. mwxmto \ » XX M.N#M*- NEW-YORK, {SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1871. PRICE FOUR CENTO FOREIGN KKWS. m r ,,, ,, m -ti; .-muí:.: . ,u -, v :i mint '' ITION- \ i-K.mI.AV VU' > n«' '1 «'n'* aMil p_BM.Fi Say, July 7. INI ri(i -j. " ..i Kn.ai,.'«' yenterdaj ,( - to the i.« The addltlonnl sum of v.i,- -, ,-f Hu t-cliic* 1 aoanceithat only 15 i>er r. nt m allotted te '. iv.-, nt) Bra adlttaas i«f ; paid i" m ra ; hi re c, )* tarni of t¡:. phalaris i abaadeaed whea i,r.K','«K',i«ou ot t l'uni. In !. -.. r.l.n. the nintiuii ad M. Juiilx-rt ¦f a lux in | | uiiiî'r <!:-- i al I'"' atiaiku i ii ""«I«' in . Sanaa r i. ruin, nt i the i irmy <«f , l the a ace. The ihdiawabylf. Jaubert Xbedebates , r i tie depart- « M will ¡IT''.', nf t- M , .iiiiumaihiiatiuii trott the Pops , |thal BBBBe. -Uars cf i , rei lb. mardi It ha. nt m «Par! ann,lil,I ot i. i ita " «li Ira, i ut the iiiui«,r an- - pt , hat he qnlah ii « portfolio to I is. I has .Hull Of ,''"' li- Iii*» lu. i i Spa baa forwarded laths QovansBsal j t ¦ '. n, H la tel u ill lie Teiii'iicil lot « ..I, lah!! . I I.« Bal li.ni all III!« Ila w With II. i t>, !.. takl li :,- " ¦¦¦ t.il vai .«inn i- In the . !!,!>. li¬ ll.heil tn min inn'. io have beea shot la Um departnaral .,,.!- made by ' the de] I i . ant de C1 mboi unatton aa- lo len e I'la:,, ,n tiler th ,t ti tin e,¦ unity m,iv nu laager gie» eounte- l'.'.r-. "'1 |.nHall l-l !.t 9 II . uiiTitri m. I I i i.t M.tii De- I as our 1 mila!- " Whit, tlaif of 1!. ntl IV. ami .'',.!,'.! Ali B I. 1, ..--..ia Hal A -ali alni I,,«liai'ae." GREAT BRITAIN. -'li ! AM> -I \ 1 lil llll\'|ili:--!ii'uM- .Till. H A VI I.I.I V I I I.« Iii; vin i\. I.« NI ««N, PI .la) ..I.i) 7. I- I. On bare occurred in tin- lii-i in-lit. 1 Be-i rn Uiver* am! Imvc causon tua. p Mas M inner« hy the rteeiriiulloa of buikU.aeand étape. i . tod tin* sab- .¦i fiv . inn« bee were *¦« t ob fin hy Um : ami a nu um- tatton In ahl of lbs crcitinnnf h m,,muni i,t f<« I Wa h l . bet WBS ii m " -.*. i'ial nl- l n 1'niic« Bl t v, ,1,,.. Prince and «PrlaBBBB ('hn-tUn. rrinei* T< k, the Marquis ««f Lorne, the Pitaeeea Lsatoe,aaAPrtaei ¡mr icter re ha "Tin Lord of Um Isles," "Dk Veraoa,' "Waverley," I inc." "Auiy i tri i. Pix stieet-i ;. Loa don 1 g their « ara. llit! . .lilli) nf tie - broufhl te a c,..M ami ta Irai I J. a' l T i.l.IULANY. MOT! "ttTt im iMi'iiiiir.-Tiir, pri's-iav MILITARI I tV» i" I.I IM<»l.i'I> IN Alt.CB ASI» ¡..'I.KA1M lu ki in, Friday, July 1, 1-71. 'iin- F.uitKTeir William tonwen Berlin to-nmr- ITi't linn i,.i ' 1"' .i.-iri'illni'.-e that the 1 Hi j«tls:»' ...a. I.i y vus. M i. I BOUT TO li -t'.v- k TOT! 01 i s-: ii i-, i i a I Hi HW TI» I nilli.-, Karata, PHdap, Jalp :, tatt I' thal 8eflor -Mont Mill rc-ijs'n ti.« mam e af ti the iirtsen- ". e,' »1,1- ( ennui,!!..<. apoa the '1 He I- f the (.(»ici :uin nt ha« - hi 119 fo 61. A jii'.i¡)i'.-i!l"ii - Bad »ti- ri.liü.iia m ni.dt-r TIM II FOR! T«« BAY1 POSTO A j.« titioB ni lu li.ill nf Ki'.-ti i, tin- ian,dt iiiMC.I lani'i. i. hai been circulating for a week ««r mor.. aad -. tndn «I ilanatan Tan I' .-, i.inn,nie the m nteme in («¦xiiuai.« .,.,,., .., ,lt nriiiliiat« ,1 in '-' '. timk '. '- ia tti -1 lati.c- « '!.«*«. iii-,-! a, tue m tiri'ulallie the * ...ii.;,. Jam.. II. ( hhch, ami --'i««1' .«t Um peiaaaer. Mr. Cttaeh .hil IM. m, Imitt had I-cn .'¦. '¦"¦"" »al as alcaen thai hi had ". lbs pkbmnol nuntin ot Poster; » » ne, m of many ' Bil j.artie- had " i'ii-ke.l I! a- ,, ., " ' .'''"¦'' '. . wen "many ÏÎAA :«.-,.fin¬ it BBS the namur ...i,. »tbeeoBHettoii Tbeprlxu pal :-»¦ p..........i -«,..,!, ...iha,,,:;;, .Ma,,,., Uiilvcv,,, , h JS.'ÎTU ":""'-i'..'.".. titan n- ,.. J - M».' ni. ttbowt» u. .,,, ti« wi,t*i.. u. . »hiii.-ut, presided '..i n.« luna . .'r".'""""'.v. ui the ofeaae, I.i..-ui,'tC;7'M,','-t '"' » taei.gti Mr. aauai J W"Á- ' "«w« :... hu-.m - .... u f,.,,. . ' ''"iw.iiü-Uüdiu» a T*r'«M sourcei ii Is '* liin,,',,.,,"""'^'"'"'""'"'"!'!'" 'NU.., hi J'' U" ¦¦' ' " ".».¦ bl"""""l."i".M.M,illflll, ¦'.'!, *.¦ tbalrsicaatarwthi nÜ?"1*"" applied j*' 552 r,vni!,M .-. ,v ".lebratodB! lia] . I" "-"«ia,. ""¦..»li. ali |, .- ,., ,. ... ., _*¦.'.«' hetiaa.^^ 1'- tw..M,... Baweaths "M,*«KlH;Utoa.p|tUHtfltt|> THE VIADUCT RAILWAY BRIDGE OVER BROADWAY. WASHINGTON. lili: IM r.i.'N \I, BEYEXTTl TROüBLl IM BALTt- *.i"':i.caul Bcnuaz on im. 1 in.-Idi MIM. .s.-! 1 ..-IM--.- i III BANKS AND Uli. MEW l.uAN. ¦¦. Ti i.ia.i'. mi -i», tu: "i m Wa- 111 s ¦. -. I .luiv 7, .-TI. Bat lu:!»' la yet known aboattlx trouble with \ ti m Kaltiniorc, lint tin- repotl le eUTTe tim »t nnmeroni eompl tinta ti w) '¦¦ n m ide to itwe ii i'i ii Bnpi i no1 al¬ ways Jiut In hil el. e. .neu-., i-i-ia_- n,i.¡.- larorableto bia fl il'li'ls Minn I.) eethel's. Sa many n! al nats Beere! irv ti» h iu-ti a B r Bitatew i»> gate Mi»- m.liter, iii- nut overpuverrlBor Pree- abo waa nuable to aammon wttnesae. outaMe of lils um n l»is!i i, t ; n-:i| It Mas een til--» ¡i"i-unt that the nlannderatandlng arose. It la not beUe««ro4 thal Beera- tiny lie eui ii »ul.-e! fr mi nuy mutha- hut B -le-sire« to BO- tin truth in Mia natter, BOB it re i««»rt«<! that .mi thing irre'..'ular kal he-en ili-en«. eiml. Henatnr i-» huí 7 has v iit!en a h tier te. a ia Tithinan in ty, tn whick itronal. ipr» n - bltnse I! la rai t at « leal a- ríate i-' .liliiii- »if Mi- ' II Vu Ti* .-ii. :,; nf Mu- Halted "-tat. - in I-".'. 'J lie na ti" n el lean I,- run tin ne- tn bold tln-'r Ilve-twe li tie-s mill either b1 v r eat limul«, unit 11 ha li ii .1 -e u\a i.-.| .it tin -Tri' wars 1»'-|» irtiuent that norn«, at the.ee- basUU lia le lull IsCil Muir ile i'es1 fur.«, wine ggg In eh Iel 1 nf \ |>< a lo keep them. Thoaerh thean aaUowal baaka an Mu » le ali m -if the (une 'iiiiiii nf, i' i. !'i'.. a tin-in that the nin.'it sei inn»» iBOP-a-tiaeata t" the BUI Ml "! the Ml h'au liait- he «'II LtKtt with. The «leveiilinx Into the Tt'ii-nri' of uti» xpeneled bal- anees wi.i aotprereal the eoaalderation of State elatnu fur linuiey eliMliiir-e-il fur i-nrnlnii'Tif ami equipment I»ur- ftnrtaa tim late a ir. The Third Analto« lntt-mu to « nullum' w.rk'.n. iipnii Mn'ni, aad will a-k fur au aparó¬ la al the neal Beaatoa .»f Ooagreai tepajrtheaa. Tin. te,tai aaseaai af bondi laeaed darlaf the bbobUi of June from Mu nftlie e-f Mm It-g'v-U r of tin-Ti. a-ur.t ill WoJwtAtk Tin- Chief Cleft of the l>i\ i-ion of Mu- Revenue M »rim- fti'ivu'«-. Iteaeary Department, relaraed to Waehjagtaa Ikkiawing from bli loar ad laepeettaa with Oapt, Faillie» , (ef the Ban nue M IliM >. Ti'lee-, NBMfl the llfe- »-iiiliiKStitti.iii.a em Mu- MMl e.f N-w .lei.y and IjOiitr I-l,iiul. Tho vlKlt waa for the jniri» .-'. "f ..- Bfta!a!n| what was nea e-ssui y te, ui.ike I In ht,i i i- ni >i" »111 lent.. An ai»]»r.ejeriati >:i »-f |M0yQM ni retad far that patpam By I'-i.'i-le . la-t m ..Lin. Tue. st e'iaa- .ni- m |i mr eaiii- ilitl'Ui, ami ('.ijir. Fannie' will -hurt., -.an ! lu- re port. lía-omine ullin, aeheage ta the loealltlei -¦: Bena, und m .kia,- taproTenenti in othera. lu the wi»-. k of a lintli-h brig a lot of Biaai. wire »Iii. ela el m Mm (¿m. n.m.-nt. Au attempt hai ie.. n in.uii-to r. e.\. than, ai ii la elatmed that they prívala property of the-aaatei aadaaataof tho * kOtiOi - n tari of UM Ti. asii¡> »1. !¦-. - that tin« elgar» «an mini lue.I into Ulla eoillitiv in (iiriet vi .l-itiieii of law, »and the elatataata eaaoelyre- roverMuin bj» inyiii* n time lu lieu eel or nial tu the «lulu h that Wnii'el liai«- ai-imi-el; eer ii|»oii the« e-laliiiaiitu ftttoghead thal the ttgon ahall be exi»ort»Tii and not land-.l iilthln the limit- e,[ the Halted -rut«-. 'iin ewan af the brig J. l_wney ka* tendered la Um BaitedBtaleaTreaaury fajstla aattleaaaal e.f a penalty in« ii IT. «1 hy \ leOlattaa of UM a»'t Whlefe nain.tea every r< -' to hale on hamel a [ee fe t mm,,;,..!, Teat Actinie Be re tory of the Iteaaary 1- of the e_daloa thal ueaaltlsa i incurrí A ni, fully um 1er Hil.- ai t i un m it her lu m it lu a ted nor remitted hy the Kee re fury in BBSS! when* auch |ieiial- ta-iii'i!" ula teil ti.i tin- Maetara- bat, wheee the bar- deas fun iiimn íiinoient peisoas, they may pasmas f.«r reataatea <u Brttigwttrra aadar thaaotel Marah it ItSf, The cine has been referred to the Hollclfor ni the i :. a-ury. K«»-]» r* of llirlil-houars, sllmited en ocean reefa and i'Hn r'al « 11 Btattoaa, are hereafter to be MppUed with rattoaafiraaa OoTerameal BlsssBMn This gggret nt» any dal ffl I Min- li iiili:ht arl-«' t«> Iii«»«' h! Ill, till .*«m during the abeeaei <«f s pottloaelthe lune, while reeatrlaji sap* i«..- trow a dletaa.<.. A great iiuuihi r of designationa to clerk-*hi|>.*< In tin- «lithi.iit Inn eau-« of the Treaftiry DapBISBMBl liava re n ci -lilly lui ii given out. Ahniil one tliinl of the whole mu,,Im r hal e mu i¦. «afluí) paaiod tim c xaiiiinaloii. A iiriiiiiim b1 (»'«vi in in. nt oflhial recently u rote ta B friend In New-York, lii.jiiiriii^ ,u- t«i the p.,»ilion, timm- . lally ami oth« rw inc. of a certain icnidint of that city. ii« ni,,i ii tin- following reply i " I am hajipv to inform poa Hint Mr. »tanda at V., I'D t"|« of rc-'.c, t,ii,lilli here. He OWDS a IBM s, « Tori Judge, and Intends to steal the ¡n**t railroad he **«.. ¦ I] tata around looot *' Ilr. Jofin F. MeiSB, r. cently a]i|i(iiiitei1 Deputy (¡rand f-ue tram thi« eeaatry for Qarasaay and Switzerland, ha- |u-t Informc'l (.raml Hire F. Ii. Htnart that he Iihh liiNtlt.it. «I lu/.ii. ich, Hwit/a i Iimi, the flr-t ladas Bl Odd Fellow,, in that country. It called Helvetia No. 1. The following numil are the only lodge jet c-tahli-dif d in (»'tmani: 0_M .. k Ii at Im-'len, T-ivniv It,- rl lu. ..ami Stuttgardt, wiirteiuiitiri:. Dr. atone has alasaatabUahsdaa aBaaatpssanl ..t Paella, Ihs tirât in (»< ruiiiiii The leUOWlBg l«o-t nilli e-« were e-tnl,ln»hed, ami «paSt- in ii-f n- appoint, d, la Kew Y««ik, during thi week ending Juli e, i ..i ¡ ¦-uri, « :«ii.i, ii,,, iga .a,''. I.r*:, Ami I-,i. I'M. li au, au ii.. .W..!,!aaU-r I ..nit ...Hi. Ma'll».... V M ,-,- i-iiii» arroma», ..,.-ni,!«.s a.n.--i- i it a .i, n aalj.laka ii ii tia.»vi, < '«»illili J M H'-» r I l,auta_,,ua ti.ui.ir.elia- )l .ail. ttoamt i »ti rl Wkii ii,.. ii,, n »i- >iaa « aim ii. ¦,. o--x l.iuiau jua < nulli.. ..Blajllttl 1 .'