NEW YORK SOCIETY President Taft received ths congratula- tions and thanks of ex-Governor Curry of New Mexico, Major Llewellyn, Captain D. J. Leahy and Captain Fred Miller, officers of the Rough Riders resid-nt 'n Arizona and New Mexico, for his earnest and suc- cessful flght for the statehood measure. Robert Bacon, Ambassador to France, and several members of the Cabinet were among: the President's caHen Representative Kinkead Introduced a del- egation from New Jersey, including Mayor H. O. Wittpenn of Jersey City, who Invited the President to attend the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the founding of Bergen, a part of Jers-y City, which is to be held between October 15 and 23. The President accepted. .• \u25a0 r.r miners recommended th^ appointment of Dr. Holmes as director of th« new Bureau of Mines. The delegation was introduced by Senators, Dick, Oliver. Scott and Overman. AT THE WHITE HOUSE. [From The Tribune Bureau. Washington, June 24.-Pr«ldent Talt called Into consultation at noon to-day the Senate and House conferrees on the $_O.0oO;- COO Irrigation bond issue. The conferrees were luncheon guests at the White House. Senator Scott called at the Whlto House iate this afternoon with the public buildings measure and spent some time going over the bill with the President. President Taft sent his automobile to the Capitol for Senator Hale, with whom ho had a long conference while the Cabinet •was in session. General and Mrs. J. Fred Pierson will arrive for the season on next Tuesday. Mrs. Dudley Davis has returned froa New York, joining bet mother, Mrs. Will- iam Grosvenor, for the summer. V/»S Mr. and Mrs. Austin Ledyard Sands an* Dudley Morgan have gone to Radnor, P«ul Miss de Barril. of New York, will arf.n on July 5. Mrs. James P. Kerr.«-,chan save a dlmer this evening in honor of Mrs. Gouveraesr Kortright. of New York. Mrs. J. Fist Piefson, Jr., also entertained. William Watts Sherman has gone to X** York. 'JPH Mr. and Mrs. William Gammell, of Pru- dence, have arrived. Registered at the Casino to-day were Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hughes, LswriSW L. Gillespie, Craig Biddle, Mrs. E. Tinker and K. C. Meihorn, U. S. N. J. F. A. Chars; of N>w York, has loxl Mrs. Herman B. Dwijea's cell I* .. Mrs. Joseph Harriman has recoTwei from her illness and has as her guests Stepiea Sands and his fiancee. Miss Sieldca. «t New York. SOCIAL NOTES FROM NEWPORT. [By Telegraph tr» The T-;bur.*.} Newport. June 24.— Charles P. H. GUI*-, J. Fred Pierson, jr., Whitney Wsnh. Elisha Dyer, Marsden J. Perry aad Wtim S. Barker returned from Xew Tcrk OJs evening ." \u25a0 Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Potter an guests of Mrs. Edward Potter, Sirs. S. T. Postclth-waito is visitinfr Mrs. Tanas Hitchcock, Mr?. Frederick Wils'rdfcj is being entertained by Mrs. Charles F. Hoff- man:. J. Raynor We!l3 Is gtsest of fcia parents, Mr. and Mrs. ViUjaai Storr-* Wells, and Miss A. B. Clafflo are ttalting Miss Freda Paine. IN THE BERKSHIRE3. - [By Tels»raph to Th*Tribas*.] L*nox. June -*.— A committee, eoaslitj;* of Lindsay Fairfax, Samuel Frothla^u;^ N«wbold Morris. William B. O. Field sjJ George W. FdJoWJ, has been appoiat<ii consider the organization of a country and to choose a sits. Mr. Fairfax is ds»> man of the committee. It Is propcs*d t* provtda rendezvous for th» °un« petau and to have tennis, golf and a!! that sis, to make up a country club. Th» / "c«j^|Cl to-day visited several prospectiT* z$J ,Th«! proposition to form a dub haj"^ with high favor. - .-. Bishop Albion Johr-«n, ef r .-;ba, besar rived in Stockhrldge for th- season. Colon?l and Mrs. Henry 5. Center ?Jis3 Dorothy De Wolfe Tracy. 3lr. -"\u25a0<! Via Herman D. sTliillil Mr. and Mr?. C. 9 » Talbot, Miss Talbct, Miss Delamater. oi New York, Colonel and afrs. 8. £. at^> U. S. A., and Miss Short, el Eoitoa, d.-^ the Hotel Asplnwall. * '* Mr sal Mr-. George C. Guna, of f^. llngton. Vt. ; Mr. and Mr 3. John W. Cftfr of Summit, N. J. ; Mr.and Mrs. W. C. Han»! stone, of Brooklyn; Mrs. Percira! Claßae: and Miss Clement, ef -ion, are at t&» Maplewood, in Pittsfleld. % Arriving at the Curtis Hotel to-day ia;, Mrs. Samuel Hill, of Washington; it^ Caroline Lee, Miss L-« and Miss fSJhv Johnson, of New York. Mr. and Mrs. An3on Phelps Stole* 6 » New Haven, willarrive at their eotta^ c^ the StoKes farm, to-morrow. Mrs. Zenas Crane has been hostess tor » party of youn? people at The Bowlders, h Dalton, ' this vr^ek. The guests mchiU 31123 Dorothy Campbell, the *ojnas saif champion of Scotland. Miss CSB^SSI played over the Country Club count la Ftttsfleld and established a new recooi of*'. She has Just arrived from Montreal. whsr* she has been visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Charales E. Pellet v^ taken a cottage at . Bar FfctrSor (?r t»Z summer. . . n Mm Ross Ambler Curran. who . mjm ,. arrived from Europe and has be*« jagg at the St. Regis, triU spend n.<, bu^l?* California. . "" Mr. and Ur- Anrhlbarld K. Alexaa^^- at Bernardsville, N. j , for tU9 sa-^* r< \u25a0tanaHaCHi' - \u25a0 have Itecn paying a series of visits _^ relatives and friends since their reMkas rival in America, come to New Tork*** day. They will be at th* St. R*^, .*& Shalt stay. "^ ror * TEE WEATHER. Indications for to- t&y: Generally lair. The temperature yesterday; lllgheGt, 84 degrees; lowest, CJTY. Stocks were weak. While ::.dvices.from Washington and Rome in- dicated grave doubts as to whether Por- 1«' Charlton could be tried for tlte slay- Ingof Us wife, as toM in his confession, preparations were made by his family to establish his insanity. == The failure of \»"o; '*J: to buy sweetmeats was said to lisve caused' a drop hi sugar prices-. \u25a0-, i. Many prominent men c-xpres^fd themselves as OM»osed to the parade of 'It?, national guard oa July 4. == A majority of the Board of Estimate, in- <iudiiiff the Mayor, voted against pro- hibiting: the use of dummy engines on "Eleventh avenue below 30t!i street. - Justice G<-rr decided that grand furies had no legal right to make presentments. Jacob Rouse, a police lawyer, was lifcld on an Jnciietmfcut eliarfring him' with falsifying testimony to the Appellate Ejivlsloii. - - - Mayor Gaynor announced the resignation of the Supervisor "The City Record" and the appointment of his ?\u25a0>:: ccefciser. < CONGRESS. Many conference reports \u25a0 fere adopted by both houses, practically reSßdving all obstacles to adjournment to-day. r\u25a0\u25a0 Senate: Mr. Burton made i r long speech against the Appalachian .forest reserve bill. \u25a0\u25a0- . \u25a0 House: The .anti-optioii bill was passed. FOREIGN. Alexander iv Coccrjin's . .Westward defeats the. German Em- i»eror"s Meteor, with the* Kaiser at the helm, in a race "for the Krupp prize at KJeL .- \u25a0— - "Chill October," by Sir John BBk, brought $25,200 at a sale at Christie's. ===== Spain announced that .the -\u25a0'vmment't- religious programme would be carried out, thoujrh it seems probable that an opportunity will be ; jriven to the Vatican to. modify its views. * •\u25a0 -- A large increase in the imports of .Indian opium into China was reported Hkhbi Peking: British officials say that the increase in price has caused reshlp- ' inents. \u25a0 %,\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 The Austrian Lloyd Com- : ..pany cent out a vessel to search for tht steamer Trieste, which is four days over- duo at. Bombay. = The Deutschlar.d carried thirty-two passengers, including Bea women, on \u25a0 four-hour trip . from I>us?tldorf ; the airship fought her >vay Xhrough rain and wind on her return. r China has ordered the reincarna- tion of a hijErh priest of Buddha, who was executed 1 by the former Dalai Lama of -Tibet; affairs iii the latter country* are yuid to be satisfactory. ===== Thirty- Beven tnen were killed and thirty-seven /«rere injured in Colima, Mexico, four cars of a troop train breaking loose and d^shiii!? down a ste^p grade. \u0084 DOMESTIC. Attorney General AVick- rsLiun npok« in Chicago in defence of the provision In the new railroad rate l:<\v looking toward federal supervision i»f issues of securities. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 General I'rederick Fun.-lon. V. &. A^ was report- ed to be seriously ill with angina pec- toris at his bonae in Leavenworth. Kan. . . ii —- Senator Gore, of Oklahoma, X charged that a bribe of 159,009 had in ft effect b^en. offered to. him to withdraw V Ins oppo<j|jan to recognition of contracts r.';^tr tht- of .Indian lands In Oklahoma. =. Judsf Cohen, in Pittsburg, perma- nently restminf'd the opening: of the bal- lot boxes in the recent rfenoiiiination of Congressman Joins Dulaell; Dr. R. J. Hlaek, who contested the vote, will run jis aji independent candidate, it was re- ported. -\u25a0\u25a0 - Harry Han'merstein, a son : of. tilt former impresario, Sled a volun- tary petition of bankruptcy la Philadel- phia. \u25a0 Judge Stevens, at Cambridge, Mass.. ordered ii' jury to return a ver- dict •\u25a0\u25a0 not puilty in the cases of Mrs. T«illiaii Glover and sis others charged with being accessories alter the fact to the murder of Clarence F. Glover, ...I Waltham. =•— ." Three men were .lied by explosion . in powder mills near Valley Falls. K. v. Three children ere bumtd to death in a barn at Ban- Kert'.es, X. V . I vv T77?T 77? v * TtQ v.4 / UIPEOI > OP THE LAKE COMO MURDER. Toe goc^ work of the detectives in Ifobokeii on T!n;r.-ri*y Id promptly ap- pr6ben<!ißg Porter CfcsJctlßai and eliciting a ccfiffessioa that be killed his -wife may be followed by interesting diplomatic •negotiations ami complications, and per- haps hj some revision of exiting trestle and of the provisions of Intor- natiOHel Jaw. The circumstaucts and ronsideratioes of the case were clearly znd completely explained in our special Wasliiugton correspyudtmce yesterday, T.lth a revelation of v* hat must be re- gardtid as an anomaly in the inter- national adniinibtratiuu of justice There' lS so doubt that Charlton com- mitted the crinn'. But ho committed it In Italy, aud. therefore* fehould be tried »ad i>uuifchtiS there. He has, however, «'j?<;ai»ed to America, aud has thus placed hhnsclf d^tvlde the jurisdiction of the iti'lNn courts. - If ho v.ere au Italian j ii»" Italian _ >\« nnn» would doubtless \u25a0sk for his extradition, which would be lETasted. But he is :iu American < -itiztu, and his victim was an American, and for that reasou Italy mar not ask for his extradiliou, but may leave l! to this ..,,:.\ to deal with him. Or If Italy should a*k for his extradition this coun- try might refuse if. For whitest is the uiiuiisUi kablc principle of (par guvcrh- i. •\u25a0!« lliat :< criminal xiiuuld be ex- jrradited and returned to the scene of his crime for trial, regardless of hi- citizenship, the [talisji government has l»el<l otherwise and has refused the extradition of ,•\u25a0- own esHMsl at our . <;«-Ui:U)<l. f«»r which reason «ur £uv<tii- tucnt might- lujriealiy trials* exception to ; its- own- rule -'aud refiiwe ih«* extradition of hu citizen at Italy's .!.in:il|.! »l. one Do these things lit th« women for suf- frage? JOHN HAROLD. Yonkcrs, Juno 24, 1910. Now I am neither |e« nor against woman suffrage, being but v. mere man watching events. I was, however, Indignant at th'eso expressions, and am now Interested to find th.it the MilTruicl*>t» aro uot Inclined to "Pluy fait." -^ ; ; I had forgotten tho context, which Minn Blackwell co wisely omitted, but I felt sure that the Impression given by her was wrong, for I well remember that at the time this letter was made public the suf- fragists vigorously attacked Mr Roose- velt and said he was "insulting." At their public meeting which followed the pub- lishing of this tho Rev. Anna Shaw called our honored loader "a treo toad" nntT said she "hoped he would como home from Africa inside of v Hon." THE SUFFRAGE DEBATE. To the Editor of The Tribune. Sir: Permit a loyal reader of your good paper to tlikmk you for printing the letter written by Mr. Roosevelt from which Alice Stone Blackwell has been quoting and misinterpreting. , The pure food law compels truthful labels on all articles, packages or contain- ers of food. A truthful label, however, upon meat, fish, fowl, sausage, oysters, etc., will not prevent them from spoiling, £0 that conditions are favorable for the propagation of poisonous germs. Time, wldle thG pure food law compels truthful labels, it does not, on account of prohibit- In? preservatives, insure that food will reach the consumer in a pure, healthful condition; neither docs the label prevent perishable articles of food from deteriorat- ing, when in the consumer's hands, so as to become a menace to health and life. The authorities should realize the above facts, and amend the laws so as to permit the us« of modern non-injurious preserva- tives on all articles of foo^ thp.t favor the propagation of poi3onous perms. 