MANUFACTURING and IMPORTING ESTABLISHED IS7S TELEPHONE 2044-3STH AaJaeckel&Co Vy -s^i Pflffib Av^T^ho Bet - 35th •>C^r ITlSiiiii /WCDIie and SCth Sts. . FURRIERS Special Inducements for Late Season Buyers Our Entire Stock ci dst r;nons. \i:\>-V()]Uv. SUNDAY, FIvBHIAKY \% 190 S. FOURTEENTH street. West of Fifth Avenns. ,7:" :<* Eleven Selling Days— Then Stock-Taking!" Therefore, To-morrow : CLEARANCES in Women's T e:v ':*•:- Ginzs^ts. CLEARANCES in Boys', Hisses' & Siren's Garme^ CLEARANCES is—U;^3:sttr; ani Rrjs. . CLEARANCES 12 --Ho-:s*kce:i-2 EisliES i^S L.a-». CLEARANCES is -Silks, Dress Goods, Wish rateicta CLEARANCES i- Eifctons, Laces, -!:\u25a0:. In Addition All Departments Will Add Their Quota of Clearance Lots. Following Are I Few OF THE SEMI-ANNUAL STOCK TAKING BARGAINS! Clearance Prices for Fashionable Dress Goods AU Woof Nuns r«aaaaa*— * laga— - _ Albatross ami Vajm saa rail a««ortai*nt of best liitfitmv' <tarit I3S rer» » .. -~ * . rz TX\ *r»rh AT Wm' Tailor CT^th*— Mack. iCTwn and nsvy; also srt inch UrOHfJcloth3 in - t Pi*:*- 39 were .3» and .O Serz» Plai-tJ and JO in«"h 113h.t 45 and dark colorings nrere •». •-»•* ptorn s»rc»s^ «1 ard sr> ;r:r!i— Nsbt aad dark reds and myrtlr also herrtos- bone ch»vio'9 in a aaaca nrtrwa <• a«a«a \u25a0 - * Hrav Tinri« CloaKlccs tneb 74 $1.49 qMSIttJ *. ZC. Inch Black Clnakirss— C& hisrh siik ln?tre_^t.W q;»Ht7 ' , S4 inch. Striped and 1 niec!c»«l Ersadctotas^ .".4 art Jlannisb Mixtures— blue, tan and STT»en a!so . .--4 inch Fancy Panamas anil Seigra 1 29 _wer« ft M Clearance Values in Babies' Wear Bab->«* Oaj»» anri Baanwa*— naaal and cord»d »llk. rnottl»d an.) plain h»ir«k!r!. fait. Ml cloth an I \u25a0\u25a0-'•«" Fr»nch >«hap»^ and flares in various pretty stylos— trtamtnc «f lace. rfBtHBBa aansaam for heads. &<: principally " some ,^lors majority not quit* 1 " -ta»l 'fun si.rt" m jiaos'vaiucii . ,9S *i 7.98 Rabies' <>p<<—Bilk and Plain or mottle>T bearskin emb'd or tHmraed Trith fur haaW, hana, aVr. ai«a» .9^ .09 Babies' Short Dresse* Xainsnofc and lawn yoke and araM sty! flaw and afj mi.;"» to lUi .f}9to 5 98 Cables' White ke»rz!n Drawer* •were .4D la m m - .29 to .69 Babl"s' t-onj: 'Wool F!ann«l Skirts fine cambric t.ands were _(j3 .-+-+ .' Flann?! Bur-oiv*— fine cambric band were .33 .24 Babies' Knit PUnds —tc ith. \u25a0'l'" strars fine era*?—^-orth .S9 ...... ss Babies' Cashmere Shirts brok-n lot— of v.cci and part wool—were .59 to ,rv- .39 A.Jaeckel&Co FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK We Are the Only Exclusive Fur Mouse in the City "with Dry Cold Storage on Premises. Hen's Fur Lined Overcoats. Chauffeurs' Coats from $25.00 up. Ladies' Fur Lined and Fur Garments at One-third Regular Prices. Large Assortment of Short Coats in Broadtail, Caracul, Persian Lamb, Grey Squirrel and Russian Pony at One-half Former Prices. Neckpieces and Fluffs in Sets of Russian and Hudson Bay Sab I .c, Ermine, Chinchilla, Flink, Harten, Black Lynx, etc, smart and Up-tb-JDate Garments an' Mink? Sea 3, Ermine, Broadtail, Persian Lamb, Caracul &Russian Pony. •Higlh Grade Furs At Prices Less Than Cost of Production j'J The Orients] store. j I) Exhibition of New Silks | At Vantage's SUk Dept. I /T\ NNOUNCEMENT is made of a showins: on Monday of ex- ] /Aj elusive silk fabric? in v. eaves aud colors such as Vantine's | are noted for. Spring and Summer Silks ; Genuine Pongee Silks ; A very lanie assorticent of qualities and colors iT.ncrir.c in price from 7."><\ to $4.00 per yard. Attention is called to a special 44-inch width. Waterproof FiiSred HabulrJ Silks. Satin Foulards. Satin Lib- ; crty>. Striped and Plr.::? Novelty Gauzes and Chiffons, Silk Cropes ; ard other weaves i'rom the Orient. Sped; for Monday Pongee Silk Suitings .\ L*nrk and li^rlil colorings in fancy effects. Now §(Q)C 3 P er ?' 2rd j Keul value $1.25. i . '. . ' [ I A. A. VANTINE & CO. j : BROADWAY, Bet, 18th a I9th STRFETS. j * —^——^— —^-^— —^— -^^—^—^—^^—~ rrRXITT^E. i ' !:\:tj'i:k. ,_ , ,\u25a0 -, \u25a0 J \u25a0-—>— ~-~-~-~-~- —~~—~- ~~- Fire Sale of Furniture rrcm tie Parker Building Fire. The goods are hut slurutly damaged. Some are uninjured but are parts of broken suits broncrkt over from o;ir storage warehouses; While onr insurance is beinp; adjusted we will offer all of our odd lots, broken suites and jroods slightly damaged (you could not stingriis nny damage unless we pointed it oat), at 50c ON THE DOLLAR Our New Store, 30-32 East 2 lit Street, contains a. lanre portion of our ?-100.000 stock, samples of trhich we displayed on the entire 7th floor of the Parker ._\u25a0'•- cases the pieces have just been unpacked from our siorare warehouses. "We still ha\e some of our choicest patterns and most select de.sijrns. All will go at fiftj 7 cents on the dollar from our former exceeding low prices. FREDERICK W. EYERS, ; -12 East 21st Street, Betßn iytaft4tbAft. ! Avarit-Cotireur dv Printemps \u25a0 The Prettiest Soils and Costumes of Spring Models with the beauty of Sprincr written all over them. Chic, smart garments of refinement. Eselasiveness is a distinpii>h- ins feature, at is the character of the workmanship. The latter is not cms whit short of the artistic. Never have we exercised such painstaking care in the prepara- tion, of a season's stock, and never has earnest endeavor met with \u25a0 more brilliant reward— this advance showing- proves that a.nd promises much. A Word Picture of Two Beauties SUITS OF IMPORTED STRIP- ED PANAMA! a very impres- sive, stately model, the acme of S pood taste and -superior style. The fabric hi charming— striped effects on blue, brown and gray grounds. The JACKET is 39 , inches lor.? and lined- through- 1 out with elegant taffeta silk. The SKIRT la a new gored ef- t feet with an S-inch fold. All sizes. The Intro- <£'*) A *7 *Z ductory price is... q^^-^".r» J CJ BUTTERFLY SUITS OF PAN- AMA, a snappy, little model, as the illustration shows. In Copenhagen blue, navy. black and brown. Note the new sleeve isn't it stunning? The JACKET is elaborately trim- med with braid and has a fancy ve.stee. an inlaid collar of pea* de sole; cuffs to match. It is lined with a good quality satin. The SKIRT is a full pleat- ed model with a deep fold and braid trimming. All sizes. The very attractive C 1 iT t=7 E^ advance price is. . .C 1 \^ » J 0 2nd Floor. ssta St. Section. zzj^==~ BtOOMINGDAL.ES* == : - "Mirage" Is a New Silk Fabric And it's a beauty. It is 26 inches wide. The weave is slightly uneven, but not as rough as the pongee. The finish is highly lustrous. Allthe colors that you think are pretty •<£ '1 35 axe here The introductory price per yard i 5 .... *\u2666' d •*J\s ._...,. . Main Fi.. near (he Rotunda. \u25a0 - BLOOMINGDALES' ' *j : Cut Glass THE LOWEST PRICES IN j NEW YORK. The pieces in this sale are all j genuine American cut glass, and 1 must not be confounded with . th* very clever imitation? in pressed glass that are sold else- E where as the g-enuine article for L even more money than we ask < for the real cut glass. ( CUT GLASS OLIVE DISHES, j with handles or without; 5-inch size 58c , CUT GLASS QLJVE DISH2S. ', with handles or without; 0-inch , size 65 L BERRY BOWLS," fancy i*ape. . 8-inch size SI .95 CUT GLASS JELLY DISHES. , 7-inch size. SI .09 " JELLY DISHES, cut Rlass. S-ini is size S-.i^o i JELLY DISHES cut »fla ». | '.!-\u25a0\u25a0 '-. s?i*e $2.40 j WATER TUIfBLEKS. cut - ass i popular- diamond and f.tn pat- i terns, per dozen $2.09 ' 3-1 Floor, «il)th St. Section. All Cars rsn fjTi^.^n^rif TraEsferto KAILSOAOS. OCEAN STEAMEES. O. F\N KTKAMERS. OTKAN STEAMERS. aXTMctTaIS. nESTAI" SSAM'sffRO-AiiEßiCA'jil r-EGULAR FAILINGS FITMOST MODERN. U3XUBZOUE. - a I >! EST LEVIATHANS. London— Paris Hamburs Tr"tori3.!->K2!i..-,;:>it pm ;P. Tv rt.Ma; 21 Aii)fr:k3...Mar. 7. !t a m *Pennsyla.Mar. 28 •-. - to ttamlwE dtrect Gibraltar Naples Genoa llaTnl.-?.:.1ar..'