ittof-ra ware dotng no better. Ti-err were tMgJMAt ayroiJonw of nn nicreaw* Ifl **«!*«. yot he eonalderea biiattioa-iimproviuir. _, -h._.-__ Jobr. B. M.d.let, A Co. |ef Noa. 88 and 88 IMMMBw^ dealoriliiliovcriiiuentelotliina aud effecW, BBMB mm 'hot th. v have b ..I a larae demand for *J»<^. «J*^" "JiS :ere1netu.:i m pruv. Tbelr alock Ifl »tlBtttad tam, Bmm on-o.|iei,i i* B. eijHited to be cloaed ottt eooa. ?U.\ F.I.W.V..K AM> PAHCI OOOPS. i.-m.imi BBf-oarn bmom thi-. u.a .tfwf.i. rAi r<«._iK>i.ki iiNiri kk "UdDBMI BtlTaanW At the QlllMM BBBBlailBllBI OB npan.Vs aal. arooma. M iM | ¦; aeai Brflfldfl-ay, a mon- aaeeaiagtag atate mg Ar , r:.-d. in BMI, tirllelealnaolldBllvrr K-emnl M toM8BB~Bg dciaat.d. It B* M thlfl Une of gofl* that th" 0 mg i*'v man parttoBtariy, laaaflh not ...ln- arab aaala Ibe toasai taatiheli ba waalaaaag^etodby tba pa_M thaa aagbl beaatlelpatel 1^ aoa »ab a mbbIm taellBatliM wlth BM put.iic to make thclr preeeaM wfljaioai baaaay.aal Itbflia nt BBlM B*tvfl_ aitirlc.. and at thla aaflaaa M bbe i.ir :t beeflaaa a large bwB* lo the exi Iflfltofl of f.incy mek-nack., the fur.ir»j aa tbaaa aftteMa aaaa not now leokel ujnin aa laaarleab bat bbbb aa el aaaMaattal valae aai worth. r Baa iaaa wlth iflateeeatattva aaaaaa M ii bal forinerly bBBfl \'ry c_teti«avc, ut-re hM i. .lui-tii. bui thia wu-. aafl balaaaalbf ta atta . .11 uveri. Ba leebad MewaH ln nn unu-uiilv larire bu_lne»« wltb the opcnlog of tne new year, for wltb mu ill linporiiitions and laree e-por bb_8_btbflBteeb bb baatwMbtba moag mbm ny that t in- in "d extenalve replenlflflBflflfli, Their retall of only laeeal date. and tboagh in. BBBB] n.-i'ii could l>e BBflla be auid lt bnd ^rmtiy inrreaafld wltb t*roty aaaaBh, The munuf... tory ,ii prarUl ¦> gan naptoy»o»torltaarflytam-aiivaM prraona, but now th y employ only aboul IBO. Thia tae- ii.rv m ifl u i rnnn g oa full titn bnl from ». m. to i_nt.fi..- tbi inii force, and from ltolp.in.inai_.clal i. i. v. iy ordor work. Tbfl workmja -. iii-.i-.-i uiiij.nty havtaa learned lbe a.i-.-i tbem,aud Itwaaol great taiportaacfl to b hem. . . , M. --;-. a *->. If- ytnan A Muck. tarjp dealera ln fur- nltan .. _r materlala at llud. >n _c Hooaton-flta., that tlnii mi lu. -.-wiin a'lu.'-t :il ii-t.iud latlll. lu Uu-ir t at bad bw d r.a.ii to MO it... .mpi-Y-d onlj nu. Tbia, wblob ii, a. ,i-> the ii l< -t Ol tho >iar. a from B ,.t. i to i* ,\ p many hobtei aieeeati eaaae Irflfli i flooda, l.ut only low purcbaaea ti...a. n w. iii tbelr factory :*. \ bad generallyemployed39men .nni,,' K-deaka, bnl noa bardlj infBclenl work ;.i i..nmi for lix, and it wa iu like proportloo that tb. i .il- had deoroaaed. Thuiij,. i nt prli ea hardlv eqaal toeoat, .i mand. Mr. Mack did not look lor- i but m ..nl to th.nl. af irse hi lun they* lualerlally im- A ..ointt.inv, tbe leweleraof r.iioii- .. in i bad i.i.i. to ini.i to tbe atatemeol pi that tb. y h.ni boen Ibi tu. *r. la. and marked the pi leae Aot .: ai... rompetiUon iituii olhei noii-.- a.,.- -tnl iiihuliitf t.n Hiu.ri tnut., thi.c, toflr, .'ia - |1, thfl W'-im. li.i.ll.v A Gi.ihaln, nt VOB. 2ni.iid'."_ joi.n-i ral dealera lo fancy it-oda and gold aod' ihai lf aovtbiuK, baalneaa wltb them nprovlna, nu-th-j tbaa ahlcha-oad- ¦. in ide to foi u-.-r .-tat- :n intaa .. tv,... :<t .\... i. Broadway, dealera in ,i. werel 11 tted, bnl ben tb i- baiiRi -uu tbe aofloral faii- ,ii...:i tln pai M Davldeon e-ti- :. :,,!- ia hfld liill'U nC iil.'"iil o:ie- Imlf, an.l Uiat tbere would pi.u-ai.iy bo aaarked m- -.n.mn oi- two, poi-.-iily nut befoie i f,,r a a boi. aome tra w.i- ii. ia *-.tr> w.in a p .... ii ..i bmmm y wbleb bad I-. liii Ute cn-in. Iin reaoll of .t al ..¦..I ifbt, a k< ii- ral reducllon ta prieea. .I ofm.lP -' i-. all l.l-l V Of lalltat'llllll la.ll laoftnido wonld beeatab- baaia. iiir. BAI i'KAi'i:. mt i ta vt um i.y i.tfi'i.i: aiaacuaa Hl TIIT. HWNt IM. M'.ITIIMKUti llie wlifl.l' wiB h.iy trade, which is pnnci- baada M . lew¦_*__.. haa baaeaaa ,.-t Mfl 4 e.i-, ut Thiry-fourth-.t. aml Pl I'lu'iisim MflabflMflfl Market. llirc it MflBba tbe arefltflfl*porttflfl M the hay cotisnmed ln umi -iiipj'.i roaa this eity. The haa_aaai a mt tampanr :,' .reueral depreaaion. O..I. Wil- B a t iy IBM Ihe recelpfa of bay et Ihlfl titn.' are ib< a aa iblrd Usbtoi tbaa tbey watfltwa araebfl aaa. ,.,r. ntiy ennal t.i the BflflflM t d.matid. The I ;:., bBB (.Tlll. 1- ll llt tl< lower, Wlaiu.; fiom li to 11 io a tiundr.-d, or Irom !_,> t.< I." a tou, tflfllfl h.i.-iir «t Bflflflaal ra. :tuj iirv for thifp. tbe BTeaaaje ieee|aM at tiua iiiaikit at. al'i.ut a.>. t.'ii-i u ilu.v.uliouf Ihret-fourthrt of al tbat i- baaMMBfld ln MM city and lirooklyn. The flfl .tiiiiliiviue'i' foi about 60.) meu, Whosc a aaaaaa are '_ a aay for Maa_aMaa and bay Bailen-, ii.meof BBBBl have 1-t-i'ii diiK-hiirj,'..! on aicotint of the tiini'iri ii ilepreaaloa. WiN.y _k C'o. helieve tbut the a darlfla Ibfl tetualnder of thiii monih ; ., n! naaa B trille highxr, and tbat there will in irket durlnj: the Wiu.er. The MMBBMI Mflewbal dflycflflflfld from the icarcity of currtucy unl Ibfl .iitn.-uitv of niukini; collectinnji. Tliey nay taat l>. th. re bflflfl been no fnllurea .. iii. dealera, and all are aeemlutrly doing .it.- hnameai Ihoy compiain timt tbera M a la. li of famlliurity amorifl farmera wl(h -i ¦, i.i 't timt iiiiiny ablpflelfl ex|«Tlence irreat i nol knowim; tbe ilifT'-ient arudnH of .tu- Mfliele, wbleb vafly abaal HO a ton, and conac- .l>i.-;itji pai iitli.-r une priee for BUfleflllaflflOBfl It.tn, or in.ikia a of onlv |ri or M tea TbM M aeaallF a ..iy bfll the pantc arrlvcd at atiout the .ImO tbi" dealera were e.^pectinc their Iiarve-t, und init* ih imav Mttle or no better tban tluriug lbe - inmn ¦, lu- dii!lo..t -^a-.on of the year. Hilliati. Aill-1 k - Ofl. r.port thut they have on hand more ba. tban tbey bad laat year. whlle iu the maiket rfi-nerailv tl. re 1a 50 \trr eent leaa. Tbe prlce of the . i-|l 5o, Hca-n-t |1 Cotfll 7_ at tln. tlme i-i-t yt-:.r. BBd the prlce i* ti a ton tuore tban before the paalfl. Tln* tlrtn mi they nr.- doini. utiotit the aame aiiiounl ei bnaloaaa ia thfl] did a year aifo, but that BBb ib iintir. .'e ...tiiei ataw. . j -.iaii .. ... -.-. tbal bflalfleaa 1* dull. aa It nsntilty la t: itu-. t"in ef ibfl year.tbfl Winter in-itur their bflflBBM ». a-toii n.it ti.rt it ik na Kotiflt na it wai two ui.nithr airo. «a | report al H («, B|{_iiii«t ll loiaat yearut iw i- qunteil al |1 _.. u<alnet 95 ceritu i »._r ... Tbflyiaay that farmera are now holdlnir bBflktboli auppllea; umt tbey ai-k ._. to !_:., wbttatl -bnilld i>. bouabl lei 111 to tm. Tbeir taupuhes coine Ti.i.i l)..i. in¦-.. Coaflty.aad niou»^tne iiueof tbaKaw- Y.nk Oeutral l_.nn"a.l. and mune from llliuola. They report ou i.. 'auu-. ta ^'..imI a_t ever. W. J. ll..'i.t. - A Co. njiort prime hay at $1 io, affalntt |j 70 hiat year al thia nmc, aad that it abows a Mifrht t oft in prne alnce tbe pauio ln-.tiiin. 'ihey state lhal tbey ar. dolna twiofl as uuu I. hu-iuen_ a_ they wei-e I ak.i .1. it., aay th« Btmamt ta not io food aa at Iin-i |t. tyear. i'ruue bay, wbu-h was then eell- tti. tt.r|; no nnd M w, la iirinalna uuw |i mtoli M; ry» «imw. wbirb .: n:> ti..\. aatoBI i**iit«,anid linn for |l lf d'|1 IB ii.Vit.nn-. tliey huv. un-latlier alow. Tlu Ir , Boatoa, Mnnircal, und BtOBfl tbe j / 1 ., ral Ui....I. Tbey lutnk the dciu.iud 'j>iic.t '" b " d tii.fi ni'.v ull the eloee of Bavbtatloa ; . (.... iiutlneaa la aatarally verv fluetuatii.ir.fair ., *._,.. I dull taa tu xt-l.ut that their BBBB BBB Bfll iti .<'.! b; ti.. j..'... i, I. ; llllll BEPVBI8. WHO-l.tai -it <;r-rri)THFM. it. H'«k>y. Tamae, Sot. 7. Tiu I iiiiii nk of Monilay it claimr*tl that tbe cr< liiofbavtaa nitt taggratai '.» tbfl put.i.c r weather prediot.ona an.l reporta dm aol -. ..,.. ii. 'li-iy.'n, ..nt ratti.-r tfl I'rt'f. Witiry, aa the (nitera ¦enttoafl Um nutiier iuciden » i public '. ¦.."-. wflleb u atafl elaluad aatfld ned C< n HelKC-i aome tbree yeara. W. bea to a.itithefoi- |. wm. iu i !. Ofl a wht.tii ibe cretlit belonira iu thla I an.i jN-i.iap- it maycallout another cotui-etltor. b|MMB Mr. A. O. I'uliner mi tl.i^ city flrflBflflfld aad krlnted au addn aa alving tbe tbeoriea "f »t>.rin- and the {.'.riii.l- to lie iaed to prediet tbem, Mii.»tatttlailv tbe aauna.yatcm aa that followed ta tbfl daiiy w.-atber re- r..i".. A eopy uf thlH addn-iN w is m'ih to the Hon. i,i a tben a in.'.iii.cr oi OOflflTflM, whieb folluwlna reply fnuu ilmaie i.n. i-y: va .- iMmroa, l.u v> MO. Ma.-*! -/¦ '-B !. I »t««rli ini|i.i.i:'>l- io ni.lu. ( IM .yntt myoo tamati. (i ... I II. I..-. tu!.- I mra u Hr. W. ( l.irnt. Wni;. Bc., ic Ata ll ib-H li.. x ,t,«.d 'hr ir.t ut .¦¦ i -. r».| liit stt_-r.ti.il of < .n%.t.. tl.tfto. Ke- ttta.'aai BmmdiB » v ."'..'..¦ ""ur» naaataUaaaui. Tlmlollowu.K l- a letter frotu 1'rof. Jow oo liotiry : 4-i.mi.. .- iamrrra, W_u_aia roa, Bareh Itf. IMB >* O Fo-ttR-l---. ..nr I \oor e«u,i_,i,i, tt..»u .( Mstcb Vi. te- , l,. yoot i.ni.1 J t.r«_.y_flHi«-i s i>lsu (mi misi.i.u/ ...u lu iiiU_.p>«aiM"t.'KIU .iHwur-.---- .¦,,"-; ___ .i i.._K-i, Lu.tttr __.* tlixjuait _a|| u.«-at_i. ?*.-»¦** i t.l«._ali u. ¦ .".¦¦ .' V-rimrm ta- ,-,'AlAiituimU u, -¦_> a. u .., atti tka iu.' irH_-_3a_lcfc»«"ll-«»t-.-l.»-a.uoo» ona .._"-<.l»g <*a tta ... wtrt. 14. "' lLe ~0,X " "israa .«* M uui »««¦". » «-v» «' *"' h*"'»* ,h*'° -<ni,Our,eii. m *. .MU t-- «l-l aaaaal ,__ aoojKrst.ua. J rr.... rrr- rtapttl- bu;, toti 4^«i.r_l aartsut, ''-' '" _______________ " 8r<n>Urt »f HiiuH-.-UU loaiitnta. Tbe matter Ufore Conare-*., eponeti of lu thia iettir hy Pit.f. iloury.wtt-tlio a|.j.ii.a.i..u for uo approprlatiou bv Prof. E«py, whoi ihoory waa tuat all alorma Uai- eiedlneiie.-f. Tne awiclrcsa aent lo tbfl Huufhbouiau ti.aUUilrs Ui Mr. F.i u,-r ir. uo d'.uiit. oi. llie were. An fxprcss niobiifcUKcr in Ilnrliiiifton, Vt., g__t u't made a great d.-al by a llttle operal.'.u in which ie r©< ently euyagei. He declared ibat be had MMB aa la-ifud and Bflbbad al b'.'-a wiib which he had been in- ir.i-.t*<l- lliv< -i/atiou .-.bowfil tual lbe b.uv. Iimi lieeii M-if-iiifli-l-.'. aud tu. _ue____u_ar p.ud ove.t me uiouev. irorat of'it M tbat ln tutuaa bifliaflll b*ao flvar* ii ,1 Um tuat uraatu hreaii hi» oun uon,-, walfb, w.- like II, ia uoxt Uo tluux Ul looU-UU' ao to Inui.. oll Uai ita tata. OOMrilOMISED OUvSTOM-HOUSE SUITS. HOW BMITGGUN'G IH ENCOTTRAGED. NI'kni.Y A MII.MON AND A TI Att DOI.IAK.I nKCO*r*- FKKI. I'ROM Mi:Kl'IIANT?1 l.H POCB TTARS AND DIVIDKD BF.TWFKN THK Cl'STOMH OflM.PM AM. thk t IBttBB statks trearci'T.okftciai, hkcord OF THK KTltfl DL-JCONTIMUEl) ANO IIKIIKT<.rOf_« CONCEALKD. . The int. irst niatiifesteil in the invoatlir.ltion of the B&ira of WiiDilruir _ .{t.hiiison hy tho himm ial aifeuta mi.l CtiHtoni-hotiHe oflieinla, aud rnmors that tho case nl!. ireil BflBt-B- th.-tn ia to Im. comproiniacd, attraot att. iiti.m 0BjO8 BBOM to the sj'atem of roniproniirtiiii- Fiiita fnr fraud an.l Hmiir_irlitiK which ia in vogiie hero. uud which has frecjuently Btilijocted Custoiu-hoi_so 8880888 to the general ehurfre of eneour.ii.in-- smiiK- gliug liy coucealiiiK (ho uainos of tho anmi/iflera, r.nd flvhith has brouj-ht doserved odiura on lha wbela ajrataai of rcwanls to Iflhwaaia antl iipcnt)-. The extent to whieh comproruises have lu. 11 (uiidiKt-.l nt thia port has har.lly been biis- pnteil, for tho BBBBM that the court otHciala tmi l: ni ted Btatoa Diatcfei .\tforiiey.-ihavocr-refully con- ti 1I1I tlie faflta in eaeh coinproniii-t d BflBfl Tho ... ttl.iiuenlH BBB alwuys miulo privaUtly, and BBfl t-.nts att- tlisc<.niitiii.-d in eotirt l.y a formal proee-w, whieh BftMflflM no atte.ntio.i. antl dooa not hrina; out the faita. Oiten B lirm ia de tae ted, ita liooka h.i/.td and -.xauiined, the amount ot framl ii. 1.B-BtBOfl. BBfl BflM nflffln. compromined, the money paM into the Treasnry, then di- vidi'd B-DOOf th'' B_W.fl interrifed. and tha rail dlaeonthjood witliout. ihr dUhtaat tatenflp- tioti to tha boaineaa "f the aoeflaed and arlthoflt tha knowledfloot the pnhlla that thore has boen any Iu tha booka of tho L'nited Mfltfla Kob.-G, l-SCf.'niterl State* Statutea at Lar«re, vol. x., p. 161). Tho *trn*n anm paid. I.efnre it tt. BflBBfli over to tho Troii-iiry, is Biihjcet to il.-duitioiiH fnr the.ee.8n_ the clerk of the court and of the.Mur- ah.il. flfld for the percentagori of the l'nited BtfltBB Dintiirt-Attortioy and the clerk. Ilie rlerk'a f.-es do not vary with the nroonnt of tlie pcuulty paul. and amount to ahout |M in eaeh eaae. On BflBfl rlv sold hy the Mnrshal he ia _-_0B*8t_ H tOt r. ut for BuiiiHof *.V»aiul nnder. and l| fOt rent Ofl nll 88 88 over$500. In all BflflN the Mar-lial l.a-. lm i-tated feea, whieh-iru not afleotcd b"f thfl atsoof tha Bflfll nt is-.ii.-, und ainotint in all to about tho 88888 :ih tlie rlcrk'H fees. Bflfll hi" rektular fees, tlu- il-rk tlr.iwa one per cent of ttie H10.--9 auin, and the Dia* I11, t-Att'irney tflvo per ceut. TIiuh diiniuislieil bf three per cent. in addition to tln- aiiliir.i.tioii of tln elerk's and Murehal'H BBBB, thfl Bflfll BBBBtYfli 1-1 paid to the Treamiry. If any dutiea are dtie from the amount. HM88 are iflflflfltfli. I" peiMonal auita for penalties, this dednetion is not liiu.le. Iti aueh 88*88 oi.e-lialf of the stois mim re- eeived by the 1 reiisury la transferred to Ita aceount. laothareaaaa tin- taaaai-Btea.attaa tha aaaoamt of _Btntdaabflf-flflB.il halved. (3ne-half reiiiain<< in thei i.asuiy. Ot tho two qitarteiri luakiug up theothor half. one 0888 lo tLii'. iiiforiner nr Bfllsiflfl ollieer 'the sp.-cial Bf8fl- i" nMBl eu.ses roeeives thia ¦,1'iire.. Mfli Ihfl other ifl paid to the OallflehnT flf tha rorr. aud L-divided BJ hflfl with the N.ival Otii.tr HiitlSiirveyorof tho 1'ori. Tn BOtflBWBflBB M.r two of thene 8*18888 are wantiiiK. the OolloctOT iilt.iii-.nr the Cfdl. i'1'T witli either the Niivnl Oilcer or S'lneyoi, tahea the wh'ile qtiarter. A liut ot all tlie t .iiijirtiinis.il 08008 a* thiBBOtt from Pflh. :i. I*'''',', t" S-i't. 1. !-¦:¦':. in ii tutile ihowiflfl Baah paoeoaa, ('oiiiitithoroiitHaie tMti'.d li.sueh a mauuer that .',h ,, ,,,,1, olheial, know Iheir .hantetor; and tha. where the ,.,,'i.ev w.,,t. will ho toflfldIhokrw.Ifl thifl the linim ihai-ri.l with fraud nre i.rntected from j.nl.li.-it v. lt in onlv where lirniK like W. K. Dodflfl A OO. aflfoaa the -nnt thfll tliere in any dispositi.ni toimike puhlic exposure displaye.1 by tho ollii iul«. A Ti.ir.t nf: reporter hafl ohtaine.l tlie key to (his MU-thcd of eulryin .s'h'k rien, and thns a".nn d a liai from (ba ofiiiial ItC-fldaflf all couipi0111 i.M'' XhO-BOdfl of dis|'".-it'."i. q. th.) Htitti Jiaid hyl'ie r..!ii|.rniiii-.in-r firm iu eu.sloiin- cases was uettled h.a tiu-iiei ..f Oaflfljiaaa ai MaBBht.lntl (UaJflefl Btfltw Btatfltaa nt Larga. aai. xiv., ).. tBR. Iha mwoi tmm t.i thee.illll lil.-iieh 88888 WOtt lix. ti l«V tl..- U.H flf tnl)!.- tiie Di>tli"t IkttonM) 0 I't l'tlitiif-e is .ah 11- luleil ;it two l"'t i.iit, exet j)t in 88888 Whfltfl lha Bflfll involv.'il 1-- 88 BflaaU that this \. n aataflB wonld nnt oqaal tba Btaooal ot Ua ragala1 Baaa, wbea ha would natiir.illy take Ihe latt-r ia pieferenee. His fees anioiint to.-.hi'iit |B0. ThofeBBOl Mur-ilal imd el.-ik are reek'Uieil at QM for eaeh. To (flflBfl is Bflfln-I thI elerk s peri'i-ntai!.'. of one pei BBflh 1 he ahflN B huh utiin to thfl CflUOOtor, the N'aval Oflii. r. Bfld the S111- veyor, tOflBlbcr. is put und. r the boad of "CoDoetOI 1 ftliare." lli'- nii'i'iiiit thal timilly fOflfl itita. the Tiaaaary laahflwa in tba taflflsui bfladool "TVeflaiy RreeiptB*" A UBt OF (XWnWalMBD CJU8TOM8 CaiSBB, BHOWDM THB RBASUBT BI m Ili-trift fa*. anJ (.erctnt To Aiooontof Attortier'a tft la Clark luitom-oaf iBtHal-afral nau. '______*"* 'ZZi'i'i ol«uU5 "k.-^" *lS»i* B- t-h. 8,1188 BHaoa Qnitortnan. ."i.a-o.a. »t.u." w r«-w » Ei RECELPTS. Fet., ____, tmt .* il.i-w 08 f.l.i.ins ltoer. lxisrc-Ja iiiix. IJooopB Arou . Feb. 18,1870.Bmaaoel Hoflbaoa. , aa, , -,i 1 Juiiua .Nieiiieye..t Apnl 18,18T0-?HoIu.- ^1I1.,1.> Aprll 2", 18TO -Lonti Btroller. jiuie J7. 1818.FWlX Mirauda. .Iiiiv U.18IO- D]f"B0Bfl fl l_lly. .1 ny 1-. 1-:"- P. D. HturalB. Juiy 19, if-;"- J-... O. Oaloiarri. Nov. t.lOTO UunbAOaraaflo. Na.v. b. uio. Aiv.itj Oflliaaa. Not. t,VH0 Ileurv Kohrnt. N iv. 18,1810 li-ri V\ ln 1'.i-r. K.iv. 28, lBTO-flaaaeT. BeoiB e. Kisiur... n,,\. '.--, i«iu-.i "i.n B. Barbrna. un w - ie Kai r-ailafl rrl_...«. I. flfll IBB I88MB-*.8.Baa.I BBBBB.. Foi.. 11,1-iTI M'Hit/. A-r.:tluiiion.... Feb. 16, l-.'l lie./i-er l(n>r<. May 11, Ki lm. us 11,1, l anrilii. l.i.1. Junfl 21, 1871.B i-.'ii!