11. 1.. HARRIS. New York. June 23, 1310. THE FOOD LAW AND PTOMAINES. To the Kditor of The Tribune. _ Sir: I saw in your June 10th issue that a large number of people of Houston, Tex., have been made 111 by partaking of food in which poisonous ptomaines had devel-, oped. - It is certainly appalling to learn how rapidly ptomaine poisoning cases have increased since the enforcement el the pure food law. According to press dis- patches there have been In the United States, since the enforcement of this law, 19.1*8 cases of ptomaine poisoning, 763 of which were fatal. Prior to the enactment of the pure food law borax and boron compounds were used on meat, fish, fowl, sausage, oysters, etc.. consequently such food, which readily becomes contaminated, was kept in a. hygienic, healthful condi- tion. WOES OF CENSUS GATHERER. To the Editor of Th© Tribune. Sir: There was in yours of to-day ar. article from Louisville concerning the pay of enumerators of census. 1 was one of the 1,150 in Brooklyn sworn to— and paid 25 cents for that— under penalty of $500 to cover my district and to be paid 2 ! = cents a name on general schedule. Then the advance sheets came. It took me three days to write my part on the back of them; then, as the papers had treated the census as a Joke, the people wouldn't or couldn't make out the said advance sheets and I had to do it for them. Yv'e should have extra compensation. Brooklyn, June 21, 1910. CENSUS MAN. Correspondent Prescribes Itfor the Ills of the Body Municipal. To the Editor of The Tribune. Sir: As Governor Hughes has declared there Is urgent need of "some adequate method of bringing the income of the state up to the demands on it, with the great an- zmal increase in the demand?. " and our system of taxation now in New York M neither as equitable nor as satisfactory in ita results as It phould be. is not the time opportune to consider some other source from which to draw revenue? Why may we not consider carefully the method now used In many European cities of obtaining revenue by a tax of, say, one mill oo tlit; dollar of the unearned Incre- ment? Is it not better to tax the economic surplus, the mass of unearned wealth, than the necessities, comforts of life and needful precedes of industry? Mr. Lloyd George, In hla celebrated land tax budget, showed clearly how the govern- ment could get its revenues in such a way that the rich could no longer continue to make, in the linal outcome, the poor man bear the hardest part of the burden. Even In the House of Lords this tax on the un- earned Increment was deemed so just that ii received the approving vote of members who owned a total of more than five hun- dred thousand acre in certain of the rich- est districts of England. It is affirmed that here in New York the assessed value of the I;md and the fran- chises alone amount to the .-urn of J9SO and in Manhattan Borough to $1,376 per capita of population. The annual Increase in the value of the land alone here, as well aa in our other large cities, usually exceeds In amount the total expenditures of each of the munici- palities. And the exploiters of land values in this city are aided not only by the IS), 000 that is added each year to our population. but all improvements, educational, munici- pal, sanitary and philanthropic, contribute to tho enrichment of those who own and profit by this mighty social Increment. All these things enrich the most barren of building sites in this greater New York, and all that flows therefrom into the purse of the owners of the sites is unearned by them. When they make sales and big profits, why should they not be willing to pay a part "f tho profits into the city's treasury? JOSIAH C ITMPELLY. Xew York. June 23, 1910. DOSE OF HEN&Y GEORGEISM thereon their fast visit arc usually anxious to see one of the nymphs. They have not nwig to wait. The nymphs—there aro many of them— never less than fifty years old, Olid I have yet to see one whose weight would fall short of ISO pounds. The .'mother* of the group carries her '.20 pounds with all the graco which a costume consisting of an ample bint; dress, caught at the place where the waist should be with a rope, a white hood and a neckcloth of the same color "will permit The most popular souvenir of the place is a postcard on which three of these grace* arc shown, the embodiment of good health and rugged strength. . but hardly of beauty." "By th* poweri;. it's bor-rn lucky I am!" "Pliwydo y' think SOT" . •I was hit be a automobile Jit as I was startin' f'r th simp this mornin'. It made- me sthagper, an' a cop pinched me for bein dhrunk. I wpf^llcked in a fight, art laier I wor blowetl fifty feet high be a premaehoor blast. When I come home l.nigan's goat butted me into th' house an' the ould woman wor layin' fer me wid a rollin pin. •'An', in th' name ay the' saints, do yrz call that lucky?" g , ,„,, "Sure! Ain't I alive this mr-rnin Cleveland Leader. Cleveland, where the Idea of a "safe and sane" celebration of the Fourth of July was first put Into practice, has set another ex- ample for other cities to follow. A charity worker with a fertile brain has succeeded in having' distributed about the city thou- sands of firecracker banks, in which per- sons are asked to drop the money that they would have contributed toward noise and, lockjaw if the old r.;ay of celebrating the day was still followed. The funds thus col- lected are to be spent In giving tho poorer children of Cleveland a good time. "Lucky at cards, unlucky at love," quoted the Wise Guy. '•Well, either is simply a case of holding hands," said the Simple Philadelphia Record. . New York persists. In tho thought that it is a world* fair In Itself. It haa all th* bideshowa, anyway.— Pittsburg Dispatch. New York Is to have an aeroplane-motor- cycle-automobllf race. What's the matter —hasn't the June fatality Hat bven up to the average?— Journal. Mayor <;aynor ha« ordered all tho plain- clothes men in the New York Police De- partment to go back to patrol duty. Ho believes that on*? detectlvo force I* enough and that there is no need of precinct spe- cials. This look* like horse sense Buffalo KxpresK. . X *! W Yotfc'a Uoo.sevelt reception commit- tee must have been composed of great men. .Not a poet got a welcome odd pan them.— Denver Republican. NEW YORK FROM THE SUBURBS. Besides, New York M a world's fair all the time.— Richmond Times-Dispatch. New York, too. Is going to have- a "noise- less Fourth." Kut how can New York cele- b at* anything noiselessly? Cleveland Plain Denier. EDUCATION IN SMALL DOSES. From The St. Paul Pioneer Press. Chicago has cut its high school course to two years, In order to induce pupils to abandon the habit of quitting school at the end of the grade courses. If the Windy City would double the length of tho vaca- tions it might also reduce truancy. WILBUR LEFT $17,000,000 TO FAMILY Bethlehem. Perm., June Zi.— Under the will of the lato Ellslia P. Wilbur, financier and once president el the Lehigh Valley Railroad, an estate of $17,000,000 is be- queathed to his family. So far as is known, there was no gift to a public or charitable institution. THE KING'S RIGHT HAND MAN. From The London Chronicle. Lord Kaollys. who, after eervlug the lat» King for forty years, has been appointed private secretary to King George, cornea of a singularly longlived race. His father served as controller of the Prince of Wales's household until his eightieth year. and lived for six years after his retire- ment, and his grandfather likewise at- tained a great age. His ancestor. William KnoHys, who also served in the household of two monareb.3. Elizabeth and James; I. died at the age of elshty-flve, and. accord- Ing to Dugdale. "rode a hawking and hunting within hair a year of his death." Sir Francis Knollys. the distinguished statesman who founded the family fortune,- was e!ghty*t<r6 at the time ml his death. FROM THEIR POINT OF 9IEW. From The Washington Star. Without wishing him any especial good luck, New York bookmakers regard the elevation of Governor Hughes to higher office as most desirable. President's Wife Rests, but Children Play Golf, Fish and Motor. Beverly, Mass., June -\.— It is evident that life at the summer capital at Wood- berry Point will differ little from that or last year. Mrs. Taft's first day of her sec- ond visit to the Evans cottage was a quiet one, spent mostly on the broad verand«3 looking across Salem Bay. Miss Helen Taft motored about the North Shore and her brother, Robert Taft, tried some of the new traps ami bunkers at the Myopia Hunt Ciub. Charlie Taft, with a couple of men from the Sylph, started after a mess of flsh off the ledges of Great Misery Island. It is expected that the President will reach Beverly early next week. TAFTS ENJOY BEVERLY AGAIN ' TWO DISSENTING VOTE* From The Cleveland PUio v * & l e % '&\u25a0& \u25a0 i* Reno is happy, an.l * ft * *V»* <*&! pretty well pleased Ifeat H#^ re w ..j}*s£ possible away from -»">*,;, everybody ought to be wtlafted son and Jeffrie*, who probably »^3 fight alter all. __ - . THE RlC^^ From Th« Rochester Democrat an , Now York is to have a »•« b»J^ W*J way of *15.«XVa-year fiats. tmi-,., only on« excuse f»r such •» W.V rental. The owner must Inteno^i ulli> rota an.l phonographs as *•\u25a0 . CHICAGO:S ANTI-SPITTING V From The Chicago Record-Herald- "^ With the co-operation of mMiy^^ ril oiai and health organizations, . ",• - » of men and women started yestercw \u25a0*«t concerted movement to '""""a-a „,••> pression of spitting aiiyw'--r» an* . where. . -.?,an' ciw* Tho first st«p was taken *"£««»»; warains against the dans*" 1 ,'..»•"* Ing and th. penalty by w y.mf- thereto were U-sued b* . * ra ° raftered' 1 superlntindent of tt'« i»° f Institute, '... a large \u25a0^Th!, \u25a0•*aO4F', working in the int-r^sts r,? -«nt«BE ting cause." These 'workers _ but«»2i th*Tr busing* It. th* us«m war. * ld w jrf ever they saw any one v-"} o **." p«U» «* a card to the offender. *>tn »"" p ""\ quest that he or she re:uJ «• lhoOJ i4n4 « As a nrat consignment »fty "StfW**; the cards were received, and. «cw f :V» Mr. Wins. th<» first day; /^, uPfßr »* butlon bids fair to exhaust IO« su *.>. > short while. . : * MAYBE"NOT IN NEW YORK. From Th- Duluth News-Tribune. # Between 1913 ana 19X3 ih* '"Vlfwa'tfJ ellar will haTe a charce to * l5 0 5i 3*3 * fairs in Tokio. Hong Kcr.sr. Be*; 1"*1 "* York. New Orleans and Wa riuafit pa, "^ sandwiches a! tha usual F*''-« ana \u25a0 the pries of bridal suites. \u0084,. --^.--^. --^ Colonel Richardson Says Marble S^b Was Too High. . IBr Telegraph to Th- Tribune. J . Richmond, Va,, June 2i.-Ths \u25a0»»-<• base, twenty-two inches scr-are, to thai** of Lafayette voted by the State of -irsW» to tho distinguished French soldier la L "* has been sawed into four pieces by CM** John \V. Richardson, custodian of th« Clf itol Building. In explaining his action to- day Colonel Richardson said that the fc*** was so high that the other busts to?" rotunda of tho Capitol were out 'i - prs?^ f*>n and M destroyed tho symmetry si» artistic effect of the place. The inscrfjtas on the base was preserved IBwMB Three of the slabs made from •*• *&* will be used to elevate the bust3'of C&- 1 - Justice John Marshall, General Fits£«* Lee and General "Jeb ' Stuart Th« with the Inscription, will be fastest*!. 