, cud loo wereresistor'".! Ly C'.r-e C. Hunty, fha i.rnicipal. Onthe lits! ol tho month I here will be promotionsfran other primary schools in tho ward, whichwith aceesaiona in tne BBeantims will hep to tilltbe classes. Then are -cooinmod.itio:i for BOOpupil* in the cr.mular aud 1.000 in the primarydepartment.

Ihe Behool is tho newest bnilt in the citv and is

one of the most perfect m detail. It is of brick :i":l

stone, four Btones high, with a frontage oi 100feel in Beventteib-t. and 100feet ni First-ave.Ali the cuaa-roomi are weil lighted and ventilated.11m stairway* are fireproof. Ihe building cost$120,000. whoa wart un it was started in thea!ir111C ni' I**** I thors were not more than linn a

doze:! substantial buildings fur OS ii.anv blocksaround it. The gronnd in thc rear between Finna.ni (Second aviso, was moos of look und doy,how there la scarcely an unbuilt lot on the avenueiu tiie vicinity, bown ol tail brick tonement-¦00001 have h. en baili. The bili in the rear .¦. ic¬ing olas'ed cul and curled away j scores ot new

bouses on tin- sid.- stieet* are half Bnisbed, and asmany mere have hoe:] started and the founda'tonseompleted. In a new model tenement on the blockib«ve the school there aie over two hundredfamiheaCominissioner William Wood, Superintendent

Jnepex and Trustees I. P. Chambers snd L kl,li..ruthul atteoded the opening, "ihe baildinaWill be comfortably ttlled before oext .'av," saidMr. Jasper. "Toa bbs bow fa-t the populationBOOWB in tlUB neighbarbood. Noone would haveUOOght there waa anv M.-eil of a sebool hon toiud!.- from appeoranei i when tins building was

Begun. Thc conditions me just tie boric [arther uptown. In Oue-liUi:.!rt(l-:ii.(i-iLiirtv-f.ii.!!li-s!. tlicBoard bas rented oroilei akaiinarui- !<> ii. up for.rgaotsmg a primary aehooi, nnd it i- talking of

Bettina another skating rink in One-huodn d-ainl-wentj-tillh-st. lei the Minn- purpoM'."

ICLAIMANI.-. loll "OU.V/.1 " OROOMSOAE'SRAMR,Referee G. orge W. Lyon heard farther t' *i-

_Map lo tba»:. i>._i.. .-ii. aaaa a in* office, n.,. BB natsrayi yret(ul..v. Counsellor M..ure looked slier tbeWidow of "Ow in y," willie NclsOB J. Watertonry enn-

diiii'-i lha eaae »f tiip petitioner, Catbar!ue -.taogbefran,ajtberwiaa koowa na Mp. l>>' Witt h<h1 i..,tiv Kuaa, ToaHrsl witue-s wss Mr*, (i.ilrin, who t.'fiiiiipii iiiHt DnffrKneK boarded at der in..ilier's boase ia Oni-hiui'ir.-d-iuid-foii*,-'ir>-.--i., aod iiiai the petitlonei wat vi.nedfn-qu-'inly br A. .1.1).- Win, who, tba said, «as prsaeolwbeu Dully Boss's el >l a s born. !><. wm iras pressniai thu rrloreoee aod w is Identified hy Mie. calvin as theluau to WBoai sba alluded. I.'ike Uaroo* ii wai recalledami ie»iitii--l to Having calli tl nt lha prtittonara' bousesIn iit.u-ioi awl Cliryntlast*., whare in- aa"Oi ney,"Who asked linn Alia. botbnB_hl atwat Dugjr'eebtM .uniloki him that bo was >.t til* rather. Tbe laal wit nasaWa* Oilii't-r l'.itrn k ..li l.in,ry, ol lin- Kulirtli i'i,unit.Bo toatlled that ha waa married :<. "Ownsi's" eisterll'-imali in Jai.9. He sud ilia: Ix-ki.cw Duflv KoHKse n

low ehoraribr, aod thal .,OwoejrH i-n.i .ilway* mi -t.i. t-nOl Bar aa M oaa of tha Ball Ilia: eoioe\la arra," naaninfIla LOSBowery, tho place kept hr '-ooohsgan rbercWill he another iiesrtii_r mi Katurdai.

BCOtS I.SSi.ft UKl.v ANCHOR, h.

The Notional Line Btoamahip TheQoeeB,which groaodad oa the weal aide ol iba ship channa! inthe J^.wer liny on li;.lay ami wai loOlad ..ri u ...inday,waBaarvoiadraaterdav. Mm wu* loaod ia hove rc-

Betvod ao injuiy. ond will bo ob ber voraaa it. i.iver-pi.i.i. Tka pilot aaM that toa mistake la ii'iiiu. on theiota of too ehaaoal waa eoaoNt by tin drtfilBB of the

hoof ea account of the lea Prominent shipping menexprcerif'i tii.'ir oi.ii'ioii iii u the strandtaB ooouiladhorsaaa nf ihr rs rr'ra"ry rt Ibo nev.- . Aunli.niratioiiOf Rrfonn an.i Eronomi ' In not provktli ^ better boojriwith uiiisbrooin ancbois for winter lorries in tho har¬bor."Tlio buoy* unw in use in thi. Lower Bar aro af tba

*roo " pattons, aod hare saver proven servloaahla inwinter aroaoaa wt ibatr liability -<> i.e curried away ittin- iee. Heretofore other i.u..»s have beea put lu theirplace* in the winier willi be.ivi' r .inchnrl'ie*. A tew6sv» aro Boor No. 10, OB tin- Boulbwesl Siet, was car¬

ried aol to Ken l.y tha Hoatlni; iee. Then i lu-buoy wlnalieaiised the iinscalruhitioii to li," pilot of The ('ueeii w..s

flrlft.d into the luldJlo of tbe Hinp rhannal. BM >.:i I unBoy Buoy No. 15 was dl-tplace.l by .lie flo.itliii; lee.