>,'iui'nfcl!r,.!i'l,"i"tei!i V v BS, is:i-li..l-ii.l)utilop_.l.'li;k|>in 111. _, l-'.l--.1. M. M.v..i_a. W, 1871.Ch__er A Chnppell. .(.. l-,l F,i-ti-r fl I'etlf. .. .>_. Ludiimiiu, Duiourrq & I _8,l-71-rj li.unnrez.l ic, lam."lmli Brotberi. 13, JHT1.r-tiiirl. Pnvlur. il, _, Porkiao 8. Gaaoaa. ai, 1871.J. J. Aim.r.iii-. inil 4,1871.AmatBtkftQoaal 1.!.... Aoril 4.1811 -.ii'ini Bttsflrarl. Mny 4.18?l- H !'. < oopor. ^,, iv 'i',. 1871.J*a Tiiaiini'-oii & Co. jone 17,1871.Petora Broa . lana 17.1871.MuaalaaeT ft Pttzlpio jnly c im, 1.w. 11. f/eotorri 11 i< 0 ... Jniy 12. lHTl-iVlu. Wen. Juiy 82,l_n- M.iiliFni'..y. julv '-''-'. ltTl.Tbompaon A (; laaerly. juiy ii. i*"n.rniiiii|i-tni A- (_aaeriy. juiy -., ifc.'i.B N. .Mnr-,1. C11. \un ^i, imti -Manaell ft Bumbaum. b-ut 1,1871- tiiif. m. Oeagrowe. -i;,r 13. l«71-Ja.. Br.vant. ....'ii (K tio-ui _7.1871.fltorr ft Pntaaai. Ho.mai (Kl OcV -8,18T1.W. J. Polloeh. 13.788 01 ROO. .J 1(1,00. »<i 20,01.8. U.e. 1>'_. J 111. .il.'.l. f. bb Mar. Mar. Mar. Nov. T, 1871-*-*. H. Baift ft Co. Nt.v. 1">. l"Tl-~-inilli .V Heare. N,,v] Ut 1871.ftBtoa -Moller. HoT. 18, "1-71-*. M. Bebtnl I. KOT. -'., Ib.l.Wilaou, Ki.ld A. Co. To'.ala for IB*1-J_UI|| B_ai r..-es ... Jitie t, 1h._. I! ui v Bnaflaraaaa. Juiy .1, 1811 Urew i \Vt.,l»0. Aprll 10.1878.6.X I'enninian. AUk-- 6. 1""J- Krnat Btolaer. AUK. '-, la"i.C M. Seliliiiil. Aaa. 3ti. Ki -Ki.he ACuttiy. (ie.it. 3. I8t_.flOl, Tillkle. 8,-pt. ie. lara.MeCraen a Oo. (1.1. Ma 1878.Uaatoa LaaaotlM. llec. 31, UsTi.11. J. Joi'ilau. flaaali ior i«3.Ten aaaaa. Feti. tk, MW.Waafl ft Poallaa. .Mair. 3, 1878. Aliu.-na fl Cai. .Mar. ll. Is75-Uiiiieaii Mi-t'ali. Mar. 31,1878.OaatlTla A Oo. Mar. 31, 1h"3.Oeli.ertuann &Co. F.I). _5,1878._.Iflfl .- 1'iuner. M ir. 4, 1878.W, E. J.od.e ft Co'. April 1,1M73.H. HernIiaralt. A-tril 1, 1.73.M. A. Diiuirlaaa. Aprll 29. 1878--T. 1_ Trowbri.l_e. U ty -J. 1878 BoloBOO A Kirt'kinl. May 24, 1*73.Jo-t.'pl. H. Wlilte & Oi. .. . . ,«., S Iteevea, lirown ft Van 1 June 6, 1873- \ Wiob-fl, ] Jane 81,1871 H:»y* A Will. June '.4,1-71 lloyr. A Htruusa. Junt) 27. la7.. IUrv«-y _.IW08. Auit. 2., 1873.llakei, Weiil A t'o. IN) |,00fl iai l.ViKJO 00 Li.i.ai un i.lui M 1,001) IM) IIUJ.l .:. 1)0 llu.slu IHI C-iiO oO 53,110.1 00 S.O-0 iai i.itfi IK) l'J.GOf, W) 4,_^(i OO 7,raai 00 -,...«i 00 UUA 00 |f..347 00 fl.il,(Ofi 00 t.t-ki Iki l.OlKI 00 ,fl'l(ii.i (f) 41,9'i0 00 MN M 371,880 OO 1.400 00 l.oua. 00 __,o<i_ 01 7,000 00 2-.HO0 00 1,00(1 00 IflH 'xi ','"'¦ ia. 10.00J 00 75.U0O uo 7 2i 01 IS 00 111 'Bt 4,7 M ..>' M IM ia. H im a-.'ii M . . ..il''. ir. ¦if M M "<> Ml "" M.TN fs Iaa "' '... M 1,71 », '.- .1 M v . l.a M r»J imi 00 60 iKJ b'ti Ji) ., ." 10! 0" 60 01) M M 7'Jl J" 11.'. M a g.r, «i di 1. in HO 111 M 00 221 11 M M N 0" Ml M .10 00 »1.1 1G M 40 l,r,n.i iki .'-,. 72 1-JI M -,,! ¦¦ Kl M MJ IMJ tABti 18 ma .ii 111 M M8 M l.l'l INI (Ml 'Hl yj-i vt 90 00 UO M 611 00 Ri) 0. ll,''*. li 8^110 00 611 ou 60 00 1.IHM) 00 BM uo 180 OU MM M 60 00 Rl) 00 R'JO 00 Ilii 00 II.) OJ 50 00 fV. .'fl lM -ti -nn 00 1,500 00 |,->7 ..' 10T M liifl 04 Hl H | Hl ,11 |M in) _IN) 'Kl S-Sl Ifl 4j0 17 IM H 1 ,',- 11 *M <"' IM 00 '2oO IM' I ;jv< t'j Ij.'O 00 UJ 7-t 4.7 ii IU n.i 200 00 Ml i'.'i M 115 00 SM 00 107 VI N .. IIU 5<". IM M 4J7 Ifl 1.7 .11 Hfl .11 141 Ra) 175 00 Ml M .*.K. OU 1!V l») 111 IJ Iflfl 81 114 IW) i.)n ini tn m 401 rm 141 -0 .10 Mi Hl ;«¦. " 00 _.',!) M 120 00 Ul '12 llt) 00 f.o'J'J 64 ma 10 l-l 03 JilO OU .i H IH 89 ¦iJ-, OC 147 00 17.7 M 120 00 111 M 8l.*.2_ 47 8400 00 lill) M 11" I MB 00 Rl. O'J liii 00 .,118 (4 114 00 11') 00 M8 00 17n DO 3.0 00 UO (fl IM 63 IH itt M8 00 K.V) 00 <.»f :'. Ml 12 l,:ni 04 r.,i:i tfl .,1775 00 2,11'U 00 3,6-1 76 7,',.v, H MM '¦'. .'i.'2.:l I'i MM M .-.ti M MM H I;,",.".' I H-8B8 M 1.1MJ 17 8,1 ..-I 8K 3,421 M 1.400 M ,i.,','i lt 1,181 '-I 3.J^i 7* 0.JJ7 60. 14-1 87 1,188 Ci MB 11 Ml ;n) 9,r, "i H i,.'.'» .10 wi i.f -1 1,7" Tl , ., ; 4 fl im 111 -.'. IKI 31 BH fi fl.rj; 00 7.-8. al 1,01 bb 1 ',.11 M MH 48 '2,1 n r,i> MU M i '. BM 21 21') OU I' MN t 1JH1 25 r,..v.2 M 1,181 10 m m 4,7.8 45 l.oas a I.V«t 7> 4;,; N Ml 15 8J8.1 B M |7,'.'-.ii M 702 60 Ul l«! 12.1IW 00 10 il.'. 7fl 1,181 65,li.)J 50 JIW l.H) 210 00 fl,11.17 5 1 MTJ M 6,310 OO 210 00 717 77 l.Gil 14 'i.iit.) ou 18,1»2 50 M8I J', l.v, 12 MM i 5,.:i :i 9 675 00 MH M .j.i " ¦) xjtm tt .',-¦ 1 Ml ii mafl- n IMM I 1481 11 8.1.1 H 3,19: M 2 1.1-7 " i...ii 17,774 52 311 M k.fi'fO I-') . - " 7.-2-.I H Ki.i"7 N lojn m .- ,-.,7;u M l.i'i' 50 \~~i~~.7 n i ,778 "i l'.i.i; 7-1 . I 171 "I (V.7 50 12.' n 11 li.iufl .«) \'.. ii', t-i I Iii ¦ I - l.i"-, "I 120 IM I UO 00 Xotals for 1373toSept 1.Sevetteonoas^s |55i,358 (10 |11,279 16 KKCAriTl'I.ATIO.V. Totfil fairl««. 70-«iTteen ea»e-. a4:!8.84M)5 |n,776 98 |7,-tO 58 I1J4..48 66 $1,1,..8 5. |. T»t«I for 1871.Tljirty-four fum'n. Tt.Utl f.T ib'.i.TeneHMDB., Totiil Ior le73.sitveuUit u eatc?. 4<»y.065 IkJ 82.147 UO tX>1,S!# 00 C.R76 18 1.B88 ii 11,279 16 15,9-18 49 7,590 64 l.H'21 47 7,.8-i 68 fllOC.021 I'J 9-I.2 74 l'.l,7 rM H 134.94M M | 19,1 - ti) 1 '14,-48 Rfl Orand ketal-8-Vfilrnvrt eaa*.._..... 81.4*8.618 95 8'-8.:t'-'0 Ci $:'-.'UHillrt 8:08,07-; 4 * li il_*« not appiw iliul tl.e Miil ttCHlunl iJoJip. ACo. bm bn.-n ilueond nued, m.r Huit tlio 1271,000 li.. pnlrl luloeourt. Tlie order oi* Ju.lKe Illaiehford nllowmi; iti« Daltafl Htuten Difltriet-Attorae/ lil-, coi_i;)_i»..iaju (15.48") iu 1hnt HUit merely Btatflfl tlmr the 8271,000 liaa heen puJ, liut iflflfl uot abv tt> wln.111 ur -,vi,, WE BUOOKLIS BIBQ ABE TBE PHEaS TIIK EDITOR RI.iHT. From The PatiueriU' ((. Jirti.ml. As to th(. eavaa of Hr. EButaka in refu-iing to repiv to ttda query, be waa rlgbt. The law protectri Uie BBOfflM af iawyera, of phyaiciana. and of clergvmen; in there auy rea-_.ii wby the law nbuuid uut alao prutecl the aocrctsof editoral tiie oifiamr oxDOCvncM v irit.. From The llti.u'tvrp I'atriot Mr. ShHnlM of THB Nkw-Yokk Tbibukb bBB baaa diacharned from eu-lody, uud tbe Ilrookivn Bing -till reuiain iu ljcnnranee eflflflflflBlac tbe uutbor- ahlp of the article.s eii>oriii_; tbelr otll.-ial ¦flUBBB.I «. Of ttie truth of the chaiires there ih iiu douht lu the pol>- in- uiind, aiul lhat i- of ronaidorahly more conaeiiuitu e in iaaa and iti ,morala than the nameuf tbe uuiuoi of them. AN UBJ-UBHABU MOVEME.VT. Fiom inr pttmtdaMt Agt, Mr. Shatiks, thr city i-ditor of The Niw- V..KK TaiBi ap. Wbo was arreited fnr wbal w.ncalleil a lil.el upon tbfl UriJokiin *' Kiiiir." haa Bflflfl flBflflBBrjfld l.i JnlL-e Kaiichei. Tht attompt Ifl iutimidate Xflfl ThiniM: tbrfluab ooa of it* attflflMa hat tberefora Jailed. Mr. Hu.iuka aeted ln a pluekv manner durina tbe wholeaffaii, and ua io Tn_ Tkiiii BB, in tue iaiiKuane of Mr. Lliieolii. that " (Ild uot acarn worlb abceut." Tbeae "Kiu-f" auita, in order to miizrie the preaa. are un prottabta movtmeiiu. ihey gcuerally "go tor wool aud touie hoiue atiorii." .jiik BOM BDMMOMD to BSKaUX. tnn, /**- U'.iutag FuyU. Mr. S-iniikB, city editor <.f Tm: Nx«7-To_E TitiBt BB. wh<> wn« lapnaoaed for n-fu-in-r to tell from wliotu ba i" 'im-'I oeriam luforiuaili.it for puhiieation in that paper, concerat.. the o.duet el yie Hroo.lm '. iiin. " ofl). lal", tia- been diarharaed by Judge Fauciier on a writ <>f tiabeai oflfpufl *, aud uow the Itiui. wlll hava to uuu tbeir owu -tiank- H mic themaelvea irifl.ible. aa an luijiiirv iniu ibelr operflttoaa haa heen ordrred by (tov. I.ix, and will OBBimciice nn llu- liti nf »I)ecemher. Tbe action of Dl.tbci Altoruev lirltton wlll be made a auojeetol oftlri.il iiiieatigaiiuii; aa wlll llie eonduel of Judife Oiltreitin tlflutflfl an lllfla- order ot Itupri-oii un ni, and re tu. ina Mr. Hhaiika au opiiorrun.tr to he heard l.y ooiinaol, with otonr matleia coaneoteil wlth thi. Bibttratf "atrtt. h ..f authority. A BLOW Al tllti I.N'DKI'K.NDKM I- Of THB FBR83. trom The taarammtt ('..(-a. It in a "Wi-._-k.iown fact thut some of tho KeW-York.tournall. liave Im-i-u buniljr ei._rti_.fd 111 dfl" li. lluc liiu tfflflda nl touie pi-culati.r- iu tue uiuniripal puvi rmneut ol lir..._.!-, ii. aml haai iHien oalletl upou U) LfaflvMflBOfl before tbe Oraad J ory. oue waa rt»|uirod to dlflfllO. tbfl ti.-ime of the atitnor nf rertaiii BTtlolea,, .Od on hi- lueituliiiK lo do ko, waa Itireatened wlth BBBl luiltal ful* cont.-inpi. I .iia la a Ulow al lbe indepohueuce Of tb. iu. ...'imi nu pi..-i-uir. I.-iiiieiidod tj lu_.ml.lalc il imn, lik.x tl.i.ta in tne fuuire. ine aflfltHBBBt of lbe Boiioai pu. uuu uf aocioty twu Tho juuiuaiiaii. may ni unl ni i. i" '*"* « BOflfl uf tffltb, aud uuly kivo up .nt ir iiiitiu.iiiy when abeoiolelj requlrad by the elfllfluflf iii.in.- Tne loti-cieiiiiuu* pruciaiuier of evll <i(iln_:a _,iu__d'be proU-ctod wbou o_i*uj.-hI lu ihe puuno aorvioo. 11..1 and ¦flBBBfl the partiea by whuui tbey i ,.n be duo.tan tlated. _ MISAri'I'.OPRIATIOJ. OK TAXK-I IN IIAMILTO.N COUNTY. 01!IO. A romraunication BbBWemf an axttHB-Ta awlndline ayatem 03 the part of th- OeBBtf AadltBM and (.'otnraiaaionern,from 1*1 to 1*71, w.i" on Fr-dai la»t aubmitted to tbe CoLntulin'01.. of Hamllt-n Coflflty, Ohlo, by W. M. Ampt, atforney fur the under tlini tliuiH from the Htati AndPor anl Attoruey-tieue.ral. Mr. Auipt aay- ln bla eorc- muuicatioii that the flt.ite hm tn vnr Ifloatfll 1 ita tliatrihutive ahare of eertalu tm... wincii bflflfl Bflflflflflfld by tbfl Autlilor.t of llamiifou '¦. froaiSept. l, ltjeo. to Hept. l, 18.1, and panl mto tbe County Treaa ury, where tbey fonned what, wua call'-d. tln. "Htor. I.nenae Fund." Tue urov-t amouut- of taeaetaxeeafl khowu bv theAuditon' aaaaal reporta wan t Sfl-in i. The aiuounl uf th ae tax.i.. ahould have been tranaferred to the lax duplicatea. aa other tflXOflj hut thla \tita done onlv ln part. At variout times ll'.l.T'.i M of the MMtlM "3 colleeted waa trsoaferred direetlj from tbfl "BBBflfl IdBBflflfl Ku:id" to tbfl _..lit.ra! fili'.' Of tbe county, aud waa tben ezpeni!-I umler directloo of the count) autbeririea flhflllj lai county parooflflfl. Tho ic mauider, |i«l,"W kt, wh» ir.!-'.. i.-.l f.' the anntlcatea. fordiatribuiluu. TBB Htat.'. ahare of |i9i,T5i n. divertetr Irom tbeir proper ebflflflfll Mr. Ampt eailmatoi at not iea.4 than |__,"ot ll, an.t Dr*. <i ik effllmed, the otiuty aiiould make irood io tb' rt tat i. 'inu Btate anthorltiej have requnatod " au airiaai/. eoneideratloa and a.ijunt- tiietit of the claiiu.t." Tbe roanty ofbeera bave; II li thouKiit. aivmdled llie c.'Uci) from tUM then iliverted Iheae fiiti.it m urder to meet ti,.. dadelflO- ciea in Uiu jeueral luuu. A NKW _f...!ll'_.Kf...If. ~ri.i _-_t A I.V / '. .- 7V-.I. Joie Mcirtinn (J.)iinnlio wai Ik.iii at S:n]tm- reiua. t.n lu» MUl uf M..a, i'/._, und la. tm foi *.a yoarauld. llo ia atlll ln pot-eaalOD of tb. meatal faoul tim, aaa tbfl flflly badily Mltaent atlflnraa of tbflleg piinu. Iu hia yuiuh louiiuiio fougbl aa a aaldiei la Pi r Baaabmo u_-_iu-t tne Butch, inu rcuiembera tbe moat Bfla-bta taeta ta tbe n Ij ui of DonJoaa v i. >i. .i.m.., aud Iioiina Marta I St -flfllnaflny to tbfl flXtraordtaary ng, tt (.'oii.iiiiiul-ht.oiiii'.i.euo'i i.y the faot tbal be badel eu.ldren by 6 arlvaa, and i..> ju < uuiii i__. araudcbildraa. dMa'flMaiBBi-ftblli-~fi t¦'....' .*ii'it graiiduhlldrea,aad V)»;ro*l K'ie.H-M"»l Bflflfl-flb.Idrflfl. CHOS3-I ii 1) Dl.OAY.. Fro.ri i ti tu.'ii Ul TIa'1 Iforaco Uri-cl-y Ih b elected Prfaideat, aaa M_B paiile had flflBM. floB ove.rv a ,.r... l.t ln loe ta.id wuuid have r t<l nl.iiJ, " " ln luci, tbfl) did (ii n.i ¦-' 'i-1" advuii' .'. ibat tbfl eleet lua «l (..r-a.'ie.y floflld flbaJCfl Ibfl flhuli t/ihin ot the Liublic. oioiiiianii piu.'j.i- the iiimiiy lato i.unkiuptr anv run lt lt a-.im.'H .)¦ taet thal h tbfl avlta tbey prodlcted ui.u r t.i'-o.i'i baveflaiaw onder Qrant, uud 11 aouuia to liuJU.aw Uai Uie Otfatio Blfl i ._' *>i .'.'. THK ENGINEEB 8ERVICB. uir. work foi! mr ntj YKAii-wrur pkmaixsto BE m.M.-.'.ailH. ATll.KS IN NKW-Y.'KK. |raoa a kik.ii.ak oobhebpoudbnt or tub tbibiJWB.i Wa«iiin(;ti.b, Nov. 8..Tlu1 annual report of (iln. Hiimphrlei, Chlelof Kiiifirieer., bM been flobihed i.ml In tflfl Baafla of th*. prlnter. It krlrrn a d.tnlled de- M-rlpHou of the BBOOtOafl ou Oovenin.eul fortiiifiatloU- ou ttie aeik-eoum aml !¦_" fionti'-r durmu the year. Tbe fi.lluwlii. nre lm Myarta »u flMHBM lu BB rttale of |*0« Yniliau.1 vleinlfy: Fort I'orter, ntark Huek. near llnffnlo. V. T.. in ehnrg* ,,f iliij'or F. tlurinnid, ( orptt of t.uginetrt.. lliliv work r.niain" lu Hi" "iime eotiilltlt.n »» at the laul budhbI n- lM.rt extentiiiL'tliat iu aeitird-nire v Uit tlie nrovi«ion* i.faitoi rjaaanaa apaflwred Juh u. i87o. the Butfai.. l'aik (.'oiuiiiiHuiouei i eutiieu uixiii their prnjeet of 1,,'niiiif'iiikr tiie aroaafla, aod aave iiro_;rei_.-d tbereln, .-l.i.tlV luil.MVllii* ttie iippeiitanre Of tflfl BOflB. V.. iipi.roi'i n.tiiiU wa* made lor the BflfliU |B8fl8BflBBJ .|,ll.- TO, 1874. Nn approprlatloa a.ke.1 fnr ne*;. il-eal year. forl Mtigmo. ui'iiilh af MOfmrm l.irer, .\rw-Tork, in tkmrmtttMmJarJaAU M.' WiUon. Ootya af F.nginerrtt.. Thl-. wen iBhituaU.il iit tlu- iiinuitiot Iflfl NiaKara Kiver. ,-.iiiiii:iii.liiiK ita il. 1'iiin li into L ike Outario. Durin. tbfl pnat fto.-ul year tflfl fort e upou ttie work ha* li, ii.iii|'1ii>"I iu tointni'tlnif enn-work protottion at Wa-.tTi'' un.te of tlie t.irl, Jellle- ou 'ake fmnt, iiiukin. ,-mai tiaiik'tn_ poetara |atoa, ropalnaa oafltaaar-aBarfi and imner operatiuna necesmarv for tlio proper presorva- tlou <>* tl.e work. Ho oaacatlaaaara pflaaaaafl fnr the iireaent n-cai year, .itiier tli.m aie m-.t-sity for tlio pra .ervutiou of the Nt. approprtation was inude for tlie lbieal yoar OLiliUK June i'i, 1-7. Api>r..pr.ati»na.«kei| for next fUeal year. 8.8,00'.. t'ort tintiiiii). mo'ith nf Osirego liiter, S'rte-l'ork, tn ehurgeof MnjorJ'ihn At. Wilion, OttWO tf F.nginttri.- Thl* wotfc protooM IBO elty of Oiwe.o irom a auddea ultark or roitp ,le utnin, or thfl levy nf a conti'tbutlou tiy a auii.il loTOfl "f the eu.-niv on _hipt»>iird. Tlie work ln protrreM npon tbe fort is the rrpla.-iiu. of tb.- old-tluiber Miirp l-y tiioi- iliirilile miiteiial*. antl tbe liio.iitleatlou a,f ihe barbetta ror iha h.-avy moiiern orfloaaoo DariBB Hi'' I'u-t yar ofierations bave been OflflfllflOd to thaae aeaoaoafT f"r lbe pn.per < aru uud prenervation of tln- WOtk mul i.i.tl, ria'-. nu liaii'l Ni, .,(. i.itln.i- an coiiteiiipliiteil riurlii'* the prnariit |a v tar, othflf tnan for tiie 8888 and preaervatiou of Um arora tmi m .te.n.ii on Baafl. flo approprlatloa wuh mude for thu flueal year Bflflaflfl JUIH' ('. Ir)74. Approprlatloa asked for next flu-.il year, 880,000. furl ilonttjtimery, mtt'.rt o) l.ulce Ckamplmtn, v. te- I'or*, ii, rhtirge tf IttmCOtA John MtttttU, Oatrp* of t.ngineerv. .Thl* wora oceap40B hu Inpurtaai BtiatOffio pelot and ,,,!,,,, ,ii,'.i tha eatraaea to Luko cmunplain 18888 1'n'he- li.-ll i.i St. .Ii.llli ll'ver. Dartafl the jt,i-i ______ -raar ao w.irk bm m ao done ex- et-pt tiie OOtapletlOB of tln: wt.l'U of t.niL'tu.. lur tlie Bearp-watl* aud Biah-flMiB ol tha laafl-frontof aaaoad iton tf BaaUoa C, bj tae liiaoilloa of tie-rod*. Bo appropriatloa flraa bmhM tor tbe Baaal yaar endlng J mi i, 1-74. Appto.riation ka*.Ofl f»r next fl-cal year. $28,000. j-. ., tor tm -oofllAaaltoa ol the work, to aalt Ita ent to kvodera anoa. mve baaa fB-oparad hr tha lioard of Kntfiueer- Kr FortitlcatiouH, aml hlioulal Oe y.,rl iJ'iw*. Seirport llnrbor, tOttBt ttAWUt, in rharge .f MaforO, K. Pfarrra, Oaryma/ flaplaaara Dartap taa i,,i-i ii.... rear a large portloaol tha panpet (or tbe ii. iv .,i ..'*'' liatt-iy was eiiiiii'l.-ie.l, and pr.-. iii'utloii- '¦, ide fnr nn onauaotloB of tha maaaaula-tran raaa, ot wiu.!. will be rocapletod dai iaa the proaant aorklng -e.i-nn (_ irier- for tue eomtnandlna oSoer were tuiiit extenoi tu tho old work, oa a atea adoMod lor Iho qaar- ,..,,,: ,,, uie l irii-.in. Tne bow ruii'l-i and irraiiin. mt'i'-'l tor tlie ni..dl*le.l eonditloii of ttie work vfi'-n- ,:,'in,iietei1 previomlv. ¦]-|., .;.,, npti Btii n n-k'd fnr thefl-e.il >...r eadiaa jtii.e :t" i-"i. '."'.:< iiiplai' - a rn[n.i completlon ol tba mw b_.ttei.e> ropalia upon taa oid vacat. and BBfl) Amonnt approprlaMfl ttt BBB laeal y.at aafl.tB Juuo i", IH14, : Apprupri t tm nkked fnr nt-Tt n<csl year. 01 l",.w,i. Tn. vnik lm tha eurii-iit U-cal jroai wiii in- w.tolly i, ,e i io tbe new l>atteriea to i auxillarlea lo it, Dumpling'i BotUrw, Omtonietti Iitomd, Uhodt ltlnnd, ,,, ri.. ii. K. btirren, t'ovpt of Emgtnatrt. N,.iiiin. ii.i ui done -tt thia ilie d uiu. iha pael Baoal ,-,;r. BB 'J" .'