53 the wall under the bust of Lsfajettfc Col- onel Richardson applied a 91 ** 108 « the bronze allegorical figures at ttf^ of the Washington Uoßßxacni a year a * e ' making ihe f.ertires a bHsht and « I * r black. SOLICITUDE FOR THE PEOPLE-! From The Chicago News. _~Si Governor Hughes would to to ,*S with the voters a first class aiWCt>gjgg law before he goes ay.ay. but ta* !"*"£ dans do not see why tht-y should taF^ upon the dear people the additional fc3ru^ of self-government. CUTS UP LAFAYETTE BASE Lady (who has !-<'it shown over ono of the «i ips to sailor avlio has been '"' guide) —What a. pity gratuities are forbidden on your ship! \u0084 ' Sailor— So was apples, mum. in the CJar- den of fideu.- laiiklou Opluiun. One of the curiosities of Harllngen, a pop- ular bathing resort in Holland, in hiKjwn to CIM regular nations as th*) "bath nymphs." "The appellation suggests a slender, hand- some water eprlto. .i sort of combination of BiermaJd and inrHd," writes a recent vis- itor to the place, "and the popple who' go . Tho civil engineers of the country, speak- ing through their representative organiza- tion, the American Society of Civil En- gineers, favor stata licenses. At their con- vention in Chicago, a few days ago; they went on record as favoring legislation in all status regulating the practice of civil en- gineering and lh« Issuance of licenses to members of the profession after they Dave properly qualified through examination by Btai« boards. It <WSi d*»eUled_'to empower tin board of direction of the national or- ganization to take tli« mutter up with the authorities of the various \u25a0*\u25a0>**\u25a0 and urge uniform t«gfa!a£ioA. TBB IMK OF TJIE DAY. Ttiat unfortunate Tibetan Hootou-Ka- too, who loet his head because he de- clined to pay "graft" tribute to the Dalai- Lama, is to be reincarnated and his con- fiscated wealth restored to his successor. Fortunately for tho peaoe of mind of many, this crude Eastern ciißtom is not likely to find a foothold in th*> Western Hemisphere. What a redistribution uK wealth would follow a restoration of "graft" tribute! Something ought to be done to insure b close association ior mutual advantage between the projected "sale and sane" Fourth of July and the acknowledged leader of the "safe and sane" Denioa- racy of Mayor Gaynor's home borough, Qxe Hon. John J. Fitzgerald- Why not engage Mr. Fitzgerald as the orator of our "safe and tan?" celebration? Bcores of persons went to the pier a (V r,- Weeks ago to see "Big Tim" SuUivan Bail for Europe. Nobody went to his steamer to welcome him home yester- day. Can it be that the Senator's de- parture caiißCS more joy than blB re- turn n Mr. K. T. fcjtotesbury, of Philadelphia, who took over Hamnierstein's opera ef- fects and real estate when the Manhat- tan interests were absorbed by the Met- ropolitan, said on his arrival from Eu- rope yesterday that operatic matters were much up in the air. Tills remark might suggest that the irrepressible Oscar Bold only the superstructure which he had erected, retaining the foundation, and explain the reports that he contem- plates producing opera of some kind in New York tho coating season. Congress has just passed a $20,000,00!) public buildings bill which (Joes not au- thorize a single cent of expenditure. .Is the joke on the 'public ur on the two houses ? While there is no positive assurance that the cable companies will agree to transmit night messages at reduced, rates, there is encouragement in the fact that the subject is being considered. Tho came logic apparently applies- to this plan as to service by land wirep. If the number of hours in a day during whicii the plant is kept busy can be increased it may be necessary to charge only a lit- tle more than the actual cost of the work performed- RENO. Reno has. achieved greatness. Hitherto it had enjoyed only notoriety. Nay. worse: tbe American sense of humor had turned its name into a byword and a jest. The country's newspaper para- graphers and rhymers, callous to the beautiful sentiment of its activity in the breaking of galling ties, the soothing of ruined live?, the mending of broken hearts, made mock of it. Now all that is changed. Reno has demonstrated its ver- j satility. It Is no longer a town of one] industry. To the divorce mill it adds an- j other, of far greater proportions and al- ready of International fame. Therefore, the public is informed, and many persons i for the first time, that it is a city of well-paved streets, shade trees, tine build- ings and aa excellent water supply. The pilgrims to the ringside will probably be more interested in supplies of a different nature; but they need not worry. Reno knows Ha business;. "Gambling is li- censed," we are told, "and there are nu- merous homes of faro and roulette." We had thought of it, rather, as the home of bridge whist and progressive euchre to while away the anxious hours of op- pressed femininity panting to be free and | try again. Three-card monte and thim- blerlgging are sure to be added to it* attractions now. Also, It is the seat of the University of Nevada. Where hi San Francisco now? GaH- fornia has driven her foremost citizen: into exile in the hour of his supreme test and given him occasion for doubting the Christianity of her chief executive. An- other great sou of the state is with him | he of the pompadour and a third, i Choynski of the many battles. And Bos- ton's pride, John Lawrence, adds to this j galaxy of .stars minor and major, too many to enumerate, the supreme lustre of his historic name and Speech. Then there is the other camp, with its dusky i giant. And all of them are talking inces- ; sautly, for all of them have been in! '•voddevilky' are in it and expect to feel in it again. <Jreat arc the uses of pub- j licit y. Indeed, Reno has arrived. We welcome Reno into the circle of I the world's great cities Reuo, with its divorce mill, its flstic mill, its licensed \ gambling houses and its institution for the higher education of youth. We salute h as the centre of the sanity of the sane Fourth of July that is to be the city of the count of ten that will be heard around the world. to procure the discharge of thate friends. relatives and political retainers from the public jobs held by fibeUa 11. row up their bauds in horror when a diPtiusuished Republican like Governor lluglie.s Sena tor Root or Colonel Roosevelt latvUj ventures to express his opinion upon some question pending in Ihe Legislature or to give his advice in regard to party policy. Thus they did when Colonel Roosevell advocated the renomination of Mr. Hughes, and thus they did when Senator Root advised the election of Mr mnmnn as Republican leader in the Biate Senate, and thus they have always done when Governor Huphrs ha* urged his policies in public addresses. Even the calling of the present extra session was a terrible example of bossism to those pure patriots who, like Mr. Barnes, would have the legislators free to act upon their own independent judgment, prompted, however, by the tacit or some- times express understanding that if they fail to do what their bosses want them to do they Joy their own necks on the block. I hose who in obtaining obedience from their AHsemblymen and Senators employ the gentlo method of threatening to pre- vent their ienominatlnn, to bar them from all future political preferment and But Mr. Barnes draws altogether too \u25a0 rosy a picture of legislative Independence when ho says that the legislators "re- "qulre no orders from any one in the dis- "charge of their duties." Incidents like Mr. Barnes's own giving of order- to Senators right In' tho Capitol, taking command openly of a session of the up- per chamber, are not necessary to show how large a proportion of tho legislators an constantly acting under orders. When the tfinman-Green bill was pend- ing Albany was thronged with county bosses who wen? on the spot to see that "their men" in the Legislature voted right. Primary legislation was defeated ii;, the most powerful outside pressure that could bo brought to bear. Assembly- man EVelotb, of lieri.i'ucr County who was Instructed for direct nominations but dodged a vote is reported to have said that hi* county boss would have prevented bin renomlnatlon if ha mid voted for the Hinman-Greea bill. Dr. ISvelcth was not alone in getting Ins "orders." And these whom the county bosses could not reach were coerced by the powerful Rules Committee in tho As- sembly. BARNES ON LEGISLATIVE 7.V/)/;- PENDEKCE. Mr. William Barnes, jr.'s admonition to President Taft, Colonel Roosevelt and Governor Hughes to keep their "hands off" the New York legislative situation would be more appropriate if Mr. Barnes himself had always kept his hands oIT. lint it is only a short time ago that he sat iv a clerk's room at the Capitol and cracked the whip over a combination of Republicans and Tammany men who put the Meade-Phillips bill through the Sen- ate, says Mr. Barnes's newspaper. "The Albany Journal": The Legislature of the State of New York does not take its orders from Mr. Roosevelt, Mr. Tail or Mr. Hughe;?. It has defeated the Cobb compromise bill once, and it will defeat it again, because the members of the Legislature have been elected not only to represent the neople of their districts but also to ex- \u25a0 rcise judgment in regard to legislation. They require no orders from anybody in the discharge of their duties. No one has proposed that President Taft or Mr. Roosevelt issue any "orders" to the Legislature. All that has been sug- gested is that they might, either or both of them, if they saw tit, express their persona! views upon the direct nomina- tions Issue. The legislators might or might not be influenced by those views. Mr. Barnes says they would not be. Then surely he can have no objection to the expression of them. OXLY A SIDE ISSUE. Critics of the national publicity bill seem to be greatly exercised because only one accounting after election is provided for iv the measure- which passed the Senate and was reported out of the conference committee. The bill, as tho House passed it. provided for two accountings a preliminary one irom ten te fifteen days before election and a linal one thirty days after. In- stead of welcoming a law which will compel complete publicity of campaign contributions and expenditures, those faultfinders are trying to spread the idea that (be whole scheme of account- ing will bt> a failure if ibe partial pre- liminary Statement is dispensed with. Thus our esteemed neighbor, "The World." said yesterday: Mr. Taft has declared himself in favor of campaign fund publicity, and 'Hie World takes it fnr granted that he ;s; s in favor of full, honest publicity such is the McCall -bill provides for, not for. the Senate kind of publicity. "The Philadelphia Record" also re- cently expressed the opinion that "a law "requiring only after election publicity "would not be worth while." We have already pointed out that the aim of the campaign publicity legisla- tion is to secure a full sworn account of election contributions and expendi- tures. All the state corrupt practices laws have been drawn with that end in view. They have not required a partial pre-election accounting, because it was evident that such an Recounting would be of comparatively little value. It could be made to show just as much as a committee wanted it to show; for items which It might not be considered desirable to publish could be held over for the final statement The double ac- counting idea is a new development. Why insist so strenuously on that single minor feature of an important reform which is about to be undertaken "and Complain that without it the reform, hitherto so highly landed, is going ,to be valueless? The Tribune sees no objec- tion to two accountings, or to three, for that matter, except that they may ~iu- rorae useless work. It is anxious to Bee one' full and final account made., ;\:id if that is accomplished there will "be abundant cause for congratulation. After the single accounting plan has been tried it will be time enough to think of improving it by providing for a series of pre-election bulletins. . This must be regarded as largely, if not chiefly, a personal triumph for the King; perhaps the crowning triumph of his life. Francis Joseph has long been awfre of the progress of the separatist movement and of the