ORATE 0WRE1OOR TMEB EVDDRRLT.Miilr.iel Befell who was employed as a

Sadd.er lu the ri ti it c. academy at I'lftli -.ive. and Nlrie-t1etb-..t.,dieil sudileiily thereat Si'JO u. m. ysitarday.Ile wa* only twenty earea years aid ami had been ittwuk carly iu the nioralBB, apparently aa well a* Banal.Alu,ir. Ila. m. Thomas Collen, a siablntnao age Iwaoty.Ilnee. of Ho 111 West Thine nt U-*»t.. fe.I dead a! Mulh-ave. and Tliir!een!h-»t. Ile hud ben i oiuplaliilnK aiBlcliiecs for sollie time. A woman ..bom si\iv-tlve yearsOld Bled emhienlv lu -icaiidy et.ne nt Ka 871 Ihclillenve.soon siter nunn. Bbo woo diOBasd in blorh aodeaiileda fur mufi of Ibe same color. In her pm BOt bonk, whleb.mutined f-8-J.wei posted a Bard with the address:"Mrs. M.iry Durney, No. HO Pallaotfa -avcJersur Clly."Yota l.'oiueliicii, a y»um: ll juan nmiiui, in, demi in thetenement hollie No. til Cooserelt-st. snd MargaretKlilio a. au Infant, was lound dead in bcd at No, 4:i;iWest Forty sixth l.


A paper on the Rev. Dr. Tlioiuns Guthrie,Who Iti.iiitte-I thc Runted -.eh.m.* of Kdiiibiir.il, was

lieienr-d to wuh nntike.l appioTal bf thc i;apti*t minis¬ters at their we.-k:v oooferenee restarday, it was readhy th.. R. r. lt. A. Patterson, of Kew-Morbella. Dr. l'.ur-liii.hiini prooooaeed tba paper >.ue of the wisest, wit¬tiest iiiid iii()Nt eloquent ever pi .-(.culed to the sonft-r-Cliee. Ile nr.e i IIihi it sbSNlM he irlven as a lecturethroughout the city and tountry nie!, when worn a littletl; read bart- in thut -inc. oe r>-pi oil need in S boon, lbsKer. Mr. PWOBOO, of Ihe eixic.-ntiibtreet llaptleK burch.Baked llial the Iii -l lee,m.- aright bc niven lu bis ehursh.


Tho-Ban and womoa who regiolered n« "J.Fieldeaiid wife" at tho (..lupton Huller, Third-arc. sadTwenty-fourth--t., ood wero found BKOoaaeloai fromgu* lu ibe.ir ro'.'ii on Sunday niorulug aud worn tiikcn toBellevue Ho*|ilt il, rallied under treatment, «»i rc-

s'"r''(l to uooBBiBMlinnai aud ll was said yesterday that

they would prob.ihy tecover. Tbe natue Fields is u

fl -tltiona oneoD'l they are not married. The man tsMartin Hart, of No. 514 Eust Tull teenth-st, aud thoWoinau is Ida Tbalss, of No. 540 Avenue U



Catluiriiit* Helli, ihe JTOUg WHIM whowas subjected to a nurirleal opcraitmion Hui'dar, nt lier home. No..ivj Weat Foriy.tbtrd st.. rs described lu yesterday'sTlilhCM. suffered yestciday from lue shock inrnii ni lo

tbe surgeon's work upon ber skull. Mhe was kept in a

S ii.!-' oin.iii.se state hy opiates, but -v'.rii tbe effect ofthe dr on* would wear oft lu a measure ber mind apiiearedto be brighter thau lt was before Ute operation, nnd it ls

believed that If the i.peniir.' In ber skull heals over prno-.rir ber mind will ne restored lo tts normal condition.


A competitive examination for a juniorte_c_cr In 'na Xrnlulug Iiepartmeut of the Normal Col-

ieee on Hani r.iay rea-ilted In the selection of two eati-d.dahM_ortri.il. Mv B-ndldates for tiie position w«ro

.amine.I. All but tw>.of therie were ura.luates of Hie

MaraudCoUrga, Miss .lennis s. Keith obtained 1*1*9 percent auc. Miss Boa ilia Ho .".ile- g -(> pat cent 1 lie can-

dul.ile selected will lake UM place of a teeobOf who re¬

cently recelv. il uu Hpjioiiiliueui lu a Normal Behool lu

West Virgtttla.?-


Giheti Bobbe »John Vt, Frauds, of 'Flu TroyTimis; Tim Kev. Dr. Halli-rion. of I'lilladelpbia. BOOJohn lr'. Ut-7.eutii.rl. of Vli.iula.hulh Aicnue Hotel.I vii..vernor Charles Foster, of ohio; ex-Qo»eraorHenry Howard, of Hbotle Islaud, Bod Aiphiilo Hardy,liiiiiiillini A. Hill aud John W. Candler, of lioslon.Murray Hill Uotet-luaie. Aiuasa.I. I'urk. r, of Albany,andJodee J. 8. i-atonn, of Schenectady.Grand cen-(mi ffi)fiV CuilSllisaoiaii Henri. Weat, of Hallston. N. Y....eic-York lintel.Smut Kn.liu-ei' l.lnulhali Swent, of

Aiiiany.Hatti Brnntmiek.A. J. nissan, of I'hlia-tlelphta.Wt.itminst-r Hn'cl-Y.x-\Uurne",-Uciitlii( ll.W, Palmer ami BX-Co-greseas*a I. I). Shoemaker, ofPaanaylvaBla .iio'uA B*r***mAla.*aam**mA i- Clem¬ens of Hartford.


what ni ooma on to-day.Clinritv Ball, Metropolitan Opera House, evening.Republican County Commute-*, Grand opera House

Hull. rt j., m.Holt-Wan.cr case beforo Referee Cole, 2 p. m.

Trustees of the College of Hie City or New-York, 4

p. in.Williams College Alumni Association. University Club

Theatre. 8 p. rn. .

American Yacht Club election, No. 571 Tlftb-ave.,evanneHylton Castle wreck Inrcstlgallno bv Rrltisli Ton-ul.Hallway rasst-ii.rr Agents, Commls.-ioner Fiiik's of-

lle.-.Dr. Talmnc* on "Ahsiu-dltles of Evolution," Madison

Avenue ConirreaatlonsJ '.'nurdi. 8 p. m.Edison Electric Illuiuiuatiu,' Company stockholders,

No. 16 Bread atHealth and Police Hoards' meeting »,Nineteenth Century Club, No. 0 East Twclity-thlrd-et.,

8 p. in.Martin Luther Society, No. (il Ma<llson-;ive., 8 p. m.Harlem Yacht Cluh reception, Loxmgtea Avenuo

House, evening.Meeting of the Pilot Commissioners.Ogle murder trial. Court of Oeneral Sessions.St. Coloaba's Branch. Irish National Leoine, Pt. Cv

lu.ui.n't .School Hall. Twenty-fifth--!.., between Eighthand Ni bili BVBB-i 8 p. lil.