!1,10 am IMo'.tke April -- Ocer.n. T.April 2. 11 am Batai-t» May - Vji_ - Bookings made for trips up the "*" Ni:e to Luxor. Assouan, etc, by Service th» Hamburg and Anglo-Am. Nile ro. TRAVELLERS' CHECKS ISSUED. HAiIBURG-AMERICAN LINE. .57 Broad- way. N. Y. i The \jj)!f JiTdiia if tbe i ------ Oils j _ Southern Pacific Passenger Steamships:- - ii Ejwdal llarJl Gyas Ship ••M-tt.tj?" fmm Now York F. b 2.5. Arriving :: STew Ort^JM M»ix* 2. BwmHn*. leaves Now Orleaim Marcn .. f upTb a'-i'i.-nnioda:i"rL£ Suit'.-s. staterooms, proir.cniae decks.^ baths. BESIE AND MEALS ma 31 3 IN IUTE L. H. NUTTING. <J. P. A.. 1 cr :jir> Broadway. Werafl«Vftl *. 8.49 1 «X - IS.PS r#»l9.9b 10.9S hr«w * 3 *- 9 * 20.93 Were JtSI.M ..." -12.931 vv r * «- 23.93 W»r- $2->.?>s 14..9S Were <45.!» - 2 1 .93 Were ?30.9> 1 6.98 ' '•'• "- W;> : « 39-93 OTHER CLEARANCES AS FOLX.OWS:— Women's Caawead \u25a0$*} aa, \u25a0asaav^l N-- k " Sccrls and '\u25a0\u25a0.-. y.lotir. Caracul. nrr«dc!oth. Ker«ey. j N>rh pfetres. iltUTj. ilontapn-ic—.Vi-tncb and medium i»-nsth | Natunl Mm!: * nljic•* trim-d in rftr style*-- full or naif 29". \u25a0- to 4fT9ir« <?C* \u25a0 ~ togZ..P3 satin lin«d. Wer» J3f> »S to fl» \u25a0- \u25a0 - 1 -— «30 »to *40.M ti « - m9B !"\u25a0\u25a0"•' »5 «. !-. \u25a0 - - \u25a0 \u25a0- \u25a0 \u25a0 •- ' \u25a0 ' ; ? » 79.98 2f1.98< 3P.9S S !£%: 1 ?:9§: Were :-::.: \ - * "^ "'" »«»- W<me| Dress SkL^ts iS«J-gEs te tifeFJ wek?ilStoi=?dl Voiles. Chiffon Panama?. Taff-ta Sfflt F ISroaadOtbs. Series. Mohairs. MUr;ires. *="»^_; _ p S —93to• 193 l?.t^«t pieat»<l or !^re<l models— withfolds y-. f «^^ n i-^g^ v.-re st~3> so J3la» in r'^in «f Cwej designs— all Eextgt&a ar><l| *' r -- J™ * bar.is— a!?o extra stzts. B!ack Ljtix— w»re $-,>.:. 3.fiSiTi>r**iftW_ ----- ta'46.©a \u25a0 \u25a0•- "-if« Were $M»^ .. . S.PS Wer»Jl4.r».. g> 9S I Wer- 527.3* to $H« •• V.>r« *.»ftS to »•>.»\u25a0 " W « W *^ 13 - 93 I Natur.l ? auirrel- g _ 0.98 C.93 7.93 3.93 to 10.93 WOniCll'S l£3. StWaU i Were »S.» ta »M 199 Tr-r-s:*.j««»».•• Alcatrrw??. fashmere. i "rep* •> Chin- ar.dj = 3bte --quirre!— China filk-white. colors— trimd with* QOSW -OS 4.93 to 13.93 IS^iXS, tl T OS Were ? 21.^. .. ItOH j W " c S * 3>3 > to *li» W-r- »** to $»• Wer- »«.98Ci7198 "ere f:tf>.oo... { 6.9^ '^ wer» *i5.^...9.'95^»-.i=7.^...2i.9s p 22cy azd zizzlzz Cresses _. * « r«^«- Cr»re Ch:n»s. lle^salines. Loaists* CieS.r2.3>£ 01 TIL. Coats anf , Ta f-,», sm^ UnsTie aad pK»ia or Pnnv Skin. .-ana.U Marten. Caracul arvi fancy net, wttt. c^ ~itt«mt»Uk d^op*- or notch collar of self or contrasting fnr. j v>rs jie.ns.. « QgiWer^ s5 H;vFlli: w :^:^ 7& - 95 i we- Women's Fins Tailored Suits REDUCED FOX QxjKZ CLSAHA>:CS: Velvets, Herringbone and Panne Cheviots. Broadcloths and English Mixtures Thr^^-quarter and medium lensrth Ccats. fitted and semi- fittod—sins'* and double breasted. Cutaway and other srood models strictly tailored or trim'd in fancy effects with self r contrasting braids. Persian Bandings r.nd Velvet— Pleated and Gored Skirts, deep fold with and without braid ' Price Gnats in Silver-Plated Ware Standard qualities and an attractive variety of t>**t designs, embracir^ chased, raised, satin engraved, polished and French sray greatly "*- duced. TWO HOUK TRAIN TO PHILADELPHIA EV'KRT HOUR ON THK HOUR. FOB PHILADELPHIA. LvW. 2^D ST.: t.SS 7.50. •'-". -o<.>. ».50. 10.60. 11.20. ll.r.<> a. m. 12.50. 1.20. 1.30, i."«>. 3.50, 4.20. 4..'0. 5.50, 6..*><>. 7.T0. ."».50. 11.50 p. m. Sun- days. 7.. ""•<», h.",i). 9.50, 10.50, 11.,"><1 a. m.. 12.'60. •"<>. 2.50, Z.M. 4.50. 5.50. 0.50. >T-50. b 5(.-. 10.20. 11.50 p. m. Lv. LIBERTY 5T.:—1.30. C.30. 7 00, <>.o©. BJO ».«• 10.00. 11"". 11.30 a. m.. 12 00 noon. 1.00. 1.30. 2.00. 1.00. 4.00. 4.30. .1.00. 6,00 7.00. 8.00 » '"0 p. m.. ;2.i." midnight. Sundays 1 30. 8.60, fI.OO. :0.00. 11.00 a. m.. 12.08 noon. 1.0», 2.00, 3.00. 4.00, 5.00. ti.l». 7.00. 8.00. 0.00. 10.30 p. m..-12.1. r » nii.iniuht. FOR BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON. Lv W. -17.D ST. : 7.50. 80. 11. a. m.. 1..*0. 3.50. 5.50. 6.50 p m. daily. Lv. LIBERTY5T.:— 1.30, .s no. 10.0<} s. rr... 12.00 noon. 2.00, 4.00, 6. 0n. 7.00 p. m daily. FOR ATLANTIC i'ITY'. Lv. W. 2:rl> 5T.: 9.50 a. m.. fll'so Sats. only). 3.20 p. m. Sundays. 'J.'iO a. m.. 2.1"0 p. m. Lv. LIBERTY ST.:—».©o a. m.. (I.CO Fats, only). 3.40 p. m. Sundays. 10. 00 a. m., 2.30 p. m. FOR LAKEVvOOD AND LAKEHURST. Lv. W 23D ST.: »J>9 a. m.. (12.50 Sat«. rr.: i. 1.20. 3.20. 3.50. 4.50 (6.20 Sat.-., only* p. m. Sunday?. !«.20. 0.50 a. m.. 2.20 p. m, Lv. LIBERTY' IST. :—I.OO.: 1. 00. MJ.WJ A. m.. (1.00 Sats. only). l.:«>. 3.40, 4. JO. 5.00 (is TO tats, only) p. m. Sundays- 8.30. 10.00 a. m.. 2.30 p. m. Time tables may be obtained at follows* offices: Liberty St. fWcal 23d ft. Tal 3144 Chelsea) 'i Astor House. 245. 4"4. 1300. 1354 Broadway. 182 Fifth Ay.. 2*-l Fifth Ay.. 2r. Union Square West. 278S Third Ay. 106 West 125 th St.. 248 Colunibus Ay., New York: 4 Court 81 . 34.1. 344 Fulton St.. 479 Nostrnnd A".. Brooklyn; 300 Broad WillianssburK. New Tart Transfer Co. callj tor «nd ehertei h;icrgag6 to destination. W. G. EErLER. W. C. HOPE. V!re-Prep. ,v Gea jiff-. Cop Pa«B*r \ -i-*. •Tr\M BOATS. MAKE YOTTR RESEKVATIOXSS NOW for the N "\u25a0 14.<:00 tons Express F= PRIXCXPE r>l I DINE .TI'NF. 1 S.S. TOMMASO DI SAVOIA JULY 4 Apartments df- Luxe. Stater m with bath. CESARE CONTI, General Asent, ' 33 BROADWAT. N. I B.S. PRI! ' !!.:">!\u25a0 »NTE . MS R 7 ' :,IN.\ IVITALJA MAR 2S -. . . . \ b.S. PRINCIPE I>j ii i:.M' »NTE ' . Stal us S (^o Up. TO :;: ,:v ITALY on th' splendid n<nv twln-«crew S.S. of the LLOYD SABAUDO Fast Italian Mall Line. ROGERS aa SERVIXG PIECES— Extra Heavy. lea Spoons 1 Torait -> rrera j Falad Forks - were »> .49 P!e K.r.i \u25a0- j B'rr>- Spocns J Pat Kn!r»3 ' « 1.25 ... ,6Di Fish Forks $ Crumb Knives were $1.2T< esch .S9[ Butter spreafl"r« half tier. j were $1.2Z .5>D \ <Irav>- LwaiM im .49 .29; ?ou ? Lad:<~-*«T» JIJ3 1.1^; Susar Sr-->cES ~\ BttttrKohn Lwcre .29. . .19 \u25a0 '\u25a0ondens- -i 1!:I1: y pi^or.<: J Preserve J J nc<;ER? »A err xz After - ... CbStw S^«ona cr Traipoocs fc.i'r JVnen— were .SO .43 Tabl» or Daaaart ?pcona or Forks— tair «!oz.— w»r» St.l? '.S3 Oystfr Fcris haif -am 51.25. .89 Berry Ferss each were .19 .I 2' 1 * Rcser» Triple Plated Knrve». Dlanmr-OF- Dcsaert -ire—ha!f .!•>« were •!.» | ti> Triple Ptated Kni««i _"_J tajf dos.— r»s .79 ..-.....\u25a0^0S r»iper* an* Sa.'ts— tinry cr rlaia 1 iuUm/ 2T» c?3t» each 14 Nut Picks were .10. «r:a 5 LANTHIER'S OLD CURIOSITY SHOP BA4 Fourth Avenue. l»t»wii -"; i and 2<sth- Importer and dealer in Fine OH Paintir.irs. Rare OM Portraits and Gems by the Old Masters, Old Jewels. Stiver. Ancient Arm* end Ariiior. Works of Art. "dqiekigbv \f- WEDIL, G«-naine an'iQue furniture pic. No repro- ductions. CBS f<mrtiMr|na aye.. cor. 57th it. OTTO ,J. BCHIILT2, "=():; lUi Antiqu* furniture, Imported from Holland: just come over. Near 45th at. THOMAS MATHCWS" COMPANY, estab- lished 1S;L". Collectors and Rpsturers An- t:quts Furniture. Palntlr.jjs, Crj'stal ChanJe- l!>"n=. Mirrors. Mantels. Reproductions to order. Upholstering. Repairing. Appraising. 352 Madison avo. (ror. 4uth sz.>. New York Telephone s!>-.'' SStk. AT F-BLE"S ART GAULERT. IB West 41 ; St.. n'ar «:th •>\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Antiques. rt;rlo3. old jewels, silverware, rare fans, paintings, miniatures and \u25a0weapons. Old ffoid bought. COLONIAL sold, silt and mahogany mir- rors of every variety picture frames to order; residing, factory prices; work guar- anteed. >".'•:, 145 East l!Cd st. D: SAI.VO BROS.—Antique fornlture. hrii'-a-h'-ar. Sheffield anil «o'!