«.I- FoaanaAt nunn dispati i (m Min i mi in«|,iii v ai Department of Ami altan IB «lal li Wa« <il!!< lally um llalli«' hat 11 el «' BBS tit eli no iiii.il) rl» i,| 11,Hon und other n-|i-.iU foi J > BBl lien.) Ihuii Ihre«'foul tim of timm liai lug I.e.* ii I'I'IK'I, BBd ,;..., Km*, and other dlsUol Bute«- Jin dttiir ance given flint no aprciflc point« nn the eiih|<*ct have been furuisbed bv the Departmenl to any person. '1 Ile I ni nu ii _: Is an \ lil «I I nf tin- busineas nf Hu (ne era! Land Outee during the awnth of June : Lettern written, 1,161; page« ,«f «record thereof, 1,034! land 1*.it, nt- written, l.r it patenta le.-iuile I, 1,361; patent« tranamitt. .1. !"'. eertlfli d <. nlea, r, «-. togel iel with the li.-li a large ali ii-lint nf mi- el1 Un "ii- liil-ini ¦-». The lui;,- »I ,!,- Mini-t,i at IIiim« :«. ,, 1 lie- Xtt nil reported to the Departni ni ni Btal thal much Incoii ii-ia ., i- ni-t m,.) being experienced 'i American« enterlnj li., snd Belgium. Paaaporta with the ri*. of » Belgium . mi-ill are n julred of all personsentorlng belgium fruin France or England, thouga bow an re¬ quired of those entering from .ia li I. \,l An- 'i, in ima i..'. except lb -. issued ii I e dted States /-gallon it Bniasela an quired to have the American « tiefore tbe French Conaul will list them. I ..ni n - traveling ali ne wltbo it s paaaporl ure -eut bai k ft,un th French frontier, and a witt leeompanying her im-h in I 1- not al lo« . 'I lo posa unie a ah. i- named in the paasnort.or baa some means of lattstyiag the sflh r thal ih n i- m -i n 11« fully m ir ¡« «h 'lo I«.«¦)« ut the iiiiriiiluitn.il into the Unit« d .*-' I the cattle dlaeaae ki wn isth. ** Hoof and Month Die- iaet" which ii i- represented M pn vailing aaaeag the rattle of Chill and the Argentine Republic, Soath Amer- ha. Tbe sam. restrictions will hereafter be Imposed oa neat ini.', imi hhh-«if min cattle Imported from Ibe rountriea above named aa sie now Imposed ob those from Europe and other fin Ign countries. No «aeh cat Hu m hl'ii - are to entered or ian.led from Chill or the ai gi atine K i'"1' i«: until further orders, unies« thi I an a.. ¦.mo.um ii « ith un Invoice having a Conanlar certtfl- , ite id l, bed Sl Illili.' that the Callie iii*' l-l- IK't |Ti).l- ,,-ui in .mi derra.. and baa no1 hoi n n¦. ulIj in the .li-- n i nf 11", ii nt, v fruin whii 1. the Importation com. -. aad tn it the Con-..1 i*ati.»!lt*<l till) Impoitutinn i.- fin flinn li.-en»e. in t, «ponas t«. «gaartaa oa Du- «abject <>f the li.itiliity of sputhoearie« who -eli wines «ml Hquoraaa mediator«, th. .tumi heur of I ii tern ii Bevenuc Kaaarrta the for¬ mer decUiou of the i!uua i. .i it ng apothecaries liable who «eil liquor«, exuepl when thej an eomponnded with .«hu r.i.¦-, iimi tin rabí tase Um li Id. atttj Bl wlaea «II .-pi II I.IOUI. Ill|ill'l'-. THE ISIU INS] DAKOl li- "I Till. Ki vi si »I K\ .A »li Uti n POKED .'N* \Y \-ll|S«,l'iS, .Inlv ?. .LetteiM lee« ¡Veil ill the Kill I n.ii 1; \ « BIM ' 'Ilh « in m Sup, ii :-i r- F nike ami Klag, repart thal great dMhealtj i* experteaeed la eel* leetlag the reveaae in the di-triit- al arlaaaa and Dakota owing to ths hostlUly al lbs ladlaaa. rradnrlag trai.i laeeeare. in Daheta the iteeeaar ta the Weet, plying eatha Mtaeearl Btrer,wsi attaeh i«y Indlaaea few .lai» ago, aad riddled hj bailete. M.'.i.l IA IH'Si I«".KIS(, T«. lill. RKMOYAL OK I UK K1. KAI'nii». \\ \-iu\«,ios-, .inly 7..iii.' Beeret n> ni the Interim' la-da) BelfOd fr« In the Wal Iii pal tua nt .1 copy of the r-jx.rt of Mijar WltaB. SOBHBBBdlBg the nth I ii lahtri al 1 i'l l'un in. T- i.i«, relative la UM pr,,p««»-d ii in"),ti nf the Klehspao Irtbsa gt indian-, m Kexlee t<» the Knk..poo n-M riiilion in the liullan rrllury lu the United States ti.« -.¦ ladlaaa saslgrali «I froei Du Halted Btatea loverai yaari ago, and have since beea la the habit «if in auentl) ro«slng the border to ommtl depre .lutKm-, ami afterward Bnding safetj and refuge In Mexico. M.t «r Blina, on May ti. pro. ... (led, with th. In¬ dian < -i'um.--hu.' i- and two friends Kansas KJckapoo in«!..i,, Santa i: -a, Mexico, near wbMb place he m. I . fiitui. une nt the i btof«, alni about I««' Ka kupunn A ft- i walting -It «days for other principal eblen to ««.m«* in, uml llmlliiK if iimi it mi «Inn tiny Would anne, M.il.r Bliaa returned, oa ti" -H. of Jan., to «Pert Dune in. He rep ii- thal be ha« received a letter from Oonimla i um Ma -, dated Santa Boan, In « hieb tin- latter states thal alii Wahpih. foi B li" m he ii a- « .,:tlh|_, had lint up t.» tlnil 1 nu« mail Ina app-arañe*-. M i',or Bliss adds 1 " «lu mi itrrluil at ¡-anta Rusa 1 li arm «I thal the Ml lil au Oommlsstonei was there, laming provisions t«> Klcka- pooa. and han i.,,,««, t,, be expended foi th« m. Prom What I Bl in,ii euld M bile ill Santa Ko.» a, li lari-'e huill¬ ín r of Kiehapoa asea aad woasea ««f tue tribe «re niixl-iui- to nu t'.i the Halted Htftte« servatlon, bnl then biefs opposi d tt. Cblao, the only I liter of liiip'.i tame. I lint with, fri,nilli bul opposed totoartag Mexico, Bbnnan.Jose, the chief of tn. Potto* wattomlea, told ase he weald return to the réservation, hut lu« trli»«' would imt ga. i lied mi the Mexican Ah»«!«- at Minta Kona. ,,iti, lally, and was informed by hnn that he bad no knowledge of any Inteutloa oa the j.art of the yI« vu an authorities to assisi In the removal n! Hu- KI« kal« alf, and had m-ui i*. -1 ¡mt im-trui- thuin of any h uni looking to inch a liiuvelnelit. The Cotn- mllsteaers aad Kaaaae Indian abiete who aeeompanj Hiern, will remain lu »anta Kona until aolncthlug «1« Hull«* i an aa. ii lann (1. »i li l M. AT PLAGABA PALIA Niakaka Faits, July 7..A yinni-? pliynirian mum <l I liarle* * » 1 IT« .ral of Mouth Wilson, Niagara Couii- ly, cominittcd «nield« hy jumping from l.oat I-land bridal i «-I« i'l-'«} linn nini;. Ou th.. bridge wau found a Iel 1er «lue« t«d to hi« father, and rta ommeniliiiii to bil cine hi-wife. Pt« unlary llahllltlc» »re BapPBB «I t" ho the BBBMB» TKI.E<¿KA Tille ROTH _TIip steamer Woiih-a Woaco <>f tIi»- Bngliab tat, D'.» neail.T » »ttll eitrnlur «1 Sale 1- r a. i.e-.i Ir.au ».li.l!. I; ...AellieetM fl»»lli .Illinai« a te. tin-nil» -tilt«« tlilU in tw.l inmil'.i. UM »a»t ui"e...Te:reieiee-iit tt.ll l,i- i,«.,,,,«! truiu e««|i»iii«li *I-»u lu Kiairatuu. CvniH Wiike-tiel.l lui.« gi ven §100,000 to Unrvnr.I Cmlmtà tai tke esooOm «i » u-nuie». Hall .aub leaUtigm, lake i.lle-l Wak.t.W.I Hall Ael«..««"* from llnyti to the» int. stat«- that fears werr t-DU-rUlar-i In, tlir -.»(-t- at the »te-aeeiri .,1 lilt ul Purl an Fn»e» fiuuj Nrw York. »Iiie-li »aa tlee«a 16 ela;, orrreleir. TI»«Crown l'oint Mining ('oiiiimiiv e»f Califor- ult'bii ietlut.1 o OtWrrd ol «.Iii au.! II«..!.,« I«!!., «t M. lb» (l.lj/iua' lileidru Trraiui. ( »nipa.! baa 1er« iel »a »a-tMeutni if *'. Tlie»reeeipta of th- Pntaai OBbm «lunn,, tin* aoonti tixiiuf li.ut n mem gltljmt Ift mfesnnuam Junu« Ike timt i-ri.sl . 1«« Ih"- ¡I Muplu» yui lulu lb« I uiieJ «lal-a It...eui, gtle* Ael« iie-e fr-)in ajp-nwall t-> Um '¦'.*l atnie thal I .'.'.-I «Stat «),i|- OmuitSAtii titi!.. » » Ift ...» tie Mb ah Hilf el Ul A.|i-l ««.1 !!'.! t »-Jit-.- ft UU.U.e . ..'u lUt le.«»»I allUOU« lua_K 612 titi The ComtuiasioneT of Patenta has mated tne amAmäkwmmt Ben I Betiay. admtmjtnatla -f »... i Beti timm», li., tin ttiti tn-ti «11 \-iitni l«r n-nel.iau» juinU tituu H|bU 1 he ti Walka ilate-a fr.ua tbe« Hal Inltaut I In «traw lnili'1 manufacturer»« of ('eiltiniliia «'.,'.,.'.' VI .ti" "I hba tint a H|b I""' '- "C. _>_].>J»*¦*"*" tim u. ii., emmet ¡em ''.»ti"' tim n-- la n tappa bm .The Mecbaaiea' Fail la be beti In Ban Tra_- ,.«eiau.1 iiimiiir. lee I- . »". I" J«'»!'«*»«* «¦..nlrlbairon n,. ,,...,. f.,i «i«., i.'» karn i-«i matan u uc.u, «ii n,.-«*"' .' Keilor!« from nil parta of California i-.»"**" «I'1-* ,l. .1,,.,. .'.,..1.1-1!.. Omi x.i .i,l..:i-.l..l n»- n-"' I"-«1-'» J, "¿I l .li'.M.el tb.l »f I«-" "*.-* ¦ '"". «alif-eraia l.na.r. a.» X'l-Ta« iue-L. lu l»a.t« .Colanda, «bt- it«, aril .1 ti* iota el e-4-í euee pat tai lea! al II le«*»** NATIONAL CAMP MEETING. Ililli» t> A V'-t Mt« in* F. IM Ne;«". Mil-'. WH K I'l _ MI'I-TIVi.A IlKAl'TIKI'I. OSAS OHO...«-Ileil'T- 1N«; AT Mí.iit.A COLORED .»i-u.n i\n- «II- ( 'IIHI.-aTIAN l'.ilte.IVI-.Mls-l II I.I «I: I. ,'s M 11 I IN« A KI.M Al-KAr.l.l. l'F.IK HI A MIa II»»! RD I.VKK, July 0..Lust i«v( nine's iine-t- liiev', ad', »i ti -tai to Id- nmini ti-ii bj» Mi.. Wrlakt, wai tggaaggi tiy .1 ama, waa ;«' th»' oataal » lalaied la be rai ¦.¦ maia -t ami »¡iitiih-nt. ami iiu>ii aiiia tul i ii- .-<. praaaol witt a dreary «'xuiiiiuiii Mi-, Wrtftrt, a afeo-Baaaae, in,ltronl) hieikln« l.nly, talk, el with f|,ult aiu! rnn-uih r able pawer, a baaatttal iii ti» pttrl of roarSanaaera. waa hud lu »n ii, lit Inr iloll to the- in- (tag, n hen mutti ii-j; I,, ira ii pgtktag do «in ilull)'a ti«.ul ami Iniiuel In UM »in;, me-'. A fOOag fill arose, and Hpnke in a um -. pe-ullai IV mu j k1« ni und Koftly modulated, tk» tuinul UM meet I llllll'lllt liiowu j e«. h. au IllV.lld tua! I l\el nine mia ti» haie-»'ii. \\ lion »«hi' hail iliiishiel, a titi) Mea. and mid that tin. young girl . i-e eutinlt deaf, hut that, not- Mitlistandiii',' he-r intlrinlty, ««lie' -lee.«« g vant iiumniit of i/ieod. Whe'll in carn and Htcainhoat.», nile emulate-« tia. ka, anil luiH leiten UM nu ana nf many tinve rnieiiiH. I afterwaial hurinit tliat «he wiw I'orn »leaf, ami. li»K the (lau.hte r of rie'h párente. Ililli I'Mi'ie .| til-' tee rl e,I elm a- tieeiial nelvaiitiiejc». The hii-rlit, esin irt jounii weMM whom » had e«o admired in Mu- iiiurnin».' k'a«.«« lu r « -peri- enre of omi «v pee al season ed grace. Her baaM li Drake, che luiliing* to the ('iineatitiiptivi-.' Bo-aMj lu Beatea. Dr. Vari Mtaoi thoa» Um m1 I n. Ikrewa araaad ux. a »nan r..11 baw ha bad ob» i i i.»a el ..m, Mil. .Ullin, hut hail, iliifiii tiuiatel-., j-iiui'el »,.,,,. t. tup. ntm f mili tn, and had Iim-i it. A dark »muan, on tho mtatia <>f UM tent, shouted ami «lapi»ei! he r mit- triied bania, until tur mitte n- ami larynx.mi'il in im¬ mun nt (i.uiia'e r. Mm. Ward, a lim el, l.idi Ilka ¡mi-.n, talki-el quietly of lu avonly love. Tin- e-reaian Barril a, nadar tim treee, van parti, Blarly load. Amil« w Mi Kane pn a, lu d ,i BBTBMB a!.nut the pawer af Oad, which satstasd bum! Iheaght, aad waa the hCsf wi'inon yet pri.'lclieil here A gr« at ti« al nf im BBtBBBMp wau lit loo-e aft, r the pn hing wan over. Hmther In-klp, who can make btaMB If heard over the . Hire lamp, wan iir-n-tcd !