NEW-TORI (TTY.Giovanni Arlotti, who wns Blabbed on Now Tear's

by I'iulippo CarlotaagnOb died yaeterday m Bt, Vin¬cent'a Hospital.Jhe annual mcctiiu. of the New-York Afotooia-

Pion of the A iiiiiui of Trinity Coliege will be bold.it Mofanon.eo's n week from so-night at (i o'clock.Mrs Eleanor sachs, age thirty, wu* leosovod yoe-

teni iv from No. BIS lentli-avi. to N'..nli brotherIsland. Hbo hod Smallpox.The fiuierai of P. H. t'opliin'l, who died on Bat-

imlay from nervous prostration} took aloes rester-dav. Ile was a popular member of the ProduceKxchuii(.e.

A C ANA Ml.1AT St'NK BT ICY.The ice poohed so hard into tho slip at Pier N'o.

86 Eos! Rivst yesterday, thal it sunk a eooal-hoat loaded with coal, several men on tho boolescaped by jumping upon the pier. The boat be¬longed t" the Pennsylvania ano Pittston Coal Com¬pany,

WHAT 0\F. SIT. A MS [Iir MIHI DIP.One ol thu transntlan'ic Bteamabip lines look

Cram this port to London Inst year s total <>i419.206 bushels of wbeat, 670,87. bushels of cern,1,218,703 btmbela of oat^8_S,ll_ sack-, of Boor,7_.vpi boss "l oil sake, 78,908 barrels "i aagar,and 10,01,") cattle.

i.inmi: ol' pABTMOtTTn Ml.wThe twenty secoad annual .lintier of iho Dart-

month College Association of New-Tort will beniven at DeliiHiiiio's on January '-'.' at ll p. iii. Ameeting l"r the transaction of iiiisuiesi and theelectionof officers will b* held at 5 p. m. BorgesPUSSCII IS plcsl-len. Of Hu' BSSBK lilt MU.

A MU CONDUIT (' ) i-1 -. v.Thr (.'on1iiie-.il.a I Condoi! Company has lien in-

eorporatod by John I). Heirn. J. Pierson Grant, En-¦ene W. Anstin, Charles l». ,lnl<i sud Edward H.J booina Tin- capital is 02,000,000 ann theobjectsa:e ti u.aniiliici ure ("indiiits for telegraph, iele-phoiic, electric ligbl sod ether electric eomlnctoraseparately, or in combination with sewer, water,gas, Bteam and othi 1 ci \ Mm,

. ?

BBOOKLT9.Profewor Bossier W. Boymond abo ia ooo of tin*

Klectric Suliv, .iv CoBunisetonora. bas reatgeod aa oaani H.- nu in'.I. lunn the rile! Wen! ,' Cnn l.'epiihlic.ui_eocralCo_n.nit.ee, oatbegroood thai bow aol will¬iup ii- mpbaai-B a difference in political ow .1 >\ iib lbsmiiiiicip'I ii.iiiiiiii-ii.i'i', .i. aod ai affect the relationsbetween i* BOd the t'otEtU-Ssloa. Mc nnd his cniii

bare decided to abatain Xram all satire partieipaUoBin politics.Two children, nee* yartla sad two, <>! l!o'.crt

Boa deo, oi Ne. .tT»« Lorimer¦ at. wars token ill ob

Bainrdajr nigbl al.er eating ros t pork, ll'.-child died on Sando] n eonrnboons bsing ill¦hort thoo, and the yoanicr waa Ul, Trichinosis oaa

poapeeted, bol th otoar meiabi ri ol lin iain.ly ..;. tlpmk uni soffered bu siokneaa, A po : asor! ;.,

iii_ition a il be bold,ibe tri il ot w il'iarri ll. Mangiri r »n the charge ol

ac'-anlt in the second degrey In sttoiuoting io kill hisvile on Bepieaibci IJ Xribo, ol No. OM I'utmetto-ot.,obi negoa >n tbs oort "i 8 ssioas Mi ..

glaogi'tcr had-n. () him for a limited dh otc tail beBought ber oat ol ber slater's bones sod sbol at brr,Inttictina ¦ sliahl wonnd la tha aide <-i bei b ad. Sathad h it him h. einii..- of ill-treat;, nt. lin mi.

that his mimi i- ii"t -mi td.Dratha last wees. 318; births, 102 _Ti

Tl eic wen- in.ir doa!bs ti.h.i tj pb' id lot i.

'Inc Bridge sarntags la weeh aauwated ts|12i,800 1'".

I'niiee Bergeaal Masteraoa <>i Ibe t-ghl Precinct,died ie teni iv ,u iun home, No, in )\ J ... st., Bl U.i'age "I ii;i\ two. Ile bod been oonnected with tbepohoe loree for nearly twenty year*, au J aaa for aluii^i timi a sargeant la the Tenth ,Precinot, baringrecently been transferred.

i?ioaeppe Goidlei, whose iratenes "i death hatbeea en mted oj llorernoi ll.ll !¦> life Imprtnonmeiit,will be sent to the h-n^ Bing BtOtS In on io .ia..



Oregoryand Mirane, Hit* two j. ,. nj twlndlera,application jrantarda) r«r trial lu thi special scTaro Jetoay dtr datcotlros look a look at inc swindlersyesterday, bal oold aol reoogniae IhamDotoetlfo Qnlnn, "f Yookera, rb lcd Knwars psotor

il»y with a rei|iii-iiion l..r Annie LenbarQt, wbo__alanaof Impnaonmeiil for ti\e yaam for rarlons role enc. mnexpire thia week. ¦..ii''. v,it!:u friend naniMt Mai Baur,roi.iici HBriu of jewellers IB Tackers ol V-,000 worth ollowoiry.Tbelaqasst In tbs cats of Ocorcc Hirnrr, who died

fioin tho effSClS Ol H hhiw Pilli cte. 1 by ta_u»t Hleh onNew Vr.r'i Blaht, ''-a* eoi'clinleil tcsKi i,iy ,iff rm.un.

Tba Jory ahar«ed Bleb with th ri .-. Ths am ,1 hasiona to (icm.-nj. and » cablegram to arras! nun on in-

arrival liss not hseii BBSWersO.