<! \u25a0 liver. .".PS Itl aye.. -Tt st. Tel 22-tO— M.iI Sq. »—\u25a0—\u25a0\u25a0'. __ . ' 1 \u25a0 MACHI.VERT. KA3HGAS &2ASOLDfE ENGIR2S Sp**rially adapted for runninp electric iltrht- Ing. domestic w3ter supply and fit* prt?c- tfen plant* for country home? and estates. Economical, simpl* and absolutely liable BPATißiut ®$nm mi CHICAGO. BOSTOK. NEW YORK. THE MIETZ .1- WEISS GAS AND <>IL ENGINES; stationary and mar'ne i l tr 100 ii.p. Aug. M> •\u25a0\u25a0 l-.s_. %i..i: _st.._N. Y. DKNMSTS. DR. F. L. HUKSSLL, Everythiiajc in modern dentistry; crown am brtdgf specialist. -'.•; Broadway. N. Y. ri:Kioi>;i AND ..ißi:\:rr: - BACK NUMBERS OF ALL MAGAZINES may be procured at Gerar Literary \u25a0 l.op. \u25a0»:: Na«y."i St.. \»-'v v-t.j PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. EDGAR D. BRINKKRHOFF, Certified Public Acfountant (State rf N. YJ. 33 Breadwray. R'-^m *;12. TfHiphewi si!--- Bread and 14!T: J. Drench Brook. Newark. N. J. JOHN C. ALMOUR. Public Accountant and Auditor, 2-">7 Broadway. Books written up and cln««-d. profit and less statements an.i balance jiheets prepnred; periodical pudit?. Tel. Sl70 i.'ortlandt. niBHKI.LIS AND CANES. PTEINSCHNEIDER'S Urnbrellaa are the BEST. Fcclish Gloria IV«c. Taffeta lotion $l » Pur» Silk >;.."U» Londijn smoke $3.23 K*eoverhjg withImpurted Sl.k. (1 AH repairs. 15c. 124 Fulton at., cor. Nassau. I -\u25a0 -:i*-nt aWM \u25a0 riyri'REs._ BIG BAR'JAINS.-^Silchtly used rotltop desku. chairs. Reirlmstnn and Underwood typewriters, riling cabinets. National cash registers, adding machines, cf.c, tucoltura. Natbaa'a, « WUle «. K3?T^ OEiHISi OJYi. Fnst Fxpr--.-s S^n'icc. FL.TM' VJTH—CHERBOURG— BREMEN - M A. St - ;-\u25a0; -\u25a0 Cedli ••..•.vi.]-vi... K. Wm. !I l KaiK.^Wm. ll.J!ar. .-.Kaiwr d. Gr.-.Maj.. | Cc.iii* (M»-i.JUr.X7tO«i3ie (r-oi* <- -M-:> J r X rr.-:z Wm.Mar. -4 Kprinz »»-J»i2 Ka!f V.m. ll.Uar.niiKais- Wm. I*.jl"> - : ; Kmiaa >: Gr—Ape. TlKaleer <i. Or. .J'Jnt- . Cec:;;r IDMD.Apc. 14K>cEle (r...f.). ..Jun--^ Kp:;n; v.-. Apr. V.!t;...!urt il, Tnin-Screw Faiwenscr Service. PLYMOUTH— CHEHUOT-EG— BREMEN H> A. M. •Rk»-- I>b. ...Ma>-1 "SejCatx Mar. 12; DertSlnper Mijy 2> •Emu ....Mar. June 4 •Barbaro-ra. .Apr. BiKwTnent ....--'"^ •» BenUitx Apr. 2J I Breaaea T - ne « Latunr . . .Apr SO FrteiJri** '»"•• Ksxfwnt May 71P. F.-ch JSTaaJoaeS •Ka:- . .. .May 1* , Darbarossa ..Junt^.< •£reine n direct. .\u25a0'Tcr-i^rraTK'an .... CTB-LTAH— XAPLEB— GENOA.^»t 11 A^ CONNECTING AT OIHRALTAR tOR Axxnzxs. r Itp--«... F^b. 3»'F Ir<-n«" A^r. 4 Fr;".r:. h ....Mar JlKUeftrU* Apr. X L:ji.« liar. 1«) K. L'j:w V*' 2 X Albert .... Mar.2«i K. AJbWt M»7 - From Dreatea Pien. V. &- 4:h Sts.". HoWJwn. kohth «-.ri:v \ni.Lr>Yr< tp.avkli.erp CRGCKG GOOD ALL OVES THE WORLD. OSLBICHS / CO N<-. r.'-oadwav. >. Y. Louia H. Sl«rt7. 1016 Walnut -St.. Praia. Uc113 u3 Al liii till Or- 'J L* i IS. «29 - From T'i^rs 51-T.2-M. North r.i\-r. TO UVERPOOI. via Qi-KKN-^Tfin.- Passengers booked ' THBOCOn to LONDON AND PAIUS. Etru.ia. r^h. 22, t> am' Maur<»T.iria..Mar. 7 ram^r.ii.F'-b.^H.ll am! L.u«-rfnia Var. j* a--.-.r-'» K"h 2? 11 a^>- La^itani*. ..Mar. 21 2IAUF. •:-.-.Ni\ MAR'-H 7. LUSIT-ANIA KABCa SL !->>.•>";•>. F*El«s:.. Finest in the World. HT-NGARJAN-AMnmCAN .SERVICE. g:kra,tar T °n^^ Xn\> rni^ FLAVOXIA M-ir. 12. Apr. TX>. Jw MS PANN'.NIA Mar. S*, May14. Jui " 2. Aucr..O CAEPATHI* Arr. 9. May 3L J«'lv iR EFBOUUL SaEDITEnaAJCEAX CP.'JISE. CALLING AT MADEIRA. CSfCrla. \Feb ,- jijosl ALEXANDRIA. j Vi:i-.XON H. KROWN. Grrveral Ae^nt. 2J-24 Stale St.. oppctl?!* the Eatlay. pED "D" LINE. X * For La Guayra. Puerto Cabella Curacao sao Maracaibo. via aracao. cai»- itg aisn at S^n Ju-tn. P. R.: fct. CARACAS Saturday. Feb 29. noon ti PHILADELPHIA.. .*»I- Uttt I*. noou \u25a0 For La GKayrx. Curacao, llaracalrx) rf. MARAUIBO..S»turoiy. F»-J>. -^. n™" t^ ZUILA Saturday. Mar. '\u25a0 nooa Ti.t«. uteapaers ha%-e superior jisaab- £aticr.s f-.r pjssentc'-*. EOULTOX. BUOSS & DALLETT. Gesenl llanajjer*. tti Wall St. F®tp LPerpQ© DSqgb© fittaaebtp. cr lb« RED "-D" LINE will Rll ircia Pier II- c«ar Wall St. F«rr>. BroOktfO. tor sia Juan direct as follows: Ea CARACAS Saturday. I-eti. JM. aocs fei PHILADELPHIA. ..teal- Bck. »\u25a0». ui»^ For freirtit cr pau£a?o aiT:y»j> £OULTON. SUsS & DALLETT. j CeceriJ iUzagers. t2 Vt'all iw IFAO-a- OaOWIEGB LOK9CE, BOSTOJO 52..66 N«wpt)Tt and tali Klvei t^ /iouiltai $2.20. Low Fares to All Points East. L«i»i- P*er 10. Norta Btrer. toot Warren m., v««k days and Sunday*. 6*o P. M. Meamers PLYMOUTH (new) and PROVI- DEWCB. cr« ::\u25a0>!. a on each. NORWICH LINE, for New London an-: East. Lv Pier 40. North River, ft. Clark- •on St.. week day* only. 6 p. m. ; Pier 70. E. R-, ft. E. --il St.. 630 p. m. £t.-»- Maine and Chester W. Chapin. NEW HAVEN LINE, tor New Haven Bad Nort!-. Lye. 1 i- 1- 20. E. P... weHi 'lays only. 3:00 p. m. St»amer Richard Peck. BTMtaVOK. /r~^7- AI« JJJSi-Com I'ler 15. N. H. - - - it 1(1 A. H PI-V>io"Til— CHEHD-G BOCTHAMPTON Now York Feb. 22 Phiia.Mpl.ia. . Mar. 7 St Louis Keb. 2»|St. I'aul Mar. 14 fl£l) STAR UtE From Pier 14. N. R. NEW YOKXi— DOVER—ANTWEKI*. "\u25a0ai!crii.nd.l->!;.T9. :<( AM ; Kroc^r.iar.d..Mar. 7 Zt<>lan'l..F.ib. •_•;#. II AMlFlnlandLV-Mar. 14 Q/U|TB CTf;> riVS From Pier —.-.- a*A c 48. n a. SEW YORK—QNtTOWN—LIVERPOOL. •BaWcFeb. SO. noon fßaltk M:tr. V> •CWtle.VSfar. 5. noon iTedric . Mir. 2H FLYJiOL'TH—CHKRR-O— SOUTHAMPTON "tAdriat!c.Feb.2C.l2:3(!PMl*Oc«anic ijar. 1! •Ma>>tic...Mai. 4. 10 AM *T' tonic. Mar. IS tSTew. =3.00(1 tor?, has Eievat<ir. Gymrjuliim. Turkish TJaths and 'Orchestra. nev.- tori-: \u25a0 -*- -- ,-_ - - rprr BOSTON' TO l&aJUit tv k_-» » VU Ar.ores. Madpira. <:ibra:tar. Algiers. \u25a0CANDPIC I>b. 22. :P M.; April 4 •REPiriiLIC iiarch 7. noon; April 13 •ROIIANIC... Mar 14. -A. M.: April -J5 •CRETIC March 29. noon: May » PAfiSEXGEB OFFICE. 0 BHOADW V Frei-ht Office. Vr3:iteh«n Bids.. Battcq- PL ;: of ax r^ n^r^^ fi\ \T^i A\ THE <S*3 (y(ioLiisAli k JI / U AritlL2. 130?. FROM NEW YORK. Haieina Il9daj-s fJO3 pcrpersor. .A.lgiers Tanzfcr *•• - Naples 3.%-S7 liROADWAT. N. Y. mc fwngaiaf] wsr : -v - - In I S-fcTW Y<<::K—RVilKiiL;Aji. I L-, LJLJ vln TOT-IX.ONK. L—J We<ine«(lay3 as per eailins 1..-:. Twin-screw Bteainera of lißofr-24.170 tens. t'YNP \M. .Ffb. 2- . ti-^n: Mar. "1. May « VKjHIPAM.Mar. 11. nwn; Apr. J5. Ml) JJ ST"I>AM.M:«r. IS. 1" am : Apr. -.-_'. May _. v-vw vM^TrCRPA:.I.Mar.2T.. 10a ,ni. : Apr --"-> POT SON M.Apr B. 3<> am.; May 13. June 17 HOLLANIJ-AMI-P.ICA LlNE.glIVway.N.Y. ••r 4 VELnrE." Fa«t ItaMnn Line. " FOR NAPtSS DIRECT. ruroria Feb. ISjEuropa Apr. ; Nord 4in-lc:a..Mar. 4 , Rrasiio Apr. & «'abin $^S o- D r:n^ Room on prome- r-a.le ti^cK. HASTFIEUS. SOLADI * CO.. SO Wall St. __• 40 TOURS TO EUROPE ftred. TO F P C.'^CLARK.' Tanaa mis. N. °T. mOK'? HOLY LAND TOORS. " All Inclod* E.trr.-pt. Booklet. THOF. COOK &\u25a0 SON". tliT, and 1200 !3»ay. f4:» Madirot! »vf., Fifth Aye., N. Y. f I!\M)EI.!KKS. SELLING OUT AT COST Wrought Iron Chandeliers, Ele<-troJl«rs. And- irons. Candlesticks. Hat an.i Coat Hooks All of !-itr?»t desiass. ALFRED KOEHX. 151 west 2?th St., K. Y. JI.IH.V BANKS' SOXS, 105 EAST HillSTRKKT WK MOVE YOUR OFFICE FL'RN'ITrT.E. Phase 210*t— Stuyvesant. Storas<" Ware- house. 416 East 7<ith St. Pianos Moved. EALTIMOaS*& OHIO R. R. ROYAL BLUE UNii TK.UN*. "Every other hour OB th« «-vt?n hour." TO BALTIMORE AND WAPHI VCTON. \u25a0 Direct Connections in New T'nlon Station. Washington, with all Llp.cs South. Leave New York Dally. 23.1 St. Llh"v St. WASHINGTON. .=!'pers. 11. pm 130 am WASHINGTON. Diner. T.BOam S.OO am WASHINGTON. P'ner. II .10 am 10.00 am WASHINGTON. Diner. 11.'.0 am 12.00 n'n WASHINGTON. Buffet. 1.50 3.00 pro "ROYAI. LTD.."IHwer. 3.M) pm 400 pm WASHINGTON. Dln-r. B.flO pm «00 pm WASHINGTON. Buffet, \u2666>.»> pni 7'» pm Through Dally Trains to the West. CHICAGO. riTTSPI'Rf!. 7.50 am P.OO am rHTrAGO. COLUMBUS H.Mao 12.0" n"n PITTSni'R'.. CLEVEI/D. .* S<> pro 4.00 pm '•PTTTSBURG LIMITFD." « "«-|»ni 7 I!" o^i iv LOrTS.Lni'tSV.. 11.. 10 pen 1.30 am CIN ST LOCIP.LOI'ISV.. a. .'.O am 10 r.Oam CIN r '!sT LOTTIE. LOt<SV.. 6.50 pm COO pm Offices: -'15. t.14. 