«y llilliu rou« rollcagw » There no uml. r-taiulitiK' SB he-iiMirlug human eiului- j ance lu-re. They »sing last night, and «hunt«..!, ami »hont, d uml »ang. mit 1 nearly H o'clock. (»ne of the rule« of the mr, tl'ig in, th it at lu p. in., nil public nei l ii c*. nhall ce.-me. We an-i \|,<-'. ted to |nc at fi o'« lui I I.I the nanning for Hi,- lli-t B r\ u I liefor«- hreikfa-t. and fruin live until neal I) B-Malghl inn- han m, ii ht fI oin "m r- v n c. Alan that »nine of tin have bodies «ah well an no.ll« lo nave. One gund ii ni ii iii ii ho han been ill r, fil-« d lo fa ko im-iln me, Haying »In« Innl m iib- a i BW I" Qai )carrt ago Hint nhe would take SS medicine, hut rely .-lit ir.lv BBQfl lil ». power lo . ure ! The K ntiumny meeting thin morning at 8 u'cliK k opened with John Allen'« reciting one Paul'« l-pintl« h lu heroic »tile. Mr. ..rai, win. pt« «hh d, Banti« I the peuple to c, ititi ne tin ir li-ma ric» tn prest ii t \ pcrience, and to tie brief,»«) that eil thOOB WBO BBOW ciuuigh lo follow dlrecti in-, npnk«. tersely ami to the point. The iron nllig lilt, re-t of the meeting ccntcreil upon a Mr». Huiith of New-York, who in black but intiiil). Hu- Bald BBS murnini/ winn »he had h WS wa-li ing than iiHii.il (-lie took In wiinhing, »ho «aid), »he at down lo her »ewing and to think of »ii". lhere w.-ie .'ine thing», »le* thought, »lie never could Torgue. The f.rnl wau th«' rl««t in New York , the »einiul wa» the binning of UM Orphan A») lum, ami Dm third waa the »laicholdei'. Then all at once the Murd« «ailie lo lur, "None but the pun. in heart »hall »...« (¡oil," and ». ni lier down on le r.kne"», nml nhe didn't get up until nhe h.nl fnrgiv«' the. riot. IB» Ih« n Sha thniight about flic Orphan A») lum ami «he had I" get down «gain illili! »he got our that. Hut »li«. bad to pea] Mag te ha abai f«> fernlea ,,"> aTaai ihaMan hu!, glory to (¡od! »he had dene no. Thm »inter »tirnd np the meeting ii.n« else hitherto baa done. Wie «peak*, well, ninl ha« the, geuulnS » iiinp-ineetiiig «pirit. Mr. In»kip clone«! the uieeinig with a »ern-, of »hoot»; .' (»lory to the (¡od of Hat ti« » (¡lory to the Ooiat UM Americaii H. public (¡lory to the (¡"«1 of the («.tripe« ami Hiar»!" The 10 o'clock «tvice begun with »crlptural recitation« from any alni everybody. A »crinuu wa« preached by Win. T. Marlowe. From one until two thi« afternoon a children'« mci ung wa» he'd in the Tállenmele. Kroin MS to MS hlldreu wen- prewitt, ami remarkably beautiful elul- dren they nie, tit mg au improvement upon the average of Shapreeent generation. Mr». Inskip, a titling mate and cowoiki.r for her hunbaiul, hail charge, nhe li ii lu singing und praii r, and hail the little onen prom -.. 'i . lone lluir eye», the ground wa» rath« r too dump for them to kneel. Tiny oin led well, holding their little hand» out their )e» with grim «tiirdliie»«. Mr«. In- «kip tried them with a variety of »oug», willi li they didn't »mg well, with the exo ptlon of "O, bu«. I loTf Jran.'" wbie-li they nan* » ith irreat «.pull. Mi*1 U«J Jaw ». a dark-eyed woman, with lsrauliful hair, 9 kftgkt, sparkling fae-e. gera Mu* children a lery gi aplin- «unit of her ««inversion when lu jeir» old. Ulm han a very muileal uili <. and other pleaaant (|iiallfl< ationa for lu- I laaaattng children. HI»«' non followed hy a Mr», lol«*, who Ixguu l»> u-kuiK the children If anv »nuof tlniu hitit ii p< ruin d what Mr-, James had. Oin' girl, per- bkft ift janie Wi rtXr. hat aead la »ignify that sin« hu.I. Mu- le..»ke»i an It eli,- und. i-l-inil the s|»«-ak« r. The- lady then minuted nu «emit eif UM Hi-' Btndiaa- me. ling sim had «i.r held. It wa»« in the MLs-IB-lpi-l Valley, where maní i hllelriMl Intel heeu made en pham. hi the Uirllile calamity which ha«l swept gWOytiktU p «rents. Tilla tim* II lia was e.-jvurel1 with i.iai'.r by a bos me icir-nid. Mr. Parker roiioweel (l!|,. ('..let,, in,«te...U.d . he- llll'l P . k l,e "I Pt! »II n.nt ile.wi. on Hau Um.-,, un Ullin' two >.-a» old bal»!«'! \ fe ut ellli le ni «1 ter-. raw h el iiruuml mi then Wiiim'-m fl-. in i.in I" an.'Mi'T lo I-ilk le> t lu-til. «-Ollie' .if t I.i' I,.,,«., fust.lie, k.' |" I'»*« -I «.' Ml- I'H K,'I l.il.lM.. .hi.«J» B thrilling »tor». Ulna Ila- ih»! was In N-iV- V.uk he hael gone willi hi» »Iii* ml.« Mm c.iiiilrv I.ii v one «if their dil litre ti, lea«, ina! hi« lull.« ibu. e h.irie v ,.n I hi» .isi. i ai home. Ih«' ti..ter» reeolved f«« ban III»1 beni** iMfiiliM« he' W.is an A Loll Uaaiat ataaaber. Ti»-. BMielMd la aaatterala Ma Aaor, IliiiliiiK ti bollad little! 1 Uarltiy.liHililUK out of »ho ui> orr »lad«*«, eiiis-iijcd la crvat tear, tv bia uuul. "vu, auntie«, what mil wo do w bal tall d«> t igt un prBJ .' ami falling on lils kne. s he sahl, " O Lord, »> ml »li tbe M had mell all awaj fur JOSM etake, am« IB." JHit tit* IO the liniici- appeareel, tho rioters Bed, and Mu- beena WM e-ai.ii. Sir. Parker Um a propooed -bal the children should give their experience. Bevewel aa ie ami told la. A the-J fe If, u.-iln/ mu. ii the ralla language SB grown¬ up sall t-e The 11.lair« ii are to bave their «*i.il mut¬ ina* daily beraal1er, Thlsatteii. the- se i vices a«!|Oi.i-ie»l f'i'tii the open mr to Mu lah- i-uní"!', on ac< oni i of the dubli ni spp» sr« Bjioeof! Tliearrivals to-davare estimated al i,ihhi '1 in- la, ,i,lmir le-nts are in the Utmost Conflisle n, sv-eie in n inila« i-i ii.i. forsaken the manaaera. Oi ti not laid .1 nu ila, bul kuna ¦-.» doxologle al hvum. tory Impresaive, AnKma the plainest of plain i"¦< tim around are M ml .Mr-. »Baldwin «¦! Hea¬ ton, who liave giieii muí li min ' i to educational pur- p,.s. .. A linn.Ullin of 110,000 !l"lu Mum Inillt a university t'en tie. eoloreel people In Lonlalan ». The raia concentrated tho attendaace, and Ulled the Telee mae le tO Overflowing. Children lulle -*i--ii'!l ..f iin- ground aboul the »>i" ii ind h »I i im.u s'pin at see saw and tumbling in the straw. Au »¦.in in, after lae I abernaele »-cr moa ba landed, aroee t.> «ennuie lit upon iin- sliijite'uuaii.'s nr e XI a«, again a ¦> eif Mm Mi thoilist listen He lielleved ¡lu- Holy Ohosl wem Iel go Mirenigti silks »ml nat ii s. hut be did .it lu iie>\ee weiuiei long dwell in aita thal beat oadei web B itaale i.eiiiiis. Ho alao disapproved of the aaj ia which aistera « it 11 > on strawberry festivals, .and -i'l thal the devil i nulli n't carry on Ins aron Wtthoal Tin- help of the Biatera. Brother in-wip aeróse to smooth »ni r m,uti », iimi int t.i -i the listera bj mm- pilme mini/ i!ee« exceeding rood ta-'.,- and consistency ih u have been io remarkably displayed here, waa ni« pinion thai im similar body e.r ire-Ben in the aoi Id would display better taste- iimi ostumi s inore In \t epli a Willi Hu- eee as,len ami theil' ptnl'e -1"!,- id lui el \l Uti a frymnastin peroration: '. liles* God, I'm s,, bappyl I' . (ieid, I'm SO pi li '|J . BleSI (ne. I !!, if I -. t- -e, nu«!)v te mil and beautiful Mumu n .- li.m that everylh ag ti ¦. ag rlirLt 1 Biese Htm Ih i! ti. w* ihi mu ins .ili'iiml! Oh, I d" tijoj Ih - thing ".- ah rfu.lv If 1-e a leal luxury. It .KUI sit OB tim '.¡"ill Uliy «¿ort eel v.l.ea-.uy IT« t III el..-.I. e'd, hut the resurrection ass deili/htfnl. I »iiein't resist loan nfte-r l got into Um i-ijrht ttx I ein d niiht off and (ieeei bleeeea bm Ulory Im t«» his liuiin. llrietln |i inn. -Ai n't fOU pl.nl Ma, jon live forever" (slap.- ham 00 the beek), "Qod bleaayoa." I should mention thal lèverai Quaken are present and ure " llile-el .Ita the Spirit,'" Tin t-nt ii . a-ii'iidaiiee eeim- pl-ls« s a le V supeli"! .1«.« ol people, ila 1.lie- el I nf the people Is foi powei New-York morning paiiera Of to daj li lill el In li at III NAVAL OFFICES I Ml IS s CASE, lill HHiKlMIK .(«! NIT INI ¡M1.M l<«1. l'I.K- .11 PT, Till til. lill*« ni Nil. ¡il Ollnil I.iitllll, ¡it tile Ciintum Huii.-i-, »latí d ycHti-rdi.y Huit In went to IK-i Iii r i «un,tv lae! Batarday, t<« i«>"k ain-r ths chargée brough! again»! h!.nid t In y i-xpii-»»i «1 imp.h it iniiP.- lieu, e m lu- iibriity to x, nil ne i.niiM .f completely, al Ute proper time Thay attributed the bringing la el :.n indictment again»! lum to the working» nf politn.il »pite. It m »tated bj then who ¡ile pel hap» lint fin mil) to the Naval Olliicr, flint aft« r -. 11 ii.g »i\ s rai- In ( ,n gn-s, lu- Innt the l, norn nat len l;,»t lull, or I ililli r Withdrew from the cotitc.t Pi iiiliaiiii, mi it. ..unit "f the liilill.V to lu» pronpi 11» from a piesaleiit imprc»»ioti that Bl wa« con¬ cerned in uri.iin tr.iii-.ii'liiui» in Beith ( «lonna rail- II«.ni boaas, aas <«' a sieh, im ii.«.', wa- thal w tin ti aras uitili-'l by .na blent to otic of lu» coimtiltietit-, ami ulti¬ mately . aimed the pre»«, lit trouble. The liomin in i|ui--- vuui wen- gaaraatead hy the Lsgtalalera of North Carolina, .it the iiintaiue of (¡cn. M. B. Little!!« LI ami olliern im m pontt« «1 to. the btiihllng ol a railroad. I'pnil till« guárante., a huge nuinhi r of Hum ware " tloat« «1 " in Hi« New Y««rk market, ii_.nii.ilv hy In pntln eating tlici.i In n vela! lawn when* laigl Ina.- were oh- t.illu d Upon ipiahtltle» of IhSBB limul.» it »noll In¬ carne cvnli-lit lint the beili'isei» lad nu intention »if redeeming tin m iToiuim ni uicmher« of the "King" cm ii nuil in thin ». bettie were (»cn Llttle- t!, lil and a Mr. Julie» lunn loath < aiolum. Coming Into pii.-»e»nu,ii of large »um» of mom ) BJ tin» in. au», th« y plunged ¡i.to i-jttiiivagant di»» patten hin wilhot r Carolinian», annan, foi . xample. li) polhc. ati d tll.i i.-u worth of the lunn!», ¡nut forthwith gun p.usiiig fan«, ».¦OH hiHini- m ,u I) flO.nU.'. The li tub t. Mi Hi vant, healing of the alla,i at onie »old the »eciiritn » in ord« i t" ni,,ni Io«», though the lomlition» of tin- taBB were that hi wa« to held then, for »ix month» Other capitan«.