!'"'''-V """ bo* bOOB lu.i'l'' Ior thfl Wuik. It ;-pi poaott toooaatraot her.- a barbeite-oa ter/ot beavj ipiua tadofead Ihe caiddle aatraaeo to Vairaflaa. IOU Ui'., ui r 'inn i't i.m wnli Poktl A.l.i'i'-. Ko approprlattloo v,a.i uia Jo fur ihfl 0 wai; iar aafl.fll .Inin M.1874. Appr.'i.ii.it1'"! oaked for noxt flseal yir, |e.',"X). PortHehuyler, h. t.i liiter, .'"- l'rhi. in rhurgi, of Ma j,,, U. I*. Amotj tiu-pi uj Bnytttatrt, l)m oa thfl paat iite.ti re ir t_ ilaraeaad J'.u .u^-nt I'CjLJv ar.h;« bave BflBfl BB|I| ju ln'.- L.'it.i from of t.fl MfllB work. AB af tiio BafOflfla M t'.Jh front hara b.-.n cov- ,i.ii to aad in.i-i.a, aad am trav- maaaaioe bidlt aad partlaltj eovar will laad. 'i ae ne r.i, ad .V iii Int ue -ii eoiapieted, Ia tb .rth- oaatlroat thaold ilotH aatafot aad aarad*>*walJ ,,-¦¦;,miil. Oui Bbutmeui aud iwo intera.dlata jiier< Ii.r.e bo. ii lm lt. and BBothfll aimliu. nt pn ne irlj. L-ompleted. Xwo itaao «rehofl Bare baea ruraiefl, ta taa ,i-i (ruatjODO ainu.ii ni /hi ,i io i.i.iii oiniiii ine il. [n the u-cua batterj, ompUbomenU foi thn. beav/ .-uni Ji.ive i'i" :i 1.,'nvi i'-'l. iml lmir n.t'.i r-. m.i;:i/,. ¦ t .mt i,, i weal opa.inteat, pan "i lha ., jin,i ii..,i ol ibe parnpet Bbtb beau uuiii and ,,iy for ir.im li t »nd t>"'i I'liu- Ataonal appropriatoal ior thaflacalyearoadlof STnae iiu 1871,81! 09 Apprvpi i.i.Ji'ii askeii for aaal lacal >eiir, Ih.o'jo. I tBa i'l --'iii '-' kl > iw it i pi'u,.iMi ,1 lo ootii- ),. -ie im- ,'nrili aiiU liorln enst, iriiiit- i.f |B0 u; i.u worfc j i, iii'icin n,i.ei tbe -i nn. oaal froat (tha '-ni) aaa maala !..a in iiii'itiiii, 'i.i.i to eoaUnaa upou ihfl .a-aua t v. ,iii any lurc. wiiicb eaa ba aparod from thk] Ii! 'Ml hnrt ul il'iV-f'r i'.'iii', fi/.'fei> rntrn,u-r i, Wtm*TtrB .a h'trje uj ilojui ll. L. Alihut, i trmtaf Btkf/a* dji ,i_ rn aaM ii'-.ii >' or Mn larao - tu¦>.' i7!ine WB4 ., Uiiii. led. Ti:>- Wflfll .,,.'. i k*. vi:.a aaplaflflflaaata for «ix aaaa ..uaa, aerrlee aiaaaalaea, haa baaa .-um- li, ludluj- iiin-tt i.r Ita BearwaU. Iho nlddle uat- i ii -i..iind ior on kiiiik, liai. heen pmhod forwaid a* v bbpraotieabla. i-'our aaaaooald oa Btaaateflal o:,.e, aad tnu liiii'i.,'itijiiiiile M provido ea*MPflB8flflBeaM for tn "'' ".- beflo w«'1 adTBBnwl Iht ea-t |. .i. in- D ei.uii, and IWO of !i« BflrriOO iii an . lllict HIO Wi II advuDtied. It BOflflflflBTp hix of IM sevi n mld if *.""u awMatfld, allhanarB thee*aplaoaaM,at< are uot JfotrofldjTi i'ue morUkr liaitory, piauiiod tor lf, mortara, U ao far adraaood IBat tbo pleeea eoald ln poaltlM at auy tlme. Thfl lliaui'iae.-i und iioiui proOfB aro 0*HOplet-Ml. .ni kppewprtatflfl lor tbo OiCal year flBfllafl Juno Uofloo. A|i;-ro|,riaiion a-iked for next fl.eal y»>ar, |7S,001. PurlBfllhaprflaaal ilicil year li Iflpeooofled88OQM p]l klie nnirt ir-bat ery, uud ..oiint OXt. uolTC n-|.u.r-. io i,;.. ,,i ,n': toeoi.ii'iete theoaatbatlerf lf praoocablo; DUfl tne tllliiii* of thr mldiile hattery, aud tlie t-x- t .-, .ii of tii" aea-.vall; an.l to baa*. BBOathOBOW caaemalflfl m rear of the ea.t ond of '.be mlddle i'o.'i i ,,!iimbiti, flotfrnrrr't ltlnnd. Wev-Tork fT'irhor, in ri urge of Lieut.-Vol. John Sewttin, i'urpl oft-.nyineert.. jjnrii'i; tl -. paal n_ial raar fifty-four ..ui.uiedi, ut iium aork.haroboea buiit, and 1,017 baaarlaatol drpaeae wall hare been imd alooa tho aaal hbore ai OororBor"B laUr 1, in fi'nit of Iho fort, the fflaflfl aaafl Bataa denved lapprapriaitoo fnr ooalliiaoaniofl ifl faBllBoalloaa Bo wi baa bee 1 doaooa tue now borbettt-Oattarp. Ko approprfattBB wa» mailo tor tue fl.cal year eudtni* 1871. Appruiiriiitinn aakod for next flseal year, tnjtot, Cn.'A" WBHam, Otatramr'i Itiand. Rtmttrh Harhor, i.i r'oirgt tf l.ieut.-Col. John Nevlon, furpt aj F.n- ,/i- mri. -Ni.tlilii ( uaa boeu done at tiii_ work diirlujj tne Mii 'l C tl ftmt, .South llattr.ru, tlovrmor't Itiand, S'ev-1'ork llarbor, in rt.iirge of JAeut.-Uol. John Neulon, t'orpt of tin- trinrrrt fffflBlBfl na» bueu doue al tuin wora duriuK iuo pMl i-nar. t'ort ll'ifOf., lledlne'i Itiand, Wmt.TtTO llarbor, in el. irge of I.u ut. t'ol. ./'i/.Ji .V-iWo.., Curpt uf Kn- tkntert.- rhia Worfc, toi;etlif r witli IhOOB iiiH.nl.ovi.ruor'a I.I iad, 18 d'-Mifc'i.ed lo tli.r.' (lin eiitraiiee to Ihe K4-I uud II dfiin l(ivnri-, aad M eover New-York, part of llrook- lv 11, BBd Jer-iy *'ilv from ibo boiut.rdmeul of a bontlln Iini in Niiw Yurl K it Inn .un iu.' i'li.t 11-. il yi'nr work BBfl been eonllued to taifii'K the p.tri.pet aml polnllui* aml ceuiouliiiK lbe iujh'arlnes of tbe eimrlnr l.atterv. Ni appropnaiiuu waA made for the fl-tcal year endlu_; June M. 1874. Aiipiopna'ion aakoal for next fUoa! year, |4",noo. r'ot! llumillon iind aitililuiiutl batlertet, Sew Xork /Tiir- hi ¦-, t.i cfinrge of Lieul.-Vol. John Sewtun, Ourpt uf J-inginetrt..liinii'iK tbo paul tUcul year tue nea-wall of i.ulteLy No. 1 W_wi rouiploted 'uiairailuea Nm. 1 aml J tii.viiTieeii bullt aud are complule exoepl pla.iterlux out- M'l- tuaatazitie No. 1 liaa beeu run upilo Hprini* 01 areh, aud ihe foiiiiiliitinii lor uiairaiiiin No. 4 BBfl ini-ii e.v 1. 1 ei, 8.41.41 uiuo )i.rd.. 01 oarth bav.- alaa baaa aajnafl aml niuiiued Ifl thfl Baradfl of ibi tiatturv. Ataonal appiopriatod for tbe ti»t .il >ear eodms June 30, l1*"!, 840.000. Appruprtiktioti asked for next fl-,oal year, 106,000. 'tne op. r.iti.ia-1 10 be tiuderiakau for tuia battery dtirii g tbe p.-e.ent Qaoai year are, tlui.iuiiir No. ii iubku- /;ii. ,111.1 ImililliiK No. 4, ei.n.aiKiiiK aml flflilfllOB IflflTO i.i. ln uml parapni aud eartJi tover of maKaiiue-i, uud la.lii_ woodeii ifiin ulatfui 11.1. ttortur-battery at Fort Uautiltnn, he*- lork Harbor, in rhnri/e uf Ltrut. t'ol. John .\etrtoit, tJurpt of t-.i.ju.erri lf,. .2. lbe paal il ,.i year u.e nuii.aiiue» aafl iraveraett bave t'l'eu BOrarafl wilU aoil and -i-d.lf.l, tiie . ktni.ir andii.terior bIoihb of part of uie ballery bave 8808 Vriitlct aud _<iii.je,l, aud eiravatmu for dralua uaa be.n eiiiiiiiiriined. FuiiHfur tnir v,o.k were il.-i.veUir.iu. lb. .> neni! appropnaiion for inortar-natteri*-, Tha np-ratioii. >et lei.iainiiu i.u Ihoflerrloaaf thifl liiier> uro lbe tlm-liiu|: ol Uin Ur_itii, layiu^ woodou* pbttforoiB, and uradlu_ tbe U-rreplem. rUrt Wadnrorth, Stattn Itiand, MeirYork Iftirbor. in rtutrgt of Mujur <i A. UtUmure, Corp* of Fngtneert.. 11- v,i< iidiuiit-1 wer.i aiado u.i iii iu.-vki.r_, uuriuat Ibo ul year. Bouie ol tne lua-omy re«_uire« puiuiiuar, iiewabot iiedt uro iino.l.-.l on ibo l.-rrepieiu, tue icuaril liouio roof sbouid be paltm-d. und tne diteli requirea al-ii.i.i- "in un tbo M'ii- uoit Port lompkina, a lar<e ijiMiitity of Hand and cla> buvuur beeu _.._b.'.1 ium it lrom Ihfl in.i.u Hlope. Tu.trn are otlit-i all.lu roomir* to be ui' nde.J lo. > oa ute of Fort Tompkint. ftete-Tork llarbor, in thorot ol Uujor Q. A. UiiliAore, Curpt of tAiigiitceri.-tbe ai'i'iopi'ialiou fOI lliia woik Uia ii.-.i.i expuiided 1.1 |.r,t- puiiLi;. OiplaoaflMalfl lor u< aru.a.ueut, aud 111 tliiiaiii.ii' Up i'i, eai 111 work 111 far a* lt wua poaaible lo do to. J ue i.i,nn ti,..de Bpeelalljr appli.aM.i in liut cirili wiiiti 111. mity ha- been ,|.-v.,ti .1 mo.tly 1.. .ia<Hnrf lue ¦Uotfl and iiiliuk' iu tim btrte alope la irout. iiunuj tlie iiiiNl flai-.kl yeur lbe Bwauip at tlu, 10 il ot lue MflOifl uext Barfl Tork-ara haa tmm tiu.d m aud dr_uu»,i me (.-'it-ii nortn uud nonu we«i of tba Mcl .1 beea fra led aud niuUe n-a.ly for a-teduiK t'l.tti, tbe enrili flilliiK of ooser-Iaoeou lue tii .uue .-lrom ii.i.nt two IhiriU 11,,,-uiit, oad thfl Baafl butwr-t-u it aud .no KCiirp wall iiiu.ii- l.-a.ly f..r niii.tiluiir/i 2. Tue 11 ii. .rn k ot llo- BflflfliBIaa and lbe 1...1.-0111 > aud 8*8118 an, k of tmt trutt-r- 1 I'l-iwoeu tho guu. wero tluinJud, IBd thfl Urioplelu madt loady lor lha kuu ulailniu... I'liu naaoary of tbe parikdi-coplun aud tlio uurin iiu.l 1.1,iiii -ii niaay.-t waa lompi.tieu. lue parado waa irrude,1 0 tho prupar referoaoa. Tuo oanu UiIiuk ot tu.- Utao alope 111 Imiit of iuo fort waa u.-ariy rtuiai.ed, aud will n 11 .iiu,., ii rrac.e,l, aad ajddad ailor It Ium iutl nmn lo riiUio lu" o-jouielo iiuarvoa-n lu Ibo eou-u-wu.. and amth_MN were fnrred wlth M_£ M-lWflflflflB flflBlfleB la the aeeond tier cimmenect Tbe Iron ¦*'*<>"'» »*¦* of terreple.u of rhannel frout waa put ».*».* ,w° H.airwa'.- loadtng from the paiade. »°1V u?rt ra waa to aeeotninodate the np|-er tier <,f caaemate *iu»rt. ra waa eotuph-ted wlth four Hta.rweya. _nflin_r Jiidb A.tiouiit apprupnutcd fur the flacal year endlng June AppMprintlon a-lted for next flaeal year. t*";.". Durlu^ the pre-cnt Bjeal v.ar tl.e w..rb wlll " P«* par.d for Ita armiiment. tbe iruuplat< nrm- .ugon hand r.-adv to lay a.t toofl aa the ear th tlllimt « n which tbey ure toreit hut. l.eeome siifflcleutlT eompiieteii alcu-uHun llixllrry tnurth .f F.rt Tomitkina). BU'ien hlund, Seic-Torl: llnrbor, rlmrge of Atujor V- *. *J» i more. Cmtvt of Sngtnttrt -ThM hattery aafl comi-I- »te_ tlutinr the ye ir BBd Htadfl r-ady for Ita armatneut. Ni. furtherappruprtatloit Ia aaked. - tilunt Hortur-Huttrni (tonth of foH Torn,ikint). Stnt-n lslnnd, Seir-tork liur bor, in charge-of Major tj.A.UW- more, Ceept af Bnginamm-TbiM hUttery wa. flnlihed durmit th.-Iimi flau'al leur ln leudinoas fnr ita artna- uiei.t, wlth the exccptlon of the lnncr masuiim-..oor* und lainj. do-. :., to ix "Kme .lurinj. th. proa-Ut work.uu Beaaaa. No uppr..prlationo-.ked for. linttery Itutlson, Stuten li'und, Ke* York lVtrbor, in rharue uf ilujur 6 A. Oillmort, Corpt of l.ngineert.- i>urr.,_.the lant flaeal year the oM _l(btboaae atanding outbnparapetof the noutli I.ie.a of t-ii* hatl.-ry wa r. moved' aad the aatraoefl rciauuiiK-walla mi tnttAv ¦lopea "t the two tr.ia.r.e aaaaaUMI uext to it were i-h.iiiK '1 Ina more je.-title fl-»iw*. On tbe tae« looktaa «»¦** tblflfl 10-tiirh -.nna were dl.- niuuiitetl BBd Ibfl platft.rm. r.-iuovcd pn-parutory lo . nn ii.K out tbe eontemplated mudillcatlona ln tu.- p.u tion'of the hntf. rv. Ofl* IWoob front-plnfl" p<. tiuneut tiiatforin ti.-ar tl.e un«a) waa parttally conatru.-ted. [a tbe OKtenaloo, ih« rfltalatag waua an.l carth-worr of two traveraa B__gaHnea w. re ehanged to m..j-o aenue alepea nnd the oun-r ti.a_rarin.i-.luora. were luiiiK- l"e flve wuo.len irun plutforiua fur the ezten.iion are 011 h iud an.l will he laid dttl uu( tbfl pr.a.nt WOl-Ungeea-oU, and on tbe eaat faoe itx pernuiient platforioa aud he ar.heti pattag-fl aoeth of the north prmcipal BMBjaaiaa wlll alao be flnlihed ,, t Aui.uiit approprlatodfortbotaefll year euIingJunc Api.r'upii'iiiinn nsked f..r ncit flaeal fflflf, fin.OuO. Huittli llor'ir Hut'eri/ iiu rmruf litilterj llmUutt rjten- #1 ia) Ut U' 11 lslnnd, New-1 url: llurbur, IM churyt. of Moj r u A. iHUmort, Corpt of Lnglnr.ert..liuimg th la-t 11-..il raar tba BUMoary an'd e.»i'tn-work of the aouth brauch ul the hattoiy und tho eosereta fitundutiun.. for the fuur oiortar platturma wi:re.-..m|ili.-ted. Dnrtaa tbe pi'-Ciit tvotkini. ..ea.on the hutt.-ry wlll he flnl.-hed. wltb tbe eiciptiuii of tbe niaifaz:u> -d....rn and the i-iiilit Muodeu phitforuiH forth.. mortara. Horth vii_t l.ii''ry. Btotea laload, Ntw Tork Hartor, in rhur ;¦¦ ui Major b. A Oillmort, Oorptof Enginmtn. Uurinic tfle l nu il-. al year tbe eartb-worb ami aoildimr ..vertiie two priu.vpul tnaifiline-aud the maaOflry umi oarUl-woik iu aolid traver.--ue.ti-tho ciut. r -un- coiu- ploted, rhe aradlng anU aoddlofl of tbfl large alope m n- ir w. f oompL. lai, aod tbe addltlooa to tbe wloe-wam audearih.... 1 nf tba old traverflfl toaitaalneaad an bod psaaaae-wai naarly oompleted. Tbelaylng <if IheaBO- platfonm iwii becompietad daiiag tba fnaeal aorbtal M .-ui. . So aeparnte approprlatiou la a'ked South vit<f i-iti y, hlnum UUtnd, Stw-Tork llnrbor, in thnrgt ut Slnj.ir V- A. OUlmort, Oorptof Engouurt.- No w..rk wnt tb.B tm- iiatury ilanu-. tue laai Bacal ha beyi.nu lu preaarvatloQ uud repalr. Ihe autbocized luodilt.iatioii-. n.iuirc tl.e hupprcsuiun uf aome platforma for ir. .m.i mnl-, tbe ciiu-truciiuii i.t four traveraea, iu .-iu \inx twn traveraa maBBbtnos, moilitle.itiou uf the <>!d traveraea, and tba coBfliruetl.'. oaa eatraooea to ':.. priueipal BagBBioe, Th. »o Mill hecoiuuieii. .-d BB Iflflfl aa fnnda are availabla for tbe parpoae. The ezpt-mlllurea fur tl.e KoTtb ( llff and *-o-lth t.llfT batterieaari made from tbe fott Tumpkin. approprla- t 'uu, ttiii im .1 parate approprlatloa la aabed lor, fariai Ban '_ Book, Btw-Jermg, in eAarmt »f l.teut. CoLJoAaBn m, OorptofBnginean..DarlngtM paal ti, ii v. ir 1 /.Ai i- .tl'-. bave <>'.-") holit foi tbe protoetlon of tbe -.ie, ooa iheel ptltaa,M feel btttg,aui one of oeder piiae aad Imub, IM feel lenaj tbe condltion or ibe i.i.acii ti.t- tbe whole extont, aa afleotod by tbej. ttlea bal t ii-. 1.1 th. I. ctueerD partiaent.U very good. N.i approprlatloa y.a-, mmlr u.r the 11 «al ye»r .nitnitr jiine M ffl. No approprlauofl aaked iur neal n-< al year 11 Ohte Bngtueer ..-.. n porti oa tbe condltion uf lha lake hiiii.or-, aiid i.iaki eatimatflfl for .;>\'t' priationi for the "".' .' 'C Ko. tn-' ii.it'iioi ..1 I) ii.ki.k-. 1100,000; i'uf- falo |«0o,o_o; Aicott. HO.Otx); Oak Orouard. to romplete . 'v,, k, f.0,01 .'. tifitm; Pultnci > l< gtl idtia, fni.e": Litllc -1 >d .-. * O.O-W: Oaweiro.l ii'.i."i.|iur.', M.0-0; Wudtllniftou, tl0,0». Piattebarg, |j7ooo; Koudout,|t*_,_-0; PoriCbeator, iflflMviagaaakea rock, _k.. MO^oo. i.'eti Huaipbrtflfl reporta aa foilnwa nn removlnj: r>b- ¦tractlona in 1:1-1 Biver, lucluuina Hell i..u Ibfl ..mi gallerlfla al OailoU'a Pfllal bflflfl baea .»¦ teaded. ,. , The lrimh'-r of feef of tunnelt nn I _r .I'- r; - drlvcn dnnng tbe ye*r waa 1TS1 llaaaf feef, aad tbeaaaatlty 01 10 k rouoved tfibi ublc yarda. .IrillniK haa, heen done i.rinc|p:illy by Ihe - liur l.'t.'h" .inii, orlvefl bj rompreeeed air. The operat-oai hav.- bitnerto Mua eoadocted wltb 1 rtew to explore tbe whole area lo be removed md tbere remaina lor tt..- eompletloa of thit pai 1 or tb. .]>. ratioi 1 ttie BdditlooBl drlvtag ofidwat i.i'iw Uaeevieet o. taa. l).-|-."»»- A~u~'*^" IflBP *" OatraHontofQ - Mmm intll ig teou..AlDiaatond tUtf: Ttrelvt boli were drilleaandblaated, aad toreei urfaeo* blaflU made, aod en tona of brokea toek were tafeae ap i.a ibe rrappllng maebine. Al Fr/11,1; Fun: Beveutflen hiilr'.l '-air dl Hl I Bfld blaated, indll.ortaco-blaata aere caadfl. lt PoiMoeh: Tht tot a aaoborcdoa iiii-. r.-.-.' in Au- t_ ial aad remaloed until Deoember, when ih.- niyuiu^ icrmadel n ceaaary to move Into Winter guartora; u bolet un-.. ilrtlledand blaated uud 00 _t.i;iu-inu.'<t_ and .: inrface .laata w_re tn ..l tbe - -" 1-1 '' ii ed ia itu 11 'nn. h whlle 00 Ibla r.¦.-.*, canatBg Ireal ,!" v '*' Iba opt-ratl»aa by mabioa 11 ii.-rt... tr., in many caeoi, toaeoddivcn down mr tho .1-1,1 tue cable-chalna, whieb were brokea hj llaiona and to evoneel them. Am-uDt t.tilt.,:, Joiv 1, 1^7'.' .|21*3,8fl . .''3 irt..f vi.H, 3,1873. -..'j.i.oo 00 ii.,, t. ,. .. 'imi. t, .ii.,. j. 1 »73 . 27. HM IS .7. iii.!- .iui. I, 1873 . A: a ait ' ;.; 1 f... tnrA ,, ar pBillll^ Jni'V'l). IsTj.. 40'' 0 '"I 'llu; oili -r iu cbarge reporta thla aa taa Bdalamm to work witu X'lud li a t. Ir a euiiiineii.i.'uiini la made oa I'ln.ul Bo. k it wounl leijnir. |.-.'io..n_0. i'..r removal of aaak. o %a racb In . baoael v. .n ottt ifldy Bi-ok,IT.000 -i.lJitj.it) i_ reqaired; f.<r Unpruvutueut of Hudaon Blvar, b. twoon Troy and Kew-Balllmurfl, tlOt/M', N-'-port, K. 1,121,00..; I'urt Jefl_reOD,|34,irjt). POIITICAL VEBORALIZAT10X DAnaaa ot oTRBEamiATDf- thb coaitrn* costdi- tion ki nt k rtii.iin -. From Tai 11irtfur* F,et,.ty fott. It wonlil bc i.lli) to pretend that .ill our pillllll' llllll .ira flfllfltfltOr tho -it.lfTullt af Whlfl.ll '-.tlll tia ai.- iii nni: ntiired ; nevtrthelia-- it la ii(iuilly Wlde of the mark'to repnaent tb. ui as totally Bapraved. Now aml tbaa a ta ni. r, aearj of tue endleafl tao * oi aetttag BBflttere rlgbt, brsaka oat m uttei ttoeualr, aad da- BOUBOOfl tbfl whole iniiltical alrui-.turc aa rolteu fl. IU top to botioui. Boob a oae waagtveB tiu.. lea.iiaa plaee ta Taa Tuiiit sk tbe otber dajr. Hewaiimir the nabloo ..f uuu of hraiti.i Bfld ri'Bpect.iidl.ty to deaplaa the ile'tiiiU uf potttlea, h auin he-. ont lu tlu- a* il.l IM M aLlm. tka tbumh ol ti.tt.ltrlt_r.itli lt ikruit iuUi 'tli- nicrli ij iaated trhrri, j__t_\ ..ri.^i m.l bulan.. t of r.it_plri trticm tue but. Li-r tl. pa fr.im tbf .'larabl.