.M-,i:-i;v (irv.Timothy Phelan, an tblrtjr-flrc, of Ho, 100 Twelfth-

sk,-isappaarod oa Batnrlay nnd inter.nv lie hod' « isfound in tho nv. ra: I'avonu ave. Ile In supiionc.1 tohave been ik ciilctiislly (lrowiini.Tho body of an iii.known in:.n waa foaad wednd iu

tho flostina lee off lbs Monarch Bieatnuhlp Dook jenicr-ilay. He war B) puicntiy it loiiasBoraaiaa,

MiW JBK8ET TOWN'S.HonoanOe.Ia thc eoaras ol the Boboken Qnartatta

('nil.', i.aii on Bandar Biant Pram -iliwan/, the loaderof the orclientia, di*_l of heart dlBSBBaWss. linn "Kkn-Two les boaaea. owned i.r jobs

Dobbs .V Co., were icatrorrd l.y Uro on Haaday Ofternoon, canniiiK u (m.* ot 111300,How-fiatnsswH k caief-ol police Pltsgsraldappeared

iiefi.ru lin- Police Committee ..f tbe Common Council'yastarday to answer ta the ebaigos <.r estortloa a: .1 isi>aint nnii.e :_.-'i4i!,*-1 bini, nml to elmw eau-c v.liy l,eMimili! not lie romorfd from lue pnalUon. livlilence want:ik.-ii alni thc liriiitiiic wan .'i<i.)i,inri'il until ti. Bay,PtBBAB .-.'"im Mattodo, a Haaaarlaa, aa Snndai

Bight,attainatad to ..trike, bin iv.ie, inn laslead strucktbelrcbilii,.ise "i"1 yen, .,11 tbehaad, esttnlos'coocnnslouof tbe brain, from which it die.I. .Mil ii, ,1,, has not yetbeen arumlcd.Patbbbo-,.Rafaa Oontoo, age iitiun,broke tbroaga

the Ice nnd wan dfOWBOd on BaBOBJI while BBOtlBg on tbei'll.»:ue Uiver, ibe hady wae raooToro-,

nu: Lins op the hyi/ihn castle.A envoi ciiiiit <»f Inquiry waa convened by

order of ibo Hrulnii Oannul-Ucneral, William l.anABooker, at No. 87 r*iate nt. jrcateiOay, to loraatlgau ib«fonnderliii. ol tbo Hi il nh Itoamor Hylton Oaatia off i neI:,:,ii. i on January 11. in- coin eoutolnad Consul Qon*Biol Hooker, 1 aptala (i()"r-:ft Hnllliiir, "I tho stunnerPort l'lulip; Captain C F. Toaag,of tbaateoBMi KateI'lweeit. ThooMwC- (.'huliii aud Captola Hortoa rapro-11 alad tim nu lerwiliers anti SN. Im limber ibo Ooueignonof tho curyo.

(.'Hpiain (j.lvln. Chief Engineer John Ainrss, ChiefMate John H. Marshall Bini eei omi Male .loliu P. Hcott,ot ibe Hylton Canis ; Captain Violin, uml Captainjeiikinn. reprosaottag tim aodarwrit. ra, taatllad thatHie vi imei wan seaworthy uml Hie caria properly stored,.ind tbat lier lo»n WOBdaoWboll) lo ali ts* of weather.Thc iuijulrjr will he contliiueil to-day.

EAU.1 Ki: OP MARCPACTX ki ks OP toys.Louis Alt liol iiml William C. L. BnbgMMB

eoin|i,mini. ,lif linn ..f Altliot. H.-iKiiianti A' Co., wliole-lille dealer* mid luaniifintiiren of tnya at Sn. n; Barclay-st., uiii.le an sBBlffomenl raateiaay to ( harina 1:,L.vdcrker.p-elcrrlnn Tkereaa Herrman In for #14.1171 39,and Marie Hath for $K,2'ill. Mr. Althof, who lias bron Inbuslaees SiBOS 1 *.".!, and mn!-r Hie |irm< m style uliien1856, tailed la the carly part of 1-.71, bal nettled withbis creditors iii ii() per cent ami eontlBOed boilnaai up ioMarch, I^mo, when the linn was dlssolrcd by tbe deathof .Mr. Rer.maun, the IiiihIiiwis being OOBttBBed ny theremain!!., pai'i'ie-re, l.onli) ami ri,url.-. AHIiof and fix*tuvun Cluaomeyor ui> io Pebrnary, ISN'.*. when they admilted Mr. RubBOSMO, wbo had prarlutiKly been rfl theiri-mpii.y. Injune, 1SM1, Charlca A III,ot and CuntaTUSCroiieuieyer retired.

ACTION ON Till: ERWXOWB SERIAL LAWS.AViliiam T. Preatiee, pgnasiil of the Health

H'lurd, to wliom the I'lidertaker*' Ho< jety submit tad tin.

.pieition whether tba new Newtown burial law la leital,lian riven blt ..pinion eu tbe auhjcci. to I.Sward Ooldea,of No. 910 Nlnib-are., cbr.tniian of tbs nemoilUm Wblehbas the matter In ch ar ire. Mr. (lord.ni would ant makepnldlo yemerday what Colonel Prentice thinks of the ra.

quireiueut, lint )' wan icu nea from other sources that heholde tbe tax of fl lo be llleitsl. A Specie! in natl nf ofibe society wm i»- held Ibte sharnooa er ta manoa atthe (Irnm! Oi-e.ii Bans* ;¦. reeolVB Hie BOO.aItlee'n re¬port und di c.,le what hue of action to aOopl lu ci>nte«t-

lng the reqiilrniiioi lt Kt. Hoffiuaun, a uieuiher of thecommittee, euM .leV.or.lu)': ..._e_

-our eo_i.-iv 11 mn laen porat.-d. This jreventios,as sr. ore./.ailon. taiiing n;. lb.- iig.it. Soma i..«!ivi.i.i..imember will lune io coates! tue -Batter, hut, of .nu ...

UM lasts*. Will IBltalB lum, or, rainer, tl VU WoiL

through one ol us.

ca lil\G POM i Hi- ABED*Tho nineteenth ::iiiui:il report of thc Sani'iU-

rlnti Home for the A '.ci.nt So. Ill Weet Twenty se.-oii.I-st., bus been -eoe-, [IS president ia Mr-. James Hover,

and Itu bonni of ma nagen inrliidea Mri. V.. II. Pel "--

re.!, Mr.*. Marshall O. Roberta, Mrs. William K. vauder-lull and Mle. g. J. Woelscy. The borne contained Hui llsix old people dining ibe year, wilb aeveu new Bumle-slons. It bsgiaa the r-ai wilb tnuty-cib'bt iuuistes,..pially (drilled as to sex.