1308 Broadway, 0 Attor House 108 Greenwich St.. 2."5 T'nlon Squnra \v 381 Grand St.. N. Y.. MS Fulton ?t.. Brooklyn West Sid St. and Liberty St. After 8 p. m. t-le^plnjr Car Reservations end full Information rcKardins: train-, ft'-.. ran be obtained at Bureau of Information. P .to II- P. 23.1 St. Terminal. *P.i«n» Kumber. Chelsea 3144. N y.. N. it. & HAr T R. r. Trains depart from Grand Central Statics. «2d*Ft. and 4th Aye.. as follows for Kcston via New London & Piwv. tt '10.-no. •v 10:02 A M.. 1Ii!l:0«. •»( i l:03. m x 1:00. tt'iß:Oo " \u25a0", ('2. **12:00 P. M . vis Wllll- mar-tic—t'.E:o3 A. M. t2:01 P. It: srU FpM ttt.ls' A. M.. •;!- .'JO. *:i4:00. •11:0" likevllle * Norf.—tiStfW A. M.. t3:20 Ml Gt Barrinstrn. StockJiridge. Lenox. Plft»- field—?t"s4. t«9:00 A. M. t-i:-"*! P. M. Ticket aAcca at rGd. Cent. Ft'n «n3 c!2Sth St. also at eMB 1200. c! 2.'.4 n'way. c2.'. Union Sq., cl« Bth Air.. c 243 O*- Aye.. cS(3 Bth Aye.. c640 Mad. Ay«.. cIOS V." 128th St.. 279S 3.! Aye. In irklyn. e4 Court St. 479 Nostrand Aye.. ROO B'way. •Daily. tExcept Sundays. 'Stops a: 12.1 th ft xStops at 12T,th St. Sumlays only. tParlor Car LUT.ited. '.Ha« dining car. c Parlor and Bleeping Car tickets alao. PaM ot \\ . 3Sd a. Cor-Uandi aad I - i: *Dadly. SuodajF a?.SS, i. -•". \u25a0 7.-T . HAEGER BTORAGE WAREHOfSE CO.. Mh aye . HIto .T4th st«. .^toi-aß**for furni- tur*: pa.id<*<J vans for moving: bfixing, jiarlsir.s and shipping eatim-it^H furnished. •I'lioriK .mo— 38th, % CENTRAL Storage Warehouses. 307 Waat pn"'kirs" '-'hipping. T"1."3.7.««— 38t'h. ornciAXs ILv.N. ! 1.V.N.Y..8 BufTalo Express |-a 7.40 AM: •e7.S» AM RufTalo-Chlcapo Exp. !'b!».4l> AM *\u25a0!\u25a0' "\u25a0" AM i^iicairn Toronto Exp | •!•.'.. •»<> !SI j x.">. 41) P.M Thr Buffalo Train I -r 50 PM| •\u25a0• no PM \u25a0>\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 CAKTCT rtKANING. THE ANNOYING *:YE GL.\S.< prob>m s>/lv«i: the yiip and fell is done away v.ltli liy OUT patent all shvll toveri-ii norL— place, whlt'h prevents the screw from cut- ting the BOMh an>) insurvs tlrmjie»» and «-as«. Kc-rfiinam! !<!\u25a0• utei optician. SD West 4;M St.. b*m«-tn Sth and Gth u\es» I'.rinu your pres.-riptionß. wF """* r '~~£K Q (I -\u25a0.-«i--^-.",?l "•- '\u25a0•-:• :\:: Restaurant, 108- LiyiryJUlHiSTO «> IMJE-'Mtk Imp'.rter of v. rzbuise* IlofbriiU. Pilsner G^noisea- sihaftsbrau. OLI> METALS- BOUCHI. CASH PAID for scrao m»tal3. iron, «\u25a0>- per, brass. 1e3.1. pewtwr. lrather belting and old machinery. Write Gre-iter New Y"r'^ •\u25a0'.\u25a0 :... ligpot. I'-.'. 4th aye. LAWYERS. LKO.VI. Adjustment <"0.. an stii aye.. cor- ner 42 1 at. : all l^snl matters promptly at?en<!^rl t°i consultation Trr- ABSOWTE PltlVATT.— lrrmediate atten- tion: busir^ss. r^rwcal. family fHfTicul- tl«»: no ft?* unle.-s *n.-c»s*fu: : diSlcult cases a specialty: advh-e fn-f. Henri A. S:.>in— hnrk. Mount Harris r.ank niilTillaa; -I East T •_.'•\u25a0- «' EXCKAVIXG. MONOGRAMS. Initials. mad« In sold a* silver, ir.cnnfd m r^ss. brushes, toilet seta; also •Jewelry repairinc. ensravlns. Zui-her .1- Koffler. "'-.- CITI.EKV AM) HARPjYAKE. CL'TI.KRY. Buy direct of the manufact- urer an<l sa\^ £•! mirfiilemen's nrortrs. Cutlery of every description la l;irge va- riety to select from. HcpoirtEj; done. i, .-I.!. Knauth. 7! and "\u25a0. Nassau st. MISCEM^tXEOITS. ' Wedding Invitations, Vl?IT!N*r, CARDS ETC., ENGRAVED OR POINTED; AT POI*UL.\K PKIC23. HENRY S. MA ID OF, 9 West Kg St, N. 7. CUy. MIRRORS, large and small; framed, ua- frjmcii: harjralna; for axy purpes*. I^ons. 142 West 31st st. 1 PATENTS. FRANK X. ASHLEY. M at. Attorney and ?-ip^rt in Pu'ent Causes. * Tribune Uuiliiir-g. Sen/ \jrk. PAINTING AND DECOHATING. G. N. H. Painting anj Decoratin? Co., 144 E. ll.'.th st. Eiest work at most reason- able prices: hardwood finishers; aatlouttaa furnisii«-a free. Tel SOld Harlem. riio ro-KN<;R.\vix« HAIJTOUE and line work; i alaannaa an.l color work; exi-el:i nt n-sults: low prices. lUgopUn r.imr.iny. 3'J Iltst *t. WATCHES AND JKWELKV.\ ? >^.i * y1!y 1 ! ?'O 1 I titn av *'- near 57th £,'\u25a0':_ »«• Established 1»37. bargains In diamonds, jewelry, etc.; relUbln exiw.-t clocK and »atch rt-pnirinif: ola sold bought and avaaaMaaadL Tel. Columbtu. ALICE C. DL'KKEY". 1 West 34th at. n;xwn I10S: opposite Waldorf-Astoria: 16 years with TUt-iny: je»elr>' cleaned, pol- ished, repaired, while you wait; pearl col- lars restruns. rniNTtxtJ. PRINTED bond letterheads, enevetopes our «prcialty; 3 \u25a0*"\u25a0'\u25a0 $8 V). samples aeat. Frank iiciiup, automatic prla;«r, da t>uaa«. N.I. CARPET CLEANINGWO?.£S i * Oldest. Largest. Most Moslem. 4ZI A.VH •«.*(» WEST 45T11 ST. ' Tel. 4tn>:."-4533 Bryant. Esiablls&fd 2157. 1 \V. H. JORDAN. EDWIN LENTZ. Clearances in Blankets Fine Art Linens At Clearance Prices Clary Scarf*. Centre PtecS ; 74x90 isctr Australian Woai BlankKav— H.in<i rr.rnJt" rich-?t designs ; whtr* with pin*an.l t>ru» borders - fresh anil \u25a0-.e'-fret ! extra b*»rj cuarante«4 pure wool Scarfs— l a xlJ ii \u25ba3 4.. 49. 4.0Sl 1r * r r' =»nd felling—4-tnch taSeta. M Q A V»\-re J4.tt"<, *Z.SS. $7.9*. j r:bbon biniins— \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 SB M •* »•'** rentre Pieces— 2\x-i 30x20 t;_4 s j l: . T."hite, an f Gray Cat Waal 3.49- 5.93. 4.4J? ias_*xtra Scary-nx ».»s •'•yO Harxi ma.> Bnaaaaai *»<-arf,_ ( calKorata Btaaiew. thre-Dieee centres-were $3.9*. . . 0.9S tortleT _ l , £Wa a „; ,5.35 «*.Vd 2.9S » orU<?nt _ la , i « a4 «( «L«t. . "*.>© Hand nia.> Renaissance •. v«:rv Pieves : square an.l rounJ linen «.-*ntr«s j l«J-» »i» All Wool Caatirnki ami •9fx.t«V— 3Cx36— wer# ?!.*> 79 i .taatraJUxi WOOJ Blana*t»— white . "I Oil Hem«ltc:-. Pd S.-arf 3 and Square- j?^ co»-*-0.» anJ ?U.i* , r^Utir*.. •»• y » l>x.'»4— 3ox»>—fin- linen—Milborder ;a,,. ajßaaaaaaaaj Plata* maalnla of band emb'y. with combination of i j^.j toufci* he«J *ix*— o* la*to it>U! 1 <S.Q Mexican hand drawn work— -,_, _ . tap*rf«rttoas Sia-s qviaUttaa OV were S2.M -1.93 tl I \u25a0>;-\u25a0- Gray Cotton Fleece Blaaaw»— \u25a0_. _. . •: . ' t*«ry weight—ptnk end bJmi TO Clearance Prices for \u25a0\u25a0»\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 « «.3o •** \u25a0« "\"\r-u:*^ ri^^-3 n-4 Victoria Plaid ami Scarlet Wtaaams ' Fine White Goods ruar»nt~d par- wsoJ— C Q% Fancy White M MM I=', 9% I" 1*""'1 *""' of »•« -—^« Yard «Ue Cambrko MM.10.. J% 111 IB 111 Sis* Ba*y Kaaa*«-»*taa, ttMttKi «_,_ __ :x,:v,2H ;«»i; Jeil.-H» aaraVrs; ala» sow* 20 « m Inch French Lawns were .20. . .19 unit! now us* to clear. ••»° 32 inch Persian La*=»—wen» . I*. .12«» EWert!Wn rinlaa ,Mb B u=k«»- . Fine Naliwcok*— lo >*».—were i.« .1 . 12/ piak aa-i biu- bonr«r»—«alu« $t «•. «v» Mercerised Madras *ero .53.. .19' i aacisw »tlsht!y *cU«d— v*riou4i t'liiß 1 Tar4 wSd« LOlls Com* *tr« ,i(J O^i At on«-iiiri r •<\u25a0—*-- site* QUADRUPLE PLATED WARE T^^w^ ta2 - 93 j lM!^: 2.5»»2.93 .on <r> rtj? Wer? CSS to Jis*. c -- . -+ So ° D.oB \\<res »to *a 3-- * m IMS as JI3S. BJkins D:she; .2 OS 4.93 I Tea \u25a0--* piece* S -,9 to 908 Were W-9S to JI9V , V>r» H.9S to $l~&~. prn-.er and ?alt t*a.«t«rs. Cnorotate I Trs Sets— 3 ?ie?-s IO 93 and 14.93 Pots— were 51.4:> Itad SIC» .PS' ' *!*\u25a0'->\u25a0> * n<i itt 9S- Othrr airtietfa fir n&te <!^"er»iian. a-. Snuj. Tar* *:>3. Fl"vwer Bsslcets, Fern l>i>he s. Card Rccctrcra and Candelabra. e:c. curres prjr.Uicsly rwluewl. C.4HEKUL CARPET CLEANING CO.— Ciena* by compressed air. steam, hand cr on floor. 1.V.4 Broadway. 421 £.»« «4tJ» st. COS, BftAM>T. M13S-SBU. . THEOI* »RE MCNHORFF. optician; <\u25a0• tested, RlassJ-s carefully «:t»d (repairing). 1167 Broadway, tetuecn 27th and -Sth sta. WALTER It. PROUTY. optkian: prescrip- tion work 4 specialty:' i^iu-.-i duplicated; rei-airiu.- Ir—darm « VMat.. <w». e»i<*ajr. DRY GOODS. PART IV. EIGHT PAGES. DRAMA, FASHION AND FINANCIAL. DKT GOODS. HEARN \u25a0 SIT.IIS. MI.KS. rrus. fi;ks. _^ OKT *VOOl>*.