-, to mr kaaab to i.rrprri law «_I j,!ini_i,itr ja.tic iar ri'--_ghl«r ia.: rtnlilri _nak'-t l-t»l Ior Ibr t>r_tec:i_.i .f |.fe aa- proprrli loat 1,rowr r llflana. wbn Ontt thrir tnur katVMa the rorrapti.iai <>f P'.lin.t-O'l tie plcaturet of tbt hratl rl bi.i.t tbr hatlol- hoi.t au.1 r.mm um r__H aml choote all oScn. rinal tt Icgulttita, anl jn.li.iali a tilli(e juttira aiu at tho bn. nf tbt trpirtuiral of -i.ame app.iaiK thr primapl. (,f luimb.r r... MB ibr uati.ii.al _o_kkrrpiu_. tad (Viiiut at aprcia tt-arapiiui with Itra or BMM pi-t ba<t ut bilf lollirt eoMailfll ,-i...._Vl irt-1 a BaaaM in whi. b tnr ('brtitu. itatrimtn baa corroptlj pur. I,a_..l a > il lo tba nir of itranktrti tnl .Iowdi tbr ¦i..k, thn cbarlaiia, tbeStlar; llrabbat wrauiflr ta tlir H.,u-r otrr abnrarti..i',s .f (aolitu-tl ladliaa, nh.tr tbat uuitr in abitri.'.ium fmni tbr Trra-tart, tbr loB-I htll .tuifrr rartitrt th*'cnatoina ..r-ltthbutrt tb--mailt; tba t.ixr, from iha paopie anJ tba rrtrunat of tbr t-oraram. nt tift thr."i_t * loo. pro.-. i- tion of ilcftui-rri t:il llu. taa, wbo pet kf patty mttttm <,<r ibr priv- ilr/ta of plti.ii.r. aa.l r.uut iiuuuui__r«d rr--_. j.n ol Kxtrutira pariloa tl tbr tunranrai nf hnmai,:,) Now, lt muy be ih.it nome ver.i had BBB atfiiu pftMBl- Ufl-nce and power iu the local polilicx of VflW-Torbaad iiotue other luriie citit-a, but to uie aueh eflflflfl at t) uloal ln driiwinir ti plcfure of the polltlral flimd'tioii of tl.e ooantry. la aotonij foohab, uut uuwi.c aiav nnjurt. lt mav'lie that here ut botne, wbere tbe real atate of tbe caflfl Ifl tnoWfl, euch fuatlau may do no aerioua harm ; but Thk TBlBUBB ia a repreaeatfltlve tooraa) that ia read ahruad, aud aueh a de.¦I.trat-on aa we bave qnotfld, gtvefl tbfl moet prominent place ln it.t columna, wul be read ai.rii.nl br i*eople wbo..e i_....d opiuiou we crave, aud a falae iniprea-iou wiii he couveyed. The en- emiea or repuhlit-ai.l.m will lind lu lt couflrmatlou of th.-ir i-lalin that the piople are incauuhle of aelf <uveru- inMit. for lf the Amerlcuu Kcpuhlic ha* fallen ao low, what bett.-r eouid ue huped trom uairaraaJ atiffrace in coHiuuiniti.aa lena favoredl Tho truth of the mutter l.i that the atato of tUliina p.-i- trared In tho extraet above enata only tu tiu taUtftaattoB of tbe wrlter. There are u hundred lot-ii. bOOOfll and retiMctalilo ai the worid gnea. who takflaa aottvepart aad peraonal Intereal iu poiitica f.»r oue "low-hrowetl riiffian" wah anj Influeint; he)on.l tbfl eircl.- of bla U.ioii eoaip.fltOOfl. No ; ourparlluaand pnlilli i.iu-. are uui p.rf.act and alu.VC linpr.r. t-iin nl. but they are not totally depraved. Th. io in yi-t a itood deai of hotietty aiul luuioralilc foell?i|_ .iiii.il^ Ihe " Ui.-u llt pt.iititia," aod the puidic wrttor who .,-i.r, .n .oured flvar lua work aa io faticv thut th whole thiuic ie gomt ihe dflflBflMkaaa aerlOOa ui take. Iu .t.i.-h a Jturual aa i mk Tiiih. m ln-injnren th. cuunl.y auiom. ita frlenda abroad, and uiudera th.- eauae ol pul.tn al reloriu al h.uue. CO01YTT BLBCTION8 IX ILLISOIS. A WU'INC. (»t*r OF OLD r.lltTV LINIV-.. *r_wi The t'Mragu Trt'.-iar We.prinl. elsewlioid HM oflionil r.liiriiH of the iecinuia iu W uui uf t'io Iui eoantna. lu lliinolt, li-uvlnt. nn1. eljflit t.i bfl heard froui. Kiity-uuie ol the»« coutttler have oeeu earri.ai tav tne F.umer-", or Anti- Honopolv. tlelteta 15 hy Uie reirul tr K.-iiuhli.'au or|(ab- l/.aliou. and 17 by the li.tnoeiatt. In li eountlea, iin .udinx (a.'k. the ittue waa forriiftl to partv |K)lltlc_. Df the r> uiauuuK alghl BOflflltflfl not yet heard aai MB BflVfl hert'lottire ii.'.n lh niix ratic lu polltn-. and two Hei-uhilcau. Tue Ktrimu-, or batt'lloflflpoltflta, have oupuaed ooth tue old pariut In Ibfl IBM OflBBJNMgfl. In tai'. reaiteut their vu-tori baa t.eeu ultuoil uii|> n allt-l.il. Tuey Oave carried li) ciutilei acaui.t the or. inl/.atioti ot (he Denuieritic unii theii p lolicau party.whiebflVer bappeaed aa bfl tba maBgaai in the parth-uiir county of ooutewt -viliile the K'puhiii'aii and DefltO eiattc p.trliea lug -ihi-r liavo only BBIIIad v8 BBBfl li-IH. \ >e ir Af ,-\ ai v t-..unii lu tbe Platia wu., iii tlie poeneaaionof one ur the oilternf thinld p.i.t-et Ifl-dal tin > caiinot toaflflbea ¦baaaa Baaaa iaaa .u uut ut iu-i. .lUoii il ." reiiK'in'iri-eil tti.it thla la tlu- tltnl eaiupuitru a.i tii.nir |a« Atiti-Muunpiiliata a< a dir iii.-t pirtv, aml that their urKaiilaaliou haa beaa batflMgflfli un- aud li teKUiar, luia aeliiut eiue..l tt one tuat maa will niaUe tue uitl iiun potltb vatii ii u.i ..e. Tbe roauli la an Indtca* catiou of a ueiterul vriinn.; nut of old pai la.-. in lliliioia, ik wril a-, lu Wta.HMfllB aud Iowa. Tui>iii.b llua ri-ui.iraabie auoflt-aabaa beau aaal ifld BBBflB i ie name of "Karmri-a" und "Antl Munoptilmta," ll nn-ina aotnri- tliiiia. uit.ri-'hiau a tlrlniinined aud witle-ipr.-ad tituve itiiiul aicaiuai ihe mouutuilv ai.in.". ot llie ..i,i-,i.,,|- |i la IlkewiAe ii priite.n utfali.ti p irl, iih>ii..|> ny ami party anutea ou aii Bdam xaaPattann' Mflveeaaut ta [iitaula ...'ei ua c.i>uu..iv.'U..H. uui iiioi.i io laiirn.i.i abflflfla mmm to tue aataiy <iab, aud ibfl tU.iUaau.l-and-iiiu- laniili.ir iu tl.i netm iii Ii au.i prat Iiiii .1 bv ImiIU l.ei U'lpu.'.! .au aud li'imo'itaw iniMiiiil lil..i't_Ji. FINANOIAL PlSOUSSIO-f: HOMF, EXCrHK POK KXPAJWO*. T* Ihe r.ii.n.r i.r Thr IriMn*. Sib: Mr. FemMindco oucr>, whilr hc wafl flfc- retary of ibe Treaauiy, bad lu corternplatio-) an im- portani tloauctal uieaaure, butbeini* oneartaln MaflBBBflJ Itr eoii_->.|iii na ,;*. aeut tor two einlnent bankei. of New- York to beiiotlt by th.ir view* upon the aanjcct. Tboaa (wo t-.i ni ne n liuiii.'.liateiv r. i|><,n>l>-.1 to Mr. PflBBflM vitution, aud in tbe lntervlew witb luiu.al l*n txifinahti of wiii. ii ho MataA bbi piapaaafl oieaaure-- r:in_-ed thciiMfHaa on oppoalte ilde* of lbe au'Ject with ureaf promptnf>Hi and a srood d>-il of Uoat Tbey nrt-ued tho <-ik-tion m all Itfl bearini** pro ..nd con. and at tbe eiul lefr tlie f^eeretary m nnd.-eM'"d aa he Iind BBBB 88 BBfl openlin* of tht eoiiferenee,. Bfli bo tbunk ..I bia vtaKon. for thelr attendance friankly udruKted Iii* perplexlty, and sald be would eoa- f iit them ou a future 88888888. and aaked tBe-n Iu the meaii tlme to give tbe -ul.leet tbeir r_--| tliou«'.»¦ A fi.rtniKht latf-r he called tbem to . a. BBafl mti-rview. bBBfllaS tha iiiiui im ii' "f tb'' 18881 tirv wikon he found that lu the mt. run bi-. vialtornba lev.t.t - Iiauired fulea and wi.na.I'itol, raut offlBJ hotlieriiow an tfeey had Ik-.-b . n(lie.,riii..|oii.if'!,.'!1r-t HflBttBfll Mi. VBBBBhBfla. II ii i.il.l, miin- than oriee flflflBMfl- hi- lie]?. f HflM I' ""'. waa BBl a t-elenoe, und lnatanc. d thw pireuin.tance. Butl. I*. The late paiitf aeeiua to have t-nnfnted a lur«e part of thepul.lle niind, flflfl tbe newapajwra teein witli < r.nle notioua MWBfBBJ 8BBB8B_flBi uot tbe leaat .m.l moat ahaard of whieh l- that UM HBM fl >t Bflflafl for reKun.lBH Baak piiynn bMI it m fooii-h, »nd *..-.« Maa n aHat. t<> indiili..) tbeconiuion happme-1 of aayinfl "J '"id yoo no!" Nor U tt wortb wbil. to -ipeeulate upou tue < aiihea .)'the panie. Tbofuiiof any irreat bou-vft waa aIfuo-4 et rt.iiu, la tkfl tlumul onditlou an it titood on tho iMhatBepMaahorlaal. to pradaflfl B. T..u faii of thu hoaaa of lajr CBefca aaald aai ta* M tta mbbM. TuiiThlil BB, tiie BOZl day aft' r tflal (v.nt.ri|.htly drv- r-crlt.i-.l it ii ii tliu.il.rl<o!t. A BflB.flM exuiupleof tho lastaat efltoaM ot Hflfl IhaiflhWhiilf haa been MM tome: At the tlme nf the 1888000180 of .!../.'ook*. a c< rfaiu p8M travellin-fxhlliltiou v.i<> ln CBfltfB- l'e!iii.y:v,k:na, probablv ai Harrl-iiiirir, at any rate near that r'.ty. lp (o the very day of tlu-utinf.uii.-einent of tne fallure, tbi* BJNBflflfltahdaaUBMMl hai piivod M crowdedaudi BOBBi from that <lay forward flaflOflflfl M pay ipen-tat lli" iiiHtirn-of the ih.jj.Iii- imt the learned ln pi.'ltieal i I't.iiotiiy,'..ut IL'i-u who ltlior Bfltfl prompt to wara tlii't'i uf fholiiii'-iidiii-rtiani.''-'* in the laflflfltrlBB pi tht .'..'intry. nmi they dld not Wflfl fflB th" MWtOW tO hBBJB tbeir pioparalMaa Baw Boa thtm laatthota wore events have nlnee BMBBtfBBtB. I have BMflfl Mflfl.fl ol knowlnir. Bfld Ihaffl i- flOBd gfOflM 1 (Ot BBYlafl tliat thfl lli- ManaflM "f woolen and cotton uiiiM aml 88888 iii.ijiifa.'tiire. li. the New-Bafln.fl Btatflfl al ,'.e, Binca the 13th ofSeptemher last, bave thr.wn out of employ intnt RO.OiO u.lilt BOrflflfln.aad how many more will bu ldlo before Nr-w-Yeai'-. DOf H la iinp.i.--.'.i') ttf. Bul if New-EnKland he any fair iml BB "f Ikfl operatluii of "tb-p.iii_"t.h-i«flhaai ::ie uo«ali|.lt Mvadraaflaaal BUflBrtBfltO UM poor and B8.tfltj uml cm-urr*...iit:ul to ti-- rieh. B/hal tho aaaatiy waaM :-, not laaraad aasajraaapa Utlflfl] eeononi**, but retn. Um for linannal evil*. Il reniedu - bB wlthin the pow.-r of the OorflrBlBflali thf Oon .i.'u'iit i- boaad Mtkpplp thein. The Oovernment ii inale for tlm p. iplf. BOl the p,-ople for HmOoTOBB );,. nt. aad IM duly m, uoi M aafaraM it ¦* latere.u (raa tiif.:-. Inil ta BSfltelM .very fuijclioli for tbe.r beiieUl. .; . |,i',,. intii.t! iri-t'i't of men'* he:.r:-i. ant) it I* rtrtallv -". and be will admll ita exiitenee, al anv r ito, v. I,. thl r n_.Lt Of WTOBB, WhO known tlie alm >nt iin.mi um,ii publlc Boaumeat of Ihe people of Kear-iora. iv'h it tbe r. n.eiiv I if *"- are Koraraod by the 1r-«..ti-.if c-iKi-fi" Ibeanirwer wtlt liist.n.rlv i<e-tha> ihr Treoiura mottld extend relitflo banki. There are ib tb- li-.a-irv-.i-oitNtni lo 0.-. if ll.e pail.lu l* not do- LClved afl tO itl eniiilitiou |41,'kN). 'k) of le_ml tonti ra. eniiiiiioi Iv. ill'-il "tl.e r- -terve." It wmild I. d'ffl.-ult t,,., ..ri.e iiu exacl uracterof tln- "reaerre, n.tr ll ii i.ee.i-ary to do -" fl ."'"I 8081 "f coiiflii t of Mflfl. mn txi-t- ni rolation lo it; but witbout doubt all eonill, I oiiirht to be reeolved In favor of the pubUc lntereet j ut otber worda, itilu re--rv" iho*ald l.- M applied as Imme- dialelr to kriv" |tllel to thfl -itf- iiur niereantile an.l ln- luatrlal mter >U of the coJamanlty. Tli.au tbe ¦h.-I-. ..«, ..ftiijiai."'" iu it-i'e!i.-i"ii-1.. the preaenl Bn io il i. < v )_vi.ev Tli.-eiref "tij-fti"t. to tiiifl la t)i«-d-ii ih no. t.io'ui' llto «ii>- uit ui merely ap.-eulatlvo opinion*. or aniorla.^lUltr'kfl'ie-tr.ld.- e.!l.'.:i'll¦¦!.- "f U v.iiim-iit wTeiinWtcriv ,..-i-.r.it" tbc^Ouvernnient from tha n ...... l luui-y^ Jh'-ir laaareaM dlattaof. n ; no -eeii, ablo<^ ."Jtup.-ehend the Droad ,:,--,........ betwflea a pera!afl_ftl »fJ*" -*k*ttmm vf tbe itirr-n.-v .md a JudicU>_I «frt,t,gee [" "°,_ .-,,,.-,.. publie .1 kfreaa. It ia nol w..rti. RkiM, «i ttnjO -n> over tae trlte blatory of Enall-d- poaiefl i*n*reti bf iu- wi., prompl action ol Kuvlian Minrl*.*r4i vihal ,\ rybodj kdowi )-. ni.it im- F dcral AdmiBlaTratlaa ,,¦ power to rellnVfl t he p.-..pte aml li bonnd to exer ei-eit. At> ut tha r. iiiedv. there ara ao tw« oatai-wfli butaatoita appHea-lon tbere ur» muny, but uot, bow- ev.-r. m tln- buainea* world, There tbe BeatlneatMa u 'lt, aml If the matt.-r wero -'iiTiili'.-d for (helr artlon, or tbat of thfl whoM paaoh*. UM tatotot wnul.i nnt i^ doubtiul; a ia. i oi a. little laiportaaofl i.» -p..uia.ivfl ii.i.i 'illra free-trade political efOOOBiiat* Ofl the ou? b.ti.l. aa ii ii- inetleetlvi- Iii proeurlna aetlon upon (i.« part of a woak aad falterinc Adminittration on tb* oib.r. Ihavi llltle doubt that aome bOOBflfB Who, a nittntii ai;ii. weie very earne-t BKiiuiat tbia uiea*.:i-e of I, |tel MiHilil tie-lav tM- vt-rv eume-t ln favor of It, il lbe* vv. re e.niHUito.l bytbe l'reinlent aud bi# Bflfliaiary or tln- Tf.-.'i-urv. * * * * v rtfl-.0Claaa1.llTI. WRRVBB TO ..PEI IE rilMIIH A DL'TY. N To the Fdilor of Thi lrtbune. Sm: \\ _.n the JSiipieme Court of tlu- Uniled ftale*. by a uiaiortty of one Junti.e, de.-ide* u queattou of law, we re»*ard tbat <iucktion ,i-»ttled. Wben nlne onl of teu aiitborlties on Hnanen airree upon eert-iin fnnda- uieut.il loiiirollinfT prinetple*. there are 8B88B who deny that am .'-itii* im ne1 lled. Tlie (rufh U, the law* of MaflB antl flnance are aa uunuyiDg lu thelr opt ratio.i,.» tho Iuw« wiiieli (-ovcru tbe movementii of the planet*. Arnonir tbe Miiip:,-t, bul moat ewential, of tbo«e knowa law* are these: Mouey a lueaatire of values. Thl-i ls ltn ehief en«en- tial, altuont only fuui-tion. It U au u.-triini.-nt or ino- .1: .im of excbanire. tx-i ao-. it is ihe nmaeure of the vatoe. ot nl'itiiln.a. To ineiMiii. u'lvthitii* It mn-.' not it-.Hr tm subieet to fliirtuadoiifl In volume, and benrn Invalne. To talk of an "eln-,tie" eiirTeney 1. ai senseleg- aa tai talk oi an ela.itie yardrttiek, or an eluatie peek tiiea-nn-e. (lol.l aud ailver bave beeu fouud hf .11 .iviuze.l iiatluiia in a.l aiff-> fo bfl tlie ^aat varlabie uieanire af value*. Tbe only paper eurretiey to t»e tolentted ia that wbieb repreaeut* coiu aud ti at all tiun * couvertlble nuo euin. Thereaaoaol ihw la that whaii-v.-r la u«-d ... mouey ¦uu.t BflBBfl .nnt. r the natural !»_- that irov- ern tne un.forru eh-.njr.Hi in tl.e <]na'itity of |*olril. miil .t» How fiom one country to auotber. An wntrr flint-it-. level. ho K"!d How. wh.Tft it u in paalaM do- miiid. ThograeabaokdoOar beinjr siniplv uu overdua Jelil, a il'-ilia.i'iired paper prouil-e. a f.ir. ed Ioal. l.ot U'ar- laj* mteiettt. it fullewn that broken pronuae-i are nol uioney and do not anawer the oaaontlai purpiw.-1 of mone v. Brery day »inee the w.ir eaded, th-- uuiicrativ.- obll- watioi.. impOf,ed allke l.v Infere-.! and lionor. baa heen ta retiiru to apeeie pay iin-iil-. Tliere liaa beeu for ten veara pust. a i.-ie it reduudaucy ot paper uiunev. Thfl *.aiitlaaa of ln.ooo.ooo, or any t-reater orie** .um, lo the flroflaafla* BaM eurrency, Ifl . violatlon of every exiatinn . outract. und uf. vi-ry priucipie ol tluikiice. A rediliidattt currra- 0f, aa ba* beeu the ca*e itfii iiiuo. it.-for.- iu our lu-iory. lm->ii n.eti in eii.ii.ii k in _ iiii acbemea and baxirdnua ii'.erpn--., M.a-li ,i. l.uil.limr inipua.ial.le raliro.i la. anrtf baa liivariably 1.-.I to «v,-r tradiutc. over-en-dliiuK aafl extravanauie. The ounaequence* alwayn inive T.een_ and alwaya will t_\ I.i-nk of conflilem-e aud .redii, f.d- 1 .wetl br wideapread dl*a*ter and nm,. Th>* re*p..n<t- bl it v for the Iom to tlie eo.intry t.f humlr.-.i* ot miliiooa and for the tliatreaa of tlie'iuooruu alaaaaa, tberefoi-a. i *- -ti upon (irant, Mjuiweii «ud the Buflority la OflO »tr-*.. who, thnnti-h liruoranee of the flnpleol p-ln-iplea of tin ni, ,-. reverai-.l Heoretary Me.'ullo.-b'* polioy of .pi-t'ie reaiuupiiou tlve )uar* a»;o. Iucmj are ta.- faeta of acieiir- aad hlfltory. Dinuc _rnnU-_aan. _>. C, "Sov. Ifi, 187S. A CKl.l. FOR niMKS. To tha F ',' Of Th* Tr, ,.,nr Siu : With lea_. BaBB f 1,1)00,000 in silver in the lfeaaafliy and ln Walt-nt., to att.-mpt " ap,, parrntMits" m iflMBhfl M the forty miillou* of the ao- . aiu-.l p*w»ial eiureuey would be -or-e tban folly. The flnt itteinpt mude by tbe"Trea*iiry to subHtltute a ¦Btfll ciirn-iia-y for tbe paper poita! *hiui>l-_iter waa tbo dniwtnK ln o< the thr.y-cent and tbeu of tbe fivo- iDi't paper noto*, and l*Mi!nic lu Hafl thereof the throa .ei'iaual flvi eeiit niikel colu wo have to day. rt", le| tbe Tieaiury iK-liartnu nt follow il .n, witb tbe BBflBfl |dun lt be.aii aeveral year* l«ek. and next *u'.)»t1tnte a Mlverdltne for tbe prew-nt paper ten-eeut note. Then, when the amoiiut of sflvirbullion will warraut, Kradualiy wlthdraw the M-8BOI BflfljM and put out tt.e aOrec ",iu__r- (..i." In proper (lm.- the ¦ Half," and laatlytUe auver dollar. r. -k.tr-i.H,.. o,-t. it, imx V .IV K I- u li; I'KI.ia. Ta th* Filttor of The Tribun*. Sm : Your .'orre-t.Miiutciit " Ir^lK-lInl-A.,, po* MfltflM 1" IBO deci.iou of Keer.tarv liubard-ou Ibnl (ioveriiuieiil t'lerke wero nol ibo Uaverunteut'a arvd- taiiN au i aaaaaflaaatif aaahl nu. i>e paiu iu<- a. ib aiiver 1- nl io nt iiei> im tuimtr i.miU|-h not to be t.oviriiuienl i"trk«,.,ivi lt U well kut.wmb.4t th. *e lerk i are not '.'.I- to litt.tr.I |J any _re.it i.iiari h of time, and tliereit-r., ailver paid them would ta. at ouee put m.., ^eti-ril eir eulfltion. ¦ Irn.atniia " heln-; eleaity tirnor.tnt of dnanee of eourae .lo. - uot aee ibat tbat la juat wbat lbe (ir. at Plnaaaa Minl»tor w.uied tn preveui t. a. luinr- dlato .eaiimpllon. Hm plau i* " .railiial rtkauuipuu'i.'* Tbe payine.il ot *A In ailver tn every (loveruu.eni olerB. wbowould. of eour*e, diaburso lbe nb.de aio««->i nt ma , wou.il im vi. bruUKbl on niiutlier " ertala," aod if tbere ln oue iiunx wim i. lbe U. 4 14. dt_iike<« motr l, va ai.ntlier, it ii i. " n.n " La.X W4.',Vl/r0ll. U V , flllT, I), 1*4