MA RL\ h l S T E li KIOHS CM.mis11 rn;:: ALWili

Sunrises, 7 10. sets, 4 53 Moon BBB- S 17;_H»a'« axe. At. 1*

aroa watbr Ti>-_>Ar.A.H.-ritiufltHooi. uno'Jo-, isiiii. l_f;HenOs»_ "'¦**/».J..-esiiily Uook. 7:UJ *ot. Isl-al. 7.111 ilsll Ott* 0 10


ifa aggi f¥W_bMU*.Si.London.*,"""*.Wisi-.irsln.I-ivernoni.ii..',"'"?Hel vella.LlTerp.wl._1stl.mil

(..pis .Uismsw.*¦£_.Kureen.lianiinirB...¦. - * '"

K___ .AinetcrtloiU.Aetn-.-vuier/e. .en.i.Antwero.lieu rt tar

WEU.NI _I.AY.JAN. V).Nonn'lanfl.Ant wero._BA "UrIshr.ido.Harre.rrBOOh Tl BBB.(Ut ni WaeMuglon.liarsnasud Mexico.Aiei»inire .

Vsiencls.l__iinvra. ...,....ttedUTlirilSDAV. JAN. 31.

State of I'eunsi'lvania...(Ua.eiow.StateSBIPPIRti SE-Wt.


Stuamer I»c ItuTtor (Bulgi. Itrjrene. Antwero Dec 'JU antinnetiin .Inn Kl. with nitlso to Kundi, I.dye A Co, Arrived »ttue liar st 8.80 p m

>e»uicr lluifi.i itt-r'., Allier*, nomi.nrg Jun 0, willi nrnsrand psneeugers to Kuniisi.lt A io. Arnrodat the Uaistr.'.HU p in. . . ,

BteO-BarChal au Laflle (Kn. Joamell, Bf>rile»iix Jan _>.

willi iinHe mn! pa .sen*-ors to l'limb, Ktlye A Oo ArriTcd attbe Har.it 13.06 B m. , , , _ZBtaaaaM sii.n illn. W.-tnan. San Doinlnuo ' Ur use A0

sn I' upc Ilaylii. Jun !». willi indee 10 M Tolmies. Airlte.1Bl tbsilsral H's ni.BtesBirt i'Itv nf Savanna.), Dagfetr, r-avannah 'J tlajra. wita

mflee sud passengers to Henri Yong.'.sireamer Kleauora, Urugg. Piirtlund. wltn mast to Horatio

BtaaflSBr Glaucus, Colem.ia Holton, with mds- to H| VDm,... -k.SIno r.urbnroesa (der'. Kanscii. I Iverponl SS dsys. willi

coal sm! empty barrels to order, reese, le Theo linger <t Oo.lisik -Minne Dan) CUBSea, Naial. Hrs Ml. H3.lays, wita

sager t Thoaisen A fo. rete; tn Knn.ii. Bdra .1 Oor.aiK I'.tiio mei (HBoa). Pace* Banna is nive, witu

sug.irti. K o Madlii.serii'.- Wteeher Kellmng . o: vessel tol' uarmemr's Nephew .t Co ,

Hurt. JeerQOlBBB of Liverpool. RB), Gsrilaer. !'.mimi tincoDee 13, wtth saxa! i" arsan vessel io baltao, walesa iaSUM-Kl.Wini ii san lr (loos, ligllt, SW: t:iir. Al Cityls._ma. li.hi, sW: cianilr.

ci.i: vuKn.Steamer Tlic Quo D dlr). Miiir.n-r. l. .minn.F W J Hurst.Bteamer UHetla Bri. MUehell. Proeresa n Oaaialsnteawri Lltjr »\ -mreiniaii. Mcsers. a .-awnuau-Hrury

Youie, ir..steamer Br,-aSwater. Jentav. Newport News and WOO

I'.'.lut-OM I'n;aiii:on Ms Co.niliMai I IISliI lld''' ion, Rees. Haltimore Simpson.Mpenco

A fount.steuner j w'.inrrftt. realer Perth Katamy J B kr.-meBJup lreaaui Hr.. Downer A nisterileai Hcanuueli llrot.stun VandallS un. SunaB, Amstel..mi "t alumni! WBBl!-it_ (i,,l n Ve -c.- Bri. Aitiieti'iiig. UrLUetuwu Bal ll

Ii,', nn.lg''- Kona,Kaik Ar lee u.-r Puir..«, Uo'din -(' Tobias A co.lis IS I! Shell I IMBI B. lilli! I, InieS. liaiiitmr.- Hi" 00001

A ( oHer-. Micticio II (Itali ( onel,':.cie. Iiibrallar-Ilenliaiii A

Bseraaaa KAU,/.'.fltca.nora Tin'i_rvail.v Stettin. _c _aBS-WSSr. Wilmington.NC Hi.atw.fl. Newport-tune ether .:,.).< a.. nu k WO, Antwerp: l.lr/.e Itoss.

1 ii In iglinne rSBSwell, IlliiVIr'.- Th'I .inn. Dieppe: A J Mer-

el.uii Raaeoon: charles il IHee. Dune ila. Ac: iiLuana. Min i. ., Hui-uimA) res. i.u.W ii I'lcete. I ur ,a un*.

1 .li. .iV,. U -. ir' 'l.ilil iii)poacio.1 roo is.

UPBBBsiowb, Jun ).* Aiuvct. ei.-i-i-r parswla ton,from Bostea, for Lieerpeel ....

..iv, from l-iv-rr >.!Ni'w-1 er..

ni i-,.,,....im imred.steataerBtaf ..¦ Ioetaaa ii'r..|>,i| I., fr Ul .NeVTViile .!..u

....,._.i.m: b. Jan is Balled, steamor atota ol Itaoiasaa ones

tot! ,..,,,-.,ltamm au. Jaa ll Arrtreei,steamet Oellerl toor). Kum

ui in Im S .¦ .< ^'.rk .l.n 7I,, mu ni:. Jaa .'¦ Y*ta-d, steamer Weatmeath (Br

Bioaaboose,iiobiCblBBaa -' law-xara.

Ann ni -ii . i. _.

If Iiii ions, or infferinR from Imparity of blur wi-rn- 'nm'. ,m f. B* nf .i-'im.''!"'. -er .'ul, n a,.. ih ,,i .. it .i Di re " .

lu .li.i.'rHts.?