New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1908-02-16 [p ] · AMA, a snappy, little model, as the illustration shows. In Copenhagen blue, navy. black and— brown. Note the new sleeve isn't

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Page 1: New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1908-02-16 [p ] · AMA, a snappy, little model, as the illustration shows. In Copenhagen blue, navy. black and— brown. Note the new sleeve isn't




Vy -s^i Pflffib Av^T^ho Bet-

35th•>C^r ITlSiiiii /WCDIie and SCth Sts. .


Special Inducements for Late SeasonBuyers

Our Entire Stock ci

dst r;nons.

\i:\>-V()]Uv. SUNDAY, FIvBHIAKY \% 190S.

FOURTEENTH street. West of Fifth Avenns. ,7:" :<*

Eleven Selling Days— Then Stock-Taking!"Therefore, To-morrow :

CLEARANCES in Women's Te:v ':*•:- Ginzs^ts.

CLEARANCES in Boys', Hisses' & Siren's Garme^CLEARANCES is—U;^3:sttr; ani Rrjs. .

CLEARANCES 12 --Ho-:s*kce:i-2 EisliES i^S L.a-».


-Silks, Dress Goods, Wish rateicta

CLEARANCES i-— Eifctons, Laces, -!:\u25a0:.

In Addition All Departments Will Add TheirQuota of Clearance Lots.

Following Are IFew


Clearance Prices forFashionable Dress GoodsAU Woof Nuns r«aaaaa*—


- _Albatross ami Vajmsaa raila««ortai*nt of best liitfitmv' <tarit


rer» » . . -~ * .rzTX\ *r»rh AT Wm' Tailor CT^th*—Mack. iCTwn and nsvy; alsosrt inch UrOHfJcloth3 in

-t Pi*:*- 39

were .3» and .OSerz» Plai-tJ

—3» and JO in«"h

—113h.t 45

and dark colorings—

nrere •». •-»•*

ptorn s»rc»s^—

«1 ard sr> ;r:r!i—Nsbt aad

dark reds and myrtlr—

also herrtos-bone ch»vio'9 in a aaaca nrtrwa

— <•a«a«a \u25a0

- *

Hrav Tinri« CloaKlccs—


74$1.49 qMSIttJ • *.ZC. Inch Black Clnakirss— C&hisrh siik ln?tre_^t.W q;»Ht7

' ,S4 inch. Striped and1niec!c»«l Ersadctotas^

—.".4 art Jlannisb Mixtures—blue, tan and STT»en

—a!so .

.--4 inch Fancy Panamas anil Seigra 1 29_wer« ft M

Clearance Values inBabies' Wear

Bab->«* Oaj»» anri Baanwa*—naaal andcord»d »llk. rnottl»d an.) plain h»ir«k!r!.fait. Ml cloth an I\u25a0\u25a0-'•«"


>«hap»^ and flares in various prettystylos— trtamtnc «f lace. rfBtHBBa aansaamfor heads. &<:

—principally • " —


—majority not quit* 1" -ta»l 'fun

si.rt" m jiaos'vaiucii . ,9S *i7.98Rabies' <>p<<—Bilk and Plain ormottle>T bearskin

—emb'd or tHmraed Trith

fur haaW, hana, aVr. ai«a» .9^ .09Babies' Short Dresse*

—Xainsnofc and


yoke and araM sty! • flaw and—afj mi.;"» to lUi .f}9to 5 98

Cables' White ke»rz!n Drawer*—

•were .4D la m m -.29 to .69

Babl"s' t-onj: 'Wool F!ann«l Skirts—

fine cambric t.ands—

were _(j3 .-+-+.'Flann?! Bur-oiv*—

fine cambric band—

were .33 .24Babies' Knit PUnds —tcith. \u25a0'l'"strars

—fine era*?—^-orth .S9 ...... ss

Babies' Cashmere Shirts—

brok-n lot—of v.cci and part wool—were .59 to ,rv- .39


We Are the Only Exclusive Fur Mousein the City "with

Dry Cold Storage on Premises.

Hen's Fur Lined Overcoats.

Chauffeurs' Coats from $25.00 up.

Ladies' Fur Lined and Fur Garmentsat One-third Regular Prices.

Large Assortment of Short Coats inBroadtail, Caracul, Persian Lamb,Grey Squirrel and Russian Pony

at One-half Former Prices.

Neckpieces and Fluffs in Sets of Russianand Hudson Bay Sab I.c, Ermine,

Chinchilla, Flink, Harten,Black Lynx, etc,

smart and Up-tb-JDate Garments an'Mink? Sea 3, Ermine, Broadtail,

Persian Lamb, Caracul &Russian Pony.

•Higlh Grade FursAt Prices Less Than Cost of Production

j'J The Orients] store. j

I) Exhibition of New Silks |At Vantage's SUk Dept. I

/T\ NNOUNCEMENT is made of a showins: on Monday of ex- ]/Aj elusive silk fabric? in v.eaves aud colors such as Vantine's |

are noted for.

Spring and Summer Silks ;

Genuine Pongee Silks ;

A very lanie assorticent of qualities and colorsiT.ncrir.c in price from 7."><\ to $4.00 per yard.Attention is called to a special 44-inch width.

Waterproof FiiSred HabulrJ Silks. Satin Foulards. Satin Lib- ;crty>. Striped and Plr.::? Novelty Gauzes and Chiffons, Silk Cropes ;ard other weaves i'rom the Orient.

Sped; for Monday

Pongee Silk Suitings .\L*nrk and li^rlilcolorings in fancy effects.

Now §(Q)C 3 Per ?'2rd

j Keul value $1.25.

i . '. . ' [I A. A. VANTINE & CO. j: BROADWAY, Bet, 18th a I9th STRFETS. j—* —^——^—


rrRXITT^E. i'!:\:tj'i:k.

,_ , , \u25a0 -, \u25a0 J \u25a0-—>—~-~-~-~-~- —~~—~-— — ~~-

Fire Sale ofFurniture

rrcm tie Parker Building Fire. The goodsare hut slurutly damaged. Some are uninjured but are parts

of broken suits broncrkt over from o;ir storage warehouses;

While onr insurance is beinp; adjusted we will offer all ofour odd lots, broken suites and jroods slightly damaged (you

could not stingriis nny damage unless we pointed it oat), at

50c ON THE DOLLAROur New Store, 30-32 East 2lit Street,contains a. lanre portion of our ?-100.000 stock, samples of

trhich we displayed on the entire 7th floor of the Parker

._\u25a0'•- cases the pieces have just been unpackedfrom our siorare warehouses. "We still ha\e some of our

choicest patterns and most select de.sijrns. All will go at fiftj7

cents on the dollar from our former exceeding low prices.

FREDERICK W. EYERS,; -12 East 21st Street, Betßn iytaft4tbAft.!

Avarit-Cotireur dv Printemps\u25a0

• The Prettiest Soils andCostumes of Spring

Models with the beauty of Sprincr written all over them.Chic, smart garments of refinement. Eselasiveness is a distinpii>h-ins feature, at is the character of the workmanship. The latteris not cms whit short of the artistic.

Never have we exercised suchpainstaking care in the prepara-tion, of a season's stock, andnever has earnest endeavor met

with \u25a0 more brilliant reward—this advance showing- proves thata.nd promises much.

A Word Picture ofTwo Beauties

SUITS OF IMPORTED STRIP-ED PANAMA! a very impres-sive, stately model, the acme of

S pood taste and -superior style.

The fabric hi charming— stripedeffects on blue, brown and graygrounds. The JACKET is 39

, inches lor.? and lined- through-1

out with elegant taffeta silk.The SKIRT la a new gored ef-

t feet with an S-inch fold. Allsizes. The Intro- <£'*) A *7*Zductory price is... q^^-^".r» J CJ

BUTTERFLY SUITS OF PAN-AMA, a snappy, little model,

as the illustration shows. InCopenhagen blue, navy. blackand brown. Note the new sleeve—

isn't it stunning? TheJACKET is elaborately trim-med with braid and has a fancyve.stee. an inlaid collar of pea*de sole; cuffs to match. It islined with a good qualitysatin. The SKIRT is a fullpleat-ed model with a deep fold andbraid trimming. Allsizes. Thevery attractive C1iT t=7E^advance price is.. .C 1\^» J0

2nd Floor. ssta St. Section.




"Mirage" Is a New Silk FabricAnd it's a beauty. It is 26 inches wide. The weave is slightly

uneven, but not as rough as the pongee. The finish is highlylustrous. Allthe colors that you think are pretty •<£ '1 35axe here The introductory price per yard i5 .... *\u2666' d •*J\s

._...,. . Main Fi.. near (he Rotunda.\u25a0



NEW YORK.The pieces in this sale are all j

genuine American cut glass, and 1must not be confounded with .th* very clever imitation? inpressed glass that are sold else- Ewhere as the g-enuine article for Leven more money than we ask <for the real cut glass. (

CUT GLASS OLIVE DISHES, jwith handles or without; 5-inchsize 58c ,

CUT GLASS QLJVE DISH2S. ',with handles or without; 0-inch ,size 65 L

BERRY BOWLS," fancy i*ape. .8-inch size SI .95

CUT GLASS JELLY DISHES. ,7-inch size. SI .09 "

JELLY DISHES, cut Rlass.S-ini is size S-.i^o i

JELLY DISHES cut »fla ». |'.!-\u25a0\u25a0 '-. s?i*e $2.40 j

WATER TUIfBLEKS. cut - ass ipopular- diamond and f.tn pat- iterns, per dozen $2.09


3-1 Floor, «il)th St. Section.

AllCars rsn fjTi^.^n^rifTraEsferto





London— Paris—

HambursTr"tori3.!->K2!i..-,;:>it pm ;P. Tv rt.Ma; 21Aii)fr:k3...Mar. 7. !t am *Pennsyla.Mar. 28

•-. -to ttamlwE dtrect



GenoallaTnl.-?.:.1ar..'!1,10 am IMo'.tke April--Ocer.n. T.April2. 11 am Batai-t» May

-Vji_ - Bookings made for trips up the"*"

Ni:e to Luxor. Assouan, etc, by

Service th» Hamburg and Anglo-Am.Nilero.


way. N. Y.

iThe \jj)!f JiTdiia iftbe i

------ Oilsj _Southern Pacific Passenger Steamships:--

iiEjwdal llarJl Gyas Ship ••M-tt.tj?" fmm Now York F. b 2.5. Arriving ::

STew Ort^JM M»ix* 2. BwmHn*. leaves Now Orleaim Marcn ..fupTb a'-i'i.-nnioda:i"rL£

—Suit'.-s. staterooms, proir.cniae decks.^ baths.