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1873-11-15 [p 4]. · in. BBBB] n.-i'ii could l>e BBflla be auid lt bnd ^rmtiy inrreaafldwltb t*roty aaaaBh, Themunuf ... tory,ii prarUl > gan naptoy»o»torltaarflytam-aiivaM

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  • ittof-ra ware dotng no better. Ti-err were tMgJMAtayroiJonw of nn nicreaw* Ifl **«!*«. yot he eonaldereabiiattioa-iimproviuir. _, -h._.-__Jobr. B. M.d.let, A Co. |ef Noa. 88 and 88 IMMMBw^

    dealoriliiliovcriiiuentelotliina aud effecW, BBMB mm'hot th. v have b ..I a larae demand for *J» PAHCI OOOPS.i.-m.imi BBf-oarn bmom thi-. u.a .tfwf.i.

    rAi ri.ki iiNiri kk "UdDBMI BtlTaanWAt the QlllMM BBBBlailBllBI OB npan.Vs aal. arooma.M iM | ¦; aeai Brflfldfl-ay, a mon- aaeeaiagtag atatemg Ar , r:.-d. in BMI, tirllelealnaolldBllvrrK-emnl M toM8BB~Bg dciaat.d. It B* M thlfl Une of gofl*that th" 0 mg i*'v man parttoBtariy, laaaflh not ...ln-arab aaala Ibe toasai taatiheli bawaalaaaag^etodby tba pa_M thaa aagbl beaatlelpatel1^ aoa »ab a mbbIm taellBatliM wlth BMput.iic to make thclr preeeaM wfljaioai baaaay.aalItbflia nt BBlM B*tvfl_ aitirlc.. and at thlaaaflaaa M bbe i.ir :t beeflaaa a large bwB*