widespread fear that while it might not- culminate in his reign it would at: the beginning of his successor's, and that after him the King of Hungary and the Emperor of Austria would be two separate persons. It has been one of his chief concerns to defeat this movement and to transmit the Dual Realm unimpaired to his successor, and he has found ample ways and means of working to that end without transgress- ing the bounds of constitutionalism. He has now succeeded, perhaps beyond his most sanguine expectations. The great compromise of Deak Is restored to greater integrity and power than it has enjoyed for a quarter of a century, and if the governments at Budapest and Vienna are conducted with a reasonable degree of tact the spectre of separatism will be effectually laid for the next generation. had been growing. Five years ago the more moderate wing of licit movement, the Independence party, led by Francis Rsatßtb, son el! Louis Kossutb, whose memory is revered by . Magyars and whose name 'is still potetft to conjure with, swept the country at a general election, and this year it was expected teat that performance would be repeated under the direction of Mr. Justh and the more extreme wing of actual and im- mediate separatists. The result of the late election was almost to annihilate both those factions, Mr. Kossuth'e losing two-thirds and Mr. Justh's four-fi(ths, and to give Count Khuen-Hederrary, with his enlightened programme of con- tinued union and franchise reform, a three-fourths majority. TRA ' / JOSEPH'S TRIUMPH. It ii, to be regretted that adverse com- meat, tome of which is probably well founded, has besa made upon the ways and means of the recent general elec- tion in Hungary; especially upon the display of military forte near the polls ii certain provinces of the kingdom. Ir> may '\u25a0<• that actual abuses were thus committed and that in some Slavic con stituencies, particularly, influence .was thus unduly exerted on the result of the polling, un tho whole, however, there can be no such suspicion. The. election as a whole was sufficiently free to permit a line expression of popular sentiment, Upon the result which was thu« attained the kingdom is to be felici- tated, while the venerable King has 'achieved one of tho most noteworthy and most rateable personal triumphs of his long career. The result of the election m an over- wljelmiij- victory for Iho government, Conn] Khueu-IKdervary obtaining prob- ably the largest and most "decisive ma- jority; in th- history of the Hungarian parliarueut. That would be i^JiilK-HUt in any cast, but it is doubly fclgnificant and gratifying in the present ease be- cause of the bane on which tke election turned, namely, continued union with or separation from Austria: For years the separatist movement, ehrewdly pro- moted Bj r.«.ii,»« .»f the ablest and most Influential KtatesnY«n of the kingdom, REAL LEADERSHIP- | \u25a0President Taft exhibited the judgment and courage of a true political leader when he everted all his influence to eliminate from the sundry civil appro- priation bill the glaringly illogical and inequitable provision exempting labor unions from prosecution for violations of the Sherman anti-trust law. There are public men who tremble in their shoes at the thought of offending the "labor vote" and are reluctant to oppose demands, however unjust and extravagant, made by representatives of labor unions. The 1 President has no patience with politi- cians of that timorous type. He does not hesitate to oppose a vicious piece of class legislation merely because the class in whose name special favors are sought is large and some of its spokesmen are clamorous and vindictive. Important as their organizations are, the claims of these "labor" spokesmen are inflated. They do not speak for labor as a whole 7 but only for the relatively i^mall labor element which is organized. Their appeal is not for a class, but for a class within a class, and Election Day figures seem to prove that even that subdivision is very far from being a unit in demanding privileges denied to all other groups of citizens Labor leaders of the type of Mr. Gompers and of the president of the Brotherhood of Locomo- tive Firemen and Enginemeu, who sent the infelicitous telegram of admonition to President Tuft, misjudge their power when they try to dragoon Congress into exempting the organizations which they bead from liability for conspiracies in restraint of trade. They wholly mistake the character of the President when they try*to intimidate bin", into subscribing to the undemocratic theory that one class in the United States is entitled to a legal immunity denied to all other classes. There can be no satisfactory answer to the President's argument that laws pe- nalizing certain practices should apply to ail who engage in those practices. The act i? what counts, not the incidental status if the person "or the organization committing it A conspiracy in restraint of trade is just as obnoxious when pro- moted by union laborers as when pro- moted by unorganized laborers or by em- ployers. There, is. no virtue whatsoever in the inctioHg- of occupation or affil- iation insisted upou by union' leaders. All citizens should stand on the same footing under the law, whatever the nature of their fellowships or associa- tions. This question was fully thrashed out in. the PreVideuiia! campaign of 1908. Mr. Gornpers made the same demand then that he is making now. lie wanted the Republican party to insert in its platform a promise to exempt labor unions from the prohibitions of the anti- trust law. His resolution was cunningly drawn to Conceal what it really meant. But the Republican convention, would have nothing to do with it, and he then submitted it to the Democratic National Convention, whieu accepted It. President 'fait rightly denounced the Democratic platform declaration as a promise to license labor organizations to conduct secondary boycott.'". Mr. Bryan was afraid to say Just what he thought the declaration meant, and his persistent dodging of the issue weakened 'iim greatly in the last two weeks of the Presidential campaign. He was willing to profit by the so-called "labor vote," but did not dare to admit openly that his bargain with Mr. Gompers committed him to an approval of the secondary boy- cott- The country showed in November, 1966, what It thought of the Gompers scheme of special immunity for the labor unions. Mr. Bryan did not carry a single one of tile Stales in which the labor cle- ment Is strongest. Public opinion then supported Mr. Taft's programme of im- partial treatment for all. It will applaud now his manly and successful insistence that Congress should eliminate from the sundry civil bill the unwise provision preventing the prosecution of labor unions engaging 'n secondary boycotts while continuing the criminal liability of all oth«?r associations for such Boy- cotts. of those grounds, therefore, Charlton may. not be returned to Italy lor trial: ami. in that case, it may be f<>uuci ini- pcssiblo to try anil punish him, since our courts may be unable to establish jurisdiction for a crime committed in a foreign land. y Itwould certainly &eem to be anomal- ous and a grave defeat of justice for a confessed murderer Ii go free because the one country could not and the other MM not punish him, and the co*e strongly suggests the need of a revision of international jurisprudence -which would render a recurrence of such a dilemma impossible. Hie American principle concerning extradition, regard- less of citizenship, is*correct and de- sirable for universal adoption, and we hope that Italy ana other nations will come to an agreement with America to that effect if not, there will remain the perplexing question of the possibility and practicability of extending jurisdic- tion over cases of crime committed in foreign lands. That would manifestly be an awkward and undesirable thing to do; yet it would obviously be still more undesirable for criminals to go unpunished because of such lack of jurisdiction on the part of courts which \ were willing to act and because of the unwillingness of the courts which had jurisdiction. NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, SATIHDAY. JUKE. 25, 1.010. "People and Social Incident^ Amusements. \ \rvniCA. V—3— S-^Ttie Barnyard Romeo. CTuxSaS^^-Z™ "*« r ***** * .-IfKTV—^lC^ls— The Fortune Hunter. j— C—6:ls— Van«eyU;c. is- Times KWit- m^r^S' fi-tff The E-'P«»dlhrilt- ' PARIV. - of 191 P. ;t^V^-r PROCTER— 2— Vls—Th* Arcadians HmC- 2?2£s^-A Matinee Idol. \u0084 " Index to Advertisements. Pas*. Col- 1 Faft- 001 ,: fiffllw*. » ' Mortmwe Loans..l 2 « H«ii BsaW« - -1- *-± : 15 6-1 rK?te and Office gem«3i~ « -* "^^\u25a0^ - - r-ss «***•»-\u25a0\u25a0 m^Alc «tv»- School Ancles.. ** *' lio"- TTauted.l3 4-5 Special Notices.. 7 « •iivuriions ..IS «'. Surrogates' No- r.wrcpcan A*s..9 1-T. tices . •* 'closure Ea:es..l3 5 The Turf. ! ° . 1 Fo- Sale 13 CiTlme Tables. . ...13 «..-. Foreign Resorts 9 4-. To Let for Busi- s-urid Rooms.. lS k{ DMFurrows.. 1- 1 '"uni'd Howes.. 1C «' Tribune Pi:b*crij.— Help Wanted... 3-4 tlon Rat** 7 . Jr-TTBCtion -Jl3 C > Typ?\*T:tins i" m Lost EanKbooto-13 ClCtifum'd Ap&rt- Marrtacss an <J ' «**«** -- 9 *? rwaihe . .7 TjWork \u25a0^ar.ter'.-.10 « £A3*CUDAY,JUNE 25, 1010. : _ This newspaper is ctvncd and pmb- ]Wtbc3 ftp The Tribune Association, a Keto York corporation; office and prin- cipal place of business* Tribune Build- ing. 2>~o. l \u25a0- ?:cs?av street, yeic York; Ogicn Mtlte, president; Ogden .1/. Reid, secretary; James M Barrett, treasurer. The a&drest of -\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 officers is the office vf this neicspaper. THE YEW% THIS MORNING. The Duke and Duchess d'Arcos. who Mrs. William Allen Butler has gone to Korth East Harbor, Me., for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Trevor *aye taken possession of their place at South- ampton, Long Island, for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Pembroke Jones will leave town to-day for Newport. »?.fr. and Mrs. George G. De Witt have opened their villa at Southampton, Long Island, for the summer. Mr. and Mr?. J. Searle Barclay have left town for their country place on Long Island, to remain until the end of July, when they sail for Europe. Yet another wedding of to-day Is that of Miss Sara C. Hardenbergh to Hugh J. Chisholm, jr., in tit. Bernard's Church, Bernardsville, N. J. The bridegroom, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugli J. Chis- holm, will ha\-e Leonard Sullivan as his beat man, and as his ushers^ R. Thornton Wilson, Courtlandt P. Dixon. 2d, David Dowfl and William P. Hardenberg!i f jr. Bishop Codman, of Maine, will perform the ceremony, assisted by the Rev. Thomas H. Conover, and It will be followed by a reception given by Mr. and Mrs. WHliam P. Hardenbergh, thf parents of the bride, at their counttry place, at Bernardsville. Several -weddings of interest to New York society are set for to-day. Among: them is the marriage of Harold Aymar Sands, son of Mrs. William 11. Sands, of 1 New York, to Miss Katharine Hynson Mc- Fadden. daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. J. Franklin McFadden, of Philadelphia, at their country place, near Radnor, Perm. Austin L. Stands, Emlen Drayton, Fuller Potter, Thomas Monson, Dudley Morgan and Pauldinsr Fosdick will be among the ushers, and Harold Min.-tt the best man. Another Redding of to-day is that of Hugh Minturn, son of Mrs. Robert Min- turn, to Miss Ruth Wlnsor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Winsor, at Brookline. Mass. Theodore Douglas Robinson, Amos R. Eno, E. Gerry Chadwick, George Palen Snow and Wendell P. Blagden, of New York; Edward Bowditch, Jr., and Freder- ick Pruyn, of Albany; Gordon Falrchild, E. V. R. Thayer, James Jackson, Kennard and Alfred Wlnsor, jr., brothers of the bride; Robert Winsor, jr., of Boston, and Edward B. Krumhaar, the latter, of Phila- delphia, will be the ushers, and Charles E. Perkins, formerly of Boston, but now of Burlington, lowa, will be the' best man. Miss Louise R. Coolidge, Miss Adelaide Jackson and Miss Barbara Burr will be la attendance on the bride. . , n