BESIE AND MEALS ma 31 3 IN IUTEL. H. NUTTING. <J. P. A.. 1 cr :jir> Broadway.

Werafl«Vftl *. 8.49 1>« «X-

IS.PSr#»l9.9b 10.9S hr«w *3*-9* 20.93

Were JtSI.M ..." -12.931 vv r*«- 23.93W»r- $2->.?>s 14..9S Were <45.!»


Were ?30.9> 16.98' '•'•

—"- W;>:« 39-93



\u25a0$*}aa, \u25a0asaav^l N--k

"Sccrls and

'\u25a0\u25a0.-.y.lotir. Caracul. nrr«dc!oth. Ker«ey. j N>rh pfetres. iltUTj.

ilontapn-ic—.Vi-tncb and medium i»-nsth—|Natunl Mm!:

— *

nljic•* trim-d in rftrstyle*--fullor naif 29". \u25a0- to 4fT9ir« <?C* \u25a0 ~ togZ..P3satin lin«d. Wer» J3f> »S to fl» \u25a0-\u25a0


-—«30 »to *40.M

ti «-

m9B !"\u25a0\u25a0"•' »5 «. !-. \u25a0

- -\u25a0 \u25a0-

\u25a0\u25a0 •-' \u25a0 ' ; ? » 79.98 2f1.98< 3P.9S

S !£%:1 ?:9§: Were :-::.:\- *" "̂'"


W<me| Dress SkL^ts iS«J-gEs tetifeFJ wek?ilStoi=?dlVoiles. Chiffon Panama?. Taff-ta Sfflt FISroaadOtbs. Series. Mohairs. MUr;ires. *="»^_;

_pS —93to• 193

l?.t^«t pieat»<l or !^re<l models— withfolds y-. f«^^ n i-^g^ v.-re st~3> so J3la»inr'^in «f Cwej designs— all Eextgt&a ar><l|

*'r-- J™*

bar.is— a!?o extra stzts. B!ack Ljtix—w»re $-,>.:. 3.fiSiTi>r**iftW_

-----ta'46.©a \u25a0

\u25a0•- "-if«Were $M» .̂.. S.PS Wer»Jl4.r».. g> 9SIWer- 527.3* to $H«

•• V.>r« *.»ftS to »•>.»\u25a0" W«W*^ 13

-93 INatur.l ?auirrel- g

_0.98C.93 7.93 3.93 to 10.93

WOniCll'S l£3. StWaU i Were »S.» ta »M199 Tr-r-s:*.j««»».••Alcatrrw??. fashmere. i"rep* •> Chin- ar.dj =

3bte --quirre!— „China filk-white. colors— trimd with* QOSW -OS 4.93 to 13.93

IS^iXS,tlTOS Were ?21.^... ItOH j W"c S*3>3> to *li» W-r- »**to $»•

Wer- »«.98Ci7198 "ere f:tf>.oo... {6.9^ '^wer» *i5.^...9.'95^»-.i=7.^...2i.9s p22cy azd zizzlzz Cresses_. * —

« r«^«- Cr»re 4» Ch:n»s. lle^salines. Loaists*CieS.r2.3>£ 01 TIL. Coats anf

,Taf-,», sm^ UnsTie aad pK»ia or

Pnnv Skin. .-ana.U Marten. Caracul arvi fancy net, wttt. c^ ~itt«mt»Uk d^op*-

or notch collar of self or contrasting fnr. jv>rs jie.ns.. « QgiWer^

s5 H;vFlli:w:^:^7&-95 iwe-

Women's Fins Tailored SuitsREDUCED FOX QxjKZ CLSAHA>:CS:

Velvets, Herringbone and Panne Cheviots. Broadcloths and English

Mixtures Thr^^-quarter and medium lensrth Ccats. fitted and semi-

fittod—sins'* and double breasted. Cutaway and other srood models—

strictly tailored or trim'd in fancy effects with self •r contrasting braids.Persian Bandings r.nd Velvet—Pleated and Gored Skirts, deep foldwith and without braid


Price Gnats in Silver-Plated Ware •

Standard qualities and an attractive variety of t>**t designs, embracir^chased, raised, satin engraved, polished and French sray

—greatly "*-



FOB PHILADELPHIA. LvW. 2^D ST.:—t.SS 7.50. •'-". -o<.>. ».50. 10.60. 11.20.

ll.r.<> a. m. 12.50. 1.20. 1.30, i."«>. 3.50, 4.20.4..'0. 5.50, 6..*><>. 7.T0. ."».50. 11.50 p. m. Sun-days. 7..""•<», h.",i). 9.50, 10.50, 11.,"><1 a. m..12.'60. •"<>. 2.50, Z.M. 4.50. 5.50. 0.50. >T-50.b 5(.-. 10.20. 11.50 p. m.

Lv. LIBERTY 5T.:—1.30. C.30. 7 00, <>.o©.BJO ».«• 10.00. 11"". 11.30 a. m.. 12 00noon. 1.00. 1.30. 2.00. 1.00. 4.00. 4.30. .1.00.6,00 7.00. 8.00 » '"0 p. m.. ;2.i." midnight.Sundays 130. 8.60, fI.OO. :0.00. 11.00 a. m..12.08 noon. 1.0», 2.00, 3.00. 4.00, 5.00. ti.l».7.00. 8.00. 0.00. 10.30 p. m..-12.1.r» nii.iniuht.


—7.50. 80. 11. a. m..

1..*0. 3.50. 5.50. 6.50 p m. daily.Lv.LIBERTY5T.:—1.30, .s no. 10.0<} s. rr...

12.00 noon. 2.00, 4.00, 6. 0n. 7.00 p. m daily.FOR ATLANTIC i'ITY'. Lv. W. 2:rl>

5T.: 9.50 a. m.. fll'so Sats. only). 3.20p. m. Sundays. 'J.'iO a. m.. 2.1"0 p. m.

Lv. LIBERTY ST.:—».©o a. m.. (I.COFats, only). 3.40 p. m. Sundays. 10.00 a. m.,2.30 p. m.

FOR LAKEVvOOD AND LAKEHURST.Lv. W 23D ST.: »J>9 a. m.. (12.50 Sat«.rr.: i. 1.20. 3.20. 3.50. 4.50 (6.20 Sat.-., only*p. m. Sunday?. !«.20. 0.50 a. m.. 2.20 p. m,


—1. 00. MJ.WJ A. m..

(1.00 Sats. only). l.:«>. 3.40, 4. JO. 5.00 (is TOtats, only) p. m. Sundays- 8.30. 10.00 a. m..2.30 p. m.

Time tables may be obtained at follows*offices: Liberty St. fWcal 23d ft. Tal 3144Chelsea) 'i Astor House. 245. 4"4. 1300.1354 Broadway. 182 Fifth Ay.. 2*-l FifthAy.. 2r. Union Square West. 278S Third Ay.106 West 125 th St.. 248 Colunibus Ay., NewYork: 4 Court 81 . 34.1. 344 Fulton St.. 479Nostrnnd A".. Brooklyn; 300 BroadWillianssburK. New Tart Transfer Co. calljtor «nd ehertei h;icrgag6 to destination.

W. G. EErLER. W. C. HOPE.V!re-Prep. ,v Gea jiff-. Cop Pa«B*r \ -i-*.


MAKE YOTTR RESEKVATIOXSS NOWfor the N "\u25a0 14.<:00 tons Express


Apartments df- Luxe. Stater m withbath.CESARE CONTI, General Asent,'


B.S. PRI!'

!!.:">!\u25a0 »NTE . MSR 7':,IN.\ IVITALJA MAR 2S-.... \

b.S. PRINCIPE I>j iii:.M'»NTE' .

Stal us S (^o Up.

TO :;: ,:v ITALYon th' splendid n<nv twln-«crew S.S. of the

LLOYD SABAUDOFast Italian MallLine.


lea Spoons 1

Torait -> rrera jFalad Forks

- were »> .49P!e K.r.i \u25a0- jB'rr>- Spocns JPat Kn!r»3

'« 1.25 ... ,6Di

Fish Forks $

Crumb Knives—

were $1.2T<—


.S9[Butter spreafl"r«

—half tier.


were $1.2Z .5>D \<Irav>- LwaiM im .49 .29;

?ou ? Lad:<~-*«T» JIJ3 1.1^;Susar Sr-->cES ~\BttttrKohn Lwcre .29.. .19 \u25a0

'\u25a0ondens- -i1!:I1: ypi^or.<: JPreserve J J

nc<;ER? »A err xzAfter

• -... CbStw S^«ona crTraipoocs

—fc.i'r JVnen— were .SO— .43

Tabl» or Daaaart ?pcona or Forks—tair «!oz.— w»r» St.l? '.S3Oystfr Fcris

—haif -am 51.25. .89

Berry Ferss—


were .19 .I2'1*Rcser» Triple Plated Knrve». Dlanmr-OF-Dcsaert -ire—ha!f .!•>«

—were •!.» | ti>

Triple Ptated Kni««i—

_"_Jtajf dos.— r»s .79 ..-.....\u25a0^0Sr»iper* an* Sa.'ts— tinrycr rlaia


iuUm/ 2T» c?3t» each 14Nut Picks

—were .10. «r:a 5

LANTHIER'SOLD CURIOSITY SHOPBA4 Fourth Avenue. l»t»wii -";iand 2<sth-

Importer and dealer in Fine OH Paintir.irs.Rare OM Portraits and Gems by the OldMasters, Old Jewels. Stiver. Ancient Arm*end Ariiior. Works of Art.

"dqiekigbv \f- WEDIL,G«-naine an'iQue furniture pic. No repro-ductions. CBS f<mrtiMr|na aye.. cor. 57th it.

OTTO ,J. BCHIILT2, "=():; lUi Antiqu*furniture, Imported from Holland: just

come over. Near 45th at.

THOMAS MATHCWS" COMPANY, estab-lished 1S;L". Collectors and Rpsturers An-

t:quts Furniture. Palntlr.jjs, Crj'stal ChanJe-l!>"n=. Mirrors. Mantels. Reproductions toorder. Upholstering. Repairing. Appraising.352 Madison avo. (ror. 4uth sz.>. New YorkTelephone s!>-.'' SStk.

AT F-BLE"S ART GAULERT. IB West41; St.. n'ar «:th •>\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Antiques. rt;rlo3.

old jewels, silverware, rare fans, paintings,miniatures and \u25a0weapons. Old ffoid bought.

COLONIAL sold, silt and mahogany mir-rors of every variety picture frames to

order; residing, factory prices; work guar-anteed. >".'•:, 145 East l!Cd st.

D: SAI.VO BROS.—Antique fornlture.hrii'-a-h'-ar. Sheffield anil «o'!<! \u25a0 liver.

.".PS Itl aye.. -Tt st. Tel 22-tO— M.iISq.»—\u25a0—\u25a0\u25a0'. __ . '

1 \u25a0


KA3HGAS &2ASOLDfEENGIR2SSp**rially adapted for

runninp electric iltrht-Ing. domestic w3tersupply and fit*prt?c-tfen plant* for countryhome? and estates.Economical, simpl* andabsolutely liable


THE MIETZ .1- WEISS GAS AND <>ILENGINES; stationary and mar'ne iltr

100 ii.p. Aug. M> •\u25a0\u25a0 l-.s_.%i..i: _st.._N. Y.