    lo the exi Iflfltofl of f.incy mek-nack., thefur.ir»j aa tbaaa aftteMa aaaa not now leokelujnin aa laaarleab bat bbbb aa el aaaMaattal valae aaiworth. r Baa iaaa wlth iflateeeatattva aaaaaa M

    ii bal forinerly bBBfl \'ry c_teti«avc, ut-rehM i. .lui-tii. bui thia wu-. aafl balaaaalbf

    ta atta . .11 uveri. Ba leebad MewaHln nn unu-uiilv larire bu_lne»« wltb the opcnlog of tnenew year, for wltb mu ill linporiiitions and laree e-porbb_8_btbflBteeb bb baatwMbtba moag mbm ny thatt in- in "d extenalve replenlflflBflflfli, Their retall

    of only laeeal date. and tboaghin. BBBB] n.-i'ii could l>e BBflla be auid lt bnd^rmtiy inrreaafld wltb t*roty aaaaBh, The munuf... tory,ii prarUl ¦> gan naptoy»o»torltaarflytam-aiivaMprraona, but now th y employ only aboul IBO. Thia tae-ii.rv m ifl u i rnnn g oa full titn bnl from ». m. toi_nt.fi..- tbi inii force, and from ltolp.in.inai_.clal

    i. i. v. iy ordor work. Tbfl workmja-. iii-.i-.-i uiiij.nty havtaa learned lbe

    a.i-.-i tbem,aud Itwaaol great taiportaacfl tob hem. . . ,M. --;-. a *->. If- ytnan A Muck. tarjp dealera ln fur-

    nltan .. _r materlala at llud. >n _c Hooaton-flta.,that tlnii mi lu. -.-wiin a'lu.'-t :il ii-t.iud latlll. lu

    Uu-ir t at bad bw d r.a.ii to MOit... .mpi-Y-d onlj nu. Tbia, wblob

    ii, a. ,i-> the ii l< -t Ol tho >iar.a from B ,.t. i to i*

    ,\ p many hobtei aieeeati eaaae Irflflii flooda, l.ut only low purcbaaea

    ti...a. n w. iii tbelr factory:*. \ bad generallyemployed39men

    .nni,,' K-deaka, bnl noa bardlj infBclenl work;.i i..nmi for lix, and it wa iu like proportloo that

    tb. i .il- had deoroaaed. Thuiij,.i nt prli ea hardlv eqaal toeoat,

    .i mand. Mr. Mack did not look lor-i but m ..nl to th.nl. afirse hi lun they* lualerlally im-

    A ..ointt.inv, tbe leweleraof r.iioii-.. in i bad i.i.i. to ini.i to tbe atatemeol

    pi that tb. y h.ni boen Ibitu. *r. la. and marked the pi leae Aot

    .: ai... rompetiUon iituii olhei noii-.-a.,.- -tnl iiihuliitf t.n Hiu.ri tnut., thi.c, toflr,

    .'ia - |1, thfl W'-im.li.i.ll.v A Gi.ihaln, nt VOB. 2ni.iid'."_

    joi.n-i ral dealera lo fancy it-oda and gold aod'ihai lf aovtbiuK, baalneaa wltb them

    nprovlna, nu-th-j tbaa ahlcha-oad-¦. in ide to foi u-.-r .-tat- :n intaa

    .. tv,... :y. Tamae, Sot. 7.