New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1910-06-25 [p 6]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1910-06-25/ed-1/seq-6.pdfNEW YORK SOCIETY President Taft received ths congratula-tions and

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President Taft received ths congratula-

tions and thanks of ex-Governor Curry ofNew Mexico, Major Llewellyn, Captain D.J. Leahy and Captain Fred Miller, officersof the Rough Riders resid-nt 'n Arizonaand New Mexico, for his earnest and suc-cessful flght for the statehood measure.

Robert Bacon, Ambassador to France,

and several members of the Cabinet wereamong: the President's caHen

Representative Kinkead Introduced a del-

egation from New Jersey, including Mayor

H. O. Wittpenn of Jersey City, who Invitedthe President to attend the celebration ofthe 250th anniversary of the founding ofBergen, a part of Jers-y City, which is to

be held between October 15 and 23. ThePresident accepted.

.• \u25a0 r.r miners recommended th^appointment of Dr. Holmes as director ofth« new Bureau of Mines. The delegation

was introduced by Senators, Dick, Oliver.Scott and Overman.


[From The Tribune Bureau.Washington, June 24.-Pr«ldent Talt

called Into consultation at noon to-day the

Senate and House conferrees on the $_O.0oO;-

COO Irrigation bond issue. The conferrees

were luncheon guests at the White House.

Senator Scott called at the Whlto House

iate this afternoon with the public buildings

measure and spent some time going overthe bill with the President.

President Taft sent his automobile to theCapitol for Senator Hale, with whom ho

had a long conference while the Cabinet•was in session.

General and Mrs. J. Fred Pierson willarrive for the season on next Tuesday.

Mrs. Dudley Davis has returned froaNew York, joining bet mother, Mrs. Will-

iam Grosvenor, for the summer. V/»SMr. and Mrs. Austin Ledyard Sands an*

Dudley Morgan have gone to Radnor, P«ul

Miss de Barril. of New York, willarf.non July 5.

Mrs. James P. Kerr.«-,chan save a dlmerthis evening in honor of Mrs. GouveraesrKortright. of New York. Mrs. J. FistPiefson, Jr., also entertained.

William Watts Sherman has gone to X**York. 'JPH

Mr. and Mrs. William Gammell, of Pru-dence, have arrived.

Registered at the Casino to-day were Mr.and Mrs. William M. Hughes, LswriSWL. Gillespie, Craig Biddle, Mrs. E. <»Tinker and K. C. Meihorn, U. S. N.

J. F. A. Chars; of N>w York, has loxlMrs. Herman B. Dwijea's cell I* ..

Mrs. Joseph Harriman has recoTwei fromher illness and has as her guests Stepiea

Sands and his fiancee. Miss Sieldca. «tNew York.

SOCIAL NOTES FROM NEWPORT.[ByTelegraph tr» The T-;bur.*.}

Newport. June 24.—Charles P. H. GUI*-,J. Fred Pierson, jr., Whitney Wsnh.Elisha Dyer, Marsden J. Perry aad WtimS. Barker returned from Xew Tcrk OJsevening ." \u25a0

Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Potter anguests of Mrs. Edward Potter, Sirs. S. T.Postclth-waito is visitinfr Mrs. TanasHitchcock, Mr?. Frederick Wils'rdfcj isbeing entertained by Mrs. Charles F. Hoff-man:. J. Raynor We!l3 Is gtsest of fciaparents, Mr. and Mrs. ViUjaai Storr-*Wells, and Miss A. B. Clafflo are ttalting

Miss Freda Paine.

IN THE BERKSHIRE3. -[By Tels»raph to Th*Tribas*.]

L*nox. June -*.—A committee, eoaslitj;*of Lindsay Fairfax, Samuel Frothla^u;^N«wbold Morris. William B. O. Field sjJGeorge W. FdJoWJ, has been appoiat<ii •consider the organization of a countryand to choose a sits. Mr. Fairfax is ds»>man of the committee. It Is propcs*d t*provtda rendezvous for th» °un« petauand to have tennis, golf and a!! that sis,to make up a country club. Th» /"c«j^|Clto-day visited several prospectiT* z$J,Th«! proposition to form a dub haj"^with high favor.


Bishop Albion Johr-«n, ef r.-;ba, besarrived in Stockhrldge for th- season.

Colon?l and Mrs. Henry 5. Center?Jis3 Dorothy DeWolfe Tracy. 3lr. -"\u25a0<! ViaHerman D. sTliillil Mr. and Mr?. C. 9 »Talbot, Miss Talbct, Miss Delamater. oiNew York, Colonel and afrs. 8. £. at^>U. S. A., and Miss Short, el Eoitoa, d.-^the Hotel Asplnwall.

* '*Mr sal Mr-. George C. Guna, of f^.

llngton. Vt.;Mr. and Mr3. John W. Cftfrof Summit, N. J.;Mr.and Mrs. W. C. Han»!stone, of Brooklyn; Mrs. Percira! Claßae:and Miss Clement, ef -ion, are at t&»Maplewood, in Pittsfleld. %

Arriving at the Curtis Hotel to-day ia;,Mrs. Samuel Hill, of Washington; it^Caroline Lee, Miss L-« and Miss fSJhvJohnson, of New York.

Mr. and Mrs. An3on Phelps Stole* 6»

New Haven, willarrive at their eotta^ c^the StoKes farm, to-morrow.

Mrs. Zenas Crane has been hostess tor »party of youn? people at The Bowlders, hDalton,

'this vr^ek. The guests mchiU31123 Dorothy Campbell, the *ojnas saifchampion of Scotland. Miss CSB^SSIplayed over the Country Club count laFtttsfleld and established a new recooi of*'.She has Just arrived from Montreal. whsr*she has been visiting.

Mr. and Mrs. Charales E. Pellet v^taken a cottage at . Bar FfctrSor (?r t»Zsummer. .. n

Mm Ross Ambler Curran. who .mjm,.arrived from Europe and has be*« jaggat the St. Regis, triU spend n.<, bu^l?*California. .

"" •

Mr. and Ur- Anrhlbarld K. Alexaa^^-at Bernardsville, N. j, for tU9 sa-^* r<

\u25a0tanaHaCHi' -\u25a0

have Itecn paying a series of visits _^relatives and friends since their reMkasrival in America, come to New Tork***day. They willbe at th* St. R*^, .*&Shalt stay.

"^ ror *


Indications for to-t&y: Generally lair. The temperatureyesterday; lllgheGt, 84 degrees; lowest,


Stocks were weak. While::.dvices.from Washington and Rome in-dicated grave doubts as to whether Por-1«' Charlton could be tried for tlte slay-Ingof Us wife, as toM in his confession,preparations were made by his family toestablish his insanity. == The failureof \»"o; '*J: to buy sweetmeats was said tolisve caused' a drop hi sugar prices-.—

\u25a0-, i. Many prominent men c-xpres^fdthemselves as OM»osed to the parade of'It?, national guard oa July 4. == Amajority of the Board of Estimate, in-<iudiiiff the Mayor, voted against pro-hibiting: the use of dummy engines on"Eleventh avenue below 30t!i street.

— — -Justice G<-rr decided that grand furieshad no legal right to make presentments.

Jacob Rouse, a police lawyer, waslifcld on an Jnciietmfcut eliarfringhim' withfalsifying testimony to the AppellateEjivlsloii.

-- -Mayor Gaynor announced

the resignation of the Supervisor "TheCity Record" and the appointment of his?\u25a0>:: ccefciser.


Many conference reports\u25a0

fere adopted by both houses, practicallyreSßdving all obstacles to adjournmentto-day. r\u25a0\u25a0 Senate: Mr. Burton made ir long speech against the Appalachian

.forest reserve bill. \u25a0\u25a0- . \u25a0 House: The.anti-optioii bill was passed.


Alexander iv Coccrjin's. .Westward defeats the. German Em-

i»eror"s Meteor, with the* Kaiser at thehelm, in a race "for the Krupp prize atKJeL .- \u25a0—

- "Chill October," by Sir John• BBk, brought $25,200 at a sale atChristie's. ===== Spain announced that

.the -\u25a0'vmment't- religious programmewould be carried out, thoujrh it seemsprobable that an opportunity will be;jriven to the Vatican to.modify its views.* •\u25a0

--A large increase in the imports of

.Indian opium into China was reportedHkhbi Peking: British officials say thatthe increase in price has caused reshlp-'inents. \u25a0 %,\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0

•The Austrian Lloyd Com- :

..pany cent out a vessel to search for thtsteamer Trieste, which is four days over-duo at.Bombay.

—= The Deutschlar.dcarried thirty-two passengers, includingBea women, on \u25a0 four-hour trip . fromI>us?tldorf ; the airship fought her >vay

Xhrough rain and wind on her return.r China has ordered the reincarna-tion ofa hijErh priest of Buddha, who wasexecuted 1 by the former Dalai Lama of-Tibet; affairs iii the latter country* areyuid to be satisfactory. ===== Thirty-Beven tnen were killed and thirty-seven/«rere injured in Colima, Mexico, fourcars of a troop train breaking loose andd^shiii!? down a ste^p grade.

\u0084 DOMESTIC.—

Attorney General AVick-rsLiun npok« in Chicago in defence of

the provision In the new railroad ratel:<\v looking toward federal supervisioni»f issues of securities. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 GeneralI'rederick Fun.-lon. V. &. A^ was report-ed to be seriously ill with angina pec-toris at his bonae in Leavenworth. Kan... ii——-

Senator Gore, of Oklahoma,X charged that a bribe of 159,009 had inft effect b^en. offered to.him to withdrawV Ins oppo<j|jan to recognition of contracts

r.';^tr tht- of .Indian lands InOklahoma.• =. Judsf Cohen, in Pittsburg, perma-nently restminf'd the opening: of the bal-lot boxes in the recent rfenoiiiination ofCongressman Joins Dulaell; Dr. R. J.Hlaek, who contested the vote, will runjis aji independent candidate, it was re-ported. -\u25a0\u25a0

-Harry Han'merstein, a son

: of.tilt former impresario, Sled a volun-tary petition of bankruptcy la Philadel-phia. \u25a0

• • Judge Stevens, at Cambridge,Mass.. ordered ii' jury to return a ver-dict •\u25a0\u25a0 not puilty in the cases of Mrs.T«illiaii Glover and sis others chargedwith being accessories alter the fact tothe murder of Clarence F. Glover, ...I

Waltham. =•— ."Three men were .liedby a« explosion .in powder mills nearValley Falls. K. v. Three children

ere bumtd to death in a barn at Ban-Kert'.es, X. V.


Toe goc^ work of the detectives inIfobokeii on T!n;r.-ri*y Id promptly ap-pr6ben<!ißg Porter CfcsJctlßai and elicitinga ccfiffessioa that be killed his -wife maybe followed by interesting diplomatic•negotiations ami complications, and per-

haps hj some revision of exitingtrestle and of the provisions of Intor-natiOHel Jaw. The circumstaucts andronsideratioes of the case were clearly

znd completely explained in our specialWasliiugton correspyudtmce yesterday,T.lth a revelation of v*hat must be re-gardtid as an anomaly in the inter-national adniinibtratiuu of justice

There' lS so doubt that Charlton com-mitted the crinn'. But ho committed itIn Italy, aud. therefore* fehould be tried»ad i>uuifchtiS there. He has, however,«'j?<;ai»ed to America, aud has thus placedhhnsclf d^tvlde the jurisdiction of theiti'lNn courts.