DR. F. L. HUKSSLL,Everythiiajc in modern dentistry; crown

am brtdgf specialist. -'.•; Broadway. N. Y.

ri:Kioi>;i AND ..ißi:\:rr:-

BACK NUMBERS OF ALL MAGAZINESmay be procured at Gerar Literary

\u25a0l.op. \u25a0»:: Na«y."i St.. \»-'v v-t.j


EDGAR D. BRINKKRHOFF, CertifiedPublic Acfountant (State rf N. YJ. 33Breadwray. R'-^m *;12. TfHiphewi si!---

Bread and 14!T: J. Drench Brook. Newark.N.J.

JOHN C. ALMOUR. Public Accountant andAuditor, 2-">7 Broadway.

—Books written

up and cln««-d. profit and less statementsan.i balance jiheets prepnred; periodicalpudit?. Tel. Sl70



PTEINSCHNEIDER'SUrnbrellaa are the BEST.

Fcclish Gloria IV«c.Taffeta lotion $l»Pur» Silk >;.."U»Londijn smoke $3.23K*eoverhjg withImpurtedSl.k. (1 AH repairs. 15c.124 Fulton at., cor.Nassau.

I -\u25a0 -:i*-nt

aWM \u25a0 riyri'REs._

BIG BAR'JAINS.-^Silchtly used rotltopdesku. chairs. Reirlmstnn and Underwood

typewriters, riling cabinets. National cashregisters, adding machines, cf.c, tucoltura.Natbaa'a, « WUle «.

K3?T^ OEiHISi OJYi.Fnst Fxpr--.-s S^n'icc.


;-\u25a0;-\u25a0Cedli ••..•.vi.]-vi... i» K. Wm. !I l

KaiK.^Wm. ll.J!ar. .-.Kaiwr d. Gr.-.Maj..|Cc.iii* (M»-i.JUr.X7tO«i3ie (r-oi*<- -M-:> JrX rr.-:z Wm.Mar. -4 Kprinz »»-J»i2Ka!f V.m. ll.Uar.niiKais- Wm. I*.jl">


Kmiaa >: Gr—Ape. TlKaleer <i. Or. .J'Jnt- .Cec:;;r IDMD.Apc. 14K>cEle (r...f.)...Jun--^Kp:;n; v.-.Apr. V.!t;...!urt il,

Tnin-Screw Faiwenscr Service.PLYMOUTH—CHEHUOT-EG— BREMEN

—H> A. M.

•Rk»-- I>b. ...Ma>-1"SejCatx Mar. 12;DertSlnper Mijy2>

•Emu ....Mar. June 4

•Barbaro-ra. .Apr. BiKwTnent ....--'"^ •»BenUitx Apr. 2J IBreaaea T-ne «Latunr .. .Apr SO FrteiJri** '»"•• -»Ksxfwnt May 71P. F.-ch JSTaaJoaeS•Ka:- . .. .May1*,•Darbarossa ..Junt^.<

•£reine n direct..\u25a0'Tcr-i^rraTK'an ....


Axxnzxs.r Itp--«... F^b. 3»'F Ir<-n«" A^r. 4Fr;".r:.h ....Mar JlKUeftrU* Apr.

X L:ji.« liar.1«)K. L'j:w V*' 2X Albert.... Mar.2«iK. AJbWt M»7

-From Dreatea Pien. V. &- 4:h Sts.". HoWJwn.kohth «-.ri:v \ni.Lr>Yr< tp.avkli.erpCRGCKG GOOD ALLOVES THE WORLD.OSLBICHS / CO N<-. r.'-oadwav. >. Y.

Louia H. Sl«rt7. 1016 Walnut -St.. Praia.

Uc113 u3 Alliiitill Or-'J L*iIS.«29- From T'i^rs 51-T.2-M. North r.i\-r.TO UVERPOOI. via Qi-KKN-^Tfin.-

Passengers booked'


LONDON AND PAIUS.Etru.ia. r^h. 22, t> am' Maur<»T.iria..Mar. 7

ram^r.ii.F'-b.^H.ll am!L.u«-rfnia Var. j*

a--.-.r-'» K"h2? 11 a^>-La^itani*...Mar. 212IAUF. •:-.-.Ni\ MAR'-H 7. LUSIT-ANIA

KABCa SL!->>.•>";•>. F*El«s:.. Finest in the World.


g:kra,tarT°n^^ Xn\> rni^FLAVOXIA M-ir. 12. Apr. TX>. Jw MS

PANN'.NIA Mar. S*, May14. Jui "2. Aucr..O

CAEPATHI* Arr. 9. May3L J«'lv iR


CSfCrla. \Feb ,- jijoslALEXANDRIA.j

Vi:i-.XON H. KROWN. Grrveral Ae^nt.

2J-24 Stale St.. oppctl?!* the Eatlay.


For La Guayra. Puerto CabellaCuracao sao Maracaibo. via aracao. cai»-itgaisn at S^n Ju-tn. P. R.:fct. CARACAS Saturday. Feb 29. noonti PHILADELPHIA...*»I-Uttt I*. noou \u25a0

For La GKayrx. Curacao, llaracalrx)rf. MARAUIBO..S»turoiy. F»-J>. -^. n™"t^ ZUILA Saturday. Mar. '\u25a0 nooa

Ti.t«. uteapaers ha%-e superior jisaab-

£aticr.s f-.r pjssentc'-*.EOULTOX. BUOSS & DALLETT.Gesenl llanajjer*. tti Wall St.

F®tp LPerpQ© DSqgb©fittaaebtp. cr lb« RED "-D" LINE will

Rll ircia Pier II- c«ar Wall St. F«rr>.

BroOktfO. tor sia Juan direct as follows:Ea CARACAS Saturday. I-eti. JM. aocsfei PHILADELPHIA...teal- Bck. »\u25a0». ui»^

For freirtitcr pau£a?o aiT:y»j>£OULTON. SUsS & DALLETT. j

CeceriJ iUzagers. t2 Vt'all iw


N«wpt)Tt and tali Klvei t^ /iouiltai$2.20. Low Fares to AllPoints East.

L«i»i- P*er 10. Norta Btrer. toot Warrenm., v««k days and Sunday*. 6*o P. M.Meamers PLYMOUTH (new) and PROVI-DEWCB. cr« ::\u25a0>!. a on each.NORWICH LINE, for New London an-:East. Lv Pier 40. North River, ft. Clark-•on St.. week day* only. 6 p. m.; Pier 70.E. R-, ft. E. --il St.. 630 p. m. £t.-»-Maine and Chester W. Chapin.NEW HAVEN LINE, tor New Haven BadNort!-. Lye. 1i- 1- 20. E. P... weHi 'laysonly. 3:00 p. m. St»amer Richard Peck.


/r~^7- AI« JJJSi-Com I'ler 15. N. H.- - -it 1(1 A. H


BOCTHAMPTONNow York Feb. 22 Phiia.Mpl.ia..Mar. 7St Louis Keb. 2»|St. I'aul Mar. 14fl£l)STAR UtE From Pier 14. N. R.

NEW YOKXi—DOVER—ANTWEKI*."\u25a0ai!crii.nd.l->!;.T9. :<( AM;Kroc^r.iar.d..Mar. 7Zt<>lan'l..F.ib. •_•;#. IIAMlFlnlandLV-Mar. 14Q/U|TB CTf;> riVS From Pier

—.-.- a*A—

c 48. n a.SEW YORK—QNtTOWN—LIVERPOOL.•BaWcFeb. SO. noon fßaltk M:tr. V>•CWtle.VSfar. 5. noon iTedric . Mir. 2HFLYJiOL'TH—CHKRR-O— SOUTHAMPTON"tAdriat!c.Feb.2C.l2:3(!PMl*Oc«anic ijar. 1!•Ma>>tic...Mai. 4. 10 AM *T'tonic.Mar. IS

tSTew. =3.00(1 tor?, has Eievat<ir.Gymrjuliim. Turkish TJaths and 'Orchestra.

nev.- tori-: \u25a0 -*--- ,-_ --rprr

BOSTON' TO l&aJUit tv—

k_-» »

VU Ar.ores. Madpira. <:ibra:tar. Algiers.

\u25a0CANDPIC I>b. 22. :P M.; April 4•REPiriiLIC iiarch 7. noon; April 13•ROIIANIC...Mar 14. -A. M.: April -J5•CRETIC March 29. noon: May »

PAfiSEXGEB OFFICE. 0 BHOADW VFrei-ht Office. Vr3:iteh«n Bids.. Battcq- PL

;:of ax r^ n^r^^ fi\ \T^i A\

THE <S*3 (y(ioLiisAlikJI/UAritlL2. 130?. FROM NEW YORK.

Haieina Il9daj-s fJO3 pcrpersor. .A.lgiersTanzfcr *•• =«


3.%-S7 liROADWAT. N. Y.

mc fwngaiaf] wsr:— -v- -

InI S-fcTW Y<<::K—RVilKiiL;Aji.IL-,LJLJ vln TOT-IX.ONK. L—J

We<ine«(lay3 as per eailins 1..-:.Twin-screw Bteainera of lißofr-24.170 tens.t'YNP\M..Ffb. 2-. ti-^n: Mar. "1. May «VKjHIPAM.Mar.11. nwn; Apr. J5. Ml) JJST"I>AM.M:«r. IS. 1" am : Apr. -.-_'. May _.v-vw vM^TrCRPA:.I.Mar.2T.. 10a ,ni.:Apr--"->POTSON M.Apr B. 3<> am.; May13. June 17


••r 4 VELnrE." Fa«t ItaMnn Line."FOR NAPtSS DIRECT.

ruroria Feb. ISjEuropa Apr. ;Nord 4in-lc:a..Mar. 4,Rrasiio Apr. &

«'abin $^S o- Dr:n^ Room on prome-

r-a.le ti^cK. HASTFIEUS. SOLADI *CO.. SO Wall St. __•



PC.'^CLARK.' Tanaa mis. N.°T.mOK'? HOLY LAND TOORS."

All Inclod* E.trr.-pt. Booklet.THOF. COOK &\u25a0 SON". tliT, and 1200 !3»ay.

f4:» Madirot! »vf., Fifth Aye., N. Y.

f I!\M)EI.!KKS.


Chandeliers, Ele<-troJl«rs. And-irons. Candlesticks. Hat an.iCoat Hooks Allof !-itr?»t desiass.


151 west 2?th St., K. Y.


105 EAST HillSTRKKTWK MOVE YOUR OFFICE FL'RN'ITrT.E.•Phase 210*t—Stuyvesant. Storas<" Ware-house. 416 East 7<ith St. Pianos Moved.


"Every other hour OB th« «-vt?n hour."TO BALTIMORE AND WAPHI VCTON.

\u25a0 Direct Connections in New T'nlon Station.Washington, withall Llp.cs South.

Leave New York Dally. 23.1 St. Llh"vSt.WASHINGTON. .=!'pers. 11. pm 130 amWASHINGTON. Diner. T.BOam S.OO amWASHINGTON. P'ner. II .10 am 10.00 amWASHINGTON. Diner. 11.'.0 am 12.00 n'nWASHINGTON. Buffet. 1.50 3.00 pro"ROYAI.LTD.."IHwer. 3.M)pm 400 pmWASHINGTON. Dln-r. B.flOpm «00 pmWASHINGTON. Buffet, \u2666>.»> pni 7'» pm

Through Dally Trains to the West.CHICAGO. riTTSPI'Rf!. 7.50 am P.OO amrHTrAGO.COLUMBUS H.Mao 12.0" n"nPITTSni'R'.. CLEVEI/D. .*S<> pro 4.00 pm'•PTTTSBURG LIMITFD."« "«-|»ni 7 I!"o^i

iv LOrTS.Lni'tSV.. 11..10 pen 1.30 amCIN ST LOCIP.LOI'ISV.. a..'.O am 10 r.OamCINr'!sT LOTTIE.LOt<SV.. 6.50 pm COO pm

Offices: -'15. t.14. 1308 Broadway, 0 AttorHouse 108 Greenwich St.. 2."5 T'nlon Squnra\v 381 Grand St.. N. Y.. MS Fulton ?t..Brooklyn West Sid St. and Liberty St.