«, boldtaa talpi Baseaatoel Ms keaae, til»o became alarm« «I. ami thicsv them B| m. the inarki T, eau»)tig tin* prii . le decline to a few .. nt» on the dollar. Kittled« Id ami other partie» to the ftaud »nlwipiently fled to avon! pro»ic.itioii. the (¡minor of North Caro- Ima o(Ti ung %',,t*\*i for the HISSl ««I Ihe fu»t named, pi,ia ipai. II« took refuge miller the prnt« « linn of hi» friend, the (¡oveinoi of PIurida, win n he nuw nSBBlaa Tin1 un foi til mite . I, ti um lam e thal Mi. I billin, hy MBM inlncliance, mini« ii one of tim-.* la,m1«, lu-u-ad of a printed »peech, mulei hi» owi, flank ti a . «ii»f ituenf, during the i unva»» for the Oongii-» iiomluatioii. »a d to luise beea BBBB d itpnli bv lu» . la-inn », am!, in "inn , turn with the BSSSaaM <.! Little!!, hi'» tr i.,-a«*tinn» in Wal! »t to havi been »iiccc-nlully n-«'<l t" «I. »Hoy hi» pottUeal pcospeeta la Ihs DletrleC it tit not now alh geil, how« ver, by any inc. that Mi LaÉla wa« com crned in the fraudulent manipulation Of the bond». Tilt pal Ililli.1 Ininti, which ii i- SMI bv mii-tako, longed, it .- said, IO lil» brothi i, who had been »nini.wh.lt i oiin«. («al. to hm c«'.«t.Wlth Llltlctlelil au«! the other» Th«' present Illili, fuient limb rateod t<« have hera brought ".. aeeouatofa stall lin-ut liuule Hi the Beans "f IBU »tilt liiouglit by tju- brother for the rseevery ofjUa iMtid Tim v im or the head, at the tiwrn abeu M b ft Mi Lallta'a haada, ap¬ pears lo has« Leen oiils« ahollf IP.', all«! !. h«v- mia, io In.iin- «I about tua' am nut Mr. Killin'- ixpln,-: Is stated, wtll completely eionerat. lum lu >. eieur. i«« Du traoaaettoas from iii «ti, la t ARI<l>Tji()F Ali «t KA I'KI I I'. AugiihtuH A RoUnaon, I.i« nsnlilrr in Ike eu.p -i ot II« my Well ti, gNSST, M No ni \\ .«tiMignui «t. whs S-HppssBsd a taw weeta api sflai ti waa <ii» i«'Vend thal he wa« a d, flinltei lo a Kummera le Itinoiilit, wan am Mc_l hwt eve|>I. g Bad lei In «I up " the Laraardal PetteePlattea Ob bb eiamlBatloa «-' Ita beato hy Mi Welch, tit waa ¡,- nan., u ti ,' ii« hadern besaled $i..»«>.laaaary .*¦, aad 11 u>- aiaouoia oa April in, i». M.i> », io. u ..mt is, while on Jua. .' Ibott waa a iii Iii loin s m lim .mount*, of |l,m m.'n aw atnl.ilnf pi '.','« IK wit» lorim Hy etilhli nii.l hi KetebUlU «Vin It toii|i a tilled .hal hi ! » I' -I Illa limul I,) «pi i ii i.ii ion kB atoche Be to tory reib ent with rrferem-e M the inAIIci. Mi Wet« ti, it limn i nan!, >- n ,.., t.n.t to mvstiuu. thauSe infer. THH VIADUCT RAILWAY. HOW n wnj. BPA1 nil' srm.i ¡T* i*i is am» mm lüi'iii.s of i,,K aaoaowAi nmii.,k. rni:iK iii nhuh» ami txyort bimi- LAB -Uti » 111.s i,, ni KI ll.T.«Vi KTIIIIi' l'AKTK i. Mt- Of mnym ,,,,, vl kv rKiti'iti». The. ititi n-o inte-re-t ni.iiiitVsti (I from t ti« lu-I i.y,ii, e:.,-.,. ,,f the paMta in tia. Barn fort tlaiari Railway tat. Brtkaadta-lBMMa ti», »ii,.. >. ¡uni.. !" 1 i.hw lu.w thin.-'ure ir.elnir em, m ' tia- reate, ala -i earl tn lu .-iu, bo ii luiinlr-'-l othe r iii ti... nmii i f ne Ti mt si Iks have that far gal I -a atea af % a 1'. .i .' ¦with a (linn ii^ of - -t m -ni» tim lino whi .. ¡uni aaaaaas 'i .. Ma abare totbeci ,: raj laaaaa N (it«'Iy n.erih of the- CHyl i m »in route, .. ni. li than .'¡in 4 ' ,1 «institut. one-third of the emir.- line ti railroad Bal Ifeaj al ...nu it« n »e | the n tara M th« ¡ire ¡iii, taral eye ol the t pai of ti»».- ire !.. - boa a by 1.-ii ate vicinity, i tera in ordinarily twelve beasei ai.ll .(-» til' ¦will in- j 11, i wltbii s,i. ij aluni-tin' whole lit»--, who are desirous o! . I what Um proapeel tram their Irin awi atti wini tiny kara the Yladael Ballway tor a ¦ i cm.»'. Th.- | (j ,,f '],,. -ir ,, te. tur »nf ti i t.. ..i-«, r»ead two mm the . I iini'iit. dwith i B «. pr. '.,r li.'in il'- laariaftb» l ",. TI.ia ii» a.-, ,... ., -.¦ iHrr ni ti roinpuii}. i -. try, the nu - in ,ii Tin- HMket "f t'a- '!!.. :. M mi-n m te d that the die l-l he nmii ii i-, it \ e- a ting and eearitj lafai ('- .Illpllllj a.if' Ill til»' Still lill/ Of ,1 ut. --'A T. '. ! », le' He¬ il IS alllll'st lill''!'«-,'.:, t'e ¦. of preUmlnary w..rh ahlch has to be de Two hamlre Maa an aow BBaktnjr a thorough surv j aotaaly of ihi propose d route but Of B MOl tOBOltl iii Of It. «. M to ascertain the <. li-- i¡>i*-«t lim! tii"-r .>!i\«-nient pfOfOrtJ io im t ikon. Ihli i- in it.-.At ii work nf infinit«' laker ¡im. troul'le. hut It I- pilshltn.' on w.fli all the r.ipul't.i fa flstent with a « ri I r- hope m th» Ci.lirse i-f sit w-eli-» to han- :.¦ it Of the sur rayen'report. That ob I (tho baa bstwaea the City Hall and the gleit ('. ntnil Hep«»! h.-nie.', II o a. a ami lil. | '.r»iln Ay lee- sent In I B taa ne -'..¦-. ¡,.. ;, ,. ,,r thki pun «-f ti.-* liiie mil bogil as eioon m the n i---rt i, m .beea approved by tit.aaa ra and the Board el Meelera, ami iiir.ifii.'i-iiii nf.-» li. «i'h th-. eproperti holden te s.n tim aeeeaaary Wat, Utiut pel Vllti'Iy cr thli'UKh til«' e'elluplll-ii''l "t the' coutts The u. ree tnrs, Ii.iv.eier, el»-iii' In n.l i-i. t«) make pnvnl» pur- iia-i.-. ,i< avoiding anpleaaanti -- mai aaaM al in,.' | in li. i_-atl..n. 1 !.|i then, ft oin UM » Itv Hall le ii.'!-*...:-t.. i- a rery Importna! aae, te Bun mi - n ai,', trae ka. --'t.iriinia' fr"iu tho »i pel al UM Mott Mel cnin.r ..f tin* City Hail Park, if will enoa I bat« i iis'"ii illy to tim open of the Maaglo nnnd tiyCtiy Hail- pia» a aiui Ci'iitii'-t. nt their June lion ettk |Chaaaki n -' u win iii«-ii mom i:- ok i'a lae, aad Nail ata. i-i Worth- st. On tin-j ma ,,f the- lim« then-will lie e-l-rht tia.i.- rriem Weeith -t. t),,. Uno will pan thro urti tin- -ml i-f th- block, and OTOai Il.ixt- r--t, at its jim- tiiti with 1,. nmirl »¦t., w ¡u m e- u «iii nu between Baxter aad Matbi in st ti ,iv» r-ii.« Bayard. Gaaal, Hester, Onad, ami Breeae Uri. to till) KI* it ii!, Ill it will oeeilpt ti," t: ta... k-» boaaded bl iimi t on Um W' it, Halben, ti on tin-1 ast, I! if.oathe north, and Rpruur-et. m tho roath, 'li rough th» -». ihr¦.<¦ bloeika (ha Ha mu ooa sist »>r n; traekat betweea d kpriaf-oM tiur« will he-four trolt.-. It ti at the i.nrthi rn f-n-l nf tim depot flint the »>a-'i r:i uni WOOtm I iuun hOO OH the- In t start. Tin eastern hram-h Will e%0 ci'ii-trui ted 'ilisf, Is« «..use- tin- v.i |k I- c.i.-i. r, tim \]i. mliture- les-, and It» want greater. Tkli lee Boa la ii I pi M -rartm» point al the railroael. and tin'Iilre-i l-r- I B M I It I"- tun. Aa onoa aa the aaireya ead parekaaeo «>r ..i <>p. n «/ feel- the- le III, ullin | pe'l'tau. Of tin- lila« .»re- eimpl^le el, thei I);re-e teir-e Will put the Watt e>at in -- i tamul ia.nlr.ee f . B as to lii.siiri* the efalohtni Of tin- UM at Hu- eau lu -I pi'-s. hi'- date. ________________ Till. i.KA v.. l-l ANNIVKUSAKY -l_KM.il.I. Kl'S'T Al" TITI I.K Ol' THE Il.l-Ti ROKA* I \lll.>*l<> At Iln* itimtiiip «if tin- Convention of ||M Km n tien, hi 1«1 lii!-t s «hing in Milu ima Hall, th, »i»« li bii-itic-n wa» to Baahh r svhal ,i lion would I«« tnkeu M UM IS! th » if UM «'rang, in« I -hou',,1 h-hr.ilo the l.it ef.Iuls hi B par.nle and pn i.h N> me were »dunn« >' l Vi pt delegate», even tn.-lll' .. nf t lu fin let h » Ih ¡n. xi liuh d. Arniind the door ««sara! bundie«! o' thS tata r collect, d, and waiu.ly dim unn,: UM ipientioti of Orango 11 I, tittt mi. it ti York, and the "duty" of Komm ( alii..m Iiii-h men ¡u »mil an gas nt. One "f the «i«- egab -, li uml. ;¦¦ »io,,,i, coiii) piapeesd al thearatlBgthal i eaaHalttei he appoint« .1 to wait OB tin- Mai or, to r. «punt hnu t<, taSBB a proi laitialioTi pl'olullli'ig Ile <'tätig, nan fr, n. turning out «ful. If ta «li«! ii"f da -". thatahtmIta M clotten »hou ,| " take the matt« in h nul," ami setth ti nf once and forever, by "cutting dowi," euri 0 mau to ha found In tim un with am i Meal of Onng,l-m alioiit linn. Th« «l« atassagapetedthal in sssa theMsyee ebsaMastta the proi tin,illnii UM p iris in paw«! »hnuld MBBBtlM support of the Irish Pmara c.iHio.ii' i, nu nt. s,n. i lu.'lion» wi le mail« of g aOBMWhal -.hull nat.in I what licci.-ioii wa» na, lad BOaM UM I" a». »,| lain. .'. Judging from Du- langa ige and t«ni|>« r mai,If«-ted bf UM crowd about Ita «loor, it appeal» pmhal'l». If the ( .. iapi psrtp laaM ra ins ing Ita ,r proei ».-¡mi. ha a he nt mm nal- datigi r of ni attack. A TU!.ATI-KAI. MAPAOBH <1I\K..I.» \ DEPUTY HIl-.l.ll-F WITH »II. W.IN«, Kl» WATCH Win. B. PnMffh, RtaMgl r nI iii. How« iv Theil', r, ipiarie!e,|, nu -atill«!as, ii Hi John Mulsihill. a I), pun »lai.ti. w.tii w lunn in- had beea driahtag Pre. leigh declared thal ta eeald ¦- I) whip MalellaU, ami Ill.it" thei iiilnh! be »afe from Hit. i option ptopaa «I Hiat they »lio.ild tight on tim-tag«-of Ita theater. .Mulvtliill aaesatod, Ita ttngja waa Ulaanaatod bf in» seal t sad Ita wat, hmeu were -ent to UM front of Ita h"«i»e te winn theioiuiiat. Ihta was short aad derla! ve, as Mr Pn wa- kim, k-d down Bj Ita ti -1 MOW. Ita "Ilibata:.!» teeaaaed tK.-ir elething Bad retired le *. aaegatai ¡¿ llena Ib tas .".ir-.- '«r as hora MalrthUI tata ti«' iii.ua.'it poad alght nuil weat baan taa Bara bAm i,- «h paitare Ptalelgfe tthtmi a paid aa* ii aal ah ita, .u ,i tau»! «I Ita aire»! of Muli «hi!!. -'« rd n BB B charge of BteaUag the watch. Mu.i du1! dcBled tai «hinge, hal Wa.- h, 1,1 to ball !" BBBWI :'¦ I KIMKS AM) ( AflAllli:- KV TI IK«.H \ III _There wm a tata! rase »f sanatroke n> 1'lnl.i- .i.iii.. -. .loh n I.ei un i il, age 70, committed mi«.«!«. -,- ¦ Mi». Laekmire, age IO, committed »unid.m T%t)mmajkmyaonma\ _The chemical works "i Jatnee I Baheoek is wamtimnmjmaniaj turn ki -,..i .i I lie I III V «T-.l! l-»t ('Ililli li III Illili..!..». Ma-- _'.,*. _Janie« Anoatrong, who ta ¦" *tik \ ,, )[.. a f. . «. ¦- .' - . . real» ria» 111 .- ....CharleaRoaeafalt, ia l;v BtabbeU m H.ii.i m riiur_-i.v i, laen» IS .. Is, .. «aa ruii,|,l.i aloa r\.. h .lame« I-". Wilki:.*»-.!.. ,.I> <»'' iron [ad Jimmy,'* a a... .«:... . - » . 'I.«,,'' i .1 BUMS I lill SBd J "in « ¦>'". . I I ¦' >"« M ¦- «o- al.« m i ».li ._v. te.1 tim* \ In .n i atona el rain «' s . .' noa a . ¦, r ,..'.¦¦ u. oma) Jai'. be priim ».*..« S li.e ship I'ol'i.n Klee, .fini Boston Julj I li.i-aba. pal ni- Hal lal a . . 1 . u « oatkaM vmtkmal IB» tnaaeiana titi tastetet wotnm maa* »a*, aaal IS* «cuUl.a« *t liar nari Ott .¦'rumlalV-l. |