I,uuu I I'.i-i-i tcc(ii'.'s liiirli"-! praise fromr .. ,i ...! bi 'r"' rn ie ll III. l»ileal fl .,

tl. lt

!(. vin A. r>-\n t«, m. r>..1 14 I r.Il.gr.i ave )..-lw. | 'heft.

Boon liol lol ii. ».>» ti- .sm.Ofs.'.u-. (in-irv Oigars ..:. -. i..-.. i y.

,luu\ l\ nnt;o.i saya: " For Sore Throalj,'. n. on, 1 bars



Large Fires,PALATRA, IL A.,

.' Our B.Bel lind '.'ii. 11 BOaa_BS I. All .mr s.-i-tii Hies,receraa !'¦ ¦¦ raS la ibr,',- safes "f imir saleBrated-BOks," BO! iii i bOOIOO li ii'ii ( o.

NEW V(H-K CITY,Jas. lil. I BBB,

-Illlll'i II.' Wa I lil '.:.! .'. I. BS-Bt 'I'el lol .-d. .urMamu ute im i-i v> ¦. Uh swtrota inti. I."

l.li... A. LAU.KO A cu.


.¦Tiie i. s' to raaf sit- i.y TB* SatAtatAtta Wi mir

lar.c I.c'otT v..i> i,-n n k r lr serait. 'I lu flame ufsab- win BasralroB i.r it* lull al ibrai Menai -mlUie Inmi'iis vu i.-'il n! iii i. 'Inu.-rv wln-b fell noon lt.'lin milli nts wer.-it-covered In perfect BBB illioii.''

ll. (illA.VT.



MSW Yolii-. riiii.AiiKi.i'iii \, A i.'.M'O.v, aro,



James McCreery & Co.,Jlroadway mid 11th St.

RADWAY'S PILLS.For the crureof ali (llsor.leraaf-he stmrisdl. !.l»er Huwels.tulney a. BUrtrter. Oerraoa mseiees. Loas of Auixiute;esaecbe,! ..nuinailou. ( natlvpunaa, twmmm

DYSPEPSIA,InSUestlna. nilnmsiiits. Fn-nale I'onplalats, I_4in*nor Ia-Bs,i.iuatl m.) ths linn ie. Pileannl uti dsranffniiiente el Hillotetuai Vlso.'i In el; ,-»«:a:, ,o, contaiii Bf uu lueroorruuusiBls «r il-lcl' lions i_r_l_,S.Hell by HrtiialeU. _.-,... .Hr irii_lHBy'«**«rsAj.rr!lllnn Hraelveni!Per ths cure of all s. n.'nl me. Skin snit Illood DI- Bl arjOtllS. *.*mm,m-a

ltAPWAY'rH IIIHU Ki I lu.For Hie relief ami cu-e of all I'slos, Co_if»sUu_s and Bb_________b

BSBUubS. CAI HUH . boiUfle r


WID-SPffEAD COMMOriOS CAUSED BY THEi i.I-i.iIH.l'- CONFK8BIOM T A PHYblClAN.Ti.e timi yaMls-rf in Iobos ibIQ-BOS fsssoUr. ttstt

tkt ISlbllllT. >'. V., 'tmSkamtsA aod fliroolcle."iriBlTi a deni of ('(Kliment here ns it htis elsewhere. Ap-1'iii-eiiily it o-iiiso-t even more (vinn.otlon In Rochester,na tlio lotliwlog from |0a OMM p.iper shows:Dr. J. D. Heiili.n. who ls w.ll known not onlr In

Bee-eater, Imf in asarly every part of Aiocrloe, aerit un

evtenii ii ni tieiii to Him paper ii few .divs air., whian was¦uni i'Ubiutir-1. deUHlii/ bia ri)iiii.rkat)lo axponOBee aii'lraaeoa fi.-m want iraioad to be o-ruiu death It woolalie liiiiM.a.ililB to tin inner...i) tim personal mijulrlfs wlilellliuvo heirn made at our oltii-ns io the validity ot nio,ir,n le. but they have ..fen BB nniiierous .hat further lu-veetliritilou of tho suhjoct WOS dOBOM 1 kaOBBBBfT.Wit ii tina end lu view ii rc present at Ire of this pnper

rallod on Dr. Hei'lon nt lils ie .ideiico on Aiidrevrs-st..when the following Intervlow occurred: ¦ Tnat article of

yo-irs, Doctor, has ereotod nulla n whirlwind. Are thostalriatiats a..ont ibo terriiile condition you fere in, am1ti.e way you wore rescued, auch ns you cnn sustain I'

" Bran one of them and uimy a l.litlnual ones. I wnslirounlit bo kia Bf BOa-WtiOO the llrstaiid most simple-viii tums. I did uot thins I waa sick. It la true I hadfr. picul heal Kims; felt tired most of the tluio; OOOlOBat Mulline ono doy ami waa ravenous tim next; felt dullpains uml iny stomach was out of order, lint I did notthink lt meant anytlilun serious. The medical profosslouhas been IfBOtlOg symptoms Instead ot -tlBBOBoa foi years,h.ni ii li hlfb tims lt niasrl Th«ayiiipt<>iiiH Ihnvejii.tineiitiiiiie.l or any unusual iictiou or Irrltntion of thaflralOf eosaao-. indicate the BBOrooei of kidney .lieenaomoro Ullin il naB.8 BO.eOOOOB tlio e..mini.' of oonsUllip-tjiiii. We do not front the cou.h, but try to hel|)theliiu.-s. Ufa aliouid not wusto our time t'vinir to relievethe headache, pains about the body or other symptoms,but is* directly to tho kidneys, the sonne of mont sfthese ailments."