- If ho v.ere au Italian jii»" Italian

_>\« nnn» would doubtless

\u25a0sk for his extradition, which would belETasted. But he is :iu American <-itiztu,

and his victim was an American, andfor that reasou Italy mar not ask forhis extradiliou, but may leave l! to this

..,,:.\ to deal with him. Or If Italyshould a*k for his extradition this coun-try might refuse if. For whitest is theuiiuiisUikablc principle of (par guvcrh-i. • •\u25a0!« lliat :< criminal xiiuuld be ex-jrradited and returned to the scene ofhis crime for trial, regardless of hi-citizenship, the [talisji government hasl»el<l otherwise and has refused theextradition of ,•\u25a0- own esHMsl at our. <;«-Ui:U)<l. f«»r which reason «ur £uv<tii-tucnt might- lujriealiy trials* exception to;its-own- rule -'aud refiiwe ih«* extraditionofhu citizen at Italy's .!.in:il|.! • »l. one

Do these things lit th« women for suf-frage? JOHN HAROLD.

Yonkcrs, Juno 24, 1910.

NowIam neither |e« nor against womansuffrage, being but v. mere man watchingevents. Iwas, however, Indignant at th'esoexpressions, and am now Interested to findth.it the MilTruicl*>t» aro uot Inclined to"Pluy fait." -^;;

Ihad forgotten tho context, which MinnBlackwell co wisely omitted, but Ifeltsure that the Impression given by her waswrong, for Iwell remember that at thetime this letter was made public the suf-fragists vigorously attacked Mr Roose-velt and said he was "insulting." At theirpublic meeting which followed the pub-lishing of this tho Rev. Anna Shaw calledour honored loader "a treo toad" nntT saidshe "hoped he would como home fromAfrica inside of v Hon."


To the Editor of The Tribune.Sir: Permit a loyal reader of your good

paper to tlikmk you for printing the letterwritten by Mr. Roosevelt from whichAlice Stone Blackwell has been quoting—

and misinterpreting. ,

The pure food law compels truthfullabels on all articles, packages or contain-ers of food. A truthful label, however,

upon meat, fish, fowl, sausage, oysters,etc., will not prevent them from spoiling,£0 that conditions are favorable for thepropagation of poisonous germs. Time,

wldle thG pure food law compels truthfullabels, it does not, on account of prohibit-In? preservatives, insure that food will

reach the consumer in a pure, healthfulcondition; neither docs the label preventperishable articles of food from deteriorat-ing, when in the consumer's hands, so asto become a menace to health and life.

The authorities should realize the abovefacts, and amend the laws so as to permitthe us« of modern non-injurious preserva-tives on all articles of foo^ thp.t favor thepropagation of poi3onous perms.

11. 1.. HARRIS.New York. June 23, 1310.

THE FOOD LAW AND PTOMAINES.To the Kditor of The Tribune. _

Sir: Isaw in your June 10th issue that alarge number of people of Houston, Tex.,

have been made 111 by partaking of foodin which poisonous ptomaines had devel-,oped.

-It is certainly appalling to learn

how rapidly ptomaine poisoning cases have

increased since the enforcement el thepure food law. According to press dis-

patches there have been In the UnitedStates, since the enforcement of this law,

19.1*8 cases of ptomaine poisoning, 763 ofwhich were fatal. Prior to the enactmentof the pure food law borax and boroncompounds were used on meat, fish, fowl,

sausage, oysters, etc.. consequently suchfood, which readily becomes contaminated,

was kept in a. hygienic, healthful condi-tion.

WOES OF CENSUS GATHERER.To the Editor of Th© Tribune. •

Sir: There • was in yours of to-day ar.

article from Louisville concerning the pay

of enumerators of census. 1 was one of

the 1,150 in Brooklyn sworn to—and paid

25 cents for that—under penalty of $500 to

cover my district and to be paid 2!= cents

a name on general schedule.Then the advance sheets came. Ittook

me three days to write my part on theback of them; then, as the papers hadtreated the census as a Joke, the people

wouldn't or couldn't make out the said

advance sheets and Ihad to do it for them.

Yv'e should have extra compensation.Brooklyn, June 21, 1910. CENSUS MAN.

Correspondent Prescribes Itfor the Illsof the Body Municipal.

To the Editor of The Tribune.Sir: As Governor Hughes has declared

there Is urgent need of "some adequate

method of bringing the income of the stateup to the demands on it,with the great an-zmal increase in the demand?.

"and our

system of taxation now in New York Mneither as equitable nor as satisfactory inita results as It phould be. is not the timeopportune to consider some other sourcefrom which to draw revenue?

Why may we not consider carefully themethod now used Inmany European citiesof obtaining revenue by a tax of, say, onemill oo tlit; dollar of the unearned Incre-ment? Is itnot better to tax the economicsurplus, the mass of unearned wealth, than

the necessities, comforts of life and needfulprecedes of industry?

Mr. Lloyd George, Inhla celebrated landtax budget, showed clearly how the govern-

ment could get its revenues in such a way

that the rich could no longer continue tomake, in the linal outcome, the poor manbear the hardest part of the burden. EvenIn the House of Lords this tax on the un-earned Increment was deemed so just thatiireceived the approving vote of members

who owned a total of more than five hun-dred thousand acre in certain of the rich-est districts of England.It is affirmed that here in New York the

assessed value of the I;md and the fran-

chises alone amount to the .-urn of J9SO andin Manhattan Borough to $1,376 per capitaof population.

The annual Increase in the value of theland alone here, as well aa in our otherlarge cities, usually exceeds In amount the

total expenditures of each of the munici-palities. And the exploiters of land valuesin this city are aided not only by the IS),000

that is added each year to our population.

but all improvements, educational, munici-pal, sanitary and philanthropic, contributeto tho enrichment of those who own andprofit by this mighty social Increment.

All these things enrich the most barrenof building sites in this greater New York,

and all that flows therefrom into the purse

of the owners of the sites is unearned by

them. When they make sales and big

profits, why should they not be willingtopay a part "f tho profits into the city'streasury? JOSIAH C ITMPELLY.

Xew York. June 23, 1910.


thereon their fast visit arc usually anxiousto see one of the nymphs. They have notnwig to wait. The nymphs—there aro many

of them— never less than fifty years old,

Olid Ihave yet to see one whose weight

would fall short of ISO pounds. The .'mother*of the group carries her '.20 pounds with allthe graco which a costume consisting of anample bint; dress, caught at the place wherethe waist should be with a rope, a whitehood and a neckcloth of the same color"will permit The most popular souvenir ofthe place is a postcard on which three ofthese grace* arc shown, the embodiment ofgood health and rugged strength. . buthardly of beauty."

"By th* poweri;. it's bor-rn luckyIam!""Pliwydo y' think SOT" .•I was hit be a automobile Jit as Iwas

startin' f'r th simp this mornin'. Itmade-me sthagper, an' a cop pinched me for beindhrunk. Iwpf^llcked in a fight, art laier Iwor blowetl fifty feet high be a premaehoor

blast. When Icome home l.nigan's goat

butted me into th' house an' the ouldwoman wor layin' fer me wid a rollin pin.

•'An', in th' name ay the' saints, do yrz

call that lucky?" g , ,„,,"Sure! Ain't Ialive this mr-rnin

—Cleveland Leader.

Cleveland, where the Idea of a "safe andsane" celebration of the Fourth of July wasfirst put Into practice, has set another ex-

ample for other cities to follow. A charity

worker with a fertile brain has succeededin having' distributed about the city thou-sands of firecracker banks, in which per-sons are asked to drop the money that they

would have contributed toward noise and,lockjaw if the old r.;ay of celebrating theday was still followed. The funds thus col-lected are to be spent Ingiving tho poorerchildren of Cleveland a good time.

"Lucky at cards, unlucky at love," quotedthe Wise Guy.

'•Well, either is simply a case of holdinghands," said the Simple PhiladelphiaRecord. .

New York persists. In tho thought that itis a world* fair In Itself. It haa all th*bideshowa, anyway.— Pittsburg Dispatch.

New York Is to have an aeroplane-motor-cycle-automobllf race. What's the matter—hasn't the June fatality Hat bven up tothe average?— Journal.

Mayor <;aynor ha« ordered all tho plain-clothes men in the New York Police De-partment to go back to patrol duty. Hobelieves that on*? detectlvo force I*enoughand that there is no need of precinct spe-cials. This look* like horse sense

—BuffaloKxpresK.. X*!W Yotfc'a Uoo.sevelt reception commit-tee must have been composed of great men..Not a poet got a welcome odd pan them.—Denver Republican.

NEW YORK FROM THE SUBURBS.Besides, New York M a world's fair all

the time.—Richmond Times-Dispatch.

New York, too. Is going to have- a "noise-less Fourth." Kuthow can New York cele-b at* anything noiselessly?


Plain Denier.

EDUCATION IN SMALL DOSES.From The St. Paul Pioneer Press.

Chicago has cut its high school course totwo years, In order to induce pupils toabandon the habit of quitting school atthe end of the grade courses. If the WindyCity would double the length of tho vaca-tions it might also reduce truancy.

WILBUR LEFT $17,000,000 TO FAMILYBethlehem. Perm., June Zi.—Under the

will of the lato Ellslia P. Wilbur, financierand once president el the Lehigh ValleyRailroad, an estate of $17,000,000 is be-queathed to his family. So far as is known,there was no gift to a public or charitableinstitution.

THE KING'S RIGHT HAND MAN.From The London Chronicle.

Lord Kaollys. who, after eervlug the lat»King for forty years, has been appointedprivate secretary to KingGeorge, cornea ofa singularly longlived race. His fatherserved as controller of the Prince ofWales's household until his eightieth year.and lived for six years after his retire-ment, and his grandfather likewise at-tained a great age. His ancestor. WilliamKnoHys, who also served in the householdof two monareb.3. Elizabeth and James; I.died at the age of elshty-flve, and. accord-Ing to Dugdale. "rode a hawking andhunting within hair a year of his death."Sir Francis Knollys. the distinguishedstatesman who founded the family fortune,-was e!ghty*t<r6 at the time ml his death.

FROM THEIR POINT OF 9IEW.From The Washington Star.

Without wishing him any especial goodluck, New York bookmakers regard theelevation of Governor Hughes to higheroffice as most desirable.

President's Wife Rests, but ChildrenPlay Golf, Fish and Motor.

Beverly, Mass., June -\.—It is evidentthat life at the summer capital at Wood-berry Point willdiffer little from that orlast year. Mrs. Taft's first day of her sec-ond visit to the Evans cottage was a quietone, spent mostly on the broad verand«3looking across Salem Bay. Miss HelenTaft motored about the North Shore andher brother, Robert Taft, tried some of thenew traps ami bunkers at the Myopia HuntCiub. Charlie Taft, with a couple of menfrom the Sylph, started after a mess of flshoff the ledges of Great Misery Island.It is expected that the President will

reach Beverly early next week.



From The Cleveland PUio v*&le%'&\u25a0& \u25a0 i*Reno is happy, an.l

*ft* *V»*<*&!pretty well pleased Ifeat H# r̂ew..j}*s£

possible away from -»">*,;,everybody ought to be wtlaftedson and Jeffrie*, who probably »^3fight alter all. __ - .

THE RlC^^From Th« Rochester Democrat an ,

Now York is to have a »•« b»J^ W*Jway of *15.«XVa-year fiats. tmi-,.,only on« excuse f»r such •»

t» W.Vrental. The owner must Inteno^i ulli>rota an.l phonographs as *•\u25a0

• .