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1871-07-08.fur linuiey eliMliiir-e-il fur i-nrnlnii'Tif ami equipment I»ur-ftnrtaa tim late air. TheThird Analto« lntt-muto « nullum' w.rk'.n. iipnii

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1871-07-08.fur linuiey eliMliiir-e-il fur i-nrnlnii'Tif ami equipment I»ur-ftnrtaa tim late air. TheThird Analto« lntt-muto « nullum' w.rk'.n. iipnii


mwxmto\ » XXM.N#M*-


FOREIGN KKWS.m r,,, ,, m -ti; .-muí:.:.

,u -, v :i mint ''

ITION- \ i-K.mI.AV VU' > n«' '1 «'n'*

aMil p_BM.Fi Say, July 7. INI

ri(i -j. " ..i Kn.ai,.'«' yenterdaj,(

- to the i.«

The addltlonnl sum of v.i,--,

,-f Hu t-cliic*

1 aoanceithat only 15 i>er r. ntm allotted te

'. iv.-, nt) Bra adlttaas i«f

;paid i" m ra

; hi !« re c, )* tarni of t¡:.

phalarisi abaadeaed whea i,r.K','«K',i«ou ot

t l'uni.In !. -.. r.l.n. the nintiuii ad M. Juiilx-rt

¦f a lux in| | uiiiî'r <!:--

ial I'"' atiaiku

i ii""«I«' in

. Sanaa h« ri. ruin, nt

i the i irmy <«f

,l the ah« ace. The

ihdiawabylf. Jaubert Xbedebates,

r i tie depart-« M will ¡IT''.', nf t-

M ,.iiiiumaihiiatiuii trott the Pops

,|thal BBBBe.

-Uars cf

i ,

rei lb. mardiIt ha.

nt m «Par!ann,lil,I

ot i.iita


«li Ira, i ut the iiiui«,r an- - pt ,

hat he

qnlah ii « portfolio toI is. I has

.Hull Of,''"' li- Iii*» lu.

i i Spa baa forwarded laths QovansBsal jt ¦

'. n, H la telu ill lie Teiii'iicil lot

« ..I, lah!! . I I.« Bal li.ni all III!« Ila w With II.i t>, !.. takl li :,- "

¦¦¦ t.il vai .«inn i- In the. !!,!>. li¬

ll.heil tn min inn'.

io have beea shot la Um departnaral.,,.!- made by

' the de] I

i . ant de C1 mboi unatton aa-lo len e I'la:,, ,n tiler th ,t

ti tin e,¦ unity m,iv nu laager gie» eounte-l'.'.r-. "'1 |.nHall l-l !.t 9

II . uiiTitri m. I I

i i.t M.tii De-I as our

1 mila!-" Whit, tlaif of 1!. ntl IV. ami

.'',.!,'.! Ali B I. 1, ..--..ia Hal A -ali alni I,,«liai'ae."

GREAT BRITAIN.-'li ! AM> -I \ 1 lil llll\'|ili:--!ii'uM-

.Till. H A VI I.I.I V I I I.« Iii; vin i\.I.« NI ««N, PI .la) ..I.i) 7. I- I.

On bare occurred in tin- lii-i in-lit.1 Be-i rn Uiver* am! Imvc causon tua. p Mas M

inner« hy the rteeiriiulloa of buikU.aeand étape.i

. tod tin* sab-.¦i fiv . inn« bee were *¦« t ob fin hy Um

: ami a nu um-

tatton In ahl of lbs crcitinnnf

h m,,muni i,t f<« I Wa h l . bet WBS ii m " -.*. i'ial r« nl-

ln 1'niic« Bl

t v, ,1,,.. Prince and «PrlaBBBB ('hn-tUn. rrinei* T< k,

the Marquis ««f Lorne, the Pitaeeea Lsatoe,aaAPrtaei¡mr icter re

ha "Tin Lord of Um Isles," "Dk Veraoa,' "Waverley,"I inc." "Auiy

i tri i.

Pix stieet-i ;. Loadon 1 g their « ara.

llit! . .lilli) nf tie

- broufhl te a c,..M ami ta Irai I

J. a' l T

i.l.IULANY.MOT! "ttTt im iMi'iiiiir.-Tiir, pri's-iav

MILITARI I tV» i" I.I IM<»l.i'I> IN Alt.CBASI» ¡..'I.KA1M

lu ki in, Friday, July 1, 1-71.

'iin- F.uitKTeir William tonwen Berlin to-nmr-

ITi't linn i,.i' 1"' .i.-iri'illni'.-e

that the 1Hi j«tls:»' ...a. I.i

y vus.M i. IBOUT TO li -t'.v- k TOT! 01

i s-: ii i-, i i a I Hi HW TI» I nilli.-,

Karata, PHdap, Jalp :, tattI' thal 8eflor -Mont Mill rc-ijs'n

ti.« mam e af ti the iirtsen-". e,' »1,1- ( ennui,!!..<. apoa the '1

He I- f the (.(»ici :uin nt ha«- hi 119 fo 61. A jii'.i¡)i'.-i!l"ii

- Bad »ti- ri.liü.iia m ni.dt-r

TIM II FOR! T«« BAY1 POSTOA j.« titioB ni lu li.ill nf Ki'.-ti i, tin- ian,dt iiiMC.I

lani'i. i« i. hai been circulating for a week ««r mor.. aad-. tndn «I ilanatan *¦ Tan

I' .-, i.inn,nie the m nteme1« in («¦xiiuai.« .,.,,., .., ,lt nriiiliiat« ,1 in'-' '. timk '. '- ia tti -1 I« lati.c-

« '!.«*«. iii-,-! a, tue m tiri'ulallie the* ...ii.;,. Jam.. II. ( hhch, ami--'i««1' .«t Um peiaaaer. Mr. Cttaeh

.hil IM. m,Imitt

had I-cn.'¦. '¦"¦"" »al as alcaen thai hi had

". lbs pkbmnol nuntin ot Poster;» » ne, m of many

' Bil j.artie- had" i'ii-ke.l I! a- ,, .,

" ' .'''"¦'' '. . wen "manyÏÎAA :«.-,.fin¬it BBS the namur ...i,.

»tbeeoBHettoii Tbeprlxu pal

:-»¦ p..........i -«,..,!, ...iha,,,:;;,.Ma,,,., Uiilvcv,,, ,

h JS.'ÎTU ":""'-i'..'.".. titan n-,.. J - M».' ni. ttbowt» u. .,,,ti« wi,t*i.. u. . »hiii.-ut, presided'..i n.« luna .

.'r".'""""'.v. ui the ofeaae,I.i..-ui,'tC;7'M,','-t '"' » taei.gti Mr.aauaiJ W"Á- ' "«w« :... hu-.m - .... u f,.,,.

. ' ''"iw.iiü-Uüdiu» a T*r'«M sourcei ii Is'* liin,,',,.,,"""'^'"'"'""'"'"!'!'"

'NU.., hi J'' U" ¦¦' ' " ".».¦

bl"""""l."i".M.M,illflll, ¦'.'!,*.¦ tbalrsicaatarwthi nÜ?"1*"" applied

j*'552 r,vni!,M.-.,v ".lebratodB! lia]

. I""-"«ia,. ""¦..»li. ali |, .- ,., ,. ... .,

_*¦.'.«' hetiaa.^^ 1'- tw..M,... Baweaths




*.i"':i.caul Bcnuaz on im. 1 in.-Idi MIM.

.s.-! 1 ..-IM--.- i III BANKS AND Uli. MEW l.uAN.¦¦. Ti i.ia.i'. mi -i», tu: "i m

Wa- 111 s ¦. -. I .luiv 7, .-TI.

Bat lu:!»' la yet known aboattlx trouble with\ ti m Kaltiniorc, lint tin- repotl le eUTTe tim

»t nnmeroni eompl tinta ti w) '¦¦ n m ide toitwe ii i'i ii Bnpi i no1 al¬

waysJiut In hil el. e. .neu-., i-i-ia_- n,i.¡.- larorableto biafl il'li'ls Minn I.) eethel's. Sa many n! al nats

Beere! irv ti»

h iu-ti a B r Bitatew i»>

gate Mi»- m.liter, iii- nut overpuverrlBor Pree-abo waa nuable to aammon wttnesae. outaMe of

lils um n l»is!i i, t ; n-:i| It Mas een til--» ¡i"i-unt that the

nlannderatandlng arose. It la not beUe««ro4 thal Beera-tiny lie eui ii »ul.-e! fr mi nuy mutha- hut B -le-sire« to BO-

tin truth in Mia natter, BOB i» it re i««»rt«<! that.mi thing irre'..'ular kal he-en ili-en«. eiml.

Henatnr i-» huí 7 has v iit!en a h tier te. a ia Tithinan in

ty, tn whick h» itronal. ipr» n - bltnse I! la rai t

at « leal a- ríate i-' .liliiii- »if Mi- ' II Vu

Ti* .-ii. :,; nf Mu- Halted "-tat. - in I-".'.

'J lie na ti" n el lean I,- run tin ne- tn bold tln-'r Ilve-twe li tie-smill either b1 v I« r eat limul«, unit 11 ha li ii .1 -e u\a i.-.|.it tin-Tri' wars 1»'-|» irtiuent that norn«, at the.ee- basUUlia le lull IsCil Muir ile i'es1 fur.«, wine ggg In eh Iel1 nf \ |>< a

lo keep them. Thoaerh thean aaUowal baaka anMu » le ali m -if the (une 'iiiiiii nf, i' i. !'i'.. a tin-in that the

nin.'it sei inn»» iBOP-a-tiaeata t" the BUI Ml "! the Ml h'au

liait- he «'II LtKtt with.The «leveiilinx Into the Tt'ii-nri' of uti» xpeneled bal-

anees wi.i aotprereal the eoaalderation of State elatnufur linuiey eliMliiir-e-il fur i-nrnlnii'Tif ami equipment I»ur-

ftnrtaa tim late a ir. The Third Analto« lntt-mu to« nullum' w.rk'.n. iipnii Mn'ni, aad will a-k fur au aparó¬

la al the neal Beaatoa .»f Ooagreai tepajrtheaa.Tin. te,tai aaseaai af bondi laeaed darlaf the bbobUi ofJune from Mu nftlie e-f Mm It-g'v-U r of tin-Ti. a-ur.t ill

WoJwtAtkTin- Chief Cleft of the l>i\ i-ion of Mu- Revenue M »rim-

fti'ivu'«-. Iteaeary Department, relaraed to WaehjagtaaIkkiawing from bli loar ad laepeettaa with Oapt,Faillie» , (ef the Ban nue M IliM >. Ti'lee-, NBMfl the llfe-

»-iiiliiKStitti.iii.a em Mu- MMl e.f N-w .lei.y and IjOiitrI-l,iiul. Tho vlKlt waa for the jniri» .-'. "f ..- Bfta!a!n|what was nea e-ssui y te, ui.ike I In ht,i i i- ni >i" »111 lent..An ai»]»r.ejeriati >:i »-f |M0yQM ni retad far that patpamBy I'-i.'i-le . la-t m ..Lin. Tue. st e'iaa- .ni- m |i mr eaiii-

ilitl'Ui, ami ('.ijir. Fannie' will -hurt., -.an ! lu- re port.lía-omine ullin, aeheage ta the loealltlei -¦: Bena, undm .kia,- taproTenenti in othera.lu the wi»-. k of a lintli-h brig a lot of Biaai. wire »Iii.

ela el m Mm (¿m. n.m.-nt. Au attempt haiie.. n in.uii-to r. e.\. than, ai ii la elatmed that they

prívala property of the-aaatei aadaaataof tho* kOtiOi - n tari of UM Ti. asii¡> »1. !¦-. -

that tin« elgar» «an mini lue.I into Ulla eoillitiv in

(iiriet vi .l-itiieii of law, »and the elatataata eaaoelyre-roverMuin bj» inyiii* n time lu lieu eel or nial tu the«lulu h that Wnii'el liai«- ai-imi-el; eer ii|»oii the« e-laliiiaiitu

ftttoghead thal the ttgon ahall be exi»ort»Tii and notland-.l iilthln the limit- e,[ the Halted -rut«-.

'iin ewan af the brig J. l_wney ka* tendered la UmBaitedBtaleaTreaaury fajstla aattleaaaal e.f a penaltyin« ii IT. «1 hy \ leOlattaa of UM a»'t Whlefe nain.tea everyr< -' to hale on hamel a [ee fe t mm,,;,..!, Teat ActinieBe re tory of the Iteaaary 1- of the e_daloa thal ueaaltlsa iincurrí A ni, fully um 1er Hil.- ai t i un m it her lu m it lu a tednor remitted hy the Kee re fury in BBSS! when* auch |ieiial-ta-iii'i!" ula teil ti.i tin- Maetara- bat, wheee the bar-deas fun iiimn íiinoient peisoas, they may pasmas f.«rreataatea <u Brttigwttrra aadar thaaotel Marah it ItSf,The cine has been referred to the Hollclfor ni thei :. a-ury.K«»-]» r* of llirlil-houars, sllmited en ocean reefa and

i'Hn r'al « 11 Btattoaa, are hereafter to be MppUed withrattoaafiraaa OoTerameal BlsssBMn This gggret nt» anydal ffl I Min- li iiili:ht arl-«' t«> Iii«»«' h! Ill, till .*«m during theabeeaei <«f s pottloaelthe lune, while reeatrlaji sap*i«..- trow a dletaa.<..A great iiuuihi r of designationa to clerk-*hi|>.*< In tin-

«lithi.iit Inn eau-« of the Treaftiry DapBISBMBl liava re

n ci -lilly lui ii given out. Ahniil one tliinl of the wholemu,,Im r hal e mu i¦. «afluí) paaiod tim c xaiiiinaloii.A iiriiiiiim b1 (»'«vi in in. nt oflhial recently u rote ta B

friend In New-York, lii.jiiiriii^ ,u- t«i the p.,»ilion, timm-. lally ami oth« rw inc. of a certain icnidint of that city.ii« ni,,i ii tin- following reply i" I am hajipv to inform poa Hint Mr. »tanda at

V., I'D t"|« of rc-'.c, t,ii,lilli here. He OWDS a IBMs, « Tori Judge, and Intends to steal the ¡n**t

railroad he **«.. ¦ I] tata around looot *'

Ilr. Jofin F. MeiSB, r. cently a]i|i(iiiitei1 Deputy (¡randf-ue tram thi« eeaatry for Qarasaay and Switzerland,ha- |u-t Informc'l (.raml Hire F. Ii. Htnart that he IihhliiNtlt.it. «I lu/.ii. ich, Hwit/a i Iimi, the flr-t ladas Bl OddFellow,, in that country. It I» called Helvetia No. 1.The following numil are the only lodge jet c-tahli-dif din (»'tmani: 0_M .. k Ii at Im-'len, T-ivniv It,- rl lu.