,'. This, tuon, ls what you meant when you said that

moro tnsn one-half the deaths which occur Btise trouiBriant's dleaaoa, la it Pootoef

¦ I'roci.s-ly. Thoi.snii.1s of dlseaaes are torturingpeople tn di/, which lu reality .ire Hrlaht'a (lioense lusome of Us many foi ms. It ls a hy il rn lien led munster.nnd Hie slUt.HeS. symptoms should strike terror to eery..un wno lins them. I cnn look I. nh nnd rei all lmii.lre.l_al (lenti.s whleb phy-driaoa deetared ot tba ttaoo warscaused brttorolrala, apoplexy, lieut otaa-BBapoaaiuoula,oiulsrlul fever lind other comnion eomplnints, willohI see now werecniiaed by Hri.ht's ulsense.""And did uli these ernies iiavo si in ole symptoms at

llrsi!"" I very one of them. nn.I inl_lit lisve bcon cared as I

wns by the timely use t.r Hie BOOM remedy. I mn net Hubmy eves ihori.HKlily opened lu this mati.r and think I.iiii li.-lplri; tithers to seo thc .'acts and their possibledinger als"."Mr. Warner, who was rlaltod at lils establishment on

Raf Hi M Caul st.. spoke verj earlies Iv:¦ It ls *rue that BrUbt's di .ea-m bad increased wonder¬

fully, und we liuil by reliable stBtlBHOI tha: from'Tu lo

'80 IU crowth wal over 290 per rent. Look at theprominent men lt line cnrrled i,l, and la Ubina ot OToryye ir, for while manv are drina appofWOlly ol paralysisaod apoplrz/, tba) ara really tietiou ol kidney Disorder,winch causes heart disc MO, P ir.ilvsle, apoplOXy, etc.Nearly everv week the BOO**! ro "opt the ilenlh of BOOMprominent min from HiU ermin..'. Recently, ho ".ever.the in. r i te bal beOB BhSBBBB BBd I a'lribute this to themeara! ne.- af my raase ty."

.. Da .mu think in-uf pejple sro slllicted with lt to-daywho rto liol rea.l .e ll!"-A prominent professor In a N'.iw-i irlesns medical col

le.e. was laetarioB hefore hie alaOl on the sulilect oflii-iitht's (ilinasr He h».l viiri'h. Bald under micro-ie.ipla analysis aad was sbewlnc tlio stodaats what tbeludlcatloos "f Ibis t.-rrii.le malady were. And now.in nCene i.' he said. ' ns wc ha..) seen tba uiiln-aii'iy iudim,I,,nt I will sho sr you bow lt appear- lo 0 state plperfect health.'and ba submitm-l bm owa Unto to tbeBanal teat. As ba watched lha recalls ins countenancesuddenly O-iaased hlaeoluf ant oem_D_tod both left biman.I ina tremnlln* voice ba aald: ' Hentlamen, I hivemade a painful ilUcorerjri fbare Rrlaht's diaeaae of thakidneya.' Ami in lews than a ve.u bo waa dead, roeilifbtesl Indications ol any kidney dltllc ilty should be

ii tah i" strlks terror t*> any eoe."¦ Yoi know of Hr. -anion's ea er* Yes, I have both rent 'ind lunl'l nt itM" lt l< very wonderfoL l> I BOlt"- No mora so thoo a treal ButB) otBeri that oars conic

to my m.*iee as h 11 In '."en eared hj tho boom me.it,... voa beliore ihen tum H.ism * di se* aa be eared!""I know lt cnn. I know I', from my own and Hm ai

;. rlencs of Ihouaaods of ncotaloent persons wbo acre

elvan ap t" die hy both tm ir pbralclaus and friend-."- Voa apenh of yoar own esoerleneai wbal wae lt"-A fearful one. I hod f. ll l_n_uhl oad onfltted for

l.n-inr.e roi v.-ur-.. Uni Uni >e>t k.-..w what ailed me.

'.'lien however, 1 found ll ru* kidney .'.Itliculty Ithought lhere oas Utile hope aad ... dui me doaiora .

i:.. .. since ii'.irne.l ina' .m.- of inc pbyalcUns of une cityI,,,. ,.ni l,i n -.'eii'leiii ih on !..«' ...'r. "i ..ii".lay.

riicr.* roaaaiaai who will.leadbellera bis words Mould h»\" pr.ucl run if I

ii 11 nit prerhten itally usod Um re_oodr boo koowa se.. .irner-, - if" ('ure "

, ..I. yea maka a chemical analysis of tbe eoae of Sir.

ii ii St amer-rmi* three > ears eco. Doctor!" waa askedl-r -. A. I uti in.rc, OOO "f tue uiialyals of the State

..: it" nth.- I-., slr.".' Wlu' ,11 ! . " ll¦ A serious disc- int roaihlnk Mr. Warnei could reeorerT

lr. I dkl nol think «

i> ),.n know aaytblOB abool the remedy which cured

-I ii iv ebemiesll) aoalyi ll sod Bod it pun aollisrmli aa."

i,r k,.,, ,,,, ... tura aga and .« well aminttendins !.> is l.ro.e.i.ui il Bul <s lo ila ,la thi- rlty.

,- ,,' [>,- Il- n.i-i. Mr Warner nod I»r. I.-ttli-.iuiiii'iiil') ls lu in, lOd t

'. (hay 'linke innot tor a mollien! le BeubtS I.nu,'. exper'Ooei shows thal Hn_.it. disease ol

o' tbe un et tleeeptire and dal- UnAll e..iii nen. bOl that lt

.i in "mc



A, J. CAHHBTBRni !_,¦¦ in rmi oboe.,

165, 1C7 and 169 Sixth Avcnuo,ci.iiM'.it I'.Tii sr.

Rubber Depsrcnont.r-rih LADIES' A. J. C.

Y ' Higii-Bntlon Arctic.FI-...-L.D-],

$2.00 per pair.I havi: ut it it ii .HOBO, itiniii.li (.vi'.ii.iiioi s.AM. IU I'.HIill ll ni:- Ol' All, HIIAl'KS ANDhttl-M voa ¦ova amo amt-, rom lodim aj. dms i i.i mi..\. .

Tl! KV WI I.I. INP TH IKKT WARM I_t COLDwkaihinK. mtv in ssa a WmAXMEM, and wii.i,MU PMC!!. SOU I'lCKIilt, HOS DltA W TI1KM INanv wk vi liiiit. or ihk vi:kv BOOT wkhiisiiUI'AI.iriKrl, AMI I'H'ioF AO-JHST CRACKINd.SIM.Ul IMI AM) ItOITlNil OB XBB DIIDINiltVKINDrlAN'D (IIIADKS, TIIK BJMT AM) CH KAI'K.STHI'BliaitS IN THK MARKET.

NONK (-i:\liM- DRU-M MT tiliuk-iiakk, a.J. C., IH -VT-iMrU OV THK SOI.K Of t-l( IlUl II il Kit.

¦BIB PM (ATli.oin Ei MAIUB Ult


Oicttifj to a clifnif/r in thc firm ofSYVUEH d- CO.tlicir immense stockis now offered at (/featly reducedpriers. Ptrsons contcm/iliitint/ pio-t lnisint/ shoii/il (wail thcinsclrcs of thisextraordinarif opportnnitij tor securingBABOAIN8 in ART GOODS ofn'tryxlescription.