From The Chicago Record-Herald- /£"^With the co-operation of mMiy^ r̂il

oiai and health organizations, . ",• - »of men and women started yestercw \u25a0*«tconcerted movement to '""""a-a „,••>pression of spitting aiiyw'--r» an* .where. . -.?,an' ciw*

Tho first st«p was taken *"£««»»;warains against the dans*"1 ,'..»•"*Ing and th. penalty by w y.mf-thereto were U-sued b*.*ra°raftered' 1superlntindent of tt'« i»°

fInstitute, '... a large \u25a0^Th!, \u25a0•*aO4F',working in the int-r^sts r,? -«nt«BEting cause." These 'workers _ but«»2ith*Tr busing* It. th* us«m war. *ld wjrf

ever they saw any one v-"}o**."p«U» «*a card to the offender. *>tn »"" p""\quest that he or she re:uJ «•

lhoOJi4n4 «As a nrat consignment »fty "StfW**;

the cards were received, and. «cwf :V»

Mr. Wins. th<» first day;•/^,uPfßr »*butlon bids fair to exhaust IO« su*.>. >

short while.— . :


MAYBE"NOT IN NEW YORK.From Th- Duluth News-Tribune. #

Between 1913 ana 19X3 ih* '"Vlfwa'tfJellar will haTe a charce to*l5 0


fairs in Tokio. Hong Kcr.sr. Be*;1"*1"*York. New Orleans and Wariuafitpa, "^sandwiches a! tha usual F*''-« ana


the pries of bridal suites. \u0084,. --^.--^.--^

Colonel Richardson Says Marble S^b

Was Too High..IBrTelegraph to Th- Tribune.J .

Richmond, Va,, June 2i.-Ths \u25a0»»-<•base, twenty-two inches scr-are, to thai**of Lafayette voted by the State of -irsW»to tho distinguished French soldier la L

"*has been sawed into four pieces by CM**John \V. Richardson, custodian of th« Clfitol Building. In explaining his action to-day Colonel Richardson said that the fc***was so high that the other busts to?"rotunda of tho Capitol were out 'i

- prs?^

f*>n and M destroyed tho symmetry si»

artistic effect of the place. The inscrfjtas

on the base was preserved IBwMBThree of the slabs made from •*•*&*

will be used to elevate the bust3'of C&-1-

Justice John Marshall, General Fits£«*Lee and General "Jeb

'Stuart Th« O»

with the Inscription, will be fastest*!. 53

the wall under the bust of Lsfajettfc Col-onel Richardson applied a 91

**108 «the bronze allegorical figures at ttf^of the Washington Uoßßxacni a year a*e'making ihe f.ertires a bHsht and «I*rblack.

SOLICITUDE FOR THE PEOPLE-!From The Chicago News. _~Si

Governor Hughes would to to ,*Swith the voters a first class aiWCt>gjgglaw before he goes ay.ay. but ta* !"*"£dans do not see why tht-y should taF^upon the dear people the additional fc3ru^

of self-government.


Lady (who has !-<'it shown over ono ofthe «i ips to sailor avlio has been


—What a. pity gratuities are forbidden onyour ship!

\u0084'Sailor— So was apples, mum. in the CJar-

den of fideu.- laiiklou Opluiun.

One of the curiosities of Harllngen, a pop-

ular bathing resort in Holland, in hiKjwn to

CIM regular nations as th*) "bath nymphs."

"The appellation suggests a slender, hand-some water eprlto. .isort of combination ofBiermaJd and inrHd," writes a recent vis-itor to the place, "and the popple who' go

. Tho civil engineers of the country, speak-

ing through their representative organiza-

tion, the American Society of Civil En-gineers, favor stata licenses. At their con-

vention in Chicago, a few days ago; they

went on record as favoring legislation in allstatus regulating the practice of civil en-gineering and lh« Issuance of licenses to

members of the profession after they Daveproperly qualified through examination by

Btai« boards. It <WSi d*»eUled_'to empowertin board of direction of the national or-

ganization to take tli« mutter up with the

authorities of the various \u25a0*\u25a0>**\u25a0 and urge

uniform t«gfa!a£ioA.


Ttiat unfortunate Tibetan Hootou-Ka-too, who loet his head because he de-clined to pay "graft" tribute to the Dalai-Lama, is to be reincarnated and his con-fiscated wealth restored to his successor.Fortunately for tho peaoe of mind ofmany, this crude Eastern ciißtom is notlikely to find a foothold in th*> WesternHemisphere. What a redistribution uKwealth would follow a restoration of"graft" tribute!

Something ought to be done to insureb close association ior mutual advantage

between the projected "sale and sane"Fourth of July and the acknowledged

leader of the "safe and sane" Denioa-racy of Mayor Gaynor's home borough,

Qxe Hon. John J. Fitzgerald- Why notengage Mr. Fitzgerald as the orator ofour "safe and tan?" celebration?

Bcores of persons went to the pier a(V r,- Weeks ago to see "Big Tim" SuUivanBail for Europe. Nobody went to hissteamer to welcome him home yester-

day. Can it be that the Senator's de-parture caiißCS more joy than blB re-turn n

Mr. K. T. fcjtotesbury, of Philadelphia,who took over Hamnierstein's opera ef-fects and real estate when the Manhat-tan interests were absorbed by the Met-ropolitan, said on his arrival from Eu-rope yesterday that operatic matterswere much up in the air. Tills remarkmight suggest that the irrepressibleOscar Bold only the superstructure whichhe had erected, retaining the foundation,and explain the reports that he contem-plates producing opera of some kind inNew York tho coating season.

Congress has just passed a $20,000,00!)public buildings bill which (Joes not au-thorize a single cent of expenditure. .Isthe joke on the 'public ur on the two

houses ?

While there is no positive assurancethat the cable companies will agree totransmit night messages at reduced,

rates, there is encouragement in the factthat the subject is being considered.Tho came logicapparently applies- to thisplan as to service by land wirep. Ifthenumber of hours in a day during whiciithe plant is kept busy can be increaseditmay be necessary to charge only a lit-tle more than the actual cost of the workperformed-

RENO.Reno has. achieved greatness. Hitherto

it had enjoyed only notoriety. Nay.

worse: tbe American sense of humor hadturned its name into a byword anda jest. The country's newspaper para-graphers and rhymers, callous to thebeautiful sentiment of its activity in thebreaking of galling ties, the soothing ofruined live?, the mending of brokenhearts, made mock of it. Now all that is

changed. Reno has demonstrated its ver-jsatility. It Is no longer a town of one]

industry. To the divorce millit adds an- jother, of far greater proportions and al-ready of International fame. Therefore,

the public is informed, and many persons i

for the first time, that it is a city ofwell-paved streets, shade trees, tine build-ings and aa excellent water supply. Thepilgrims to the ringside will probably bemore interested in supplies of a differentnature; but they need not worry. Renoknows Ha business;. "Gambling is li-censed," we are told, "and there are nu-merous homes of faro and roulette." Wehad thought of it, rather, as the home ofbridge whist and progressive euchre towhile away the anxious hours of op-pressed femininity panting to be free and |try again. Three-card monte and thim-blerlgging are sure to be added to it*attractions now. Also, It is the seat ofthe University of Nevada.

Where hi San Francisco now? GaH-fornia has driven her foremost citizen:into exile in the hour of his supreme testand given him occasion for doubting theChristianity of her chief executive. An-other great sou of the state is with him|—

he of the pompadour—

and a third,iChoynski of the many battles. And Bos-ton's pride, John Lawrence, adds to this jgalaxy of .stars minor and major, toomany to enumerate, the supreme lustreof his historic name and Speech. Thenthere is the other camp, with its dusky i

giant. And all of them are talking inces- ;

sautly, for all of them have been in!'•voddevilky' are in it and expect to feelin it again. <Jreat arc the uses of pub- jlicity. Indeed, Reno has arrived.

We welcome Reno into the circle ofIthe world's great cities

—Reuo, with its

divorce mill, its flstic mill, its licensed \gambling houses and its institution forthe higher education of youth. We saluteh as the centre of the sanity of the saneFourth of July that is to be

—the city

of the count of ten that will be heardaround the world.

to procure the discharge of thate friends.relatives and political retainers from thepublic jobs held by fibeUa 11. row up theirbauds in horror when a diPtiusuishedRepublican like Governor lluglie.s Senator Root or Colonel Roosevelt latvUjventures to express his opinion uponsome question pending in Ihe Legislature

or to give his advice in regard to party

policy. Thus they did when ColonelRoosevell advocated the renomination ofMr. Hughes, and thus they did whenSenator Root advised the election of Mrmnmnn as Republican leader in theBiate Senate, and thus they have alwaysdone when Governor Huphrs ha* urgedhis policies inpublic addresses. Even thecalling of the present extra session was

a terrible example of bossism to thosepure patriots who, like Mr. Barnes,

would have the legislators free to actupon their own independent judgment,prompted, however, by the tacit or some-times express understanding that if theyfail to do what their bosses want them

to do they Joy their own necks on theblock.

Ihose who in obtaining obedience fromtheir AHsemblymen and Senators employ

the gentlo method of threatening to pre-vent their ienominatlnn, to bar themfrom all future political preferment and

But Mr. Barnes draws altogether too\u25a0 rosy a picture of legislative Independence

when ho says that the legislators "re-"qulre no orders from any one inthe dis-"charge of their duties." Incidents likeMr. Barnes's own giving of order- toSenators right In' tho Capitol, takingcommand openly of a session of the up-per chamber, are not necessary to showhow large a proportion of tho legislatorsan constantly acting under orders.When the tfinman-Green bill was pend-ing Albany was thronged with county

bosses who wen? on the spot to see that"their men" in the Legislature votedright. Primary legislation was defeatedii;, the most powerful outside pressurethat could bo brought to bear. Assembly-man EVelotb, of lieri.i'ucr County whowas Instructed for direct nominationsbut dodged a vote is reported to havesaid that hi* county boss would haveprevented bin renomlnatlon if ha midvoted for the Hinman-Greea bill. Dr.

ISvelcth was not alone in getting Ins"orders." And these whom the countybosses could not reach were coerced by

the powerful Rules Committee in tho As-sembly.


PENDEKCE.Mr. William Barnes, jr.'s admonition

to President Taft, Colonel Roosevelt andGovernor Hughes to keep their "handsoff" the New York legislative situationwould be more appropriate ifMr. Barneshimself had always kept his hands oIT.lint it is only a short time ago that hesat iv a clerk's room at the Capitol andcracked the whip over a combination ofRepublicans and Tammany men who put

the Meade-Phillips bill through the Sen-ate, says Mr. Barnes's newspaper. "TheAlbany Journal":

The Legislature of the State of NewYork does not take its orders from Mr.Roosevelt, Mr. Tail or Mr. Hughe;?. Ithas defeated the Cobb compromise billonce, and it willdefeat it again, becausethe members of the Legislature havebeen elected not only to represent theneople of their districts but also to ex-

\u25a0 rcise judgment in regard to legislation.They require no orders from anybody inthe discharge of their duties.

No one has proposed that PresidentTaft or Mr.Roosevelt issue any "orders"to the Legislature. All that has been sug-gested is that they might, either or both

of them, if they saw tit, express theirpersona! views upon the direct nomina-tions Issue. The legislators might ormight not be influenced by those views.Mr.Barnes says they would not be. Thensurely he can have no objection to theexpression of them.

OXLY A SIDE ISSUE.Critics of the national publicity bill

seem to be greatly exercised becauseonly one accounting

—after election


provided for iv the measure- whichpassed the Senate and was reported outof the conference committee. The bill,as tho House passed it. provided fortwo accountings

—a preliminary one

irom ten te fifteen days before electionand a linal one thirty days after. In-stead of welcoming a law which willcompel complete publicity of campaigncontributions and expenditures, thosefaultfinders are trying to spread theidea that (be whole scheme of account-ing will bt> a failure if ibe partial pre-liminary Statement is dispensed with.Thus our esteemed neighbor, "TheWorld." said yesterday:

Mr. Taft has declared himself infavor of campaign fund publicity, and'Hie World takes it fnr granted that he;s; s in favor of full, honest publicity suchis the McCall -bill provides for, not for.the Senate kind of publicity.