..ami Stuttgardt, wiirteiuiitiri:. Dr. atone hasalasaatabUahsdaa aBaaatpssanl ..t Paella, Ihs tirât in(»< ruiiiiii

The leUOWlBg l«o-t nilli e-« were e-tnl,ln»hed, ami «paSt-in ii-f n- appoint, d, la Kew Y««ik, during thi week endingJuli e, i ..i ¡

¦-uri,« :«ii.i, ii,,, iga .a,''. I.r*:, Ami I-,i. I'M.li au, au ii.. .W..!,!aaU-r I ..nit ...Hi. Ma'll».... V M

,-,- i-iiii» arroma»,..,.-ni,!«.s a.n.--i-iit a .i, n aalj.laka ii iitia.»vi, < '«»illili J M H'-» r

I l,auta_,,ua ti.ui.ir.elia- )l .ail.ttoamt i .¦ »ti rl Wkiiii,.. ii,, n »i- >iaa« aim ii. ¦,. o--xl.iuiau jua < nulli.. ..Blajllttl 1 .'«.I-

FoaanaAt nunn dispati i(m Min i mi in«|,iii v ai n« Department of Ami altan

IB «lal li Wa« <il!!< lally um llalli«' hat 11 el «' BBS tit eli no

iiii.il) rl» i,| 11,Hon und other n-|i-.iU foi J > BBl lien.)

Ihuii Ihre«'foul tim of timm liai lug I.e.* ii I'I'IK'I, BBd,;..., Km*, and other dlsUol Bute«- Jin dttiir

ance i« given flint no aprciflc point« nn the eiih|<*ct havebeen furuisbed bv the Departmenl to any person.

'1 Ile I ni nu ii _: Is an \ lil «I I nf tin- busineas nf Hu (ne

era! Land Outee during the awnth of June : Letternwritten, 1,161; page« ,«f «record thereof, 1,034! land1*.it, nt- written, l.r it patenta le.-iuile I, 1,361; patent«tranamitt. .1. !"'. eertlfli d <. nlea, r, «-. togel iel with theli.-li a large ali ii-lint nf mi- el1 Un "ii- liil-ini ¦-».

The lui;,- »I ,!,- Mini-t,i at IIiim« :«. ,, 1 lie- Xtt nil

reported to the Departni ni ni Btal thal much Incoiiii-ia ., i- ni-t m,.) being experienced 'i American«enterlnj li., snd Belgium. Paaaporta with the ri*.

of » Belgium . mi-ill are n julred of all personsentorlngbelgium fruin France or England, thouga bow an re¬

quired of those entering from .ia li I. \,l An- 'i, in

ima i..'. except lb -. issued ii I e dted States/-gallon it Bniasela an quired to have the American

« tiefore tbe French Conaul will list them.I ..ni n - traveling ali ne wltbo it s paaaporl ure -eut bai kft,un th French frontier, and a witt leeompanying herim-h in I 1- not allo« . 'I lo posa unie a ah. i- named in thepaasnort.or baa some means of lattstyiag the sflh r thalih n i- m -i n 11« fully m ir ¡« «h

'lo I«.«¦)« ut the iiiiriiiluitn.il into the Unit« d .*-'

I the cattle dlaeaae ki wn isth. ** Hoof and Month Die-iaet" which ii i- represented M pn vailing aaaeag the

rattle of Chill and the Argentine Republic, Soath Amer-ha. Tbe sam. restrictions will hereafter be Imposed oaneat ini.', imi hhh-«if min cattle Imported from Iberountriea above named aa sie now Imposed ob thosefrom Europe and other fin Ign countries. No «aeh cat Hum hl'ii - are to h« entered or ian.led from Chill or theai gi atine K i'"1' i«: until further orders, unies« thi I ana.. ¦.mo.um ii « ith un Invoice having a Conanlar certtfl-, ite id l, bed Sl Illili.' that the Callie iii*' l-l- I» IK't |Ti).l-,,-ui in .mi derra.. and baa no1 hoi n n¦. ulIj in the .li--n i nf 11", ii nt, v fruin whii 1. the Importation com. -. aadtn it the Con-..1 1« i*ati.»!lt*<l till) Impoitutinn i.- fin flinn

li.-en»e.in t, «ponas t«. «gaartaa oa Du- «abject <>f the li.itiliity of

sputhoearie« who -eli wines «ml Hquoraaa mediator«,th. .tumi heur of I ii tern ii Bevenuc Kaaarrta the for¬merdecUiou of the i!uua i. .i it ng apothecaries liablewho «eil liquor«, exuepl when thej an eomponnded with.«hu r.i.¦-, iimi tin rabí tase Um li Id. atttj Bl wlaea«II .-pi II I.IOUI. Ill|ill'l'-.


DAKOl li- "I Till. Ki vi si »I K\ I« .A »li Uti n


\Y \-ll|S«,l'iS, .Inlv ?..LetteiM lee« ¡Veil illthe Kill I n.ii 1; \ « BIM ' 'Ilh « in m Sup, ii :-i r- F nike ami

Klag, repart thal great dMhealtj i* experteaeed la eel*leetlag the reveaae in the di-triit- al arlaaaa andDakota owing to ths hostlUly al lbs ladlaaa. rradnrlagtrai.i laeeeare. in Daheta the iteeeaar ta the Weet,plyingeatha Mtaeearl Btrer,wsi attaeh i«y Indlaaeafew .lai» ago, aad riddled hj bailete.M.'.i.l IA IH'Si I«".KIS(, T«. lill. RKMOYAL OK

I UK K1. KAI'nii».

\\ \-iu\«,ios-, .inly 7..iii.' Beeret n> ni theInterim' la-da) r« BelfOd fr« In the Wal Iii pal tua nt .1 copyof the r-jx.rt of Mijar WltaB. SOBHBBBdlBg the nth I ii

lahtri al 1 i'l l'un in. T- i.i«, relative la UM pr,,p««»-dii in"),ti nf the Klehspao Irtbsa gt indian-, m Kexlee t<»

the Knk..poo n-M riiilion in the liullan T« rrllury lu theUnited States ti.« -.¦ ladlaaa saslgrali «I froei Du HaltedBtatea loverai yaari ago, and have since beea la thehabit «if in auentl) ro«slng the border to ommtl depre.lutKm-, ami afterward Bnding safetj and refuge InMexico. M.t «r Blina, on May ti. pro. ... (led, with th. In¬dian < -i'um.--hu.' i- and two friends Kansas KJckapooin«!..i,, Santa i: -a, Mexico, near wbMb place he m. I

. fiitui. une nt the i btof«, alni about I««' Ka kupunn A ft- i

walting -It «days for other principal eblen to ««.m«*

in, uml llmlliiK if iimi it mi «Inn tiny Would anne,M.il.r Bliaa returned, oa ti" -H. of Jan., to «Pert Dune in.He rep ii- thal be ha« received a letter from Oonimlai um Ma -, dated Santa Boan, In « hieb tin- latter statesthal alii Wahpih. foi B li"m he ii a- « .,:tlh|_, had lint

up t.» tlnil 1 nu« mail Ina app-arañe*-. M i',or Bliss adds 1" «lu mi itrrluil at ¡-anta Rusa 1 li arm «I thal the Ml lil auOommlsstonei was there, laming provisions t«> Klcka-pooa. and han i.,,,««, t,, be expended foi th« m. PromWhat I Bl in,ii euld M bile ill Santa Ko.» a, li lari-'e huill¬

ín r of Kiehapoa asea aad woasea ««f tue tribe«re niixl-iui- to nu t'.i the Halted Htftte«r« servatlon, bnl then biefs opposi d tt. Cblao, the onlyI liter of liiip'.i tame. I lint with, i» fri,nilli bul opposedtotoartag Mexico, Bbnnan.Jose, the chief of tn. Potto*wattomlea, told ase he weald return to the réservation,hut lu« trli»«' would imt ga. i lied mi the MexicanAh»«!«- at Minta Kona. ,,iti, lally, and was informed byhnn that he bad no knowledge of any Inteutloa oa thej.art of the yI« vu an authorities to assisi In the removaln! Hu- KI« kal« alf, and had m-ui i*. -1 ¡mt im-trui-

thuin of any h uni looking to inch a liiuvelnelit. The Cotn-

mllsteaers aad Kaaaae Indian abiete who aeeompanjHiern, will remain lu »anta Kona until aolncthlug «1« Hull«*i an h« aa. ii lann (1.

»i li l M. AT PLAGABA PALIANiakaka Faits, July 7..A yinni-? pliynirian

mum <l I liarle* * » 1 IT« .ral of Mouth Wilson, Niagara Couii-

ly, cominittcd «nield« hy jumping from l.oat I-land

bridal i «-I« i'l-'«} linn nini;. Ou th.. bridge wau found a

Iel 1er «lue« t«d to hi« father, and rta ommeniliiiii to bilcine hi-wife. Pt« unlary llahllltlc» »re BapPBB «I t" ho

the BBBMB»

TKI.E<¿KA Tille ROTH_TIip steamer Woiih-a Woaco <>f tIi»- Bngliab

tat, I« D'.» neail.T » »ttll eitrnlur «1 Sale 1- r a. i.e-.i Ir.au ».li.l!. I;

...AellieetM fl»»lli .Illinai« a te. tin-nil» -tilt«« tlilU intw.l inmil'.i. UM »a»t ui"e...Te:reieiee-iit tt.ll l,i- i,«.,,,,«! truiu e««|i»iii«li *I-»ulu Kiairatuu.

CvniH Wiike-tiel.l lui.« gi ven §100,000 to Unrvnr.ICmlmtà tai tke esooOm «i » u-nuie». Hall.aub leaUtigm, lakei.lle-l Wak.t.W.I Hall

Ael«..««"* from llnyti to the» int. stat«- that fearswerr t-DU-rUlar-i In, tlir -.»(-t- at the »te-aeeiri .,1 lilt ul Purl an Fn»e»fiuuj Nrw York. »Iiie-li »aa tlee«a 16 ela;, orrreleir.

TI»«Crown l'oint Mining ('oiiiimiiv e»f Califor-ult'bii ietlut.1 o OtWrrd ol «.Iii au.! II«..!.,« I«!!., «t M. lb»

(l.lj/iua' lileidru Trraiui. ( »nipa.! baa 1er« iel »a »a-tMeutni if *'.

Tlie»reeeipta of th- Pntaai OBbm «lunn,, tin*aoonti tixiiuf li.ut n mem gltljmt Ift mfesnnuam Junu« Iketimt i-ri.sl . 1«« Ih"- ¡I Muplu» yui lulu lb« I uiieJ «lal-a It...eui,gtle*

Ael« iie-e fr-)in ajp-nwall t-> Um '¦'.*l atnie thalI .'.'.-I «Stat «),i|- OmuitSAtii titi!.. » » Ift ...» tie Mb ah Hilf

el Ul A.|i-l ««.1 !!'.! t »-Jit-.- ft UU.U.e . ..'u lUt le.«»»I allUOU«

lua_K 612 titiThe ComtuiasioneT of Patenta has mated tne

amAmäkwmmtBen I Betiay. admtmjtnatla -f »... i Beti timm»,li., tin ttiti tn-ti «11 \-iitni l«r n-nel.iau» juinU tituu H|bU 1 he ti

Walka ilate-a fr.ua tbe« Hal Inltaut

I In «traw lnili'1 manufacturer»« of ('eiltiniliia«'.,'.,.'.' VI .ti" "I hba tint a H|b

I""' '- "C. _>_].>J»*¦*"*"tim u. ii., emmet ¡em ''.»ti"' tim n-- la n tappa bm.The Mecbaaiea' Fail la be beti In Ban Tra_-,.«eiau.1 iiimiiir. lee I- . »". I" J«'»!'«*»«* «¦..nlrlbairon

n,. ,,...,. f.,i «i«., i.'» karn i-«i matan u uc.u, «ii n,.-«*"' .'

Keilor!« from nil parta of California i-.»"**" «I'1-*,l. .1,,.,. .'.,..1.1-1!.. Omi x.i .i,l..:i-.l..l n»- n-"' I"-«1-'»J, "¿I l .li'.M.el tb.l »f I«-" "*.-* ¦ '"". «alif-eraia l.na.r. a.»

X'l-Ta« iue-L. lu l»a.t«.Colanda, «bt- it«, aril .1 ti* iota el

e-4-í 1« euee pat tai lea! al II le«*»**

NATIONAL CAMP MEETING.Ililli» t> A V'-t Mt« in* F. IM Ne;«". Mil-'. WH K I'l _

MI'I-TIVi.A IlKAl'TIKI'I. OSAS OHO...«-Ileil'T-1N«; AT Mí.iit.A COLORED .»i-u.n i\n-

«II- ( 'IIHI.-aTIAN l'.ilte.IVI-.Mls-l _« II I.I «I: I. ,'sM 11 I IN« A KI.M Al-KAr.l.l. l'F.IK HI A I« MIa

II»»! RD I.VKK, July 0..Lust i«v( nine's iine-t-

liiev', ad', »i ti -tai to Id- nmini ti-ii bj» Mi.. Wrlakt, wai

tggaaggi tiy .1 ama, waa ;«' th»' oataal » lalaied la be rai ¦.¦

maia -t ami »¡iitiih-nt. ami iiu>ii aiiia tul i ii- .-<. praaaolwitt a dreary «'xuiiiiuiii Mi-, Wrtftrt, a afeo-Baaaae,in,ltronl) hieikln« l.nly, talk, el with f|,ult aiu! rnn-uih r

able pawer, a baaatttal iii ti» pttrl of roarSanaaera. waa

hud lu »n ii, lit Inr iloll to the- in- (tag, n hen mutti ii-j; I,, ira ii

pgtktag do «in ilull)'a ti«.ul ami Iniiuel In UM »in;, me-'.

A fOOag fill arose, and Hpnke in a um -. pe-ullai IV mu

j k1« ni und Koftly modulated, tk» tuinul UM meet I

llllll'lllt liiowu j e«. h. au IllV.lld tua! I l\el nine mia

ti» haie-»'ii. \\ lion »«hi' hail iliiishiel, a titi) Mea. and

mid that tin. young girl . i-e eutinlt deaf, hut that, not-

Mitlistandiii',' he-r intlrinlty, ««lie' -lee.«« g vant iiumniit of

i/ieod. Whe'll in carn and Htcainhoat.», nile emulate-«

tia. ka, anil luiH leiten UM nu ana nf many tinve rnieiiiH. I

afterwaial hurinit tliat «he wiw I'orn »leaf, ami. 1» li»K the

(lau.hte r of rie'h párente. Ililli I'Mi'ie .| til-' tee rl e,I elm a-

tieeiial nelvaiitiiejc». The hii-rlit, esin irt jounii weMM

whom » had e«o admired in Mu- iiiurnin».' k'a«.«« lu r « -peri-enre of omi «v pee al season ed grace. Her baaM liDrake, che luiliing* to the ('iineatitiiptivi-.' Bo-aMj lu

Beatea. Dr. Vari Mtaoi thoa» Um m1 I n.