After 8 p. m. t-le^plnjr Car Reservationsend full Information rcKardins: train-, ft'-..ran be obtained at Bureau of Information.P .to II- P. 23.1 St. Terminal. *P.i«n»Kumber. Chelsea


N y.. N. it. & HArT R. r.Trains depart from Grand Central Statics.

«2d*Ft. and 4th Aye.. as follows forKcston via New London & Piwv.

—tt '10.-no.

•v 10:02 A M.. 1Ii!l:0«. •»( il:03. mx 1:00.tt'iß:Oo "

\u25a0", ('2. **12:00 P. M . vis Wllll-mar-tic—t'.E:o3 A. M. t2:01 P. It:srUFpM ttt.ls' A. M.. •;!-.'JO. *:i4:00. •11:0"

likevllle* Norf.—tiStfW A. M.. t3:20 MlGt Barrinstrn. StockJiridge. Lenox. Plft»-field—?t"s4. t«9:00 A. M. t-i:-"*!P. M.

Ticket aAcca at rGd. Cent. Ft'n «n3c!2Sth St. also at eMB 1200. c!2.'.4 n'way.

c2.'. Union Sq., cl« Bth Air.. c243 O*-Aye.. cS(3 Bth Aye.. c640 Mad. Ay«.. cIOSV." 128th St.. 279S 3.! Aye. In irklyn. e4Court St. 479 Nostrand Aye.. ROO B'way.

•Daily. tExcept Sundays. 'Stops a: 12.1thft xStops at 12T,th St. Sumlays only.tParlor Car LUT.ited. '.Ha« dining car.c Parlor and Bleeping Car tickets alao.

PaM ot \\. 3Sd a. Cor-Uandi aad I-

i: *Dadly. SuodajF a?.SS, i.-•". \u25a0 7.-T .

HAEGER BTORAGE WAREHOfSE CO..Mhaye . HIto .T4th st«. .^toi-aß**for furni-

tur*: pa.id<*<J vans for moving: bfixing,jiarlsir.s and shipping eatim-it^H furnished.•I'lioriK .mo— 38th,


CENTRAL Storage Warehouses. 307 Waatpn"'kirs" '-'hipping. T"1."3.7.««— 38t'h.


ILv.N. !1.V.N.Y..8BufTalo Express |-a7.40 AM:•e7.S» AMRufTalo-Chlcapo Exp.!'b!».4l> AM *\u25a0!\u25a0' "\u25a0" AMi^iicairn Toronto Exp | •!•.'.. •»<> !SI j• x.">. 41) P.MThr Buffalo Train I -r 50 PM| •\u25a0• no PM



THE ANNOYING *:YE GL.\S.< prob>ms>/lv«i: the yiip and fell is done away

v.ltli liy OUT patent all shvll toveri-ii norL—place, whlt'h prevents the screw from cut-ting the BOMh an>) insurvs tlrmjie»» and«-as«. Kc-rfiinam! !<!\u25a0• utei optician. SD West4;M St.. b*m«-tn Sth and Gth u\es» I'.rinuyour pres.-riptionß.


'~~£K Q(I -\u25a0.-«i--^-.",?l "•- '\u25a0•-:• :\:: Restaurant, 108-LiyiryJUlHiSTO «> IMJE-'Mtk Imp'.rter ofv. rzbuise* IlofbriiU. Pilsner G^noisea-sihaftsbrau.


CASH PAID for scrao m»tal3. iron, «\u25a0>-per, brass. 1e3.1. pewtwr. lrather belting

and old machinery. Write Gre-iter NewY"r'^ •\u25a0'.\u25a0 :... ligpot. I'-.'. 4th aye.


LKO.VI.Adjustment <"0.. an stii aye.. cor-ner 42 1 at.:all l^snl matters promptly

at?en<!^rl t°i consultation Trr-

ABSOWTE PltlVATT.—lrrmediate atten-tion: busir^ss. r^rwcal. family fHfTicul-

tl«»: no ft?* unle.-s *n.-c»s*fu::diSlcult casesa specialty: advh-e fn-f. Henri A. S:.>in—hnrk. Mount Harris r.ank niilTillaa; -I EastT •_.'•\u25a0- «'


MONOGRAMS. Initials. mad« In sold a*silver, ir.cnnfd m r^ss. brushes, toilet

seta; also •Jewelry repairinc. ensravlns.Zui-her .1- Koffler. "'-.-


—Buy direct of the manufact-

urer an<l sa\^ £•! mirfiilemen's nrortrs.Cutlery of every description la l;irge va-riety to select from. HcpoirtEj; done.i, .-I.!. Knauth. 7! and "\u25a0. Nassau st.


Wedding Invitations,Vl?IT!N*r,CARDS ETC., ENGRAVED


HENRY S. MAID OF,9 West Kg St, N. 7. CUy.

MIRRORS, large and small; framed, ua-frjmcii: harjralna; for axy purpes*.

I^ons. 142 West 31st st.


FRANK X. ASHLEY. M at.Attorney and ?-ip^rt in Pu'ent Causes.*

Tribune Uuiliiir-g.Sen/ \jrk.


G. N. H. Painting anj Decoratin? Co., 144E. ll.'.th st.

—Eiest work at most reason-

able prices: hardwood finishers; aatlouttaafurnisii«-a free. Tel SOld



HAIJTOUE and line work; ialaannaa an.lcolor work; exi-el:i nt n-sults: low prices.

lUgopUn r.imr.iny. 3'J Iltst *t.


? >^.i* y1!y 1!?'O 1"°Ititn av*'- near 57th£,'\u25a0':_ »«• Established 1»37.

bargains In diamonds, jewelry, etc.; relUblnexiw.-t clocK and »atch rt-pnirinif: ola soldbought and avaaaMaaadL Tel.


ALICE C. DL'KKEY". 1 West 34th at.n;xwn I10S: opposite Waldorf-Astoria: 16

years with TUt-iny: je»elr>' cleaned, pol-ished, repaired, while you wait; pearl col-lars restruns.

rniNTtxtJ.PRINTED bond letterheads, enevetopes our

«prcialty; 3 \u25a0*"\u25a0'\u25a0 $8 V). samples aeat.Frank iiciiup, automatic prla;«r, da t>uaa«.

N.I.CARPET CLEANINGWO?.£S i*Oldest. Largest. Most Moslem.4ZI A.VH •«.*(» WEST 45T11 ST.

'Tel. 4tn>:."-4533 Bryant. Esiablls&fd 2157. 1


Clearances in BlanketsFine Art Linens At Clearance Prices

Clary Scarf*. Centre PtecS—

;74x90 isctr Australian Woai BlankKav—H.in<i rr.rnJt" rich-?t designs

—;whtr* with pin*an.l t>ru» borders

— -fresh anil \u25a0-.e'-fret

—!extra b*»rj

—cuarante«4 pure wool

Scarfs— laxlJ ii \u25ba3 4.. 49. 4.0Sl 1r*rr' =»nd felling—4-tnch taSeta. M QAV»\-re J4.tt"<, *Z.SS. $7.9*. jr:bbon biniins— \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 SB M •* »•'**

rentre Pieces— 2\x-i—


t;_4 sjl:. T."hite, an fGray Cat Waal

3.49- 5.93. 4.4J? ias_*xtra Scary-nx ».»s •'•yO

Harxi ma.> Bnaaaaai *»<-arf,_ ( calKorata Btaaiew.thre-Dieee centres-were $3.9*... 0.9S tortleT


£Wa a „;,5.35 «*.Vd2.9S »orU<?nt_

la,i«a4 «( «L«t.. "*.>©

Hand nia.> Renaissance •. v«:rv Pieves—

:square an.l rounJ

—linen «.-*ntr«s

—j l«J-» »i» All Wool Caatirnki ami

•9fx.t«V—3Cx36— wer# ?!.*> 79i.taatraJUxi WOOJ Blana*t»— white ."IOilHem«ltc:-. Pd S.-arf 3 and Square- j?^ co»-*-0.» anJ ?U.i* ,r^Utir*..•»•y»l>x.'»4—3ox»>— fin- linen—Milborder ;a,,. ajßaaaaaaaaj Plata* maalnlaof band emb'y. with combination of i j^.jtoufci* he«J *ix*—o*la*to it>U! 1 <S.QMexican hand drawn work— -,_,

_. tap*rf«rttoas Sia-s qviaUttaa *»OVwere S2.M -1.93

tlI\u25a0>;-\u25a0- Gray Cotton Fleece Blaaaw»—\u25a0_. _. . •:. ' •

t*«ry weight—ptnk end bJmi TOClearance Prices for \u25a0\u25a0»\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 « «.3o

•**\u25a0« "\"\r-u:*^ ri^^-3 n-4 Victoria Plaid ami Scarlet Wtaaams

'Fine White Goods ruar»nt~d par- wsoJ— C Q%

Fancy White M MM I=', 9%I"1*""'1*""'of »•« • -—^«

Yard «Ue Cambrko MM.10.. J% 111IB111 Sis* Ba*y Kaaa*«-»*taa,ttMttKi «_,_

__:x,:v,2H;«»i; Jeil.-H» aaraVrs; ala» sow*

20«m Inch French Lawns were .20.. .19

—unit! now us* to clear. ••»°

32 inch Persian La*=»—wen» .I*..12«» EWert!Wn rinlaa ,Mb Bu=k«»- .Fine Naliwcok*— lo >*».—were i.«.1.12/ piak aa-i biu- bonr«r»—«alu« $t «•. «v»Mercerised Madras

—*ero .53.. .19' iaacisw »tlsht!y *cU«d—v*riou4i t'liiß 1

Tar4wSd« LOlls Com*—

*tr« ,i(J O^i At on«-iiiri r •<\u25a0—*-- site*

QUADRUPLE PLATED WARET^^w^ ta2 -93 jlM!^: 2.5»»2.93

.on <r> rtj? Wer? CSS to Jis*.

c- - . -+ So

°D.oB\\<res »to *a3-- *m IMS as JI3S.

BJkins D:she; .2 OS *» 4.93 ITea \u25a0--* piece* S -,9 to 908Were W-9S to JI9V , V>r» H.9S to $l~&~.

prn-.er and ?alt t*a.«t«rs. Cnorotate ITrs Sets—3 ?ie?-s IO93 and 14.93Pots— were 51.4:> Itad SIC» .PS'

'*!*\u25a0'->\u25a0> *n<iitt9S-

Othrr airtietfa firn&te <!^"er»iian. a-.Snuj. Tar* *:>3. Fl"vwer Bsslcets, Fern l>i>hes.

Card Rccctrcra and Candelabra. e:c. curres prjr.Uicsly rwluewl.

C.4HEKUL CARPET CLEANING CO.—Ciena* by compressed air. steam, hand cr

on floor. 1.V.4 Broadway. 421 £.»« «4tJ» st.COS, •BftAM>T. M13S-SBU. .

THEOI*»RE MCNHORFF. optician; <\u25a0•

—tested, RlassJ-s carefully «:t»d (repairing).

1167 Broadway, tetuecn 27th and -Sth sta.

WALTER It. PROUTY. optkian: prescrip-tion work 4 specialty:' i^iu-.-i duplicated;

rei-airiu.- Ir—darm « VMat.. <w». e»i<*ajr.






SIT.IIS. MI.KS. rrus. fi;ks._^

OKT *VOOl>*.