"The Philadelphia Record" also re-cently expressed the opinion that "a law"requiring only after election publicity"would not be worth while."

We have already pointed out that theaim of the campaign publicity legisla-tion is to secure a full sworn accountof election contributions and expendi-tures. All the state corrupt practiceslaws have been drawn with that end inview. They have not required a partialpre-election accounting, because it wasevident that such an Recounting wouldbe of comparatively little value. It

could be made to show just as much asa committee wanted it to show; foritems which Itmight not be considereddesirable to publish could be held overfor the final statement The double ac-counting idea is a new development.Why insist so strenuously on that singleminor feature of an important reformwhich is about to be undertaken "andComplain that without it the reform,

hitherto so highly landed, is going ,to bevalueless? The Tribune sees no objec-tion to two accountings, or to three, forthat matter, except that they may ~iu-rorae useless work. Itis anxious to Bee

one' full and final account made., ;\:idif that is accomplished there will "beabundant cause for congratulation. Afterthe single accounting plan has beentried it will be time enough to think ofimproving itby providing for a series ofpre-election bulletins. .

This must be regarded as largely, ifnot chiefly, a personal triumph for theKing; perhaps the crowning triumph ofhis life. Francis Joseph has long beenawfre of the progress of the separatist

movement and of the widespread fearthat while itmight not-culminate in hisreign it would at: the beginning of hissuccessor's, and that after him the King

of Hungary and the Emperor of Austriawould be two separate persons. Ithasbeen one of his chief concerns to defeatthis movement and to transmit the DualRealm unimpaired to his successor, andhe has found ample ways and means ofworking to that end without transgress-

ing the bounds of constitutionalism. Hehas now succeeded, perhaps beyond hismost sanguine expectations. The greatcompromise of Deak Is restored togreater integrity and power than it hasenjoyed for a quarter of a century, andif the governments at Budapest andVienna are conducted with a reasonabledegree of tact the spectre of separatismwill be effectually laid for the nextgeneration.

had been growing. Five years ago themore moderate wingof licit movement,the Independence party, led by FrancisRsatßtb, son el! Louis Kossutb, whosememory is revered by . Magyars andwhose name 'is still potetft to conjurewith, swept the country at a generalelection, and this year it was expectedteat that performance would be repeatedunder the direction of Mr. Justh and themore extreme wing of actual and im-mediate separatists. The result of thelate election was almost to annihilateboth those factions, Mr. Kossuth'e losing

two-thirds and Mr. Justh's four-fi(ths,and to give Count Khuen-Hederrary,with his enlightened programme of con-tinued union and franchise reform, athree-fourths majority.

TRA ' / JOSEPH'S TRIUMPH.Itii, to be regretted that adverse com-

meat, tome of which is probably wellfounded, has besa made upon the waysand means of the recent general elec-tion in Hungary; especially upon thedisplay of military forte near the pollsii certain provinces of the kingdom. Ir>may '\u25a0<• that actual abuses were thuscommitted and that in some Slavic constituencies, particularly, influence .wasthus unduly exerted on the result ofthe polling, un tho whole, however,there can be no such suspicion. The.election as a whole was sufficiently freeto permit a line expression of popularsentiment, Upon the result which wasthu« attained the kingdom is to be felici-tated, while the venerable King has

'achieved one of tho most noteworthyand most rateable personal triumphs ofhis long career.

The result of the election m an over-wljelmiij-victory for Iho government,Conn] Khueu-IKdervary obtaining prob-ably the largest and most "decisive ma-jority; in th- history of the Hungarianparliarueut. That would be i^JiilK-HUtin any cast, but it is doubly fclgnificantand gratifying in the present ease be-cause of the bane on which tke electionturned, namely, continued union withor separation from Austria: For yearsthe separatist movement, ehrewdly pro-moted Bj r.«.ii,»« .»f the ablest and mostInfluential KtatesnY«n of the kingdom,

REAL LEADERSHIP- |\u25a0President Taft exhibited the judgment

and courage of a true political leaderwhen he everted all his influence toeliminate from the sundry civil appro-priation bill the glaringly illogical andinequitable provision exempting laborunions from prosecution for violations ofthe Sherman anti-trust law. There arepublic men who tremble in their shoes atthe thought of offending the "labor vote"and are reluctant to oppose demands,

however unjust and extravagant, madeby representatives of labor unions. The 1

President has no patience with politi-cians of that timorous type. He does not

hesitate to oppose a vicious piece of classlegislation merely because the class inwhose name special favors are sought islarge and some of its spokesmen areclamorous and vindictive.

Important as their organizations are,the claims of these "labor" spokesmen

are inflated. They do not speak for laboras a whole7 but only for the relatively

i^mall labor element which is organized.

Their appeal is not for a class, but fora class within a class, and Election Day

figures seem to prove that even thatsubdivision is very far from being a unitin demanding privileges denied to allother groups of citizens Labor leadersof the type of Mr. Gompers and of thepresident of the Brotherhood of Locomo-tive Firemen and Enginemeu, who sent

the infelicitous telegram of admonitionto President Tuft, misjudge their powerwhen they try to dragoon Congress intoexempting the organizations which they

bead from liability for conspiracies inrestraint of trade. They wholly mistakethe character of the President when theytry*to intimidate bin", intosubscribing tothe undemocratic theory that one classin the United States is entitled to alegal immunity denied to all otherclasses.

There can be no satisfactory answer tothe President's argument that laws pe-nalizing certain practices should apply toail who engage in those practices. Theact i? what counts, not the incidentalstatus ifthe person "or the organizationcommitting it A conspiracy in restraintof trade is just as obnoxious when pro-moted by union laborers as when pro-moted by unorganized laborers or by em-ployers. There, is. no virtue whatsoeverin the inctioHg- of occupation or affil-iation insisted upou by union' leaders.All citizens should stand on the samefooting under the law, whatever thenature of their fellowships or associa-tions.

This question was fully thrashed outin.the PreVideuiia! campaign of 1908.Mr. Gornpers made the same demandthen that he is making now. lie wantedthe Republican party to insert in itsplatform a promise to exempt laborunions from the prohibitions of the anti-trust law. His resolution was cunninglydrawn to Conceal what it really meant.But the Republican convention, wouldhave nothing to do with it, and he thensubmitted it to the Democratic NationalConvention, whieu accepted It. President'fait rightly denounced the Democraticplatform declaration as a promise tolicense labor organizations to conductsecondary boycott.'". Mr. Bryan wasafraid to say Just what he thought thedeclaration meant, and his persistentdodging of the issue weakened 'iimgreatly in the last two weeks of thePresidential campaign. He was willingto profit by the so-called "labor vote,"but did not dare to admit openly thathis bargain with Mr. Gompers committedhim to an approval of the secondary boy-cott- The country showed in November,1966, what It thought of the Gompersscheme of special immunity for the laborunions. Mr. Bryan did not carry a singleone of tile Stales in which the labor cle-ment Is strongest. Public opinion thensupported Mr. Taft's programme of im-partial treatment for all. Itwillapplaudnow his manly and successful insistencethat Congress should eliminate from thesundry civil bill the unwise provisionpreventing the prosecution of laborunions engaging 'n secondary boycottswhile continuing the criminal liabilityof all oth«?r associations for such Boy-cotts.

of those grounds, therefore, Charltonmay. not be returned to Italy lor trial:ami. in that case, it may be f<>uuci ini-pcssiblo to try anil punish him, since

our courts may be unable to establishjurisdiction for a crime committed in aforeign land. y •

Itwould certainly &eem to be anomal-ous and a grave defeat of justice for aconfessed murderer Iigo free becausethe one country could not and the otherMM not punish him, and the co*e

strongly suggests the need of a revisionof international jurisprudence -whichwould render a recurrence of such adilemma impossible. Hie Americanprinciple concerning extradition, regard-less of citizenship, is*correct and de-sirable for universal adoption, and wehope that Italy ana other nations willcome to an agreement with America tothat effect if not, there will remainthe perplexing question of the possibilityand practicability of extending jurisdic-tion over cases of crime committed inforeign lands. That would manifestly

be an awkward and undesirable thing

to do; yet it would obviously be stillmore undesirable for criminals to gounpunished because of such lack ofjurisdiction on the part of courts which

\ were willing to act and because of theunwillingness of the courts which hadjurisdiction.


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£A3*CUDAY,JUNE 25, 1010.

: _ This newspaper is ctvncd and pmb-]Wtbc3 ftp The Tribune Association, aKeto York corporation; office and prin-cipal place of business* Tribune Build-ing. 2>~o. l \u25a0- ?:cs?av street, yeic York;Ogicn Mtlte, president; Ogden .1/. Reid,secretary; James M Barrett, treasurer.The a&drest of -\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 officers is the officevf this neicspaper.


The Duke and Duchess d'Arcos. who

Mrs. William Allen Butler has gone toKorth East Harbor, Me., for the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Trevor *aye

taken possession of their place at South-ampton, Long Island, for the season.

Mr. and Mrs. Pembroke Jones willleavetown to-day for Newport.

»?.fr. and Mrs. George G. De Witt haveopened their villa at Southampton, LongIsland, for the summer.

Mr. and Mr?. J. Searle Barclay have

left town for their country place on LongIsland, to remain until the end of July,

when they sail for Europe.

Yet another wedding of to-day Is thatof Miss Sara C. Hardenbergh to Hugh J.Chisholm, jr., in tit. Bernard's Church,

Bernardsville, N. J. The bridegroom, whois the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugli J. Chis-holm, will ha\-e Leonard Sullivan as hisbeat man, and as his ushers^ R. ThorntonWilson, Courtlandt P. Dixon. 2d, DavidDowfl and William P. Hardenberg!i f jr.

Bishop Codman, of Maine, willperform theceremony, assisted by the Rev. Thomas

H. Conover, and It will be followed by areception given by Mr. and Mrs. WHliam

P. Hardenbergh, thf parents of the bride,

at their counttry place, at Bernardsville.

Several -weddings of interest to NewYork society are set for to-day. Among:

them is the marriage of Harold AymarSands, son of Mrs. William 11. Sands, of

1 New York, to Miss Katharine Hynson Mc-Fadden. daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. J.Franklin McFadden, of Philadelphia, attheir country place, near Radnor, Perm.Austin L. Stands, Emlen Drayton, FullerPotter, Thomas Monson, Dudley Morgan

and Pauldinsr Fosdick will be among theushers, and Harold Min.-tt the best man.

Another Redding of to-day is that ofHugh Minturn, son of Mrs. Robert Min-turn, to Miss Ruth Wlnsor, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Alfred Winsor, at Brookline.Mass. Theodore Douglas Robinson, Amos

R. Eno, E. Gerry Chadwick, George PalenSnow and Wendell P. Blagden, of NewYork; Edward Bowditch, Jr., and Freder-ick Pruyn, of Albany; Gordon Falrchild,

E. V. R. Thayer, James Jackson, Kennardand Alfred Wlnsor, jr., brothers of thebride; Robert Winsor, jr., of Boston, andEdward B. Krumhaar, the latter, of Phila-delphia, will be the ushers, and CharlesE. Perkins, formerly of Boston, but nowof Burlington, lowa, will be the' best man.Miss Louise R. Coolidge, Miss AdelaideJackson and Miss Barbara Burr willbe laattendance on the bride. . ,