Ikrewa araaad ux. a »nan r..11 baw ha bad ob» ii i.»a el ..m, Mil. .Ullin, hut hail, iliifiii tiuiatel-., j-iiui'el »,.,,,.

t. tup. ntm f mili tn, and had Iim-i it. A dark »muan, on

tho mtatia <>f UM tent, shouted ami «lapi»ei! he r mit-triied bania, until tur mitte n- ami larynx.mi'il in im¬

mun nt (i.uiia'e r. Mm. Ward, a r« lim el, l.idi Ilka ¡mi-.n,talki-el quietly of lu avonly love.

Tin- e-reaian Barril a, nadar tim treee, van parti, Blarlyload. Amil« w Mi Kane pn a, lu d ,i BBTBMB a!.nut the

pawer af Oad, which satstasd bum! Iheaght, aad waathe hCsf wi'inon yet pri.'lclieil here A gr« at ti« al nf im

BBtBBBMp wau lit loo-e aft, r the pn a« hing wan over.

Hmther In-klp, who can make btaMB If heard over the. Hire lamp, wan iir-n-tcd !«y llilliu rou« rollcagw »

There I« no uml. r-taiulitiK' SB he-iiMirlug human eiului-

j ance lu-re. They »sing last night, and «hunt«..!, ami»hont, d uml »ang. mit 1 nearly H o'clock. (»ne of therule« of the mr, tl'ig in, th it at lu p. in., nil public nei

l ii c*. nhall ce.-me. We an-i \|,<-'. ted to |nc at fi o'« lui I I.I

the nanning for Hi,- lli-t B r\ u I liefor«- hreikfa-t. andfruin live until neal I) B-Malghl inn- han m, ii ht fI oin "m r-

v n c. Alan that »nine of tin have bodies «ah well an no.ll«lo nave. One gund ii ni ii iii ii ho han been ill r, fil-« d lo fa koim-iln me, Haying »In« Innl m iib- a i BW I" Qai )carrt agoHint nhe would take SS medicine, hut rely .-lit ir.lv BBQfllil ». power lo . ure ! The K ntiumny meeting thin morningat 8 u'cliK k opened with John Allen'« reciting one "í M»Paul'« l-pintl« h lu heroic »tile. Mr. ..rai, win. pt« «hh d,Banti« I the peuple to c, ititi ne tin ir li-ma ric» tn prest ii t \

pcrience, and to tie brief,»«) that eil thOOB WBO BBOWciuuigh lo follow dlrecti in-, npnk«. tersely ami to the

point. The iron nllig lilt, re-t of the meeting ccntcreil

upon a Mr». Huiith of New-York, who in black but

intiiil). Hu- Bald BBS murnini/ winn »he had h WS wa-li

ing than iiHii.il (-lie took In wiinhing, »ho «aid), »he at

down lo her »ewing and to think of J« »ii". lhere w.-ie

.'ine thing», »le* thought, »lie never could Torgue. Thef.rnl wau th«' rl««t in New York , the »einiul

wa» the binning of UM Orphan A») lum, ami

Dm third waa the »laicholdei'. Then all at once

the Murd« «ailie lo lur, "None but the pun.in heart »hall »...« (¡oil," and ». ni lier down on le r.kne"»,nml nhe didn't get up until nhe h.nl fnrgiv«' the. riot. IB»Ih« n Sha thniight about flic Orphan A») lum ami «he hadI" get down «gain illili! »he got our that. Hut »li«.bad to pea] Mag te ha abai f«> fernlea ,,"> aTaaiihaManhu!, glory to (¡od! »he had dene no. Thm »inter »tirnd

np the meeting u» ii.n« else hitherto baa done. Wie

«peak*, well, ninl ha« the, geuulnS » iiinp-ineetiiig «pirit.Mr. In»kip clone«! the uieeinig with a »ern-, of »hoot»;.' (»lory to the (¡od of Hat ti« » (¡lory to the Ooiat UMAmericaii H. public (¡lory to the (¡"«1 of the («.tripe« amiHiar»!" The 10 o'clock «tvice begun with »crlpturalrecitation« from any alni everybody. A »crinuu wa«

preached by Win. T. Marlowe.From one until two thi« afternoon a children'«

mci ung wa» he'd in the Tállenmele. Kroin MS to MShlldreu wen- prewitt, ami remarkably beautiful elul-

dren they nie, tit mg au improvement upon the average

of Shapreeent generation. Mr». Inskip, a titling mate

and cowoiki.r for her hunbaiul, hail charge, nhe li ii

lu singing und praii r, and hail the little onen prom -.. 'i

. lone lluir eye», a» the ground wa» rath« r too dump for

them to kneel. Tiny oin led well, holding their little

hand» out their )e» with grim «tiirdliie»«. Mr«. In-

«kip tried them with a variety of »oug», willi li they didn't

»mg well, with the exo ptlon of"O, bu«. I loTf Jran.'"

wbie-li they nan* » ith irreat «.pull. Mi*1 U«J Jaw ». a

dark-eyed woman, with lsrauliful hair, 9 kftgkt,sparkling fae-e. gera Mu* children a lery gi aplin- a« «unit

of her ««inversion when lu jeir» old. Ulm han a verymuileal uili <. and other pleaaant (|iiallfl< ationa for lu-

I laaaattng children. HI»«' non followed hy a Mr», lol«*,who Ixguu l»> u-kuiK the children If anv »nuof tlniu

hitit ii p< ruin d what Mr-, James had. Oin' girl, per-

bkft ift janie Wi rtXr. hat aead la »ignify that sin«

hu.I. Mu- le..»ke»i an It eli,- und. i-l-inil the s|»«-ak« r. The-

lady then minuted nu a« «emit eif UM Hi-'

Btndiaa- me. ling sim had «i.r held. It wa»« in

the MLs-IB-lpi-l Valley, where maní i hllelriMl Intel heeu

made en pham. hi the Uirllile calamity which ha«l sweptgWOytiktU p «rents. Tilla tim* II lia was e.-jvurel1 withi.iai'.r by a bos me icir-nid. Mr. Parker roiioweel(l!|,. ('..let,, in,«te...U.d . he- llll'l P . k l,e "I Pt!»II n.nt ile.wi. on Hau Um.-,, un Ullin' two >.-a» oldbal»!«'! \ fe ut ellli le ni «1 ter-. raw h el iiruuml mi thenWiiim'-m fl-. in i.in I" an.'Mi'T lo I-ilk le> t lu-til. «-Ollie' .if t I.i'

I,.,,«., fust.lie, k.' |" I'»*« -I «.' Ml- I'H K,'I l.il.lM...hi.«J» B thrilling »tor». Ulna Ila- ih»! was In N-iV-V.uk he hael gone willi hi» »Iii* ml.« Mm c.iiiilrv I.ii vone «if their dil litre ti, lea«, ina! hi« lull.« ibu. e h.irie v ,.n Ihi» .isi. i ai home. Ih«' ti..ter» reeolved f««

ban III»1 beni** iMfiiliM« he' W.is an A LollUaaiat ataaaber. Ti»-. BMielMd la aaatterala Ma Aaor,IliiiliiiK ti bollad little! 1 Uarltiy.liHililUK out of »ho ui> orr

»lad«*«, eiiis-iijcd la crvat tear, tv bia uuul. "vu,

auntie«, what mil wo do w bal tall W» d«> t igt un prBJ .'ami falling on lils kne. s he sahl, " O Lord, »> ml »li tbe Mhad mell all awaj fur JOSM etake, am« IB." JHit tit* IO theliniici- appeareel, tho rioters Bed, and Mu- beena WMe-ai.ii. Sir. Parker Um a propooed -bal the childrenshould give their experience. Bevewel aa ie ami toldla. A the-J fe If, u.-iln/ mu. ii the ralla language SB grown¬up sall t-e The 11.lair« ii are tobave their n« «*i.il mut¬ina* daily beraal1er,Thlsatteii. the- se i vices a«!|Oi.i-ie»l f'i'tii the open

mr to Mu lah- i-uní"!', on ac< oni i of the dubli ni spp» sr«

Bjioeof! Tliearrivals to-davare estimatedal i,ihhi '1 in- la, ,i,lmir le-nts are in the Utmost Conflisle n,sv-eie in n inila« i-i ii.i. forsaken the manaaera. Oiti not laid .1 nu ila, bul kuna ¦-.» doxologle al hvum. toryImpresaive, AnKma the plainest of plain i"¦<tim around are M ml .Mr-. »Baldwin «¦! Hea¬ton, who liave giieii muí li min ' i to educational pur-p,.s. .. A linn.Ullin of 110,000 !l"lu Mum Inillta university t'en tie. eoloreel people In Lonlalan ».

The raia concentrated tho attendaace, and Ulled theTelee mae le tO Overflowing. Children lulle -*i--ii'!l ..fiin- ground aboul the »>i" ii ind h »I i |»im.u s'pin at see saw and tumbling in the straw. Au»¦.in in, after lae I abernaele »-cr moa ba landed, aroee t.>

«ennuie lit upon iin- sliijite'uuaii.'s nr e XI a«, again a ¦> eifMm Mi thoilist listen He lielleved ¡lu- Holy Ohoslwem Iel go Mirenigti silks »ml nat ii s. hut be did .it lu iie>\eei» weiuiei long dwell in h« aita thal beat oadei web B itaalei.eiiiiis. Ho alao disapproved of the aaj ia which aistera« it 11 > on strawberry festivals, .and -i'l thal the devili nulli n't carry on Ins aron Wtthoal Tin- help ofthe Biatera. Brother in-wip aeróse to smooth»ni r m,uti », iimi int t.i -i the listera bj mm-

pilme mini/ i!ee« exceeding rood ta-'.,- and consistencyih u have been io remarkably displayed here, I« waani« pinion thai im similar body e.r ire-Ben in the aoi Idwould display better taste- iimi ostumi s inore In \t epli aWilli Hu- eee as,len ami theil' ptnl'e -1"!,- id lui el \l Utia frymnastin peroration: '. liles* God, I'm s,, bappylI' . (ieid, I'm SO pi li '|J . BleSI (ne. I !!, if I -. t- -e,

nu«!)v te mil and beautiful Mumu n .- li.m thateverylh ag ti ¦. ag rlirLt 1 Biese Htm Ih i! ti. w* ihimu ins .ili'iiml! Oh, I d" tijoj Ih - thing ".- ah rfu.lvIf 1-e a leal luxury. It .KUI sit OB tim '.¡"illUliy «¿ort eel v.l.ea-.uy IT« t III el..-.I.e'd, hut the resurrection ass deili/htfnl.

I »iiein't resist loan nfte-r l got into Um i-ijrhtttx I ein d niiht offand (ieeei bleeeea bm Ulory Im t«» hisliuiin. llrietln |i inn. -Ai n't fOU pl.nl Ma, jon liveforever" (slap.- ham 00 the beek), "Qod bleaayoa." Ishould mention thal lèverai Quaken are present andure " llile-el .Ita the Spirit,'" Tin t-nt ii . a-ii'iidaiiee eeim-

pl-ls« s a le V supeli"! .1«.« ol people, ila 1.lie- el I nfthe people Is foi powei New-York morning paiieraOf to daj li lill el In li at III


lill HHiKlMIK .(«! NIT INI I« ¡M1.M l<«1. l'I.K-.11 PT,

Till til. lill*« ni Nil. ¡il Ollnil I.iitllll, ¡it tileCiintum Huii.-i-, »latí d ycHti-rdi.y Huit In went to IK-i Iii

m« r i «un,tv lae! Batarday, t<« i«>"k ain-r ths chargéebrough! again»! h!.nid t In y i-xpii-»»i «1 imp.h it iniiP.-lieu, e m lu- iibriity to x, nil ne i.niiM .f completely, alUte proper time Thay attributed the bringingla el :.n

indictment again»! lum to the working» nf politn.il »pite.It m »tated bj then who ¡ile pel hap» lint fin mil) to the

Naval Olliicr, flint aft« r -. 11 ii.g »i\ s rai- In ( ,n gn-s, lu-

Innt the l, norn nat len l;,»t lull, or I ililli r Withdrew fromthe cotitc.t Pi iiiliaiiii, mi it. ..unit "f the liilill.V to lu»

pronpi 11» from a piesaleiit imprc»»ioti that Bl wa« con¬

cerned in uri.iin tr.iii-.ii'liiui» in Beith ( «lonna rail-II«.ni boaas, aas <«' a sieh, im ii.«.', wa- thal w tin ti arasuitili-'l by .na blent to otic of lu» coimtiltietit-, ami ulti¬

mately . aimed the pre»«, lit trouble. The liomin in i|ui---vuui wen- gaaraatead hy the Lsgtalalera of NorthCarolina, .it the iiintaiue of (¡cn. M. B. Little!!« LI amiolliern im m pontt« «1 to. the btiihllng ol a railroad. I'pniltill« guárante., a huge nuinhi r of Hum ware " tloat« «1 "

in Hi« New Y««rk market, ii_.nii.ilv hy In pntln eatingtlici.i In n vela! lawn when* laigl Ina.- were oh-

t.illu d Upon ipiahtltle» of IhSBB limul.» it »noll In¬

carne cvnli-lit lint the beili'isei» lad nu

intention »if redeeming tin m iToiuim ni uicmher« ofthe "King" cm ii nuil in thin ». bettie were (»cn Llttle-t!, lil and a Mr. Julie» lunn loath < aiolum. Coming Into

pii.-»e»nu,ii of large »um» of mom ) BJ tin» in. au», th« yplunged ¡i.to i-jttiiivagant di»» patten hin wilhot r

Carolinian», annan, foi . xample. li) polhc. ati d tll.i i.-u

worth of the lunn!», ¡nut forthwith I« gun p.usiiig fan«,».¦OH hiHini- m ,u I) flO.nU.'. The li tub t. Mi Hi vant, healingof the alla,i at onie »old the »eciiritn » in ord« i t"

ni,,ni Io«», though the lomlition» of tin- taBBwere that hi wa« to held then, for »ix month»

Other capitan«.«, boldtaa talpi Baseaatoel Ms keaae,til»o became alarm« «I. ami thicsv them B| m. the inarki T,eau»)tig tin* prii . le decline to a few .. nt» on the dollar.Kittled« Id ami other partie» to the ftaud »nlwipientlyfled to avon! pro»ic.itioii. the (¡minor of North Caro-

Ima o(Ti ung %',,t*\*i for the HISSl ««I Ihe fu»t named, a»

pi,ia ipai. II« took refuge miller the prnt« « linn of hi»

friend, the (¡oveinoi of PIurida, win n he nuw nSBBlaaTin1 un foi til mite . I, tium lam e thal Mi. I billin, hy MBM

inlncliance, mini« ii one of tim-.* la,m1«, lu-u-ad of a

printed »peech, mulei hi» owi, flank ti a . «ii»f ituenf,during the i unva»» for the Oongii-» iiomluatioii. i» »a dto luise beea BBBB d itpnli bv lu» . la-inn », am!, in "inn ,

turn with the BSSSaaM <.! Little!!, hi'» tr i.,-a«*tinn» in

Wal! »t to havi been »iiccc-nlully n-«'<l t" «I. »Hoy hi»

pottUeal pcospeeta la Ihs DletrleC it tit not now

alh geil, how« ver, by any inc. that Mi LaÉlawa« com crned in the fraudulent manipulationOf the bond». Tilt pal Ililli.1 Ininti, whichii i- SMI bv mii-tako, h« longed, it .- said, IO lil» brothi i,who had been »nini.wh.lt i oiin«. («al. to hm c«'.«t.WlthLlltlctlelil au«! the other» Th«' present Illili, fuient i»

limb rateod t<« have hera brought ".. aeeouatofa stalllin-ut liuule Hi the Beans "f IBU »tilt liiouglit by tju-brother for the rseevery ofjUa iMtid Tim v im or thehead, at the tiwrn abeu M b ft Mi Lallta'a haada, ap¬pears lo has« Leen oiils« ahollf IP.', all«! !. h«v- mia, io

In.iin- «I about tua' am nut Mr. Killin'- ixpln,-:Is stated, wtll completely eionerat. lum lu >. eieur. i««Du traoaaettoas from iii «ti, la t

ARI<l>Tji()F Ali «t KA I'KI I I'.