    Tiu I iiiiii nk of Monilay it i» claimr*tlthat tbe cr< liiofbavtaa nitt taggratai '.» tbfl put.i.c

    r weather prediot.ona an.l reporta dm aol-. ..,.. ii. 'li-iy.'n, ..nt ratti.-r tfl I'rt'f. Witiry, aa the(nitera ¦enttoafl Um nutiier iuciden» i public '. ¦.."-. wflleb u atafl elaluad aatfld nedC< n HelKC-i aome tbree yeara. W. bea to a.itithefoi-|. wm. iu i !. Ofl a t« wht.tii ibe cretlit belonira iu thlaI an.i jN-i.iap- it maycallout another cotui-etltor.b|MMB Mr. A. O. I'uliner mi tl.i^ city flrflBflflfld aad

    krlnted au addn aa alving tbe tbeoriea "f »t>.rin- and the{.'.riii.l- to lie iaed to prediet tbem, Mii.»tatttlailv tbeaauna.yatcm aa that followed ta tbfl daiiy w.-atber re-

    r..i".. A eopy uf thlH addn-iN w is m'ih to the Hon.i,i a tben a in.'.iii.cr oi OOflflTflM, whiebfolluwlna reply fnuu ilmaie i.n. i-y:

    va .- iMmroa, l.u v> MO.Ma.-*! -/¦ '-B !. I »t««rli ini|i.i.i:'>l- io ni.lu. ( IM

    .yntt myoo tamati. (i... I II. I..-. tu!.-

    I mra u

    Hr. W. ( l.irnt. Wni;. Bc., ic Ata ll ib-Hli.. x ,t,«.d 'hr ir.t ut

    .¦¦ i -. r».| liit stt_-r.ti.il of < .n%.t.. tl.tfto. Ke-ttta.'aai BmmdiB » v ."'..'..¦ ""ur» naaataUaaaui.Tlmlollowu.K l- a letter frotu 1'rof. Jow oo liotiry :

    4-i.mi.. .- i« iamrrra, W_u_aia roa, Bareh Itf. IMB>* O Fo-ttR-l---. ..nr I \oor e«u,i_,i,i, tt..»u .( Mstcb Vi. te-

    , l,. yoot i.ni.1 J t.r«_.y_flHi«-i s i>lsu (mi misi.i.u/ ...u lu

    iiiU_.p>«aiM"t.'KIU .iHwur-.---- .¦,,"-; ___.i i.._K-i, Lu.tttr __.* tlixjuait _a|| u.«-at_i. ?*.-»¦**

    i t.l«._ali u. ¦ .".¦¦ .' V-rimrm ta-,-,'AlAiituimU u, -¦_> a. u .., atti tka

    iu.' irH_-_3a_lcfc»«"ll-«»t-.-l.»-a.uoo» ona .._"-,'iui'nfcl!r,.!i'l,"i"tei!iV v BS, is:i-li..l-ii.l)utilop_.l.'li;k|>in 111.

    _, l-'.l--.1. M. M.v..i_a.W, 1871.Ch__er A Chnppell..(.. l-,l F,i-ti-r fl I'etlf... .>_. Ludiimiiu, Duiourrq & I_8,l-71-rj li.unnrez.lic, lam."lmli Brotberi.13, JHT1.r-tiiirl. &¦ Pnvlur.il, _, Porkiao 8.Gaaoaa.ai, 1871.J. J. Aim.r.iii-.

    inil 4,1871.AmatBtkftQoaal 1.!....Aoril 4.1811 -.ii'ini Bttsflrarl.Mny 4.18?l- H !'. < oopor.^,, iv 'i',. 1871.J*a Tiiaiini'-oii & Co.jone 17,1871.Petora Broa .lana 17.1871.MuaalaaeT ft Pttzlpiojnly c im, 1.w. 11. f/eotorri 11 i< 0 ...Jniy 12. lHTl-iVlu. Wen.Juiy 82,l_n- M.iiliFni'..y.julv '-''-'. ltTl.Tbompaon A (; laaerly.juiy ii. i*"n.rniiiii|i-tni A- (_aaeriy.juiy -., ifc.'i.B N. .Mnr-,1. C11.\un ^i, imti -Manaell ftBumbaum.b-ut 1,1871- tiiif. m. Oeagrowe.-i;,r 13. l«71-Ja.. Br.vant. ....'ii (Ktio-ui _7.1871.fltorr ft Pntaaai. Ho.mai (KlOcV -8,18T1.W. J. Polloeh. 13.788 01

    ROO. .J 1(1,00. »'_.J 111..il.'.l.

    f. bbMar.Mar.Mar.

    Nov. T, 1871-*-*. H. Baift ft Co.Nt.v. 1">. l"Tl-~-inilli .V Heare.N,,v] Ut 1871.ftBtoa -Moller.HoT. 18, "1-71-*. M. Bebtnl I.KOT. -'., Ib.l.Wilaou, Ki.ld A. Co.

    To'.ala for IB*1-J_UI|| B_ai r..-es ...Jitie t, 1h._. I! ui v Bnaflaraaaa.Juiy .1, 1811 Urew i \Vt.,l»0.Aprll 10.1878.6.X I'enninian.AUk-- 6. 1""J- Krnat Btolaer.AUK. '-, la"i.C M. Seliliiiil.Aaa. 3ti. Ki -Ki.he ACuttiy.(ie.it. 3. I8t_.flOl, Tillkle.8,-pt. ie. lara.MeCraen a Oo.(1.1. Ma 1878.Uaatoa LaaaotlM.llec. 31, UsTi.11. J. Joi'ilau.

    flaaali ior i«3.Ten aaaaa.Feti. tk, MW.Waafl ft Poallaa..Mair. 3, 1878. Aliu.-na fl Cai..Mar. ll. Is75-Uiiiieaii Mi-t'ali.Mar. 31,1878.OaatlTla A Oo.Mar. 31, 1h"3.Oeli.ertuann &Co.F.I). _5,1878._.Iflfl .- 1'iuner.M ir. 4, 1878.W, E. J.od.e ft Co'.April 1,1M73.H. HernIiaralt.A-tril 1, 1.73.M. A. Diiuirlaaa.Aprll 29. 1878--T. 1_ Trowbri.l_e.U ty -J. 1878 BoloBOO A Kirt'kinl.May 24, 1*73.Jo-t.'pl. H. Wlilte & Oi. ... . ,«., S Iteevea, lirown ft Van 1June 6, 1873- \ Wiob-fl, ]Jane 81,1871 H:»y* A Will.June '.4,1-71 lloyr. A Htruusa.Junt) 27. la7.. IUrv«-y _.IW08.Auit. 2., 1873.llakei, Weiil A t'o.

    IN)|,00fl iai

    l.ViKJO 00Li.i.ai uni.lui M1,001) IM)

    IIUJ.l .:. 1)0llu.slu IHI

    C-iiO oO53,110.1 00S.O-0 iaii.itfi IK)

    l'J.GOf, W)4,_^(i OO7,raai 00-,...«i 00UUA 00

    |f..347 00fl.il,(Ofi 00

    t.t-ki Ikil.OlKI 00

    ,fl'l(ii.i (f)41,9'i0 00MN M

    371,880 OO1.400 00l.oua. 00


    4;,; NMl 15

    8J8.1 B M|7,'.'-.ii M

    702 60Ul l«!

    12.1IW 0010 il.'. 7fl1,181

    65,li.)J 50JIW l.H)210 00

    fl,11.17 5 1MTJ M6,310 OO

    210 00717 77

    l.Gil 14'i.iit.) ou18,1»2 50

    M8I J',l.v, 12

    MM i5,.:i :i9 675 00MH M.j.i " ¦)xjtm tt

    .',-¦ 1Ml ii

    mafl- nIMM I1481 118.1.1 H3,19: M2

    1.1-7 "i...ii

    17,774 52311 M

    k.fi'fO I-'). - "

    7.-2-.I HKi.i"7 Nlojn m


    ,-.,7;u Ml.i'i' 50

    \~~i~~.7 ni ,778 "i

    l'.i.i; 7-1


    I 171 "I(V.7 50

    12.' n 11

    li.iufl .«)

    \'.. ii',

    t-i I

    Iii ¦ I -l.i"-, "I

    120 IMI

    UO 00

    Xotals for 1373toSept 1.Sevetteonoas^s |55i,358 (10 |11,279 16KKCAriTl'I.ATIO.V.

    Totfil fairl««. 70-«iTteen ea»e-. a4:!8.84M)5 |n,776 98

    |7,-tO 58 I1J4..48 66 $1,1,..8 5. |.

    T»t«I for 1871.Tljirty-four fum'n.Tt.Utl f.T ib'.i.TeneHMDB.,Totiil Ior le73.sitveuUit u eatc?.

    41,S!# 00

    C.R76 181.B88 ii11,279 16

    15,9-18 497,590 64l.H'21 477,.8-i 68

    fllOC.021 I'J9-I.2 74l'.l,7 rM H134.94M M

    |19,1 - ti)1 '14,-48 Rfl

    Orand ketal-8-Vfilrnvrt eaa*.._..... 81.4*8.618 95 8'-8.:t'-'0 Ci $:'-.'UHillrt 8:08,07-; 4* li il_*« not appiw iliul tl.e Miil ttCHlunl iJoJip. ACo. bm bn.-n ilueond nued, m.r Huit tlio 1271,000 li..

    pnlrl luloeourt. Tlie order oi* Ju.lKe Illaiehford nllowmi; iti« Daltafl Htuten Difltriet-Attorae/ lil-, coi_i;)_i»..iaju(15.48") iu 1hnt HUit merely Btatflfl tlmr the 8271,000 liaa heen puJ, liut iflflfl uot abv tt> wln.111 ur -,vi,, .¦


    TIIK EDITOR RI.iHT.From The PatiueriU' ((. Jirti.ml.

    As to th(. eavaa of Hr. EButaka in refu-iingto repiv to ttda query, be waa rlgbt. The law protectriUie BBOfflM af iawyera, of phyaiciana. and of clergvmen;in there auy rea-_.ii wby the law nbuuid uut alao pruteclthe aocrctsof editoral

    tiie oifiamr oxDOCvncM v irit..From The llti.u'tvrp I'atriot

    Mr. ShHnlM of THB Nkw-Yokk TbibukbbBB baaa diacharned from eu-lody, uud tbe IlrookivnBing -till reuiain iu ljcnnranee eflflflflflBlac tbe uutbor-ahlp of the article.s eii>oriii_; tbelr otll.-ial ¦flUBBB.I «.Of ttie truth of the chaiires there ih iiu douht lu the pol>-in- uiind, aiul lhat i- of ronaidorahly more conaeiiuitu ein iaaa and iti ,morala than the nameuf tbe uuiuoi ofthem.

    AN UBJ-UBHABU MOVEME.VT.Fiom inr pttmtdaMt Agt,

    Mr. Shatiks, thr city i-ditor of The Niw-V..KK TaiBi ap. Wbo was arreited fnr wbal w.ncalleil alil.el upon tbfl UriJokiin *' Kiiiir." haa Bflflfl flBflflBBrjfldl.i JnlL-e Kaiichei. Tht attompt Ifl iutimidate XflflThiniM: tbrfluab ooa of it* attflflMa hat tbereforaJailed. Mr. Hu.iuka aeted ln a pluekv manner durina tbewholeaffaii, and ua io Tn_ Tkiiii BB, in tue iaiiKuane ofMr. Lliieolii. that " (Ild uot acarn worlb abceut." Tbeae"Kiu-f" auita, in order to miizrie the preaa. are unprottabta movtmeiiu. ihey gcuerally "go tor wool audtouie hoiue atiorii."

    .jiik BOM BDMMOMD to BSKaUX.tnn, /**- U'.iutag FuyU.

    Mr. S-iniikB, city editor i. .i.m..,aud Iioiina Marta I St -flfllnaflny to tbfl flXtraordtaaryng, tt (.'oii.iiiiiul-ht.oiiii'.i.euo'i i.y the faot tbal be badeleu.ldren by 6 arlvaa, and i..> ju < uuiii i__. araudcbildraa.dMa'flMaiBBi-ftblli-~fi t¦'....' .*ii'it graiiduhlldrea,aadV)»;ro*l K'ie.H-M"»l Bflflfl-flb.Idrflfl.

    CHOS3-I ii 1) Dl.OAY..Fro.ri i ti tu.'ii Ul

    TIa'1 Iforaco Uri-cl-y Ih b elected Prfaideat,aaa M_B paiile had flflBM. floB ove.rv a ,.r... l.tln loe ta.id wuuid have r t*walJ

    ,,-¦¦;,miil. Oui Bbutmeui aud iwo intera.dlatajiier< Ii.r.e bo. ii lm lt. and BBothfll aimliu. nt pn ne irlj.L-ompleted. Xwo itaao «rehofl Bare baea ruraiefl, ta taa

    ,i-i (ruatjODO ainu.ii ni /hi ,i io i.i.iii oiniiii ine il.[n the u-cua batterj, ompUbomenU foi thn. beav/.-uni Ji.ive i'i" :i 1.,'nvi i'-'l. iml lmir n.t'.i r-. m.i;:i/,. ¦t .mt i,, i weal opa.inteat, pan "i lha

    ., jin,i ii..,i ol ibe parnpet Bbtb beau uuiii and,,iy for ir.im li t »nd t>"'i I'liu-

    Ataonal appropriatoal ior thaflacalyearoadlof STnaeiiu 1871,81! 09Apprvpi i.i.Ji'ii askeii for aaal lacal >eiir, Ih.o'jo.

    I tBa i'l --'iii '-' kl > iw it i pi'u,.iMi ,1 lo ootii-),. -ie im- ,'nrili aiiU liorln enst, iriiiit- i.f |B0 u; i.u worfc ji, iii'icin n,i.ei tbe -i nn. oaal froat (tha '-ni) aaa maala

    !..a in iiii'itiiii, 'i.i.i to eoaUnaa upou ihfl .a-auat v. ,iii any lurc. wiiicb eaa ba aparod from thk]

    Ii! 'Mlhnrt ul il'iV-f'r i'.'iii', fi/.'fei> rntrn,u-r i, Wtm*TtrB

    .a h'trje uj ilojui ll. L. Alihut, i trmtaf Btkf/a*dji ,i_ rn aaM ii'-.ii >' or Mn larao

    - tu¦>.' i7!ine WB4 ., Uiiii. led. Ti:>- Wflfll.,,.'. i k*. vi:.a aaplaflflflaaata for «ix aaaa

    ..uaa, aerrlee aiaaaalaea, haa baaa .-um-li, ludluj- iiin-tt i.r Ita BearwaU. Iho nlddle uat-

    i ii -i..iind ior on kiiiik, liai. heen pmhod forwaid a*v bbpraotieabla. i-'our aaaaooald oa Btaaateflal

    o:,.e, aad tnu liiii'i.,'itijiiiiile M provido ea*MPflB8flflBeaMfor tn "'' ".- beflo w«'1 adTBBnwl Iht ea-t

    |. .i. in- D ei.uii, and IWO of !i« BflrriOO iii an .lllict HIO Wi II advuDtied. It BOflflflflBTp hix of IM sevi n

    mld if *.""u awMatfld, allhanarB thee*aplaoaaM,at<are uot JfotrofldjTi i'ue morUkr liaitory, piauiiod tor lf,

    mortara, U ao far adraaood IBat tbo pleeea eoaldln poaltlM at auy tlme. Thfl lliaui'iae.-i und

    iioiui proOfB aro 0*HOplet-Ml..ni kppewprtatflfl lor tbo OiCal year flBfllafl JunoUofloo.