SCO Broadtcai/, cor. llth.it.

A few desirable offices for rent in theTribune Building.

^Wednesday,yanuary 20th,

we shall commence the saleof a large lot of Underwearfor Ladies at such extremelylow prices, that you can buya garment of fine qualityand well-made at the ordi¬nary price of imperfectly madeand inferior goods.$1.00 Skirts1.25 "

1.60 "

2.25 "

6.00 "

$I.OO Gowns

I.25 "

I.75 "

3-50 "

6.75 "

8-75 "

$ .25 Chemises.85 "

I.404.50 -



$ .25 Drawers

.95 "

2.50 M

3-75 "

6.25 "

Jp .50 Corset Cover*


$3-75 ^anne' Sacques5-50 "

9.OO$9.00 Flannel WrappersU.OO2.8.00

(or $ .50" ' -75

LOO" I.50

4.00for $ .50


" 4-506.0O

for $ .15.50.90

3.00" 3-75for $ .15\ .50

1.40" 2.50" 3-75

$ .25.751.40 -


" 3-5o" 500

tor $6.CO" 7'25" I5.OO



Lord& TaybrmBroadway ami Twentieth Street.

TO PEOPLE WHO HAVECatarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma and

Incipiont Consumption.YOU GAH BE CURED.



AU-Night Inhalation!WHAT CAN OC SAID OT TX'.

i.-I1 «-i_nee,. 1 ta*

es a , hy the

j II in 1 » lsilAI nt i- x m-lt b ao akgaatly-auula *-. -..

¦bal l-l ff ^ .1 v -por thenight r .. --; lng a.

t bsiag aaaorsd, sad wit hs ls_.- an

h1 01 tubes, sud nothiae 10 getom f -.i.'.tr II i. ptrrf.ctly -jfe li thc i.e.:

i Ii '1 '..C.. 11 lu-, bon f ind ofto I*-ej.re

.'. »1 by... ii tr-.in j fm minuit-, a ley in all m^hl.*.\y

4 .I' '¦ ul Jir eli lu ..ht gi.Joally d-Mroye...

ing ali ....

iiml guli,,.,- cure? 1 -. .1 Ali e

iff,1,! tl m'"rtil

I' fOU )¦ se ClUtlh,

I'll 1. v ¦ r'. » niany._¦ ii diaapp intcd I be I - .1,. i'11 11 w-

I.HAL.s ii te rar/ ll ia ace sold s sa es] ei__aeat,..r a Biller, bal ti curr li lin the

trt. . nc

C.9 sad tee tbs Pii.ow-IbnaI.., or scad I .rjian-¦Usssadtast-so-ishi THE PILLOW-INHALER CO.,

25 Eaa! I4lh Street, New York.Main Omi I.MC-MSU-I

SPECIAL MENTION..%tli rr!' ti-niriili n dniilt.-d in'o ihcer .-elimilta Ora

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!.) ir.ul nilli lin- :itl> tl liei re nilli pr fer I .ilny

¦%& mo fic7s;lI<»\VTOSTri>YTIIK-rIA-' al I'l-r-ti,!... mt

1" ,. .1 ¦,, > l'r -I" v tilmilt --.licayton. «uui>.newitlua.4u«.I'tiri'O.iit'g'till B_L_.SlBBUoUS

in- iii Broa.!» \

I (HM I.it A \VKI.I> (»¦

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s, iii utarj Besots,iei ili'iuni ,1. (Iii naml

I {VII *m s Ballia 1 theI'*...-< ~

A II1I1 lem iiirand > bbs*iilelf iii 11111.1-

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Made toOrder.BK. for I ADIEU ami

Jly\\ lil 1 1 Ni 1 tC,i-l;\i»t «;iii raven!/, ai parati or la ona

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3 li :lit Mtiiuo./ Kllllr Pl.OOHS' m..ii gua res

ft?rs.A. Fletcher6E.14th-8t.N.Y


I'. I. DOWD.


l'-bilitr,PnoM.1 B_-uni-(Kielli or ( on .tnnpll«MU BY lllil'.i.ilsTS.



Ni:\. tnt HTYT.KO, my u-tnlllilIHir.ie.lllt>. (rna tKlel-l.-llA lu. la -.kine I n lui,iu il l. .te,I.St loin at lill , s I m ike tslue .. ur,- without extra i'.!i_ii_rt.orS'iioelt. Wh 11 you vi .ur xclii.li-e k -iinent. ii.ue and ».«lue, hu.1 lars b.ith tuohey anilS-niiiiyaiire. Ileuienii,er, Iguarantee every article 1 .oil.

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Suverwirrt olgraty da tax**tem, 111 thomust styli." ls

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old MUON and. no'.d.!t»r linen ll .1.





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PlRE1 "tlngulihsr.



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J. LEACH,Station.*.*, lYinter



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33 IIAltt I.AY.HTM.V.-_.OH.l__.


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»'ll in vtmaXWB, hk i.tches, and

MToRIES Ki il!3 C ¦ N T S.

Tbe pu rp.. ei> la to male iheI BfibT puget lu Uta aitk. .

SPECIAL MENTION..Ail t-rrli-wiriri, ia ii_Iik.ii'-I i n o (beer BSSWBBBB -tu

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jri.ii uvri.ATZ xo. 4,


PABK&lLFORDSole Agentsfor U. &


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tiiaszijrx crctopettOF

Universal History.A b»w »»'_ etiv*rtn_rt_)(.bi*rory ul Vf wirid u'rltt*. oyii .1 Iv iii i.t liiet/ii. ia. JeniOtarh i'r-ij, .th. I. i' -"> .1 urtuuee-li'iiuD. Aiiriiiswanvrd


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Th,.t ito ntworrr "ie An' Kuli 1 ni- Ilingi Dil; t'l '(lappnlutnit-iite.N. V. Hr.i.« l-'iii-iiliin .- inNo. Ki fcafct lltl[ st., B, Xi

.i' Ulaiiiuiidliiisthara Ix-cn tested,

i: .ii ri'i'iiriiiii-idstiperinr to¦'.' ra N".'..' |WB_m

wit Im tit I) I a ni ii u dTrude Hark *). AsaBStin '. iiy i tt>.SpoiK-i-r Optical <"o,,

A larirr seeormit-rit ol t

miJU i-Mit oi ii n:i oancinait-ULlu '.tn. "br^Ul

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