AugiihtuH A RoUnaon, I.i« nsnlilrr in Ikeeu.p -i ot II« my Well ti, gNSST, M No ni \\ .«tiMignui«t. whs S-HppssBsd ataw weeta api sflai ti waa <ii»

i«'Vend thal he wa« a d, flinltei lo a Kummera le

Itinoiilit, wan am Mc_l hwt eve|>I. g Bad lei In «I up " the

Laraardal PetteePlattea Ob bb eiamlBatloa «-' Itabeato hy Mi Welch, tit waa ¡,- nan., u ti ,' ii« hadernbesaled $i..»«>.laaaary .*¦, aad 11 u>- aiaouoia oa Aprilin, i». M.i> », io. u ..mt is, while on Jua. .' Ibott waa aiii Iii loin s m lim .mount*, of |l,m m.'n aw atnl.ilnfpi '.','« IK wit» lorim Hy etilhli nii.l hi 1« I« KetebUlU«Vin It I» toii|i a tilled .hal hi ! » I' -I Illa limul I,)«pi i ii i.ii ion kB atoche Be to tory reib ent with rrferem-eM the inAIIci. Mi Wet« ti, it i» limn i nan!, >- n ,.., t.n.tto mvstiuu. thauSeinfer.

THH VIADUCT RAILWAY.HOW n wnj. BPA1 nil' srm.i ¡T*

i*i is am» mm lüi'iii.s of i,,K aaoaowAinmii.,k. rni:iK iii nhuh» ami txyort bimi-LAB -Uti » 111.s i,, ni KI ll.T.«Vi KTIIIIi'l'AKTK i. Mt- Of mnym ,,,,, vl kv rKiti'iti».

The. ititi n-o inte-re-t ni.iiiitVsti (I from t ti« lu-Ii.y,ii, e:.,-.,. ,,f the paMta in tia. Barn fort tlaiariRailway tat. Brtkaadta-lBMMa ti», »ii,.. >.

¡uni..!" 1 i.hw lu.w thin.-'ure ir.elnir em, m

' tia- reate, ala -i earltn lu .-iu, boii luiinlr-'-l othe r iii ti... nmiii

f ne Ti mt si Ikshave that far gal I -a atea af %

a 1'. .i .'

¦with a (linn ii^ of - -t m -ni»tim lino whi .. ¡uni aaaaaas'i .. Ma abare totbeci ,: raj laaaaa N(it«'Iy n.erih of the- CHyl i m »in

route, .. ni. li

than .'¡in 4 ' ,1 «institut.one-third of the emir.- line ti railroad Bal Ifeaj al

...nu it« n »e | the n tara M th«¡ire ¡iii, taral eye ol the t pai

of ti»».- ire !.. - boa a by 1.-iiate vicinity, i tera in ordinarily twelve beasei

ai.ll .(-» til'¦will in- j 11, i wltbiis,i. ij aluni-tin' whole lit»--, who are desirous o! .

I what Um proapeel tram their Irin awi atti i« wini

tiny kara the Yladael Ballway tor a ¦ i


Th.- | (j ,,f '],,. -ir ,,

te. tur »nf ti i

t.. ..i-«, r»ead two mmthe .

I iini'iit. dwithi B «.

pr. '.,r li.'in il'-

laariaftb» l ",.

TI.ia ii» a.-, ,... ., -.¦ iHrr ni ti

roinpuii}. i -. .¦

try, the nu - in ,iiTin- HMket "f t'a- '!!.. :. M mi-n m te d that the die l-lhe r«nmii ii i-, it \ e- a ting and eearitj lafai('- .Illpllllj '« a.if'

Ill til»' Still lill/ Of ,1 ut. --'A T. '. ! », '¦ le' He¬

il IS alllll'st lill''!'«-,'.:, t'e ¦.

of preUmlnary w..rh ahlch has to be de a» Two hamlreMaa an aow BBaktnjr a thorough surv j aotaaly of ihipropose d route but Of B MOl tOBOltl iii Of It. «. Mto ascertain the <. li-- i¡>i*-«t lim! tii"-r .>!i\«-nient pfOfOrtJio im t ikon. Ihli i- in it.-.At ii work nf infinit«' laker ¡im.

troul'le. hut It I- pilshltn.' on w.fli all the r.ipul't.i faflstent with a « ri I r- hope m th»Ci.lirse i-f sit w-eli-» to han- :.¦ it Of the sur

rayen'report. That ob I (tho baa bstwaeathe City Hall and the gleit ('. ntnil Hep«»! h.-nie.',II o a. a ami lil. | '.r»iln Ay lee- sent In I B

taa ne -'..¦-. ¡,.. ;, ,. ,,r thki pun «-f ti.-*

liiie mil bogil as eioon m the n i---rt i, m .beea approvedby tit.aaa ra and the Board el Meelera,ami iiir.ifii.'i-iiii nf.-» li. «i'h th-.

eproperti holden te s.n tim aeeeaaary Wat, Utiut pelVllti'Iy cr thli'UKh til«' e'elluplll-ii''l "t the' coutts The u.

ree tnrs, Ii.iv.eier, el»-iii' In n.l i-i. t«) make pnvnl»pur- iia-i.-. ,i< avoiding anpleaaanti -- mai aaaM alin,.' | in li. i_-atl..n. 1 !.|i -¦ then, ftoin UM » Itv Hall le

ii.'!-*...:-t.. i- a rery Importna! aae, te Bun mi -

n ai,', trae ka. --'t.iriinia' fr"iu tho »i pel al UM Mott Melcnin.r ..f tin* City Hail Park, if will enoa I bat« iiis'"ii illy to tim open of the Maaglo f» nnnd tiyCtiy Hail-pia» a aiui Ci'iitii'-t. nt their June lion ettk |Chaaaki n -'

u win iii«-ii mom i:- ok i'a lae, aad Nail ata. i-i Worth-st. On tin-jma ,,f the- lim« then-will lie e-l-rht tia.i.-rriem Weeith -t. t),,. Uno will pan thro urti tin- -ml i-f th-

block, and OTOai Il.ixt- r--t, at its jim- tiiti with 1,. nmirl»¦t., w ¡u m e- u «iii nu between Baxter aad Matbi in st

ti ,iv» r-ii.« Bayard. Gaaal, Hester, Onad, ami BreeaeUri. to till) KI* it ii!, Ill it will oeeilptti," t: ta... k-» boaaded bliimi t on Um W' it, Halben, tion tin-1 ast, I! if.oathe north, and Rpruur-et. m

tho roath, 'li rough th» -». ihr¦.<¦ bloeika (ha Ha mu ooasist »>r n; traekat betweea d kpriaf-oM tiur«will he-four trolt.-. It ti at the i.nrthi rn f-n-l nf tim

depot flint the »>a-'i r:i uni WOOtm I iuun hOO OH the- In t

start. Tin eastern hram-h Will e%0 ci'ii-trui ted 'ilisf, Is«

«..use- tin- v.i |k I- c.i.-i. r, tim \]i. mliture- les-, and It»

want greater. Tkli lee Boa la ii I pi M -rartm» point althe railroael. and tin'Iilre-i l-r- I B I» M I It I"-

tun. Aa onoa aa the aaireya ead parekaaeo «>r ..i <>p. n «/

feel- the- le III, ullin | pe'l'tau. Of tin- lila« .»re- eimpl^le el, theiI);re-e teir-e Will put the Watt e>at in -- i tamul ia.nlr.ee f . B

as to lii.siiri* the efalohtni Of tin- UM at Hu- eau lu -I pi'-s.hi'- date.


Till. i.KA v.. l-l ANNIVKUSAKY -l_KM.il.I. Kl'S'T Al"

TITI I.K Ol' THE Il.l-Ti ROKA* I \lll.>*l<>

At Iln* itimtiiip «if tin- Convention of ||MKm n tien, hi 1«1 lii!-t s «hing in Milu ima Hall, th, »i»« li

bii-itic-n wa» to Baahh r svhal ,i lion would I«« tnkeu M

UM IS! i« th » if UM «'rang, in« I -hou',,1 h-hr.ilo the l.it

ef.Iuls hi B par.nle and pn i.h N>me were »dunn« >'

l Vi pt delegate», even tn.-lll' .. I» nf t lu fin let h » Ih ¡n.

xi liuh d. Arniind the door ««sara! bundie«! o'

thS tata r collect, d, and waiu.ly dim unn,:

UM ipientioti of Orango 11 I, tittt mi. it

ti York, and the "duty" of Komm ( alii..m Iiii-hmen ¡u »mil an gas nt. One "f the «i«- egab -, li i» uml. ;¦¦

»io,,,i, coiii) piapeesd al thearatlBgthal i eaaHaltteihe appoint« .1 to wait OB tin- Mai or, to r. «punt hnu t<,

taSBB a proi laitialioTi pl'olullli'ig Ile <'tätig, nan fr, n.

turning out «ful. If ta «li«! ii"f da -". thatahtmIta M

clotten »hou ,| " take the matt« in h nul," ami setth ti

nf once and forever, by "cutting dowi," euri 0mau to ha found In tim un with am i

Meal of Onng,l-m alioiit linn. Th« «l«

atassagapetedthal in sssa theMsyee ebsaMasttathe proi tin,illnii UM p iris in paw«! »hnuld MBBBtlMsupport of the Irish Pmara c.iHio.ii' i, nu nt. s,n. i

lu.'lion» wi le mail« of g aOBMWhal -.hull nat.in I

what licci.-ioii wa» na, lad BOaM UM I" a». »,| lain. .'.

Judging from Du- langa ige and t«ni|>« r mai,If«-ted bfUM crowd about Ita «loor, it appeal» pmhal'l». If the

( .. iapi psrtp laaM ra ins ing Ita ,r proei ».-¡mi. ha a

he nt mm nal- datigi r of ni attack.


Win. B. PnMffh, RtaMgl r nI iii. How« iv

Theil', r, ipiarie!e,|, nu -atill«!as, ii Hi John Mulsihill. a

I), pun »lai.ti. w.tii w lunn in- had beea driahtag Pre.

leigh declared thal ta eeald ¦- I) whip MalellaU, ami

Ill.it" thei iiilnh! be »afe from Hit. i option ptopaa «I Hiat

they »lio.ild tight on tim-tag«-of Ita theater. .Mulvtliill

aaesatod, Ita ttngja waa Ulaanaatod bf in» seal t sad Itawat, hmeu were -ent to UM front of Ita h"«i»e te winn -«

theioiuiiat. Ihta was short aad derla!ve, as Mr Pnwa- kim, k-d down Bj Ita ti -1 MOW. Ita "Ilibata:.!»

teeaaaed tK.-ir elething Bad retired le *. aaegatai ¡¿

llena Ib tas .".ir-.- '«r as hora MalrthUI tata ti«'

iii.ua.'it poad alght nuil weat baan taa Bara bAm i,-

«h paitare Ptalelgfe tthtmi a paid aa* ii aal ah ita, .u ,i

tau»! «I Ita aire»! of Muli «hi!!. )« -'« rd n BB B charge of

BteaUag the watch. Mu.i du1! dcBled tai «hinge, halWa.- h, 1,1 to ball !" BBBWI :'¦

I KIMKS AM) ( AflAllli:- KV TI IK«.H \ III

_There wm a tata! rase »f sanatroke n> 1'lnl.i-.i.iii.. -.

.loh n I.ei un i il, age 70, committed mi«.«!«. s« -,-


Mi». Laekmire, age IO, committed »unid.mT%t)mmajkmyaonma\_The chemical works "i Jatnee I Baheoek is

wamtimnmjmaniaj turn ki -,..i .i

I lie I III V «T-.l! l-»t ('Ililli li III Illili..!..». Ma--_'.,*.

_Janie« Anoatrong, who ta ¦" *tik\ ,, )[.. a f. . «. ¦- .' - .

. real» ria» 111 .-

....CharleaRoaeafalt, ia l;v BtabbeUm H.ii.i m riiur_-i.v i, laen» IS ..

Is, .. «aa ruii,|,l.i aloa r\.. h

.lame« I-". Wilki:.*»-.!.. ,.I> <»'' iron [ad Jimmy,'*a a... .«:...

. - »

. 'I.«,,'' i

.1 BUMS I lill SBd J "in « ¦>'". . I I ¦' >"« M¦-

«o- al.« m i».li ._v. te.1 tim*

\ In .n i atona el rain «' s . .' noa a . ¦, r

,..'.¦¦ '« u.

oma) Jai'. be priim ».*..« S

li.e ship I'ol'i.n Klee, .fini Boston Julj Ili.i-aba. pal ni- Hal lal a . . 1 . u «

oatkaM vmtkmal IB» tnaaeiana titi I« tastetet wotnm maa*

»a*, aaal IS* «cuUl.a« *t liar nari Ott .¦'rumlalV-l.