    A|i;-ro|,riaiion a-iked for next fl.eal y»>ar, |7S,001.PurlBfllhaprflaaal ilicil year li Iflpeooofled88OQM

    p]l klie nnirt ir-bat ery, uud ..oiint OXt. uolTC n-|.u.r-. ioi,;.. ,,i ,n': toeoi.ii'iete theoaatbatlerf lf praoocablo;

    DUfl tne tllliiii* of thr mldiile hattery, aud tlie t-x-t .-, .ii of tii" aea-.vall; an.l to baa*. BBOathOBOW

    caaemalflfl m rear of the ea.t ond of '.be mlddlei'o.'i i ,,!iimbiti, flotfrnrrr't ltlnnd. Wev-Tork fT'irhor, in

    ri urge of Lieut.-Vol. John Sewttin, i'urpl oft-.nyineert..jjnrii'i; tl -. paal n_ial raar fifty-four ..ui.uiedi, ut iiumaork.haroboea buiit, and 1,017 baaarlaatol drpaeaewall hare been imd alooa tho aaal hbore ai OororBor"BlaUr 1, in fi'nit of Iho fort, the fflaflfl aaafl Bataa denved

    lapprapriaitoo fnr ooalliiaoaniofl ifl faBllBoalloaaBo wi baa bee 1 doaooa tue now borbettt-Oattarp.Ko approprfattBB wa» mailo tor tue fl.cal year eudtni*

    1871.Appruiiriiitinn aakod for next flseal year, tnjtot,Cn.'A" WBHam, Otatramr'i Itiand. Rtmttrh Harhor,

    i.i r'oirgt tf l.ieut.-Col. John Nevlon, furpt aj F.n-,/i- mri. -Ni.tlilii ( uaa boeu done at tiii_ work diirlujj tneMii 'l C tl ftmt,

    .South llattr.ru, tlovrmor't Itiand, S'ev-1'ork llarbor,in rt.iirge of JAeut.-Uol. John Neulon, t'orpt of tin-trinrrrt fffflBlBfl na» bueu doue al tuin wora duriuK iuopMl i-nar.

    t'ort ll'ifOf., lledlne'i Itiand, Wmt.TtTO llarbor, inel. irge of I.u ut. t'ol. ./'i/.Ji .V-iWo.., Curpt uf Kn-tkntert.- rhia Worfc, toi;etlif r witli IhOOB iiiH.nl.ovi.ruor'aI.I iad, 18 d'-Mifc'i.ed lo tli.r.' (lin eiitraiiee to Ihe K4-I uudII dfiin l(ivnri-, aad M eover New-York, part of llrook-lv 11, BBd Jer-iy *'ilv from ibo boiut.rdmeul of a bontllnIini in Niiw Yurl K itInn .un iu.' i'li.t 11-. il yi'nr work BBfl been eonllued to

    taifii'K the p.tri.pet aml polnllui* aml ceuiouliiiK lbeiujh'arlnes of tbe eimrlnr l.atterv.Ni appropnaiiuu waA made for the fl-tcal year endlu_;

    June M. 1874.Aiipiopna'ion aakoal for next fUoa! year, |4",noo.r'ot! llumillon iind aitililuiiutl batlertet, Sew Xork /Tiir-

    hi ¦-, t.i cfinrge of Lieul.-Vol. John Sewtun, Ourpt ufJ-inginetrt..liinii'iK tbo paul tUcul year tue nea-wall ofi.ulteLy No. 1 W_wi rouiploted 'uiairailuea Nm. 1 aml Jtii.viiTieeii bullt aud are complule exoepl pla.iterlux out-M'l- tuaatazitie No. 1 liaa beeu run upilo Hprini* 01 areh,aud ihe foiiiiiliitinii lor uiairaiiiin No. 4 BBfl ini-ii e.v

    1. 1 ei, 8.41.41 uiuo )i.rd.. 01 oarth bav.- alaabaaa aajnaflaml niuiiued Ifl thfl Baradfl of ibi tiatturv.Ataonal appiopriatod for tbe ti»t .il >ear eodms June

    30, l1*"!, 840.000.Appruprtiktioti asked for next fl-,oal year, 106,000.'tne op. r.iti.ia-1 10 be tiuderiakau for tuia battery

    dtirii g tbe p.-e.ent Qaoai year are, tlui.iuiiir No. ii iubku-/;ii. ,111.1 ImililliiK No. 4, ei.n.aiKiiiK aml flflilfllOB IflflTOi.i. ln uml parapni aud eartJi tover of maKaiiue-i, uudla.lii_ woodeii ifiin ulatfui 11.1.ttortur-battery at Fort Uautiltnn, he*- lork Harbor, in

    rhnri/e uf Ltrut. t'ol. John .\etrtoit, tJurpt of t-.i.ju.errilf,. .2. lbe paal il ,.i year u.e nuii.aiiue» aafl iraveraettbave t'l'eu BOrarafl wilU aoil and -i-d.lf.l, tiie . ktni.irandii.terior bIoihb of part of uie ballery bave 8808Vriitlct aud _ neni! appropnaiion for inortar-natteri*-,Tha np-ratioii. >et lei.iainiiu i.u Ihoflerrloaaf thifl

    liiier> uro lbe tlm-liiu|: ol Uin Ur_itii, layiu^ woodou*pbttforoiB, and uradlu_ tbe U-rreplem.rUrt Wadnrorth, Stattn Itiand, MeirYork Iftirbor. inrtutrgt of Mujur urr.,_.the lant flaeal year the oM _l(btboaae atandingoutbnparapetof the noutli I.ie.a of t-ii* hatl.-ry wa r.moved' aad the aatraoefl rciauuiiK-walla mi tnttAv¦lopea "t the two tr.ia.r.e aaaaaUMI uext to it werei-h.iiiK '1 Ina more je.-title fl-»iw*.On tbe tae« looktaa «»¦** tblflfl 10-tiirh -.nna were dl.-

    niuuiitetl BBd Ibfl platft.rm. r.-iuovcd pn-parutory lo. nn ii.K out tbe eontemplated mudillcatlona ln tu.- p.ution'of the hntf. rv. Ofl* IWoob front-plnfl" p\'t' priationi forthe "".' .' 'C Ko. tn-' ii.it'iioi ..1 I) ii.ki.k-. 1100,000; i'uf-falo |«0o,o_o; Aicott. HO.Otx); Oak Orouard. to romplete. 'v,, k, f.0,01 .'. tifitm; Pultnci >l< gtl idtia, fni.e": Litllc -1 >d .-. * O.O-W: Oaweiro.lii'.i."i.|iur.', M.0-0; Wudtllniftou, tl0,0». Piattebarg,|j7ooo; Koudout,|t*_,_-0; PoriCbeator, iflflMviagaaakearock, _k.. MO^oo.

    i.'eti Huaipbrtflfl reporta aa foilnwa nn removlnj: r>b-¦tractlona in 1:1-1 Biver, lucluuina Hell i..u Ibfl

    ..mi gallerlfla al OailoU'a Pfllal bflflfl baea .»¦teaded. ,. ,The lrimh'-r of feef of tunnelt nn I _r .I'- r; - drlvcn

    dnnng tbe ye*r waa 1TS1 llaaaf feef, aad tbeaaaatlty01 10 k rouoved tfibi ublc yarda.

    .IrillniK haa, heen done i.rinc|p:illy by Ihe - liurl.'t.'h" .inii, orlvefl bj rompreeeed air.The operat-oai hav.- bitnerto Mua eoadocted wltb 1

    rtew to explore tbe whole area lo be removed md tbereremaina lor tt..- eompletloa of thit pai 1 or tb. .]>. ratioi 1ttie BdditlooBl drlvtag ofidwat i.i'iw Uaeevieet o. taa.l).-|-."»»- A~u~'*^" IflBP *"OatraHontofQ - Mmm intll ig teou..AlDiaatond tUtf:

    Ttrelvt boli were drilleaandblaated, aad toreei urfaeo*blaflU made, aod en tona of brokea toek were tafeae api.a ibe rrappllng maebine.Al Fr/11,1; Fun: Beveutflen hiilr'.l '-air dl Hl I Bfld

    blaated, indll.ortaco-blaata aere caadfl.lt PoiMoeh: Tht tot a aaoborcdoa iiii-. r.-.-.' in Au-

    t_ ial aad remaloed until Deoember, when ih.- niyuiu^icrmadel n ceaaary to move Into Winter guartora; ubolet un-.. ilrtlledand blaated uud 00 _t.i;iu-inu.'iii.b lluari-ui.iraabie auoflt-aabaa beau aaal ifld BBBflB i ie nameof "Karmri-a" und "Antl Munoptilmta," ll nn-ina aotnri-tliiiia. uit.ri-'hiau a tlrlniinined aud witle-ipr.-ad tituveitiiiul aicaiuai ihe mouutuilv ai.in.". ot llie ..i,i-,i.,,|- |ila IlkewiAe ii priite.n utfali.ti p irl, iih>ii..|> ny ami partyanutea ou aii Bdam xaaPattann' Mflveeaaut ta [iitaula...'ei ua c.i>uu..iv.'U..H. uui iiioi.i io laiirn.i.i abflflfla mmmto tue aataiy l>-.1 to Mr. PflBBflM

    vitution, aud in tbe lntervlew witb luiu.al l*ntxifinahti of wiii. ii ho MataA bbi piapaaafl oieaaure--r:in_-ed thciiMfHaa on oppoalte ilde* of lbe au'Jectwith ureaf promptnf>Hi and a srood d>-il of Uoat Tbeynrt-ued tho t Bflflafl for reKun.lBHBaak piiynn bMI it m fooii-h, »nd *..-.« Maa n aHat. tindiili..) tbeconiuion happme-1 of aayinfl "J '"id yoono!" Nor U tt wortb wbil. to -ipeeulate upou tue < aiihea.)'the panie. Tbofuiiof any irreat bou-vft waa aIfuo-4et rt.iiu, la tkfl tlumul onditlou an it titood on thoiMhatBepMaahorlaal. to pradaflfl B. T..u faii of thuhoaaa of lajr CBefca aaald aai ta* M tta mbbM.TuiiThlil BB, tiie BOZl day aft' r tflal (v.nt.ri|.htly drv-r-crlt.i-.l it ii ii tliu.il.rlnt iin.mium,ii publlc Boaumeat of Ihe people of Kear-iora.

    iv'h it tbe r. n.eiiv I if *"- are Koraraod by the1r-«..ti-.if c-iKi-fi" Ibeanirwer wtlt liist.n.rlv iihr Treoiura mottld extend relitflo banki. There are ibtb- li-.a-irv-.i-oitNtni lo 0.-. if ll.e pail.lu l* not do-LClved afl tO itl eniiilitiou |41,'kN). 'k) of le_ml tonti ra.eniiiiiioi Iv. ill'-il "tl.e r- -terve." It wmild I. d'ffl.-ultt,,., ..ri.e iiu exacl uracterof tln- "reaerre, n.trll ii i.ee.i-ary to do -" fl ."'"I 8081 "f coiiflii t of Mflfl.mn txi-t- ni rolation lo it; but witbout doubt all eonill, Ioiiirht to be reeolved In favor of the pubUc lntereet j utotber worda, itilu re--rv" iho*ald l.- M applied as Imme-dialelr to kriv" |tllel to thfl -itf- iiur niereantile an.l ln-luatrlal mter >U of the coJamanlty. Tli.au tbe ¦h.-I-. ..«,..ftiijiai."'" iu it-i'e!i.-i"ii-1.. the preaenl Bn io il i. < v)_vi.ev Tli.-eiref "tij-fti"t. to tiiifl la t)i«-d-ii ih no.t.io'ui' llto «ii>- uit ui merely ap.-eulatlvo opinion*. oraniorla.^lUltr'kfl'ie-tr.ld.- e.!l.'.:i'll¦¦!.- "f U v.iiim-iitwTeiinWtcriv ,..-i-.r.it" tbc^Ouvernnient from than ...... l luui-y^ Jh'-ir laaareaM dlattaof. n; no -eeii, ablo_I «frt,t,gee [" "°,_.-,,,.-,.. publie .1 kfreaa. It ia nol w..rti. RkiM, «i ttnjO-n> over tae trlte blatory of Enall-d- poaiefl i*n*reti bfiu- wi., prompl action ol Kuvlian Minrl*.*r4i vihal,\ rybodj kdowi )-. ni.it im- F dcral AdmiBlaTratlaa

    ,,¦ power to rellnVfl t he p.-..pte aml li bonnd to exerei-eit. At> ut tha r. iiiedv. there ara ao tw« oatai-wflibutaatoita appHea-lon tbere ur» muny, but uot, bow-ev.-r. m tln- buainea* world, There tbe BeatlneatMau 'lt, aml If the matt.-r wero -'iiTiili'.-d for (helr artlon,or tbat of thfl whoM paaoh*. UM tatotot wnul.i nnt i^doubtiul; a ia. i oi a. little laiportaaofl i.» -p..uia.ivflii.i.i 'illra free-trade political efOOOBiiat* Ofl the ou?b.ti.l. aa ii ii- inetleetlvi- Iii proeurlna aetlon upon (i.«part of a woak aad falterinc Adminittration on tb*oib.r. Ihavi llltle doubt that aome bOOBflfB Who, anittntii ai;ii. weie very earne-t BKiiuiat tbia uiea*.:i-e ofI, |tel MiHilil tie-lav tM- vt-rv eume-t ln favor of It, illbe* vv. re e.niHUito.l bytbe l'reinlent aud bi# Bflfliaiaryor tln- Tf.-.'i-urv.*

    * * *

    v rtfl-.0Claaa1.llTI.

    WRRVBB TO ..PEI IE rilMIIH A DL'TY. NTo the Fdilor of Thi lrtbune.Sm: \\ _.n the JSiipieme Court of tlu- Uniled

    ftale*. by a uiaiortty of one Junti.e, de.-ide* u queattouof law, we re»*ard tbat fo bfl tlie ^aat varlabie uieanire af value*.Tbe only paper eurretiey to t»e tolentted ia that wbiebrepreaeut* coiu aud ti at all tiun * couvertlble nuo euin.Thereaaoaol ihw la that whaii-v.-r la u«-d ... mouey¦uu.t BflBBfl .nnt. r the natural !»_- that irov-ern tne un.forru eh-.njr.Hi in tl.e ii n.eti in eii.ii.ii k in _ iiii acbemea and baxirdnuaii'.erpn--., M.a-li ,i. l.uil.limr inipua.ial.le raliro.i la. anrtf

    baa liivariably 1.-.I to «v,-r tradiutc. over-en-dliiuK aaflextravanauie. The ounaequence* alwayn inive T.een_and alwaya will t_\ I.i-nk of conflilem-e aud .redii, f.d-1 .wetl br wideapread dl*a*ter and nm,. Th>* re*p..n. C, "Sov. Ifi, 187S.

    A CKl.l. FOR niMKS.To tha F ',' "¦ Of Th* Tr, ,.,nrSiu : With lea_. BaBB f 1,1)00,000 in silver in

    the lfeaaafliy and ln Walt-nt., to att.-mpt " ap,, i«parrntMits" m iflMBhfl M the forty miillou* of the ao-. aiu-.l p*w»ial eiureuey would be -or-e tban folly.The flnt itteinpt mude by tbe"Trea*iiry to subHtltute a

    ¦Btfll ciirn-iia-y for tbe paper poita! *hiui>l-_iter waatbo dniwtnK ln o< the thr.y-cent and tbeu of tbe fivo-iDi't paper noto*, and l*Mi!nic lu Hafl thereof the throa.ei'iaual flvi eeiit niikel colu wo have to day. rt", le|tbe Tieaiury iK-liartnu nt follow il .n, witb tbe BBflBfl|dun lt be.aii aeveral year* l«ek. and next *u'.)»t1tnte aMlverdltne for tbe prew-nt paper ten-eeut note. Then,when the amoiiut of sflvirbullion will warraut, Kradualiywlthdraw the M-8BOI BflfljM and put out tt.e aOrec ",iu__r-(..i." In proper (lm.- the ¦ Half," and laatlytUe auverdollar. r.

    -k.tr-i.H,.. o,-t. it, imx

    V .IV K I- u li; I'KI.ia.Ta th* Filttor of The Tribun*.Sm : Your .'orre-t.Miiutciit " Ir^lK-lInl-A.,, po*

    MfltflM 1" IBO deci.iou of Keer.tarv liubard-ou Ibnl(ioveriiuieiil t'lerke wero nol ibo Uaverunteut'a arvd-taiiN au i aaaaaflaaatif aaahl nu. i>e paiu iu im tuimtr i.miU|-h not to be t.oviriiuienli"trk«,.,ivi lt U well kut.wmb.4t th. *e lerk i are not'.'.I- to litt.tr.I |J any _re.it i.iiari h of time, and tliereit-r.,ailver paid them would ta. at ouee put m.., ^eti-ril eireulfltion. ¦ Irn.atniia " heln-; eleaity tirnor.tnt ofdnanee of eourae .lo. - uot aee ibat tbat la juat wbat lbe(ir. at Plnaaaa Minl»tor w.uied tn preveui t. a. luinr-dlato .eaiimpllon. Hm plau i* " .railiial rtkauuipuu'i.'*Tbe payine.il ot *A In ailver tn every (loveruu.eni olerB.wbowould. of eour*e, diaburso lbe nb.de aio««->i ntma , wou.il im vi. bruUKbl on niiutlier " ertala," aod iftbere ln oue iiunx wim i. lbe U. 4 14. dt_iike